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Blessing Institute
of Medical Science

Submitted to: Sir Usman

Submitted by: Aqsa Kalwer


Computer Assignment
What is a Computer? ....................................................................................................................................................2
Techopedia Explains .................................................................................................................................................2
Who Invented the Computer? .................................................................................................................................2
What Can a Computer Do? ....................................................................................................................................3
Computer Categories .............................................................................................................................................4
Supercomputers: ....................................................................................................................................................5
Microcomputers: ....................................................................................................................................................5
Mainframe computers ............................................................................................................................................5
Workstations ..........................................................................................................................................................5
Servers: ..................................................................................................................................................................5
Personal computers (PCs): .....................................................................................................................................5
Standard Computer Software Components ....................................................................................................5
What Is Computer Hardware? ..................................................................................................................................7
Computer hardware ...............................................................................................................................................7
What Careers does Computer Science Offer? ...........................................................................................................8
 Computer Programmer ................................................................................................................................8
 Information Technology Specialist ...............................................................................................................8
 Data Scientist ...............................................................................................................................................8
 Web Optimization Specialist ........................................................................................................................8
 Database Administrator ...............................................................................................................................8
 Systems Analyst............................................................................................................................................9
 Web Developer ............................................................................................................................................9
 Quality Assurance Engineer .........................................................................................................................9
 Business Intelligence Analyst .......................................................................................................................9
 Systems Engineer .........................................................................................................................................9
 Product Manager .........................................................................................................................................9
 Software Engineer ........................................................................................................................................9
 Hardware Engineer ......................................................................................................................................9
A computer is an electronic device that processes data according to instructions that are
provided by computer programs. Computers can be used to perform a wide range of tasks,
from basic calculations to complex operations involving artificial intelligence (AI).

A computer has two main parts: hardware and software. The hardware is responsible for
executing tasks, and the software provides the hardware with directions for what tasks to
perform – and how to perform them.

Computer hardware, firmware, peripherals, and software work together to input, process,
store, and output data.

Hardware refers to a computer’s physical components.

Software refers to the system software and software applications that run on a computer
and enable the hardware to perform various tasks.

Firmware is a special type of software that is embedded in hardware components to control

their basic functions.

Peripherals are external devices that connect to a computer and provide it with additional


The invention of the computer cannot be attributed to a single individual. The evolution of
computers from early mechanical calculating machines to today’s advanced digital systems
involved the work of numerous scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.

 Charles Babbage (1791 – 1871) is often referred to as the “father of the computer.”
He is credited with promoting the concept of programming and the idea
of automating computation.

 Ada Lovelace (1815 – 1852) wrote what is often regarded as the

first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine.

 George Boole (1815 – 1864) developed a logic system that laid the groundwork for
the binary system that’s used in computer programming and digital circuit design.
 Alan Turing (1912–1954) is credited with formalizing the concepts of “algorithm”
and “computation” with the invention of his Turing machine. He also made
contributions to the field of artificial intelligence and proposed a method for
determining whether a machine is capable of intelligent behavior that
is indistinguishable from that of a human.

 John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry (1942) designed and built one of the first
electronic digital computers. The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC), which was
designed primarily for solving linear algebraic equations, used binary digits and had
the ability to perform simultaneous operations in parallel.

 John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert (1945) designed and built the Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), one of the earliest electronic general-
purpose digital computers. ENIAC could be reprogrammed to solve a wide range of
numerical problems.

 John von Neumann (1903-1957) proposed the principle of stored programs in 1945.
This innovation is often considered to be as significant as the transition from
mechanical to electronic computing.

 John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invented the transistor in
1947. Transistors, which are used to control and manipulate electrical signals, began
to replace vacuum tubes in computers in the late 1950s.

 Robert Noyce’s idea for putting an integrated circuit (IC) on a silicon chip in 1959
made it possible to mass produce integrated circuits and paved the way for
miniaturizing computer components.

 Ted Hoff, Federico Faggin, Stanley Mazor, and Masatoshi Shima designed the first
commercially available microprocessor, which was released by Intel in 1971. The
microprocessor’s ability to perform a variety of tasks on a single chip helped
make personal computers (PCs) and smart devices possible.


A computer can perform a vast range of tasks, depending on its design and the software it
runs. Common capabilities include:
Performing complex mathematical calculations at high speed.
Creating, tracking, storing, and transferring
Facilitating creativity, communication, collaboration, and online learning.
Providing access to the World Wide Web.
Conducting complex simulations and analysis for scientific research.
Facilitating machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence.
Controlling and monitoring other computer systems.
Playing streaming media and computer video games.
Managing digital financial transactions.
Automating business processes.
Digitizing health care and supporting the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT).

Computers are often categorized by their physical size, functional capabilities, and
intended use. Popular computer categories include:
SUPERCOMPUTERS : In the past, supercomputers were individual computers that had a lot of
processing power. Today, most high-performance computing is carried out with computer
clusters or processing units that work together to achieve extremely high levels of
computational speed and performance.

MICROCOMPUTERS : These are small computers that can be embedded in consumer

electronics, home appliances, automobiles, and machinery to control specific functions.

MAINFRAME COMPUTERS : These are powerful computers that are primarily used by
enterprise-level businesses for batch processing. Mainframe computers have large form
factors. Today, most mainframes are about the size of a refrigerator.

WORKSTATIONS: Workstations are high-performance computers that have more processing

power and are more expensive than regular desktop computers. Workstations, which are
used to process large datasets and perform complex calculations quickly, have played an
important role in the development of large language models (LLMs) and generative AI.

SERVERS: This is a computer that provides data and services to other computers over
a network. In theory, any type of computer can be used as a server.

PERSONAL COMPUTERS (PCS): PC computers are used by individuals and businesses for
everyday tasks. This category includes both desktop and mobile computers.

 A DESKTOP COMPUTER is a personal computer designed for use at a single location. Desktops
have larger form factors, more processing power and greater storage capacity than mobile
computing devices.
 A MOBILE COMPUTER is a portable computing device that is designed to be easily carried and
used in different locations. Mobile computers typically have built-in batteries that provide
power, are designed with small form factors for hand-held use and easy transport, and
offer wireless Internet connectivity options.
Standard software components help provide a consistent user experience across different
computing devices and platforms.

Examples include:
Component Description

These are specific types of software that allow a computer’s

operating system to communicate with peripheral hardware
Device devices. Drivers translate OS commands into actions that the
Drivers device can understand and execute. Most operating systems today
have pre-installed generic drivers to facilitate the use of plug and
play (PnP) peripherals.

These are low-level software programs that help a computer

Utility maintain, optimize, and manage its resources. Utilities for disk
Software defragmentation, disk cleanup, and disk formatting are included in
most operating systems.

These are programs designed to help users perform specific tasks.

Some types of application software (like word processors and
spreadsheets) are designed to be used for a variety of related tasks.
Other types of application software (like photo editing or
accounting software) are designed for one specific task.

This type of computer software acts as a bridge that allows

disparate software applications to communicate and share data.

Operating This is a computer’s most important software. The OS acts as an

System intermediary between the computer’s hardware and the user. It is
(OS) responsible for managing hardware resources, running software
applications, providing a graphical user interface, managing
device access control, managing file storage, and handling
networking tasks.


Computers are at the forefront of advancement in modern society. Without devices such as computers
and automated equipment, many modern processes would not be able to take place. Similarly, many
individuals would be at a disadvantage for not utilizing these important machines to conduct regular
tasks as part of their job, or for leisure. Having a concrete understanding of computer hardware is
equally as important as knowing how to operate these impactful devices.

COMPUTER HARDWARE is an umbrella term that refers to the physical components of a

computer. Hardware includes tangible items which can be physically touched or seen, and it is
required for a computer to function. Computer hardware can be classified as internal or external, which
relates to the placement of the physical part in or around the device. Generally, internal hardware is
required for the computer to run, while external hardware enhances the use or functionality. Examples
of internal computer hardware may include a video card, memory, or a core processing unit (CPU),
while external computer hardware examples include a keyboard or a computer case.
Computing jobs are among the highest paid today, and computer science professionals
report high job satisfaction. Most computer scientists hold at least a bachelor's degree in
computer science or a related field.

Principal areas of study and careers within computer science include artificial intelligence,
computer systems and networks, security, database systems, human-computer
interaction, vision and graphics, numerical analysis, programming languages, software
engineering, bioinformatics, and theory of computing.

Some common job titles for computer scientists include:


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