(개정) 2021년 - 고1 - 2학기 기말 - 경기고등학교 - 서울시 강남구 - 영어 - NE능률 (김성곤)

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2021년 고1 영어 2학기 기말기출 경기고등학

2. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것
은?2) [20년 11월 36번]
<출제 범위>
Imagine yourself at a party. It is dark and a group
교과서: 7과, 8과
of friends ask you to take a picture of them. You
모의고사: 20년 11월 / 21년 9월 grab your camera, point, and shoot your friends. The
부교재: camera automatically turns on the flash as there is
not enough light available to produce a correct
exposure. The result is half of your friends appear in
1. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기 the picture with two bright red circles instead of
에 가장 적절한 곳은?1) [외부지문] their eyes. This is a common problem called the
There is an added advantage of wooden knives – red-eye effect. It is caused because the light from
they are environmentally friendly. the flash penetrates the eyes through the pupils, and
then gets reflected to the camera from the back of
Traditionally, knives have been made of steel or the eyes where a large amount of blood is present.
ceramics. The scientists improved the strength of the This blood is the reason why the eyes look red in
wood in their knives by enhancing the cellulose it the photograph. This effect is more noticeable when
contains. (A) Cellulose is the main constituent of _________________________________________. This is because
wood. (B) It has a higher ratio of strength to density pupils dilate when it is dark, allowing more light to
than most engineered materials, like steel and get inside the eye and producing a larger red-eye
ceramics. (C) Teng Li said the new cutting material is effect.
hardened to the extent that it can effortlessly slice
through the toughest steak. (D) They could end our ① the camera misses the focus point
dependence on plastic cutlery. (E) The scientists have ② you want a precise flash exposure
also developed wooden nails, which could be a ③ the pupils have time to shrink properly
boon to the building industry as they will not rust ④ there is not much light in the environment
and weaken like conventional nails. ⑤ you close your eyes when a camera flashes

① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E

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2021년 고1 영어 2학기 기말기출 경기고등학

3. 다음 글의 괄호 (A)~(D) 안에서 문맥에 맞는 말로 4. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)가 의미하는 것으로 가장 적
가장 적절한 것은?3) [외부지문] 절한 것은?4) [20년 11월 33번]
There is a newly-found menace on the roads that As much as we can learn by examining fossils, it is
could be harming our health – brake pads from important to remember that (A)they seldom tell the
road vehicles. Scientists have discovered that toxic entire story. Things only fossilize under certain sets
dust and metal particles from worn-out brake pads of conditions. Modern insect communities are highly
could have the same harmful impact on our bodies diverse in tropical forests, but the recent fossil
as diesel emissions. King’s College London found record captures little of that diversity. Many
that find dust released when a vehicle brakes could creatures are consumed entirely or decompose
result (A)[in / from] a number of health problems. rapidly when they die, so there may be no fossil
these include an inflammation of the lungs, record at all for important groups. It's a bit similar
(B)[increased / reduced] immunity, an increased risk to a family photo album. Maybe when you were
of respiratory problems, and serious infections like born your parents took lots of pictures, but over the
bronchitis or pneumonia. It is estimated that 93 years they took photographs occasionally, and
percent of particulate pollution from traffic comes sometimes they got busy and forgot to take pictures
from sources such as tyres, clutches and brake wear, at all. Very few of us have a complete photo record
and road dust. of our life. Fossils are just like that. Sometimes you
The scientists say brake dust could be the cause of get very clear pictures of the past, while at other
a condition they have dubbed “London throat”. times there are big gaps, and you need to notice
Sufferers are the city dwellers who continually what they are.
experience runny noses and irritating coughs and
colds, which could be caused by (C)[exhaling / ① they reveal what our planet was like long ago
inhaling] brake dust. Metal particles coat the lungs ② most fossils are the remains of extinct
and prevent cells in our immune system from organisms
(D)[clearing / multiplying] harmful bacteria. ③ the fossil record is not as complete as you
Researcher Dr. Lan Mudway said dust from the would wish
various sources of friction within vehicles casts doubt ④ they give all information about evolutionary
on motor industry claims of zero-emission cars. He relationships of organisms
said: “There is no such thing as zero-emission ⑤ the fossil record shows that life on Earth has
vehicle. As regulations to reduce exhaust emissions evolved, or changed over time
kick in, the contribution from sources such as brake
dust is likely to become more significant.”

(A) (B) (C) (D)

① in increased exhaling multiplying
② in reduced inhaling clearing
③ in reduced exhaling clearing
④ from increased exhaling multiplying
⑤ from increased inhaling multiplying

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2021년 고1 영어 2학기 기말기출 경기고등학

5. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A)~(C)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절 7. 다음 글의 괄호 (A)~(D) 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말
한 것끼리 짝지어진 것은?5) [20년 11월 23번] 로 가장 적절한 것은?7) [8과]
The use of renewable sources of energy to produce Dr. C: That's right. However, this is not the whole
electricity has increasingly been encouraged as a way story. Teens' brains are also going through other
to harmonize the need to secure electricity supply important changes. Their brains are constantly
with environmental protection objectives. (A)_________, identifying and removing any (A)[strong / weak]
the use of renewable sources also comes with its connections between neurons. For example, if teens
own consequences, which require consideration. aren't reading, doing experiments, or solving
Renewable sources of energy include a variety of problems, then the brain will get rid of the
sources such as hydropower and ocean-based connections that are related to those activities. Once
technologies. (B)___________, solar, wind, geothermal those are gone, their brains will put more energy
and biomass renewable sources also have their own into making other connections (B)[stronger / weaker]
impact on the environment. (C)____________, Host: So, do you mean that the activities teens are
Hydropower dams have an impact on aquatic involved in can shape the way their brains develop?
ecosystems and, more recently, have been identified Dr. C: Exactly, This is why the types of activities
as significant sources of greenhouse emissions. Wind, teens choose to participate in are especially
solar, and biomass also cause negative environmental important. If a teen decides to play sports or learn
impacts, such as visual pollution, intensive land an instrument, then the brain will (C)[strengthen /
occupation and negative effects on bird populations. weaken] those connections. On the other hand, if he
or she chooses to surf the Internet or play online
(A) (B) (C) games all day long, then those connections will
① Therefore Furthermore For instance survive instead. The harder teens work at building
② However Nonetheless In other words good habits, the (D)[stronger / weaker] those
③ Therefore Nonetheless For instance connections in their brains will be.
④ However Furthermore In other words
⑤ However Furthermore For instance (A) (B) (C) (D)
① strong weaker strengthen stronger
6. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것은?6) ② strong stronger weaken weaker
[8과] ③ weak stronger strengthen weaker
④ weak weaker weaken stronger
Host: Very interesting! Please tell us more about the
⑤ weak stronger strengthen stronger
relationship between their brains and their
Dr. C: Well, the region that controls emotions ⓐ
matures faster than the part of the brain that helps
you think ahead and measure risk. Teens therefore
rely on it heavily, ⓑwhich means they are influenced
more by feelings and instincts than by reason when
ⓒmaking decisions. In other words, teens are usually
not inclined to consider all the consequences of
their actions, so they make choices that they end up
Host: So what you're saying is teens are likely to
make choices based on their feelings since their
brains are not fully ⓔdeveloped.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ

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2021년 고1 영어 2학기 기말기출 경기고등학

8. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?8) [외부지 9. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것
문] 은?9) [21년 9월 21번]
In the past decade, bugs have become a familiar Nothing is trash by nature. Anthropologist Mary
sight on dinner tables. One reason for this is they Douglas brings back and analyzes the common
are a great source of protein. Another reason is that saying that dirt is "matter out of place." Dirt is
people are concerned about the environment. _____________, she emphasizes. "Shoes are not dirty in
Traditional livestock farming is detrimental to the themselves, but it is dirty to place them on the
environment as it is generally unsustainable. Raising dining-table; food is not dirty in itself, but it is dirty
insects is much more environmentally friendly. One to leave pots and pans in the bedroom, or food all
kilogram of insect protein needs about 10 percent over clothing; similarly, bathroom items in the living
of the feed, water and land used to produce the room; clothing lying on chairs; outdoor things placed
same amount of beef. Experts say farming insects is indoors; upstairs things downstairs, and so on."
better for the environment than raising livestock. A Sorting the dirty from the clean ― removing the
final reason we may have to eat insects is because shoes from the table, putting the dirty clothing in
of the rise in the world’s population. By 2050 this is the washing machine ― involves systematic ordering
expected to be 9.8 billion, up from the current 7.7 and classifying. Eliminating dirt is thus a positive
billion. process.
The insect farming industry is growing quickly.
There are hundreds of companies worldwide creating ① good ② alive ③ relative
meals made from bugs. Many supermarkets around ④ worthless ⑤ everlasting
the world now stock food made from insects. There
are vending machines in Tokyo, Japan where you 10. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절
can purchase a can of insect snacks. The menu 한 것은?10) [20년 11월 24번]
includes dried tarantula and scorpions. However, not
Chewing leads to smaller particles for swallowing,
everyone is excited by the idea of insects as food.
and more exposed surface area for digestive
An Israeli insect farmer, Dror Tamir, says there is a
enzymes to act on. (A)_________________, it means the
“yuck factor” to the thought of eating insects. He
extraction of more fuel and raw materials from a
said people will get used to the idea and will find
mouthful of food. This is especially important for
insects tasty. He said: “I am convinced it will soon
mammals because they heat their bodies from
be widely accepted, just like eating raw fish in sushi
within. Chewing gives mammals the energy needed
was embraced.”
to be active not only during the day but also the
cool night, and to live in colder climates or places
① Farming insects might be even more
with changing temperatures. It allows them to
environmentally friendly than raising livestock.
sustain higher levels of activity and travel speeds to
② Increasing global population is one of the
cover larger distances, avoid predators, capture prey,
reasons we may have to eat bugs.
and make and care for their young. (B)______________,
③ You can buy dried scorpion snacks from
mammals are able to live in an incredible variety of
vending machines in Tokyo.
habitats, from Arctic tundra to Antarctic pack ice,
④ Nobody is excited by the thought of eating
deep open waters to high-altitude mountaintops,
and rainforests to deserts, in no small measure
⑤ An Israeli insect farmer thinks people will
because of their teeth.
embrace the idea of eating insects.

(A) (B)
① On the other hand Similarly
② In fact However
③ Accordingly In contrast
④ In other words Nevertheless
⑤ That is In other words

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2021년 고1 영어 2학기 기말기출 경기고등학

11. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절 paper. What to do? Management didn't take long to
한 것은?11) [20년 11월 30번] come to the conclusion ⓓwhat it would be more
costly to try to educate its customers to wet each
Recent research suggests that evolving humans'
stamp rather than to add more glue. The stamp
relationship with dogs changed the structure of both
producer ⓔwas told to add more glue and the
species' brains.
problem didn't occur again. Since it is better for the
firm to have buyers complain rather than go
(A) A similar process occurred for humans, who
elsewhere, it is important to make it easier for
seem to have been domesticated by wolves. About
dissatisfied customers to complain.
10,000 years ago, when the role of dogs was firmly
established in most human societies, the human
brain also shrank by about 10 percent. 12. 위 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?12)
(B) One of the various physical changes caused by ① The firm of allowing complaints is morally better
domestication is a reduction in the size of the brain: than that of ignoring complaints.
16 percent for horses, 34 percent for pigs, and 10 ② How a firm handles customers’ complaints
to 30 percent for dogs. determines the cost of its products.
(C) This is because once humans started to take ③ Since sticky sunblock lotions were common and
care of these animals, they no longer needed even popular, the cosmetics company could
various brain functions in order to survive. Animals survive without complaints.
who were fed and protected by humans did not ④ The cosmetics company could take up 20
need many of the skills required by their wild percent of the market smoothly before it
ancestors and lost the parts of the brain related to developed a different product from its rivals’.
those capacities. ⑤ Although the stamps themselves had no
problem if used properly, management in Royal
① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (B)-(A)-(C) Post Office came to the conclusion to add more
③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) glue.
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

13. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것은?13)

v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [21년 9월 41,
42번] ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ

The market's way of telling a firm about its failures

is harsh and brief. ⓐNot only are complaints less
expensive to handle but they also can cause the
seller to improve. The seller may learn something as
well. I remember a cosmetics company that received
complaints about sticky sunblock lotion. At the time,
all such lotions were more or less sticky, so the risk
ⓑof having customers buy products from a rival
company was not great. But this was also an
opportunity. The company managed to develop a
product that was not sticky and captured 20 percent
of the market in its first year. Another company had
the opposite problem. Its products ⓒwere not sticky
enough. The company was a Royal Post Office in
Europe and the product was a stamp. The problem
was that the stamp didn't stick to the envelope.
Management contacted the stamp producer who
made it clear that if people just moistened the
stamps properly, they would stick to any piece of

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2021년 고1 영어 2학기 기말기출 경기고등학

14. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 15. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임
빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?14) 이 적절하지 않은 것은?15) [21년 9월 36번]
[21년 9월 37번]
Understanding how to develop respect for and a
In a study, a researcher pretending to be a knowledge of other cultures begins with ⓐ
volunteer surveyed a California neighborhood, asking reexamining the golden rule: "I treat others in the
residents if they would allow a large sign reading way I want to be treated." This rule makes sense on
"Drive Carefully" to be displayed on their front some level; if we treat others as well as we want to
lawns. To help them understand what it would look be treated, we will be treated ⓑwell in return. This
like, the volunteer showed his participants a picture rule works well in a monocultural setting, where
of the large sign blocking the view of a beautiful everyone is working within the same cultural
house. Naturally, most people refused, but in one framework. In a multicultural setting, however, where
particular group, an incredible 76 percent actually words, gestures, beliefs, and views may have
approved. The reason that they agreed was this. Two different meanings, this rule has an ⓒunintended
weeks earlier, these residents had been asked by result; it can send a message that my culture is
another volunteer to make a small commitment to better than yours. It can also create a frustrating
display a tiny sign that read "Be a Safe Driver" in situation where we believe we are doing what is
their windows. Since it was such a small and simple right, but what we are doing is not being ⓓ
request, nearly all of them agreed. The astonishing misinterpreted in the way in which it was meant.
result was that the initial small commitment deeply This ⓔmiscommunication can lead to problems.
influenced their willingness to accept the much
larger request two weeks later. ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ

The initial (A)_____________ commitment affected the
16. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절
(B)_____________ to accept much larger request.
한 것은?16) [21년 9월 23번]
Vegetarian eating is moving into the mainstream as
(A) (B)
more and more young adults say no to meat,
① small willingness
poultry, and fish. According to the American Dietetic
② minor reluctance
Association, "approximately planned vegetarian diets
③ simple argument
are healthful, are nutritionally adequate, and provide
④ serious hope
health benefits in the prevention and treatment of
⑤ important hesitation
certain diseases." But (A)____________ concerns are not
the only reason that young adults give for changing
their diets. Some make the choice out of concern
for animal rights. When faced with the statistics that
show the majority of animals raised as food live in
confinement, many teens give up meat to
(B)____________ those conditions. Others turn to
vegetarianism to support the environment. Meat
production uses vast amounts of water, land, grain,
and energy and creates problems with animal waste
and resulting pollution.

(A) (B)
① health produce
② health protest
③ nutrition create
④ nutrition reveal
⑤ finance improve

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2021년 고1 영어 2학기 기말기출 경기고등학

17. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?17) [21년 9월 18. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)가 의미하는 바로 가장 적
20번] 절한 것은?18) [21년 9월 24번]
As you set about to write, it is worth reminding (A)Diversity, challenge, and conflict help us maintain
yourself that while you ought to have a point of our imagination. Most people assume that conflict is
view, you should avoid telling your readers what to bad and that being in one's "comfort zone" is good.
think. Try to hang a question mark over it all. This That is not exactly true. Of course, we don't want to
way you allow your readers to think for themselves find ourselves without a job or medical insurance or
about the points and arguments you're making. As a in a fight with our partner, family, boss, or
result, they will feel more involved, finding coworkers. One bad experience can be sufficient to
themselves just as committed to the arguments last us a lifetime. But small disagreements with
you've made and the insights you've exposed as you family and friends, trouble with technology or
are. You will have written an essay that not only finances, or challenges at work and at home can
avoids passivity in the reader, but is interesting and help us think through our own capabilities. Problems
gets people to think. that need solutions force us to use our brains in
order to develop creative answers. Navigating
① Passivity in readers comes from exhibiting your landscapes that are varied, that offer trials and
own ideas indirectly. occasional conflicts, is more helpful to creativity than
② You don’t have to have your own point of view, hanging out in landscapes that pose no challenge to
if readers feel more engaged in your writing. our senses and our minds. Our two million-year
③ The key to encouraging readers to be involved history is packed with challenges and conflicts.
is not to give a straightforward explanation for
your arguments. ① circumstance under which one cannot overcome
④ Giving a room to readers interrupts the troubles
understanding of your arguments, but it helps to ② capability to deal with difficulties in various
accept your insights. ways
⑤ It is better to use a question mark on the most ③ bad accidents experienced more than once
complicated sentence to make reader active. ④ experiences including occasional hardships
⑤ mixture of diverse races in a country

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2021년 고1 영어 2학기 기말기출 경기고등학

19. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 주어진 예문 속 의 20. 다음 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에서 문맥에 맞는
미와 서로 다른 뜻으로 쓰인 두 개는?19) [7과] 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?20) [7과]
One of hanji's newest uses is a ⓐtreat for the ears. Because of hanji's characteristics, Koreans could see
Customers can now buy speakers that use vibration early on that it was more than just something to
ⓑplates and outside panels made of hanji. write on. Since ancient times, they have glued this
Compared to ⓒregular speakers, the sound that paper to the walls, door frames, and floors of their
comes from hanji speakers is stronger and sharper. homes. Koreans have also (A)[utilized / disregarded]
The paper's thickness and ability to absorb sound it to make furniture, lanterns, wedding accessories,
help the speakers ⓓpick up the smallest vibrations. and boxes. Because of its (B)[duplicity / durability],
In addition, the fact that the sound will not change hanji was even used in battle. Back then, people
over time because of the strength of hanji makes would put many layers of hanji together to make
these speakers a great purchase. Serious music suits of armor. This armor, called jigap, was tough
lovers will really be able to ⓔappreciate the great enough to stop arrows. With so many uses, hanji is
sound quality of these speakers. naturally considered an (C)[invalid / invaluable] part
of Korean history and culture. Though the tide of
① ⓐ: It was a real treat seeing my old friends last modernization seems to have made people forget
weekend. about this paper's outstanding qualities, hanji has
② ⓑ: Large, metal plates covered the trench in the endured and remains relevant today. In recent years,
roadway. finding even more functions and purposes for hanji
③ ⓒ: A regular rhythm consists of a series of has become a trend. Lately, designers have been
sounds or movements with equal periods of time using hanji to make clothes, socks, and ties. The
between them. fabric these designers are using is a (D)[brand /
④ ⓓ: After the first mile in a race I started to feel blend] of hanji yarn with cotton or silk. This blend is
stronger and my speed picked up. almost weightless and keeps its shape better than
⑤ ⓔ: There’s no point buying him expensive wines other materials. It is also washable and eco-friendly.
because he doesn’t appreciate them.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
① utilized durability invaluable blend
② disregarded durability invaluable blend
③ disregarded duplicity invalid blend
④ utilized duplicity invalid brand
⑤ utilized durability invaluable brand

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2021년 고1 영어 2학기 기말기출 경기고등학

21. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?21) [21년 v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [8과]
9월 32번] Host: Dr. Clarkson, could you first tell us about how
Many evolutionary biologists argue that humans we make decisions?
developed language for economic reason. We Dr. C: Sure, It seems like we make decisions almost
needed to trade, and we needed to establish trust immediately, but our brain actually has to ⓐpass
in order to trade. Language is very handy when you through several steps before deciding anything.
are trying to conduct business with someone. Two Neurons, which are special brain cells, ⓑmake up for
early humans could not only agree to trade three different structures in our brains. These structures
wooden bowls for six bunches of bananas but send signals to each other. After the structures finish
establish rules as well. What wood was used for the evaluating all the signals, they will send out a
bowls? Where did you get the bananas? That response that will tell our body what to do.
business deal would have been nearly impossible Host: I see. Does this process happen exactly the
using only gestures and confusing noises, and same way in everyone's brain?
carrying it out according to terms agreed upon Dr. C: People basically go through the same
creates a bond of trust. Language allows us to be decision-making process, but there is a ⓒslight
specific, and this is where conversation plays a key difference between teens and adults. Scientists used
role. to think that the brain was done growing by the
time you turned 12 since the brain reaches its ⓓ
① Personal Trust, a Key to Successful Trade maximum size around that age. However, studies
② The Types of Gestures Among Early Humans show that some parts of the brain ⓔkeep
③ Language: a Useful Tool for Daily developing until the early twenties. That means
Communication teens' brains are still maturing and not completely
④ Don’t Forget to Check Agreed Terms on developed. This may be why teens seem to make
Business Deal risky decisions.
⑤ Economic Activity: Why We Needed to Develop
Language 23. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이
적절하지 않은 것은?23)
22. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 가리키는 대상이 나 ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
머지 넷과 다른 것은?22) [21년 9월 34번]
The last two decades of research on the science of 24. 위 글에 대해 질문과 답을 할 때, 빈칸에 들어갈
learning have shown conclusively that we remember 알맞은 말을 본문에서 찾아 9단어 이하로 쓰시
things better, and longer, if we discover them 오.24)
ourselves rather than being told ⓐthem. This is the Q: Why do teens seem to make risky decisions?
teaching method practiced by physics professor Eric A: Teens seem to make risky decisions because
Mazur. He doesn't lecture in his classes at Harvard. __________________________________________________.
Instead, he asks students difficult questions, based
on their homework reading, that require ⓑthem to → ______________________________________________________
pull together sources of information to solve a
problem. Mazur doesn't give ⓒthem the answer;
instead, he asks the students to break off into small
groups and discuss the problem among themselves.
Eventually, nearly everyone in the class gets the
answer right, and the concepts stick with ⓓthem
because ⓔthey had to find their own way to the

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ

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25. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)가 의미하는 것을 우리말 26. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 우리말과 일치하도록 <보기>
로 쓰시오. (단순히 vice versa의 뜻만 쓸 경우 점 의 주어진 단어들을 모두 사용하되, 필요시 변형
수를 부여하지 않음)25) [20년 11월 29번] 하여 영작하시오.26) [20년 11월 38번]
Each species of animals can detect a different Daylight isn't the only signal that the brain can use
range of odours. No species can detect all the for the purpose of biological clock resetting, though
molecules that are present in the environment in it is the principal and preferential signal, when
which it lives ― there are some things that we present. So long as they are reliably repeating, the
cannot smell but which some other animals can, and brain can also use other external cues, such as food,
(A)vice versa. There are also differences between exercise, and even regularly timed social interaction.
individuals, relating to the ability to smell an odour, All of these events have the ability to reset the
or how pleasant it seems. For example, some people biological clock, allowing it to strike a precise
like the taste of coriander ― known as cilantro in twenty-four-hour note. It is the reason that
the USA ― while others find it soapy and individuals with certain forms of blindness do not
unpleasant. This effect has an underlying genetic entirely lose their circadian rhythm. Despite not
component due to differences in the genes receiving light cues due to their blindness, other
controlling our sense of smell. Ultimately, the phenomena act as their resetting triggers. Any signal
selection of scents detected by a given species, and that the brain uses for the purpose of clock
how that odour is perceived, will depend upon the resetting is termed a zeitgeber, from the German
animal's ecology. The response profile of each "time giver" or "synchronizer." Thus, while light is the
species will enable it to locate sources of smell that most reliable and thus the primary zeitgeber, 햇빛과
are relevant to it and to respond accordingly. 함께 또는 햇빛이 없을 때 사용될 수 있는 많은 요인들
이 있다.
→ ______________________________________________________
in / many / can / to / there are / that
/ factors / be / absent / daylight / in
/ the / used / or / of / add

→ ______________________________________________________

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27. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 28. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가
말로 가장 알맞은 한 단어를 각각 쓰시오.27) [외 장 알맞은 말을 변형 없이 <보기>의 단어만을
부지문] 모두 사용해 쓰시오.28) [20년 11월 37번]
Semiconductors are an indispensable part of many Even though two variables seem to be related,
of the gadgets and electrical products we use in our there may not be a causal relationship. In fact, the
everyday lives. Sony, Toyota, Ford and other two variables may merely seem to be associated
multinational companies are reporting production with each other due to the effect of some third
hitches (A)___________ to the current dearth in supply. variable. Sociologists call such misleading
One reason for the shortage is the COVID-19 relationships spurious. A classic example is the
pandemic. Staff shortages in factories that apparent association between children's shoe size
manufacture the chips in China, South Korea and and reading ability. It seems that _____________________
Taiwan have negatively hit production. The website _____________________________. Does this mean that the
engadget.com said companies would experience size of one's feet (independent variable) causes an
challenges for the foreseeable future. It reported: improvement in reading skills (dependent variable)?
“(B)___________ the shortages expected to continue Certainly not. This false relationship is caused by a
until at least 2023, and no immediate solutions third factor, age, that is related to shoe size as well
forthcoming, GM likely won’t be the last company to as reading ability. Hence, when researchers attempt
change its production schedule.” to make causal claims about the relationship
between an independent and a dependent variable,
(A): ___________________ they must control for ― or rule out ― other
(B): ___________________ variables that may be creating a spurious

reading / becomes / the / shoe / bigger /
ability / the / gets / size / better

→ _____________________________________________________

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29. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가 30. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A)~(C)에 들어갈 알맞은 형태의
장 알맞은 한 단어를 본문에서 찾아 변형하여 쓰 한 단어를 주어진 영영풀이를 참고하여 쓰시
시오.29) [20년 11월 32번] 오.30) [21년 9월 35번]
Business consultant Frans Johansson describes the The Zeigarnik effect is commonly referred to as the
Medici effect as the emergence of new ideas and tendency of the (A)_____________ mind to remind you
creative solutions when different backgrounds and of a task that is incomplete until that task is
disciplines come together. The term is derived from complete. Bluma Zeigarnik was a Lithuanian
the 15th-century Medici family, who helped usher in psychologist who wrote in the 1920s about the
the Renaissance by bringing together artists, writers, effects of leaving tasks (B)_____________. She noticed
and other creatives from all over the world. the effect while watching waiters serve in a
Arguably, the Renaissance was a result of the restaurant. The waiters would remember an order,
exchange of ideas between these different groups in however complicated, until the order was complete,
close contact with each other. Sound familiar? If you but they would later find it difficult to remember
are unable to _____________ your own talent and skill, the order. Zeigarnik did further studies giving both
then having others around you to compensate might adults and children puzzles to complete then
very well just do the trick. Believing that all new (C)_____________ them during some of the tasks. The
ideas come from combining existing notions in results showed that both adults and children
creative ways, Johansson recommends utilizing a mix remembered the tasks that hadn't been completed
of backgrounds, experiences, and expertise in staffing because of the interruptions better than the ones
to bring about the best possible solutions, that had been completed.
perspectives, and innovations in business.
(A): relating to thoughts and feelings that exist in
→ _________________ the mind and influence your behavior although your
are not aware of them
(B): not yet finished, or not having all the parts or
details that something or someone needs
(C): to stop something from happening for a short
period or to do something that causes things to

(A): _____________________
(B): _____________________
(C): _____________________

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31. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임 32. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가
이 적절하지 않은 단어가 포함된 기호 2개를 찾 장 알맞은 말을 변형 없이 <보기>의 단어만을
아 어색한 단어를 각각 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.31) 그대로 모두 사용해 쓰시오.32) [21년 9월 33번]
[21년 9월 31번]
One big difference between science and stage
Sometimes it is the simpler product that gives a magic is that while magicians hide their mistakes
business a competitive advantage. ⓐUntil recently, from the audience, in science you make your
bicycles had to have many gears, often 15 or 20, for mistakes in public. You show them off so that
them to be considered high-end. But fixed-gear everybody can learn from them. This way, you get
bikes with minimal features have become more the advantage of everybody else's experience, and
popular, ⓑas those who buy them are happy to pay not just your own idiosyncratic path through the
more for much less. ⓒThe overall profitability of space of mistakes. This, by the way, is another
these bikes is much lower than the more complex reason why we humans are so much smarter than
ones ⓓIt is because they do a single thing really every other species. It is not that our brains are
well without the cost of added complexity. ⓔ bigger or more powerful, or even that we have the
Companies should be careful of getting into a war ability to reflect on our own past errors, but that
over adding more features with their competitors, ⓕ __________________________________________________________.
as this will decrease cost and almost certainly reduce
profitability because of competitive pressure on price. <보기>
histories / share / earned / have / their /
기호 어색한 단어 바르게 고쳐 쓰기 individual / individual / trial and error / we /
(A): ________ ___________________ → ____________________ that / brains / of / from / our / the benefits
(B): ________ ___________________ → ____________________
→ ______________________________________________________

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33. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 기호 34. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 빈칸 (A)~(C)에 각각
3개를 골라 어색한 부분을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시 들어갈 알맞은 한 단어를 본문에서 찾아 그대로
오.33) [7과] 쓰시오.34) [21년 9월 40번]
Until 1966, ⓐno one knew that the Nancy Lowry and David Johnson conducted an
Mugujeonggwang Daedaranigyeong, the world's experiment to study a teaching environment where
oldest printed document, lay inside a container at fifth and sixth graders were assigned to interact on
Bulguksa Temple in Gyeongju, Korea. ⓑExperts a topic. With one group, the discussion was led in a
around the world was shocking that a document way that built an agreement. With the second
printed more than 1,200 years ago could still be group, the discussion was designed to produce
around. ⓒThey were even more surprised when the disagreements about the right answer. Students who
paper was removed from the container. ⓓDespite easily reached an agreement were less interested in
the fact that the document was printed before 751 the topic, studied less, and were (A)___________ likely
CE, it was still in perfect condition. ⓔThis discovery to visit the library to get additional information. The
proved that the paper-making technology of the most noticeable difference, though, was revealed
Unified Silla Kingdom era (676–935) was more when teachers showed a special film about the
advanced than those of either Japan or China, ⓕ discussion topic - during lunch time! Only 18
both of which also had highly developed percent of the agreement group missed lunch time
paper-making technology. ⓖHow could this paper to see the film, but 45 percent of the students from
last for more than 1,000 years without breaking the (B)_____________ group stayed for the film. The
down or becoming damaged? ⓗThe secret lies in (C)_____________ to fill a knowledge gap -to find out
hanji's amazing physical properties. who was right within the group - can be more
powerful than the thirst for slides and jungle gyms.
기호 어색한 부분 바르게 고쳐 쓰기
(A): ________ ___________________ → ____________________ (A): __________________
(B): ________ ___________________ → ____________________ (B): __________________
(C): ________ ___________________ → ____________________ (C): __________________

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35. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가
장 알맞은 말을 변형 없이 <보기>의 단어만을
모두 사용해 쓰시오.35) [21년 9월 38번]
Studies have consistently shown caffeine to be
effective when used together with a pain reliever to
treat headaches. The positive correlation between
caffeine intake and staying alert throughout the day
has also been well established. As little as 60 mg
(the amount typically in one cup of tea) can lead to
a faster reaction time. However, using caffeine to
improve alertness and mental performance doesn't
replace getting a good night's sleep. One study
from 2018 showed that coffee improved reaction
times in those with or without poor sleep, but
caffeine seemed to increase errors in the group with
little sleep. Additionally, this study showed that even
with caffeine, ___________________________________________.
It suggests that caffeine does not fully make up for
inadequate sleep.

did / the group / as/ score / sleep/ sleep /
well / little / with / adequate / as / those / not

→ ______________________________________________________

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2021년 고1 영어 2학기 기말고사 (B) ⓑ shocking → shocked
경기고등학교 정답 (C) ⓔ those → that
34) (A) less
1) ④ (B) disagreements
2) ④ (C) thirst
3) ② 35) the group with little sleep did not score as
4) ③ well as those with adequate sleep
5) ⑤
6) ④
7) ⑤
8) ④
9) ③
10) ⑤
11) ②
12) ⑤
13) ④
14) ①
15) ④
16) ②
17) ⑤
18) ④
19) ③,④
20) ①
21) ⑤
22) ①
23) ②
24) their brains are still maturing and not
completely developed
25) 다른 동물들이 맡지 못하는 냄새를 인간이 맡을
수도 있다.
26) there are many factors that can be used in
addition to, or in the absence of, daylight
27) (A) due
(B) With
28) the bigger shoe size becomes, the better
reading ability gets
29) diversify
30) (A) subconscious
(B) incomplete
(C) interrupting
31) (A) ⓒ lower → higher
(B) ⓕ decrease → increase
32) we share the benefits that our individual brains
have earned from their individual histories of
trial and error.
33) (A) ⓐ laid → lay

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