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Plant Systematics 3rd Edition Michael

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Plant Systematics
Third Edition

Michael G. Simpson


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Simpson, Michael G. (Michael George), 1953-
Plant systematics / Michael G. Simpson. – 3rd ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-0-12-812628-8
1. Plants–Classification. I. Title.
QK95.S566 2019

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The first edition of this book was dedicated to three mentors I have been very fortunate to know: Albert Radford, who
taught critical thinking; P. Barry Tomlinson, who taught the fine art of careful observation; and Rolf Dahlgren, whose
magnetic personality was inspirational. I also wish to thank my many students who have provided useful suggestions
over the years, plus three writers who captured my interest in science and the wonder of it all: Isaac Asimov, Richard
Feynman, and Carl Sagan.

I wish to dedicate the second edition of this book to my wonderful family: Anna, Bonnie, Claire, Lee, and Lori.

The third edition is dedicated to Stella, Layla, and Quinn, who have brought so much joy into our lives.




Chapter 1 Plant Systematics: An Overview………………………………………………………………………………………...……………………………3

Chapter 2 Evolution and Diversity of Vascular Plants………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17


Chapter 3 Evolution and Diversity of Green and Land Plants………………………………………………………………………………………...………..55

Chapter 4 Evolution and Diversity of Vascular Plants………………………………………………………………………………………...……………….75

Chapter 5 Evolution and Diversity of Woody and Seed plants………………………………………………………………………………………...……...131

Chapter 6 Evolution of Flowering Plants………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………….167

Chapter 7 Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants: Amborellales, Nymphaeales, Austrobaileyales, Magnoliids, Monocots, and Ceratophyllales..187

Chapter 8 Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants: Eudicots………………………………………………………………………………………...285


Chapter 9 Plant Morphology………………………………………………………………………………………...………………………………………...469

Chapter 10 Plant Anatomy and Physiology………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………537

Chapter 11 Plant Embryology………………………………………………………………………………………...……………………………………….567

Chapter 12 Palynology…………………………………………………………………………...……………………………………………………………583

Chapter 13 Plant Reproductive Biology………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………….595

Chapter 14 Plant Molecular Systematics………………………………………………………………………………………...……………………………607

viii contents


Chapter 15 Plant Identification...…………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………625

Chapter 16 Plant Nomenclature………………………………………………………………………………………...……………………………………..631

Chapter 17 Plant Collecting and Documentation………………………………………………………………………………………...……………………647

Chapter 18 Herbaria and Data Information Systems………………………………………………………………………………………...………………...657


Chapter 19 Species and Conservation in Plant Systematics………………………………………………………………………………………...…………671

Appendix 1 Plant Description………………………………………………………………………………………...………………………………………..691

Appendix 2 Botanical Illustrations………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………………...697

Appendix 3 Scientific Journals in Plant Systematics………………………………………………………………………………………...………………...701

Appendix 4 Statistics and Morphometrics in Plant Systematics………………………………………………………………………………………...…….703

Glossary of terms………………………………………………………………………………………...……………………………………………………..713

I sincerely thank Andy Bohonak, Bruce Baldwin, Lisa Campbell, Figure 4.20D was reproduced from Banks et al. 1975.
Travis Columbus, Gary Emberger, Lluvia Flores-Rentería, Palaeontographica Americana 8: 77–126, with permission from
Chrissen Gemmill, Matt Guilliams, Robert Hattaway, Bruce Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York.
Kirchoff, Eric Knox, Kristen Hasenstab-Lehman, Makenzie John Braggins contributed the images of Figure 4.26H–J.
Mabry, Lucinda McDade, Steve O’Kane, Kathleen Pryer (and Figure 4.31 was redrawn from Smith, G. M. 1955.
her lab group), Jon Rebman, Tanya Renner, P. van Rijckevorsel, Cryptogamic Botany, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,
Paula Rudall, Dennis Stevenson, Livia Wanntorp, Annette New York.
Winner, and several anonymous reviewers for their com- Lawrence Jensen contributed the images of Figure
ments on various chapters or appendices of the first, second, 4.34A,B,E, 4.35D–E,H–J, 4.36C–D, and 4.37C–F.
or third editions of this book. I thank Anna C. Simpson and Vera Svobodova contributed the images of 4.35A–C.
Lee M. Simpson for technical help. I am grateful to Peter Gerald Carr contributed the image of 4.36F.
Stevens for up-to-date information on higher level classifica- Figure 5.9 was reproduced and modified from Swamy,
tion of angiosperms from his excellent Angiosperm Phylogeny B. G. L. 1948. American Journal of Botany 35: 77–88,
Website. As always, none of these bear responsibility for any by permission.
mistakes, omissions, incongruities, misinterpretations, or Figure 5.13A,B was reproduced from: Beck, C. B. 1962.
general stupidities. American Journal of Botany 49: 373–382, by permission.
Almost all of the illustrations and photographs are the Figure 5.13C was reproduced from Stewart, W. N.,
product of the author. I thank the following for additions to and T. Delevoryas. 1956. Botanical Review 22: 45–80,
these (in order of appearance in text): by per­mission.
The “tree” of Unit 1 opening page (at left) is from Augier, A. Figure 5.19 was redrawn from Florin, R. 1951. Evolution in
1801. Essai d’une nouvelle classification des végétaux. Lyon, Cordaites and Conifers. Acta Horti Bergiani 15: 285–388.
Bruyset Ainé. (See Stevens, P. F. 1983. Taxon 32: 203–211.) John Braggins contributed the images of Figure 5.22D and
The cladogram (at right) was an unpublished tree from the 5.24D–F,L.
study by Simpson et al. 2017. Taxon 66: 1406–1420.. Figure 5.26B was reproduced from Esau, K. 1965. Plant
The Jepson Herbarium (University of California Press) gave Anatomy. J. Wiley and Sons, New York, by permission.
special permission to reproduce the key to the Oleaceae Mark Olson contributed the images of Welwitschia mirabilis
(Thomas J. Rosatti, author) in Figure 1.7. in Figure 5.27B–E.
Madroño (California Botanical Society) gave permission Figure 6.5 was based upon Jack, T. 2001. Trends in Plant
to reproduce Figure 4C of Simpson, et al. 2016. Madroño 63: Science 6: 310–316.
39-54, and Figure 2 of Dodero and Simpson. 2012. Madroño Figure 6.18A–C was redrawn from Thomas, H. H. 1925.
59:223-229 in Figure 2.1 of Chapter 2. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Rick Bizzoco contributed the images of Chlamydomonas 213: 299–363.
reinhardtii in Figures 3.2C and 3.3A. Figure 6.18D–F was redrawn from Gould, R. E. and T.
Linda Graham contributed the image of Coleochaete in Delevoryas. 1977. Alcheringa 1: 387–399, by permission.
Figure 3.5B. Figure 6.19A was contributed by K. Simons and David
Figure 4.12A was reproduced from Kidston, R. and Dilcher (©); Figure 6.19B was contributed by David Dilcher (©)
W. H. Lang. 1921. Transactions of the Royal Society of and Ge Sun.
Edinburgh 52(4): 831–902. Stephen McCabe contributed the images of Amborella
Figure 4.20C was redrawn from Wakasugi, T., M. Sugita, in Figures 7.3A,C.
T. Tsudzuki, and M. Sugiura. 1998. Plant Molecular Biology The Arboretum at the University of California-Santa Cruz
Reporter 16: 231–241, by permission. contributed the image of Amborella in Figure 7.3B.

xii Acknowledgments

Sandra Floyd provided the image of Amborella in David G. Smith contributed the images of Phryma lepto­
Figure 7.3D. stachya in Figure 8.116I,J.
Jeffrey M. Osborn and Mackenzie L. Taylor contributed the Michael Silveira contributed the image of Linnaea borealis
images of the Cabombaceae in Figure 7.4. in Figure 8.127C,D.
Jack Scheper contributed the image of Illicium floridanum Michael Mayer contributed material of Scabiosa, photo-
in Figure 7.6A. graphed in Figure 8.128E–L.
Figure 7.18A was reproduced from Behnke, H.-D. 1972. On the Unit III opening page the brass microscope image is
Botanical Review 38: 155–197, by permission. courtesy of Allan Wissner (,
Constance Gramlich contributed the image of Amorpho­ and the image of an Illumina sequencer is a general use image
phallus in Figure 7.25C. (­
Wayne Armstrong contributed the image of a flowering dia-images.html)
Wolffia in Figure 7.25G. Figure 9.6 was reproduced and condensed from Hallé, F. et
Benjamin Lowe contributed the image of Scoliopus bigelovii al. 1978. Tropical Trees and Forests: An Architectural Analysis.
(Liliaceae) in Figure 7.28H. Springer, Berlin., by permission.
John Kress contributed the Zingiberales drawing in Figure 9.13 was redrawn from Hickey, L. J. 1973. American
Figure 7.54. Journal of Botany 60: 17–33, by permission.
Will Cook contributed the images of Hamamelis virginiana Darren Burton prepared several illustrations in Chapter 9.
in Figure 8.13A–C and of Ulmus alata in 8.39G. Figure 13.4A was redrawn from Weberling. 1989. Morpho­logy
Gerald Carr contributed the images of Hillebrandia sand­ of Flowers and Inflorescences. Cambridge University Press,
wicensis in Figure 8.42A,B and of Juglans hindsii in Figure Cambridge, New York, by permission.
8.47D–H. Figure 13.4B was redrawn from Kohn et al. 1996. Evolution
The Rampant Gardener contributed the image of Juglans 50: 1454–1469, by permission.
regia in Figure 8.47J. Jon Rebman contributed the images in Figure 13.7D,E.
Jerry Green contributed the image of Crossosoma bigelovii Figure 14.4 was redrawn from Wakasugi, T., M. Sugita,
in Figure 8.48A. T. Tsudzuki, and M. Sugiura. 1998. Plant Molecular Biology
Reid Moran contributed the image of Crossosoma californi­ Reporter 16: 231–241, by permission.
cum in Figure 8.48B–D, of Koeberlinia spinosa in Figure The Herbarium at the San Diego Natural History Museum
8.57J–L, and of Eucnide urens in Figure 8.88B. contributed the images in Figure 17.2.
Mark Olson contributed the images of Moringa spp. in Jon Rebman contributed the image of the herbarium sheet
Figure 8.57M–Q. in Figure 18.2.
Figure 8.72B was reproduced from Behnke, H.-D. 1972. Figure 19.6 was redrawn from Huang et al. 2005. Journal of
Botanical Review 38: 155–197, by permission. Plant Research 118: 1–11, by permission.
Gerald Carr contributed the images of Ardisia crenata in Figure 19.9 was redrawn from Baldwin. 2000. Madroño 47:
Figure 8.93A,B. 219–229, by permission.
Steven Swartz contributed the images of Heliamphora sp. in Dinna Estrella contributed the stippled line drawing in
Figure 8.97F,G. Appendix 2.
Matt Guilliams contributed the image of Pholisma sonorae
in Figure 8.100F,G.

Plant Systematics is an introduction to the morphology, evolu- Unit 2, Evolution and Diversity of Plants, describes in detail
tion, and classification of land plants. My objective is to present a the characteristics and classification of plants. The six chapters of
foundation of the approach, methods, research goals, evidence, this unit are intended to give the beginning student a basic
and terminology of plant systematics and to summarize infor- understanding of the evolution of Green and Land Plants
mation on the most recent knowledge of evolutionary relation- (Chapter 3), Vascular Plants (Chapter 4), Woody and Seed Plants
ships of plants as well as practical information vital to the (Chapter 5), and Flowering Plants (Chapters 6–8). Chapters 3–5
field. I have tried to present the material in a condensed, clear are formatted into two major sections. The first section presents
manner, such that the beginning student can better digest the cladograms (phylogenetic trees), which portray the evolutionary
more important parts of the voluminous information in the history of the group. Each of the major derived evolutionary fea-
field and acquire more detailed information from the literature. tures (apomorphies) from that cladogram is described and illus-
The book is meant to serve students at the college upper trated, with emphasis on its possible adaptive significance. This
undergraduate and graduate levels in plant systematics or evolutionary approach to plant systematics makes learning the
taxonomy courses, although portions of the book may be major plant groups and their features conceptually easier than
used in flora courses and much of the book could be used in simply memorizing a static list of characteristics. Treating these
courses in plant morphology, diversity, or general botany. features as the products of unique evolutionary events brings
Each chapter has an expanded Table of Contents on the them “to life,” especially when their possible functional signifi-
first page, a feature my students recommended as very useful. cance is pondered. The second section of Chapters 3–5 pres-
Numerous line drawings and color photographs are used ents a survey of the diversity of the group in question.
throughout. A key feature is that illustrated plant material is Etymologies of the type genus for families are included. Rare
often dissected and labeled to show important diagnostic fea- conditions and synonyms are enclosed by square brackets.
tures. At the end of each chapter are (1) Review Questions, Exemplars within major groups are described and illustrated,
which go over the chapter material; (2) Exercises, whereby a such that the student may learn to recognize and know the
student may apply the material; and (3) References for Further basic features of the major lineages of plants.
Study, listing some of the basic and recent references. Because they constitute the great majority of plants, the
Literature cited in the references is not exhaustive, so students flowering plants, or angiosperms, are covered in three chap-
are encouraged to do literature searches on their own (see ters. Chapter 6 deals with the evolution of flowering plants,
Appendix 3). Websites are listed for some chapters. describing the apomorphies for that group and presenting a
The book is classified into units, which consist of one or synopsis of their origin. Chapters 7 and 8 describe specific
more chapters. Of course, a given instructor may choose to groups of flowering plants. In Chapter 7 the non-eudicot
vary the sequence of these units or the chapters within, groups are treated, including the earliest diverging angio-
depending on personal preference and the availability of plant sperm lineages and the monocotyledons. Chapter 8 covers
material. There is a slight amount of repetition between chap- the eudicots, which make up the great majority of angio-
ters of different units, but this was done so that chapters could sperms. In these two chapters numerous flowering plant fam-
be used independently of one another. ilies (166 of the 472 recognized here) are described in detail,
Unit 1, Systematics, gives a general overview of the accompanied by photographs and illustrations; these are
concepts and methods of the field. Chapter 1 serves as an mostly families that are commonly encountered or for which
introduction to the definition, relationships, classification, material is usually available to the beginning student.
and importance of plants and summarizes the basic concepts Additional families are not described, but are illustrated with
and principles of systematics, taxonomy, evolution, and phy- one or more exemplars. I have tried to emphasize diagnostic
logeny. Chapter 2 introduces taxonomy as continuing, active features a student might use to recognize a plant family, and
field of research and covers the details of phylogenetic sys- have included some economically important uses of family
tematics, and the theory and methodology for inferring phy- members. Reference to Chapter 9 and occasionally to
logenetic trees or cladograms. Chapters 10–14 (or use of the comprehensive Glossary) may

x  Preface

be needed with regard to the technical terms. The Angiosperm Lastly, four Appendices and a Glossary are included. I have
Phylogeny Group IV system of classification is used through- personally found each of these addenda to be of value in my own
out, with some exceptions. This system uses orders as the plant systematics courses. Appendix 1 is a list of characters used
major taxonomic rank in grouping families of close relation- for detailed plant descriptions (available on the Plant Systematics
ship and has proven extremely useful in dealing with the tre- Resources website). This list is useful in training students to write
mendous diversity of the flowering plants. descriptions suitable for publication. Appendix 2 is a brief dis-
Unit 3, Systematic Evidence and Descriptive Terminology, cussion of botanical illustration. I have found that drawing what
begins with a chapter on plant morphology (Chapter 9). one sees helps to develop observational skills. Appendix 3 is a
Explanatory text, numerous diagrammatic illustrations, and listing of scientific journals in plant systematics, with literature
photographs are used to train beginning students to precisely exercises. Appendix 4 gives a brief overview of statistical and
and thoroughly describe a plant morphologically. Appendices morphometric methods and how those may be applied in
1 and 2 (see below) are designed to be used along with Chapter addressing questions in taxonomy and phylogenetic systematics.
9. The other chapters in this unit cover the basic descriptive The Glossary defines all terms used in the book and indicates
terminology of plant anatomy (Chapter 10), plant embryol- synonyms, adjectival forms, plurals, abbreviations, and terms to
ogy (Chapter 11), palynology (Chapter 12), plant reproduc- compare.
tive biology (Chapter 13), and plant molecular systematics Three web sites will be available to be used in conjunction
(Chapter 14). The rationale for including these in a textbook with the textbook: (1) a Plant Systematics Resources site (http://
on plant systematics is that features from these various fields, with web links and
are described in systematic research and are commonly uti- materials that are universally available; (2) a companion website
lized in phylogenetic reconstruction and taxonomic delimita- (
tion. In particular, in the last chapter on plant molecular that includes the chapter figures, appendix material from the
systematics, I have attempted to update techniques and meth- textbook, and links to the author’s website; and (3) an Instructor
odologies acquired in what has become in recent years the Resources site (,
most fruitful of endeavors in phylogenetic reconstruction. with material that is password protected. Please contact your
Unit 4, Resources in Plant Systematics, discusses some sales representative at for access to the
basics that are essential in everyday systematic research. Plant Instructor Resources site.
identification (Chapter 15) contains a summary of both stan- Throughout the book, I have attempted to adhere to
dard dichotomous keys and computerized polythetic keys W–H–Y, What–How–Why, in organizing and clarifying
and reviews practical identification methods. The chapter on chapter topics: (1) What is it? What is the topic, the basic def-
nomenclature (Chapter 16) summarizes the basic rules of the inition? (Many scientific arguments could have been resolved
most recent International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, at the start by a clear statement or definition of terms.)
Fungi, and Plants, including the steps needed in the valid (2) How is it done? What are the materials and methods, the
publication of a new species plus a review of botanical names. techniques of data acquisition, the types of data analysis?
A chapter on plant collecting and documentation (Chapter (3) Why is it done? What is the purpose, objective, or goal?
17) emphasizes both correct techniques for collecting plants What is the overriding paradigm involved? How does the
and thorough data acquisition, the latter of which has become current study or topic relate to others? This simple W–H–Y
increasingly important today in biodiversity studies and con- method, first presented to me by one of my mentors, A. E.
servation biology. Finally, the chapter on herbaria and data Radford, is useful to follow in any intellectual endeavor. It is a
information systems (Chapter 18) reviews the basics of her- good lesson to teach one’s students, and helps both in devel-
barium management, emphasizing the role of computerized oping good writing skills and in critically evaluating a topic.
database systems in plant collections for analyzing and syn- Finally, I would like to propose that each of us, instructors
thesizing morphological, ecological, and biogeographic data. and students, pause occasionally to evaluate why it is that
Unit 5, Species Concepts and Conservation Biology, con- we do what we do. Over the years I have refined my ideas
tains a chapter (Chapter 19) that reviews basic plant repro- and offer these suggestions as possible goals: (1) to realize and
duction and the criteria and concepts of species and explore the beauty, grandeur, and intricacy of nature;
infraspecies definitions. In addition, a section on conserva- (2) to engage in the excitement of scientific discovery; (3) to
tion biology reviews the basic concepts of this field, how it experience and share the joy of learning. It is in this spirit that
relates to taxonomy and systematics, and its importance to I sincerely hope the book may be of use to others.
biologists and society.
PLANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Taxonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
What Is a Plant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Phylogeny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Plants and the Evolution of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Why Study Systematics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Land Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
REVIEW QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Why Study Plants? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
EXERCISES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
SYSTEMATICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
What Is Systematics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 REFERENCES FOR FURTHER STUDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

This book is about a fascinating field of biology called plant cussion), defined by the common (but independently evolved)
systematics. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the characteristic of photosynthesis. However, delimiting organismal
basics: what a plant is, what systematics is, and the reasons groups based on evolutionary history has gained almost universal
for studying plant systematics. acceptance. This latter type of classification directly reflects the
patterns of that evolutionary history and can be used to explicitly
test evolutionary hypotheses (discussed later; see Chapter 2).
PLANTS An understanding of what plants are requires an explanation
of the evolution of life in general.
This question can be answered in either of two conceptual PLANTS AND THE EVOLUTION OF LIFE
ways. One way, the traditional way, is to define groups of Life is currently classified as three major groups (sometimes
organisms such as plants by the characteristics they possess. called domains) of organisms: Archaea (also called Archae-
Thus, historically, “plants” included those organisms that pos- bacteria), Bacteria (also called Eubacteria), and Eukarya
sess photosynthesis, cell walls, spores, and a more or less sed- or eukaryotes (also spelled eucaryotes). The evolutionary
entary behavior. This traditional grouping of plants contained relationships of these groups are summarized in the simplified
a variety of microscopic organisms, all of the “algae,” and the evolutionary tree or cladogram of Figure 1.1. The Archaea and
more familiar plants that live on land. A second way to answer Bacteria are small, mostly unicellular organisms that possess
the question “What is a plant?” is to evaluate the evolutionary circular DNA, replicate by fission, and lack membrane-bound
history of life and to use that history to delimit the groups of organelles. The two groups differ from one another in the
life. We now know from repeated research studies that some chemical structure of certain cellular components. Eukaryotes
of the photosynthetic organisms evolved independently of one are unicellular or multicellular organisms that possess linear
another and are not closely related. DNA (organized as histone-bound chromosomes), replicate by
Thus, the meaning or definition of the word plant can be mitotic and often meiotic division, and possess membrane-bound
ambiguous and can vary from person to person. Some still like organelles such as nuclei, cytoskeletal structures, and (in almost
to treat plants as a “polyphyletic” assemblage (see later dis- all) mitochondria (Figure 1.1).

PLANT SYSTEMATICS, Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 3

Eukarya (Eukaryotes)

Viridiplantae (Green plants)


Rhodophyta (Red algae)


Phaeophyta (Browns)

(incl. slime molds)





(water molds)






*chloroplast “red” chloroplast

*chloroplast “green” chloroplast

chloroplast origin

mitochondria (by endosymbiosis)

cytoskeletal/contractile elements (actin, myosin, tubulin )
other membrane-bound or ganelles (endoplasm. retic., golgi, lysosomes)
mitosis (+ meiosis in sexually reproducing organisms)
nucleus (membrane bound), enclosing chromosomes
DNA linear, bound to histones

= endosymbiotic origin of mitochondrion

and chloroplast from ancestral Bacterium
* = secondary chloroplast endosymbioses

Figure 1.1 Simplified cladogram (evolutionary tree) of life (modified from Parfrey et al. 2010; see also Williams et al. 2018), illustrating
eukaryotic apomorphies (the relative order of which is unknown) and the hypothesis of a single origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts via
endosymbiosis (arrows). Note modification of chloroplast structure in the red and green plants, and subsequent secondary endosymbiosis in
numerous other lineages (indicated by *). Eukaryotic groups with photosynthetic members in bold.

Some of the unicellular bacteria (e.g., the Cyanobacteria, or How did chloroplasts evolve? It is now largely accepted that
blue-greens) carry on photosynthesis, a biochemical system chloroplasts of eukaryotes originated by the engulfment of an
in which light energy is used to synthesize high-energy com- ancestral photosynthetic bacterium (probably a cyanobacteri-
pounds from simpler starting compounds, carbon dioxide and um) by an ancestral eukaryotic cell such that the photosynthetic
water. These photosynthetic bacteria have a system of internal bacterium continued to live and ultimately multiply inside the
membranes called thylakoids, within which are embedded pho- eukaryotic cell (Figures 1.1, 1.2). (Mitochondria also evolved
tosynthetic pigments, compounds that convert light energy to by this process, from an ancestral, non-photosynthetic bacte-
chemical energy. Of the several groups of eukaryotes that are rium; see Figure 1.1.) The evidence for this is the fact that chlo-
photosynthetic, all have specialized photosynthetic organelles roplasts, like bacteria today, (a) have their own single-stranded,
called chloroplasts, which resemble photosynthetic bacteria circular DNA; (b) have a smaller sized, 70S ribosome; and (c)
in having pigment-containing thylakoid membranes. replicate by fission. These engulfed photosynthetic bacteria

Ancestral . .. . .
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. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . ..
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. . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. .. . . .. .
. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .
.. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .
. . . .
. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .
. . .. . . . . . . . .
. . . . .

Eukaryotic cell Photosynthetic

eukaryotic cell

Figure 1.2 Diagrammatic illustration of the origin of chloroplasts by endosymbiosis of ancestral photosynthetic bacterium within ancestral
eukaryotic cell.

provided high-energy products to the eukaryotic cell; the group known as embryophytes (formally, the Embryophyta),
“host” eukaryotic cell provided a beneficial environment for usually referred to as the land plants (Figure 1.3). The land
the photosynthetic bacteria. The condition of two species living plants are united by several evolutionary novelties that were
together in close contact is termed symbiosis, and the process adaptations to the transition from an aquatic environment to
in which symbiosis results by the engulfment and retention of living on land. These include (1) an outer cuticle, which aids in
one cell by another is termed endosymbiosis. Over time, these protecting tissues from desiccation; (2) specialized gametangia
endosymbiotic, photosynthetic bacteria became transformed (egg and sperm producing organs) that have an outer, protec-
structurally and functionally, retaining their own DNA and the tive layer of sterile cells; and (3) an intercalated diploid phase
ability to replicate, but losing the ability to live independently (sporophyte) in the life cycle, the early, immature component
of the host cell. In fact, over time there has been a transfer of of which is termed the embryo (hence, “embryophytes”; see
some genes from the DNA of the chloroplast to the nuclear Chapter 3 for details).
DNA of the eukaryotic host cell, making the two biochemi- Just as the green plants include the land plants, the land
cally interdependent. plants are inclusive of the vascular plants (Figure 1.3), the latter
Although knowledge of eukaryotic relationships is still in flux, being united by the evolution of an independent sporophyte
the most recent data from molecular systematic studies indicates and xylem and phloem vascular conductive tissue (see Chapter
that this so-called “primary” endosymbiosis of the chloroplast 4). The vascular plants are inclusive of the seed plants (Figure
probably occurred one time, a shared evolutionary novelty of 1.3), which are united by the evolution of wood and seeds
the red algae (Rhodophyta) and green plants (Viridiplantae (see Chapter 5). Finally, seed plants include the angiosperms
or Chlorobionta; Figure 1.1). This early chloroplast became (Figure 1.3), united by the evolution of the flower, including
modified with regard to photosynthetic pigments, thylakoid carpels and stamens, and by a number of other specialized
structure, and storage products into forms characteristic of the features (see Chapters 6–8).
red algae and green plants (see Figure 1.1). In addition, several For the remainder of this book, the term plant is treated as
lineages of photosynthetic organisms – including the euglenoids equivalent to the embryophytes, the land plants. The rationale for
(Euglenozoa), dinoflagellates, and brown algae (Phaeophyta), this is partly that land plants make up a so-called monophyletic
and a few other lineages – may have acquired chloroplasts via group, whereas the photosynthetic eukaryotes as a whole are not
“secondary” endosymbiosis, which occurred by the engulfment monophyletic, and do not accurately reflect evolutionary history
of an ancestral chloroplast-containing eukaryote by another (see later discussion, Chapter 2). And, practically, it is land plants
eukaryotic cell (Figure 1.1). that most people are talking about when they refer to “plants,”
including those in the field of plant systematics. However, as
LAND PLANTS noted before, the word plant can be used by some to refer to
Of the major groups of photosynthetic eukaryotes, the green other groupings; when in doubt, get a precise clarification.
plants (Viridiplantae or Chlorobionta) are united primarily by
distinctive characteristics of the green plant chloroplast with WHY STUDY PLANTS?
respect to photosynthetic pigments, thylakoid structure, and The tremendous importance of plants cannot be overstated.
storage compounds (see Chapter 3 for details). Green plants Without them, we and most other species of animals (and of
include both the predominately aquatic “green algae” and a many other groups of organisms) would not be here. Photosyn-

Chlorobionta (Viridiplantae) – green plants

Embryophytes – land plants*
Tracheophytes – vascular plants
Monilophytes Spermatophytes – seed plants
Gymnosperms Angiosperms


(incl. Gnetales)

"Green Algae"


Flower, carpels,
stamens (+ sev.
other features)

Xylem & phloem vascular tissue

Independent sporophyte

Cuticle, gametangia, embryo (sporophyte)

Green plant chloroplast

Figure 1.3 Simplified cladogram (evolutionary tree) of the green plants, illustrating major extant groups and evolutionary events
(or “apomorphies,” hash marks). *Embryophytes are treated as “plants” in this book.

thesis in plants and the other photosynthetic organisms changed Second, the compounds that photosynthetic species produce
the earth in two major ways. First, the fixation of carbon di- are utilized, directly or indirectly, by nonphotosynthetic (heterotro-
oxide and the release of molecular oxygen in photosynthesis phic) organisms. For virtually all land creatures and many aquatic
directly altered the earth’s atmosphere over billions of years. ones as well, land plants make up the so-called primary producers
What used to be an atmosphere deficient in oxygen underwent in the food chain, the source of high-energy compounds such as
a gradual change. As a critical mass of oxygen accumulated carbohydrates, structural compounds such as certain amino acids,
in the atmosphere, selection for oxygen-dependent respiration and other compounds essential to metabolism in some hetero-
occurred (via oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria), trophs. Thus, most species on land today, including the millions
which may have been a necessary precursor to the evolution of species of animals, are absolutely dependent on plants for their
of many multicellular organisms, including all animals. In ad- survival. As primary producers, plants are the major components,
dition, an oxygen-rich atmosphere permitted the establishment and definers, of many communities and ecosystems. The survival
of an upper atmosphere ozone layer, which shielded life from of plants is essential to maintaining the health of those ecosystems,
excess UV radiation. This allowed organisms to inhabit more the severe disruption of which could bring about rampant species
exposed niches that were previously inaccessible. extirpation or extinction and disastrous changes in erosion, water

flow, and ultimately climate. the fields in the plant sciences are very practically oriented.
To humans, plants are also monumentally important in Agriculture and horticulture deal with improving the yield or
numerous, direct ways (Figures 1.4, 1.5). Agricultural plants, disease resistance of food crops or cultivated ornamental plants,
most of which are flowering plants, are our major source of e.g., through breeding studies and identifying new cultivars.
food. We utilize all plant parts as food products: roots (e.g., sweet Forestry is concerned with the cultivation and harvesting of
potatoes and carrots; Figure 1.4A,B); stems (e.g., yams, cassava/ trees used for lumber and pulp. Pharmacognosy deals with
manioc, potatoes; Figure 1.4C); leaves (e.g., cabbage, celery, crude natural drugs, often of plant origin. In contrast to these
lettuce; Figure 1.4D); flowers (e.g., cauliflower and broccoli; more practical fields of the plant sciences, the “pure” sciences
Figure 1.4E); and fruits and seeds, including grains such as have as their goal the advancement of scientific knowledge
rice (Figure 1.4F), wheat (Figure 1.4G), corn (Figure 1.4H), (understanding how nature works) through research, regard-
rye, barley, and oats, legumes such as beans and peas (Figure less of the practical implications. But many aspects of the
1.4I), and a plethora of fruits such as bananas (Figure 1.4J), pure sciences also have important practical applications, either
tomatoes, peppers, pineapples (Figure 1.4K), apples (Figure directly by applicable discovery or indirectly by providing the
1.4L), cherries, peaches, melons, kiwis, citrus, olives (Figure foundation of knowledge used in the more practical sciences.
1.4M), and others too numerous to mention. Other plants Among these are plant anatomy, dealing with cell and tissue
are used as flavoring agents, such as herbs (Figure 1.5A–D) structure and development; plant chemistry and physiology,
and spices (Figure 1.5E), as stimulating beverages, such as dealing with biochemical and biophysical processes and
chocolate, coffee, tea, and cola (Figure 1.5F), or as alcoholic products; plant molecular biology, dealing with the structure
drinks, such as beer, wine, distilled liquors, and sweet liqueurs. and function of genetic material; plant ecology, dealing with
Woody trees of both conifers and flowering plants are used interactions of plants with their environment; and, of course,
structurally for lumber and for pulp products such as paper plant systematics.
(Figure 1.5G). Non-woody plants, such as bamboos, palms, Note that a distinction should be made between “botany” and
and a variety of other species, serve as construction materials “plant sciences.” Plant sciences is the study of plants, treated
for a great variety of purposes. Plant fibers are used to make as equivalent to land plants here. Botany is the study of most
thread for cordage (such as sisal), for sacks (such as jute for organisms traditionally treated as plants, including virtually
burlap), and for textiles (most notably cotton, Figure 1.5H, but all eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms (land plants and the
also linen and hemp, Figure 1.5I). Extracts from plants, which several groups of “algae”) plus other eukaryotic organisms
include essential oils, latex (for rubber or balata), vegetable with cell walls and spores (true fungi and groups formerly
oils, pectins, starches, and waxes, have a plethora of uses in treated as fungi, such as the water molds, Oomycota, and the
industry, food, perfume, and cosmetics. In many cultures, slime molds, included within the Amoebozoa; Figure 1.1).
plants or plant products are used as euphorics or hallucinogen- Thus, in this sense, botany is inclusive of but broader than the
ics (whether legally or illegally), such as marijuana (Figure plant sciences. Recognition of both botany and plant sciences
1.5I), opium, cocaine, and a great variety of other species that as fields of study can be useful, although how these fields are
have been used by indigenous peoples for centuries. Plants defined can vary and may require clarification.
are important for their aesthetic beauty, and the cultivation of
plants as ornamentals is an important industry. Finally, plants
have great medicinal significance, to treat a variety of illnesses SYSTEMATICS
or to maintain good health. Plant products are very important
in the pharmaceutical industry; their compounds are extracted, WHAT IS SYSTEMATICS?
semisynthesized, or used as templates to synthesize new drugs. Systematics is defined in this book as a science that includes
Many “modern” drugs, from aspirin (originally derived from and encompasses traditional taxonomy, the description, iden-
the bark of willow trees) to vincristine and vinblastine (ob- tification, nomenclature, and classification of organisms, and
tained from the Madagascar periwinkle, used to treat childhood that has as its primary goal the reconstruction of phylogeny, or
leukemia; Figure 1.5J), are ultimately derived from plants. In evolutionary history, of life. This definition of systematics is
addition, various plant parts of a great number of species are not novel, but neither is it universal. Others in the field would
used whole or are processed as so-called herbal supplements, treat taxonomy and systematics as separate but overlapping
which have become tremendously popular of late. areas; still others argue that historical usage necessitates what
The people, methods, and rationale concerned with the is in essence a reversal of the definitions used here. But words,
plant sciences (defined here as the study of land plants) are like organisms, evolve. The use of systematics to describe an
as diverse as are the uses and importance of plants. Some of all-encompassing field of endeavor is both most useful and



Figure 1.4 Examples of economically important plants. A–E. Vegetables. A. Ipomoea batatas, sweet potato (root). B. Daucus carota, carrot
(root). C. Solanum tuberosum, potato (stem). D. Lactuca sativa, lettuce (leaves). E. Brassica oleracea, broccoli (flower buds).
F–H. Fruits, dry (grains). F. Oryza sativa, rice. G. Triticum aestivum, bread wheat. H. Zea mays, corn. I. Seeds (pulse legumes), from top,
clockwise to center: Glycine max, soybean; Lens culinaris, lentil; Phaseolus aureus, mung bean; Phaseolus vulgaris, pinto bean; Phaseolus
vulgaris, black bean; Cicer areitinum, chick-pea/garbanzo bean; Vigna unguiculata, black-eyed pea; Phaseolus lunatus, lima bean. J–M. Fruits,
fleshy. J. Musa paradisiaca, banana. K. Ananas comosus, pineapple. L. Malus pumila, apple. M. Olea europaea, olive.



Figure 1.5 Further examples of economically important plants. A–D. Herbs. A. Petroselinum crispum, parsley. B. Salvia officinalis, sage.
C. Salvia rosmarinus, rosemary. D. Thymus vulgaris, thyme. E. Spices and herbs, from upper left: Cinnamomum cassia/zeylanicum, cinnamon
(bark);Vanilla planifolia; vanilla (fruit); Laurus nobilis, laurel (leaf); Syzygium aromaticum, cloves (flower buds); Myristica fragrans, nutmeg
(seed); Carum carvi, caraway (fruit); Anethum graveolens, dill (fruit); Pimenta dioica, allspice (seed); Piper nigrum, pepper (seed).
F. Flavoring plants, from upper left, clockwise. Theobroma cacao, chocolate (seeds); Coffea arabica, coffee (seeds); Camellia sinensis, tea
(leaves). G. Wood products: lumber (Sequoia sempervirens, redwood), and paper derived from wood pulp. H. Fiber plant. Gossypium sp.,
cotton (seed trichomes), one of the most important natural fibers. I. Euphoric, medicinal, and fiber plant. Cannabis sativa, marijuana, hemp;
stem fibers used in twine, rope, and cloth; resins contain the euphoric and medicinal compound tetrahydrocannabinol. J. Medicinal plant.
Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar periwinkle, from which is derived vincristine and vinblastine, used to treat childhood leukemia.

represents the consensus of how most specialists in the field use It should also be asked, what evolves? Although genetic
the term, an example being the journal Systematic Botany, which modification may occur in offspring relative to their parents,
contains articles both in traditional taxonomy and phylogenetic individual organisms do not generally evolve. This is because
reconstruction. Plant systematics is studied by acquiring, ana- a new individual begins when it receives its complement of
lyzing, and synthesizing information about plants and plant DNA from the parent(s); that individual’s DNA does not
parts, the content and methodology of which is the topic for change during its/his/her lifetime (with the exception of rela-
the remainder of this book. tively rare, nonreproductive “somatic” mutations). The general
Systematics is founded in the principles of evolution, its units of evolution are populations and species. A population
major premise being that there is one phylogeny of life. The is a group of individuals of the same species that is usually
goal of systematists is, in part, to discover that phylogeny. geographically delimited and that typically have a significant
amount of gene exchange. Species are groups of populations
EVOLUTION that are related to one another by various criteria and that have
Evolution, in the broadest sense, means “change” and can be evolutionarily diverged from other such groups. There are a
viewed as the cumulative changes occurring since the origin of number of different species concepts of definitions, dependent
the universe some 14 billion years ago. Biological evolution, on the biological system and on the criteria used to recognize
the evolution of life, may be defined (as it was by Charles Dar- them (see Chapter 19). With changes in the genetic makeup of
win) as “descent with modification.” Descent is the transfer of offspring (relative to parents), the genetic makeup of popula-
genetic material (enclosed within a cell, the unit of life) from tions and species changes over time.
parent(s) to offspring over time. This is a simple concept, but one In summary, evolution is descent with modification occurring
that is important to grasp and ponder thoroughly. Since the time by a change in the genetic makeup (DNA) of populations or spe-
that life first originated some 3.8 billion years ago, all life has cies over time. How does evolution occur? Evolutionary change
been derived from preexisting life. Organisms come to exist may come about by two major mechanisms: (1) genetic drift, in
by the transfer of genetic material, within a surrounding cell, which genetic modification is random; or (2) natural selection,
from one or more parents. Descent may occur by simple clonal in which genetic change is directed and nonrandom. Natural
reproduction, such as a single bacterial cell “parent” dividing selection is the differential contribution of genetic material
by fission to form two “offspring” cells or a land plant giving from one generation to the next, differential in the sense that
rise to a vegetative propagule. It may also occur by complex genetic components of the population or species are contrib-
sexual reproduction (Figure 1.6A), in which each of two parents uted in different amounts to the next generation; those genetic
produces specialized gametes (e.g., sperm and egg cells), which combinations resulting in increased survival or reproduction
contain half the complement of genetic material, the result of are contributed to a greater degree. (A quantitative measure
meiosis. Two of the gametes fuse together to form a new cell, of this differential contribution is known as fitness.) Natural
the zygote, which may develop into a new individual (as oc- selection results in an adaptation, a structure or feature that
curs in plants; see Chapter 3) or may itself divide by meiosis performs a particular function and which itself brings about
to form gametes. Descent through time results in the formation increased survival or reproduction. In a consideration of the
of a lineage (Figure 1.6B), a set of organisms interconnected evolution of any feature in systematics, the possible adaptive
through time and space by the transfer of genetic material from significance of that feature should be explored.
parents to offspring. So, in a very literal sense, we and all other Finally, an ultimate result of evolution is speciation, the
forms of life on earth are connected by descent, the transfer of formation of new species from preexisting species. Speciation
DNA (actually the pattern of DNA) from parent to offspring can follow lineage divergence, the splitting of one lineage into
(ancestor to descendant), generation after generation. two, separate lineages (Figure 1.6D). Lineage divergence is
The modification component of evolution refers to a change itself a means of increasing evolutionary diversity. If two,
in the genetic material that is transferred from parent(s) to divergent lineages remain relatively distinct, they may change
offspring, such that the genetic material of the offspring is dif- independently of one another, into what may be designated as
ferent from that of the parent(s). This modification may occur separate species (see Chapter 19).
either by mutation, which is a direct alteration of DNA, or by
genetic recombination, whereby existing genes are reshuffled TAXONOMY
in different combinations (during meiosis in eukaryotes, by the Taxonomy is a major part of systematics that includes four
genetic processes of crossing over and independent assortment). components: Description, Identification, Nomenclature, and
Systematics is concerned with the identification of the unique Classification. (Remember the mnemonic device: DINC.) The
modifications of evolution. general subjects of study are taxa (singular, taxon), which are

egg sperm egg sperm

fusion of fusion of
gametes gametes


Gametophytes(n) Gametophytes(n) (2n)
Female Male Female Male

spores spore
meiosis meiosis






Figure 1.6 A. Simplified diagram of descent in sexually reproducing land plants, in which diploid sporophytes give rise to haploid spores
(through meiosis), which develop into haploid gametophytes; the latter produce egg and sperm, fusing to form a diploid zygote, which devel-
ops into a diploid sporophyte. B. A lineage, the result of transfer of genetic material over time and space. C. Divergence of one lineage into
two, which may result in speciation (illustrated here).

defined or delimited groups of organisms. Ideally, taxa should selected; then all couplets hierarchically beneath that lead (by
have a property known as monophyly (discussed later; Chapter indentation and/or numbering) are sequentially checked for
2) and are traditionally treated at a particular rank (see later agreement until an identification is reached (Figure 1.7).
discussion). It should be pointed out that the four components Nomenclature is the formal naming of taxa according to
of taxonomy are not limited to formal systematic studies but some standardized system. For algae, fungi, and plants, the
are the foundation of virtually all intellectual endeavors of all rules and regulations for the naming of taxa are provided by
fields, in which conceptual entities are described, identified, the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and
named, and classified. In fact, the ability to describe, identify, plants. These formal names are known as scientific names,
name, and classify things undoubtedly has been selected for which by convention are translated into the Latin language.
in humans and, in part, in other organisms as well. The fundamental principle of nomenclature is that all taxa
Description is the assignment of features or attributes to a may bear only one “correct” scientific name (Chapter 16).
taxon. The features are called characters. Two or more forms Although they may seem difficult to learn at first, scientific
of a character are character states. One example of a character names are much preferable to common (vernacular) names.
is “petal color,” for which two character states are “yellow” (Note that another system of nomenclature, the Phylocode, is
and “blue.” Another character is “leaf shape,” for which pos- also available and has been used especially for names of higher
sible character states are “elliptic,” “lanceolate,” and “ovate.” rank; see Chapter 16.)
Numerous character and character state terms are used in plant The scientific name of a species traditionally consists of two
systematics, both for general plant morphology (see Chapter 9) parts (typically underlined or italicized): the genus name, which
and for specialized types of data (Chapters 10–14). The purpose is always capitalized, e.g., Quercus, plus the specific epithet,
of these descriptive character and character state terms is to which by general consensus is not capitalized, e.g., agrifolia.
use them as tools of communication, for concisely categorizing Thus, the species name for what is commonly called Califor-
and for delimiting the attributes of a taxon, an organism, or nia live oak is Quercus agrifolia. Species names are known as
some part of the organism. An accurate and complete listing binomials (literally meaning “two names”) and this type of
of these features is one of the major objectives and contribu- nomenclature is called binomial nomenclature, first formalized
tions of taxonomy. in the mid-18th century by Carolus Linnaeus.
Identification is the process of associating an unknown Classification is the arrangement of entities (in this case,
taxon with a known one, or recognizing that the unknown is taxa) into some type of order. The purpose of classification is
new to science and warrants formal description and naming. to provide a system for cataloguing and expressing relation-
One generally identifies an unknown by first noting its charac- ships between these entities. Taxonomists have traditionally
teristics, that is, by describing it. Then, these features are com- agreed upon a method for classifying organisms that utilizes
pared with those of other taxa to see if they conform. Plant taxa categories called ranks. These taxonomic ranks are hierar-
can be identified in many ways (see Chapter 15). A taxonomic chical, meaning that each rank is inclusive of all other ranks
key is perhaps the most utilized of identification devices. Of the beneath it (Figure 1.8).
different types of taxonomic keys, the most common, used in As defined earlier, a taxon is a group of organisms typically
virtually all floras, is a dichotomous key. A dichotomous key treated at a given rank. Thus, in the example of Figure 1.8,
consists of a series of two contrasting statements. Each state- Magnoliophyta is a taxon placed at the rank of phylum; Liliopsida
ment is a lead; the pair of leads constitutes a couplet (Figure is a taxon placed at the rank of class; Arecaceae is a taxon placed
1.7). That lead which best fits the specimen to be identified is at the rank of family; etc. Note that taxa of a particular rank

Lead: 1. Leaf simple of generally pinnately compound, leaflets 0 or (1)3–9; fruit winged achene ............. Fraxinus
Lead: 1' Leaf simple; fruit capsule or drupe
2. Leaves generally alternate; fruit a deeply 2-lobed capsule ............................................................ Menodora
2' Leaves opposite or clustered; fruit a drupe
3. Flowers unisexual; corolla 0; stamens 0 or 4–5 ............................................................................ Forestiera
3' Flowers bisexual; corolla funnel-shaped, salverform, or rotate; stamens 2
4. Corolla funnel-shaped or salverform; fruit 1–4-seeded ........................................................ Ligustrum
4' Corolla rotate; fruit 1-seeded ................................................................................................ Olea

Figure 1.7 Dichotomous key to the genera of the Oleaceae of California, by Thomas J. Rosatti, Oleaceae, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.)
Jepson eFlora,, accessed on May 31, 2019, reprinted by special permission.

Major Taxonomic Ranks Taxa

Kingdom Plantae
Phylum (“Division” also acceptable) Magnoliophyta
Class Liliopsida (Monocots)
Order Arecales
Family Arecaceae
Genus (plural: genera) Cocos
Species (plural: species) Cocos nucifera

Figure 1.8 The primary taxonomic ranks accepted by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, with some
examples of taxa.

generally end in a particular suffix (Chapter 16). There is a trend of a common ancestor plus all (and only all) descendants of
among systematic biologists to eliminate the rank system of that common ancestor. For example, the monophyletic groups
classification (see Chapter 16). In this book, ranks are generally of the cladogram in Figure 1.9B are circled. A phylogenetic
used for naming groups but not emphasized as ranks. classification recognizes only monophyletic groups. Note that
There are two major means of arriving at a classification of some monophyletic groups are included within others (e.g., in
life: phenetic and phylogenetic. Phenetic classification is that Figure 1.9B the group containing only taxa E and F is included
based on overall similarities. Most of our everyday classifica- within the group containing only taxa D, E, and F, which is
tions are phenetic. For efficiency of organization (e.g., storing included within the group containing only taxa B, C, D, E,
and retrieving objects, like nuts and bolts in a hardware store) we and F, etc.). The sequential listing of clades can serve as a
group similar objects together and dissimilar objects apart. Many phylogenetic classification scheme (see Chapter 2).
traditional classifications in plant systematics are phenetic, based In contrast to a monophyletic group, a paraphyletic group
on noted similarities between and among taxa. Phylogenetic is one consisting of a common ancestor but not all descendants
classification is that which is based on evolutionary history, or of that common ancestor; a polyphyletic group is one in which
pattern of descent, which may or may not correspond to overall there are two or more separate groups, each with a separate
similarity (see later discussion, Chapter 2). common ancestor. Paraphyletic and polyphyletic groups distort
the accurate portrayal of evolutionary history and should be
PHYLOGENY abandoned (see Chapter 2).
Phylogeny, the primary goal of systematics, refers to the Knowing the phylogeny of a group, in the form of a cladogram,
evolutionary history of a group of organisms. Phylogeny is can be viewed as an important end in itself. As discussed earlier,
commonly represented in the form of a cladogram (or phylo- the cladogram may be used to devise a system of classification,
genetic tree), a branching diagram that conceptually represents one of the primary goals of taxonomy. The cladogram also can be
the evolutionary pattern of descent (see Figure 1.9). The lines used as a tool for addressing several interesting biological ques-
of a cladogram represent lineages, which (as discussed earlier) tions, including biogeographic or ecological history, processes
denote descent, the sequence of ancestral-descendant popula- of speciation, and adaptive character evolution. A thorough
tions through time (Figure 1.9A). Thus, cladograms have an discussion of the principles and methodology of phylogenetic
implied (relative) time scale. Any branching of the cladogram systematics is discussed in Chapter 2.
represents lineage divergence, the diversification of lineages
from one common ancestor. WHY STUDY SYSTEMATICS?
Changes in the genetic makeup of populations, i.e., evolu- The rationale and motives for engaging the field of systemat-
tion, may occur in lineages over time. Evolution is recognized ics are worth examining. For one, systematics is important in
as a change from a preexisting, or ancestral, character state to providing a foundation of information about the tremendous
a new, derived character state. The derived character state is an diversity of life. Virtually all fields of biology are dependent on
evolutionary novelty, also called an apomorphy (Figure 1.9A). the correct taxonomic determination of a given study organism,
Phylogenetic systematics, or cladistics, is a methodology for which relies on formal description, identification, naming, and
inferring the pattern of evolutionary history of a group of organ- classification. Systematic research is the basis for acquiring,
isms, utilizing these apomorphies (Chapter 2). cataloguing, and retrieving information about life’s diversity.
As cited earlier, cladograms serve as the basis for phyloge- Essential to this research is documentation, through collection
netic classification. A key component in this classification sys- (Chapter 17) and storage of reference specimens, e.g., for plants
tem is the recognition of what are termed monophyletic groups in an accredited herbarium (Chapter 18). Computerized data
of taxa. A monophyletic group, or clade, is a group consisting entry of this collection information is now vital to cataloguing

Taxon D
Taxon B

Taxon C

Taxon E

Taxon F
Taxon A

Lineage Apomorphy
(for taxon D)

TIME (for taxa B & C) Lineage

Lineage divergence,
followed by speciation
Common ancestor Represents evolutionary change:
(of taxon A & taxa BñF) Ancestral state Derived state

Taxon D
Taxon B

Taxon C

Taxon E

Taxon F
Taxon A


Common ancestor
(of taxa B & C)

Common ancestor
(of taxa E & F )
Common ancestor
(of taxa D–F)

Common ancestor
(of taxa B–F )

Common ancestor
(of taxa A–F )

Figure 1.9 Example of a cladogram or phylogenetic tree for taxa A–F. A. Cladogram showing lineages and apomorphies, the latter indicated
by thick hash marks. B. Cladogram with common ancestors shown and monophyletic groups (clades) circled.

and retrieving the vast amount of information dealing with cies or varieties) and for establishing that these are distinct
biodiversity (Chapter 18). from other, closely related and similar taxa. Such studies are
Systematics is also an integrative and unifying science. One especially important today in conservation biology (Chapter
of the “fun” aspects of systematics is that it may utilize data 19). In order to determine whether a species or infraspecific
from all fields of biology: morphology, anatomy, embryology/ taxon of plant is rare or endangered and warrants protection,
development, ultrastructure, paleontology, ecology, geography, one must first know the limits of that species or infraspecific
chemistry, physiology, genetics, karyology, and cell/molecular taxon. In addition, understanding the history of evolution and
biology. The systematist has an opportunity to understand all geography may aid in conservation and management decisions,
aspects of his/her group of interest in an overall synthesis of where priorities must be set as to which regions to preserve.
what is known from all biological specialties, with the goal Finally, perhaps the primary motivation for many, if not
being to understand the evolutionary history and relationships most, in the field of systematics has been the joy of exploring
of the group. the intricate complexity and incredible diversity of life. This
Knowing the phylogeny of life can give insight into other sense of wonder and amazement about the natural world is
fields and have significant practical value. For example, when worth cultivating (or occasionally rekindling). Systematics
a species of Dioscorea, wild yam, was discovered to possess also can be a challenging intellectual activity, generally requir-
steroid compounds (used first in birth control pills), exami- ing acute and patient skills of observation. Reconstruction of
nation of other closely related species revealed species that phylogenetic relationships and ascertaining the significance of
contained even greater quantities and diversity of these com- those relationships can be especially challenging and rewarding.
pounds. Other examples corroborate the practical importance But today we also face a moral issue: the tragic and irrevocable
of knowing phylogenetic relationships among plant species. loss of species, particularly accelerated by rampant destruction
The methodology of phylogenetics is now an important part of habitat, such as deforestation in the tropics. We can all try
of comparative biology, used by, for example, evolutionary to help, both on a personal and a professional level. Systemat-
ecologists, functional biologists, and parasitologists, all of ics, which has been called simply “the study of biodiversity,”
whom need to take history into account in formulating and is the major tool for documenting that biodiversity and can be
testing hypotheses. a major tool for helping to save it. Perhaps we can all consider
The study of systematics provides the scientific basis for reassessing our own personal priorities in order to help conserve
defining or delimiting species and infraspecific taxa (subspe- the life that we study.


1. What is a “plant”? In what two conceptual ways can the answer to this question be approached?
2. What are the three major groups of life currently accepted?
3. Name and define the mechanism for the evolution of chloroplasts.
4. Name some chlorophyllous organismal groups that have traditionally been called “plants” but that evolved or acquired
chloroplasts independently.
5. Draw a simplified cladogram showing the relative relationships among the green plants (Chlorobionta/Viridiplantae), land plants (em-
bryophytes), vascular plants (tracheophytes), seed plants (spermatophytes), gymnosperms, and angiosperms (flowering plants).
6. Why are land plants treated as equivalent to “plants” in this book?
7. List the many ways that plants are important, both in evolution of life on earth and in terms of direct benefits to humans.

8. What is systematics and what is its primary emphasis?
9. Define biological evolution, describing what is meant both by descent and by modification.
10. What is a lineage?
11. Name and define the units that undergo evolutionary change.
12. What are the two major mechanisms for evolutionary change?
13. What is a functional feature that results in increased survival or reproduction called?
14. Name and define the four components of taxonomy.
15. Define character and character state.

16. Give one example of a character and character state from morphology or from some type of specialized data.
17. What is a dichotomous key? A couplet? A lead?
18. What is a scientific name?
19. Define binomial and indicate what each part of the binomial is called.
20. What is the difference between rank and taxon?
21. What is the plural of taxon?
22. Name the two main ways to classify organisms and describe how they differ.
23. Define phylogeny and give the name of the branching diagram that represents phylogeny.
24. What does a split, from one lineage to two, represent?
25. Name the term for both a preexisting feature and a new feature.
26. What is phylogenetic systematics (cladistics)?
27. What is a monophyletic group or clade? A paraphyletic group? A polyphyletic group?
28. For what can phylogenetic methods be used?
29. How is systematics the foundation of the biological sciences?
30. How can systematics be viewed as unifying the biological sciences?
31. How is systematics of value in conservation biology?
32. Of what benefit is plant systematics to you?


1. Obtain definitions of the word plant by asking various people (lay persons or biologists) or looking in reference sources, such as
dictionaries or textbooks. Tabulate the various definitions into classes. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
2. Take a day to note and list the uses and importance of plants in your everyday life.
3. Pick a subject, such as history or astronomy, and cite how the principles of taxonomy are used in its study.
4. Do a Web search for a particular plant species (try common and scientific name) and note what aspect of plant biology each
site covers.
5. Peruse five articles in a systematics journal and tabulate the different types of research questions that are addressed.


Daly, M., P. S. Herendeen, R. P. Guralnick, M. W. Westneat, and L. McDade. 2012. Systematics agenda 2020: The mission evolves. Systematic
Biology 61:549-552.
Parfrey, L. W., J. Grant, Y. I. Tekle, E. Lasek-Nesselquist, H. G. Morrison, M. L. Sogin, D. J. Patterson, and L. A. Katz. 2010. Broadly sampled
multigene analyses yield a well-resolved eukaryotic tree of life. Systematic Biology 59:518–533.
Reaka-Kudla, M. L., D. E. Wilson, and E. O. Wilson (eds.). 1997. Biodiversity II: Understanding and Protecting Our Biological Resources.
Joseph Henry Press, Washington, DC.
Sauquet, H. and S. W. Graham. 2016. Planning the future of plant systematics: Report on a special colloquium at the Royal Netherlands
Academy of Arts and Sciences. American Journal of Botany 103:2022-2027.
Simpson, B. B., and M. C. Ogorzaly. 2001. Economic Botany: Plants in Our World. 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Stevens, P. F. 1994. The Development of Biological Systematics: Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu, Nature, and the Natural System. Columbia
University Press, New York.
Systematics Agenda 2000: Charting the Biosphere. 1994. Produced by Systematics Agenda 2000. Wilson, E. O. (ed.), and F. M. Peter (assoc.
ed.). 1988. Biodiversity. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Williams, T. A., P. G. Foster, C. J. Cox, and T. M. Embley. 2018. An archaeal origin of eukaryotes supports only two primary domains of life.
Nature 504:231-236.


Judd, W. S., C. S. Campbell, E. A. Kellogg, P. F. Stevens, and M. J. Donoghue. 2015. Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach, 4th edi-
tion. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Mass.
Singh, G. 2004. Plant Systematics: An integrated approach. Science Publishers, Enfield, N.H.
Woodland, D. W. 2009. Contemporary Plant Systematics, 4th edition. Andrews University Press, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Walters, D. R., and D. J. Keil. 1996. Vascular Plant Taxonomy, 4th edition. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa.
TAXONOMY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 CLADOGRAM CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
PHYLOGENETIC SYSTEMATICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Maximum Parsimony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Outgroup Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
TAXA AND CHARACTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Ancestral versus Derived Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Taxon Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Consensus Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Long Branch Attraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Character Selection and Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Maximum Likelihood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Character State Discreteness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Bayesian Inference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Character Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Coalescent Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Homology Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Measures of Homoplasy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Transformation Series and Polarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Cladogram Robustness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Character Weighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
CLADOGRAM ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Character Step Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Character × Taxon Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Phylogenetic Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Character Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
FEATURES OF CLADOGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Biogeography, Ecology, Dating Methods, and Speciation Rates. . . . .43
Apomorphies as Evolutionary Novelties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Ontogeny and Heterochrony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Recency of Common Ancestry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
REVIEW QUESTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Monophyly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Unrooted Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 EXERCISES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Polytomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Reticulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 REFERENCES FOR FURTHER STUDY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Taxon Selection and Polymorphic Characters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
PHYLOGENY COMPUTER PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

TAXONOMY status, e.g., as a separate species, infraspecies (subspecies,

variety, or form), or higher ranked taxon. A taxonomic study
As introduced in Chapter 1, taxonomy is defined as the field may include a clarification of already named taxa, or may
of science dealing with description, identification, nomencla- likely entail the formal naming of a new taxon. Comparisons
ture, and classification. By itself, plant taxonomy is not con- are made between and among the taxa of study with respect
cerned with the evolutionary relationships of a group of to overall similarity, generally using morphological features
species, which is in the realm of systematics. Yet, taxonomic (see Chapter 9), but other types of features may be assessed
research is still a valid and vibrant field of endeavor. Almost as well (Chapters 10–13). These comparisons may be qualita-
all of our named species have been and continue to be defined tive and/or quantitative; the latter often include measure-
based on taxonomic studies, generally with no direct knowl- ments that are analyzed by various statistical methods (e.g.,
edge of evolutionary relationships, although closeness of Figure 2.1A; see Appendix 4). Illustrations or photographs
relationship may certainly be inferred from similarities noted are often used to document the distinctiveness of a new taxon
from those studies. (Figure 2.1B). Any new taxon name must be validly pub-
Taxonomic research generally entails determining if a par- lished according to specified rules (see Chapter 16,
ticular set of populations, generally studied from specimens, Nomenclature and Botanical Names). Proposing a new taxo-
is discrete enough from others to warrant its own taxonomic nomic entity includes all of the components of the field:
PLANT SYSTEMATICS, Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 17
3   m  var.  grandi6lora  
3   m  var.  grandi6lora  
m  var.  micrantha  
m  var.  micrantha  
4   2  
E. lepida
E. m. var. micrantha 3  
3   m  1  
var.  grandi6lora   lepida  
1   var. pseudolepida
E. m. 2.5  
m  var.  micrantha   m  var.  grandi5lora  

2   0   2   m  var.  micrantha  
-­‐4   -­‐3   -­‐2   0   -­‐1   0   1   2   3  
3   -­‐2   -­‐1   0   1   2   3  
1   -­‐1  

0   -­‐2  
-­‐1   0   1   2   3  
-­‐1   -­‐5   -­‐4   -­‐3   -­‐3   -­‐2   -­‐1   0   1   2   3   4  

-­‐2   -­‐4  
-­‐4   -­‐1  

-­‐5   -­‐1.5  
Figure 2.1 Examples of results of taxonomic studies. A. Principal components analysis, a statistical procedure demonstrating the
distinctiveness of a new plant variety (from Simpson et al. 2016. Madroño 63: 39–54). B. Line drawings of vegetative and floral parts,
illustrating distinctiveness from closely related   taxa (from Dodero and Simpson 2012. Madroño 59:223-229). Courtesy of Madroño.

describing the plant, suggesting a means of identification often referred to simply as “branches.” Lineages represent the
(usually providing a taxonomic key), formally naming it, and sequence of ancestral-descendant populations through time,
designating, as part of that name, its classification within ultimately denoting descent. (The term “lineage” is treated
higher ranked taxa. here as a single branch; “clade” is defined as a given common
Taxonomic research will continue to provide the founda- ancestor plus all descendants, including two or more lineages,
tion of our knowledge of the biodiversity of life. It can stand essentially equivalent to a monophyletic group.)
alone, or it may be viewed as a starting point for future phy- Evolution may occur within lineages over time and is rec-
logenetic studies that aim to assess more precise species ognized as a change from a preexisting ancestral (also called
delimitations or to elucidate the evolutionary relationships of plesiomorphic) condition to a new, derived (also called apo-
the taxa of study. morphic) condition. The derived condition, or apomorphy,
represents an evolutionary novelty. As seen in Figure 2.2A,
an apomorphy that unites two or more lineages is known as a
PHYLOGENETIC SYSTEMATICS synapomorphy (syn, together); one that occurs within a
single lineage for a single terminal taxon is called an autapo-
Also as introduced in the previous chapter, systematics is the morphy (aut, self). Either may be referred to simply as an
field that is inclusive of taxonomy but having the primary apomorphy, a convention used throughout this book. (Note
objective of elucidating phylogeny, the evolutionary history that many people use synapomorphy in this general way.)
or pattern of descent of a group of organisms. Phylogenetic Any branching of the cladogram represents lineage diver-
systematics, or cladistics, is that specific branch of systemat- gence or diversification, the formation of two separate lin-
ics concerned with inferring phylogeny. Ever since Darwin eages from one common ancestor. The two lineages could
laid down the fundamental principles of evolutionary theory, diverge into what would be designated separate species, the
a major goal of the biological sciences has been the elucida- process of forming two species from one termed speciation.
tion of the pattern of life’s history of descent. This phylogeny The point of divergence of one clade into two (where the
of life, visualized as a branching pattern, can be inferred by most recent common ancestor of the two divergent clades is
an analysis of characters from living or fossil organisms, uti- located) is termed a node; the region between two nodes is an
lizing phylogenetic principles and methodology. internode (Figure 2.2A). Cladograms may be represented in
Recall that a phylogeny is commonly represented in the different ways. Figure 2.2B shows the same cladogram as in
form of a cladogram, or phylogenetic tree, a branching dia- Figure 2.2A, but shifted 90° clockwise and with the lineages
gram that conceptually represents an estimate of phylogeny drawn perpendicular to one another and of a length reflective
(Figure 2.2). The lines of a cladogram are known as lineages, of the number of apomorphic changes. These two representa-


Lineage Apomorphy
for taxon D) Node

Apomorphies Lineage
for taxa B & C)
TIME Apomorphy
(synapomorphy for taxa D, E, F)

Evolutionary divergence,
followed by speciation
Apomorphy: represents evolutionary change:
Common ancestor ancestral state derived state
(of taxon A & taxa B–F)



Figure 2.2 A. Example of a cladogram or phylogenetic tree for taxa A–F, with apomorphies indicated by thick hash marks. See text for
explanation of terms. B. Same cladogram topology but drawn horizontally, with branch lengths scaled to number of apomorphic changes.

tions of a cladogram have the same topology, which is the netic analysis may be used to infer the collective evolutionary
structure of the branching diagram, i.e., how lineages, includ- changes that have occurred in ancestral/descendant popula-
ing those terminating in taxa, are connected together. tions through time. Thus, a knowledge of phylogenetic rela-
Cladograms have an implied, but relative, time scale. For tionships may be invaluable in understanding structural or
example, in Figure 2.2A, the common ancestor giving rise to DNA sequence evolution as well as in gaining insight into the
taxa E and F occurred later in time than that giving rise to possible functional, adaptive significance of hypothesized
taxa D, E, and F, but we do not know when the lineage split evolutionary changes. The cladogram can also be used to
at these nodes occurred or how long the lineages are in terms classify life in a way that directly reflects evolutionary his-
of real time. The term phylogram is often used for a clado- tory. Cladistic analysis may also serve as a tool for inferring
gram that has an estimated absolute time scale, such that biogeographic and ecological history, assessing evolutionary
nodes and branch lengths are calibrated and correspond more processes such as species diversification rates, and making
closely to real elapsed time. (See later discussion.) decisions in the conservation of threatened or endangered
Why study phylogeny? Elucidating the pattern of descent, species (see Chapter 19).
in the form of a cladogram, can be viewed as an important The principles, methodology, and applications of phyloge-
end in itself. The branching pattern derived from a phyloge- netic analyses are described in the remainder of this chapter.
Another random document with
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Said an American whom I met in Toronto the other day:

“I don’t care for this place; it’s too much like home. When I travel
I want to see something different.”
I don’t know just what this man hoped to find here in the second
largest city in Canada. I fear that he expected to find Toronto so
inferior that he would be able to indulge in some boasting at the
expense of the Canadians. If so, he came to the wrong place, for,
judged by American standards, Toronto is thoroughly alive, first
class, and up-to-date.
Located on the north shore of Lake Ontario, and the political and
commercial capital of Ontario province, Toronto is the “Chicago of
Canada.” It is larger than Buffalo or San Francisco, and nearly as big
as Los Angeles. It is the greatest live-stock market of all Canada,
and the chief butcher shop of the Dominion. Like Chicago, it is on the
route of the transcontinental railroad lines. It is the centre of tourist
travel to Niagara Falls, the Thousand Islands, and the vacation lands
of the North. It supplies the mines, the mills, and the farms of a
region rich in natural resources, and fast becoming as highly
industrialized as New England. Ontario does more than half of the
manufacturing of Canada, and one third of the factories of the
province are located in Toronto. Seven of the great chartered banks
of the Dominion have their home offices here, and the city is second
only to Montreal in its financial strength.
In Toronto, I find myself again in a city of twenty-story
skyscrapers, big department stores, and American “hustle.” It is, I
suppose, because it does not seem “foreign” that visitors from the
States find this city disappointing. The people are mostly of British
extraction, and, unlike Montreal, there are but few French, and
comparatively few Catholics.
The city was founded by Tories from New York just after our
Revolutionary War, and it soon became the capital of Upper Canada.
Our soldiers burned it once and captured it twice during the War of
1812. Its name Toronto, an Indian word meaning “place of meeting,”
was chosen about a century ago. Since then the city has doubled in
population and wealth every fifteen years.
In the residential districts, I saw scores of magnificent homes
that compare favourably with those of any of our large cities. The
town is built entirely of brick, and sixty-seven per cent. of the homes
are occupied by their owners. The residents, all of whom seem to
belong to a boosters’ club, tell me that they have the lowest death
rate but one of any city of five hundred thousand population in North
America, and that they have fewer deaths from tuberculosis than
anywhere else on the hemisphere.
I have been out to Queen’s Park to see the provincial
government buildings. Here also is Toronto University, the largest in
the British Empire, with several thousand students of both sexes.
The park is approached by University Avenue, a broad street with
rows of elm and chestnut trees on each side. There are many other
schools and colleges, making Toronto the educational centre of
It was at the University of Toronto that Dr. F. G. Banting
discovered insulin, the new treatment for diabetes obtained from the
pancreas of cattle. Doctor Banting and his associates have since
received many honours. The Dominion government gave him
seventy-five hundred dollars a year for life, so that he might continue
his investigations, while the provincial government has established
him in a chair of medical research at Toronto University paying ten
thousand dollars a year. Instead of commercializing his discovery,
the doctor had it patented in the name of the university, and the
royalties are devoted to research.
Toronto is about equidistant from New York and Chicago, and
nearly midway between Winnipeg and Halifax. It is only three
hundred and thirty-four miles from Montreal, but between the two
cities are the rapids of the upper St. Lawrence, which so far have
prevented the lake port from becoming accessible to large ocean-
going vessels. The present canals along the St. Lawrence can
accommodate ships up to twenty-five hundred tons, but Toronto has
a plan for bringing ten-thousand-ton steamers to her front door. She
proposes to overcome the rapids and shallows with lakes and
canals, and at the same time utilize the fall of water, which exceeds
two hundred feet, to generate electricity.
The locks of the new and larger Welland Canal around Niagara
Falls have been built thirty feet deep and eight hundred feet long.
When this work is completed, the improvement of the St. Lawrence
will be the only thing needed to make possible the passage of deep-
water ships from the Atlantic to Lake Superior. The St. Lawrence
project has the enthusiastic support of the people of middle Canada,
who see their grain of the future going direct to Liverpool in steamers
loaded at the lake ports. This will cut down the freight charges on
every bushel and add millions to the farmers’ profits.
Our own middle western states also want this Lakes-to-the-
Atlantic waterway, but New York and Buffalo, which have grown fat
on handling freight from the Great Lakes, oppose it. So does
Montreal, for fear that her port might suffer, just as Quebec did when
the St. Lawrence was dredged out from that city to Montreal.
Since the St. Lawrence, for part of its course, borders the state
of New York, the project requires the coöperation of the United
States. The International Joint Commission, representing both
Canada and the United States, after investigation, unanimously
approved it. It recommended the construction of nine locks, thirty-
three miles of canals, forty miles of lake channel, and one hundred
miles of river channel improvements. It also recommended the
construction of a hydro-electric power plant near Ogdensburg, New
York, which, it is estimated, would produce sixteen hundred and forty
thousand horse-power, to be divided between the United States and
Canada. To do all this is comparable to the building of the Panama
Canal. It is estimated that the job will take about eight years and will
cost more than a quarter of a billion dollars.
Meanwhile, Toronto is so sure that the project will be carried out
that she has already spent more than twenty million dollars in getting
her harbour ready for the business she expects in the future. Her
port to-day is like a newly built palace, awaiting the birth of an heir to
the throne, with the king still a bachelor.
An island lying about a mile offshore from the city gives Toronto
a natural harbour. The Harbour Commission has built breakwaters,
channels, and anchorages, and erected piers and berthing spaces to
accommodate fleets of large tonnage vessels. So far, however, these
improvements are used mostly by passenger steamers handling the
summer tourist travel to points on the lakes and along the St.
Lawrence. In part the work of the Harbour Commission has already
paid for itself. It has reclaimed a large tract of marshland along the
eastern shore of the harbour and converted it into industrial sites,
equipped with docks, railroad tracks, and other facilities. There are
now more than eight million dollars’ worth of buildings and machinery
in operation on this area.
The Harbour Commission has developed the lakeside not only
for commercial purposes, but also for the use of the people. West of
the city it has built Sunnyside beach, a half mile long, with
accommodations of all kinds for seventy-five hundred bathers.
Across the harbour is Island Park, another great playground.
Toronto was the first city in the world to establish a municipal
athletic commission to promote sports and outdoor games. Though
baseball is not native to Canada, six thousand Toronto boys played
in regularly organized leagues last summer, and eight thousand
soccer or association football players were listed with the
commission. The city maintains two public golf courses, and there
are country clubs, canoe clubs, and yacht clubs.
Another publicly owned institution in Toronto is an abattoir, built
and operated by the city. Here any cattle dealer or local marketman
may have his animals killed under the most sanitary conditions. The
city owns also its waterworks and has a Hydro-Electric Commission
which furnishes power to its factories and homes at low rates. It has
invested more than two million dollars in grounds and buildings for
the Canadian National Exhibition, held here every September with
an attendance of over a million.
Its street railway system is Toronto’s latest and largest venture in
public ownership. Both the cars and the service are by far the best I
have seen anywhere in Canada, and few of our cities can show
better. The city paid forty-five million dollars for the property, and
within two years it had doubled the single fare area, increased the
mileage twenty-five per cent., built extensions out to the suburbs,
replaced antiquated cars with the newest and best, and speeded up
service. On the main lines, the cars are very large and during rush
hours they are run in twos, coupled together. In the newer cars the
conductor sits perched in a cage in the middle. Passengers enter by
the front door, and if they pass down the aisle to sit in the rear they
pay the conductor as they go by. If they take seats in the front half,
they do not pay their fares until they get up to leave by the door in
the middle. It is interesting to know that the first electric street car in
America was operated in Toronto.
Conservative Montreal looks upon Toronto’s plunges into public
works as the height of folly, and sometimes gives her sister city a
lecture. Replying to such criticism, a local paper said the other day it
supposed Montreal would have every Torontoan go to bed at night
saying these verses:

Oh, let us love our occupations,

Bless the squire and his relations,
Live upon our daily rations,
And always know our proper stations.
Unlike Montreal and Quebec, Toronto is a city of
sky-scrapers, and the Yonge Street canyon makes the
American visitor feel much at home. Toronto has
hustle, enterprise, and the courage to do whatever it
Flax raising has become important in
southwestern Ontario. The crop competes with the
best Russian product. The Canadians use labour-
saving devices to keep costs down to European
But Toronto comes honestly by its independent spirit and bold
experiments for the public welfare. The entire province of Ontario is
imbued with the same tendency. With an area eight times that of
New York, it is, next to Quebec, the largest province of Canada, and
with three million people, mostly of British extraction, excels them all
in population. It is richer in mineral wealth, agricultural resources,
and industrial development than any other province. The people
believe in their future and they show the courage of their convictions
when it comes to going in debt to back public enterprises.
The province owns a railroad that taps the Cobalt silver mining
district and the northern agricultural lands. The main line of the road
extends from the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National lines at
North Bay two hundred and fifty-three miles northward to Cochrane,
where it meets the northernmost of the three transcontinental routes.
A few years ago Ontario increased its expenditure for good
roads from two million dollars a year to nine millions. It created the
Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission, which generates and distributes
more electric power at lower rates than any other similar body in the
world. The province pensions needy mothers, and its public health
service furnishes serums and toxins free to the public.
The Ontario parliament has no upper house, but only a single
chamber to which members are elected by the votes of both men
and women. Not long ago the farmers’ organizations captured
enough seats to give them control of the government.
In Toronto I have seen so many familiar names on the factory
buildings that I have had to ask myself whether I was in a British
Dominion or back in the United States. These are the “branch plants”
of American firms, established here to be inside Canada’s tariff wall
and to get the benefit of the preferential tariffs conceded by Great
Britain and her dominions to Canadian products. From automobiles
to silverware, and from bridge steel to fountain pens, many of our
best known American goods are not only used but made in Canada.
Some of the branch plants bear the same names as at home, but
many adopt for Canadian use designations that give no trace of their
American origin. For example, world-famous corporations that use
“United States” or “American” as part of their names, are the
“Dominion” this or the “Imperial” that in Canada. This policy caters to
the growing movement among the people to buy only goods “made
in Canada.” The American branch-plant system accounts in part for
the resemblance of Toronto to American cities. On every hand I see
electric signs, window displays, and bill-boards bearing the same
appeals to buy the goods that are so extensively advertised at home.
No one knows just how many American branch factories Canada
has, but their number is well over one thousand. There are more
than two hundred in Toronto alone, and as many more elsewhere in
southern Ontario. Montreal has many American branch plants and
American owned enterprises. Its largest hotel belongs to an
American syndicate, and so does my hotel in Toronto.
Americans control nine tenths of the automobile accessory
business of Canada, and in their branch plants they make three fifths
of the Dominion’s automobiles. Practically all of our well known firms
devoted to low and moderate priced cars have big factories in
Canada, and they do practically all their exporting to Australia, New
Zealand, Great Britain, and South Africa through their Canadian
branch plants. This export business amounts to more than twenty-
five million dollars a year, while the cars made here for the Canadian
market represent a value three times as great.
In other lines American capital is conspicuous. Half of the
Canadian rubber factories are owned by Americans, and nearly half
of the meat packing, paint, brass, condensed milk, car construction,
and electrical apparatus industries represent American money.
American controlled concerns do more than half of all the oil refining,
while two hundred and fifty million dollars of our money is invested in
the pulp and paper industry.
Altogether, it is estimated that American investments in
government loans, corporation bonds, land mortgages, and industrial
enterprises amount to two thousand five hundred million dollars. Our
stake in Canada has been increasing rapidly ever since 1914, and
now it nearly equals that of the British. Within a few years it will
probably be much greater. Nearly one sixth of all the money we have
invested in foreign countries is in Canada, and in return for the
capital Canada is now buying from us more than three fifths of her
annual thousand million dollar purchases abroad. In fact, her people
are our best customers; their purchases of us amount to eighty-three
dollars per capita a year as compared with five dollars for all Europe
and fifty cents for China.

How much do you pay for the electric current that lights your
home and runs your heater, vacuum cleaner, and washing machine?
In Washington I am charged ten cents a kilowatt hour, and unless
you are especially favourably located I venture your bills are figured
at about the same rate. To be sure, the monthly expense is not great,
but wouldn’t you feel free to use more electricity if your bills were cut
down one half or two thirds?
That is just what has happened to hundreds of thousands of
people in southern Ontario, and I have been devoting the last couple
of days to finding out how it was done. I have made a special trip
from Toronto to Niagara Falls, and am now writing almost in sight of
those mighty waters. I have visited the world’s biggest power station
and talked here also with the engineers of the Ontario Hydro-Electric
Power Commission, which sells the current to the public at cost.
Again I am impressed with the enterprise and the courage of the
people of this province, and the way they use their government to
get what they want.
Canada’s water-power is, as you know, among her chief assets,
and the Dominion is one of the greatest water-power countries on
earth. Although the United States has more hydraulic power
available for development, yet in proportion to her population
Canada actually uses three times as much as we do. She has in her
rivers and streams a total of about eighteen million low-water
available horse-power, of which about one sixth is now being used.
Quebec and Ontario possess between them nearly two thirds of the
total water-power resources, of which Ontario has the larger amount
developed, and Quebec the more in reserve. These two provinces,
like the eastern United States, contain also the greater part of
Canada’s industries, seventy per cent. of which are now run by
water-power. This cheap power is one of the principal reasons why
Ontario and Quebec do most of Canada’s manufacturing and have
so many American branch plants.
Ontario’s biggest single water-power is in the waters of Niagara
Falls. As you know, the Niagara River connects Lake Erie and Lake
Ontario. It forms also a part of the boundary between the United
States and Canada. For many years commercial power companies
have operated on both sides of the Falls. By treaty, Canada and the
United States have limited the commercial use of the Falls, and have
fixed the amount of water that can be diverted from them at twenty
thousand cubic feet a second on the American side, and thirty-six
thousand feet on the Canadian side. This apportionment was made
because the major part of the Falls is on Canada’s side of the
boundary, and much power is imported by the United States from
Canada. The engineers say that if the governments will let them they
can divert much more of the water in such a way that the beauty of
the Falls will not be impaired.
The Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commission has
revolutionized the situation on the Canadian side. The Falls have
been put to work directly for the people, private corporations and
profits have been eliminated, and, through the building of a giant
new power station, the mighty forces of the falling waters have been
made more productive than ever before. The Commission is
distributing Niagara power to points two hundred and fifty miles
away, and in addition is operating more than twenty additional power
producing stations. It has built up a super-power system that covers
southern Ontario. It also supplies power at the head of the Great
Lakes. Through it more than three hundred cities, towns, and smaller
municipalities are supplying themselves with power “at cost.”
The Commission is the world’s largest publicly owned power
enterprise, having assets worth two hundred and fifty million dollars.
It is claimed that nowhere else on earth do so many people, spread
over so large a territory, enjoy such low-cost electricity as is the case
under Ontario “Hydro.” It distributes six hundred and fifty thousand
horse-power in electrical energy, and, when all its present projects
are in full operation, the daily output will be more than a million
horse-power. Canada’s coal bill would be three hundred million
dollars a year more if “Hydro” power were produced by fuel from
I can make you see in a flash just what all this means to the
people. Below the mists of Niagara Falls the river is crossed by the
Railway Arch Bridge. Half this bridge is lighted by an American
company, and the other half by the current from the Canadian side.
The lighting load for the lamps is the same in both sections, yet the
cost last year of lighting the Canadian portion was one hundred and
ten dollars, while the American company charges at its regular rates
totalled two hundred and forty. Now you know why citizens in Ontario
go to the polls and vote their municipalities into partnership with
“Hydro,” as the Commission is popularly called.
The “Hydro” was created because the towns of southern Ontario
felt that they were not getting the full benefit of Nature’s great power
station at their doors. They then secured a charter from the
provincial legislature at Toronto to form a partnership for the purpose
of buying power and selling it to themselves. The Ontario Hydro-
Electric Commission was created to handle the business. In 1910 it
began operations by distributing one thousand horse-power,
purchased under contract from a commercial company at Canadian
Niagara. Four years later it was selling seventy-seven thousand
horse-power, and in 1917 it purchased outright the company from
which it had been buying current. Meanwhile, more and more cities
and towns were joining the partnership, additional power stations
were being bought and built to supply the growing demand, and as
consumption rose rates went down. The provincial authorities are
now talking about a shortage of power in the near future unless the
scheme for building dams and canals along the St. Lawrence is
started at once.
I am told the operations of “Hydro” have not cost the taxpayers
of Ontario a cent in interest charges or capital investment. The whole
scheme actually pays for itself as it goes. This is how it is done: The
provincial government acts as banker for the Commission, loaning it
money with which to build power stations and transmission lines.
These loans are covered by the pledges, in the form of bond issues,
of the cities, through the Commission, to meet the interest and make
repayment of the capital investment. Each city issues twenty-year
bonds for its local central station and distributing system. Payments
on both interest and principal are met out of each year’s receipts, so
that eventually the entire power system will be free of debt. Nearly
fifty cities, in fact, are already in the clear on their investment, and
each year brings others to the same situation.
The basic principle of “Hydro” is a partnership of municipalities to
obtain power at cost. The Commission makes all the expenditures
necessary to develop power and deliver it to the cities. It determines
the rates at which the cities may re-sell the power to local
consumers. Each year the probable cost of power is estimated for
each city, with allowances for interest, depreciation, reserves, and
contingencies. This fixes the rates for the next twelve months. At the
end of the year, the actual cost is calculated. If the expense has
been more than the rates previously fixed, the cities are called upon
to make up the difference; if the cost has been less, the partners get
rebates on the year’s bills.
When I looked for the directing mind behind all this amazing
development, I quickly found it. It is in the person of Sir Adam Beck,
formerly a box manufacturer of London, Ontario, and the only
chairman the Commission has ever had. He is one of the most
popular figures in all Ontario, and it is largely to the organizing
genius and driving power of his personality that the success of
“Hydro” is due. He sits in Parliament, where he keeps on the alert for
the welfare of the Commission’s work, and manages in person its
relations with the provincial government.
The Niagara Peninsula, along the north shore of
Lake Erie, is one of the finest fruit-growing districts in
the world. Among other advantages the farmers here
have cheap power from the Ontario “Hydro”.
The big ditch that feeds the giant power station
was cut through solid rock for miles and carries a
stream of water thirty-nine feet deep and fifty feet
wide, or more than the flow of a river.
A bucket of water dropped down this cliff to the
Niagara River would strike with the force of thirty
horse-power. Imagine 20,000 buckets dropped every
second and you have the capacity of this 600,000
horse-power station.
The cold facts about “Hydro” make it easy for Sir Adam to
demonstrate its achievements. In his home town of London, for
example, where formerly the monthly consumption of electricity
averaged less than twenty kilowatt hours for each household,
seventy-five kilowatt hours are now used. To an extent formerly
undreamed of, power has been put into the homes of the people,
and they are using electric appliances in far greater number than
persons of similar circumstances in the United States. Electric
cooking stoves are being installed in southern Ontario at the rate of
one thousand a month. Workingmen’s wives have toasters, electric
washers, electric fans, electric heaters, curling irons, and everything
else the appliance companies can devise.
The Commission is especially proud of the way it has taken
electricity out to the farms. Private companies usually find rural
extensions too expensive, on account of the long distances between
installations, and the relatively small volume of current used. The
Commission has now enough rural lines to reach from New York to
Atlanta, and it serves as many country homes as there are people
living on farms in Rhode Island. Although the rates are higher than in
the cities, I find that a farmer can light his house and barns, run an
electric stove and household appliances, and a three-horse-power
motor besides, for from six to eight dollars a month. The farmers of
Ontario can afford to use electricity to run their pumps, separators,
churns, milking machines, saw-mills, choppers, and threshers—not
because they are richer than other farmers, but because of low-cost
I have before me a schedule of the rates charged in the twelve
largest cities of the province. For domestic service the average net
cost ranges from 1.3 cents per kilowatt hour to 2.8 cents per kilowatt
hour. The rates vary chiefly with distance. Toronto, ninety miles from
Niagara, pays 2.1 cents per kilowatt hour, while Windsor, two
hundred and fifty miles to the west, opposite Detroit, Michigan, is
charged 2.6 cents. Commercial users, such as stores and office
buildings, pay slightly higher rates, while factories are charged from
$11.75 to $28.66 per horse-power per year. As with commercial
companies, the “Hydro” rates decrease with the amount of power
used. For households the secondary or larger-user rate is nowhere
more than 1.8 cents, and in most places it is less. In Toronto, the
average household electric light bill is less than a dollar and a
quarter a month. At Windsor it is less than a dollar and three
quarters. In the city of London, Ontario, the household consumption
of electricity has under “Hydro” increased more than four hundred
per cent. and the average cost has been reduced to less than one
fourth of the former charges.

“Hydro’s” biggest feat in physical construction is the great

development, known as the Queenston Chippewa plant, on the
Niagara River. This station is designed to produce six hundred
thousand horse-power, or about one sixth as much as all the
electrical energy now generated in Canada. Suppose we visit it with
one of the engineers. Stepping into an automobile, we drive first
toward the falls, now partly obscured in the clouds of mist from the
tumbling, roaring, boiling waters. Our way lies through the park the
Canadians have made so that the people may enjoy for all time the
approaches to this monarch among the wonders of Nature.
We stop at Chippewa, at the mouth of the Welland River. This
stream used to empty into the Niagara River above the falls, but to-
day its channel carries the water diverted from the Niagara for the
supply of the power station. The river was deepened and widened
for a distance of four and a half miles, and then a canal was dug
through the remaining eight and a half miles to the site of the plant.
Now we turn back, and as our car passes over one of the numerous
bridges across the big ditch, we look down upon a miniature Panama
Canal, fifty feet wide at water level, and thirty-nine feet deep. In
many places it was cut through hills of rock to a depth of more than
one hundred feet. When the station is operated at full capacity, the
flow of water through the canal is more than twice that of the
Connecticut River.
Seven miles below the falls we come to the power plant. If your
nerves are steady, walk out to the cliff and see where we are. Look
first across the great gorge. Those hills over there are in the state of
New York. See their steep, rocky sides, with van-coloured strata
exposed by the wearing action of the Niagara River through millions
of years. To our left, and hardly a mile away, the high plateau
suddenly drops off; below it are the glistening waters of Lake
Ontario. We are near the end of the escarpment over which Niagara
Falls once plunged into the lake.
Now look straight down; the Niagara River is three hundred feet
below us. From this height it looks like an innocent stream. It is really
a raging torrent in the final throes of its mad struggle to get into Lake
Ontario. The workmen clinging to the sheer, rocky face of the cliff
under our feet, and boring into it with their drills, seem like huge
insects using their stingers. That big block of concrete, resting on a
shelf carved out of the rock and washed by the current, is the power
station. It has the dimensions of an eighteen-story office building,
and part of it is lower than the surface of the river.
The huge steel penstocks, or pipes, through which the water
rushes to the waterwheels below, are set in grooves cut in the rock.
Each of them is twice the diameter of a big dining-room table. The
water enters the penstocks from a great pool fed by the canal and,
dropping, creates this mighty stream of electrical energy, which
surpasses any that can be produced right at the Falls. The reason
for this is that while the total drop in the Niagara River is three
hundred and twenty-seven feet, the height of the Falls is only one
hundred and sixty-seven feet. That is the maximum “head” of water
available to the power stations located right at the Falls. But from
where we stand the drop to the waterwheels is exactly three hundred
and five feet, or nearly twice as great as that at the falls. This station,
in other words, utilizes all except about twenty feet of the difference
in level between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. It does this by taking in
the water of the Niagara River at Chippewa and carrying it for
thirteen miles nearly to the end of the Niagara escarpment. There is
a fall of only twelve feet in the whole length of the canal.
Every cubic foot of water per second that flows through the
penstocks generates thirty horse-power, as compared with about
sixteen horse-power per foot per second developed by the stations
nearer the falls. The Canadians are thus making the water of

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