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City of Puerto Princesa City

Detailed lesson Plan in Mathematics
Grade 7
A. Content Standard
demonstrates understanding of key concepts of algebraic expressions, the properties of real
numbers as applied in linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.

B. Performance Standard
is able to model situations using oral, written, graphical, and algebraic methods in solving
problems involving algebraic expressions, linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.

C. Learning competencies
derives the laws of exponent. (M7AL-IId-e-1)

At the end of 60 minutes lesson; the students should be able to:
1. solve problems involving the Law of exponent;
2. identify the Law of Exponent; and
3. apply the Law of Exponent in daily math or real life problems.

Topic: Law of exponent

III. Learning Resources

A. Reference:
B. Other learning resources:
 Power POint Presentation, cell phone, Google Meet, Calculator.
Teacher’s activity Student Activity
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson/ Presenting
the New Lesson

Every body let us all pray, Fred please lead the

Lord guide us today and help us with all of our
lesson, Ameen.
Thank you Fred
Good morning class
Good morning sir
Class, who are absent today?

None sir
Who among you can still remember what we
discuss last meeting?
Yes Galvez Sir?
What is polynomial? Adding and subtracting polynomials
It is an expression consisting of variables and
coefficient, that involves only the operations of
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-
negative integer exponentiation of variables.
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
Before we proceed to our new lesson I want to
read our objectives for today
Yes Cristine
At the end of 60 minutes lesson; the students
should be able to:
1. solve problems involving the Law of
2. identify the Law of Exponent; and
3. apply the Law of Exponent in daily math or
real life problems.
Thank you Cristine
C. Presenting examples/ Instances of the
New Lesson
Let us have an activity first before we proceed
to our new lesson. To do this activity I want to
group you in 5
Now, count off.
(student will count 1 to 5)

Go to your group, and make a circle.

( the students will go to their respective groups
and make a circle)
Now that you are in groups, I want you to give
the product each of following in a exponential
form as fast as you can.


2 x 2= 22 Answer:

1. 3 x 3 =____________ 1. 3^2
2. 4 x 4 x 4=___________ 2. 4^3
3. 5 x 5 x 5 x 5=_________ 3. 5^4
4. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2=________ 4. 2^5
5. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2=_______ 5. 2^6

D. Distinguishing New Concept and

Practicing New Skill#1

Based on your activity, what do you think our

lesson for today?
Yes Ivy
It was all about exponent

Our topic for today is about Law of Exponent.

Class, do you have an idea why do we need to

study the laws of exponents?
Yes Marry We study laws of exponent for a purpose of
calculating large numbers in easier way.
Very good
An exponent is a shorthand notation which
tells how many times a number is multiplied to

For example:
Aside of writing it,
Like this: 36028797018963968
We can write it in shorter term,
Like this: 255
2 is base
55 is the exponent

Product law

According to the product law of exponents

when multiplying two numbers that have the
same base then we can add the exponents.

A^m x A^n = A^(m+n)

For example,

2^3 x 2^4 = 2^7

2. 5^5 x 5^10 = 5^15
Yes sir

Can you follow class?

Quotient Law

According to the quotient law of exponents, we

can divide two numbers with the same base by
subtracting the exponents. In order to divide
two exponents that have the same base,
subtract the power in the denominator from the
power in the numerator.

A^m ÷ A^n = A^(m-n)

For example,

2^5 ÷ 2^3 = 2^2 Yes sir

P^3 ÷ P^2 = P^1 or P
Can you follow?

E. Distinguishing New Concept and

Practicing New Skill#2

Power Law
According to the power law exponents if a
number raise a power to power, just multiply
the exponents.

(A^m)^n = A^(m x n)
For example,
(5^3)^2 = 5^(3 x 2) = 5^6 Yes sir
(A^3)^3= A^9
Can you follow?

Zero Power
A^0=1. This says that anything raised to the
zero is 1, except 0.
For example,

777^0 = 1 Yes sir

10000^0 = 1
Can you follow?

F. Developing mastery
Let’s have now another group activity. Class,
still the same group as I divided you earlier.
You only have 5 minutes to do this activity.
For those who got the perfect score will be
rewarded again a surprise gift from me.
Direction: Evaluate the following. Notice that
the base of each number is the same. I have
already elaborated it in the first example.
Answer: 5^2
5^5/5^3 =_________
Answer: a^10
a^5 x a^5 =________ Answer: 1


G. Finding Practical Applications and

Concept of Daily Living

How can we relate the laws of exponent in our

(solicit ideas from the students)
daily life?
H. Making Generalization Abstract to the

Class, what have you learned in our lesson?

Yes Glencie We learn about laws of exponents

Who can summarized our lesson for today
(about the laws of exponent)
Law of exponents
Yes Villon 1. Product rule
A^m x A^n = A^m-n
2. Quotient rule
A^m / A^n = A^m-n
3. Power rule
(A^m)^n = A^(m x n)
4. Zero power
A^0 = 1

Very good villon

I. Evaluation
Direction: apply the laws of exponent to
Answer: 1
answer the following:
1^0 x 1^0 =_______ Answer: 20

Answer: 2^4
2^5 x 2 = _______
Answer: 2
2^5/2^4 =________ Answer: 5

P^0 + 5 =_______
J. Assignment
answer the following:
1. 5^7
2. 8^3
3. (9^0)/3
4. 10^4 x 5^4
5. 258^3 x 258^5

1. 78125
2. 512
3. 1/3
4. 6250000
5. 258^8

Prepared by:
Student Teacher

Observed by:
Resource Teacher

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