Gram Negatibe Bacilli Non-Fermentative

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Gram-negative Bacilli


Leanne Jessa G. Gumahad, RMT

• Pseudomonas
• Acinetobacter
• Stenotrophomonas
• Burkholderia
General characteristics
• Does not ferment any carbohydrate
• Fail to acidify OF media when it is laid w/ mineral oil
• Fail to acidify triple sugar of TSI butts
• Some oxidize carbs to derive energy for their metabolism (oxidizers)
• Others do not break down carbs & are inert and biochemically
inactive (non-oxidizers/ asaccharolytic)
• Oxidase (+) though reaction may be weak & variable
• Found in most environments & in hospitals, they can be isolated from
nebulizers, dialysate fluids, saline, catheters, & other devices
• Will not yield acidic reaction in the anaerobic portion of media
• Thin, gram-negative bacilli or coccobacilli on gram stain
• Can withstand treatment with chlorhexidine & quaternary
ammonium compounds
• Rarely a normal flora but easily colonize hospitalizes patients
• May be resistant to multiple classes of antibiotics
• Common disease: septicemia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, & wound
infections following surgery/ trauma
Oxidative –Fermentative
(OF) Test
• Differentiates Enterobacteriaceae from
Pseudomonas species
• Determines ability of organism to utilize a
substrate, which produces acid byproducts
in the presence/ absence of oxygen
• Semi-solid medium: OF medium/ Hugh and
Leifson medium
• Oxygen barrier: Mineral oil/ melted paraffin
• pH indicators: Andrade’s acid fuchsin,

bromcresol purple, bromthymol blue, phenol

Pseudomonas species
• Gram-negative bacillus or coccobacillus which are motile usually
with polar tufts or flagella
• Strict aerobes, non-sporeforming
• Oxidase (+) except P. luteolus & P. oryzihabitants
• Catalase (+)
• MAC- round, flat, colorless
• Oxidizer of carbs (but some species are asaccharolytic)
• May be found in cosmetics, swimming pools, hot tubs, & inner
part of shoes
Pseudomonas species
• Fluorescent group- P. aeruginosa, P.
fluorescens, P. putida, P. veronii, P. mosselii,
P. monteilii
• Produce pyoverdin- yellow-green or
yellow-brown pigment
• Fluoresces under short-wavelength UV
• P. aeruginosa also produces pyocyanin (blue-
water soluble pigment)
• Pyoverdin and pyocyanin will result to the
green color characteristics of P. aeruginosa
Pseudomonas species

• Culture media: MAC, BAP, CAP,

Sellers medium (promotes pigment
production), Cetrimide agar, Irgasan,
• Cetrimide agar- differential &
selective medium for P. aeruginosa

• BAP: beta hemolytic, flat spreading colonies

with metallic sheen
• Odor: Fruity like/ grape-like/ corn tortilla
• Caused by the presence of 2-
• (+) growth @ 42 dec C
• (+) acetamide & citrate utilization (blue color)
• (+) gluconate production
• (+) arginine dihydrolase

• VF: Endotoxin, pili, alginate, exotoxins

(lecithinase, elastase, protease)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
• Agent of blue pus
• Accounts for 15% of nosocomial infections (pneumonia &
• Leading cause of nosocomial respiratory tract infections
• 3rd most common cause of gram-negative bacillary
bacteremia after E. coli & K. pneumoniae
• Can colonize mucosal surface such as oropharynx
• Common cause of ventilator-associated pneumonia
• Causes otitis externa in swimmers/divers, Jacuzzi or hot tub
syndrome (necrotizing skin rash) in recreational facilities, &
infections of the nail beds in people with artificial nails,
keratitis, & endophthalmitis
Pseudomonas fluorescens
Pseudomonas putida
• Isolated from contaminated blood products, respiratory specimens,
urine, cosmetics, hospital equipment, & fluids
• P. putida- catheter related sepsis in patients with cancer
• Isolation of P. fluorescens blood culture bottles in asymptomatic
patients has been responsible for clusters of pseudo bacteremia
• Both can grow in 4 deg C & linked to transfusion-associated septicemia
• Both produces pyoverdin but not pyocyanin
• Cannot reduce nitrate to nitrogen gas
• Can produce acid from xylose
• Gelatin hydrolysis
• Pseudomonas fluorescens (+)
• Pseudomonas putida (-)
Acinetobacter species
• Family Moraxellaceae
• Strictly aerobic, gram-negative coccobacilli or even gram-negative
cocci on gram stain
• Can appear as gram-positive cocci in smears made from culture
• Non-motile, oxidase (-), catalase (+)
• MAC- purple colonies
• BAP: Gummy colonies
• A. baumannii- glucose-oxidizing, non-hemolytic strain
• A. lwofii- glucose-oxidizing, non-hemolytic strain
• A. haemolyticus- non-glucose-oxidizing, hemolytic strain
• Infections: UTI, pneumonia, endocarditis, meningitis, cellulitis
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
• Short to medium, gram-negative rods
• 3rd most common isolate of non-fermentative gram-
negative bacilli
• Strictly aerobic, motile, & can grow at 42 deg C
• Oxidase (-)
• Catalase, DNase, esculin & gelatin hydrolysis, & lysine
decarboxylase (+)
• MAC- blue colonies
• BAP- lavender-green to light purple pigmentation & odor
like ammonia/ ammonia-cyanide smell
• Infections: Endocarditis, Bacteremia, & wound infections
Burkholderia species
• Obligate aerobe & motile by polar flagella except B. mallei
• Non-pathogenic
• Acquired through contact with heavily contaminated medical devices
• Medium-sized, gram-negative rods
• Oxidase & catalase (+)
Burkholderia cepacia
• Opportunistic pathogens usually associated with pneumonia in patients
with cystic fibrosis or chronic granulomatous disease
• Other disease: endocarditis (IV drug-abusers), pneumonitis, UIT,
osteomyelitis, dermatitis & wound infections from contaminated water
• Isolated from irrigation fluids, anesthetics, nebulizers, detergents, &
• Grows well on BAP/MAC but losses viability of not sub-cultured in 3-4
• BAP- non-wrinkled yellow or yellow-green
• LDC & ONPG (+)
• Weak positive oxidase reaction
Burkholderia mallei
• Non-motile, gram-negative coccobacilli that produces non-pigmented
colonies in BAP 2 days
• Causes glanders (AKA: Farcy disease) which primarily affects horses,
mules, & donkeys
• Rare in humans
• Variable growth in MAC
• Oxidase production is variable
Burkholderia pseudomallei
• Causes melioidosis (AKA: Vietnamese Time Bomb)- aggressive,
granulomatous, pulmonary disease caused by ingestion, inhalation,
or inoculation of organisms, w/ metastatic abscess formation in
lungs & other viscera (overwhelming septicemia)
• BAP/CAP: Smooth, creamy at 24h; may display metallic sheen on
BAP, CAP at 48 h; some become either mucoid or dry and wrinkled
after 48-72h
• Pink on MAC/EMB agar at 24-48h; will become dry and wrinkled
after 48-72h
• Presence of bipolar bodies
• Can grow at 42 deg C at 48 hours; earthy odor
• Ashdown medium with colistin: dry, wrinkled, & deep pink colored
Other Gram-negative Bacteria

• Alcaligenes faecalis
• Obligate aerobic, gram-negative bacillus; motile by peritrichous flagella
• Asaccharolytic, producing alkaline reactions in carbohydrate media
• Grow well on MAC
• BAP: feather-edges, non-pigmented, alpha hemolytic, & have fruity odor
of apples or strawberry
• (+) Oxidase; grows well on 6.5% NaCl
• Chromobacterium violaceum
• Only species in genus
Chromobacterium; motile
• Opportunistic pathogen that
causes neutrophil deficiency to
immunocompromised patients
• Grows on MAC at 42 deg C
• Exhibits violet pigmentation
(violacein pigment)
• Gram-negative curved bacilli
• Shewanella putrefaciens
• Isolated from water, dairy products, petroleum gas, & other
environmental sources
• Motile, strong H2S producer, saccharolytic
• Isolated from humans with ocular infections, otitis media, & septecimia
• BAP- mucoid & greenish
• Oxidase & ornithine decarboxylase (+)
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• Mahon, C., Lehman, D., & Manuselis, G. (2015). Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology, 5th edition (5th ed.).
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