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1. Why was Franz in a haste to reach school?
2. What compelled Franz to stop near the bulletin board and why?
3. What was the usual atmosphere in the school?
On usual days there was a great bustle in the classroom and one could
hear the opening and closing of the desk. There was the repetition of
the lessons in unison in a very loud voice and the teacher’s great ruler
rapping on the table. In totality there was a lot of commotion in the
classroom when the lessons were taught.

4. What change did Franz notice in the atmosphere of the class on that
particular day?
On the last day there is a complete change in the atmosphere of the
class. The entire class was drenched in an aura of seriousness with
everyone solemnly making an endeavour to learn the French
language. M. Hamel was dressed up in his beautiful green coat, his
frilled shirt and a little black silk cap which he wore on prize and
inspection days. Moreover, M. Hamel was walking up and down with
his terrible iron ruler under his arm. He even did not scold Franz and
just asked him to quickly go to his place. It was quite astonishing for
Franz as he noticed that the back benches were occupied by the
village men.

5. What announcement did M. Hamel make and what was the reason
for this announcement?
6. How was M. Hamel dressed up?
7. Why does M. Hamel say that ‘We’ve all a great deal to reproach
M. Hamel uttered these words out of regret as he had not worked like
a devout teacher as whenever he wanted to go for fishing, he gave the
students an off that day. He even sent the children to water his flowers
instead of making them learn the lessons. Today he was feeling
repentant of not dedicatedly imparting knowledge to the students and
for not working judiciously throughout the year. He even blamed the
parents who preferred to send their children to work on farms or at the
mills in order to get some money instead of encouraging them to
attend the school on regular basis. Even the children were to be
blamed who kept on procrastinating the learning of the French
language and did not attend the school but instead went out to play.
8. What was M Hamel’s views about the French language?
M. Hamel had a lot of innate pride it his own language. He believed
that French language was the most beautiful, the most clearest, and
the most logical language in the world. He urged his countrymen to
guard their language amongst themselves and never forget it because
when people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language
then it is the key to their prison. He motivated and encouraged them
to guard their language in order to emancipate themselves from the
shackles of servitude. On the last day he made an endeavour to deliver
whatever knowledge he had of the French language to everybody
present in the class.
9. “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” Explain
in the context of the lesson.
This statement made by Franz aims to criticize and mock at the order
passed by the Germans as they had forcibly imposed their language
on the French people. This emphasizes the fact that the Germans may
have defeated the French people but they cannot compel them to learn
a different language with compulsion. They cannot compel the
pigeons to coo in German as they are unwilling learners so in the
same way no language can be imposed on unwilling learners as long
as they are firm and resolute in their decision.
10. How does linguistic chauvinism plays a key role in the chapter.

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