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⽇常⽣活⼝语课 合

Spoken English Course

Airport English 机场英语(4)


Airport English 机场英语(4)

A: Please have your boarding pass and
passport ready. 课
B: Would you mind helping me lift my

B: Let's go get in line. ...

... 三
A: Call the flight attendant if you need
语 assistance.

China Flight 21 to Beijing. 英

A: This is the final boarding call for Air
B: Could I have a pillow?

B: We'd better hurry up and board. …

... 王 A: We may experience some

A: Please stow your carry-on in the
overhead compartment. B: Make sure your seatbelt is fastened.
Airport English 机场英语(4)

1. Please have your boarding pass and 6. Would you mind helping me lift my bag?
passport ready. 请准备好你的登机牌和护 能帮我拎起我的包吗?

7. Call the flight attendant if you need
2. Let's go get in line. 我们去排队吧 assistance. 如需帮助呼叫乘务员

3. This is the final boarding call for Air China
Flight 21 to Beijing. 这是⻜往北京的CA21
8. Could I have a pillow? 能给我个枕头吗?

英 9. We may experience some turbulence. 我

源 们可能会经历⼀些颠簸

4. We'd better hurry up and board. 我们赶紧
登机吧 10.Make sure your seatbelt is fastened. 请确

5. Please stow your carry-on in the
overhead compartment. 请把你的随身⾏

Airport English 机场英语(4)

A: Please have your boarding pass and
passport ready. 课
B: Would you mind helping me lift my

B: Let's go get in line. ...

... 三
A: Call the flight attendant if you need
语 assistance.

China Flight 21 to Beijing. 英

A: This is the final boarding call for Air
B: Could I have a pillow?

B: We'd better hurry up and board. …

... 王 A: We may experience some

A: Please stow your carry-on in the
overhead compartment. B: Make sure your seatbelt is fastened.
Airport English 机场英语(4)

• I missed my connection. 我没赶上 课
我的联程航班 一

• Pick your baggage up at baggage

claim. 在⾏李提取处取⾏李

• Captain 机⻓ 英


Airport English 机场英语(4)

1. Please have your boarding pass and 6. Would you mind helping me lift my bag?
passport ready. 请准备好你的登机牌和护 能帮我拎起我的包吗?

7. Call the flight attendant if you need
2. Let's go get in line. 我们去排队吧 assistance. 如需帮助呼叫乘务员

3. This is the final boarding call for Air China
Flight 21 to Beijing. 这是⻜往北京的CA21
8. Could I have a pillow? 能给我个枕头吗?

英 9. We may experience some turbulence. 我

源 们可能会经历⼀些颠簸

4. We'd better hurry up and board. 我们赶紧
登机吧 10.Make sure your seatbelt is fastened. 请确

5. Please stow your carry-on in the
overhead compartment. 请把你的随身⾏




• Read the ten sentences out loud five times each 把重点的句⼦各朗读5遍

• Optional: read both parts of the dialogue out loud three times 可选:把对话朗

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