9th Eng Ch6 Translations

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Unit No: 6 during gas enormity of task by S e€ 3 ex difficult & Sheer emergence sx determination ¢¥ undertook Jus force SA countrywide (46 sterling material ol JG Tour moral ber | Ab confidence 304 face CF Le raising people's spirit torr LS bravely < oly stay ¢* 1. During the early and dificult times of Pakistan's (wine Quaid have to emergence, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali] take long tours during the i 2 Jinnah, undertook a countrywide tour. He aimed \ °3"9 #85 of independence atraising people's spirit. : { | | | | | ; : : | “Donotbe overwhelmed with the enormity of the task," he said ina | speech at Lahore, "There are many examples in the history of i} young nations, building themselves up by sheer determination i and force of character. You are made of sterling material and | second to none. Keep up your morale. Do not be afraid of death, | We should face it bravely to save the honour of Pakistan and Islam. h. Doyour duty and have faith in Pakistan. It has come to sta UF Ang sh Soa eT us vento rsdn Seu out fer Puindnte ewe Piet Tie Got Le Sano voyage & strugale Asap subcontinent / was based OU Ak pivot 2 a Unity 91 Oneness 4+ politician gis 2, interms (58 affirm ¢/ eth distinctive P® culture ci? civilization 236) SOW AP Mi hi IL, LP ech Silay Oth et Gee Sead Spit phd C9 pe oy eer tiller Lea tby Janguage wl literature Ss! architecture ¢ nomenclature J2W62L¢% sense 2/ values 113) Proportion moral codes £21 custom Gis tradition =_!14 aptitude wl, ambition 717 Outlook J 43 [CDCR Tecan nea nan cnn n rn n TTA T TAA E TEAL TETRA LTR DTA DT TTT | 2. The entire journey of the great leader's struggle for a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent was based on the pivot of the Muslim unity and the oneness as a nation. He talked about Pakistan in such clear terms that even a common mancould understand it. Why did the Quaid want the oneness of the wholenation? "We are a nation," he affirmed three years before the birth of Pakistan, “with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of values and proportion, legal laws and moral codes, customs and calendar, history and traditions, aptitude and ambitions — in short, we have our own distinctive outlook of life." BEPC Lapred Epustd E gir’ # Seis Eh aN GEL Sige sraitenluret i, wyr, AER FAM thle ret TH te rleh Baresi olgieey edt bub alah Pept at SOP Retue itt JL E pelptud stab! eS BPP NL Lee Pi fettt ost rets! Tr ‘ideology 2” attempt J” was based (Foe merge tues fundamental (Le political identity 230 principal 2) resist eta independent +4 futile 2 fs The ideology of Pakistan was based on the fundamental principle that the j i EC EEE SEES ESTE EES EEE SEE ECT ETE TEE ESET | Muslims are an independent nation. Any attempt to merge their national and 4 i political identity will be strongly resisted. | wovreernnnnnanecreerrsnnnnnanconennenersnnnneneanennrerrannnrenrenrnrnnnn A SLA Sesto mst ioe hut Her PEF SrisguntelS Wee Ger rer IGN clearly Sle Sle state (ole religion eed Temple 12 moderate 7g Ji"! worship (Felt progressive 24 G7 caste 25 democrat 44 221 Creede delivert 4, Quaid-e-Azam was a man of strong faith and belief He firmly believed that the new emerging state of Pakistan based on the Islamic principles would reform the socety es whole, In his Fld mesinge, September 1945, regulating the whole Muslim society, every] the expectations of the great leader? | { | {__ department oftifecollectivelyand individually” “ee Gi ie. ZTE, ieee seas 72" Pe Se Kuife pert tet Reus weep tid ES eit cg eo Pith GLE pei facing x 2S eb Motto ¥ Jet wet atlage bs have forgotten ot & xt Unity 21 dynamic S7” discipline ¢ overcome tf 16 fs Today the Quaid's Pakistan is facing numerous challenges. We have forgotton how much struggle the Muslims had made under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. We can overcome our present difficulties by following the Quaid’s golden motto, “Faith, Unity and Discipline”. We can make our nation strong by remembering his advice to the youth, “It is now up to you to work, work and work; and we are bound to succeed. What is the result of neglecting the advice of the Quaid? LU te RF oaks Out Suk JAA. SOREL Srv bei sense ee it Peis rl Ose Suared BaP bane Se pohly Etch SGM oshert lS eiheurre nd SE ee ulielel at: freeilm786@)gmail.com Visit: freeilm.com,

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