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VAT 69 / UTK ( KOMANDO 69)

In those days of communist insurgency, The Royal Malaysian Police had a paramilitary arm called Pasukan Polis Hutan (PPH). They had several battalions and among them was the elite one, known as 69th Commando Battalion or VAT 69. The normal police too had an elite unit - Unit Tindakan Khas (UTK). UTK had a SWAT-like function as well as close protection roles. After the communist terrorist laid down arms in 1989, VAT 69 had problems finding a proper role. Finally on December 1997, the PPH was renamed as Pasukan Gerakan Am (PGA) while UTK and VAT 69 was disbanded and merged. It was then called Pasukan Gerakan Khas (PGK). The history of VAT 69 began when the Honorable Allahyarham Tun Dr. Ismail who was the Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, proposed the formation of a special unit trained for fighting the communist terrorist. It was actually formed in 1969 (hence the name - 69). The establishment of VAT 69 was inline with Royal Malaysian Police requirement to create a small combat unit with the same tactics and technique just like the communist terrorist. In October 1969, about 1600 PPH personnel from several battalions volunteered to join VAT 69. After the selection process, only 60 personnel were qualified to undergo basic commando training. As the formation of VAT 69 were highly classified, all training was conducted at Fort Kemar, located deep in the jungle of Perak where transportation are limited to helicopter and small aircraft only. The first training was supervised by a group of instructors from British SAS (Special Air Service). On completion, only 30 personnel managed to get through. They actually formed the first troop of 69th Commando Battalion. In 1977, New Zealand SAS was involved in training 3 new squadrons of VAT 69. A special course to train VAT 69's own instructors were also conducted. Finally, the expansion program completed in 1980 in which VAT 69 now had 4 fully equipped infantry squadrons with it's own logistic unit.

It was not known when actually the UTK had been formed. UTK were also trained by British SAS and they operate in a very different way from the typical American SWAT teams. They have approximately 100 plus members and the selection phase is so tough that the passing rate was supposedly 20 - 10% only. Even the selection process reflects SAS influence. UTK personnel mostly uses handguns / pistols (SigSauers) and prefer to be in undercover roles. Just like GGK, the UTK were also involved in The 16th Commonwealth Games security measures. Both VAT 69 and UTK have very good records and they are very low profile, especially - the UTK. As for VAT 69, they were used against the pirates who terrorized the coastal towns of Sabah, one of the states in East Malaysia. After the deployment of VAT 69, the piracy attacks had almost stopped.

VAT 69 / UTK : History Perwira" "Warisan Darah VAT 69 : Roles

Since its establishment, VAT 69 HQ are based at Northern Brigade, PGA Ulu Kinta in the state of Perak. Once under the direct order of Northern Brigade Commander, VAT 69 is now responsible to the Internal Security / Civil Security Director (KDN / KA). The first troop of 69th Commando Battalion started its initial operations back in 1970s and successfully deployed against the communist terrorist. As a result, the Royal Malaysian Police decided to expand the unit and gave its own employment warrant. Compared to its young age, VAT 69 had achieved many success in hunting down CTs and pirates. A number of CTs were killed or and lots of weapons, equipment had been seized. VAT 69 expertise in combat intelligence is among the factors that also helps VAT 69 in every operations. VAT 69 was established, structured, and trained to execute special security services such as : Long range patrol for collecting enemy information, identifying target and enemy in deep jungle or rural areas. Executing offensive operations using special weapons / equipment and tactics against the enemy. Conducting special operations to support the Royal Malaysian Police Special Branch in combating subversive organizations or terrorist activities. Supporting other Malaysian Special Operations Forces, Infantry or RDF unit in any security measures. Counter-terrorist, hostage rescue, close protection or direct action against criminal elements.

VAT 69 : Training
Initial Selection Once a year, PGA officers and men from all formations will gather at Northern Brigade Camp at Ulu Kinta, in the state of Perak to undergo the selection process. All trainees are required to posses these main criterias : Passed medical check-up Suitable / fit to work in small group Capable to swim for 100m without assistance Passed I.Q. test Good track record Basic Training Basic commando training are divided into three phase. First Phase Trainees will spend most of their time mastering patrol techniques. Second Phase In this phase, all trainees will learn skills and lessons such as tracking, communication, field medical and explosive. This also involves making 'D.I.Y' booby traps, explosives and demolition techniques. Third Phase Final movement test where the trainees are tested in all aspects of skills and lessons that they had learned. At this moment, special attention are given to trainees that have the potential to be a patrol leader. Parachute Parachuting in VAT 69 was started in 1978 when 65 officers and men were sent to Hua Hin, Thailand. They were initially trained by instructors from Thailand's BPP (Border Patrol Police) Para Training School. Basic Parachute Training is conducted for one month where every trainees were exposed to static jumping. Each of them must complete 10 jumps including one in water. After receiving their wing, all trainees will then move to free-fall or advanced course (HALO / HAHO). VAT 69's Para Training Unit are responsible to supervise all sorts of parachute training from basic to advanced courses including rappelling & abseiling from helicopters. In fact, VAT 69 also trains its own riggers.

CQB (Close Quarter Battle) & Hostage Rescue CQB training is conducted by VAT 69 own instructors. This course is prepared especially to expose the trainees in tactics and techniques of counter-terrorist operations. Among the exercise that has been organized is CQB / hostage rescue missions in buildings, trains and aircrafts. Diving Another new expertise that has been set up in VAT 69 is diving. Until now, almost half of its personnel can carry out any diving operations. After finishing one month of basic diving course, all trainees will continue to withstand the 'Dive Master' training. With the capability to dive 150 feet deep, VAT 69's divers also have the skill to operate from helicopters. In general, all successful VAT 69 personnel will have the chance to master skills and expertise such as guerrilla / jungle warfare, FIBUA / OBUA / MOUT, sniper, SAR, parachute, CQB, unarmed combat, communications, combat diving, medicine, close protection as well as boat handling. VAT 69's decision to adopt the cross-training policy has made all its personnel to have more than one skills and expertise. Several members of VAT 69 were also sent to overseas military training institutions every year.

VAT 69 : Insignia

Black. The black color symbolizes the highly secretive operations that is conducted by VAT 69. Red. Red denotes bravery. Yellow. The yellow color signifies 'Taat Setia kepada Raja dan Negara'. Dagger. A small weapon that is usually hidden and used by the experts. It is actually a Malay traditional weapon called Kerambit. Javelin. Lembing, another traditional weapon used by the Malay warriors. 2 piece of Kerambit. Represents the number 69.

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