Supply Chain and Logistics Management

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Name – Pragi Washkhiyar

Department – BBA
Semester – 6th
Roll Number – 22105021001
Subject – Supply Chain and Logistics Management
College – Gurukul Management Studies
Supply chain management and logistic management are two
interconnected yet distinct aspects of business operations. Both
play crucial roles in ensuring the efficiency and smooth functioning
of a company's distribution network. Supply chain management
provides a comprehensive view of the end-to-end processes
involved in delivering products or services, while logistics
management is more narrowly focused on the physical
movement and storage of goods within that broader supply
chain. Both are essential components of modern business
operations, working together to streamline processes, reduce
costs, and enhance overall efficiency.
Definition of Supply Chain Management

Processes Integration Optimization

Supply chain Integrates suppliers, Focuses on optimizing
management involves manufacturers, the processes to reduce
the coordination of all warehouses, and costs and improve
processes involved in retailers to ensure a efficiency.
the production and smooth flow of products
distribution of goods. from production to
Definition of Logistic Management
Inventory Management Transportation
Manages the storage and Focuses on organizing and
movement of goods in and out of optimizing the transportation of
the organization. goods between different locations.

Operational Efficiency
Ensures smooth operations, minimizing delays and optimizing resources.
Key Differences: Supply Chain
Management vs. Logistic Management
Scope Integration Function
Supply chain management Supply chain management Supply chain management
covers a broader scope integrates various oversees the entire supply
and involves numerous processes and entities both chain from raw materials to
processes, while logistic internally and externally, end customers, while
management focuses more while logistic management logistic management
on specific activities like mainly deals with the primarily deals with the
transportation and storage. transportation and storage movement and storage of
of goods. goods.
Scope of Supply Chain Management

1 Global Reach 2 Process Integration

It encompasses global networks, Covers a wide range of
involving suppliers and processes, integrating
distributors from around the production, distribution, and
world. customer service.

3 Risk Management
Includes strategies to mitigate risks associated with supply and demand
fluctuations and external factors.
Scope of Logistic Management
1 Transport 2 Inventory Control 3 Warehousing
Deals with effective Efficiently manages the
Focused on optimizing management of inventory storage of goods,
transportation routes and levels to prevent ensuring quick access
modes to minimize time shortages and and minimal damage.
and costs. overstocking.
Roles and Responsibilities in Supply
Chain Management
Supplier Relations Demand Forecasting Logistics Coordination
Managing relationships and Analyzing market trends and Coordinating the movement
contracts with suppliers to customer behavior to of goods, ensuring timely
ensure a steady and reliable anticipate demand and plan delivery and efficient
supply of materials. production accordingly. handling throughout the
supply chain.
Roles and Responsibilities in
Logistic Management
Route Planning Inventory Supervision
Efficiently planning transportation routes Supervising inventory levels, avoiding
to ensure timely delivery and cost- stockouts, and managing the flow of
effective operations. goods in and out of storage facilities.

Quality Control
Ensuring the quality and condition of goods during storage and transportation.
In conclusion, both supply chain management and logistic management are indispensable components of a
well-functioning distribution network. Understanding their scope, key differences, and respective roles is
essential for businesses to optimize their operations and drive sustainable growth.

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