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Table of Contents
PostgreSQL Server Programming Second Edition
About the Authors
About the Reviewers
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1. What Is a PostgreSQL Server?
Why program in the server?
Using PL/pgSQL for integrity checks
About this book's code examples
Switching to the expanded display
Moving beyond simple functions
Data comparisons using operators
Managing related data with triggers
Auditing changes
Data cleaning
Custom sort orders
Programming best practices
KISS – keep it simple stupid
DRY – don't repeat yourself
YAGNI – you ain't gonna need it
SOA – service-oriented architecture
Type extensibility
Wrapping up – why program in the server?
Ease of maintenance
Improved productivity
Simple ways to tighten security
2. Server Programming Environments
Cost of acquisition
Availability of developers
Procedural languages
Third-party tools
Platform compatibility
Application design
Databases are considered harmful
What does PostgreSQL offer?
Data locality
More basics
General error reporting and error handling
User-defined functions
Other parameters
More control
3. Your First PL/pgSQL Function
Why PL/pgSQL?
The structure of a PL/pgSQL function
Accessing function arguments
Conditional expressions
Loops with counters
Statement termination
Looping through query results
Looping Through Arrays
Returning a record
Acting on the function's results
4. Returning Structured Data
Sets and arrays
Returning sets
Returning a set of integers
Using a set returning function
Functions based on views
OUT parameters and records
OUT parameters
Returning records
Returning with no predefined structure
Returning SETOF ANY
Variadic argument lists
A summary of the RETURN SETOF variants
Returning cursors
Iterating over cursors returned from another function
Wrapping up of functions returning cursors
Other ways to work with structured data
Complex data types for the modern world – XML and JSON
XML data type and returning data as XML from functions
Returning data in the JSON format
5. PL/pgSQL Trigger Functions
Creating the trigger function
Creating the trigger
Working on a simple "Hey, I'm called" trigger
The audit trigger
Disallowing DELETE
Disallowing TRUNCATE
Modifying the NEW record
The timestamping trigger
The immutable fields trigger
Controlling when a trigger is called
Conditional triggers
Triggers on specific field changes
Most importantly – use triggers cautiously!
Variables passed to the PL/pgSQL TRIGGER function
6. PostgreSQL Event Triggers
Use cases for creating event triggers
Creating event triggers
Creating an audit trail
Preventing schema changes
A roadmap of event triggers
7. Debugging PL/pgSQL
Manual debugging with RAISE NOTICE
Throwing exceptions
Logging to a file
The advantages of RAISE NOTICE
The disadvantages of RAISE NOTICE
Visual debugging
Installing the debugger
Installing the debugger from the source
Installing pgAdmin3
Using the debugger
The advantages of the debugger
The disadvantages of the debugger
8. Using Unrestricted Languages
Are untrusted languages inferior to trusted ones?
Can you use untrusted languages for important functions?
Will untrusted languages corrupt the database?
Why untrusted?
Why PL/Python?
Quick introduction to PL/Python
A minimal PL/Python function
Data type conversions
Writing simple functions in PL/Python
A simple function
Functions returning a record
Table functions
Running queries in the database
Running simple queries
Using prepared queries
Caching prepared queries
Writing trigger functions in PL/Python
Exploring the inputs of a trigger
A log trigger
Constructing queries
Handling exceptions
Atomicity in Python
Debugging PL/Python
Using plpy.notice() to track the function's progress
Using assert
Redirecting sys.stdout and sys.stderr
Thinking out of the "SQL database server" box
Generating thumbnails when saving images
Sending an e-mail
Listing directory contents
9. Writing Advanced Functions in C
The simplest C function – return (a + b)
Version 0 call conventions
CREATE FUNCTION add(int, int)
Summary for writing a C function
Adding functionality to add(int, int)
Smart handling of NULL arguments
Working with any number of arguments
Basic guidelines for writing C code
Memory allocation
Use palloc() and pfree()
Zero-fill the structures
Include files
Public symbol names
Error reporting from C functions
"Error" states that are not errors
When are messages sent to the client?
Running queries and calling PostgreSQL functions
A sample C function using SPI
Visibility of data changes
More info on SPI_* functions
Handling records as arguments or returned values
Returning a single tuple of a complex type
Extracting fields from an argument tuple
Constructing a return tuple
Interlude – what is Datum?
Returning a set of records
Fast capturing of database changes
Doing something at commit/rollback
Synchronizing between backends
Writing functions in C++
Additional resources for C
10. Scaling Your Database with PL/Proxy
Creating a simple single-server chat
Dealing with success – splitting tables over multiple databases
What expansion plans work and when?
Moving to a bigger server
Master-slave replication – moving reads to slave
Multimaster replication
Data partitioning across multiple servers
Splitting the data
PL/Proxy – the partitioning language
Installing PL/Proxy
The PL/Proxy language syntax
SPLIT – distributing array elements over several partitions
The distribution of data
Configuring the PL/Proxy cluster using functions
Configuring the PL/Proxy cluster using SQL/MED
Moving data from the single to the partitioned database
Connection Pooling
11. PL/Perl – Perl Procedural Language
When to use PL/Perl
Installing PL/Perl
A simple PL/Perl function
Passing and returning non-scalar types
Writing PL/Perl triggers
Untrusted Perl
12. PL/Tcl – Tcl Procedural Language
Installing PL/Tcl
A simple PL/Tcl function
Null checking with Strict functions
The parameter format
Passing and returning arrays
Passing composite-type arguments
Accessing databases
Writing PL/Tcl triggers
Untrusted Tcl
13. Publishing Your Code as PostgreSQL Extensions
When to create an extension
Unpackaged extensions
Extension versions
The .control file
Building an extension
Installing an extension
Viewing extensions
Publishing your extension
Introduction to PostgreSQL Extension Network
Signing up to publish your extension
Creating an extension project the easy way
Providing the metadata about the extension
Writing your extension code
Creating the package
Submitting the package to PGXN
Installing an extension from PGXN
14. PostgreSQL as an Extensible RDBMS
What can't be extended?
Creating a new operator
Overloading an operator
Optimizing operators
Creating index access methods
Creating user-defined aggregates
Using foreign data wrappers
PostgreSQL Server
Programming Second Edition
PostgreSQL Server
Programming Second Edition
Copyright © 2015 Packt Publishing

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without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the
case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

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First published: June 2013

Second edition: February 2015

Production reference: 1210215

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place

35 Livery Street

Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-78398-058-1


Usama Dar

Hannu Krosing

Jim Mlodgenski

Kirk Roybal


Stephen Frost

Rick van Hattem

Vibhor Kumar

Jeff Lawson

Mariano Reingart

Julien Tachoires

Commissioning Editor

Usha Iyer

Acquisition Editors

Antony Lowe

Meeta Rajani

Sam Wood
Content Development Editor

Adrian Raposo

Technical Editors

Mrunmayee Patil

Chinmay Puranik

Copy Editors

Dipti Kapadia

Aarti Saldanha

Project Coordinator

Kinjal Bari


Maria Gould

Linda Morris


Monica Ajmera Mehta

Production Coordinator

Nitesh Thakur

Cover Work

Nitesh Thakur
About the Authors
Usama Dar is a seasoned software developer and architect. During
his 14 years' career, he has worked extensively with PostgreSQL and
other database technologies. He worked on PostgreSQL internals
extensively while he was working for EnterpriseDB. Currently, he
lives in Munich where he works for Huawei's European Research
Center. He designs the next generation of high-performance
database systems based on open source technologies, such as
PostgreSQL, which are used under high workloads and strict
performance requirements.

Hannu Krosing was a PostgreSQL user before it was rewritten to

use SQL as its main query language in 1995. Therefore, he has both
the historic perspective of its development, as well as almost 20
years of experience in using it to solve various real-life problems.

He was the first database administrator and database architect at

Skype, where he invented the sharding language PL/Proxy that
allows you to scale the user database in order to work with billions
of users.

After he left Skype at the end of 2006—about a year after it was

bought by eBay—he has been working as a PostgreSQL consultant
with 2ndQuadrant, the premier PostgreSQL consultancy with a global
reach and local presence in most parts of the world.

He has coauthored PostgreSQL 9 Administration Cookbook, Packt

Publishing, together with one of the main PostgreSQL developers,
Simon Riggs.

I want to sincerely thank my wife, Evelyn, for her support while

writing this book.
Jim Mlodgenski is the CTO of OpenSCG, a professional services
company focused on leveraging open source technologies for
strategic advantage. He was formerly the CEO of StormDB, a
database cloud company focused on horizontal scalability. Prior to
StormDB, he has held highly technical roles at Cirrus Technology,
Inc., EnterpriseDB, and Fusion Technologies.

Jim is also a fervent advocate of PostgreSQL. He is on the board of

the United States PostgreSQL Association as well as a part of the
organizing teams of the New York PostgreSQL User Group and
Philadelphia PostgreSQL User Group.

Kirk Roybal has been an active member of the PostgreSQL

community since 1998. He has helped organize user groups in
Houston, Dallas, and Bloomington, IL. He has mentored many junior
database administrators and provided cross-training to senior
database engineers. He has provided solutions using PostgreSQL for
reporting, business intelligence, data warehousing, applications, and
development support.

He saw the scope of PostgreSQL when his first small-scale business

customer asked for a web application. At that time, competitive
database products were either extremely immature or cost

Kirk has stood by his choice of PostgreSQL for many years now. His
expertise is founded on keeping up with features and capabilities as
they become available.

Writing a book has been a unique experience for me. Many

people fantasize about it, few start one, and even fewer get to
publication. I am proud to be part of a team that actually made it
to the book shelf (which itself is a diminishing breed). Thanks to
Sarah Cullington from Packt Publishing for giving me a chance to
participate in the project. I believe that the PostgreSQL
community will be better served by this information, and I hope
that they receive this as a reward for the time that they have
invested in me over the years.

A book only has the value that the readers give it. Thank you to
the PostgreSQL community for all the technical, personal, and
professional development help you have provided. The
PostgreSQL community is a great bunch of people, and I have
enjoyed the company of many of them. I hope to contribute
more to this project in the future, and I hope you find my
contributions as valuable as I find yours.

Thank you to my family for giving me a reason to succeed and

for listening to the gobbledygook and nodding appreciatively.

Have you ever had your family ask you what you were doing and
answered them with a function? Try it. No, then again, don't try
it. They may just have you involuntarily checked in somewhere.
About the Reviewers
Stephen Frost is a major contributor and committer to PostgreSQL,
who has been involved with PostgreSQL since 2002, and has
developed features such as the role system and column-level

He is the chief technology officer at Crunchy Data Solutions, Inc., the

PostgreSQL company for Secure Enterprises. He is involved in the
advancement of PostgreSQL's capabilities, particularly in the area of
security in order to support the needs of government and financial
institutions who have strict security and regulatory requirements.

Rick van Hattem is an entrepreneur with a computer science

background and a long-time open source developer with vast
experience in the C, C++, Python, and Java languages. Additionally,
he has worked with most large database servers such as Oracle, MS
SQL, and MySQL, but he has been focusing on PostgreSQL since
Version 7.4.

He is one of the founders of the Fashiolista.com social network, and

until recently, he was the CTO. Here, he used PostgreSQL to scale
the feeds for millions of users to show that PostgreSQL can hold up
to NoSQL solutions, given some tuning and additional tools. After
Fashiolista, he worked as a freelance consultant for several
companies, including 2ndQuadrant.

He is currently the founder of PGMon.com, a monitoring service that

analyzes your databases, indexes, and queries to keep them running
at peak performance. In addition to analyzing your database
settings, the system actively monitors your queries and gives you
recommendations to enhance performance.

He is also the creator and maintainer of a large number of open

source projects, such as pg_query_analyser, pg_cascade_timestamp,
QtQuery, Python-Statsd, and Django-Statsd.

Vibhor Kumar is a principal system architect at EnterpriseDB who

specializes in assisting Fortune 100 companies to deploy, manage,
and optimize Postgres databases. He joined EnterpriseDB in 2008 to
work with Postgres after several years of working with Oracle
systems. He has worked in team leadership roles at IBM Global
Services and BMC Software as well as an Oracle database
administrator at CMC Ltd. for several years. He has developed
expertise in Oracle, DB2, and MongoDB and holds certifications in
them. He has experience working with MS SQL Server, MySQL, and
data warehousing. He holds a bachelor's degree in computer science
from the University of Lucknow and a master's degree in computer
science from the Army Institute of Management, Kolkata. He is a
certified PostgreSQL trainer and holds a professional certification in
Postgres Plus Advanced Server from EnterpriseDB.

Jeff Lawson has been a fan and user of PostgreSQL since the time
he discovered it in 2001. Over the years, he has also developed and
deployed applications for IBM DB2, Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL
Server, Sybase, and others, but he always prefers PostgreSQL for its
balance of features and openness. Much of his experience involves
developing for Internet-facing websites/projects that require highly
scalable databases with high availability or with provisions for
disaster recovery.

He currently works as the director of software development for

FlightAware, which is an airplane-tracking website that uses
PostgreSQL and other open source software to store and analyze the
positions of the thousands of flights that are operated worldwide
every day. He has extensive experience in software architecture,
data security, and network protocol design from the software
engineering positions he has held at Univa / United Devices,
Microsoft, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and WolfeTech. He is a
founder of distributed.net, which pioneered distributed computing in
the 1990s, and he continues to serve as the chief of operations and
as a member of the board there. He earned a BSc degree in
computer science from Harvey Mudd College.

He is fond of cattle, holds an FAA private pilot certificate, and owns

an airplane based in Houston, Texas.

Mariano Reingart lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is a

specialist in the software development of applications and libraries
(web services, PDF, GUI, replication, and so on) with more than 10
years of experience. Currently, he is the PostgreSQL regional contact
for Argentina and a Python Software Foundation member.

He is a major contributor to the web2py Python web framework, and

now he's working on the wxWidgets multiplatform GUI toolkit
(specifically in the Qt port and Android mobile areas). Also, he has
contributed to more than a dozen open source projects, including an
interface for Free Electronic Invoice web services (PyAfipWs) and
Pythonic replication for PostgreSQL (PyReplica).

He has a bachelor's degree in computer systems analysis, and

currently, he's a master's candidate for the MSc in free software
degree at the Open University of Catalonia.

He works on his own funded entrepreneurial venture formed by an

open group of independent professionals, dedicated to software
development, training, and technical support, focusing on open
source tools (GNU/Linux, Python, PostgreSQL, and

He has worked for local Python-based companies in large business

applications (ERP, SCM, and CRM) and mission critical systems
(election counting, electronic voting, and 911 emergency events
support). He has contributed to books such as web2py Enterprise
Web Framework, Third Edition, and web2py Application
Development Cookbook, Packt Publishing, and several Spanish
translations of the PostgreSQL official documentation.
His full resume is available at

Julien Tachoires is a PostgreSQL specialist, who works as

consultant for the French PostgreSQL company Dalibo. He is the
main developer of pg_activity, a top-end software dedicated to
follow the PostgreSQL incoming traffic in real time, which is written
in Python.

I want to thank my employer Dalibo; my wife, Camille; and my

son, Arthur.
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This fascinating guide to server programming will take your skills of
PostgreSQL to a whole new level. A step-by-step approach with
illuminating examples will educate you about the full range of
possibilities. You will understand the extension framework of
PostgreSQL and leverage it in ways you haven't even invented yet.
You will learn how to write functions and create your own data
types, all in your favorite programming language. It is a step-by-step
tutorial, with plenty of tips and tricks to kick-start server
What this book covers
Chapter 1, What Is a PostgreSQL Server?, introduces you to the
PostgreSQL server and will set the tone for the rest of the book. It
introduces you to the ways in which a PostgreSQL server is
extendible, and shows you that it can be treated as a complete
software development framework instead of just a database server.

Chapter 2, Server Programming Environments, elaborates that

PostgreSQL is built to handle user needs, but more importantly, it is
built not to change underneath users in the future. It will touch upon
the environments and will highlight some of the important things to
be kept in mind when programming on the server in PostgreSQL.

Chapter 3, Your First PL/pgSQL Function, builds the foundations by

demonstrating how to write simple PL/pgSQL functions.

Chapter 4, Returning Structured Data, builds on the knowledge of

writing PL/pgSQL functions and demonstrates how to write functions
that return a set of values such as rows, arrays, and cursors.

Chapter 5, PL/pgSQL Trigger Functions, discusses how to write

PL/pgSQL functions that are used to write trigger logic. It also
discusses the various types of triggers available in PostgreSQL and
the options that a database developer has when writing such

Chapter 6, PostgreSQL Event Triggers, discusses PostgreSQL's event

trigger functionality. Event triggers are fired when running a DDL
operation on a table. This chapter discusses the various possibilities
and options of creating event triggers and their limitations in

Chapter 7, Debugging PL/pgSQL, elaborates on how to debug

PL/pgSQL's stored procedures and functions in PostgreSQL. This
chapter explains how to install the debugger plugin and use the
pgAdmin debugger console.

Chapter 8, Using Unrestricted Languages, explains the differences

between restricted and unrestricted PostgreSQL languages. This
chapter uses PL/Python as an example and demonstrates the
examples of both restricted and unrestricted functions in PL/Python.

Chapter 9, Writing Advanced Functions in C, explains how to extend

PostgreSQL by writing user-defined functions (UDFs) in C.

Chapter 10, Scaling Your Database with PL/Proxy, explains the use
of a special programming language in PostgreSQL called PL/Proxy
and how to use it in order to partition and shard your database.

Chapter 11, PL/Perl – Perl Procedural Language, discusses a popular

PL language in PostgreSQL called PL/Perl. This chapter uses some
simple examples to demonstrate how you can use Perl to write
database functions.

Chapter 12, PL/Tcl – Tcl Procedural Language, discusses Tcl as a

language of choice when writing database functions. It discusses the
pros and cons of using Tcl in the database.

Chapter 13, Publishing Your Code as PostgreSQL Extensions,

discusses how to package and distribute the PostgreSQL extensions.
Well-packaged extensions can be easily distributed and installed by
other users. This chapter also introduces you to the PostgreSQL
Extension Network (PGXN) and shows you how to use it to get the
extensions published by other developers.

Chapter 14, PostgreSQL as an Extensible RDBMS, discusses more

extensibility options in PostgreSQL, such as creating new data types,
operators, and index methods.
What you need for this book
In order to follow this book, you need the following software:

PostgreSQL Database Server 9.4

Linux/Unix Operating System
Python 2, Perl, and Tcl
Who this book is for
This book is for moderate to advanced level PostgreSQL database
professionals. To get a better understanding of this book, you should
have a general experience in writing SQL, a basic idea of query
tuning, and some coding experience in a language of your choice.
In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish
between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of
these styles and an explanation of their meaning.

Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames,

file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter
handles are shown as follows: "If any of the checks fail, you should
do ROLLBACK instead of COMMIT."

A block of code is set as follows:

CREATE TABLE accounts(owner text,

balance numeric, amount numeric);

When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code

block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:


fibonacci_seq(num integer)
a int := 0;
b int := 1;
IF (num <= 0)
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:

I THINK most of you know by sight at least one of the three

following flowers.

Fig. 162

I have asked for pictures of three different kinds of lilies, so that

the city and country children alike may recognize an old friend; for
every spring the white Easter lily (Fig. 162) stands outside the flower
shops, and decorates the churches, and travels through the streets
in the peddler’s cart; while in summer time the country is bright with
the wood and meadow lilies (Figs. 163, 164).

Fig. 163

And I hope that even now one of the living blossoms is before you,
for I want you to see for yourselves what plan these lilies use in
flower building.
The building plan of the cherry, you remember, began with a green
cup or calyx.
Do you find in the lily any green cup?
No, there is nothing of the sort in the lilies. You see only a circle of
flower leaves. In the last chapter you learned to call such a circle the
corolla. But the wise men say that without a calyx there cannot be a
real corolla. So in the lily we will speak of the “flower leaves” instead
of the corolla.

Fig. 164

Next we find six of the pins with dust boxes, or the stamens.
And then we come to the pin with a seedbox below, or the pistil.
So the building plan of the lily has only three divisions:—
1. Flower leaves.
2. Stamens.
3. Pistil.
If you look at the lower side of the outer row of flower leaves, you
will see that they are streaked with green; and that when the flower
is still in bud, only the green, thick parts of these leaves are exposed
to the wind and cold, while the more delicate parts of the blossom
are hidden almost as snugly as though they were covered by the
leaves of a green cup or calyx.
Fig. 165

These lilies are pleasant flowers to study. Their different parts are
so large and simple that you have no doubt as to what they are
meant for. The bees could hardly overlook their great, showy
handkerchiefs; and the heaping dust boxes must powder the visiting
bees so freely with golden or brownish dust, that plenty of this is sure
to be carried to the pistil of a neighboring blossom; and the flat tip of
this pistil is so large and so sticky, that, once the dust is brushed
upon it, it is sure to stay there until its wonderful work is
The gay tulip (Fig. 165) is a cousin to the lily. It is built on almost
the same plan. There is no green cup in the tulip; but every tulip has
1. Flower leaves.
2. Stamens.
3. Pistil.
The tip of the tulip’s pistil is divided into three parts.

L ET us take a good look at the stamens of the Easter lily. There

are six of these. Each dust box is fastened to the tip of a tall
stalk. Fig. 166 shows you a single stamen from the Easter lily. It is
drawn somewhat larger than life. Its box has opened, and is letting
out some grains of dust.


There are many different kinds of stamens. I will show you some
pictures that will give you an idea of their great variety. Here is one
taken from the flower of the shin leaf (Fig. 167). The dust makes its
escape through two little openings at the very top of the box.

That shown in Fig. 168 is from the barberry. The sides of the box
open like a door which is hinged on top. This arrangement lets out a
quantity of dust.
Here is a collection of stamens of different sorts. Fig. 169 has two
boxes at the top of its stalk, and so has Fig. 171. Fig. 172 has a
crosspiece, with a good-sized box at one end, and only the little
beginnings of a box at the other. Fig. 170 has a similar crosspiece,
with a box at one end only.

Fig. 168
Fig. 169

You see that flower faces show quite as much variety as do the
faces of the people you know. You must not expect to find stamens
all alike, any more than you would expect all the boys and girls you
know to have noses of the same shape, or hair of the same color.

Fig. 170
Fig. 171

Fig. 172

This picture (Fig. 173) shows you all the stamens of the pea
blossom. Do you notice that quite a number of these (nine, in fact)
grow together close about the pistil, while the tenth one stands
alone? That is a strange custom always observed by the stamens of
the pea.
Fig. 173

Fig. 174

Next we see all the stamens from one of the tiny flowers of the
golden-rod (Fig. 174). These are very much larger than life. There
are five of them, fastened together in a sort of tube. Split open this
tube and flatten it out. Now they look like five little sisters, arm in arm
(Fig. 175).
And here, again joined in a tube, we see the stamens of the
mallow (Fig. 176). From the hollow of this tube stand out the tops of
the mallow’s pistils.
Some flowers have so many stamens that you would find it almost
impossible to count them. This little blossom (Fig. 177), the
enchanter’s nightshade (drawn much larger than life), has only two.

Fig. 175

Fig. 176

Fig. 177
I hope that you children, from now on, will be unwilling to pass by
a flower without looking to see whether its stamens are few or many;
and I hope you will try to carry away in your minds a clear idea of the
size and shape of their dust boxes.

W HEN a child smells a flower, he is apt to put his nose right into
the middle of the blossom, and to take it out with a dab of
yellow dust upon its tip.
When he brushes off this dust, of course he does not stop to think
that each tiny grain holds a speck of the wonderful material we read
about some time ago, the material without which there can be no life.
And probably he does not know that the dust grains from the lily
are quite unlike those which he rubs upon his nose when he smells a
daisy; that different kinds of flowers yield different kinds of flower
If you should look through a microscope at a grain of flower dust
from the lily, you would see an object resembling Fig. 178.
Fig. 178 Fig. 179 Fig. 180 Fig. 181 Fig. 182

Fig. 179 shows a grain from the pretty blue flower of the chicory.
Fig. 180 is a dust grain from the flower of the pine tree. Fig. 181 is
from the laurel, and the odd-looking Fig. 182 is from a dust box of
the evening primrose.

Fig. 183

The next picture (Fig. 183) shows you a group of dust grains from
flowers of different kinds, one looking like a porcupine, another like a
sea shell, another like some strange water animal, and all, I fancy,
quite unlike any idea you may have had as to the appearance of a
grain of flower dust.
When you are older, I hope it may be your good luck to see
through a microscope some of the odd shapes and curious markings
of different kinds of flower dust, or “pollen,” as this flower dust is
called in the books.
And now that you know something of the appearance of flower
dust, perhaps you wish to learn a little more of the way in which it
helps the flower to turn into the fruit.


B UT first you must know a little something about the pistil, if I am

really to make clear to you how the flower dust helps the flower
to change into fruit.
This picture (Fig. 184) shows you the pistil of the lily. At the foot of
this pistil, you remember, is the box which holds the lily’s seeds.
The top of the lily’s pistil is quite large and somewhat flat. It is
almost as sticky as if it had received a dab of glue.
This flat top dwindles below into a stalk, which grows larger again
at its lower end.
Now take a sharp knife and cut open lengthwise this pistil.
The lower, thicker part, seen through a magnifying glass, looks like
Fig. 185. You see a great many baby seeds fastened to a central
wall. Each one of these seeds holds a speck of the wonderful
material without which there is no life. But this speck of life has not
the power to make the seed grow into a plant. To do this, the seed
must have some outside help; and this help can come only from a
grain of flower dust.


Perhaps you wonder how a dust grain brushed on the pistil’s flat
top can ever reach the baby seeds hidden away in the seedbox.
I could not tell you to-day how this is done were it not for those
wise and patient men and women who have spent days and weeks
and months, and even years, in watching and studying the ways of
But first let me ask you a question.
What happens when a healthy seed falls on moist ground?
Why, it seems to take in the moisture, and to thrive upon it. It
swells up, and at last it bursts open, and it sends a root down into
the earth.
Now, something not altogether unlike this happens when a lily dust
grain falls upon the moist tip of a lily pistil. The dust grain sucks in
the moisture. It grows bigger and bigger. The outer skin becomes too
small for the swelling contents. At last it bursts open, letting out a
little tube.
This little tube works its way down through the stalk of the pistil,
almost as a root pushes down into the earth, and at last it reaches
one of the seeds in the seedbox below.
And into this tiny seed the little tube pushes its way.


The tube has carried with it that speck of wonderful living material
which every dust grain holds. And when this living speck has been
added to that which the seed already holds, a great change begins
to come about.
This new touch of life, added to that already present, gives the lily
seed the power to grow into a lily plant.
The other dust grains that were brushed upon the flat top of the
lily’s pistil act in just the same way. Apparently without difficulty the
different tubes find their way to the different seeds, till at last each
one has received the fresh touch of life without which it cannot grow
into a lily plant.

I cannot show a lily dust grain in the act of sending out its life-
bearing tube; but above is a dust grain (Fig. 186) from the thorn
apple. You see that it has burst open, and that a tube is pushing its
way out.
This picture (Fig. 187) is that of a pistil seedbox cut open, showing
you a tube that is working its way from the dust grain above to a tiny
seed in the seedbox below.
As I told you in the last chapter, the name “pollen” has been given
to this wonder-working flower dust. A grain of flower dust is a grain of
In many flowers you will find a pistil much like the one that you see
in the lily.
But there are as many different kinds of pistils as there are
different kinds of stamens.
This pistil (Fig. 188) is from the grass of Parnassus, that pretty
white flower which you find in the wet meadows in August and
September. It has no real stalk, you see, like that of the lily; but it is
quite thick all the way from top to bottom. In Fig. 189 it is cut across,
showing the seeds inside.
Fig. 188 Fig. 189 Fig. 190 Fig. 191 Fig. 192

Many pistils that are joined in one piece below, where the seeds
are held, separate above into two or more parts. Fig. 190 shows the
seed holder of a saxifrage, divided into two pieces above; Fig. 191
gives that of the Saint John’s-wort, separating into three parts; that of
the sundew (Fig. 192) separates into six parts. Fig. 193 is a section
of the pea flower. This is cut lengthwise so as to show you the seeds
which line the inner surface of the pistil. Here you have the baby pea
All these flowers have only one real pistil,—one pistil which may
persuade you, by the way in which it separates above, into thinking
that there are more than one. So you must be on your guard in this
respect, and remember that flowers have a way of playing tricks with
all but the most wide-awake of boys and girls. Look long and
carefully before you declare that a flower has only one pistil.

Fig. 193
Here we see half of a buttercup (Fig. 194). The buttercup has a
great many entirely separate pistils. Look sharply at the picture, and
you will see them crowded upon the little thimble-shaped object in
the middle of the blossom. Do not confuse them with the stamens,
for the buttercup has also a great many stamens. When buttercup
time comes round, I want every one of you to look at these many
pistils and stamens.

Fig. 194

Fig. 195

The next picture (Fig. 195) shows you a strawberry. In the

strawberry blossom the pistils are so small, and so crowded, and so
hidden by the many stamens, that it is not easy to see them; and so I
show you the full-grown berry, with little pistils scattered all over its
surface. Each of those tiny objects which stand out on the strawberry
is a separate pistil.
Whenever you look at a flower, I want you to remember that its
bright flower leaves will soon fade and fall, and that its stamens will
lose their pollen and wither away, but that the pistil or pistils will
remain, turning at last into the ripened fruit,—the fruit which is the
end, the aim, the object, of the plant’s life.

I SHOULD like to ask each of you children to tell me what flower

you believe to be first to come in the spring.
Some of you have never stopped to think about this. But there are
sure to be a few among you who will name one special flower as the
earliest of the year.
Perhaps even in March you may have ventured into the woods to
look for the lovely, fragrant, waxlike blossoms of the trailing arbutus.
You know the sheltered hollow where the snow first melts; and there
the delicate pink flowers make you glad with their beauty, and with
the thought of the good time coming. To some of us this first hunt for
the arbutus is one of the great events of the year. It means the
beginning of long, delicious hours in the fresh air, with birds and
trees and butterflies and wild flowers as our chosen companions.
But not all of you will agree that this trailing arbutus is the first
spring flower. Many think the violet can lay claim to this honor. The
yellow violet especially may be found in the woods before the trees
have put forth their leaves.
And some say that the little blue liverwort (sometimes this is pink
or white) is the earliest of all; and others vote for the spring beauty,
or for the yellow adder’s tongue, or for the Dutchman’s breeches, or
for the anemone.
And still others say that the marsh marigold, the shining flower that
in April gilds the wet meadows, leads the procession.
But you are wrong, every one of you. The earliest blossom of the
year makes its appearance long before any of these flowers you
have mentioned.
The first plant to blossom knows better than to proclaim the
change of season by anything so fragile as a violet, an anemone, a
spring beauty. It sends out its rather coarse little flowers under the
protection of a tough waterproof hood, which shields them from the
rude winds and nipping cold.
This plant bears the ugly name of skunk cabbage (Fig. 196). Its
broken stem and leaves give out an odor which at once persuades
you that its title is deserved.

Fig. 196

In the swamps the skunk cabbages send up by the dozen the

curious purple hoods which curl about the thick clusters of little
flowers. When you come across a colony of these queer-looking
objects, no wonder it never occurs to you that the first flower of

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