Minireviews: Algae Need Their Vitamins

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EUKARYOTIC CELL, Aug. 2006, p. 1175–1183 Vol. 5, No.

1535-9778/06/$08.00⫹0 doi:10.1128/EC.00097-06
Copyright © 2006, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Algae Need Their Vitamins†
Martin T. Croft,1* Martin J. Warren,2 and Alison G. Smith1
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EA, United Kingdom,1 and
Department of Biosciences, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NJ, United Kingdom2

Algae are simple photosynthetic eukaryotes which—owing in 1937 discovered that some members of the chlorophyta and
to their colonization of the oceans—are responsible for up to cryptophyta require thiamine as a growth factor in culture (39).
50% of the planet’s atmospheric carbon fixation (22). They Over the following 40 years, many studies described algal spe-
comprise a diverse group that can broadly be defined as uni- cies that required different combinations of three B vitamins:
cellular (microalgae) or multicellular (macroalgae) photosyn- vitamin B12 (cobalamin), vitamin B1 (thiamine), and vitamin
thetic organisms that lack roots, stems, leaves, conducting ves- B7 (biotin) (50). A compilation of all of the available data (see
sels, and complex sex organs (55). A single endosymbiotic Table S1 in the supplemental material; summarized in Table 1)
event between a cyanobacterium-like organism and a non- reveals the widespread nature of vitamin auxotrophy within the
photosynthetic eukaryote is thought to have given rise to the algal kingdom. Of 306 species surveyed, more than half re-
three basal groups of algae: the chlorophyta (from which quired cobalamin, while 22% required thiamine and a smaller
higher plants arose), the glaucocystophyta, and the rhodo- proportion (5%) required biotin. Remarkably, for all three
phyta (Fig. 1). vitamins, the algal species that have an obligate requirement
The chlorophyta and the rhodophyta, via secondary and for the different cofactors do not appear to fall into any one
tertiary endosymbiotic events with different nonphotosynthetic lineage, but rather auxotrophy is present in several unrelated
eukaryotes, gave rise to algal groups with complex plastids phyla, indicating that it must have arisen independently several
(Fig. 1). Some groups, such as the apicomplexans (e.g., Plas- times through evolution. Even more surprisingly, this pattern is
modium falciparum) subsequently lost the ability to photosyn- also mirrored within individual genera. For example, Hemato-
thesize, although they still retain plastids. The number of sym- coccus in the chlorophyta, Peridinium in the dinophyta, Hym-
bioses that have occurred during the evolution of algae has enomonas in the haptophyta, and Nitzschia in the heterokon-
been heavily debated, and the details are discussed elsewhere tophyta all have species that require cobalamin and others that
(46), but there are likely to have been several events. Conse- do not (see Table S1 in the supplemental material). Similarly,
quently, it is not surprising that the physiology and metabolism the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium brevis requires all three vita-
of algae are extremely varied. For example, while the majority mins whereas G. spendens requires only cobalamin. For the
of green algae contain a highly structured cell wall comprising auxotrophy to have evolved so frequently in algae, the simplest

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glycoproteins (19), euglenophyta simply contain a protein layer explanation is that it is due to the loss of a single gene. A
(known as the pellicle) beneath the cell membrane, and the cell plausible hypothesis would therefore be that species with a
walls of diatoms are made from silica (24). Dinophyta, eu- requirement for a particular vitamin have lost a gene involved
glenophyta, and heterokontophyta contain members that are in the biosynthesis of that cofactor. An intriguing parallel is
phagotrophic on bacterial prey, but this characteristic is absent seen with vitamin C auxotrophy in mammals, where loss of the
from the groups with simple plastids. Furthermore, although terminal enzyme of the pathway has occurred in both primates
most algae are regarded as free-living organisms, many and guinea pigs (10).
dinoflagellates are closely associated with corals, and members Until now, however, it has not been possible to test this
of several algal groups live with fungi as lichens (13), providing hypothesis because nothing was known of the biosynthetic
photosynthate for their heterotrophic partner. routes for vitamins in the algal kingdom and only very little was
known about the roles of the cofactors in algal metabolism.
VITAMIN AUXOTROPHY IN ALGAE With the advent of genome sequencing, our ability to address
questions like this has been revolutionized. Currently, the se-
The ability to photosynthesize has led to the perception of quences of four algal genomes are available. The first to be-
algae as autotrophic organisms requiring light and a mixture of come available was that of P. falciparum (25), a unicellular
inorganic nutrients only. However, studies by Lwoff and Dusi
nonphotosynthetic apicomplexan, which lives as a parasite in
insects and humans and is the causative agent of the devastat-
ing tropical disease malaria. The release of the P. falciparum
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Plant Sci- genome sequence was quickly followed by that of Chlamydo-
ences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 monas reinhardtii (, a unicellular green alga,
3EA, United Kingdom. Phone: 44 1223 330219. Fax: 44 1223 333953.
which is commonly isolated from soils in North America. Two
† Supplemental material for this article may be found at http://ec further genome sequences were released in 2004; Thalassiosira pseudonana is an ecologically important centric diatom found


FIG. 1. Summary of algal evolution. The three basal groups chlo-

rophyta, rhodophyta, and glaucocystophyta are shown with green, red,
and blue plastids, respectively. Those groups derived from the chloro-
phyta and rhodophyta by secondary endosymbioses are shown with the
appropriate colored plastids. Tertiary endosymbiotic events are not
shown in this diagram. The boxed phyla contain at least one organism
with a sequenced genome.

in many of the world’s oceans (2), and Cyanidioschyzon merolae

is a unicellular thermophilic red alga isolated from sulfate-rich
hot springs (pH 1.5, 45°C) (42). In this article, we use the
genome sequence data available for these four species to in-
vestigate the question of vitamin metabolism in algae, thus
providing the first clues as to why and how some algae have a
requirement for these cofactors. Each vitamin will be discussed FIG. 2. The biotin biosynthetic pathway as elucidated in eubacte-
in turn before we focus on possible routes for their acquisition ria. There are several different pathways for the synthesis of pimeloyl-
by algae, which, given the extremely low free concentrations of CoA. The gene names are followed by the symbol F indicating the
presence of the gene in C. merolae (Cm), the symbol E indicating the
these nutrients in the natural environment, are likely to be presence of a gene in C. reinhardtii (Cr), the symbol ■ indicating that
complex. the given gene is present in the genome of T. pseudonana (Tp), or the
symbol 䊐 indicating that the gene is in the genome of P. falciparum
(Pf). Genes with sequence similarity to bioF and bioA can also be
BIOTIN found in the genome sequence of D. discoideum, while only bioF can be
found in E. histolytica (see text for details).

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Biotin (vitamin B7) was discovered in 1901 as a growth-
promoting factor for yeast (69) and was finally isolated and

purified in 1941 (64). Biotin is a cofactor for several essential

TABLE 1. Vitamin requirements of the individual species
detailed in the supplemental material compiled carboxylase enzymes (62), including acetyl coenzyme A (CoA)
under the different algal groupsa carboxylase, which is involved in fatty acid synthesis, and so is
No. of species requiring:
universally required. The molecule consists of an imidazole
No. of species
ring fused to a sulfur-containing tetrahydrothiophene ring with
Cobalamin Thiamine Biotin
a fatty acid side chain (Fig. 2). In eubacteria, the first precursor
Chlorophyta 148 44 19 0 for biotin synthesis is pimeloyl-CoA but the source of this
Rhodophyta 13 12 0 0 differs among different species. Thereafter, the concerted ac-
Cryptophyta 6 5 5 1
tion of four enzymes, BioF, BioA, BioD, and BioB, converts
Dinophyta 27 24 7 7
Euglenophyta 15 13 11 1 pimeloyl-CoA to biotin (20) (Fig. 2). In the budding yeast
Haptophyta 17 10 14 0 Saccharomyces cerevisiae, homologues of bioA, bioD, and bioB,
Heterokontophyta 80 47 11 5 but not bioF, are present, so the source of 7-keto-8-aminopel-
argonic acid remains unknown. The higher plant Arabidopsis
Total 306 155 67 14
thaliana contains genes for BioF, BioA (also called BIO1), and
Only those species that have had their cobalamin, thiamine, and biotin BioB (also called BIO2) (3, 49), but the genome does not
requirements assessed have been included in this survey, and for this reason
those data do not include any glaucocystophytes, chloroarachnophytes, or api- appear to contain a gene with sequence similarity to known
complexans. A requirement for biotin is found only in species that contain bioD genes. Since A. thaliana can synthesize biotin de novo, the
complex plastids, i.e., those that have arisen as the result of secondary and
tertiary endosymbiosis with a eukaryotic alga. Furthermore, every species that absence of a bioD gene from the genome suggests that in
requires biotin also requires cobalamin, thiamine, or both. higher plants the conversion of 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid to
VOL. 5, 2006 MINIREVIEWS 1177

TABLE 2. Genes involved in biotin thiamine and cobalamin metabolism in C. reinhardtii, T. pseudonana, C. merolae, and P. falciparuma
Model (length 关amino acids兴)
C. reinhardtii T. pseudonana C. merolae P. falciparum

Biotin biosynthesis
bioF e_gwW.18.89.1 2.889.1 (370) CML225C (433) chr12.glimmerm_1307 (630)
bioA e_gwH.100.1.1 (675) 128.16.1 (417) CMG023C (802)
bioB Chlre2_kg.scaffold_3000262 (PS) 10.577.1 (324) CML210C (379)

Thiamine biosynthesis
thiS CMV092C (67)
thiF e_gwW.11.33.1 (270) 54.113.1 (385) CMM289c (539) chr13.genefinder 27r (584)
iscS e_gwH.31.56.1 (396) 20.15.1 (432) CMT234C (453) chr7.phat_291 (1,250)
dxs estExt_fgenesh2_pg.C_710047 (744) 6.114.1 (703) CMF089C (772) chr13.phat_385 (1,177)
thiG 169.11.1 (254) CMV077C (258)
thiH/O MTC_estExt_fgenesh2_pg.C_120281 (567) 7.273.1 (353) CMM298C (781)
thiC estExt_fgenesh2_pg.C_360009 (637) 12.129.1 (636) CMG171C (673)
thiD mtc_168251 (711) 54.158.1 (267) CMO125C (297) chr5.glimmerm_537 (310)
thiE mtc_168251 (7110 54.123.1 (1,930) CMP214C (308) MAL6PI.285 (545)
TPK gwW.1.690.1 (358) 30.73.1 (217) CMH016C (251)
thiM estExt_gwp_1H.C_30409 (242) PFL1920c (302)

Cobalamin metabolism
metE Chlre2_kg.scaffold_82000007 (842) CMJ234C (767)
metH estExt_GenewiseW_1.C_30026 (1,357) 65.17.1 (1,248)
cblE e_gwH.14.9.1 (1,381) 80.8.1 (579)
cblA 2.1075.1 (301)
cblB 89.13.1 (190)
mmcM 1.311.1 (726)
Model numbers for C. reinhardtii are the version 3.0 models, the T. pseudonana genes correspond to the filtered version II models, the C. merolae genes follow the
C. merolae genome annotation models, and the P. falciparum genes are either glimmerM, phat, or final models. Bacterial and yeast genes were used to search the algal
genomes by using tBLASTn, and hits with an expectation coefficient of less than E⫺20 were considered significant. PS indicates that only part of the putative gene is
present in the genome sequence. The thiH/O gene products are isozymes that catalyze the same reaction.

D-desthiobiotin must be carried out by an as-yet-unidentified presumably obtain biotin from its host, while D. discoideum is
enzyme. a slime mold that preys on soil microorganisms. The genomes
Using the data from the literature (see Table S1 in the of these two amoebae contain a gene with sequence similarity
supplemental material), we found that 14 out of 306 species to bioF, while D. discoideum also contains a gene with se-
surveyed were biotin auxotrophs (Table 1). All of these are quence similarity to bioA. Given our current knowledge of
confined to algal groups with complex plastids, such as Amphi- biotin biosynthesis in eukaryotes, it is not possible to conclude

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dinium carterae (dinophyte) and Ochromonas danica (het- how biotin auxotrophy arose initially in these lineages. Never-
erokontophyte). Interestingly, all biotin auxotrophs also have a theless, the simplest explanation is that it was caused by the
requirement for either cobalamin, thiamine, or both (see Table loss of a single biosynthetic gene, although this might not be
S1 in the supplemental material). C. reinhardtii, T. pseudonana, the same gene in every case.
and C. merolae are not biotin auxotrophs (see Table S1 in the
supplemental material), and as they contain several biotin-
dependent carboxylases, they must have a functional biosyn- THIAMINE
thetic pathway. Whether or not P. falciparum requires exoge-
nous biotin is unknown. We used the BLAST algorithm (1) to Like biotin, thiamine also plays a pivotal role in intermediary
query the latest versions of their genome sequences with the carbon metabolism. The active form of the vitamin is thiamine
four bacterial biotin biosynthesis genes, bioF, bioA, bioD, and pyrophosphate (TPP), which is essential for all organisms. The
bioB. In C. reinhardtii, T. pseudonana, and C. merolae, we could cofactor associates with a number of enzymes involved in pri-
identify genes with high sequence similarity to bioF, bioA, and mary carbohydrate and branched-chain amino acid metabo-
bioB, but not bioD (Table 2), a situation analogous to that in A. lism, including pyruvate dehydrogenase, transketolase, ␣-keto-
thaliana. The coded boxes in Fig. 2 indicate the presence of acid decarboxylase, and ␣-ketoacid oxidase (57). Recent work
these genes. Intriguingly, P. falciparum contains bioF only and on the biosynthesis of thiamine has mainly concentrated on
none of the other three genes, so it will be of interest to three prokaryotic organisms, Escherichia coli, Salmonella en-
determine whether or not it requires the vitamin for growth. If terica serovar Typhimurium, and Bacillus subtilis (5). Thiamine
not, it suggests that there is a different biotin biosynthetic route consists of a thiazole and a pyrimidine moiety, which are pro-
in P. falciparum. Two known biotin auxotrophs whose genomes duced in separate branches of the biosynthetic pathway before
have been completely sequenced are the single-celled amoebae being coupled together to produce thiamine phosphate. This is
Dictyostelium discoideum (17) and Entamoeba histolytica (38). then further phosphorylated to produce the active cofactor
E. histolytica, like P. falciparum, is an obligate parasite that can TPP (Fig. 3). Many of the genes encoding thiamine biosyn-

FIG. 3. The TPP biosynthetic pathway. TPP is composed of a thiazole and a pyrimidine moiety, each synthesized through a separate pathway.
The thiazole branch is shaded in gray. The bacterial genes responsible for each step are shown, followed by the symbol F, E, ■, or 䊐 indicating
the presence of the gene in different algae (see Fig. 2 for the key). Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (Ga3P) and pyruvate (Pyr) are combined to form
DXP in the thiazole branch, while 5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide is converted to hydroxymethylpyrimidine diphosphate (HMP-PP) in the
pyrimidine branch. Prokaryotes use the thiL gene product to convert thiamine monophosphate to TPP, while eukaryotes appear to dephosphor-
ylate thiamine monophosphate before pyrophosphorylating thiamine with TPK.

thetic enzymes from bacteria have been cloned, and in several thiamine or any of the intermediates in its biosynthesis for
cases the structures of the enzymes have been solved (60). growth, demonstrating that they can synthesize the vitamin de
We have a less complete understanding of the pathway in novo. BLAST searches with the thiamine biosynthetic genes
eukaryotes, and what knowledge there is comes mainly from from E. coli, S. enterica serovar Typhimurium, and B. subtilis
the yeast S. cerevisiae. The overall pathway is similar to that in against the genome of the red alga C. merolae demonstrates
bacteria, with thiamine monophosphate formed from thiazole that it has all of the genes necessary to synthesize thiamine
and pyrimidine moieties, but the enzymes involved appear to monophosphate via the bacterial route (Fig. 3 and Table 2).

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be different. None of the bacterial genes have homologues in However, it does not contain a gene with similarity to bacterial
the yeast genome. In contrast, one enzyme of the thiazole thiamine monophosphate kinase (ThiL) and instead has a ho-
branch, thi4, and one pyrimidine biosynthetic gene, thi5, have mologue of the yeast TPK. The current versions of the C.
been cloned from yeast, but neither shows any sequence sim- reinhardtii and T. pseudonana genomes suggest they contain
ilarity to the bacterial enzymes. Furthermore, thiL is absent the genes for most of the enzymes in the pathway, but they do
and the terminal enzyme of the pathway is thiamine pyrophos- not contain genes with sequence similarity to the short bacte-
phokinase (TPK), which pyrophosphorylates thiamine to form rial thiS gene, and C. reinhardtii also lacks a gene with sequence
thiamine pyrophosphate (Fig. 3). similarity to thiG, which is involved in the synthesis of thiazole
Thiamine was the first vitamin found to be an algal growth phosphate. Many of the enzymes in the thiazole branch are
factor (39). Early studies on the specificity of this requirement similar to those involved in molybdopterin biosynthesis, and so
showed that in some cases thiamine auxotrophy could be re- one must be careful when assigning a role to these proteins
lieved by addition of the thiazole moiety to the growth me- purely on the basis of sequence similarity. Unlike T. pseudo-
dium, in others cases the pyrimidine moiety was sufficient, nana and C. merolae, C. reinhardtii contains a gene with se-
while in the final group of auxotrophs the full thiamine mole- quence similarity to thiM, which in eubacteria is involved in
cule was essential for growth (50). These studies show that in scavenging the thiazole moiety from the environment (60).
algae the thiamine biosynthetic pathway follows the same gen- However, in C. reinhardtii this gene appears to be essential for
eral pattern as in other organisms, with two separate branches thiamine biosynthesis, since mutations in thiM lead to thiamine
to make each of the moieties, which are then combined to- auxotrophy (21). This suggests that synthesis of the thiazole
gether to make thiamine (Fig. 3). Furthermore, the presence of moiety in C. reinhardtii follows a route different from that in
some parts of the pathway in thiamine auxotrophs suggests that eubacteria. Another difference in C. reinhardtii is that the ThiD
they require the vitamin because they have lost one or more of and ThiE proteins are predicted to be part of the same large
the essential genes involved in its biosynthesis. polypeptide (mtc_168251), with the central region correspond-
C. reinhardtii, C. merolae, and T. pseudonana do not require ing to thiD and the 3⬘ end containing thiE. The N terminus of
VOL. 5, 2006 MINIREVIEWS 1179

the protein has no bacterial homologue, and the significance of

the fusion protein thus remains unknown.
A further complication when extrapolating biochemical
pathways from genome sequences is that the thiazole branch of
the pathway initially involves the formation of deoxy-D-xylu-
lose-5-phosphate (DXP) from glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
and pyruvate. In many organisms, DXP is also the precursor to
isoprenoids. There are two known routes to isoprenoids, the
DXP pathway and the mevalonate (MEV) pathway (37). An-
imals use the MEV pathway, while eubacteria use either the
DXP or the MEV pathway (53). Higher plants have the ability
to synthesize isoprenoids via both routes; the MEV pathway is
in the cytosol and endoplasmic reticulum (as it is in animals), FIG. 4. Vitamin B12 metabolism in algal and human cells.
whereas the DXP pathway is confined to the plastids. The (A) Structure of vitamin B12 (cobalamin). The molecule consists of a
chlorophytes, such as Scenedesmus obliquus, C. reinhardtii, and highly modified tetrapyrrole ring to which a lower nucleotide loop is
attached. R can be either a methyl (Me) or an adenosyl (Ado) group.
Chlorella fusca (14), and P. falciparum (53) use the DXP path- (B) Genes involved in vitamin B12 metabolism in eukaryotic cells.
way exclusively, whereas the euglenophyte Euglena gracilis uses Those genes responsible for each step are shown, followed by the
only the MEV pathway (14) and has an obligate requirement symbol E or ■ indicating the presence of the gene in different algae
for thiamine, suggesting that DXP is not used in the biosyn- (see Fig. 2 for the key). Cobalamin derivatives (Cbl) and the oxidation
state of cobalt are shown. Cobalamin containing Co3⫹ (CblIII) is
thesis of either thiamine or isoprenoids in this organism. The
converted to methylcobalamin, while cobalamin containing Co⫹ (CblI)
rhodophyte Cyanidium caldarum and the heterokontophyte is converted to adenosylcobalamin.
Ochromonas danica use both the DXP and MEV pathways
(14), but while C. caldarum does not require thiamine, O.
danica has an obligate requirement for the vitamin. This dem-
onstrates that it is not simply the ability to synthesize DXP that many fewer. In animals, there are two, methionine synthase
determines whether or not an alga has a requirement for thi- and methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, which is involved in the uti-
amine. lization of odd-chain fatty acids (40). Higher plants have no
The thiamine requirement of P. falciparum has not been cobalamin-dependent enzymes and so neither utilize nor syn-
categorically established, although previous reports have sug- thesize cobalamin.
gested that it possesses the enzymes that catalyze the final steps Cobalamin biosynthesis has been well characterized in bac-
in the pathway (6). The P. falciparum genome has a comple- teria. There are essentially two alternative routes, comprising
ment of thiamine biosynthesis genes similar to that of C. rein- up to 20 enzymatic steps from the tetrapyrrole primogenitor
hardtii, with the exception of thiC, suggesting that it cannot uroporphyrinogen III (66). The first to be characterized was
synthesize the pyrimidine moiety from 5-aminoimidazole ribo- the so-called late-insertion pathway (4, 63), which has an ab-
nucleotide. It also lacks either a thiL or a TPK gene but does solute requirement for molecular oxygen (58) and in which the
have a gene for ThiM. Given the parasitic lifestyle of P. falcip- cobalt ion is inserted into the tetrapyrrole macrocycle after
arum, it is quite possible that it is able to acquire either thia- ring contraction. The second route is called the early-insertion

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mine or its constituent parts from its host. pathway (54), where the cobalt ion is chelated before ring
The two single-celled amoebae E. histolytica and D. discoi- contraction and which can operate under anaerobic conditions.
deum require thiamine for growth, and none of the genes All archaea and many eubacteria are able to synthesize cobal-
specific for thiamine biosynthesis are found in their genomes. amin de novo, but several eubacteria lack the biosynthetic
Thus, although the currently available genome sequences do pathway. An example of the latter is E. coli, which utilizes
not allow us to determine the initial process leading to thia- cobalamin from the environment if it is available but is able to
mine auxotrophy, it appears that once this has arisen, there is alter its metabolism in the absence of the cofactor.
no selection pressure for the retention of any of the biosyn- More than half of all microalgae surveyed (Table 1; see
thetic genes and these are lost from the genome. Table S1 in the supplemental material) (11) have an obligate
requirement for exogenous vitamin B12, leading to the remark-
COBALAMIN able conclusion that auxotrophy is the norm rather than the
exception in the algal kingdom, despite the fact that these
Cobalamin is a cobalt-containing tetrapyrrole related to organisms are photosynthetic. Of the algal species that did not
chlorophyll and heme (Fig. 4A). Minot and Murphy first iden- require an exogenous supply for growth, some were found to
tified this cofactor in the 1920s, when they described how they take up cobalamin if it was available (11; see below). However,
were able to cure the symptoms of pernicious anemia with liver when grown in its absence, the cells did not contain measurable
extracts (44). The active factor was isolated (61) and crystal- amounts of cobalamin. This demonstrates that, rather than
lized (51) in 1948; it was given the name vitamin B12 or, as it being able to synthesize it, these vitamin B12-independent algae
contained cobalt, cobalamin. Cobalamin acts as a cofactor for had no need for the cofactor in their metabolism, a situation
enzymes that catalyze either rearrangement-reduction reac- similar to that found in E. coli.
tions or methyl transfer reactions. In bacteria there are more Inspection of the available algal genome sequences con-
than 20 cobalamin-dependent enzymes (40), including those firmed these observations. T. pseudonana has an obligate re-
important for methanogenesis, but in eukaryotes there are quirement for vitamin B12, but C. reinhardtii and C. merolae do

not require the vitamin. BLAST searches of the C. reinhardtii, with many bacteria, there is more than one isoform of ribonu-
C. merolae, and P. falciparum genomes did not identify any cleotide reductase in this organism.
genes with sequence similarity to known cobalamin biosyn- An alternative explanation for the reduction in DNA bio-
thetic genes, and while a gene with sequence similarity to cbiP, synthesis during vitamin B12 deprivation is that it is a result of
encoding adenosyl-cobyric acid-a,c-diamide synthase, is a perturbation of folate metabolism which results from re-
present in the genome of T. pseudonana (new V2.0 genewise duced methionine synthase activity; this enzyme uses folate as
7.511.1), this organism does not possess any other genes re- a cofactor. Such a metabolic abnormality, which is termed
quired for cobalamin biosynthesis (11). Thus, algae do not “folate trapping,” is characteristic of vitamin B12 deficiency in
have the ability to synthesize cobalamin de novo, indicating humans (59). Vitamin B12 auxotrophy in the green alga
that cobalamin auxotrophy is likely to have arisen because of Lobomonas rostrata can only be rescued when both folate and
an obligate requirement for the cofactor in algal metabolism methionine are added to the culture medium together (11),
rather than from the inability to synthesize it. It is interesting demonstrating that folate trapping also occurs in algae and
that this is different from the situation observed for thiamine providing an explaining as to why earlier studies (29) could
and biotin auxotrophy, which appears to have arisen because of only partially rescue vitamin B12 auxotrophy in algae with the
the loss of one or more genes involved in the biosynthesis of addition of methionine alone.
the cofactors. Crude cell extracts of E. gracilis have been reported to con-
Soon after the isolation of vitamin B12 as the mammalian tain methylmalonyl-CoA mutase activity (67), leading the au-
anti-pernicious anemia factor (44), E. gracilis was shown to thors to suggest that this organism contains a third vitamin
require the vitamin for growth (52). Early studies showed that B12-dependent enzyme. This enzyme catalyzes the reversible
the requirement of many auxotrophic algae for vitamin B12 was conversion of succinyl-CoA to methylmalonyl-CoA. In mam-
reduced, but not completely removed, if methionine was added mals, methylmalonyl-CoA mutase is essential for the degrada-
to the culture medium (29). This observation can now be ex- tion of odd-chain fatty acids (40), but in other organisms, the
plained by the fact that cobalamin is a cofactor for methionine enzyme has a role in anaerobic metabolism during propionate
synthase. More-recent studies (30) have shown that E. gracilis fermentation, as well as in the biosynthesis of branched-chain
contains a vitamin B12-dependent methionine synthase (also fatty acids. E. gracilis is able to grow on propionate (67), pro-
called MetH), consistent with the idea that cobalamin plays a viding further evidence that an active methylmalonyl-CoA mu-
role in algal methionine biosynthesis. tase may be present in the cell. A methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
Higher plants do not require vitamin B12 for methionine gene is present in the genome of T. pseudonana, and there is
biosynthesis because they contain vitamin B12-independent also an expressed sequence tag with sequence similarity to this
methionine synthase (MetE) and not MetH. By contrast, ani- gene from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum (PTMM04237).
mals contain MetH and not MetE and thus require cobalamin. Furthermore, the enzyme has recently been purified from the
The recent genome-sequencing projects have demonstrated vitamin B12-dependent haptophyte Pleurochrysis carterae (45).
that both MetH and MetE can be found in different algae. Interestingly, all of the algae that have been found to contain
While T. pseudonana contains MetH only and C. merolae con- methylmalonyl-CoA mutase have complex plastids.
tains MetE only, C. reinhardtii contains both enzymes (Table In mammalian cells, methylmalonyl-CoA mutase is located
2). In the presence of vitamin B12, C. reinhardtii uses MetH but in the mitochondrion. The proteins CblA and CblB are
in the absence of the vitamin it uses MetE (11). This phenom- thought to be responsible for the intracellular transport of

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enon is analogous to the situation in eubacteria such as E. coli, cobalamin into the mitochondria of mammalian cells (15, 16).
which also switch between MetE and MetH, depending upon Proteins with sequence similarity to both CblA and CblB can
the availability of exogenous cobalamin (68). MetH has a much be found in the genome of T. pseudonana (Table 2), suggesting
higher turnover rate than MetE, and so it is a preferred route that the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase in this alga is likely to be
for methionine synthesis when cobalamin is present (27). In- located in the mitochondrion and that the machinery for the
terestingly, the two obligate parasites P. falciparum and E. intracellular transport of cobalamin is conserved between an-
histolytica do not appear to contain either methionine synthase, imals and algae. Not surprisingly for organisms that do not
suggesting that they may acquire methionine from their hosts. contain methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, C. reinhardtii, C. merolae,
In contrast, the genome of D. discoideum, like that of C. rein- and P. falciparum do not possess genes with sequence similarity
hardtii, contains both metE and metH. to cblA and cblB (Table 2) but both C. reinhardtii and T.
The fact that addition of methionine does not completely pseudonana contain a gene with sequence similarity to cblE,
remove vitamin B12 auxotrophy in algae prompted some inves- which encodes methionine synthase reductase, required in or-
tigators to look for other vitamin B12-dependent enzymes. A ganisms containing MetH.
vitamin B12-dependent ribonucleotide reductase has been par- Why is it that so many algae have an absolute requirement
tially purified from E. gracilis (28), suggesting that this organ- for vitamin B12? The exact role of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
ism may require cobalamin for DNA biosynthesis. This is con- in algae is not known, but the fact that E. gracilis can use
sistent with the observation that DNA biosynthesis appears to propionate as a carbon source suggests that it allows these
be inhibited during vitamin B12 deprivation. However, the vi- organisms to grow heterotrophically when vitamin B12 is avail-
tamin B12-dependent type II ribonucleotide reductase, which is able. The isolation of an expressed sequence tag encoding this
generally thought to be present in prokaryotes only, is one of enzyme from P. tricornutum, a vitamin B12-independent alga,
three isoforms of ribonucleotide reductase (33). Other studies indicates that the presence of this enzyme in an algal cell does
have shown that ribonucleotide reductase activity increases in not in itself result in cobalamin auxotrophy. Instead, vitamin
E. gracilis during vitamin B12 deficiency (8), suggesting that, as B12 auxotrophy appears to be determined by the enzymes in-
VOL. 5, 2006 MINIREVIEWS 1181

volved in methionine biosynthesis. The red alga C. merolae rapidly in the presence of bacteria and thus concluded that the
does not require vitamin B12 and, like higher plants, contains latter produce utilizable B vitamins for the algae (23, 36).
metE only. In contrast T. pseudonana, which does require vi- More-recent work has provided firm evidence for this, since
tamin B12, contains metH only, whereas C. reinhardtii possesses the cobalamin-dependent red alga Porphyridium purpureum
both enzymes. It seems likely that, as with many eubacteria, can be sustained in defined culture medium lacking exogenous
early eukaryotes contained both metE and metH and later lost vitamin B12 by the marine bacterium Halomonas sp. In return,
one of the genes. In animals and some algae such as T. pseudo- because there is no carbon source in the medium, the bacteria
nana, loss of metE in an environment that must have contained appear to be able to use the products of algal photosynthesis to
a readily available source of the vitamin resulted in the cre- grow (11). Halomonas sp. and others, such as Saccharophagus
ation of a vitamin B12-auxotrophic organism. degradans, have been shown to degrade complex algal carbo-
hydrates (18, 31). These symbiotic interactions between bacte-
ria and algae appear to be widespread since a number of
diverse algae are able to acquire vitamin B12 from bacteria
The requirement for biotin, thiamine, and cobalamin by so (11). The lack of cobalamin in the environment, combined with
many disparate algae indicates that the vitamins are available the fact that more than half of all algae require the vitamin
in the environment and that mechanisms exist for their uptake (Table 1), suggests that many algae form these symbiotic in-
into algal cells. These three vitamins are all water soluble and teractions in order to obtain the cofactor. Although there is no
comparatively stable, suggesting that they can be rescued by evidence that algae acquire thiamine directly from bacteria,
salvage. Indeed, thiamine-scavenging pathways are known in such an interaction would explain why the level of free vitamin
animals, fungi, and eubacteria (60). These vitamins are cofac- in natural waters does not limit algal growth. In support of this
tors for a limited number of enzymes and are thus required in theory, Menzel and Spaeth, following their studies in the Sar-
small quantities, reducing the pressure on biosynthetic flux and gasso Sea, found no evidence to suggest that vitamins limited
making salvage a viable option. algal productivity (43).
However, the uptake of these compounds is not as simple as A number of dinoflagellate, euglenoid, and heterokont algae
it may at first seem because their concentration in the natural are phagotrophic on bacterial prey, as is the amoeba D. dis-
environment is extremely low. Indeed, the minute amount of coideum. Furthermore, some dinoflagellates are known to con-
these organic micronutrients has made them difficult to mea- tain intracellular bacteria (48). In terms of organic micronu-
sure (50). The concentration of vitamin B12 in seawater is trient acquisition, this provides an obvious route by which
thought to vary between 0 and 3 ng/liter (9), and while higher these organisms are able to take up their vitamins. All of the
levels have been reported in some freshwaters (12, 34), these biotin-requiring algae fall into these groups, so the major route
levels are generally too low to support algal growth. Several to biotin acquisition may be phagotrophy, and in organisms
studies have shown that different vitamin B12-dependent algae that do not have the ability to ingest bacteria, there may be
require at least 10 ng/liter cobalamin in order to grow (50). strong evolutionary pressure to retain a functional biotin bio-
Similarly, the concentrations of both thiamine and biotin in the synthetic pathway. One other noteworthy point is that these
natural environment are below that normally required in cul- phagotrophic groups include species that contain cobalamin-
ture, with thiamine levels typically varying between 8 and 15 dependent methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (Fig. 1), suggesting
ng/liter at different points in the Pacific Ocean and biotin perhaps that, like humans, they use this enzyme for the deg-

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varying between 1 and 4 ng/liter in the same regions (9). In the radation of odd-chain fatty acids from their prey.
case of thiamine, the stability of the cofactor at the alkaline pH Algal-bacterial interactions are not limited to delivery of
of seawater has been shown to be dependent on the temper- vitamins. Halomonas sp. has also been shown to improve the
ature of the water, declining sharply between 10°C and 30°C growth of the green alga Duniella balwardii under iron-
(26). This makes acquisition of the free cofactor from solution deficient conditions, suggesting that the latter may be able
an unlikely route for many marine organisms. to utilize bacterial siderophores (7, 35). Zoospores of the
The observation that only trace amounts of these vitamins macroalga Ulva pertusa have been shown to recognize the
were present in natural waters led several investigators to ex- quorum-sensing N-acyl-L-homoserine lactone molecules re-
amine whether these compounds influence the productivity, leased by bacterial biofilms, thereby facilitating the adher-
and succession, of different species. Menzel and Spaeth (43) ence of the zoospores to the surface (32). Even more re-
reported that moderate diatom blooms occurred in the Sar- markably, the morphology of the related alga Monostroma
gasso Sea when cobalamin concentrations were at their high- oxyspermum is dependent on a growth factor, thallusin, synthe-
est, and several other studies have shown a link between algal sized by marine bacteria; in the absence of the bacteria, the
productivity and vitamin concentrations (56, 65). Such obser- algal thallus does not form and instead the alga grows as a
vations led to suggestions that algae were significant contrib- loose association of single cells (41).
utors to the pool of vitamins found in these waters (43). While
this may be true for thiamine and biotin, it cannot be the case
for cobalamin since the biosynthetic pathway is not present in
any eukaryotic organism (11). Vitamins are defined as organic micronutrients that must be
The fact that only prokaryotes have the ability to synthesize obtained in the human diet. The observation that three of
cobalamin implies that all of the vitamin B12 found in algae, these vitamins are also essential for many photosynthetic algae,
and indeed animals, must originally have been produced by which are generally assumed to be completely autotrophic, is
bacteria. Fogg and Kurata noted that many algae grew more surprising. We have used the emerging genome sequences to

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the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Kuspa. 2005. The genome of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum.
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