Lesson Module Gem 1

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21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Grade 11, Quarter 1, Lesson 1

The Geographic Dimension of Philippines Literary History

I. Learning Competency

Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary and doing an

adaptation of these require from the learner the ability to identify:

a. The geographic, linguistics and ethics dimensions of Philippine Literary

History from pre-colonial to the contemporary. (EN12Lit-Ia-21)
b. Representative texts and authors from each region (e.g. engage in oral history
research with focus on key personalities from the student’s region /province

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

1. Identify geographic dimensions of Philippines literary history.

2. Understand the geographic dimensions of Philippine literary history.
3. Explain how geographic dimensions enrich from pre-colonial to
4. Recognize the importance of cultural heritage in shaping Philippines
5. Demonstrate understanding of how these elements influence literary
II. Overview

In this lesson, students will explore the geographic dimensions of Philippine

literary history. They will learn about the diverse landscapes, cultural influences, and
historical contexts that have shaped the development of Philippine literature. By
understanding the geographic dimensions, students will gain insights into how these
factors have influenced the themes, narratives, and perspectives found in Philippine
literary works.

III. Learning Activities

A. Discussion
Pre-colonial period (before 1521): This period saw the emergence of oral
traditions, epics, and folk tales that were specific to various regions in the Philippines,
such as the Ifugao, T’boli, and Maranao. These stories were often passed down
through generations and were influenced by the geographic location and cultural
practices of each region.

Spanish colonial period (1521-1898): During this period, Spanish colonization
introduced Western literary forms, such as poetry and novels, which were often
written in Spanish. However, Filipino writers also began to write in their native
languages, such as Tagalog and Cebuano, reflecting the geographic diversity of the
American colonial period (1898-1946): This period saw the introduction of
English as a literary language, which further diversified the geographic dimensions of
Philippine literature. Writers from different regions, such as Jose Rizal from Laguna
and Carlos Bulosan from Pangasinan, wrote about their experiences and the social
issues of their time.
Post-war period (1946-1986): After World War II, Philippine literature
continued to evolve, with writers exploring themes related to national identity, social
justice, and cultural heritage. This period saw the emergence of regional literatures,
such as the Ilocano and Hiligaynon literatures.
Contemporary period (1986-present): Today, Philippine literature continues to
reflect the country’s geographic diversity, with writers from different regions and
linguistic groups contributing to the literary landscape. The use of social media and
digital platforms has also enabled writers to reach a wider audience and explore new
forms of storytelling.
The geographic dimensions of Philippine literary history are shaped by the
country’s archipelagic nature, with over 7,000 islands and a diverse range of cultures,
languages, and landscapes. These dimensions include:
 Regionalism: Philippine literature is characterized by regional literatures, each
with its own unique cultural and linguistic traditions. For example, the literature of
the Cordillera region is known for its rich oral traditions, while the literature of the
Visayas region is known for its use of Cebuano and Hiligaynon languages.
 Language: The Philippines has over 180 languages, and many of these languages
have their own literary traditions. Filipino writers often write in their native
languages, which reflects the geographic diversity of the country.
 Cultural heritage: Philippine literature is influenced by the country’s cultural
heritage, including its indigenous, Spanish, American, and Asian traditions. This
cultural heritage is reflected in the themes, motifs, and styles of Philippine
 Landscape: The Philippine landscape, with its mountains, forests, rivers, and
coastlines, has inspired many literary works, from epics to poetry to novels.
The geographic dimensions of Philippine literary history enrich the country’s
literary landscape in several ways:
 Diversity: The geographic dimensions of Philippine literature reflect the country’s
cultural and linguistic diversity, which enriches the literary landscape with a wide
range of themes, styles, and perspectives.
 Regional identity: The regional literatures of the Philippines reflect the unique
cultural and linguistic traditions of each region, which helps to promote regional
identity and pride.

 National identity: The geographic dimensions of Philippine literature also
contribute to the country’s national identity, by reflecting the shared Experiences
and values of the Filipino people.
 Cultural heritage: The geographic Dimensions of Philippine literature help to
preserve the country’s cultural heritage, by promoting the use of native languages
and the appreciation of indigenous cultures.
 Global relevance: The geographic dimensions of Philippine literature also make it
more relevant to a global audience, by reflecting the country’s unique cultural and
linguistic traditions and its experiences as a postcolonial nation.
B. Tasks

Task 1. Mapping Philippine Literary Journey

a. Description
Students will embark on a journey to explore the geographical
dimensions of Philippine literary history. They will investigate how different
regions and landscapes have shaped the evolution of Philippine literature from
pre-colonial times to the contemporary era.

b. Desired Learning Outcomes

 Identify significant geographical locations in Philippine literary
 Understand the cultural, social, and historical influences of various
regions on Philippine literature.
 Analyze the relationship between geography and literary movements or
periods in the Philippines.
 Demonstrate the ability to create a map illustrating the geographic
dimensions of Philippine literary history.

c. Teaching Procedure
1. Begin by introducing the purpose of the activity, which is to explore
the literary works of different regions in the Philippines. Explain that
each group will be assigned a specific region and will research authors
and their works from that region.
2. Provide each group with a map of the Philippines clearly indicating the
different regions. Assign each group a specific region to focus on.
3. Allow time for each group to research authors and their works from
their assigned region. Provide resources such as books, internet access,
or printed materials to aid their research. Encourage students to explore
a variety of literary genres including poetry, short stories, novels, and
4. Once research is complete, instruct each group to prepare a
performance that showcases the authors and works they have
discovered. Encourage creativity and suggest using acting, singing,
dancing, or a combination of these elements to support their

5. Allocate time for groups to rehearse their performances. Offer
guidance and support as needed, ensuring that each group has a clear
and engaging presentation.
6. Schedule a presentation day where each group will perform for the
class. Provide a supportive environment for students to showcase their
hard work and creativity.
7. After all groups have presented, facilitate a discussion about the
different literary works and authors featured in the presentations.
Encourage students to reflect on what they have learned about the
diversity of Philippine literature.

Task 2. Dramatic Journey

a. Description
Students will act out scenes depicting different periods of Philippine
literary history, focusing on how geography influenced the development of
literature from ancient times to the present.

b. Desired Learning Outcomes

 Students will act out key moments in Philippine literary history,
showing understanding of how geography shaped literature.
 Students will collaborate to create scenes that capture the essence of
specific literary periods.
 Students will analyze the connection between geography and literature
in the Philippines.

c. Teaching Procedure
1. Divide students into groups and assign each group a period of
Philippine literary history.
2. Provide resources for research on the assigned period, including
information on geographic locations and literary works.
3. Instruct each group to create a short dramatic scene that represents
their assigned period, emphasizing geographic influences.
4. Allow time for rehearsal and refinement of scenes.
5. Have each group perform their scene for the class.
6. Lead a discussion after each performance, focusing on how geography
influenced the literature of each period.
Task 3. Mime and Movement

a. Description
In this activity, students will use mime and movement to explore the
geographic dimensions of the works of writers from different regions and
linguistic groups contributing to the literary landscape of Philippine literary
history. They will embody key elements, characters, or scenes from different
regions and time periods in Philippine literature, enhancing their
understanding of how geography influences literary expression.

b. Desired Learning Outcomes

 Deepen understanding of the works of the writer.
 Foster creativity and empathy by embodying characters and scenes
from diverse regions.
 Enhance non-verbal communication skills through mime and
 Encourage collaboration and teamwork in interpreting and expressing
literary themes and settings.

c. Teaching Procedure
1. Introduce the objectives of the activity, emphasizing the exploration of
geographic dimensions in Philippine literature.
2. Explain the concept of mime and movement, highlighting its role in
non-verbal storytelling.
3. Provide students with prompts or excerpts from Philippine literary
works representing different regions and historical periods.
4. Divide class into 5 groups and assign each group a prompt to mime
and interpret the work of the writer Elvira Marchan of her work
entitled “The Beauty of Philippine Island”.
5. Allow time for groups to plan and rehearse their mime performances,
focusing on capturing the essence of the geographic setting and literary
6. Have each group present their mime performance to the class, followed
by a discussion on the geographic and cultural influences depicted in
their interpretation.

d. Template
The Beauty of Philippine Island

The Philippines has a unique history

With physical charms and beauty;
Enchanting variety of destiny
Lead along great prosperity.

An island emerged at far east,

First-receiver of sun rays;
Featuring wide range of excitement
Those people wants and desires to visit.

Known far and wide

As an Island of Paradise
Margin by beige and white beaches,
Exquisite coral along crystal seas.

An island empire of the east,

Vast trees from primeval forest;
Luminous rivers and falls as sceneries
Make attraction of all tourists.

Along the peak of mountain ranges

We step the beautiful dikes and plain;
I hale the cool breeze of the wind;
Seeing wonder of the flourishing grain.

Millions of species we meet,

Wild animals and colorful birds in pairs;
Fresh fruits and vegetables we eat,
Harvested from the blessed field.

IV. Rubrics for Scoring

Criteria 1 2 3
Members do not Members occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
targeted process process skills. process skills.

Time Members do not Members finish on Members finish

Management finish on time. time with incomplete ahead of time with
data. complete data.

Cooperation Members do not Members have defined Members are on task

and Teamwork know their task responsibilities most and have defined
and have defined of the time. responsibilities at all
responsibilities. times.

V. References

Chua, R. G. (2016). *21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World*.
Makati City: DIWA Learning Systems.

The Beauty of Philippine Island Poem by Elvira Marchan


VI. Key to Correction



Language Critic

Content Editor


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