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Eurie Liane M.



500 Essay

“The Role of Extracurricular Activities in Personal Development”

In Our Modern Society today, Extracurricular Activities plays an important role on Students, especially
with their Academic Performance. It helps them enhanced their own skills and Academic learning, and it
boost their Confidence and get to have high self-esteem. Participating or joining in Extracurricular
Activities help students to perceive their interest onto something and explore what they really want to
pursue on Academics. As a Student, for me it can help me gain more knowledge, experiences, and my
own growth which helps me Improve personally.,

There are many Extra Curricular Activities that a Student can participate in, including here is Debate,
social opportunities, performing (Dancing, Singing, etc.), sports, volunteering, art workshops and many
more. It takes time to decide or think about how will you really Improve yourself. Now, how are these
Activities Important to once Students? It is to create more time to students on how will they Improve
themselves or what way. Grabbing opportunities can give Students enough talent and skills and show
where they really are Interested and what the Activities do they still want to learn or Improve on their own.

Some Students may struggle when it comes to Academic Excellence, but that is also part of
Improvements. When a Student values and prioritize something, it develops their own skills and lead
them on achieving different things. Likewise, building a strong relationship can vary on who you are
dealing with just because of expressing your own confidence. Enhancing your own skills does show that
you are letting yourself improve and that is also a success for you, as a Student. You should continue to
value things you know you’re Capable of for you to avoid struggling with something about Academic

Being responsible can also lead us to portraying our own Character as Students, determining oneself is
an achievement because you yourself creates things beyond a success on Academics. It shows what are
your own thoughts when it comes on being successful and achieving in Academic Excellence, therefore, it
describes your own personality on what are you really into. Learning Time Management is a way of being
responsible for every Students, why? Because that is where you build your own confidence as a student
and helps you to focus on achieving something personally that can change your performance in
Academics status.

I suppose that every Student has a talent and skill on everything, they just don’t have enough confidence
and self-esteem to show it in front of a Crowd. But as a Student, I suggest that joining some
Extracurricular Activities can gain your perspective on who you really are and showcase your skills and
talent that you pursued. Since this is vital to students, it will allow us to form a relationship with peers,
friends, and socialize with someone to help you build a relationship which is also an opportunity for you to
know them and for them to know you.

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