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r Allergic Dị ứng It contains fewer chemical

1 pollutants, which watch?v=TBGhxHDJPB4
asthmatics are often
allergic to, and so helps to
prevent asthma attacks.

2 Gracious Hòa nhã He was such a gracious

2 host, it was remarked that
in another life he might
have run a great hotel.

3 Stipulate Quy định, The initial draft had

3 nguyên tắc stipulated that mining
could begin only if all
signatories agreed.

4 Endocrine system Hệ nội tiết Each gland of the

4 endocrine system secretes
specific hormones into the
5 bloodstream.

5 Immune system Hệ miễn dịch Some additional ways you

5 can strengthen your
immune system are eating
well, being physically
active or maintaining a
healthy weight
5 Endorphin hormone Nhóm hormone Endorphin hormone is
6 hạnh phúc released to help the body
feel comfortable after a
period of exercise.

Suicide Tự tử He left a suicide note for

his two teenage children
7 saying ‘Please forgive
7 me.’
8 Placebo Giả dược In each study, the rates in
8 the vitamin A and placebo
groups were similar.

Sterilize Khử trùng There is no need to

launder bedding or
9 sterilize clothing.

1 Standardization Tiêu chuẩn hóa Cars have been subjected https://

10 to a good deal of
standardization in matters v=aztDXmuN_eI
concerning safety and
1 Clinic Bệnh viện tư Medicare also would
11 nhân, phòng reduce co-payments for
khám chuyên services received at
khoa hospitals and clinics on an
outpatient basis.
1 Well-being Khỏe mạnh, Many a moment of safety
12 hạnh phúc and well-being I owe to
1 Complication-free Không có biến we assessed whether long
13 chứng complication-free
duration can define
elderly patients at lower
risk for future
development of diabetic
1 Entail Đòi hỏi This was important
14 because many of the staff
did not fully understand
what the role entailed.
1 Reimbursed Hoàn trả The union's lawsuit said
15 the officers reimbursed
themselves financially for
sick leave they never
1 Parameter Thông số No other morphometric or
16 laboratory parameter
showed such a constant
trend at the individual
1 Stakeholders Các bên liên Indeed, some stakeholders
17 quan may take action to prevent
a rational analysis of their
stance or at least any
debate over it.
1 Heartbreaking Đau lòng When the workers are
18 slow to grasp that reality, watch?v=-GpFNe2s6SQ
the results are often
1 Debilitated Suy nhược He was debilitated by his
19 illness.

2 Dyslexia Chứng khó đọc Acquired dyslexia

20 involves a loss of reading
ability as a result of brain
2 Counselling Dặn bảo, tư vấn The college will provide
21 counselling for students
who have problems with
alcohol or drugs.
2 Stigma Sự kỳ thị The negative side of
22 reputation is stigma.

2 Acknowledges Công nhận, thừa He acknowledges it's

23 nhận going to be a tough job,
but he's going to try it
2 Procrastinate Trì hoãn His successors were less
24 committed and

2 Sweaty Đổ mồ hôi There was wine on the

25 sleeve, and it was a mass
of sweaty creases.

2 Prostate Tuyến tiền liệt No pressure group within

26 the medical profession is
lobbying for the right to
save men's lives by watch?v=gy1iH_Gxn0Q
regularly examining the

2 Tournament Giải đấu Another one down,

27 another step closer to the
2 Fundraiser Người gây quỹ As well as teaching,
28 Pauline has been a very
active fundraiser at local
and national levels.
2 Stereotype Khuôn mẫu The racial stereotype of
29 Asian girls as quiet and
3 Misunderstanding Hiểu lầm There has been a
30 misunderstanding of the
Government's plans from
the point of view of social
security benefits.

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