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Master rotation plan is an overall plan which shows rotation of all the students in a particular
educational institution. Master rotation plan shows the placement of the students belonging to
various groups/ classes in a clinical nursing as well as community. Master rotation plan
denotes duration of the placement that includes theoretical block, partial block ( half clinical ,
half theory block) and clinical block.


“Master plan is the overall academic year plan denoting the placement of a particular group
of students that includes theoretical block, partial block(half clinical &half theory), clinical
block, examinations, vacation, co- curricular activities etc.”

- (Nurses of India, journal)

Master rotation plan includes details such as:-

Theoretical instruction

 Duration
 & areas of clinical instruction Particulars of community health postings
 Periods of vacation
 Study leave for university exams
 Examination weeks


 It shows the relationship between classroom teaching and experience.

 Each area of clinical experience is indicated by a code to which a guide is attached.
 The period of clinical experience vary in length each year but total duration of such
experience is the same for all students.
 Students of one class are divided into group and rotated through same clinical areas. It
is prepared in advance for the whole year.
 It gives complete and clear picture about the students. It must include period of
vacation, teaching block, preparation time, examination and vacation.
 The teacher should be aware of the student's placement.
 Overlapping particular area or shortage in particular area can be noted.
 The teacher should follow Indian nursing council and university syllabus.
 The teacher should consider all three domains.


 Any modifications required based on the situation can be sorted out easily.
Assessment of curricular programme is more effective.
 To facilitate the faculty members who are in a position to make plans, for there leave
Vacation without jeopardizing the teaching learning activities
 Plan in accordance with the curriculum plan of the course.
 Plan in advance to the starting of the academic year. Plan activities by following
maxims of teaching.
 The activities sort must be within the range of possibility for the faculty as well as


 Theoretical instructions should precede clinical experience .

 Each subject has to spread throughout the academic year to have the continuity.
 Each subject has to be allotted additional hours than prescribed in order to meet the
extended hours and holidays.
 The objective of the course should be clearly known.
 The period of academic year should be noted. Requirements of the statutory body
should be considered.
 Factors to be considered while Preparing Master plan
 Organization preferences/protocols should be followed.
 No. of students
 No. and size of departments.
 No. of faculty available


1. Theory block (TB) = number hours /day (6) x per week (6) x per/month. (4) = 144
Hours/ month.
2. Partial Block (PB)
a. Clinical (8am -1pm) = number of hours/day (5) x per week (6) x per month (4) =
120 hours/month.
b. Theory Block (TB) (2PM-4PM) = number of Hours/ day (2) x per week (6) x per
1 month (4) = 48 hours/month.
3. Clinical block (CB) = number of Hours/ day (6) x per week (6) x per month (4) = 144
hours / month. • Full day (6 hours) in clinical Block


 Preparation of master plan will guide the teachers in the placement of subject matter
and clinical experience.
 This will give a clear picture as to how, in which year and in what stages is the subject
matter going to be taught and the relevant clinical experience to be offered.
 Master plan should be prepared in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the
statutory bodies like Indian Nursing Council and Universities.
 The master plan should also spell out the hours of planned instructions and required
hours of clinical experiences per week or per month of the year.
 Invariably the master plan explains the following Total duration of the
programme, for example, three years for diploma programme and four years
graduate programme. Explanation of different courses of study with special
reference to theory and practical, for example, theory and practical experiences
meant for medical surgical nursing, mental health nursing, etc.
 Total allotted hours in terms of theory and practical for each course. Course plan
of each course with details like total units, hours and objectives for each unit.

Responsibility of teaching staff in master rotation plan:

 Correlate theory and practice.

 Participate in teaching, supervision and evaluation.
 Prepare the student in theory block before they enter the clinical block.
 Maintain adequate and regular attendance at both the classroom and clinical areas.
 Report to the principal or concerned person for the any change or modification.
 Plan for regular meeting to evaluate the effectiveness of a plan.

Master rotation plan is an overall plan of all students rotation in a particular educational
institution, Showing the placement of the students belonging to total programme (4years
BSc N & 3years in GNM) includes both theory & practice denoting the study block, partial
block, & placement of students in clinical blocks, team nursing, examinations, vacations, co-
curricular activities etc. its prepared well in advance for the whole year so that it gives a
complete & clear picture about students placement either in theory or field during an
academic session.

Book reference

 Elakkuvana Bhaskar Raj D Text Book of Nursing Education 1st Edition EMMESS
Medical Publisher Pp 357-361.

 R Sudha Nursing Education Principles & Concepts 1st Edition Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publisher Pp 257-258.

Net reference



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