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Man throughout history, from the ancient Greeks, from the ancient Sumerians have the

idea of God.


I’m not at all sure whether in the Upanishads whether they mentioned God at all or it is
the later invention.


So what is God?

We are investigating it, I’m not attacking God. I’m not denying God. But we are
investigating whether there is such a thing as God.

Who invented God?. Did God create us? Mm Right?

God is omnipotent, omniscience, eternal, merciful, justice, all goodness….Right? That is

your concept of God.

And if we say he has created us then we are part of his image, we are part of him that
we are omniscience, generous, loving and eternal…Right? Are we? or we think we are?
You understand my question? If God created you, you must be an extraordinary entity
because he wants you to lead a terrible life.

In India there are about, I was told, there are about 300 thousand Gods and more,
couldn’t say. Uh…every local person has his own God.

See the irony of it. Thought has created God and the thought worshipped the image
which thought has created which is to worshipped oneself and call it God.

You understand all this?

The better part of you is God? …Right? I want if you understand this. First of all let us
be clear.

Have you created God? The local Gods around the corner or the local God in Rome or
in Tirupati or wherever…you have created them. Don’t you? …Uh!

You are so very uncertain, aren’t you, so frightened. If you say we have created then
you are scared, stiff because you have created out of your fear that out of your fear you
want security and you want safety, you want to feel that there is somebody looking after
you because you are afraid. You follow?....So you create that and then worshipping it.

Just see what you are doing. Going to Tirupati and putting all the money in the bag?
Didn’t God want your money? So look at it all. You have nothing but to offer money,
garlands, prostrations, rituals…Right?....You have nothing else to offer. Have you
realized the tragedy the such?

If you love, not the God, that is easy to love God because it is so an abstraction, it has
no much meaning, But if you love, that very love is God, that very love is sacred, you
won’t go outside to look for God.

You understand all these Sir?...And the questioner wants to know if I believe in God. I
don’t because God is not something created by man. There is something as eternity
which is to be outside of time. Yes Sir?...

For that you should have a mind, a heart, that is deeply free from all burdens of life.
Right?...From your vanity, arrogance, your selfishness. You follow Sir?

And we are -------- I am not capable of it. Tell us what to do. You are back in the
cycle…..somebody to tell you what to do. So you are in a jungle. You have to walk
though it by yourself. Right?...and for that you need vitality and vigor and strength not in
believing in God, in goodness. Belief has no place where truth is concerned. Right?...

Question from people…

At last you all getting exited because you are believing you are attacked. You are not
meeting the challenge but you are resisting it. You think there is something inside you
which is permanent which is the light of God which is nameless etc, etc…call it athma,
soul, light whatever you like to call it. That there is inside you in your conscience in your
brain in your mind, something which is not world which is not afore. Right?...You believe
that, don’t show. Uh… Yes Sir?...Just believe, believe, believe,,,don’t you want to find
out? Don’t you want to investigate the truth of this matter whether there is soul, atma,
whatever you like to call it….just believe if you believe what value it has. See suppose I
believe by heart atma or super atma I call it…I believe in that but what value it has.

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