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Project Report Submitted to


In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


Submitted by


Under the supervision of Ms. SHINY A. O.



MARCH 2022

The instant food products originated in Japan with instant noodles and had its beginning in India in the
eighties but now a day we can easily found it in the kitchen shelves of every Indian household. Demand
for instant food products has been increased due to modernization of home where many factors
contribute like food preparation, increasing number of working woman, changing in food habits,
breaking up of traditional joint family system, increase in urbanization, rise in per capita income, change
in life styles and increasing level of affluence in the middle income group. As every human being needs
food to perform activity, food is the basic requirement of any person but due to changing lifestyle and
consumers are spending less time for planning, storing and cooking food.
Modern homes also don’t offer the necessary facilities for processing the food. Thus, the food i.e. these
instant foods gained instant acceptance. There are the many kinds of instant foods available in market
like: canned food items, instant mix products, table relishes dairy products.
The word instant itself reflects quick means a type of food which we can cook quickly. Instant noodles
are simple, fast and convenient to cook. It occupied a considerable shelf space in stores and supermarket
in India. Now food companies are providing number of varieties in instant noodles. Market of instant
noodles increasing day by day not only in India although overall world reason is simple cost effective
and easy to cook. Manufacturer offers different variety of instant noodles.
According to Philip Kotler, consumer satisfaction is defined as, “personal feeling of pleasure resulting
from comparing a product’s pursued performance in relation to his/her expectations”. Consumer
satisfaction information, including surveys and ratings, can help a company determine how to best
improve or change its products and services. An organization’s main aim is to satisfy its consumers.
This applies to industrial firms, retail and wholesale businesses, government bodies, service companies,
nonprofit organizations, and every subgroup within an organization. One of the basic needs of human
beings is food. Nowadays people think that preparing food is a tough task. People are searching for new
ways for speeding up the food preparation process. With the help of modern technology people found
out instant food and readymade food for their own convenience. Instant food means Foods that are ready
to eat with no or minimal preparation. These food products are typically, commercially prepared food
assigned for ease of consumption, sold as hot or ready to eat dishes.


• To find out the consumer satisfaction on instant noodles.

• To find out the consumer preference depends on the price, quality, brand images and
• To study the health issue awareness of consumer on instant noodles.

1. There is no significant difference in satisfaction level towards instant noodles on basis of

demographic variables.
2. There is no significant difference on perception towards different noodles.


• The data collected from secondary source hence it is not 100% accurate.
• Personal bias and prejudice may affect the study.

A Consumer is a person who decides on the purchase of a good or a service for personal use, based on
personal preferences, beliefs and needs or the influence of advertising . The main goal of all commercial
enterprises is to attract consumer or clients and make them purchase what they have on sale.

Consumer buying Behavior

Consumer buying behavior is the sum total of a consumer’s attitude, preferences , intentions , and decisions
regarding the consumer’s behavior in the market place when purchasing a product or service

The factors which influence consumer behavior

(a) Psychological ( Motivation , perception , learning , belief and attitudes)

(b)Personal (Age and life cycle stage, occupation, economic circumstances, lifestyle, personality and self
concept )

(c)Social ( Reference groups , family , roles and status)

(d) Cultural (culture , subculture , social class system)

Data analysis and interpretation

This chapter deals with data analysis and interpretation. Data interpretation refers to the
implementation of processes through which data is reviewed for the purpose of arriving at an
informed conclusion. Data had been collected using questionnaire. Questionnaire had been
distributed to the students of Christ college Irinjalakuda. Sample had been collected using
convenient sampling technique .All the 50 respondents are selected at random.

This chapter is an attempt to find out the satisfaction level of customers towards Instant Noodles on
the basis of its price and promotional technique, also analysis their opinion about Instant Noodles.
Here percentage analysis is used for data analysis and result are presented by way of graphs and

Showing gender wise classification.

Gender Number Percentage

Male 18 36%
Female 32 64%
Total 50 100%
From the above table we can understand that 36% of respondents are male and 64% of respondents are
female .

Showing gender wise classification .








Male Female

1.) showing the consumers choice to eat Maggie Noodles.

particulars No. of person percentage

yes 48 96%
No 2 4%
Total 50 100
From the above table 96% of the respondents are like to eat Instant Noodles. Among 4% are not
interested to eat Maggie Noodles.

Showing no. of Maggie Noodles eaters.





no. of

Yes No

2.) Showing frequency of purchasing Maggie Noodles.

Particulars No. of frequency percentage

Daily 1 2%

Weekly 6 12%

Monthly 19 38%

Quarterly 24 48%

Total 50 100%

Above the table showing the frequency of purchasing Instant Noodles only 2% of respondents
purchasing Instant Noodles daily , 12% of respondents purchasing Instant Noodles weekly , 38%
Instant Noodles on monthly basis and 48% purchase quarterly .

Showing purchasing of Maggie Noodles.

2% 12%

Quarterly Daily
Monthly Weekly
38% Monthly

3.) showing response towards price of Maggie Noodles.

Particulars No. of response Percentage

Yes 28 56%

No 22 44%

Total 50 100%

Above table showing 56% of respondents are thinking that the price of Instant Noodles is fair and
44% of respondents have the opinion about price is not fair.

showing the respondents response towards price of Instant Noodles.







Yes No

4.) showing the occasions for purchasing Maggie Noodles.

Particulars Number Percentage

On celebration 12 24%

Usual basis 10 20%

Occasionally 28 56%

Total 50 100

Among 24% of respondents buying noodles on celebration , 20% are usual buyers and 56%
respondent are buying Instant Noodles occasionally .

Graph showing the occasion for purchasing Maggie Noodles.

5.) showing number of Maggie Noodles packets purchase in a week.

Particulars Number Percentage
Less than 5 43 86%

5 to 10 6 12%

More than 10 1 2%

Total 50 100%

While analysing the table 86% of respondents less than 5 packets in a week, 12% of respondents
buy 5 to 10 packets in a week and more than 10 packets purchase buy only 2% of respondents.

Represents the number of Instant Noodles packet purchase in a week.











Less than 5 5 to 10 More than 10

6.) showing which is the most effective promotional offers for Instant Noodles.
Particulars Number Percentage

Free gift 11 22%

Price discount 18 36%

Any other 21 42%

Total 50 100%

Above table shows 22% of respondent are attracted by free gift ,36% are attracted by price
discounting. Most of the respondents attracted by other promotional tools like “buy one get one
free” etc. therefore 42% of respondent like other promotional methods.

Showing which is the most effective promotional offers for Maggie Noodles.

Free gift
Price discount
Any other

7.) showing the factors effecting the purchase of Instant Noodles.

Particulars Number Percentage

Brand ambassadors 8 16%

Ingredients 16 32%

Advertisement 8 16%

Attractive display 18 36%

Total 50 100%
While analysing the table attractive display make more influence to buy Noodles 36% of
respondent supported attractive display , 32% purchase Noodles on the basis of its ingredients , 16%
of respondents attracted with advertisement and brand ambassadors

Showing the factors effecting the purchase of Instant Noodles.

ambassadors 16

Attractive display


ambassadors 16 Ingredients Advertisement Attractive display

8.) Showing medium of advertisement influencing the purchase of Instant Noodles.

Particulars Total Percentage

Television 41 82%

Newspaper 3 6%

Brochure 1 2%

Displays 5 10%

Total 50 100%

The above table shows the medium of advertisement influence for purchasing Noodles television is the
most influenced medium it influenced by 82% of respondents, newspaper is influenced by 6% of
respondents, brochure is 2% and displays have influenced by 10% of respondents.

Showing the influence of medium for the purchasing of Instant Noodles.

Displays Television Newspaper Brochure

6% 2% 10%


9.) showing consumers satisfaction towards packaging of Instant Noodles.

Particulars Number Percentage

Agree 32 64%

Strongly agree 14 28%

Disagree 0 0

Strongly disagree 0 0

Neither disagree nor 4 8%

Total 50 100%
Here the above table shows 28% of respondent total agree the packaging of Noodles ,64% are almost
satisfied so they agreed the packing style, non of them have disagree or strongly disagree with the packing
8%of respondent stand neutral base they have neither disagree nor agree.
Showing the satisfaction level towards the packaging of Instant Noodles.

D dis nor
0% 0% agre
Strongly agree


10.) showing how the respondent rates Instant Noodles.

Particulars Number Percentage

A class 29 58%

B class 18 36%

C class 3 6%

Total 50 100%

The above table shows 58% of respondents rate Noodles as A class product, 36% rates as B class product
and 6% rate Noodles as a C class product.

showing the rating of Instant Noodles products.

C class

B class
36% A class

A class B class C class

1.Most of the respondents are interested to eat noodles.

2. Majority of the respondents are usually buying instant noodles monthly or quarterly basis.

3. Majority of the respondents responded the price of Instant Noodles

is fair.

4. Most of the respondent purchase less than 5 packs in a week.

5. Majority of respondents like to buy instant noodles

6. Majority of respondents not checking the ingredients before buying Instant noodles.

7. Attractive display and television advertisement is the most influencing factors and medium for purchasing

instant noodles.

8. Majority of respondents satisfied with the packaging style of Instant Noodles 9. Majority of the

respondent responded instant noodles is available at any time in the market.

10. Majority of respondent have the opinion that instant noodles is not only for kids but also adults.

11. instant noodles is neither luxury nor necessity purchase.

12.Most of the respondent will buy the same quantity discount facility is available for instant noodles

13.Majority of the respondent rates instant noodles as A CLASS product.

14.Majority of respondents satisfied with instant noodles.

5.2 Suggestions

➢ More varieties should be introduced in Instant Noodles. The company need to introduce more flavors
in instant noodles.

➢ The company should maintain awareness among the instant noodles.

➢ The different varieties of advertisements through television media will increase the marketability of
instant noodles.

➢ They also fixed their products price that all kinds of consumers can afford it.

➢ Customer’s complaints should be welcomed and quick response to customers complaint can bring a
positive impression towards the company and product, it will increase the popularity of instant

From this study all instant noodles brands of “INSTANT NOODLES” should take necessary promotional
activities to increases their demand by introducing new flavor in small quantities of pack. Again variety of
advertisement through television media will increase the marketability of instant noodles. The satisfaction
towards instant noodles in Christ college Irinjalakuda were affected by brand, quality, flavor, taste and
source of awareness upon the consumer perception factors. Quality and attractive display is the main
motivational factor for the customers to buy the instant and from these analysis the level of consumers
satisfaction towards instant noodles are good.

This survey is conducted by ALHA KABEER of 3rd DC A batch of Christ college (Autonomous)
Irinjalakuda, on a study of consumer satisfaction towards Instant Noodles among students of same
college .If you could sacrifice some of your valuable time to fill the questionnaire , it would help in the
completion of my study . I assure you that the information will be only used for academic purpose.

Name of the student:

Email address:
Male Female Others
1. Do you like to eat Maggie Instant Noodles?
o Yes
o No
2. How frequently do you purchase Maggi Noodle?

o Daily
o Weekly
o Monthly
o Quartely

3. Do you think that the price of Maggie Noodles is fair?

o Yes

o No

Other :

4. When do you purchase Maggie Noodles?

o On Celebration

o Usual basis

o Occasionally

o Other:

5. Approximately, how many Maggie Noodles packets would you purchase in a week?

o Less than 5
o 5 to 10

o More than 10

6. Which promotional offers attract you most?

o Free Gift
o Price
o Discount
o Any Other

7. Which of the factors affect your purchase?

o Brand ambassadors

o Ingredients

o Advertisement

o Attractive display

8. Which media of Advertisement influence your purchase?

o Television

o Newspaper

o Brochure

o Displays

9. How you rate Maggie Noodles?

o A class
o B class
o C class

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