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Government Gazette

Vol. 590 Pretoria, 1
2014 No. 37874



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BUSINESS NOTICES.............................................................................................................................................. 11
Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Limpopo ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Northern Cape ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 14

COMPANY NOTICES .............................................................................................................................................. 15

Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 16

LIQUIDATORS’ AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES ........................................................................................ 17

Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 17

ORDERS OF THE COURT...................................................................................................................................... 17

Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Eastern Cape............................................................................................................................................. 30
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 36
Northern Cape ........................................................................................................................................... 42
North West................................................................................................................................................. 43
Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 44

GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................ 47
Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 63
Mpumalanga .............................................................................................................................................. 64
Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 64

ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACTS NOTICES:......................................................................................... 00

Form J 295: Curators and tutors: Masters’ notices .................................................................................... 65
Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 65
Free State.................................................................................................................................................. 66
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 66
Northern Cape ........................................................................................................................................... 66
Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 66

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Form J 193: Notice to creditors in deceased estates................................................................................. 67
Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 67
Eastern Cape............................................................................................................................................. 84
Free State.................................................................................................................................................. 87
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 89
Limpopo ..................................................................................................................................................... 94
Northern Cape ........................................................................................................................................... 95
North West................................................................................................................................................. 96
Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 97
Form J 187: Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection .................... 104
Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 105
Eastern Cape............................................................................................................................................. 118
Free State.................................................................................................................................................. 120
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 124
Limpopo ..................................................................................................................................................... 129
Northern Cape ........................................................................................................................................... 130
North West................................................................................................................................................. 131
Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 132

INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANIES ACTS NOTICES:................................................................................ 00

Form J 28: Estates or companies sequestrated or wound up provisionally ............................................ 140
Form J 29: First meetings of creditors, contributories, members of debenture-holders of sequestrated
estates, companies being wound up or placed under provisional judicial management ...... 141
CLOSE CORPORATIONS: First meetings of creditors and members of close corporations
being wound up ..................................................................................................................... 144
Form 1: Appointment of trustees and liquidators and proof of claims in sequestrated estates or
companies being wound up ................................................................................................... 146
Form 2: Meeting of creditors in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up ....................... 153
Form 4: Liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in sequestrated estates or
companies being wound up ................................................................................................... 156
Form 5: Payment of dividends and collection of contributions in sequestrated estates or companies
being wound up ..................................................................................................................... 162
Form 6: Applications for rehabilitation ................................................................................................. 171
Form 7: Notice of trustees ................................................................................................................... 173
Form 8: Dates fixed for creditors to prove claims ............................................................................... 174
Form 9: Notices of surrender of a debtor’s estate .............................................................................. 175

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BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ............................................................................................................................ 11
Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Limpopo ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Noord-Kaap ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Wes-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 14

MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS .......................................................................................................................... 15
Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 16

LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS ............................................................... 17

Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 17

ORDERS VAN DIE HOF.......................................................................................................................................... 17

Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Oos-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 30
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 36
Noord-Kaap ............................................................................................................................................... 42
Noordwes .................................................................................................................................................. 43
Wes-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 44

ALGEMEEN ............................................................................................................................................................. 47
Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 63
Mpumalanga .............................................................................................................................................. 64
Wes-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 64

BOEDELWETTEKENNISGEWINGS: .................................................................................................................... 00
Vorm J 295: Kurators en voogde: Meesters se kennisgewings ................................................................. 65
Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 65
Vrystaat...................................................................................................................................................... 66
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 66
Noord-Kaap ............................................................................................................................................... 66
Wes-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 66
Vorm J 193: Kennisgewing aan krediteure in bestorwe boedels ............................................................... 67
Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 67
Oos-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 84
Vrystaat...................................................................................................................................................... 87
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 89
Limpopo ..................................................................................................................................................... 94
Noord-Kaap ............................................................................................................................................... 95
Noordwes .................................................................................................................................................. 96
Wes-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 97

This gazette is also available free online at


Vorm J 187: Likwidasie- en distribusierekenings in bestorwe boedels wat ter insae lê ............................ 104
Gauteng ..................................................................................................................................................... 105
Oos-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 118
Vrystaat...................................................................................................................................................... 120
KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 124
Limpopo ..................................................................................................................................................... 129
Noord-Kaap ............................................................................................................................................... 130
Noordwes .................................................................................................................................................. 131
Wes-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 132

INSOLVENSIEWET- EN MAATSKAPPYWETTEKENNISGEWINGS .................................................................. 00

Vorm J 28: Boedels of maatskappye wat voorlopig gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is.............................. 140
Vorm J 29: Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van
gesekwestreerde boedels, maatskappye in likwidasie of onder voorlopige geregtelike
bestuur ................................................................................................................................... 141
BESLOTE KORPORASIES: Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers en lede van beslote
korporasies in likwidasie ........................................................................................................ 145
Vorm 1: Aanstelling van kurators en likwidateurs en bewys van vorderings in gesekwestreerde
boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ................................................................................... 146
Vorm 2: Byeenkoms van skuldeisers in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ..... 153
Vorm 4: Likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maat-
skappye in likwidasie ............................................................................................................. 156
Vorm 5: Uitkeer van dividende en insameling van kontribusies in gesekwestreerde boedels of
maatskappye in likwidasie ..................................................................................................... 162
Vorm 6: Aansoeke om rehabilitasie..................................................................................................... 171
Vorm 7: Kennisgewing van kurators.................................................................................................... 173
Vorm 8: Datums vasgestel vir die bewys van eise deur skuldeisers .................................................. 174
Vorm 9: Kennisgewings van oorgawe van ’n skuldenaar se boedel................................................... 175

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The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days:
18 September, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 26 September 2014
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11 December, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 19 December 2014

15 December, Monday, for the issue of Wednesday 24 December 2014
19 December, Friday, for the issue of Friday 2 January 2015

Late notices will be published in the subsequent The copy for a SEPARATE Govern-
issue, if under special circumstances, a late ment Gazette must be handed in not
notice is accepted, a double tariff will be later than three calendar weeks before
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Sluitingstye VOOR VAKANSIEDAE vir

Die sluitingstyd is stiptelik 15:00 op die volgende dae:

18 September, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 26 September 2014

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11 Desember, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 19 Desember 2014

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19 Desember, Vrydag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 2 Januarie 2015

Laat kennisgewings sal in die daaropvolgende Wanneer ’n APARTE Staatskoerant

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(In order to bring the cost of advertising of legal notices more in line with the cost New
in the private sector, and to reduce the burden of cross subsidy by departments. rate per

and J 187 ................................................................................................................ 38,70
BUSINESS NOTICES ................................................................................................. 89,10
Forms 1 to 9............................................................................................................ 77,30
N.B.: Forms 2 and 9—additional statements according to the Word Count
Table, added to the basic rate.
LOST LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES: Form VL ........................................................ 46,40
UNCLAIMED MONIES—Only in an Extraordinary Gazette. Closing date:
15 January (per entry of “name, address and amount”) .......................................... 27,05
Short notices: Meetings, resolutions, offer of compromise, conversion of company,
voluntary windings-up; closing of transfer or member’s registers and/or
declaration of dividends ...................................................................................... 181,80
Declaration of dividend with profit statements, including notes .............................. 398,50
Long notices: Transfers, changes with respect to shares or capital, redemptions,
resolutions, voluntary liquidations ...................................................................... 618,90
LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES .......................................... 143,10
LIQUOR LICENCE NOTICES in an Extraordinary Gazette. (All provinces appear on
the first Friday of each month.) The closing date for acceptance is two weeks prior
to date of publication............................................................................................... 127,70
Gauteng Dranklisensies .......................................................................................... 209,60
N-Kaap Dranklisensies............................................................................................ 209,60


Provisional and final liquidations or sequestrations ................................................ 232,10
Reductions or changes in capital, mergers, offers of compromise......................... 618,90
Judicial managements, curator bonus and similar and extensive rules nisi ........... 618,90
Extension of return date.......................................................................................... 77,30
Supersessions and discharge of petitions (J 158) .................................................. 77,30
Sales in execution .................................................................................................... 348,20
Public auctions, sales and tenders:
Up to 75 words..................................................................................................... 104,30
76 to 250 words ................................................................................................... 270,70
251 to 300 words ................................................................................................. 437,25

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For general notices which do not belong under the afore-mentioned headings with fixed tariff rates
and which comprise 1 600 or less words, the rates of the Word Count Table must be used.
Notices with more than 1 600 words, or where doubt exists, must be sent in before publication
in terms of paragraph 10 (2) of the conditions for publication.

Number of words in copy One insertion Two insertions Three insertions

1– 100......................................................... 131,25 181,40 204,50
101– 150......................................................... 193,05 270,20 308,90
151– 200......................................................... 258,60 358,90 412,95
201– 250......................................................... 324,25 463,20 513,35
251– 300......................................................... 386,00 540,50 617,60
301– 350......................................................... 451,55 644,60 721,85
351– 400......................................................... 513,45 733,50 818,35
401– 450......................................................... 579,00 822,35 926,50
451– 500......................................................... 644,55 914,90 1 030,65
501– 550......................................................... 694,90 1 003,65 1 119,45
551– 600......................................................... 772,05 1 094,60 1 223,65
601– 650......................................................... 822,35 1 185,00 1 323,95
651– 700......................................................... 899,55 1 273,90 1 428,30
701– 750......................................................... 965,10 1 362,75 1 528,60
751– 800......................................................... 1 015,40 1 451,45 1 632,85
801– 850......................................................... 1 092,55 1 544,10 1 737,10
851– 900......................................................... 1 142,60 1 644,45 1 837,50
901– 950......................................................... 1 223,60 1 737,10 1 941,55
951–1 000......................................................... 1 273,90 1 826,00 2 045,95
1 001–1 300......................................................... 1 659,95 2 364,30 2 648,05
1 301–1 600......................................................... 2 043,95 2 906,60 3 265,65


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Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties
and creditors of the intention of alienation of businesses and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of
businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of relevant advertisements, and of actions,
circumstances or conditions pertaining to businesses or parties or debtors, as mentioned therein.
The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county;
(2) seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on;
(4) purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of
address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date or period of time if other than 30 days;
(5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address, if other than
under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date.
Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van
1936, aan belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome vervreemding van besighede en/of klandisie ,
goedere of eiendom wat ’n deel vorm van besighede, na ’n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van
betrokke advertensies, en van aksies, omstandighede of voorwaardes wat op besighede of partye of skuldenaars,
soos daarin genoem, betrekking het.
Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county;
(2) verkoper, handelaar, vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf;
(4) doel en voorneme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of
adresverandering, naamverandering, kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indien
anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid en
adres, indien anders as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum.


In terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, Conan Lomas (ID: 7303185478188), conducting business
under the name and style of “Erins Optometrist”, and whose principal place of business is at Shop GF 09, the Zone, 1117
Oxford Road, Rosebank, is hereby giving notice of the sale and transfer of the business as a going concern (comprising, inter
alia, fixed assets, inventory, stock, goodwill, intellectual property rights, and other assets, and certain trade liabilities utilized and
incurred by the seller in the ordinary course of the conduct of the business), C K Bhikha and J H Misty Incorporated (Reg No.
2012/186207/21), on a date being not less thatn 30 (thirty) days and not more than 60 (sixty) days after the date of publication
of this notice, from which date, the purchaser will carry on the said business for its own benefit and account.
Attorneys Wertheim Becker Inc., Attorneys for the Seller, P.O. Box 2277, Houghton, 2198. Tel: (011) 268-1130. Telefax:
(011) 268-1140 (Ref: Mr D Reece).


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, that Mpho Grace Moroka
(ID: 6710200452082), has tranferred the business of coal haulage, trading under the name of style of Motshaotshele
Transport Proprietary Limited (Reg No. 2005/038545/07), with its business address at 15B Station Road, Bethal, 2310, to
Sathala Plant Hire CC (Reg No. 2006/024828/23), subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions precedent, who will carry on
the business at 30 Industrial Avenue, Bethal, 2310.
Dated at Chatsworth on 25 July 2014.
Shashi Marajh and Company, Attorneys for Purchaser, 128 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth, 4092.
Tel: (031) 401-9511.
De Deur Estates. (2) Brenjars Club CC (Members: J A & U M Van der Merwe). (3) Lot 345 (Erf 64/65), Main Road, De Deur
Estates, 1884. (4) Selling of Property & Business. (5) Edward Rankou. (6) As above (Remaining Extent of Erf 345, De Deur
Estates). (7) J A & U M Van der Merwe, P.O. Box 772, Walkerville, 1876.

This gazette is also available free online at



Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, that Shaz Designs
CC (Reg No. 2004/051830/23), which conducts business at Shop L329, Sandton City, cnr Rivonia Road and Sandton Drive,
Sandton, intends, subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions, to sell to, and after the expiry of a period of not less than
30 (thirty) days from the last publication of this notice, to transfer to Treger Brands Jewellery Company Proprietary Limited
(Reg No. 2011/134199/07), the business conducted by it being that of a jewellery store.
Fluxmans Incorporated (J Phalane), attorneys for the purchaser, 30 Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936 (as amended) to interested parties
and creditors of the intention of Doncin Service Station CC (Reg No. 2008/063114/23), to sell its entire business, carried on
at 437 Main Reef Road, Krugersdorp, situated at Erf 65 Portion 1 Erf 959, Wentworth Park, Krugersdorp, as a going concern
to Udumo Trading 378 CC (Reg No. 2006/182618/23), of No. 1 Windeena Avenue, Pine Park, Linden, Randburg, Gauteng,
and that such sale and transfer shall take place not less than 30 (thirty) days but not more than 60 (sixty) days following the last
publication of this notice.
A Kock & Associates Inc., Attorneys for the Seller, Office 19, Block A, Willowbrook Office Park, Ruimsig, Roodepoort.
Tel: (011) 958-0700 (Ref: A. Kock).
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936 (as amended) to interested parties
and creditors of the intention of Doncin Service Station CC (Reg No. 2008/063114/23), to sell its entire business, carried on
at 437 Main Reef Road, Krugersdorp, situated at Erf 65 Portion 1 Erf 959, Wentworth Park, Krugersdorp, as a going concern
to Udumo Trading 378 CC (Reg No. 2006/182618/23), of No. 1 Windeena Avenue, Pine Park, Linden, Randburg, Gauteng,
and that such sale and transfer shall take place not less than 30 (thirty) days but not more than 60 (sixty) days following the last
publication of this notice.
A Kock & Associates Inc., Attorneys for the Seller, Office 19, Block A, Willowbrook Office Park, Ruimsig, Roodepoort.
Tel: (011) 958-0700 (Ref: A. Kock).
Notice is hereby given in terms of sectin 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, of the intention of
Godfrey Tawse CC (Reg No. 1997/013916/23), to sell the business known as “Alexandria Pharmacy”, which business is
conducted from Voortrekker Street, Alexandria, as a going concern and to transfer the business to Mischeck Mungoni
(ID: 7406256160088), after the expiry of a period of not less than 30 (thirty) days from the last publication of this notice
whereafter Mischeck Mungoni will conduct the business for his own account from the same address known as Alexandria
Pharmacy, Voortreeker Street, Alexandria.
De Jager & Lordan Inc., 25 Retief Street, Alexandria, 6185. Tel: (046) 653-0005. Fax: (086) 234-7679 (Ref: Mr W. de
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, that Inelkander CC
(Reg No. 1993/005994/23) (“the seller”) has, subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions, sold to Cumacor 167 (Pty) Ltd (Reg
No. 2010/022315/07) (“the purchaser”) the going concern on by the seller on Portion 1 of Farm Roodekop 600, Portion 1 of farm
Vrischgewaagd 601, as more fully described in Deed of Transfer T124066/2003, Remaining Extent of Portion 2 of the farm
Roodekop 600, Portion 3 (Portion of Portion 2) of the farm Roodekop 600, as more fully described in Deed of Transfer
T124067/2003, and Remaining Extent of farm Roodekop 600, as more fully described in Deed of Transfer T125332/2007, and
will transfer the aforementioned properties to the purchaser on a date not being less than 30 (thirty) days and not more than 60
(sixty) days after the date of the last publication of this notice.
Signed at Pretoria on 25 July 2014
(Signed: H van Eetveldt), Van der Merwe du Toit Incorporated, Brooklyn Place, c/o Bronkhorst & Dey Street, Brooklyn,
Pretoria; P.O. Box 499, Pretoria, 0001. Tel: (012) 452-1300 (Ref: Doreen vd Merwe/MAT29129).



Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, that Ndaleni Daniel Motsepe
(ID: 5712165531083), has tranferred the business of coal haulage, trading under the name of style of Golden Rewards 881
CC t/a Shozi Holdings International (Reg No. 2005/141515/23), with its business address at 15B Station Road, Bethal, 2310,
to Sathala Plant Hire CC (Reg No. 2006/024828/23), subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions precedent, who will carry on
the business at 30 Industrial Avenue, Bethal, 2310.
Dated at Chatsworth on 25 July 2014.
Shashi Marajh and Company, Attorneys for Purchaser, 128 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth, 4092.
Tel: (031) 401-9511.

This gazette is also available free online at


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, that Mpho Grace Moroka
(ID: 6710200452082), has transferred the business of coal haulage, trading under the name of style of Motshaotshele
Transport Proprietary Limited (Reg No. 2005/038545/07), with its business address at 15B Station Road, Bethal, 2310, to
Sathala Plant Hire CC (Reg No. 2006/024828/23), subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions precedent, who will carry on
the business at 30 Industrial Avenue, Bethal, 2310.
Dated at Chatsworth on 25 July 2014.
Shashi Marajh and Company, Attorneys for Purchaser, 128 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth, 4092.
Tel: (031) 401-9511.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, that Ndaleni Daniel Motsepe
(ID: 5712165531083), has transferred the business of coal haulage, trading under the name of style of Golden Rewards 881
CC t/a Shozi Holdings International (Reg No. 2005/141515/23), with its business address at 15B Station Road, Bethal, 2310,
to Sathala Plant Hire CC (Reg No. 2006/024828/23), subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions precedent, who will carry on
the business at 30 Industrial Avenue, Bethal, 2310.
Dated at Chatsworth on 25 July 2014.
Shashi Marajh and Company, Attorneys for Purchaser, 128 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth, 4092.
Tel: (031) 401-9511.


Phalaborwa. (2) F C M Trust (Reg No. IT5708/1994). (3) F C M Trust. (4) Sale of Erf 3338, Phalaborwa Township, which
is generating rental income. (5) Eldred Hawken Trust (Reg No. IT7506//1997). (6) —. (7) Kruger Nagel & De Jager Inc.
Attorneys, P.O. Box 2972, Tzaneen, 0850.
Ingevolge artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensie Wet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, gee die FCM Trust (Reg No.
IT5708/1994), hiermee kennis dat hulle ’n ooreenkoms met die Eldred Hawken Trust (Reg No. IT7506/1977), gesluit het vir
die verkoop van ’n eiendomsperseel, synde Erf 3338, Phalaborwa Dorpsgebied, wat uitverhuur word.
Die Eldred Hawken Trust (Reg No. IT7506/1977), sal na verloop van dertig (30) dae van plasing van hierdie publikasie die
verhuring van gemelde eiendom vir hulle eie rekening by dieselfde adres en onder die naam Eldred Hawken Trust (Reg No.
IT7506/1977), voortsit.
Geteken te Tzaneen op die 21ste dag van Julie 2014.
(Get.) K J De Jager, Kruger Nagel & De Jager Ing., Prokureurs, Juridicum Gebou, Agathastraat 24 (Posbus 2972) (Docex
12), Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: (015) 307-7585. Faks: (015) 307-7587.
Be pleased to take notice that in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, the FCM Trust
(Reg No. IT5708/1994), entered into an agreement with the Eldred Hawken Trust (Reg No. IT7506/1977), for the sale of an
immovable property, being Erf 3338, Phalaborwa Township, which property is being rent out.
The Eldred Hawken Trust (Reg No. IT7506/1977), will carry on with the renting out of the said property under the name of
Eldred Hawken Trust (Reg No. IT7506/1977), at the same address for their own account after thirty (30) days from date of
publication of this notice.
Signing at Tzaneen on the 21st day of July 2014.
(Sgd.) K J De Jager, Kruger Nagel & De Jager Inc. Attorneys, Juridicum Gebou, 24 Agatha Street (P.O. Box 2972) (Docex
12), Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: (015) 307-7585. Fax: (015) 307-7587.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, Act 24 of 1936, as amended, to all interested
parties and creditors, that Tombstone World CC (Reg No. CC99/09950/23) (“the Close Corporation”), intends transferring the
following properties unto and in favour of the Peet Engelbrecht Family Trust, with Reg No. IT1396/01.
1. Erf No. 991, Marble Hall X4, JS Limpopo, known as Erf 991, Emerald Street, Marble Hall.
2. Erf No. 993, Marble Hall X4, JS Limpopo, known as Erf 993, Emerald Street, Marble Hall.
3. Erf No. 994, Marble Hall X4, JS Limpopo, known as Erf 994, Emerald Street, Marble Hall;
as from the 31st day following the publication of the last advertisement in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act.
Schoeman & Associates, 1001 Justice Mahomed Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 346-8606. Fax (012) 346-3998
(Ref: DJ Schoeman/ST0171).

This gazette is also available free online at


[In terms of Section 34 (1) of Act 24 of 1936]
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of Act No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditor of the intention of
Future Fert (Pty) Ltd, with Reg No. 2001/026381/07, to sell the properties Remaining Extent of Erf 2290, Tzaneen Extension
11 Township, and Portion 10 of Erf 2290, Tzaneen Extension 11 Township, L.T. Limpopo Province, as a going concern to 4 Werk
Sentrum CC, with Reg No. 1994/016087/23, 30 (thirty) days after publication of this notice.
Thomas & Swanepoel Ing., 19 Peace Street (P.O. Box 1854), Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: (015) 307-1027. Fax: (015) 307-1393.
Tzaneen X11. (2) Future Fert (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 2001/026381/07). (3) Ramaining Extent of Erf 2290, Tzaneen Ext 11;
Portion 10 Erf 2290, Tzaneen Ext 11. (4) Sale of property as a going concern. (5) 4 Werk Sentrum CC (Reg No.
1994/016087/23). (6) —. (7) Thomas & Swanepoel Inc., 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen, Limpopo, 0850. Fax: (086) 775-7326.


Ingevolge Art. 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936, geskied kennis hiermee aan belanghebbende partye en
krediteure dat die Ledebelang in Glasfit Upington BK (Reg No. 2001/013630/23), gaan verander en dat die nuwe lid Andries
Stefanus Janse van Rensburg sal wees (ID: 6307195075083), wat die besigheid vir sy eie rekening en voordeel sal voorsit.
Neem verder kennis dat die oordrag van gemelde ledebelang binne 30 dae na publikasie van hierdie kennnisgewing in
werking sal tree.
Becker Bergh & More Ing., Prokureurs vir die Eksekuteur, Schroderstraat No. 7 (Posbus 9), Upington, 8800.
Ingevolge Art. 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936, geskied kennis hiermee aan belanghebbende partye en
krediteure dat die Ledebelang in Glasfit Upington BK (Reg No. 2001/013630/23), gaan verander en dat die nuwe lid Andries
Stefanus Janse van Rensburg sal wees (ID: 6307195075083), wat die besigheid vir sy eie rekening en voordeel sal voorsit.
Neem verder kennis dat die oordrag van gemelde ledebelang binne 30 dae na publikasie van hierdie kennnisgewing in
werking sal tree.
Becker Bergh & More Ing., Prokureurs vir die Eksekuteur, Schroderstraat No. 7 (Posbus 9), Upington, 8800.


Cape Town. (2) Darprops 1020 Close Corporation. (3) Hotel Graeme, 107 Main Road, Green Point, 8005. (4) Sale of
business and goodwill. (5) K2014091755 (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 2014/091755/07). (6) —. (7) Curr Vivier Inc., P.O. Box 3866, Cape
Town, 8000.
Malmesbury. (2) MHS Trust (Reg No. IT3562/1995). (3) Erf 10013, Malmesbury, in the Swartland Municipality, Division
Malmesbury, Province of the Western Cape. (4) Sale. (5) Swartland Handelhuis Beleggings Limited (Reg No. 1997/007454/06).
(6) —. (7) Terblanche Slabber Pieters Incorporated, 8 Truter Street, Malmesbury, 7300.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, that it is the intention
of Polar White Productions CC, trading as Lamtico of 23 Sagittarius Lane, Croydon Vineyard Estate, Faure, Somerset West,
to sell its movable assets to Calliope Trade CC, upon the expiration of a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of last
publication hereof.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, to interested parties
and creditors of Vecto Trade 70 (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 1998/001059/07) (“the Company”), of the intention of the Company, as soon
as possible after the 31st day after the date of the publication of this notice, but before the 60th day after the date of the
publication of this notice, to transfer all of the Company rights, title and interest in and to all its businesses conducted under the
names Vodacom Shop The Bridge, Vodacom Shop Greenacres, Vodacom Shop Repairs, and all its assets to Tyger
Cellular Southern Cape (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 2009/019957/07).
Werksmans Attorneys, 18th Floor, 1 Thibault Square, Cape Town. Tel: (021) 405-5127. Fax: (011) 535-8522.

This gazette is also available free online at


Western Cape, Cape Town. (2) Faure Wine Farms Proprietary Limited (Reg No. 2000/010192/07). (3) Faure Wine Farms
Proprietary Limited, carried on at, Faure Wine Farms, Faure, 7131. (4) Sale of business as a going concern, subject to the
fulfilment of certain conditions and will transfer ownership of the business to the purchaser after a period of 30 (thirty) days from
the last publication of this notice. (5) Chenyema Faure Estate Proprietary Limited (Reg No. 2009/020256/07). (6) Same as
3. (7) Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa (Attorneys for the purchaser), 10th Floor, Norton Rose House, 8 Riebeeck Steet, Cape
Town, 8001. Tel: (021) 405-1200. Fax: (021) 418-6900 (Ref: WXN1/Ms C. Posthumus).
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 (as amended), that Ismail Sonday, with Identity No.
2005/088859/23, intends to transfer his business known as Candy Bar, situated at Shop 84B, Paarl Mall, Paarl, to
Mierenfontein Farm (Pty) Ltd with Reg. No. 2005/019363/07, after thirty (30) days of this publication, who will thereafter
conduct the business from the same address.
Malan Lourens Viljoen Inc., 12 Pickle Street, Strand (Ref: MGL/UR/GM1863).
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, to interested parties
and creditors of the intention of CG Bottling (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 2012/206220/07), to alienate to Precious Prospect Trading
391 (Reg No. 2011/010132/07), the business and all its assets heretofore carried on by the seller under the name and style of
CG Bottling, at 6th Floor, Hertzog Boulevard Foreshore, Cape Town, which alienation will take place 30 (thirty) days from the
last publication of the relevant advertisement of this agreement.
Paul Farinha Attorneys, Attorneys for the parties, 129 Queen Street, Kensington (Ref: Mr Farinha/mr/S040001).




PRESS TRADING (PTY) LIMITED (Reg No. 1934/005255/07)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 375 (5) (b) of the Companies Act that Sean Christensen has been appointed by
the Master of the High Court as Liquidator of the undermentioned Company, which is being wound up as members’ voluntary
winding-up: Press Trading (Pty) Limited.
Master’s Certificate of Appointment No. G179/2013, dated 24 June 2013.
KPMG Services (Proprietary) Limited, Private Bag 9, Parkview, 2122.

Ethne Woodiwiss intends to apply to the Commissioner of the CIPC for the re-instatement of Micansands (Reg No.
1978/003030/07). Please note that any objection to the application must be lodged with the Commissioner of the CIPC within
twenty-one (21) days of the date of the publication hereof.
Pfumo Tax & Accounting Services CC (Reg No. 2011/040903/23), Unit 6, Argyle Square Office Park, Tamarisk Road,
Weltevredenpark, 1709; P.O. Box 8142, Edenglen, 1609. Tel: (011) 675-1436 (E-mail:

CHOICE DECISIONS 294 (PTY) LTD (Reg No. 2001/009288/07)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 352 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended, that a special resolution for
the creditors’ voluntary winding-up in terms of section 349 read with section 351 of the Companies Act, 61 of 1973, as
amended, was passed on the 26th of June 2014, by the members, and registered by the Registrar of Companies on the 21st
of July 2014, in terms of which the above Company be placed in voluntary liquidation. Notice is further hereby given that the
winding-up commenced on 21st of July 2014, being the date of the registration of the special resolution.
Lester Hall, Fletcher Inc., Private Bag X7016, Hillcrest, 3650. Tel: (086) 127-7727. Fax: (031) 767-5713.

This gazette is also available free online at



It was resolved: The company be wound-up voluntarily as a members’ voluntary winding-up pursuant to section 356
(349 & section 350) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, as amended / section 79 read with section 80 of the Companies Act,
2008, as amended.
Deidre Meurs, Statucor (Pty) Ltd, 41 Matroosberg Road, Building C, Riverwalk Office Park, Ashlea Gardens, 0081;
P.O. Box 95436, Waterkloof, 0145. Tel: (010) 060-5502. Fax: (086) 604-8609.

It was resolved: The company be wound-up voluntarily as a members’ voluntary winding-up pursuant to section 356
(349 & section 350) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, as amended / section 79 read with section 80 of the Companies Act,
2008, as amended.
Deidre Meurs, Statucor (Pty) Ltd, 41 Matroosberg Road, Building C, Riverwalk Office Park, Ashlea Gardens, 0081;
P.O. Box 95436, Waterkloof, 0145. Tel: (010) 060-5502. Fax: (086) 604-8609.

It was resolved: The company be wound-up voluntarily as a members’ voluntary winding-up pursuant to section 356
(349 & section 350) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, as amended / section 79 read with section 80 of the Companies Act,
2008, as amended.
Deidre Meurs, Statucor (Pty) Ltd, 41 Matroosberg Road, Building C, Riverwalk Office Park, Ashlea Gardens, 0081;
P.O. Box 95436, Waterkloof, 0145. Tel: (010) 060-5502. Fax: (086) 604-8609.

The Joint Provisional Liquidators in the matter of: WEARCON INDUSTRIES (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION)
Will offer for sale Thoroughbred Race Horses, to be sold voetstoots without reserve by Michael Holmes Bloodstock –
Auctioneers and sales consultants on:
Date: Wednesday, 6 August 2014.
Venue: Ridge Racing Stables, Plot 68, Cayman Road, Alewynspoort Gauteng (across the road from the Eye of Africa Golf
and Leisure Estate – follow Eye of Africa Signs).
Time: 13h00 pm.
Horses will be available for inspeciton on site from 10:00 am, on 6 August 2014.
For conditions of sale and further arrangements contact Mr. Michael Holmes on Tel: (031) 309-5522 / Cell: 082 552 6524
and/or E-mail:
Catalogues available on:
JH Blignaut and TR Ndebele (Joint Provisional Liquidators), c/o Golden Trust Services (Pty) Ltd. Tel: (011) 337-3650/1/2/3
/ Fax2E-mail: (086) 625-8302 / E-mail:



Please take note that Balfour Kofi Kyei (ID: 8102225299086), intends making application to the Companies and Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC) for the restoration of BKPYS Investments CC (Reg No. 2004/102211/23).
Please take further notice that any objections to this application must be lodged with the Companies and Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC) within twenty-one (21) days of this publication thereof.
Dated at Durban this 21st day of July 2014.
Y.D. Maharaj & Co., Applicant’s Accountants, P.O. Box 19596, Domerton, 4015. Tel: (031) 312-2118.

This gazette is also available free online at



Notices by liquidators and other appointees such as executors, judicial managers, trustees, curators or tutors,
of appointments, meetings, accounts, claims, leave of absence, releases, etc.


Kennisgewings deur likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes soos eksekuteurs, geregtelike bestuurders, trustees,
kurators of voogde, van aanstellings, vergaderings, rekeninge, eise, verlof, vrystellings, ens.



Saak No. 22232/2007

Kennis word hiermee gegee dat die Tweede Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening in die
gemeenskaplike verdelingsboedel van KS Masemola en MA Maloba, Saak No. 22232/2007, ter insae sal lê by die kantore van
die Likwidateur, JF Carstens, p/a Thys Cronje Ingelyf, Brooklynweg 258, Menlopark, Pretoria, vir ’n periode van 21 (een en
twentig) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan
Enige partye hoegenaamd wat eise teen hierdie boedel het moet binne 14 (veertien) dae vanaf datum van hierdie
publikasie hulle eis indien by die kantore van die Likwidateur, Carstens Trustees, Suurdoringlaan 129, Wonderboom, Telefoon
No. (012) 543-0897, alternatiewelik sal die rekening daarna as bekragtig beskou word en die distribusie in terme van hierdie
rekening finaal wees.
J F Carstens, Carstens Trustees, Posbus 13827, Sinoville, 0129. Tel: (012) 543-0897.
Datum: 21 Julie 2014.
Publikasie Datum: 1 Augustus 2014.



Case No. 74669/13

(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 7 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Bam
Applicant, and WETHERELL INVESTMENTSS CC, REG. No. 2001/054308/23, address: 7 Cherrywood, Waterford,
Fourways, Gauteng, Respondent
Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Close Corporation be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.
2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this
Court at 10:00 on 25 August 2014 why the Respondent Close Corporation should not be placed under final winding-up order.
3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent Close Corporation at its registered office and by
publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Citizen newspapers.
4. That a copy of this Order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post.
By the Court.—Registrar, AJ.
Attorney: MacRobert.
Address: Cnr Jan Shoba & Justice Mahomed Streets, Brooklyn, PTA.
This gazette is also available free online at

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 28982/2014
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Before Judge Davis, AJ, 14 July 2014
In the matter between: TWK AGRICULTURE LTD, 1st Applicant, DELARESE WEIS, 2nd Applicant, SUSANNA
EMMARENCIA GEY VAN PITTIUS, 3rd Applicant, ZAHN HULME, 4th Applicant, REINA CULLINAN, 5th Applicant, and
1. The Remaining Extent of Portion 3 of the farm Speenkoppies No. 179, Registration Division H.T., Mpumalanga;
2. The Remaining Extent of Portion 12 (a portion of Portion 8) of the farm Speenkoppies No. 179, Registration
Division H.T., Mpumalanga
Having heard counsel for the Applicants and having read the papers filed of record, the following is ordered:
1. That the return date for the rule nisi granted on 6 June 2014, returnable on 14 July 2014, be extended to 4 September
2. Any interested persons who may choose to do so, is called upon to object, either by letter received by the Registrar
before 28 August 2014, or by appearing personally or through counsel in Court on 4 September 2014 at 10:00 or as soon
thereafter as the matter may be heard, against the granting of a final order in terms of the rule nisi granted on 6 June 2014 and
attached hereto as Annexure “A”.
By Order.—Registrar.

Case No. 28982/2014
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 6 June 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice Vilakazi, AJ
In the matter between: TWK AGRICULTURE LTD, 1st Applicant, DELARESE WEIS, 2nd Applicant, SUSANNA
EMMARENCIA GEY VAN PITTIUS, 3rd Applicant, ZAHN HULME, 4th Applicant, REINA CULLINAN, 5th Applicant, and
1. The Remaining Extent of Portion 3 of the farm Speenkoppies No. 179, Registration Division H.T., Mpumalanga;
2. The Remaining Extent of Portion 12 (a portion of Portion 8) of the farm Speenkoppies No. 179, Registration
Division H.T., Mpumalanga
Having heard counsel(s) for the parties and having read the documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That a rule nisi issued calling on any interested person who may chose to do so, to object either by letter received by
the Registrar before 7 July 2014, or by appearing personally or through counsel in Court on 14 July 2014 at 10:00 or as soon
thereafter as the matter may be heard, against the granting of the following order:
1.1. That the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga, be ordered to remove the conditions set out hereunder and contained in
the Deeds of Transfer T39730/1976, T140510/1999 and T111917/2000 pertaining to the Remaining Extent of Portion 3 of the
farm Speenkoppies No. 179, Registration Division H.T., Mpumalanga, and Remaining Extent of Portion 12 (a portion of Portion 8)
of the farm Speenkoppies No. 179, Registration Division H.T., Mpumalanga;
1.2. Further and/or alternative relief.
2. That any person who has a right which may be affected is entitled to object to the granting of such an order, and may
do so without incurring liability for costs. If he opposes by writing a letter to the Registrar, the objector must state the objector’s
full names, identity number and address and describe the property or right which will be affected by the grant of the order.

This gazette is also available free online at


ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

3. That the order sought will have the following effect, namely that Second and Third Applicants would be entitled to sell
their affected properties on the open market and that the fidecommisum in terms whereof the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Applicant
are the beneficiaries, will be removed from the relevant title deeds.
4. That the papers in this matter are open for inspection without charge, at the office of the Registrar, High Court of South
Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, as well as at the offices of the Applicant’s Attorneys, Kruger and Partners Incorporated, care
of Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson, at Suite 301, Block 4, Monument Office Park, 79 Steenbok Ave, Monument Park,
Pretoria. The service of this rule nisi is to be effected as follows:
4.1. By serving a copy of the papers together with the order on the following persons:
4.1.1. The Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga;
4.1.2. Mkhondo Local Municipality;
4.1.3. The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, care of the State Attorney, Pretoria; and
4.1.4 The Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Administration, Mpumalanga Provincial Government,
2nd Floor, Building 6, Government Complex, Riverside, Nelspruit.
4.2. By one publication of the order in English in:
4.2.1. The Government Gazette; and
4.2.2. The Excelsior newspaper.
4.3. By one publication of the order in Afrikaans in:
4.3.1. Die Staatskoerant; en
4.3.2. Die Excelsior koerant.
4.4. By displaying a copy of the order in two official languages on a prominent part of the official notice board of the
Mkhondo Local Municipality for a period of two weeks after the issue of the aforesaid rule nisi;
4.5 By displaying a copy of the order in two official languages on a conspicuous place on the properties.
5. That the costs of the proceedings aimed at obtaining the rule nisi stand over for determination on the return date of the
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson.

Saak No. 28982/2014
(Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria)
14-07-2014–16-07-2014, before Judge Davis (AJ)
In die saak tussen: TWK AGRICULTURE LTD, 1ste Applikant, DELARESE WEIS, 2de Applikant, SUSANNA
EMMARENCIA GEY VAN PITTIUS, 3de Applikant, ZAHN HULME, 4de Applikant, REINA CULLINAN, 5de Applikant, en
1. Die Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte 3 van die plaas Speenkoppies No. 179, Registrasie Afdeling H.T.,
Mpumalanga; en
2. Die Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte 12 (’n gedeelte van Gedeelte 8) van die plaas Speenkoppies No. 179,
Registrasie Afdeling H.T., Mpumalanga
Na aanhoor van die regsverteenwoordiger namens die Applikante en na deurlees van die stukke geliasseer ter onderste-
uning van hierdie Aansoek, word die volgende bevel gelas:
1. Dat die keerdatum van die bevel nisi, soos toegestaan op 6 Junie 2014, verleng word na 4 September 2014;
2. Dat enige belanghebbende partye wat so mag verkies, opgeroep word om by wyse van ’n brief, ontvang deur die Griffier
voor 28 Augustus 2014, of persoonlik, of verteenwoordig deur ’n advokaat op 4 September 2014 om 10:00, of so spoedig
daarna as wat die saak aangehoor mag word, in die Hof beswaar te maak teen die toestaan van ’n finale Bevel in terme van
die bevel nisi, soos toegestaan op 6 Junie 2014 en waarvan ’n afskrif hierby aangeheg word as Aanhangsel “A”.
Deur die Hof.—Griffier.

This gazette is also available free online at


ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 75840/2013
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 4 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Jansen
In the matter of: MONOCEROS TRADING 111 CC (in liquidation) (duly represented by JURGENS JOHANNES
Applicant, and WOW BILTONG MANUFACTURING (PTY) LTD, t/a BOESMANLAND BILTONG, Reg. No. 2005/037149/07,
address: 1st Floor, Building 4, Pony Street, Tijger Valley Office Park, Silver Lakes Road, Silver Lakes, Pretoria
Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.
2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this
Court at 10:00 on 21 August 2014 why the Respondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up order.
3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent Company at its registered office and by publication
forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Citizen newspapers.
4. That the costs of this application should be costs in the liquidation.
5. That a copy of this order be forthwith served:
5.1 That on the South African Revenue Service at 299 Bronkhorst Street, New Muckleneuk, Pretoria.
5.2 On the Respondent at its registered address at First Floor, Building 4, Pony Street, Dijger Valley Office Park, Silver
Lakes Road, Silver Lakes, Pretoria.
5.3 On the Respondent at its principal place of business in the Western Cape at Unit 3, FDM Building, 10 Kiaat Street,
Kraaifontein, Cape Town.
5.4 On the Respondent at its principle place of business in Gauteng at Unit 4, Voorhamer Street, Silvertondale.
5.5 On the employees of the Respondent, if any.
5.6 On all registered Trade Unions, if any.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Rothman.
Address: 189 Justice Mohamed Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.

Case No. 15083/2014
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 17 June 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Kollapen
In the matter of: MARIO LOUW, Applicant, and ZONA LOUW, ID. 6712180027082, 8 Library Street, Cullinan, Gauteng,
Having heard counsel for the Applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the rule nisi court order granted by the Honourable Mr Justice Kgawyago AJ granted in this matter on 27 March
2014 is hereby revived.
2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon the Respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on 5 August 2014
at 10:00 why a final order of sequestration should not be made against her estate.
3. That this Order to be served upon the Respondent by way of Sheriff.
4. That this Order be served upon the Master of the High Court and the South African Revenue Services by way of filing
notice by hand.
5. That this Order be published in the Government Gazette and the Citizen newspaper.
6. That this Order be posted by way of registered post to all creditors of the Respondent known to the Applicant.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Heckroodt.
Address: Delyweg 72, Waterkloof, Pretoria.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 2014/26049
(Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg)
Johannesburg, 22 July 2014, before the Honourable Judge Nicholls
In the matter between: STEAR PROPERTIES (PTY) LIMITED, Applicant, and TUSCALOOSA 51 (PTY) LIMITED,
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. Condonation is granted for the non compliance and deviation from the Uniform Rules of Court and this matter is dealt
with as one of urgency.
2. The estate of the Respondent is placed under a provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master of the High Court.
3. The Respondent and all persons who have a legitimate interest are hereby called upon to put forward their reasons why
this Court should not order the final winding up of the Respondent on the 25 day of August 2014 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter
as the matter may be heard.
4. A copy of this Order be served on the Respondent per email at
5. A copy of this Order be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and Star newspaper.
6. A copy of this Order be served on SARS.
By the Court.—Registrar.

Case No. 2014/26050
(Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg)
Johannesburg, 22 July 2014, before the Honourable Judge Nicholls
In the matter between: STEAR PROPERTIES (PTY) LIMITED, Applicant, and TERTIA LIANE KASTELIC, Respondent
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. Condonation is granted for the non compliance and deviation from the Uniform Rules of Court and this matter is dealt
with as one of urgency.
2. The estate of the Respondent is placed under a provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master of the High Court.
3. The Respondent and all persons who have a legitimate interest are hereby called upon to put forward their reasons why
this Court should not order the final winding up of the Respondent on the 25 day of August 2014 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter
as the matter may be heard.
4. A copy of this Order be served on the Respondent per email at
5. A copy of this Order be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and Star newspaper.
6. A copy of this Order be served on SARS.
By the Court.—Registrar.

Case No. 6031/14
In the application of: RADCO 123 INVESTMENTS CC (Registration Number 2002/086390/23) (for its winding-up),
After considering the application and the supporting documents, the following order is granted:
1. That the estate of the Applicant, Radco 123 Investments CC, Registration Number 2002/086390/23, is provisionally
liquidated and placed in the hands of the Master of Court.
2. That a rule nisi is issued, calling on the Applicant and any other interested party/parties, to show cause to this Court, on
the 13th of August 2014, at 09h00, why the Applicant should not be placed under a final winding-up order.
3. That this Order be send by registered mail, to all known creditors of the Applicant.
4. That this Order be served forthwith, by publishing it once in the Government Gazette and once published in the Citizen,
that is circulating the jurisdiction district of Alberton.

This gazette is also available free online at


ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 71872/2013
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 17 June 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Hartzenberg, AJ
In the matter between: FIRST EURO CC, Reg No. CC1999/017580/23, Applicant, and
INDEPENDENT MINDS 107 (PTY) LTD, Reg No. 2001/026237/07, Respondent
Having heard counsel(s) for the party(ies) and having read the rule nisi issued out of this Court on 14 April 2014.
It is Ordered
That the return date of the aforesaid rule nisi be and is hereby extended until 4 August 2014.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Grove.

Saak No. 28982/2014
(Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 6 Junie 2014, voor sy Edele Regter Vilakazi, WR
In die saak tussen: TWK AGRICULATURE LTD, 1ste Applikant, DELARESE WEISS, 2de Applikant, SUSANNA
EMMARENCIA GEY VAN PITTIUS, 3de Applikant, ZAHN HULME, 4de Applikant, REINA CULLINAN, 5de Applikant, en
In Re:
Verwydering van beperkende voorwaardes in die titelaktes van die Plase:
1. Die Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte 3 van die plaas Speenkoppies No. 179, Regisrasie Afdeling H.T. Mpumalanga.
2. Die Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte 12 (’n gedeelte van Gedeelte 8) van die plaas Speenkoppies No. 179,
Registrasie Afdeling H.T. Mpumalanga.
Na aanhoor van die regsverteenwoordiger(s) namens die party(e) en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en
ander stukke geliaseer
1. Dat ’n bevel nisi uitgereik word in terme waarvan belanghebbende partye wat so mag verkies, opgeroep word om by
wyse van brief ontvang deur die Griffier voor 7 Julie 2014, op persoonlik, of verteenwoordig deur advokaat op 14 Juie 2014 om
10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor mag word, in die Hof beswaar te maak teen die toestaan van
’n finale bevel met die volgende terme:
1.1 Dat die Registrateur van Aktes Mpumalanga gelas word om die voorwaardes hieronder genoem en wat opgeneem is
in die Transportaktes T39730/1976, T140510/1999 en T111917/2000 ten aansien van die Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte
3 van die Plaas Speenkoppies No. 179, Registrasie Afdeling H.T. Mpumalanga en die Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeeltes 12
(’n Gedeelte van Gedeelte 8) van die Plaas Speenkoppies No. 179, Registrasie Afdeling H.T. Mpumalanga, te verwyder.
1.2 Verdere en/of alternatiewe regshulp.
2. Dat enigiemand met ’n reg wat deur hierdie bevel aangetas mag word, is geregtig om beswaar te maak teen die
toestaan van so ’n bevel, en mag dit doen sonder om aanspreeklikheid op te doen vir betaling van koste. As hy by wyse van ’n
brief aan die Registrateur beswaar aanteken, moet die brief beswaarmaker se volle name, identiteitsnommer en adres vermeld
en moet verder die eiendom of reg wat deur die verlenging van hierdie bevel aangetas sal word, behoorlikk identifiseer.
3. Dat die bevel soos aangevra sal tot gevolg hê dat die tweede en derde applikante geregtig sal wees om hulle
geaffekteerde eiendomme op die ope mark te verkoop en dat die fideicommissum in terme waarvan die vierdie, vyfde en sesde
applikante begunsigdes is, verwyder sal word vanuit die relevante titelaktes.
4. Dat die aansoek in hierdie saak is beskikbaar vir gratis inspeksie by die kantoor van die Griffier, Hooggeregshof van
Suidd-Afrika, Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria, assok by die kantoor van die applikante se prokureus, Kruger and Partners
Incorporated per adres Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson te Suite 301, Blok 4, Monument Office Park, Steenboklaan 79,
Monument Park, Pretoria. Betekening van hierdie bevel nisi sal soos volg geskied:
4.1 Die betekening van die aansoek en bevel aan die volgende persone:
4.1.1. Die Registrateur van Aktes, Mpumalanga;
4.1.2 Mkhondo Plaaslike Munisipaliteit;
4.1.3 Die Minister van Landbou, Bosbou en visserye, per adres die Staatsprokureur, Pretoria;
4.1.4 Die Departement van Landbou, Landelike Ontwikkeling en Grond Administrasie Mpumalanga Provinsiale Regering,
per adres die Staatsprokureur, Pretoria.
4.2 Deur een publikasie van die bevel in Engels in:
4.2.1 The Government Gazette;

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

4.2.2 The Excelsior newspaper.
4.3 Deur een publikasie van die bevel in Afrikaans in:
4.3.1 Die Staatskoerant;
4.3.2 Die Excelsior koerant.
4.4. Deur die vertoning van een afskrif van die bevel in twee amptelike tale op die amptelike kennisgewingbord by die
Mkhondo Plaaslike Munisipaliteit vir ’n tydperk van twee weke na die uitreiking van die bevel nisi;
4.5 Deur die vertoning an een afskrif van die bevel in twee amptelike tale op ’n opsigtelike plek op die geaffekteerde
5. Dat die koste van die verrigtinge om die bevel nisi te verkry, staan oor vir beslissing op die keerdatum van die bevel.
Deur die Hof.—Griffier.
Prokureur: Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson.

Case No. 71872/2013
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 14 April 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Baqwa
In the matter of: FIRST EURO CC, Reg No. CK1999/017580/23, Applicant, and INDEPENDET MINDS 107 (PTY) LTD, Reg
No. 2001/026237/07, Address: Suite 3 Bracken City, cnr Hennie Alberts and Rae Frankel Streets, Brackenhurst,
Alberton, Respondent
Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Close Corporation be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.
2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this
Court at 10h00 on 17 June 2014 why the Respondent Close Corporation should not be placed under final winding-up order.
3. That the Applicant serve this Order on the Respondent, its employees and any union of employees.
4. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent Close Corporation at its registered office and by
publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Citizen newspaper.
5. That costs of the application would be costs in the liquidation.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: C/o Grové Deysel & Partners, Address: Charter House, 7th Floor, 179 Bosman Street, Pretoria.

Case No. 32898/14
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 9 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Bam
In the matter of: EL IMPERIO ACCOUNTANTS CC, Applicant, and GJR PROJECTS CC, Reg No. 2007/047245/23,
Address: 33 Limonite Avenue, Wilro Park, Roodepoort, Gauteng, Respondent
Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Close Corporation be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.
2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this
Court at 10h00 on 04 September 2014 why the Respondent Close Corporation should not be placed under final winding-up
3. That this Order be served upon the Master of the High Court and the South African Revenue Service by way of filling
notice, by hand.
4. that this interim order be served upon the employees of the Respondent, if any, by affixing a copy of this Order against
the principle door or gate of the premises of the Respondent, at the Respondent’s registered address, by way of the Sheriff.
6. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent Close Corporation at its registered office and by
publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Beeld newspaper.
5. That the costs of this application be costs in the liquidation.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Leahy & Van Niekerk Inc., Address: 2nd Floor, Parc Nouveau Building, 225 Veale Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 2014/9254
(Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg)
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant
In re: The sum of R18 433 in cash seized by the South African Police Service under Docket Reference Edenvale
CAS 06/12/2012 and held in the South African Police Head Office Account under Reference No. 6781154
This notice is addressed to Aleksandra Lujinovic and all other persons who have an interest in the sum of R18 433 seized
by the South African Police Service under Docket Reference Edenvale CAS 06/12/2012 (the property).
Take notice that:
1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order
(the order) in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA in respect of the property, a copy of which is obtainable from the State
Attorney, Johannesburg.
2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice
on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it.
3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice in the Government Gazette,
apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the state. The order will remain
in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied.
4. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest
from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such
an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An
appearance must comply with these requirements.
5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance
referred to in Paragraph 4 above.
6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the
Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.
7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given
notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a
case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the POCA.
8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate
rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and
within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order.
9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this
case, you must, in addition, comply with Paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application
at a late date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further
notice to you.
10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the
Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address:
State Attorney, Attorneys for Applicant, 10th Floor, North State Building, 95 Market Street, Johannesburg. Tel: (011)
330-7701. Fax: (011) 333-0348/086 697 8037. (Ref: J Tagane.) E-mail:
Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.

Case No. 34275/2014
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 15 July 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice Neukircher (AJ)
(PTY) LTD (Reg. No. 2006/014000/2007), 1st Respondent, and BARTHOLOMEUS BARNARD, Address: Upper Level,
Rosemary Forum, 356 Rosemary Street, Lynwood, 2nd Respondent
Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.
2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this
Court at 10h00 on 2 September 2014, why the Respondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up order.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent Company at its registered office and by publication
forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Pretoria News.
4. That costs in liquidation.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Leahy van Niekerk Attorneys.

Case No. 36671/14
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 8 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Hiemstra JJ
In the matter of: NHK BELEGGINGS (PTY) LTD, trading as SAFARI MOTORS (Reg. No. 2000/016980/07), Applicant,
and AMSHA PROPERTY INVESTMENTS CC, trading as DAYA’S TRANSPORT (Reg. No. 2003/041995/23), Address:
38 Empire Road, 504 Majestic Gates, Parktown, 2193, Gauteng, Respondent
Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Close Corporation be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.
2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this
Court at 10h00 on 25 August 2014, why the Respondent Close Corporation should not be placed under final winding-up order.
3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent Close Corporation at its registered office and by
publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Citizen newspaper.
4. That the cost of this application be costs in the liquidation.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Thys Cronjé Inc. Address: The Works, 258 Brooklyn Road, Menlo Park, Pretoria.

Case No. 27068/14
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
In re: A cash amount of R13 890 and a White Mazda Sting with Registration No. BVN 774 L and Chassis No. AFAV
In an application for a forfeiture order in terms of section 48 of Act 121 of 1998.
On 18 June 2014, before the Honourable Justice Jordaan
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is hereby Ordered:
1. An order is granted in terms of the provisions of section 50 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA),
declaring forfeit to the state a cash amount of R13 890 and a White Mazda Sting with Registration No. BVN 774 L and Chassis
No. AFAVXDL44VR314236 (the property), which is presently subject to a preservation of property order granted by this Court
under the above case number on 9 April 2014.
2. Upon the expiry of a 45 day period after notice of this Order is published in the Government Gazette, the South African
Police Service (SAPS) shall hand the property to Warrant Officer John Netshivhumbe employed by SAPS Organised Crime Unit
and attached to the Asset Forfeiture Unit who is authorised to:
2.1 Assume control of the property on behalf of the Applicant and take it into his custody;
2.2. dispose of the property at best, either by private sale or other means;
2.3 pay the proceeds, less any commission and incidental expenses occasioned by the sale into the Criminal Assets
Recovery Account established under section 63 of the POCA, No. 80303056.
3. The Registrar of this Court must publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as practical after the
order is made.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

4. Any person affected by the forfeiture order, and who was entitled to receive notice of the application under section
48 (2), who did not receive such notice, may within 45 days after the publication of the notice of the forfeiture order in the
Gazette, apply for an order under section 54 of POCA, excluding his or her interest in the property, or varying the operation of
the order in respect of the property.
By Order of the Court.—Registrar of the above High Court.


Case No. 7340/14


(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)


In re: A black Isuzu double cab with Registration No. CCP 752 L and Chassis No. ADMTFR54D5B397813.
A white Audi A4 with Registration No. BHW 973 NW and Chassis No. AAAZZZ8DZTU000340.

SECTION 53 OF ACT 121 OF 1998


On 9 June 2014, before the Honourable Justice Ismail

Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

It is hereby Ordered:
1. An order is granted in terms of the provisions of section 53 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA),
declaring forfeit to the state a black Isuzu double cab with Registration No. CCP 752 L and Chassis No. ADMTFR54D5B397813
and a white Audi A4 with Registration No. BHW 973 NW and Chassis No. AAAZZZ8DZTU000340 (the property), which is
presently subject to a preservation of property order granted by this Court under the above case number on 6 February 2014.
2. In terms of section 56 (2) of the Act, the property shall vest in the State upon granting of this Order.
3. Subject to paragraph 4 below, the property shall remain in the custody of the South African Police Service in
Tshamutumbu and South African Reserve Service in Musina respectively.
4. Upon the expiry of a 45 day period after notice of this Order is published in the Government Gazette, the South African
Police Service (SAPS) shall hand the property to John Netshivhumbe, a Warrant Officer employed by SAPS Organised Crime
Unit and attached to the Asset Forfeiture Unit in the office of the Applicant who is authorised to:
4.1 Assume control of the property on behalf of the Applicant;
4.2. sell the property at best, either by private sale or other means;
4.3 sign all documentation necessary to effect the sale, transfer and registration of the property; and
4.4 pay the proceeds, less any commission and incidental expenses occasioned by the sale into the Criminal Asset
Recovery Account established under section 63 of the POCA, Account No. 80303056, held at the South African Reserve Bank,
Vermeulen Street, Pretoria.
5. John Netshivhumbe shall as soon as possible but not later than 90 days of this order coming into effect, file a report with
the Applicant indicating the manner in which he complied with the terms of this Order.
6. The Registrar of this Court must publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as practical after the
order is made.
7. Any person affected by the forfeiture order, and who was entitled to receive notice of the application under section
48 (2), but who did not receive such notice, may within 45 days after the publication of the notice of the forfeiture order in the
Gazette, apply for an order under section 54 of POCA, excluding his or her interest in the property, or varying the operation of
the order in respect of the property.
By Order of the Court.—Registrar of the above High Court.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 23394/2014
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
In re: A cash amount of R34 000 held in SAPS suspense account with Receipt No. 28473066.
On 30 June 2014, before the Honourable Justice Goodey AJ
Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:
It is hereby Ordered:
1. An order is granted in terms of the provisions of section 53 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (the
Act), declaring forfeit to the state certain property (the property), which is presently subject to a preservation of property order
granted by this Court under the above case number on 25 March 2014, namely a cash amount of R34 000 held in SAPS sus-
pense account with Receipt No. 28473066.
2. Warrant Officer AM Ratlhagane of the Garsfontein SAPS or his nominee is ordered to pay the property into the Criminal
Asset Recovery Account No. 80303056, held at the South African Reserve Bank, Madiba Driver (formerly Vermeulen Street),
3. Any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the forfeiture order, may within 20 days after he or
she has acquired knowledge of such order, set the matter down for variation or rescission by the Court.
By Order of the Court.—Registrar of the above High Court.

Case No. 34275/2014
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 15 July 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice Neukircher (AJ)
(PTY) LTD (Reg. No. 2006/014000/2007), 1st Respondent, and BARTHOLOMEUS BARNARD, 2nd Respondent
Address: Upper Level, Rosemary Forum, 356 Rosemary Street, Lynwood.
Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.
2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this
Court at 10h00 on 2 September 2014, why the Respondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up order.
3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent Company at its registered office and by publication
forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Pretoria News.
4. That costs in liquidation.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Leahy van Niekerk Attorneys.

Case No. 54463/13
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 8 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Makgoba
In the matter of: EDUARD DE LANGE ATTORNEYS, Applicant, and HARRIS VIRGIL JACOBS (ID: 6504075119086),
Address: 555 Collegues Street, Eersterust, Pretoria, Respondent
Having heard counsel for the Applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the estate of Harris Virgil Jacobs be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master
of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the Respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on
26 August 2014 at 10h00, why a final order of sequestration should not be made against His estate.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. That this Order be published on one occasion in the Beeld newspaper and on one occasion in the Government Gazette.
3. That the costs of this application be cost in the insolvent state apart for any other cost of opposition which will be sought
against the opposing party or person.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Eduard de Lange. Address: 1st Floor, East Block, cnr Lois & Gobie Street, Menlyn Square, Pretoria.

Case No. 36613/14
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 8 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Hiemstra, AJ
(Reg. No. 1992/005697/07), Address: 107 Blou Tulp Road, Alberton North, Gauteng, Respondent
Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.
2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this
Court at 10h00 on 4 September 2014, why the Respondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up order.
3. That this interim order be served upon the Respondent at its registered address by way of Sheriff.
4. That this Order be served upon the Master of the High Court and the South African Revenue Service by way of filing
notice, by hand.
5. That this interim order be served upon the employees of the Respondent, if any, by affixing a copy of this Order against
the principle door or gate of the premises of the Respondent, at the Respondent’s registered address, by way of the Sheriff.
6. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent Company at its registered office and by
publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Beeld newspaper.
7. That the cost of this application be costs in the liquidation.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Roestoff & Kruse. Address: 17 Dely Road, Hazelwood, Pretoria.

Case No. 75840/2013
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 4 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Jansen
In the matter of: MONOCEROS TRADING 111 CC (in liquidation) (duly represented by JURGENS JOHANNES
and WOW BILTONG MANUFACTURING (PTY) LTD, trading as BOESMANLAND BILTONG (Reg. No. 2005/037149/07),
address: 1st Floor, Building 4, Pony Street, Tijger Valley Office Park, Silver Lakes Road, Silver Lakes, Pretoria
Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.
2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this
Court at 10h00 on 21 August 2014 why the Respondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up order.
3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent Company at its registered office and by publication
forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Citizen newspapers.
4. That the costs of this application should be costs in the liquidation.
5. That a copy of this Order be forthwith served:
5.1 That on the South African Revenue Service at 299 Bronkhorst Street, New Muckleneuk, Pretoria;
5.2 on the Respondent at its registered address at First Floor, Building 4, Pony Street, Dijger Valley Office Park, Silver
Lakes Road, Silver Lakes, Pretoria;
5.3 on the Respondent at its principal place of business in the Western Cape at Unit 3, FDM Building, 10 Kiaat Street,
Kraaifontein, Cape Town;

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

5.4 on the Respondent at its principal place of business in Gauteng at Unit 4, Voorhamer Street, Silvertondale;
5.5 on the employees of the Respondent, if any;
5.6 on all registered Trade Unions, if any.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Rothman. Address: 189 Justice Mohamed Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.

Case No. 29701/2014
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 18 June 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Delport, AJ
(PTY) LTD, 6th Respondent, and JOHN BRENTON JAMES, 7th Respondent
Having heard counsel(s) for the party(ies) and having read the documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That a rule nisi issued returnable on 5 August 2014 to be determined by the above Honourable Court why an order should
not be made in the following terms:
1.1 That the registration of the company known as Chestnut Hill Investments 379 (Pty) Ltd with Registration
No. 2007/032358/07 (“the company”) is restored in terms of section 83 (4) (a), read with section 82 (4) of the Companies Act,
71 of 2008 (“the Companies Act”);
1.2 that the First Respondent is to restore and reinstate the companies name in the Registrar of Companies;
1.3 that it is declared that upon the restoration of the registration of the company:
1.3.1 The assets of the company are no longer bona vacantia;
1.3.2 the assets of the company will vest in the company with retrospective effect to the date of deregistration and as if the
company had not been deregistered;
1.3.3 all liabilities of the company continue and may be enforced as against the company and the Seventh Respondent,
whether in terms of existing and/or contemplated legal action.
1.4 That the Seventh Respondent is to pay the costs in this application on the scale as between attorney and client.
2. That the rule is to be published once in:
2.1 The Government Gazette in English and Afrikaans;
2.2 an English daily newspaper circulating in Gauteng;
2.3 an Afrikaans daily newspaper circulating in Gauteng.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Strauss Daly.

Case No. 29702A/2014
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 18 June 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Delport, AJ
6th Respondent, and MARTIN ELS, 7th Respondent
Having heard counsel(s) for the party(ies) and having read the documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. A rule nisi issued returnable on 5 August 2014 to be determined by the above Court why an order should not be made
in the following terms:
1.1 That the registration of the company known as Winter Night Investments 321 CC with Registration
No. 2006/005002/23 (“the close corporation”) is restored in terms of section 83 (4) (a), read with section 26 (6) of the Close
Corporation Act 69 of 1984 (“the Close Corporation Act”);

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

1.2 that the First Respondent is to restore and reinstate the Close Corporations name in the Register of Close
1.3 that upon the restoration of the registration of the Close Corporation:
1.3.1 The assets of the Close Corporation are no longer bona vacantia;
1.3.2 the assets of the Close Corporation will vest in the Close Corporation with retrospective effect to the date of
deregistration and as if the Close Corporation had not been deregistered;
1.3.3 all liabilities of the Close Corporation continue and may be enforced as against the Close Corporation and the Seventh
and Eighth Respondents, whether in terms of existing and/or contemplated legal action.
1.4 That the Seventh Respondent is to pay the costs of this application on the scale as between attorney and client.
2. That the rule is to be published once in:
2.1 The Government Gazette in English and Afrikaans;
2.2 an English daily newspaper circulating in Gauteng;
2.3 an Afrikaans daily newspaper circulating in Gauteng.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Strauss Daly Inc.

Case No. 49963/2013
(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
Pretoria, 2 July 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice Jansen
In the matter between: GRAYFORD SCOTT HOLTON, 1st Applicant, and JONATHAN SCOTT HOLTON, 2nd Applicant,
AND GRAYFORD HOLTON & ASS CC (Reg. No. 2004/069644/23), Respondent
Having heard counsel(s) for the party(ies) and having read the rule nisi issued out of this Court on 12 March 2014.
It is Ordered:
1. That the return date of the aforesaid rule nisi be and is hereby extended until 19 August 2014.
2. That the provisional liquidation order dated 12 March 2014, along with this Order of Court extending the return date to
19 August 2014, be served on the Respondent Company, employees of the Respondent Company (if any), Trade Unions of
employees (if any) and the South African Revenue Service.
3. That a copy of this Order be published in the Government Gazette and the Beeld newspaper.
By the Court.—Registrar.
Attorney: Hills Inc.


Case No. 1422/2014

(Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth)
Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 22 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Brooks AJ
In the application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and
Having heard Advocate Cubungu-Nkewuse, counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record and
having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1.An order be and is hereby granted in terms of section 53 (1) (a) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998
(POCA), declaring forfeit to the State a red Nissan Sentra motor vehicle with Reg. No. FGT 176 EC (the property).
2. In terms of Section 50 (6) of POCA, paragraph 5 below shall take effect 45 days after publication of a notice
thereof in the Government Gazette unless an appeal is instituted before this time in which case this Order will take effect on the
finalisation of such appeal.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

3. Glynn Fraser (Fraser) who was appointed in the preservation order to take care of the property, be and is hereby
directed to continue acting as such for the purpose of this Order.
4. Pending the taking effect of this Order, the property shall remain in the custody of Fraser.
5. On the date on which this Order takes effect, to wit 45 weekdays after publication in the Government Gazette, Fraser
shall cause the vehicle to be sold on public or private auction and deposit the proceeds thereof into the Criminal Assets
Recovery Account.
6. The Applicant is directed to cause notice of this Order to be served on the Respondent.
7. The Applicant is further directed to publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as it is
By Order of the Court.—Registrar.
The State Attorney.

Case No. 1507/2014
(Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth)
Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 22 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Brooks AJ
In the application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and
Having heard Advocate Cubungu-Nkewuse, counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record and
having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. An order be and is hereby granted in terms of section 53 (1) (a) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998
(POCA), declaring forfeit to the State a blue VW Citi Golf with Reg. No. DFD 608 EC (the property).
2. In terms of Section 50 (6) of POCA, paragraph 5 below shall take effect 45 days after publication of a notice
thereof in the Government Gazette unless an appeal is instituted before this time in which case this Order will take effect on the
finalisation of such appeal.
3. Glynn Fraser (Fraser) who was appointed in the preservation order to take care of the property, be and is hereby
directed to continue acting as such for the purpose of this Order.
4. Pending the taking effect of this Order, the property shall remain in the custody of Fraser.
5. On the date on which this Order takes effect, to wit 45 weekdays after publication in the Government Gazette, Fraser
shall cause the vehicle to be sold on public or private auction and deposit the proceeds thereof into the Criminal Assets
Recovery Account.
6. The Applicant is directed to cause notice of this Order to be served on the Respondent.
7. The Applicant is further directed to publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as it is
By Order of the Court.—Registrar.
The State Attorney.

Case No. 1968/2014
(Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth)
Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 22 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Brooks AJ
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and AZAM
In re: A maroon Toyota Corolla with Reg. No. DSM107EC
Having heard Advocate Cubungu-Nkewuse, counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record and
having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. An order be and is hereby granted in terms of section 38 (1) (a) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998
(POCA), prohibiting any person from dealing in any manner with a maroon Toyota Corolla with Reg. No. DSM 107 EC (the

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. Giynn Fraser (Fraser) be and is hereby appointed to take control of the property pending the outcome of the forfeiture
proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded.
3. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government
Gazette as soon as it is practicable after obtaining this Order.
4. The Applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of Schedule A Annexure B to the papers and this order to the
Respondent and to all persons who become known to the Applicant to have interest in the matter.
5. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends to oppose the application for an order forfeiting the
property to the State or to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property must
enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance).
6. The Respondent and any other person who has an interest to the property must deliver such an appearance to the
Applicant within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date of service in terms of Rules upon them.
7. An appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5), include full particulars of the address chosen for delivery of the
documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit.
8. An affidavit must set out full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance, the nature of his or her
interest in the property and the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing a forfeiture order or
applying for the exclusion of his or her interest from the operation thereof.
9. Any person who is affected by this Order may apply for rescission or variation thereof in terms of section 47 of POCA.
By order of the Court.—Registrar.
The State Attorney.

(Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth)
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and AZAM
In re: A maroon Toyota Corolla with Reg. No. DSM107EC
Seized movable property:
1. A maroon Toyota Corolla with Reg. No. DSM107EC, Chassis No. AHT53ZEC003004985, Engine No. 4ZZE056999.

(Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth)
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and
in re: A maroon Toyota Corolla with Reg. No. DSM107EC
1. This notice is addressed to the Respondent and to all persons who have an interest in the property listed in Schedule A.
It is meant to advise such persons of some of the options available to them.
Take notice that:
2. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (the National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the
order) in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) against the property listed in
Schedule A. A copy of the order is attached to this notice.
3. If you have an interest in the property you should understand that it is now at risk because the National Director intends
applying to the Port Elizabeth High Court (the Court) for a forfeiture order within 90 days of the publication of the order in the
Government Gazette (the Gazette). The order will remain in force until:
3.1 A forfeiture order granted by the Court in respect of the property subject to the order remains unsatisfied; or
3.2 the National Director fails to apply for a forfeiture order within 90 days after publication of the order in the Gazette; or
3.3 the order is set aside by the Court before expiry of 90 days from date of its publication in the Gazette.
4. You are advised to obtain legal advice to ascertain if you can protect your interest and, if so, how to protect it. If you wish
to oppose this application, or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture
order that may be made, you must give notice of such intention in terms of the order attached to this notice. The requirements
of such notice are dealt with in section 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

5. If this notice has been served on you or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after that date give notice of your
intention to oppose this application or to apply for an order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the
forfeiture order that may be granted. If your fail to do so within that time your interest in the property may be defeated by a
forfeiture order granted by default in terms of section 50 and 53 of POCA.
6. If this notice has not been served or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after the date of publication of the
preservation order in the Gazette give notice of your intention to oppose this application or to apply for an order excluding your
interest in the property from the operation of the forfeiture order that may be granted.
7. For a notice of intention to oppose this application to be valid, you must:
7.1 Serve or deliver the original to the Registrar of the Court;
7.2 serve or deliver a copy to the State Attorney at 29 Western Road, Central, Port Elizabeth;
7.3 state therein an address within 8 kilometres of the Court at which you will accept notice and service or delivery of all
documents relating to this applicant; and
7.4 attach to the notice an affidavit in which you set out:
7.4.1 full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice;
7.4.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned;
7.4.3 whether you intend to oppose the making of the forfeiture order, or to apply for an order;
7.4.4. excluding your interest in that property from the operation from the order; or
7.4.5 varying the operation of the order in respect of the property;
7.4.6 whether you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1
of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities;
7.4.7 the facts: on which you intend to rely in opposing the making of a forfeiture order or applying for a rescission order; on the basis of which you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred in
Schedule 1 of the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities.
8. If you give notice in terms of the order and comply with the above requirements for the notice you will be entitled to be
given 14 days’ notice of the application for the forfeiture order.
9. If you should fail to give notice of your intention to oppose validly and in good time, or if you should not have received
or become aware of this notice, you may yet have grounds to apply in terms of section 49 of POCA for leave of the Court to
give late notice of your intention to oppose.
10. Any persons affected by the preservation order may apply to the Court to have that order set aside in the circumstances
mentioned in section 47 (1) of POCA. In addition, the Court is obliged by the provisions of section 47 (1) (b) of POCA to set
aside or rescind the preservation order when the proceedings against the Defendant concerned are concluded. However,
section 50 (4) of POCA also provides that the validity of a forfeiture order is not affected by the outcome of the criminal
proceedings in respect of an offence with which the property is associated.
11. The order in respect of immovable property may be rescinded or set aside by the Court at any time on the application
by a person who is affected by it.
12. A forfeiture order must also be published in the Gazette in terms of section 50 (5) of POCA. If a forfeiture order should
have been made before you become aware that it is to be sought, you may have grounds on which to apply to this Court in
terms of section 54 of POCA for the exclusion of your interest from the operation of the forfeiture order already made, or for an
order varying the operation of the forfeiture order in respect of the property. You will then have to comply with the procedural
reqirements of section 54. You will have only 45 days from the date of publication of the forfeiture in the Gazette in which to
make an application to the Court for relief.
13. If a forfeiture order or any other order under section 53 (1) (b) of POCA should be made by default, any person whose
interest in the property concerned is affected by the order will have the right, within 20 days after acquiring knowledge of the
order, to set the matter down for variation or rescission of the order by the Court and the Court is empowered, upon good cause
shown, to vary or rescind the default order or to give some other direction on such terms as it deems appropriate.

Case No. 1505/2014
(Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth)
Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 22 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Brooks AJ
UZOCHUKWU, Respondent
Having heard Advocate Cubungu-Nkewuse counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record and
having considered the matter:
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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

It is Ordered that:
1. An order be and is hereby granted in terms of section 53 (1) (a) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998
(POCA), declaring forfeit to the State R50 000 in cash held in ABSA Account No. 91 8358 5623 known as N.N. Dullabh & Co.
Asset Forfeiture Unit Preservation Account and 284 cellphones and other items listed in Schedule A to the Preservation papers
(the property).
2. In terms of section 50 (6) of POCA, paragraph 5 below shall take effect 45 days after publication of a notice thereof in
the Government Gazette unless an Appeal is instituted before this time in which case this Order will take effect on the
finalisation of such Appeal.
3. Glynn Fraser (Fraser), who was appointed in the Preservation Order to take care of the property, be and is hereby
directed to continue acting as such for the purpose of this Order.
4. Pending the taking effect of this Order, the property shall remain in the custody of Fraser.
5. On the date on which this Order takes effect, to wit 45 weekdays after publication in the Government Gazette, Fraser
shall handover the property to the applicant who shall cause same to be deposited into the Criminal Assets Recovery Account.
6. The Applicant is directed to cause notice of this Order to be served on the Respondent.
7. The Applicant is further directed to publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable.
By Order of the Court.—Registrar.
The State Attorney.

Case No. 1678/2014
(Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth)
Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 22 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Brooks AJ
ALACHU, Respondent
Having heard Advocate Cubungu-Nkewuse counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record and
having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. An order be and is hereby granted in terms of section 53 (1) (a) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998
(POCA), declaring forfeit to the State a Red Volkswagen Citi Golf with Reg. No. BGJ 152 EC (the property).
2. In terms of section 50 (6) of POCA, paragraph 5 below shall take effect 45 days after publication of a notice thereof in
the Government Gazette unless an Appeal is instituted before this time in which case this Order will take effect on the
finalisation of such Appeal.
3. Glynn Fraser (Fraser), who was appointed in the Preservation Order to take care of the property, be and is hereby
directed to continue acting as such for the purpose of this Order.
4. Pending the taking effect of this Order, the property shall remain in the custody of Fraser.
5. On the date on which this Order takes effect, to wit 45 weekdays after publication in the Government Gazette, Fraser
shall cause property to be sold on public or private auction and deposit the proceeds thereof into the Criminal Assets Recovery
6. The Applicant is directed to cause notice of this Order to be served on the Respondent.
7. The Applicant is further directed to publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable.
By Order of the Court.—Registrar.
The State Attorney.

Case No. 2106/2014
(Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown)
12 June 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Plasket
WORKS N.O., 3rd Respondent, and THE MINISTER OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY N.O., 4th Respondent
Having heard Adv. Watt, Counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:
It is Ordered:
1. That a rule nisi do hereby issued calling upon the Respondents and any other interested parties to show cause, if any,
on Thursday, 14th August 2014 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, as to why an order in the
following terms should not be made final:

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

1.1 That the dissolution of the company known as Fulloutput 53 (Pty) Ltd, with Reg. No. 2000/09858/07 (Fulloutput”), which
dissolution occurred upon Fulloutput’s deregistration as a company on 16th July 2010, be declared void.
1.2 That Fulloutput registration shall be reinstated and the First Respondent be directed to restored Fulloutput’s name to
the Registrar of Companies.
1.3 That the assets of Fulloutput immediately prior to its dissolution/deregistration on 16th July 2010 are declared to be no
longer bona vacantia and are re-vested in Fulloutput.
1.4 That the liabilities of Fulloutput immediately prior to its dissolution/deregistration on 16th July 2010 are declared to
reinvest in Fulloutput.
1.5 That the costs of the application be paid by Fulloutput upon its restoration/reinstatement to the Registrar of Companies.
2. That service of this Order, as well as the application, be effected as follows:
2.1 By the Sheriff upon the First, Second, Third and Fourth Respondents.
2.2 By the Sheriff on Andre Anton Hendrikus who was the only active director of Fulloutput at the date of its deregistration.
3. That the order be published, in English, once in the Government Gazette and once in the Daily Dispatch newspaper.
By Order of Court.—N.M. Adam, Court Registrar, Huxtable Attorneys.

Case No. 1508/2014
(Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth)
Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 22 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Brooks AJ
Having heard Advocate Cubungu-Nkewuse counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record and
having considered the matter:
It is Ordered that:
1. An order be and is hereby granted in terms of section 53 (1) (a) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998
(POCA), declaring forfeit to the State an amount of R5 548 in cash and a white VW Jetta with Reg. No. FJK 996 EC (the
2. In terms of section 50 (6) of POCA, paragraph 5 below shall take effect 45 days after publication of a notice thereof in
the Government Gazette unless an Appeal is instituted before this time in which case this Order will take effect on the
finalisation of such Appeal.
3. Glynn Fraser (Fraser), who was appointed in the Preservation Order to take care of the property, be and is hereby
directed to continue acting as such for the purpose of this Order.
4. Pending the taking effect of this Order, the property shall remain in the custody of Fraser.
5. On the date on which this Order takes effect, to wit 45 weekdays after publication in the Government Gazette, Fraser
shall cause the vehicle to be sold on public or private auction and deposit the proceeds thereof and the R5 548 in cash into the
Criminal Assets Recovery Account.
6. The Applicant is directed to cause notice of this Order to be served on the Respondent.
7. The Applicant is further directed to publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable.
By Order of the Court.—Registrar.
The State Attorney.

Case No. 2777/2014
(Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown)
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant
In re: R41 011 in cash and the items in Annexure A attached to the order seized on 19 May 2014 in Nahoon
On the 24th day of July 2014 before the Honour Mr Justice Goosen
Having read the documents filed of record and having heard Mr Wolmarans, Attorney for the Applicant:
It is hereby Ordered that:
The property
1. An order is granted in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (POCA) preserving
R41 011 in cash and the items listed in Annexure A attached to the order seized on 19 May 2014 in Nahoon.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Prohibition on dealing in any manner with the property
2. Subject to the provisions of this Order, all persons with knowledge of this Order are prohibited in terms of section 38 (1)
of POCA from disposing of, dissipating, interfering with, taking possession of or control over, diminishing the value of, pledging
or otherwise hypothecating, attaching or selling in execution or dealing in any other manner with the property to which this Order
3. The property shall remain under the effective control of Lucky Mdutyana a Senior Special Investigator in the Asset
Forfeiture Unit (AFU), East London, until the expiration of this Order in terms of section 40 of POCA or until the conclusion of a
forfeiture application instituted by Applicant in respect of the property.
Service and publication
4. The Applicant shall in terms of section 39 of the Act, cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure B
hereto, to be published in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted.
5. The Applicant is directed to give notice of this Order to all persons who become known to the Applicant to have interest
in this matter. The application will be served to Mphutumi Nkamela.
Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order
6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends:
7. Opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or
8. applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, must enter an
appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the Act.
9. Such notice shall be delivered to the Applicant.
10. In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calendar days after such
service; and
11. in the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date upon which a notice of the order was published in the
Government Gazette.
12. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents
concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:
13. Full particulars of the identity of the person giving notice.
14. The nature and extent of this or her interest in the property concerned.
15. Whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an
order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order.
16. Whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in
schedule 1 to the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence.
17. If he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interest from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis
for such application.
18. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for the reconsideration thereof. Such
application shall be made upon 72 hours notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown) to
the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being persons who may have an interest in the property, and must
be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the order, or
within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of the
By the Order of Court.—N. Bikitsha, Court Registrar.
NN Dullabh & Co.


Case No. 8620/2014

At Durban on 16th July 2014, before the Magistrate, Moolman
In the matter between: PRIYADHESHINI MOODLEY, Applicant, and
THINK TOOLS CC, Reg. No. 2000/006985/23, Respondent
Upon the Motion of the attorney for the Applicant and upon reading the Notice of Motion and the other documents filed of
It is Ordered:
1. That Think Tools CC, the Respondent, is placed under an order of provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. That a rule nisi is issued calling on the Respondent and any other interested parties to show cause to this Honourable
Court on the 13th August 2014 at 08h30 why the Respondent should not be placed under a final winding up order and why the
costs of this application should not be costs in the winding up.
3. That this order be served forthwith on the Respondent at its registered office and published, on or before 1st day of
August 2014, once in the Government Gazette, and once in a daily newspaper published and circulating in the Durban area.
By Order of the Court.—Moolman, Registrar.
Simrithi Sharma & Associates.

Case No. 6614/14
(KwaZulu-Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg)
In the matter between: MAJOR MACHINES (PTY) LTD (Company Reg. No. 2004/002687/07), Applicant, and
TRADING FOR REAL 19 CC (Close Corporation Reg. No. 2005/102192/23), Respondent
Having read the documents filed of record; and having heard Counsel for the Applicant:
It is Ordered that:
1. That Rules pertaining to forms, time periods and service and permitting this application to be heard as one of urgency
in terms of Rule 6 (12); are dispensed with.
(b) That the Respondent Trading for Real 19 CC (Reg. No. 2005/102192/23), be and is hereby placed into provisional
liquidation in the hands of the Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court.
(c) That a rule nisi is hereby issued calling upon the Respondent and all other interested parties to show cause, if any, to
this Honourable Court on the 13th day of August 2014 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, why the
Respondent Close Corporation should not be finally wound up.
(d) That this order be served on:
(i) The Respondent Close Corporation at its registered office situated at 67 Link Road, Waterfall, KwaZulu-Natal.
(ii) Any known Trade Unions (if any) representing the Respondents Employees;
(iii) The Respondent’s employees (if any);
(iv) The Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court;
(v) The South African Revenue Service.
(e) That the order be published on or before the 1st day of August 2014, once in the Government Gazette and once in the
Mercury newspaper.
(f) That the Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court be directed and is hereby directed appoint a Provisional Liquidator of
the Respondent within a period of three (3) hours of the Applicant’s Attorneys furnishing the Master with a copy of this
provisional Order, with specific instructions to immediately take control of the assets of the Respondent subject to the rights of
security that any creditor of the Respondent may hold therein.
(g) That Applicant’s costs of this Application be costs in the liquidation.
By Order.—NP Fente, Snr Registrar.
Barnard Attorneys.

Case No. 4714/14
On the 4th day of April 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Seegobin
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant
In re: An application in terms of Section 38 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998, concerning
certain property described as a cash sum of R101 764 000, currently held at Standard Bank Investment Account No.
058428755 with interest therein and the 1244 Units of Flats situated on Remainder of Erf 490, Stanmore, Erf 270,
Eastbury, Erf 1021, Longcroft, Erf 1420, Forrest Haven listed in Annexure B.
Upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record; and
Upon the motion of counsel of the Applicant;
It is Ordered that:
1. An order is granted in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (the POCA)
preserving certain property described as a cash sum of R101 764 000, currently held at Standard Bank Investment Account No.
058428755 with interest therein and the 1244 unit of flats situated on Remainder of Erf 490, Stanmore, Erf 270, Eastbury,
Erf 1021, Longcroft, Erf 1420, Forrest Haven, listed in Annexure B. The said property is collectively hereinafter referred to as
(“the property”).

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA and subject to the provisions of this Order, all persons with knowledge thereof
are prohibited from disposing of, further encumbering, dissipating, interfering with, attaching or selling in execution, diminishing
the value of or dealing in any other manner with the property to which this Order relates.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Order, any person who has financial obligations in respect of any of the property
is ordered to fulfill such obligations, including any obligations relating to installment payments and all interest accruing in respect
of such obligations, pending the finalisation of the forfeiture proceedings unless such person(s) signs a consent to judgment in
favour of the Applicant;
4. In terms of section 42 of the POCA, Eugene Nel from Berrangé Incorporated, Attorneys, Conveyancers & Notaries,
1 George MacFarlane Lane, Pietermaritzburg is appointed as curator bonis over the property (the curator bonis). The curator
bonis shall have all such powers, duties and authority as provided for in the POCA and in this Order.
5. The curator bonis is authorised to assume control of the property and do anything necessary to preserve the property
while the Order is in force;
6. Any person who holds the property is directed in terms of section 42 (1) (b) of the POCA to surrender the property
forthwith into the custody of the curator bonis, failing which any member of the South African Police Services or other agency
if the facts render it necessary or appropriate is hereby authorised, on the instruction of the curator bonis, to seize the relevant
property and place it in the custody of the curator bonis;
7. The curator bonis must file a report with the registrar of this Honourable Court within 40 days of the granting of the
preservation order which shall contain an inventory of the property taken into his custody in terms of this Order, in which he shall
set out the steps that have been taken by him to give effect to this Order, and make any further recommendations as he may
deem fit regarding any other steps he might be required to take in order to give effect to the Order. The curator bonis must file
supplementary reports containing additional relevant information as and when such report beocme necessary;
8. The fees and expenditure of the curator bonis must, in terms of section 42 (2) of the POCA be paid from the forfeited
property. In the event of no forfeiture order being granted, then such fees and expenditure must be paid by the state, provided
further that interest on expenditure incurred by the curator bonis is paid by the state at the prime lending rate of the major
financial institutions from the date of expenditure until the date of final payment;
9. The applicant shall in terms of section 39 of the POCA, as soon as practicable after the making of the preservation order,
cause a notice of this Order including Annexure “C” hereto, to be published in the Government Gazette.
10. The Applicant shall cause notice of this preservation order together with the copies of the papers used in support of this
application, to be served on:
10.1 First Metro Housing Company, Suite 3201, Second Floor, Salisbury Centre, 322-344 Smith Street, Durban, 4000.
10.2 Basil Dumisokwakhe Sikhakhane, 1 Marian Crescent, Pinetown, 3600.
10.3 Lawrence Thulani Mthethwa, 707 Old Main Road, Pinetown, 3630.
10.4 Abdulhasan Ismail Khatib, 21 Holmpark Place, Durban North, 4051.
10.5 Timothy Thokozani Xaba, 33 Lewis Byron Road, Durban, 4001.
10.6 The Registrar of Deeds, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal; and
10.7 Any other person who becomes known to the Applicant as having an interest in the property.
Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order:
11. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends:
11.1 to oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; and
11.2 to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from the forfeiture order in respect of the property;
11.3 must enter an appearance giving notice of such an intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the POCA.
12. Any person under paragraph 10 above, who intends opposing an order forfeiting the property to the State shall, in terms
of section 39 (4) of the POCA, deliver a notice to the Applicant of such intention:
12.1 in the case of a person upon whom service is effected in terms of the POCA, within 14 days after such service;
12.2 in the case of all other persons, within 14 days after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in terms of
paragraph 9 above.
13. An appearance in terms of paragraph 11 above must, in terms of section 39 (5) include full particulars of the address
chosen for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter, and must be accompanied by an affidavit
setting out:
13.1 full particulars of the opposing party’s identity;
13.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; and
13.3 the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely on in opposing the forfeiture application or in seeking to
have his interest excluded from the forfeiture order.
13.4 whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in
Schedule 1 of the POCA and the basis for such defence;

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Application for reconsideration:
14. Any person who is affected by the Order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall
be made:
14.1 in instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice(or such
shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown).
14.2 in other instances, upon at least 7 days notice to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this order as being
person who may have an interest in the property.
14.3 Such an application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware
of the existence of the Order, or within such further period as the Court may be consider reasonable, bearing in mind the under-
lying principles of the POCA.
15. Costs in the event that this application in unsuccessfully opposed.
By Order of the Court.—R J Jooste, Registrar.

Case No. 4714/2014
(KwaZulu-Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg)
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant
In re: An application in terms of Section 38 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998, concerning
certain property described as a cash sum of R101 764 000 currently held at Standard Bank Investment Account No.
058428755 with interest therein and the 1244 Units of Flats situated on Remainder of Erf 490, Stanmore, Erf 270,
Eastbury, Erf 1021, Longcroft, Erf 1420, Forrest Haven listed in Annexure B
This notice is addressed to First Metro Housing Company, Basil Dumisokwakhe Sikhakhane, Thulani Lawrence Mthethewa,
Abdulhasan Ismail Khatib and Timothy Thokozani Xaba and any other person who becomes known to the Applicant as having
an interest in the property.
Take notice that:
1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order,
a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA in respect of the property;
2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You would be well advised to obtain
legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and if so, on how to protect it.
3. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest
from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for
such an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in section 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance
must comply with these requirements;
4. your attention is specifically drawn to the 14 day time limited prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance
referred to in paragraph 3 above.
5. If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the
Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property;
6. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the Order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given
notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a
case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA;
7. you may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate
rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and
within 8 days of becoming aware of the Order, apply for reconsideration of the Order;
8. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you
must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure
to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you.
9. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the
Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address:
The State Attorney, 6th Floor, Metropolitan Life Building, 391 Anton Lembede Street, Durban.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 4714/14
(KwaZulu-Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg)
On the 23rd day of May 2014, before the Honourable Mr Acting Justice OLSEN
TRADING (PTY) LTD, First Respondent and EUGENE NEL N.O., Second Respondent
Upon reading then notice of motion, and the other documents filed or record; and
Upon the motion of counsel for the Applicant;
It is Ordered that:
Eugene Nel, the curator appointed by Order of this Court on 4 April 2014, is joined as Second Respondent in these
By Order of the Court.—R J Jooste, Registrar
Cajee Setsubi Chetty Inc/ssibiya.

Case No. 4714/14
(KwaZulu-Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg)
On the 23rd day of May 2014, before the Honourable Mr Acting Justice Olsen
TRADING (PTY) LTD, First Respondent and EUGENE NEL. Second Respondent
Upon reading the notice of motion, and the other documents filed of record; and
Upon the motion of counsel for the Applicant;
It is Ordered that:
1. The Order made by this Court on 4 April 2014 in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act,
121 of 1998 is varied by
(a) the insertion of a full stop after the word “interest” where it appears in paragraph 1 thereof, and the deletion of all the
words in paragraph 1 which follow the word “interest”;
(b) the deletion from the Schedule of assets which features as Annexure “B” to the Order of paragraphs 2 thereof.

Case No. 8623/2013
(KwaZulu-Natal Local Division, Durban)
Durban, on 20th June 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice Ndamase AJ
In the matter between: THE SOUTH AFRICAN BANK OF ATHENS, Applicant and Junaid MUHAMMED,
1st Respondent and AMINA BIBI GHOUSE, 2nd Respondent
Upon the motion of counsel for the Applicant and the Respondent and upon reading the notice of motion and the other
documents filed of record:
Judgment was reserved:
Thereafter on this day:
The Court orders that:
1. The Respondents are provisionally sequestrated and their estate is placed in the hands of the Master of the High Court.
2. That a Rule nisi do hereby issued calling upon the Respondents and all interested parties to show cause, if any, to this
Court on the 31st day of July 2014, why their joint estate should not be finally sequestrated.
3. That this Order shall serve as an order for the provisional sequestration of the Respondents.
4. A copy of this provisional order is to be published once in the Government Gazette and once in the Daily newspaper
published and circulated in the greater Durban area.
5. A copy of the provisional order is to be served upon:
a) The Respondents;
b) The Master of the High Court;

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

c) The South African Revenue Services;
6. The costs of this application be costs in the sequestration.
By Order of the Court.—L. Bothma, Registrar.
Stirling Attorneys/jd.

Case No. 8620/2014
Durban on 16th July 2014, before the Magistrate Moolman
In the matter between: PRIYADHESHINI MOODLEY, Applicant and THINK TOOLS CC
(Registration No. 2000/006985/23), Respondent
Upon the motion of the Attorney for the Applicant and upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of
It is Ordered:
1. That Think Tools CC, the Respondent, is placed under an order of provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master.
2. That a Rule nisi is issued calling on the Respondent and any other interested parties to show cause to this Honourable
Court on the 13th August 2014 at 08h30, why the Respondent should not be placed under a final winding up order and why the
costs of the application should not be costs in the winding-up.
3. That this Order be served forthwith on the Respondent at its registered office and published, on or before 1st day of
August 2014, once in the Government Gazette, and once in a daily newspaper published and circulating in the Durban area.
By Order of the Court. Moolman, Registrar.
Simrithi Sharma & Associates/jd.

Case No. 8620/2014
Durban on 16th July 2014, before the Magistrate Moolman
In the matter between: PRIYADHESHINI MOODLEY, Applicant and THINK TOOLS CC
(Registration No. 2000/006985/23), Respondent
Upon the motion of the Attorney for the Applicant and upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of
It is Ordered:
1. That Think Tools CC, the Respondent, is placed under an order of provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master.
2. That a Rule nisi is issued calling on the Respondent and any other interested parties to show cause to this Honourable
Court on the 13th August 2014 at 08h30, why the Respondent should not be placed under a final winding up order and why the
costs of the application should not be costs in the winding-up.
3. That this Order be served forthwith on the Respondent at its registered office and published, on or before 1st day of
August 2014, once in the Government Gazette, and once in a daily newspaper published and circulating in the Durban area.
By Order of the Court. Moolman, Registrar.
Simrithi Sharma & Associates/jd.

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a Preliminary Liquidation
Account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of Hospitality Group Provident Fund: Wimpy
Kempton Square, will be open for inspection for the period 2 August 2014 to 2 September 2014, at the offices of:
• The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6,
Pretoria, 0102.
• Office of the Magistrate, Die Cape Town Magistrate’s Court, Paradestraat 7-11, Cape Town, 8000.
• Office of the Administrator Momentum Employee benefits, Phase A, 8 Hillside Road, Parktown, 2193.
• Office of the Company Wimpy Kempton Park Square, Shop 66, cnr. Central and West Street, Kempton Park, 1620.
Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodged his objection in writing
with the Registrar of Pension Funds (P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102), not later than on the 2 September 2014.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 1979/13
(Northern Cape High Court, Kimberley)
Kimberley, the 6th day of December 2013, before the Honourable Mr Justice Lever (Acting)
In re: a Silver Nissan Maxima with Registration Number HHM 518 NC seized by SAPS on 13 June 2013 and held under
Kakamas CAS 149/6/2013
Having heard ADV Khoza for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record;
It is Ordered that:
1. In terms of the provisions of section 38 (1) of the Preventions of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (POCA) a provisional
preservation of property order is hereby issued with immediate effect preserving a silver Nissan Maxima motor vehicle with
registration numbers and letters HHM 518 NC, engine number VQ2025176A and Chassis number JN1CAUA33Z0133505 (the
property) presently kept at SAPS Upington Vehicle Safeguarding Section under SAP13/88/2013.
2. Subject to the provisions of this Order, all persons with knowledge hereof, be and are prohibited in terms of section 38
(2) of POCA from disposing of, dissipating, encumbering, pledging or otherwise hypothecating, interfering with, taking
possession of or control over, diminishing the value thereof or otherwise dealing in any manner with the property except as
required or permitted by this Order.
3. The property shall remain in the custody and under the control of the Commanding Officer SAPS, Kimberley, until the
expiration of this Order in terms of section 40 of POCA or until the conclusion of the forfeiture application.
4. The applicant is directed, in terms of section 39 (1) (a) of POCA, to cause notice of this Order, together with the papers
used in support of this application, to be served on Phenyo Edwin Katong residing at House No. Magojaneng, Kuruman, as well
as any other persons who become known to the Applicant to have an interest in the property.
5. The applicant is directed in terms of section 39 (1) (b) of POCA, and as soon as is practicable after the making of this
Order, to cause notice of this Order and Annexure A hereto, to be published in the Government Gazette.
Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order under section 39 of POCA
6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends:
6.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or
6.2 To apply for an order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of
section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance).
7. An appearance must be delivered to the Applicant.
7.1 In the case of a person upon whom service is effected under this Order within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4)
of POCA, after such service; and
7.2 In the case of all persons, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice of
this Order is published in the Government Gazette.
8. An appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5) of POCA, include full particulars of the address chosen for the delivery
of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and shall be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:
8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance;
8.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; and
8.3 The basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely on in opposing the forfeiture order or in seeking to have
his or her interest(s) excluded from the operation of the forfeiture order.
Rule nisi and return date
9. The provisional preservation order herein is returnable on Friday, 21st day of February 2014, and a rule nisi be and is
hereby issued calling upon any persons having an interest in the property to show cause on the return day:
9.1 Why such provisional orders should not be confirmed pending the application for a forfeiture order under section 48 of
POCA and the finalisation of such forfeiture proceedings; and
9.2 In the event of any persons having an interest in the property opposing this application, why such opposing parties
should not be ordered to pay the costs of this application jointly and severally.
Opposition to rule nisi
10. The persons having an interest in the property and wishing to oppose the confirmation of this provisional order are
directed to:

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

10.1 Notify the applicant in writing, within five (5) days of service hereof of their intention to oppose the confirmation of the
provisional order; and
10.2 Deliver any answering affidavits, together with any relevant documents, within 15 days of delivery of the notice of
Anticipation of return day
11. Any of the persons having an interest in the property may apply to this Court to anticipate the return day on 48 hours’
written notice of such application to the Applicant.
By the Court.—R van Tonder, Registrar.

Case No. .../2013
(Republic of South Africa)
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and PHENYO EDWIN
KATONG, Respondent
In re: a Silver Nissan Maxima with Registration Number HHM 518 NC seized by SAPS on 13 June 2013 and held
under Kakamas CAS 149/6/2013
This notice is addressed to Phenyo Edwin Katong and all persons who have an interest in the property described below:
Take notice that:
1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions has obtained a preservation order (the Order) a copy of which is attached
to this notice, in terms of section 38 (1) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) in respect of a silver
Nissan Maxima motor vehicle with registration numbers and letters HHM 518 NC, engine VQ2025176A and chasis number
JN1CAUA33ZO133505 (the property) presently kept as SAPS Upington Vehicle Safeguarding Section under SAP 13/88/2013.
2. If you have an interest in the property you must understand that it is now at risk. You will be well advised to obtain legal
advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so how to protect it.
2. You are advised that the National Director of Public Prosecutions will, within 90 days of the publication of this notice,
apply to the High Court under section 48 of POCA, for an order declaring the property forfeited to the State. The order will remain
in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made final.
3. If you intend opposing the application for forfeiture, or if you intend applying for an order excluding your interest from the
property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The appearance must comply with the provisions of sections 39
(3), (4) and (5) of POCA.
4. If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order, you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice by the Applicant of the
applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.
5. If you fail to enter an appearance, the Court may grant an order forfeiting the property to the State by default under
section 53 of POCA.
6. Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.
Office of the State Attorney, Applicant’s Attorneys, First Floor, Woolworths Building, cnr Lennox & Chapel Streets,
Kimberley. Tel: (053) 807 7800.

Case No. M283/2014
(North West Division, Mahikeng)
Held at Mmabatho, on this the 22nd day of July 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice Kgoele
In the matter between: JUANITO MARTIN DAMONS N.O., First Applicant, and OSCAR JABULANI SITHOLE N.O.,
Second Applicant, and LEBOGANG MORAKE N.O., Third Applicant and THABA THULA GAME LODGE (PTY) LTD (Reg
No: 2005/028885/07), First Respondent, and JOHN NEIL POTTER, Second Respondent
Having heard Adv. Maree on behalf of the Applicant and having read the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of
It is Ordered:
1. THAT: The matter be and is hereby heard as one of urgency and that the Applicants’ failure to have compiled with the
uniform rules of Court relating to service and time periods be condoned.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. THAT: The First Respondent be and is hereby provisionally liquidated.
3. THAT: a Rule Nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon the Respondents and any other interested party to show cause,
if any, to this Honourable Court, on Thursday, the 11th day of September 2014 at 10h00, why:
3.1 The First Respondent should not be finally liquidated;
3.2 The costs of this Application should not be costs in the winding up of the First Respondent.
4. THAT: This Order be served by the Sheriff of this Honourable Court as follows:
4.1 On the First Respondent at its registered address;
4.2 On the Second Respondent care of his attorneys, Van Velden Duffey Inc, North Block 4, @ Office, cnr Brink & Kock
Streets, Rustenburg;
4.3 On the First Respondent’s employees (if any) and on every registered trade union of the First Respondent’s
employees (if any) by affixing a copy of the application to any notice board to which the First Respondent and its employees
have access at the registered address of the First Respondent, alternatively, the front gate of the First Respondent’s registered
address, failing which the front door of the registered address.
5. THAT: This Order be forwarded to each known creditor of the First Respondent by pre-paid registered post insofar as
the Applicant’s can reasonably ascertain same.
6. THAT: This Order be published forthwith once:-
6.1 In the Government Gazette; and
6.2 In the Rustenberg Herald.
7. THAT: The Master of this Honourable Court be and is hereby requested to appoint a provisional liquidator for the First
Respondent’s company as a matter of urgency.
By the Order.—Registrar of the High Court, North West Division, Mahikeng.


Case No. 12237/2014

(Western Cape Division, Cape Town)
Cape Town, 15 July 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Desai
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and
In re: R46 109.30 in cash that was seized from the Respondent by members of the SAPS at 1B Shepherd Way, Lavender
Hill, Steenberg under SAPS reference Steenberg Cas 688/05/2010 on 20 October 2010 and stored under SAP13 refer-
ence SAP 13/1026/2010
Having read the notice of motion and its related affidavits and annexures, and having heard counsel for the Applicant,
It is hereby Ordered that:
The Property
1. This Order relates to R46 109.30 in cash that was seized by members of the South Africa Police Service on 20 May
2010, from the Respondent, under SAPS reference Steenberg Cas 688/05/2010 and stored under SAP13 reference SAP
13/1026/2010, or property representing such property (property).
Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property
2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (the POCA), all persons with knowledge
of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from:
2.1 removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, pledging or
otherwise hypothecating, attaching or dealing in any other manner with any of the movable property to which this Order relates;
2.2 That the property is to remain in the possession of the SAPS under the custody and control of the SAPS Forensic
Science Laboratory under the control of Colonel Westraat for safe-keeping until the conclusion of the forfeiture proceedings to
be instituted by the Applicant in due course in terms of Section 48 of the POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Service and publication
3. The Applicant must in terms of Section 39 of the POCA:
3.1 cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure B, together with documents supporting the Application, to be
served by the Sheriff on:
3.1.1 Cheslyn Nelson, whose last known address is 1B Sheperd Way, Lavender Hill, Steenberg, Cape Town; and
3.1.2 The executor or legal representative of the late Cathrina Marcus as will be identified by the Applicant during the
execution of this Order, both being persons who may have an interest in the property.
3.2 Cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure B, to be published in the Government Gazette as soon as
practicable after the order is granted.
Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order
4. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends opposing the application for an order forfeiting the
property to the State or applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, must
enter an appearance giving notice of his or her intention in terms of Section 39 (3) of the POCA.
5. Such notice must be delivered to the Applicant:
5.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calendar days of service;
5.2 in the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date when a notice of the order was published in the
Government Gazette.
6. A notice in terms of Section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents
concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:
6.1 the full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice;
6.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned;
6.3 whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an
order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order;
6.4 whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in
Schedule 1 of the POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence;
6.5 if he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interest from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis
for such an application.
7. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall be
7.1 in instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such
shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown);
7.2 in other instances, upon at least 7 days notice to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being
persons who may have an interest in the property.
8. Such an application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware
of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the
underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of the POCA.
By Order of Court.—Registrar of the High Court.

Case No. 12237/14
(Western Cape Division, Cape Town)
In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and
In re: R46 109.30 in cash that was seized from the Respondent by members of the SAPS at 1B Shepherd Way, Lavender
Hill, Steenberg under SAPS reference Steenberg Cas 688/05/2010 on 20 October 2010 and stored under SAP13 refer-
ence SAP 13/1026/2010
This notice is addressed to Cheslyn Nelson and all other persons who have an interest in certain property listed in the
schedule of assets, marked as annexure C, or property representing such property or the proceeds of such property (the

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Take notice that:
1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the
Order), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of Section 38 (2) of the POCA in respect of the property.
2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that is it now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice
on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it.
3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under
Section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The order will remain in force until the applica-
tion for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied.
4. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest
from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such
an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in Sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must
comply with these requirements.
5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in Section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance
referred to in paragraph 4 above.
6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order, you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the
Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.
7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given
notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a
case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under Section 53 of the POCA.
8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate
rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and
within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order.
9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you
must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure
to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you.
10. Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the
Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address:
M. Kagee, The State Attorney, 4th Floor, 22 Long Street, Cape Town; Private Bag X9001, Cape Town, 8001. Tel: (021)
441-9229. Fax: (021) 421-9364.
Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.

Case No. 8835/14


On Tuesday, 22 July 2014.

In the matter between: CASPER BECKER DREIJER (ID: 3808085040080), Applicant, and HEXIGON BRANDING AND
GIFTING CC (Reg No: CK2008/157101/23), Unit 3, Oude Westhof Village Square, Van Riebeeckshof Road, Bellville,

Having heard the legal representative for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record
It is Ordered that:
1. The Respondent Close Corporation be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up.
2. A rule nisi is issued calling upon the Respondent and all persons having a legitimate interest to show cause, if any, why
this Court should not order the final winding-up of the Respondent Close Corporation on Thursday, the 21st day of August 2014
at 09h00.
3. A copy of this provisional order be forthwith served by the Sheriff:
3.1 On the Respondent’s Close Corporation at its registered office;
3.2 Upon the South Africa Revenue Service;
3.3 Upon the employees, if any, at the Respondent’s registered office;
3.4 The Employees Union, where applicable.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

4. A copy of this provisional order be forthwith served by one publication in the Government Gazette, the Cape Times and
Die Burger newspapers.
5. A copy of this provisional order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor with claims above R5, 000.00 by prepaid
registered post.
6. That the costs of the application be costs in the liquidation.
By Order of the Court.


Case No. 27087/2012
(Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg)
LIMITED, Plaintiff, and KATAKOUSZINOS, STAVROS, First Defendant, PERILS, GEROME WILLIAM, Second Defendant,
Defendant, KOTZé, JOHANNES CORNELIUS, Sixth Defendant, LEISHER, PAUL TARCISIOUS, Seventh Defendant, and
PIENAAR, DEON, Eighth Defendant
Pursuant to a Court Order obtained by the Applicant on 17 June 2014, the Applicant/Plaintiff was granted leave to serve
summons by way of substituted service on the Fourth Defendant, Kenneth Naidoo by publication in The Citizen and Government
Gazette. The Fourth Defendant is accordingly hereby advised that:
1. Action has been issued under the above case number by the Plaintiff against the Fourth Defendant.
2. That the relief sought against the Fourth Defendant in the Particulars of Claim, is for payment against:
2.1 The Fourth to Eighth Defendants, jointly and severally, the one paving the other to be absolved, for:
(i) Payment of the amount of R1 175 000,00;
(ii) interest on the amount of R1 175 000,00 at 15,5% per annum a tempore morae;
(iii) costs of suit, including costs of two counsel;
(iv) further and/or alternative relief.
2.2 The Second to Eighth Defendants, jointly and severally, the one paying the other to be absolved, for:
(i) Payment of the amount of R2 600 000,00;
(ii) interest on the amount of R2 600 000,00 at 15,5% per annum a tempore morae;
(iii) costs of suit, including costs of two counsel;
(iv) further and/or alternative relief.
2.3 The First and Fourth to Eighth Defendants, jointly and severally, the one paying the other to be absolved, for:
(i) Payment of the amount of R1 355 000,00;
(ii) interest on the amount of R1 355 000,00 at 15,5% per annum a tempore morae;
(iii) costs of suit, including costs of two counsel;
(iv) further and/or alternative relief.
3. That the Fourth Defendant is given one calendar month from date of last publication of the aforementioned two
publications in which to note his defence in the action.
4. The address at which notice in terms of 3 above may be given is that of the Applicant’s attorneys of record, as below.
Van Niewenhuizen, Kotze & Adam, Applicant’s Attorneys, 4 Emily Hobhouse Avenue, Alberante Extension 1, Alberton.
Docex 37, Alberton. Tel: (011) 907-9701. Fax: (011) 907-5353. Fax to email: (011) 252-6522. Ref: Mr HP van Niewenhuizen.

ID No. 6812195312089 (First Applicant) and LUCIA DE WITT, ID No. 7708190016080 (Second Applicant)
Take notice that on 27th August 2014 at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the above-mentioned
applicants will apply to the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, Pritchard Street, Johannesburg, for an order in the
following terms:

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1. Condoning the late registration of the Antenuptial Contract entered into between the First and Second Applicants on the
19th February 2013. Alternatively, giving leave to the applicants to change their matrimonial system by the Executor and
registration of a notarial contract regulating their marriage as out of community of property with the exclusion of the accrual
2. The applicants are granted an extended period of 2 (two) months from the date of this Order to register the said
Antenuptial Contract, alternatively Notarial Contract, at the office of the Registrar of Deeds at Johannesburg.
3. This order:
3.1 Will lapse if the Antenuptial Contract/Notarial Contract, is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 2 (two) months
of date of the granting of this Order; and
3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the applicants as at date of registration of the said Antenuptial
Contract/Notarial Contract.
All enquiries can be addressed to: Jordaan & Wolberg, 243a Louis Botha Avenue, Orange Grove, Johannesburg, PO Box
46041, Orange Grove, 2119, Tel: (011) 485-1990, Fax: (011) 485-1030, E-mail:, Ref: Mr Matt Smith/pv/G528,
where a copy of the Notice of Motion incorporating the proposed application together with all supporting affidavits and
documentation thereto may be inspected prior to the date of hearing of the application.

Re: Insolvent estate: JOSE FERNANDES TEIXEIRA, ID: 5003025176180, and MARIE ERMECINDA TEIXEIRA,
ID: 4301230192187
(Master’s Reference: T3046/11)
Be pleased to take notice that Innes Rupert Steenekamp, Tracy Hill, has been appointed in the above-mentioned
insolvent estate:
A second meeting of Creditors in this insolvent estate will be held in terms of section 40 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936
before the Master of the North Gauteng High Court on 25 August 2014, 10:00, at Masters Office, Pretoria, SALU Building,
corner of Andries and Schoeman Streets, Pretoria.
Innes R Steenekamp, c/o Van Greunen and Associates, 106 Panorama Road, Centurion, Gauteng.

Re: Insolvent estate: JOSE ANTONIO TEIXEIRA, ID: 7411145184083
(Master’s Reference: T3047/11)
Be pleased to take notice that Innes Rupert Steenekamp, Corné van den Heever, has been appointed in the above-
mentioned insolvent estate:
A second meeting of Creditors in this insolvent estate will be held in terms of section 40 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936
before the Master of the North Gauteng High Court on 25 August 2014, 10:00, at Masters Office, Pretoria, SALU Building,
corner of Andries and Schoeman Streets, Pretoria.
Innes R Steenekamp, c/o Van Greunen and Associates, 106 Panorama Road, Centurion, Gauteng.

AHMED MOHAMED ISMAIL (ID No. 8005255143084), 1st Applicant and SAFFIYA KAROLIA (ID No. 7809220195082),
2nd Applicant
Take notice that on the 28th day of August 2014 at 10:00 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the above-
mentioned Applicants will apply to the Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, under the following Case No. 25817/2014,
for an order in the following terms:
1) The Applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage, by the
execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is attached to the Applicant’s supporting affidavit and is marked
“A” and which contract after registration thereof, will regulate their property system;
2) The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the notarial contract;
3) This Order:
3.1 wil not prejudice the rights of any Creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration of the contract.

In the matter of: CHARLES FERGUSON GLASS (8010045070084) and YUNJIN CHOI (M85226636)
Take notice that Applicants intend applying to the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria at 10h00, on 5 September 2014 or
as soon as counsel may be heard thereafter, for an order in the following terms:
1. That the Applicants are given leave to effect the execution and registration of a notarial contract, a copy whereof is
annexed as annexure CFG 9 to the application, which contract will after registration thereof regulate their matrimonial property
system of the Applicants;

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2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the said notarial contract.

3. That this Order:
3.1 Will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 2 (two) months of the date of the
granting of this Order and;
3.2 Will not prejudice the rights of any Creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration of the contract.
4. Further and/or alternative relief.

Hiermee word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van artikel agt-en-dertig van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, 1937,
ek die Registrateur van aktes te Pretoria, voornemens is om ’n transportakte uit te reik in plaas van Transportakte
T110402/2006, geregistreer in die naam van Dimitra Maimonis, ID No. 7207140034087, ten aansien van sekere.
Erf 1461, Vanderbijlpark South West No. 5, Uitbreiding 6 Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling I.Q., Provinsie van Gauteng,
groot 600 (ses honderd) vierkante meter, wat verlore geraak het of vernietig is.
Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige Transportakte beswaar het, word hierby versoek om die skriftelik in te
dien by die Registrateur te Pretoria binne 6 weke na die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant.
Gedateer te Pretoria gedurende 2014.
Registrateur van Aktes.

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a Preliminary Liquidation
Account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of Hospitality Group Provident Fund: Wimpy
Kempton Square, will be open for inspection for the period of 2 August 2014 to 2 September 2014, at the offices of:
• The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6,
Pretoria, 0102.
• Office of the Magistrate, Die Cape Town Magistrates’ Court, Paradestraat 7-11, Cape Town, 8000.
• Office of the Administrator Mometum Employee benefits, Phase A, 8 Hillside Road, Parktown, 2193.
• Office of the Company Wimpy Kempton Square, Shop 66, cnr. Central and West Street, Kempton Park, 1620.
Any interested person who has objections ot the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with
the Registrar of Pension Funds (P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102), not later than on the 2 September 2014.

In terms of section 38 of Act 47 of 1937
Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937, I, the Registrar of
Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T153306/2001 passed in favour of
Mavies Makaukane Sono, Identity Number 5411220702082, unmarried, in respect of:
Erf 1554, Sinvoville Township, Registration Division J.R., Province of Gauteng, measuring 1 129 (one thousand one
hundred and twenty nine) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed.
All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the
Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Pretoria News.
Dated at Pretoria this 20 day of August 2012.
Registrar of Deeds.

(No 47/1937)
Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Regulation 68 of the Regulations made under Deed Registries
Act, 1937, that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of Mortgage Bond B100002/2001 passed by Mavies Makaukane
Sono, Identity Number 5411220702082, unmarried, in favour of Firstrand Bank Limited, Registration Number
1929/001225/06, in respect of Erf 1554, Sinoville, Extension 3 Township, Registration Division J.R., Province fo Gauteng, in
extent 1129 square metres, which has been lost or destroyed.
All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar
of Deeds at Pretoria within three weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice.
Dated at Pretoria this 11 day of July 2014.
MM Sono, Bert Smith Incorporated, Applicant, No. 9 Lauriston Place Street, Glen Lauriston, Pretoria. Tel: 012-654 4107.
Ref: SS/CAN0074.
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Case No. 10445/14

(Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg)
In the ex parte Application of: KHATHI MTHOKOZI ANDILE KHULEKANI (Identity Number: 7608245433084),
1st Applicant, and MBABAMA GUGULETHU (Identity Number: 8310250722084), 2nd Applicant
To: The Registrar of the Court, Johannesburg
Kindly take notice that the above Applicant will apply to the above Honourable Court on the 25th day of August 2014, at
09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for an Order in the following terms:
1. That the Applicants, Khathi Mthokozi Andile Khukekani (born on the 24th August 1976 with Identity Number:
7608245433084 and Mbabama Gugulethu (born on the 25th October 1983 with Identity Number 8310250722084) be and are
hereby granted leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage from one of marriage in
Community of Property to one of marriage out of Community of Property in terms of the Draft Post - Nuptial Notarial Matrimonial
Contract a Copy of which is Annexure ‘E’ to the First Applicant’s Affidavit.
2. That the Applicant’s new matrimonial property system shall be effective the date of registration of the said Notarial
Contract in the office of the Registrar of Deed in Johannesburg.
3. That the charge in the Applicant’s matrimonial property system shall not prejudice the right of creditors whose claims
arose before the registration of the said Notarial Contract in the office of the Registrar of Deed in Johannesburg, whether the
claims of the such creditor’s be against the Applicants personally or against the joint estate of the Applicants.
4. That the Registrar of Deed for the Province Gauteng be and is hereby authorized and directed to register the said
Notarial Contract within three (3) months from the date of this Order.
5. That such Notarial Contract shall be lodged for registration at the offices of the Registrar of Deed in Johannesburg
within three (3) months of the date of this Order.
6. Granting such further, other or alternative relief as to the above Honourable Court seems meet.
And further take notice that the Affidavits of the Applicants herein, annexed hereto together with the Annexure thereto, will
be used in support of this Application.
Kindly take further notice that the Applicants have appointed Khathi & Mkhize Attorneys, situated at Suite 301 (B), 3rd Floor,
Denor House, 356 Anthon Lembede Street, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, c/o Madlela Gwebu Mashamba Incorporated, situated at
166 Jan Smuts Ave, Ground Floor, Thabo House, Rosebank, 2196, as their Attorneys and as the address where notice and
processes may be served on them.
Dated at Durban during 2014.
Khathi & Mkhize Attorneys, Applicant’s Attorneys (An Attorney duly authorized in terms of section 4 of Act 62 of 1995). Tel:
(031) 301 3279. Fax: (031) 301 9390. E-mail: C/o Madlela Gwebu Mashamba Incorporated, Suite
166, Jan Smuts Ave, Ground Floor, Thabo House, Rosebank, 2196.

[By virtue of Regulations 68 (11B) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937. Act 47 of 1937]
Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the Registration of Mortgage Bond
SB53936/2007, registered on 30 March 2007 passed by Nhlanhla Goodman Maphalala, Identity Number 7603255457081,
unmarried, for the sum of R36 000,00 (thirty six thousand rand), situated in favour of First National Bank Limited, in respect
of certain section 13 Glenfields, situated at Rooihuiskraal North Extension 19 Township, which bond has been lost or destroyed,
and of which the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed.
All persons having objections to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in writ-
ing with the Registrar of Deeds at the Deeds registry in which the bond is registered, within a period of six weeks after the date
of the first publication of this notice, being 25 July 2014.
Dated at Pretoria on 14 July 2014.
Duly authorised agent.

Hierby word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van artikel agt-en-dertig van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, 1937,
ek, die Registrateur van Aktes te Pretoria, voornemens is om ’n sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel uit te reik in plaas van Akte
van Transport T25397/1978 gedateer 12 September 1978 ten gunste van Boedel van wyle Anna Maria Magdalena van der
Merwe, Boedel Nommer 15211/2012 ten aansien van sekere Gedeelte 5 (gedeelte van Gedeelte 1) van die plaas Witklip 215,
Registrasie Afdeling I.P. Noord-Wes Provinsie, groot 358,7156 (drie honderd agt en vyftig komma sewe een vyf ses) hektaar,
gehou kragtens Transportakte Nommer T25397/1978, wat verlore geraak het of vernietig is.
Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige sertifikaat beswaar het, word hierby versoek om dit skriftelilk in te dien
by die Aktekantoor van Pretoria, te hoek van Bosman & Vermeulenstraat, Pretoria, binne ses weke na die eerste publikasie in
die Staatskoerant.

This gazette is also available free online at


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (no. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of Welfit Oddy Retirement Fund will be open for
inspection for the period 1 August 2014 to 1 September 2014 at the offices of:
1. The Financial Services Board, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6,
2. Welfit Oddy (Pty) Ltd, Kurland Road, Perseverance, Port Elizabeth.
3. Port Elizabeth Magistrate’s Office, 584 Govan Mbeki Avenue, North End.
Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with
the Financial Services Board, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, Pretoria, 0102, by no later than 15 September 2014.

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of Welfit Retirement Fund will be open for
inspection for the period 1 August 2014 to 1 September 2014 at the offices of:
1. The Financial Services Board, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6,
2. Welfit Oddy (Pty) Ltd, Kurland Road, Perseverance, Port Elizabeth.
3. Port Elizabeth Magistrate’s Office, 584 Govan Mbeki Avenue, North End.
Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with
the Financial Services Board, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, Pretoria, 0102, by no later than 15 September 2014.

Take notice that application will be made in the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, under
Case No. 17148/14, by Rashid Ahmed Seedate and Zohra Seedat on the 29 August 2014 to change their “in community of
property” marriage to one “out of community of property excluding accrual” by way of a post nuptial antenuptial contract.
Kindly take notice that any person who wishes to object to the proposed application can do so by filing with the Registrar
of the Court and serving a copy of the objection to the Applicant’s undermentioned attorneys and to appear in Court in person
on the date of the hearing.
Take notice that the application is available for inspection at the office of the Registrar of the High Court.
Dated at Johannesburg on the 23 July 2014.
Ismail Ayob & Partners, 41 Central Street, Houghton. Telephone: (011) 727-5800. Fax: (011) 727-5880. Email:

Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of B113928/2007, registered on
12 July 2007 passed by Restant Erf 496 Lynnwood (Proprietary) Limited for the amount of R2 080 000,00 in favor of ABSA
Bank Limited, in respect of certain Portion 1 of Erf 937, Lynnwood Township, Registration Division JR, Province of Gauteng,
which bond has been lost or destroyed, and which the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed.
All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in
writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette.
Signed at Pretoria, on the 25th of July 2014.
Registrar of Deeds.

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of Hospitality Group Provident Fund: Wimpy
Kempton Square wil be open for inspection for the period 2 August 2014 to 2 September 2014 at the offices of:
• The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block b, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6,
Pretoria, 0102.

This gazette is also available free online at


• Office of the Magistrate, Die Cape Town Magistrates’ Court, 7–11 Parade Straat, Cape Town, 8000.
• Office of the Administrator Momentum Employee Benefits, Phase A, 8 Hillside Road, Parktown, 2193.
• Office of the Company Wimpy Kempton Square, Shop 66, cnr Central and West Street, Kempton Park, 1620.
Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with
the Registrar of Pension Funds (P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102) not later than the 2 September 2014.





Meestersverwysing: G323/2014
Kragtens artikel 386 (4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ’n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in likwidasie
gehou sal word voor die Landdros te Palm Ridge op Woensdag, 20 Augustus 2014 om 09h00. Die doel van die vergadering is
om die magte soos vervat in artikel 386 (4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen.
Johannes Zacharias Human Muller en Satish Roopa, Mede Likwidateurs, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg
1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186.





Meestersverwysing: C20060/2014
Kragtens artikel 386 (4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ’n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in likwidasie
gehou sal word voor die Landdros te Strand op Woensdag, 20 Augustus 2014 om 10h00. Die doel van die vergadering is om
die magte soos vervat in artikel 386 (4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen.
Johannes Zacharias Human Muller en Mark Abraham Christian, Mede Likwidateurs, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk,
Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186.





Meestersverwysing: T1541/13
Kragtens artikel 386 (4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ’n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in likwidasie
gehou sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op Maandag, 18 Augustus 2014 om 10h00. Die doel van
die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in artikel 386 (4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen.
JZH Muller, SAG Khammissa & T Mphahlele, Mede Likwidateurs, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207,
Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186.

This gazette is also available free online at


Case No. 35164/2012

(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
In the matter between: NEDBANK LIMITED (Registration Number: 1951/000009/06), Execution Creditor, and ADRIAAN
JACOBUS VAN DEN BERG N.O., in his capacity as Trustee of the VREDENBERG TRUST (Registration Number:
IT635/1989), Execution Debtor
In execution of judgment of the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria) in the above-mentioned
suit, a sale will be held by the Sheriff, Pretoria Central, at the Sheriff, Centurion-West Offices, Unit 1 and 2, Telford Place, cnr
of Theuns and Hilde Streets, Hennopspark, on Wednesday, 13 August 2014 at 10h00, of the undermentioned property of the
Defendant on the conditions to be read out by the Auctioneer at the time of the sale:
Units (“the mortgaged unit”) consisting of—
(a) Section Numbers 8, 9, 26, 36, 40, 52, and 68 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS265/1984
(“the sectional plan”) in the scheme known as Newport in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Erf 786,
Pretoria Township, Local Authority: City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality of which section the floor area, according to the
said sectional plan, is indicated on the bond document attached hereto as Annexure “B” (“the mortgaged section”); and
(b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the
participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan (“the common property”).
Physical addresses: Unit 8 Door Number 104, Unit 9 Door Number 105, Unit 26 Door Number 208, Unit 36 Door Number
304, Unit 40 Door Number 308, Unit 52 Door Number 406, Unit 68 Door Number 508, Scheiding Street, Bereapark, Pretoria.
Held under Deed of Transfer ST265/1984.
Zoning: Residential.
Improvements: Bedroom, lounge, bathroom/toilet, kitchen.
The above-mentioned information with regard to the improvements on the property is furnished although no guarantee can
be supplied in this regard.
Take further notice that the conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Sheriff, Pretoria Central, at 1st Floor,
424 Pretorius Street, Pretoria.
Dated at Pretoria this 14th day of July 2014.
Van der Merwe Du Toit Inc., Attorneys for Plaintiff, Brooklyn Place, cnr Bronkhorst & Dey Streets, Brooklyn, Pretoria.
Tel: (012) 452-1300. Fax: 086 623 2984. (Ref: S de Bruin/Janet/NED108/0323.)

Notice is given in terms of Section 54 of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998), Government
Notice No. R543 (18 June 2010) that the Applicant, Soundprops 1260 Investments (Pty) Ltd, intends to apply for
authorisation to the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) to undertake activities listed under
Government Notice R544 [Activities 11, 18, 23 (i)] and Notice 546 (13 & 16).
The proposed development (GAUT 002/14 - 15/0070) extends an area of ± 14.0ha. The site is located between Norman
and Malherbe Streets in Morehill. The proposed development includes the establishment of ± 131 residential units along with
associated infrastructure (roads, services and pipelines) to service the site.
The Applicant also intends applying for a Water Use License in terms of Section 21 C, and I of the National Water Act
(36/1998) for the construction of relevant services within the wetland area.
Date of Notice: 1 August 2014.
Eco Assessments CC. Tel: (011) 782-3428 or 082 857 8480. Fax: (011) 888-9588. Post: P.O. Box 441037, Linden, 2104 or
Should you wish to register as an interested and/or affected party as part of the Scoping / Public Participation Process,
please submit your name, contact information and interest in the matter to Eco Assessments, c/o Mark Custers, no later than
thirty days (30) days after publication of this notice.

Notice is given in terms of Section 54 of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998), Government
Notice No. R543 (18 June 2010) that the Applicant, DVR Construction CC, intends to apply for
authorisation to the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) to undertake activities listed under
Government Notice R544 (Activity 9, 10, 11, 18 and 22) and Government Notice 545 (Activity 15).

This gazette is also available free online at


The proposed development (GAUT Ref: 002/13 - 14/E0369) includes the following land uses: Residential 1 erven (200 m2
- 400 m2), Residential 3 units, Public Open Space and Roads and Access. The site totals 45 ha. The site is located immediately
south of North Boundary Road and east of the HER Transport Deport on Portion 30.
The Applicant also intends applying for a Water Use License in terms of Section 21 C, and I of the National Water Act
(36/1998) for the construction of an access road (East Central Road) across the wetland located on Portions 31 & 39 Finaalspan
114 IR.
Date of Notice: 31 July 2014.
Eco Assessments CC. Tel: (011) 782-3428 or 082 857 8480. Fax: (011) 888-9588. Post: P.O. Box 441037, Linden, 2104 or
Should you wish to register as an interested and/or affected party as part of the Scoping / Public Participation Process,
please submit your name, contact information and interest in the matter to Eco Assessments, c/o Mark Custers, no later than
thirty days (30) days after publication of this notice.

Case No. 75191/2013


(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)
NEDBANK LIMITED, Applicant, and NST BELEGGINGS 015 CC, 1st Respondent, EVAN DANIEL STOLTZ, 2nd
REVENUE SERVICE, 4th Respondent
Take notice that the above named Applicant intends to make an application on 5th day of September 2014, for an order in
the following terms:
1. That a rule nisi, issued by this Honourable Court on 25 February 2014, under the above case number and which lapsed
on 6 May 2014, be revived.
2. That the Respondents or any other interested party be called upon to show cause why this rule nisi should not be
confirmed on or before the date of the hearing of this Application.
3. That in the event of no person showing cause against a final order being granted, the rule nisi be confirmed.
4. Further and/or alternative relief.
Signed and Dated at Pretoria on this 18th day of July 2014.
Stegmanns Incorporated, Attorneys for the Applicant, 379 Lynnwood Road, Menlo Park, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 342-6430.
Fax: 086 676 2159/ (Ref: TF469/2013).
To: The Registrar of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.
And to: NST Beleggings 015 CC, The First Respondent, Shop D5, Tarentaal Centre, Kaapsehoop Road, Nelspruit (per
And to: Evan Daniel Stoltz, The Second Respondent, 4 Opperman Street, Nelspruit (per Sheriff).
And to: Companies and Intellectual Property Commission, The Third Respondent, The DTI Campus (Block F -
Entfutfukweni), 77 Meintjies Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria (per Sheriff).
And to: The South African Revenue Service, The Fourth Respondent, Lehae La SARS Building, 299 Bronkhorst Street,
Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria (per Sheriff).

Dissolution of Videquip (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation)
Fund PF 12/8/36006/1305
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Videquip (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the
Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/1305, will be open for inspection for the
period 1 Augustus to 1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Extension
6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. C/o Stanger & Somtseu Street, Durban, 4001.
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1, Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein,
Johannesburg, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.

This gazette is also available free online at



Ontbinding van Videquip (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation)
Fund PF 12/8/36006/1305
Kennis word hiermee kragtens Artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstraat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Videquip (Pty) Ltd, a participant in
the Corporate Selection Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36003/1305, gedurende die tydperk van 1 Augustus 2014
tot 1 September 2014, vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. Die C/o Stanger & Somtseu Straat, Durban, 4001.
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belangehebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September
2014, asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Emerald Sky Trading 726 (Pty) Ltd t/a Ocean
Basket East Rand Mall Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2 PF No. 12/8/36438/4195, will be open for inspection for
the period of 1 August 2014 to 1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6
Pretoria; and
2. The Magistrate’s Court, Room 1, cnr Adderley & Trichardt Streets, Boksburg, 1450, and
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life. The address is currently 25 Ameshoff
Street, Braamfontein, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.

Kennis word hiermee kragtens Artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstraat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van Emerald Sky Trading 726 (Pty) Ltd t/a
Ocean Basket East Rand Mall Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2 PF No. 12/8/36438/4195, gedurende die tyd-
perk van 1 Augustus 2014 tot 1 September 2014, vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. Die Landdros, Kamer 1, h/v Adderley & Trichardt Straat, Boksburg, 1450, en.
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 25,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belangehebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September
2014, asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

(FUND PF 12/8/36438/1961)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Matshidiso Coffin Manufactures, a partici-
pant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF12/8/36438/1961, will be open for
inspection for the period 1 August 2014 to 1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension
6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at


2. The 78 President Street, Room 12, Germiston, 1400.

3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein,
Johannesburg, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writ-
ing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.
(FUND PF 12/8/36438/1961)
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Matshidiso Coffin Manufactures,, a
participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF12/8/36438/1961, gedurende
die tydperk van 1 Augustus 2014 tot 1 September 2014 vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria;.
2. Die Presidentstraat 78, Kamer 12, Germiston, 1400;
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September 2014
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Katawa Trading 137 CC, a participant in the
Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2, PF No. 12/8/36438/4996, will be open for inspection for the period 1 August 2014
to 1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension
6, Menlo Park, Pretoria; and
2. The Magistrate’s Court, cnr Rex & Meyer Streets, Roodepoort, 1725; and.
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life. The address is currently 25 Ameshoff
Street, Braamfontein, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van Katawa Trading 137 CC, a participant in
the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2 , PF No. 12/8/36438/4996, gedurende die tydperk van 1 Augustus 2014 tot 1
September 2014 vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria; en
2. Die Landdros, h/v Rex & Meyerstraat, Roodepoort, 1725; en
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 25,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September 2014
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

(FUND PF 12/8/36438/4780)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Sivukile Steel and Boards Suppliers CC, a
participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF12/8/36438/4780, will be open
for inspection for the period 1 August 2014 to 1 September 2014, at the offices of:

This gazette is also available free online at


1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. The Magistrate’s Court, Room 29, Estate 3B, Rethabile Street, Mdutjana, Siyabuswa, 0472.
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein,
Johannesburg, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.
(FUND PF 12/8/36438/4780)
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Sivukile Steel and Boards Suppliers
CC, a participant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF12/8/36438/4780, gedurende die
tydperk van 1 Augustus 2014 tot 1 September 2014, vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. Die Landdros, Room 29, Estate 3B, Rethabile Street, Mdutjana, Siyabuswa, 0472.
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September 2014
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

(FUND PF 12/8/27024/6719)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of G & C Consulting Engineers & Projects
Managers, a participant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund (in liquidation), Fund PF12/8/27024/6719, will be open for
inspection for the period 1 August 2014 to 1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension
6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. The Private Bag X4010, 18 Morgan Street, Tzaneen.
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein,
Johannesburg, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.
(FUND PF 12/8/27024/6719)
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van G & C Consulting Engineers & Projects
Managers, a participant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/27024/6719, gedurende die
tydperk van 1 Augustus 2014 tot 1 September 2014 vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. Die Posbus X4010, Morganstraat 18, Tzaneen.
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September 2014
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

This gazette is also available free online at


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Lauvic Textiles C.C., a participant in the
Corporate Selection Retirement Fund, PF No. 12/8/27024/4044, will be open for inspection for the period 1 August 2014 to
1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Pretoria; and
2. The Magistrate’s Court, cnr Stanger & Somtseu Streets, Durban, 4001; and
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life. The address is currently 25 Ameshoff
Street, Braamfontein, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van Lauvic Textiles C.C., a participant in the
Corporate Selection Retirement Fund, PF No. 12/8/27024/4044, gedurende die tydperk van 1 Augustus 2014 tot 1 September
2014, vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Pretoria; en
2. Die Landdros, h/v Stanger- & Somtseustraat, Durban, 4001; en
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 25,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September 2014
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

(FUND PF 12/8/36006/1349)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of T.W Smith & Co (Pty) Ltd, trading as Damelin
Krugersdorp, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation), Fund PF12/8/36006/1349, will
be open for inspection for the period 1 August 2014 to 1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension
6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. The 7-11 Parade Street, Cape Town, 8000.
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein,
Johannesburg, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.
(FUND PF 12/8/36006/1349)
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van T.W Smith & Co (Pty) Ltd, trading as
Damelin Krugersdorp, a participant in the Corporate Selection Pension Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/36006/1349,
gedurende die tydperk van 1 Augustus 2014 tot 1 September 2014 vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die
kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. Die Paradestraat No. 7—11, Cape Town, 8000.
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September 2014
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

This gazette is also available free online at



(FUND PF 12/8/36438/3046)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Prestige Bulk Mailers (Pty) Ltd, a participant
in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/36438/3046, will be open for
inspection for the period 1 August 2014 to 1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. The Magistrate’s Court, c/o Schoeman & Schubart Streets, Pretoria, 0002.
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein,
Johannesburg, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.
(FUND PF 12/8/36438/3046)
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van Prestige Bulk Mailers (Pty) Ltd, a
participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/36438/3046, gedurende
die tydperk van 1 Augustus 2014 tot 1 September 2014, vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. Die Landdros, h/v Schoeman- & Schubartstraat, Pretoria, 0002.
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September 2014
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

(FUND PF 12/8/36438/2839)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Kerbyn 133 (Pty) Ltd, trading as Mikes
Kitchen, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/36438/2839,
will be open for inspection for the period 1 August 2014 to 1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. The Magistrate’s Court, c/o Jan Smuts Avenue & 18 Shephered Avenue, Kensington B, 2125.
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein,
Johannesburg, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.
(FUND PF 12/8/36438/2839)
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Kerbyn 133 (Pty) Ltd, trading as
Mikes Kitchen, a participant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/36438/2839,
gedurende die tydperk van 1 Augustus 2014 tot 1 September 2014 vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:

This gazette is also available free online at


1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. Die Hooggeregshof, c/o Jan Smuts Avenue & 8 Shephered Avenue, Kensington B, 2125.
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September 2014
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Sulawest Trading CC, Corporate Selection
Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2, PF No. 12/8/36438/4046, will be open for inspection for the period 1 August 2014 to
1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Pretoria; and
2. The Magistrate’s Court, corner Stanger and Somtseu Streets, Durban, 4001; and
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life. The address is currently 25 Ameshoff
Street, Braamfontein, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van Sulawest Trading CC, Corporate
Selection Retirement Fund No. 2, PF No. 12/8/36438/4046, gedurende die tydperk van 1 Augustus 2014 tot 1 September 2014,
vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Pretoria; en
2. Die Landdros, h/v Stanger- & Somtseustraat, Durban, 4001; en
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 25,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September 2014
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

(FUND PF 12/8/36438/151)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of M.T.L Label Finishing (Pty) Ltd, a participant
in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/36438/151, will be open for
inspection for the period 1 August 2014 to 1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. The Magistrate’s Court, 7-11 Parade Street, Cape Town, 8000.
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein,
Johannesburg, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.
(FUND PF 12/8/36438/151)
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die M.T.L Label Finishing (Pty) Ltd,
a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/36438/151, gedurende
die tydperk van 1 Augustus 2014 tot 1 September 2014 vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:

This gazette is also available free online at


1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. Die Landdros, Paradestraat 7-11, Kaapstad, 8000.
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September 2014
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

(FUND PF 12/8/27024/6334)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Christian High School, a participant in the
Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/27024/6334, will be open for inspection for the
period 1 August 2014 to 1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. The Magistrate’s Court, 2 Devonshire Place, Smith Street, Durban, 4001.
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein,
Johannesburg, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.
(FUND PF 12/8/27024/6334)
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Christian High School, a participant
in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/27024/6334, gedurende die tydperk van 1 Augustus
2014 tot 1 September 2014, vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Pretoria; en
2. Die Landdros, 2 Devonshire Place, Smithstraat, Durban, 4001.
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September 2014
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

(FUND PF 12/8/36438/1959)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Kathide Civils and Road Construction CC,
a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/36438/1959, will be open
for inspection for the period 1 August 2014 to 1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. The Magistrate’s Court, corner K146 Road & Palmridge Road, Palmridge, Alberton, 1458.
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein,
Johannesburg, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.

This gazette is also available free online at


(FUND PF 12/8/36438/1959)
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Kathide Civils and Road
Construction CC, a participant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/36438/1959,
gedurende die tydperk van 1 Augustus 2014 tot 1 September 2014 vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. Die Landdros, hoek van K146 Pad en Palmridge Pad, Palmridge, Alberton, 1458.
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September 2014
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

(FUND PF 12/8/36438/4073)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation
account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of V V Munro, trading as Rapid Dawn
Outsourcing Specialists, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund
PF 12/8/36438/4073, will be open for inspection for the period 1 August 2014 to 1 September 2014, at the offices of:
1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. The Magistrate’s Court, Room 12, 78 President Street, Germiston, 1400.
3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein,
Johannesburg, 2001.
Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in
writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 15 September 2014.
(FUND PF 12/8/36438/4073)
Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige
balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die V V Munro, trading as Rapid Dawn
Outsourcing Specialists a participant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund
PF 12/8/36438/4073, gedurende die tydperk van 1 Augustus 2014 tot 1 September 2014, vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die
kantore van:
1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens
Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.
2. Die Landdros, Kamer 12, Presidentstraat 78, Germiston, 1400.
3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1,
Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.
Enige belangehebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 15 September 2014
asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 47 of 1937, I, the Registrar of
Deeds at Johannesburg, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer No. T7911/2009, dated 16
March 2009, passed by Tryan Kurt Truter, Identity No. 6808015248081, and Charlene Lauren Truter, Identity No.
6812030239083, married in community of property to each other, in favour of Neil Anthony de Saldanha, Identity No.
7302205256087, unmarried, and Cindy Natalie Dalton, Identity No. 7512250117089, unmarried, in respect of:
Certain: Erf 742, Lindhaven Extension 2 Township, Registration Division I.Q., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 822
(eight hundred and twenty two) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed.
All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the
Registrar of Deeds at Johannesburg within six weeks after the date of the first publication hereof in the Gazette.
Dated at Johannesburg.
Registrar of Deeds.—Johannesburg.

This gazette is also available free online at



BOLD MOVES 277 (PTY) LTD (in liquidation)

(Reg. No. 2008/003658/07)
Notice is hereby given that the above-mentioned insolvent close corporation passed a resolution by the members for the
creditors’ voluntary winding up on 27 June 2014 and which was duly registered by the Companies and Intellectual Property
Commission on 17 July 2014.
Garlicke & Bousfield Inc., PO Box 1219, Umhlanga, 4320.

Case No. 359/2013
(KwaZulu-Natal Local Division, Durban)
In the matter between: BODY CORPORATE OF ARUSHA (Scheme No. 59/1987), Applicant, and
MARISA DAWN GOLDSTONE (ID No. 6007290061018), unmarried, Respondent
To: The Registrar of the above Honourable Court, Dullah Omar Grove, Durban.
And to: Marisa Dawn Goldstone, Respondent, service as directed by the High Court Order of 20 February 2013 annexed
as “J” hereto.
And to: The Master of the High Court, Second Floor, Devonshire Place, Durban.
And to: The South African Revenue Services, Albany House, Margaret Mncadi Avenue, Durban.
Kindly take notice that an application will be made to this Court on behalf of the above named Applicant on the 18th day of
August 2014 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the grant of Orders in the following terms:
1. That a Rule Nisi do issue calling upon the Respondent and all other interested parties to show cause, if any, to this Court
during 2014 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard why the estate of the Respondent should not be placed
in final sequestration.
2. That this Order operates with immediate effect as an Order for the provisional sequestration of the estate of the
3. That a copy of this Order be served in the same manner as directed in the High Court Order of 20 February 2013
annexed as “J” to the founding affidavit of Andre Grundler.
Take notice further that the accompanying affidavit of Andre Grundler, together with certain Annexures annexed thereto
shall be used in support of this application.
Take notice further that the Applicant has appointed the offices of Du Toit Havemann & Lloyd Attorneys as its attorneys of
record in this matter, at which address, the details of which appear hereunder, it shall accept service of all notices and processes
in these proceedings.
Kindly place the matter on the roll for hearing accordingly.
Dated at Durban this 19th day of June 2014.
Du Toit Havemann & Lloyd, Applicant’s Attorneys, 30 Crart Avenue, Glenwood, Durban. Tel: (031) 201-3555. Fax: (031)
201-3650. Ref: CHG Salmon/Delaine/02/A046-0005.

Our client was married in 2004 and adopted her husbands surname in a new double-barrel surname. She has not received
any confirmation from Home Affairs since the change of name.
Dylan Scott Rhodes, Woodhead Bigby Inc., PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. La Lucia Office:
Ground Floor, Deloitte Place, 2 Pencarrow Park, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia, 4051. Docex 21, Umhlanga. Personal
email address:,,, Tel: (031) 560-7400. Fax: (031)

This gazette is also available free online at




Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the Registration of B125578/2007, dated
31 July 2007 passed by Adriaan Johannes Louwrens, ID No. 5803015004080 and Ethresia Louwrens, ID No.
6604220111085, married out of community of property, for the amount of R1 450 000,00 in favour of ABSA Bank Limited, Reg.
No. 1986/004794/06 in respect of certain Portion 45 of Erf 465, Secunda, which has been lost or destroyed.
All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge the same in
writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga, at Nelspruit, within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this
Dated at Secunda this 17th day of July 2014.


Case No. H139/2014

(Western Cape Division, George)
In the ex parte application of: JACQUES OCKERT STANDER, ID No. 8903255079086, 1st Applicant, and CINDY
STANDER, ID No. 8912290082088, 2nd Applicant
Take notice that the Applicants will make application to this Honourable Court on 5 September 2014 at 10h00 or as soon
thereafter as their representative may be heard for an order in the following terms:
1. The Applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system that applies to their marriage, by the
execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is attached to the First Applicant’s founding affidavit and is
marked Annexure “JOS2”, and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their property system.
2. That the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town be authorised and ordered to register the said notarial contract within a period
of three months from the date of the order:
3. This Order:
3.1 Will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 3 months of the date of the granting
of this Order; and
3.2 wil not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration of the contract.
4. Further and/or alternative relief.
Take notice further that the affidavits of Jacques Ockert Stander and Cindy Stander annexed hereto will be used in support
of this application.
Take notice further that the Applicants appoint the address of Lombard Attorneys, 132 Merriman Street, George, where all
notices and the service of all documents in these proceedings will be accepted.
Take notice further that if you intend opposing this application you are required to notify the Applicants’ attorneys in writing
on or before 29 August 2014 of such intention, and within 15 (fifteen) days thereof, to file your answering affidavit, if any.
Take notice further that you are required to appoint in such notification an address referred to in Rule 6 (5) (b) of the Uniform
Rules of Court at which you will accept notice and service of all documents in these proceedings.
Kindly place the matter on the roll for hearing accordingly.
Signed at George on the 22nd day of July 2014.
Lombard Attorneys, Attorney for Applicants, 132 Merriman Street, George. Tel: (044) 874-2610. (Ref: CK0659.)

In terms of section 21 (1) of the Matrimonial Property Act, Act 88 of 1984, as amended
ANTON VAN DEN BERGH (previously McQueen) (ID No. 6909185081086), First Applicant, and UZAAN VAN DEN
BERGH (previously Potgieter) (ID No. 7107160028086), Second Applicant
Pleas take note that application will be made to the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town), on
behalf of the Applicants, on 22 August 2014 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as their Advocate may be heard, for an order with
the following terms:

This gazette is also available free online at


1. That the Applicants be granted permission to, in terms of section 21 (1) of Act 88 of 1984, as amended, change their
matrimonial property regime, as is currently applicable to their marriage, by registering a Notarial Contract (antenuptual
agreement), a draft thereof, which is attached to the Applicants’ Affidavits, to their application, marked Annexure “VDB1”.
2. That the Registrar of Deeds be authorized to register such contract:
2.1 That, after registration, the antenuptual agreement will regulate the future marital status between the parties.
2.2 That the order granted, will lapse, if the Antenuptual Agreement is not registered within (2) two months after date
2.3 That the order will not effect the rights of the Applicants’ Creditors, as on date of the registration of the Notarial Deed.
3. Further and/or alternative relief.
Please also take note that a copy of the application, from date of publication hereof, will lie open for inspection at the offices
of the below-mentioned attorneys.
Please further take note that, if any of the Applicants’ Creditors intend to oppose the application, he will have to deliver a
notice of such intention, at the offices of the said attorneys.
Van Niekerk Uys Attorneys, Unit S02, Parc Du Links, Niblick Road, Somerset West. Tel: (021) 851-4825. (Ref: JU/CK/P02

Kindly receive notice that Marjorie Bingham, ID No. 6903260200083, and Henry Morton Trotter, born on 24 February
1973/Passport No. 488081755, will apply to the Western Cape Division of the High Court of South Africa on 15th August 2014
at 10h00, for an order by which they are authorised to change their matrimonial property regime from in community of
property to that of out of community of property the execution and registration of a notarial contract.
The application and the contract which they intend to register is available for inspection at the office of the registrar of the
above-mentioned Court and at our office Marjorie Bingham Attorneys, 23-25 Villa Italia, Ratanga Road, Century City.
Should you wish to object to the proposed change, or to make any representations in that regard, this can be done by
writing to the Registrar of the Court and sending a copy thereof to Marjorie Bingham Attorneys, or by appearing in Court on the
above-mentioned day.
Marjorie Bingham Attorneys, 23 - 54 Villa Italia, Ratanga Road, Century City, 7441. Tel. (021) 528-4914. Cell. 076 033 8166.
Fax 086 608 5253.;



Form/Vorm J 295
In terms of section 75 of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as curators or
tutors by Masters, or of their having ceased in their respective capacity.
The information is given in the following order: Number of matter; person under curatorship, or minor, and
address; name and address of curator or tutor; whether appointment or cease in capacity, and date; Master of the
High Court.


Ingevolge artikel 75 van Wet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as
kurators of voogde deur Meesters, of van die beëindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede.
Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van saak; persoon onder kuratele, of minderjarige, en
adres; naam en adres van kurator of voog; of aanstelling of beëindiging daarvan, en datum; Meester van die


MC20053/2014—Stephanus Petrus Vorster, Bougainvilla Retirement Village, Bougainevilla Drive, Montana, 0159.
Curator/Tutor/Administrator, Tersia van Schalkwyk, PO Box 44472, Linden, 2104. Appointment, 27 June 2014. Master of the
High Court, Johannesburg.
This gazette is also available free online at

MC20045/2014—Adelaide Blanche Gerrard, 29 Reitz Road, President Park, 1685. Curator/Tutor, Robin Drummond
Twaddle, 1st Floor, Unit 6, Contantia Park, 546–16th Road, Midrand. Appointment/Termination, 10 June 2014. Master of the
High Court of South Africa, Johannesburg.
MC20224/14—Mogamat Ra-Eez Bharoochie, 73 Atonberg Drive, Ext 2, Eldorado Park, Johannesburg, 2000.
Curator/Tutor, Margareth Hanelore Bronkhortst, p/a ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2697, Pretoria, 0001. Aanstelling, 17/07/2014.
Master of the Supreme Court, South Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.
MC126/2012—Lorna Joy Philipson Marinaki, Queen Alexandra Retirement Village, Orange Grove, Johannesburg.
Curator, Deon Oliver, p/a Village Trustees, Posbus 869, Kuilsrivier, 7579. Termination, 3 Julie 2014. Master of the High Court,
MC89/14—Lungelo Senzokuhle Ngubo, ID: 9110295073082. Curator, Constant Wilsnach. Appointment, 14 July 2014.
Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
MC15391/00—Zana Job Vilakazi, ID: 6505075458085. Curator/Tutor, Constant Wilsnach. Termination, 23 May 2014.
Master of the High Court, Pretoria.


MC51/2013—Sibusiso Dumile Vincent Tsangu, Freedom Square 38154, Bloemfontein, 9323. Curator, Jacoba Catharina
Ross, c/o Ravendorff Reitz Barry, 6th Third Street, Arboretum, Bloemfontein, 9300. Appointment, 08/07/2014. Master of the Hgh
Court, Bloemfontein.
MC24/2013—Selina Nthoba, 4142 Election Park, Theunissen, 9410. Curator, Jacoba Catharina Reitz Barry, 6th Third
Street, Arboretum, Bloemfontein, 9300. Appointment, 08/07/2014. Master of the High Court, Bloemfontein.
Selina Nthoba, 4142 Election Park, Theunissen, 9410. Curator, Jacoba Catharina Ross, c/o Rosendorff Reitz Barry, 6th
Third Street, Arboretum, Bloemfontein, 9300. Appointment.
Sibusiso Dumile Vincent Tsangu, Freedom Square 38154, Bloemfontein, 9323. Curator, Jacoba Catharina Ross, c/o
Rosendorff Reitz Barry, 6th Third Street, Arboretum, Bloemfontein, 9300.


CR21/2011 DBN—Sheila Audrey Bullock, P.O. Box 132, Hillcrest, 3650. Curator, Robert James Thornhill, Thornhill &
Company, Suite C3, The Colony, 50 Old Main Road, Hillcrest, 3610. Termination. Master of the High Court, Durban.
CR21/2011 DBN—Sheila Audrey Bullock, P.O. Box 132, Hillcrest, 3650. Curator, Robert James Thornhill, Thornhill &
Company, Suite C3, The Colony, 50 Old Main Road, Hillcrest, 3610. Termination. Master of the High Court, Durban.
CR4131/01—Shammi Debideen, Hilton. Curator, Joanna Mayne, Randles Incorporated, PO Box 12031, Dorpspruit, 3206.
Termination, 30 June 2014.


MC1100/2011—Margaret van Wyk, Frans Chikanestraat 23281, Phutanang, Kimberley, 8301. Curator/Tutor,
Mnr F Engelbrecht, p/a Engelsman, Magabane Inc, 80 Du Toitspan Road, Kimberley, 8301. Appointment, 23 Mei 2014. Master
of the High Court, Sol Plaatje Drive, Kimberley, 8301.


CR20011/2014—Martha Johanna du Toit, Green Pasteurs Rest Home, Boland Road, Durbanville. Kurator, Schalk Willem
de Wet, 10 Monaco Square, Kerkstraat 14, Durbanville. Aanstelling, 2 Junie 2014. Meesterskantoor, Kaapstad.

This gazette is also available free online at


Form/Vorm J 193


All persons having claims against the estates mentioned below are hereby called upon to lodge their claims
with the executors concerned, within 30 days (or otherwise as indicated) calculated from the date of publication
hereof. The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname and christian names, date of
birth, identity number, last address, date of death; surviving spouse’s names, surname, date of birth and identity
number; name and address of executor and authorised agent, period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than
30 days.


Alle persone wat vorderinge het teen die boedels hieronder vermeld, word hierby versoek om hul vorderinge
by die betrokke eksekuteurs en binne ’n tydperk van 30 dae (of andersins soos aangedui) gereken vanaf die datum
van publikasie hiervan in te lewer. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam en
voorname, geboortedatum, identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, datum oorlede; nagelate eggenoot(note) se name,
familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemagtigde agent, tydperk
toegelaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders as 30 dae.


20071/2014—Long, Barbara Anne, 1951-11-15, 5111150607083, 586 Maroela Road, Marloth Park, 2014-02-22. Döman
Weitsz Attorneys, 2 Joe Hanna Street, White River.
22918/2014—Jan Harm Schutte, 3101155042081, 24 Januarie 2012. Jordaan & Coetzer Prokureurs, Posbus 636,
Secunda, 2302. Dertig dae.
24405/2014—Pillay, David Soma, 1949-11-14, 4911145581082, 8 Harwood Street, Promosa, Potchefstroom, 2013-03-07;
Priscilla Johanna Pillay, 1946-03-05, 4603050133088. Sanet Ras Attorneys, 101 Peter Mokaba Avenue, Potchefstroom.
23657/2012—Thipe, Mahlatse Cornelia, 20/12/1978, 7812200367085, 14A Summitview, Summit Road, Blue Hills X21,
Midrand, 02/08/2012; Ephriam Ramotho Thipe, 7610145446083. Boshoff Inc, PO Box 14493, Hatfield, 0028.
11248/2013—Ernst, Stafanus Cornelius, 18 Augustus 1930, 3008185029089, 41 Ianstraat, Wilkeville, Klerksdorp, 23
April 2014. 16/09/1937, 3709160017086. Louis Egbertus van Zyl Prokureurs, Siddlestraat 25, Klerksdorp.
11248/2013—Stefanus Cornelius Ernst, 3008185029089, operateur, Ianstraat 41, Wilkeville, Klerksdorp, 23 April 2013.
Die Eksekutrise, Louis van Zyl Prokureur, Prokureur vir die Eksekutrise, Siddlestraat 25, Posbus 10163, Klerksdorp.
13104/2013—Bawa, Ismail, 1944/06/20, 4406205098085, 385 Kalkheuwel Street, Erasmia, Pretoria, 2013/05/23;
Sherbanoo Bawa, 1943/05/30, 4305300084083. Yusuf Ahmed Sayed Patel, Barnard Patel Attorneys, 17 Ivy Street, Clydesdale,
Hatfield, Pretoria.
22802/2014—Van Zyl, Hilda Rae, 1944/11/10, 4411100016083, 12 Bantry Street, Kenmare Ext 4, Krugersdorp,
2014/05/06. Adriaan Booyens Attorneys, Pringle Place, 1056 Pretorius Street, cnr Pretorius & Festival Streets, Hatfield, Pretoria.
24172/2014—Sauermann, Johannes Theodorus, 16/11/1944, 4411165031084, plaas Doornkop, Lydenburg,
Mpumalanga, 13 June 2014. MacRobert Ingelyf Prokureurs, Privaatsak X18, Brooklyn Square, 0075.
Wilkins, Judith Magaretha, 25 Desember 1930, 3012250043082, 873 Bosloeriestraat, East Lynne, Pretoria, Gauteng, 13
November 2013. Meintjies & Petzer, Posbus 4227, Pretoria, 0001.
12680/1013—Muller, Judith Christina, 26 April 1929, 2904260013082, 15 Chesterton Straat, SW1, Vanderbijlpark,
18 Julie 2013. J.H. Smit Prokureurs, NBS Gebou, 2de Vloer, Merrimanlaan, Posbus 3491, Vereeniging, 1930.
25102/2014—Juta, Peter Victor, 1937/05/03, 3705035062083, 13 Skalie Street, Reefhaven, Roodepoort, 2014/05/25. AJ
Janse van Rensburg, 90 Lange Avenue, Florida Glen, Roodepoort.
26455/2014—Erxleben, Johanna Cecilia, 1941-02-13, 4102130007081, 38 Tornado Singel, Georginia, Roodepoort,
2014-02-05. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
026926/2014—Masina, Tally Benedict, 1968-01-25, 6801255303088, 19 Twomey Drive, Wright Park, Springs, 2014-05-
12; Thembani Mirriam Masina, 1970-06-04, 7006040405085. Kitching Attorneys, 31 Devon Avenue, Dalview, Brakpan. 30 days.
11248/2013—Stefanus Cornelius Ernst, 3008185029089, operateur, 41 Ianstraat Wilkeville, Klerksdorp, 23 April 2013.
Die Eksekutrise, Louis van Zyl Prokureur, Prokureur vir die Eksekutrise, Siddlestraat 25, Posbus 10163, Klerksdorp.
11248/2013—Ernst, Stefanus Cornelius, 18 Augustus 1930, 3008185029089, 41 Ianstraat, Wilkeville, Klerksdorp, 23
April 2014. 16/09/1937, 3709160017086. Louis Egbertus van Zyl Prokureurs, Siddlestraat 25, Klerksdorp.

This gazette is also available free online at


25205/2014—Pinfold, Ian Christopher, 1967-03-22, 6703225718181, 43 Rooibekkie Street, President Dam, Springs,
1559, 2014-05-03. Isabel Pieterse (7507220066085), In H, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days.
026214/2014—Roux, Ernest Bertram, 1924-08-25, 2408255043088, Frail Care Centre, Darenwood Village, 1st Street,
Linden, 2104, 2014-04-13. Standard Trust Limited. 30 days.
026274/2014—Morton, Roy, 1938-03-15, 3803155011087, Unit 14, Deeland Park, 1 Teebos Street, Merrybarry, Alberton,
2014-04-18; Dawn Morton, 1938-01-08, 3801080008087. Dawn Morton, 30 Baker Street, Rosebank, 2121 Creditors in
deceased estate. 30 days.
25207/2014—Malatsi, David, 1945-12-12, 4512125595082, 16 State Road, President Park, Midrand, 2014-01-23;
Morangoe Bertha Malatsi, 4611290177088. Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days.
26196/2014—Kirkwood, Grace Alice, 1922-06-24, 2206240053182, Retirement Village, Ekklesia, 2 Parklane, Blairgowrie,
2194. Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days.
21844/2014—Liesering, Veronica Yvonne, 1966-04-09, 6604090152086, 23 Trident Street, Claremont, Johannesburg,
2092, 2014-01-02. Vincent Trevor Liesering, 1970-01-07, 7001075829086. Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands,
2121. 30 days.
21423/2014—Mathibe, Oralia Matsheko, 1968-11-12, 6811120490085, 4367 Jewelfish Street, Kaalfontein Ext 12, 1632,
2014-01-24. Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days.
003440/2014—Masilela, Timothy Elmon Masilela, 18/03/1958, 5203185263089, Stand No. 222, Msogwaba Trust,
21 January 2014; Elitah Kwasi Nkosi, 16/04/1955, 5504160839086. Mr L Bester, c/o Kruger & Partners Inc, 5 Van Rensburg
Street, Proforum Building, Nelspruit.
1296/2014—Dibati, Hilda Leah Therese, 1944-11-11, 4411110145088, 23 Serote Street, Ratanda, Heidelberg, 1441,
2013-02-03. Titia Sonnekus Attorneys, PO Box 1053, Heidelberg, Gauteng, 1438.
24512/2014—Vos, Matheus Jacobus, 1931-06-14, 3106140018088, Rus- ‘n’ Bietjie Aftreeoord, Sarel Cellierstraat,
Springs, 2014-06-19. Aletta Van Goeverden, Posbus 12129, Aston Manor, 1630.
14498/2013—Gabela, Libazize Absalom, 1951/09/24, 5109245286087, 49 Peter Piete St, Debonior Park, De Deur,
9 June 2013. John William Alfonso Cumming Zurcher, Postnet Suite 143, Private Bag X068, Vanderbijlpark, 1900.
22863/2014—Dittberner, Heinrich Robert, 1925-02-26, 2502265035082, 63 La Perla, 1104 Frederika Str, Eldoraigne,
Centurion, 2014-05-07. Eugene H Dittberner, 15 Queen Street, Irene, Gauteng.
19166/2013—Mandlazi, Absalom John, 1951-10-05, 510055111084, 188 Vulindlela Street, Rietspruit, 2231, 2013-11-04;
Khalathi Sarah Mandlazi, 1952-05-26, 5205260193081. M Davel, C.o. Van Rensburg Kruger Rakwena Inc., PO Box 5, Witbank,
24512/2014—Vos, Matheus Jacobus, 1931-06-14, 3106140018088, Rus- ‘n’ Bietjie Aftreeoord, Sarel Cellierstraat,
Springs, 2014-06-14. Aletta van Goeverden, Posbus 12129, Aston Manor, 1630.
23836/2014—De Jager, Johanna Maria, 28 Augustus 1937, 3708280001087, Hornstraat 448, Wolmer, Pretoria Noord,
10 Mei 2014. Marius Hugo Hamann, Posbus 14550, Sinoville, 0129.
771/2014—Kruger, Pieter Gert Lodewyk, 1916-06-01, 1906015011080, 2013-12-08; Anna Maria Cornelia, 1925-08-06,
2508060085081. Jacobus Albertus van Zyl, Monument Office Park, Pretoria.
Venter, Helené Francois, 1955-11-22, 5511220020086, Yvettestraat 12, Robin Hills, Randburg, 2014-04-17. Sanlam Trust,
Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. 30 days.
17793/2013—Calitz, Elizabeth Anne, 1946-01-05, 4601050036087, Jan St 1006, Eldoraigne, 0157, 2013-10-13; Gert
Albertus Calitz, 1945-05-20, 4505205054087. AFSA Plan (Pty) Ltd, Plot 240, c/o Small and Smit St, Benoni, 1513.
20869/2014—De Lange, Louisa Johanna, 19/11/1953, 5311190086088, Plot 16, Renoster Kop, Uitkyk, Nelspruit,
20 January 2012; Jan Hendrik Stephanus de Lange, 10/08/1944, 4408105039086. Esselens Engelbrechts Inc, P.O. Box 71,
Lows Creek, 1302.
020822/2014—Mngomezulu, Nomgqibelo Thalitha, 1950-05-16, 5005160310086, Stand 410/12 Ext 33, Wesselton,
Ermelo, 2350, 2014-05-17. Zaritha van Wyngaard, No. 8 Juanricvor Centre, 10 Church Str, Ermelo, 2350.
1024/2014—Van der Walt, Barbera Jacoba, 1942-05-18, 4205180002082, Cedarwood Village 6, Edenpark, Witbank,
1035, 2014-03-21. Jan van der Laan, Geldenhuys Straat 2, Delmas.
025332/2014—Hlakane, Litsietsi Esther, 27/11/1933, 3311270167081, 6236 Ramokgwase Street, Sharpeville, 1928,
26 February 2014; Khasiane Sophia Mofokeng, 6236 Ramokgwase Street, Sharpeville, 1928.
025332/2014—Hlakane, Litsietsi Esther, 27/11/1933, 3311270167081, 6236 Ramokgwase Street, Sharpeville, 1928,
26 February 2014; Khasiane Sophia Mofokeng, 6236 Ramokgwase Street, Sharpeville, 1928.
025332/2014—Hlakane, Litsietsi Esther, 27/11/1933, 3311270167081, 6236 Ramokgwase Street, Sharpeville, 1928,
26 February 2014; Khasiane Sophia Mofokeng, 6236 Ramokgwase Street, Sharpeville, 1928.
003356/2014—Motsoane, Nomangwane Elizabeth, 25 December 1965, 6512251283089, 61515 Zone 17, Sebokeng,
1982, 08 August 2013; Moalosi John Motsoane, 13 May 1962, 6205135395084. Moalosi John Mostoane, 61515 Zone 17,
Sebokeng, 1982.
003356/2014—Motsoane, Nomangwane Elizabeth, 25 December 1965, 6512251283089, 61515 Zone 17, Sebokeng,
1982, 08 August 2013; Moalosi John Motsoane, 13 May 1962, 6205135395084. Moalosi John Mostoane, 61515 Zone 17,
Sebokeng, 1982.
003356/2014—Motsoane, Nomangwane Elizabeth, 25 December 1965, 6512251283089, 61515 Zone 17, Sebokeng,
1982, 08 August 2013; Moalosi John Motsoane, 13 May 1962, 6205135395084. Moalosi John Mostoane, 61515 Zone 17,
Sebokeng, 1982.

This gazette is also available free online at


024534/2014—Stubling, Althea May, 1927-07-13, 2707130089087, 9 Woltemade Street, De Westshof, Johannesburg,

2014-02-17; Max Hubertus Stubling, 1937-06-30, 3706305097189. Max Hubertus Stubling, c/o Barry Kirkman Attorneys,
PO Box 28453, Kensington, 2101.
024534/2014—Stubling, Althea May, 1927-07-13, 2707130089087, 9 Woltemade Street, De Westshof, Johannesburg,
2014-02-17; Max Hubertus Stubling, 1937-06-30, 3706305097189. Max Hubertus Stubling, c/o Barry Kirkman Attorneys,
PO Box 28453, Kensington, 2101.
024534/2014—Stubling, Althea May, 1927-07-13, 2707130089087, 9 Woltemade Street, De Westshof, Johannesburg,
2014-02-17; Max Hubertus Stubling, 1937-06-30, 3706305097189. Max Hubertus Stubling, c/o Barry Kirkman Attorneys,
PO Box 28453, Kensington, 2101.
024985/2014—Twala, Philip Chapis, 1952-11-23, 52123568087, 285 Vosloorus, 2007-01-31. Kubyana Attorneys, Suite
4A, Middle Floor, 130 Leeuwpoort Street, Boksburg.
024985/2014—Twala, Philip Chapis, 1952-11-23, 52123568087, 285 Vosloorus, 2007-01-31. Kubyana Attorneys, Suite
4A, Middle Floor, 130 Leeuwpoort Street, Boksburg.
024985/2014—Twala, Philip Chapis,1952-11-23, 52123568087, 285 Vosloorus, 2007-01-31. Kubyana Attorneys, Suite
4A, Middle Floor, 130 Leeuwpoort Street, Boksburg.
4682/2014—Motsoeneng, Lehlohonolo Walter, 5 June 1960, 6006055446083, 18556 Zone 14, Sebokeng, 1982,
28 November 2013; Sarah Martha Motsoeneng, 31 December 1960, 6012310531081. Sarah Martha Motsoeneng, 18556
Sebokeng, Unit 14 Township, Sebokeng, 1982.
027872/2014—Pierce, John Humphrey, 1923-12-11, 2312115067180, 110 Boundary Road, Walkerville, P O Box 939,
Walkerville, 1876, 2011-11-30; Elsa Jessie Pierece predeceased her husband on 2011-09-25, 1925-02-26, 2502260062180.
Michael Montgomery, 110 Boundary Road, P O Box 939, Walkerville, 1876. 30 days.
18986/2013—Mthombeni, Ntsina Stephans, 1949-02-23, 4902235212084, Erf 3023, Mamelodi, 2012-09-13; Elizabeth
Dorothea Mthombeni, 1949-11-06, 4911060227083. Louise Ellis, Building G Lytteltown Office Park, Centurion. 30 days.
021719/2014—De Beer, Dagmar, 25 September 1958, 5809250041182, 5 La Mirage, Anaboom Road, Randpark Ridge,
Randburg, 18 March 2014. Mitchell Nold de Beer, 8 Beech Street, Bryanston Ext 3, Johannesburg.
6696/2013—Makakayhule, Mbulaheni Joseph, 1972-03-05, 7203056495081, 808 Schreiner Street, Groblerpark, 1724,
2013-03-11; Mmengwa Belinda Masakona, 1983-09-30, 8309300821086. Sivu Shongwe Attorneys, P O Box 61855,
Marshalltown, 2107.
25930/2009—Khanyile, Langa, 1957-05-27, 5705275864089, 17 Gilhooley Road, Selection Park, Springs, 1559,
2008-09-24; Isabella Grace Khanyile, 1961-09-19, 6909190511085. Sivu Shongwe Attorneys, P O Box 61855, Marshalltown,
22835/2014—Mentoor, Philemon, 1934-10-01, 3410015197088, 4719 Block 0, Mamelodi West, 2014-03-10; Mmaplilang
Christina Mentoor, 1937-08-04, 3708040217080. Linda Bode, P O Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
3332/2013—Ngema, Thembinkosi Magnificent, 9157-07-26, 5707265607080, Stand 3063 Protea North Township,
18 December 2012; Matsela Maria Ngema, 1961-06-16, 6106160841085. Derrocks Attorneys, P.O Box 38048, Booysens, 2016.
24152/2014—Da Fonseca, Alfredo Moreira, 1937-04-27, 3704275021180, 59/2 Bosbok Street, Midvaal, Johannesburg,
2014-05-23. Dempster McKinnon Inc., 154 Bram Fisher Drive, 2nd Floor, Polifin House, Randburg. 30 days.
4552/2014—Louisa Andriesa Myburg, 4004150058087, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met Willem Petrus Myberg,
’n pensioenaris in lewe woonagtig te 45, Reynorif, eMalahleni. AWG Prokureurs, Posbus 22755, Middelburg, 1050. 30 dae.
4472/2014—Petrus Myburg, 3308295053080, 30 days, ’n wewenaar en pensioenaris woonagtig te Elandstraat 45,
Reynorif, Emalahleni, 18 April 2008. AWG Prokureurs, Posbus 22755, Middelburg, 1050. 30 dae.
26625/2014—Deyzel, Cornelia Johanna, 1939-09-22, 3901160039083, 43 Republiek Street, Nigel, 2011-12-13; Petrus
Johannes Deyzel, 1935-09-22. 3509225048088. Brist Attorneys, 27 Kingsway, Nigel. 30 days.
020792/2014—Christiaan Adolf de Beer, 6507245124084, 25 Baviaanskloof, Middelburg, 26 Mei 2014; Ella Magdalena
Engelbrecht. AWG Prokureurs.
26434/2014—Hlubi, Johannes, 1950-05-19, 5005195506088, 61559 Zone 17, Sebokeng, 2014-04-11; Motsabi Selina
Hlubi, 1949-09-22, 4909220567083. HS Nolte Inc, PO Box 2472, Vereeniging, 1930.
29081/2013—Meya, Sediane Alexandra, 1955-07-17, 5507175408086, Stand 882, Zone 10, Sebokeng, 2013-10-08.
Liesbet Meya, 1945-07-02, 4507020155081. H S Nolte, Nolte Inc, PO Box 2472, Vereeniging, 1930.
26589/2014—Hardiman, Conelius, 1922-03-27, 2203275003083, Kingsway 34, Nigel, 1490, 2014-04-12; Johanna
Adriana Hardiman, 1937-06-09, 3706090048082. Brits Attorneys, 27 Kingsway, Nigel. 30 days.
02407/2014—Mkhutshulwa, Rainy, 1956-08-09, 5608090727087, 29 Imbuzane Street, Protea Glen Extension 4,
1998-02-18. Ramsamy Segogoba Incorporated, 85 Mimosa Street, Helderkruin.
026451/2014—Venter, Lionel Phillip, 1949-12-08, 4912085012088, Drake Street, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort, Gauteng,
2014-05-11. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
27457/2013—Noble, William Ronald, 1938/11/28, 3811285049083, 7 Estoril, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, 1 October 2013; Gale
Patricia Noble, 1942/05/21, 4205210048089. John William Alfonso Cumming Zurcher, Postnet Suite 143, Private Bag X068,
Vanderbijlpark, 1900.
23832/2014—Cuthbert, Jean, 1924-07-26, 26 July 1924, 582 A Opstal Street, The Willows, Pretoria, 0184, 2013-04-15.
The Standard Bank of South Africa, Standard Trust, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.
23632/2014—Reddy van Staden, Niloshni, 1972-11-08, 7211080070085, 24 Rinyani Ave, Allansnek, Roodepoort,
2013-01-04; Adam Pieter van Staden, 1967-02-16, 6702165082087. Ariza Visser, Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453,
Magalieskruin, 0150.
023616/2014—Sloan, Agnes Lorraine, 14 December 1928, 2812140037082, 59 Buffalo Thorn Road, Fourways Gardens,
Gauteng, 13 March 2014. June Rose Theron, Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2nd Floor, cnr Warwick Street, and Pearce Road,

This gazette is also available free online at


23836/2014—De Jager, Johanna Maria, 28 Augustus 1937, 3708280001087, Hornstraat 448, Wolmer, Pretoria Noord,
10 Mei 2014. Marius Hugo Hamann, Posbus 14550, Sinoville, 0129.
24280/2014—Du Preez, Jacobus Lodewicus, 1975-07-31, 7507315025087, 386 A Aquila Avenue, Waterkloof Uit 2,
Waterkloof, 2014-06-08. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
23093/2014—Wahl, Eraskine Oswald, 1929-06-07, 2906070060086, 8 Murphy Rd, Kenmare, 1739, 2014-05-12; Nicolaas
Abraham Coetzee, Wahl, 1938-09-27, 3809270038087. Izak Gerhardus le Roux, 5 Murphy Rd, Kenmare, 1739.
22999/2014—Elsi, Johrene, 1961-01-06, 6101060007085, Klaradyn Kompleks 29, Klippan Road, Montana, Pretoria,
0082, 2014-03-04. Jacques Coetzee, 193 Zambesi Drive, Sinoville, Pretoria, 0129.
27879/2013—Klompje, Hendrik Frederik, 1930-10-20, 3010205021088, Portion 1 of the Farm 171 IQ, Tarlton,
2013-10-21; Ariza Visser, Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.
12680/2013—Muller, Judith Christina, 26 April 1929, 2904260013082, 15 Chesterton Straat, SW1, Vanderbijlpark,
18 Julie 2013. J. H. Smit Prokureur, NBS Gebou, 2de Vloer, Merrimanlaan, Posbus 3491, Vereeniging, 1930.
237431/201—Botha, Johann Daniel, 1939-11-09, 3911090680081, 61 Fairview Sanlam Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria,
2013-12-11. Weavind & Weavind Inc., PO Box 34, Pretoria.
23417/14—Nel, Endrietta Wilhelmina, 12/05/1924, 2405120059083, AD Care Group, Cura Laan, Equestria, Pretoria,
18/05/2014. Stiaan Bekker, 646 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria.
22678/14—Snyman, Gerrit Johannes, 31/10/1941, 4110315010085, Unit 2, Marble Hall Rusoord, Marble Hall,
04/02/2014. Stiaan Bekker, 646 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria.
13532/2013—Moola, Mia Mahomed Hoosain, 1936-09-25, 3609255098084, 342 Marble Street, Laudium, Pretoria,
2013-08-22. Nazeera Moola, cnr Dey and Bronkhorst Streets, Brooklyn, Pretoria.
29543/2011—Du Preez, Henry Johannes Michael du Preez, 24 January 1943, 4301245043086, 10 Tramway Street,
Turffontein, Johannesburg, 13 January 2011; Gwendoline Joyce du Preez, 26 June 1949, 4906250051085. Saunders Venter
van der Watt, P.O. Box 569, Somerset West, 7129.
024353/2014—Almond, Susan, 1952-06-03, 5206030180184, 1027 Regatte Road, Henley On Klip, 2014-04-18. Edward
Gordon Almond, 1953-10-06, 5310065190181. Loubser & Greyling, 59 HF Verwoerd Street, Heidelberg, Gauteng.
9374/2013—Van Zyl, Maria Magdalena, 1946-11-30, 4611300013083, 19 Kameeldoringlaan, Overkruin, Heidelberg,
Gauteng, 2013-03-15. Loubser & Greyling, 59 HF Verwoerd Street, Heidelberg, Gauteng.
4857/2014—Tshabalala, Ngkobokobo Harrismith, 1948-08-05, 4808055246088, Farm Mount Arabel No. 383 IR,
Heidelberg, Gauteng, 2013-12-23; Thandiwe Leah Ntshingila, 1953-01-19, 5301190195088. Loubser & Greyling, 59 HF
Verwoerd Street, Heidelberg, Gauteng.
9374/2013—Van Zyl, Maria Magdalena, 1946-11-30, 4611300013083, 19 Kameeldoringlaan, Overkruin, Heidelberg,
Gauteng, 2013-03-15. Loubser & Greyling, 59 HF Verwoerd Street, Heidelberg, Gauteng.
024353/2014—Almond, Susan, 1952-06-03, 5206030180184, 1027 Regatte Road, Henley On Klip, 2014-04-18. Edward
Gordon Almond, 1953-10-06, 5310065190181. Loubser & Greyling, 59 HF Verwoerd Street, Heidelberg, Gauteng.
4857/2014—Tshabalala, Ngkobokobo Harrismith, 1948-08-05, 4808055246088, Farm Mount Arabel No. 383 IR,
Heidelberg, Gauteng, 2013-12-23; Thandiwe Leah Ntshingila, 1953-01-19, 5301190195088. Loubser & Greyling, 59 HF
Verwoerd Street, Heidelberg, Gauteng.
24002/2014—Nkosana Elphas Mnisi, 6903255616087, Standerton, 7 Junie 2014. HJ Langeveldt, Langeveldt & Nel
Prokureurs, Mbonani Mayisela Straat 16, Standerton, 2430. 30 dae.
25549/2014—Semenya, Makwena Milford, 1984-06-28, 8406285758084, Erf No. 3680 Clayville, Extension 33,
2014-06-17. Motimele Inc, 304 Rentbel Towers, Bureau Lane, Pretoria.
15049/08—Matotoka, Victor Masoga, 1964-01-04, 6401045895087, 2614 Hospital Hill, Ext 6, Thembisa, 28 August 2008;
Bellah Kgomotso Matotoka, 1970-01-12, 7010120405081. Derrocks Attorneys, P.O. Box 38048, Booysens, 2016.
3903/2014—Nkatha, Alfred Mantepho, 1980/10/07, 7804045395082, 4073 Roodekop Ext 21 Township, 30 November
2013; Mathota Ivy Mononyane, 1980/10/07, 8010070535084. Derrocks Attorneys, PO Box 38048, Booysens.
025913/2014—Dzingwe, Mzuhleli, 1962/01/14, 6201145954085, 91 Libya Drive, Welgedacht, Springs, 14 June 2014;
Ntombi Nancy Dzingwe, 1972/05/05, 7205052236088. Derrocks Attorneys, P.O. Box 38048, Booysens.
23678/2014—Makhetha, Ramanyatse Ephraih, 04/08/1926, 2608045153085, 5 Antelope Avenue, Leondale, Germiston,
South Africa, 25 November 2013; Perpetua Perry, Nkoana-Makhetha, 02/11/1935, 3511020168087. C.V. Chake Attorneys, 25
Antelope Avenue, Leondale, 1401. 30 days.
021028/2014—Ngoma, Jack Nobidinga, 05/11/1958, 5811055486083, 1 Willow Way, Kelvin Way, Kelvin, Johannesburg,
17/04/2014. F Nzama Attorneys, 21st Floor, Carlton Centre, 150 Commissioner St, Johannesburg.
027062/2014—Magagula, Suzan Vangile, 1950/10/28, 5010280749080, 53 Mehlulo Str, Ewangweni Tship, 22 May 2014;
Bafana Johannes Magagula, 5001085154086. Derrocks Attorneys, P.O. Box 38048, Booysens.
23467/2014—Madlanga, Pacelina Nonyamezelo, 1950-11-08, 501108581087, 3635 Greenvillage, P.O. Tshiawelo, 1818,
20 February 2002. A G Mulaudzi Attorneys, 132 Mathomo House, Fox Street, Johannesburg.
6727/2011—Khoza, Edith, 1954/05/31, 5405310692088, 3363/30 Thulandivile Street, Kagiso, 18 March 2010. Sipho
Mafuyeka, 107 Schindler House, 459 Leyds Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria.
19605/2013—Xakatha, Sipho Given, 24 October 1970, 7010245843083, 4241 Kaalfontein, Extension 11, Kaalfontein,
Midrand, 23 July 2013; Mary Khuki Mabalane Xakatha, 16 May 1978, 7805160634080. Mokuena Attorneys, 268 Jubilee
Avenue, Halfway House, Midrand.

This gazette is also available free online at


29412/2013—Kollias, Elias, 19410516, 4105165061089, Unit 26, Lake Grace, Marguerite Rd, Primrose, 1401,
2013-05-01. Selwyn Stanley Cohen, 14 Nugget Street, City Suburban, Johannesburg.
027647/2014—Moshimane, Agnes Mampho, 12-04-1921, 2104120163081, 540 Ndlovu Street, Dube Village, Soweto,
Gauteng, 14-05-2014. Kgokong Nameng Tumagole Inc, 60 Riviera Road, 2nd Floor, Suite 228, Killarney Mall.
27360/2014—McKenzie Alette Francina, 1932-05-04, 3205040024087, 52 Victoria Street, Rosettenville, Johannesburg,
2014-01-10. Charles McKenzie, 52 Victoria Street, Rosettenville, Johannesburg.
23489/2014—Chibase, Mzingane Zacharia, 8 June 1999, 5506085379080, 6140 Zone 12 Ext, Sebokeng, Vanderbijlpark,
1911, 16 August 2013. Nelson Borman and Partners Inc, PO Box 21, Cresta, 2118.
22875/2014—Mall, Suliman Ebrahim, 1928-04-10, 2804105065083, 112 Sunbird Avenue, Extension 1, Lenasia,
2013-09-09. Mohamed Feizul Mall, 53 Partridge Avenue, Extension 1, Lenasia. 30 days.
30376/2013—Jones, Ingrid Hope, 1947-08-23, 4708230076089, 21 Greeff Street, Eden Glen, Johannesburg, Gauteng.
Kaveer Soni Attorneys, 1 The Avenue Corner, Henrietta Road, Norwood, Johannesburg, 2192.
23736/2014—Lekgema Francis, 24-05-1903, 030524, 1428 Pioneer Street, Dube, Soweto, 13 June 1983. J Mokonyane
Inc., 367 Oak Avenue, 1st Floor, East Block, Randburg.
027934/2014—Giyose, Mzuphela Purvis, 2014-12-20, 4412205354080, 8034B Tshalo Street, Zone 6, Pimville,
2010-02-08; Koleka Riena Giyose, 1948-04-07, 4804070625083. CV Chake Attorneys, 25 Antelope Avenue, Leondale, 1401.
30 days.
25441/2014—Russel, Michael John, 1946-12-31, 4612315170181, 18 Eldorado Agricultural Holdings, Tarlton,
2014-05-17. Andre Christo du Toit, 208 Barry Herzog Ave, Greenside, 2193.
027966/2014—Mohlala, Michael Radipodi, 31-10-1958, 5810315802089, 53 Concorde Cresent, Crystal Park, Benoni,
28-06-2014; Feelang Dina Mohlala, 01/04/1974, 7404010301080. M. L. Mateme Inc, PO Box 2105, Benoni.
006551/2014—Ndawonde, Sydwell, 16-09-1966, 6609165354087, 5340 Hlokozi Street, Daveyton, 08-03-2014; Monica
Mhlongo, 10-12-1982, 8212100674087. M. L. Mateme Inc, PO Box 2105, Benoni.
027830/2014—Kitleli, Batho Sechaba Ishmael, 21 December 1941, 4112215418087, 9 Klip Street, Observatory,
Johannesburg, 2192, 24 June 2014. Lesley Maman, 23 Woodridge, 3 Tempest Road, Morningside, Sandton, 2196.
22486/2014—Biddulph, William Burnett, 15 January 1939, 3901155030089, 4 Jack Hindon Street, Middelburg,
Mpumalanga, 14 April 2014. Mr Lotter, c/o Tonkin Clacey Attorneys, 24 Baker Street, Rosebank, 2196.
025024/2014—Nyakale, Dorcas Sophie, 10-06-1970, 7006100436089, 22 Lebombo Street, Eastvale, Springs, 1560.
Malepe Attorneys, P.O. Box 3530, Springs, 1560.
025761/2014—Khumalo, Nomvula Kate, 01-01-1951, 5101010882083, 3898 Ntyangase Street, Tsakane, 1550. Malepe
Attorneys, P.O. Box 3530, Springs, 1560.
26960/2014—Kekalainen, June Ellen, 28/06/1952, 5206280107085, 23 9th Street, Delarey, 2014/05/23. Richard F Reed
Attorneys, 1 Penelope Avenue, cnr Garden Road, Florida North.
24766/2014—Boogerd, Petronella Geetruida Cornelia Maria, 1922-10-19, 2210190039183, 51 Waterval Village,
Hendrik Potgieter Road, Florida Glen, 2014-05-14; Wilhelmus Andreus Boogerd, 1921-01-21, 2101215013180. Dale Barratt,
PO Box 1388, Strubensvalley, 1735. 30 days.
21185/2013—Dlamini, Thembelihle Alcas, 1956-10-10, 5610105958087, 24939 Zone 4, Diepkloof, Soweto, 30 July 2013;
Lulama Patricia Aplen, 1967-06-07, 6706070079088. Lulama Patricia Aplen, No. 24939, Zone 4, Diepkloof, Soweto.
006256/2014—Moatshe, Sebokwana Francina, 1939-04-06, 3904060320082, 25 Sanders Road, Meadowlands, Soweto,
05-12-2013. OTM Attorneys, Office 606, 6th Floor, Market Street, Johannesburg.
027362/2014—Hellet, Lilian, 1931-11-05, 3111050026089, Unit 1, Oxford Garden, 188 Oxford Road, Illovo,
Johannesburg, 2190, 2014-02-13. RSM Betty & Dickson, PO Box 1734, Randburg, 2125.
24519/2014—Molefe, Odirile Lucius, 1972-07-16, 7207165994082, 97 Liburi Complex, Savannah Country Estate,
Pretoria East, 2014-05-13; Lydia Mmakwena Molefe, 03-02-1975, 7502030678088. L. M. Molefe, c/o Serokolo Attorneys,
P.O. Box 11706, Hatfield, 0028.
14111/2010—Wall, Heidrun Gerda, 1944-02-07, 4402070424183, 15 Eighth Street, Parkhurst, Johannesburg,
2008-11-15. Werner Peter Kohler, PO Box 33611, Jeppestown, 2043.
4531/2011—Xulu, Thoko Martha, 11/10/1958, 5810110818082, 156 Maseru Crescent, Isiphetweni, 9 March 2009.
Serokolo Attorneys, P.O. Box 11706, Hatfield, 0028.
27555/2014—Conradie, Maureen Elspeth, 1937-06-28, 3706280035089, 23 Wyvenhoek Gardens, 110 Sunny Road,
Lakefield Ext 18, Benoni, 2014-05-25. Tuckers Incorporated, 84 Trichardts Road, Ravenswood, Boksburg, 1460.
07113/2014—Morare, Releabetswe Aitken, 1933-04-03, 3304035171084, 16 Leeukop Avenue, Eastvale, 2013-07-03.
Mbusi Hamlin Radebe, 31 Princess of Wales Street, Parktown, Johannesburg.
026929/2014—Sepepane, Maphielo Lucy, 1952-06-15, 5206150644084, Stand 192, Zone 13, Sebokeng, 2012-11-20.
Ismail Vally Attorneys, PO Box 10517, Extension 8, Lenasia, 1821.
021804/2014—Pitse, Ntopi Louisa, 09/01/1939, 3901090318086, 1429B Meadowlands, Zone 09, 07/11/2013; Segole
Johannes Pitse, 08/08/1935, 3508085250081. M. T. Maluleke Attorneys, 28 Rex Street, Roodepoort, 1724.
025945/2014—Dalasile, Ntsikelelo Douglas, 23/06/1954, 5406235160086, No. 10644/86, Dobsonville Extension 3,
30/05/2014; Lindiwe Pearl Dalasile, 12/06/1974, 7406120991080. M. T. Maluleke Attorneys, 28 Rex Street, Roodepoort, 1724.
025947/2014—Khumalo, Khan David, 05/02/1960, 6002055740088, No. 1902 Khartoun Street, Tshepisong, Phase 05,
08/04/2012; Dipuo Lizbeth Lenong, 28/11/1963, 6311280711081. M. T. Maluleke Attorneys, 28 Rex Street, Roodepoort.

This gazette is also available free online at


003937/2014—Majola, Samuel, 20/09/1955, 5509205739084, No. 5959, Dornkop, Extension 02, 29/07/2013; Johannah
Philipine Sibongile Majola, 15/01/1966, 6601150323086. M. T. Maluleke Attorneys, 28 Rex Street, Roodepoort.
028550/2014—Van Blerk, Hermanus Casparus, 1948-02-29, 4802295552082, 24 Redshank Street, Florida Lake,
Roodepoort, 1709, 2014-06-30; widower. Nolan van Blerk, 7 Groenhof Ave, Northcliff, Ext. 19, Roodepoort, 1709.
027351/2014—Francis, Hadley James, 24 December 1969, 6912245239082, 23 M10 Palazzo, Nanyuki Road,
Sunninghill, Johannesburg, 11 January 2014. Eugene Dominic Daniel Francis, 115 Grammer Street, Malbar, Port Elizabeth.
26721/2014—Sinclair-Thomson, Annie Marguerite, 1925-12-13, 2512130048087, Unit C27, Summerfield Park, Carlton
Street, Jukskeipark, 2014-05-06. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, Johannesburg, 2132.
26767/2014—Stephen, Douglas William, 1945-02-22, 4502225066084, 14 Borne Bush Street, Krugersdorp West, 1739,
2014-04-14. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, Johannesburg, 2132.
27819/2014—Innes, Peter, 1942-10-08, 4210085051085, 19 Van Heerden Street, Randhart, Alberton, 2014-05-06. FNB
Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
2332/2013—Ramjee, Javer, 1931-04-15, 3104150064084, 276 Olivine Street, Laudium, 2012-08-14. Balwantrai Ramjee,
Muthray Hassim Inc, No. 7 Vindhella Road, Valhalla, 0185. 30 days.
27221/2014—Dadabhay, Zaffar Hamied, 1959-10-22, 5910225135081, Villa No. 7, Al Wahbi Building, Al-Sofouh, Dubai,
UAE, 2013-11-22. Dockrat Jassat Attorneys, 3rd Floor, Medpark Building, cnr Joubert and Beaconsfield Ave, Vereeniging.
3655/2012—Karan, Sadia, 1955-01-24, 5501240014086, 15 Kabul Avenue, Roshnee, 1936, 2011-09-15. Dockrat Jassat
Attorneys, 3rd Floor, Medpark Building, cnr Joubert and Beaconsfield Ave, Vereeniging.
15583/2006—Ngcobo, Elphas Bhekani, 1966-04-02, 6604025434088, 76 Banato Street, Berea, 13 March 2006;
Thandiwe Joyce Ngcobo, 1967-08-18, 6708180677082. Derrocks Attorneys, P.O. Box 38048, Booysens, 2016.
26746/2014—Choma, Morokane Mance, 1967-01-01, 6701017078087, 45 Buckingham Road, Kensington,
Johannesburg, 2094, 2014-03-23. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, Johannesburg, 2132.
027224/2014—Hosking, Elizabeth Anne Winifred Hosking, 18-10-1940, 4010180118189, 28 Sunnyside Road, Gardens,
Johannesburg, 2192, 30-05-2014. BDO Wealth Advisers (Pty) Ltd, Private Bag X60500, Houghton, 2041.
23616/2014—Botha, Stephen, 25-02-1954, 5402255134085, St Peters Garden Estate, Flat A2, Garsfontein, Pretoria,
11-06-2014. BDO Wealth Advisers (Pty) Ltd, Private Bag X60500, Houghton, 2041.
025013/2014—Mathews, Malehuma Rebecca, 1922-07-21, 2207210154083, 104 Maseko Street, Orlando West, 1804,
2014-04-12. Barbara Lephina Manthata, Jose & Associates, 62 Marshall, Khotso House.
026770/2014—Mathabela, Zandile Gloria, 1984-09-14, 8409140830089, 11 Maple Road, Pomona Ext. 97, Kempton Park,
1 June 2014; Mthandeni Mathabela, 1985-04-05, 8504055724085. Mthandeni Mathabela, Jose & Associates, 105 Khotso
House, 62 Marshall Street. 31 days.
026158/2014—Gounden, Jagnathan, 1959-01-05, 5901055176089, 2 Buckthorn Road, Palm Ridge, 26-01-2014.
Moganam Bal Gounden, 1961-06-11, 6106110674081. Moganam Bal Gounden, Jose & Associates, 105 Khotso House, 62
Marshall Street. 31 days.
31344/2011—Hoss, Elsie Susanna Cecilia Hoss, 5 May 1955, 5505050202087, 24 Link South Street, Triomf, 9 January
2011; Johann Hoss, 30 November 1948, 481130515188. C/o JJ Viljoen Attorneys, PO Box 73671, Fairland, 2030.
3610/2011—Peens, Johann Cornelius, 1942-10-04, 4210045024081, 125 Aarde Street, Fochville, 2010-05-17; Louise
Ann Peens, 4210045024081. Protax Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, 48 Arbroath Road, Bedfordview, 2007. 30 days.
025038/2014—Odu, Kelechi John, 1964-03-02, 6403205614084, 15 Edwardain Street, Klipoortjies AL, 3 May 2014;
Felleng Priscilla Odu, 1982-04-25, 8204250812088. Felleng Priscilla Odu, Josè & Associates, 105 Khotso House, 62 Marshall
Street. 31 days.
8144/2014—Malakeng, Jan, 1943-08-20, 4308205285086, 399 Phooko Section, Katlehong, 10-11-2013. Lettie Malakeng,
Jose & Associates, 105 Khotso House, 62 Marshall Street. 31 days.
22560/2013—Shibambo, George Sibitso, 1956-01-22, 5601225761089, 465 Daffodil Street, Klipspruit Extension 2,
Pimville, Soweto, 5 January 2010 (spouse deceased). Rabia Sayed Attorneys, 4 Phoenix Street, Kensington, Johannesburg.
5706/2014—Sogoni, Ntomboxolo Beauty, 1959-06-28, 5906280774087, Stand 2670, Spruitview Township,
17 February 2014; Viwe Vuyani Sogoni, 1958-02-22, 5802225991086. Derrocks Attorneys, PO Box 38048, Booysens, 2016.
22475/2014—Morgan, Elizabeth, 1940-04-19, 4004190110088, 31 Abram Andrews Road, Eldoradopark, 2012-08-01.
Delia Kruger, 92 Totius Street, Poortview, Roodepoort, 1724.
0243922014—Greathead, Jennifer Lynn, 1958-03-08, 5803080068085, 19 Bear Park, Rocky Place, Corlett Gardens
Ext. 1, 2090, 2014-04-26. Sandra Dawn van Esch, 18 Farrargate, 2 St Francis Road, St Andrews, 2007. 30 days.
19227/2011—Sekwati, Thembeni Jaqueline, 6506100379080, Stand 6659, Ennerdale Ext. 2, 17 July 2011. Derrocks
Attorneys, PO Box 38048, Booysens, 2016.
14927/2013—Julyan, Tyler Wiles, 1981-05-15, 8105155174088, 64 Norfolk Road, Carlswald, Midrand, 2013-03-28.
Schindlers Attorneys, 2nd Floor, 3 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg. 21 days.
024306/2014—Kunene, Fihlile Merriam, 1954-05-19, 5405190693081, 6611 Zone 12, Sebokeng, 13 April 2014. Molefi
Peter Ramotsehoa, Ramolao Ramotsehoa Attorneys, 47 Beaconsfield Avenue, cnr Edward Street, Vereeniging. 30 days.
28154/2014—Mayekiso, Nakanye Nada, 1936-01-16, 3601160196087, 7667 Lembede Street, Orlando, Johannesburg,
2014-01-16. Mpumelelo J Tshume, 19 Bay Beach Avenue, Sunset Beach, Milnerton, Cape Town.
30899/2010—Pule, Molatlhwa Phanuel, 1953-06-22, 5306225691084, Stand 13417, Meadowlands Zone 8,
20 November 2010; Angela Pule, 1966-10-19, 6610190358085. Derrocks Attorneys, PO Box 38048, Booysens, 2016.
25348/2014—Finney, Colin, 1946-08-19, 4608195038084, 132 Third Avenue, Edenvale, Johannesburg, Gauteng,
2014-04-25; Susan Pamela Finney, 1949-05-17, 4905170069088. Susan Pamela Finney, Unit 8, Townsend Office Park,
1 Townshend Road, Bedfordview. 30 days.

This gazette is also available free online at


28647/2011—Gwebu, Juju Moses, 1946-02-19, 4602195311088, 491 Tlamatlama Section, Tembisa, 2011-09-26. Dabede
Robert Gwebu, 958 Mthabeka Section, Tembisa. 30 days.
027505/2014—Ngobeni, Fana Johannes, 1949-07-03, 4907035293085, 282 Letsiakarana Street, 596 Tsenolong,
2014-01-23; Ngobeni Hlamalani Lina, 1954-07-27, 5407270498084. Ngobeni Hlamalani Lina, 282 Letsiakarana Street,
596 Tsenolong. 30 days.
25542/2014—Johnson, Ebrahim, 1947-09-19, 4709195190089, Verdelaan 16, 484 Mid Ennerdale, Odin Park, 1825,
2014-04-21. Page Angela Magdelene, 39 Siderlite Crescent Extension 8, Ennerdale, 1830. 30 days.
027234/2014—Scheepers, Jacobus James, 1936-05-25, 3605255094081, 430 - 2 First Ave., Mid-Ennerdale, 1830,
2009-09-07. Scheeprs Kurt Michael, 430 – 2 First Ave., Mid-Ennerdale, 1830. 30 days.
27144/2014—Thipe, Kwena Alfred, 1930-04-03, 3004035098085, 3551 Ngubo Road, Vosloorus, 2010-03-08. Thipe
Ramasohana Derick, 3531 Ngubo Road, Vosloorus. 30 days.
028570/2014—Tsotetsi Tsietsi Tsotetsi Absalom, 1962-05-23, 6205235708087, 867 Umhlolo Street Extension 005,
Ponong, Vosloorus, 2014-06-17. Tsotetsi Mpho Johannes, 9188 Extension 20, Vosloorus. 30 days.
32627/2012—Mthabela, Ephraim Funda Kwezakhe, 1966-01-13, 6601135518081, 2612 Chilly Street, Unreg Villa Liza
Extension 2, Vosloorus, 2012-07-21; Nzuza Wandile Perfect, 1945-10-22. 30 days.
18421/2009—Masupa, Tseliso Simon, 1944-08-26, 4408265281080, 2044 Right Road, Evaton, 2009-04-09; Masupa
Matshediso Lucia, 1945-10-22, 4510220351088. Masupa Matshediso Licia, 2044, Right Road, Evaton. 30 days.
0217242014—Cohen, Moses Harry, 1965-12-08, 6512085162087, 76 Keycourt, Waterdall, Newlands, 2014-02-11.
Richard Meaden & Ass., 1 Townsend Road Unit 08, Townsend Office Park, Bedfordview.
25601/208—Smit, Monica, 1945-11-03, 4511030061081, 70 Fiskal Street, Helikon Park, Randfontein, 1760, 2008-10-31.
Sivu Shongwe Attorneys, PO Box 61855, Marshalltown, 2107.
0292812013—Tsotetsi, Jonas Rallate, 1964-02-12, 6402125317083, 20214 Zone 14, Sebokeng, 1983; Nomvula Joyce
Nhlapo, 1972-08-27, 7208270415088. Seleka Attorneys, PO Box 61432, Marshalltown, 2107.
027847/2014—Nthinya, Limakatso Julia, 1937-10-11, 3710110115087, Stand 14046, Balemi Street, Zone 11, Sebokeng,
2014-02-07. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Jhb; PO Box 61726, Marshalltown,
28288/2014—Msibi, Zandile Christina, 1960-06-17, 6006170405089, 3833 Democracy Street, Chloorkop Ext. 53,
2014-01-06. Andrew Lishivha Inc., Attorney & Conveyancers, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Jhb; PO Box
61726, Marshalltown, 2107.
5989/2013—Mthembu, Florina Univel Lungile, 1959-01-26, 5901260737089, 262 Modumela Street Ext. 5, Spruitview,
Boksburg, 1475, 2013-03-04. Sicelo Mngomezulu, CHSM Incorporated Attorneys, PO Box 585, Celtis Ridge, 0130.
020724/2014—Maluleke, Sarah Lindiwe, 1961-01-22, 6101220446082, PO Box 562, Thulamahashe, 1365, 2014-03-29;
Charles Maluleke, 1962-04-07, 6204075768087. Mthembu Nkuna Attorneys, Suite 201, 2nd Floor, Mutual Place Building,
PO Box 452, Nelspruit, 1200.
20457/2014—Pistorius, Georg Frederik Theodor, 1958-03-21, 5803215069081, Goudstraat 17, Lydeenburg,
Mpumalanga, 2014-01-30. Marius Bernardus Calit, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 30 days.
20892/2014—Mwamwetta, Mussa Rashid, 1953-10-28, 5310285164081, Waterberry Country Estate, Plot 289, House 11,
White River, 2014-04-29. Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 30 days.
20543/2014—Myburgh, Andre Johan, 9 January 1956, 5601095077087, 43 Kelkiewyn Street, Nelspruit, 1201, 25 April
2014; Susarah Magdalena Myburgh, 7 June 1957 5706070062085. J E Bezuidenhout, c/o Kruger and Partners Inc.,
PO Box 181, Nelspruit, 1200.
20896/2014—Smit, Jacobus Albertus, 1944-03-21, 4403215005085, 10 Mark Street, Graskop, 1270, 2014-04-12;
Isabella Elizabeth Smit, 1946-02-04, 4602040002080. Linda Bode, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
2202/2013—Mdluli, Mtomane Negro, 1949-05-08, 4905085434088, Stand No. 3841, Kanyamazane Township,
2013-11-14; Emma Nyatha Mdluli, 1972-05-12, 7205120477086. Emma Mdluli, Stand No. 3841, Kanyamazane Township.
024327/14—Ferguson, Cynthia Winifred, 1937-01-12, 3701120049085, Willow Haven Retirement Village, Frail Care
Unit, 139 Harte Street, DI, 2014-06-22. The Standard Bank of South Africa, Standard Trust, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.
30 days.
16021/2013—Sherratt, Esmé Sybil, 19 January 1929, 2901190043080, Sherwood House, Sherwood Road, Kenilworth,
Cape Town, 2 August 2013. Prudence Louise Sherratt, 35 Old Kilcullen Road, Bryanston, Gauteng, 2191.
9494/2013—Du Preez, Hendrik Daniel Francois, 1975-08-12, 7508125030085, 45 Walden Crescent, Rietvalleirand,
Pretoria, 2013-06-03; Shantelle du Preez, 1977-06-30, 7706300252082. Shantelle du Preez, 45 Walden Crescent,
Rietvalleirand, Pretoria. 30 days.
16021/2013—Sherratt, Esmé Sybil, 19 January 1929, 2901190043080, Sherwood House, Sherwood Road, Kenilworth,
Cape Town, 2 August 2013. Prudence Louise Sherratt, 35 Old Kilcullen Road, Bryanston, Gauteng, 2191.
24372/2014—Buys, Dennis Wilma, 1935-06-28, 3506285030089, De Camdeboo No. 18, Swartstraat 62, Eldroraigne X3,
Centurion, 2014-05-28. Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150. Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.
24372/2014—Buys, Dennis Wilma, 1935-06-28, 3506285030089, De Camdeboo No. 18, Swartstraat 62, Eldoraigne X3,
Centurion, 2014-05-28. Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.
7112/2011—Curtis, Muriel Jean Parker, 1923-11-21, Kingston Up Thames, United Kingdom, 2008-10-07. Austen Smith,
PO Box 37, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days.
11483/2013—Vrey, Jeremia Daniël, 1957-06-28, 5706285046089, 19 Silwer Street, Lyttelton Manor X11, Centurion,
Pretoria, 2013-06-27; Mariëtte van der Merwe, 1966-05-28, 6605280112087. Maria Emmarentia Louisa Oberholzer,
340 Avenue, Villieria, Pretoria, 0084.
5338/2014—Ferreira, Anna Catharina Maria, 1929-04-10, 2904100005081, Weskus Buffaloweg 254, Hennops Park,
2013-11-25. Old Mutual Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324.
5338/2014—Buthelezi, Elizabeth, 1951-10-01, 51100106680082, 116 Vukani Street, Emdeni North, 1861, 2013-12-24.
Nedgroup Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324.

This gazette is also available free online at


26836/2014—Mguli, Glayton Mbuyiselo, 1962-08-24, 6208245473080, 9173 Manetsi Street, Dobsonville Extension 3,
1863, 2011-09-26; Grace Thabo Mguli, 1965-04-29, 6504290468086. Ramsamy Segogoba Inc., 85 Mimosa Street, Roodepoort,
Helderkruin, 1740.
11699/10—Van Wyk, Jacobus Petrus, 1953-02-19, 5302195015081, 874 Tiptol Street, Silverton Ext. 5, Pretoria, 0184,
2010-05-09. Corlia van Wyk, 874 Tiptol Street, Silverton Ext. 5, Pretoria, 0184.
25938/2014—Willemse, Anna Johanna, 1949-12-07, 4912070599081, 6 De Forest Street, CW5, Vanderbijlpark,
Gauteng, 2014-04-11. Louis Werner van Wyk, Block 3, Orwell Park, 4 Orwell Avenue, Three Rivers, Vereeniging.
25938/2014—Willemse, Anna Johanna, 1949-12-07, 4912070599081, 6 De Forest Street, CW5, Vanderbijlpark,
Gauteng, 2014-04-11. Louis Werner van Wyk, Block 3, Orwell Park, 4 Orwell, Avenue, Three Rivers, Vereeniging.
23403/2014—Greyvenstein, Petitia Christine Dawn Dobrilla, 1929-03-31, 2903310006088, Kingswood Retirement
Village, Menlyn, Pretoria, 2014-03-04. Johann Jacobs, 11 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town, 8001.
24410/2014—Upton, Eileen Mary, 1919-09-24, 1909240030081, 2N Kronendal, Pretoria Street, Arcadia, Pretoria,
2014-06-19. Alexander Dose, 11 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town, 8001.
274/2014—Devlin, Robina Mary, 1942-07-23, 4207230015080, 2 Rose Haven, Willow Place, Hurlingham Gardens,
Sandton, 2013-11-04. PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd, 296 Glenwood Road, Lynnwood Park.
026978/2014—Nisbet, Allen Morton, 1935-01-22, 3501225017080, 38 - 2nd Avenue, Northmead, Benoni, 1501,
2014-05-27. Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
Pretorius, Mathys Maghiel James, 1943-06-11, 4306115004084, 40 Olivine Avenue, Randhart, Alberton, 2014-06-30;
Maryna Pretorius, 1946-08-24, 4608240002085. APS Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 100868, Moreleta Plaza, 0167.
18164/2012—Tube, Ntlope Theodore Clarence, 1949-01-09, 4901095626086, 102 Mellish Street, Danville, 2011-03-03;
Matikiti Anna Tube, 1951-06-23, 5106230170086. Malefo Attorneys, 310 Savelkous Building, cnr Pretorius & Paul Kruger,
22494/2014—Paulsen, Bertie Frank, 1943-09-16, 4309165148082, 204 Xalpak, Lynnwood, Pretoria; Posbus 75266,
Lynnwood Ridge, 0040, 31-07-2013, geskei. René Visagie Rautenbach & Van Niekerk, Posbus 75266, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040.
444/2004—Smith, Ronald Peter, 17-11-1944, 4411175130082, 161 Cavel Davies Street, Eersterust, Pretoria,
5 September 2003. M N Moabi Attorneys, PO Box 235, Mamelodi West. 30 days.
4988/2013—Habile, Nomasonto Annah, 17-07-1955, 5507170755085, 7792 Section P, Mamelodi West, Pretoria,
25 March 2013. M N Moabi Attorneys, PO Box 235, Mamelodi West. 30 days.
3816/2014—Rath, Mercia Agatha, 1932-07-24, 3207240066082, B30 Kingswood Village Estate, Newlands, Pretoria,
Gauteng, 13 December 2013. Pierre Marais, Potgieter-Marais Attorneys, 1019 Francis Baard Street, Hatfield, Pretoria. 30 days.
16579/2007—Mkwanazi, Emelina Zihlalele, 4 March 1928, 2803040157088, 43 Dr Kwame, Nkrumah Street,
Umthambeka, Tembisa, 1632, 23 April 2007. M G Willemse Attorneys, McKenzie van der Merwe & Willemse, PO Box 2004,
Kempton Park, 1620.
27279/2014—Greeff, Elsie Andrika Jacoba Greeff, 4 June 1923, 2306040022088, 13 Bothana Street, Glen Marais,
Kempton Park, 1619, 13 June 2014. M G Willemse Attorneys, McKenzie van der Merwe & Willemse, PO Box 2004, Kempton
Park, 1620.
18986/2013—Mthombeni, Ntsima Stephans, 1949-02-23, 4902235212084, Erf 3023, Mamelodi, 2012-09-13; Elizabeth
Dorothea Mthombeni, 1949-11-06, 4911060227083. Louise Ellis, Building 6, Lyttelton Office Park, Centurion. 30 days.
20646/2014—Andree Lilia Gove, 2304040022083, 9 April 2014. Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson, PO Box 1003,
Pretoria, 0001. 30 days.
7989/2013—Milne, Susanna Elizabeth, 1966-05-12, 6605120104088, 36B Virginia Street, Amberfield Glen, Reddersburg
Road, Centurion, 2013-04-19; Neil Alexander Milne, 1970-04-09, 7004095023086. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited,
Ground, Hillcrest Office Park, cnr Lynnwood & Dyer Roads, Lynnwood. 30 days.
3990/2014—Badenhorst, Lourens Gerhardus, 1922-12-04, 2212045047080, Wonderboomweg 21, Weltevredenpark
Uitbr. 9, Florida, 1709, 2013-12-12. Pieter Steenkamp, p/a Peritus Trust Boedel Dienste, Posbus 593, Montagu, 6720.
7112/2011—Curtis, Muriel Jean Parker, 1923-11-21, Kingston Up Thames, United Kingdom, 2008-10-07. Austen Smith,
PO Box 37 Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days.
020574/2014—Thandekile Lovedalia Mashigo, 1952-06-25, 5206250879085, Stand Number 3702, Kanyamazane,
Mpumalanga Province, 15 October 2010. Singwane & Partners Attorneys, Unit 4, Ground Floor, Belmont Villas Building,
36 Louis Trichardt Street, Nelspruit; PO Box 168, Nelspruit, 1200. 30 days.
235/12—Thobela, Fanyana William, 1965-04-22, 6504225279087, 1423 Quartel Street, White River X13, 2011-10-20.
Ndumiso Seelan Thobela, Stand No. 1423, Kwarter Street, Hillsview, White River.
671/2014—Kotze, Hendrina Johanna, 1929-07-24, 2907240001085, 2 Umtata Road, Benoni, 1501, 2014-01-23. Johan
Kotze, Du Toit – Smuts & Mathews, Phosa van Niekerk Street, Nelspruit.
21983/2014—Malan, Heidy, 24 August 1925, 2508240065185, 3 Haven Village, 269 Emmie Hartman Street, Garsfontein,
Pretoria, 4 May 2014. Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
26630/2014—Prince, Herbert Arthur Leonard, 1939-01-10, 3901105036085, 57 Charl Cilliers Avenue, Alberton North,
Alberton, 2009-10-02. T J Botha, PO Box 393, Alberton, 1450. 30 days.
24183/2014—Ncapai, Farant Ndenzeni, 1963-01-04, 6301046012080, 3395 Thokozile Street, Extension 5, Witbank,
1035, 2010-07-15. Simon Tshehla Inc., PO Box 12122, Leraatsfontein, 1038.
7113/2013—Zulu, Thuli Sarah, 1975-07-28, 7507280715084, 29 Palm Vilalge Extension 8, Klipfontein, Witbank, 1035,
2013-03-09. Simon Tshehla Inc., PO Box 12122, Leraatsfontein, 1038.
24217/2014—Sefolo, Bethuel Kaku, 18 December 1966, 6612185810088, 383 Unit 16, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208, 15 November
2013; Winnie Mmaledimo Morolane, 3 March 1969, 6903031894081. Moshate More Attorneys, First Floor, Neo Plaza,
9105 Pilane Street, Zone 1, Ga-Rankuwa.
23530/2014—Ditinti, Rothi Lettie, 23 March 1927, 2703230242080, 507 Block D, Mabopane, 30 March 2014; Malefsane
Elsie Sempara, 25 September 1945, 4509250571086. Moshate More Attorneys, First Floor, Neo Plaza, 9105 Pilane Street,
Zone 1, Ga-Rankuwa.

This gazette is also available free online at


23506/2014—Motloba, Daimane Hezekia, 14 March 1945, 4503140511089, 1327 Block C, Mabopane, 23 January 2014;
Bezile Dorcus Motloba, 27 April 1943, 4304275471086. Moshate More Attorneys, First Floor, Neo Plaza, 9105 Pilane Street,
Zone 1, Ga-Rankuwa.
0263062014—Fick, Daphne Ruth, 11-24-02-21, 2402210040081, 199 St Amant Street, Malvern, Johannesburg, 2094,
2014-05-21. Peter Manfred Fick, 28 Gibson Road, Hurlyvale, 1609, Gauteng.
23986/2014—Booyzen, Petrus Jacobus, 1943-10-07, 431007511308, 73 Smal Street, Silverton, Pretoria, 0184,
16 April 2014. Martiz Smith Attorneys, Infotech Building, Suite 111, 1st Floor, 1090 Arcadia Street, Hatfield.
21455/2014—Yusuf Ebrahim Jaffer,, 1959-01-06, 5501065100085, 330 Frederik Burger Street, Erasmia, 0183,
2014-12-02; Khairoonnisa Jaffer, 1956-03-24, 5603240114088. S S Omar Attorneys, PO Box 4374, Pretoria, 0001.
23533/2011—Van Staden, Cornelius Abraham, 13-02-1925, 2502135034083, 41 Droogvallei, District Carolina, Province
of Mpumalanga, 12-04-2011. Executor, Estate Late C.A. van Straden, Jan Ehlers Attorneys, 421 Braam Pretorius Street,
Magalieskruin, 0150.
23603/2014—Swanepoel, Martha Elisabeth Susanna, 19 May 1927, 2705190044083, 522 Harmonie Hof, Steve Biko
Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 14 April 2014. DLBM Incorporated, PO Box 11132, Hatfield, 0028.
24154/2014—Snyman, Debora Jacoba, 1932-07-20, 3207200003083, 33 St Ave 377, Villieria, Pretoria, 2014-06-23. Ariza
Visser, Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.
24204/2014—Potgieter, Anna Magrietha Aletta, 1931-10-01, 3110010008088, Plot 12, Bashewa, Tiegerpoort, Distrik
Pretoria, 3 June 2014. Hennie Venter Prokureurs, Hoofstraat 22B, Villiers, 9840.
28216/2012—Kgosane, Sephora, 18-12-1948, 4812180577086, House 67A, Morutlhare Street, Meadowlands Zone 3,
Soweto, 16 July 2010. Bossr Attorneys, 11 Mount Ida Road, Robertsham, 2091.
4962/2013—Brand, Ronel, 5 September 1954, 5409050001088, 2 Santie Street, The Reeds Extension 9, Centurion,
11 February 2013; 29 March 1955, 5503295039083. Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
23423/2014—Smit, Johan Diederick, 14 September 1933, 3309145010080, 103 Moerbei Ave., Wonderboom, Pretoria,
21 September 2013; Anna Sophia Smit, 20 May 1935, 3505200007081. Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
23323/2014—Boshoff, Hercules Morkel, 4 March 1970, 7003045223085, 563 Katjiepeering Ave., Doornpoort,
9 November 2013; 25 March 1972, 7203250009084. Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
23391/2014—Myburgh, Petrus Hermanus, 24 June 1949, 4906245043082, 64 Jan Coetzee Street, Jan Niemand Park,
Pretoria, 0186, 26 May 2014; Johanna Martina Myburgh, 23 April 1956, 5604230058087. Nedgroup Trust Limited,
PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
23819/2014—Meyer, Barbara Coral, 26 June 1947, 4706260046089, Cabana Glen, 377 Manitoba Drive, Faerie Glen
Ext. 1, 8 April 2104. Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
23725/2014—Burden, Donovan Michael, 19 October 1955, 5510195228088, Plot Number 5, Kosmos Road, Rynoue,
Pretoria, 4 May 2014. Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
26199/2014—Denise Julie Appolis, 4107110064085, 67 Albertinia Sisulu Road, Bosmont, Johannesburg, 11-07-1941.
Gavin Mostert Attorneys, 112A Boeing Road East, Edenvale; PO Box 368, Bruma, 2026. 30 days.
22558/2011—Casti, Johanna, 1940-09-09, 4009090068088, 306 Mainreef Road, 2011-08-12; Gesuino Casti, 1931-10-07,
3110075023089. Leeuwner Maritz, 992 Fredenharry Road, Strubensvallei.
027689/2014—Keith Grant Collocott, 14 December 1943, 4312145071085, 39 Nederburg Crescent, Hurlingham Manor,
Johannesburg, 28 April 2014. Authorise agent: Lowndes Dlamini Attorneys, 56 Wierda Road East, Wierda Valley, Sandton,
Da Silva, Edward Arthur Jardim, 1940-04-17, 4004175087087, C3 Bellingham Place, Wilson Road, Witfield, Boksburg,
1459, 2014-06-25. Mercantile Bank Limited, PO Box 782699, Sandton, 2146.
027438/2014—Andries de Beer, 14-10-1947, 4710145015087, 12 Mulder Street, Oakland Estate, Brakpan, 1541,
17-05-2014. Standard Trust Limited, c/o Chunilal & Tanna, PO Box 42650, Fordsburg, 2033. 30 days.
11381/2013—Ellis, Karel Gotlieb, 1931-04-25, 3104255009083, Plot 43, Rietfontein-Oos, Pretoria, 2013-06-07; Anna
Catharina Ellis, 1942-11-05, 4211050049088. Arno Paul Louw, 34 Webber Road, Germiston, 1401.
27240/2014—De Beer, Engela Wilhelmina Christina, 20 March 1930, 3003200038082, Westinghouseboulevard 150,
Vanderbijlpark, 1911, 1 May 2014. Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
27547/2014—Gerald Duncan Faulds, 3103125053081, 12 Pamela Avenue, Morehill Benoni, 22-06-2014. Jan L Jordaan
Inc., PO Box 3434, Benoni, 1500. 30 days.
Ferreira, Manuel de Almeida, 1922-04-19, 2204195023185, 131A Luttig Street, Pretoria West, Pretoria, 0183, 2014-06-
14; Delfina Dos Santos Ferreira, 1936-04-14, 3604140078185. Mercantile Bank Ltd, PO Box 782699, Sandton, 2146.
021827/2014—Fletcher, Christina Johanna Sophia, 21 September 1930, 3009210027080, Unit 10, La Vista, Nightingale
Crescent, Rant-en-Dal, Krugersdorp, 4 February 2014. Rupert Gush Inc, PO Box 2845, Houghton, 2041.
23923/2014—Gallichan, Corinne Josephine, 2 November 1941, 4111020072188, 20E Nola Avenue, Buccleuch, 2094, 21
May 2013; Cyril Thomas Gallichan, 2 January 1939, 3901025023082. Snyman De Jager Attorneys, PO Box 8365, Centurion,
24747/2014—Gallon, Judith Berenice, 9 December 1954, 5412090015084, 51 Florida Cabanas, Hull Street, Florida, 2
January 2014. Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.
027026/2014—Anna Catharina Goldberg, 19-06-1944, 4406190041082, 60 Dormehl Street, Brackenhurst, Alberton, 6
April 2014. Frans Johannes Henning, 47 Rae Frankel Street, Brackenhurst, Alberton.
19188/2010—Hobjana, Antonio Vincente, 1969-06-05, 6906056516083, 4966 Kanan Extension 4, Tembisa, 2009-04-16.
Houghton Harper Inc., 14 St John Road, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg.
027486/2014—Margaret Howe, 07-07-1920, 2007070041184, Flower Foundation, Elm Park, Suzzanne Crescent,
Northcliff, 20-04-2012. Ellen Julia Nel, in her capacity as Nominee of Standard Trust Limited, c/o Chunilal & Tanna.
27424/14—Elizabeth Jafta, 17 May 2013, 2811280201086, 362 Dube Township; Dibanisa David Jafta, 2606265236085.
AM Nonyongo & Associates, 6th Floor, Marble Towers, corner Jeppe and Von Weilligh Street, Johannesburg, 2001.

This gazette is also available free online at


027290/2014—Johnson, Lynton Victor, 16 June 1944, 4406195037085, 11 Witgatboom Street, Glen Marais, Kempton
Park, 20 June 2014. 100 Highveld Road, Kempton Park, 1620.
025573/2014—Rensie Jeanetta Johnson, 18-03-1936, 3603180015081, Jafta, 153 Suidklipriviersberg Road, The Hill,
Johannesburg, 2001, 14 February 2014. William van Reenen Valentin, 79 McBride Street, Brackenhurst, Alberton.
13461/2013—Joubert, Elizabeth Magdalena Joubert, 1929-11-09, 2911090028081, Alberton Old Age Home, Raceview,
Alberton, 2013-01-09. Aucamp & Cronje Attorneys, 220 Barry Hertzog Avenue, Greenside, Johannesburg.
28369/2014—Alan Munro Kirkby, 3911035001085, 16 9th Avenue, Northmead, Benoni, 03-04-2014. Jan L Jordaan Inc.,
PO Box 3434, Benoni, 1500. 30 days.
11059/2011—Kiviet, Mino Gloria Disiree, 17 September 1962, 6209170835087, 10049 Eiselen Street, Daveyton, 13
December 2010. Lerato Lavonia Kiviet, c/o B.P. Ndabe Incorporated, 81 Ampthill Avenue, 1st Floor, Central House, Benoni,
16634/2013—Maphepha David Koka, 30-06-1930, 3006305275087, 906 Extension 3, Vosloorus, P.O. Rusloo, 1475, 21-
08-2012; Mamqhibelo Mary Koka, 3609260236083. Mamqhibelo Mary Koka, 906 Extension 3 Vosloorus, P.O. Rusloo, 1475.
28235/2014—Eleonore Sophie Alwine Maack, 8 November 1924, 2411080040188, 14 Maroela, Cedar Avenue West,
Maroeladal, Fourways, 6 March 2014. Hilary Shaw, P.O. Box 1293, Pinegowrie, 2123.
25103/2014—Madloba, Folatha Bella, 1930-01-30, 3001300261083, 21 Djibouti Street, Welomlambo, 2007-11-22.
Anthony Wilton Thinane, 11 Park Street, Bedfordview.
26805/2014—Elizabeth Ketseletso Magaga, ID No. 6802200604083, 5 April 2014; Khosabo Setie Magaga,
6703125592082. Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell Inc., Attorneys for Executor, PO Box 26873, East Rand, 11462. 30 days.
16007/09—Veronica Pumla Masekela, 02-08-1956, 5608020773086, 17 Kingfisher Street, Elspark, Germiston, 26-04-
2009. Kgothatso Puleng Masekela and Tokollo Kgopotso Masekela, c/o Neil Jury Attorneys.
026926/2014—Masina, Tally Benedict, 1968-01-25, 6801255303088, 19 Twomey Drive, Wright Park, Springs, 12-05-
2014; Thembani Mirriam Masina, 1970-06-04, 7006040405086. Kitching Attorneys, 31 Devon Avenue, Dalview, Brakpan. 30
21777/2014—McLaren, Duncan Colin, 2027-08-31, 506570037, 2 Gavonjonay Benimar, 1 Benijofar, 03178, Alicante,
Spain, 2012-01-25. Bregmans Attorneys, Suite 314, 3rd Floor, Office Towers, Killarney Mall, 60 Riviera Road. 30 days.
027967/2014—Meyerowitz, Joy Linda, 18/01/1948, 4801180027184, 3 Dunrovini, cor Piet Joubert & Cilliers Streets,
Monument, Krugersdorp, 14 June 2014. Hillary Sandra Baitz, Box 13056, Dowerglen Ext 7, 1612.
27456/2014—Mitakos, Dimitrios, 1937-02-02, 3702025030188, 7 Norman Road, Bedfordview, 2014-06-25. Phillip
Marinopoulos, 34 Webber Road, Germiston, 1401.
11565/2013—Mitakos, Sophia, 1939-07-20, 3907200026188, 7 Norman Road, Bedfordview, 2010-03-08; Dimitrios
Mitakos, 1937-02-02, 3702025030188. Phillip Marinopoulos, 34 Webber Road, Germiston, 1401.
024595/2014—Mohlala, Molefe Joas, 1962/10/07, 6210075855089, 914 Flamingo Street, Swaneville, 1754, 28/04/2014.
M Nemakanga, 61 Von Brandis Street, Krugersdorp, 1740. M Nemakanga, 61 Von Brandis Street, Krugersdorp, 1740. 30 days.
022738/2014—Moore, Boaz Stephen, 26/05/1993, 9305265042089, UCT, Students Residence, 12/09/2014. Hillary
Sandra Banz, Box 13056, Dowerglen Ext 7, 1612.
26825/2014—Heinrich Karl Muller, 4407145057082, 22 May 2014. Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell Inc, Attorney’s for Executor,
PO Box 26873, East Rand, 11462. 30 days.
23763/2014—Oberholzer, Helen Olive, 24 July 1929, 2907240057087, Harmoniehof Kamer 513, Steve Bikostraat, 0002,
11 June 2014. Snyman de Jager Attorneys, PO Box 8365, Centurion, 0046. 30 days.
024564/2014—Pamla, Tobalia Beauty, 1924-02-08, 2402080182088, Erf 223 Malunga Street, Jabavu Ext 3, 2000-09-04.
Moruo Trust & Estates, 16-20 New South Street, Renaissance Centre, Gandhi Square, 3rd Floor Suite 5.
25710/2014—Sumitra Jashavantrai Paragjee, 3312110088081, 64 Andries Pretorius Street, Edenvale, 1610, Gauteng,
5 May 2014. F Compaan, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 32 Ida Street, Menlo Park, PO Box 55799, Arcadia, 0007.
Reynolds, John Peter, 9 August 1941, 4108095005085, 3 Elkie Drive, Roodekrans, 2 February 2014. Nedgroup Trust
Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.
032271/2013—Robb, Derek Arundel, 1922-11-23, 2211235021087, 302 Carlingford, Randjes Estate, Randjeslaagte
Road, Highlands North, Johannesburg, 2013-09-01. Webber Wentzel, 10 Fricker Road, Illovo, Sandton.
026727/2014—Russell, Barbara Ann, 1945-11-29, 4511290054180, 11 Green Fields Outeniqua Avenue, Pomona,
Kempton Park, 2014-05-08. JH Boshoff Attorneys, 7A 9th Avenue, Northmead, Benoni, 1501; PO Box 3141, Benoni, 1500.
1957/2014—Avrille Sacks, 20 July 1942, 4207200041082, 503 Giralda, 230 Stegar Street, Groenkloof, 0181, 6 December
2013. Grant Thornton, PO Box 1470, Pretoria, 0001.
23988/2014—Mamonchonyana Agnes Selelie, 22 August 1933, 3308220181089, 853 Dzara Street, Dobsonville, 1865,
1933-08-22. Alchemy Hub (Pty) Ltd, 6796 Fregatuel Street, Celtisdal, Gauteng.
005264/2014—Thomas Tshivhangwato Sikhwari, 1959-04-04, No. 70 Community Street, Ennerdale, Lenasia South,
Gauteng Province, 29-12-2013; Sikhwari Alugumi Susan, 6703041080089. Ratshivhombela Attorneys, Suite 357 His Majesty
Building, cnr Joubert & Commissioner Street, Johannesburg, Gauteng Province.
21282/2014—Rachel Silberman, 19 October 1920, 2010190048089, Jaffa, 42 Mackie Street, New Muckleneuk, Pretoria,
6 April 2014. Grant Thornton, PO Box 1470, Pretoria, 0001.
23761/2014—Frans Willem Steenberg, 27 February 1956, 5602275017083, 285 Maxim Street, Elandspoort, 0183,
31 May 2014. Grant Thornton, PO Box 1470, Pretoria, 0001.
25525/2014—Vivian Rose Summersgill, 11 August 1950, 5008110135082, 26 Siuka Street, Eldorado Park, 1812,
24/05/2014. A M Nonyongo & Associates, 6th Floor, Marble Towers, cnr Jeppe & Von Weilligh Street, Johannesburg, 2001.

This gazette is also available free online at


7588/2014—Thompson, Gillian Grace, 1944-08-14, Passport No. 706332549, Flat 1, 21 Partickhill Road, Glasgouw,
Scotland, 2013-10-25. O’Hagan Attorneys, PO Box 1001, Fourways, 2055.
26809/2014—Christo van der Westhuizen, 5602275043089, 23 June 2014; unmarried. Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell Inc.,
Attorneys for Executor, P.O. Box 26873, East Rand, 11462. 30 days.
Van Wyk, Magdalena Maria, 3 August 1932, 3208030043083, 12 Sekelbos Street, Rangeview Ext 4, Krugersdorp,
26 January 2014. Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.
0273202014—Volek, Sheila Christina, 1931-11-20, 3111200010082, Pioneer House, Trilby St, Oaklands, Johannesburg,
2014-06-21. TO Volek, P.O. Box 891, Bedfordview, 2008.
0227282014—Want, Jacqueline Shirley, 1934-02-16, 3402160051087, Maddison Retirement Home, 45 1st Avenue, Kew,
Johannesburg, 2014-05-20. David Martin Serebro, Unit D4, Burnside Mews, 49 Burn Street, Waverley, Johannesburg. 21 days.
3751/2014—Mokone Sahlukene Wilhemina, 1967-12-11, 6712110424086, 965 Section B, KwaMhlanga, 2013-12-04.
A.K. Mia Inc., 54 Second Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg. 30 days.
27558/2014—Robert Paget Agars Wood, 3801020025084, 12 Chesterton Street, Farrarmere, Benoni, 18-06-2014.
Jan L Jordaan Inc., P.O. Box 3434, Benoni, 1500. 30 days.
23218/2014—Zandile, Mami Florah, 1914-03-04, 1403040226081, 22 Kunene Street, Stand No. 1000, Moroka, 1818,
1996-04-13. A M Nonyongo Attorneys, 6th Floor, Marble Towers, cnr Jeppe & Von Weilligh Str, Johannesburg. 30 days.
24019/2014—Phyllis Beatrice Zetisky, 1 January 1928, 2801010036084, 459 Sibelius Street, Lukasrand, 0181, 3 June
2014. Grant Thornton, PO Box 1470, Pretoria, 0001. 30 days.
28512/2014—Genlloud, Leslie Richard, 1924-10-24, 2410245076087, Ptn 27 & Ptn 23 (ptn of Ptn 15), Rietvallei, 1801Q
Muldersdrift, Mogale City, Gauteng, 2014-06-02. John Bruckmann, 20A Penquin Road, Norscot, Fourways, Gauteng.
3966/2014—Pretorius, Dorothy, 6511210035002, Dewarulaan 9, Selwyn, Florida, Roodepoort, 30 Julie 2013. Susanna
Magdalena Venter, Witwatersrandlaan 881, Strubensvalley, Roodepoort.
29528/2013—Pretorius, Jan Lodewikus, 12 November 1947, 4711125051084, De Warulaan 9, Selwyn, Florida, 24 Maart
2008. Susanna Magdalena Venter, Witwatersrandlaan 881, Strubensvalley,. Roodepoort.
25818/2014—Gillard, Gary Ronald, 4 April 1966, 6604045104083, Matisselaan 1944, Dainfern Valley, Johannesburg,
29 November 2013. Carel Wynand Du Toit le Roux, Eanweg 4, Floracliff.
23229/2014—Reyneke, Johannes Gerhardus Du Toit, 13-04-1945, 4504135020083, Louis Leipoldtweg 8, Farrarmere,
Benoni, 1 Mei 2013; Emmey Catharina Reyneke, 05-02-1948, 4802050077085. Carel Wynand Du Toit le Roux, Eanweg 4,
26800/2014—Pretorius, Pieter Hendrik Barend Pretorius, 11 Mei 1942, 4205115096084, Lebombostraat 7,
Krugersdorp, 6 Mei 2014; Marian Livingstone Pretorius, 18-02-1945, 4502180086085. Pieter Hendrik Pretorius, Bruynweg 33,
Noordheuwel Uitbreiding 4, Krugersdorp.
30373/2013—Aires, Ana Maria de Olival Rodriques, 05-02-1954, 5402050054181, Sharonweg 21, Freeway Park,
Boksburg, 13 September 2012. Georgina Corregedor Aires, Ruimsigview 6, Van der Kloofstraat, Ruimsig.
27015/2014—Bras, Boudewyn Govert, 19-03-1942, 4203195037185, Plot 2, Sasobijl, Vanderbijlpark, 12-05-2014; Anna
Maria Elizabeth Bras, 02-06-1946, 4606020036083. Sherine Jansen, as Nominee of Absa Trust Limited, p/a Schumann,
Van den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619.
24026/2014—Nortman, Hendrik Frederik, 1938-03-18, 3803185075086, Langenhovenstraat 46, Vanderbijlpark, 2014-01-10.
Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg.
26106/2014—Krynauw, Jacobus Cornelius, 1939-11-06, 3911065001088, 43 Senatus Urlite Street, Carletonville,
2014-04-17. Willem Petrus Venter, McGregorstraat 7, Westonaria.
26495/2014—Passano, Amelia, 1975-05-05, 7505050038083, No. 26 Illope Complex, Donegal Street, Kenmare,
Krugersdorp, 2013-11-20; Corneelius Janse Lourenco Passano, 1979-09-26, 7909265187083, Jacobus Geldenhuys, 17 Keeroms-
berg Street, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp.
1565/2013—Nell, Benjamin Arthur, 07-02-1939, 3902075111082, 33 Roxanana Mansions, 117A Kingsway Avenue,
Brakpan, 08-12-2012; Martha Maria Nell, 26-08-1941, 4108260103087. M Swanepoel, Swanepoel Attorneys, 17th Floor,
Schreiner Chambers, 94 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg.
24068/2014—Havenga (gebore Bessenger), Engela, 1928-04-30, 2804300055087, Moria Ouetehuis, h/v Begin- en
Premierstraat, Krugersdorp-Noord, 2014-05-06. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale,
22676/2014—Nortje, Isabella Cornelia, 9 Februarie 1934, 3402090023081, 5 O Hara Street, Jansen Park, Boksburg,
25 February 2014. Petronella Johanna Coetsee, 4 Meerlus Avenue, Freeway Park, Boksburg.
25906/2014—Vosloo, Andre, 1948-06-28, 4806285003089, 6 Millford Crest, 168 Bellairs Drive, Northriding, 2014-05-30.
Deidre Vosloo, 6 Millford Crest, 168 Bellairs Drive, Northriding.
27013/2014—Kallicharan, Kusma, 07-06-1933, 3306070079080, 27 Strelitsia Street, Palmridge, 1401, 22-01-2014.
Sherine Jansen, as Nominee of ABSA Trust Limited, p/a Schumann, Van den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road,
Kempton Park, 1619.
26436/2014—Beech, Mark Martin, 12-09-1967, 6709125229088, plaas Adriaan, Komatipoort, 1340, 15-10-2013. Sherine
Jansen, as Nominee of ABSA Trust Limited, p/a Schumann, Van den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park,
27006/2014—Mokoena, Mfana Stefaan, 05-01-1937, 3701055114086, Stand 14525, Zone 11, Sebokeng, 22-03-2014;
Mantebaleng Jemina Mokoena, 28-02-1944, 4402280411087. Sherine Jansen, as Nominee of ABSA Trust Limited, p/a
Schumann, Van den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619.
27143/2014—Van Deventer, Cornelia Isabella Catharina, 12-09-1928, 2809120081080, 70 Anzac Road, Newlands,
Johannesburg, 2092, 09-03-2014. Sherine Jansen, as Nominee of ABSA Trust Limited, p/a Schumann, Van den Heever &
Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619.
27018/2014—Sparke, Christina Isabella, 08-07-1932, 3207080025081, 30 Third Avenue, Marlands, Primrose, 1401,
09-04-2014. Sherine Jansen, as Nominee of ABSA Trust Limited, p/a Schumann, Van den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton
Road, Kempton Park, 1619.

This gazette is also available free online at


Cassells, John Anthony, 1955-06-04, 5506045096089, Logwood Village, Plot 100, Sunset Drive, Nooitgedacht,
Johannesburg, 2014-03-23. Izel @ Karen van Niekerk Attorneys, PO Box 42, Woodlands, 0072.
2255/2014—Ebersohn, Johannes Jacobus, 1944-03-19, 4403195044088, 61 Stein Street, Baberton, Mpumalanga,
2013-11-17. Izel @ Karen van Niekerk Attorneys, PO Box 42, Woodlands, 0072.
4810/2014—Ludick, Marieta, 1951-12-31, 5112310003080, Blymoedig Clinic, 67 Von Willigh Ave, Doringkloof, Centurion,
2014-01-17; Norman Kenneth Ludick, 1945-12-01, 4512015144009. Van Greunen & Associates Inc. Attorneys, 106 Panorama
Road, Rooihuiskraal, Centurion, 0157.
23963/2014—Chepape, Mohale Johannes, 1942-04-06, 4204065541082, 5553 Section Q, Mamelodi West, 2014-06-30.
Malefo Attorneys, 310 Savelkouls Building, cnr Pretorius & Paul Kruger Strs, Pretoria.
2952/2014—Paul, Gillian Frances, 18 Januarie 1952, 5201180127184, Villa Nova 8, Monkorrylaan 112, Randparkrif,
25 Desember 2013. A P de Jongh, Posbus 14391, Dersley.
23557/2014—Kwakwa, Matsobane Klaas, 1953-07-06, 5307065346086, 21 Tshamahansi Section, Kwa-Litho, 2013-12-15;
Mosatsana Salamina Kwakwa, 1956-12-16, 5612160707086. Malefo Attorneys, 310 Savelkouls Building, cnr Pretorius & Paul
Kruger Strs, Pretoria.
27891/2014—Jones, Russell Charles Van Houten, 1955-02-26, 5502265120089, 11 Chris Court, 27 Sackville Road,
Casseldale, Springs, 2014-04-03. Deborah Lee Byrne, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
4629/2014—Steyn, Ruhan, 1981-04-01, 8104015126081, No. 7 Fairway Gardens, 531 Loristo Str, Pretoriuspark, Pretoria
East, 0081, 2014-03-16. Yvett-Therese Steyn, No. 7 Fairway Gardens, 531 Loristo Street, Pretorius Park, Pretoria East, 0081.
23917/2014—Theron, Maria Magdalena, 1918-03-19, 1803190014080, Mothwa Haven, Pretoria, 2014-05-29. Prishania
Naidoo, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 30 days.
28132/2014—Ganyaza, Gertrude Nomana, 1948-07-11, 4807110616087, 13514 Sookane Street, KwaThema, Phase 1,
2014-05-27. Marius Bernardus Calitz, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 30 days.
26716/2014—Mokoena, Pearl Doreen, 1930-01-14, 3001140370086, 105 Moshoeshoe Section, Katlehong, 2013-10-31.
Marius Calitz, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 30 days.
28130/2014—Mostert, Hermanus Barend, 1942-08-30, 4208305044088, 13 Fords Place, Van Wyk Louw Drive, Parkrand,
2014-06-05; Rita Elaine Mostert, 1946-08-01, 4608010030084. FNB Trust Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102.
30 days.
4629/2014—Steyn, Ruhan, 1981-04-01, 8104015126081, No. 7 Fairway Gardens, 531 Loristo Str, Pretoriuspark, Pretoria
East, 0081, 2014-03-16. Yvett-Therese Steyn, No. 7 Fairway Gardens, 531 Loristo Str, Pretoriuspark, Pretoria East, 0081.
26102/2014—Hassan, Ismail, 1936-07-18, 3607185073086, 19 Kanarie Road, Lenasia South, 1892, 2014-05-02; Miriam
Hassen, 1939-03-04, 3903040065080. Cachalia & Loonat, 69 8th Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 2092. 21 days.
022589/2014—Florence Chikapa, 11-06-1965, 6506110822186, 45 Concored Road, Christo Park, Benoni, 16-02-2014.
Mafenya Attorneys, 23 Loveday Street, Howard House, Suite 402, cnr Main Street, Johannesburg, 2001. 30 days.
024970/2014—Wendy Ann van Buuren, 2 January 1938, 3801020048086, 7 Daveyana Avenue, Witkoppen Ext 3, 21 May
2014. Mr P.E. Kritzinger, P.O. box 172, Kosmos, 0261. 30 days.
28253/2014—Maria Magdalena Elizabeth Catharina Barnard, 11-04-2014, 2602090025082, Moria Old Age Home,
1 King George Street, Krugersdorp North, 1740, 09-02-1926. Isabel Pieterse, in her capacity as Nominee of Standard Trust
Limited, c/o Chunilal & Tanna, P.O. Box 42650, Fordsburg, 2033. 30 days.
28290/2014—Phyllis Ulla Brown, 10-08-1920, 2008100018085, 1030 Rondawel Road, Allensnek, Roodepoort, 20-06-2014.
Isabel Pieterse, in her capacity as Nominee of Standard Trust Limited, c/o Chunilal & Tanna, PO Box 42650, Fordsburg, 2033.
30 days.
27475/2014—Dwamato Joseph Sibara, 21-08-1941, 4108215266088, Kagiso Ext 12, 24-04-2014. Isabel Pieterse, in her
capacity as Nominee of Standard Trust Limited, c/o Chunilal & Tanna, PO Box 42650, Fordsburg, 2033. 30 days.
020853/2014—Mahlase, Sehlabani Victor, 1934-04-20, 3404205174080, P.O. Box 87, Marishane, 1064, 12 April 2014;
Matshulwane Martha Mahlase, 1936-03-16, 3603160439087. M.T. Ramabala, M.T. Ramabala Attorneys, 51 Landros Mare
Street, Polokwane, Pioneer Building, Office No. 312, Third Floor. 21 days.
20199/2014—Bonnon, Kevin, 1943-02-28, Passport No. 104030632, 205 Stanney Lane, Whitby, Ellesmere, Port Chesire
CH65 9DN, 2007-06-26; Linda Bonnon, 1947-02-17, Passport No. 107789696. Van Heerden & Brummer, Private Bag X7286,
Witbank, 1035.
24430/2014—Mohlanga, Mohlango James, 1968-12-07, 6812075584088, 4850 Ga-Rankuwa Zone 4, 0208, 2014-06-30;
Josephine Kedibone Mohlanga, 1964-03-28, 6403280780081. Baatseba Trust, 286 Central Towers Building, Office 109,
Pretorius Street, Pretoria.
24467/2014—Moropane, Elizabeth Isabella, 1958-02-03, 5802030252088, 1239 Ext 2, Mamelodi East, 0122, 2014-06-15.
Baatseba Trust, 286 Central Towers Building, Office 109, Pretorius Street, Pretoria.
20384/2014—Steyn, Alida Susanna, 04-05-1915, 1505040026087, 62 Grass Ridge Place, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 0043,
18-07-2012; widow. Alida Steyn, PO Box 35576, Menlo Park, Pretoria, 0102.
18801/2013—Eksteen, Ryno Johannes, 1932-02-27, 3202275089083, 86 Brummeria-Rennaisance, Brummeria, 0184,
2013-10-26; Engela Margaretha Eksteen, 1933-01-12, 3301120082085. AFSA Plan (Pty) Ltd, Plot 240, c/o Small and Smit St,
Benoni, 1513.
025639/2014—Mc Kendrick, James Alfred, 16 August 1930, 3008165028085, 16 Amanda Road, Edenglen, 1609,
28 Aprill 2014. Agent: M Verreyne & Co, 53 O’Reilly Merry Street, Rynfield, Benoni, 1501.
027219/2014—Mogashoa, Isaac, 1960-01-20, 6001205493085, 10994 Ikheli Street, Vosloorus Ext 14, Johannesburg,
2012-09-28. Nam-Ford Incorporated, 37 Landsborough Street, Robertsham, Johannesburg.
24086/2014—Askham, Richard Kingston, 1934-08-12, 3408125020083, 50 Olive Crescent Retirement Village, 2173
Leander Road, Olympus, Faerie Glen, 2014-05-23. Estate Administration Services, 3 Marlboro Place, 23 Louis Leipoldt Street,
Farrarmere, Benoni, 1501. 30 days.
026996/2014—Essack, Mariam, 1916-11-14, 1611140062087, 33 Beril Street, Ext 5, Lenasia, 2002-03-17. Farzaana
Abubaker Bhikhoo, 33 Beril Street, Ext 5, Lenasia.

This gazette is also available free online at


026996/2014—Essack, Essack, 1912-12-03, 1212035043082, 33 Beril Street, Ext 5, Lenasia, 2002-03-17. Farzaana
Abubaker Bhikhoo, 33 Beril Street, Ext 5, Lenasia.
24579/2014—Peens, Ellenore Louise Collens, 1921-10-31, 2110310017087, Glenhaven Aftree-oord, Pretoria, Gauteng,
2014-02-14. Jacobus Hercules van der Merwe, Gouwslaan 50, Raslouw, Centurion, 0057.
24900/2014—Trichardt, Hermanus Carel, 1931-03-18, 3103185043089, Wilgers Retirement Village, Pretoria, 2014-07-15;
widower. S Marais, Surita Marais Attorneys, PO Box 74750, Lynnwood, Ridge, 0040.
16141/2013—Freeman, Jacoba Magdalena, 1925-04-23, 2504230033085, 49 Hockings Street, Holland Park West QLD
4121 Australia, 2013-06-20. C Wilsnach, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.
24511/2014—Pretorius, Wessels Alberts, 1959-02-12, 5902125044083, 17 Villa Marie, Codonia Avenue, Waverley,
Pretoria, 2014-06-13. Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, 165 Alexander Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.
6577/2014—Nomakhosi Charlotte Tshangela, 4205240496084, Floroma Old Age Home, 1 Berlandina Street,
Roodepoort, 15-11-2013. Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd [previously Executor Services (Pty) Ltd], 1st Floor,
Block 27, The Woodlands, 20 Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, 2196; PO Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006. 30 days.
28041/2014—Regina Rom, 3405020032080, Sandringham Gardens, 85 George Avenue, Johannesburg, 15-03-2014.
Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd [previously Executor Services (Pty) Ltd], 1st Floor, Block 27, The Woodlands,
20 Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, 2196; PO Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006. 30 days.
0209032014—Verster, Christoffel Johannes Cornelius, 1952-09-07, 5209075126088, 2A Kogel Street, Middelburg,
Mpumalanga, 1050, 2014-05-11. Danie Sauer RAA SA, PO Box 1339, Middelburg, Mpumalanga, 1050.
28046/2014—David William Fireson, 7103125018080, 80 Eden Road, Bramley, Johannesburg, 11-06-2014. Sentinel
International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd [previously Executor Services (Pty) Ltd], 1st Floor, Block 27, The Woodlands,
20 Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, 2196; PO Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006. 30 days.
006546/2014—Froneman, Cornelia Petronella, 16 October 1950, 5010160003087, 60 Malvina Street, Birchleigh North,
Kempton Park, Gauteng, 3 February 2014; Michiel Coenraad Frederick Froneman, 27 July 1951, 5107275041083. Simic Trust,
4 Glenfauna Road, Van Riebeeck Park, Kempton Park, 1619.
16576/2013—Seoke, Masesie Paulinah, 14-05-1948, 4805140642081, 857 Lengeneng Section, Bapo II Village, North
Western Villiage, 0337, 29-07-2013. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
24354/2014—Hlatswayo, Kause Amos, 1956-09-16, 5609165461081, 1521/330 Hlalanikahle Ext 2, Emalahleni, 1039,
2014-04-17; Makoti Selina Hlatswayo Hlatswayo, 1959-12-05, 5912250893089. MLM Kutumela Attorneys, Erf 283, Louis
Babrow Str, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West. 30 days.
23162/2014—Chili, Phumzile Anna, 1950-03-31, 5003310477087, Erf 2240, Mamelodi, 0122, 2014-05-10. MLM Kutumela
Attorneys, Erf 283, Louis Babrow Str, Danville Ext 5 Township. 30 days.
23654/2014—Muditambi, Masala, 1954-06-08, 5406085713083, Erf 0044, Danville, 0183, 2014-04-29; Sarah Ntsako
Muditambi, 1959-09-09, 5909090634087. MLM Kutumela Inc., Erf 283, Louis Babrow Str, Danville Ext 5 Township. 30 days.
23142/2014—Mahlangu, David, 29 May 1955, 5505295356086, Unit 725, Zone AA, Soshanguve, 0152, 2 April 2014; Betty
Bathabile Mahlangu, 10 December 1956, 5612100388088. Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street, Danville Ext 5,
Pretoria West, 0183. 30 days.
3225/2014—Mokwena, Manala Aaron, 17 September 1954, 5409175504081, 161 Witspanning B, Dennilton, 1030,
25 January 2014; Ella Meisie Mokwena, 27 March 1961, 6103270636083. Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street,
Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183. 30 days.
4137/2014—Lekoma, Matseothata Christopher, 29 July 1971, 7107295565085, Block WW, Unit 195/1, Soshanguve,
0152, 1 November 2013. Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183. 30 days.
4378/2014—Nkopodi, Johanna Maleso, 18 December 1967, 6712180862082, 340 Stand Winterveld, Lebanon, 0198,
20 September 2013; Kgaswe John Nkopodi, 3 March 1956, 5603036383087. Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street,
Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183. 30 days.
9766/2008—Sefatsa, Ralebusa William, 1938-09-25, 3809255213085, 13555, Zone 11, Sebokeng, 02-12-2007. John
William Alfonso Cumming Zurcher, Postnet Suite 143, Private Bag X068, Vanderbijlpark, 1900.
9279/09—Breedt, Jacobus Frederik, 1971-09-15, 7109155085089, Tammonstraat 10, Vanderbijl Park, 2009-04-17; Sindy
Breedt, 1978-06-26, 7806260132082. Sindy, Tammonstraat 10, Vanderbijl Park.
23162/14—Chili, Phumzile Anna, 31 March 1950, 5003310477087, 36 Mbuyane Street, Mamelodi, 0122, 10 May 2014.
Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183. 30 days.
18406/2013—Dlongolo, Bheji Petros, 30 March 1958, 5803305341085, 359 Vreggewhgt, Kgaggafoitein, 16 October
2013; Marriam Matseliso Mabesele, 1 January 1963, 6301010559082. Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street, Danville
Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183. 30 days.
5178/2014—Kadiege, Simon Adries Maloka, 24 March 1962, 6203246045086, 81 Bast Chescent, Lotus Gardens, 0008,
8 December 2013; Sylvia Johanna Kadiega, 15 November 1964, 6411150352089. Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow
Street, Danville Ext. 5, Pretoria West. 0183. 30 days.
22754/2014—Malebye, Modipe Solomon, 30 January 1958, 580130588208, Erf 1284, Unit 16, GaRankuwa Township,
0208, 7 April 2014; Eva Hanna Malebye, 14 October 1963, 6310140179083. Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street,
Danville Ext. 5, Pretoria West, 0183. 30 days.
24367/2014—Mtshwene, Mabuza Isaac, 1954-05-05, 5405055866087, Erf 4750, Mhluzi, Middelburg, 1053, 2014-04-19;
Duduzile Maria Mtshwene, 1961-07-01, 6107010421086. MLM Kutumela Attorneys, Erf 283, Louis Babrow Street, Danville,
Ext. 5, Pretoria West. 30 days.
15131-14—Setshedi, Rautsane Jeremiah, 1970-07-19, 7007195745082, No. 174 Block N, Mabopane, 2013-09-25;
Tepi Deborah Moruka, 1974-08-17, 7408170676082. LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505, Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street,
Pretoria, 0002. 30 days.
23842/2014—Sesoge, Njosesoge Daniel, 1950-08-23, 5008235448089, No. 3933 Block A, Lethlabile, Brits, 2007-06-09.
LL Gungqwa Inc, Suite 505, Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria, 0002. 30 days.

This gazette is also available free online at


23443/2014—Mtsatse, Headman Sonwabo, 1968/06/20, 6806205912086, Erf 29743, Khayelitsha, Western Cape,
2011/05/22. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
3433/2014—De Kooker, Theodoris Pieter, 1944/12/25, 4412255080080, Erf 937, Castlehill, Durban, 2013/04/30. Vezi de
Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23284/2014—Ragavaloo, Milda Maria, 1939/03/04, 3903040077085, Erf 685, Verulam Ext. 5., KZN, 2013/08/05. Vezi de
Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23448/2014—Davids, Charles Henry, 1937/11/16, 3711165073080, Erf 585, Margate, KZN, 2013/12/22. Vezi de Beer Inc,
319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23280/2014—Ramkilawan, Vinesh, 1978/07/15, 7807155156087, Unit 20, Noila Court, Brakpan, Gauteng, 2012/10/14.
Vezi de Beer Inc, 319, c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23315/2014—Rautenbach, Jan, 1959/05/16, 5905165037081, Erf 790, Belfast, Mpumalanga, 2013/12/22. Vezi de Beer
Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23281/2014—Sibiya, Sipho, 1966/12/03, 6612035627088, Erf 2213, Vryheid, KZN, 2008/01/02. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o
Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23292/2014—Biet, Pierre Rene van Praag, 1952/05/16, 5205165075086, Farm 728, Portion 121, Joostenberg Vlakte,
Western Cape, 2007/06/01. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23275/2014—Malan, Esaias Engelbertus, 1957/12/16, 5712165021085, Erf 92, Derby North West, 2013/07/2. Vezi de
Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23327/2014—Van Rooyen, Crystal Estelle, 1982/09/23, 8209230157082, Erf 4092, Gelvandale, Eastern Cape,
2012/05/18. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23446/2014—Kasper, Clinton Nico, 1985/01/02, 8501025150086, Erf 16593, Kraaifontein, Western Cape, 2011/04/02.
Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23294/2014—Mgauli, Zwelethemba Sikhumbuzo, 1965/06/07, 6506075881086, Erf 2729, Portion 70, Ashbury Ext. 5,
Free State, 2003/10/20. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
2778/2014—Letsoela, Maserame Agnes, 1971/04/24, 7104240440084, Erf 3272, Westonaria, 2013/08/15. Vezi de Beer
Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
2667/2014—Prins, Codlyn Deborah, 1979/01/23, 7901230228084, Erf 4895, Milnerton, 2013/05/29. Vezi de Beer Inc,
319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
22987/2014—Holtzhauzen, Jacobus Petrus, 1929/01/10, 2901105009085, Erf 2015, Caledon, Western Cape,
2006/07/12. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23235/2014—Mphahlele, Rahaahle Caroline, 1972/09/15, 7209150365088, Erf 2638, Lebowakgomo-B, Pietersburg,
2004/02/21. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23436/2014—Pitse, Griffiths Sello, 1957/11/27, 5711275907084, Erf 4486, Kudube, Unit 6, Gauteng, 2013/09/09. Vezi de
Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
22988/2014—Slaman, Sylvia Ntombizonke, 1960/06/16, 6006160868080, Erf 8310, Saldanha, Western Cape,
2003/06/29. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
22990/2014—Buthelezi, Nlomukaweyi Enson, 1939/03/24, 3903245264082, Erf 29620, Mamelodi Ext. 5, Gauteng,
2009/01/06. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23440/2014—Nhlonipho Nelisiwe Nomaswazi, 1988/02/08, 8802080414080, Erf 2220, Sasolburg Ext. 2, Free State,
2014/01/12. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23413/2014—Mbambo, Eugene Thembinkosi, 1974/12/12, 7412125511089, Erf 4177, Esikhawini H, KZN, 2013/12/16.
Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23415/2014—Dietrich, Lionel Edgar, 1951/01/05, 5101055097084, Erf 1257, Piketberg, Western Cape, 2013/09/29.
Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23289/2014—Manyathela, Sherifah Ruqay-yah, 1970/09/29, 7009290301088, Erf 3031, Mahube Valley Ext. 5, Gauteng,
2013/06/25. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
12300/2013—Van der Merwe, Daphne Thora van der Merwe, 1921/10/02, 2110020013087, Huis Herfsblaar, Webblaan
1244, Queenswood, Pretoria, 21 Julie 2013. Vezi de Beer Inc, Boardwalk Office Park, Unit N, Ground Floor, 107 Haymeadow
Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria.
23286/2014—Silva, Benjamin Dos Santos, 1948/02/17, 4802175613186, Erf 1387, Malvern, Johannesburg, 2003/09/01.
Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23432/2014—Mampuru, Zine, 1968/11/05, 6811051095085, Erf 5384, Umtata Ext. 13, Eastern Cape, 2013/10/11. Vezi de
Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23442/2014—Rawoot, Abdul Shookoor, 1938/02/28, 3802285044083, Erf 14589, Goodwood, Western Cape,
2013/05/30. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23274/2014—Mahadoo, Bhagwathy, 1943/05/02, 4305020089081, Erf 5101, Pinetown, KZN, 2010/10/06. Vezi de Beer
Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23444/2014—Walsh, Frederick, 1936/01/07, 3601075091183, Erf 6172, Blue Downs, Western Cape, 2013/10/06.
Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23290/2014—Pitorius, Anna Christina, 1941/04/27, 4104270038082, Erf 677, Rietfontein, Gauteng, 2013/10/08. Vezi de
Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at


23270/2014—Bell, Thembisa Constance, 1955/01/05, 5501050683087, Erf 918, Parson’s Vlei, Eastern Cape,
2013/12/23. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23320/2014—Govender, Leonard, 1966/08/26, 6608265057087, Erf 124, Portion 2, Merrivale Ext. 1, KZN, 2013/04/29.
Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23279/2014—Ngobese, Maxwell Ndabezinhle, 1948/07/26, 7008245486085, Erf 179, Meadowlands Estate, Newcastle,
2013/05/08. Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23439/2014—De Waal, Pieter Daniel, 1953/05/22, 5305225101086, Erf 967, Parow, Western Cape, 2009/07/20. Vezi de
Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23305/2014—Sibanda, Pulane Dorah, 1954/03/12, 3909200312089, Erf 17688, Sebokeng Unit 14, Gauteng, 2009/07/14.
Vezi de Beer Inc, 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
2658/2014—Liau, Molefi Louis, 1954/03/12, 5403125764085, Erf 11112, Pimville Zone 5, Soweto, 2012/10/20. Vezi de
Beer Inc., 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23311/2014—Karam, Anthony, 1936/08/01, 3608015076083, Unit 8, Cape Manor, Little Falls Ext 4, Roodepoort, Gauteng,
2013/07/01. Vezi de Beer Inc., 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23437/2014—Mandondo, Mdibaniso, 1951/02/24, 5102245539084, Erf 5323, Welkom, Free State, 2002/04/30. Vezi de
Beer Inc., 319 c/o Alpine Way and South Village Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
23864/14—Bronkhorst, Marthinus Johannes, 1949-01-31, 4901315016084, Plaas Uitkyk, Nigel, 2013-09-17; Catharina
Jacoba Bronkhorst, 1952-09-01, 5209010048009. Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X25, Atfield, 0028. 30 days.
21922/2014—Botha, Jacoba Magdalena, 23 Maart 1946, 4603230087089, Stanleystraat 10, Rayton, 27 Januarie 2014.
Johann Jordaan, p/a Hereditas Trust, Posbus 11392, Queenswood, 0121.
26697/2014—Rangaka, Abia Nellie, 1933-09-11, 3309110102086, 3843 Sebenzile Drive, Kagiso, 1754, 2010-10-31.
Smith van der Watt Inc., 258 Voortrekker Road, Monument, 1739.
21994/2014—Dannhauser, Nicolaas Wilhelm, 1957-03-04, 5703045073081, 50 Channel View Road, Bluff, Durban, KZN,
2014-04-21. Nicolaas Jacobus Van der Walt, P.O. Box 35555, Menlo Park, Pretoria, 0102.
26285/2014—Sesing, Matsiliso Joseph, 16 May 1944, 4405155329086, 409 Hlahatsi Township, Katlehong, 1431,
13 September 2013; Nqobekile Emelda Sesing, 12 July 1954, 5407120371085. S.B. Sithole & Associates Inc., Gubazi House,
76 Black Reef Road, Albemarle, Germiston, 1410.
16844/2011—Mhlambi, Moses Muziwakhe, 14 May 1965, 6505145559086, 406 Monise Township, Katlehong, 1431,
28 June 2011. S.B. Sithole & Associates Inc., Gubazi House, 76 Black Reef Road, Albemarle, Germiston, 1410.
22151/2014—Matthyser, Jane Esther, 27 August 1948, 4808270032081, 40 Maluti Street, Rondebult, Germiston,
20 March 2014. Lauren Jane Da Rocha, P.O. Box 7580, Albermarle, 1410.
22998/2014—Bosman, Johannes Gabriel Abraham, 1919/11/06, 1911065019082, 1733 Eremomela Street, Montana
Gardens, 0182, 2014-06-03; Mary Elizabeth Bosman, 1924/09/15, 2409150017086. Attie Botha, 326 Ranuneulus Street,
Sinoville, Pretoria.
026474/2014—Gordhan, Parvati, 1964-02-01, 6402010113084, 11724 Kontikie Crescent, Extension 13, Lenasia,
2014-05-07. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.
4445/2013—Moses, Anne Primrose, 22 June 1957, 5706220098088, 64 Vista Valley, Timbavathi Street, Moreleta Park,
11 March 2013. Mariana Vorster van Couzyn, Hertzog & Horak Ing., Middelstraat 321, Brooklyn, 0181.
4978/14—Lourens, Maria Elizabeth, 1925-07-17, 2507170003083, SAVF Old Age Home, Ventersdorp, 2014/03/04.
J du Toit CA (SA), P.O. Box 202, Ventersdorp.
26773/2014—Coetzee, Magdalena Henriette Iris, 1926-05-04, 2605230025086, Sunrise Estate 28, 5de Weg, Northwold,
2014-04-28. FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
24232/2014—Makaringa, Rodgers Shijumane, 1951-06-06, 5106065356081, 7 Beech Street, Pullens Hope,
Mpumalanga, 2013-11-24; Laina Mkhayinge Makaringa, 1964-03-03, 6403031230089. Harvey Nortje Wagner & Motimele Inc.,
P.O. Box 61, Witbank, Mpumalanga, 1035. 30 days.
23556/2014—Mahlangu, Mzi George, 1948-08-28, 4808285671089, 199 Reilly Drive, Rietspruit, Mpumalanga,
2014-01-01; Popi Welhemina Mahlangu, 1947-10-24, 4710240179085. Harvey Nortje Wagner & Motimele Inc., P.O. Box 61,
Witbank, Mpumalanga, 1035. 30 days.
025101/2014—Van der Merwe, Francina Carolina, 1924/02/01, 2402010032080, Roodepoortse Sentrum vir Bejaardes,
Robinsonlaan 5, Ontdekkerspark, 1709, 2014/01/25; Deceased. Sandra Hofmeyr, 2B Bou Avenue, Moret, Fontainebleau,
Randburg, 2194.
027436/2014—Anderson, Margaret Athole, 1917-12-13, 1712130019085, 64 Caister Lodge, 264 Musgrave Road,
Durban, 4001, 18 June 2014. Ian Anderson, 3 San Pietro, 15 Majuba Lane, River Club, Est 23, Rivonia, 2149.
28098/2014—Mamogwa, Mathe John, 1971-08-21, 7108215545082, 25 Market Road, Kocksoord, Randfontein, 25 May
2014; Mary Tholiwe Mamogwa, 1973-12-23, 7312230881080. Bhika Calitz Inc., 28 Convent Street, Greenhills, Randfontein.
28086/2014—Stoop, Andre, 1964-01-02, 9401025030085, Plot 142 Vlakplaats, Tarlton, Mogale City, 21 April 2014;
Theresa Maria Stoop, 1957-01-24, 5701240017085. Bhika Calitz Inc., 28 Convent Street, Greenhills, Randfontein.
008054/2014—Carman, Jean Mary, 21/03/1920, 2003210029080, 346 Carling Ford, Randjes Estate, Highlands North,
Johannesburg, 1 March 2014. T J McGlashan, P.O. Box 412341, Craighall, 2024.
7708/2013—Grobicki, Daphne Joyce, 5 August 1949, 4908050085083, 14 Carlow Road, Parkview, Johannesburg, 2193,
28 January 2013. B. Dowden, P.O. Box 651129, Bendore, 2010.

This gazette is also available free online at


23867/2014—Holton, Arthur, 1955-08-28, 5508285179088, 43 Villa Egoli, Loco Street, West Village, 2014-06-03; Janet
Jolene Holton, 1960-09-02, 6009020192089. Jaco van Jaarsveld, 11 Flora Haase Street, Amorosa, Roodepoort.
23776/2014—Alberts, Daniel Petrus Johannes, 1944-12-27, 4412275044082, 7 Kruger Villas, Buitenstraat, Krugersdorp-
Noord, 2014-06-11; Martha Elizabeth Alberts, 1946-04-09, 4604090060083. JN Venter, 11 Flora Haase Street, Amorosa,
23944/2014—Van Rooyen, Brian, 1936/06/06, 3606065010082, Parktown Mews 53, Lambert Lee Ave, Parktown Estates,
2014-06-05. Magrieta Van Rooyen, P.O. Box 11007, Hatfield, 0028. 30 days.
24009/2014—Buys, Petrus Jacobus, 1919-01-08, 1901085039087, Nors The Ridge, Basset Street, Garsfontein X10,
Pretoria, 0043, 2014-03-10. Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 30 days.
23944/2014—Van Rooyen, Brian, 1936/06/06, 3606065010082, Parktown Mews 53, Lambert Lee Ave, Parktown Estates,
2014-06-05. Magrieta Van Rooyen, P.O. Box 11007, Hatfield, 0028. 30 days.
20158/2014—Madaje, Masindi Aleanor, 1958/09/16, 580916498084, 18 Thohoyandou Street, Chiawelo Extension 1,
Gauteng, 2010/07/23. TLi Incorporated, 251 Main Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg.
2383/2014—Kriek, André, 23/08/1946, 4608235049083, 42 Swartberg Street, Modder East, 13/02/2011. JH van Heerden,
88 – 8th Street, Springs.
16452/2010—Scott, Johanna Susara Katriena, 1944/07/06, 4407060086082, 56 Roy Campbell Street, Brackenhurst,
2009/10/29. R Scott, p/a Jonk Prokureurs, Posbus 668, Chrissiefontein, 1963.
8019/2014—Cutts, Elaine, 1945-07-05, 4507050006089, 7 Clarke Street, Rynfield, Benoni, 2013-12-05. Legatus Trust
(Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 17, Pinegowrie. 30 days.
21613/2014—Jansen van Vuuren, Johannes Gerhardus, 1971-07-26, 7107265263083, Montagustraat 804, Daspoort,
Pretoria, 2014-03-18. Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 17, Pinegowrie. 30 days.
Vos, Andre, 20/05/1950, 5005205045085, Villa VSA 506, Serenestraat, Garsfontein, 0081, 05/06/2014; Jacoba Maria Vos,
07/08/1946, 4608070026089. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Velthuysen, Gertina Philipina, 26/05/1935, 3505260039081, Luderitzstraat 440, Booysens, 0082, 16/06/2014.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Van Vuuren, Gert Marthinus, 05/10/1948, 4810055018087, Senekalstraat 58, Wierda Park, Centurion, 0157, 13/03/2014;
Anne-Marie Elizabeth van Vuuren, 06/10/1954, 5410060068083. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Van den Berg, Jacobus Cornelius Wilhelmus, 03/08/1942, 4208035036081, Murrayfieldpark 3, Natlieweg 96,
Murrayfield, 0184, 03/06/2014; Irene van den Berg, 09/12/1944, 4412090048086. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Russell, Keith Raymond, 21/09/1940, 4009215006088, 434 24th Lane, Villiera, 0186, 26/04/2014. ABSA Trust Bpk,
Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Potgieter, Rachel Elizabeth Petronella Elida, 23/06/1927, 2706230027088, Soetdoorn 45, Aftree-oord, Sinoville, 0182,
27/05/2014. ABSA Bank Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Pretorius, Hendrik Vermaak, 03/01/1928, 2801035061083, Ons Herberg Oue Tehuis, Eerstelaan, Bronkhorstspruit, 1020,
12/04/2014. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Russell, Keith Raymond, 21-09-1940, 4009215006088, 434–24th Lane, Villiera, 0186, 26-04-2014. ABSA Trust Bpk,
Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Naude, Daniel Johannes, 03-03-1955, 5503035066081, 38 Fountain Estate, Fred Messengerstraat 601, Andeon,
Pretoria, 0183, 01-07-2014; Hendrina Cornelia Naude, 27-01-1956, 5601270085087. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria,
Moore, Rupert Gouws, 20-07-1938, 3807205002087, Little Eden 16, Waterbergstraat, Noordheuwel, 1739, 22-06-2014.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
240/2014—Moller, Elsie Magdalena, 28-05-1941, 4105280073084, 1339 Nignon Street, Mountain View, Pretoria, 0082,
04-11-2013; Gerhardus Jacobus Moller, 29-04-1942, 4204295070084. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Moolman, Jeanette Susanna Carolina, 08-06-1927, 2706080012081, Gladiolusstraat 10, Roodepoort, 1724, 19-05-2014.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Mc Micken, Russel Michael, 19-05-1952, 5205195014089, Doreenweg 121A, Amandasig, 0182, 15-06-2014; Madeleine
Mc Micken, 16-03-1960, 6003160026082. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Malatjie, Hlakong Jacob, 14-11-1966, 6611145634083, Portion 89 of Erf 7740, Ext. 23, Mhluzi, 1055, 15-03-2014;
Pertunia Phina Malatjie, 29-01-1987, 8701290244081. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Magodielo, Nethshi Louisa, 07-10-1944, 4410070188088, 225 Zone 7, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208, 01-06-2014. ABSA Trust
Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Louw, Joan, 26-06-1927, 2706260006085, Lynwoodweg 47, Brooklyn, 0181, 20-12-2013. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383,
Pretoria, 0001.
24391/2014—Van der Merwe, Isabella Magrieta, 22-05-1930, 3005220026088, cnr Mark Street & 1st Avenue,
Bronkhorstspruit, 1020, 07-04-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.
Kruger, Jan Adriaan, 25-03-1924, 2403255008082, Selikatsvillage 24, 412 Selikats Cause Way, Faerie Glen, 0081,
27-06-2014; Nickolina Kruger, 17-12-1934, 3412170008084. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Herbst, Catharina Johanna, 22-12-1929, 2912220047082, Die Wilgers Aftree-oord, Woonstel No. 31, Potchefstroom,
2531, 09-05-2014. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Keyter, Antonie Petrus, 08-01-1929, 2901085006085, Premierstraat 138, Krugersdorp-Noord, 1739, 19-06-2014;
Carolina Magrietha Aletta Keyter, 18-03-1942, 4203180040087. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Coetzee, Stefanus Jacobus, 04-05-1931, 3105045037086, Generaal Beyersstraat 203, Pretoria-Noord, 0182,
27-06-2014; Johanna Magrieta Coetzee, 01-07-1935, 3507010035088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

This gazette is also available free online at


Engelbrecht, Johannes Petrus, 14-02-1952, 5202145066087, Rivonia, Johannesburg, 2191, 25-04-2014. ABSA Trust
Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Fratton, Joachim, 17-08-1926, 2608175031184, 23 Palala Street, Wilropark, Roodepoort, 1724, 14-05-2014. ABSA Trust
Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
De Wet, Gertruida Magdalena Elizabeth, 04-01-1929, 2901040011089, Plot 34, Vissershoek, Pretoria, 0251, 10-05-2014.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Britz, Christian Frederik, 25-01-1942, 4201255004087, Eeufeesstraat 384, Pretoria-Noord, 0182, 22-06-2014.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Bezuidenhout, Magdelena Gertruida, 02-10-1933, 3310020065082, Louwstraat 5, Potchefstroom, 2531, 17-01-2013;
Daniel Jacobus Bezuidenhout, 11-02-1947, 4702115097088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Badenhorst, Lourens Cornelius, 07-04-1968, 6804075028083, Herminastraat 1045, Constantiapark, Pretoria, 0001,
08-05-2014. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Jansen van Noordwyk, Jacoba Susanna, 26/10/1950, 5010260037084, Doakstraat 23, Hazeldene, Germiston, 1401,
02/06/2014; Jansen van Noordwyk, 05/11/1950, 5011055034088. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
Wright, Patricia Moira, 04/06/1956, 5606040003088, 2 Fourth Street, Marlands, 1401, 23/01/2014; Wright, 24/12/1951,
5112245097082. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
Wright, Raymond George, 24/12/1951, 5112245097082, 2 Fourth Street, Marlands, 1401, 20/04/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd,
PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
27657/2014—Raats, David Johannes, 09/10/1929, 2910095013080, Brabazonlaan 104, Mondeor, 2000, 14/05/2014.
ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
27688/2014—Ras, Susanna Johanna, 23/08/1919, 1908230001086, Geinglandouetehuis, Conan Doylestraat,
Vanderbijlpark, 10/05/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
27735/2014—Jansen van Rensburg, Frederika Johanna, 12/12/1926, 2612120012083, No. 10, Rynpark 5, Rynfield,
1501, 17/05/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
27691/2014—Brand, Caroline Ruth, 31/10/1935, 3510310082081, 159-3rd Avenue, Bezuidenhouts Valley, 2094,
18/05/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.
20784/2014—Manyapye, Mafotha Charles, 1956-05-10, 5605105874086, 748 Block G, Soshanguve, 2014-04-06.
J Khumalo Attorneys, Nafcoc Office Complex, 2164 Block F, Soshanguve. 30 days.
342/2012—Mhlambi, Aaron, 1968-09-29, 6809295744088, 903 Block U, Mabopane, 0190, 2011-09-14; Kedibone Merriam
Mhlambi, 1972-04-04, 7204040738081. NJ Mguni Attorneys, Suite 639 Van Erkom Building, 217 Pretorius Street, Pretoria.
24098/2014—Naidoo, Magashin, 1970-05-30, 7005305234082, 43 Silky Oak Avenue, Heuweloord, Centurion,
2013-02-27; Rajasvrie Luxmi Naidoo, 1973-01-20, 7301200258080. Komalavathy Naidoo, PO Box 413636, Craighall, 2024.
19005/2013—Jacobus Augustus van Deventer, 3801115007088, pensioenaris woonagtig te SAVF Ouetehuis,
Middelburg, 1 November 2013. (Get) Epo Brandmuller, Brandmullers Prokureurs, John Magagulastraat 34A, Middelburg, 1050.
30 dae.
5125/2014—Manone, Modimokoane Jonas, 1958-09-21, 5809215768085, 97 Fransman Str, Potchefstroom, 2014-02-19;
Mabatho Lydia Manone, 1962-12-04, 6212040418084. Krause van der Walt, 1st Floor, 41 Buskus Str, Potchefstroom.
17753/2006—Pansegrouw, Louisa Leah, 1916-11-27, 1611270025086, Masonic Haven, Die Wilgers, Pretoria,
2006-08-24. Louw & Heyl Attorneys, PO Box 360, Roodepoort, 1725.
24256/2014—Du Plessis, Jan Barend, 1936-11-15, 3611155101083, 9 Sangiro Avenue, Wilropark, Roodepoort,
2013-05-15; Susanna Magdalena Elizabeth du Plessis, 1941-04-14, 4104140066081. Louw & Heyl Attorneys, PO Box 360,
Roodepoort, 1725.
15972/2013—Fourie, Michael Jacobus, 12/10/1948, 4810125018083, Farm Koesterfontein No. 45, District Krugersdorp,
1739, 28/5/2013; Dorothea Susanna Cornelia Fourie, 29/01/1954, 5401290049084. Middel & Partners JHB, Unit 45,
Willowbrook, Office Park, Van Hoof Street, Ruimsig. 30 days.
22764/2014—Meyer, Getruida Susanna, 20/08/1928, 2008280042087, 39 St. Jerome Avenue, Mayfair, West
Johannesburg, 2092, 21/02/2014. Middel & Partners JHB, Unit 45 Willowbrook, Office Park van Hoof Street, Ruimsig. 30 days.
22027/14—Beyl, Carole Ann, 14/7/1970, 7007140136084, 3 Kurt Avenue, Floridaglen, 1709, 31/3/2014; Frederick
Johannes Beyl, 11/05/1968, 6805115092088. FWC Accountants, Unit 45 Willowbrok, Office Park van Hoof Street, Ruimsig.
30 days.
23091/2014—Marais, Charles Pieter, 1970-09-15, 7009155005089, 8 Ietsie Niets, Delfi Avenue, Moreleta Park, Pretoria,
2014-04-29. Morne du Toit Marais, PO Box 592, Alberton, 1450.
020903/2013—Verster, Christoffel Johannes Cornelius, 1952-09-07, 5209075126088, 2A Kogel Street, Middelburg,
Mpumalanga, 1050, 2014-05-11. Danie Sauer RAA SA, PO Box 1339, Middelburg, Mpumalanga, 1050.
20502/2014—Knight, Shawn Carl, 1976-08-27, 7608275754086, 26 President Street, Graskop, 2014-04-07. Swanepoel
& Partners, Pinnacle Bldg, Suite 601, 1 Parkin Street, Nelspruit.
0208822014—Vilakati, Dom Absalom, 1942-05-04, 4205046100047, Colleystraat 32, Amsterdam, 2014-01-03; Mavis
Mpempe Vilakati Vilakati, 1950-11-02. Wiekus du Toit Attorneys, 26 Russel Street, Nelspruit.
O Reilly, Trevor Richard, 06-12-1955, 5512065149089, 34 Golden Avenue, West Acres, Nelspruit, 1201, 08-04-2014;
O Reilly, 20-10-1954, 5410200153084. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

This gazette is also available free online at



20935/2014—Renwick, Herbert William, 1937-10-19, 3710195032082, 33 Gonubie Glen, Dikkop Avenue, Gonubie,
2014-05-20. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 544, George, 6530.
20323/2014—Nombita, Zoliswa, 1965-09-28, 6509280808084, Skolweni Location, Alice, 2014-04-08. Thina Peteni
Attorneys, PO Box 16219, Amathole Valley, 5616.
640/2014—Ntshebe, Nancy Nomawethu, 1962-07-06, 6207060990087, 51 Market Street, King William’s Town,
2013-12-04. Thina Peteni Attorneys, PO Box 16219, Amathole Valley, 5616.
20247/2014—Qata, Nomazibulo Lucia, 1951-05-29, 5105290129081, 24 McPherson Street, Ginsberg, 2014-05-19; Wozi
Eric Qata, 1939-12-15, 3912155313086. Thina Peteni Attorneys, PO Box 16219, Amathole Valley, 5616.
021263/2014—Friend, Anna Harlina, 1939-08-06, 3908060032084, Unit 25, Park Drive Village, Park Drive, Port Elizabeth,
2014-06-28. JFC Friend, PO Box 15558, Emerald Hill, 6011.
666/2014—Kotseli, Kotseli Daniel, 5 May 1924, 2405055103088, 1250 Block G, Dukathole, Aliwal North, 9750,
26 December 2013. Douglas & Botha, Attorneys for Executor, Somerset Street 11/13, Aliwal North, 9750.
666/2014—Kotseli, Kotseli Daniel, 5 May 1924, 2405055103088, 1250 Block G, Dukathole, Aliwal North, 9750,
26 December 2013. Douglas & Botha, Attorneys for Executor, Somerset Street 11/13, Aliwal North, 9750.
4337/2012—Xuba, Ongama Hlubi, 1966-03-05, 6603055983089, Cala Village; PO Box 12, Cala, 2012-08-03. Z.N.
Dumalisile Attorneys, 07 Craister Street, Mthatha. 30 days.
20764/2014—Sobetwa, Mvelase Forget, 1945-01-21, 4501215089080, 1028 Mlandli Street, Ngangelizwe, Mthatha,
2013-12-07; Zibaya Xoliswa Sweetness, 1948-11-11, 4811110892086. Zin Dumalisile Attorneys, 07 Craister Street, Mthatha.
30 days.
1502/2014—Mantanga, Mlungisi, 1978-07-08, 7807085662089, Zimbane Valley, No. 17 Hospital Road, Mthatha,
2013-10-21; Nkamana Ndileka Happiness, 1979-01-06, 7901060668086. Z.N. Dumalisile Attorneys, 07 Craister Street,
Mthatha. 30 days.
06/2013—Mamatu, Nomzamo, 9 June 1958, 580609612081, 954 NU 10, Mdantsane, 29 December 2012; Mzimasi Basil
Mamatu, 31 December 1955, 5512315717081. Abdo & Abdo Attorneys, 33 Tecoma Street, Berea, East London.
020215/2014—Trew, George Rae, 31 December 1926, 2612315065086, 4 The Orchards, Longway Avenue, Lorraine, Port
Elizabeth, 12 April 2014; Hester Helena Johanna Trew, 17 January 1935, 3501170072080. Aronson Abramowitz & Company,
PO Box 12814, Centrahil, 6006.
021411/2014—Funde, Kapdi Witbooi, 1940-01-25, 4001255125084, No. 902 Nongcula Street, Ngangelizwe Township,
Mthatha, 2014-06-30. Bango & Associates, 7 Craister Street, Holycross Building, Mthatha.
4298/2011—Bosman, Neil Aubrey, 19 January 1969, 6901195256089, 4 Killian Street Extension 21, Bethelsdorp, Port
Elizabeth, 12 July 2011; Geralaldine Colleen Bosman, 26 November 1966, 6611260198088. Christo Harding, Christ Harding
Attorneys, 12 Eastbourne Road, Mount Croix, Port Elizabeth.
020353/2014—Du Preez, Hester Elizabeth, 13 May 1946, 4605130081088, 61 Adam Road, Charlo, Port Elizabeth, 13
March 2014; Marthinus Smartryk du Preez, 23 February 1943, 4302235015084. Christo Harding, Chris Harding Attorneys, 12
Eastbourne Road, Mount Croix, Port Elizabeth.
020775/2014—Stanford, Phyllis, 04-12-1927, 2712040005082, Bennystraat 5, Middelburg, 5900, 09-05-2014. ABSA
Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045.
021221/2014—Mallett, Nicholas Johannes, 25-08-1932, 3208255018083, 311 Walton Park, Summerstrand, Port
Elizabeth, 6001, 20-05-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045.
021262/2014—Nel, Marthinus Cornelius, 21-10-1953, 5310215104082, Milnerstraat 21, Canon Hill, Uitenhage, 6229,
31-03-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045.
020796/2014—Strydom, Clyde Llewellyn, 04-10-1934, 3410045015086, Verwoerdstraat 1, Cradock, 5880, 03-04-2014.
ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045.
021082/2014—Raftopulas, Nicos Christos, 23-12-1930, 3012235057082, 22 Harvey Street, Vanes Estate, Uitenhage,
6229, 13-02-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045.
021096/2014—Hopkins, Maria Magrieta, 19-05-1941, 4105190036080, Hannekomlaan 3, Fairbridge Heights, Uitenhage,
6229, 17-03-2014; Rodney George Hopkins, 23-09-1945, 4509235057086. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres,
021112/2014—Van Zyl, Anna Sibella, 25-10-1939, 3910250028088, Ankerweg 1B, Beachview, 6012, 27-05-2014; Abel
Johannes van Zyl, 10-06-1936, 3606105046081. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045.
020003/2014—Harper, Fredrick Charles Gilbert, 20-03-1945, 4503205059081, 185 Sunnyside Road, Haven Hills, East
London, 5209, 17-06-2011; Elizabeth Angela Harper, 31-08-1955, 5508310150088. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571,
Greenacres, 6045.
021089/2014—Thomas, Doreen Ann, 16-04-1932, 3204160033085, 14 Casa Blanca, 21 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth,
6001, 01-05-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045.
021138/2014—Morgan, Edward Crosby, 25-08-1929, 2908255031082, 30 Baldwin Road, Swartkops, Port Elizabeth,
6001, 19-05-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045.
020832/2014—Mnamata, Ntomboxolo Cynthia, 26 July 1972, 7207264800086, 3 Ephesus Street, Kamma Park, Port
Elizabeth, 1 June 2014. Odwa Mnamata, c/o Greyvensteins Inc., 104 Park Drive, Port Elizabeth (Agents).

This gazette is also available free online at


021434/2014—Pretorius, Andries Daniel, 1948-11-03, 4811035007083, 15 Ings Avenue, Uitenhage, 6230, 23 April 2014;
Elizabeth Anna Pretorius, 1953-05-20, 5305200006086. Adv. Marius van Zyl, 35 Tongaat Street, Uitenhage, PO Box 6044,
021434/2014—Pretorius, Andries Daniel, 1948-11-03, 4811035007083, 15 Ings Avenue, Uitenhage, 6230, 23 April 2014;
Elizabeth Anna Pretorius, 1953-05-20, 5305200006086. Adv. Marius van Zyl, 35 Tongaat Street, Uitenhage, PO Box 6044,
1530/2006—Ntshona, Madoda Max, 19 January 1943, 4301195380082, 2 Msinka Street, New Brighton, Port Elizabeth,
29 March 2010. Boqwana Burns Inc., 73 2nd Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
000169/2014—Nongogo, Thobelinkosi Barnabat, 1949-02-02, 4902025771083, 767 NU 13, Mdantsane, 2013-01-13.
Wayne Changfoot, Changfoot van Breda Attorneys, 57 Recreation Road, Southernwood, East London, 5201.
020666/2014—Cramford, Velma, 1954-04-23, 5404230127085, 92 John Nash Crescent, Buffalo Flats, East London,
2009-12-09; William Cramford, 1951-03-28, 5103285159080. Wayne Changfoot, Changfoot van Breda Attorneys,
57 Recreation Road, Southernwood, East London, 5201.
882/2014—Klackers, Nevil Dennis, 22 November 1948, 4811225017082, 42 Long Street, Stutterheim, 4930, 13 February
2014. Wylde Brothers, PO Box 11, Stutterheim, 4930.
021219/201—Msutu, Somikazi Caroline, 1956-08-05, 5608050818082, 20 Lemorne Street, Woodlands, Port Elizabeth,
2014-05-18; Zolile Victor Msutu, 1953-08-18, 5308185724087. Standard Executors Ltd, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.
30 days.
5796/12—Namfu, Mzoli, 1984-06-06, 8406066521080, No. 8 Mpaka Drive, Ncambedlana, Phase 2, Mthatha,
2012-07-10. Odwa Mgxaji, No. 18 Craister Street, Mthatha.
2145/2012—Sihunu, Majeke Lennox, 1944-12-25, 4412255125083, 13 Lesray Flats, 19 Dalham Road, Kimberley,
2012-09-24. Smith Tabata Inc., PO Box 529, King William’s Town.
7272/2014—Richard Alastair Penton Warren, 6705315130086, ’n getroude man wat oorlede is op: 15 Desember 2012.
MP Manie Pretorius Prokureurs, Stander Sentrum, Floraweg 268 (Posbus 10523), Danabaai, 6510. 30 dae.
021263/2014—Friend, Anna Harlina, 1939-08-06, 3908060032084, Unit 25, Park Drive Village, Park Drive, Port Elizabeth,
2014-06-28. JFC Friend, PO Box 15558, Emerald Hill, 6011.
Swart, Ruth, 1925-01-28, 2501280036083, Somerson Retirement Village, Admiralty Crescent, Summerstrand, Port
Elizabeth, 2014-05-31. PKF (PE) Inc., 27 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045.
20761/2014—Bosch, Derick Ivon, 21-08-1936, 3608215008084, Khala Moya Nature Reserve, Kaysers Beach, East
London, 14 May 2014; Lynn Olga Bosch, 20-02-1944, 4402200019085. Robert Montgomery, Rushmere Noach Incorporated,
PO Box 100, Port Elizabeth, 6000.
020796/2014—Burnett, Harold Moulsdale, 8 August 1920, 2008085017186, 221 Laubcher Park WEst, Main Road,
Walmer, Port Elziabeth, Eastern Cape, 3 April 2014. PricewaterhouseCoopers, PO Box 27013, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth,
21311/2014—Kapp, Michael Hendrik Christian, 1947-03-17, 4703175018089, Port Elizabeth, 2014-04-26; Mariana
Kapp, 1946-09-16, 4609160097089. Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days.
21208/2014—Oelofsen, Aletta Mona, 22-09-1970, 7009220208080, 17 Fidel Court, Van der Stel Street, Kabega Park,
Port Elizabeth, 24-05-2014. N F de Villiers, c/o Brown Braude & Vlok, 317 Cape Road, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
20930/2014—Tyhatyeka, Nkosiyakhe James, 14 April 1956, 5604145682082, 2159 Ekuphumuleni, Whittlesea, Eastern
Cape, 22 December 2012; Anthony Tyaliti Inc., 18 Ebden Street, Queenstown, 5320. 30 days.
447/2014—Tromp, Klaas, 17-12-27, 2712175058088, 12 Angus Street, Vergenoeg, East London, Eastern Cape,
25 December 1990. MMV Attorneys Inc., 171A Stewart Drive, Berea, East London.
20504/2014—Maku, Celiwe, 15-07-49, 49071550334086, 76 Brownlee Street, Stutterheim, Eastern Cape, 4 April 2014.
MMV Attorneys Inc., 11A Stewart Drive, Berea, East London.
21227/2014—Mdyesha, Sipo Manford, 1937-03-18, 3703185268089, East London, 2014-06-17. Martin Phalakathsela,
3876 Isikalu Street, Kempton Park, 1619. 31 days.
020766/2014—Du Randt, Johannes Daniel, 23 June 1934, 3406235012081, Holden Avenue, Somerset East, 5850,
30 May 2014. Gerber Botha and Gowar Trustees, represented by RP Botha, PO Box 124, Somerset East, 5850.
1297/2014—Barnard, Daniel Mynhardt, 3 October 1969, 6910035152085, 28 Nicholson Street, Uitenhage, 1 February
2014. Lynette Volschenk, nominee of Lynett@law, 24 Caledon Street, Uitenhage.
001458/2014—Sabbadin, Daniele, 22 July 1917, 2207175007185, Fernglen Frailcare Centre, 21 Barton Road, 21 Barton,
Cotswold, Port Elizabeth, 6001, 30 November 2013, widower. Giorgio Giovanni Sabbadin, 31 Broadway Avenue, Sunridge Park,
Port Elizabeth, 6020.
020521/2014—Sipika Edmund Matshisi, 4308015433082, 4119 NU 8, Mdantsane, 2 April 2014. Malusi & Co. Attorneys,
7 Tecoma Street, Berea, East London. 30 days.
20925/2014—Du Plooy, Abraham Carel, 1964-01-14, 6401145239087, 111 - 11th Avenue, Gonubie, East London,
2014-06-17. Deborah Anne Godwin, IET, PO Box 8081, Nahoon, 5210.
20950/2014—Liberty, Nadia, 1937-04-09, 3704090283080, 40 Livingstone Circle, Uitenhage, 6230, 2013-10-21. Linda
Bode, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
20858/2014—Wiltshire, Patricia, 1953-08-17, 5308170198081, Port Elizabeth, 2014-04-27. Standard Trust Limited,
PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days.
021413/2014—Mbokoto, Zamile Daniel, 23 December 1958, 5812235799080, 56 Khwalimanzi Street, NU3, Motherwell,
Port Elizabeth, 10 July 2014. Nelisa Mbokoto, c/o Greyvensteins Inc., 104 Park Drive, Port Elziabeth (Agents).
020960/2014—Salmond, William, 1942-05-25, 4205255064082, 1 Kenwill Court, 21 Chamberlain Road, Berea, East
London, 2014-02-14. Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days.
20858/2014—Wiltshire, Patricia, 1953-08-17, 5308170198081, Port Elizabeth, 2014-04-27. Standard Trust Limited,
PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days.

This gazette is also available free online at


020394/2014—Mandla Spoldin Mabombo, 5401045558082, 23 November 2013. Nomjana Attorneys (Agents of

Executor), No. 5 Lancaster Road, Vincent, East London. 30 days.
020515/2014—Manzana, Kholeka Pretty, 16 September 1954, 5409160950083, 2122 Zone 8, Zwelitsha, 30 November
2013. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
020518/2014—Njemla, Ntombekhaya Muriel, 20 May 1948, 48052090728085, Rabula Location, Keiskammahoek,
3 December 2013. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
21063/2014—Potgieter, Pieter, 1934-10-18, 3410185017082, 35 Kinnersley Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth,
2014-06-03; Athlene Lomas Potgieter, 1937-06-06, 3706060034088. PSG Trust – DR EC Nel, PO Box 6111, Walmer, 6065.
020666/2014—Billet, Catherine, 21-10-1955, 5510210051085, 176 Rosedale Drive, Uitenhage, 6229, 3 May 2014.
SW Herselman, 24 Sutherland Road, Mosel, Uitenhage, 6229.
021549/2014—Stamos, Andreoulla, 1 Mei 1948, 4805010323085, Gradwellstraat 11, Despatch, 1 Junie 2014; Georgios
Stamos. Conradie Campher & Kemp Ing., Hoofstraat 20, Despatch. 30 dae.
021575/2014—Sindiswa Beauty Benya, 5205230123085, No. 1866 Mcubakazi Township, Butterworth, Eastern Cape
Province, 20 November 2013. Mavonya Moshesh & Associates, Attorneys for Executor, Suite 2, 1-2.3, 2nd Floor, Old Mutual
Building, corner King & Fuller Street; PO Box 45, Butterworth, 4960. 30 days.
021575/2014—Benya, Sindiswa Beauty, 1952-05-23, 5205230123085, No. 1866 Mcubakazi Township, Butterworth,
Eastern Cape Province, 2013-11-20. Mfundiso Mavonya, c/o Mavonya Moshisi & Associates, Suite 21-23, 2nd Floor, Old Mutual
Bld, No. 28 King Street (PO Box 45), Butterworth, 4960. 30 days.
020945/2014—Jose, Yvonne Hope, 1943-12-07, 4312070097089, 1 Princes Road, Vincent, East London, 2014-3-17.
Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days.
020394/2014—Mandla Spoldin Mabombo, 5401045558082, 23 November 2013. Nomjana Attorneys (Agents of
Executor), No. 5 Lancaster Road, Vincent, East London. 30 days.
021295/2014—Lamani, Sebenzile Robert, 1952-07-01, 5207015420082, 26 Masola Street, Walmer, Port Elizabeth,
2014-06-25; Kate Nontsokolo Lamani Lamani, 1953-07-06, 5307060329087. Nontsokolo Kate Lamani, 26 Majola Street,
Walmer, Port Elizabeth. 30 days.
23491/2014—Saunders, George Edward, 1918-09-07, 1809075035082, 11 Ironsidehof, 20 Ironside Street, George, 6529,
2014-04-16; Yvonne Jean Doreen Saunders. Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 27528, Greenacres, 6052. 30 days.
021108/2014—Van Gent, Helena Susanna Maria, 1938-11-09, 3811090045086, 213 Ebony Street, Jeffreys Bay,
2014-04-23; Johannes Petrus van Gent, 3706255040080. Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days.
020901/2014—Smit, Ethel Alice, 2028-07-15, 2807150018089, 11 Andover Road, Perrifgevale, Port Elizabeth, 6001,
2014-04-25; Edgar Beuman Smit, 1937-12-09, 3712095018088. Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057.
30 days.
2180/2012—Mnotoza, Thandiwonga Alfred, 10-04-1954, 5404105727084, Ntloko Administrative Area, Peddie, Eastern
Cape, 12 August 2012. Siyabulela Mnotoza, Ntloko Administrative Area, Pedie, Eastern Cape.
3020/2005—Magrimo, Charlie Joseph, 21-10-1934, 3410215190081, 10 Fifth Street, Windvogel, Bethelsdorp, 6059,
14-12-2004; Johanna Magrimo (born Koesnell), 12-08-1934, 3408120284080. S. Motumi Attorneys, 10795 Mnyanda Street,
Kwazakhele, Port Elizabeth, 6205.
001330/2014—Mafongosi, Nomvuyo Virginia, 1950-04-25, 5004250724082, 77 Deon Street, Rowalhan Park, Port
Elizabeth, 2014-03-21. Wynand du Preez, PO Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055.
0215532014—Bezuidenhout, Jacobus Nicholaas, 1939-04-17, 3904175034081, 18 Salie Street, Jeffreys Bay. Wynand
du Preez, PO Box 34880, Newton Park.
021144/2014—Doubell, Una Eleze, 15-12-1924, 2412150035082, 08-05-2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032,
Sanlamhof, 7532.
021286/2014—Brockman, Razeen, 18-10-1953, 5310185178082, Van Rooyen Street, Parkside, Port Elizabeth,
7 April 2014; Marildeyah Brockman, 07-06-1943, 4306070113086. Marildeyah Brockman, PO Box 63950, Greenacres, Port
Elizabeth, 6057.
20120/2014—Huisamen, Nanette, 1939-02-04, 3902040102083. 1 Silversands, Second Avenue, Summerstrand, Port
Elizabeth, 2014-03-02. N F de Villiers, c/o 317 Cape Road, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
020978/2014—Titus, Klaas, 1968-04-30, 6804305093089, 16 Jansenville Street, Bridgemead, Port Elizabeth, 2014-06-12;
Rina Titus, 1969-07-18, 6907180189086. Rina Titus (Executrix), Private Bag X22500, Port Elizabeth, 6000.
2552/2012—Kock, Catherina Hendrietta, 28 July 1920, 2007280015085, 52 Naude Street, Middelburg, 5900 (Eastern
Cape), 5 July 2012. Nolte Smit Attorneys Cradock, 18 Durban Street, Cradock, 5880 (Eastern Cape).
020399/2014—Karuppan, Abel 20-10-1960, 6010205228086, 5 Himalaya Road, Braelyn, East London, 24-11-2013;
Yogavelli Karuppan, 31-05-1960, 6005310178085. Yogavelli Karuppan, 5 Himalaya Road, Braelyn, East London, 5201.
666/2014—Kotseli, Kotseli Daniel, 5 May 1924, 2405055103088, 1250 Block G, Dukathole, Aliwal North, 9750,
26 December 2013. Douglas & Botha, Attorneys for Executor, 11/13 Somerset Street, Aliwal North, 9750. 30 days.
2597/2011—Ncanywa, Kedamile Christo, 1939-09-15, 3909155179087, 136 Mavuya Location, Indwe, 5445, 2011-07-03;
Nongayiti Evelyn Ncanywa, 1940-02-17, 4002170160081. Van Niekerk & Co., PO Box 230, Dordrecht, 5435. 30 days.
20781/2014—Andre, Stanislas, 1930-03-13, 3003135031087, 2 Link Road, St Francis Bay, 2014-04-23. DC de Swardt,
CW Malan Prokureurs, Oosterlandstraat 15, Jeffreysbaai.
020948/2014—Malan, Johannes Nicolaas, 19 June 1927, 2706195011085, Jeffreysrus Retirement Village, Jeffreys Bay,
6330, 29 May 2014. Gerber Botha & Gowar Trustees, represented by RP Botha, PO Box 124, Somerset East, 5850.
20968/2014—Geyer, Maurice Remond, 18-03-1919, 1903185034083, Unit 39, Kennersley Park, Beacon Bay, East
London, 5241, 3 July 2014. Lorna Atholie Geyer, Unit 39, Kennersley Park, Beacon Bay, 5241.
0206362014—Grewe, Cathrina Ellen Johanna, 1947-05-09, 4705090138082, 898 Oak Street, Clearview, MacLear, 5480,
2014-02-16; Teten Hennison Grewe, 1945-09-24, 4509245139080. Noel Wagenaar, PO Box 25, Maclear, 5480.

This gazette is also available free online at



20215/2014—Rhino, Nicolaas Johannes, 1932-10-17, 3210175046087, Senekal Aftree-oord No. 35, Senekal, 9600,
2014-03-11; Adriana Aletta Rhino, 1935-12-04, 3512040023088. NO Oelofse Ingelyf, Posbus 51, Senekal, 9600.
20215/2014—Rhino, Nicolaas Johannes, 1932-10-17, 3210175046087, Senekal Aftree-oord No. 35, Senekal, 9600,
2014-03-11; Adriana Aletta Rhino, 1935-12-04, 3512040023088. NO Oelofse Ingelyf, Posbus 51, Senekal, 9600.
1314/2014—Rossouw, Hendry Eugene, 1961-12-14, 6112145043086, Universiteit van die Vrystaat, Huis Roosmaryn,
Woonstel 35, 31 Augustus 2013. Thys Mulder Prokureur, 18 Madison Square, Hoofstraat, Strand, 7140.
22230/2014—Tshikedi, Matshidisho Elias, 1922-04-28, 2204285122087, 415 Mokwena Location, Thaba Nchu,
2014-04-19. Deborah Lee Byrne, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
11566/2013—Mofokeng, Ntsoana Shadrack, 1962-10-09, 6210095628086, 12 Van Riebeeck Street, Jordania,
Bethlehem, 9700, 2013-10-02; Lerato Grace Mofokeng, 1970-01-06, 7001060290088. Hattingh Marais, 3 Theron Street,
21463/2014—Lutye, Lindile Drummond, 21 June 1956, 5606215323089, 33 Geelhout Street, Merriespruit, Virginia, 9430,
2 May 2014. Erasmus & Co. Attorneys, Pretium Building, Herdenking Street, Virginia, 9430.
21207/2014—Prinsloo, Cecilia Johanna, 3 October 1929, 2110030004087, 17 Barbour Street, Naudeville, Welkom, 9459,
21 April 2014. Erasmus & Co. Attorneys, Petium Building, Herdenking Street, Virginia, 9430.
020937/2014—Oerson, Cornelius David George, 01/08/1929, 2901085072087, William Plaatjiesstraat 96, Heidedal,
Bloemfontein, 9300, 14/06/2001; Martha Magdalena, 03/27/1937, 3703270087087. HD Badenhorst, p/a Phatshoane Henney
Ing, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300.
21912/2014—Mokaloba, Jacob Kakile, 3 Augustus 1959, 5908035744084, 9233 K9 Kutlwanong, Odendaalsrus,
20 Maart 2014. Deliwe Lydia Mokaloba, p/a S Jooste- Van Vuuren Prokureurs, Josiasstraat 114, Odendaalsrus.
2034/2011—Mphuthi, Alina Thabiseng, 1974-05-29, 7405290483084, 61 Lotusville, Harrismith, 2011-02-09; Sichetho
Phillemon Mphuthi, 1974-05-17, 7405175503089. Venter Attorneys, PO Box 564, Harrismith, 9880.
2591/2014—Moleko, Matlakala Maria, 18-10-1919, 1910180106089, 108 Ratau, Thaba ’Nchu, 17-09-2013. P/a Lovius
Block, PO Box 12196, Brandhof, 9324.
20822/2014—Lubbe, Aletta Martina, 1936-11-07, 3611070020087, 8 Heuning Street, Jan Kempdorp, 2014-06-09; Andries
Lubbe, 07-12-1933, 3312075008082. Francois Fouché Potgieter, FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd P.O. Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
22869/2014—Human, Ferdinand Jacobus, 05-10-1938, 3810055005085, Koringblom Singel 20, Pelissier, 12 June 2014.
Francois Fouché Potgieter, FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
Johnston, Frederick Robertson, 11/04/1924, 2404115045082, Vrystaat Nasorgsentrum, Bloemfontein, 08/12/2013.
FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Bloemfontein (PO Box 12619), Brandhof, 9324.
22932/2014—Van Niekerk, Gerhardus Frederik, 1971-04-05, 7104055006087, farm Mooigelegen, Reitz, 2014-04-29;
Lieze van Niekerk, 1975-07-17, 7507170061086. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Francois Fouché Potgieter, P.O. Box 12619,
Brandhof, 9324.
702/2014—Thomson, Michielina, 1933-10-28, 3310280060088, Goldberglaan 64, Bethlehem, 9700, 2013/12/21. Michal
Wentzel Müller, Breytenbach Mavuso Inc, 12 Union Street, Bethlehem, 9700.
022211/2014—Mahlangu, Esther Maki, 1935-01-01, 3501010529083, 3295 Xaba Street, Bohlokong, Bethlehem, 9702,
2014-01-24. Michal Wentzel Müller, 12 Union Street, Bethlehem, 9700.
022490/14—Van der Walt, Johanna Catharina, 1945-04-13, 4504130014084, Westerson Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Senekal,
2014-03-26. B J du Toit, Du Toit Louw Botha Ing, Posbus 11, Ficksburg, 9730.
22526/2014—Botha, Edith Rachel, 13/05/1958, 5805130053082, Abdulstraat 106, Brentspark, Kroonstad, 9499,
16/05/2014; Botha, 26/07/1955, 5507265124080. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
003041/2014—Molai, Sello Jeremia, 1948-02-02, 4802025689089, 7103 Moleke Street, Phutaditjhaba, 2013-08-28;
Makholotso Anna Molai, 1953-07-22, 5307220776086. Mpinaabednego Mathebula, Uys Mathebula Inc, 16 NJ van der Merwe
Crescent, Sasolburg, 1947. 30 days.
23124/2014—Mokoena, Lwandle McMillian, 28 Oktober 1962, 6210285853080, 9918 Grassland, Bloemfontein, 10 Mei
2014; Moklikobiso Aliz-Mary Mokoena, 3 Julie 1960, 6007030351182. Werner Vermaak Prokureurs, Posbus 26817,
Langenhoven Park.
22345/2014—Van Aswegen, Lodewyk Johannes, 03-05-1943, 4305035002087, 32 Van Rensburgstraat, Henneman,
9445, 08-05-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
22665/2014—Van der Linde, Abednog, 12-02-1952, 5202125091089, Willemstraat 3, Sandersville, Heilbron, 9650,
01-03-2010; Van der Linde, 14-04-1951, 5104140088084. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
022684/2014—Nkuna, Dick Frank, 16-12-1945, 4512165465089, 11448 Oppenheimer Park, Thabong, Welkom, 9459,
10-05-2014; Nkuna, 16-07-1947, 4707160513087. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
22543/2014—Strydom, Johannes Frederick, 18-11-1950, 5011185004084, Tielman Roosstraat 36, Noordhoek,
Bloemfontein, 9301, 03-06-2014; Strydom, 12-11-1951, 5111120140082. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
22357/2014—Van Aarde, Dorethia Hendrina, 07-09-1933, 3309070023082, Najaarsrus Ouetehuis, Parys, 9585,
12-11-2013. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
21921/2014—Grobler, Anna Susanna Magrietha, 21-09-1915, 1509210032081, Flemmingpark A3, Mellville Rylaan,
Bloemfontein, 9301, 14-04-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
22500/2014—Dhladhla, Mbuti Mikia, 24-07-1937, 3707245199085, 962 Kilane Street, Harrismith, 9880, 31-12-2013.
ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

This gazette is also available free online at


22617/2014—De Bruin, Johanna Isabella, 25-07-1928, 2807250036080, Hospitaalweg 33, Kroonstad, 9499, 11-05-2014;
De Bruin, 10-08-1935, 3508105015084. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
11833/2013—Majoro, Peter Ngazieki, 26 September 1972, 7209265808089, 27 Sardyn Singel, Bloemside, Bloemfontein,
9306, 10 October 2013; Suzan Mothepane Majoro, 6 September 1976, 7609061140084. Motaung Attorneys, Shop 2, Albany
Court, 80 Westburger Street, Bloemfontein.
22823/2014—Robbertse, Cornelia Johanna, 1932-10-16, 3210160004083, Hickmanstraat 14, Parys, 9585, 3 Junie 2014.
Mnr E. Kriek, pa/ Kriek & Van Wyk Ingelyf, Kerkstraat 17, Parys, 9585.
23012/2014—Steyn, Rika, 1934-02-15, 3402150038086, Najaarsrus Aftree-Oord, Woonstel No. 1H, Dolfstraat, Parys,
9585, 10 Junie 2014. Mnr. H.G. Steyn, pa/ Kriek & Van Wyk Ingelyf, Kerkstraat 17, Parys, 9585.
22678/2014—Kaibe, Mohlabane Elliot, 1946-04-17, 4604175244081, 4766 Thaele Street, Phutaditjhaba, 9866,
2014-02-25. Letsela Attorneys, Private Bag X808, Witsieshoek 9870. 30 days.
022494/2014—Carey, Robyn Michelle, 1984-04-03, 8404030236083, Andespark 3, Shelleyvale, Bloemfontein, 9301,
2014-06-05. OT Carey, Posbus 100575, Renosterspruit, 9326.
22263/2014—Moloi, Teboho Meshack, 1953-08-12, 5308125776080, Villa Benlene 5, Bethlehem, 9700, 2014-06-16;
Selloane Agnes Moloi, 1955-03-17, 5503170709081. CC Harrington Jnr, 29 Lindley Street, P.O. Box 255, Bethlehem, 9700.
22263/2014—Teboho Meshack Moloi, 5308125776080 Villa Benlene 5, Bethlehem, 9700, 16 Junie 2014; getroud binne
gemeenskap van goedere met Selloane Agnes Moloi, 5503170709081. Harringtons Ingelyf, Lindleystraat 29; Posbus 255,
Bethlehem, 9700. 30 dae.
22821/2014—Van Schalkwyk, Lore Edda, 28-08-1939, 3908280073082, Plaas Johannastroom, Distrik Dewetsdorp,
16 Junie 2014. Mev. H.J.C. Du Plessis, p/a Rosendorff Rietz Barry Prokureurs, Derdestraat 6, Bloemfontein, 9300.
11871/2013—Pace, John Wannenburgh, 12 Februarie 1937, 3702125065084, Eddie De Beer Straat 22, Bloemfontein,
29 Julie 2013. C J Raath, p/a Rothmann Prokureurs Ingelyf, Posbus 11649, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 9321.
22227/2014—Van Niekerk, Francois Philippus, 1968-02-01, 6902015095087, Klaradyn 119, Pellissier, Bloemfontein,
2014-05-22; Marie van Niekerk, 1970-12-16. B.J. Viviers, Charlesstraat 93A, Bloemfontein.
2578/2006—Van Deventer, Magdalena Johanna, 29-01-1962, 6201290068087, Harmesestraat 3, Naudeville, Welkom,
09-10-2005. Schoeman Kellerman & Koetze Ing, Posbus 419, Welkom, 9460.
22713/2014—Karsten, Jacomina Stoffelina, 19 Desember 1932, 3212190006088, Amot Aftree-Oord, Tweedelaan 15,
Parys, 9585, 17 Junie 2014. Mnr. E. Kriek, p/a Kriek & Van Wyk Ingelyf, Kerkstraat 17, Parys, 9585.
22418/2014—Du Plooy, Magdalena Wilhelmina, 13 Junie 1944, 4406130075083, Noorderstraat 86, Parys, 9585, 29 Mei
2014; Erick du Plooy, 11 Desember 1942, 4212115073089. Mnr. E. Kriek, p/a Kriek & Van Wyk Ingelyf, Kerkstraat 17, Parys,
22645/2014—Strydom, Jeanette Elizabeth, 27 Maart 1927, 2703270014084, Amot Aftree-Oord, Tweedelaan 15, Parys,
9585, 30 Mie 2014. Mnr S.J. Duvenhage, p/a Kriek & Van Wyk Ingelyf, Kerkstraat 17, Parys, 9585.
6085/2013—Fischer, Hermann Augustine, 10 April 1931, 3104105023086, Johan Britsstraat 10, Noordhoek,
Bloemfontein, 1 Junie 2013; nie van toepassing. ASC Du Preez, p/a McIntyre & Van der Post, Posbus 540, Bloemfontein.
22418/2014—Du Plooy, Magdalena Wilhelmina, 13 Junie 1944, 4406130075083, Noorderstraat 86, Parys, 9585, 29 Mei
2014; Erick du Plooy, 11 Desember 1942, 4212115073089. Mnr. E. Kriek, p/a Kriek & Van Wyk Ingelyf, Kerkstraat 17, Parys,
10317/12—Frans Johannes Albertse, 16 October 1952, 5210165080086, 32 Tielman Roos Weg, Noordhoek,
Bloemfontein, 9301, 10 February 2005. Ponaoane Attorneys, 44 West Burger Street, 103 Library House, Bloemfontein, 9301.
30 days.
9157/13—Freda Salome Vorster, 13 August 1956, 5608130212082, 105 Poinsettia Street, Heidedal, Bloemfontein, 9301,
6 August 2013. Ponaoane Attorneys, 44 West Burger Street, 103 Library House, Bloemfontein, 9301. 30 days.
3467/2013—Hamad, Andrew Trukey, 30 Oktober 1940, 4010305013083, 12 Daly Street, Heidedal, Bloemfontein,
15 October 2009; Mamekhoa Emily Hamad, 21 November 1941, 4111210185089. Ramothello Raynard Tsotetsi, 2nd Floor, Star
Building, cnr Markgraaff & Henry Streets, Bloemfontein, 9301.
10699/2013—Benjamen Johannes De Waal, 25 Mei 1942, 4205255031081, 151 Kiepersollaan, Taaibos, Kragbron,
16 Julie 2013. Marthinus Jacobus Boshoff en Johanna Adriana Cecilia van Staden (De Waal), de Beers Trust, p/a De Beer &
Claassen, NJ van der Merwe Singel 15, Sasolburg, 1947. 30 dae.
22943/2014—Visagie, Johannes Jacobus Duminy, 23-09-1925, 2509235017082, Lungo Vaal No. 6, Boomstraat 92,
Parys, 9585, 20 Junie 2014; Francina Petronella Visagie, 23-10-1928, 2810230034084. Mev. F.P. Visagie, Kriek & Van Wyk
Ingelyf, Kerkstraat 17, Parys, 9585.
001284/2014—Potgieter, Dalina Christina Potgieter, 13 Julie 1946, 4607130113085, Havemanstraat 87, Viljoenskroon,
10 April 2010; Michael Ignatius Potgieter, 7 April 1941, 4104075090007. DJ Senekal, p/a Botha Senekal Ing Prokureurs,
Engelbrechtstraat 18; Posbus 2, Viljoenskroon, 9520.
12656/2013—Sello Petrus Mosimane, 18-05-1946, 4605185300086, 28 Yorksford, Thaba Nchu, 9780, 18-02-2013;
Zandile Joyce Funiwe, 03-01-1963, 6301031232081. S.L.L. Motlogeloa, c/o Moroka Attorneys, Suite 18 & 19 Reitz Park,
70 - 80 President Reitz, Westdene, Bloemfontein. 30 days.
022871/2014—Gous, Johanna (gebore Olivier), 1946-11-29, 4611290064088, Ultrechtstraat 8, Sasolburg, 2014-06-17;
Andries Stefanus Matheus Gous, 1945-05-25, 4505255058087. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Kent Laan 265,
Ferndale, Randburg.
20671/2014—Johanna Linnette, 12-02-1948, 4802120054080, 11 Devilspeak Avenue, Carters Glen, Kimberley, 8301,
22-04-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
22697/2014—Fourie, Willem Jacobus, 1954-03-15, 5403155116081, 9 Ibisana Buren Street, Welkom, 9459, 2014-06-14.
F P Rossouw, P.O. Box 455, Welkom, 9460.
23046/2014—Muller, Helena Elizabeth, 1923-07-01, 2307010029087, Arboretum Old Age Home, 2 Keevey Street,
Kroonstad, 2014-07-11. W P Muller, 16 Roodevos Crescent, Langebaan.
9792/2013—Pace, Magrieta Elizabetha Frederika Magdalena, 1 April 1941, 4104010056089, Eddie De Beerstraat 22,
Bloemfontein, 29 Mei 2011. C J Raath, p/a Rothmann Prokureurs, Ingelyf; Posbus 11649, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 9321.

This gazette is also available free online at


22538/2014—Bothma, Sara Jacoba Weideman, 07-01-1924, 2401070006083, Striata Aftreeoord 85, Universitas,
Bloemfontein, 14-06-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
9792/2013—Pace, Magrieta Elizabetha Frederika Magdalena, 1 April 1941, 4104010056089, Eddie De Beerstraat 22,
Bloemfontein, 29 Mei 2011. C J Raath, p/a Rothmann Prokureurs, Ingelyf; Posbus 11649, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 9321.
12656/13—Mosimane, Sello Petrus, 1946-05-18, 4605185300086, 2013-12-18; Joyce Funiwe Zandile Zandile, 1963-01-
03, 6301031232081. McDonald Kenosi Moroka, P.O. Box 43469, Heuwilsig, 9332. 30 days.
12656/2013—Sello Petrus Mosimane, 18-05-1946, 4605185300086, 28 Yorksford, Thaba Nchu, 9780, 18-02-2013;
Zandile Joyce Funiwe, 03-01-1963, 6301031232081. S.L.L. Motlogeloa, c/o Moroka Attorneys, Suite 18 & 19 Reitz Park,
70 - 80 President Reitz, Westdene, Bloemfontein. 30 days.
12656/13—Mosimane, Sello Petrus, 1946-05-18, 4605185300086, 2013-12-18; Joyce Funiwe Zandile Zandile, 1963-01-
03, 6301031232081. McDonald Kenosi Moroka, P.O. Box 43469, Heuwilsig, 9332. 30 days.
12656/2013—Sello Petrus Mosimane, 18-05-1946, 4605185300086, 28 Yorksford, Thaba Nchu, 9780, 18-02-2013;
Zandile Joyce Funiwe, 03-01-1963, 6301031232081. S.L.L. Motlogeloa, c/o Moroka Attorneys, Suite 18 & 19 Reitz Park,
70 - 80 President Reitz, Westdene, Bloemfontein. 30 days.
12656/13—Mosimane, Sello Petrus, 1946-05-18, 4605185300086, 2013-12-18; Joyce Funiwe Zandile Zandile, 1963-01-
03, 6301031232081. McDonald Kenosi Moroka, P.O. Box 43469, Heuwilsig, 9332. 30 days.
12656/2013—Sello Petrus Mosimane, 18-05-1946, 4605185300086, 28 Yorksford, Thaba Nchu, 9780, 18-02-2013;
Zandile Joyce Funiwe, 03-01-1963, 6301031232081. S.L.L. Motlogeloa, c/o Moroka Attorneys, Suite 18 & 19 Reitz Park,
70 - 80 President Reitz, Westdene, Bloemfontein. 30 days.
22539/2014—Mahola, Setseho Merriam, 11-11-1943, 4311110198089, 6445 Constantia, Maokeng, Kroonstad, 9503,
19-05-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
22595/2014—Otsekeng, Malekaota Arcilia, 26-08-1948, 4808260533080, 5418 Dr Makgoa Street, Phahameng,
Bloemfontein, 30-05-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
022723/2014—Cilliers, Hendrik Petrus, 31-07-1937, 3707315034089, Worcesterstraat 19, Virginia, 16-06-2014;
Hendrina Cecilia Cilliers, 22-09-1940, 4009220096082. Haasbroek - Willemse Inc, P.O. Box 195, Virginia, 9430.
7594/2013—Lehlohonolo Philemon Telane, 1944-05-05, 4705055271081, 1553 Bolata Village, Free State Province,
25-02-2013. Dineo Annah Telane, c/o Khanyile Incorporated, P.O. Box 14082, Witsishoek, 9870. 30 days.
1073/2014—Ralekhooana Daniel Lekhooa, 6903075376086, 17 Eland Street, St Helena, Welkom, 9459, 18 November
2013; Lisebo Patricia Lekhooa, 6910030361087. The Manager, Legatus Trust, P.O. Box 17, Pinegowrie, 2123. 30 days.
22343/2014—Steenkamp, Johanna Petronella Steenkamp, 1928-03-19, 2803190032081, Nasina Tehuis, Swartstraat,
Ventersburg, 17-06-2014. JD Steenkamp, p/a Posbus 23, Henneman, 9445. 30 days.
021992/2014—Van der Merwe, Jacobus, 22-01-1921, 2101225019086, No. 29 Bethlehem Aftreeoord, Paul van Gent-
straat 8, Bethlehem, 02-06-2014. Piet Kotzé, Posbus 81, Winburg, 9420.
021992/2014—Van der Merwe, Jacobus, 22-01-1921, 2101225019086, No. 29 Bethlehem Aftreeoord, Paul van Gent-
straat 8, Bethlehem, 02-06-2014. Piet Kotzé, Posbus 81, Winburg, 9420.
023169/2014—Thabo Klaas Litelu, 1947-04-25, 4704255170089, 2072 Poelong Village, Free State Province,
28-06-2014. Majwalane Adelene Litedu, c/o Khanyile Incorporated, P.O. Box 14082, Witsishoek, 9870. 30 days.
22822/2014—Van Niekerk, Linda, 2 Februarie 1952, 520202007784, Chris van Niekerklaan 50, Generaal De Wet,
Bloemfontein, 9301, 30 Junie 2014. Bindeman Prokureurs, Posbus 43663, Heuwelsig, Bloemfontein, 9332.
7594/2013—Lehlohonolo Philemon Telane, 1944-05-05, 4705055271081, 1553 Bolata Village, Free State Province,
25-02-2013. Dineo Annah Telane, c/o Khanyile Incorporated, P.O. Box 14082, Witsishoek, 9870. 30 days.
22450/2014—Van Niekerk, Aletta Magdalena, 16 Oktober 1930, 301016003689, Chris van Niekerklaan, Generaal De
Wet, Bloemfontein, 9301, 20 Junie 2014. Bindeman Prokureurs, Posbus 43663, Heuwelsig, Bloemfontein, 9332.
7594/2013—Lehlohonolo Philemon Telane, 1944-05-05, 4705055271081, 1553 Bolata Village, Free State Province,
25-02-2013. Dineo Annah Telane, c/o Khanyile Incorporated, P.O. Box 14082, Witsishoek, 9870. 30 days.
9792/2013—Pace, Magrieta Elizabetha Frederika Magdalena, 1 April 1941, 4104010056089, Eddie de Beerstraat 22,
Bloemfontein, 29 Mei 2011. C J Raath, p/a Rothmann Prokureurs Ingelyf, Posbus 11649, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 9321.
1291/2014—Scholtz, Donald Albert Robertson, 27/02/1960, 6002275009082, Plaas Addo, Senekal, 9600, 11/12/2013.
ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
12691/2013—Duvenhage, Dawid Izak, 1934-04-22, 3404225011080, Bloemfontein Vrystaat, 2013/11/08; Anna Sophia
Duvenhage, 1949/01/18, 4901180041084. Duvenhage & Van der Merwe, Posbus 63, Kuruman, 8460.

22942/2014 DBN—Shunmugam Maduray, 1943/08/17, 4308175087082, 51 Cardinal Road, Stonebridge, Phoenix,
10 August 2012. Attorneys for Executor: Meryl Moonsamy Attorneys, 2 D Cupclay Place, Clayfield, Phoenix, 4068.
22982/2014 DBN—Rajpathie Raghunandan, 1957/11/30, 5711300123087, 18 Reedbridge Place, Stonebridge, Phoenix.
Meryl Moonsamy Attorneys, 2 D Cupclay Place, Clayfield, Phoenix, 4068. 30 days.
22453/2014/DBN—Jennifer Karin Bradley, 27 April 1957, 5704270111083, 8 Tina Road, Waterfall, 3610, 20 June 2014.
Ewing Tax Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1, Hillcrest, 3650.
4130/2014 DBN—Maharaj, Sewnundhl, 1940-12-28, 4012285378080, 12785 Insizwakazi, Extension 105, P.O. Box 381,
Negina, 3604, 23 November 2012; Merginee Maharaj, 1939-01-30, 3901200328082. Mano Horipersod & Associates, P.O. Box
2783, Pinetown, 3600.
23760/2014/DBN—Juckes, Beryl Joyce, 2504300010088, Flame Lily Park, 565 Stella Road, Malvern, KwaZulu-Natal,
2014-06-26. Christopher Trevor Wensley, P O Box 51014, Musgrave Road, 4062.

This gazette is also available free online at


23901/2014/DBN—Kirk, Audrey Lilian, 1927-02-18, 2702180055088, 96 Frail Care, Flame Lily Park, 565 Stella Road,
Malvern, KwaZulu-Natal, 2014-06-22. Christopher Trevor Wensley, P O Box 510104, Musgrave Road, 4062.
23760/2014/DBN—Juckes, Beryl Joyce, 1925-04-30, 2504300010088, Flame Lily Park, 565 Stella Road, Malvern,
KwaZulu-Natal, 2014-06-26. Christopher Trevor Wensley, P O Box 51014, Musgrave Road, 4062.
24097/2014 DBN—Johan Donald Zikhali, 13-07-1955, 5507135405081, Ward 05, Mkhoma Reserve, Nseleni Township,
25-05-2014. Thula Mlondo Attorneys, Suite 401, 4th Floor, Redefine Towers, 320 Dr Pixley Ka Seme Street, Durban, 4001.
24097/14—Zikhali, Johan Donald, 1955-07-13, 5507135405081, Ward 05, Mkhoma Reserve, Nseleni Township,
2014-05-25; Ngcubase Zikhali, 1956-11-25, 5611250863080. Thula Mlondo Attorneys, Suite 401, 4th Floor, Redefine Towers,
320 West Street, Durban, 4001.
22228/2014/PMB—Hornsby, Hansie Herculas, 04/05/1930, 3005045072083, 756 Radstock Road, Southbroom,
KwaZulu-Natal, 12/03/2014; Anna Christina Hornsby, 16/01/1935, 3501160009084. McGarr & CO, P O Box 3, Margate, 4275.
23758/2014 DBN—Simphiwe Priscilla Mazibuko, 6610010333086, 63 Manzimnyama Road, KwaMashu, “C” Section,
4360, 18 June 2014; Elias Bhekizwi Mazibuko, 26 September 1962, 6209265530080. Mthokozisi Mazibuko Attorneys, Suite
1601, General Building, 47 Field Street, Durban, 4001. 21 days.
23901/2014/DBN—Kirk, Audrey Lilian, 1927-02-18, 2702180055088, 96 Frail Care, Flame Lilly Park, 565 Stella Road,
Malvern, KwaZulu-Natal, 2014-06-22. Christopher Trevor Wensley, P O Box 51014, Musgrave Road, 4062.
23593/2014 DBN—Atkinson, Sylvia Winifred, 28/11/1928, 2811280070085, 3 Sandown Village, 27 Harvey Road,
Pinetown, 3610, 31/05/2014. E R Browne & Sons, 73 Musgrave Road, Durban.
23427/2014/DBN—Ruthnam, Subramoney, 04/11/1956, 5611045151080, 15 Palm Road, Croftdene, Chatsworth, 4092,
21/01/2014; Neela Ruthnam, 25/07/1958, 5807250172080. R. Maharaj and Company, Suite 6, Daddy’s Centre, 258 Pelican
Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth.
22378/2014/PMB—Rhodes, Frederick Bernard, 21/11/1925, 2511215062088, Cottage 15, Ramsgate Retirement Village,
KwaZulu-Natal, 06/06/2014. McGarr & Co, P O Box 3, Margate, 4675.
22211/2014—Evans, Leonard George William, 1926-02-15, 2602155002083, Clarendon House, Villiers Drive,
Pietermaritzburg, 2014-05-29. Deborah Lee Byrne, P O Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
020037/2014—Reddy, Angamma, 13 November 1943, 4311130358085, 175 Westham Drive, Westham, Phoenix,
14/01/2014. Malane Reddy, 175 Westham Drive, Westham, Phoenix.
1465/2014 Durban—Mzileni Sakhephi Annah, 24 February 1958, 5802240457089, KwaMduku Area, Hluhluwe, KwaZulu-
Natal, 14 January 2014. Scheepers Spies Mdaka Inc., P.O. Box 31, Mtubatuba, 3955.
1465/2014 Durban—Mzileni Sakhephi Annah, 24 February 1958, 5802240457089, KwaMduku Area, Hluhluwe, KwaZulu-
Natal, 14 January 2014. Scheepers Spies Mdaka Inc., P.O. Box 31, Mtubatuba, 3955.
23104/2014—Ramasary, Harilall, 07/09/1945, 4509075056081, 21 Vindhya Street, Shallcross, Durban, 18/10/2012;
Sanjitha Ramasary, 12/10/1953, 5310120111081. J.D. Vedan and Company, 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, 4093.
682/2014—Munian, Krishna Govindsamy, 1949-09-18, 4909185217088, 48 Rasdashan Street, Shallcross, Durban,
2013-10-05; Ragini Devi Gounden, 1957-11-30, 5711300132088. V Chetty Inc., Suite 3, 6 Rydalvale Office Park, Douglas
Saunder Drive, Lalucia Ridge.
22746/2014 DBN—Khan, Rookia Bibi, 31/10/1949, 4910310092081, 45 Grassland Avenue, Savannah Park, 23/03/2014;
Abdool Rahim Khan, 31/12/1943, 4312315088083. P.R. Maharaj & Company, Suite 7, Ridge 63, Sinembe Park, Douglas
Saunders Drive, La Lucia, Ridge Office Estate, Umhlanga.
22124/2014/PMB—Sikakana, Temba, 04/12/1932, 3212045133087, 2010 Lindelani, Sibongile, Dundee, 3000,
25/09/2013; 25/09/2013, 3212045133308. 45 McKenzie Street, Dundee, 3000.
22702/2014—Badenhorst, Wessel Jacobus Johannes, 29/01/19, 1901295018087, 5 Santantonio Flats, President
Street, Vryheid, 3100, 14 June 2014. Acutt & Worthington, P O Box 42, Dundee, 3000.
22704/2014/PMB—Haupt, Susanna Salomina Maria, 29/04/26, 2604290033080, 16 Coghill Street, Dundee, 16 June
2014. Acutt & Worthington, P O Box 630, Dundee, 3000.
3650/2013—Twomey, John Brian, 1925-01-08, 2510085164081, Clarendon House, 93 Villiers Drive, Pietermaritzburg,
2013-04-12. Austen Smith, P O Box 37, Pietermaritzburg. 30 days.
12591/2010—Mthembu, Sishingili Absalom Sipho, 1950-02-02, 50002026235086, 708 King Dinuzulu Township,
Eshowe, 2010-06-01. Malcolm Frederick Munro, 12 Osborn Road, Eshowe, P O Box 131, Eshowe, 3815.
020256/2014—Tooley, Carol Elizabeth, 12 January 1942, 4201120036082, Robroy Lifestyle Village, 3 Robroy Crescent,
Botha’s Hill, KwaZulu-Natal, 3660, 16 January 2014. Andrew Kenneth Miller, 35 Old Kilcullen Road, Bryanston, 2191,
020256/2014—Tooley, Carol Elizabeth, 12 January 1942, 4201120036082, Robroy Lifestyle Village, 3 Robroy Crescent,
Botha’s Hill, KwaZulu-Natal, 3660, 16 January 2014. Andrew Kenneth Miller, 35 Old Kilcullen Road, Bryanston, 2191,
23487/2014/DBN—Gumede, Janet Busisiwe, 6 May 1961, 6105060776086, 226 Phumphele Road, St Wendolins,
23 June 2014. D. Sewjee & CO, 15 Bamboo Lane, Pinetown.
5441/2013/PMB—Ramothar, Rika, 23 July 1949, 4907230126080, 9 Manuel Road, Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg,
15 June 2013. Venns Attorneys, Attorneys and agents for executor testamentary, P O Box 600, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
22504/2014—Brokensha, Albert Edmond, 1923-07-23, 2307235010086, 42 Gilby Road, Estcourt, 3310, 2014-06-06.
Barry John Watling, 2 John Moor Road, Estcourt, 3310.
22504/2014/PMB—Albert Edmond Brokensha, 23 July 1923, 2307235010086, 42 Gilby Road, Estcourt, 3310,
6 June 2014. B.J. Watling, c/o Sterley & Dawson, 2 John Moor Road, P.O. Box 99, Estcourt, 3310.
23982/2014—Gill, Richard, 1951-08-04, 5108045198187, 175 Brixman Avenue, Bluff, 4052, 2014-06-08. Ronika Maharaj,
Standard Bank Centre, Durban, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001. 30 days.
22386/2014—Krynauw, Dawid Anton, 1943-12-18, 4312185014086, 3 Lynroy Avenue, Cleland, Pietermaritzburg,
2014-06-04. Ronika Maharaj, Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag, 54319, Durban, 4000. 30 days.

This gazette is also available free online at


23981/2014—Gangulu, Venketas, 1945-12-19, 45121950933083, 133 Silverglen Crescent, Silverglen, Chatsworth,

2014-04-05; Vanitha Gangulu, 1955-04-07, 5504070144080. Jenny Naidoo nominee of Standard Trust, Private Bag 54319,
Durban, 4000. 30 days.
23983/2014—Singh, Ranjith, 1951-07-15, 5107155130089, 28 Sickle Wood Gardens, Woodview, Phoenix, 2014-05-17;
Shakila Singh, 1960-11-26, 6011260675088. Ronika Maharaj, Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, 1 Kingsmead Way,
Kingsmead. 30 days.
22195/2014—Wisdom, Hilary Margaretha Waktins, 1933-12-28, 3312280030186, 16 Azalea Gardens, 391 Alexander
Road, Pietermaritzburg, 2014-05-09. Ronika Maharaj, Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000.
21481/2014—Van den Bosch, Maria Magdelena, 1952-10-03, 5210030076087, 13 Partridge Road, Empangeni,
2014-03-11; Christiaan Rudolf van den Bosch, 1952-06-04, 5206045086087. Ronika Maharaj, Standard Trust Limited, Private
Bag 54319, Durban, 4000.
24336/2014—Donald, Darine, 1962-04-12, 6204120131083, 7 Shirley Road, Bulwer, Durban, 2014-05-08. Jenny Naidoo,
1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000. 30 days.
14517/2013—Naidoo, Dhanwanthee, 1949-04-18, 4904180140088, 114 Shannon Drive, Reservoir Hills, 2013-08-31;
Chinna Naidoo, 1951-08-27, 5108275143085. Jenny Naidoo, 1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000. 30 days.
24344/2014—Naidoo, Chinna, 1951-08-27, 5108275143085, 114 Shannon Drive, Reservoirr Hills, 2014-02-23. Jenny
Naidoo, 1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000. 30 days.
23287/2014—Tweedie, Keith Alexander McDonald, 1925-08-01, 2508015014087, Unit 34, Wavecrest, 48 Wavecrest
Road, Athlone Park, 4126, 2014-02-12. Ronika Maharaj, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 30 days.
022542/2014—Havemann, Julia Renee, 1924-07-07, 2407070022087, Jubelium Old Age Home, Afrikaner Street, Vryheid,
3100, 2014-06-14. W. M. Dales, 190 Hlobane Street, P.O. Box 832, Vryheid, KwaZulu-Natal, 3100.
22979/2014/DBN—Nokraj, Panwathi, 1946-11-04, 4611040480089, 24 Road 750, Montford, Chatsworth, Durban,
2011-11-06; Shashi, Nokraj, 1959-04-22, 5904225126083. Revana Babulall & Associates, Suite 3, 320 Florence Nightingale
Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth, Durban. 30 days.
22979/2014/DBN—Panwathi Nokraj, 4611040480089, 24 Road 750, Montford, Chatsworth, Durban, 06-11-2011; Shashi
Nokraj, 5904225126083. Revana Babulall & Associates, Specialist Medical Attorneys & General Practitioners, Suite 3,
320 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth, 4039. 30 days.
910/2014—Moodley, Sarojani, 12 October 1940, 4010120068080, 19 Walrus Walk, Bayview, Chatsworth, 8 September
2013. Kanhai-Moodley & Associates, Suite 5A, 2nd Floor, Joy-deen Centre, 18 Everest Street, Shallcross.
22206/2014—Dyer, Sheila Barbara, 1935-12-11, 3512110025088, Flat 217, Rosewood Estate, Jabu Ndlovu Street,
Pietermaritzburg, 2014-05-22. Linda Bode, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
003265/2014DBN—Panday, Brijraj, 29-06-1926, 2606295035085, 35 Burnton Place, Reservoir Hills, 4091, Durban,
22-01-2014; Kusturi Debi Panday, 21-10-1932, 3210210027084. Devika Kisten, 31 Burnton Place, Reservoir Hills, 4091,
003265/2014DBN—Panday, Brijraj, 29-06-1926, 2606295035085, 35 Burnton Place, Reservoir Hills, 4091, Durban,
22-01-2014; Kusturi Debi Panday, 21-10-1932, 3210210027084. Devika Kisten, 31 Burnton Place, Reservoir Hills, 4091,
11281/2003/PMB—Sookaloo, John Erassidevan, 1943-04-09, 4304095445088, 10 Egret Road, Mount View,
Pietermaritzburg, 12 September 2003; Mary Bernadette Sookaloo, 1942-05-19, 4205190112087. Anthoo, Marion and
Associates, Suite 1, SDG Centre, 495 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
11281/2003/PMB—Sookaloo, John Erassidevan, 1943-04-09, 4304095445088, 10 Egret Road, Mount View,
Pietermaritzburg, 12 September 2003; Mary Bernadette Sookaloo, 1942-05-19, 4205190112087. Anthoo, Marion and
Associates, Suite 1, SDG Centre, 495 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
24286/2014/DBN—Henderson, John, 1925-07-06, 2507065041180, 6 Berea Road, Umtentweni, 2014-06-14. Ian Smith,
P.O. Box 1301, Port Shepstone, 4240. 30 days.
021559/2014 DBN—Sibongile Rose Mngadi, 1953-02-05, 5302050384085, J746 KwaMashu Township, Durban, 4360,
2014-04-09. Mbatha & Associates, 101C Doone House, 379 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.
20855/2014—Ngwazi, Musa Goodhope, 1958-11-11, 5811116293080, W342 Umlazi Township, P.O. Umlazi, 4031,
2014-04-14; Thandiwe Pretty Ngwazi, 1956-12-27, 5612270796086. Thandiwe Pretty Ngwazi, W342 Umlazi Township, P.O.
Umlazi, 4031. 30 days.
4027/2014—Zulu, Sibongiseni Reginald, 1969-08-27, 6908275479085, Q288 Umlazi Township, 48 Joma Road, Umlazi,
4031, 2014-02-14; Fortunate Cindy Zulu, 1975-09-02, 7509020435080. Fortunate Cindy Zulu, Q288 Umlazi Township, 48 Joma
Road, Umlazi. 30 days.
8614/2011—RayKummar, Sursathie, 15-01-1943, 4301150087086, 226 Orchid Drive, Redcliffe, Verulam, 4340,
13-08-2004. Sathish Mahabir & Associates, 25 George Sewpersadh, Verulam, 4340; P.O. Box 2088, Verulam.
1844/2013 DBN—Calder, Peter, 20 February 1934, 3402205082188, 5 Fairydene Village, 18 Stapleton Road, Pinetown,
3610, 23 November 2012; Margaret Mary Calder, 6 August 1936, 3608060062186. Muller & Odayar Attorneys, 2nd Floor,
Wearcheck House, 16 School Road, Pinetown, 3610.
17743/2013—Manyathi, Melusi Zacharias, 1955-03-29, 5503295633083, 168 Mkhwanazi North, KwaDlangezwa,
Empangeni, KwaZulu-Natal, 2013-11-20; Sibongile Manyathi, 1957-11-16, 5711160571086. M.M. Ntanzi Attorneys, No. 32 DDP
House, 1st Floor, Dullah Omar, Durban.
16713/2011/DBN—Vasant, Urvashi, 29-11-1974, 7411290063082, 5 Chez Nous, 22 Ridge Road, Durban, 4001,
17 December 2010; out of community of prroperty with accrual Dr Dinesh Singh, 23-07-1970, 7007235165089. Denish Singh,
5 Chez Nous, 22 Ridge Road, Durban, 4001.
23605/2014 DBN—Kendall, Daphne Coleen, 18-09-1934, 3409180049082, Orchard Lea Nursing Home, 22 Clyde
Avenue, Essenwood, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, 4001, 23 June 2014. Adriaan Hendrik du Toit, 46 Ndongeni Drive, Amanzimtoti,

This gazette is also available free online at


24280/2014—Harrison, Ian Dugald, 1934-10-28, 3410285079081, 2 Craighall, 14 Harcombe Road, Warner Beach,
2014-03-17; Quinta, Harrison, 1954-01-14, 5410140091089. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres. 30 days.
1844/2013 DBN—Calder, Peter, 20 February 1934, 3402205082188, 5 Fairydene Village, 18 Stapleton Road, Pinetown,
3610, 23 November 2012; Margaret Mary Calder, 6 August 1936, 3608060062186. Muller & Odayar Attorneys, 2nd Floor,
Wearcheck House, 16 School Road, Pinetown, 3610.
18474/2010 DBN—Tshabalala, Elijah Sonboy, 1958-08-09, 5808095776085, 13 Buffalo Band, Wyde en Wielde,
Richardsbay, KwaZulu-Natal, 2010-09-07; Nonhlanhla Portia Tshabalala, 1983-08-03, 8308031201089. MM Ntanzi Attorneys,
No. 32 DDP House, 1st Floor, Dullah Omar, Durban.
20560/2014/PMB—Dunn, Patricia Phoebe, 1934-11-24, 3411240099081, Lot 6, Olivers Rock, Mandeni, 4491, 2014-04-12;
John Richard Hunt, 1944-01-30, 4401305468189. H.C. Yeo Attorneys, 11 Crows Nest, Salt Rock.
22124/2014/PMB—Sikakana, Temba, 04-12-1932, 3212045133087, 2010 Lindelani, Sibongile, Dundee, 3000,
25-09-2013; 25-09-2013, 321204513308. 45 McKenzie Street, Dundee, 3000.
13669/2011—Mgabi, Jabulisiwe Nomusa Elizabeth, 22 December 1960, 6012220627086, 5 Woodbrook Gardens,
Brookdale, Phoenix, 4068, 28 August 2011, divorced. Thandokuhle Nevil Ntshingila, 5 Woodbrook Gardens, Brookdale,
Phoenix, 4068.
022621/2014—Foy, Margaret Elaine, 04-10-1950, 5010040025086, No. 2 Clifton Road, Margate, 15 May 2014. Chantel
Violetta Elliott, PO Box 805, Shelly Beach, 4265.
1770/2013—Mills, Michelle Moya, 1954-07-10, 5407100052085, Epworth School, 95 Golf Road, Scottsville,
Pietermaritzburg, 2013-01-25. Tony Lochner, 42 Glenhove Road, Melrose Estate, Johannesburg.
10187/2010—Buys, Suzette, 24 September 1956, 5609240138084, Gluningweg 28, Malvern, Queensburgh, 4093, 2 Julie
2010; Hendrik Jacobus Buys, 5312025084082. Duvenage Keyser & Jonck Ing., Posbus 104, Oudtshoorn, 6620.
022707/2014—Ntshobane, Nomalungelo Gladys, 15-10-1952, 5210150152080, 20 Mount Currie Drive, Extension 7
Kokstad, 4700, 09-06-2014. Elliot & Walker, PO Box 17, Kokstad, 4700.
24173/2014—Moonoo, Bhagwandin, 1975-08-29, 7508295193085, 34 Tambotie Street, Bluff, 4052, 2014-07-01;
Avashnee Moonoo, 1977-12-18, 7712180141080. Peter Naicker Incorporated, Attorneys and Conveyancers, Suite 911,
9th Floor, Salmon Grove Chambers, 407 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000.
23659/2014—Moodley, Kista Singaravaloo, 1948-12-28, 4812285160085, 3 Clover Road, Stanger Manor, Stanger,
KwaZulu-Natal, 2014-06-16; Kamadenu, Moodley, 1954-10-23, 5410230183085. B.G. Singh and Company, 83 Mahatma
Gandhi Street, PO Box 907, Stanger, 4450.
23532/2014—Govender, Neeloshnan, 1973-01-01, 7301015270080, 20 Radiyat Road, Stanger Heights, Stanger,
2014-03-08. B.G. Singh and Company, 83 Mahatma Gandhi Street, PO Box 907, Stanger, 4450.
3195/2014—Gopal, Gontharee, 1946-02-11, 4602110089082, Lot 29, c/o Kamsis Motors, Newark Tugela, KwaZulu-Natal,
2013-10-20. B.G. Singh and Company, 83 Mahatma Gandhi Street, PO Box 907, Stanger, 4450.
20224/2014—Kholungoane, Mometsi Archibald, 1953-06-06, 5306065965085, F35 Ekuthuleni Street, Tshelimnyama
Township, Marrianhill, 3608, 2014-04-02; Nomzamo Gladys Kholungoane, 1957-11-10, 5711101052089. Nomzamo Gladys
Kholungoane F35, Ekuthuleni Street, Tshelimnyama. 30 days.
22271/2014—Mkize, Bhekezakhe, 1951-04-24, 5104245377085, Nyangwiai Reserve, Umthwelume, 4186, 2014-05-30;
Thengiwe Florence Mkhize, 1956-02-22, 5602220491086. Thengiwe Florence, Mkhize Nyangwini Reserve, Umthwalume,
4186. 30 days.
31790—Dickinson, Edward Albert, 02-03-1936, 3603025058080, 91 Walworth Avenue, Hillary, 4024, 14-05-2013. ABSA
Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
23900/14 DBN—Freda Gladys Baverstock, 4701250026084, 169 Hillhead Road, Brighton Beach, 4052. ABSA Trust
Limited, Reg. No. 1915/004665/06, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
32837—Lesur, Marie Joseph Pierre, 1939-02-03, 3902035049083, 346 Esther Roberts Road, Glenwood, 4001, 2014-06-26.
Nanwanthie Govender, 291 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.
24351/2014/DBN—Johnson, David, 18 April 1935, 3504185066089, 3 Burford Close, Marlow Bottom Marlow,
Buckinghamshire, 27 December 2013. Old Mutual Trust Limited, Ridgeside Campus, No. 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Rocks,
24373/2014/DBN—Hornby, Margaret, 27 September 1930, 3009270064080, Unit 6, Isles of Shelly, Sparrow Road, Shelly
Beach, 7 June 2014. Nedgroup Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.
22333/14 PMB—Hlophe, Masesi Judy, 28/12/1956, 5612280196087, A 9596, Madadeni, 2951, 02/04/2014. ABSA Trust
Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
Siyakudumisa Hleza, 8009115750088, 283 Demat Road, Pinetown, 3610, 19/03/20124. ABSA Trust Limited, Reg. No.
1915/004665/06, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
24183/14 DBN—Gounden, Krishnan, 02/09/1945, 4509025133089, 10 Delta Palm Place, Palmview, 4068, 01/05/2014;
01/01/2019. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
23943/2014/DBN—Dlamini, Penuel Sbahle, 24 February 1966, 6602245465080, 22 Ascot Close, New Germany, 23 May
2004; Beauty Thobekile Dlamini, 15 March 1964, 6403150607083. Woodhead Bigby, PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000.
Mtambo, Mbongeni Sameul, 1950/04/05, 5004055419086, 526 Nene Street, Bhekuzulu, Vryheid, 3100, 05/04/2014;
Mavis Nokufuzo Mtambo, 1953/04/05, 5004055419086. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
32832—Morty, Arthur Oliver, 07/05/1939, 3905075036084, Flame Lilly Retirement Home, Hillary, 4094, 02/07/2014.
ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

This gazette is also available free online at


23452/2014/DBN—Mc Intyre, Pamela Joyce, 13 September 1929, 2909130002181, 7 Wingield Road, Kloof, 13 April
2014. Woodhead Bigby, PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000.
22976/2014—Mc Guffie, Steven Thomas, 1965-12-18, 6512185034087, 7 Elweboog, Meerensee, Richardsbay, 3901,
06-05-2014; Deborah Susan Mc Guffie, 1964-06-12, 6406120171080. ABSA Trust, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
12776/2011/DBN—Julius Makhoba, 30/07/1930, 3007205186085, 309 Mavuso Street, Pongola, KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
20/05/2011. Mafenya Attorneys, 23 Loveday street, Howard House, Suite 402, cnr Main Street, Johannesburg, 2001. 30 days.
24368/2014/DBN—Littleford, Neville Roy, 7 June 1932, 3206075031088, 52 Ann Arbor Road, Scottburgh, 13 April 2014.
Nedgroup Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.
2397/09—Soobamah Ramsamy, 2801201313087, 52 Road 720, Chatsworth, 4030, 02/01/2009. ABSA Trust Limited,
Reg. No. 1915/004665/06, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
32822—Rama, Ambaram Ranchod, 1925-03-26, 2503265054081, 7 Ilona Grove, Mobeni Heights, 2013-01-22.
ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
22829/2014/DBN—Olivier, Joyce, 28 September 1925, 2509280037084, Flat 413, Hibiscus Heights, Uvongo, 10 April
2014. Old Mutual Trust Limited, Ridgeside Campus, 2 Ncondo Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.
24091/2014 DBN—Lutchamma Naidoo, 18 November 1942, 4211180304080, 16 Smithville Road, Illovo, 24 June 2014.
Leon Pillay & Associates, 150B Mansion House, 12 Joe Slovo (Field) Street, Durban.
24349/2014/DBN—Naidoo, Jayakrishna, 9 October 1951, 5110095174084, 62 Silverbank Road, Silverglen, Chatsworth,
28 April 2014. Nedgroup Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.
32829—Van Rooyen, Aletta Maria Elizabeth, 1925-11-26, 2511260006089, Oue Te Huts, Aspera, 204, 2014-06-23.
ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
14233/2012/DBN—Valayutham, Thamie, 23 February 1950, 5002230171085, 33 Joubert Place, Bellair, Durban,
2 February 2012. Woodhead Bigby, PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000.
32794—Schutte, Susanna Chatrina Franzina, 1923-02-01, 2302010005088, Kerkstraat 52, Paulpietersburg, 2014-05-06.
ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
32840—Rupnarain, Chunderdhai, 1965-04-14, 6504140149084, 186 Fleet Street, Westcliff, Chatsworth, 4092,
2014-06-22. Nanwanthie Govender, 291 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.
020632/2014 PMB—Viyasen Abboyi Reddy, 7 May 1968, 6805075104089, 14 Himalaya Road, Belford, Pietermaritzburg,
25 September 2013. Leon Pillay & Associates, 150B Mansion House, 12 Joe Slovo (Field) Street, Durban. 30 days.
32843—Ramsaroop, Dewachan, 1938-07-02, 3807025081055, 15 Pyreness Street, Shallcros, 4093; Seokidevi
Ramasaroop, 1943-09-24, 4309240125055. Nanwanthie Govender, 291 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.
22323/2014/PMB—Bannister, Joyce Pollard, 1924-07-15, 2407150037088, No. 2 The Studios, The Camphors, 30 Fisher
Road, Hillcrest, 3650, 2014-06-21. Harvard House Financial Services Trust, c/o Harvard House Chartered Accountants and
Auditors, P.O. Box 235, Howick, 3290. 30 days.
17169/10—Mkhwanazi, Howellile, 1918-10-12, 1810120297081, Esidunjini Mission, P.O. Tongaat, 2010-03-28. Ndlovu &
Sibiya Attorneys, Suite 716, Sangro House, 417 Smith Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.
8309/07—Buthelezi, Robert Titose, 1953-06-07, 5306075246088, 73 Vivien Road, Pinetown, 3610, 2007-06-20.
Sindisiwe Buthelezi, 73 Vivien Road, Pinetown, 3610.
17775/2013, DBN—Philisiwe Joan Goqo, 5206020660088, Erf 1438, Umlazi Z, 23 Muzi Ndlovu Avenue, 14 December
2013. Thembeka Mdunge & Associates, Suite 1101, 11th Floor, Salisbury Centre Tower, Dr. Pixley Ka Seme Street, Durban,
23550/2014—Cuthbertson, Robert Brian, 1946-08-01, 4608015188085, E45 Manor Mews, Manor Estates, Ballito,
2014-06-15; Hillian Frances Cuthbertson, 1949-07-13, 4907130134085. Barkers, 8 Rydall Vale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office
Estate, 4051.
23550/2014—Cuthbertson, Robert Brian, 1946-08-01, 4608015188085, E45 Manor Mews, Manor Estates, Ballito,
2014-06-15; Hillian Frances Cuthbertson, 1949-07-13, 4907130134085. Barkers, 8 Rydall Vale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office
Estate, 4051.
23553/2014—Nairn, Frances May Nairn, 1922-11-20, 2210200005081, 2 Glynare, 86 Venice Road, Morningside, Durban,
4001, 2014-06-04. Barkers, 8 Rydall Vale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, 4051.
022814/2014/PMB—Brown, Malcolm Frank, 1948-07-14, 4807145089086, 238 Rosewood Estate, 70 Jabu Ndlovu
Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 2014-07-08. J Leslie Smith & Company, c/o J Leslie Smith & Co., 332 Jabu Ndlovu Street,
Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days.
22115/2014/PMB—Watson, Peter Keith, 10 March 1931, 3103105012081, 7 Wanstead Place, Merrivale Heights, KZN,
13 June 2014. Hepburn Incorporated, P.O. Box 11324, Dorpspruit, 3206.
2428/2014—Sparkes, Alan George, 01/10/1924, 2410015040081, 29 Parlmer Strachan, Doon Village, Pinetown, 3610,
22/06/2014. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd Durban, P.O. Box 212, Westville, 3630.
20069/2014—Greeves, Denise, 24/12/1972, 7212240171086, 7 Camry Park, 36 Redhill Road, Seaview, Durban, 4094,
13 June 2013. Nerise Greeves, 7 Camry Park, 36 Redhill Road, Seaview, 4094.
22718/2014—Naidoo, Pregalathan, 27/08/1971, 7108275139081, House 105, Road 709, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092,
16 May 2014; Krishnie Naidoo, 07/01/1974, 7401070202083. Krishnie Naidoo, 105 – Road 709, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092.
13936/2010—Padayachee, Linda, 04/06/1972, 7206040237089, 46 Statement Drive, Havenside, Chatsworth, 4092,
25 January 2011; Murugasen Padayachee, 18/10/1968, 6810185071087. Murugasen Padayachee, 46 Statement Drive,
Havenside, Chatsworth, 4092.

This gazette is also available free online at


23990/2014—Moodley, Navalor, 5 March 1942, 4203055067082, 176 Marula Circle, Trenance Park, Verulam,
27 September 2013; Parvathy Moodley, 10 April 1942, 4204100093081. Raj Badal & Associates, P.O. Box 601, Verulam, 4340.
22275/2014/DBN—Ramkissoon, Kalavathy, 3 March 1939, 3903030071080, 12 Rainmaker Place, Rainham, Phoenix,
9 July 2005. Raj Badal & Associates, P.O. Box 601, Verulam, 4340.
24297/2014/DBN—Govindasamy, Sindha, 6 April 1951, 5104060150088, Flat C2, Door 35, Flamingo Heights, Tongaat,
3 July 2014. Raj Badal & Associates, P.O. Box 601, Verulam, 4340.
32651—Moffett, John Collin, 21/01/1928, 2801215008086, 6 Klaas Lane, Amber Valle, Howick, 3290, 28/03/2014;
Brenda Grace Moffett, 09/04/1934, 3404090006082. ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
18183/2008 DBN—Doorsamy, Vadivaloo, 15 December 1940, 4012155143085, 9 Valley Drive, Marianhill, Pinetown,
3604, 22 November 2007; Maduraimeenatchi Doorsamy, 6 October 1935, 3510060150054. Menoj Haripersad & Associates,
16 School Road, Weolcheck House, P.O. Box 2783, Pinetown, 3600.
23618/2014—Mnikathi, Simo Innocent, 1987-10-02, 8710025375086, K100 Mpangeni Road, KwaMashu, 4360,
2014-07-20. Sinama & Associates Inc., Suite 305, 3rd Floor, Perm Building, 343 Anton Lembede Street, Durban.
022561/2014/PMB—Carr, Norman, 4 August 1931, 3108045054085, 361 Umdoni Retirement Village, Pennington, 12 June
2014. Gerhardus Hendrik Odendaal, 32 Arburthnot Street, Scottburgh, 4180.
022561/2014/PMB—Carr, Norman, 4 August 1931, 3108045054085, 361 Umdoni Retirement Village, Pennington, 12 June
2014. Gerhardus Hendrik Odendaal, 32 Arburthnot Street, Scottburgh, 4180.
22508/2014/PMB—Jansen, Michael, 1932-03-03, 3203035036083, 32 Pinehaven Lodge, 26 Manors Road, Pinetown,
3610, 2014-05-09. Rodney Dunstone, P.O. Box 543, Kloof, 3640.
22815/2014/PMB—Simelane, Bekumthetho Simon, 1944-11-05, 4411055432087, Gingindlovu, KwaZulu-Natal,
1990-01-21. N. P Zulu Attorneys, Room 201, ABC Building, 9 Gallway Lane, Pietermaritzburg. 30 days.
6605/2012 DBN—Subbamah Namlal, 2 May 1961, 6105020110087, 12 Skipdale Road, Briardale, Newlands West,
27 October 2008; Ravikishor Namlal, 28 April 1958, 5804285139085. Meumann White, Attorneys for Executor Tastamentary. 30
20648/2014 DBN—Vadia, Younus, 1951/07/28, 5107285132088, Tootles Building, 177 Hullet Street, Stanger, 2014-03-05.
Ismail Salejee and Kadwa, 25 Delta Road, Isipingo Beach.
22322/2014—Hendricks, Hermias Nieuwoudt, 1948-07-11, 4807115075081, 10 Moberly Road, Empangeni, KwaZulu-
Natal, 2014-06-08; Ivy Elaine Hendricks, 1950-01-10, 5001100044083. Zolia Minnie, 16 Anglers Road, Meerensee, Richards
Bay, KZN.
8530/2013—Pillay, Peethambarum Govindasamy, 1948-05-18, 4805185121082, 326 Arena Park Drive, Arena Park,
Chatsworth, 4092, 2013-05-11; Anna Rebecca Pillay, 1953-09-14, 5309140155086. Harkoo Brijlal & Reddy Inc., 155 Mathews
Meyiwa Road, Morningside, Durban.
22598/2014—Koetscheid, John Roy, 21/10/1943, 4310215014084, 16 Abelia Crescent, Sea Park, 4235, 26/04/2014.
ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
021793/2014—Naidoo, Ratheeda, 1951-08-29, 5108290119086, 60 Protea Drive, Cool Air, Dalton, KwaZulu-Natal,
2014-03-09; Govindsamy Naidoo, 1948-05-23, 4805235109087. Ronell Nathanael, c/o 26 Claybourne Street, Pietermaritzburg.
20575/2014/PMB—Snell, Sheenagh Mary, 18 May 1952, 5205180692089, 5 Roberts Hill, 83 Roberts Road, Clarendon,
Pietermaritzburg, 15 April 2014. Desmond Mayne and Company, 237 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
022630/2014—Potgieter, Johannes Marthinus, 1952-11-18, 5211185025085, Farm Hlono-Hlono, Louwsburg,
2014-06-19. W H Dales, P.O. Box 832 (180 Hlobane Street), Vryheid, 3100.
20260/2014/DBN—Nabee, Anisa, 24/01/1976, 7601240122083, 141 Cato Manor Road, Manor Gardens, Durban,
16/09/2013; Muhammad Ibn Aadam Abdur Rahman Nabee, 07/12/1974, 7412075190082. Mooney Ford Attorneys, P.O. Box
442, Durban.
022551/2014—Weston, James Duncan, 1940-06-10, 4006105042181, 4 Maud Avenue, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg,
3201, 19 June 2014. Jan Christiaan Potgieter, Lister & Lister Attorneys, P.O. Box 144, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
022552/2014—Rambaran, Seetha Devi, 27-01-1955, 5501270140082, 22 Acacia Road, Howick West, 3290, 2014-07-05.
Jan Christiaan Potgieter, Lister & Lister Attorneys, P.O. Box 144, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
22322/2014—Hendricks, Hermias Nieuwoudt, 1948-07-11, 4807115075081, 10 Moberly Road, Empangeni, KwaZulu-
Natal, 2014-06-08; Ivy Elaine Hendricks, 1950-01-10, 5001100044083. Zolia Minnie, 16 Anglers Rod, Meerensee, Richards
Bay, KZN.


20548/2014—Khangale, Petrus Ndwa, 1944 April 03, 4404035246081, Tshilwavhusiku Western, 2014-06-29; Khangale
Snagawo Maria, 1950-10-16, 5010160661082. Sigwavhulimu Attorneys, Office No. 6, 8 & 9, First Floor, Limdev Building,
1345/2014—Matlamela, Tsekeshi Solomon, 1940-11-20, 4011205194080, House No. 1293 Katlehong Street, Zone A,
Mahwelereng, 2014-01-23; Kgabo Francina Matlamela, 1951-06-01, 5106010283082. Kgabo Francina Matlamela, L J Kgomo
Attorneys, 01127 Dudu Madisha Street, Mokopane.

This gazette is also available free online at


21686/2014—Mashala, Mmakubu Mariam, 1939-06-10, 3906100364087, Stand No. 90B, Bakenburg, 2014-06-04; Moshe
Phillip Mashala, 1936-10-14, 3610145127083. Moshe Phillip Mashala, L J Kgomo Attorneys, 01127 Dudu Madisha Drive,
021853/2014—Wessels, Henela Magrieta, 1931-02-12, 3102120007084, 117 Dap Naudé Street, Eduanpark, Polokwane,
0699, 2013-11-15. Mr Nicky Bosman, Bosman Attorneys, 37 Voortrekker Street, cnr Voortrekker & Bodenstein Streets,
Polokwane, 0699.
21794/2014—Van Wyk, Barend Jacobus, 1932-04-09, 3204095017088, Bateleur Flats, Auqa Avenue, Tzaneen,
2014-05-28; Christina Getruida Magdalena Van Wyk, 1938-10-14, 3810140055087. Joubert & May Attorney, P.O. Box 35,
Tzaneen, 0850.
21836/2014—Stephanus Jansen De Swardt, 1944-10-15, 4410155056085, Kimley Park No. 4, h/v Hendrik van
Schalkwyk en Pieter Joubert, Tzaneen, 0850, 2014-05-04. Steyn & Clarke Attorneys, P.O. Box 724, Hoedspruit, 1380. 30 days.
020656/2014—Budeli, Aifheli Johathan, 1938-01-01, 3801015997081, Private Bag X704, Nzhelele, 0993, 2014-07-02;
Thizwilondi Annah Budeli, 1940-08-15, 4008150089083. Budeli Thizwilondi Annah, P/Bag X704, Nzhelele, 0993. 30 days.
022048/2014—Mususumeli Wilhemina Magagane, 1944/01/17, 4401170210088, 8576, Seshego A-Extension,
29/04/2014. Malesela Moloto Attorneys, P.O. Box 5855, Polokwane North, 0750. 30 days.
021853/2014—Wessels, Henela Magrieta, 1931-02-12, 3102120007084, 117 Dap Naudé Street, Eduanpark, Polokwane,
0699, 2013-11-15. Mr Nicky Bosman, Bosman Attorneys, 37 Voortrekker Street, cnr Voortrekker & Bodenstein Streets,
Polokwane, 0699.
3947/2013—Mabuza, Dini Joseph, 16/12/1937, 3712165196087, No. 3330 Zone 2 Seshego, Polokwane, 0742,
14/05/2013. Elvira Le Roux, Bresler & Becker Ing., Marshallstraat 122, Polokwane, 0699.
021821/2014—Seberekela Abel Makofane, 1943-09-24, 4309245101085, 1318 Zone 3 Seshego, 0742, 12/05/2014.
Malesela Moloto Attorneys, P.O. Box 5855, Polokwane North, 0750. 30 days.
1160/2011—Tebele, Phineas Molemi Tebele, 23 February 1950, 5002235647089, 416 Ramakonopi East, Katlehong
Township, 1431, 11 January 2011; Mohube Margaret Tebele, 6 April 1961, 6104060645086. S.B. Sithole & Associates Inc.,
Gubazi House, 76 Black Reef Road, Albemarle, Germiston, 1410.
2137/2014—Thabana, Marishen Malekone, 21/07/1948, 4807210597088, Stand 685, Zone 1, Seshego, 0742,
28/03/2014. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
21069/2014—Venter, Maria Magritha, 24-06-1935, 3506240064082, 7de Straat 31, Naboomspruit, 0560, 25-11-2013.
JB Cornelius, Posbus 1807, Naboomspruit.
5804/2013—Johanna Maria Fourie, 4203290051081, Phoenix Close 22, Royal Palm, Groblersdal, 0470, Limpopo
Provinsie, 13 Mei 2013; Louis Du Toit Fourie, 4211155027088. M Burger, Eksekuteur, p/a Leon Van Rooyen Ingelyf, Wesstraat
5 (Posbus 1042), Groblersdal, 0470. 30 dae.


020550/2014—Wright, Christopher Montgomery, 1945/03/08, 4503085017084, Kamer B3, Minerva Gardens, Kimberley,
8301, 14 Mei 2014. Colleen Maude Alleyne Harvey, p/a CM De Bruyn & Partners, 9 Campbell Street, Barkly West, 8375.
1290/2013—Seele, Eva Esther, 1947-06-27, 4706270578089, 702 Willies Lekwane Street, Retswelele, Kimberley,
2011-04-20. Elliott, Maris, Wilmans & Hay Attorneys, Cheapside Building. 30 days.
3444/2011—See;e. Bantu Johannes, 1947-07-26, 4702265424082, 102 Willies Lekwane Street, Retswelele, Kimberley,
2011-10-11. Elliott, Maris, Wilmans & Hay Attorneys, Cheapside Building. 30 days.
020327/2014—Paulse, Anna, 1947-09-18, 4709180183081, Cannastraat 35, Kimberley, 2014-05-07. Elliott, Maris,
Wilmans & Hay Attorneys, Cheapside Building. 30 days.
617/2014—Groenewald, Ellie Magritha, 07-04-1956, 5604070118082, Conradiestraat 17, Noupoort, 5950, 04-11-2013;
Johann Groenewald, 02-01-1954, 5401025126082. CJ Stander, duly authorised agent for p/a Lovius Block, P.O. Box 12196,
Brandhof, 9324.
20518/2014—Basson, Johannes Gerhardus, 08-02-1926, 2602085036086, Driefontein Diens Sentrum, 29 Loop Street,
Richmond, 06-01-2014. CJ Stander, duly authorised agent for p/a Lovius Block, P.O. Box 12196, Brandhof, 9324.
020237/2014—Prins, Michiel Wilhelm Odendaal, 01/06/1947, 4706015027087, Van der Stelstraat 16, Hillcrest,
Kimberley, 03/05/2014. WP Burger, Stellenbosch Finansiële Adviesdienste, Krigestraat 12, Stellenbosch, 7600.
020237/2014—Prins, Michiel Wilhelm Odendaal, 01/06/1947, 4706015027087, Van der Stelstraat 16, Hillcrest,
Kimberley, 03/05/2014. WP Burger, Stellenbosch Finansiële Adviesdienste, Krigestraat 12, Stellenbosch, 7600.
20823/2014—Cross, Rodney Allen, 1947-07-26, 4707265098083, Soutpanweg, Port Nolloth, 2014-05-10; Rosemary
Cross, 1948-12-31, 4812310158088. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
020742/2014—Von Sleight, Albert, 16 Augustus 1949, 4908165113085, Goodhouseweg 262, Concordia, Noord-Kaap
Provinsie, 20 Mei 2014. Arno Van Zyl Prokureur, Posbus 525, Springbok, 8240.
829/2014—Van Rensburg, Catherine Octavia, 11 November 1966, 6611110186085, Hesperesstraat 18, Beaconsfield,
Kimberley, 8300, 20 Maart 2014; Johannes Lodewyk Jansen van Rensburg, 2 Julie 1946, 4607025015080. Johannes Lodewyk
Jansen Van Rensburg, Hesperesstraat, Beaconsfield, Kimberley, 8300.

This gazette is also available free online at


20600/2014—Groenewald, Martha Maria, 1932-04-12, 3204120047084, Huis Theresa Old Age Home, Hartswater, Huis
Andalusia Jan Kempdorf, 2014-01-21. Linda Bode, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
700/2012—Morar, Shigan, 16 Januarie 1965, 6501165126088, Van Zylstraat 37, De Aar, 15 September 2011. H.R. Rich,
Joseph & Van Rensburg, Posbus 139, De Aar.
20721/2014—Smit, Elizabeth Isabella, 07/04/1938, 3804070016086, Marianastraat 9, Heuwelsig, Kimberley, 8300,
15/05/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
416/2013—Wilkinson, Andrew George Wilkinson, 1954-07-13, 5407135083089, 2 Lily Crescent, Gregory Park,
Pescodia, Kimberley, 2013-02-06; Betty Johanna Wilkinson (Deceased), 1958-05-08, 5805080229088. Towell & Groenewaldt
Attorneys, 28 Roper Street, Kimberley, 8301.
2855/2008—Wilkinson, Betty Johanna, 1958-05-08, 5805080229088, 2 Lily Crescent, Gregory Park, Pescodia,
Kimberley, 8301, 2007-01-14; Andrew George Wilkinson (also deceased), 1954-07-13, 5407135083089. Towell & Groenewaldt
Attorneys, 28 Roper Street, Kimberley, 8301.
139/2014—Gweyi, Martha Nozonela, 17/04/1958, 5804170340087, Cillierstraat 2, De Aar, 7000, 17/01/2014. ABSA Trust
Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.
020089/2014—Wolstenholme, Johanna Berendina, 1938-05-08, 3805080067084, Waterkantstraat 1589, Port Nolloth,
8289, 2014-02-06. C Dippenaar, Posbus 120, Springbok, 8240. 30 days.
020646/2014—Dippenaar, Willem Daniel, 1928-02-27, 2802275009089, Eerstelaan 2, Springbok, 8240; Martha
Magdalena Dippenaar, 1933-12-13, 3312130006089. C Dippenaar, Posbus 120, Springbok, 8240. 30 days.
438/2014—Van der Linde, Gieljam Johannes, 22/04/1934, 3404225003087, 11 Croxford Crescent, Kimberley, 8301,
12/12/2013; Martha Magrietha Van der Linde, 20/12/1937, 3712200003082. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein,


21041/2014—Walker, Edna Barbara, 1921-10-05, 2110050006084, Huis Eikelaan, Care Unit, Peter Mokaba Avenue,
Potchefstroom, 2010-07-06. Sanet Ras Attorneys, 101 Peter Mokaba Avenue, Potchefstroom.
12429/2013—Masilo, Rampou Bob Jacob, 1967-03-26, 6703265736085, 629 Makau Street, Ikageng, Potchefstroom,
2013-11-13; Nonzenza Lettie Masilo, 1972-06-25, 7206250545080. Sanet Ras, 101 Peter Mokaba Avenue, Potchefstroom.
021902/2014—Du Toit, Johannes Cornelius, 10 September 1936, 3609105001080, Japonicalaan 6, Geelhoutpark,
Rustenburg, 12 Februarie 2014; Maria Barbara Susanna Du Toit, 31 Oktober 1936, 3610310034080. Du Plessis Van der
Westhuizen Prokureurs, Posbus 254, Rustenburg, 0300.
021158/2014—Van der Westhuizen, Jacobus Hough, 22 Augustus 1932, 3208225017082, Klopperstraat 177,
Rustenburg, 30 Mei 2014; Elsie Jacoba Maria Wilhelmina Van der Westhuizen, 23 Maart 1930, 3003230012081. Du Plessis
Van der Westhuizen Prokureurs, Posbus 254, Rustenburg, 0300.
021897/2014—Welthagen, Petrus Jacobus, 10 Oktober 1946, 4610105118089, Plot 42, Waterglen, Rustenburg, 23 April
2014; Eurika Gertruida Welthagen, 13 Oktober 1950, 5010130120086. Du Plessis Van der Westhuizen Prokureurs, Posbus
254, Rustenburg, 0300.
1044/2014—Reynecke, Petrus Johannes, 1951-08-12, 5108125026084, Gedeelte 15, Plaas Strathmore, Klerksdorp,
2571, 2013-12-12. Old Mutual Trust, P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324.
021613/2014—Kabasia, Kealeboga Mathews, 7104105976081, 1110 Boitimelo Street, Unit 3, Mmabatho, 17 May 1995;
Tshegofatso Grace Kabasia, 20 June 1970, 7006201328085. Christiaan Jacobus Maritz, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745.
022014/2014—Noko, Mokone Daniel, 4207175571089, 445 Cul 15, Unit 2, Mmabatho, 22 May 2014; Puleng Roseline
Noko, 28 April 1938, 3804280290083. Christiaan Jacobus Maritz, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745.
12829/2013—Moroka, Motati Joel, 1972-01-01, 2701017744088, Motsweding Village, 2013-09-10; Mpho Mary Moroka,
1931-07-06, 3107060293081. Chris Maritz Attorneys, 49 Proctor Avenue, Mafikeng, 2745. 30 days.
21885/2014—Letsebe, Tsele Elias, 4701245261085, House No. 1178, Merokwaneng, Manamakgotheng, Mogwase,
North West Province, 11 July 2014; Caroline Bertha Letsebe, 6110170747084. Sharonah Naledi, 21 Main Street, Noordhoek
Building, Mahikeng, 2745.
23962/2014—Barnard, Christian Jacobus, 1926-12-30, 2612305009086, Protea Estates 2, Juniper Street, Protea Park
X2, Rustenburg, 2014-06-10; Adriana Johanna Barnard, 1931-08-17, 3108170012080. Gisela Grunwald Attorneys,
237A Beyers Naude Drive, Rustenburg, 0299.
022084/2014—Mogotsi, Ikgopoleng Harold, 1969-08-30, 6908305737080, 3195 Unit 10, Mmabatho, 2014-07-14;
Kgomotso Innocentia Mogotsi, 1969-05-07, 6905070933084. Chris Maritz Attorneys, 49 Proctor Avenue, Mafikeng, 2745.
30 days.
20738/2014—Botha, Abraham Albert, 1929-01-01, 2901015027086, 107 Hoffman Street, Potchefstroom, 2013-08-30.
Standard Trust Limited, cnr Lynnwood & Dyer Road, Lynnwood.
022044/2014—Funani, Boniswa Patricia, 5601012333084, House No. 6539 Mogogwe Koi Koi, Mahikeng, 19 July 2014.
Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Centre, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745.

This gazette is also available free online at


3037/2011—Gwili, Thembinkosi Berry, 6101125575084, House No. 19 Extention 6, Jouberton, Klerksdorp, 2574, 2 April
2011; Ntombizodwa Grace Gwili, 6902260608089. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Centre, 43 Shippard Street,
Mafikeng, 2745.
021976/2014—Mogotsi, Kesebonye Constance, 4809200195089, House No. 3955 Pooe Street, Ikageng Location,
Potchefstroom, North West, 30 September 2003. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Centre, 43 Shippard Street,
Mafikeng, 2745.
021959/2014—Mogotsi, Moeketsi Aubrey, 4505195384080, House No. 3955 Pooe Street, Ikageng Location,
Potchefstroom, North West, 24 March 2014. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Centre, 43 Shippard Street,
Mafikeng, 2745.
021985/2014—Qwadikazi, Thembalipheli Phillip, 5206145315089, House No. Z210 Extension 3 Jouberton, Klerksdorp,
31 May 2014; Kedinetse Terfosa Qwadikazi, 1959-08-31. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Centre, 43 Shippard
Street, Mafikeng, 2745.
21838/2014—Menoe, Ntsheki Lucas, 3012165315088, House No. 43 Zone 3 Itsoseng, North West, 2014-07-21; Makgosi
Selina Menoe, 1943-07-20. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Centre, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745.
Wilmot, Dorothy Joyce, 02/04/1929, 2904020002086, 7 Sunbird Avenue, Safari Gardens, Rustenburg, 0299, 19/04/2014.
ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.
Motlhamme, Sello Samuel, 07-06-1931, 3106075167082, 1096 E, Manthe Village, Taung, 8580, 22-05-2014. ABSA Trust
Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.


24673/2014—Hawke, Robert Ernest, 13 October 1932, 3210135004085, 71 The Row, Marina Da Gama, 7945, 1 July
2014. R F J Yeowart Attorneys, 117 Buitenkant Street, Gardens, 8001.
22829/2014—De Lange, Maria Magdalena, 18 Oktober 1926, 2610180039087, G13 Tehuis, Vredendal, 30 April 2014.
Lewis Coetzee & Truter, Kerkstraat 27; Posbus 30, Wellington, 7655. 30 dae.
23110/2014—Evans, Ernest Anthon, 1931-08-02, 3108025086081, 7 Whitewall Close, Mitchells Plain, 2014-05-03. Kelvin
James Evans, 34 Jan van Riebeer Ave, Ruyterwacht.
22712/2014—Carstens, Cornelia Louisa, 13 Junie 1919, 1906130005082, Hoofweg 14, Mamre, 31 Augustus 1999.
Eduard Wium Mostert, p/a Du Plessis & Mostert, Posbus 5, Malmesbury.
20205/2014—Van Taak, Jan Abraham Herbert van Taak, 19 Oktober 1941, 4110195022085, 5 Kasteelkop, Kleinmond,
20-03-2014. Anneli van Zyl, P.O. Box 896, Kleinmond, 7195.
20831/2014—Niemand, Baard Frederik, 22 September 1948, 4809225148089, 4de Laan 242, Eikendal, Kraaifontein,
17 Maart 2014; Eva Magdalena Niemand, 10 November 1947, 4711100633088. Mostert & Vennote, 9de Laan 192, Kraaifontein,
4396/2014—Wiener, Basil, 09-12-1942, 4212095085087, 28 Jansens Avenue, Table View, Western Cape, 27 February
2014. E M Neilson, Neilsons Attorneys, Unit 1, Seahaven, 74 Blaauwberg Road, Table View, 7441. 30 days.
2565/2014—Barnard, Catharina Maria Elizabeth, 09-09-1939, 3909090032086, 6de Laan 4, Denneoord, George, 6529,
20-11-2013. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045.
20079/2014—Lambrechts, Magdalena Alberta, 26-09-1935, 3509260022089, Merrimanstraat 46, George, 6529,
09-05-2011; Jacobus Mathjan Lambrecht, 04-03-1929, 2903045023085. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045.
22463/2014—Kleizen, Theresia Maria, 1929-05-30, 2905300063185, 9 Olivegrove Retirement Village, Pritchard Street,
Olivedale, 2013-11-05. Personal Trust, P.O. Box 476, Rondebosch, 7700. 30 days.
22088/2014—Strauss, Klaas, 1933-12-25, 3312255118081, 16 De Villiers Street, Graafwater, 1997-02-09; Christina
Willemina Strauss, 1940-01-15, 4001150103087. De Vries De Wet & Krouwkam, P.O. Box 871, Worcester, 6849.
20697/2014—Moodie, Graham Dunbar, 1912-01-03, 1201035024085, Rotary Park Frail Care Centre, Swellendam,
2013-11-17. Louw & Steyn Attorneys, 78 Voortrekkerstraat, Swellendam, 6740. 30 days.
22488/2014—Khan, Mohamed, 15-08-1936, 3608155049080, 2 Danker Street, Factreton, Western Cape, 16 May 2014.
R D Roode Attorneys, 66 Lang Street, Kuils River.
3138/2014—Langeveld, Carolina, 15 February 1929, 2902150044084, 260 Hendrik Verwoed Drive, Tygerberg Hills,
Bellville, Cape Town, 13 April 2013. Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc, 12th Floor, 11 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town.
22910/2014—Botha, Theunis Christoffel, 14 October 1940, 4010145010083, The Farm Bo-Stettyn, Stettyn R43, Western
Cape Province, 10 May 2014. HA Conradie & Partners, 23 Stockenström Street, Worcester, 6850.
22013/2014—Salie, Haeda, 1951-07-17, 5107175088085, 14 Trevor Way, Matroosfontein, 2014-04-05; Ruwada Salie,
1955-10-15, 5510150184086. Miltons Matsemela, P.O. Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443. 30 days.
21918/2014—Conradie, Jacob Gideon, 1940-05-07, 4005075051081, De Villiersstraat 38, Strand, 7140, 2013-08-01;
Johanna Petronella Conradie, 1939-01-19, 3901190038089. Legatus Trust, Cascades I, Tyger Waterfront, Carl Cronje Drive,
Bellville, 7530; P.O. Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536.
16147/2011—Du Plooy, Dora, 1936-01-07, 3601070439080, Industrialstraat 74, Bellville-Suid, 7530, 2011-08-21;
Abraham Du Plooy, 1939-12-01, 3912015052080. Legatus Trust, Cascades I, Tyger Waterfront, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville,
7530; P.O. Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536.
20211/2014—Smith, Nicolette, 29-12-1933, 3312290261086, 26 Fifth Road, Heathfield, Cape Town, 29-10-2013.
Terrance David Smith, 14 Brookdale Avenue, Pinelands, Cape Town.

This gazette is also available free online at


24212/2014—Winter, John Henry Stegmann, 1936-07-24, 3607245079081, 3 Upper Thistle Street, Newlands, 7700,
Cape Town, 2014-04-08; Margaret Eirlys Taylor Winter, 1940-01-29, 4001290064082. Mildred Curr, Curr Vivier Incorporated
Attorneys, P.O. Box 3866, Cape Town.
8587/2013—Hendricks, Achmat Razeem, 1993-05-08, 9305085111080, 3 Planet Close, Salberau, Elsies River,
2012-07-05. Shireen Ahmed, 247 Imam Haron Road, Claremont, 7708.
23557/2014—Kemp, Helena Elizabeth, 1932-06-05, 3206050007087, Buitenkantstraat 88, Yzerfontein, 7351,
2014-05-12. Pricewaterhousecoopers, Posbus 62, Worcester, 6849.
2276/2014—Pietersen, Johanna, 1931-02-05, 3102050176081, Minnaarstraat 9, Wellington, 7655, 2014-01-04. Ivan De
Villiers, Fonteinstraat 29, Wellington, 7655.
22367/2014—Baldinger, Roslyn Joy, 1946-05-13, 4605130079082, 23 Valentyn Road, Tygerhof Estate, 7441,
2014-02-08. Hoffman’s P.O. Box 39288, Capricorn Square, 7948.
24378/2014—Patel, Melvin Desmond, 1951-01-20, 5101205082085, 9 Alexander Road, Goodwood, 7460, 2014-01-01;
Beryl Elaine Patel, 1950-01-29, 5001290091084. Mario Patel, Jason Freel & Associates, P.O. Box 255, Cape Town, 8000.
22720/2014—Lewin, Johannes, 29 January 1046, 4601295046081, 147 First Road, Zeekoevlei, 17 May 2014; widower.
E.W. Domingo & Associates, 10 Market Street, Grassy Park, 7945.
1920/2014—Gert Johannes Pretorius, 3707305077080, Kingstraat 10, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell, 11 Januarie; Dirkie
Annarosienna Pretorius, 4101070078086. A C Viljoen Prokureurs, per A C Viljoen, Gevolmagtigde van die Eksekuteur, Albie de
Waalstraat 14, Brackenfell. 30 dae.
24378/2014—Patel, Melvin Desmond, 1951-01-20, 5101205082085, 9 Alexander Road, Goodwood, 7460, 2014-01-01;
Beryl Elaine Patel, 1950-01-29, 5001290091084. Mario Patel, Jason Freel & Associates; P.O. Box 255, Cape Town, 8000.
24378/2014—Patel, Melvin Desmond, 1951-01-20, 5101205082085, 9 Alexander Road, Goodwood, 7460, 2014-01-01;
Beryl Elaine Patel, 1950-01-29, 5001290091084. Mario Patel, Jason Freel & Associates; P.O. Box 255, Cape Town, 8000.
24378/2014—Patel, Melvin Desmond, 1951-01-20, 5101205082085, 9 Alexander Road, Goodwood, 7460, 2014-01-01;
Beryl Elaine Patel, 1950-01-29, 5001290091084. Mario Patel, Jason Freel & Associates; P.O. Box 255, Cape Town, 8000.
738/2013—Adams, Moegammad Cassiem, 1949-04-25, 4404255148082, 26 Sonata Street, Retreat, 7945, 2012-07-26;
Fatima Adams (born Jumat), 1940-06-13, 4006130370086. Johan Brink, 1st Floor, Cornerstone House, 16 Loop Street, Cape
Town, 8001.
2661/2014—Pieterse, Christina, 21 Mei 1928, 2805210013082, Boomplaatsweg 36, Hartenbosh. Van Zyl & Hofmeyr,
Posbus 8, Montague, 6720.
21941/2014—Buris, Rupert Victor Clive, 1928-12-10, 2812105118083, 8 Shirley Road, Claremont, Western Cape, 6 May
2014. Leon Terblanche, 38 Jakaranda Street, Velddrif, 7365. 30 days.
20340/2014—Botha, Jane Brown Weir, 23 September 1929, 2909230066086, Schonenberg Aftree-Oord, Eenheid 131,
Somerset Wes, 31 Januarie 2014. Van Wyk Fouchee Ing, Posbus 362, Paarl, 7620.
21941/2014—Buris, Rupert Victor Clive, 1928-12-10, 2812105118083, 8 Shirley Road, Claremont, Western Cape, 6 May
2014. Leon Terblanche, 38 Jakaranda Street, Velddrif, 7365. 30 days.
919/2011—Valentine, Michael Ronald, 1943-01-22, 4301225051083, 18 Curtis Road, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, Cape
Town, 16 November 2010. Schreuder Incorporated Attorneys, 168 Rosmead Avenue, Kenilworth, Cape Town.
22471/2014—Krone, Pieter Christian, 5 September 1929, 2909055032080, Fonteinhoutlaan 20, Kleinmond, 7195, 17 Mei
2014. CPR Schnetler, Posbus 252, Kleinmond, 7195.
7745/2013—Nyiba, Nodi Regina, 16-01-1920, 2001160153082, E1396 Nyanga, 7750, 13-4-2013. Standford Mlungisi,
Kibido E1437, Nyanga, 7750.
7745/2013—Nyiba, Nodi Regina, 16-01-1920, 2001160153082, E1396 Nyanga, 7750, 13-4-2013. Standford Mlungisi,
Kibido E1437, Nyanga, 7750.
7745/2013—Nyiba, Nodi Regina, 16-01-1920, 2001160153082, E1396 Nyanga, 7750, 13-4-2013. Stanford Mlungisi,
Kibido, E1437 Nyanga, 7750.
10633/13—Abduraghiem, Safodien, 12-12-1948, 4812125092084, 85 Hugo Naude Street, New Woodlands, Mitchells
Plain, 17-04-2011; Mymoena Safodien, 7-8-1949, 4908070106083. Z. Abdurahman Attorneys, 28 Wale Str, Cape Town;
P.O. Box 394, Cape Town, 8000.
23517/2014—Joshua, Monica, 26 October 1938, 3810260282081, 28 York Road, Lansdowne, 30 May 2014. Esau
Shapiro, Burman & Tinkler Inc, 5th Floor, Sunclare, Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7708.
11678/2003—Andrew, Hendrik Andrias, 13 Augustus 1932, 3208135069082, Rosetta Straat 52, Avondale, Atlantis,
4 September 2003; Mieta Andrew, 11 Mei 1948, 4805110122080. R vd Linde, Posbus 2863, Bellville, 7535.
24355/2014—Adriaens, Cornelia Maria, 1934-10-17, 3410170072183, 14 Chas Booth Avenue, Camps Bay, 8005,
2014-05-28; Hendricus Johannes Adriaens. FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 155, Century City, 7446.
4539/2014—Magwaxaza, Ndawuziva Table, 1956-03-28, 5603285775082, 31 Manzini Walk, Bongweni, Khayelitsha,
7784, 2014-01-05. Antoinette Martin, FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 155, Century City, 7446.
23824/2014—Littlefield, Pamela Anne, 1956-02-28, 5602280021088, 12 Kleintuin Road, Edgemead, 7441, 2014-04-01.
Sanlam Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
2244/2014—Jacobs, Freek, 1943-03-15, 4303155121084, Pedrostraat 11, Rosemore, George, 6529, 2013-06-17; Ann
Freeks, 1941-11-06, 4111060137081. Graehymme J Williams, George Multi Centre 13, 104 Meade Street, George, 6529.
30 days.
23553/2014—Burger, Antonie Johannes Burger, 10-08-1951, 5108105118083, Louis Botha Laan 43, Ruyterwacht,
Wes-Kaap, 17 Maart 2014. DP Stroebel, Postnet Suite #85, Privaatsak X19, Durbanville, 7551.
5637/2011—Luikes, Claudine Memoirèè Luikes, 1966-07-27, 6607270854082, Goudstraat 37, Vanguard Estate,
Athlone, Kaapstad, 3 April 2011. 30 dae. September & Assosiate, Pleinstraat 21, Stellenbosch, 7600.
21181/2014—De Nys, Willy Jean Antoine Fernand Emile, 6 June 1930, 3006065003182, 1 Sporrie Place, Myburg Park,
Langebaan, 1 March 2014. Barry, Botha & Breytenbach, PO Box 1, Port Shepstone, 4240.

This gazette is also available free online at


5372/2013—Smith, Hester Adriana Petronella, 1932-06-16, 3206160003083, 4 Bowdenpark Drama Street, Somerset
West, 2013-03-20; Victor Smith, 31-01-09, 3101095001082. Belinda Garbutt, PO Box 23684, Claremont, 7735.
5372/2013—Smith, Hester Adriana Petronella, 1932-06-16, 3206160003083, 4 Bowdenpark Drama Street, Somerset
West, 2013-03-20; Victor Smith, 31-01-09, 3101095001082. Belinda Garbutt, PO Box 23684, Claremont, 7735.
3958/2014—Güdmanz, Maria Susanna, 16 Mei 1917, 1705160005081, Con Viviersstraat 29, Bayview, Hartenbos, 6520,
2 Maart 2014. Zelda Liebenberg, Meyerotto Ingelyf, Posbus 1195, George, 6530.
23045/2014—Tippoo, Cecilia, 22nd July 2013, 3711240258086, 4 Hertford Road, Wynberg, Cape; Vincent Patrick Tippoo,
3510275092083. Herold Gie Attorneys, Wembley 3, 80 McKenzie Street, Cape Town.
15996/2012—Davids, Alexander, 20 September 1946, 4609205198082, Thomasstraat 42, Worcester, 5 Oktober 2012;
Marlene Davids, 18 Februarie 1955, 5502180131088. Anton André Strydom, p/a Muller, Terblanche & Beyers, Posbus 7,
Worcester, 6849.
23569/2014—Smith, Sophia Christina, 27-03-1949, 4903270035083, Constantstraat 23, Langebaan, 7357, 09-05-2014.
Hendrik Janse van Vuuren, 47 Main Street, Box 455, Moorreesburg, 7310.
23516/2014—Botha, Quartus Paulus, 1939-04-05, 3904055046080, 23 Malan Street, Porterville, 8 May 2014; Elizabeth
Hendrika Johanna Botha, 1943-11-11, 4311110084081. Werner Greeff, Visagievos., Vasco Boulevard 181, Goodwood, 7460.
17313/2013—Mannoe, Florence Johanna, 1938-11-02, 3811020067085, 81 Elder Street, Bonteheuwel, 7764, 2012-12-29.
Messrs Karbary Attorneys, PO Box 47, Gatesville, 7766.
22871/2014—Van den Heever (gebore Van den Heever), Catherina Helena, 1921-05-21, 2105210024084,
Jakarandastraat 20, Blomtuin, Bellville, 2014-02-21. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale,
23094/2014—Van Rooyen, Gideon Lourens, 03/02/1951, 5102035078087, 51 Saner Street, Eversdal, Durbanville, 7550,
10 May 2014. Francois Louw, 35 Main Road, Durbanville, 7550.
14542/2013—Strydom, Janet Doreen, 1955/08/15, 5508150245089, 24 Duinebessie Street, Lentebeur, Mitchells Plain,
2013/06/30. Karl Clinton Strydom, Stanley Cupido Attorneys, Suite G, Victoria Mall Grassy Park.
023849/2014—Fredericks, William John, 07/06/1929, 2906075067088, 2 Fifth Avenue, Retreat, 03/06/2014. Pierre
Nieuwoudt, No. 5 “The Lane”, Cavendish Street, Claremont, 7708.
6135/2013—Hooey, Deneys Harold Hooey, 1915-08-20, 1508205003081, Le Domaine’s Retirement Home, Hillcrest,
Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, 2013-03-10. Damain Winston Enslin, Suite D1, Westlake Square 1, Westlake Drive, Westlake, 7945.
13178/2013—Coetzee, Dirk Johannes Jacobus, 6 Februarie 1950, 5002065068083. Skilpadvleiweg 23, Nerina,
Durbanville, 7550. Dirk Coetzee & Associates (DJJ Coetzee), Posbus 201, Durbanville, 7551.
17658/2013—Van Brakel, Pieter Albertus, 26/04/1948, 4804265061086, 11 Winkle Way, Clovelly, Fish Hoek, 7975,
05/11/2013; Aneen van Brakel, 22/02/1968, 6802250260083. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
23246/2014—Sampson, Willie John, 27/06/1948, 4806275114086, Cawoodsingel No. 1, Wellington, 7655, 16/02/2014;
Edith Wilma Samson, 06/08/1960, 6008060037089. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
12637/2013—Adams, Hichiff Gregory, 06/02/1959, 5902065038087, Hoepoestraat 14, New Horizon, Eersterivier, 7100,
01/09/2013; Charryl Louise Adams, 28/03/1965, 6503280209088. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
24598/2014—Brown, Joyce Harriet, 25/06/1940, 4006250501080, 20 Alleyne Yeld Crescent, Fish Hoek, 7975,
11/04/2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
Williams, George Izak, 01/05/1952, 5205015199086, Fluweeltjiesingel 47, Belhar, 7493, 06/06/2014. ABSA Trust Limited,
PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
24672/2014—Roberts, Ann Mary, 1927-01-16, 2701160054087, 42 Upper Noreen Avenue, Newlands, 7708, 2014-06-19.
Kirkman Lanfear (Pty) Ltd, 64 Roeland Sq, Roeland Str, CT.
24627/2014—Terblanche, Hendrina Gertina Johanna, 06/01/1945, 4501060030080, Hoopvolstraat 9, Moreesburg,
7310, 06/05/2014; Tommie Burger Terblanche, 08/10/1943, 4310085054087. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof,
24625/2014—Van der Westhuizen, Albertus Johannes, 03/05/1939, 3905035027082, De Wetstraat 96, Vrjzee, 7460,
04/06/2014; Maria Eleonora Juritz van der Westhuizen, 08/01/1937, 3701080057086. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032,
Sanlamhof, 7532.
24677/2014—Geldenhuys, Fredrich Karel, 30/01/1952, 5201305040080, 473 Flying Dutchmanweg, Fisherhaven, 7200,
27/05/2014; Ria Geldenhuys, 11/12/1952, 5212110118086. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
24678/2014—De Bruin, Maria Susanna Catharina, 30/11/1926, 2611300146083, Aristea Aftree-Oord, Queenstraat 5,
Durbanville, 7550, 28/03/2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
24359/2014—Dean, Terence Denman, 1954-04-08, 5404085061082, 53 Chudleigh Road, Plumstead, 2014-06-25.
Susanna Vivier, Curr Vivier Inc, PO Box 3866, Cape Town, 8000.
23872/2014—Staples, Paul, 1924/02/12, 2402125040085, Room 46C Plumstead Rusoord, Burmingham Road,
Plumstead. Heyns & Vennote Ing, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.
3902/2014—Ketello, William, 1962-03-02, 6203025200084, 12 Freezia St, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain, 7785, 2013-09-01.
Pohl & Stuhlinger, 12th Floor, SA Reserve Bank Building, 60 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001.
22414/2014—Culverwell, Margaret Louise, 1938-01-28, 3801280071083, Green Pastures Rest Home, off Boland Road,
Durbanville, 7550, 2014-04-16. Russel Wiliam Knight, PO Box 50615, West Beach, 7449.
22545/2014—Botes, Delores Lidea, 28 February 1945, 4502280025082, 6 Fuchsia Street, Durbanville, 7550, 25 April
2014. Gerna Marais Attorneys, PO Box 5002, Tygervalley, 7536.

This gazette is also available free online at


24672/2014—Roberts, Ann Mary, 1927-01-16, 2701160054087, 42 Upper Noreen Avenue, Newlands, 7708, 2014-06-19.
Kirkman Lanfear (Pty) Ltd, 64 Roeland Square, Roeland Street, Cape Town.
14727/2011—Nyingwa, Khethiwe, 27 February 1975, 7502270292087, 26 Solyet Court, Selous Road, Claremont,
6 October 2011. Mrs June Rose Theron, c/o STBB/Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes Attorneys, 2nd Floor, Buchanan Chambers,
corner Warwick Street and Pearce Road, Claremont, 7735.
1606/2014—Ehrenreich Ruby, 1929-06-26, 2906260044082, 39 Camellia Street, Bontheuwel, 7764, 2013-07-05. Keith
William Ehrenrei, 6 Van Alk Van Zyl Street, Panorama, 7500.
3733/2014—Sarah Davidson, 26 Julie 1951, 5107260612088, Oscar Maphetastraat 23, Macassar. Louw Du Plessis Ing.,
Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur, Posbus 6, St Jamesstraat 31A, Somerset-Wes, 7129.
20387/2014—Morilly, Rowland Peter, 1946-04-06, 4604065093085, 51 Voor Street, Wellington, 7655, 2013-11-12; Delie
Sila Morilly, 1947-03-28, 4703280079083. Clarence Le Cordeur Attorneys, 51 Rand Street, Newton, Wellington. Clarence Le
Cordeur Attorneys, 51 Rand Street, Wellington.
23112/2014—McCall, Andrew Gilmour Brogan, 28th August 1954, 5408285199089, 603 Hillside Heights, Wessels Road,
Green Point, Cape Town, 8005, 26th March 2014; Lawrence Creighton, 4th December 1940, 4012045098085. C.R.R. MacLeod,
4 The Muize, Checkers Centre, Main Road, Muizenberg, Cape Town, 7945.
023410/2014—Schippers, Hennie, 1944-06-01, 4406015146082, 17 Ja Five Apartments, Corronation Road, Maitland,
7405, 2014-05-11. De Klerk & Van Gend Attorneys, 2 Oakdale Road, Claremont, Box 116.
23181/2014—Barnard, Johannes Lodewiekus, 1935-06-03, 3506035025082, 11 Bon Amertie La Vie Est Bell, Sonstraal
Heights, 7550, 2014-05-22. JL Barnard, 12 Rembrandt Street, Durbanville, 7550. 30 days.
20226/2014—Lotti, Socrate, 1929-11-16, 2911165073186, 25 Upper Clarens Road, Sea Point, Cape Town, 8005,
2014-03-30; Adele, Lotti, 1932-01-23, 3201250100188. Christopher Desmarais, Suite F11, Silverberg Terrace, Silverwood
Close, Steenberg Office Park, Tokai, Cape Town, 7945.
10721/2013—Sophia Susan Ruth van Rooyen, 4310010094083, Niviniastraat 136, Kleinmond. David Sauls Prokureurs,
Eppinglaan 30, Elsiesrivier, Wes-Kaap. 30 dae.
10721/2013—Van Rooyen, Sophia Susan Ruth, 01-10-1943, 4310010094083, 136 Nivinia Street, Kleinmond, 22 June
2013. David Sauls of 30 Epping Avenue, Elsies River, 7490. 30 days.
023901/2014—Hogan, Heather Margaret, 30 August 1943, 4308300123083, 21 Bay Beach Flats, Hout Bay and 22 Glen
Eden Village, Plettenberg Bay, 24 May 2014. June Rose Theron-Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2nd Floor, corner Warwick
Street and Pearce Road, Claremont.
17687/2012—Pheiffer, Margie Elizabeth, 1943-09-18, 4309180113087, 15 Kanonkop Street, Extension 13 Belhar,
2012-04-07. David Allan John Sauls, 30 Epping Avenue, Elsies River.
10721/13—Van Rooyen, Sophia Susn Ruth, 1943-10-01, 4310010094083, 136 Nivinia Street, Kleinmond, 2013-06-22.
David Allan John Sauls, 30 Epping Avenue, Elsies River.
1230/2012—Engle, Hettie Hendrika, 15 March 1950, 5003150751088, 33 Dunes Crescent, Weltevreden Valley, Mitchells
Plain, 7785, 19 August 2011. Trevor Desmond Engle (subsequently deceased), 22 March 1950, 5003225041085. SD Mamwell,
c/o Strauss Daly Incorporating Balsillies, PO Box 23016, Claremont, 7735.
20450/2014—Parker, Habiba, 1st February 1936, 3602010433084, 133 Bunney Street, Kensington, Cape Town, 2 May
2007. R. Dadarker and Associates, 12 Belgravia Road, Athlone, Cape Town, 7764.
21895/2014—Reichman, Mark Saul, 13 December 1961, 6112135074083, 21 Biscay, The Water Club, Granger Bay, Cape
Town, 1st April 2014. Brian Lutzno Kraus & Associates, 24th Floor, Atterbury House, 9 Riebeeck Street, Cape Town.
21895/2014—Reichman, Mark Saul, 13 December 1961, 6112135074083, 21 Biscay, The Water Club, Granger Bay, Cape
Town, 1st April 2014. Brian Lutzno Kraus & Associates, 24th Floor, Atterbury House, 9 Riebeeck Street, Cape Town.
024177/2014—Van Lill, Cecilia Helena Claudina, 2 Julie 1924, 2407020024084, Huis Stilbaai, Stilbaai, 22 Mei 2014.
Conradie Campher & Kemp Ing., Hoofstraat 20, Despatch. 30 dae.
21165/2014—Lawrence, Louisa Priscilla, 29 September 1933, 3309290277088, 4 Alpha Way, Ocean View, 8 September
2013. June Rose Theron–Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2nd Floor, cnr Warwick Street and Pearce Road, Claremont.
24532/2014—Agenbacht, Catharina Maria Magdalena, 1920-07-17, 2007170027083, Eidelweis 4A, Mountainview
Rylaan 93, Eversdal, 7550, 2014-05-15. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
24180/2014—Williams, Cyril, 08/11/1933, 3311085060083, 42 Venseer Street, Heideveld, 7764, 30/04/2014; Anna
Elizabeth Williams, 13/05/1931, 3105130058088. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
24600/2014—Olivier, Gertruida Cornelia, 06/01/1960, 6001060048081, Gerrytsstraat 38, Kuilsrivier, 7580, 06/06/2014;
Michael Olivier, 5603215037082. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
21004/2014—Hoffman, Johannes Adriaan, 1977-04-06, 7704065035081, Van Riebeeckstraat 4, Montagu, 6720,
2014-03-06. Elmarene Erasmus, Posbus 3158, Paarl, 7620.
17687/2012—Margie Elizabeth Pheiffer, 4309180113087, Kanonkopstraat 15, Uitbreiding 13, Belhar. David Sauls
Prokureurs, Eppinglaan 30, Elsiesrivier, Wes-Kaap. 30 dae.
17687/2012—Pheiffer, Margie Elizabeth, 18-09-1943, 4309180113087, 15 Kanonkop Street, Extension 13, Belhar,
04-07-2012. Executor being David Sauls Attorneys, 30 Epping Avenue, Elsies River, 7490. 30 days.
3074/2014—Ceto, Elizabeth, 14/06/1923, 23061400610, 79 Solo Street, Retreat, 21 January 2014. Michael Matthews &
Associates, Suite D1, Westlake Square, 1 Westlake Drive, Westlake, 7945.
3074/2014—Ceto, Elizabeth, 14/06/1923, 23061400610, 79 Solo Street, Retreat, 21 January 2014. Michael Matthews &
Associates, Suite D1, Westlake Square, 1 Westlake Drive, Westlake, 7945.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 101

16177/2012—Paverd, William Richard, 24/11/1938, 3811245021081, 13 Uitsig Drive, Somerset West, Cape Town,
5 August 2012. Mr B Gregg, c/o Michael Matthews & Associates, Suite D1, Westlake Square, 1 Westlake Drive, Westlake.
22546/2014—Carelse, Ronald, 14 November 1940, 4011145130087, widower, 7 St William Road, Seawinds, Retreat,
15 February 2014. Martha Carelse, 17 December 1942, 4212170146085. E.W. Domingo & Associates, 10 Market Street,
Grassy Park, 7945.
20485/2014—Jacobs, Maria Jacoba, 29-3-1924, 2403290063084, Aurorastraat 40A, Wellington, 7655, 7-3-2014.
Faure & Faure, Prokureurs, Hoofstraat 227 (Posbus 20), Paarl, 7620.
9472/2012—Prusente, Nosiphiwo Caroline, 4-1-1975, 7501040548083, Moonlightstraat 2791, Thembani Plein,
Mbekweni, 7626, 23-12-2011. Faure & Faure, Prokureurs, Hoofstraat 227 (Posbus 20), Paarl, 7620.
22922/2014—Damonse, Ryce Phillipa, 19-7-1913, 1307190083087, Lappertstraat 21, Huguenot, Paarl, 7646, 20-4-2014.
Faure & Faure, Prokureurs, Hoofstraat 227 (Posbus 20), Paarl, 7620.
021128/2014—Sihele, Mzwandile-Griffiths, 1938-12-05, 3812055266089, Matolweni, Location, Nqamakwe, 4990,
28-05-2014. L. Peko Attorneys, No. 12 Avalon Court, corner Fuller Street, Butterworth, 4990.
000154/2014—Zakaza, Tandiswa-Thelma, 1981-02-01, 8102010541080, Xume, Location, Tsomo, 5400, 2013/07/12.
L Peko Attorneys, No. 12 Avalon-Court, corner Fuller Street, Butterworth.
4788/2013—Martin, Mansoor, 1948-12-17, 4812175112089, 91 Riversdale Road, Rondebosch East, 7780, 2012-05-30;
Jasmina Martin, 1951-06-30, 5106300087087. Yolandie Veldsman, 21 Bloukeur Street, Blommendal, Bellville, 7530. 30 days.
4788/2013—Martin Mansoor, 1948-12-17, 4812175112089, 91 Riversdale Road, Rondebosch East, 7780, 2012-05-30;
Jasmina Martin, 1951-06-30, 5106300087087. Yolandie Veldsman, 21 Bloukeur Street, Blommendal, Bellville, 7530. 30 days.
Stipp, Jacoba Isabella, 31/10/1931, 3110310027085, 109 CJ Langenhovenstraat 109, Parow Noord, 7500, 22/05/2014.
ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
24681/2014—Cramb, Douglas Alexander, 3 October 1952, 2510035046081, 509 Berghof, 44A Hof Street, Gardens,
Western Cape, 3 May 2014. June Rose Theron–Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2nd Floor, cnr Warwick Street and Pearce
Road, Claremont, 7700.
2877/2013—Jantjies, Maria Johanna, 05/03/1921, 2103050023084, Kerkstraat 76, Riversdal, 6670, 29/06/2007.
Melt Kloppers en Eloff Ingelyf, Van den Bergstraat 27 (Posbus 466), Riversdal, 6670.
24833/2014—De Kock, Casparus Hendrik Badenhorst, 1925-10-08, 2510085005086, Huis Klippedrift, Napier, 7270,
7 Junie 2014. LBF Prokureurs, Posbus 21, Bredasdorp, 7280.
21338/2014—Coopoosamy, Marjorie Catherine, 29/06/1937, 3706290241081, 8 Antares Close, Ocean View, Kommetjie,
Western Cape Province, 21 January 2014; James Coopoosamy, 24/03/1934, 3403245056083. STBB/Smith Tabata Buchanan
Boyes, 26 First Avenue, Fish Hoek, 7975.
17313/2013—Mannoe, Florence Johanna, 1938-11-02, 3811020067085, 81 Elder Street Bonteheuwel, 7764,
2012-12-29. Messrs Karbary Attorneys, P.O. Box 47, Gatesville, 7766.
023371/2014—Moses, Frikkie, 1961/10/15, 6110155707087, 6 Bellona Close, Blackheath, 7580, 18 September 2013;
Klara Moses, 20/01/1961, 6101200928083. F. Salie Attorneys, 66 Lang Street, Kuils River.
9072/2012—Stanfliet, Lily Elizabeth, 1927-05-30, 2705305074082, Tindallstraat 25, McGregor, 6708, 2011-04-18.
JP du Bois, 23 Church Street, Robertson.
24168/2014—Van Eeden, Julius, 1974-03-04, 7403045004081, Malanstraat 3, Riebeek Wes, Wes-Kaap, 2014-06-04.
Theo van Eeden, Posbus 181, Riebeek Wes, Wes-Kaap.
21542/2014/CT—Venter, Dawn Gloria, 5 December 1946, 4612050111085, 63 Recreation Road, Fish Hoek, Cape Town,
29 March 2014; Raymond Venter, 27 February 1946, 4602275092004. Peacock, Liebenberg & Dickinson Inc, 4 Pastoll Road,
Pinetown, 3610.
23649/2014—Macbeth, Nigel David, 05/07/1940, 4007055091186, 1 Lincoln Green, Alamein Road, Claremont. FNB Trust
Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
24529/2014—Kotze, Grace, 1941-06-30, 4106300030088, 7 Helderzight Woonstelle, Darriesstraat, Strand, 7140,
2014-05-31. Standard Trust Beperk, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days.
24525/2014—Muller, Yvonne Ivy, 1932-02-22, 3202220067184, Aan de Drosty Retirement Home, 16 Drostdy Street,
Swellendam 2014-06-27. Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days.
24588/2014—Parrott, Nico, 1942-10-30,4210305062086, Atlanta Woonstel, Paarl, 2014-06-22. Standard Executors and
Trustees Ltd, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days.
23114/2014—Fortuin, Wilhelmina, 1936-04-13, 3604130335082, 37 Oklahoma Street, Steenbergs Cove St, Helenabaai,
7390, 2014-05-12. Francois Hamman, 13 Mark Street, Vredenburg, 7380.
2453/2014—Laaksonen, Eino Joel, 1 Junie 1908, 0806015035009, 3 Sjieling Street, Epping, Goodwood, 31 May 1983.
Avenant Rappoport Prokureurs, Pasitastraat 10, Pasita Park 21, Bellville, 7530.
0244562014—Snyman, Jacobus Petrus, 1918-12-31, 1812315001080, 9 Sultana Street, Somerset West, 7130,
2014-05-25. Landsberg & Associates, 60 Granite Close, Somerset West, 7130.
24599/2014—Schreve, Ewalda, 23/02/1933, 3302230031087, Huidehof No. 55, Caledon, 7230, 02/05/2014. ABSA Trust
Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
738/2013—Adams, Moegammad Cassiem, 1949-04-25, 4404255148082, 26 Sonata Street, Retreat, 7945, 2012-07-26;
Fatima, Adams (born Jumat), 1940-06-13, 4006130370086. Johann Brink, 1st Floor, Cornerstone House, 16 Loop Street, Cape
Town, 8001.

This gazette is also available free online at


16473/2013—Thomas, Elizabeth Margaret, 29 July 1938 7011110182086, 1 Sipres Street, Sarepta, Kuils River, 7580,
1 September 2013. F. Salie Attorneys, 66 Lang Street, Kuils River.
8666/2013—Costella Mathilda Cannon, 17 March 1938, 33 Vasco Boulevard, Goodwood, 7460. A H McKenzie &
Associates, 94B Voortrekker Road, Goodwood. 30 days.
16447/2013—Felix, Michael Charles Felix, 21/02/39, 3902215276084, 4 Antares Close, Ocean View, 20/10/2013;
predeceased. Cecil Darius Dougan (agent to the Executor Clinton Markus Felix), PO Box 4, Crawford, 7770, or 115 Belgravia
Road, Athlone.
16444/2013—Felix, Lynette, 06-09-50, 5009060800089, 4 Antares Close, Ocean View, 01-09-2013; Michael Charles
Felix, 21-02-1939, 3902215276084. Cecil Darius Dougan (Agent to the Executor Clinton Markus Felix).
24261/2014—Chadwick, Saskia, 1972-09-02, 7209020184081, Lalaphanzi Farm, Plateau Road, Cape Point, 2014-05-13.
Old Mutual Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town.
24262/2014—Cassiem, Mogamat Allie, 1955-09-17, 5509175054084, 26 Bluegum Road, Bishop Lavis, 2014-06-07;
Duraya Cassiem, 1953-08-16, 5308160039089. Old Mutual Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town.
24375/2014—Marshall, Allan William Roy, 1948-04-24, 4804245112082, 15 Outer Street, Yzerfontein, 2014-01-27;
Wilhelmina Marshall, 1950-07-29, 5007290064088. Old Mutual Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town.
24371/2014—Mac Mahon, Alan Gordon, 1942-11-28, 4211285072087, 1 San Aldino, 42 Beach Boulevard, Table View,
7441, 2014-06-28. Nedgroup Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town.
23268/2014—Mouton, Carolina Petronella, 1926-03-12, 2603120024087, 1 Sixth Avenue, De Oude Rnbaan, Paarl,
2014-05-04. Nedgroup Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town.
24368/2014—Le Roux, Jane Levina, 1922-09-19, 2209190057088, Huis Klippedrif, Napier, 2014-06-23. Nedgroup Trust
Beperk, Posbus 86, Kaapstad, 8000.
22761/2014—Durkin, Myfanny Elizabeth Josephine, 12 October 1948, 4810120115181, 3 Plein Street, Westcliff,
Hermanus, 7200, 10 May 2014. IS van Noordwyk, 6 Warrington Arcade, 4 Harbour Road, Hermanus, 7200.
22495/2014—Smith, Tertius Henry, 27 November 1935, 3511275027087, Raed-Na-Gaelstraat 35, Hermanus, 7200,
12 April 2014. IS van Noordwyk, Warringtonarkade 6, Haweweg 4, Hermanus, 7200.
23567/2014—Zeelie, Dolores Angela, 1943-10-05, 4310050041085, Kronendal Retirement Village, Hout Bay, 7806,
2014-05-19. Robert Jan Picard, 2 Buxton Avenue, Oranjezicht, Cape Town, 8001.
15829/2010—Jenni, Daniel Jacobus, 24 December 1937, 3712245128084, 10 Plein Street, Parow, 21 October 2010;
Patricia Dawn Jenni, 09-03-1950, 5003090079087. Andre Bester Attorneys, PO Box 55, Parow.
11715/2003—Skupela, Yisake, 03-06-1946, 4606035641083, 4 Apollo Way, Ikwezi Park, Khayelitsha, Cape Town,
23 March 2003. Nawaal Cloete & Associates, PO Box 2303, Cape Town, 8000.
2517/2014—Allenby, Leonard Jacobus, 20-10-1926, 2610205072089, 20 Third Avenue, Rondebosch East, Cape Town,
22 January 2014. Nawaal Cloete & Associates, PO Box 2303, Cape Town, 8000.
2635/2013—Johaardien, Fatima, 14-11-1928, 2811140095082, 2 Tulbagh Way, Portlands, Mitchells Plain, Cape Town,
9 April 2009. Nawaal Cloete & Associates, PO Box 2303, Cape Town, 8000.
8710/1993—Johaardien, Achmat, 08-08-1931, 3108085084083, 2 Tulbagh Way, Portlands, Mitchells Plain, Cape Town,
3 September 1993; Fatima Johaardien, 14-11-1928, 2811140095082. Nawaal Cloete & Associates, PO Box 2303, Cape Town,
5204/2003—Markies, Johanna Maria, 22-06-1946, 4606220137087, 13 Jacona Circle, Robinvale, Wesfleur, 22 March
2003. Nawaal Cloete & Associates, PO Box 2303, Cape Town, 8000.
14761/2012—Ellis, Louisa Deborah Ellis, 30 January 1926, 2601300037085, Heritage Manor, Somerset West, Western
Cape, 11 March 2012. Saunders Venter van der Watt, PO Box 569, Somerset West, 7129.
24778/2014—Johnson, Herbert Stanley Johnson, 11 February 1937, 3702115076083, 29, 31st Avenue, Elsies River,
7490, 1 July 2014; Shirley Elaine Johnson, 17 October 1937, 3710170078084. Zelda Gordon, 11 Agapanthus, Welgedacht
Estate, Bellville, 7530; PO Box 7294, Welgemoed, 7538.
24778/2014—Johnson, Herbert Stanley Johnson, 11 February 1937, 3702115076083, 29, 31st Avenue, Elsies River,
7490, Western Cape, 1 July 2014; Shirley Elaine Johnson, 17 October 1937, 3710170078084. Zelda Gordon, 11 Agapanthus,
Welgedacht Estate, Bellville, 7530; PO Box 7294, Welgemoed, 7538.
23480/2014—Farrell, Anne Francis, 1935-04-26, 3504260026081, No. 11 Grey Avenue, Flamingo Vlei, Table View. 3 June
2014. Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, No. 40 Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550.
24831/2014—Lutz, Martha Maria, 17-01-1930, 3001170020080, 605 Welgelegen, Kusweg 47, Strand, 7140, 30-06-2014.
Willem Petrus Burger, Stellenbosch Finansiële Adviesdienste, Krigestraat 12, Stellenbosch, 7600.
20118/2014—Laubscher, Aletta Sophia, 1927-06-12, 2706120041082, Oude Westhof Aftree-oord, 26 Van Riebeeck
Road, Protea Vallei, 2014-02-24. Willem Bergh, 12 Baardsuikerbos Street, Protea Vallei, Bellville.
22380/2014—Rust, Minette Dorothea, 1930-10-27, 3010270024082, Paradys Palm Frail Care Unit, Paradyskloof Road,
Paradyskloof, Stellenbosch, 2014-04-22. Daniel Joachim Schoeman, Duthiestraat 11, Malmesbury, 7300.
24373/2014—Engel, Diana Joan, 25-10-1942, 4210250045086, 14 Geluks Road, Sybrand Park, 7700, 01-06-2014;
Anthony Lionel Engel, 19-10-1940, 4010195043083. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
22251/14—Meyer, Ernest Jerome, 16-01-1963, 6301165192085, Lindidarylaan 52, Stellenbosch, 7600, 09-01-2014;
Alviriesa Patricia Meyer, 14-06-1965, 6506140211087. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
24374/2014—Renken, Jacobus Christian, 29-05-1956, 5605295144084, Joubertstraat 25, Kraaifontein, 7570, 08-06-2014.
ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
24596/2014—Smit, Hester Sophia, 09-02-1946, 4602090076083, Helderberg Village, Bakkerskloofstraat 422, Somerset-
Wes, 7130, 25-04-2014; Hendrik Willem Johannes Smit, 28-08-1945, 4508285085088. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032,
Sanlamhof, 7532.
24738/2014—Newman, Henry, 24-11-1961, 6111245125082, Sonneblomweg 27, Uitsig, 7493, 06-06-2014; Ladonna
Newman, 19-10-1959, 5910190212089. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 103

23145/2014—Baadjies, Abram, 24-10-1958, 5810245089088, Nerinasingel 29, Devon Park, Eersterivier, 7100,
28-01-2014; Kytie Baadjies, 15-12-1962, 6212150173081. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
24735/2014—Wolhuter, Johanna Susanna, 04-03-1943, 4303040013082, Moorreestraat 61, Malmesbury, 7300, 14-06-2014.
ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
16136/2013—Arendse, Michael, 1945-09-04, 4509045149081, 213 Third Avenue, Kraaifontein, 7780, 2013-09-10. Nisaar
Ahmed Motala, 55 Plein Streert, Cape Town, 8001.
2416/2014—Abrahams, Ismail, 1950-04-30, 5004305113083, 49 Boeschoton Road, Athlone, 7764, 2014-01-17. Nisaar
Motala, 55 Plein Street, Cape Town, 8001.
22380/2014—Rust, Minette Dorothea, 1930-10-27, 3010270024082, Paradys Palm Frail Care Unit, Paradyskloof Road,
Paradyskloof, Stellenbosch, 2014-04-22. Daniel Joachim Schoeman, Duthiestraat 11, Malmesbury, 7300.
24528/2014—Schreuder, Koos Jacobus, 1948-06-06, 4806065010080, Tygerhof Woonstel A5, Koeberweg, Milnerton,
7441, 2014-03-29; Patricia Josephine Schreuder, 1954-10-02, 5410020022089. Sanlam Trust (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 1260,
Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
24541/2014—Kotze, Johannes Petrus, 1949-11-26, 4911265026082, Burenstraat 34, Avondale, Parow-Oos, 7500,
2014-04-07; Johann Jacoba Kotze, 1951-04-09, 5104090094082. Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
24759/2014—Mgushelo, Lowrens Xolisa, 1982-02-21, 8202215318084, 116 Hyper Villas, Brackenfell, 7560, 2014-06-14.
Sanlam Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
4213/2014—Coetzer, Hester Maria, 08-06-1938, Parkstraat 32, Touwsrivier, 6880, 2 October 2013. Sanlam Trust, c/o
Etienne Genis Attorneys, No. 2 Seventh Avenue, Melkbosstrand.
24542/2014—Bitter, Elise, 1929-02-12, 2902120031088, Neethlingstraat 30, Strand, 7140, 2014-06-12. Sanlam Trust,
Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
24549/2014—Pretorius, Helena Louisa, 20-09-1941, 15 Napoleon Avenue, Duynefontein, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 18 May
2014. Sanlam Trust, c/o Etienne Genis Attorneys, No. 2 Seventh Avenue, Melkbosstrand.
22087/2014—Catchpole, Kathleen Mary, 1925-04-07, 2504070031082, 28 Hunters Estate Retirement Centre, Knysna,
2014-04-30. Basil Michaelides, 12 Clyde Street, Knysna, 6571.
24533/2014—Brink, Marjorie Beulah, 1961-06-30, 6106300035085, Plaasstraat 1409, Koekenaap, 2014-05-20; Gerrit
Dedrick Brink, 1954-04-08, 5404085017084. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
20718/2014—Stromsoe, Erik, 03-01-1935, 3501035036080, 6 Main Road, Langebaan, 7357, 20 February 2014.
Hencetrade Accounting Services CC, PO Box 1074, Green Point, 8051. 30 days.
22967/2014—Jack, Hendrik Cornelius, 1961-11-12, 6111125148089, Langstraat 19, Beaufort-Wes, 6970, 2014-03-29;
Miriam Marlene Jack, 1961-03-10, 6103100231089. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days.
22158/2014—Hattingh, Louisa, 03-05-1951, 5105030083085, Chiappinistraat 73, Onrusrivier, 25-02-2014. FHBC
Rekenmeesters, Posbus 899, Wellington, 7654.
24799/2014—Adams, Rose Maria, 04-08-1923, 2308040039088, Holzaphelstraat 6, Sarepta, Kuils River, 7580, 09-06-2014.
ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
24734/2014—Smit, Phyllis May, 19-05-1934, 3405190004083, De Wetsstraat 181, Vrijzee, 7460, 05-06-2014. ABSA Trust
Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
24736/2014—Sias, Phillip, 29-06-1948, 4806295157081, Kanonkop Wynlandgoed, Stellenbosch, 7600, 04-10-2013;
Jacobmina Sias, 20-07-1955, 5507200198082. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
22129/2014—Van Zyl, Johannes Gerhardus, 1939-08-19, 3908195010088, 34 Peperboom Crescent, Heiderand, Mossel
Bay, 2014-04-20; Johanna Jacoba van Zyl (née Ferreira), 1943-05-16, 4305160006085. FJ van Zyl, 22 Louws Avenue, Suider-
Paarl, 7646.
024459/2014—Frieslaar, Henry Frank, 1937-08-12, 3708125054085, 1302 Simons Bay Estate, 1 Oatlands Road,
Simonstown, 2014-05-18. Miltons Matsemela, PO Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443. 30 days.
24242/2014—Coulter, Christopher John Hippisley, 1946-09-19, 4609195097088, 409 Riverside Manor, Howard Drive,
Pinelands, 2014-04-14. Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet Suite 205, Private Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801.
23108/2014—Smit, Sidney Butler, 1936-04-20, 3604205104082, Flat 11, Summervale Estate, Gordon’s Bay, 7150,
2013-11-22. Sentinel International Trust Company, PO Box 44774, Claremont, 7735. 30 days.
10161/2011—Sicwebu, Lizo, 1979-01-09, 7901095676088, 12 Joy Crescent, Langa, 2011-07-18; Khuthala Sicwebu,
1978-12-17, 7812170387089. Miltons Matsemela, PO Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443. 30 days.
23550/2014—Wynand Frederik Bohnen, 2208025002087, 13 Mei 2014. Swart & Nel Prokureurs, Posbus 737, Parow,
7499. 30 days.
3100/2014—Lucwaba, Priscilla Nomsa, 1957-01-08, 5701080812082, NY 10, No. 44, Gugulethu, 7750, 2014-02-28,
divorced. Pinini Attorneys, Suite 707, 7th Floor, 47 On Strand, Strand Street.
24804/2014—Bourn, Frances Olga, 17-08-1928, 2808170025088, 29 Bramley Street, Southfield, Cape Town, 7800,
11-06-2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
23725/2014—Goliath, Alfred Charles, 1939-05-10, 3905105071085, 2 Violet Street, Woodridge, Mitchells Plain, 2007-11-16.
Marais Muller Yekiso Inc., 58 Van Riebeeck Road, Kuils River, 7580, or PO Box 36, Kuils River, 7579.
24612/2014—Crisp, Rosalind Gerda Michaela, 24-06-1925, 2506240071187, 6 Millwood Flats, York Street, George,
4 June 2014. Grant Arnold John Alexander, of Private Client Trust (Pty) Ltd, 46 Main Road, Claremont, 7708.
14498/2013—Van Tonder, Maureen, 1935-07-22, 3507220004080, Huis Zonnekus, Ashton Street, Milnerton, 2013-10-06.
Janice Rheeder, 38 Wallaby Walk, Zoo Park, Kraaifontein, 7570. 30 days.
24615/2014—Burger, Wendy Joan, 24-05-1944, 4405240011087, 134 Visvanger Road, Melkbosstrand, 7441, 2 June
2014; Thomas Arnoldus Du Toit Burger, 08-11-1942, 4211085056082. Grant Arnold John Alexander, of Private Client Trust (Pty)
Ltd, 46 Main Road, Claremont, 7708.
4379/2014—Diederichs, Lynette Jane, 18 October 1960, 6010180162086, Vimy Ridge Way, Strandfontein, 77980,
14 February 2014; Wilfred Diederichs, 24 December 1955, 5512245112080. C de Cerff & Associates, 1 Koffiepeer Close,
Eastridge, Mitchells Plain, 7785.

This gazette is also available free online at


4379/2014—Diederichs, Lynette Jane, 18 October 1960, 6010180162086, Vimy Ridge Way, Strandfontein, 77980,
14 February 2014; Wilfred Diederichs, 24 December 1955, 5512245112080. C de Cerff & Associates, 1 Koffiepeer Close,
Eastridge, Mitchells Plain,k 7785.
2512/2014—Damon, David Alexander, 13 May 1926, 2605135033085, 226 Belgravia Road, Belthorn Estate, Crawford,
28 December 2013. Patricia Madden Attorney, 11 Punt Street, Punts Estate, Diep River.
8156/2007—Damon, Rachel Maria, 21 March 1928, 2803210060088, 226 Belgravia Road, Belthorn Estate, Crawford,
18 November 1993; David Alexander Damon, 13 May 1926, 2605135038085. Patricia Madden Attorney, 11 Punt Street, Punts
Estate, Diep River.
24403/2014—Goodman, Graham Edward, 1942-09-01, 4209015137188, 11 Freesia Street, Milnerton, 2014-05-26.
Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet Suite 205, Private Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801.
24403/2014—Goodman, Graham Edward, 1942-09-01, 4209015137188, 11 Freesia Street, Milnerton, 2014-05-26.
Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet Suite 205, Private Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801.
Van Wyk, Anne June, 11-06-1936, 3606110001089, 4de Laan No. 5, De Oude Renbaan, Suider Paarl, 7646, 01-04-2014;
Andries Jacobus van Wyk, 02-11-1935, 3511025002083. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
24806/2014—Martheze, Jacomina Johanna, 28-10-1928, 2810280010083, Silver Oak Lodge, Reitzstraat 17, Somerset-
Wes, 7130, 21-06-2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.
25035/2014—Van Dyk, Gladys, 1939-01-23, 3901230026086, 27 Kortmark Street, Stanford, 7210, 2014-07-10. Pieters &
Associates, 1 Roslyn Street, Brackenfell, 7560.
2384/2014—Samuels, Mabel Thelma, 3 July 2014, 3907030051083, 27 Korvette Road, Strandfontein, Mitchells Plain,
7798, 5 February 2013. Clinton George, 16 Oscar Close, Westgate, Mitchells Plain, 7785.
2384/2014—Samuels, Mabel Thelma, 3 July 2014, 3907030051083, 27 Korvette Road, Strandfontein, Mitchells Plain,
7798, 5 February 2013. Clinton George, 16 Oscar Close, Westgate, Mitchells Plain, 7785.
2384/2014—Samuels, Mabel Thelma, 3 July 2014, 3907030051083, 27 Korvette Road, Strandfontein, Mitchells Plain,
7798, 5 February 2013. Clinton George, 16 Oscar Close, Westgate, Mitchells Plain, 7785.
2384/2014—Samuels, Mabel Thelma, 3 July 2014, 3907030051083, 27 Korvette Road, Strandfontein, Mitchells Plain,
7798, 5 February 2013. Clinton George, 16 Oscar Close, Westgate, Mitchells Plain, 7785.
21544/2014—Heldzingen, John Gray, 1915-12-15, 1512155026084, Unit 314, Pinewood Village, University Drive,
Pinelands, 2014-04-21. Personal Trust, Personal Trust House, Belmont Park, Rondebosch. 30 days.
1589/2014—Collins, Paul John, 1947-10-22, 4710225143080, 21 Kirby Road, Gordon’s Bay, 7140, 2013-12-21; Susan
Patricia Collins, 1952-10-20, 5210200048086. Marina Clift Attorney, PO Box 295, Paarl, 7620.
24827/2014—Patricia Anne Eddison, 4103010005187, 4 Edmonton, Erinvale Estate, Lourensford Road, Somerset West,
10 May 2014. JP van Zyl Inc. Attorneys (Attorney for Executrix), PO Box 562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days.
12045/2012—Van Huyssteen, Maria Doratia, 4001030113082, Eenheid 69, Peninsula Bay, Strand (George; Kaapstad).—
Cilliers Odendaal Prokureurs, Posbus 1079, George, 6530.

Form/Vorm J 187
In terms of section 35 (5) of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distri-
bution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection
of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date
specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the latter, and at the offices of the Masters and
Magistrates as stated.
Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors
will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts.
The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname, christian name(s), identity number,
last address, description of account other than first and final; if deceased was married in community of property the
surviving spouse’s names, surname and identity number; period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days),
Magistrate’s Office.


Ingevolge artikel 35 (5) van Wet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie-
en distribusierekenings (eerste en finale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore
van die Meesters en Landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende ’n tydperk van 21 dae (of korter of langer indien
spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, welke ook al die laaste is, ter
insae lê van alle persone wat daarby belang het.
Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die
eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 105

Die inligting word soos volg verstrek: Boedelnommer, familienaam, voornaam(name), identiteitsnommer, laaste
adres, beskrywing van rekening as dit anders as eerste en finale is; indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere
getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam en identiteitsnommer; tydperk van insae (indien
korter of langer as 21 dae), Landdroskantoor.


25297/2013—Malik, Zoran Rudolf, 4607055050080, Plot 115, Bridle Pass, Diepsloot, Midrand, 1684, First and Final
(Pretoria; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
6379/2012—Mabuza, Sophie Sbongile, 6711270541085, 8 Genova Street, Evander, 2280, Mpumalanga, First and Final;
Hendrick Deke Mabuza, 21 days (Evander; Marshalltown).—Els Louw & Rasool Inc., Sanlam Plaza, corner Horwood and
Heunis Streets, PO Box 47, Secunda.
10202/2009—Mistry, Rama Hari, 2005185035083; Dhanlaxmi Mistry, 2604260199085 (Centurion; Pretoria).—Barnard
Patel Attorneys, 17 Ivy Street, Clydesdale, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028.
25997/2014—Du Plessis, Pieter George, 5301025072080, 6 Starling Street, Atlasville, Boksburg, First and Final;
Gertruida Susanna du Plessis, 5305070108087 (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House,
4925/2014—Jansen van Vuuren Elizabeth Dorothy, 5304210073087, 50 Danie Street, Brits, First and Final; Jacobus
Nicolaas Jansen van Vuuren, 5202225128088 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
22798/2014—Snyders, Jacob Pieter, 3710195002085, Sun Remo 1, Vedalaan 928, Montana Park, Eerste en Finale;
Gesina Maria Snyders, 4208270011088 (Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
26005/2014—Louw, Andrew Kenneth, 6411085095084, Impalaweg 94, Mindalore, Krugersdorp, Eerste en Finale;
Jakomina Johanna Louw, 6609260205085 (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House,
22000/2013—Madden, Jane Catherine, 2501260024083, First and Final (Pretoria North; Johannesburg).—
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 32 Ida Street, Menlo Park, 0081.
13089/2010—Barreto, Manuel, 2410035066181, First and Final (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—PricewaterhouseCoopers,
32 Ida Street, Menlo Park, 0081.
25514/2014—Odendaal, Andre, 5905055029081, 72 Ilex Way, Edleen, Kempton Park, First and Final; Johanna Maria,
Odendaal, 6406230085089 (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
23685/2013—Opperman, Jacobus Christoffel, 3311225013083, First and Final (Pretoria; Johannesburg).—Pricewaterhouse-
Coopers, 32 Ida Street, Menlo Park, 0081.
27028/04—Stathaki, Nafsika George, 1702180058109, First and Final (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—PricewaterhouseCoopers,
32 Ida Street, Menlo Park, 0081.
024777/2013—Lutz, Josef Frederik, 5906235124081, 16 PC Botha Avenue, Glen Marais, Kempton Park, Gewysigde Eerste
en Finale (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
23238/2014—Glendinning, Daphne Fleming, 2812270006089, Darrenwood Village Frailcare, Greenside, Johannesburg, First
and Final (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
27091/2013—Van der Merwe, Patricia Anne, 2807200020085, 86 Raleigh Randjies Estate, Highlands North, 2192
(Johannesburg; Marshalltown).—Legal Docs Specialists, PO Box 35134, Newton Park, 6055.
4041/2014—Redelinghuys, Matthys Johannes, 5511065085087, 9 Pluto Avenue, Wilro Park, Roodepoort, First and Final
(Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
14239/2013 (Pretoria)—Gerrit Myburgh, 3411075003083, Plot 82, Bosfontein, Heidelberg, First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account, 21 days (Heidelberg; Pretoria).—Janette Faure, FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, Port
14239/2013—Myburgh, Gerrit, 3411075003083, Plot 82, Bosfontein, Heidelberg (Heidelberg; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services,
PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
3954/2013—Greenblatt William, 2110105059088 (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Hirschowitz Attorneys, 80 Market Street,
Boksburg, 1459; PO Box 185, Boksburg, 1460.
5257/14—Van der Merwe, Aletha Dorathea, 5110170007084, 31 St Avenue 685, Villieria, Pretoria, Gauteng, First and Final
(Pretoria; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
21703/2014—Dreyer, Barend Mattheus, 4706300048087, 17 Paul Roos Ave, Danville, Pretoria, First and Final; Hendrik
Lodewickus Dreyer, 6102125188084 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
6781/2012—Kershoff, Du Plessis, 3804205001086, 73 Grens Street, Parys, 9585, First and Final (Parys;
Bloemfontein).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
029773/201—Terblanche, Johannes Diederick Jacobus, 5908165022087, 12 Koraal Avenue, Mayfield Park,
Johannesburg, First and Final; Maria Elizabeth Terblanche, 4906020057083 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—
Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.

This gazette is also available free online at


21292/2014—Bloy, Lilian Mary, 3205040242085, 7 Flinder Street, Riverlea, Johannesburg, 2093, First and Final
(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
20992/2013—Wagner, Christian Thomas Daniel, 5303295102084, 2 Kenya Road, Florida Hills, 1709, First and Final;
Shereen Wagner, 5708120172088 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands,
29754/2013—Mendonca, Jose Adelino, 3902105027183, 60 Keats Road, Lombardy East, Johannesburg, 2090, First and
Final; Noemia Rosa de Menezes Mendonca, 4103070011182 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and
Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
4421/2014—Da Ascencao, Antonio, 4502205138184, 25 Permanent Street, Atlasville, Boksburg, 1460, First and Final;
Angelina de Gouveia Mendes Da Ascencao, 5710060207189 (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and
Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
2693/2012—Harris-Webster, Hester Susanna, 6304090027087, 34 Houtkop Road, Duncanville, Vereeniging, 1939, First
and Final; Peter John Nordejee Harris Harris-Webster, 5903095047080 (Vereeniging; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors
and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
29361/2013—Moore, Lorraine Joan, 4902280052088, 40 Honey Crescent, Glover Road, Honeydew, 2040, First and
Final; David George Moore, 4204245055185 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291,
Parklands, 2121.
04998/2014—Matlhaku, Sydney, 4010105922087, 2 Vrede Lane, Northcliff, Extension 19, First and Final; Kerotse
Elizabeth Matlhaku, 4212040334085 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291,
Parklands, 2121.
30070/2013—Franken, Guy Andrew, 6203135141087, 48 Lone Rock, Calderwood Road, Lionhill, Gauteng, First
(Randburg; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
1878/2013—Sangerhaus, Frederick Charles, 4206235035085, Eerste en Finale (Middelburg; Nelspruit).—
Wynand Prinsloo & Van Eeden, Posbus 810, Middelburg, 1050.
322/2012—Hartley, Llewellyn Henry, 44112050180083, 3 Belissimo Estate Extension 10, Witbank (Witbank; Nelspruit).—
Krügel Heinsen Incorporated, Proffice Building Route N4, Business Park, Witbank, 1035.
1525/2013—Van Sandwyk, Cornelis Marinus Benjamin, 2911155032085, plaas Emett, Kieperson (White River;
Nelspruit).—FNB Trust Service, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
824/2013—Nzimande, Cynthia Thembi Sphiwe, 8509140851082, Stand 10972, Extension 14, Embalenhle, 2285,
Mpumalanga, First and Final, 21 days (Secunda; Nelspruit).—Els Louw & Rasool Inc, Sanlam Plaza, cnr Horwood en Heunis
Streets, PO Box 47, Secunda.
29788/2013—Damiani, Luigi, 2009235035184, 43 Bob Street, Regents Park Estate, Johannesburg, 2000, First and Final
(Johannesurg; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
30607/2013—Van Greune, Jeanette, 4201010047082, 128 Ridge Road, Barlett X37, Boksburg, 1459, First and Final
(Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
003148/2014—Milford, Hilary, 4701220541188, 7 De Villiers Street, Parys, 7595, First and Final (Parys; Bloemfontien).—
Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
23758/2013—Amer, Lewis Gasper, 5603085710081, 56 Belhambra Road, Primrose East, Germiston, 1401, First and
Final; Rabia Atande Amer, 6110290597088 (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291,
Parklands, 2121.
648/2013—Case, Gladys Ethel, 3407220028082, 7 Vivienne Street, Chrisville, 2901, First and Final (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
007908/201—Dolling, Ruth, 3005210019085, Methodist Home for the Aged, corner of James & Pretoria Road, First and
Final (Benoni; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
020752/201—Mothopeng, John Phakane, 6011255331085, 8 Platinum Street, Steelpark, Vereeniging, First and Final;
Germina Masechaba Mamoitheri Mothopeng, 5703120172188 (Vereeniging; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and
Trustees, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
22687/11—Coetzee, Ella Sophia, 3402230019080, 30 Susman Avenue, Blairgowrie, Randburg, 2194, First and Final
(Randburg; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
647/2013—Case, Charles Peter, 3005235048085, 7 Vivienne Street, Chrisville, 2091, First and Final; estate late: Gladys
Ethel—Estate No. 648/2013, 3407220028082 (Johannesburg; South Gauteng High Court).—Standard Executors and Trustees,
P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
25770/2013—Nijhuis, Louise Ellen Yolande, 5110190086084, Golf Club Terrace, 1 Paulshof, Florida Park, 1709, First
and Final (Florida; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.
16124/2013—Nienaber, Andries Jadobus, 2803115010089, 25ste Laan 622, Villieria, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en
Distribusierekening (Pretoria).—Venter & Kie, Collinslaan 1375, Waverley, 0186; Posbus 11983, Queenswood, 0121.
15298/2013—Geldenhuys, Jcomina Elizabeth, 1310250004084, Chrizet No. 7, Viljoenstraat 36, Middelburg (Middelburg;
Pretoria).—G. P. van der Merwe Attorneys, 657 Florauna Road, Florauna, 0182.
20941/10—De Jager, Maria Magdalena, 2210010011081, 36U Hospital Street, Volksrust, 2470 (Volksrust; Pretoria).—
Harper Attorneys, P.O. Box 1217, Volksrust, 2470.
11791/2013—Cornelius, Cornelis Johannes, 3412235007089, 317 Jeremy Street, Lynnwoodpark, Pretoria, Gauteng,
Gewysigde Eerste en Finale (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
4995/2014—Mdhluli, Mveve Absalom, 3412195158088; Toliwe Lenna Mdhluli, 4003160316089 (Witbank; Pretoria).—
M. Davel, c/o Van Rensburg Kruger, Rakwena Inc., P.O. Box 5, Witbank, 1035.

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7512/2014—Stroebel, Mary Susan Jane, 2910070004088, 1 Herberg Panorama Retirement, c/o Swanevelder &
Wilgerood, Krugersdorp, First and Final (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—De Klerk Vermaak & Partners Inc, First Floor, Block 3,
Orwell Park, 4 Orwell Avenue, Three Rivers, Vereeniging, 1911.
7512/2004—Stroebel, Mary Susan Jane, 2910070004088, 1 Herberg Panorama Retirement, c/o Swanevelder &
Wilgerood, Krugersdorp, First and Final (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—De Klerk Vermaak & Partners Inc, First Floor, Block 3,
Orwell Park, 4 Orwell Avenue, Three Rivers, Vereeniging, 1911.
21674/2011—Kruger, Cornelius Johannes, 2707095040083, 63 Republiek Street, Potchefstroom (Potchefstroom;
Marshalltown, Johannesburg).—Sanet Ras Attorneys, 101 Peter Mokaba Ave, Potchefstroom.
20297/2012—Naude, Erna Maria, 5106140001082, Cormorantstraat 26, Clubview, Centurion, Gewysigde Eerste en
Finale; Willem Sternberg Naude, 5411165004080 (Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X25, Hatfield,
888/2013—Coetzee, Bronwyn-Lee, 7903150204087, 90B Carpe Diem, Del Judor, Witbank, Mpumalanga (Witbank;
Nelspruit).—Krügel Heinsen Incorporated, Proffice Building, Route N4 Business Park, Witbank, 1035.
8272/2012—Van Wyk, Andries Stefanus, 19111359014089, farm Clarmont (Portion 93), Nelspruit, First and Final, 21
days (Nelspruit; Pretoria).—Viljoen Wagner Incorporated, 41 Ehmke Street, Nelspruit, 1200.
20627/2014—Shabangu, Mahlanza Ephram, 3512085110089, Stand 424, Steenbok, 21 days (Nelspruit).—FNB Trust
Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102.
652/2014—Hattingh, Nellie May, 2007070004083, Posbus 591, Sabie, 1260, 21 days (Sabie; Nelspruit).—FNB Trust
Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102.
2957/2013—Botes, Leona, 3603120041080 (Ventersdorp; Pretoria).—J. du Toit CA (SA), P.O. Box 202, Ventersdorp.
24526/2013—Mnguni, Meshack Mdhluli, 4509265464087, 42 Wordsworth Street, Dalpark Ext. 9, Brakpan;
Lydia Elizabeth Mnguni, 5111020553087 (Brakpan; Johannesburg).—A. K. Manthe Attorneys, P.O. Box 473, Brakpan.
1762/2013—Prins, Dirk Jacobus, 5710145019088, 12 Steenbok Street, Komatipoort; Martha Maria Prins,
5312240001085 (Nelspruit; Nelspruit).—Esselens Engelbrechts Inc, P.O. Box 71, Lows Creek, 1302.
1105/2013—Trudy Daisy Twala, 6504060552085, 37 Msila Street, Kamagugu, Nelspruit, First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account; never married, 21 days (Nelspruit; Nelspruit).—Singwane & Partners Attorneys, Unit 4, Ground Floor,
Belmont Villas Building, 36 Louis Trichardt Street, Nelspruit; P.O. Box 168, Nelspruit, 1200.
001466/2013—Swart, Isabella Maria, 1710310005080 (Carolina; Nelspruit).—Cornelia Dorothea Brits, Eksekuteur boedel
wyle I. M. Swart, Bauhiniastraat 9, Durbanville, 7550.
17947/2013—Andries Christoffel Delport, 2712265010080, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae
(Ermelo).—Bekker Brink & Brink, ABSA-gebou, Kerkstraat 60, Ermelo; Privaatsak X9018, Ermelo, 2350.
2967/2012—Phopho Joseph Thwala, 4410225178083, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae
(Ermelo).—Bekker Brink & Brink, ABSA-gebou, Kerkstraat 60, Ermelo; Privaatsak X9018, Ermelo, 2350.
17840/10—Jones, Susanna Maria, 4904260063085 (Pretoria).—O’Kennedy Accountants, P.O. Box 352, Ifafi, 0260.
23090/2014—Swanepoel, Martha, 3604020013088, Braam Pretoriusstraat 1060, Montana Park, 0159, First and Final;
Gerhardus Swanepoel, 3504255021089 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
23223/2014—Smit, Andries Hendrik, 4805085121083, 196 Naude Avenue, Marble Hall, 0450, First and Final;
Lea Magdalena Smit, 5010300093089 (Marble Hall; Pretoria).—Karen van Niekerk Attorneys, P.O. Box 42, Woodlands, 0072.
23227/2014—Brits, Pieter Johannes, 3706235041083, Plot 83, Northdene, Lochvaal, Vanderbijlpark, 1912, First and
Final (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
2461/2012—Maoto, Irene Deliwe, 6706060259088; Aleck Botinfana Maoto, 6605145415089 (Pretoria).—Nkgadima
Attorneys, 102A First Floor, Wonderpark, Middelburg.
4191/2010—Katzman, Raymond, 3503135020089, Gedeelte 1, plaas Langdale, Polokwane (Polokwane;
Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Service, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
4170/2014—Roodt, Petronella Cathrina, 4205260046082, 651 Prince George Avenue, Brenthurst, Brakpan; Francois
Philippus Jacobus Roodt, 3712245052086 (Brakpan; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Service, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
8317/2013—Rapeu, Motube Erens, 3605145236082, 72 Ramodi, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208, North West; Lizzy Makali Zwane,
6304010543080 (Pretoria).—T. Sikhala Attorneys, Suite 303, 3rd Floor, Premium Towers, cnr Lilian Ngoyi & Pretorius, Pretoria.
7196/12—Mamogale, Kgopotso Bridgette, 8109040388085, Plot 52/7721 Lotus Gardens, Pretoria, Final (Pretoria;
Pretoria).—Moumakoe Attorneys, P.O. Box 11246, The Tramshed, 0126.
17710/2011—Moola, Saberabibi, 4211060118089; Mia Mahomed Hoosain Moola, 3609255098084 (Pretoria).—
Van der Merwe Du Toit Inc, P.O. Box 499, Pretoria, 0001.
156521/2013—De Villiers, Adelaide, 1905110038089 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—CEF Attorneys, 823 Old Farm Road.
20214/2014—Smith, Kevin Ernest, 5910265044086, 251 Market Street, Johannesburg North, Randburg; Jeanette
Patricia Smith, 6502160061080 (Randburg; South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg).
2873/2014—Mpini, Alpheus Maseko, 5712155283083, meerderjarige man van Standerton, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-
en Distribusierekening (Standerton; Pretoria).—HJ Langeveldt, Langeveldt & Nel Prokureurs, Mbonani Mayiselastraat 16,
Standerton, 2430.
006033/2014—Visser, Joseph Siegfried, 4311055046087, 5 Driftwood, 75 St Aubyn Street, Alberton, First and Final
(Alberton; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
26614/12—Dindayal, Nirankar Deva Sateshwer, 5305095728182, 31 South Road, Mulbarton, Johannesburg
(Johannesburg).—Alan Kissoun Attorneys, 1002 Pretorius Street, Hatfield, Pretoria.
11142/2013—Modisaemang, Gaolatlhe Joel, 8604045584084 (Rustenburg).—Baloyi Masango Incorporated, Suite 9B,
Schoeman Street, Forum Building, 1157 Francis Baard Street, Hatfield, Pretoria.
16332/2009—Masilela, Mercia, 7209100729086, Unit 34, Sabai Northriding Extension 91, Amended Final Liquidation and
Distribution; Masilela Vusumuzu Kennedy Masilela, 7108015571080 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Matimele Inc., 304 Rentbel Towers,
Bureau Lane Street, Pretoria.
10408/2013—Christie, Catherine Gray, 3405100037181, 5 Wanderer Road, Selcourt, Springs (Springs;
Johannesburg).—P M McDonald Attorneys, P.O. Box 170, Springs.

This gazette is also available free online at


20533/2013—Potgieter, Johannes Jurgens, 3208265021085; Magrietha Jacoba Johanna Potgieter, 3606250049088

(Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—Telfer Associates Inc., P O Box 70693, Bryanston.
18701/2012—Welsh, John Donnelly, 2001265049185, D1 Queenshaven, 74 Outspan Road, South Hills, Johannesburg,
2001; Glouster Ira Welsh, 2210040087085 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Bernard L du Plessis Inc. P O Box 1346, Alberton,
22746/2012—Dembo, Tamara, 4102050070085, 286 Herder Drive, Northcliff View, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—
Dolores Pestana, 9 Laura Lane, Melrose North, Johannesburg.
27082/2012—Baxter, Adrian James, 5403125183104; Sybil Nancy Baxter, 4912190083081 (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—W Kohler & Co, PO Box 33611, Jeppestown, 2043.
26672/2012—Gaus, Helga, 5201300008082, 9 Muller Street, Parkdene, Boksburg, 1459 (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—
Heiko Peter Braun N.O. (Executor) c/o Werthschröder Inc., 1st Floor, Kiepersol House, Stonemill Office Park, 300, Acacia Road,
Darrenwood, 2194.
22603/2011—Naidoo, Reginald William, 4503085145083, 43 Sunbird Ave Ext 1, Lenasia; Yvonne Muriel Naidoo,
4812260033083 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—RT-Attorneys, PO Box 6039, Lenasia-North, 1838.
030907/2013—Winstanley, Andrew William, 5106125037085, Fremar, 70 Third Avenue, The Hill, Johannesburg
(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—RSM Betty & Dickson (Johannesburg), P.O. Box 1734, Randburg, 2125.
023007/2013—Assimacopoulo, Elizabeth Laurencia, 2610240032080 (Randburg; Johannesburg).—W Kohler & Co,
PO Box 33611, Jeppestown, 2043.
19968/2013—De Boer, Maryse, 3810140067082 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—W Kohler & Co, PO Box 33611,
Jeppestown, 2043.
564/2012—Botha, Marthinus Godfried, 4610225044082, First & Final Liquidation Account (Nelspruit; Nelspruit).—Frey &
Slabber Inc., P.O. Box 3933, Nelspruit, 1200.
888/2013—Coetzee, Bronwyn-Lee, 7903150204087, 90B Carpe Diem, Del Judor, Witbank, Mpumalanga (Witbank;
Nelspruit).—Krügel Heinsen Incorporated, Proffice Building Route N4, Business Park, Witbank, 1035.
25876/2013—Philip, Thomas, 2804025038186, 26 Ridgeview Village, Caravelle Street, Impala Park, Boksburg
(Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Tonkin Clacey Attorneys (J Brown), 24 Baker Street, Rosebank.
2360/2012—Prins, Anna Elizabeth, 5204220028081, Honeydew Ridge, Roodepoort; Johannes Arnoldus Hermanus Prins
(North Gauteng; North Gauteng).—Mosterts Inc. Attorneys, No. 391, Ontdekker Road, Florida Park, Roodepoort.
13375/2013—Mello, David Maesela, 6809105701088, No. 30 Geelback Street, Delmore Gardens; Mmapou Tryphina
Mello, 6802010381088 (Johannesburg; South Gauteng).—Masike Inc. Attorneys, Suite 309, Works@ Market Building,
83 Market Street, Johannesburg.
12006/2013—Mogudi, Carine Thandekile, 3806010333084, 21 Vivienne Street, Chrisville, 2091 (Johannesburg; South
Gauteng, Johannesburg).—Masike Inc. Attorneys, Suite 309, 3rd Floor, works@marketbuilding, 83 Market Street.
20459/2013—Zondo, Smangele Lucy, 4610060431089, No. 3950, Zone 1, Orange Farm, 1841 (Johannesburg; South
Gauteng).—Masike Inc. Attorneys, Suite 309, works@marketbuilding, 83 Market Street, Johannesburg.
20579/2012—Pak, William, 3607035046084, 16 Pretoria Street, Troyeville, 2094; Mary Pak, 3103120061089
(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Attorneys A.Y. Bhayat, P O Box 1218, Magaliessig, 2067.
21239/2011—Salkinder, Bertha, 1309080044088 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Centner Levine & Company, P O Box
95366, Grant Park, 2051.
11187/2011—Tshabalala, Kehla Simon, 5306165323086; Nomasonto Eldah Tshabalala, 5110290243080 (South
Gauteng).—Derrocks Attorneys, P.O. Box 38048, Booysens.
6985/2014—Bothma, Wayne Allan, 4906175120082, 5 Yellow Wood Street, Randpark Ridge, Johannesburg
(Johannesburg).—N L Administration Services, P O Box 2259, Honeydew, 2040.
14648/2013—Robinson, Edward John, 5803285019081, 817 Monte Dora Avenue, Strubens Valley, Roodepoort, 1735,
First (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Grant Thornton, Private Bag X28, Benmore, 2010.
12052/2013—Wade, Fiona Rae, 6001180199087, 33B Arklow Road, Bryanston East, Sandton, Johannessburg, First and
Final (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Edwin Jay Incorporated Attorneys, PO Box 1053, Houghton, 2041.
9476/2013—Essop, Abdool Kader, 5207095076085, 421 Camden Avenue, Lenasia, South Ext 1; Shamima Essop,
5703260156082 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Mortimer Govender Attorneys, P.O. Box 183, Kiasha Park, 1829.
6909/2013—Mthethwa, Beak Nduna, 3402285086083, 6568 Gasela Street, Daveyton, Gauteng Province; Emily Nkeku
Mthethwa, 4407250284083 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Manuyeni Inc., 132 Alberthina, Sisulu Road, Johannesburg.
26416/2013—Behr, Henry, 4308045052084, 41 Sand Street, Eldorado Park; Freda Anna Behr, 4311140031086
(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Couzyns Inc., PO Box 2242, Johannesburg, 2000.
6542/2014—Franckeiss, Jack, 7406045001080 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Reshaad Tarmahomed, PO Box 6039,
Lenasia-North, 1838.
26224/2010—Mouton, Johan Christiaan Visser, 56112250788087, Redrawn First and Final (Vereeniging; South
Gauteng).—Herman van Wyk (Executor), c/o Meise Nkaiseng Inc.,1 Fish River Street, SE 4, Vanderbijlpark.
586/2014—Driessen, Jacqueline Lily, 2905020044184, Frail Care Centre, Montgomery Haven, Montgomery Park,
Johannesburg (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Norman Sifris, P.O. Box 1699, Houghton, 2041.
9793/2012—Dikgale, Maropeng Simon, 4102095258083, 153-16th Avenue, Alexandra Township, Johannesburg,
Gauteng Province; Linkie Moyahabo Ribane, 5112250440086 (Alexandra Wynberg; Johannesburg).—Nobela Attorneys, Suite
214, Elephant House, 107 Market Street, Johannesburg.
2575/2011—Johnson, Joseph Henry Thomas, 2807055024083 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box
27511, Greenacres, 6057.
27807/2012—Moloto, Rantodi James, 5402275737081, Stand 7380, Sharpville, 1928; Moloto Likeli Rahab,
5509280708087 (Johannesburg; Gauteng).—Langa Inc Attorneys, P.O. Box 1876.
17761/2010—Moleko, Seipei Efema, 2407170184084, 9 Mdakane Street, Kwa-Thema (Johannesburg; Gauteng).—
Langa Inc Attorney, P.O. Box 1876, Roodepoort, 1725.

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4612/2013—Qobolo, Andrew Mokone, 3707025151082, Stand No. 01200, Dobsonville (Johannesburg; Gauteng).—
Langa Inc. Attorney, P.O. Box 1876, Roodepoort, 1725.
7946/2013—Kotsane, Kojane David, 4605205355086, 8472 Moleleku Ext 2, Katlehong; Kgasake Puseletso Jeminah,
4409040287087 (Johannesburg; Gauteng).—Langa Inc. Attorneys, P.O. Box 1876, Roodepoort, 1725.
12039/2012—Mcunu, Thamsanga Andries, 3201065180086, 332 Site No. 00332, Spruitview (Johannesburg;
Gauteng).—P.O. Box 1876, Langa Inc. Attorneys, Roodepoort.
3617/2012—Seremane, Bob Johannes, 4001165445088, 7674 Mkwaza Street, Vosloorus; Nomvuyo Margaret
Seremane, 4403010466086 (Johannesburg; Gauteng).—Langa Inc. Attorneys, P.O. Box 1876, Roodepoort, 1725.
2124/2011—Trollip, Wesselina Gertruida Cornelia, 3606220006085 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Robin Twaddle
Attorneys, PO Box 725, Halfway House, 1685.
15202/2013—Marinze, Mandla Edward, 6202036117089, 7056 Motloung Section, Katlehong; Nontsikelelo Marinze,
6506090819087. Andrew Lishivha Inc., Attorney & Conveyancers, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street,
Johannesburg; P.O. Box 61728, Marshalltown, 2107.
22573/2014—Fuller, Anna Magrietha, 4201200040087, 75 Bigwood Avenue, Cinderella, Boksburg, 1460; Roelf Adriaan
Fuller (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Tuckers Inc., 84 Trichardts Road, Ravenswood, Boksburg, 1460.
26708/2013—Jacobsen, Rita Mary, 21 December 1927, 31 Merrow Down Country Club, 40 Troupant Avenue, Magaliesig,
Bryanston, Sandton (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Cliffe Bekker Hofmeyer Inc., Mr. MB Jackson, Private Bag X40, Benmore,
23539/2009—Cserei, Sandor, 2410245046080, 26 Millar Street, Triomf, First & Final, 21 days (Randburg;
Johannesburg).—Eugene Peyper Attorneys, P.O. Box 69144, Bryanston, 2021.
028006/2013—Moore, Patrick Joseph, 2103205041189, 302 Earls Court, 2nd Avenue, Killarney, 2193 (Johannesburg).—
SJM Moore, 302 Earls Court, 2nd Ave, Killarney, 2193.
26584/2012—Mabombo, Vulindlela David, 6510255818082, 78 Lancelot Street, Dawn Park Extension 4, Boksburg
(Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Tuckers Inc, 84 Trichardts Road, Ravenswood, Boksburg, 1460.
9991/2012—Bobrow, Morris David, 4103175061082, 364 Da Costa Drive, Bredell, 1623; Gail Eugene Borrow,
4709240105082 (Pretoria; Benoni).—Maria Emmarentia Louisa, Oberholzer, 340 27th Avenue, Villieria, Pretoria, 0084.
20126/2011—Van Rooyen, Anna Johanna Helena, 4012110051084, 204 Villa Palms, 70 Vos Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria,
First and Final, 21 days (Pretoria; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
21474/2014—Varcoe, Brian Trevor, 4109265051081, 4 Emerald Street, Silverfields Park, Krugersdorp, 1739
(Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
29227/2011—Swanepoel, Doreen Hazel, 4108060049084, 7 Heerlen Road, Ormonde, Johannesburg, First and Final;
6304205217086 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
23244/2013—McKenzie, Charmaine Alyson, 5903300079084, 194 Pretoria Road, Primrose, Germiston, First and Final;
Mark Edward McKenzie, 6304205217086 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold,
23238/2013—McKenzie, Mark Edward, 6304205217086, 194 Pretoria Road, Primrose, Germiston, First and Final
(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
26752/2011—Conlyn, Graeme Barry, 4607255002089, 3 Bishops Ridge, Malibongwe Drive, Lanseria, 1739, Amended
First and Final (Randburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
26111/2014—Hamilton, Ian, 5402135169186, 16 Dove Street, Horison Park, Roodepoort, First and Final (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.
23503/2014—Zondi, Eddie Makhonsonke, 6710095367080, 322 Villa Conesa Estate, Furrow Road, Rumsig; Phakamile
Marcia Zondi, 8001110437084 (Pretoria).—Mpya Attorneys, P.O. Box 93975.
9001/2013—Blanckenberg, John, 2810245034087, 9 Dale Gardens, Balder Road, Douglasdale, Sandton, Amended First
and Final (Randburg; Johannesburg).—J Blanckensorg c/o DH Hall, 17 Westminister Drive, Craighall Park, 2196.
12834/2013—Da Silva, Francisco Rodrigues, 3606265030180, 121 8th Street, Orange Grove, Johannesburg; Isabel
Silva da Silva, 3511040014089 (Johannesburg).—Fe Da Silva, c/o DH Hall, 17 Westminister Drive, Craighall Park, 2196.
16317/2012—Schaar, Johanna Lambertdina, 3802080066182, 34 Jacoba Loots Road, Croydon, Kempton Park,
Supplementary Liquidation & Distribution Account (South Gauteng, Johannesburg).—Fluxmans Inc., Private Bag X41,
Saxonwold, 2132.
026002/2013—Kambuli, John Frakkie, 631105513084, No. 2455, Doornkop, Roodepoort, First and Final, 21 days
(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—José & Associates, 105 Khotso House, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg.
7835/2010—Maddocks, Michael Hugh, 4007235074086, 16 The Links, Kingswood Crescent, Riverclub, Sandton, The
Amended First and Final (Randburg; Pretoria).—Rowan Stafford, Eversheds, PO Box 782244, Sandton, 2146.
7835/2010—Maddocks, Michael Hugh, 4007235074086 16 The Links, Kingswood Crescent, Riverclub, Sandton, the
Amended First and Final (Randburg; Pretoria).—Rowan Stafford, Eversheds, PO Box 782244, Sandton, 2146.
7835/2010—Maddocks, Michael Hugh, 4007235074086 16 The Links, Kingswood Crescent, Riverclub, Sandton, the
Amended First and Final (Randburg; Pretoria).—Rowan Stafford, Eversheds, PO Box 782244, Sandton, 2146.
23709/2014—Van Graan, Elizabeth, 1910040008087, Eklesia Park, Park Lane, Randburg (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—A G Giles, PO Box 16334, Atlasville, 1465.
23709/2014—Van Graan, Elizabeth, 1910040008087, Eklesia Park, Park Lane, Randburg (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—A G Giles, PO Box 16334, Atlasville, 1465.
23709/2014—Van Graan, Elizabeth, 1910040008087, Eklesia Park, Park Lane, Randburg (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—A G Giles, PO Box 16334, Atlasville, 1465.
024985/2014—Twala, Phillip Chappis, 5211235680087. 30 days.—Kubyana Attorneys, Suite 4A, Middle Floor,
130 Leeuwpoort Street, Boksburg, 1459.

This gazette is also available free online at


001961/2014—Ibbetson, Patricia Anne, 3510080024180, 15 Hyacinth Street, Brackenhurst (Johannesburg).—

Thompson Attorneys, 99 Mc Bride Street, Brackenhurst.
22361/2014—Holtzhausen, Anna Cathrina, 2908280002082, 101 Sunrise View, 500 View Street, Rietvallei Rand,
Pretoria, First and Final (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
02773/2014—De Bruto, Wynand, 6204205105085; De Bruto, Anna Maria, 6112110128086 (Pretoria).—
Sabrina Rekenmeesters, Posbus 340, La Montagne, 0184.
20812/2014—Godwin, Denise Ann, 4105030032083, 84 Blairgowrie Drive, Blairgowrie, Randburg, First Liquidation and
Distribution Account (Randburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
29171/2013—Manqina, Zolani Lennox, 7201145735087, Erf 1728, Rondebult Ext; Zuzeka Gloria Manqina,
7803230718082 (South Gauteng).—Derrocks Attorneys, P.O. Box 38048, Booysens, 2016.
3733/14—Mathe, Mmatlou Hellen, 8104020650083, B45 Amstel Flats, 184 Watermeyer Street, Meyerspark, 0184, First
and Final; Buyise Paul Mathe, 7805165759080 (Pretoria).—Karen van Niekerk Attorneys, PO Box 42, Woodlands, 0072.
19326/06—Mkhabela, Freddy Frank, 7201065422088, First & Final Liquidation Account; Thabisile Lorraine Fakude,
7507070308082 (Barberton; Pretoria).—Frey & Slabber Inc, P.O. Box 3933, Nelspruit, 1200.
12691/07—Roodt, Lourens Johannes, 2807045019086; Sara Catharina Roodt, 3309030017000 (Schweizer-Reneke;
Pretoria).—NM Kilian, nms Schweizer Eksekuteurskamer BK, Schweizerstraat 50B, Schweizer-Reneke, 2780.
5393/2013—Kuun, Jastine Noreen, 5812060120089, 2 Sycamore Ave, Weltevreden Park, 1709 (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—
Hester Benson Agent for Executor, Posbus 75216, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040.
11568/2013—De Gouveia, Alvarino Ferreira, 3004225040186 (Johannesburg).—NGL Attorneys, Building No. 3 Woodhill
Office Park, Phillip Engelbrecht Avenue, Meyersdal.
16180/2013—Smith, Erina Magrieta, 6312220032083; Hendrik Johannes Smith, 6404075201085 (Meyerton;
Johannesburg).—Nolte Inc, PO Box 2472, Vereeniging.
21997/2014—Joseph David Mabena, 1953-01-01, 5301016914084, 1491 Winterveldt, 2014-04-14, First and Final
Liquidation and Dsitribution Account (Johannesburg).—Connie Ntsoko Attorneys, PO Box 240, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208.
3373/2011—Greeff, Gabriel Stephanus, 2810145031084, 223 Makkie Street, Tileba, Pretoria North; Elizabeth Susanna
Greeff, 3707180092089 (Pretoria).—Couzyn Hertzog & Horak, Posbus 2509, Brooklyn Square, 0075.
12294/2011—Van der Merwe, Lourens, 3203215023083, 11 Paul Roos Street, Reyno Ridge Ext 2, Witbank; Maria
Magdalena van der Merwe, 3612140013086 (Witbank; Pretoria).—Van Heerden & Brummer Inc, Private Bag X7286, Witbank,
11231/2013—Malan, Johannes Stephanus Hendrik, 5512245082085, 17 Bourhill Street, Customs Park Homes,
Komatipoort, 1340; Marietjie Malan, 5903060165008 (Komatipoort; Pretoria).—Crest Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 11808,
Centurion, 0046.
8298/2012—Dwango, Tenju Johannes, 520630542080; Anna Dwango, 4609060512088 (Pretoria).—BDO Wealth
Advisers (Pty) Ltd, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria.
17840/10—Jones, Susanna Maria, 4904260063085 (Pretoria).—O’Kennedy Accountants, PO Box 352, Ifafi, 0260.
17879/2011—Terner, Valerie, 4010170024082, 19 Princeps Crescent, Garsfontein, Pretoria, Second Amended (Pretoria;
Pretoria).—Warwick Trust, Suite 205, P/Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801.
5813/2014—Maphutha, Lekoko, Joseph, 6708295281085, 37 Libra Street, Ext 1 Ennerdale, 1830, First and Final; Sinah
Maphutha, 7005180729081 (Vereeniging; Marshalltown).—AV Theron & Swanepoel Inc, PO Box 471, Sasolburg, 1947.
5454/2013—Van Niekerk, Daniel Jacobus, 5307235076084; Charmaine van Niekerk, 6206250016083 (Pretoria;
Pretoria).—Burden, Swart and Botha Attorneys, 480 William Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.
17135/11—Dhlomo, Boitumelo Annah, 6212101149081 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Burden, Swart and Botha Attorneys, 480
William Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.
23344/2013—Howard, Robin George, 4501045015180, First and Final (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 32 Ida Street, Menlo Park, 0081.
2575/2011—Joseph Henry Thomas Johnson, 2807055024083, widower, 706 Prestige Park, 314 Scheiding Street,
Pretoria, 27-07-2010, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Acount, 21 days (Pretoria; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust
Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
2575/2011—Johnson, Joseph Henry Thomas, 2807055024083 (Pretoria; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box
27511, Greenacres, 6057.
3748/2014—Mothibe, Euphonia Dikeledi, 6511220777080, 241 Loskop Street, 14 Toledo Complex, Newlands, Pretoria,
First and Final (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
28828/2011—Roux, Jan Gideon, 3011265040083, Waterval Village 93, cnr Hendrik Potgieter and 3rd Street, Florida, First
and Final (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324.
22618/2014—Spaven, Winifred, 2206150116185, 37 Avonmill View, Linlithgow Bridge, Linlithgow, West Lothian, Scotland,
United Kingdom (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—M G Willemse, c/o Attorneys McKenzie Van der Merwe & Willemse, PO Box
2004, Kempton Park, 1620.
17938/2013—Croucamp, Pieter Johannes, 4208215074084, San Eugenio Woonstelle 205, Sinoville, First and Final;
Agnes Rosezetta Croucamp, 4706040114082 (Pretoria).—Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.
9070/2013—Van der Merwe, Robert John Francis, 2108095030085, 55 Kwartez Singel, Rooihuiskraal, 0154 (Pretoria;
Pretoria).—Deborah Lee Byrne, 63B Worraker Street, Newton Park.
1707/2013—Rabe, Elisabeth Ella Dorothea, 2606030038089, 2 Lanahof, Piet Retief, 2380 (Piet Retief; Nelspruit).—
Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
668/2014—Vorster, Marius, 6205305028085, 19 Mont Rose Street, Secunda, 2302; Charmaine Vorster (Nelspruit).—
Nedgroup trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 111

17570/10—Chellakooty, Sarvalli, 4712195098088, 6 Imbaia Circle, Noordwyk, Midrand, Amended; Munetha Chellakooty,
5304210150083 (Midrand; Pretoria).—Weavind & Weavind Inc, PO Box 34, Pretoria, 0001.
001961/2014—Ibbetson, Patricia Anne, 3510080024180, 15 Hyacinth Street, Brackenhurst (Johannesburg).—Thompson
Attorneys, 99 Mc Bride Street, Brackenhurst.
139/2010—Stroh, Thea, 5703260092089, Erf 332, Marble Hall Ext 3, Township, Registration Division J.S., Province of
Limpopo (Marble Hall; Pretoria).—M Dahms, Du Toit-Smuts & Mathews Phosa, Law Chambers van Niekerk Street, Nelspruit.
19092/2013—Keith Tipping, 4012265033184, 3 Darter Street, Crystal Park, Benoni, First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account, 21 days (Benoni; Johannesburg).—Jan L Jordaan Inc., 1 Forster Street, Rynfield Benoni, PO Box 3434,
Benoni, 1500.
12687/2013—Van Graan, Hester Johanna, 4303260056084, 17 Trollip Street, Brenthurst, Brakpan, Liquidation and
Distribution Account; George Johannes Bardenvulle van Graan, 4209165006084 (Brakpan; Johannesburg).—Du Plessis van
Loggenberg Attorneys, 134 Pretoria Road, Rynfield, Benoni.
007832/2014—Van Rensburg, Mavis Elsa, 4804120156089, 57 Bataal Street, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort; Pieter Johannes
van Rensburg, 4611165091083 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.
21082/2014—Van Staden, Johannes Christiaan, 3406285003089, Plot 11, Tenacres, Randfontein; Mavis Ivy Dawn van
Staden, 3602280035080 (Randfontein; Johannesburg).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.
29500/2013—Venter, Nicolene Berdine, 4208070081083, 13 Alida Townshouse, Chopin Street, Vanderbijlpark
(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Old mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.
3009/02—Walker, John Brownlee, 4305205021081, 5 Matlabas Close, Ext 106, Morningside, 2057, Amended First and
Final (Pretoria; Pretoria).—C/o Michelle Kiley, KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, Private Bag 9, Parkview, 2122.
10128/2013—Smit, Christopher Stephen, 5909095290083, 9 Cedar Street, Northmead Extension 4, Benoni; Wendy
Anne Smit, 6110140228082 (Benoni; Johannesburg).—AE Cook McFarlane, PO Box 52, Benoni, 1500.
4407/2011—Shaw, Charles William, 4209045082081, 283 Highland Road, Kensington, Johannesburg, 2094, Second and
Final, 21 days (Johannesburg).—David Fordyce Anderson, c/o PO Box 130258, Bryanston, 2074.
000643/2014—Lea Jacoba Langenhoven, 5610010050087, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, died on:
16 December 2013; Louis Johannes Langenhoven, 5410315067088, 21 days (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—Malherbe, Rigg
& Ranwell Inc, Attorneys for Executor, PO Box 26873, East Rand, 1462.
3820/2014—Madliwa, Mzwandile Wellington, 5209055164083, 8630 Soke Street, Dobsonville Extension 2,
Johannesburg, First and Final; Lydia Madliwa, 5506150693084, 21 days (Johannesburg).—David Fordyce Anderson, c/o
PO Box 130258, Bryanston, 2074.
371/07—Maffa, Phikulu Kenneth, 4607295486086, Unit 1067, Zone F Soshanguve, Pretoria; Mmabaseng Lea Maffa
(subsequently deceased), 5408070714084 (Soshanguve).—Klagsbrun Edelstein Bosman de Vries Inc., PO Box 178,
Groenkloof, Pretoria, 0027.
9077/2010—Madala Lucas Magagula, 28/02/1948, 4802285635087, 3 Pilodia Avenue, Eastdene, Middelburg, date of
death: 27 November 2009, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Middelburg; Pretoria).—Govender
Attorneys, 46 Kruger Street (PO Box 1120), Bronkhorstspruit, 1020.
8657/2013—Hester Aletta Malan, 2808060047085, unmarried, died on: 2 February 2013, First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account, 21 days (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell Inc, Attorneys for Executor, PO Box
26873, East Rand, 1462.
005571/2014—Ravele Patrick Maposa, 3912055162088, Erf 6314, Chiawelo, Ext 3, First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account; Sisike Nelly Mokoena, 4001290322084, 21 days (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Moruo Trust & Estate
Planning, 16-20 New South Street, Renaissance Centre, Gandhi Square, 3rd Floor, Suite 5.
13915/2011—Veneria Maringa, 6203290575087, 838 Mnisi Section, Katlehong, 1431, First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account, 21 days (Boksburg; Boksburg).—Moruo Trust & Estate Planning, 16-20 New South Street, Renaissance
Centre, 3rd Floor, Suite 5, Gandhi Square.
12082/2012—Maritz, Jeanette Gertruida, 3710170053087, 19 Trichilia Street, West Acres, Nelsprit (Nelspruit; Pretoria).—
M Dahms, Du Toit-Smuts & Mathews Phosa, Law Chambers, Van Niekerk Street, Nelspruit.
14994/09—Masango, Moshoeshoe Petros, 4102015354087, Rebecca Khisele Masango, 4411150173081 (Pretoria;
Pretoria).—Molosi Attorneys, PO Box 94102, Boordfontein, 0201.
9412/2011—Julian Dennis Maropouwos, 6905275304081, 44 Boshendal Olifants Street, Doringkloof, Centurion, First
and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pretoria; Pretoria).—D de Jong, c/o Schutte De Jong Inc, 3rd Floor,
Hatfield Plaza, 1122 Burnett Street, Hatfield, Pretoria.
25772/2014—Ndlovu, Mapula Rachel, 4411250471088, 1480B Chiawelo, Tshiawelo, Soweto, 48629 (Johannesburg;
Johannseburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central
Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
5607/2012—Andrew Clarence Mentoor, 4103095081087, 14 Ketel Avenue, Fleurhof, 1709, First and Final Liquidation
and Distribution Account; Belinda Carol Mentoor, 5012050139088, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Saders Attorneys,
1 Frost Ave, Sunnyside, Johannesburg, 2092.
007511/2014—Bongisani Clement Nkabinde, 6304156036089, Erf 460, Jabulani Ndlebe Street, Soweto, 1868, First and
Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Sandra Madikeledi Maphunye, 7705060970081 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—
Moruo Trust & Estates Planning, 16-20 New South Street, Renaissance Centre, Gandhi Square, 3rd Floor, Suite 5.

This gazette is also available free online at


522/2014—Oldewage, Elizabeth Cornelia, 3006200044083 (North Gauteng, Pretoria).—M. Schoeman Attorneys, PO Box
753, Raslouw, 0109.
5217/2013—Pirie, Michael Christopher, 5912145104080, 3 Geran Estate, 2 Chris Street, Kloofendal Ext, Roodepoort
(Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.
20524/2010—Roux, Willem Petrus, 2205145007087, Featherbrooke 8, Meadowstraat, Die Wilgers, Pretoria, Gewysigde
Eerste en Finale; Martha Aletta Roux, 2705120007085 (Pretoria).—Jooste Slabbert & Moodie, Posbus 1650, Carletonville,
21487/2014—Kruger, Sydney Harold, 3209295064087, Sandringham Gardens, 85 George Avenue, Sandringham,
Johannesburg, First and Final, 21 days (Johannesburg).—David Fordyce Anderson, c/o PO Box 130258, Bryanston, 2074.
29596/2011—Beukes, Jacomina Elizabeth, 4511210027084, Sandpiper Nest, 122 Koppies Street, Glen Marais, Kempton
Park, 1618; Jacobus Christiaan Leendert Beukes, 4402185027087 (Kempton Park; South Gauteng High Court).—M.J.D.
Beukes, 15 Amandel Ave Edleen, Kempton Park.
21323/2014—Bromley-Gans, Shirley Fleetwood, 1902250004088, Nazareth House, Webb Street, Yeoville,
Johannesburg & Huis AA Tomlinson, Van Oudtshoorn Street, Swellendam, Western Cape, First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account, 21 days (Swellendam; Johannesburg).—R O Gush, C3 The Guild Office Park, 4 Guild Road, Parktown
West, Johannesburg, 2193.
23549/2014—De Freitas, Rafael Alexandre, 2910305021188, 127 South Road, Rewlatch, Johannesburg; Cidalina de
Freitas, 2511160010082 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Mercantile Bank Limited, PO Box 782699, Sandton, 2146.
1676/2013—Adriaan Jacobus de Lange, 4501185068080, 2 Best Street, Triomf, date of death: 23/11/2012, First and
Final, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Board of Estate Administrators (Pty) Ltd, Building 2, Clearwater Office Park,
cnr Christiaan de Wet Rd & Millenium Blvd, Strubens Valley.
17701/2012—Dikobe, Sello Christopher, 7011125568089, 13086 Otlega Drive, Street Kagiso Township, Krugersdorp,
Distribution Liquidation; Elizabeth Kefiloe Dikobe, 21 days (Krugersdord; Johannesburg).—Ramakobya Attorneys, 101 Human
Street, Krugersdorp.
21025/2014—Thelma Lorraine Ellis, 4708090099080, 65 Karee Road, Blue Hills, Midrand, date of death: 8/03/2014, ,
First and Final, 21 days (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Isabel Pieterse in her capacity as nominee of Standard Trust Limited
(CKV Tanna by virtue of Power of Attorney dated 12 May 2014), c/o Chunilal & Tanna, PO Box 42650, Fordsburg, 2033.
19833/2012—Valerie Esterhuizen, 3007300100279, Windhoek, Namibia, died on: 65 October 2009, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Master of the High Court, North Gauteng).—Mc Menamin, Van Huyssteen &
Botes Attorneys, Attorneys for Executor, 528 Jorrissen Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria.
7410/2012—Arie Gerhardus Erasmus, 22 February 1958, 5802225034085, 796 Cascades Road, Little Falls, date of
death: 7 March 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Celeste van
Rooyen, Van Rooyen Attorneys, 479 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Hills.
000002/2014—Ellithorne, Ian, 3604175071188, 349 Cork Avenue, Unit 3, Fern View Estates, Ferndale, 47759 (Randburg;
Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central
Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
28005/2013—Figueira, Antonio Jorge de Nobrega, 4701015056186, 98 Langerman Drive, Kensington, Johannesburg;
Eva Farinah Figueria, 5408190062083 (Johannesburg; South Gauteng).—Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd,
1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2191.
8353/2012—Noziqaba Cynthia Gumbi, 5211130680083, Erf 719 Protea North, 14 Mopeli Street, Chiawelo, 1818, First
and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Johannesburg).—Moruo Trust & Estate Planning, 16-20 New South Street,
Renaissance Centre, Gandhi Square, 3rd Floor, Suite 5.
020726/2014—Haasbroek, Jacobus Marthinus, 2912065013082, 45 Rockway, Sunnyrock, Germiston; Cecilia Maria
Haasbroek, 3708010011083 (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.
30517/2013—Kingma, Rosalind, 4106290231084 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Mr G Bowen, c/o Schickerling,
Bowen & Hesselink Inc, 352 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Park; PO Box 6431, Westgate, 1734.
1602/2013—Bennetts, Colin Bernard, 4503085063088, 9 Aspen Heights, 85 Beryl Street, Bruma, Johannesburg, 2198,
Second and Final; Muriel Bernice Bennetts, 4603150035084, 21 days (Johannesburg).—David Fordyce Anderson, c/o PO Box
130258, Bryanston, 2074.
2793/2013—Ellis, Hendrik Jakobis, 4201055027080, Kaalfontein, distrik Pretoria; Hyla Helena Ellis, 3904150027084
(Pretoria).—Geyser & Du Plessis, PO Box 95288, Waterkloof, 0145.
157/13—Hamburger, Harald, 2105255001088, Nazareth House, Room 106, Koning Wilhelmina Avenue, Waterkloof,
Pretoria, 0181 (Pretoria).—Geyser & Du Plessis, PO Box 95288, Waterkloof, 0145.
4116/13—Lebethe, Kedisaletse Elias Lebethe, 4811195627085, 1557 Hebron, Odi; Winfred Kgomotso Lebethe,
5209290833097 (Ga-Rankuwa; Pretoria).—Moshate More Attorneys, 1st Floor, Suite 102, Neo Plaza, 9105 Pilane Street,
Zone 1, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208.
5936/2012—Jones, Henry Francis Fawcett, 4904165010082, Steenbraslaan 219, Sinoville, 0182, Amended First and
Final; Petra Jones (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
13637/2010—Frank, Robert Desmond, 4905065111086 (Johannesburg).—Rosspienaar, 1014 Francis Baard Street,
Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083.
16394/2013—Malherbe, Joubero, 2406120024085, 404 Marais Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, Amended First and Final
(Pretoria).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 113

3526/2014—La Grange, Sarel Gerhardus, 4912225083080, 23 Osloweg, Valhalla; Wilna Adriana la Grange (Pretoria;
Pretoria).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
21926/14—Rijneke, Emma Jane, 2107100046086, De Meerpaal Retirement Village, Equestria, Pretoria (Pretoria).—
Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
21534/2014—Enslin, Susanna Elizabeth, 2801110018081, Soetdoring Retirement Village, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Nedgroup
Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
3798/2014—Osterhoff, Diedrich Richard, 2503145060183, 250 Loveday Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria (Pretoria).—
Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.
9317/08—Schoultz, Johan Frederik, 4207225047080; Schoultz Martha Aletha, 4604090052080 (Pretoria).—Geyser &
Coetzee Attorneys, 9 Boabab Nook, Zwartkop, Centurion; PO Box 12329, Centurion, 0046.
6489/2013—Mokgobu, Phuti Norman, 5709255328081 (Kempton Park; Pretoria).—DLBM Incorporated, PO Box 11132,
Hatfield, 0028.
24140/2014—Chetty, Kisten, 3409095089082, 17 Wharee Drive, Three Rivers, Vereeniging, Johannesburg (Vereeniging;
Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
21118/2014—Scalorbi, Orazio, 2803215015087, 19 Connaught Avenue, Nigel, 1490, Johannesburg (Nigel;
Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
9888/2013—De Beer, Willem Johannes Christiaan, 5207175111083, 1024 Haarhoff Street, Villieria, Pretoria; Magdalena
Maria de Beer, 5809090024083 (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, PO Box 906453, Magalieskruin, Pretoria.
628/13—Leinberger, Michael John, 5210125003087, 450A Julius Jeppe Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria, 2nd & Final
(Pretoria).—Savage Jooste & Adams Inc, 141 Boshoff Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria.
21274/2013—Victor, Magriet, 5603290045083, No. 7, Vyvde Laan, Geduld, Springs (Springs; Johannesburg).—
P.J. Theron, Posbus 6025, Weltevredenpark, 1715.
5015/2013—Gardens, Jan Adriaan, 3611035009084, Lighthouseweg 641, Fynnland, Bluff, Durban; Elizabeth Johanna
Gardens, 3703130017086 (Durban; Johannesburg).—P.J. Theron, Posbus 6025, Weltevredenpark, 1715.
22937/2012—Roux, Friedrich Eduard, 3001115020088, Aberdeenstraat 64, Clubview Oos, Centurion; Deodat van Zyl,
6510055082087 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Postnet Suite #631, Privaatsak X10, Elarduspark, 0047;
Heskethstraat 62, Moreleta Park, 0044.
16476/2013—Johanna Magdalena van Zyl, 4605050014085, Selbournelaan 16, Brakpan, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-
en Distribusierekening; Deodat van Zyl, 6510055082087, 21 dae (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Postnet
Suite #631, Privaatsak X10, Elarduspark, 0047; Heskethstraat 62, Moreleta Park, 0044.
20060/06—Majola, Rose Lindeni, 7007240354082, 57 Hamilton Street Ext. 9, Naturena, Johannesburg, Second and Final
(Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Schoeman Sejwane Grobler Inc, Posbus 2233, Florida Hills, 1716.
3458/2014—Little, Anthony Henry, 3906085042088, 11 Molopo Close, Brackendowns, Alberton; Patricia Little (gebore
Zinn, voorheen Little), 3904160110086 (Alberton; Pretoria).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Posbus 3673,
Randburg, 2125.
20153/2014—Prinsloo, Jacobus Johannes, 7106265216083, 6 Olifant Singel, Bronkhorstspruit, 1020 (Bronkhorstspruit;
Pretoria).—Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Heskethstraat 62, Moreleta Park, 0044.
2331/2014—Delport, Johannes Jacobus, 4910315078085, Beatrixstraat 41, Carletonville, 2499; Catharina Maria Delport,
5201130095085 (Oberholzer; Pretoria).—Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Postnet Suite 631, Privaatsak X10, Elarduspark, 0047;
Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Heskethstraat 62, Moreleta Park, 0044.
2336/2014—Winter, Gladys, 3908270071088, 71 Alabaster Street, Ennerdale Ext. 1, 1830; Richard Winter,
3712255084086 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Postnet Suite #631, Privaatsak X10, Elarduspark,
0047; Heskethstraat 62, Moreleta Park, 0044.
26135/2008—Hermina Christina Sykes, 4502100089086, Bertie Meyerstraat 12, Minnebron, Bakpan, 2008-11-28, Eerste
en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Brakpan; Pretoria).—Denise Sykes, Posbus 2121, Florida Hills, 1716.
26135/2008—Hermina Christina Sykes, 4502100089086, Bertie Meyerstraat 12, Minnebron, Bakpan, 2008-11-28, Eerste
en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Brakpan; Pretoria).—Denise Sykes, Posbus 2121, Florida Hills, 1716.
2610/2014—Marinda Petronella Vorster, 5706280025088, 7 Stereo Turn, Radiokop, Roodepoort, 2013-12-20, Eerste en
Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—RAE Chapman, Posbus 2121, Florida Hills, 1716.
2610/2014—Marinda Petronella Vorster, 5706280025088, 7 Stereo Turn, Radiokop, Roodepoort, 2013-12-20, Eerste en
Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—RAE Chapman, Posbus 2121, Florida Hills, 1716.
608/2014—Pauw (gebore Gildenhuys), Maria Aletta, 2306180047085, D213 Huis Herfsblaar, Webbweg 1244,
Queenswood, Pretoria; Golden Harvest 2, Eenheid 41, C.R. Swartstraat, Bromhof, Randburg (Randburg; Pretoria).—
Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125.
4228/2014—Little (gebore Zinn), Patricia, 3904160110086, Wootonlaan 134, Western Ext. Benoni & 11 Molopo Close,
Brackendowns, Alberton (Alberton & Benoni; Pretoria).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Posbus 3673, Randburg,
29880/2013—Coetzee, Joan, 5201290022085, 144 Shiplake Road, Henley on Klip; Marius Coetzee, 5012315027086
(Meyerton; Johannesburg).—Marius Coetzee, p/a Schumann, Van den Heever & Slabbert Inc, 32 Kempton Road, Kempton
Park, 1619.
7659/2013—Cassells, John Anthony, 5506045096089, Logwood Village Plot 100, Sunset Drive, Nooitgedacht,
Johannesburg, First and Final (Johannesburg).—Izel & Karen van Niekerk Attorneys, PO Box 42, Woodlands, 0072.

This gazette is also available free online at


22659/2014—Herselman, Willem Lambert Wright, 2905185036082, Lofdal Unit A108, Lyttelton, Alethea Street,
Gauteng, First and Final (Pretoria).—Izel & Karen van Niekerk Attorneys, PO Box 42, Woodlands, 0072.
17091/2013—Nel, Abraham Benjamin Cilliers, 2004125018085.—Milda Stanton Attorney, P.O. Box 23160, Gezina, 0031.
16715/2013—Nunes, Merle Elizabeth, 4208260034082, 13 Blomkersie Street, Rynpark, Benoni, 21 days (Benoni;
Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102.
8074/2013—Ekermans, Barbara Maria, 5308020112084, 10 Victoria Tale, 1 Wakefield Avenue, Ferryvale, Nigel, 21 days
(Springs; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102.
1739/2014—Hicks, Richard Lawrence, 2907305025086, 50 8th Avenue, Lambton, Germiston, 1401, 21 days
(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102.
7831/2013—Bennett, William Thomas, 3110315032080, 402 31st Avenue, Villieria (Pretoria).—Karen van Niekerk
Attorneys, PO Box 42, Woodlands, 0072.
007131/2014—Malek, Josef Israel, 4912305650188, 112 Odell Road, Sunningdale, Johannesburg, 2192 (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—Gora Bamberger & Associates, PO Box 997, Gallo Manor, 2052.
4629/2014—Steyn, Ruhan, 8104015126081, No. 7 Fairway Gardens, 531 Loristo Street, Pretorius Park, 0081 (North
Gauteng).—Yvett-Therese Steyn, No. 7 Fairway Gardens, 531 Loristo Street, Pretorius Park, Pretoria East, 0081.
19151/2013—Dietzen, Anke, 4104100048186, 32 Sunrise Avenue, Hazelwood, Pretoria, 0081 (Pretoria).—Ferreira
Greyling Attorneys, PO Box 915-963, Faerie Glen, 0043.
28751/2012—Eva Elizabeth Ngcobo, 2712280136084, 5515 Eiselen Street, Daveyton, the First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account, 21 days (Benoni; Johannesburg).—Bham & Dahya Attorneys, 9 Lakeside Place, Pioneer Drive,
Kleinfontein Lake Office Park, Benoni.
3887/2012—Moeketsane, Meshack Tsele, 3905025343085; Matshoke Jane Moeketsane, 4603070166084 (Pretoria).—
Baatseba Trust, PO Box 13441, The Tramshed, 0126.
31524/2012—Meltzer, Jessie, 3001110001083, 6 Wanderers Crescent, Corlett Drive, Johannesburg (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—Horwath Leveton Boner, PO Box 652550, Benmore, 2010.
14009/2013—Mbundu, Christopher, 5001295694080, 53/5 No. 2 Rose Street, Dobsonville Gardens, Dobsonville, First
and Final (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Master on Call, PO Box 1435, Strubens Valley, 1735.
15034/2011—Couto, Maria Ester, 4812140003181, 706 Gambry Avenue, Doornpoort, Gauteng, First and Final Liquidation
and Distribution Account and Redistribution Agreement, 21 days (Pretoria).—Shapiro & Ledwaba Inc., PO Box 196, Pretoria,
419400/2011—Haensel, Christiaan Hendrik, 6211155101089, Mafikenglaan 9, Wierdapark, Pretoria, Gewysigde
(Pretoria).—JL Pretorius, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.
26135/2013—Malomane, Doreen Mabujane, 7103130644086, 20 Hospitaal View, Tembisa, First and Final (Tembisa;
Johannesburg).—Shumani F. Silamulela Attorneys, PO Box 5251, Kempton Park.
8101/13—Seoketsa, Sebungu John, 0608125058087, First and Final Account; Mmakapa Rosina Seoketsa,
2912070229081, 21 days (Ga-Rankuwa; North Gauteng).—Moduka Attorneys, Suite 709, 7th Floor, 28 Church Square,
5836/2013—Diplock, Johanna Magdalena, 5004020012081, 16 De Chavonnes Street, Stilfontein (Stilfontein; Pretoria).—
Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, 165 Alexander Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.
14093/2012—Nanga Peter Munyayi, 5004165771087, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 2012-08-25,
21 days. (Atteridgeville).—Mpoyana Ledwaba Inc., 130 Main Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 0001; PO Box 12774,
Hatfield, 0025.
829/07—Mokobi Isaac Kekana, 6004015818087, the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 22 September
2006, 21 days (Brits).—Mpoyana Ledwaba Inc., 130 Main Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 0001; PO Box 12774, Hatfield,
32423/2012—Daniels, William Frederick, 2610045037086 (Johannesburg).—Cubeke Trust Administrators, 6 Malherbe
Street, Rynfield, Benoni, 1501.
32423/2012—William Frederick Daniels, 2610045037086, Unit 22, Brentwood Retirement Village, 5 Auret Street, 1505,
26-09-2012, the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Polokwane; Pretoria).—Cubeke Trust
Administrators CC, PO Box 10027, The Falls, Benoni, 1522.
2379/2013—Smith, Brian Edward, 7108265202089 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Kruger & Scharf Attorneys, PO Box 2854,
Pretoria, 0001.
11863/2013—Jeffrey Norman Parr, 4702235144182, 104 Cameron Place, Kimbolton Street, Benoni, 24-10-2012, First
and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Benoni; Johannesburg).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty)
Ltd [previously Executor Services (Pty) Ltd], 1st Floor, Block 27, The Woodlands, 20 Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, 2196;
PO Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.
29549/2013—Nico Oberholzer, 5806055053081, 64 Kelfkin Street, Rayton, 1001, 29-09-2013, Amended First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account; Elsie Elizabeth Susanna Oberholzer, 6201310147085, 21 days (Pretoria).—Sentinel
International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd [previously Executor Services (Pty) Ltd], 1st Floor, Block 27, The Woodlands,
20 Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, 2196; PO Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.
19983/10—Veenemans, Bernard Hendrik, 4411095148081, Blue Jay Laan 648, Hazyview; Sandra Veenemans,
4706010633087 (Witrivier; Pretoria).—Appgro Trust, Bus 28, Winburg, 9420.

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30229/2013—Du Toit, Jan Diedrik, 2806145009088, Liquidation and Distribution Account (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—Brereton Attorneys, 140 Gloucester Road, PO Box 48, Port Edward, 4295.
026064/2013—Venter, Johan George, 4711055100083, Plot 231, 7th Avenue, Rietkol, Sundra, Mpumalanga, Second and
Final (Delmas; Johannesburg).—Dorethea Sonette Higgs, 16 Rezende Road, Selcourt, Springs, 1559.
006339/2014—Masindane, Zakhele Maicha, 5912195500088, Room 37, Denver Men Hostel, Denver, Johannesburg
(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—A. M. Mammile Attorneys, 130 Highveld Road, Mammile Lan Chambers, Kempton Park.
16576/2013—Seoke, Masesie Paulinah, 4805140642081, 857 Lengeneng Section, Bapo II Village, North Western
Village, 24490, 30 dae (Rustenburg; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron-
& Donald Murrayrylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
31413/2012—McDowall, Noreen, 3201150017086, 4 Daniel Street, Bryanbrink, Randburg, Gauteng (Randburg;
Johannesburg).—J H Greeff, PO Box 6232, Meyersdal, 1447.
31414/2012—McDowall, John Edward, 3307285013088, 4 Daniel Street, Bryanbrink, Randburg, Gauteng, 2060
(Randburg; Johannesburg).—J H Greeff, PO Box 6232, Meyersdal, 1447.
31413/2012—McDowall, Noreen, 3201150017086, 4 Daniel Street, Bryanbrink, Randburg, Gauteng (Randburg;
Johannesburg).—J H Greeff, PO Box 6232, Meyersdal, 1447.
9908/2013—Reek, Günter Karl, 3006235012188, 24 Monstream, Piet Retief Avenue, Monument, 1740 (Krugersdorp;
Pretoria).—Le Roux–Wagenaar, PO Box 470, Krugersdorp, 1740.
291/2012—Kloppers, Marie Maria, 5006150052084, 64 Tanner Street, Krugersdorp West, Gauteng, Amended First and
Final; Cornelis Petrus Kloppers, 4210095054087 (Krugersdorp; Pretoria).—Le Roux–Wagenaar, PO Box 470, Krugersdorp,
1899/2014—Hall, John Henry, 4010035064083, 1259 Mearaweg, Queenswood, Pretoria, First and Final; Sherryl Ingrid
Hall, 460910, 21 days (None; Pretoria).—Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 17, Pinegowrie, 2193.
31152/2013—Van Puffelen, Margaret, Floroma Old Aged Home, 1 Berlandina Street, Roodepoort, First and Final
(Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 17, Pinegowrie, 2123.
5035/2014—Ewart, Norman Kenneth, 4007035066084, No. 22 Panther Street, Kensington, First and FInal
(Johannesburg).—Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 17, Pinegowrie, 2123.
4164/2014—Pieterse, Wilhelmus Petrus, 2403255005088, Daffodillaan 35, Farrarmere, Benoni, Eerste en Finale
(Benoni; Johannesburg).—Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 17, Pinegowrie, 2123.
20262/14—Zwarts, Floris Stefanus, 2610255008082, Pretoriastraat 905, Claremont, Pretoria, 0082 (Pretoria).—ABSA
Trust Beperk, PO Box 383, Pretoria, 0001, Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko
Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
21458/2014—Van Heerden, Willem Jacobus, 6003065004085, Plot 182, Noodhulp, Bela-Bela, 0480; Marinda van
Heerden, 6301210102089 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, PO Box 383, Pretoria, 0001, Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building,
c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
2249/2014—Van der Walt, Pieter Albertus, 6207215042081, Sandgrouseweg 19, Rooihuiskraal, 0157 (Pretoria).—ABSA
Trust Beperk, PO Box 383, Pretoria, 0001, Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko
Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
3715/2014—Van der Walt, Hendrik Stephanus, 3806175050084, Potchefstroomstraat 65, Fochville, 2515; Anna Maria
Elizabeth van der Walt, 4609210007088 (Fochville; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, PO Box 383, Pretoria, 0001, Ground Floor,
ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
3724/14—Van Aardt, Pieter Jacobus, 5309205093081, Dawkinsstraat 28, Freemanville, Klerksdorp, 2571; Irene van
Aardt, 5508220022088 (Klerksdorp; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, PO Box 383, Pretoria, 0001, Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix
Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
14242/13—Studholme, Sylvia Carolyn, 4902010136086, Plot 43, Dwarskloof, 1759 (Randfontein; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust
Beperk, PO Box 383, Pretoria, 0001, Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street,
Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
4016/14—Schnetler, Annette, 4612100021086, Meerendal 8, Prioryweg 99, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria, 0081 (Pretoria).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve
Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
256/2014—Nieuwenhuis, Johannes Gideon, 6411175007080, Willie Behrens 219, Pretoria-Tuine, 0082 (Pretoria).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve
Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
14517/2013—Oosthuizen, Gert Cornelius, 5710045038089, Zuid Eindestraat 8, Fochville, 2515 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust
Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street,
Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
7501/12—Minnaar, Phillipus Adriaan, 3601125027088, Univille 18, Pierneefstraat, Villieria, 0186; Petronella Johanna
Minnaar, 3707210039084, Supplementary (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA
Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
4724/2014—Mahlangu, Zomane Abram, 4409255247081, 1899 Block H, Soshanguve, 0152 (Soshanguve; Pretoria).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve
Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
4699/2014—Mahlangu, Moshiane Elizabeth, 4802250321085, 1899 Blok H, Soshanguve, 0152; Zomane Abram
Mahlangu, 4409255247081 (Soshanguve; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA
Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
025126/2013—Van der Merwe, Paul Jacobus Johannes, 5711235047088, Darbystraat 25, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, 47192;
Magdalena Gerbrecht van der Merwe, 5809030132087 (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081,
Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.

This gazette is also available free online at


4197/2014—Jansen van Vuuren, Joseph Jacobus Dirk, 3705285078086, 23ste Laan 874, Rietfontein, 0084; Hendrina
Jacoba Janse van Vuuren, 3802250076086 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA
Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
1114/2013—Louw, Jacoba Johanna Adriana, 3709230045083, Vlakfontein, Naboomspruit, 0560 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust
Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street,
Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
5655/13—Lambert, Johanna Maria, 4105200065087, Unit 172, Wilropark Retirement Village, Wilropark, 1731
(Roodepoort; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o
Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
4286/14—Faul, Magdalena, 2212200044088, Gaystraat, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0181 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box
383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria,
21919/2014—Dempers, Gerhardus Cristian, 3703095010084, Quilstraat 2646(A), Thatchfield Close, Centurion, 2646;
Valerie Pamela Dempers, 4002180021083 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA
Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
22878/14—Cilliers, Willem Schalk, 4908185081080, Nightingalestraat 24, Greenhills, Randfontein, 1759; Eveline Cilliers,
5211020073084 (Randfontein; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix
Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
20905/14—Boshoff, Elsie Petronella, 3009180013086, Vergenoeg vir Seniors, 33ste Laan 830, Villieria, 0186
(Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road
and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
20225/2014—Bodenstein, Hester Maria Elizabeth, 3108030005084, Fionastraat 32, Discovery, Florida, 1709
(Johannesburg; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o
Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
20840/2014—Apel, Erika, 2803060060188, Herberg 3 K4, Panorama Estates, 1718 (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust
Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street,
Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
22047/2014—Van der Mescht, Hendrik Marthinus, 3508245199087, Krugerlaan 71(A), Vereeniging, 1939, 48400;
Martha Magritha estate late van der Mescht, 4001310103084 (Vereeniging; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081,
Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
22062/2014—Van der Mescht, Martha Magritha, 4001310103084, Krugerlaan 71(A), Vereeniging, 1939, 48401
(Vereeniging; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA
Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
Roodt, Rodney James, 4704215106082, 33 Green Street, Witfield, Boksburg, 48325 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk,
PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
20611/2014—Padi, Mapali Jerry, 5308225731084, 11526 Kelly Street, KwaThema, 1575, 48211; Naledi Cornelia Padi,
6112030662081 (Springs; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor,
ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
27963/2013—Lundie, Barend Willem Jacobus, 2310255009087, Oosstraat 20, Piet Retief, 2380, 47504; Hester Johanna
Lundie, 2910130027087 (Piet Retief; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk,
8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
25452/2014—Luhanga, Gladys Nobantu, 6411250657080, 46 Emberen Street, Birchleigh North, Kempton Park, 48548;
Thomas Luhanga, 6204215499080 (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620;
ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
24435/2014—Fourie, Pieter Ronell, 3801235023080, Killkennyweg 24, Parkview, 2193, 48582 (Johannesburg).—ABSA
Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park,
6348/2014—Du Raan, Barend Fredrik, 4703145044082, Aspen 33, Viewpoint Road, Bardene, 48108; Johanna
Magdalena du Raan, 4510140023080 (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA
Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
22764/2010—Bean, Melchior Jacobus Wilmans, 640115526081, 7 Hyser Street, Delmas, 2210, 40833, Amended
(Delmas; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building,
16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.
7835/2010—Maddocks, Michael Hugh, 4007235074086, 16 The Links, Kingswood Crescent, Riverclub, Sandton,
Amendment First and Final (Randburg; Pretoria).—Rowan Stafford, Eversheds, PO Box 782244, Sandton City, 2146.
2201/2014—Makhonxa, Dikeledi Sylvia, 6006090681082, 21 Albert Street, Orchards; Gabriel Bladewell Makhonxa,
5603065977080 (Pretoria North; North Gauteng).—Lekganyane Bapela Attorneys, 1495 Kgware Road, Ramogodi.
22000/2013—Jane Catherine Madden, 32501260024083, Unit 1 Northshore, 21 Wilkinson Street, Kilner Park, Pretoria,
en wat op 23 Junie 2013 oorlede is, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Pretoria-Noord; Suid Gauteng
Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg).—Chantelle van Niekerk, PricewaterhouseCoopersgebou, Idastraat 32, Menlo Park; Posbus
55799, Arcadia, 0007.
23685/2013—Jacobus Christoffel Opperman, 3311225013083, Bokmakieriestraat 9, Montana Aftree-oord, Klippanweg
900, Montana, Pretoria, en wat op 21 Augustus 2013 oorlede is, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae
(Pretoria; Suid Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg).—Chantelle van Niekerk, PricewaterhouseCoopersgebou, Idastraat
32, Menlo Park; Posbus 55799, Arcadia, 0007.
14875/2011—Joubert, Roelof Christoffel, 3010225023088; Wilhelmina Maria Aletta Joubert, 3102020066081
(Krugersdorp; Pretoria).—Philip Miller & Co, PO Box 40, Potchefstroom.

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27028/04—Nafsika George Stathaki, 1702180058109, 41 Pierneef Road, Witkoppen, Johannesburg, en wat op

16 November 2004 oorlede is, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Johannesburg; Noord Gauteng
Hooggeregshof, Pretoria).—Chantelle van Niekerk, PricewaterhouseCoopersgebou, Idastraat 32, Menlo Park; Posbus 55799,
Arcadia, 0007.
13089/2010—Manuel Barreto, 2410035066181, 31st Avenue 360, Villeria, Pretoria, en wat op 4 Junie 2010 oorlede is,
Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Pretoria-Noord; Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria).—
Chantelle van Niekerk, PricewaterhouseCoopersgebou, Idastraat 32, Menlo Park; Posbus 55799, Arcadia, 0007.
32272/2013—Stander, Magdalena Catharina, 3311230006080, 5 Robinson Avenue, Ontdekkerspark, Gauteng (Fochville;
Johannesburg).—Matthee Attorneys, PO Box 4, Fochville, 2515.
7351/2014—Pelser, Frederik Hendrik, 4512135018083, Portion 24 of the farm Rietfontein 519, Fochville, Gauteng;
Martha Johanna Pelser, 4704300041087 (Fochville; Johannesburg).—Matthee Attorneys, PO Box 4, Fochville, 2515.
22767/2014—Austin, Antoinette, 4612180061085, 11 Magaliesberg Street, Winchester Hills, First and Final (Alberton;
Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
21358/14—Dralle, Werner, 6202065074086, 112 Montarama, 68 Skool Avenue, La Montagne, First and Final (Pretoria;
Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
4890/2014—Brits, Roedolf Johannes Cornelius, 3902235031089, 750 Luderitz Street, Booysens, Pretoria, First and
Final; Maria Elizabeth Brits, 4704160027085 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.
12228/2014—Harris, Claude Lyle, 2507285033082, 4 Renaissance Village, Bellairs Drive, Glenvista, Liquidation and
Distribution Account; Barbara Ann Harris, 2809140033087 (Johannesburg).—Rex-Phillips Attorneys, 70 First Avenue,
Dunvegan, Edenvale.
12228/2014—Harris, Claude Lyle, 2507285033082, 4 Renaissance Village, Bellairs Drive, Glenvista, Liquidation and
Distribution Account; Barbara Ann Harris, 2809140033087 (Johannesburg).—Rex-Phillips Attorneys, 70 First Avenue,
Dunvegan, Edenvale.
12228/2014—Harris, Claude Lyle, 2507285033082, 4 Renaissance Village, Bellairs Drive, Glenvista, Liquidation and
Distribution Account; Barbara Ann Harris, 2809140033087 (Johannesburg).—Rex-Phillips Attorneys, 70 First Avenue,
Dunvegan, Edenvale.
12228/2014—Harris, Claude Lyle, 2507285033082, 4 Renaissance Village, Bellairs Drive, Glenvista, Liquidation and
Distribution Account; Barbara Ann Harris, 2809140033087 (Johannesburg).—Rex-Phillips Attorneys, 70 First Avenue,
Dunvegan, Edenvale.
22957/2010—Du Toit, Johanna Catharina, 4110250001081, Dortrechtstraat 10, Die Heuwel, Witbank (Witbank;
Pretoria).—J. Enslin, Posbus 589, River Crescent, 1042.
12374/2013—De Kock, Johan Georg, 5604195127083, 35 Karel Street, Hartbeespoort, 0216 (Brits; Pretoria).—Infidem
Audit and Accounting, PO Box 2519, Brits, 0250.
24402/2014—Gouws, Hermanus Stephanus, 3912165055081, Unit 23 HRRV, 109 Eweline Road, Henley on Klip; Martha
Johanna Gouws, 4810080085002 (Vereeniging; Johannesburg).—HA Meyeridricks Attorneys, 12 Boskruin Business Park,
Bosbok Road, Randpark Ridge, 2156.
22036/2012—Fraser, John, 3408235033083, 3 Komga Road, Brentwood Park, Benoni, 1501 (Benoni; South Gauteng,
Johannesburg).—N.J. Grobler, P.O. Box 490, Benoni, 1500.
23101/2013—Dionysopoulos, Valerie Elizabeth, 300403083082, Beikou 90, Koukaki, 11741, Greece (Johannesburg).—
Maitland Executors Ltd, PO Box 3741, Cape Town, 8000.
10041/2013—Wroth, Joan Beverley, 2002010024085 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Savage Jooste & Adams, 141 Boshoff Street.
4372/2012—Burns, Robert Charles, 5001055110186, 15 Los Angeles Drive, Northcliff, Johannesburg, Liquidation and
Distribution Account (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Chartered Legacy & Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 55560, Northlands, 2116.
16518/2012—Maritz, Frederik Jacobus Wilhelm Maritz, 4006195037083 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—VFV Attorneys, Corporate
Place, Block A, 39 Selati Street, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria.
Theunis Gerrit van der Walt, 3901015031087, Plot 27, Homestead, Apple Orchards, Meyerton, wie oorlede is op
20 Augustus 2002, 21 dae (Vereeniging; Pretoria).—Eksekuteur, S J Venter, te Venter & Volschenk Ing., Generaal Hertzogweg 107,
Drie Riviere, Vereeniging.
15140/2012—Van Schalkwyk, Jacobus Johannes, 6401305090080; Lizette van Schalkwyk (Lotter), 7006100216084
(Stilfontein; Pretoria).—Lourens Bezuidenhout Prokureurs Ingelyf, Andersonstraat 23, Klerksdorp, 2570.
17700/20013—Mabusela, Motlatji Johanna, 3202110179081, 21 days (Pretoria; North Gauteng).—Kutumela Attorneys,
Erf 283, Louis Babrow Street, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183.
014573/11—E Prinsloo, 6108160026089, Tygersingel 6, Vaalpark, Sasolburg, 1948, datum van afsterwe: 20-02-2009,
Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Sasolburg; Pretoria).—E & E Rekenmeesters, Posbus 564,
Heilbron, 9650.
014573/11—Prinsloo, Elizabeth, 6108160026089, Tygersingel 6, Vaalpark, Sasolburg, 1948; Roelof Johannes Prinsloo,
5709105034087 (Sasolburg; Pretoria).—E P Erasmus (E & E Rekenmeesters), Breëstraat 53, Heilbron, 9650; Posbus 564.
18032/2012—Ntuli, Zabenzeni Josphinah, 6306100432082, 1509 Makgatho Street, Makoato Station, Phola, Ogies,
2230, First and Final (Witbank; Marshalltown).—Harvey Nortje Wagner & Motimele Inc., PO Box 61, Witbank, 1035.
16515/11—Nkambule, Joseph, 6910295570083 (Middelburg; Pretoria).—Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street,
Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183.
19778/2010—Malinga, Joseph Mhlupheka, 4609185219080; Mmapule Hilda Malinga, 5506260841086, 21 days
(Soshanguve; North Gauteng).—Kutumela Attorneys, Erf 283, Louis Babrow Street, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183.
3000/2010—Mahlangu, Johannes Liyabantu, 5610165465080 (Pretoria).—Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow
Street, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183.

This gazette is also available free online at


122230/10—Sebothoma, Phamodi Marriam, 5512130704082; Maesela Joseph Sebothoma, 4710245480082 [Ekangala

(Emthonjeni); Pretoria].—Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183.
3400/11—Poo, David Majadiji, 6902225741082; Nomasonto Minah Poo, 6712070358084 (Soshanguve; Pretoria).—
Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183.
232/2008—Ngcelwane, Mzwandile Shepherd, 4607115521088, Erf 1180, Highveld Park, Centurion, Derde Gewysigde
Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Noord Gauteng, Pretoria).—Carstens Trustees, Posbus 113827, Sinoville,
8125—Lottering, Ernst George, 7004105034081, Efr 3785, Eldoraigne Ext 31, Centurion (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Vezi & De
Beer Inc. Attorneys, 319 Alpine Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
7198/2013—Kagulurah, Chrispine Dziwani, Passport: P/PZK040530, Erf 949, Paulshof, Johannesburg (Johannesburg;
Pretoria).—Vezi & De Beer Inc. Attorneys, 319 Alpine Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria.
14245/2013—Kotze, Dorothea Elizabeth, 4002190050080, First & Final; Johannes Marthinus Kotze, 3712255091081,
21 days (Roodepoort; South Gauteng).—H.C. Kotze, 5 Newart Street, Helderkruin.
24081/2013—Reichman, Sylvia, 2507210021087, 106 Norwich Hall, Hernick Avenue, Melrose North (Johannesburg;
Johannesburg).—Lindsay Keller Attorneys (T. Davis/L. Joubert), P.O. Box 195, Saxonwold, 2132.
11588/2012—Van Zyl, Martha Johanna, 3605150019084 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Albert Hibbert Attorneys, Hilda Chambers,
339 Hilda Street, Hatfield, Pretoria.


541/2014—Lemmer, Deon Petrus, 5003025011080, First and Final, 21 days (Alexandria; Grahamstown).—Werner De
Jager, De Jager & Lordan Inc., 25 Retief Street, Alexandria, 6185.
2851/2013—Campbell, Jean Bell Monica, 2111020131184 (East London; Grahamstown).—Shawn Keith Whitfield,
S K Whitfield & Co., 247 Oxford Street (P.O. Box 11069), Southernwood, East London, 5213.
2963/2013—Lord, Shirley Norah, 3007290038084, Elizabeth Jordaan Old Age Home, Protea Street, Cradock, 5880, First
and Final (Cradock; Grahamstown).—Gerber Botha & Gowar Chartered Accountants, P.O. Box 1, Cradock, 5880.
4239/2013—Smith, Juanita, 3304200045089, 24 Wensleydale, Cloedea Road, Walmer Heights, Port Elizabeth (Port
Elizabeth).—Goldberg & De Villiers Inc., 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6000.
1836/2013—Marais, Pieter Schalk, 2704145021080, 278 Robin Road, Sunrise on Sea, East London, 5201, First and Final
(East London; Grahamstown).—Standard Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.
20065/2014—Pike, Verna Seymour, 3011270012085, Cottage 98, Settlers Park, Port Alfred (Port Alfred; Grahamstown).—
Neave Stötter Inc., P.O. Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170.
1103/2014—Palmer, Dilys Mary, 2005080075184, Brookshaw Home, Grahamstown (Grahamstown).—Wheeldon
Rushmere & Cole, c/o R Laing, P.O. Box 2812, Port Alfred, 6170.
4337/2012—Xuba, Ongama Hlubi, 6603055983089, Cala Village, P.O. Box 12, Cala, 21 days (Cala; Mthatha).—
Z.N. Dumalisile Attorneys, No. 7 Craister Street, Mthatha.
1960/2013—Strydom (formerly Bester, born Van der Westhuizen), Magrietha Elizabeth, 3203250010086, 85 Starfish
Lane, Christmas Rock, East London, 5201 (East London; Grahamstown).—Metcalf, Sahd and Company, 8 Grey Street
(P.O. Box 127), Queenstown, 5320.
4505/2010—Mali, Bongiwe Nompumelelo Charity, 7910050312084, 139 Mgwanqa Street, Motherwell, Port Elizabeth,
6211; Skhumbuzo Percival Mali, 8012195579084 (Port Elizabeth).—Nelson Attorneys, 60A Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port
Elizabeth, 6045.
20170/2014—Syphus, Shirley Elizabeth, 4803060076083, 20 Moresby Avenue, Adcockvale, Port Elizabeth, 20620; Allen
Syphus, 4908185098084 (Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057, 1st Floor, Block C,
Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cap Road, Greenacres, 6045.
1556/2014—Hoffman, Joseph, 5405055196089, 52 Oosthuizen Street, Arcadia, Port Elizabeth, 20594 (Port Elizabeth).—
ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057, 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cap Road, Greenacres,
962/2014—Myburgh, Anton Tobias, 5408265072082, Samanthaweg 1, Framesby, Port Elizabeth, 20506 (Port
Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057, 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cap Road,
Greenacres, 6045.
6033/2013—Syphus, Allen, 4908185098084, 20 Moresby Avenue, Adcockvale, Port Elizabeth, 20315 (Port Elizabeth).—
ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057, 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cap Road, Greenacres,
20113/2014—Jansen, Keith Llewellyn, 5705265079086, Bottelbrushstraat 31, Jeffreysbaai, 6330, 20623; Magdalena
Maria Jansen, 5812200083080 (Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057,
1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 119

020147/2014—Grobler, Frans Jurie Nicolaas, 3210235033083, Woodpecker Close 2, Astonbaai, 6332, 20624; Elizabeth
Catharina Grobler, 3707120065088 (Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057,
1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cap Road, Greenacres, 6045.
6786/2006—Laleni, Zingisile, 4406165675088, Mowa Location, Tabankulu, Eastern Cape (Tabankulu; Mthatha).—Elliot &
Walker, P.O. Box 17, Kokstad, 4700.
3951/2013—Fletcher, Henry Stephen Sharp Fletcher, 4606066170085, 16 Chatham Street, Port Alfred, 5170 (Port
Alfred; Grahamstown).—Schafers Attorneys, P.O. Box 2375, Port Alfred, 6170.
3951/2013—Fletcher, Henry Stephen Sharp Fletcher, 4606066170085, 16 Chatham Street, Port Alfred, 5170 (Port
Alfred; Grahamstown).—Schafers Attorneys, P.O. Box 2375, Port Alfred, 6170.
3951/2013—Fletcher, Henry Stephen Sharp Fletcher, 4606066170085, 16 Chatham Street, Port Alfred, 5170 (Port
Alfred; Grahamstown).—Schafers Attorneys, P.O. Box 2375, Port Alfred, 6170.
3460/2008—Jacobs, Maggie, 2509090237080, Lukiestraat 41, Uitenhage (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—Schoenraad
Delport & Van der Merwe Ing., The Towers, Grond Vloer, Baildstraat 6, Uitenhage.
4818/2010—Branfield, Malcolm Mervyn Branfield, 2908255024087, Fairlands Retirement Home, East London, First &
Final; Iris Hilda Branfield, 3110040014080, 21 days (East London; Grahamstown).—Smith Tabata Inc., P.O. Box 11146,
Southernwood, 5213.
020538/14—Mare, Johannes Petrus, 4809025047085, 30H Saltvlei Road, Port Alfred, 6170, First and Final (East London;
Grahamstown).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
00537/2014—Barrow, Thomas, 3607055099088, 12 Chedwick Crescent, Buffalo Flats, East London, First and First;
Lorraine Margaret Barrow, 4009090116010 (East London; Grahamstown).—Standard Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 27560, Greenacres,
7222/2012—Smith, Leon, 5301025095081, 29 Boundary Road, Morningside, Port Elizabeth, 6025, Supplementary
Account to the Amended First and Final; Roseleen Nesta Smith, 4701230023086 (Port Elizabeth).—Standard Executors and
Trustees, P.O. Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.
020588/2014—McCartney, Ann Elizabeth, 5312220031086, 14 Shearwater Lane, Seaspray, Gonubie, 5201, First and
Final (East London; Grahamstown).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057.
3957/2013—Petzer, Maria Magdalena, 2909010008084, Amatola Haven, 89 Hill Street, Stutterheim, 4930 (Stutterheim;
Grahamstown).—Wylde Brothers, P.O. Box 11, Stutterheim, 4930.
1085/2013—Mathews, Katie, 4807170021087, Juliesweg 3, Midro, Middelburg; Willem Mathews, 4709015062088
(Middelburg; Grahamstown).—Jan Ellis Prokureurs, Posbus 295, Paarl, 7620.
1847/2012—Van Wyk, Dorothy Elizabeth, 3804170053088; James Richard Van Wyk, 4103015065087 (East London;
Grahamstown).—Wayne Changfoot, Changfoot – Van Breda Attorneys, 57 Recreation Road, Southernwood, East London.
1847/2012—Van Wyk, Dorothy Elizabeth, 3804170053088; James Richard Van Wyk, 4103015065087 (East London;
Grahamstown).—Wayne Changfoot, Changfoot – Van Breda Attorneys, 57 Recreation Road, Southernwood, East London.
020576/2014—Wilkie, Christopher Jasper George, 7911215058083, 604 Elizabeth House, 62 Park Drive, Port Elizabeth,
6001.—Wynand Du Preez, P.O. Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055.
2658/2013—Cloete, Eben Johan, 3907065066089, 7 Broadway, Port Alfred, First and Final (Port Alfred; Grahamstown).—
Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.
4787/2013—Turney, Selina Hilary, 2201100035080, 2 Stratford, Upper Dickend Street, Port Elizabeth, First and Final (Port
Elizabeth).—Standard Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.
0649/2013—Mann, Bruce Douglas, 3003095004082, 1 – 5th Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045 (Port Elizabeth;
Port Elizabeth).—PKF (PE) Inc., 27 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045.
772/2014—Cullis, Mary Magalene, 2005040038082, Maranatha Frailcare, Pickering Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth
(Port Elizabeth).—Rushmere Noach Incorporated, P.O. Box 100, Port Elizabeth, 6000.
3405/2012—Rensburg, Errol Frederick, 5608055147081, 17 Lofting Street, Grahamstown, 6139; Monica Rensburg,
5506160147089 (Grahamstown).—Leon Keyter Attorneys, P.O. Box 720, Grahamstown, 6140.
020183/2014—Leroba Mziwandile Adolf, 7503115670081, 9 Thionville Road, Kamma Park, Port Elizabeth, 6070 (Port
Elizabeth).—Wynand Du Preez, P.O. Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055.
470/2014—Knott, Elizabeth, 3101020043082, 19 Oceanway, Gonubie, East London, Supplementary (East London;
Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.
6020/2010—Sneli, Nasizwe Lizzie, 3708280272084 (Port Elizabeth).—Zonke Budaza Attorneys, 192 Cape Road, Mill
Park, Port Elizabeth.
20322/2014—Mpongoma, Sonwabo Amos, 5310106430083, 3072 Tyoksville Location, Dordrecht, 5435; Euginia Noxolo
Mpongoma, 5802110990086 (Dordrecht; Grahamstown).—Leon Keyter Attorneys, P.O. Box 720, Grahamstown, 6140.
5951/2013—Van den Berg, Zacharia Johanna Petronella, 1903270008083, Farm Liesperance, Ladybrand, Amended
First and Final (Ladybrand; Bloemfontein).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
020579/2014—Vermaak, Johan Leopold, 3809175014084, Malmaison Farm, Kirkwood, First and Final (Kirkwood; Port
Elizabeth).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
020471/2014—Grobler, Jennifer Denise, 4504270070086, 266 Fairhaven, Woodhead Drive, Humewood, Port Elizabeth,
First and Final (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
3055/2003/2—Voetpad, Marco Geritzma Glenwell, 7303225099085, 6de Laan 1, Burgersdorp, 9744; Elizabeth Pollyna
Voetpad, 7304090270082 (Burgersdorp; Grahamstown).—Hanekom & Bester Attorneys, P.O. Box 19, Burgersdorp, 9744.

This gazette is also available free online at


3594/2013—Schulpfort, Esmé, 3105070045087, The Valley Retirement Complex, East London, 5201 (East London;
Grahamstown).—Metcalf, Sahd and Company, 8 Grey Street (P.O. Box 127), Queenstown, 5320.
1955/2013—Mashado, Catherine Mashado, 4408010213081, 21 Sharp Street, Buffalo Flats, East London (East London;
Grahamstown).—Wayne Changfoot, Changfoot – Van Breda Attorneys, 57 Recreation Road, Southernwood, East London.
001123/14—Mlahlwa, Mandla, 6003026085082, Ntlonyana Administrative Area, Final Liquidation and Distribuition;
Nikelwa Mlahlwa, 6611101140083, 21 days (Elliotdale; Mthatha).—S.V. Mncedane, Office 206, LCM Lodidi Building, Madeira
Street, Mthatha.
3490/2012—Gill, Margaret Thompson, 0904090005086, 651 Huisvandergraaf, Stockenstroom Street, Graaff-Reinet,
Second and Final (Graaff-Reinet; Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
4322/2012—Terblanche, Leone, 4808060053081, 204 Kudu Flats, Gould Street, Sidwell, Port Elizabeth (Port
Elizabeth).—25 Upper Drostdy Street, Uitenhage.
3022/2013—Vestal Jean Cherry, 6805190105086, 26 March 2013, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account,
21 days (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—c/o Cherry Singh Incorporated Attorneys, 92 – 7th Street, Parkhurst, 2193.
4742/2013—David Jacobus Baatjes, 3308045084088, 35 Coleus Crescent, Port Elizabeth, 6001, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account; Katie Jean Baatjes, 2904250046084, 21 days (Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Limited,
Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6045.
1262/13 EC—Mgquba, Xola Patrick, 7206245791088, 22 Kingsway House, 111 West Street, Durban, 4001 (Durban;
Durban).—Kasmeera Budhoo, P.O. Box 2174, Durban.
6289/2013—Glover, Stanley Richard Jack, 2908055059085, 18 Godlonton Avenue, Miramar, Port Elizabeth, First (Port
Elizabeth).—Pagdens Attorneys, P.O. Box 132, Port Elizabeth, 6000.
6289/2013—Glover, Stanley Richard Jack, 2908055059085, 18 Godlonton Avenue, Miramar, Port Elizabeth, First (Port
Elizabeth).—Pagdens Attorneys, P.O. Box 132, Port Elizabeth, 6000.
3946/2013—Frederick Robert Skae, 3911135044183, No. 2 Bezweni Mews, 5 Miles Street, Grahamstown, 6139,
4 December 2013, 21 days (Grahamstown).—Owen Skae, Executor, P.O. Box 466, Grahamstown, 6140.
4010/2006—Visagie, Clara Carstina, 3202110213088, Liquidation & Distribution (Port Elizabeth).—Eugene Raymond
Inc., 25 Perkins Street, North End, Port Elizabeth.
9836/2010—Troskie, Casper Gerhardus, 7308025219080, Mondplaas, Jeffreys Bay, Amended First & Final
(Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).—CW Malan Jeffreyssbaai Ing., Posbus 273, Jeffreysbaai, 6330.
5108/2010—Ncapai, Ntombizodwa Aletta, 7602230753085; Lunga Wesley Ncapai, 7008285314088 (Port Elizabeth).—
Pumeza Bono Inc., 15 Annerley Terrace, Central.
020677/2014—Majeke, Lungile, 5503055169088, No. 269 Mazwai Street, Mandela Park, Mthatha, Final Distribution;
Nosisa Cynthia Njanjani, No. 269 Mazwai Street, Mthatha, 21 days (Mthatha; Mthatha).—Sylvia Vusokazi Mncedane, MDA
Mncedane Inc., No. 63 Madeira, Office 206, Mthatha.
3289/2013—Vaughan, Moira Hamilton, 2401040060186 (Grahamstown; Grahamstown).—HNR Vaughan, P.O. Box
412135, Craighall, 2024.
020483/2014—Wilson Ritchie, 1110285050106, 9 Smith Street, Gonubie, East London, 5 June 2014, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (East London; Bhisho).—Wilson Charles Ritchie, Executor, 9 Smith Street,
Gonubie, East London, 5257.
020172/2014—Koegelenberg, Cathrina Helena, 3302170021080 (Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).—P W Hancke
Attorneys, 36 Da Gama Road (P.O. Box 108), Jeffreys Bay, 6330.


8994/2013—Webster, Francis George Peter, 3509015042085, 24 Serenitas, 51 Genl Hertzog Street, Dan Pienaar,
Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein).—Lovius-Block, Eerstelaan 31, Westdene, Bloemfontein; Pobus 12196, Brandhof.
001778/2014—Germishuyse, Helena Dorothea, 2107260010088, Huis Sorgvry, Clarkstraat, Reitz (Reitz;
Bloemfontein).—Blignaut & Wessels, Sarel Cilliersstraat 29 (Posbus 6), Reitz, 9810.
001778/2014—Germishuyse, Helena Dorothea, 2107260010088, Huis Sorgvry, Clarkstraat, Reitz (Reitz;
Bloemfontein).—Blignaut & Wessels, Sarel Cilliersstraat 29 (Posbus 6), Reitz, 9810.
2843/2014—Van der Merwe, Susanna Adriana, 3203270028084, Fichardtpark Aftree-oord, No. 106A, Bloemfontein,
9300, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Bloemfontein).—DJ Van der Merwe, p/a Phatshoane Henney
Prokureurs, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300.
5673/2013—Swart, Michael Barend, 2710105017083 (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—Bonthuys Bezuidenhout Inc.,
P.O. Box 444, Rustenburg.
2251/2003—Thabo Mokoena Pendlebury, 1953-07-01, 5307015860087, 2002-11-15, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en
Distribusierkening, 21 dae (Bethlehem; Bloemfontein).—Schroeder Prokureurs, Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur, Posbus 69,
Bethlehem, 9700.
002866/2014—Molefi Adam Motshumi, 29 August 1979, 7908295607086, 857 Riverside, Phuthaditjhaba, Free State
Province, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Phuthaditjhaba; Bloemfontein).—Palesa Motshumi, c/o Khanyile
Incorporated, Finance Building, 2nd Floor, Office 271 & 279, Peete Street, Setsing; P.O. Box 14082, Witsishoek, 9870.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 121

1465/2014—Du Toit, Anna Maria, 2903120007086, Ons Gryse Jeug Eckstraat 28, Sasolburg (Sasolburg;
Bloemfontein).—Oosthuizen, Marais & Pretorius, Urban Attic Gebou, Siouxstraat 4, Voorbaai, Mosselbaai.
13322/2006—Matla, Moeketsi Daniel, 6711185327083, 15158 Tau Street, Rocklands, Bloemfontein, 9301; Kgeo Alina
Matla, 7008010346084 (Bloemfontein).—Goodrick & Franklin, P.O. Box 213, Bloemfontein, 9300.
021856/2014—Van Wyk, David Johannes, 2905105022089, Mc Arthurstraat 22, Bloemfontein, 2014-05-16; Van Wyk
Levina Katrina, 3512080057087 (The Master of the Free State High Court, Bloemfontein.
20925/2014—Viljoen, Jullana Marina, 4906220087088, 4 Adam Street, Sasolburg; Johannes Hendrikus Viljoen,
4904305065087 (Sasolburg; Free State).—FNB Trust Service (Pty) Ltd Bloemfontein, P.O. Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
1665/2014—Mogorosi, Molobeng Frans, 5206295673089, 86 Lear Street, Bedelia, Welkom, 24673; Madimeme Dorcas
Mogorosi, 6002020502084 (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beper, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300, 1ste Vloer,
h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
437/2014—Maartens, Jacob Johan, 2707225004082, 43 Stellenryk, Maartensstraat, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 24656;
Elizabeth Barbara Maartens, 3806040022086 (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein,
9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
8549/2013—Bam, Abraham Pieter, 4410265003084, Westerbloem Fase 8, Van Heerdenstraat, Bloemfontein, Amended
First and Final (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—Andries Johannes De Jager, 71 McHardy Ave, Brandhof, Bloemfontein, 9324.
97/2014—Mashiya, Petrus, 1711165082083, Mailestraat 34, Kgotsong, Bothaville, 9660; Mpitso Elizabeth Mashiya,
5103270553081 (Bothaville; Bloemfontein).—Mnre Carey & Botha Ingelyf, Posbus 7 (Presidentstraat 13), Bothaville, 9660.
12427/2013—Bierman, Gertruida Christina, 2101070019082, Wilgerus Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Frankfort (Frankfort;
Bloemfontein).—Helmut Burger Prokureurs, Kerkstraat 18 (Posbus 494), Frankfort, 9830.
8549/2013—Bam, Abraham Pieter, 4410265003084, Westerbloem Fase 8, Van Heerdenstraat, Bloemfontein, Amended
First and Final (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—Andries Johannes De Jager, 71 McHardy Ave, Brandhof, Bloemfontein, 9324.
20184/2014—Bekker, Rachel Susanna, 2805080022080, Thomas Leithstraat 1, Wilgehof, Bloemfontein, 9301, Eerste en
Finale (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—FRR Neethling, Posbus 260, Bloemfontein, 9300.
021978/2014—Jonker, Helena Sophia, 3009220018087, Jurgenshof 2, Highlandslaan, Virginia, 9430 (Virginia;
Bloemfontein).—Piet Haasbroek Prokureurs, Microfin Gebou, Herdenkingstraat 21 (Posbus 876), Virginia, 9430.
11242/2012—Bartman, Buzani Eugene, 6305195527087, 55 Nyala Street, Doorn, Welkom, 9459; Phumla Cinthia
Bartman, 6706200613087 (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—Piet Haasbroek Attorneys, ABK Building, Suite 103, 4 Heeren Street,
Welkom, 9459.
2731/2006—Sani, Nacawe Anna, 5011030241089, 18327 Abram Rammile Street, Phase 2, Bloemfontein, 9870
(Bloemfontein).—Goodrick & Franklin, P.O. Box 213, Bloemfontein, 9300.
3080/2009—Mokone Samuel Mokonenyana, 4 December 1963, 6312045387084, 17 Brink Street, Harrismith, First and
Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Bessie Mantombani Mokonenyana, 2 August 1966, 6608020240085, 21 days
(Harrismith; Bloemfontein).—Cloete & Neveling Ing., Attorneys for Executrix, P.O. Box 69, Harrismith, 9880.
8991/2013—De Lange, Barend Jacobus, 2904205033088, Volksweg 13, Jim Fouche Park, Welkom, 9459 (Welkom;
Bloemfontein).—Strydom Du Plessis, Posbus 592, Welkom, 9460.
542/2013—Pieter Hendrik Roodt, 8404115207082, Cavaleiro Flats No. 2, Bothastraat, Ladybrand, 9745, 29 September
2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Ladybrand; Bloemfontein).—Barnard & Venter Ing., Posbus
133, Charl Cilliersstraat 1, Clocolan, 9735.
002188/2014—Hyletta Maria Keulder, 7 Julie 1963, 6307070036085, Jumanji, Distrik Parys, Parys, 29 Januarie 2014,
Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Parys; Bloemfontein).—Du Toit Mandelstam, Prokureurs vir
Eksekteur, Dolfstraat 63 (Posbus 43), Parys, 9585.
381/2014—Odendaal, Stephanus Petrus, 5906145215086, 133 Panorama Park, Tielman Roos Street, Bloemfontein;
Caroina Christina Odendaal, 6101200211084 (Bloemfontein).—EE Pohl, Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Bloemfontein.
2214/2014—Louw, Hester Elizabeth Margaretha, 2811240022085 (Bloemfontein).—NGL Attorneys, Building No. 3,
Woodhill Office Park, Phillip Engelbrecht Avenue, Meyersdal.
1644/2012—Du Plooy, Marthinus Louw, 5110265016081, Henrylaan 15, Odendaalsrus, Die Eerste & Finale
(Odendaalsrus; Bloemfontein).—C J Raath, p/a Rothmann Prokureurs, Eerste Straat 17, Labrihof Gebou, Arboretum,
Bloemfontein, 9300.
2409/2013—Ravenscroft, Nicolaas Jacobus, 7306065035085 (Odendaalsrus; Bloemfontein).—h/v Jordaan Attorneys,
P.O. Box 2175, Welkom, 9460.
9068/2013—Coetzer, Willem Johannes Jacobus, 3107265012088, Sally Martinpark 201, Mullerstraat, Parys; Anna
Sophia Coetzer, 3510010011083 (Parys; Bloemfontein).—K Smit, Christo Dippenaar Ingelyf, MBE 214, Privaatsak X03,
Westdene, Bloemfontein.
22345/2014—Van Aswegen, Lodewyk Johannes, 4305035002087, Van Rensburgstraat 32, Henneman, 9445, 25050
(Hennenman; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1st Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray
Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
1162/2014—Stanissis, Cavin Douglas, 7408095328082, Nardisstraat 26A, Kwaggafontein, Bloemfontein, 9301, Eerste
en Finale; Zani Lizelle Stanissis, 7109090026081 (Bloemfontein).—Claude Reid Inc., P.O. Box 277, Bloemfontein, 9300.

This gazette is also available free online at


1665/2014—Mogorosi, Molobeng Frans, 5206295673089, 86 Lear Street, Bedelia, Welkom, 24673; Madimeme Dorcas
Mogorosi, 6002020502084 (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beper, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300, 1ste Vloer,
h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
1665/2014—Mogorosi, Molobeng Frans, 5206295673089, 86 Lear Street, Bedelia, Welkom, 24673; Madimeme Dorcas
Mogorosi, 6002020502084 (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beper, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300, 1ste Vloer,
h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
811/14—Maas, Willem Hendrik, 4708135011082, Willemsestraat 2, Wesselsbron (Wesselsbron; Bloemfontein).—HJC Du
Plessis, Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs, Derde Straat No. 6, Bloemfontein, 9301.
11559/2013—Swanepoel, Thomas Frederick, 4906255087086, Fronemanstraat 29, Heilbron (Heilbron; Bloemfontein).—
P/a S-Bro Makelaars/Finansiële Adviseurs, Agent vir Eksekutrise, Posbus 2689, Bethlehem, 9700.
5241/2013—Ernest Laycon Ngozo, 8012185375083, Dingaanstraat 26, Bohlokong, Bethlehem, 9700, 22 Januarie 2008,
Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Bethlehem; Bloemfontein).—CC Harrington, Lindleystraat 29
(Posbus 255), Bethlehem, 9700.
5241/2013—Ernest Laycon Ngozo, 8012185375083, (Bethlehem; Bloemfontein).—CC Harrington, Harringtons Inc.,
Lindleystraat 29 (P.O. Box 255), Bethlehem, 9700.
12584/2013—Mokoena, David, 6403285260089 (Harrismith; Bloemfontein).—Balden Vogel & Partners Inc., P.O. Box 22,
Harrismith, 9880.
2959/2012—Smith, Elsie Maria, 3411280076080, Memoriumweg 107, Uitsig, Bloemfontein; Jacobus Johannes Smith,
3211165094087 (Bloemfontein; Free State, Bloemfontein).—Meyer Van der Walt Attorneys, 11 Retief Street, Potchefstroom,
2531; P.O. Box 2143, Potchefstroom, 2520.
12188/2011—Weinhold, Catharina Maria, 3705210036084, Huis Westerson, Senekal, 9600 (Senekal).—Georg Benjamin
Weinhold, Van Niekerkstraat 9, Senekal, 9600.
4717/2013—Britz, Rudolf Martinus, 7010035039082; Karen Britz, 7406050014085 (Virginia; Bloemfontein).—Mnr. PU
Vos, Maree & Vennote Ingelyf, Posbus 123, Virginia, 9430.
2886/2013—Connolly, Richard Bertram Forbes, 2505105038083, Othellostraat 100, St Helena, Welkom (Welkom;
Bloemfontein).—Brits & Weideman Ing., Posbus 2033, Welkom, 9460.
10034/2012—Botes, Susara Petronella, 3212280048081, 11 Loop Street, Brandfort, 9400 (Brandfort; Bloemfontein).—
Hendrikz & De Vletter Attorneys, P.O. Box 17 (72 Voortrekker Street), Brandfort, 9400.
3034/2014—Stroebel, Mattheus Johannes, 2710125025082, Oliewenlaan 31, Noorderbloem, Metzstraat, Bloemfontein;
Helena Gertruida Stroebel, 3012020046084 (Bloemfontein).—EE Pohl, Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9324.
12347/2013—Barnes, Elizabeth Mary, 3001080048080, 5 Fullard Street, Kroonstad (Free State).—FNB Trust Services
(Pty) Ltd Bloemfontein, P.O. Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
22201/2014—Mpeko, Nthabiseng Getrude, 5510180760087, 337 Riverside, Phuthaditjhaba (Phuthaditjhaba; Free
State).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd Bloemfontein, P.O. Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
21603/2014—Pieter Zacharis Renke, 4107105033087, 189 Umgeni Street, Stilfontein, 11/01/2014, Eerste en Finale
Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Stilfontein; Mmabatho).—FNB Trust Services, Posbus 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
21297/2014—Kriek, Catharina Elizabeth, 2206250041085, 57 Aliquando Aftree-oord, Dok Beyersstraat, Heuwelsig,
Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein).—C.J. Du Plessis Prokureurs, Posbus 11817, Universitas, 9321.
10524/2011—Moalosi, Majoubert Precious, 6201130730086, 623 Moiloa Street, Phuthaditjhaba, 9866, 23081
(Phuthaditjhaba; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald
Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
1904/2006—Mopalami, Nongazi Agnes, 3001010476088, 59 De Wet Street, Welkom, 9460, Amended First and Final
(Bloemfontein).—Andrews Inc., P.O. Box 3066, Welkom, 9460.
10628/2012—Msimanga, Jeremiah Mosokoli, 6606105940082, Kareestraat 8, Sasolburg, First and Final; Mamonamoli
Sannah Msimanga, 6811100770084 (Sasolburg; Bloemfontein).—AV Theron & Swanepoel Inc., P.O. Box 471, Sasolburg, 1947.
20756/2014—Van Wyk, Willem Jacobus, 4209205045084, Duikerstraat 4, Fauna, Bloemfontein; Van Wyk Martha
Dorothea Anna, 5307190045082 (Bloemfontein).—BindemanProkureurs, Posbus 43663, Heuwelsig, 9332, Bompartstraat 6,
Bloemfontein, 9301.
7127/2011—Motaung, Thabo Petrus, 5611035741080, First and Final (Bethlehem; Bloemfontein).—Breytenbach Mavuso
Inc., 12 Union Street (P.O. Box 693), Bethlehem, 9700.
13340/2012—Cornelissen, Rachelle Susan, 7203110024083, First and Final (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—
Breytenbach Mavuso Inc., 12 Union Street (P.O. Box 693), Bethlehem, 9700.
22526/2014—Botha, Edith Rachel, 5805130053082, Abdulstraat 106, Brentspark, Kroonstad, 25054; Lieven Peter Botha,
5507265124080 (Kroonstad; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron &
Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
22500/2014—Dhladhla, Mbuti Mikia, 3707245199085, 962 Kilane Street, Harrismith, 9880, 25008 (Harrismith;
Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan,
Bloemfontein, 9301.
011276/2013—Marx, Ruth Elizabeth, 5802150132086, Ceylonweg 30, Uitsig, Bloemfontein, 24532 (Bloemfontein).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

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22298/2014—Barlow-Jones, Jane Campbell, 2506090022082, Rina’s Haven, 67 Othello Road, St Helena, Welkom,
25030 (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald
Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
21921/2014—Grobler, Anna Susanna Magrietha, 1509210032081, Flemmingpark A3, Mellville Rylaan, Bloemfontein,
24930 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray
Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
22526/2014—Botha, Edith Rachel, 5805130053082, Abdulstraat 106, Brentspark, Kroonstad, 25054; Lieven Peter Botha,
5507265124080 (Kroonstad; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron-
& Donald Murrayrylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
22543/2014—Strydom, Johannes Frederick, 5011185004084, Tielman Roosstraat 36, Noordheok, Bloemfontein, 25046;
Maria Elizabeth Adriana Strydom, 5111120140082 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300;
1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron- & Donald Murrayrylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
021370/2014—Pass, Betty, 2610050031081, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Bloemfontein).—LB
Saffy, c/o Honey Attorneys, PO Box 29, Bloemfontein, 9301.
2623/2014—Smith, Lea Magdalena, 3606260027082, 43 Parktown News, Greenstraat, Parktown Estate, Pretoria
(Pretoria-Wes; Bloemfontein).—ASC Du Preez, p/a McIntyre & Van der Post, Posbus 540, Bloemfontein, 9300.
5120/2013—De Beer, Gertruida Elizabeth, 3601170004081 (Senekal; Bloemfontein).—Human le Roux Meyerowitz,
Posbus 563, Bethlehem, 9700.
22538/2014—Bothma, Sara Jacoba Weideman, 2401070006083, Striata Aftree-Oordwoning 85, Universitas,
Bloemfontein, 30 dae (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron- &
Donald Murrayrylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
22539/2014—Mahola, Setseho Merriam, 4311110198089, 6445 Constantia, Maokeng, Kroonstad, 25031, 30 dae
(Kroonstad; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron- & Donald
Murrayrylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
22595/2014—Otsekeng, Malekaota Arcilia, 4808260533080, 5418 Dr Magoa Street, Phahameng, Bloemfontein, 30 dae
(Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron- & Donald Murrayrylaan,
Bloemfontein, 9301.
540/2013/C—Letanta, Mokhele Meshack, 4706275422085, 6680 Mophete Street, Phahameng, Bloemfontein, 9323;
Mamohatla Alexandria Letanta, 5103210656085, Liquidation and Distribution; Mamohatla Alexandria Letanta, 5103210656085,
21 days (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—Pedzisaipion Attorneys, Suite 8, Oxford Park, 154 Zastron Street, Bloemfontein, 9300.
11954/2013—Viljoen, Marthinus Johannes, 5612275029087, Nygella Tuine No. 5, Virginia, Vrystaat Provinsie; Petronella
Aletta Viljoen, 6501100003087 (Virginia; Bloemfontein).—Wessels & Smith Ingelyf, Posbus 721, Welkom, 9460.
11659/2012—Leseko Elias Namane, 1 January 1962, 6201015956087, House No. 561K, Clubview, Phase 2
Phuthaditjhaba, Free State Province, date of death: 12 October 2012, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Magistrate
at Phuthaditjhaba Court, Witsieshoek; Supreme Court in Bloemfontein).—Executor: Teboho Sydnos Namane, c/o Khanyile
Incorporated, Finance Building, 2nd Floor, Offie 271 & 279, Peete Street, Setsing; PO Box 14082, Witsishoek, 9870.
848/2014—Du Plessis, Arthur John, 4908045029089, Welgedacht Siekeboeg, Fleurdal, Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein).—
ASC Du Preez, p/a McIntyre & Van der Post, Posbus 540, Bloemfontein, 9300.
8091/2013—Nkotoane, Constance Malitaba, 8310210281080 (Ficksburg; Bloemfontein).—CC Harrington, Harringtons
Attorneys, PO Box 255, Bethlehem, 9700, Free State.
20920/2014—Muller, Jan Hendrik, 5212175040084, Plaas Nooitgedacht, Deneysville, 1932, 24946 (Sasolburg;
Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron- & Donald Murrayrylaan,
Bloemfontein, 9301.
1291/2014—Scholtz, Donald Albert Robertson, 6002275009082, Plaas Addo, Senekal, 9600, 24725 (Bloemfontein).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron- & Donald Murrayrylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
000959/2014—Smit, Mignon, 4506210003085, Rouxlaan 21, Frankfort, 9830, Eerste en Finale (Bloemfontein;
Bloemfontein).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
9851/2013—Elder, Alistair Robert, 6903205037087, Nathaniëlrylaan 52, Riebeeckstad, Welkom, Vrystaat Provinsie
(Welkom; Bloemfontein).—Wessels & Smith Ingelyf, Posbus 721, Welkom, 9460.
002913/2014—Swanepoel, Nicholaas Hendrik, 3012175019084, Koringspruit 38A, Fleurdal, Bloemfontein, 9301, First
and Final; Elsie Philippina Swanepoel, 4501230012083 (Bloemfontein).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
1398/2014—Scheepers, Coenraad Frederik, 3909295123086, 5de Laan Wes 16, Clocolan; Catharina Levina Scheepers,
5706170010083, Liquidation & Distribution Account (Clocolan; Bloemfontein).—Sanlam Trust, c/o Etienne Genis Attorneys, No.
2 Seventh Avenue, Melkbosstrand.
2930/2012—Mosetlhe, Khuduga David, 6411155947081, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account
(Bloemfontein).—LB Saffy, c/o Honey Attorneys, PO Box 29, Bloemfontein, 9301.

This gazette is also available free online at



8922/2010/PMB—Alice Muriel Auld, 2502080037081, 22 Hoogvorst Road, Hatton Estate, Pinetown (Pinetown;
Pietermaritzburg).—Fuller & Company, 29 Maryvale Road, Westville, 3629.
10906/2013/PMB—Dlamini, Nellie, 2208220130089, 591 Smith Drive, Sobantu, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final
(Pietermaritzburg).—Shepstone & Wylie, 2 The Crest, Redlands Estate, 1 George MacFarlane Lane, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
10906/2013/PMB—Dlamini, Nellie, 2208220130089, 591 Smith Drive, Sobantu, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final
(Pietermaritzburg).—Shepstone & Wylie, 2 The Crest, Redlands Estate, 1 George MacFarlane Lane, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
10906/2013/PMB—Dlamini, Nellie, 2208220130089, 591 Smith Drive, Sobantu, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final
(Pietermaritzburg).—Shepstone & Wylie, 2 The Crest, Redlands Estate, 1 George MacFarlane Lane, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
15278/2013—Pieterse, Nicolaas Johannes, 4411035020085, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account;
Cornelia Elizabeth Pieterse, 4904080099087 (Port Shepstone; Durban).—Martin Justinus Brink, PO Box 95368, Waterkloof,
20205/2014/DBN—Naicker, Abiramy, 5112160134084, 4 Knotts Landing, Sezela, Umzinto District; Vaddipan Munsamy
Naicker, 4808045091088 (Scottburgh; Durban).—Attorneys Singh & Gharbaharan, 1st Floor, Allybro Centre, Centenary Road,
Umzinto, 4200.
8750/2013—Forster, Jean Elizabeth Forster, 2912260056183, 170 Botanic Gardens Road, Berea, Durban, 4001
(Durban; KwaZulu-Natal, Durban).
8531/2010MB—Story, Brian William, 1938-08-06, 3808065079181, 51 Ridge Road, New Germany, 2010-07-12, married
according to the laws of England (out of community of property) (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg).—McClung, Mustard, PO Box 4,
Pinetown, 3600.
3439/2012/DBN—Khanyile, Bonginkosi Kenneth, 3005225132089 (Pinetown; Durban).—Berkowitz Cohen Wartski
Attorneys, 17th/18th Floor, Southern Life Buildinbg, 88 Joe Slovo Street, Durban, 4001.
8531/2010MB—Story, Brian William, 1938-08-06, 3808065079181, 51 Ridge Road, New Germany, 2010-07-12, married
according to the laws of England (out of community of property) (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg).—McClung, Mustard, PO Box 4,
Pinetown, 3600.
8719/2013(PMB)—Rein, Eileen Fairley, 2811070043086 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Dobeyn Accounting
Solutions CC, 146 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg.
10176/2009—Naidoo, Christie, 5912255174089; Thevi Rani Naidoo, 5808290078089 (Empangeni; Durban).—Connie
Marais Attorneys, PO Box 1202, Richards Bay, 3900.
15175/2013/DBN—Naidoo, Govindamah, 4011190316086 (Verulam; Durban).—Govender, Pather and Morgan, 31 Parry
Road, Durban.
13176/2009/PMB—Du Preez, Maxine Dorothy, 5308090056088; Christiaan De Jager du Preez, 4006255031083
(Glencoe; Pietermaritzburg).—Rafiq Khan & Co, 45 McKenzie Street, Dundee, 3000.
8719/2013(PMB)—Rein, Eileen Fairley, 2811070043086 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Dobeyn Accounting
Solutions CC, 146 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg.
16673/2012—Bulstrode, Helene Fronica, 2007050042087, Flame Lilly Park, 565 Stella Road, Queensburgh, First and
Final (Pinetown; Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324.
16880/2013/DBN—Chetty, Muniamma, 3502210161081, 12 Damascus Grove, Moorton, Chatsworth (Chatsworth;
Durban).—J. D. Vedan and Company, 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, 4093.
17615/2008 DBN—Govender, Subramoney, 4110075128085; Angamma Govender, 4911120185081 (Durban; Durban).—
Manoj Haripersad & Associates, PO Box 2783, Pinetown, 3600.
10541/2013/PMB—Vezasie, Annie Doris, 2 February 1932, 3202020039086, 25 Hazel Road, Woodlands,
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg).—Grant & Swanepoel Attorneys, Attorneys and Agents for Executor
Testamentary, PO Box 11331, Dorpspruit, 3206.
23581/2014DBN—Naicker, Poobathie, 2606125063083, 26 Salseete Road, Merebank, Durban; Kitchamma Naicker,
3011030078087 (Durban; Durban).—Rajaruthnam & Associates, 71/73 I. C. Meer Street, Suite 401, Maxwell Centre, Durban.
16791/2013 DBN—Mgqibeni Mnguni, 2403105126084, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Empangeni;
Durban).—Buthelezi Zungu Inc., 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900.
1491/2013/PMB—Airey, Michael Richard, 5002115097082, 13 Cuyler Road, Salt Rock, KZN, 4391 (KwaDukuza;
Pietermaritzburg).—H. C. Yeo Attorneys, P.O. Box 50, Salt Rock, 4390.
2684/200 DBN—Parbhoo, Nirmala Devi, 5207290067087; Lashaman Parbhoo, 4710015045081 (Verulam; Durban).—
R. Ramasar & Jooste Attorneys, 1st Floor, Ramasar Building, Main Road (P.O. Box 1), Umzinto, 4200.
16766/2010/DBN—Naik, Mahabeer, 3506295072089; Jayanathi Mahabeer, 4405250104087 (Durban; Durban).—Manoj
Haripersad and Associates, P.O. Box 2783, Pinetown, 3600.
16791/2013 DBN—Mgqibeni Mnguni, 2403105126084, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Empangeni;
Durban).—Buthelezi Zungu Inc., 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900.
6535/2013/PMB—Voges, Martin, 5707205112084, 11 Brookby Crescent, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final
(Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Van Velden-Duffey Incorporated, Private Bag X82082, Rustenburg, 0300.
3650/2013—Twomey, John Brian, 2510085164081, Clarendon House, 93 Villiers Drive, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final
(Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Austen Smith, P.O. Box 37, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 125

1813/2014 DBN—Govender, Chinasami, 3001125122080, 55 Hoplen Place, Lenham, Phoenix, 4068, First and Final;
Marieamah Govender, 4604240140082, 21 days (Verulam; Durban).—Victor Gounden and Associates, Suite 9, Raza Oriental
Plaza, 56 Pandora Street, Phoenix, 4068; P.O. Box 60375, Phoenix, 4080.
2077/2014/PMB—Maistry, Payani, 4412085106089, 80 Protea Drive, Cool Air, Dalton, 3236 (New Hanover;
Pietermaritzburg).—Cajee Setsubi Chetty Inc., 195 Boshoff Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
4260/2012 PMB—Govender, Perumal, 2811095158083, 14 Crossmoor Drive, Chatsworth, 23 March 2011;
Sivagamiamma Govender, 3810020278080 (Chatsworth; Pietermaritzburg).—Kanhai-Moodley & Associates, Suite 5A, 2nd
Floor, Joy-Deen Centre, 18 Everest Street, Shallcross, 4093.
17753/2013/DBN—Mbili, Bahloniphile Eleanor, 5508120679086, Lot 1288, Ray Nkonyeni Road, Gamalakhe, First and
Final; Libaba Joseph Mbili, 4302215351087 (Port Shepstone; Durban).—Seethal Attorneys, P.O. Box 76, Port Shepstone,
10064/2011/PMB—Kent, Jessie Flora Alice, 2205130039087, 5 Williamson Road, Scottburgh, First and Final
(Scottburgh; Pietermaritzburg).—Austen Smith, P.O. Box 37, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
4079/2014 DBN—Ebrahim, Moosa, 5303105671088; Saira Banu Ebrahim, 6408290633089 (KwaDukuza; Durban).—
Mohamed Motala and Company, P.O. Box 2617, KwaDukuza, 4450.
2382/2014/PMB—Brindley-Richards, Anthony, 3401115020080, 12 Magnolia Road, Hilton, 3201, First and Final
(Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Jordaan Geldenhuys, P.O. Box 865, Estcourt, 3310.
15075/2013—Singh, Sisumathi, 3712270082081 (Verulam; Durban).—T. Giyapersad Incorporated, Unit 12,
12 On Palmboulevard, Gateway, Umhlanga.
18897/2012—Brijbans, Shamchand, 6012225093086, 26 Kingfisher Road, Albersville, Port Shepstone, First and Final,
21 days (Port Shepstone; Durban).—Natalie Jansen van Vuuren, 23 Overport Drive, Essenwood, 4091.
13176/2009/PMB—Du Preez, Maxine Dorothy, 5308090056088; Christiaan de Jager du Preez, 4006255031083
(Glencoe; Pietermaritzburg).—Rafiq Khan & Co, 45 Mckenzie Street, Dundee, 3000.
1701/2010/dbn—Sing, Surajpal, 2811025099084, 7 Thompson Avenue, Verulam, KwaZulu-Natal, Supplementary;
Seela Singh, 3707020067085 (Verulam; Durban).—June Debba and Associates, 110 Elf-Place, Clare Estate, Durban, 4091.
4655/2013/PMB—Valentine, Timothy Robin Howard, 4405265134087; Alannah Carolyn Quyale Valentine,
4407170145083 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Hardie and Associates, P.O. Box 553, Howick, 3290.
11270/2012—Munro, Donovan Frederick Gordon, 6708315156085, Erf 160, Pumula Township, First and Final, 21 days
(Mzumbe; Durban).—Natalie Jansen van Vuuren, 23 Overport Drive, Essenwood, 4091.
7970/2006—Seme, Sabelo Hendrik, 6602255579085, 63 Milarina Drive, Newlands West, 4037 (Durban).—Jacobs and
Partners Attorneys, 1st Floor, Frosterley Park, 8 Frosterley Crescent, La Lucia, 4019.
21633/2014/DBN—Hill, Basil Edward Victor, 3404265076084, 83 Rolling Hills Country Club, Autumn Drive, Umhlanga,
4320 (Verulam; Durban).—Christopher Trevor Wensley, P.O. Box 51014, Musgrave Road, 4062.
20645/2014—Naicker, Anandan Andiappen, 6202185089089, 11 Rajoo Street, Highridge, Stanger, KwaZulu-Natal;
Ragani Naicker, 6501010225085 (Lower Tugela, Stanger; Durban).—Messrs B. G. Singh and Company, 83 Mahatma Gandhi
Street (P.O. Box 907), Stanger, 4450.
3371/2014)—Durham, Daphne, 3103220040082, 300 Nazareth House, 82 South Ridge Road, 4001, First & Final (Durban;
Durban).—Charles Pillai Liasides and Associates, 37 Overport Drive, Berea, Durban, 4091.
13440/2009/PMB—Naicker, Kaliama, 4210310125084, 14 Springvale Road, Bombay Heights, Pietermaritzburg
(Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Sergie Brimiah & Associates, 510 Jabu Ndlovu (Loop) Street, Pietermaritzburg.
2275/2014/DBN—Twentyman, Cecil, 2002035078187, The Camphors Care Centre, 30 Fischer Rd, Hillcrest, KwaZulu-
Natal (Pinetown; Durban).—Sharon Margaret Emmerich, P.O. Box 35653, Northway, 4065.
16636/2012—Zulu, Bantshana Israel, 3504065263087; Olga Zulu, 3708250211088 (Eshowe; Durban).—Wynne & Wynne
Attorneys, P.O. Box 1, Eshowe, 3815.
8403/2012/PMB—Chetty, Magavelee, 3310150118081, 825 Chota Motala Road, Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg, First and
Final (Pietermaritzburg).—J Leslie Smith & Company, P.O. Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
2583/2014/DBN—Chetty, Dhunasageran Moothalugan, 5912075179086, 39 Marula Circle, Trenance Park, Verulam
(Verulam; Durban).—S. R. Sivi Pather Attorneys, 10 Luxmi Court, Arbee Drive, Tongaat.
5138/2012—Naicker, Alan, 6309285219084, 40 Alpine Drive, Shallcross, 4093, 14 March 2012; Ragani Naicker,
6611100225083 (Chatsworth; Pietermaritzburg).—Kanhai-Moodley & Associates, Suite 5A, 2nd Floor, Joy’Deen Centre, 18
Everest Street, Shallcross, 4093.
1884/2014—Gasa, Bekukuphiwa Dalton, 4201145158085, Ward 01, Chwezi Area, Nkandla, 3855, First and Final
(Nkandla; Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000.
12403/2013—Sparks, Evelyn Rayner, 3009070115082, Unit 15, Village of Happiness, Margate, First and Final (Port
Shepstone; Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000.
3886/2014—Boden, Roy Lionel, 3401295019084, Unit 5, Helen Jane, 69 Frere Road, Durban, First and Final; Beryl
Evelyn Boden, 3607290036086 (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000.
11360/2012—Ngubane, Zanele Princess, 6704270426084, 97 Vista Valley, Timbavati Street, Moreleta Park, Pretoria
(Durban; Durban).
1104/2014/DBN—Garvie, Dorothy, 3705140039182, Wildwaves, Blythedale Beach, Stanger, 4450, First and Final, 21
days (Durban; Durban).—Rydall Views, 9 Rydall Vale Office Park, 38 Douglas Saunders Drive, La Lucia Ridge, 4051.
803/2013—Rapson, John Raymond, 2108015015083, Supplementary (Durban; Durban).—Barkers—P.O. Box 25352,
Gateway, 4321.
2910/2014/DBN—Abraham, Samuel Govindasamy Abraham, 3301075080084, 40 Debonair Place, Moorton,
Chatsworth, 4092; Neela Abraham, 4008310088082 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Attorneys R. Maharaj and Company, P.O. Box
562500, Chatsworth, 4030/Suite 6, Daddy’s Centre, 258 Pelican Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth, 4092.

This gazette is also available free online at


958/2014/PMB—Premduth Ramdhany, 5211255195081, 208 Mysore Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—Asad Ameen & Company, P.O. Box 3494, Pietermaritzburg,
16647/2013DBN—Ellis, Perene Anne, 6609280144082, 8 Tenby Place, Greenwood Park, 4051.—Leonard Lewis Cillin
Peters, P.O. Box 401203, Red Hill, Durban, 4071.
10533/2012/PMB—Kemp, Johannes Abraham, 5008305005082, Farm Langberg, Newcastle; Herculina Johanna Kemp,
5110070171089 (Newastle; Pietermaritzburg).—P.G. Steyn Attorneys, 60 Gemsbok Street, Hutten Heights, Newcastle, 2940.
14327/2013—Scott, Eleanor Loretta, 3802120058082, Amended (Durban; Durban).—Barkes, PO Box 25352, Gateway,
16647/2013DBN—Ellis, Perene Anne, 6609280144082, 8 Tenby Place, Greenwood Park, Durban, 4051.—Leonard Lewis
Cillin Peters, PO Box 401203, Red Hill, Durban, 4071.
2706/2014/PMB—Macpherson, Winefride Adelaide Mary, 1601250035189, 1 Francolin Lane, Amberfield Retirement
Village, Howick, 3290, First and Final (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Harvard House Financial Services Trust, PO Box 235,
Howick, 3290.
4279/2014/DBN—Andrews, Peter Bourne, 2211035004085 (Durban).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, 2 Ncondo Place,
Ridgeside Campus, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.
15698/2012/DBN—Butler, Robert Warren, 4302245016080 (Durban; Durban).—Brogan & Olive, 7 Ibis Lane,
1244/14—Buthelezi, Virginia Lindeni, 6912261238083, H725 Uklebe Street, Esikhawini; Robert Budeakuphangwa
Buthelezi, 6502285681085 (Durban).—Deena Reddy, PO Box 2174, Durban.
20399/2014—Brown, Daphne, 3212280043082, 22 Inverness Stalker Alley, Pelham, Pietermaritzburg, 48242
(Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor,
ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620.
10024/2013/DBN—Bratherton, Terence Wayne, 6505255087084, 13 Valarie Drive, Gillitts; Lliane Theresa Bratherton,
7010210223089 (Pinetown; Durban).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.
2355/14DBN—Fowler, Joan Mavis, 3009250041082, 142 Frere Road, Davenport, Durban, 4001 (Durban; Durban).—
ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
20906/2014—Etsebeth, Mario Carlo Fransisco, 6901175024085, Douglasstraat 3, Margate, 4275 (Port Shepstone;
Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
22177/14—Fernandez Fransisco, 3012135070086, Steenkampstraat, Utrecht, Chatsworth (Durban).—Deena Reddy,
PO Box 2174, Durban.
15777/2013/DBN—Coates, Joan Bellamy, 2209070042085, 246 Essenwood Road, Musgrave (Durban; Durban).—
Nedgroup Trust Limited, Ridgeside Campus, No. 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.
21911/14 DBN—Victor Mqapeheli Jali, 7207215482088, 20 Bryden Road, Empangeni, 3887, First and Final Liquidation
and Distribution Account; Ntombizodwa Rennie Jali, 7301190333083, 21 days (Empangeni; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited,
Reg. No. 1915/04665/06, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
4763/14—Horne, Margaret Denise, 4009280040087, 199 Sydenham Road, Amended (Durban).—Deena Reddy, PO Box
2174, Durban.
15696/2013/DBN—Gray, Malcolm Christian, 4210045140085, 74 Willern Court, 159 Victoria Embankment, Durban, 4001
(Durban; Durban).—Britz & Bonamour, 136 Innes Road, Morningside, Durban, 4006.
4753/14—Govender, Nadasen, 5810165117083, 6 Queenspark Avenue; Jayami Govender (Durban).—Deena Reddy,
PO Box 2174, Durban.
22682/14—Govender, Muthammah, 5004010177084, 17 Earlcroft, Longcroft, 4068, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—
ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
21272/14—Gengaloo, Coopamah, 4512120482088, Number 2, 3rd Crescent Mount Edge (Durban).—Deena Reddy,
PO Box 2174, Durban.
1239/14DBN—Frost, Frank Pearson, 3703165027083, 31 Grace Avenue, Berea West, Westville, 3629, Amended
(Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
22680/14—Masuku, Thobile Lydia, 5807310779080, Madlankala Reserve, Richardsbay, 3900, 21 days (Empangeni;
Durban).—ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
12168/2013/DBN—Lewis, Violet Magdalene Hortense, 3007170034088, 6 Rowles Avenue, Waterfall (Pinetown;
Durban).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.
21832/14—Khuzwayo, Thandekile Favourite, 3007310238086, 2354 Main Avenue, Clenaville, Clermont, 3610, 21 days
(Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, 291 Anton Lembede Street, Durban.
2416/134—Joshua, Phyllis Priscilla Mary, 3812080124089, 30 Lawrence Coleman Road, Woodland, Amended
(Durban).—Deena Reddy, PO Box 2174, Durban.
12855/2013/DBN—Jansen, Anna Cathrina, 3607300010088, 241 Kenyon Howden Road, Montclair, 4004, Date of death:
21 August 2013 (Durban).—Halse Havemann & Lloyd, PO Box 343, Pinetown, 3600.
2069/12 DBN—Noordman, Susanna Maria Elizabeth, 5812260223089, 37 Allenby Lane, Malvern, 36 Evergreen Estate,
4093, 30013; Petrus Stefanus Noordman, 5012085020089 (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000;
10th Floor, ABSA Building, 291 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.
22681/14—Ngcobo, Bekinkosi Richard, 2209035132088, A397 Umlazi, 4066, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust,
PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

This gazette is also available free online at

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2351/14 DBN—Naidoo, Velliamma, 6911240186082, 185 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, Durban, 32404 (Durban).—
ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000; 10th Floor, ABSA Building, 291 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.
11594/13—Myeza, Thandi Kindness, 5705260617088, 36 Berrio Avenue, Illovo Glen, 4126, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—
ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
20266/14 DBN—Moonsamy, Suvena, 7806260097087, 12 Ocean View Road, Shakaskraal (Lot 126), 32569; Mahalingam
Moonsamy, 7003205127084 (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000; 10th Floor, ABSA Building,
291 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.
22684/14—Moodley, Priscilla, 4309170030085, 297 Longbury Drive, Longcoft, 4068, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—
ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
911/14 DBN—Mlotshwa, Mchithwa Alexander, 4906065399085, House, 0644, Section BB, Prince Mcwayizeni Close,
Umlazi, 32240 (Durban),—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000; 10th Floor, ABSA Building, 291 Smith Street,
Durban, 4001.
22689/14 DBN—Rampersad, Praveen, 5403055145081, 5 Methren Mews, 99 Methren Road, Westville, 32690 (Pinetown;
Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000; 10th Floor, ABSA Building, 291 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.
923/14DBN—Rabie, John Clifford, 3407025110085, 128 Beacon Road, Bluff, 4052; Johanna Aletta Rabie,
3406250070089 (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
15134/2013/DBN—Pascoe (born Russell), Helen Joan, 4804100091082, 2 El Sombrero, 2 Veary Road, Warner Beach
(Durban; Durban).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, Ridgeside Campus, No. 2 Ncondo Place, uMhlanga Rocks, 4320.
21499/14—O’Connell, Laurence Derek, 4303035001084, 39 Penny Lane, Summit Drive, Sherwood, 4091, 21 days
(Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
22447/14PM—O’Neil, Piet du Toit, 3401275088083, 47 Garmouth Avenue, Bluff, KZN, 4052 (Durban; Durban).—
Kasmeera Budhoo, PO Box 2174, Durban.
20491/14—Viljoen, Maria Antoinette, 3802180058089, 3 Montwood, Montclair Road and Tafta Outspan, 24 Sarnia Road,
Umbilo, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, 291 Anton Lembede Street, Durban.
22751/14DB—Vanballegooyen, Johanna Lodawieka, 3004280023085, 22 Hillbrow Road, Kloof, 3610, Amended
(Pinetown; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
22077/14 PMB—Petronella Mageretha van der Riet, 4111090018087, 29 Sol Harris Crescent, North Beach, Durban,
4001, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited,
Newspaper for advertisement Citizen (DBN), Reg No. 1915/04665/06, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000.
1162/14 DBN—Screeramalu, Silvie, 6401250165085, 64 Mimosa Avenue, Mtubatuba, 3935, 32270; Rungasamy
Screeramalu, 5505055142080 (Mtubatuba; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000, 10th Floor,
ABSA Building, 291 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.
22683/14 DBN—Schneider, Mathys Johannes, 2908165013089, 3 Dolphin Crescent, Blythdale Beach, Stanger, 32712
(Stanger/Kwa-Dukuza; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000, 10th Floor, ABSA Building, 291 Smith
Street, Durban, 4001.
21430/2014/DBN—Richards, Leslie Roy, 3401255070085, 138 Winchelsea Avenue, Wentworth, Durban; Antoinette
Richards, 3512070234084 (Durban; Durban).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, Ridgeside Campus, 2 Ncondo Drive, Umhlanga Rocks,
10101/09—Reddy, Moonsamy, 4109075089081, 10A Willowvale Drive, Chatsworth, Amended; Kistamma Reddy,
4410260103087 (Durban).—Deena Reddy, PO Box 2174, Durban.
14581/2013—Edward-Betsy, Olga Yvonne, 4711240157089 (Durban).—Tate Nolan & Knight, P.O. Box 201181, Durban
North, 4016.
11169/2013/DBN—Luthuli, Siza Paul, 3612315203082, Lot No. 1149, Walter Sisulu Road, Gamalakhe; Duduzile Anncarry
Luthuli, 4410140394088 (Durban; Durban).—The Agent, Grant Andrew Clinton (nominated official) for PSG Trust, P.O. Box 848,
Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.
10542/2011—Slier, Andries Abraham, 2211175029082, 6 Bernard Street, Uvongo, KwaZulu-Natal, First and Final
(Port Shepstone; Durban).—AV Theron & Swanepoel Inc., PO Box 471, Sasolburg, 1947.
11169/2013/DBN—Luthuli, Siza Paul, 3612315203082, Lot No. 1149, Walter Sisulu Road, Gamalakhe; Duduzile Anncarry
Luthuli, 4410140394088 (Durban; Durban).—The Agent, Grant Andrew Clinton (nominated Official) for PSG Trust, P.O. Box 848,
Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.
10518/2013 DBN—Walter Sydney Yerbury, 4001195042084, 10 Mount Vernon Road, Hillary, Durban, First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—King-Essack & Associates Inc., 64 Kings Rd, Pinetown, 3610;
P.O. Box 82, Pinetown, 3600.
4365/14—Wegner, Carl Frederick, 5410015049089, 61 Disa Dives Veld en Vlei, Richardsbay, 3900, Supplementary;
Karinel Elizabeth Wegner, 5408160116083, 21 days (Empangeni; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, 291 Anton Lembede Street,
14219/2013—Monckton, Norma Leslie, 3303150005085, Erf 1102, Township Ballitoville, Unit 3, Complex SS, First and
Final, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Natalie Jansen van Vuuren, 23 Overport Drive, Essenwood, 4091.
18218/2012—Stenos, Costas, 7206125032082; Malinda da Silva, 6407160199080 (Pinetown; Durban).—Telfer
Associates Inc., P O Box 70693, Bryanston.
000400/2013—Smith, Lorna Ann, 4002120056181, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Amanzimtoti).—South
Coast Sun, 33 Main Road, Doonside, 4126.
5896/2009/PMB—Arnold, Chrissie Elizabeth Arnold, 3401220043084, 20 Gray Street, Dundee, 3000; Myra Gwendoline
Hambidge, 2706120046081 (Dundee; Pietermaritzburg).

This gazette is also available free online at


03360/2013—Singh, Birsingh Arjoon, 5312115690087; Jasodhra Singh, 5504140137080 (Stanger; Durban).—Sham and
Meer Attorneys, 140 Mahatma Gandhi Street, Stanger.
10256/2006/PMB—Coll, Ivan, 1906045024087, 7 Lindsay Drive, Glenashley, Durban North, KwaZulu-Natal
(Pietermaritzburg; Durban).—Mr E Coll, c/o JV Hart CC, P O Box 11751, Dorpspruit, 3201.
1724/2012/PMB—Ndlovu, Nonhlanhla Abigail, 7106240279081 (Pietermaritzburg).—Desmond Mayne and Company,
237 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
686/2014—Bromfield, Estelle, 5501100120080 (Pietermaritzburg).—Desmond Mayne and Company, 237 Hoosen
Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
00531/2014/PMB—Smith, Charles Kenneth, 5408275025088; Rosemary Helen Smith, 4701140059089
(Pietermaritzburg).—Desmond Mayne and Company, 237 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
1701/2010/DBN—Sing, Surajpal, 2811025099084, 7 Thompson Avenue, Verulam, KwaZulu-Natal, Supplementary; Seela
Singh, 3707020067085. June Debba and Associates, 110 Elf-Place, Clare Estate, Durban, 4091.
2565/2014/PMB—Lellyett, Cecile Mary, 2306020034087, 119 Rosewood Estate, 70 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg,
First (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—J Leslie Smith & Company, P O Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
4389/2013/DBN—Mkhize, Zandile, 7612300568081, Mrs Doris Mkize, 219 Mt Royal, 1 Hayfield Road, Phoenix, Durban
(Verulam; Durban).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Durban, P O Box 212, Westville, 3630.
23014/2014/DBN—Moore, Brian Terence, 04/02/1958, 5802045115080, 11 Wavecrest, 48 Wavecrest Road,
Umbogontweni, Athlone Park, 17 May 2014. FNB Trust Services, P O Box 212, Westville.
13608/2008/PMB—Magubane, Muziwokuthula Andrew, 5501315337081, Lot 535, Lalaclass, Umlazi, Durban (Umlazi;
Pietermaritzburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Durban, P O Box 212, Westville, 3630.
5305/2009 DBN—Ndlovu, Sipho Godfrey, 4806145453086, 6020 Mthole Place, Lamontville, 4027; Thembeni Magaret
Ndlovu, 5210090386087 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Dianne Moodley & Associates, P.O. Box 56652, Chatsworth, 4030.
2812/2014—McLean, John Mc Dougal, 4401145049181, 25 Cedarberg, 12 Wareing Road, First and Final (Durban).—
Dickinson & Theunnissen Inc., One Simpson Place, Sunnyside Lane, Pinetown.
16566/2013—Sarah Naidoo, 3903080287081, 44 Fairgrove Place, Grove End, Phoenix, 4068, First and Final Liquidation
and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Suren Moodley Inc., 174 Windermere Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001.
017290/2013—Olcelli Giuseppe, 383 Daddywhaldrive, Ramsgate, KwaZulu-Natal, Natal, First and Final (Ramsgate;
Durban).—MFG Accountants, P O Box 11017, Maroelana, Pretoria, 0161.
1201/2013/PMB—Khumalo, Mzayifani Zacheus, 6307265512080; Phikiwe Regina Khumalo, 6010280303085 (Vryheid;
Pietermaritzburg).—Cox & Partners Attorneys, P O Box 5, Vryheid, 3100.
21131/2014/PMB—Zulu, Nokuthula Cecelia, 7112190412086; Bhekithemba Stanley Zulu, 6612135493084 (Vryheid;
Pietermaritzburg).—Cox & Partners Attorneys, P O Box 5, Vryheid, 3100.
2490/05/DBN—Madinane, Philip Phanuel, 2212205117087 (Pinetown; Durban).—Ramushu Mashile Twala Inc.,
171 Liberty Life Office Park, Katherine Street, Building 2, 2nd Floor.
2421/2014/PMB—Mtambo, Domenic Muziwakhe, 5901016997086; Nqobile Preety Mtambo, 9111090386083 (Nqutu;
Pietermaritzburg).—Cox & Partners Attorneys, P O Box 5, Vryheid, 3100.
1382/2014/DBN—Walton, Jennifer Clair, 4408030141080, Unit 1, Villa Pineta, Erf 1/160, Marina Beach (Port Shepstone;
Durban).—Executor, Grant Andrew Clinton, P.O. Box 848, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.
6957/2011—Ramsaroop, Kripal, 2012085149089 (Stanger; Durban).—Larry Singh & Associates, Shop 2, Isipingo Main,
114 Old Main Road, Isipingo, 4110.
17758/2012 (DBN)—Oosthuizen, George Sebastiaan, 7102195230088; Monica Joan Oosthuizen, 7402060200087
(Empangeni; Durban).—Morrows Estate Services, c/o P O Box 30287, Richars Bay, 3900.
17758/2012 (DBN)—Oosthuizen, George Sebastiaan, 7102195230088; Monica Joan Oosthuizen, 7402060200087
(Empangeni; Durban).—Morrows Estate Services, c/o P O Box 30287, Richards Bay, 3900.
12636/2009/PMB—Shabangu, Makhosazane Mirriam, 4709090216088, D5249, Section 4, Madadeni, First and Final,
21 days (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.
6043/2013/PMB—Mzizi, Isaac December Mzizi, 3812245298083, 3633 Osiweni, Newcastle, First and Final; Sibongile
Rachel Mzizi, 5211180770081, 21 days (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street,
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.
20476/2014/PMB—Osmail, Dawood Batwa, 2910195077084, 60 Jinnah Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, First and
Final; Aysha Bibi Ismail, 4311080380089, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company,
378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.
2213/2014/PMB—Mthembu, Gabisile Mavis, 5905130240083, A1480 Mpumalanga Township, Hammarsdale, 3276, First
and Final, 21 days (Hammarsdale; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg,
9962/2013/PMB—Rowsell, Peter Hislop, 2902195070086, 5 Begonia Road, Glen Hills, Durban, 4001, KwaZulu-Natal,
First and Final (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg).—Ewing Tax Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1, Hillcrest, 3850.
9962/2013/PMB—Rowsell, Peter Hislop, 2902195070086, 5 Begonia Road, Glen Hills, Durban, 4001, KwaZulu-Natal,
First and Final (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg).—Ewing Tax Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1, Hillcrest, 3650.
17195/13—Moodley, Vasuntha Devi, 5105170019089, 154 Ringwood Avenue, Woodview, Phoenix (Verulam; Durban).—
Pravisha Ramnarain Attorneys, 151 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth.
1590/2014—Singh, Lorraine, 4801290548087; Dharamprakash Bugwan Singh, 4201305167082 (Newcastle;
Pietermaritzburg).—ICM Chetty Attorneys, 98 Harding Street, Newcastle.
20154/2014—Garahoo, Bidhia, 4507250076080 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—CM Chetty Attorneys, 98 Harding Street,
21185/2014—Thompson, Gerald David, 2503035026088, 43A Old Main Road, Gillits, 3630 (Pinetown; Durban).—
Maitland Executors Ltd, P O Box 3741, Cape Town, 8000.

This gazette is also available free online at

STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 129

3723/2014 DBN—Redding, Strathmere Williams Lacombe, 2909245036082, 13 MacKenzie Street, Umkomaas

(Scottsburgh; Durban).—PKF (Durban) Inc., P.O. Box 1858, Durban, 4000.
3943/2014 DBN—Jur Zenon, Zietkiewicz, 3009135067088, 29 Caister Lodge, 264 Musgrave Road, Durban (Durban).—
PKF (Durban) Inc., P.O. Box 1858, Durban, 4000.
2818/2014—Baruth, Pulmuthee, 3408150067082 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—KM Chetty Attorneys, 98 Harding
Street, Newscastle.
20455/2014DBN—Pillay, Moonsamy, 5304225025080, 22 Limehill Crescent, Hillgrove, Newlands West, 4037;
Sarasuathie Pillay, 6002020250080 (Durban; Durban).—SDG Attorneys and Conveyancers, Suite 1, 7 on Millenium,
5-7 Millenium Boulevard, Umhlanga Ridge.
14378/13/D—Gatenby, John Heslop, 6103275045082, 5 Hillview Mews, 49 Bridgeview Road, Morningside, Durban,
Amended; Kathryn Louise Gatenby, 6103120063082 (Durban; Durban).—Sentinel International Trust Co, PO Box 2763,
Westway Office Park.
11000/2012—Lalla, Nalan Amika, 5109135617086, 7 Viola Road, Ladysmith, 3700; Rajmonie Lalla, , 5507040103086
(Ladysmith; Pietermaritzburg).—Sentinel International Trust, P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park.
17010/2005—Dlamini, Thembilihle Fikile Angel, 7605100786085; Mthandeni Neville Nkethabaweli, 7011205300080
(Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—KM Chetty Attorneys, 98 Harding Street, Newcastle.
20154/2014—Garahoo, Bidhia, 4507250076080 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—KM Chetty Attorney, 98 Harding Street,
18698/2010 DBN—Nomathemba Cynthia Dlamini, 5802240756084, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days
(Empangeni; Durban).—Buthelezi Zungu Inc., 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900.
001190/2014/PMB—MacQueen, Frieda Marie Magdalena, 2009180044082, Amberfield Frail Care, Mare Street, Howick,
3290, First and Final (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Harvard House Financial Services Trust, PO Box 235, Howick, 3290.
2458/2014—Cook, Brian, 3306095030084, Unit 132, Amberglen, Howick, 3290, First and Final; Daphne Jean Cook,
3607080015083 (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Harvard House Financial Services Trust, PO Box 235, Howick, 3290.
21139/2014/PMB—Mntambo, Robert Hlewu, 6507115489088, 010137 KwaDuduza, Sakhumkhanya Area, Stanger,
First and Final Distribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—N.P. Zulu Attorneys, Office No. 201, ABC Building, 9 Gallway
Lane, Pietermaritzburg.
22009/2014—Ntuli, Titos Danncan, 5503215299080, Hlomendlini Area, Stanger; Khonangifile Majozi, 55050803730080,
First and Final Distribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—N.P. Zulu Attorneys, Office No. 201, ABC Building, 9 Gallway
Lane, Pietermaritzburg.
5922/2013 DBN—Alice Jessie Blore, 19 December 1920, 2012190002082, 28 Palmer Strachan House, Doone Village,
Pinetown, 3610, Liquidation and Distribution Account, three weeks (Pinetown; Durban).—Avusa Media, Ground Floor,
MB House, 635 Ridge Road, Overport, Durban, 4091; P O Box 51163, Musgrave, 4062, Durban, South Africa.
7511/2013—Mack, Veronica Hamilton, 704441011, 2920 Kalmthout de Roerdom (No. 5), First and Final (Durban;
Pietermaritzburg).—Livingston Leandy Inc., PO Box 4107, The Square, 4021.
6202/2013/PMB—Gumede, Fisokuhle Richard, 4901145670084, 12 Kalias Road, Verulam; Sizakele Buyenzeni Gumede,
5406250370081 (Verulam; Pietermaritzburg).—Bala Naidoo and Company, Suite 1, Ashanti Centre, 19 Arbree Drive, Tongaat,
18107/2010—Vanto, Fezekile Gladstone, 4003025433087, 21 Bulwer Road, Montclair (Durban; Durban).—Jacobs and
Partners, 1st Floor, Frosterley Park, Frosterley Crescent, La Lucia, 4019.
22598/2014—Koetscheid, John Roy, 4310215014084, 16 Abelia Crescent, Sea Park, 4235, 24982 (Port Shepstone;
Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300, 1ste Vloer, H/v Zastron & Donald Murrayrylaan,
Bloemfontein, 9301.
5235/2010/PMB—Jones, Neville Edward Wynne, 2402185040082, 34 Rosewood Estate, 70 Loop Street,
Pietermaritzburg, 3201, Fourth and Final (Pietermaritzburg).—J Leslie Smith & Company, P O Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
13606/2010—Havenga, Barend Hermanus, 6004125121083, 47 St Ives Crescent, Hibberdene, 4220 (Umzumbe;
Durban).—Strauss Daly Inc., 9th Floor, Strauss Daly Place, 41 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.
8453/2012/PMB—Ramgoolam, Ramkumar, 4509205083088, 19 Commonage Road, Wasbank, Dundee; Luchmie
Ramgoolam, 4803180066089 (Glencoe; Pietermaritzburg).—Alwyn Volsum & Associates, 4 George Street, Pietermaritzburg.
18698/2010 DBN—Nomathemba Cynthia Dlamini, 5802240756084, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days
(Empangeni; Durban).—Buthelezi Zungu Inc., 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900.


2560/2012—Matlou Justinus Lekoloane, Date of birth: 11 February 1932, 3202115237082, 131 – 6th Street,
Mookgophong, 0560, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Motshabiwa Eunice Lekoloane, 3202115237082, 21
days (Seshego, Lebowakgomo; Polokwane).—Pratt Luyt & De Lange, Attorney for the Executrix, Legnum Park, 20 Watermelon
Street, Platinum Park, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699; P.O. Box 827, Bendorpark, 0713.
1362/2013—De Bruin, Bennie, 780804450806088 (Louis Trichardt; Thohoyandou).—Coxwell, Steyn, Vise & Naudé Inc.,
31 Songozwi Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920.
002175/2014—Leutie, Stellah Ramatsimele, 7707156854084, 30 days (Polokwane; Polokwane).—M.T Ramabale
Attorneys, 51 Landros Mare Street, Pioneer Building, Third Floor, Office No. 312, Polokwane.
1566/2013—Fourie, Frederick Johannes, 3808155004081, Presidentstraat 1196, Louis Trichardt, First and Final
(Soutpansberg; Thohoyandou).—Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

This gazette is also available free online at


1352/2014—Kgafe, Ntshupu Johannes, 4809045329083, Stand No. 177, Ga-Ramoshoane Village, 0709; Mokoena
Onnica Kgafe, 5602130638081, 21 days (Polokwane).—MT Ramabala Attorneys, 51 Landros Mere Street, Pioneer Building,
Office No. 312, Third Floor.
7663/2013—Maripane, Matlou Andrica, 4809160612081, 78 Diphale Village, Driekop, Burgersfort; Mashobe Johannes
Maripane, 5106135243087 (Burgersfort; Polokwane).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
44665/2010—Van der Ryst, Johann Marius, 4208305029089 (Thabazimbi; Polokwane).—J F Van Graan & Van der
Watern, P.O. Box 107, Thabazimbi, 0380.
3485/2013—Molongwana, Maudi Gladys, 6405190273081; Phuti Stephen Molongwana, 5804045723087 (Mokopane;
Polokwane).—L J Kgomo Attorneys, 01127 Dudu Madisha Drive, Mokopane.
5076/2012—Maroba Felix Tladi, 3703055251082, 47 Zone A, Mankweng, 8 May 2012, First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account, 21 days (Polokwane).—PMK Tladi & Associates, Justice Place, 20 Schoeman Street (P.O. Box 849),
Polokwane, 0700 (Docex 42).
3035/2013—Seanego, Matome Cathberth, 6408245609085; Matome Jacksina Seanego, 7308120462080 (Polokwane;
Polokwane).—De Bruin Oberholzer Attorneys, 27 Joubert Street, Polokwane, 0699.
9992011EST001417-001367/2011—Mmoledi Lenas Mogane, 6210215059089, Stand No. 185, Shatale, Dated of death:
27/01/2011, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Polokwane).—PMK Tladi & Associates, Justice Place,
20 Schoeman Street (P.O. Box 849), Polokwane, 0700 (Docex 42).
6799/2013—Ferris, Jeanette Emma, 5512140120089 (Polokwane; Polokwane).—Elmarie Bierman Attorneys,
10B Church Street, Polokwane, 0699.
6763/2013—Du Plessis, Andries Matthys, 3509025016087, Maraba Plaas, District Polokwane, 21 days (Polokwane).—
FNB Trust Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102.
3720/2010—Silubane, Kashulane Wilson, 3804115361083, Mazembeni Village, Thulamashashe (Thulamashashe;
Polokwane).—C Wilsnach, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.
5766/2013—Mohlatlole, Mahitane Phineas, 6007105843089, Mantlane Village Mafefe, Thabamoopo; Jane Judith
Mohlatlole, 6401040557088. A.M. Mammile Attorneys, 130 Highveld Road, Mammile Law Chambers, Johannesburg.
022226/2014—Adam Johannes Morkel, 3 Desember 1930, 3012035011081, Modimolle, Limpopo Provinsie, Date of birth:
14 Mei 2014, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Modimolle; Polokwane).—Christel Bester, Posbus
895, Modimolle, 0510.
6917/08—Phorohlo Matheass, Mamogobo, 2601265183080, House No. 2007, Zone 2, Seshego, 12 May 2008, First and
Final Liquidation and Distribution, 21 days (Polokwane).—PMK Tladi & Associates, Justice Place, 20 Schoeman Street
(P.O. Box 849), Polokwane, 0700 (Docex 42).


3027/2013—Lingenfelder, Hester Catharina Lingenfelder, 2512210026086, Republiekstraat 62, Springbok, 8240,

1 Augustus 2014 (Springbok; Kimberley).—Schreuders, Posbus 15, Springbok, 8240.
2754/2012—Hendrikse, Anna Maria, 6206210091085, Ou Kloof, Springbok, 8240; Johannes Louw Hendrikse,
6003265005080, 1 Augustus 2014 (Springbok; Kimberley).—Schreuders, Posbus 15, Springbok, 8240.
2492/2012—Cloete, Christiaan Thomas, 5609075131089, Bergweg 2, Steinkopf; Johanna Martha Cloete,
5801270127063, 1 Augustus 2014 (Springbok; Kimberley).—Schreuders, Posbus 15, Springbok, 8240.
2492/2012—Cloete, Christiaan Thomas, 5609075131089, Bergweg 2, Steinkopf; Johanna Martha Cloete,
5801270127063, 1 Augustus 2014 (Springbok; Kimberley).—Schreuders, Posbus 15, Springbok, 8240.
1666/2013—Thakadu, Katriena, 4103130319088, 321 Senoana Second Street, Ipeleng, Kimberley, 8345, First and Final;
Towelo Daniel Thakadu, 4711155323080 (Kimberley).—Elliot Maris Wilmans & Hay, P.O. Box 179, Kimberley, 8300.
2241/2013—Esterhuizen, Susanna Magdalena, 4306210001084, Die Plaas Poortjie, Victoria-Wes, 7070 (Victoria-Wes;
Kimberley).—JF Van Wyk & Kie, Posbus 64, Victoria-Wes, 7070.
00126/2014—Knipe, Gertruida Elizabeth, 1808140017083, Huis Spes Bona, Douglas, Amended First and Final (Douglas;
Kimberley).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324.
3413/2012—Nelson, Willem Antonie, 2906075010088, Kamnap-Wes, Springbok; Jeremia Magdalena Nelson,
1 Augustus 2014 (Springbok; Kimberley).—Schreuders, Posbus 15, Springbok, 8240.
1352/2012—P.J. van der Walt, 3406125005088, Plaas Bullamon, Kuruman Distrik, 2012-05-24, Likwidasie- en
Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Kimberley; Kimberley).—AC van der Walt, Smitstraat 71, Potchefstroom, 2522.
811/2014—Pretorius, Agatha Maria, 3401090016087, 31 Grens Street, Jan Kempdorp, Amended First and Final (Jan
Kempdorp; Kimberley).—De Bruyn & Strauss Ing., 15 Christiaan De Wet Street (P.O. Box 256), Jan Kempdorp, 8550.
555/2013—Thomas, Astrid Yvonne, 3412060033085, 10 Sagar Road, Kimberley, 8301 (Kimberley).—CB Visser
Chartered Accountant (SA), 7 Diomedes Street, Kimberley.
1352/2012—van der Walt, Petrus Jacob, 3406125005088, Farm Bullamon-Kuruman District; Magdalena Aletta van der
Walt, 3406125005088 (Kimberley; Kimberley).—Y. Dekker, P.O. Box 20194, Noordbrug, 2522.

This gazette is also available free online at

STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 131

20118/2014—Mostert, Petrus Johannes, 4706125016087, Dikgal Farm Namakwaland, Kimberley (Kimberley; Northern
Cape).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd Bloemfontein, P.O. Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
2741/2012—Maki, John, 4501017891089, 132 Kagisho Street, Ipopeng, Kimberley, 8301 (Kimberley).—Engelsman
Magabane Ingelyf, Du Toitspanweg 80, Kimberley.
2748/2013—Modise, Olebogeng Joseph, 4509135156087, Abe Masisistraat 421, Ipeleng, Kimberley, 24976; Gladys
Boitumelo Modise, 4504250495089 (Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer,
h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
20530/2014—Wechoemang, George, 4702285605082, 164 Mathibe Street, Vergenoeg, Kimberley, 24951; Chopalelwe
Hanna Wechoemang, 5709150714088 (Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer,
h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
20671/2014—Jacobs, Johanna Linnette, 4802120054080, 11 Devilspeak Avenue, Carters Glen, Kimberley, 24975,
30 days (Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan,
Bloemfontein, 9301.
20721/2014—Smit, Elizabeth Isabella, 3804070016086, Marianstraat 9, Heuwelsig, Kimberley, 25044, 30 days
(Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan,
Bloemfontein, 9301.
3210/2013—Rodger, Noreen Patton, 2505100038088, 44 Central Road. Beaconsfield, Kimberley, 24325 (Kimberley).—
ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
438/2014—Van der Linde, Gieljam Johannes, 3404225003087, 11 Croxford Crescent, Kimberley, 8301, 24747; Martha
Magrietha van der Linde, 3712200003082, 30 days (Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste
Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
20597/2014—Faber, Olivera, 6804120203087, Erikalaan No. 41, Upington, 8801, 25004; Peter Conrad Lewis Faber,
6611165168087 (Upington; Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron &
Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.
139/2014—Gweyi, Martha Nozonela, 5804170340087, Cilliersstraat 2, De Aar, 7000, 24858, 30 days (De Aar;
Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan,
Bloemfontein, 9301.
1706/2013—Esterhuizen, Daniel Johannes Rossouw, 3605205016085, Kouberg Plaas, Springbok, 8240, Eerste en
Finale, 21 dae (Springbok; Kimberley).—Dippenaar Ellis Bk, Posbus 120, Springbok, 8240.
2242/2013—Smith, Charles Pulfrey, 5807225118085, 52 De Villiers Street, De Aar (De Aar; Kiimberley).—Rossouw &
Conradie Ing., h/a Rossouws Prokureurs, Posbus 7595, Bloemfontein, 9300.


4714/2013—Moletsane, Setshego Caroline, 6609280925084, House 6848, Boitekong X3, Rustenburg, First and Final
(Rustenburg; Mmabatho).—Van Velden-Duffey Incorporated, Private Bag X82082, Rustenburg, 0300.
1341/2013—Leoto, Goitseone Ishmael, 6212046005083, 2760 Sidgordon Street, Unit 9, Mmabatho, 2735, First and
Final; Seena Sylvia Loeto, 6609251026086 (Mafikeng).—Chris Maritz Attorney, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745.
20422/2014—Xaba, Chabalala Jacobus, 5501125484081, 13 Kudu Ave, Rustenburg North, 0299, First and Final;
Moshekoa Lydia Xaba, 6202260364084 (Rustenburg; Mafikeng).—Chris Maritz Attorney, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745.
126/2014—Modisakeng, Kaleba Piet, 6701026488087, 10313 Springbokpan Village, First and Final (Mafikeng).—Chris
Maritz Attorney, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745.
95/2014—Janse van Rensburg, Yvonne Esther, 3908080026082, 80 Scooch Str, Leeudoringstad (North West,
Mmabatho).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd., Bloemfontein, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.
849/2014—Koekemoer, Sophoa Dorothea, 4611100192087, Van Onselinstraat 37, Neserhof, Klerksdorp (Klerksdorp;
Mmabatho).—Old Mutual Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324.
2621/2009—Molosiwa, Kooagile Hansteng, 7109236017085, Erf 6573, Unit 14, Mmabatho, First and Final (Mafikeng).—
Chris Maritz Attorney, Private Bag X2013, Mafikeng, 2745.
1665/2011—Moses, Basil, 6605265211086, 46 Daisy Street, Promosa, Potchefstroom (Potchefstroom; Mafikeng).—Chris
Maritz Attorney, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745.
1717/2014—De KLerk, Andries Petrus, 4206115038084, Mount Tuscan 13, Ottostraat, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp;
Magdeline Antonetta de Klerk, 4305260017081 (Klerksdorp; Mmabatho).—Gielie Benade Prokureurs.
12350/2013—Human, Johanna Petronella, 5705170032089, Koorsboomlaan, 9 Proteapark, Rustenburg; John
Christopher Human, 5603035111083 (Rustenburg; North West).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Bloemfontein, PO Box 12619,
Brandhof, 9324.
20403/2014—Smit, Andries Adriaan, 4101115031082, Francois Str. 70, Potchefstroom (Potchefstroom; Mmabatho).—
FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Bloemfontein, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.

This gazette is also available free online at


020875/2014—Bole, Makaimang John, 5210115800088, Lotlhakane, First and Final; Ntebogang Ruth Bole,
5801200715080 (Mafikeng).—Chris Maritz Attorney, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745.
1594/2014—Mokgatlha, Kedigoletse Abraham, 2805175184084, 4004 Puaneng Section, Gopane, First and Final
(Lehurutshe; Mafikeng).—Chris Maritz Attorney, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745.
6523/2010—Legoabe, Hlophane Mathews, 3802175306089, House No. 2427, Unit 1, Mmabatho, Mahikeng, date of
death: 8 July 2010; Nteba Onica Legoabe, 4008070494082 (Molopo; Mafikeng).—RS Tau Attorneys, Shop No. 5 43 Shippard
Street, Shasons Center, Mafikeng, 2745.
7972/2013—Tau, Tsietsie Abram, 3803145277087, House No. 4165 Tladi Street, Ikageng Loc, Potchefstroom, date of
death: 27 June 2013. RS Tau Attorneys, Shop No. 5 43 Shippard Street, Shasons Center, Mafikeng, 2745.
6060/12—Antonie Johannes Paul Botes, 2806275042081, Plaas Palmietfontein, Distrik Ventersdorp, Likwidasie- en
Distribusierekening; Getruida Johanna Botes, 3107110031085 , 21 dae (Ventersdorp; Mmabatho).—PJ.L. Van Zyl
Rekenmeester, Hoewe Soetdorings, Posbus 765, Potchefstroom, 2520.
11033/2013—Van der Merwe, Magdalena Sussanna, 4504140036085; Petrus Jacobus van der Merwe, 4405165042083
(Rustenburg; Mmabatho).—DW Wenhold, c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., 144 Kerk Street, Private Bag X82105, Rustenburg,
20793/2013—Niemand, Petrus Marthinus, 3112085020089, 107 Ian Street, Flimieda, Supplementary; Hester Lousya van
der Walt Niemand, 3104180064088 (Klerksdorp; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.


17302/2008—Chiddy, Peter, 2205175009086, 20 Pinewood Village, University Drive, Pinelands, Western Cape,
Supplementary First & Final (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Aliwal Road Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 53279, Kenilworth, 7745.
22965/2014—Herman, Dinah Maria Petronella, 2011200090087 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Minde Schapiro Smith, PO Box
4040, Tygervalley, 7536.
11678/2003—Andrew, Hendrik Andrias, 3208135069082, Rosettastraat 52, Avondale, Atlantis; Mieta Andrew,
4805110122080 (Bellville; Kaapstad).
10483/2013—Watling, Susan Ruth, 5409060160106, 7 Rue Valeur Belaire Estate, Somerset West, 7130 (Somerset
West).—Schliemann Incorporated, PO Box 1503, Somerset West, 7129.
18200/2012—Myerson, Nathan Abraham, 3308295027084, 12 Nautilus, Mossel Bay, 6500, Supplementary First and
Final (Mosselbaai; Cape Town).—Rauch Gertenbach Inc, PO Box 54, Mossel Bay, 6500.
3799/2014—Breytenbach, Johanna Beatrice, 3612120062087, Hartenrus Aftree-Oord Eenheid No. 6, Hartenbos;
Esteban Burger Breytenbach, 3609055015080 (Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—Oosthuizen, Marais & Pretorius, Urban Attic Gebou,
Siouxstraat 4, Voorbaai, Mosselbaai.
1492/2014—Aysen, Charles, 2510245062084 (Bellville; Cape Town).—J Pretorius Attorneys, 50 Ararat Crescent,
Mitchell’s Plain, 7785.
14326/2013—Heyligers van Dooren, Sidney, 3012135083089, PO Box 155, Century City, 7446; Francina Katrina
Heyligers van Dooren, 3303140050084 (Bellville; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 155, Century City, 7446.
1287/2014—Britton, Afiya, 2805300076080, 8 Rigoletto Crescent, Eastridge, Mitchell’s Plain (Mitchell’s Plain; Cape
Town).—Parker Holt Inc, 5 Ernest Road, Rylands Estate, 7764.
1287/2014—Britton, Afiya, 2805300076080, 8 Rigoletto Crescent, Eastridge, Mitchell’s Plain (Mitchell’s Plain; Cape
Town).—Parker Holt Inc, 5 Ernest Road, Rylands Estate, 7764.
1287/2014—Britton, Afiya, 2805300076080, 8 Rigoletto Crescent, Eastridge, Mitchell’s Plain (Mitchell’s Plain; Cape
Town).—Parker Holt Inc, 5 Ernest Road, Rylands Estate, 7764.
4902/2012—Cornelius, Malie, 5110220145082, Langstraat 13, Vredendal, 8160; Lesley Harry Cornelius, 5802125130082
(Vredendal; Kaapstad).—Swanepoel & Swanepoel, Posbus 12, Vredendal.
15248/2012—Lawton, David Dendy Lawton, 5107255159087, 10 Sillery Road, Bergvliet (Wynberg; Cape Town).—
Rhiannon Thomas & Associates, PO Box 44533, Claremont, Cape Town, 7735.
816/2013—Ryklief, Jolaiga, 27122790241084, Liquidation & Distribution Account (Mitchell’s Plain; Cape Town).—Kilfy
Incorporated, 212 Rosmead Avenue, Wynberg, 7800.
3720/2014—Pettit, Stephanus Johannes Petrus, 4008205041089, Carolinastraat 6, Denneburg, Paarl, 7646; Johanna
Catharina Jacoba Pettit, 5111140035080 (Paarl; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground
Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
11921/2012—Fernandez, Graham George, 4406105099084; Margaretha Fernandez, 5008060112081 (Paarl; Cape
1800/2014—Haupt, Gerald Jeremia Haupt, 5610285031085, Van Goghsingel 34, Malibu Village, Blue Downs; Myra
Audrey Haupt, 5704220012084 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—Heyns & Vennote Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.
6905/2013—Milner, Charmaine Joy, 7504220178085, 39 Groeveld Avenue, Bothasig, First and Final, 21 days
(Goodwood; Cape Town).—Neil Barton Attorneys, 305 House Vincent, Wynberg Mews, 10 Ebenezer Road, Wynberg.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 133

12018/2011—Rabie, Johannes Wilhelm, 2603205029084, Section 22, Onrus Manor, Onrustrivier (Hermanus; Cape
Town).—The Executor, c/o Anneli van Zyl Attorneys, PO Box 896, Kleinmond, 7195.
4713/2013—Sean Andrew Terry, 6404255347080, 53 Constantia Main Road, Constantia, Western Cape, 27 February
2013 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2nd Floor, Buchanan’s Chambers, cnr Warwick Street & Pearce
Road, Claremont.
13847/2012—Morton, Denise, 5012010068088, 4 Sarazen Road, Westwood Village, Sunningdale, Western Cape (Cape
Town).—Greenberg & Associates, M9, Mezzanine Floor, Gardens Centre, Mill Street, Cape Town.
13590/2013—Bruintjies, Aubrey Archibald, 4109225073084, Growerstraat 15, Le Valia, George, 20200 (George; Cape
Town).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road,
Greenacres, 6045.
2166/2014—Van Deventer, Elmien, 7608110018085, Vleilandsingel 11, Sonkring, Brackenfell, 7560 (Kuilsrivier; Cape
Town).—Rossouw and Partners, PO Box 455, Welkom, 9460.
5350/2006—Mitton, Ronald John Toft, 3401035016085, 7 Noordhoek View, Silvermine, Noordhoek, Cape Town, Western
Cape, Amended (Cape Town; Cape Town).—LJW Wheeler & Co., 43 Scouts Place, Pinelands, Cape Town, 7405.
11505/2013—Carver, Alan, 3405305115188 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Cape Independent Newspapers, Cape Town, 8000.
11505/2013—Carver, Alan, 3405305115188 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Cape Independent Newspapers, Cape Town, 8000.
15535/2012—Rebstein, Brinley Woldemar Frank, 3811135082086, Farm Rheenendal, Swellendam, First and Final,
21 days (Swellendam; Cape Town).—BD Streicher, PO Box 57, Swellendam, 6740.
11951/2013—Rogers, Andrew Michael, 705274903, 16 Zante, Hill Road, Simonstown (Simonstown; Cape Town).—
African Mutual Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3339, Paarl, 7620.
16276/2013—Botha, Elizabeth Johanna Magdalena, 2908010061085, Siekeboeg, Oude Renbaan, Paarl (Paarl;
Kaapstad).—Riana Lemmer Ingelyf, Posbus 9, Strand, 7139.
17565/2013—Warwick, Algene Mary, 3405050033081, 102 Ivan Hampshire Place, 231 Main Road, Newlands (Wynberg;
Cape Town).—Morkel & De Villiers inc, PO Box 43, Somerset West, 7129.
15031/2013—De Vos, Jims Andries Jakob de Vos, 3910025106086, Gousblomstraat 19, Beaufort-Wes; Rachel de Vos,
4403020074086 (Beaufort-Wes; Kaapstad).—Crawfords Attorneys, 36 Donkin Street or PO Box 25, Beaufort West, 6970.
20142/2014—Jano, Mohamed Sadick, 4906095102087, 22 Buckingham Road, Plumstead, 7800, First and Final, 21 days
(Wynberg; Cape Town).—De Klerk & Van Gend Inc., 2 Oakdale Road, Claremont.
9799/2007—Williams, Wilhelmina Elena, 2010300084081 (Wellington; Cape Town).—De Villiers & Schreve Prokureurs,
Fonteinstraat 29, Wellington, 7655.
13114/2014—Foot, Phillipina Hendrika, 3011010056087 (Parow; Cape Town).—De Villiers & Schreve Prokureurs,
Fonteinstraat 29, Wellington, 7655.
6590/2013—Van Heerden, Alwyn Jakobus, 5801115073088, Strandsig 204, Kusweg, Strand, 7140 (Strand; Kaapstad).—
JH Engelbrecht Prokureurs, Millstraat 105, Strand, 7140.
15406/2013—Theron, Aletta Petronella, 2108240042084, Huis Verdie, 7 Legato, Ibisstraat, Durbanville (Bellville;
Kaapstad).—JH Engelbrecht Prokureurs, Millsstraat 105, Strand, 7140.
17590/2013—Christian, Ganief, 1704215088085 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Y. Mpatel & Company, 17 London Road, Salt
River, 7925.
12215/2013—Smith, Gertruida Jacoba, 3011240036081, Rooystraat 15, Potchefstroom; Cecil Rhodes Smith,
3901125017083 (Potchefstroom; Kaapstad).—Heyns & Vennote Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.
14218/2013—Carstens, Lewies, 2808195023084, De Wetstraat 90, Vrijzee, 7460; Beatrix Susanna Carstens,
3302190009081 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Legatus Trust, Cascades I, Tyger Waterfront, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530;
PO Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536.
11432/2010—Stemmet, Berendina Carelina Magdalena, 4504300089080, Amandellaan 8, Montagu (Montagu;
Kaapstad).—Van Zyl & Hofmeyr, Posbus 8, Montagu.
13956/2013—Oosthuizen, Elizabeth Petronella, 2904080050082, Smitlaan 40, Velddrif; Jechemus Petrus Oosthuizen,
3302225009007 (Laaiplek; Kaapstad).—Swemmer & Levin, Hoofweg 83, Saldanha.
20469/2014—Steyn, Jacomina Hendrina, 3306190088086, Meerlust 794, Willowglen (Pretoria; Kaapstad).—Heyns &
Vennote Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.
11360/2013—Furstenberg, Jacob Petrus Du Toit, 3409045027083, Huis Vergenoegd, Paarl, 21 dae (Paarl; Kaapstad).—
Lewis Coetzee & Truter, Kerkstraat 27 (Posbus 30), Wellinton, 7654.
20272/2014—Van Eeden, Jan Cilliers, 4611285022083, Olienlaan 1, Bonnievale, 6730 (Bonnievale; Kaapstad).—
Van Niekerk & Linde Prokureurs, Posbus 49, Bonnievale, 6730.
14285/2013—Bloom, Abraham, 2701055039086, 8ste Laan No. 5, De Oude Renbaan, Paarl, 7646 (Paarl; Kaapstad).—
Van Wyk Fouchee Ingelyf, Hoofstraat 281, Paarl, 7646.
919/2011—Valentine, Michael Ronald, 4301225051083, 18 Curtis Street, Rocklands, Mitchells Plein, Cape Town, First
and Final, 21 days (Mitchells Plein; Cape Town).—Schrueder Inc. Attorneys, 168 Rosmead Avenue, Kenilworth, Cape Town,
12142/2003—Jaffer, Fatima, 11 May 1912, 61 and 63 Batts Road, Wynberg, Cape Town, First and Final, 21 days
(Wynberg; Cape Town).—Schrueder Inc. Attorneys, 168 Rosmead Avenue, Kenilworth, Cape Town, 8000.
7131/2013—Valentine, Cecilia, 4703300505083, 18 Curtis Street, Rocklands, Cape Town, First and Final, 21 days
(Mitchells Plein; Cape Town).—Schrueder Inc. Attorneys, 168 Rosmead Avenue, Kenilworth, Cape Town, 8000.

This gazette is also available free online at


16455/2013—Jaxa, Lennox, 7407215622085 (Mossel Bay; Cape Town).—G. J. Williams Attorneys, George Multi Centre,
Rooms 12-13, 104 Meade Street, George, 6530.
16455/2013—Jaxa, Lennox, 7407215622085 (Mossel Bay; Cape Town).—G. J. Williams Attorneys, George Multi Centre,
Rooms 12-13, 104 Meade Street, George, 6530.
3705/2014—Jannie Arendse, 6712126274087, Nkanistraat 28990, Wallacedene, Kraaifontein, Eerste en Finale
Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—G. M. Mostert, Mostert & Vennote, Prokureurs vir
Eksekuteur, 9de Laan 192, Kraaifontein, 7570.
17833/2013—Wartenberg, Maureen Gertrude, 3207070079080, 10 Riverside Place, Alnwick Road, Diep River, 7945
(Wynberg; Cape Town).—Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc, P.O. Box 695, Cape Town, 8000.
13790/2013—Kirby, Eileen Nancy, 2712210079180, Unit ALU12, View Du Cap, Table View (Cape Town).—Rabie & Rabie
Attorneys, P.O. Box 101, Milnerton.
11665/2013—Jan Nicolaas Christoffel van Zyl, 4010305059086, 5 The Breakers, Skegnessweg, Summerstrand,
Port Elizabeth, died at Port Elizabeth on 20 July 2013, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days
[Port Elizabeth (New Law Court); Master of the Supreme Court, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division at Cape Town].—
JP van Zyl Inc Attorneys, Attorney for Executor/Agent, 5th Floor, Ashersons Chambers, 34 Plein Street, Cape Town, 8000.
13790/2013—Kirby, Eileen Nancy, 2712210079180, Unit ALU12, View Du Cap, Table View (Cape Town).—Rabie & Rabie
Attorneys, P.O. Box 101, Milnerton.
5319/2012—Marius Thorpe, 8402115226086, ongetroude krygspraktisyn, Golden Valley 10, Blanco, George, oorlede is te
Ladysmith op 24-02-2011, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (George; Kaapstad).—Me. Olga Delport,
Jordaan Louw & Vennote, Stadco-gebou (Suite 5), Yorkstraat 126, George, 6529.
16168/2013—Bachmann, Bernard Ronald George, 3706165078089, 28—7th Avenue, Retreat, First and Final (Wynberg;
Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.
6340/2013—Coetzee, Leslie Reginald, 3603265259083; Minnie Jacoba Coetzee, 320226238083 (Wynberg; Cape
Town).—Van der Ross and Motala Inc, 55 Plein Street, Cape Town.
5174/2013—Duiker, Gertruida, 4107020036082; Mattheus Leon Duiker, 4107085093085 (Kuils River; Cape Town).—
Van der Ross and Motala Inc, 55 Plein Street, Cape Town.
22958/2014—Leibrandt, Joseph Peter, 6102185198080, 15 Abbotsbury Lane, Grassy Park, 7941, First and Final; Sharon
Anita Leibrandt, 6008250119085 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
1684/2014—Gray, Brian Vaughn, 4404125111088 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Private Client Trust (Pty) Ltd, 46 Main Road,
Claremont, 7708.
4160/2014—Dunn, Henry Robert, 5008025174085, Elizabeth Roosstraat 9, Ysterplaat, 7405 (Kaapstad).—Bindeman
Prokureurs, Posbus 43663, Heuwelsig, 9332; Bompartstraat 6, Bloemfontein, 9301.
1740/2014—Borman, Johannes Jurgens, 3105195011089, 35 Rifle Rangeweg, Thornton (Goodwood; Kaapstad).—
Visagie Vos, Posbus 90, Goodwood, 7459.
6916/2012—Jackson, Douglas Barry, 3611215067084, 4 Elm Close, Silverglades, Fish Hoek, Second Amended First and
Final, 21 days (Cape Town).—Guthrie & Colananni, P.O. Box 22087, Fish Hoek, 7974.
9928/2009—Francis, Andrew Jacobus, 5203075914080, 158 Angela Street, Valhalla Park, 7490; Dinah Yvonne Irene
Francis, 5209040823082 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Karbary Attorneys, P.O. Box 47, Gatesville, 7766.
9928/2009—Francis, Andrew Jacobus, 5203075914080, 158 Angela Street, Valhalla Park, 7490; Dinah Yvonne Irene
Francis, 5209040823082 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Karbary Attorneys, P.O. Box 47, Gatesville, 7766.
23875/2014—Mostert, Patrizia, 5508010187083, Van Niekerkstraat 27, Strand, 7140, Eerste en Finale; Nicolaas Eduaard
Mostert, 4801255020080 (Strand; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
12709/2013—Johannes de Goede, 3909295107089, Uniestraat 14, Parow Valley, sterfdatum: 10 August 2013; getroud
binne gemeenskap van goed; Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Parow; Kaapstad).—Nexus Legal
Consultants CC, Posbus 164, Cape Gate, 7562.
16435/2012—Khotoo, Janap Baya, 3806210121080, 43 Gamsa Street, Bellmore Park, Rylands Estate, 7764 (Athlone;
Cape Town).
5959/2013—Vraagom, Helena, 5305100142080; Robert Vraagom, 5404275140084 (Vredenburg; Cape Town).—
Schoeman & Hamman Inc., 13 Mark Street, Vredenburg, 7380.
17607/2013—Kreel, Pamela Yvonne, 4201090040080, 205 Palm Beach, Cassel Road, Sea Point, Western Cape,
23 November 2013 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2nd Floor, Buchanan’s Chambers, cnr Warwick
Street & Pearce Road, Claremont.
4553/2010—Alan Rodney Meyer, 4004295026080, 34 Loop Road, Long Acres, Langebaan, Amended First & Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Langebaan; Cape Town).—Garlicke & Bousfield Inc, P.O. Box 1219, Umhlanga
Rocks, 4320.
20099/2014—Le Roux, Engelbert Lenzz, 6308245111084, Kasteelsingel 19, Tygerdal, 7460, Eerste en Finale; Dalene
Monique le Roux, 6908010058087 (Goodwood; Kaapstad).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
21149/2014—Engelbrecht, Johannes Cornelis, 4205275037084 (Moorreesburg; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services,
P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.
8539/2013—Snyders, Lukas, 4510195115088, Tweede Laan No. 9, Caledon (Caledon; Cape Town).—Guthrie & Theron,
P.O. Box 17, Caledon, 7230.
5270/2013—Sadan, Mogamat Foaird, 4504225497087, 57 Delia Road, Grassy Park, 7941; Rashida, Sadan,
4709100145087 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Karbary Attorneys, P.O. Box 47, Gatesville, 7766.
11327/04—Deftereos Efthimios, 3311145159180, 54 Robberg Bay, Western Cape, Fourth Amended First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account (Plettenberg Bay; Cape Town).—BSR Burt Attorneys, 68 Tregoning Street, Linksfield,
Johannesburg, 2192.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 135

14163/2012—Hörnemann, Johannes Hendrik, 4203165050085, Bosduifstraat 42, Bergsig, George; Hester Susanna
Hörnemann, 4809150660082 (George; Kaapstad).—Johan Sloet en Burger Prokureurs, Posbus 9602, George.
12217/2013—Alwyn Ignatius Bierman, 2911035009089, Unit 18, Onrus Manor Retirement Village, Chanteclaire Ave,
Onrusrivier, Hermanus, 7200, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Hermanus; Cape Town).—
Niflas Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 1 Caledon Street, George, 6529.
17336/2013—Ackermann, Joan, 3109180042083, 536 Sea Point Place, Sea Point (Cape Town; Cape Town).—FNB Trust
Services, PO Box 155, Century City, 7446.
021100/14—Dresner, Alan, 2806135065082, 1306 Reynard Hall, 48 Goldreich Street, Hillbrow, 2001 (Johannesburg;
Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 155, Century City, 7446.
2555/2014—Du Toit, Magdalena Gloudina Catherina, 2904110006088, Ametis Aftree-Oord No. 204, Gordonsbaaiweg 4,
Strand, 7140, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Strand; Kaapstad).—Loretta Hayward Prokureurs,
1ste Vloer, Goeie Hoop Gebou, Pleinstraat 23, Stellenbosch, 7600.
951/2014—Goldman, Betty Ann, 3009210064083 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—J K W Crowhurst, Bisset Boehmke McBlain,
11th Floor, Triangle House, Riebeek Street, Cape Town, 8001.
10918/2013—Van Taak, Jan Harmse, 5304095004082, Panoramaweg 24, Swellendam; Anna Susanna van Taak,
5005080051083 (Swellendam; Kaapstad).—LB Vorster, Posbus 250, Hermanus, 7200.
13823/2013—De Bruyn, Christiaan Jozua, 2901115029081, Heritage Manor 214, Somerset Wes, 7130, Eerste & Finale,
21 dae (Somerset Wes; Kaapstad).—Steyn Coetzee, Posbus 2538, Paarl, 7620.
2221/2013—Eksteen, Sophia, 2711140074089, Gertzestraat 15, Worcester, Wes-Kaap (Worcester; Kaapstad).—Miller
Bosman Le Roux, Posbus 880, Somerset Mall, 7137.
20943/2014—Theron, Albertus Johannes, 4308105011087; Wilhelmina Margaretha Theron, 5809280067082
(Worcester; Cape Town).—Doman Attorneys Inc, 49 Riebeeck Street, Worcester.
14317/2013—Malan, Hilda Aletta, 2609160045080, Serenata Kompleks No. 34, Addystraat, Wellington, 7645 (Parl;
Kaapstad).—Van Wyk Fouche Ingelyf, Hoofstraat 281, Paarl, 7646.
13004/2012—Vraagom, Robert, 5404275140084 (Vredenburg; Cape Town).—Schoeman & Hamman Inc, 13 Mark Street,
Vredenburg, 7380.
4162/2014—Prins, Jan, 3305295069082 (Vredenburg; Cape Town).—Schoeman & Hamman Inc, 13 Mark Street,
Vredenburg, 7380.
17756/2012—Cilliers, Erica Somerset, 1808290028088, 70 9de Laan, Boston, 7530, First and Final (Bellville; Cape
Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324.
17756/2012—Cilliers, Erica Somerset, 1808290028088, 70 9de Laan, Boston, 7530, First and Final (Bellville; Cape
Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324.
10344/2013—Du Plessis, Catherina Elizabeth Nel, 1811050008084, Pleinstraat 10, Sutherland (Worcester; Cape
Town).—H A Conradie & Partners Inc., 23 Stockenström Street, Worcester, 6850.
1729/2008—Gray, Melvyn Roberts, 4510175098080; Rosaline Cornelia Gray (Wynberg Magisterial; Cape Town).—
Petersen’s Attorneys, 17 Old Klipfontein Road, Athlone, Western Cape, 7764; PO Box 474, Athlone, Western Cape, 7760.
16912/2011—Jordaan, Johannes Hendrik, 3608265014081, Plaas Quadu, De Doorns (Worcester; Kaapstad).—MG
Lochner, Posbus 7114, Noorder, Paarl.
7229/2013—Nortje, Margaret Farrar, 3605030083086, Amended First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account
(Goodwood; Cape Town).—MacCallums, 6A Rowan Lane, Kenilworth, 7708.
17008/2010—Shaakumeni, Daniel, 7205235896089, 5 Jacaranda Street, Scottsville, Kraaifontein, 7570 (Kuilsriver; Cape
Town).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 155, Century City, 7446.
11750/2007—Gihwala, Harish, 5102125075084, Prins Arthurweg 8, Lansdowne, 7780; Jean Ellen Gihwala,
5308160027084 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Legatus Trust, Cascades I Tyger Waterfront, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530; PO
Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536.
3838/2012—Jabaar, Magmoet, 5512155015083 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Bisset Boehmke McBlain Attorneys, PO
Box 76, Cape Town.
4554/2014—Cole, John Graham, 450225083181, 86 Grenache Close, Vel Du Vie Estate, Paarl, First and and Final (Paarl;
Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.
4047/2012—Ratsibe, Nondileko Gloria, 8201061054082 (Kuilsriver; Cape Town).—Bisste Boehmke McBlain Attorneys,
PO Box 76, Cape Town, 8000.
3642/2014—Brittan, Anne Wood, 3204160031089, 82 Ravenscourt Road, Riverglade Retirement Village, Milnerton, First
and Final (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town.
17158/2013—Gonneau, Vernon Francis, 3002175004087, 9 Ringwood Drive, Pinelands, First and Final (Goodwood;
Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Limted, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.
13431/2013—John Brandon Morris, 6805065023083, 3 Alphen Glade, 23 Upper Mountain Road, Somerset West, 7130,
died on: 31 August 2013, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Somerset West; Cape Town).—C J van
Druten attorneys, PO Box 3388, Somerset West, 7129.
5740/2012—Mulder, Abraham Jacobus, 3801275013082; Gertruida Wilhelmina Johan Mulder (Bonnievale; Kaapstad).—
Van Zyl & Hofmeyr, Posbus 8, Montagu.
24534/2014—Uys, Hester Helena Hermina, 2110150016082, Fairtrees Aftree-Oord 81, Kingfisherweg, Durbanville, 7550,
Eerste en Finale (Bellville; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

This gazette is also available free online at


6559/2013—De Graad, Karen Yvette, 5209160122083, Brenda Drive 13, Christaville Estate, Sonstraal Hights, First and
Final (Bellville; Cape Town).—PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3335, Tyger Valley, 7536.
16893/2008—Claasen, Gawa, 3010140285087, 1 Sumatra Close, Portlands, Mitchells Plain, Supplementary First and
Final (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.
1850/2014—Martin, William, 1504245040084, Peers Village, Fish Hoek, 7975, First and Final (Simonstown; Cape
Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.
15492/2013—Marais, Jacobus Gert, 5508085135082, 16 Perry Street, Parow, 7500, First and Final (Cape Town).—
PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3335, Tyger Valley, 7536.
20870/2014—Neethling, Wilhelmina Cecilia, 3211200036085, Aristea Woonstel 3, Queenstraat 5, Durbanville; Sarel
Christoffel Neethling, 3105165016084 (Durbanville; Kaapstad).—Heyns & Vennote Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.
15492/2013—Marais, Jacobus Gert, 5508085135082, 16 Perry Street, Parow, 7500, First and Final (Parow;
Cape Town).—PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3335, Tyger Valley, 7536.
6559/2013—De Graad, Karen Yvette, 5209160122083, Brenda Drive 13, Christaville Estate, Sonstraal Hights, First and
Final (Bellville; Cape Town).—PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3335, Tyger Valley, 7536.
7169/2013—Loftus, Hermance Julie, 1707190040104 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Butler Blackenberg Nielsen Safodien
Inc, 21 Belmont Road, Tannery Park, Rondebosch, 7700.
21065/2014—Henning, Willem Barend Fourie, 4604125088083; Valerie Denise Henning, 5004150019088 (Mosselbaai;
Kaapstad).—Marnus Ferreira, Da Gamastraat 10, Da Nova, Mosselbaai, 6506.
6643/2013—Kuperman, Israel Ben-Zion, 2108185073086, Brenthurst Lodge, 7-9-11 Brent Road, Plumstead, Cape Town,
First and Final, 21 days (Cheryl Hammerschlag, 1505 Grosvenor Court, 41 Snell Parade, Durban, 4001.
21764/2014—Geldenhuys, Martha Magdalena Johanna Petronella, 4002010059089, Kerkstraat 124, Parow, 7500;
Pieter Daniel Geldenhuys, 3601035043084 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
8506/2013—Heyns, Louis, 5307145061085, Kehrwiedersingel 15, Welgelegen, Parow, 7500, Tweede en Finale (Bellville;
Kaapstad).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
6278/2012—Ould, Shirley Denise, 5103120082083, 19 Muirfield Road, Oakhill, Sunningdale, 7441, First and Final (Cape
Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.
4974/2013—Nxele, Rosline Kolisa, 5303290636086, 186 Family Hostels, Zweletemba, Worcester; Zoyize Washington
Nxele, 4807315386080 (Worcester; Cape Town).—Meyer & Botha Attorneys, 102 Russel Street, Worcester.
20961/2014—Nel, Ockert Guillaume, 2904155041081, Herfsvreugde Tehuis, Bonnievale, 6730 (Bonnievale;
Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville,
4314/2014—Peterson, Cecil Harold, 3912215090088 (Knysna; Cape Town).—Alice Le Roux Ingelyf, PO Box 788,
Oudtshoorn, 6620.
5418/2013—Varty, Joan Monica, 5710200853082 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Gideon Truter Attorneys, PO Box 13834,
N1 City, 7463.
709/2014—Erwee, Jacobus Michael, 3305185010089, Huis Marie Louw, Faganstraat, Somerset-Wes, 21 dae (Somerset-
Wes; Kaapstad).—Du Plessis & Hofmeyr Ing, Suite 4, 1st Floor, Waterstone Village Office Building, c/o Main Road & R44,
Somerset West, 7130.
5626/2013—Hartman, Sidney Cornelius, 6102055083081, Keurboomstraat 221, Bella Vista, Ceres, Eerste en Finale;
Yolanda Alicia Hartman, 6107250192082 (Ceres; Kaapstad).—Klaasen Ingelyf, Voortrekkerstraat 60, Ceres, 6835.
8774/2013—Du Toit, Charl Gabriel de Kock, 2807075033080, Aandblomstraat 10, Stilbaai, 6674 (Riversdal;
Kaapstad).—MC du Toit, Eksekutrise, p/a MJ Vermeulen (Agent vir Eksekutrise), MJ Vermeulen Ingelyf, Pres CR Swartstraat
20, Posbus 493, Riversdal, 6670.
5121/2012—Mvani, Thandiswa, 8505280979089, No. 24 Maurice Road, Kuils River; Nolita Kose, 7309050240082,
21 days (Kuils River; Cape Town).—Mfazi Kose Attorneys, 1st Floor, Suite 103, No. 47 On Strand Street, Cape Town, 8001.
16819/2013—Vundla, Sibongile Grace, 6906071018081, 18 Wavern Lindida, Stellenbosch, First and Final, 21 days
(Stellenbosch; Cape Town).—Saunders Venter Van der Watt, 1 Lourensford Road, Somerset West, 7130.
2538/2012—Matyesini, Milford MA, 6401016722088, No. 34 Mbukwana Street, Litha Park, Khayelitsha; Nolita Kose,
7309050240082, 21 days (Khayelitsha; Cape Town).—Mfazi Kose Attorneys, 1st Floor, Suite 103, No. 47 On Strand Street,
Cape Town, 8001.
2255/2010—Datnow, John Asher, 31 July 1939, IMM Victoria B/18 3963 Crans Montana Valais, Switzerland (Durban;
Cape Town).—DD Kemp, c/o Strauss Daly Inc Balsilles, PO Box 23016, Claremont, 7735.
7957/2012—Visser, Andre, 4310275051083, Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Atlantis;
Cape Town).—Minitzers Attorneys for Executors, 2nd Floor, Arcade House, 43 Lady Grey Street, Paarl.
14294/2013—Smal, Sara Susanna, 2409070027082, Huis Mostertshoek, Eeufeesstraat, Wolseley, First (Wolseley;
Kaapstad).—E. le Roux, Vorster & Steyn, Mitchellstraat 16, Posbus 500, Hermanus, 7200.
4128/2014—Zwart, Johannes Jurgens, 3805255030081, Hannes Louwrylaan 48, De Tijger (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Denys
Stroebel Prokureurs, 1ste Vloer, Die Fakkel Sentrum, Cambridgestraat, Durbanville.
24018/2014—Roberts, Martin, 3707165032084, Skakelstraat 42, Bellville, 7530, Eerste en Finale (Bellville; Cape
Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
10263/13—Fouche, Phillippus Johannes, 4811195066085, 8 Rue Belon, Somerset West, First & Final; Catherine Bazett
Fouche, 5307040034088, 21 days (Somerset West; Cape Town).—C Rutherford, PO Box 1867, Somerset West, 7129.

This gazette is also available free online at

STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 137

2538/2012—Matyesini, Milford MA, 6401016722088, No. 34 Mbukwana Street, Litha Park, Khayelitsha; Nolita Kose,
7309050240082, 21 days (Khayelitsha; Cape Town).—Mfazi Kose Attorneys, 1st Floor, Suite 103, No. 47 On Strand Street,
Cape Town, 8001.
5121/2012—Mvani, Thandiswa, 8505280979089, No. 24 Maurice Road, Kuils River; Nolita Kose, 7309050240082,
21 days (Kuils River; Cape Town).—Mfazi Kose Attorneys, 1st Floor, Suite 103, No. 47 On Strand Street, Cape Town, 8001.
2538/2012—Matyesini, Milford MA, 6401016722088, No. 34 Mbukwana Street, Litha Park, Khayelitsha; Nolita Kose,
7309050240082, 21 days (Khayelitsha; Cape Town).—Mfazi Kose Attorneys, 1st Floor, Suite 103, No. 47 On Strand Street,
Cape Town, 8001.
12691/2013—De Gouveia, Ernesto Goncalves, 3001315073184, “Kleinplaas” Winery Road, Firgrove, Somerset West,
First & Final, 21 days (Somerset West; Cape Town).—C Rutherford, PO Box 1867, Somerset West, 7129.
14479/2013—Leon Kritzinger, 27 Maart 1930, 3003275021088, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening,
21 dae (Joubertina; Kaapstad).—J Loubser, p.a. Mazars, Posbus 963, George, 6530.
22214/2014—Daley, Patricia Ruth, 2503170032081 (Cape Town; Hermanus).—Guthrie & Theron, 77 Main Road,
Hermanus 7200.
4449/2014—Van den Berg, Jacobus Coenraad, 4105315031081, Rozendalsingel 33, Kuilsrivier, 7580; Maria Magdalena
van den Berg, 4210160076080 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
21047/2014—Brand, Helena Alberta Compion, 2905140005081, Cederhof Tehuis, Clanwilliam (Clanwilliam;
Kaapstad).—Riana Lemmer Ingelyf, Posbus 9, Strand, 7139.
6635/2012—O’Connor, Dennis Malcom, 3105115059085, Murambi House, Wellington Avenue, Wynberg, First and Final;
Daphne Lorraine O’Connor, 3905050067088, 21 days (Wynberg; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services Pty Ltd, PO Box 27511,
Greenacres, 6057.
022962/2014—Moller, Hendrik Francois, 5812225091084, Tehuis vir Depressielyers, De La Hayelaan, De La Haye,
Bellville (Bellville; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
3945/2013—Botha, Kurt Emi, 6606125193084, First and Final (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Attorneys West & Rossouw,
33 Longboat Road, cnr Ou Kaapseweg, Sunnydale, 7975.
14770/2013—Burger, Maria Aletta Burger, 2401120008089, Hartenrus Aftree-Oord, h/v Winburg & Vegkoplane,
Hartenbos, 6520 (Mosselbay; Cape Town).—Du Toit Van den Heever Inc, 18 Schroder Street, Upington, 8801.
13604/2012—Van der Merwe, Alwyn Johannes, 3310175026087, plaas Hazenjacht, Oudtshoorn (Oudtshoorn;
Kaapstad).—Van der Merwe Miller Ingelyf, Buitekantstraat 10 (Posbus 284), Pofadder, 8890.
11982/2013—Van Rooyen, Bertha Augusta, 2504090010082 (Bellville; Cape Town).—H L Haasbroek, 23 Magasyn
Avenue, Kanonberg, Bellville, 7530.
10506/2012—Magdalena Kriel, 3708120061085, Daphne Hasenjagerstraat 17, Olympia, Windhoek, datum van afsterwe:
9 Maart 2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Robertson; Kaapstad).—E M van Coller, Mostert &
Bosman Prokureurs, Voortrekkerweg 125, Malmesbury, 7300.
10506/2012—Kriel, Magdalena, 3708120061085, Daphne Hasenjagerstraat 17, Olympia, Windhoek (Robertson;
Kaapstad).—Mostert & Bosman Prokureurs, Voortrekkerstraat 125, Malmesbury, 7300.
1929/2014—Barbara Lesley Hart, 4302240068086, 5 Hermon Road, Riebeek Kasteel, datum van afsterwe: 19 November
2013, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Malmesbury; Kaapstad).—E M van Coller, Mostert &
Bosman Prokureurs, Voortrekkerweg 125, Malmesbury, 7300.
1929/2014—Hart, Barbara Lesley, 4302240068086, 5 Hermon Road, Riebeek Kasteel (Malmesbury; Kaapstad).—
Mostert & Bosman Prokureurs, Voortrekkerweg 125, Malmesbury, 7300.
2420/2013—Phillips, Helene, 1906140051084, 45 Fourth Avenue, Ravensmead, Cape Town; John Phillips,
1412255246080 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Nawaal Cloete & Associates, PO Box 2303, Cape Town, 8000.
2419/2013—Phillips, John, 1412255246080, 45 Fourth Avenue, Ravensmead, Cape Town (Bellville; Cape Town).—
Nawaal Cloete & Associates, PO Box 2303, Cape Town, 8000.
22864/2014—Haupt, Johannes Philip, 4012205023089, Verreweidestraat 21, Kuilsrivier, 7580, Eerste en Finale
(Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
23827/2014—Burger, Johanna, 30052500198086, Rusoord Retirement Home, Plumstead, First and Final (Wynberg;
Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
3646/2013—Henry, Trevor Gerald, 4508135065082, No. 19 Disa Road, Belhar, 7493; Aletta Christina Henry,
4012280046088, First and Final, 21 days (Bellville; Western Cape).—J. Barendse & Associates, 3rd Floor, Belle Cape Building,
Blanckenberg Street, Bellville, 7530.
11269/2013—Jacobus Petrus Janse van Noordwyk, 5411135155081, Heidestraat 7, Caledon, Eerste en Finale
Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Caledon; Kaapstad).—Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur, GM Mostert, Mostert & Vennote,
9de Laan 192, Kraaifontein, 7570.
14727/2010—Naidoo, Rejane Yvette, 7707130079083; Garth Vernon Naidoo, 7505025110082 (Mitchells Plain; Cape
Town).—Kruger & Scharf Attorneys, PO Box 2854, Pretoria, 0001.
21733/2014—Williams, George, 3505185007080, Victory Southweg 2, Bernadino Heights, Kraaifontein, 7570, Eerste en
Finale; Leah Annette Williams, 4304090002082 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

This gazette is also available free online at


6632/2009—Franciscus, Edna Doreen, 3706040103086, Hamerkopweg 17, Bridgetown, Athlone, 7764 (Wynberg; Cape
Town).—K.B. Gangen & Co Attorneys, 2nd Floor, Church Square House, 5 Spin Street, Cape Town, 8001.
652/2013—Magan, Vijay, 5005175726086, 603 Palma, The Island Club, 6 Northbank Road, Century City, 7441,
Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; Julia Joan Magan, 5311250911183 (Goodwood; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032,
Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
23736/2014—Swart, Kenneth Otto, 4205275055086, 4de Laan 144, Kleinmond, 7195; Anna Elizabeth Swart,
4711120025083, Eerste en Finale (Hermanus; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor,
ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
2033/2014—Furnell, Hendriette, 6306300100083, Romulusstraat 28, Rome Glen, Somerset-Wes, 7130, Eerste en Finale
(Somerset-Wes; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand
Road, Bellville, 7530.
12415/2013—Stringer, Philip, 5205095138087, 15 Dagbreek Street, Sybrand Park, Rondebosch, 7700, Supplementary
First and Final (Wynberg; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building,
14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
6632/2009—Franciscus, Edna Doreen, 3706040103086, 17 Hamerkopweg, Bridgetown, Athlone, 7764 (Wynberg; Cape
Town).—K.B. Gangen & Co Attorneys, 2nd Floor, Church Square House, 5 Spin Street, Cape Town, 8001.
24083/2014—Neelse, Margaret Magrieta, 4605210538080, Pansysingel 33, Uitsig, 7490, Eerste en Finale; Florus
Hendrik Neelse, 5008225132081 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
21005/2014—Kleyn, Merle Laing, 3411240056081; John Gilian Kleyn, 3205275049080 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—
Matthee Attorneys, PO Box 15893, Panorama, 7506.
8180/2012—Van Heerden, Willem Jacobus Stephanus, 5010085053084, Cyprusstraat 26, Somerset Wes, Amended
First and Final; Catharina Wilhelmina van Heerden, 5307140158084 (Somerset West; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and
Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.
23540/2014—Skosana, Moleeane Ben, 4705075674085, 3 Hope Street, Claremont, 7700 (Wynberg; Kaapstad).—ABSA
Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
16905/2012—Walters, Sydney, 2011265054085, 11 Amstel Road, Maitland, Cape Town, 7405 (Cape Town).—Ince Wood
& Raubenheimer, Oude Schuur Legal Centre, 8 Kildare Road, Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800.
23725/2014—Goliath, Alfred Charles, 3905105071085 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Marais Muller Yekiso Inc., PO Box
36, Kuils River, 7579 or 58 Van Riebeeck Road, Kuils River, 7580. 30 days.
99/2014—Phillips, Lionel Frederick, 4311265126083, 84 Welkom Street, Portlands, Mitchells Plain, 7785; Sarah
Elizabeth Phillips, 4101070108081 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—C George Attorneys, 16 Oscar Close, Westgate, Mitchells
Plain, 7785.
99/2014—Phillips, Lionel Frederick, 4311265126083, 84 Welkom Street, Portlands, Mitchells Plain, 7785; Sarah
Elizabeth Phillips, 4101070108081 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—C George Attorneys, 16 Oscar Close, Westgate, Mitchells
Plain, 7785.
23837/2014—Fleischer, Anthony Charles, 2807085016083, 1 Honeyguide Lane, Steenberg Estate, Tokai, 7945,
05-06-2014, the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Michael Stephen
Watermeyer, c/o PO Box 2197, Sun Valley, 7985.
21977/2014—Schlosz, Reginald David, 4103105083081, 3A Disa Road, Bloubergrandt, 7441, First and Final; Patricia
Bernadette Schlosz, 4607120113087 (Cape Town).—Proactive Executors, PO Box 300, Milnerton, 7435.
2264/2014—Van Reenen, Christopher John, 5001285039080, 9 Airway Road, Heatherpark, George, 6530, First and
Final (George; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
3811/2014—Otto, Jan Christiaan, 2811265021087, Hanepootsingel 5, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell, 7560, Eerste en
Finale; Catharina Magdalena Otto, 3903080089081 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
12567/2013—Terblanche, Stephanus Isias, Plaas Lone Tree, Kleinbrakrivier, Mosselbaai; Beatrix Magdalena Catharina
Terblanche, 4310230083080 (Kaapstad).—Rauch Gertenbach Inc, Posbus 54, Mosselbaai, 6500.
2792/2011—Badenhorst, Louis, 4407045031088, Cork Oak 1, Oak Glen, 7530, Supplementêre; Hendrina Ceceila
Badenhorst, 4608080011089 (Bellville; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor,
ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
11878/2011—Brown, Allan Kennedy, 4603015066084, 53 Rosehaven Gardens, Queen Street, Durbanville, 7550,
Amended (Bellville; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand
Road, Bellville, 7530.
12450/2013—Labuschagne, Christiaan Frederik, 2910095032080, Marinerrylaan 14, Woodbridge Island, Milnerton,
7441, Second Supplementary; Elsie Johanna Labuschagne, 3404140046088 (Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032,
Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
4087/2011—Skippers, Samuel, 3802215109089, 18 Spey Street, Sherwood Park, Manenberg, First and Final, 21 days
(Cape Town; Cape Town).—W. Isaacs & Associates, PO Box 106, Maitland, 7404.
1218/2012—Abrahams, Doreen Kate Rachel, 3104170045089, 132 5th Avenue, Kensington, First and Final, 21 days
(Cape Town; Cape Town).—W. Isaacs & Associates, PO Box 106, Maitland, 7404.
21371/2014—Selebalo, Boiketsiso, 6804195795082, divorced, No. 7 Boom Bend, Bloubergsands (Cape Town; Western
Cape Division).—Venfolo Attorneys, 36 On Long, No. 36 Long Street, Cape Town, 8000.

This gazette is also available free online at

STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 139

16764/2013—Williams, Elizabeth Aletta Williams, 3805210046081, Proteastraat 8, Touwsrivier, Likwidasie- en

Distribusierekening; Frederick Marthinus, 3111175051087 (Worcester; Kaapstad).—Wilna Roux Prokureurs, Baringstraat 27,
Worcester, 6850.
7485/2011—Walley, Elizabeth Anna, 3804050093089; Steven Michael Walley, 1960-03-29 (Johannesburg; Cape
Town).—Hugo Trust Services, Agent for Executor, Postnet Suite 90, Private Bag X0002, Sunridge Park, 6008.
21663/2014—Hamman, Gertruida Berdina, 4007200037084, Eerste Laan 11, Botrivier, Caledon, 7185 (Caledon;
Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville,
159/2013—Louw, Magaretha Magdalena, 6002140205089, Buitenstraat 24, Bella Vista, 6835 (Ceres; Kaapstad).—ABSA
Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
4364/2014—De Swardt, Priscilla Cora, 4212315066081, Winterbergstraat 6, Klaradyn Aftree-Oord, Brackenfell
(Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—MPV Boedeldienste BK, Posbus 3463, Durbanville, 7551.
2201/2014—Smit, Jacobus Hendrik, 4212315066081, Eenheid 29, La Gratitude, Proteastraat, Durbanville (Bellville;
Kaapstad).—MPV Boedeldienste BK, Posbus 3463, Durbanville, 7551.
4201/2014—Abrahams, Spasie Maria, 3012170314084, Van Huyssteenlaan 157, Worcester, 6850 (Worcester;
Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville,
823/2014—Steenkamp, Jan Harmse, 3401165004083, Visserstraat, Graafwater, 8120 (Vredendal; Kaapstad).—ABSA
Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
614/2014—Arendse, Simon Johannes, 5907075957085, Jasmynstraat 64, Robertson, 6705; Arendse Mina Andeline,
6010270238085 (Robertson; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building,
14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
827/2014—Steenkamp, Maria Magdalena, 4703270108082, Visserstraat, Graafwater, 8120 (Vredendal; Kaapstad).—
ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
16080/2013—Myburgh, Susanna Maria, 3811050039087, Heuningbossingel 7, Rouxville, Kuilsrivier, 7580 (Kuilsrivier;
Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville,
4199/2014—Petersen, Jacob Manuel, 2812285062085, 91 Jupiter Road, Surrey Estate, 7764; Gwendoline Isabel
Petersen, 3207020005086 (Wynberg; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA
Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
21664/2014—Smith, Alfred, 1607315021189, Flat 525, Pinelands Place, Lonsdaleway, Pinelands, 7405 (Goodwood;
Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville,
742/2014—Scholtz, Donelle, 7510280108086, 2A Boronia Road, Birsbane, Australia, 0001 (Strand; Kaapstad).—
ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
7560/2013—Du Plessis, Trudihet, 7312210006088; Izak Abraham du Plessis, 7103175024087 (Mossel Bay; Cape
Town).—Van der Ross and Motala Inc, 55 Plein Street, Cape Town.
14009/2013—Van Graan, Peter James, 4411045052086, Pinestraat 32, Pniel, Stellenbosch; Ursula Virgenia van Graan,
4709240132086 (Stellenbosch; Kaapstad).—Jordaan Prokureurs, Posbus 1157, Stellenbosch, 7599.
21731/2014—Nothnagel, Giljam Johannes Jacobus, 3803145040089, Huilboomsingel 23, Franspark, Kleinbron,
Brackenfell, 7560, Eerste en Finale; Janetta Catherina Whilamena Nothnagel, 4403010021089 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—
Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
17280/2013—Rademeyer, Wilrina, 3510060002081, Cradockstraat 23, George, 6529, Eerste en Finale (George;
Kaapstad).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
14066/2013—Williams, Edward Colin, 5105265036188, 2 Waaihoek Street, Durbanville Hills, 7550, First and Final
(Bellville; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
14723/2014—De Goede, Eileen Matilda, 4709170020087 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Pienaar & Associates, PO Box
15066, Panorama, Western Cape, 7506.
16703/2013—Smit, Susanna Elizabeth, 2710010023085 (Piketberg; Kaapstad).—Frederik Johannes Strauss, Posbus
339, Piketberg, 7320.
17138/2013—Fourie, Catherina Elizabeth, 3108030027088, Aandskemering, Huis vir Bejaardes, Malmesbury, 7300,
Eerste en Finale (Malmesbury; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.
20714/2014—Janse van Rensburg, Magdalena Francina, 3508100043081, Paradys Park, Aftree-oord, Woonstel 25,
Aurenastraat, Brackenfell, 7560, Liquidation & Distribution Account (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, c/o Etienne Genis
Attorneys, No. 2 Seventh Avenue, Melkbosstrand.
3834/2014—Flandorp, Neville Paul, 5504235062086, Liquidation & Distribution Account; Amanda Wilhelmina Flandorp,
5608140007084 (Somerset West; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust Limited, c/o Etienne Genis Attorneys, No. 2 Seventh Avenue,
13696/2011—Olday, Abdul Aziz Bawodien, 2305105075080 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Aniel Jeaven Attorneys &
Conveyancers, PO Box 2049, Clareinch, 7740.
20716/2014—O’Reilly, Stephen Henry, 5905305043080, Justinastraat 2, Verwoerdpark, Kimberley, Liquidation &
Distribution Account; Matilda Alice O’Reilly, 6302170073088 (Kimberley; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, c/o Etienne Genis
Attorneys, No. 2 Seventh Avenue, Melkbosstrand.

This gazette is also available free online at


593/2014—Loubser, Gert Christiaan, 2801135004082, Huis Aristea No. 40, Queenstraat 5, Durbanville, Liquidation &
Distribution Account; Hester Catharina Loubser, 3402180045002 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, c/o Etienne Genis
Attorneys, No. 2 Seventh Avenue, Melkbosstrand.
4212/2014—De Koker, Desmond, 5603275105084, Ericastraat 17, Gordensbaai, 7150, Liquidation & Distribution Account
(Strand; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, c/o Etienne Genis Attorneys, No. 2 Seventh Avenue, Melkbosstrand.
21461/2014—Naude, Susanna Hermina, 5011300077080, 15 Owerbosche Close, Bloubergsands, 7441 (Kaapstad).—
ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530.
20784/2014—Fourie, Anna Margaretha, 2610190037089, Huis 124, Aftree-oord, Kerkstraat, Oudtshoorn, 6625
(Oudtshoorn; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand
Road, Bellville, 7530.
13899/2009—Tahier, Abdul Kader, 4706165120088 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—A Parker & Associates, Suite G06, Rostra
House, The Forum, Northbank Lane, Century City, 7441.
9901/2013—Sive, Gerald, 5904115128082, 8 Rietvlei Avenue, Bothasig, Cape Town (Goodwood; Cape Town).—
Bernadt Vukic Potash & Getz, 11th Floor, 1 Thibault Square, Cape Town, 8001.
4214/2014—De Koker, Desmond, 5603275105084, Ericastraat 17, Gordonsbaai, 7150, Liquidation & Distribution Account
(Strand; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, c/o Etienne Genis Attorneys, No. 2 Seventh Avenue, Melkbosstrand.
10824/2013—Bain, Brian William, 4707215086089, 4918 Valley Road, Hout Bay (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Warwick Trust,
P.O. Box 816, Constantia, 7848.
10431/2010—Katzef, Morris, 3006045078080, 609 Sea Point Place, 183 Beach Road, Three Anchor Bay, Sea Point,
Amended First & Final (Cape Town).—Warwick Trust, Suite 205, P/Bag X3, Plumstead 7801.
10427/2010—Stuart, Constance Lilian, 2212040038084, 84 Silvermine Village, Noordhoek; Amended First & Final
(Simonstown; Cape Town).—Warwick Trust, P.O. Box 816, Constantia, 7848.
16703/2013—Smit, Susanna Elizabeth, 2710010023085 (Piketberg; Kaapstad).—Frederik Johannes Strauss, Posbus
339, Piketberg, 7320.
4397/2013—Van der Schyff, Daniel Diederich, 2012155041083, Huis Lückhoff, 42 Alma Road, Rosebank, 7530
(Wynberg; Cape Town).—Lionel van der Schyff, P.O. Box 1893, Bellville, 7535.


Form/Vorm J 28


Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice
is hereby given by the Masters of the High Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been
sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of
estate/company; date upon which and division of court by which order is made and upon the application of.


Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word
hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld
voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van
boedel/maatskappy; datum waarop en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en op die aansoek van.

E20008/2014—Selwyn Neville Krause, 8111185032080, presently residing at 13B Colley Avenue, Cambridge West, East
London. 8 May 2014, Eastern Cape Division: Grahamstown. Selwyn Neville Krause.
C20151/2014—Gordon Covey, 7103035111082, 24 Tafelberg Street, Bothasig, Western Cape. 15 May 2014, Western
Cape High Court, Cape Town. Johannes Sydney van der Westhuizen.
C221/2014—Kevin Fruin, 6712205143088, 15 Hofmeyer Avenue, Kenridge Durbanville. 15 April 2014, Western Cape High
Court, Cape Town. Izak Jacobus Smith.
C20123/2014—K2011121184 (South Africa) (Edms) Bpk, 2011/121184/07, Church Street 10, Mossel Bay. 13 May 2014,
Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Johannes Hendrik van Staden.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 141

C20134/2014—Kwagga Logistics (Pty) Ltd, 2012/041078/07, 11 Tosca Crescent, Sonstraal Heights, Western Cape.
15 May 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Kammaro Empowerment Enterprises (Pty) Ltd.
C20118/2014—Sean Dennis Meiring, 7511205081085, 155 Toskana Villa, Verdi Boulevard 2, Sonstraalhoogte,
Durbanville, Western Cape. 13 June 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town.
C20148/2014—Faeed Daniels, 7409125248084, 44 Sonderend Street, Portland, Mitchells Plain, Western Cape. 20 June
2014. Western Cape High Court, Cape Town.
C221/2014—Kevin Fruin, 6712205143088, 15 Hofmeyer Avenue, Kenridge, Durbanville. 15 April 2014. Western Cape
High Court, Cape Town. Izak Jacobus Smith.
C20151/2014—Gordon Covey, 7103035111082, 24 Tafelberg Street, Bothasig, Western Cape. 15 May 2014. Western
Cape High Court, Cape Town. Johannes Sydney van der Westhuizen.
B20022/2014—Daniël Jacobus van Niekerk, ID No. 6901175125080, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, met plek
van besigheid te die plaas Hebron, distrik Brandfort, Vrystaat Provinsie. 26 Junie 2014, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. Afgri
Bedryf Beperk, h/a Afgri Veevoere.
B20013/2014—Valozone 204 BK (in likwidasie). 2011/088634/23. 15/05/2014. Vrystaatse Provinsie.
C20181/2014—Bartholomeus Jacobus Goodwin, 6703085186081, Meerendal Estate, Vissershoek Road, Durbanville
W.C. 21 May 2014. Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. FM on Call Acountants and Consulting (Pty) Ltd.
C20181/2014—Bartholomeus Jacobus Goodwin, 6703085186081, Meerendal Estate, Vissershok Road, Durbanville
W.C. 21 May 2014. Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. FM on Call Accountants and Consulting (Pty) Ltd.

Form/Vorm J 29


The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, being wound up or
having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the High Court of South Africa, Masters of
the High Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936,
sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926 and sections 356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of the
Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the said
estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims
against the estates or companies, the election of trustees, liquidators or judicial managers or for the purposes
referred to in section 364 or 431 of Act No. 61 of 1973, as the case may be.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of
estate/company; date of the provisional and date of the final order, and division of court by which order is made,
and date, hour and place of meeting.
Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be
held before the Magistrate.


Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika
gesekwestreer, gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters van
die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en
196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973,
kennis gegee dat ’n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde
boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die
boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, likwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of vir die doeleindes
bedoel in artikel 364 of 431 van Wet No. 61 van 1973, na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van
boedel/maatskappy; datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en afdeling van hof waardeur order
gemaak is, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms.
In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor
die Landdros gehou.

This gazette is also available free online at


C67/2014—That's Entertainment (Pty) Ltd, 1988/006475/07, Building No 7, 1st Floor, Ponewood Office Park, 33 Riley
Road, Woodmead, Cape Town, Western Cape. 21 January 2014—14 March 2014, Western Cape High Court. 15 August 2014,
09:00, Master of the High Court.
C20151/2014—Gordon Covey, 7103035111082, 24 Tafelberg Street, Bothasig, Western Cape. 15 May 2014—26 June
2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 20 August 2014, 9am, Goodwood, Magistrate’s Court.
C221/2014—Kevin Fruin, 6712205143088, 15 Hofmeyer Avenue, Kenridge, Durbanville. 15 April 2014—27 May 2014,
Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 15 August, 11 am, Bellville, Magistrate's Court.
B59/2004—Brains Game Lodge (Edms) Bpk., Reg. No. 02/02/865/07, geregistreerde adres te Plot 1, Vredenhofhoewe,
Bultfontein, Bainsvlei, Bloemfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie. 23/04/2004—03/06/2004, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 20/8/2014,
10h00, Bloemfontein.
C20123/2014—K2011121184 (South Africa) (Edms) Bpk., 2011/121184/07, Church Street 10, Mossel Bay. 13 May
2014—17 July 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 13 August 2014, 09:00 am, Magistrate's Court, Mossel Bay.
C20134/2014—Kwagga Logistics (Pty) Ltd, 2012/041078/07, 11 Tosca Crescent, Sonstraatl Heights, Western Cape.
15 May 2014—1 July 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 15 August 2014, 11:00 am, Magistrate's Court, Bellville.
C20118/2014—Sean Dennis Meiring, 7511205081085, 155 Toskana Villa, Verdi Boulevard 2, Sonstraalhoogte,
Durbanville, Western Cape. Finale bevel: 13 June 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 15 August 2014, 10:00,
Bellville, Magistrate’s Court.
C20148/2014—Faeed Daniels, 7409125248084, 44 Sonderend Street, Portland, Mitchells Plain, Western Cape. Finale
bevel: 20 June 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 14 August 2014, 9:00, Mitchells Plain, Magistrate's Court.
C221/2014—Kevin Fruin, 6712205143088, 15 Hofmeyer Avenue, Kenridge, Durbanville. 15 April 2014—27 May 2014,
Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 15 August, 11 am, Bellville, Magistrate's Court.
C20151/2014—Gordon Covey, 7103035111082, 24 Tafelberg Street, Bothasig, Western Cape. 15 May 2014—26 June
2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 20 August 2014, 9am, Goodwood, Magistrate’s Court.
C20181/2014—Bartholomeus Jacobus Goodwin, 6703085186081, Meerendal Estate, Vissershok Road, Durbanville
W.C. 21 May 2014—1 July 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 15 August 2014, 11 am, Bellville, Magistrate's Court.
C20181/2014—Bartholomeus Jacobus Goodwin, 6703085186081, Meerendal Estate, Vissershok Road, Durbanville
W.C. 21 May 2014—1 July 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 15 August 2014, 11 am, Bellville, Magistrate's Court.
D72/2014—Ian Sean Mills, 7109275336081, 25 Shelbourne Avenue, La Lucia, Durban. 12/03/2014—10/04/2014, Durban
& Coast Local Division. 20/08/2014, 10h00, Master Office, Durban.
G940/2007—Feline Holdings (Pty) Ltd, 1985/002389/07, c/o Panorama Office Estate, Unit 3, Kudu Street, Allens Nek.
Final order: 15 February 2007, Special Resolution. 13 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.
G20042/2014—W J Consulting C (in liquidation). R K Pollock, L M Moloto and J D Adolph, c/o Harvard,
PO Box 1671, Houghton, 2041. 28-08-14, 09:00, Magistrate, Randfontein. Final order: 18-04-14, High Court of South Africa,
Guateng Local Division, Johannesburg.
T717/2014—Insolvent estate: Banana Gialla CC, Reg. No. 2003/108464/23 (in likwidasie). First meeting of creditors.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
G22/2013—Trackstar Trading 50 (Pty) Ltd, 2000/010462/07, c/o 377 Ontdekkersweg, Florida Park. Final order: 3 May
2011, Special Resolution. 13 Augustus 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.
C942/2013—GBR Trading CC, in liquidation. EM Edwards & YAB Ismail, Xirimele Trustees, PO Box 495, Garsfontein,
0042. 14 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Wynberg.
D74/2014—Karen Leigh Mills, 8004110054081, 25 Shelbourne Avenue, La Lucia, Durban. 12/03/2014—10/04/2014,
Durban & Coast Local Division. 20/08/2014, 10h00, Master Office, Durban.
D74/2014—Karen Leigh Mills, 8004110054081, 25 Shelbourne Avenue, La Lucia, Durban. 12/03/2014—10/04/2014,
Durban & Coast Local Division. 20/08/2014, 10h00, Master Office, Durban.
D20008/2014—Selverani Naidoo, 5708080079083, 10 Citizens Avenue, Westcliff, Chatsworth. 29-04-2014—09-06-2014,
KwaZulu-Natal, High Court. 29/08/04, 10h00, Chatsworth Magistrate’s Court.
G176/20134—Parmanand & Deshika Ramjathan, unknown, 70 Nordale Place, Briardale, Newlands, Durban.
15/11/2013—20/01/2014, KwaZulu-Natal High Court. 27/08/14, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban.
D59/2015—Mike James Panel Shop CC,1997/044217/23, 50 Premier Place, Phoenix Industrial Park, Durban, 4001.
27/08/14, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban.
C20082/14—Landi Theron, 8808140139088, Welgegund Farm, Malanshoogte Pad, Durbanville. 24 April 2014—8 July
2014. 15 August 2014, 11h00, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.
G20030/2014—Johanna Maria Odillia Beretta, 4508170025082. 30 January 2014, South Gauteng High Court. 12 August
2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
G1005/2013—De Lange Adriaan Jacobus, 7309145090088, c/o 6 Arendskruin, Desmondstraat, Silverfields,
Krugersdorp. 11 September 2013, South Gauteng High Court. 15 August 2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
G371/2014—Dario Torrente, 6605015059082, c/o 29 The Ridge Road, Linksfield, 4 June 2014, 10:00, Master,
G632/2012—Cornel Christiaan Borman, 6907085179083, c/o 17 Locksley Road, Robindale. 12 Junie 2012, South
Gauteng High Court. 12 August 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
G140/2014—John Arvanitis, 6010245141083, c/o 136 Amber Crescent, Pebble Creek Estate, Greenstone Hill. 26 March
2014, South Gauteng High Court. 12 August 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 143

G1290/2013—Ledimar Stock Trading (Pty) Ltd, 2012/15531/07, Sinosteel Plaza, 7D1 Level 7, 159 Rivonia Road,
Sandton. 25 February 2014, South Gauteng High Court. 20 August 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
C20120/14—Jaco Francois Joubert, 7601145078081, Rotterdamsingel 17, Kraaifontein. 8 May 2014—4 June 2014,
Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 13 August 2014, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River.
G531/2011—Grace Louise van Wyk, 5612170033085, c/o Plot 31, Marabeth, Tarlton. 27 March 2013, South Gauteng
High Court. 15 August 2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
G2215/2009—Royal Albatross Properties 221 (Pty) Ltd, 2005/-027905/07, c/o Unit 15A, Palm Avenue, Kempton Park.
20 October 2009, South Gauteng High Court. 12 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.
C20042/14—Headquarters Holdings (Pty) Ltd, 1956/001055/07, 9th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town. 28 March 2014—
9 May 2014, Creditor’s voluntary. 12 August 2014, 09h00, Master’s Office, Cape Town.
N150/2013—Insolvent estate: Basil Sagadevan and Selvarani Sagadevan, 6003145024087 and 6608130146081, 17
Hovehill Place, Hillgrove, Newlands West, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. 19/08/2013—16/09/2013, KwaZulu-Natal High Court,
Pietermaritzburg. 2/08/2014, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban.
G1288/2013—Ledimar Financial Services (Pty) Ltd, 2012/162140/07, Sinosteel Plaza, 7D1 Level 7, 159 Rivonia Road,
Sandton. 25 February 2014, South Gauteng High Court. 20 August 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
T3220/13—Morne Pieter & Sharon Botha, 8404195107087 & 9007161230087, 35 Bologna Road, Evander. Final order:
14 May 2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 22 August 2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Evander.
T2200/11—Deon Marius & Cynthia Francina Botha, 6208015140083 & 6301100025085, 5 Jaspis Street, Hillshaven,
Westonaria. Final order: 07/09/2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 22/08/2014, 09:00, Magistrate, Westonaria.
T1300/11—Fanie Mike Motaung, 6610305284085, 85 Victoria Road, Regents Park, Johannesburg. Final order:
28/04/2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/08/2014, 10:00, Master, Johannesburg.
T20869/14—Adroit Communications (Pty) Ltd, 2005/012254/07, 135 Akkerboom Street, Centurion, Pretoria. Final order:
17 June 2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 21 August 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T3039/13—Nokwazi Lorraine Nkosi, 7404100346086, 10 Forest Park, Bedfordview, Johannesburg. Final order:
28 November 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 21 August 2014, 09h00, Master, Johannesburg.
T20539/14—Thunderstruck Investments 15 (Pty) Ltd, 2000/010357/07, 1 Philip Engelbrecht Road, Meyersdal. Final
order: 27 May 2014, North Gauteng High court, Pretoria. 22 August 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T0629/13—Kanyemba Industrial Services (Pty) Ltd, 2001/081424/23, 41 OR Tambo Street, Middelburg, 1050. Final
order: 18 April 2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg.
T3349/13—Theunis Jacobus Petrus Swart, 6310155105080, Plot 55, Vaalbank, Bronkhorstspruit. 01/11-2013—
30-01-2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 21/08/2014, 09:00, Magistrate, Bronkhorstspruit.
T118/14—Magitex (Pty) Ltd, t/a DIY Depot White River, Reg. No. 2012/022069/07, 34A Monkor Road, Johannesburg,
Gauteng. Final order: 4/11/2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 26/08/2014, 10h00, Master’s Office, Johannesburg.
T3227/12—John Barend Vorster, 6701055139080, Venus House 19, Livingstone Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark. Final order:
13 August 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 21/08/2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark.
T667/14—Gabriel Michiel and Linda Johanna du Toit, 6508155129089 and 7108240058085, Chilverstraat 10,
Vanderbijlpark. Final order: 7 April 2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 28/08/14, 09h30, Vanderbijlpark.
T6477/09—Deon Christiaan van der Merwe, 7603165164082, 7 McCullogh Crescent, Strubenvale, Springs. Final order:
19/10/2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 22/08/14, 10:00, Magistrate, Springs.
T2977/13—Helena Catharina Margaretha van Zyl, 5810290143087, 77 Akasielaan, Meyerton. Final order: 19 November
2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 22/08/2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Meyerton.
T2107/13—Europair Africa (Proprietary) Limited, 1985/000466/07, in liquidation, 124 Shropshire Street, Paarden Eiland,
Cape Town. Final order: 30 July 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27/08/2014, 10h00, Master’s Office, Cape Town.
T2176/13—Edward Andre Chester, 8402075045088, Solsa Farming, Portion 30, Tolou 72KT, Lofdal, Trichardsdal. Final
order: 6 September 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 August 2014, 09:00, Magistrate, Tzaneen.
T0036/10—Linda van der Merwe, 7904050004080, Deeneen Laan 199, Annlin X01. Final order: 6 August 2010, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 August 2014, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T4455/12—Marinus Jacobus Venter, 7706065225083, Casazan 12, Duikerstraat, Brits. Final order: 8 February 2013,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 August 2014, 10:00, Magistrate, Brits.
T2485/13—Jacqueline & Christo Dekker, 8311170238086 & 7708235034080, Strydomstraat 114, Woodmead, Sandton.
Final order: 3 October 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14 August 2014, 10:00, Master, South Gauteng High Court.
T20325/14—Rohirrim Estates (Pty) Ltd, 1997/012815/07, Mirkwood Estates, Plot 26, Farm Klipkop, JR 396, Gauteng.
Final order: 13 May 2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 August 2014, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
T0735/14—Zenobia van Rensburg, 7908280103087, Haynestraat 19, Krugersdorp. Final order: 16 Aprili 2014, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 15 August 2014, 09:30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
T1865/13—Aleck Kwazi Sibanda, 7005026090086, 12 Tugela Street, Klipfontein View, Kempton Park. Final order: 29 July
2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 August 2014, 09:00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.
T3414/13—Miko No 166 (Pty) Ltd, 2001/021238/07, Greenstone Hill Office Park, Building No. 8, Emerald Bouelvard,
Greenstone Hill, Extension 22, Edenvale. Final order: 28 February 2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 22 August 2014,
09h00, Magistrate, Germiston.

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T20334/14—Geratech Zirconium Benefication Ltd, 1999/011765/06, 3 Mclean Street, Chamdor, Krugersdorp. Final
order: 15 July 2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 22 August 2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
T3734/12—Mxolisi Benedict Ndlovu, 6302035604085, 303 Church Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria. Final order: 30 July 2013,
North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/08/14, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T0524/13—Hennie Erasmus, 7906065024086, 124 Camilla Laan, Lynnwood, Pretoria. Final order: 3 May 2013, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/08/14, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T1224/13—Rhodium Bouaannemers (Pty) Limited, 2005/014895/07. Final order: 28/03/2013, North Gauteng High
Court, Pretoria. 22/08/2014, 10:00, Masters, Pretoria.
T1533/13—Meshack Ernest Thobela, 7101305617085, 2989 Doornkop, Greenvillage, Roodepoort. Final order:
22 October 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.
T5223/11—Duvenhyage, Gerhard Johannes & Louise, 6809095011084, 6503120150088, 6 Tamariskstraat,
Brackendown, Alberton, Gauteng. Final order: 16 April 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20 August 2014, 9h00,
Magistrate, Palm Ridge.
T3013/10—Riaan Andre Vermaak en Debbie Vermaak, 7009025059084 & 7404250267082, 43 Gevangenis Woonstelle,
Ellaton, Klerksdorp. Final order: 29 September 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27/08/14, 10h00, Magistrate,
T1483/13—Petrus Johannes van der Walt, t/a Caspi North West, 5908215061085, The Farm Otterfontein, Koster
District, Koster, North West. Final order: 11 September 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 22 August 2014, 10h00,
Magistrate, Koster.
T4442/11—Carel Francois Marais, 7512095139082, 27 South Street, Rayton. Final order: 20 January 2012, North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 14/8/2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2021/12—Susan Gertruida Elizabeth Graaf, 6810100033089, Plot 44, Rietfontein, Hartbeespoort. Final order:
10 January 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 August 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits.
T7551/09—Erick Nel & Eulogie Nel, 8208275003086 & 8201200073084, 15 Forsman Street, Phalaborwa, Limpopo. Final
order: 26 November 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 21 August 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Phalaborwa.
T0051/10—Minette Brits, 7002140016089, Plot 270, Roodeplaat, Pretoria. Final order: 31 March 2010, North Gauteng
High Court, Pretoria. 14/8/2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
G1169/13—Mandor International Express CC (in liquidation), Registration Number: 2007/155998/23. Vincent Tsiu
Matsepe, Matsepes Inc., Sunnyside Park, 2nd Floor, Broll Place, 4 Carse O'Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193. 22nd August 2014,
09h00, The Magistrate's Office, Germiston.
S20020/2014—Plagon Trading CC, t/a Electri-Care (in liquidation), CK2008/141412/23. 05/06/2014—03/07/2014,
Magistrate's Court, Port Elizabeth. 20/08/2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, P.E.
S20020/2014—Plagon Trading CC, t/a Electri-Care (in liquidation), CK2008/141412/23. 05/06/2014—03/07/2014,
Magistrate's Court, Port Elizabeth. 20/08/2014, 14h00, Master of the High Court, P.E.

Form J 29—Close Corporations



The Close Corporations mentioned below having been placed in liquidation by order of the High Court of South
Africa or the Magistrate’s Court having jurisdiction, and pursuant to section 78 of the Close Corporations Act, No.
69 of 1984, read together with section 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act of 1936 and sections 412 and 356 of the
Companies Act of 1973, notice is hereby given that the First Meeting of Creditors and Members of the under-
mentioned Close Corporations will be held on the dates and at the time and places mentioned below, for the
following purposes:
(i) The consideration of the statement of affairs of the Corporation lodged with the Master of the High
(ii) the proof of claims against the Close Corporation;
(iii) determination by creditors of the necessity of the appointment of a co-liquidator and, if so, the
nomination of a person for appointment;
(iv) receiving or obtaining directions or authorisation in respect of any matter regarding the liquidation.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of Close Corporation; name and description of Close
Corporation; name and address of liquidator; date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debts must
be paid, if this is not done forthwith.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 145

Vorm J 29—Beslote Korporasies


Nademaal die Beslote Korporasies hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika of die
Landdroshof wat bevoegdheid het, in likwidasie geplaas is, en ingevolge artikel 78 van die Wet op Beslote
Korporasies, No. 69 van 1984, saamgelees met artikel 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet van 1936, en artikels 412 en
356 van die Maatskappywet van 1973, word kennis hierby gegee dat die Eerste Byeenkoms van Skuldeisers en
lede van die ondervermelde Beslote Korporasies gehou sal word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld
vir die volgende doeleindes:
(i) Die uiteensetting aangaande toestand van sake van die Korporasie wat by die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof ingedien is te oorweeg;
(ii) eise teen die Beslote Korporasie te bewys;
(iii) te besluit of ’n mede-likwidateur aangestel moet word en indien wel iemand te nomineer vir
(iv) opdragte of magtiging ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid betreffende die likwidasie te ontvang
of te verkry.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van Beslote Korporasie; naam en beskrywing van
Beslote Korporasie; naam en adres van likwidateur; datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuld
betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik geskied nie.
G0542/13—Rasleigh Properties CC. IL van Diggelen, SS Boikanyo, Forum Trust (Edms) Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria,
0001. 3 September 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
T2489/12—Centurion City Motors CC. IL van Diggelen, R. Leathern, Forum Trust (Edms) Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria,
0001. 4 September 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
G20020/14—Menatwork CC, Reg. No. 1993/020094/23, Registered address at 423 Commissioner Street, Fairview, 2094.
Final Order: 25 November 2011, Special Resolution. 14 August 2014, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
T20133/14—Let Us Trade CC, CK2004/125727/23 (in liquidation). T. R. Ndebele, RMG Trust CC, PO Box 783601,
Sandton, 2146. 25/08/2014, 08h00, Insolvency Magistrate, Magistrate's Court, White River.
G1271/2013—Kingstone Tools and Accessories CC (in liquidation), Registration No. 1996/055699/23. Sean Christensen
and Mervin Dowries, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown. 18 August 2014, 10h00, Master,
G324/14—Kaplan Property Development CC, Registration Number: 2011/023287/23, Registered address at 218 Corlett
Drive, Bramley, 2090. Final order: 10 February 2014, Special Resolution. 14 August 2014, 10:00, The Master of the High Court,
G263/2014—Cybed Trading 0078 CC (in liquidation), CK No. 2002/071777/23. Shawn Williams and Silvalutchmee
Moodliar, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193. 20 August 2014, 09h00,
Magistrate, Palm Ridge.
G564/2013—Curtis 1000 Envelopes CC (in liquidation). Shawn Williams, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, Wanooka Place,
1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193. 20 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.
G745/2013—Chao's Estate Close Corporation (in liquidation), Registration Number 2004/052161/23. Shawn Williams
and Tebogo Moritidi Eustace Kwape c/o HHT Eloff, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road,
Parktown, 2193. 20 August 2014, 09h00, The Magistrate, Randburg.
G1345/2013—Capstone 1551 CC, Registration Number: 2003/026058/23, registered address at 34 Vin Rouge Cresent,
Hurlingham Ext 5, Sandton, 2195. Final Order: 25 October 2014, Special Resolution. 19 August 2014, 10:00, The Master of the
High Court, Johannesburg.
G1340/2013—Caburg Hydraulics CC, Registration Number: 2006/119881/23, Registered address at 31 Tait Street,
Witfield, Boksburg, 1459. Final Order: 27 June 2012, Special Resolution. 21 August 2014, 11:30, The Magistrate, Boksburg.
T365/2012—Buphezi Electrical Construction CC, Registration No. 1999/20540/23. Ahmed Hassan Jaffer and Constant
Wilsnach, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193. 20 August 2014, 09h00, The
Magistrate, Middelburg.
C687/2013—BMDM Consultants CC, Registration Number: 2003/084209/23, Registered Address at Shop 6, The
Birkenhead, Birkenhead Drive, Melkbosstrand, 7441. Final Order: 16 May 2013, Special Resolution. 21 August 2014, 10:00,
The Master of the High Court, Cape Town.
T3373/13—A J C Plastics CC, Registration Number: 1991/012581/23, Registered address 1 Industrial Cresent, Extension
25, Witbank, 1035. Final order: 25 November 2011, Special Resolution. 14 August 2014, 10:00, The Master of the High Court,

This gazette is also available free online at


G241/14—Vega Project Management CC. Final order: 16/04/2014. J M Oelofsen, Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag
X10, Westgate, 1734. South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. 13/08/2014, 10:00, Master, Johannesburg.
T20346/14—Sibambisele Maintenance Services CC. Paula van Eeden. 22 August 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Witbank.
G629/2013—Montego Marinades CC (in liquidation), Reg. No. 2005/088032/23. Shawn Williams, KPMG Services (Pty)
Ltd, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown. 29 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston.
G631/2013—Golden Reserve Trading 6 CC (in liquidation). Final order: 13/06/2013, Resolution. 18/08/2014, 10h00,
Master, Johannesburg.
G1289/13—Ledimar Investments Holdings CC (in likwidasie), Registrasienommer: 2006/183595/23. Geregistreerde
adres: Sinosteel Plaza, Office 7D1, Level 7, 159 Rivonia Road, Sandton, 2191. 25/02/2014—25/02/2014. R. F. Lutchman &
N. E. Luthuli, P.O. Box 76135, Lynwood Ridge, Pretoria, 0040.
T2400/13—Mafikizolo Construction CC, Reg. No. 2000/046204/23. AW van Rooyen & Y A S Patel. 28 August 2014 at
10:00, Master of the High Court, Polokwane.
T0229/14—Surom Trye Centre Middelburg CC, Reg. No. 1998/64631/23. AW van Rooyen & MM Malabye
(CO; JZH Muller). 27 August 2014 at 10:00, Magistrate, Middelburg.
G1367/13—Ripple Effect 1149 CC (in liquidation), CK2001/069131/23. Finale bevel: 30 September 2013, Registrar of
Companies (Special Resolution). Thursday, 28 August 2014, 10h00, presiding office: Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
C20132/2014—Ajod Traders CC (in liquidation). Thomas Christopher van Zyl Mbulelo Moses Sidyiyo, c/o Progressive
Administration, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 20th August 2014, 9:00, Wednesday, The
Magistrate's Court, Goodwood.
C72/2014—Sha'gi'wi CC (in liquidation). Thomas Christopher van Zyl & Byron Anthony Nicholas, c/o Progressive
Administration, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. Tuesday, 19 August 2014, 9:00, The Master of
the High Court, Cape Town.
C20087/2014—Maitland Pipe Bending Works CC (in liquidation). Thomas Christopher van Zyl & Komaris Ballen Gangen,
c/o Progressive Administration, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. Friday, 22 August 2014, 9:00, The
Master of the High Court, Cape Town.
T3543/12—Skibakiba Butchery & Ice Distribution BK (in likwidasie), Registrasienommer: CK2009/207241/23,
geregistreerde adres: 498 Block FF, Soshanguve, 0152. Finale bevel: 21 February 2013. I J Boshoff & I Kloppers-Lourens,
Tshwane Trust Co. (Edms) Bpk., Posbus 2101, Pretoria, 0001.Woensdag, 20 Augustus 2014, 10h00, Meester van die
Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
G73/13—Moonshine Transport Services CC (in likwidasie). JH du Plessis & CKV Tanna, JH du Plessis Trustees,
Posbus 49, Fontainebleau, 2032. 14 August 2014, om 10:00, te die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg.

Form/Vorm 1



Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129, 179 and 182 of the
Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice
is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may
be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith
unless otherwise indicated.
Meetings of creditors, members or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates
and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose
of receiving the trustees’ or liquidators’ reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for
giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of
the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of
estate/company; name and address of trustee or liquidator and date, hour and place of meeting and period
within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done forthwith.
Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be
held before the Magistrate.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 147


Ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die
Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word
hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die
geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde, tensy anders vermeld,
onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal.
Byeenkomste van skuldeisers, lede of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word
op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye,
vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of
maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of invordering van
gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van
boedel/maatskappy; naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk
waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik moet geskied nie.
In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor
die Landdros gehou.
T2489/12—Centurion City Motors CC; I.L. van Diggelen, R. Leathern, Forum Trust (Edms) Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria,
0001. 4 September 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
G489/12—African Manganese Mining Co (Pty) Ltd; I.L. van Diggelen, MDA Onke, c/o R. Miller, Forum Trust (Edms)
Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 0001. 3 September 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
T0103/14—Longueira, HL & A; C van Diggelen, A van Wyk, Forum Trust (Edms) Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 0001.
28 August 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
T2918/13—Marais, BW; C van Diggelen, LM Mundalamo (Co. R Masoanganye), Forum Trust (Edms) Bpk., Posbus 3127,
Pretoria, 0001. 28 August 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
G0542/13—Rasleigh Properties CC; I.L. van Diggelen, SS Boikanyo, Forum Trust (Edms) Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria,
0001. 3 September 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.
T504/12—Insolvente boedel: Albert Adrian Mare & Deborah Jean Mare; K. van der Westhuizen & D. Basson, Tutor Trust,
Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 25 Augustus 2014, 09:00, te Landdros, Witrivier.
T3650/09—Insolvente boedel: M. Pike; K. van der Westhuizen & M.A. Christian, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031.
20 Augustus 2014, 11:00, te Landdros, Heidelberg.
T1409/07—Insolvente boedel: AE van Blerk; K. van der Westhuizen & T. R. Ndebele, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina,
0031. 20 Augustus 2014, 10:00, te die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Noord Gauteng, Pretoria.
T1551/10—J. J. & M. Slabbert; K. van der Westhuizen & J.A. Klopper-Lourens, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031.
22 Augustus 2014, 10h00, Die Landdros, Oberholzer.
T5699/09—M. Prinsloo; K. van der Westhuizen & N.Y. Seriti, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 21 Augustus 2014,
10h00, Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
T1508/11—TE Motshegare; K. van der Westhuizen & HK Dlepu, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 21 Augustus
2014, 09h00, die Landdros, Pretoria-Noord.
T8159/09—Insolvente boedel: C. Montgomery; K. van der Westhuizen & I.C.M. Shirilele, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031,
Docex 356, Pretoria. 28/08/14, 09:00, Landdros, Pretoria-Noord.
T3479/12—N. White; K van der Westhuizen & M. M. Marobela (C.o KLM Manamela), Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina,
0031. 20 Augustus 2014, 10h00, Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
T2223/13—I.A. & H.C.M. van Niekerk; K. van der Westhuizen & N. M. M. Moduka (c/o M. Ledwaba), Tutor Trust, Posbus
26598, Gezina, 0031. 21 Augustus 2014, 10h00, Die Landdros, Vanderbijlpark.
T21/14—Insolvente boedel: N. Naude; J. P. Fourie & Z. Cassim, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria.
25/08/14, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
T17/14—N. J. & M. H. Kupa; K. van der Westhuizen & I. Hogewind, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 21 Augustus
2014, 10h00, Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
T0874/14—Hydro Turnkey Projects (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2001/030123/07, in liquidation; Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever
and Pontsho Lerato Seriti, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. 21 August 2014, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.
T0268/13—Insolvent estate: Riki-Louise Holtzausen, Identity No. 8308070019087; Ntshengedzeni Anthony Michael
Tshivhase and Khashane LA Mmapowana Manamela, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. 22 August 2014, 10h00, Master,
C38/2014—Insolvent estate: Deon Wouter le Roux; Mr H M M Terblanche & Mr A Johannes, c/o Muller Terblanche
Trustees, 5th Floor, Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8000. 21/08/14, 09h00, Magistrate, Somerset West.

This gazette is also available free online at


C1171/2012—Lorimont Enterprises (in liquidation); Mr H M M Terblanche & Mr A W Badrodien, c/o Muller Terblanche
Trustees, Fifth Floor, Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8001. 22/08/2014, 09h00, Magistrate's Court,
T2612/11—Arnold Pienaar Makelaars CC (in liquidation), Reg. No. 1988/030282/23; Lebongang Morake & Ivor Lancelot
van Diggelen, p/a Malebo Trust CC, Posbus 12130, Die Tremloods, 0126. 26/08/2014, 10:00, Die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof, Noord Gauteng, Pretoria.
G0250/14—Cae Solutions (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Monica Cowin and Tseke Johannes Mphahlele, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd,
P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 15/08/2014, 9h00, The Magistrate's Court, Germiston.
G20231/14—Stategic Liquor Services CC (in liquidation); Monica Cowin and D.M.A. Mohasoa for Westrust (Pty) Ltd,
P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 13/08/2014, 9h00, The Magistrate's Court, Randburg.
C226/2014—Zalvest Twenty (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Thomas Christopher van Zyl & Zanoxolo Lennox Ntsimango,
c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Thursday, 21 August 2014 at 9:00,
The Magistrate's Court, Somerset West.
C987/2013—Tanzanite Lounge (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Thomas Christopher van Zyl & Satish Roopa, c/o Progressive
Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Friday, 22 August 2014, 9:00, The Master of the High Court,
Cape Town.
C20132/2014—Ajod Traders CC (in liquidation); Thomas Christopher van Zyl & Mbulelo Moses Sidyiyo, c/o Progressive
Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Wednesday, 10 September 2014, 9:00, The Magistrate's
Court, Goodwood.
C115/2014—Puglia Enterprises (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Thomas Christopher van Zyl & Cuma Lennox Ponini, c/o
Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Friday, 22 August 2014, 11:00, The Magistrate's
Court, Bellville.
C72/2014—Sha'gi'wi CC (in liquidation); Thomas Christopher van Zyl & Byron Anthony Nicholas, c/o Progressive
Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Tuesday, 9 September 2014, 9:00, The Master of the High
Court, Cape Town.
C20087/2014—Maitland Pipe Bending Works CC (in liquidation); Thomas Christopher van Zyl & Komaris Ballen Gangen,
c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Friday, 12 September 2014, 9:00, The Master
of the High Court, Cape Town.
C162/14—Insolvent estate: Glynn Marshall Noel (ID 3811135114087), and Jeanette Magdalene Noel
(ID 4304260077088); Christian Findlay Bester, Louise-Ann van Zyl & Mervin Dowries, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape)
(Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Tuesday, 19 August 2014, 9:00, The Master of the High Court, Cape Town.
G1367/13—Ripple Effect 1149 CC (in liquidation); M.E. Symes, A.B. October (c/o: MA Christian), c/o Zeena Insolvency,
PO Box 32512, Glenstantia, 0010. 28 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
T5513/10—Insolvente boedel: DBF van Wyk; D Enslin & J. Fourie, c/o Zeena Insolvency Practitioners, 30 Canberra Road,
Impala Park, Boksburg, 1459. 29 August 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Lydenburg.
T3021/13—Insolvente boedel: J. D. Hobyane; M. E. Symes & J. J. de Gama, c/o Zeena Insolvency Practitioners,
30 Canberra Road, Impala Park, Boksburg, 1459. 25 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
G339/13—Insolvente boedel: T. V. Mvelase; M. E. Symes & F. Serithi, c/o Zeena Insolvency Practitioners, 30 Canberra
Road, Impala Park, Boksburg, 1459. 22 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
T3033/13—Insolvente boedel: M. L. Msibi; M. E. Symes & J. D. Pema, c/o Zeena Insolvency Practitioners, 30 Canberra
Road, Impala Park, Boksburg, 1459. 26 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T272/12—Insolvente boedel: J. J. J. Prinsloo; C. K. V. Tanna & M. S. Motshekga, c/o Zeena Insolvency Practitioners,
30 Canberra Road, Impala Park, Boksburg, 1459. 25 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T1650/12—Insolvente boedel: S. J. Dube; M. E. Symes & I. C. M. Shirilele, c/o Zeena Insolvency Practitioners, 30 Canberra
Road, Impala Park, Boksburg, 1459. 22 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
N98/2013—Insolvent estate: Carlos Manuel da Ponte Simao, Identity Number: 6612295684183 and Yolland Fallon
Simao, Identity Number 7210130131087; K. R. Vengadesan Vengadesan & Associates, PO Box 48680, Qualbert, 4078.
22 August 2014, 9h00, at the Magistrate's Court, Mtubatuba at 55 e Riverview Road, Mtubatuba.
E3/2014—Elco Trading CC (in liquidation); G. M. Voigt, c/o Idec Liquidators; M. Moodly, c/o Matyeshana & Moodley
Attorneys, Eugene Frederick Saffy, c/o Honey Attorneys, c/o 66 Recreation Road, Southernwood, Easton London, 5200.
15 August 2014 at 10h00, at the Magistrate, East London, for the following purposes: 1. Proof of claims; 2. Tabling of joint
liquidators report; 3. Giving the joint liquidators directions; 4. Ajourning the meeting for interogation proceedings.
T4333/11—Letetia van Heerden; N. J. Mzimba, PO Box 36375, Menlo Park, 0102. 27 August 2014, 10:00, before the
Master, Pretoria.
T5036/11—I/E: Bokfontein Besigheids Trust; E. J. J. van Rensburg & T. J. Mphahlele, c/o KIP Insolvencies, KIP House,
517 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein. 18 August 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits.
T5034/11—I/E: ASAP Besigheids Trust; E. J. J. van Rensburg & C. M. Ledwaba (c/o ML Ledwaba), c/o KIP Insolvencies,
KIP House, 517 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein. 18 August 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits.
T5033/11—I/E: Altemooi Besigheids Trust; E. J. J. van Rensburg & J. Muthanyi, c/o KIP Insolvencies, KIP House,
517 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein. 18 August 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 149

C20114/2014—Lezmin 3419 (Pty) Ltd, t/a Promech (in liquidation); R. Engelbrecht & C.B.S. Cooper & A. J. Nomjila, c/o
Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 19/08/2014, 09h00, Master of the High
Court, Cape Town.
C20159/2014—Insolvent estate: Christiaan Jacobus Pretorius (ID 6307045027086); S le Roux-Marx & M. Baliso, c/o
Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 21/08/2014, 09h00, Magistrate's Court,
C20114/2014—Lezmin 3419 (Pty) Ltd, t/a Promech (in liquidation); R. Engelbrecht & C. B. S. Cooper & A. J. Nomjila, c/o
Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 19/08/2014, 09h00, Master of the High
Court, Cape Town.
C20159/2014—Insolvent estate: Christiaan Jacobus Pretorius (ID 6307045027086); S. le Roux-Marx & M. Baliso, c/o
Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 21/08/2014, 09h00, Magistrate's Court,
C20061/2014—Two G Properties CC (in liquidation); C. M. Hathorn, XE Daku, c/o PO Box 1139, Cape Town, 8000.
15 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Simonstown.
G1169/13—Mandor International Express CC (in liquidation), Reg. No. 2007/155998/23; T. V. Matsepe, Matsepes Inc.,
2nd Floor, Building C, Sunnyside Office Park, 4 Carse 'Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193. 22 August 2014, 09h00, The Magistrate's
Office, Germiston.
T1981/13—Wire Systems Technology (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) (Registration Number 1963/003915/07); Gavin Cecil
Gainsford & Joshua Muthanyl, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193. 28 August
2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
G241/14—Vega Projects Management CC; J. M. Oelofsen, A. N. Ndyamara, c/o J. Z. H. Muller. 13 August 2014, 10:00,
Master, Johannesburg.
B91/2013—Transport Payment Solutions (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); G Ramalho, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag
X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. 20 August 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Parys.
T1982/13—Thornbird Trade and Invest 93 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) (Registration Number 2010/021985/07); Gavin Cecil
Gainsford & Hlamalane Jerry Musi (c/o Adriaan Willem van Rooyen), c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place,
1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193. 26 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
T20346/14—Insolvent estate: Sibambisela Maintenance Services CC; Paula van Eeden Liquidators on Call, Eastlands
Office Towers, Unit 3, 1 Bentel Road, Ext 10, Jansen Park, Boksburg, 1459. 22 August 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Witbank.
T3969/2010—Insolvent estate: Adedayo Abiodun Sholarin; Shawn Williams and Tracy Hill. 18 August 2014, 10h00,
Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
G196/2014—Retfin 237 (Pty) Limited (in liquidation); Liezel Venter/E. G. Sebastian, Joint Liquidators, c/o Maurice
Schwartz Venter & Associates, P.O. Box 50861, West Beach, 7449. 13 August 2014, 09h00, The Magistrate, Randburg.
C693/13—Progressive Dynamics Consulting (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); J. J. Steenkamp & A. H. McKenzie, c/o KPMG
Services (Pty) Ltd, MSC House, Mediterranean Street, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001. 26-08-2014, 9:00, Master of the
High Court, Cape Town.
T797/2013—Insolvent estate: Johannes Petrus Nel; A. H. Jaffer, L. J. Strydom, C. M. Ledwaba, c/o M. L. Ledwaba, c/o
KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, Johannesburg. 21 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the
High Court, Pretoria.
T7383/09—Insolvent estate: Thabo Samuel Nale, ID No. 7010016125082; Mrs T. Hill & Mr M. J. Cronje, c/o Resolution
Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, Ground Floor, Lakeside Two, Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue, Bruma, Johannesburg, 2198. Tuesday,
19 August 2014, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
G629/2013—Montego Marinades CC (in liquidation), Reg. No. 2005/088032/23; Shawn Williams, KPMG Services (Pty)
Ltd., Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown. 29 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston.
G977/12—Mfana Projects CC, in liquidation; SAG Khammissa, c/o Khammissa Attorneys, 98 Doreen Street, Colbyn,
Hatfield. Friday, 22 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
G20020/2014—Menatwork CC, in liquidation; M M de Gama, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17,
Weltevredenpark, 1715. Thursday, 14 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
T2275/11—SD & NF Maseko, in liquidation; SAG Khammissa, c/o Khammissa Attorneys, 98 Doreen Street, Colbyn,
Hatfield. Friday, 22 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate Court, Brakpan.
T20133/14—Let Us Trade CC, in liquidation; T.R. Ndebele, RMG Trust CC, PO Box 783601, Sandton, 2146. 25-08-2014,
08h00, Insolvency Magistrate, White River.
G1271/2013—Kingstone Tools and Accessories CC, Registration No. 1996/055699/23, in liquidation; Sean Christensen
and Mervin Dowries, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown. 18 August 2014, 10h00, Master,
G324/14—Kaplan Property Development CC, in liquidation; G Ramalho & L M Malatsi-Teffo, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285,
Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Thursday, 14 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
G330/14—Jaco Nel and Associates (Pty) Ltd; J M Oelofsen; O R Sekati. 13 August 2014, 9:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.
G263/2014—Cybed Trading 0078 CC, CK No. 2002/071777/23, in liquidation; Shawn Williams and Sivalutchmee
Moodliar, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193. 20 August 2014, 09h00,
Magistrate, Palm Ridge.
G564/2013—Curtis 1000 Envelopes CC, in liquidation; Shawn Williams, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka
Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193. 20 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.

This gazette is also available free online at


G745/2013—Chao’ss Estate CC, Registration No. 2004/052161/23, in liquidation; Shawn Williams, Tebogo Moritidi
Eustace Kwape, c/o HTJ Eloff, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193. 20 August
2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.
G1347/2013—Capstone 537 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; G Ramalho, S Roopa, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17,
Weltevredenpark, 1715. Thursday, 14 August 2014, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
G1345/2013—Capstone 1551 CC, in liquidation; G Ramalho & T M Sebei, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17,
Weltevredenpark, 1715. Tuesday, 19 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
G1340/2013—Caburg Hydraulics CC, in liquidation; G Ramalho & F Sharief, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17,
Weltevredenpark, 1715. Thursday, 21 August 2014, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.
T365/2012—Buphezi Electrical Construction CC, Registration No. 1999/20540/23, in liquidation; Ahmed Hassan Jaffer
and Constant Wilsnach, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown. 20 August 2014, 09h00,
the Magistrate, Middelburg.
C687/2013—BMDM Consultants CC, in liquidation; G Ramalho & T S Mahomed, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag
X17, Welteredenpark, 1715. Thursday, 21 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town.
T2428/2013—Insolvent estate: Mojobeng Apaphia Beleng; Shawn Williams and Arne Olivier, c/o Norman Klein.
22 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T3373/13—A J C Plastics CC, in liquidation; G Ramalho, O M Motaung & C M Cloete, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private
Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Thursday, 14 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T4329/12—Insolvente boedel: GE Steyn, ID: 6808120031083; Ankia van Jaarsveldt & M Hamman (co: Anton Victor
Hamman), p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. Vrydag, 22 Augustus
2014,@09h00, Landdros, Brakpan.
T3703/12—Insolvent estate: PL & D Myburgh; M Haywood & EM Motalane (co: JS Koka), p/a St. Adens International,
Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 15 Augustus 2014, 10h00, Landdros, Kriel.
T90/12—Insolvent estate: HJ Malumane, ID Number: 6710165560085; M Haywood & SJ Kalianjee, p/a St. Adens (Pty)
Ltd h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 28-08-2014, at 10h00, Master of the High Court, Gauteng
North, Pretoria.
T3216/12—Insolvent estate: MF & HA Mnisi, ID No’s: 5303145681089 & 5604270736089; M Haywood & NAM Tshivashe,
p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 28-08-2014, at 10h00, Master of the High
Court, Gauteng North, Pretoria.
T914/13—Insolvent estate: LG Potgieter; M Haywood & KDJ Masege, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International,
Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 20 August 2014, 09h00, Landdros, Roodepoort.
T916/13—Insolvent estate: MR Ribeiro; M Haywood & M Masoanganye, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens
International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 21 Augustus 2014, at 10h00, Meester, Pretoria.
T3149/12—Tenim Investments CC; DM Botha & SA Gafaar, per: Corporate Liquidators, PO Box 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
Tuesday, 12 August 2014, 10h00, the Magistrate, Brits.
T4026/12—RE van der Bergh; DM Botha & DT Phalane, per Corporate Liquidators, PO Box 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
Wednesday, 13 August 2014, 10h00, the Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
B15/2014—Insolvent estate: Evert du Plessis; CBStC Cooper & TV Matsepe, c/o Cooper Trust, PO Box 27, Bloemfontein,
9300. Wednesday, 20 August 2014, 10h00, Master, Bloemfontein.
T1481/2010—Elandsdoorn Bakery (Edms) Bpk, in liquidation; CBStC Cooper & EM Edwards, c/o Cooper Trust,
PO Box 27, Bloemfontein, 9300. Thursday, 21 August 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T3068/13—Insolvent estate: Fourie, LH & DD, ID No’s: 6706150153084 & 8101230095083. Second meeting of creditors:
Proof of claims; submission of the Trustee’s report; adoption of resolutions. Friday, 15 August 2014, 10h00, the Magistrate,
T1328/13—Insolvent estate: Swanepoel, SD, ID No. 6107085073085. Second meeting of creditors: Proof of claims;
submission of the Trustee’s report; adoption of resolutions. Friday, 15 August 2014, 10h00, the Master of the High Court,
T4368/12—Insolvent estate: Boshielo, LMT & RM, ID No’s: 5207050353081 & 4405235211080. Second meeting of cred-
itors: Proof of claims; submission of the Trustee’s report; adoption of resolutions. Friday, 15 August 2014, 10h00, the Master of
the High Court, Pretoria.
G20042/2014—W J Consulting CC, in liquidation; R K Pollock, L M Moloto and J D Adolph, c/o Harvard, PO Box 1671,
Houghton, 20141. 28-08-14, 09:00, Magistrate, Randfontein.
T1907/2013—Insolvent estate: Gerhardus Johannes van Rooyen; L W Roering and N G Patel, c/o Harvard,
PO Box 1671, Houghton, 2041. 27-08-14, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.
D69/2011—Insolvent estate: Mbongeni Raymond & Gladys Kubheka; K R Vengadesan & J Muthanyi, Vengadesan &
Associates, PO Box 48680, Qualbert, 4078. 21 August 2014, 10h00, at the Magistrate’s Court, Verulam.
T5323/11—Insolvent estate: Oscar Lucas; Z Cassim & NF Nemakwarani (c/o ML Ledwaba), c/o Cassim Inc.,
PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 20 August 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
C168/2014—Insolvent estate: Clare Louise & Grant Christopher van Zyl; P Carolus & RG Brink, c/o MX3 Consultancies
CC, PO Box 1773, Bellville, 7530. 21 August 2014, 09h00 am, at the Magistrate, Wynberg.
C179/2014—UVP Print (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; CA Johannes & Mr Joseph, c/o MX3 Consultancies CC, PO Box 1773,
Bellville, 7530. 20 August 2014, 09h00 am, at the Magistrate, Goodwood.
C20011/2014—Johno’s Electrical Contractors CC, in liquidation; M Slade & CM Small, c/o MX3 Consultancies CC,
PO Box 1773, Bellville, 7530. 15 August 2014, 09h00 am, at the Magistrate, Simonstown.
T4667/2010—Insolvent estate: Smit, Isabelle Bernadette, ID No. 5906280109086. Second meeting of creditors: Proof of
claims; submission of the Trustee’s report; adoption of resolutions. Friday, 22 August 2014, 10h00, the Magistrate, Vereeniging.
T0229/14—Sunrom Tyre Centre Middelburg CC, Reg. No. 1998/64631/23. Second meeting of creditor: Proof of claims;
submission of Liquidators/Trustees report; adoption of resolutions. 27 August 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Middelburg.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 151

T1269/13—Botha Conrad, ID No. 870113521082. Second meeting of creditor: Proof of claims; submission of
Liquidators/Trustees report; adoption of resolutions. 26 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T2400/13—Mafikizolo Construction CC, Reg. No. 2000/046204/23. Second meeting of creditor: Proof of claims; sub-
mission of Liquidators/Trustees report; adoption of resolution. 28 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Polokwane.
T717/2014—Insolvent estate: Banana Gialla CC, Reg. No. 2003/108464/23, in liquidation. Second meeting of creditors:
proof of claims; submission of the Liquidator’s report; adoption of resolutions. Wednesday, 27 August 2014, 10h00, the Master
of the High Court, Pretoria.
T3199/13—Kershoff Mariana, ID No. 7606090042083. Second meeting of creditor: Proof of claims; submission of
Liquidators/Trustees report; adoption of resolutions. 28 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T1450/2013—Insolvent estate: Le Roux, Marius Stefanus Albertus & Johanna Dorethea, ID No’s. 4710275033082 &
5010250027087. Second meeting of creditors: Proof of claims; submission of Trustee’s report; adoption of resolutions. Friday,
29 August 2013, 09h00, the Magistrate, Germiston.
T2294/12—Lexshell 625 Investments (RF) (Pty) Ltd, 2004/011265/07, in liquidation; Deidre Meurs, Riverwalk Office
Park, Building C, 3rd Floor, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria, 0081. 31-07-2012 at 10:00 am, in Johannesburg.
T2663/12—Ravi Guarantee Corporation No. 3 (RF) (Pty) Ltd, 2007/012599/07, in liquidation; Deidre Meurs, Riverwalk
Office Park, Building C, 3rd Floor, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria, 0081. 22 May 2012 at 10:00 am.
T2298/12—Clidet No. 525 (RF) (Pty) Ltd, 2004/024277/07, in liquidation; Deidre Meurs, Riverwalk Office Park, Building
C, 3rd Floor, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria, 0081. 21 May 2012, 10:00 am, in Johannesburg.
T43/14—Quinton Britz, born: 24-03-1983, ID No. 8303245116082; CJ Maritz, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745 and
J Baloyi, PO Box 12076, Hatfield, 0028. 19 August 2014, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Kempton Park.
G1369/2013—Nicholas George Murray, born: 03-10-1968, ID No. 6810035610084 and Tracey Vanessa Murray, born:
10-07-1967, Identity No. 6707100158082; CJ Maritz, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745 and MS Motimele, PO Box 30550,
Sunnyside, 0132. 22 August 2014, 10:00, Master’s Office, Johannesburg.
T0623/13—Insolvent estate: Gerber; Hendrik Jacobus; Elizabeth Margaret Edwards & Marie Haywood, Xirimele Trustees
BK/CC, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. 21 August 2014 at 09h30, the Magistrate, the Magistrate’s Court, Vanderbijlpark.
C101/2014—Insolvent estate: Mogamat Salie; Andrew Phillip Maralack, Nawaal Cloete and Edwin John Pietersen, c/o
Sizwe Business Recoveries, PO Box 15545, Vlaeberg, 8018. 14 August 2014, 09h00, the Magistrate, Wynberg.
C973/2013—Vusela Construction (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; S Moodliar, R Pieters & M Baliso, c/o Sanek Trust Recovery
Services (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town. Wednesday, 3 September 2014, 09h00, the Magistrate,
Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River.
C973/2013—Vusela Construction (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; S Moodliar, R Pieters & M Baliso, c/o Sanek Trust Recovery
Services (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town. Wednesday, 3 September 2014, 09h00, the Magistrate,
Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River.
C302/13—Insolvent estate: Cassiem Ghaidean and Albenita Olivia Jane Robertson; Andrew Phillip Maralack and
Wayne Henry Hufkie, c/o Sizwe Business Recoveries, PO Box 15545, Vlaeberg, 8018. 20 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate,
Kuils River.
S78/2013—Insolvent estate: Deborah Elaine Marshall; J.M.A. Louw & A.M. Limbada, J. Louw Attorneys, 11,
7th Avenue, Newton Park, P.E., 6055. 20-08-2014, 14h00, Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth.
T3796/12—Insolvent estate: Danwet W50 (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number: 2000/025683/07. Second meeting: Proof of
claims; submission of the Trustee’s Report; adoption of resolutions. 20-08-2014, 09h00, the Magistrate, Randburg.
D133/2013—Milnex 142 CC, in liquidation; T E Mshengu, c/o Mshengu Insolvency Practitioners, PO Box 119, Botha’s Hill,
3660. Wednesday, 20 August 2014, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Durban.
D188/2012—K B Dunnett Twenty Four Investments CC t/a Topline Foods, in liquidation; T E Mshengu, c/o Mshengu
Insolvency Practitioners, PO Box 119, Botha’s Hill, 3660. Wednesday, 20 August 2014, 10h00, the Master of the High Court,
C20138/2014—Reidon Technologies (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; Bryan Neville Shaw & Simon Malebo Rampoporo, c/o
Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Friday, 22 August 2014, 11:00 am, the
Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.
T2885/13—Phillipus Kacobus Korff, ID: 6102205030081 & Getruida Jacoba Korff, ID: 6308280158081, getroud binne
gemeenskap van goed, woonagtig te 286 Esselen Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria; Tsiu Vincent Matsepe, p/a Matsepes Prokureurs,
Posbus 256, Bloemfontein, 9300, Amoure Yeun, p/a Bombani Stewart Trust, Posbus 1337, Fonteinbleau, 2032.
27 Augustus 2014, 10h00, Meesterskantoor, Pretoria.
B21/14—Werner Le Roux, ID: 6004255047082, woonagtig te Jutastraat 37, Heuwelsig, Bloemfontein; Ottlie Anton
Noordman, p/a Matsepe Prokureurs, Posbus 256, Bloemfontein, 9300 & Tsiu Vincent Matsepe, p/a Matsepe Prokureurs,
Posbus 256, Bloemfontein, 9300, Donovan Theodore Majiedt, p/a EG Cooper Majiedt, Posbus 246, Bloemfontein, 9300.
20 Augustus 2014, 10:00, Meesterskantoor, Bloemfontein.
C529/2013—Insolvent estate: Twigg, Ricardo Vincent; HA Plaatjies & A Ayub, c/o Independent Trustees (Pty) Ltd,
PO Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599. 21 August 2014, 09:00 am, at the Magistrate, Wynberg.
B20013/2014—Valozone 204 BK, in likwidasie; DT Majiedt, Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein, 9301. 27-08-2014, 10h00,
Meester, Bloemfontein.
T2872/13—Du Toit, Johanna Magrietha Jacoba; L Naude, JD Pema, CK Trust, 222 Rivonia Road, Morningside Close,
Morningside. 18-08-2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
T2872/13—Du Toit, Johanna Magrietha Jacoba; L Naude, JD Pema, CK Trust, 222 Rivonia Road, Morningside Close,
Morningside. 18-08-2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
G631/13—Golden Reserve 6 CC, in liquidation; LB Saffy, SAG Khammissa, GN Ngobeni, CK Trust, Block A, Ground Floor,
Morningside Close, Michelle Street, Morningside. 18-08-2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.

This gazette is also available free online at


T3129/13—Career Jump (Pty) Ltd, in likwidasie; JH du Plessis & C Smith (co: A Steyn), c/o JH du Plessis Trustees,
Posbus 49, Fontainebleau, 2032. 18 August 2014, om 10:00, the Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
G73/13—Moonshine Transport Services CC, in likwidasie; JH du Plessis & CKV Tanna, p/a JH du Plessis, Posbus 49,
Fontainebleau, 2032. 14 August 2014, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg.
T2549/11—Verster, Johannes Jacobus & Elmarie, ID No’s: 7202085036080 & 7202070283085; C Murray & AP Maralack
(co: B Petersen), p/a Sechaba Trust, PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. 18 August 2014, 10:00, Presiding Officer: Master,
T1608/13—Smuts, Roland Stephanus, ID No. 7912235101085; A Wagner (co: C Murray), p/a Sechaba Trust,
PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. 22 August 2014, 10:00, Presiding Officer: Magistrate, Vereeniging.
T4010/12—Pienaar, Martin Hugo, ID No. 7612085002082; NG Patel, p/a Sechaba Trust, PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126.
18 August 2014, 10:00, Presiding Officer: Master, Pretoria.
T3059/13—Dludla, Albert Zakhele, ID No. 4601016884083; MS Motshekga & EP Maenetja, p/a Sechaba Trust,
PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. 22 August 2014, 10:00, Presiding Officer: Magistrate, Springs.
G193/14—Acetocare (Pty) Ltd, 2010/003043/07; C Murray, O R Sekati, p/a Sechaba Trust, PO Box 11889, Tramshed,
0126. Tuesday, 19 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.
T2808/11—Insolvent estate: JD & S van der Heever; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014, 09h00, before the Magistrate, Roodepoort.
T4957/12—Insolvent estate: JG & HJ Tiearney; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.
Friday, 26 September 2014, 09h00, before the Magistrate, Krugersdorp.
T4768/12—Insolvent estate: A Pieterse; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 26
September 2014, 10h00, before the Magistrate, Springs.
T2485/12—Insolvent estate: PT Tshukudu; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Monday,
22 September 2014, 10h00, before the Magistrate, Brits.
T2477/12—Insolvent estate: JM Behr; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Wednesday,
17 September 2014, 09h00, before the Magistrate, Roodepoort.
T0128/12—Insolvent estate: CW & C Potgieter; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.
Thursday, 25 September 2014, 09h00, before the Magistrate, Boksburg.
T2369/12—Insolvent estate: MI Matjiu; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday,
26 September 2014, 09h00, before the Magistrate, eMalahleni.
T1064/12—Insolvent estate: GH Salter; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Wednesday,
17 September 2014, 10h00, before the Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg.
T4474/12—Insolvent estate: EN Mthembu; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014, 10h00, before the Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg.
T5074/11—Insolvent estate: C Sauls; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Wednesday,
17 September 2014, 10h00, before the Master of the High South Gauteng Court, Johannesburg.
T3005/11—Insolvent estate: Mendes MEE; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014, 10h00, before the Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg.
T4345/12—Insolvent estate: Mthembu PM; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014, 10h00, before the Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg.
T3979/11—Insolvent estate: De Bruyn WC & C; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.
Friday, 26 September 2014, 10h00, before the Magistrate, Vereeniging.
T4767/12—Insolvent estate: Pieterse N; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Tuesday,
23 September 2014, 09h00, before the Magistrate, Kempton Park.
T4379/12—Insolvent estate: Son SN; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday,
26 September 2014, 10h00, before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T4814/09—Insolvent estate: Neotau Trust; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014, 09h00, before the Magistrate, Randburg.
T4645/12—Insolvent estate: Ndiweni V; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Wednesday,
17 September 2014, 09h00, before the Magistrate, Randburg.
T4009/11—Insolvent estate: Moitsi AN; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday,
26 September 2014, 10h00, before the Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.
T2973/11—Insolvent estate: Makhene C; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Tuesday,
26 August 2014, 10h00, before the Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.
T5695/10—Insolvent estate: Setshedi P; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Wednesday,
17 September 2014, 10h00, before the Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg.
T4917/11—Insolvent estate: Van Niekerk J & AM; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.
Thursday, 25 September 2014, 10h00, before the Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg.
C807/2013—Insolvent estate: Rosslee, Milton Gregory; RG Brink, Brink & Thomas Inc., PO Box 7451, Newton Park,
6055 & E Lourens, Tygerberg Trustees, PO Box 5483, Tygervalley, 7536. Friday, 15 August 2014, 09h00, Master, Cape Town.
C20060/2014—Tanin Trading 171 (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2005/020695/07, gereg. adres: Posbus 765, Strand, WK;
Johannes Zacharias Human Muller & Mark Abraham Christian, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) bpk, Cobhamweg 1207,
Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. Woensdag, 20 Augustus 2104 om 10h00, voor die Landdros te Strand.
T3543/12—Skibakiba Butchery & Ice Distribution BK, Reg. No. CK2009/207241/23, in likwidasie, Reg. adres: 498 Block
FF, Soshanguve, 0152; I J Boshoff & I Kloppers-Lourens, p/a Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood,
Pretoria. Woensdag, 20 Augustus 2014 om 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 153

T4724/12—Insolvente boedel: Amith & Rashree Singh, ID No’s: 7910085111089 & 8202210040089, woonagtig te
Eeufeeslaan 44, Florida Lake, Roodepoort; Alta van Wyk & Ahmed Moosa Gani Suliman, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk,
Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. Woensdag, 20 Augustus om 09:00, Landdros, Roodepoort.
T0600/13—Insolvente boedel: Reuben Mein, ID No. 8506275046082, woonagtig te 125 Koedoe Street, Weirda Park,
Centurion; D Basson & P H Lebepe, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. Vrydag,
22 Augustus 2014 om 10:00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria.
T1750/10—Insolvente boedel: Rhesia Jordan, ID No. 7603240101083, woonagtig te Mootstraat 822, Daspoort; Johannes
Jurie Beetge & Wergele Stafford McKenzie, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186.
Maandag, 18 Augustus 2014, 10h00, voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
G323/2014—Dream World Investments 221 (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2004/023812/07, gereg. adres: Kamer 4-3de Vloer-
Malanshof, Charl Cillierslaan 62, Alberton-Noord, 1449; Johannes Zacharias Human Muller & Satish Roopa, Tshwane Trust Co
(Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. Woensdag, 20 Augustus 2014, om 09h00, voor die Landdros te
Palm Ridge.
T0460/13—Insolvente boedel: Maria Elizabeth Delport, ID No. 7511290060085, woonagtig te Republicstraat 1-213,
President Park, Midrand; Johannes Jurie Beetge & Zaheer Cassim, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207,
Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. Vrydag, 22 Augustus 2014, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
T1541/13—Comprop Projects (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2002/018387/07, in likwidasie, gereg adres: 54 Lyttleton Road,
Clubview, 0157; J Z H Muller, S A G Khammissa & T Mphahlele, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207,
Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. Maandag, 18 Augustus 2014, om 10h00, voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
B102/2013—Insolvente boedel: Gilliam Johann Joubert, ID: 4709205025085, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed en
woonagtig te Schuttestraat 30, Parys, Vrystaat Provinsie; Elna Elsa Pohl, p/a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof,
9324. 20 Augustus 2014, om 10:00, die Landdros, Parys.

Form/Vorm 2



Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926,
and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be
held in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, indicating the number of
estate/company; the name and description of estate/company; the date, hour and place of meeting and the
purposes of meeting.
Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be
held before the Magistrate.


Ingevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926,
en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat ’n byeenkoms van skuld-
eisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word met
aanduiding van die nommer van boedel/maatskappy; die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; die datum,
uur en plek van byeenkoms en die doel van byeenkoms.
In ’n plek waar ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voor
die Landdros gehou.
T1796/13—LDW Scholtz. 21 Augustus 2014, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise.
G182/12—Tarlton Security and Multi Services CC, in likwidasie. Vrydag, 15 Augustus 2014, 09:30, Landdros,
Krugersdorp. 1. Bewys van eise.
T2177/09—Insolvente boedel: GJ & JM van der Vyver. Donderdag, 14 Augustus 2014 om 10:00, te die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof, Noord Gauteng, Pretoria. 1. Bewys van eise.
T2855/11—JGJ Trollip. 21 Augustus 2014, 10:00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise.
T822/11—Insolvente boedel: I L Terblanche. 21-08-14, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise.
T2261/12—SJ & LCC Pretorius. 19 Augustus 2014, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise.
T4920/12—Insolvente boedel: JG Pretorius. Donderdag, 21 Augustus 2014 om 10:00, te die Landdros, Mokopane
(Potgietersrus). 1. Bewys van eise.
T1085/12—Insolvente boedel: B J & M J Plekenpol. 20-08-14, 10:00, Landdros, Middelburg. Bewys van eise.
T2715/12—Insolvente boedel: ACW & E Koekemoer. 21-08-14, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys
van eise.
T3178/12—L Herman. 21 Augustus 2014, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise.

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C209/12—Insolvente boedel: A A & K Fredericks. 28-08-14, 09:00, Landdros, Malmesbury. Bewys van eise.
T5072/08—TG & HH du Plessis. 21 Augustus 2014, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise.
T2234/12—MC de Klerk. 22 Augustus 2014, 10:00, Landdros, Vereeniging. Bewys van eise.
T3441/11—Insolvente boedel: A M G Coetzeer. 21-08-14, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van
C1132/11—Insolvente boedel: L D Christiaans. 21-08-14, 09:00, Landdros, Wynberg. Bewys van eise.
C1131/11—Insolvente boedel: A Christiaans. 21-08-14, 09:00, Landdros, Wynberg. Bewys van eise.
T5022/12—Insolvente boedel: D Botes. 21-08-14, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise.
T1057/12—I Beukes. 21 Augustus 2014, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise.
G0831/13—Insolvent estate: Van der Elst, Johannes Christiaan. 13-08-2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Randburg.
Further proof of claims and for the interrogation of the insolvent.
C904/2011—Insolvent estate: A J & R C Stuart. Friday, 15 August 2014, 11h00, Magistrate’s Office, Bellville. Further proof
of claims.
S96/2011—Insolvent estate: Julian Alexander Holmes, ID 4609275088080. 13 August 2014, 14h00, Master’s Office, Port
Elizabeth. Further proof of claims.
G877/13—A R Rahman Accounting Services CC, in liquidation. 21 August 2014, 10:00, South Gauteng Master of the
High Court. Proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses.
C343/2012—Insolvent estate: Rudolf van Jaarsveldt. 15 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Hopefield. Further proof
of claims.
C549/2013—Plasticycle CC, in liquidation. 21 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg. Conduct A Section 415
T1679/11—Insolvent estate: Jacob Philip Weideman, ID 5901265140081 and Magdalena Johanna Weideman,
ID 6403300018082. 15 August 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Springs. Proving of claims.
T4403/11—Insolvent estate: Baloyi, Michael Madzujule. 14-08-2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Further
proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses.
C849/2013—Pinkrock Investments (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Wednesday, 20 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Goodwood.
Further proof of claims.
E21/2012—Insolvent estate: Graham Stravidis. Friday, 15 August 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Grahamstown.
Further proof of claims.
C931/2012—Insolvent estate: Keith Stuart Knight Coleman. Thursday, 21 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Wynberg.
Further proof of claims.
C309/2009—Aquila Insurance and Healthcare Consultants Investments (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Friday, 15 August
2014, 11h00, Magistrate, Bellville. Further proof of claims.
C959/2011—Twee Jonge Gezellen (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Tuesday, 19 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Tulbach. Further
proof of claims.
T1036/11—Insolent estate: DIK & SSR Storm. Wednesday, 20 August 2014, 10:00, Magistrate’s Court, Nigel. 1. Proof of
C1126/10—Vlame Occupational Health & Safety CC, in liquidation. Wednesday, 20 August 2014, 10:00, Magistrate’s
Office, Strand. Second (General) Meeting: – Adoption of Liquidators Report. – Proof of claims. – Authorized to take legal
opinion and to institute or defend an action iro any matter affecting the corporation.
T1487/07—Insolvent estate: Wilson, PB. 22 August 2014, 09h00, Germiston Magistrate’s Court. Proof of claims.
T7258/09—Insolvent estate: Malan, Etienne, ID 7412075061085. Thursday, 4 September 2014, 10:00, Master of the High
Court, Pretoria. Proof of claim. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
T0835/10—Insolvent estate: Eloff, Hermanus Karel Andries & Theresa, ID 6605225074087 & 7110120291083.
Thursday, 4 September 2014, 09:00, Magistrate, Randfontein. Proof of claim. Investrust, PO Box 125445, The Tramshed, 0126.
T738/11—Insolvent estate: Kiara Ciasha Properties CC (Reg. No. 2006/149133/23). Thursday, 21 August 2014, 10:00,
Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Proof of claims. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0128.
C382/2012—Rosemead Investments Consultants (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 19 August 2014, 09h00, Master of the High
Court, Cape Town. Special and General Meeting for the proof of claims, conducting an enquiry and adoption of resolutions:
Inter alia”1. The Liquidators be and are hereby authorised in their sole and absolute discretion to:
1.1 Take legal advice on any question of law affecting the administration and distribution of the company;
1.2 Institute or defend on behalf of the company any action or other legal proceedings of a civil nature for the recovery of
monies due to the company or otherwise and subject to the provisions of any law relating to criminal procedure, institute any
criminal proceedings;
1.3 Hold any enquiry into the affairs of the company and/or any matter relating thereto;
1.4 Investigate and institute legal proceedings for the recovery of any voidable or undue preferences, voidable dispositions
of property or any other impeachable transactions of whatsoever nature and to abandon same at any time;
1.5 The Liquidators be and are hereby authorised in their sole and absolute discretion to employ and engage the services
of attorneys and/or counsel (senior and/or junior) and/or accountants and/or bookkeepers and/or any employee of the
company and/or recording agents and/or any other person who in the sole discretion of the Liquidator may be of assistance in
the winding-up of the company in relation to any matter referred to in 1 above and further to pay all the costs thereof of
whatsoever nature out of the estate as costs incurred in the liquidation.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 155

G1107/2011—Unlimited Beverages (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 18-08-14, 10:00, Master, Johannesburg. Futher proof of
G2147/10—Sightfull 1030 CC, in liquidation. 19-08-14, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. Proof of claims.
T4544/11—Insolvent estate: Extreme Planthire CC, Reg. No. 2002/020091/23 (in liquidation). Friday, 15 August 2014,
09h30, the Magistrate, Secunda. Proof of claims. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
G696/13—Insolvent estate: Harold Dribbin. 20 August 2014, 10:00 a.m., Magistrate Randburg. Proof of claims.
T4720/08—Danie Du Toit Trust. Wednesday, 13 August 2014, 10h00, the Magistrate, Klerksdorp. A special meeting to be
held for proof of claims.
G1841/09—Bubesi Investments 53 (Pty) Ltd. Wednesday, 13 August 2014, 09h00, the Magistrate, Randburg. A special
meeting to be held for proof of claims.
C1126/10—Vlame Occupational Health & Safety CC (in liquidation). Wednesday, 20 August 2014, 10:00 am, Magistrate’s
Office, Strand. Second (General) Meeting, –Adoption of Liquidators report, proof of claims, authorized to take legal opinion and
to institute or defend an action iro any matter affecting the corporation.
C842/2013—Insolvent estate: Andre and Anna Theodora van der Merwe. Friday, 22 August 2014 at 09h00, the Master
of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of claims.
C42/2014—Paolo Plumbing CC (in liquidation). Friday, 22 August 2014 at 09h00, the Master of the High Court, Cape
Town. Proof of claims.
T3422/11—Vizirama 164 (Pty) Ltd, Reg. 2005/014710/07, in liquidation. 21-08-2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court,
Gauteng North, Pretoria. Further proof of claims.
T4175/10—AJ Koen, ID: 7212025173083. 18-08-2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Gauteng North, Pretoria. Further
proof of claims.
T3855/10—R du Bruyn, ID: 7010080035084. 21-08-2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Randfontein. Further proof of claims.
T1227/13—Insolvente boedel: AH Roller, ID: 6704225431080. 20-08-2014 @ 09h00, die Landdros, Roodepoort. Verdere
bewys van eise.
T4556/10—Insolvente boedel: L Stanford. 20 Augustus 2014, 10h00, Landdros, Roodepoort. Verdere bewys van eise.
T2400/11—Insolvente boedel: F & V Ferreira. 20 Augustus 2014, 10h00, Landdros, Benoni. Verdere bewys van eise.
T3942/08—Insolvente boedel: HMEB Zietsman. 19 Augustus 2014, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. Verdere bewys van eise.
T3636/08—Insolvent estate: AL & MJ Melato. 19/08/2014, 09h00, the Magistrate of Kempton Park. Further proof of claims.
T3662/10—Insolvent estate: B Esbach. 19/08/2014, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Further proof of claims.
T4068/09—J C Wendy’s CC. 28 August 2014, 9h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North. Special meeting for further proof or claims.
B24/2012—Insolvente boedel: PR Nel, ID: 7605225141083, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed en wat tydens
sekwestrasie woonagtig te Benaderylaan 96, Fichardpark, Bloemfontein, provinsie Vrystaat. 13 Augustus 2014, 10:00, Meester
van die Vrystaatse Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. Bewys van eise.
G977/12—Insolvent estate: Mfana Projects CC. 22 August 2012, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Further proof
of claims.
G76/2014—Aegean Foods CC (in liquidation). 13-08-2014, 09h00, the Magistrate, Randburg. (a) Further proof of claims.
B7/2013—Insolvente boedel: Christopher Gouws. 13-08-2014, 10h00, Meester, Bloemfontein. Spesiale vergadering.
C676/2012—Smitrans CC (in liquidation). 15 August 2014, 09h00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Special meeting
for further Proof of claims.
G427/2013—Insolvent estate: Johannes Petrus du Preez (ID No: 6104205016086). 09h00, 13-08-2014, The Magistrate,
Palmridge (Alberton). Proof of claim(s).
S125/2011—Grahamstown Ostrich Export Abottoir Ltd. 20 August 2014, 10h00, Master’s Office, Grahamstown. 1.
Special meeting of creditors. - Late proof of claims.
C20128/2014—The Lumber and Plant Company (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 20 August 2014, 10:00 am, Magistrate, Strand.
Further proof of claims.
C704/2012—Moegamat Benjamin and Rafia Abrahams. 8 August 2014, 09h00, Masters Office, Cape Town. Proof of
T3401/11—Schonwald Properties (Pty) Limited (in liquidation). 19 August 2014, 10:00 am, Master of the High Court,
Pretoria. Further proof of claims.
T719/11—Nel, Johannes Willem (ID No: 5507235025086). 15 August 2014, 10h00, Presiding Officer: Master, Pretoria.
1. Proof of claims.
T0154/13—Glover Investments (Pty) Limited (1998/017459/07). Tuesday, 19 August 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.
Adoption of Resolutions: 7. THAT the Liquidators be and are hereby authorised to dispose of all the assets in the Estate, by
Public Auction, Public Tender or Private Treaty, as they in their discretion may Deem fit.
T1337/13—Insolvente boedel: OA Andrews. Donderdag, 21 Augustus 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Noord Gauteng
Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Verdere bewys van eise.
T2837/12—Erf 92 Glen Erasmia (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Wednesday, 27 August 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni. Proof
of claims: Submit Liquidators report and acceptance thereof as well as acceptance of resolutions to Liquidator.
G337/2014—Deshelf 25 CC. Wednesday, 13 August 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. Further proof of claims.
T282/11—Insolvente boedel: J & S Odendaal. Dinsdag, 19 Augustus 2014, 09h00, Landdros, Kempton Park. Verdere
bewys van eise.

This gazette is also available free online at


Form/Vorm 4



Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and
section 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans of
distribution or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for inspection by creditors
or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for such
a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may
be the later date.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/
company; description of account; account for inspection at Master’s and Magistrate’s office, date, period (if longer
than 14 days).


Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel
406 (3) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die likwidasie-, distribusie- of
kontribusierekenings in die boedels of die maatskappye, na gelang van die geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae van
skuldeisers of kontribuante sal lê te die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende ’n
tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datum
van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laatste is.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van
boedel/maatskappy; beskrywing van rekening; rekening ter insae by Meesters- en Landdroskantoor, datum,
tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae).
B88/2013—Insolvente boedel: Gustav Pavlu. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening.
01/08/2014, Meester, Bloemfontein.
G1179/12—Insolvent estate: Setimo SA Ranong Construction and Projects CC, Reg. No. 2006/153796/23. First and
Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg as from 1 August 2014.
T5404/11—Insolvent estate: Snyders MM, ID No. 7805080074086. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from 1 August 2014.
T2640/08—Insolvent estate: Wynand Scholtz, ID No. 7603255015087. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from 1 August 2014.
T1923/11—Insolvent estate: Pamela Susan & Barbera Maria Prinsloo. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria.
C852/2013—Reticulation & General Supplies CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Distribution Account. The Master of
the High Court, Cape Town; The Magistrate's, Bellville.
C308/2013—Hawk's Landing Investments 16 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution &
Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Cape Town; The Magistrate's, George.
C1012/2012—Insolvent estate: Francois Hamman. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. The
Master of the High Court, Cape Town; The Magistrate's, Bellville.
C1126/2012—Insolvent estate: Destiny Boerdery Deelnemingstrust. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. The Master
of the High Court, Cape Town; The Magistrate's, Caledon.
C553/2008—Phoenix Diamond Holdings Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. The
Master of the High Court, Cape Town; The Magistrate's, Bellville.
C360/2013—Insolvent estate: Yolande Glover. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. The Master of the High
Court, Cape Town; The Magistrate's, Bellville.
C26/2013—Insolvent estate: Oswald Colin Lawson. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court,
Cape Town; The Magistrate's, Paarl & Knysna.
C1129/2012—Insolvent estate: J P S Engelbrecht. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Paarl.
C1264/2009—Insolvent estate: A J Swamepoel. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master
of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Wellington.
C1342/2011—Insolvent estate: A Strydom. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the
High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Paarl.
C520/2013—Insolvent estate: K & V J Louw. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Vredenburg.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 157

C642/2013—Earth Core Connections Int (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account.
Master of the High Court, Cape Town & Magistrate, Somerset West.
D188/2010—Newark Trading 652 CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Durban; Magistrate's Office, Krugersdorp.
N37/2010—Mthimkulu Training CC (in liquidation). Second & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the
High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate's Court, Pinetown.
D217/2010—VMA Investments CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. The Master of the High
Court, Durban.
N18/2013—Ilembe Catering House CC. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court,
Pietermaritzburg; Master of the High Court, Durban.
N16/2013—Beejal Textiles CC. First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court,
Pietermaritzburg; Master of the High Court, Durban.
N63/2012—AR Ramdhani CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court,
Pietermaritzburg; Master of the High Court, Durban.
N253/2010—Isonic Truck Trailer Maintenance Repairs CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & contribution
Account. Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate's Court, Empangeni.
G312/2007—Calshelf Investments 131 (Pty) Ltd. Second & Final Liquidation, Distribution Account. Master,
Johannesburg; Magistrate, Nigel.
T1997/2011—Mpumalanga Utility Services CC (in liquidation). Amended First Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution
Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Ermelo.
T5971/09—Insolvent estate: Cynthia Oosthuizen, ID No. 6708030077087, residing at 4 Maedre Mews, Wonderboom,
Pretoria. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria.
T3203/09—Insolvent estate: Lucas Fanyane Mashilwane, ID No. 7604075540080, residing at Stand 1564 X1,
Phomolong, Mamelodi East, Pretoria. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria.
T5032/12—Insolvent estate: Johannes Wilhelmus van Wyk, ID No. 6612125060083, residing at 976 Bloukurper Street,
Garsfontein, Pretoria. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria.
T5570/10—Insolvente boedel: Jo-Anne Geraldine White. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester
van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Nelspruit.
T4875/09—Insolvent estate: Tlhaloganyo, Jeremiah, ID No. 7203275326083. Second & Final Liquidation and Distribution
Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T231/07—Rivermouth Fruit Exporters CC (in liquidation), Reg. No. 1998/32665/23. First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Phalaborwa.
T0767/12—Insolvent estate: Coetzee, Ignatius Wilhelm & Gussie Regina Christina, ID No. 6107125175080,
6904260049082. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria;
Magistrate, Benoni.
T5294/11—Insolvent estate: Ivan Arthur and Adele Lesley Stewart. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. Before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria; and the Magistrate, Germiston, from 1 August 2014.
T1525/12—Insolvent estate: Ronny Mdhluli. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Before the
Master of the High Court, Pretoria from 1 August 2014.
T4618/12—Insolvent estate: Marjan Gerharda Brosens. First & Final Liquidation-, Distribution and Contribution Account.
Before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria from 1 August 2014.
T3404/10—Drie Eike Gastehuis en Interieur CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. Before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria from 1 August 2014.
T2183/08—Insolvent estate: Christoffel Johannes and Julie Ann Venter. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria; and the Magistrate, Brakpan, 1 August 2014.
T3935/12—Insolvent estate: Willem Jacobus Bezuidenhout. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. Before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria, and the Magistrate, Randburg from 1 August 2014.
T2587/10—Insolvent estate: Nicolaas Lodewyk Claassen. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
Before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria; and the Magistrate, Germiston, from 1 August 2014.
T3881/09—Insolvent estate: Karl Johannes Christian Swarts. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Palm Ridge; from 1 August 2014.
T1894/09—Insolvent estate: Sonja de Kock. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the
High Court, Pretoria and Master High Court, Johannesburg, from 1 August 2014.
G1177/12—Insolvent estate: Gerhardus Jakobus and Elsabe Bronkhorst. Amended First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, from 1 August 2014.
N281/00—Insolvent estate: Manicum Nariansamy Moodley (ID No: 6007265127083), and Nirmala Pushpa Moodley (ID
No: 6207230289089). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Court,
Pinetown; 1 August 2014 to 15 August 2014.
T2360/11—Insolvent estate: The Aldabri 416 (Pty) Ltd, Reg No: 2009/013510/07. First and Final Liquidation and
Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria as well as the Master of the South Gauteng High Court,
Johannesburg, as from 1 August 2014.
T5179/10—Insolvent estate: L Phieffer, ID No: 6806275022089. Amended First and Final Liquidation & Distribution
Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria as from 1 August 2014.
B43/2012—Silver Dawn Investments 60 BK (in likwidasie). Aanvullende Derde en Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusie-
rekening. Meester, Bloemfontein; Landdros, Welkom, 01/08/2014.
B43/2012—Silver Dawn Investments 60 BK (in likwidasie). Aanvullende Derde en Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusie-
rekening. Meester, Bloemfontein; Landdros, Welkom, 01/08/2014.

This gazette is also available free online at


B64/2013—Insolvente boedel: Cornelius Gregories Pypers. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening.

Meester, Bloemfontein; Landdros, Virginia, 01/08/2014.
T1413/11—Insolvente boedel: A M Waddicor. Eerste & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester
van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, sowel as Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg.
T749/12—Insolvente boedel: S A Strever. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van
die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Brakpan.
T4593/12—Insolvente boedel: F & A M Oberholster. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.
Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Klerksdorp.
T736/13—Insolvente boedel: A B & A M Meyer. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die
Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.
T4207/12—Insolvent estate: P M Lombard. First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,
Pretoria; Magistrate, Pretoria North.
T1784/11—Insolvent estate: W le Roux. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the
High Court, Pretoria.
G1396/07—Henbase 3076 (Edms.) Bpk. (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Meester van die
Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg; Kontribusierekening. Landdros, Vanderbijlpark.
T4061/01—Erf 491 Elardus BK (in likwidasie). Eerste & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester
van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria sowel as die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg.
T3308/13—Active Emergency Services CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court,
G256/12—Access 2000 BK (in likwidasie). Eerste & Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die
Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg; Landdros, Benoni.
T4533/12—Insolvente boedel: Wanda Yvonne van Niekerk. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester van die
Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, vanaf 1 Augustus 2014 tot 15 Augustus 2014.
T387/03—Star Cross Trading (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate
Court, Kempton Park, lying open for inspection from 1 August 2014 to 15 August 2014.
G198/2014—Stand 7563 Benoni CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master, South Gauteng High
Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Benoni, 1 August 2014.
G854/2013—Insolvent estate: M. Schoeman (ID: 7712240085087). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Magistrate, Krugersdorp; Master in the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, 1 August 2014.
G966/13—H J Schmidt. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Boksburg.
T0129/09—RCA Suppliers CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation Account. Master, Pretoria.
T0258/11—Insolvent estate: Gerhardus Petrus & Mariane du Preez (ID No. 6706030144089 & ID No. 6508190157087).
First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
G1190/2011—Kelley Global Fleet Services SA (Pty) Limited (Registration Number 2010/014072/07) (in liquidation).
Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
T27/09—Insolvent estate: Hendry Joubert. Amended First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria.
G1898/09—Endo Racing (Pty) Limited (Reg No. 2005/018955/07) (in liquidation). Supplementary First & Final Liquidation
and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg & Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T4996/12—Corequip Flexible Packaging Suppliers Cc (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. .Master
of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Benoni
T3953/11—T N T Trading 65 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Pretoria.
E25/2012—Calypso Wood Products CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of
the HighCourt, Grahamstown; Magistrate’s Court, East London.
C415/2013—Insolvent estate: Bernard Mark Edgcumbe. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Cape Town, B N Shaw & X E Dakucalana.
C81/2013—Insolvent estate: H Venter. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the Western Cape
High Court; Magistrate’s Court, Piketberg. Dullah Omar Building, 45 Castle Street, Cape Town.
T943/2013—Farmpure Meats (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Court, Piet Retief, Pierre Berrange.
C943/2012—Strassco Plant Hire CC (in liquidation). Supplementary Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.
Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Kuils River, B N Shaw & A W Badrodien & C B St Clair Cooper.
C353/13—Insolvent estate: Barry Carl Hayward. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Simonstown.
C262/2013—Biaristo Projekte CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master, Cape Town; Magistrate,
T2576/12—Insolvent estate: Human, Riaan & Hester Sophia. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Standerton. Inspection from 1 August 2014 to 15 August
E8/2013—Insolvent estate: D. Muller. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of High
Court, Grahamstown; Magistrate’s Offices, East London.
C1193/2012—Fantique Trade 709 (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number 2002/002063/07. First and Final Liquidation and
Contribution Account. Magistrate, Bellville; Master, Cape Town.
E32/2013—Amhappy 135 Property Holdings CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.
Magistrate, Port Alfred; Master, Grahamstown.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 159

C79/2012—John Smook Properties (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number 2002/003598/07. Supplementary First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account to the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Magistrate, Paarl; Master, Cape
C816/2011—Imvusa Trading 1921 CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
Magistrate’s Office, Bellville; Master of the High Court, Cape Town.
T5743/09—Insolvent estate: Johannes Henrik Jacobus & Elizabeth Nel. First and Final Liquidation & Distribution
Account. Magistrate’s Court, Kempton Park; Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
B199/2008—Rudolph Francois Erasmus. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie en Kontribusierekening.
Landdroskantoor, Kaapstad; Meesterskantoor, Bloemfontein, Vrydag, 1 Augustus 2014.
C812/2012—Contintental Sounds CC (in liquidation). Second & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Magistrate,
Bellville; Master of the High Court, Cape Town.
B169/2010—Insolvente boedel: Digenis Kapousouzis N.O., Judith Willemina Kapousouzis N.O. & Werner le Roux
N.O., in hulle hoedanigheid as trustees van die Kapousouzis Familie Trust wat geregistreer is te Bloemfontein, provinsie
Vrystaat. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie/Kontribusierekening. Meester, Bloemfontein.
C812/2012—Continental Sounds CC (in liquidation). Second & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Magistrate,
Bellville; Master of the High Court, Cape Town.
D115/2009—Blue Disa Trading 379 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
Magistrate, Pretoria; Master of the High Court, Durban.
B23/2013—Insolvente boedel: A van der Merwe wat tydens sekwestrasie woonagtig te Langeberstr. 38, Vaalpark,
Sasolburg, provinsie Vrystaat. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening. Landdros, Sasolburg; Meester, Bloemfontein.
G123/13—Armstrong Building Contractors (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2007/029962/07, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and
Distribution Account. Magistrate, Roodepoort; Master, Johannesburg.
T754/12—PW & R. Snelson. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Magistrate, Roodepoort;
Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T4221/12—P. D. Ackerman. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T5076/12—K. C. Moyo. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court,
Pretoria and Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
C708/12—Main Road Centurion 30068 CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Magistrate,
George; Master of the High Court, Cape Town, 1 August 2014.
C761/13—Cape Wildflowers CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Magistrate, Hermanus;
Master of the High Court, Cape Town, 1 August 2014.
C811/11—Insolvent estate: Chris Willem Smit. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,
Cape Town, 1 August 2014.
C1338/10—Unlimited Vacation Interfude WC (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Magistrate, Stellenbosch; Master of the High Court, Cape Town, 1 August 2014.
T0771/12—Grobler, J L C. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, for 14
days from 1 August 2014.
T2469/12—Insolvent estate: Machiel Frederik van der Walt, ID No. 6601125021088 and Helena Susanna van der Walt,
ID No. 7001020053089. First and Final Liquidation Account. The Magistrate Court, Brits; The Master of the High Court, North
Gauteng, Pretoria.
T3353/98—P & R Maintenance & Overhaul CC (in liquidation). Second Supplementary Second & Final Liquidation and
Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
G0990/12—Diepdraai Ondernemings CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master
of the High Court, Johannesburg; The Magistrate's Court, Nigel.
G1571/11—Metachemica (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the
High Court, Johannesburg.
G0317/07—Derry Properties (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master
of the High Court, Johannesburg.
C603/2012—Bestvest 153 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Master of the Western Cape High Court, Dullah Omar Building, 45 Castle Street, Cape Town &
Magistrate's Court, Wynberg.
T2775/10—Pieter Niemandt Ontwikkelings CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.
Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Brits.
D29/2013—Golden Rewards 1311 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the
High Court, Durban; Magistrate's Court, Verulum.
C660/2013—Quick Snacks CC (in liquidation). Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master's Office, Cape Town;
Magistrate's Court, Bellville.
C372/2011—Insolvent estate: Johannes Doris Potgieter & Marie Potgieter. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution
Account. Master's Office, Cape Town; Magistrate's Court, Bellville.
C403/2013—Premier Attraction 1378 CC, t/a Robertson Dros (in liquidation). Supplementary First and Final Liquidation
and Contribution Account. Master's Office, Cape Town; Magistrate's Court, Robertson.
C282/2013—Insolvent estate: Werner Nicolaas du Toit. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master's
Office, Cape Town.
C289/2013—Kuff Security Services CC (in liquidation). Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution
Account. Master, Cape Town; Magistrate, Wynberg.

This gazette is also available free online at


T2151/12—Insolvent estate: RM Paulus. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Pretoria, and the Magistrate, Randburg.
T3662/10—Insolvent estate: B Esbach. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria.
T4967/12—Insolvent estate: JJ Cooper. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Pretoria and the Magistrate, Germiston.
T2828/11—Insolvent estate: A & J Taparia. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Pretoria; The Magistrate, Randburg.
T99/13—Insolvent estate: GF & CJJ Botha. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master
of the High Court, Pretoria; The Magistrate, Bronkhorstspruit.
T3957/08—Insolvent estate: AP Kruger. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Pretoria; The Magistrate, Benoni.
T2702/12—Insolent estate: HH & D Blignaut. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the
High Court, Pretoria; The Magistrate, Springs.
T7155/09—Insolvent estate: LE & NP Mbhele. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Palm Ridge, Alberton.
T2424/12—Insolvent estate: CJR & A Strydom. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Vereeniging.
T1313/13—Mia Automotive (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High
Court, Pretoria.
T2472/12—Insolvent estate: L. C. May. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria.
T1566/08—Chrisja Familie Trust. Amended Fourth and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Ermelo.
M98/11—Roan Boerdery CC. Provisional Liquidators Account. Master of the North West High Court, Mafikeng.
M67/12—Org du Plessis Kontrakteurs CC. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the North West High Court,
Mafikeng; Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
T3621/09—D & S Khumalo. Second Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master
of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria and Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg.
T4391/12—PW Joubert. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng
High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
T136/09—E England. Amended Fifth and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.
T4324/10—A & EM Joubert. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
T4905/09—SF Naude. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng
High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Boksburg.
T1056/13—FE Buys. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High
Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
T808/08—Bitflow Investments 300 (Pty) Ltd. Second Amended Fifth and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.
Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.
T1019/06—JE Loots. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North
Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Kempton Park.
T5079/09—Snyman J. Amended Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High
Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Witbank.
M50/12—Custos Trading CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North West
High Court, Mafikeng; Magistrate, Klerksdorp.
G1287/2012—Injectrade 81 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,
Johannesburg; Magistrate, Germiston.
T3105/10—Insolvent estate: Mellett, FJ & SS, Identity Numbers: 5805295060088 & 6009120071084. First and Final
Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Krugersdorp; as from
1 August 2014.
T2078/10—Insolvent estate: Alfonso, A E, Identity Number: 6701230110089. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Pretoria North, as from 1 August 2014.


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Vol. 590 Pretoria, 1
2014 No. 37874



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T305/13—Insolvent estate: Oberholzer, JF, Identity Number: 6606155088089. The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution
and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Groblersdal, as from 1 August 2014.
T4692/08—Insolvent estate: Yssel, A, Identity Number: 6804240025089. The Amended Second and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Heidelberg, as from 1 August 2014.
T2191/11—Insolvent estate: Mandleve Developments CC, Reg. Number: 2003/064759/23 (in liquidation). The Second
Amended Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from
1 August 2014.
T2698/11—Insolvent estate: Venglass CC, Reg. Number: 2006/202466/23 (in liquidation). The First and Final Liquidation,
Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Modimolle (Nylstroom), as from
1 August 2014.
T7298/09—Insolvent estate: Hoplee Property Development (Pty) Ltd, Reg. Number: 2004/024049/07 (in liquidation).
The Fourth Amended Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from
1 August 2014.
G1182/12—Rainbow Place Properties 87 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution
Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.
T0860/2012—Insolvent estate: PA Harms. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master,
T1386/2012—Insolvent estate: HS & C Linde. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master,
Pretoria; Magistrate, Nelspruit.
C410/2013—Wind Watts Turbines (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate's Court, Goodwood.
T5297/09—Insolvent estate: Nxumalo, Collison Osmund Moyeni, ID No. 6509215489083. The First and Final
Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Master of the High Court,
Johannesburg, as from 15 August 2014.
T980/13—Insolvent estate: Van den Berg, Jacob Jacobus & Claudette, ID 7507175104089 & 8005260009080. The First
and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from 15 August 2014.
T1997/10—Insolvent estate: Duffey, Madelein, ID 6703190128085. The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution &
Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Randburg, as from 15 August 2014.
T1996/10—Insolvent estate: Duffey, Arnold, ID 6304055115083. The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution &
Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Palm Ridge, as from 15 August 2014.
T5324/11—Insolvent estate: Bettencourt, Irene Fatima, ID 7409130166081. The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution
& Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Evander, as from 15 August 2014.
T880/13—Insolvent estate: Adzam Trading 148 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation), Reg. No. 2006/018680/07. The First and Final
Liquidation Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from 15 August 2014.
T2213/10—Insolvent estate: The LG Bacsy Trust, IT Number 4217/96 (in liquidation). The First and Final Liquidation,
Distribution & Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from 15 August 2014.
T676/10—Insolvent estate: Becker, Jacobus Casparus & Chantel Louise, ID 7803195024088 & 7511190276088. The
First and Final Liquidation Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Brakpan, as from 15 August 2014.
T956/10—Madelief Creative Furniture CC. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria,
1 August 2014.
T904/10—Group 6 Security Services (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria,
1 August 2014.
T1986/11—Insolvent estate: B J Swanepoel. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Pretoria, from 1st of August 2014 until the 15th of August 2014.
T2241/11—IInsolvent estate: J J B & M C Troskie. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
Magistrate, Kempton Park and Vereeniging; Master of the High Court, Pretoria from 1 August 2014 until the 15th August 2014.
T6027/09—Insolvent estate: C F Esterhuizen. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of
the High Court, Pretoria, from 1 August 2014 until the 15th of August 2014.

Form/Vorm 5



The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies
being wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the dates therein mentioned,
notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 113 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the Companies
Act, 1926, and section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends are in the course of payment or
contributions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every
creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at the
address mentioned below.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of
estate/company and account; date when account confirmed; whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being
collected, or both, and name and address of trustee or liquidator.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 163


Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels of
maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig
is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926,
en artikel 409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling van dividende of insameling van
kontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elke
kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of
likwidateur moet betaal.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van
boedel/maatskappy en rekening; datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; of ’n dividend uitgekeer of ’n kontribusie
ingevorder word, of beide, en naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur.

T5309/11—B Bondisio. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 23-07-2014. Dividends. NJ van Blerk, Forum
Trust (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 0001.
T145/12—The JHA Investment Trust. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 23-07-2014.
Dividends. C van Diggelen (CO: IL van Diggelen), L van der Merwe & D Basson, Forum Trust (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 3127, Pretoria,
T1159/11—Insolvent estate: G G Wolff. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 1 July 2014.
Dividends and contribution to be collected. J P Fourie, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T679/09—Insolvent estate: M C Wilhelm. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 20 June 2014.
Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T5341/09—Insolvent estate: M & E Weber. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 19 June
2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
C775/11—Insolvent estate: S M M Vosloo. First and Final Liquidation Account. 20 June 2014. Shortfall. Anton Strydom,
P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2006/07—Insolvent estate: H P & K Venter. First and Final Liquidation Account. 26 June 2014. Guardians fund. Elsie
Wagner, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T3927/10—Insolvent estate: M J & G P van Zyl. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 24 June
2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T3651/10—Insolvent estate: F W C van Deventer. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
26 June 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2377/12—Insolvent estate: A J van Aswegen. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 24 June
2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2015/10—Insolvent estate: G R Stubbs. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 26 June 2014. Dividends
and Guardians Fund. J P Fourie, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T1147/10—Insolvent estate: G J S Snygans. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 7 July 2014. Dividends.
J P Fourie, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
C638/11—Insolvent estate: M M & L Smith. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
2 June 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T5208/08—Insolvent estate: A A Schoeman. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 10 July 2014. Dividends.
Anton Strydom, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2701/09—Insolvent estate: H J & A Schietekat. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 7 July
2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. J P Fourie, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T5206/08—Insolvent estate: L Pretorius. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 26 June 2014. Dividends.
K van der Westhuizen, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T6806/09—Insolvent estate: M Olivier. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 7 July 2014.
Dividends and contribution be collected. K van der Westhuizen, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T3249/08—Insolvent estate: V Ngwenze. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2 July 2014.
Dividends and contribution to be collected. J P Fourie, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2072/07—Insolvent estate: P D Maritz. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 4 July 2014.
Shortfall. J P Fourie, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
G42/11—Marentia 0048 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 3 July
2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T3017/09—Insolvent estate: R W & A Malan. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 24 June
2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. EJ J van Rensburg, PO Box 90755, Garsfontein, 0042.
T1598/06—Insolvent estate: N F Hoffman. First and Final Liquidation Account. 14 July 2014. Shortfall. K van der
Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2212/07—Genuine-Paul Investments 656 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution
and Contribution Account. 4 July 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina,

This gazette is also available free online at


T4506/08—Insolvent estate: J-P de Villiers. First and Final Liquidation Account. 7 July 2014. Guardians fund. K van der
Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T5048/11—Insolvent estate: J J & A de Lange. First and Final Liquidation Account. 10 July 2014. Guardians fund. J P
Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T4912/09—Insolvent estate: A J de Klerk. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 3 July 2014.
Dividends and contribution to be collected. T Oosthuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T488/11—Insolvent estate: D A de Breyn. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 7 July 2014.
Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2156/08—Insolvent estate: L N de Beer. First and Final Liquidation Account. 7 July 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen,
PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T4092/10—Insolvent estate: J P Coetzee. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 4 July 2014. Dividends.
K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T1578/11—Insolvent estate: P E Brits. First and Final Liquidation Account. 10 July 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen,
PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T1863/08—Insolvent estate: J G & F S Bolton. First and Final Liquidation Account. 4 July 2014. Shortfall. J P Fourie,
PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T1213/09—Insolvent estate: S C Beetge. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 4 July 2014.
Dividends and contribution to be collected. J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T5168/08—Willmarc CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 12 June 2014. Shortffall. K van der
Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T4451/10—Insolvent estate: J H van Zyl. First and Final Liquidation Account. 26 June 2014. Shortfall. K van der
Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T5376/10—Insolvent estate: The Beyond Limits Trust. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
26 June 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2446/12—Insolvent estate: R & P Shunmugam. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 15 July 2014.
Contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
G376/13—Joint Venture Three Seafood Restaurant CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 15 July 2014.
Shortfall. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T4702/12—JD & H Construction CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 3 July 2014. Shortfall. K van der
Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T827/12—Insolvent estate: J C E Groesbeek. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 9 July 2014.
Contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
G2072/09—Insolvent estate: J J Griesel. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 8 July 2014.
Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T4957/09—Insolvent estate: Khazimula Jonas & Khadi Anna Ngulube, ID 5905015492080 & 6706160810087. First and
Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 10-07-2014. Dividends payable, contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box
12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
G787/13—Geo Power Africa (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 15 July 2014. Shortfall. K van
der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2598/13—Far Away Tours and Travel CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 7 July 2014. Shortfall.
J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T4766/08—Insolvent estate: J F de Witt. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 10 July 2014. Contribution
to be collected. J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T1498/06—Insolvent estate: J E de Villiers. First and Final Liquidation Account. 7 July 2014. Shortfall. J P Fourie, PO Box
26598, Gezina, 0031.
T2798/13—Dairy Smid KZN CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 9 July 2014. Shortfall. K van der
Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T3448/11—Aviair Freight Logistics CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 9 July 2014. Shortfall. K van
der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
G1334/12—Air-Clear Engineering (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 4 July 2014. Shortfall.
K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.
T4863/2010—Insolvent estate: Schoeman, Johannes Petrus, ID 7001055248083. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution
& Contribution Account. 08-07-2014. Dividends payable, contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
T1898/10—Insolvent estate: Broad Brush Investments 15 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2003/133808/23). Amended First and Final
Liquidation Account. 14-07-2014. No dividends payable, no contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
T0083/13—Insolvent estate: Turnbridge, Shawn Edward, ID 6911155283080. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. 07-07-2014. Dividends payable, contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
T3248/2010—Insolvent estate: Brits Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 1958/001064/07). Amended First and Final
Liquidation, Distribution Account. 10-07-2014. Dividends payable, no contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The
Tramshed, 0126.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 165

T3438/10—Insolvent estate: Pauley, Johannes Hendrik & Gladys Catherine, ID 6111025084087 & 6509250238080.
First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 08-07-2014. Dividends payable, contribution levied. Investrust,
PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
T2445/11—Insolvent estate: Reid, Benita, ID 7510240079088. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution
Account. 17-07-2014. Dividends payable, contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
T383/2011—Insolvent estate: Stander, Magrieta Malinda, ID 6709140004086. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution &
Contribution Account. 15-07-2014. Dividends payable, contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
T2790/10—Western Breeze Trading 188 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account.
23-08-2013. Dividend being paid to secured creditor. Joint Liquidators: R K Pollock, H M Muller & M S Motshekga, c/o Harvard
Corporate Recovery Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1671, Houghton, 2041.
N76/11—Insolvent estate: Francois Peacock. First & Final Liquidation, Contribution & Distribution Account. 1 July 2014.
Dividend is being paid and contribution is being collected. Kurt Knoop, Manci Knoop Financial Services, 181 Burger Street,
Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
N228/2010—Bambi Transport CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 11 June 2014. Dividend
is being paid. Kurt Knoop, Manci Knoop Financial Services, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
D004/2010—Zululand Water Technology CC, in liquidation. Supplementary First & Final Liquidation, Distribution &
Contribution Account. 10 June 2014. Dividend is being paid and contribution is being collected. Kurt Knoop, Manci Knoop
Financial Services, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
T4894/09—Insolvent estate: Kilian; Riaan & Katharina Magdalena. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.
15-07-2014. Dividends. EM Edwards & JD Pema, Xirimele Trustees CC, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042.
C578/2013—Insolvent estate: Leslie John Oelofse. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 9 July 2014.
Contribution levied. N Gore & N Oliphant, c/o Sanek Trust Recovery Services (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape
Town, 8001.
C251/2012—Ndibano Intelligence in System (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 3 July 2014. Contribution being collected.
P. Carolus, c/o MX3 Consultancies CC, Suite 3C 3rd Floor, Belle Cape Building, 13 Blanckenberg Street, Bellville, 7535.
T4260/2010—Insolvent estate: JD & K Gamede. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 21 July 2014.
Payment of dividends. Z Cassim & KC Monyela, c/o Cassim Trust, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075.
T2138/12—Insolvent estate: Dalhauzie, FI, ID 7911145082088. Amended First and FInal Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. 09-07-2014. Dividends payable, contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria,
T1053/09—Insolvent estate: Hemraj, A & SV, ID 6403035238088 & 6107300225080. Amended Second and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account. 10-06-2014. Dividends payable. Lex Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
T24/13—Insolvent estate: Van Schalkwyk, V., ID 7809105087081. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 15-07-2014. Dividends payable, contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
T3060/08—Insolvent estate: Modiba, AM, ID 7704105340087. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 06-09-2013. Dividends payable, contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
T767/11—Insolvent estate: Buys, DW, ID 6308195106084. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.
18-07-2014. Dividends payable. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
T5678/10—Insolvent estate: Vogel, U., ID 7206120025081. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account 10-07-2014. Dividends payable, contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
T6393/09—Insolvent estate: Aquarella Investments 413 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2006/024997/07), in liquidation. Second
Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 10-06-2014. Dividends payable, contribution to be
collected. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
T2359/13—Insolvent estate: Three Oceans Properties CC (Reg. No. 1997/021576/23), in liquidation. First and Final
Liquidation and Contribution Account. 01-07-2014. Shortfall. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
T867/13—Insolvent estate: Polkadots Properties 0014 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2004/006071/07), in liquidation. First and
Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 18-07-2014. Dividends payable, contribution to be collected. Lex-Star
Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
T442/10—Insolvent estate: Henk & Cindy Pretorius Trust (IT No. 006351/2006). Third and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account. 04-07-2014. Dividends payable. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
T398/12—Insolvent estate: Raphala, SM, ID 7509155377081. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 21-07-2014. Dividends payable, contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
T500/09—Insolvent estate: Kruger, SI, ID 8704155009082. Second Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
10-07-2014. Dividends payable, contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.
N200/2011—Microfinish Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 9 July 2014. Dividend is being paid and contribution collected. Colin Mark Poole, Strauss Daly, PO Box 4974, Durban,
T7190/09—Cape Gannet Properties 70 (Pty) Ltd. Third Liquidation and Distribution Account. 16 May 2014. Dividends to
be paid. P Fourie & MI Patel, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
M84/11—Neocrop Farming CC. First and Final Liquidation Account. 1 July 2014. Dividends to be paid. D M Botha &
G. Muggan, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.

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M58/12—Microzone Trading 69 CC. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 17 April 2014. Contribution to
be collected. D M Botha & W N Jacobs, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
M108/10—Rouleau Investments (Pty) Ltd. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 15 July
2014. Dividends to be paid. D M Botha & O J Sithole, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
T4144/12—GL Felstead. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 2 July 2014. Dividends to be paid. DM Botha
& V Naude (c/o CS Stander), Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
T2298/11—PFB & JJ Bouwer. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 14 July 2014. Dividends to
be paid. DM Botha & AB Ismail, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
T212/12—ME Britz. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2 July 2014. Dividends to be paid
and contribution to be collected. EL Bester & TR Ndebele, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.
T4534/09—Rose Theresa van der Westhuizen. 22-07-2014. L.M. Malatsi-Teffo, Boitshepo Trustees, P.O. Box 2412,
Pretoria, 0001.
T1187/11—Insolvent estate: TW & A Thompson. First & Final Liquidation Account. 26-05-2014. None - surplus to Guardian’s
Fund. M Haywood, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T3146/08—Insolvent estate: KS Ngwenya. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 26-06-2014.
Dividends paid and contribution to be collected. PJC van Staden, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T7830/09—Insolvent estate: MJ & A van As. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 03-07-2014. Dividends paid.
R Steynsburg, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T1261/11—Insolvent estate: JM Lombard. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 10-07-2014.
Dividends paid and contribution to be collected. A van Jaarsveldt, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T1956/12—Western Crown Properties 77 (Pty) Limited (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution &
Contribution Account. 26-06-2014. Dividends paid and contribution to be collected. R Steynsburg, c/o St Adens International,
PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
G774/10—Van Houten Combustion Services CC (in liquidation). Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution &
Contribution Account. 21-07-2014. Dividends paid and contribution to be collected. M Haywood, c/o St Adens International,
PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.
T5069/10—Sapphire Dawn Trading 41 CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 11-07-2014.
Secured dividends, contribution payable. JCW Roelofse, BR Monyane, Forum Trustees, Posbus 8871, Centurion, 0046.
T2048/12—Hanste (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 14-07-2014. Secured
dividends, contribution payable. JCW Roelofse, NC Morobane, Forum Trustees, Posbus 8871, Centurion, 0046.
T2555/03—Gneiting CFH. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 14-07-2014. Concurrent dividends.
JCW Roelofse, Forum Trustees, Posbus 8871, Centurion, 0046.
T0285/12—Insolvent estate: Anna Wilhelmina Swart. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
17 July 2014. Dividend is being paid and contribution collected. I Hogewind, PO Box 70866, Die Wilgers, 0041.
T0053/12—Insolvent estate: Olivia Jabulile Repinga. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 9 May 2014.
Dividends are being paid and surplus to Guardian’s Fund. I Hogewind & M Kets, PO Box 70866, Die Wilgers, 0041.
T5495/10—Insolvent estate: Mbalenhle Ayanda Mzimela. First and Final Liquidation Account. 17 July 2014. Shortfall.
I Hogewind, PO Box 70866, Die Wilgers, 0041.
T0021/13—Insolvent estate: Zelldine Letoya Sylvia Minnaar. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 17 July 2014. Dividend is being paid and contribution collected. I Hogewind & KC Monyela, PO Box 70866, Die
Wilgers, 0041.
C904/2012—RBI Group SA (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 9 July 2014. No awards.
R Pieters & H Daniels, c/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599.
C445/2013—Kobus Rossouw Consultants CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.
22 July 2014. Dividends been paid. R Pieters & Q Joseph, c/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599.
C907/2013—Multiphase Power CC (in voluntary liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 14 July
2014. Contribution been collected. R Pieters & M F Bardien, c/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599.
G291/13—Lustre Diamond Cutting Works (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 12 May 2014. Pref/secured awards. GL Warricker,
GK Liquidators P/L, PO Box 47153, Parklands, 2121.
G999/2011—Plumbworld CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 22-07-2014. Awards to be paid.
B87/2013—Insolvente boedel: Melanie Fourie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 16-07-2014. Dividende
word betaal. DT Majiedt, EG Cooper, Majiedt Ing., Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein, 9301.
T5172/09—Anker Drukkers BK (in liquidation). 3 July 2014. Dividends - Supplementary Account to the First and Final
Liquidation and Distribution Account. M J Bekker & L M Malatsi-Teffo, c/o Nicolaas Bekker Trustees CC, PO Box 8550, Pretoria,
T2566/10–Jordev Development (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 17 April 2014. Distribution, contribution. JH du Plessis, JH du Plessis Trustees, PO Box 49, Fontainebleau, 2032.
T4473/10—Corlet Besproeiing CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 4 July 2014. None. JH du Plessis
& A Yeun, JH du Plessis Trustees, PO Box 49, Fontainebleau, 2032.
T3130/13—Eminem Boerdery CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 3 July 2014. None. JH du Plessis &
F Sharief, JH du Plessis Trustees, PO Box 49, Fontainebleau, 2032.
B44/2013—Insolvente boedel: Cherryl Lydia Thompson. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 21-07-2014.
Dividende word betaal. DT Majiedt, EG Cooper, Majiedt Ing., Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein, 9301.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 167

G1060/12—Atlantic Seafood Distributors (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 21 July 2014.
None. JH du Plessis & TL Ngobeni, JH du Plessis Trustees, PO Box 49, Fontainebleau, 2032.
T4068/11—Insolvent estate: Adamson, Laurent De Weer, ID No. 6307105511086. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution &
Contribution Account. 10-07-2014. Both. EW Prinsloo, JN Mahanyele, Wilbecar Likwidateurs, t/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng),
PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 0001.
G960/06—Water Engineering and Construction (Pty) Limited (Reg. No. 1985/005139/07) (in liquidation). First & Final
Liquidation and Contribution Account. 20 October 2010. Contribution. A F Venter & A W Freeman, c/o KPMG Services (Pty)
Limited, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193.
T6165/09—Swanepoel Hydraulic Solutions CC (in liquidation). 11 July 2014. Dividend being paid. GDS Ramalho, c/o
Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715.
T1726/02—Sit Global Positioning Satelite (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.
07-07-2014. Distribution. S L Anticevich, c/o Admiral Trust, P.O. Box 781145, Sandton, 2146.
T1120/12—Silver Rafts (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 09-07-2014.
Contribution to be collected. Mrs T. Hill, c/o Trilogy Trustees CC, Ground Floor, Lakeside Two, Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue,
Bruma, Johannesburg, 2198.
G1226/11—Shan Investments 16 (Pty) Ltd (in creditors’ voluntary liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution
Account. 15-07-2014. Contribution to be waived. Mr M. Schmidt and Mr J.G. Adolph, c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Ltd,
Ground Floor, Lakeside Two, Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue, Bruma, Johannesburg, 2198.
T5572/10—Moody Blue Trade & Invest 147 (Pty) Limited (Reg. No. 1998/003334/07) (in liquidation). Amended First &
Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 3 July 2014. Dividends paid. Sean Christensen, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Limited,
Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193.
G1494/2010—Insolvent estate: Grant Bradley Hawkins. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
14-07-2014. Dividends being paid and contribution levied. Joint Trustees’, LT Cordero & OM Makgato, Taxfin Trust, PO Box
1941, Southdale, 2135.
G1898/09—Endo Racing (Pty) Limited (Reg. No. 2005/018955/07) (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account. 6 July 2014. Dividends paid. GC Gainsford & W N Jacobs, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Limited, Wanooka
Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193.
G481/08—Economic Value Accelerators (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 4 February 2014.
Contribution to be collected. H. Mayo and H.M. Hamman, c/o SBT Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3119, Parklands, 2121.
T5098/09—Bluetooth Property Investments CC. Amended Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 14-07-2014. Dividends paid and contribution collected. J M Oelofsen, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.
23415/2008—Wyle FA Botha Filtration CC. 10/06/2014. Versekerde dividend. JF Carstens, Suurdoringlaan 129,
Wonderboom, Pretoria.
T615/2006—Atmospheric Air Filtration CC. 27/05/2014. Preferente en Konkurrente Dividende. JF Carstens,
Suurdoringlaan 129, Wonderboom, Pretoria.
C799/2008—Rutherford Joinery (Pty) Limited (in liquidation). Third & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account.
03-07-2014. Secured & preferent awards being paid. S M Gore, T P Glaum & D B Davids, c/o Sanek Trust Recovery Services
(Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001.
T2960/07—Insolvent estate: Frederick and Hannelie Klopper. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.
12 May 2014. Dividend paid to preferent and concurrent creditors. Barend Petersen, c/o Sizwe Business Recoveries,
PO Box 15545, Vlaeberg, 8018.
T5241/08—Insolvent estate: Jan & Martha Louisa Nel. Supplementary Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution
and Contribution Account. 10 July 2014. Dividend being accrued, contribution to be levied. ICM Shirilele, Matsepes Inc,
Sunnyside Office Park, 2nd Floor, Broll Place, 4 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193.
G1351/11—Garret Motor & Diesel Engineering CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. 25 June 2014. Dividend being accrued, contribution to be levied. AD Mcquarrie, H Mayo & R Moosa,
Matsepes Inc, Sunnyside Office Park, 2nd Floor, Broll Place, 4 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193.
D11/2007—Insolvent estate: U & K John. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Confirmed: 10/07/2014.
Distribution to Creditors. Eugene Nel, Berrange Incorporated, PO Box 2838, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
C1126/2011—Matthis & Van Tonder Ingelyf, in liquidation. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution
Account. 15/07/2014. Dividend to be paid. D Terblanche & M R Joseph, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd,
3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.
E27/2013—Victory Ticket 883 CC, t/a The Home Inn (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.
27 June 2014. Dividends being paid. Werner de Jager, De Jager & Lordan, 25 Retief Street, Alexandria, 6185.
C731/2013—African Dune Investments 80 (Pty) Ltd, in vol liq. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 26 June 2014. Dividends being paid. Jean van Tubbergh, PO Box 134, Century City, 7446.
C1352/2011—Puricare (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 11 July 2014. Preferent
dividends payable. D Acker & F Salile Rauch Gertenbach Inc, Lache House, 120 York Street, George, 6529, Street (PO Box 3),
Mossel Bay, 6500.
G187/2011—Two Ships Trading 465 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation Account. 21 July 2014. No dividends
being paid. Terence Morrison, Terry Morrison & Associates CC, PO Box 2823, Saxonwold, 2132.
T3074/09—Insolvent estate: N B Webb. First and Final Liquidation Account. 12/12/2012. Shortfall, H M Muller, p/a C-Lite
Administrators, Posbus 4503, Pretoria, 0001.

This gazette is also available free online at


C909/2013—West 52nd Street CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 14/07/2014.
In terms of the account an award will accrue to the secured creditor and the surplus transferred to the members. B N Shaw &
E A Reddy, Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.
G256/11—Meadowood Trading 8 Pty Ltd (in liquidation). Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. Confirmed: 21/07/2014. Distribution to secured creditors, contribution to be collected. Pierre Berrange,
Berrange Incorporated, PO Box 2838, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
S49/2012—Aircon Valley CC (in liquidation). 17 July 2014. Distribution paid. Michael Tim Koe of Mike Timkoe Trustees
CC, 1 Digby Road, Framesby, Port Elizabeth, 6045.
C766/2012—Kapetla Trading and Investments (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution
Account. 15/07/2014. Dividends to be paid. D Terblanche & T M Pasiwe, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd,
3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.
C846/2012—Insolvent estate: Andrew Charles and Jillian Joy van Reenen. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution
Account. 18/07/2014. In terms of the account awards will accrue to the secured and concurrent creditors. L A van Zyl &
J V Thomas, Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.
C419/2011—KCA Technologies CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 11/07/2014. Dividends to be
paid. D Terblanche & N Cloete, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street,
Cape Town, 8001.
C1314/2010—Insolvent estate: J Bornman. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 08/07/2014. Dividends to
be paid and contribution to be collected. L von W Bester & Z V Ngogodo, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd,
3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.
S18/2009—Paint Related CC, formerly trading as Paint & Spray (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account. 15-07-2014. H. Maritz & E. Dorfling, c/o Klerck & Maritz Trustees CC, P.O. Box 7615, Newton Park,
Port Elizabeth, 6055; L. Limbada, c/o Brown, Braude & Vlok Inc., 317 Cape Road, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045.
B18/2012—In die Beslote Korporasie bekend as: Euro Blitz 3 (Edms) Bpk (Reg. No. 2002/011899/23) (in likwidasie), met
geregistreerde hoofkantoor te President Boshoffstraat 32, Bethlehem, provinsie Vrystaat. 09-07-2014. Kontribusie word
gevorder en geen dividend word uitbetaal nie. T. V. Matsepe, p/a Matsepes, Posbus 256, Bloemfontein, 9300 & M. J. Mophethe,
p/a Phatshoane Henney Prok., Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300.
C79/2013—Insolvent estate: Steven Craig Richards & Lindi-Ann van Zyl. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution &
Contribution Account. 11-07-2014. Secured award/contribution levied. S. Moodliar, H. M. M. Terblanche & M. P. Nash, c/o Sanek
Trust Recovery Services (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001.
G517/13—Jeff and Associates Financial Consultants CC (Reg. No. 2005/042420/23) )(in liquidation). First
Liquidation & Distribution Account. 1 April 2014. Secured award. Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever and Mark Abraham Christian,
P.O. Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716.
G934/10—Maxcity Properties (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 1997/003233/07) (in liquidation). Second Liquidation & Distribution
Account. 23 April 2014. Secured award. Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever and Selby Musawenkosi Ntsibande and Ralph Farrel
Lutchman, P.O. Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716.
T769/11—A Bekker. 17-07-2014. Preferent contribution. R. Stockhoff, L. W. Theunissen, p/a Breytenbach Business
Management (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 40023, Moreletapark, 0044.
C1048/2012—Insolvent estate: Bernard Ivor & Anastatia McGregor. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 02-06-14.
Dividend being paid. Mr J. Sass, Ms L. A. van Zyl & Mr J. J. Theron, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000.
C1040/2010—Insolvent estate: Doris Buyile Luswazi. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.
14-05-14. Dividend being paid & contribution being collected. Mr H. M. M. Terblanche & Mr T. Moodley, P.O. Box 323, Cape
Town, 8000.
(Master’s Reference No. G570/2013)
Notice is hereby given in terms of a law contemplated in Item 9 of Schedule 5 of the Companies Act, 2008, that the
Liquidator’s First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account has been duly confirmed by the Master of the High Court on
17 July 2014.
In terms of the Account, no dividend is payable to the shareholders.
D. A. Nathan, Private Bag X28, Benmore, 2010.
T0017/13—Esterhuyse Wiehahn Jacobus (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account.
18-07-2014. Peter Bothomley and Lloyd Wilfted Theunissen, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000.
T4713/11—Falcon Engineering SA (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.
04-07-2014. Allan Pellow and Richard Keay Pollock & Sandile Osborn Beauchamp, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527,
Johannesburg, 2000.
T6253/09—Penn, Johannes Jacobus & Elizabeth Catherina (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account.
06-03-2014. Zeenath Kajee, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000.
G0824/13—Bishop Metals (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 14-07-2014.
Allan Pellow, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000.
C1401/10—The Great White Trust (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
15-02-2013. Sec, Cont. Norman Klein and Enver Mohamed Motala, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg,

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 169

C542/2012—Insolvent estate: Michael Grant Fenner-Solomon. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account.
28 March 2014. Contribution levied. The Liquidators: S. Moodliar, N. Gore & Z. H. Ngogodo, c/o Sanek Trust Recovery Services
(Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001.
G453/12—Insolvent estate: Graeme Errol & Joan Fraser. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.
17 July 2014. Distribution. E. Rautenbach & D. C. October, Saftrust, P.O. Box 28, Fontainebleau, 2032.
T2968/10—Van Jaarsveld, Hendrik Johannes. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 14 July
2014. Secured award & contribution to be collected. E. J. J. van Rensburg & M. E. Symes, c/o Kip Insolvencies, P.O. Box 90755,
Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0042.
C729/2010—ASCH Professional Services (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended Second Liquidation and Distribution
Account. 16-07-2014. Payment of secured award, Section 99 preferent awards, concurrent dividend and payments to
shareholders. C. P. van Zyl, N. A. Sansom & R. L. Barry-Kleinhans, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor,
Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.
C793/2012—Millsox (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 10-07-2014.
Payment of Section 99 preferent awards. C. P. van Zyl, P. Carolus & S. Z. Ahmed, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty)
Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.
C128/2010—Insolvent estate: Farrell Mark Bernberg. Fifth and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
14-07-2014. Payment of secured awards and contribution levied. C. P. van Zyl, S. M. Gore & B. Nduna, c/o Progressive
Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.
T5499/10—Misty Sea Trading 60 (Pty) Ltd. 03-07-2014. Dividend being paid and contribution to be collected both.
T513/11—Insolvent estate: V Scholtz. 17 July 2014. Contribution & dividends payable. M E Symes & K M Malema, c/o
Zeena Insolvencies, PO Box 32512, Glenstantia, 0010.
C294/2013—Depston 5 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 26-05-2014. Dividend
payable to secured creditors. CM Hathorn, BN Shaw & YAB Ismail, c/o PO Box 1139, Cape Town, 8000.
C122/2013—Weskaap Landbou Korporasie (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and
Contribution Account. 11 July 2014. Dividend being paid and contribution being collected. Ryno Engelbrecht, c/o Planet
Administrators CC, PO Box 1995, Cape Town, 8000, and Mario Paul Walters, c/o Mario Walters & Associates, PO Box 154,
Athlone, 7760.
C645/2011—Insolvent estate: Tasneem Z Adams, First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
14 July 2014. Dividend being paid and contribution being collected. Ryno Engelbrecht, c/o Planet Administrators CC, PO Box
1995, Cape Town, 8000, and J D Appies.
C660/2013—Quick Snacks CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Acount. 17 July 2014. Dividend being paid.
Ryno Engelbrecht and Shona Edna le Roux-Marx, c/o Planet Administrators CC, PO Box 1995, Cape Town, 8000, and Moosa
Fakier, c/o Nkonki Cape Town Inc, 5 Kromboom Road, Rondebosch, 7700.
T1540/10—Insolvent estate: Evans, Lynette, ID 6203150183089. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 03-07-2014. Both. JS Venter, ZA Dlamini, Wilbecar Likwidateurs, t/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), PO Box 2232, Pretoria,
T4372/11—Insolvent estate: Coetzer, Petrus Willem Hendrik & Cornelia Johanna, ID 4502095054087 &
5512270054082. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 03-07-2014. Contribution. CC Mienie,
IS Ponnen, Wilbecar Likwidateurs t/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 0001.
T1112/12—Parkdev (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Account. 1 April 2014. Administration costs paid.
Jan Lodewikus Pretorius, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.
T1005/11—Lezmin 2329 CC, in liquidation. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 17 July 2014.
Dividends paid. C Wilsnach & J Muthanyi, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.
T5654/09—Insolvent estate: Rikhotso, Mbokoth July, ID 6107155752089 & Emilia Hillaria, ID 7002220526080. 22 July
2014. Dividend and contribution payable. C Murray, D M Botha, E Booyse, c/o Sechaba Trust, PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126.
T2663/11—Quoin Rock Winery (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 1998/021762/07), in liquidation. 17 July 2014. Dividend payable.
C Murray, N Klein, E M Edwards, c/o Sechaba Trust, PO Box 1889, Tramshed, 0126.
T4710/12—IWC Projects and Plant Hire CC (Reg. No. 1985/011342/23), in liquidation. 22 July 2014. Dividends and
contribution payable. Botha, J H, McQuarry, A D, c/o Sechaba Trust, PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126.
T3265/12—Autozone (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 1969/006038/07), in liquidation. 17 July 2014. No distribution—shortfall.
C Murray, c/o Sechaba Trust, PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126.
T8226/09—Insolvent estate: RJ van der Merwe. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 10 July
2014. Dividende betaalbaar en kontribusie gevorder te word. Mr H Draht, Saxby Avenue 1022, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.
T2325/11—Insolvent estate: LQ Mokotong. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution an Contribution Account. 17 July 2014.
Dividende betaalbaar en kontribusie gevorder te word. Mr H. Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.
G649/11—Nyika, Sheunesu. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 15 July 2014. Dividend to be paid to secured
creditors. B Keevy & N E Ramapuputla, Commonwealth Trust, PO Box 8005, Johannesburg, 2000.
T1343/09—Bester, Paul Machiel & Charmaine Magdalena. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 15 July
2014. Contribution due. B Keevy & S M Rasethaba, Commonwealth Trust, PO Box 8005, Johannesburg, 2000.
G642/11—Kgosimore, Sello Stephan & Puleng Juliet. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 10 July 2014. Dividends
to be paid to secured creditors. B Keevy & J D Pema, Commonwealth Trust, PO Box 8005, Johannesburg, 2000.

This gazette is also available free online at


G236/06—EL Shaddai Rainbow Granite CC. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 24 July 2014.
Dividends payable to preferent and concurrent creditors. K Keevy, LM Moloto, JS Koka, C de Jager & EM Motala, c/o
Commonwealth Trust, PO Box 8005, Johannesburg 2000.
G1055/12—Otto, Phillip Matthys & Martha Sofia. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
17 July 2014. Dividend to be paid to secured creditors. B Keevy & R A Masuka, Commonwealth Trust, PO Box 8005,
Johannesburg, 2000.
G195/12—Van der Westhuizen Pierre & Jane Bronwyn. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution
Account. 15 July 2014. Dividend to be paid to secured creditors. K Keevy & Z H Suliman, Commonwealth Trust, PO Box 8005,
Johannesburg, 2000.
G978/08—Arc Technologies CC. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 16 July 2014. Dividends
payable to secured and preferent creditors. B Keevy & K S Mahlangu, c/o Commonwealth Trust, PO Box 8005, Johannesburg,
G372/13—Nu Renovators CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 16 July 2014. Dividends
payable to secured creditors. B Keevy & I E Tlalang (Co J Muthanyi), c/o Commonwealth Trust, PO Box 8005, Johannesburg,
G846/12—Fuel Care (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation Account. 15 July 2014. No dividends. B Keevy & E T Makokga,
c/o Commonwealth Trust, PO Box 8005, Johannesburg, 2000.
G1020/08—Late Harvest Caterers Pty Ltd. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 22 July 2014. Dividends
payable to preferent creditors. LM Moloto & MS Motshekga, c/o Commonwealth Trust, PO Box 8005, Johannesburg, 2000.
N111/08—Insolvent estate: P O van Tonder. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 09/07/2014. Dividend payable.
J Z H Müller & A Pillay, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T277/11—Insolvent estate: H S P & B van Jaarsveld. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.
09/07/2014. Secured dividend payable & contribution to be collected. J J Beetge, J W Yzel & W S McKenzie, Tshwane Trust
Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T5137/11—Insolvent estate: D S L Strecker. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 05/03/2014.
Secured dividend payable & contribution to be collected. A van Wyk & N A M Tshivhase, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO
Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T1907/08—Insolvent estate: F J Steyn. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.
17/07/2014. Dividends payable & contribution to be collected. J J Beetge, M L Ledwaba & B R Nonyane, Tshwane Trust Co
(Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T1752/11—Insolvent estate: M P Steyn. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 04/07/2014. Contribution to be
collected. I J Boshoff & T V Matsepe, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T4884/11—Insolvent estate: Eugene Stander. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 15/07/2014. Contribution
to be collected. J Z H Muller & H Henning, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T2283/11—Insolvent estate: H S Spies. First and Final Liquidation Account. 04/07/2014. Shortfall. AN Ndyamara &
P L Seriti, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
G252/11—Secucor Services CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation Account. 20/07/2014. Shortfall. J Z H Muller &
W S McKenzie, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T3511/02—Robotic Access Control Guard Force (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution
& Contribution Account. 15/07/2014. Secured dividends payable & contribution to be collected. A van Wyk, Tshwane Trust Co
(Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T105/10—Replace Enana Vehicle Replacement CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account.
06/06/2014. Contribution to be collected. I J Boshoff & Z Kajee, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T4939/10—Northern Lights Tradings 23 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution &
Contribution Account. 09/07/2014. Secured dividend payable & contribution to be collected. J Z H Müller & E Rautenbach,
Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T2562/08—Insolvent estate: M A Nkosi. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 04/07/2014. Contribution to be
collecteed. M L Ledwaba, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T1243/13—Munifare Systems (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation Account. 04/07/2014. Shortfall. J Z H
Muller & A Pillay, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T844/09—Insolvent estate: J & AB McKenzie. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.
09/07/2014. Secured dividends payable & contribution to be collected. C Murray & R E Ströh, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd,
PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T3270/10—Insolvent estate: ID & R Masuma. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
03-07-2014. Dividend payable and contribution to be collected. JZH Muller & EW Prinsloo & A Yeun, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty)
Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T1693/10—Insolvent estate: AC Mason. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 08-07-2014. Dividends
payable. JZH Muller & Y Ebrahim, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T2973/09—Insolvent estate: MR Kekana. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 15-07-2014. Dividends
payable. D Ismail, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
G987/10—Enkalweni Construction CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 05-03-2014. Shortfall.
IJ Boshoff & E Makhese, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 171

T3644/12—Erf 1022 Rayton CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 03-07-2014. Shortfall. JZH Muller &
E Wagner, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T2868/12—Insolvent estate: MEJ Gordon. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 14-07-2014.
Dividends payable and contribution to be collected. D Basson & M Ndekwe, c/o KLM Manamela, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd,
PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.
T5112/11—Insolvent estate: IJ & E De Lange. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 04-07-2014.
Contribution to be collected. IJ Boshoff & JT Leso, c/o R Masoanganye, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria,
T2223/12—Insolvent estate: DC & M Britz. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 17-07-2014.
Dividends payable and contribution to be collected. D Basson & ZM van Rensburg, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101,
Pretoria, 0001.

Form/Vorm 6


Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below
will apply for their rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth
opposite their respective names, indicating number of estate; full name and description of insolvent (including his
date of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence; date when estate sequestrated, and address,
occupation or status of insolvent at the time of that date; division of Supreme Court to which and date and time on
which application will be made; ground of application.

Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat die insolvente persone
hieronder genoem om hul rehabilitasie aansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin
teenoor hulle onderskeie name aangedui is, met aanduiding van nommer van boedel; volle naam en beskrywing
van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy geboortedatum en persoonsnommer) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; datum
waarop boedel gesekwestreer is, en adres, betrekking of status van insolvent ten tye van daardie datum; afdeling
van Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; rede van aansoek.

T3150/2010—Welthagen, Eric, 04-02-1975, ID: 7502045116082, mechanical supervisor, 54 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose
Arch, Johannesburg. 30 July 2010, mechanical supervisor at PEG Proteas. North Gauteng High Court, 15 September 2014,
10h00. In terms of article 124 (2) of the Insolvency Law, No. 24 of 1936, as amended.
T212/08—Schalk, Jacobs, 22 Maart 1957, ID: 5703225164080, beleggingsbestuurder, Phlox Placestraat 6, Moreletapark,
Pretoria. 9 April 2008, Phlox Placestraat 6, Moreletapark, Pretoria, beleggingsbestuurder. Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria,
26 September 2014, 10h00. In terme van artikel 124 (3) van Insolvensie, Wet No. 24 van 1936.
T5806/09—Grahame Venter, 1980-02-04, 8002045066089, sales manager, 125 Smuts Street, Randpoort, Randfontein.
19 July 2009, 24 Denys Reitz Street, Meerhof, Hartbeespoort Dam, self employed. High Court of South Africa (Northern
Gauteng—High Court, Pretoria), 19 September 2014, 10h00. Section 124 (2) (a).
T1014/09—Human, Jacoba Dorothea Regina, 14-07-1950, 5007140104084, pensioenaris, Owl’s Nest 1, Toscana,
Featherbrooke Estate, Krugersdorp. 11 Maart 2009, Plot 7, Zonnehoeven Landbouhoewes, Roodepoort, Gauteng, tuiste-
skepper. Noord Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria, 16 September 2014, 10h00. In terme van artikel 124 (2) van die Insolvensiewet,
No. 24 van 1936.
T900/09—Human, Eckard Abraham, 18-07-1955, 5507185042081, besigheidsman, Owl’s Nest 1, Toscana,
Featherbrooke Estate, Krugersdorp. 11 Maart 2009, Plot 7, Zonnehoeve Landbouhoewes, Roodepoort, Gauteng, eiendoms-
ontwikkelaar en projekbestuurder. Noord Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria, 16 September 2014, 10h00. In terme van artikel 124 (2)
van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936.
Garton, Colin Frederick, 11 August 1958, ID: 5808116029183, adult male operational manager, married out of
community of property and residing at 37 Notting Hill, DJ Theron Crescent, Meyersdal, Alberton. 8 July 2009, 98 Kirby Bellar
Street, Glenvista, businessman married out of community of property. South Gauteng High Court, 18 September 2014, 09h30.
Act 124 (3).
T3407/08—Van Vuuren, Quintin, 3 May 1982, ID: 8205035012084, sales executive for Parkview Auto, residence:
18 Jeffery Farnol Street, Vanderbijlpark. 19 September 2008, 9 Arnold Benette Street, Vanderbijlpark, unemployed. High Court
of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 26 August 2014, 10h00 am, or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard.
The Applicant has made a complete surrender of the Estate. No further assets available for realisation. The Applicant now
adopts a conservative approach to his finances. The Applicant has lived on a strictly cash basis and is now employed with a
substantially higher salary.

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T685/05—Swart, Leona, 15 June 1963, ID: 6306150143001, housewife, 241 Maroela Road, Hennops Park, Centurion.
30 August 2005, Winterhoek Farm, District of Mokopane, housewife. North Gauteng High Court, 26 August 2014, 10:00 am, or
so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard. The Applicant has made a complete surrender of the Estate. A dividend of
R0,11 in the Rand has been paid to the creditors. No further assets available for Realisation. The Applicant now adopts a
conservative approach to her finances. The Applicant, who is married in community of property has lived on a strictly cash basis
and her husband is now employed with a substantially higher salary.
T685/05—Swart, Daniel Diederick, 18 November 1959, ID: 5911185082008, sales agent for C.L. de Viliers, Johannesburg
Fresh Market, residential address: 241 Maroela Road, Hennops Park, Centurion. 30 August 2005, Winterhoek Farm, District of
Mokopane, self employed farmer. North Gauteng High Court, 26 August 2014, 10:00 am, or so soon thereafter as Counsel may
be heard. The Applicant has made a complete surrender of the Estate. A dividend of R0,11 in the Rand has been paid to the
creditors. No further assets available for Realisation. The Applicant has lived on a strictly cash basis and is now employed with
a substantially higher salary.
T2881/09—Strydom, Gert Johannes and Carin, 6510025101082 and 6509210143081, general manager at Barloworld,
residing at 3 Piekesig Street, Jonkerspark, Stellenbosch. 5 June 2009, 108 Dirk van Deventer Road, Wonderboom, salesman
in motor vehicle industry. High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Region, Pretoria, 10h00, or as soon thereafter as possible on
15 September 2014. Section 124 (2) (a).
T6231/09—Bosman, Maria Johanna, 9 September 1946, ID: 4609090085089, adult female estate agent, unmarried,
residing at 41 Walouby Street, Kenmere, Krugersdorp. 31 July 2009, residing ast 18—9th Avenue, Melville, Johannesburg, adult
female person, unmarried. North Gauteng High Court, 18 September 2014. Act 124 (2) (a).
D127/2010—Ehlers, Destiny, 27 January 1960, 6001270136080, adult female insolvent residing at 2 Starfish Estate,
Merrit Avenue, Warner Beach, KwaZulu-Natal. 10 June 2010, Amanzimtoti, adult female merchandise co-ordinator. KwaZulu-
Natal Local Division, Durban, 23 September 2014. Application brought in terms of section 124 (2) of the Insolvency Act 24 of
1936, by virtue of the expiration of a period exceeding four years since the Applicant’s sequestration.
D127/2010—Ehlers, Destiny, 27 January 1960, 6001270136080, adult female insolvent residing at 2 Starfish Estate,
Merrit Avenue, Warner Beach, KwaZulu-Natal. 10 June 2010, Amanzimtoti, adult female merchandise co-ordinator. KwaZulu-
Natal Local Division, Durban, 23 September 2014. Application brought in terms of section 124 (2) of the Insolvency Act 24 of
1936, by virtue of the expiration of a period exceeding four years since the Applicant’s sequestration.
T0049/08—Willem Jacobus Daniel Joubert, 27 Desember 1962, 6212275018088, ’n meerderjarige man werksaam te
Jub Truck Alighment. 23 Junie 2008. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 18 September 2014. Artikel 124 (2) (a).
Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat Vernon de Beer (Identiteits No.
7502185201082), werksaam te Columbus Stainless Steel, Middelburg, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Yolanda
Lorraine de Beer (Identiteits No. 7610020168083), werksaam te Enviroserv, Middelburg, en tans woonagtig te Bloedrivier-
straat 34B, Aerorand Wes, Middelburg, Mpumalanga, om hul rehabilitasie aansoek sal doen by die Noord Gauteng Afdeling,
Pretoria van die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika op Maandag, 18 September 2014, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek
aangehoor kan word.
Geteken te Middelburrg op hede 15 Julie 2014.
Van den Berg & Koekemoer, OR Tambostraat 30, Middelburg, 1050; Posbus 35, Middelburg, 1050. Tel: (013) 243-1073.
(Verw: Mnr. Koekemoer/Eliouse/GDD066.)
T6231/09—Bosman, Maria Johanna, 9 September 1946, ID: 4609090085089, adult female estate agent, unmarried, and
residing at 41 Walouby Street, Kenmere, Krugersdorp. 31 July 2009, residing at 18—9th Avenue, Melville, Johannesburg, adult
female person, unmarried. North Gauteng High Court, 11 September 2014. Act 124 (2) (a).
T893/10—Botha, Frederik Johannes Stefanus, 1982-12-10, ID: 8212105001080, area verkoopsbestuurder in diens van
Real People, geskei, woonagtig te Plot 125, Bosduifstraat, Honingnest Krans, Pretoria. 24 Maart 2010, woonagtig te
De La Reystraat 53A, Meyerville, Standerton, werkloos. In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria),
4 September 2014, 10h00. Artikel 124 (2) (a).
C1210/2011—Charles John Louw, 16 July 1972, dentity No. 7207165182084, 39 Second Street, DCS Drakenstein, Paarl.
13 December 2011. In the High Court of South Africa, Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 15 September 2014, 10h00
(Case No. 10646/2014). Section 124 (3) of Insolvency Act 24 of 1936.
C1210/2011—Esme Louw, 1 April 1972, Identity No. 7204010061084, 39 Second Street, DCS Drakenstein. 13 December
2011. In the High Court of South Africa, Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 15 September 2014, 10h00 (Case No.
10646/2014). Section 124 (3) of Insolvency Act 24 of 1936.
T1945/2009—Van der Merwe, Frederik Nicolaas and Louisa Emma, 5805045019087 and 7005120072089, production
engineer and business woman, married in community of property, both residing at Plot 167, Waterkloof, Rustenburg.
1 September 2010, Tinie Street, Plot 45, Andeon, Pretoria, a production engineer and business woman, married in community
of property. Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria), 1 September 2014, 09h45. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van Wet 24 van
1936 (soos gewysig).
T3181/09—Venter, Jacobus Albertus Johan Andries, 7707085102088, married out of community of property,
Silvereikestraat 44, Heuweloord, Centurion. 24 Junie 2009, Silvereikestraat 44, Heuweloord, Centurion, married out of
community of property. Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria), 1 September 2014, 09h45. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van
Wet 24 van 1936 (soos gewysig).
T5545/09—Van Rensburg, Crystal Sharilee, 6401100032089, sales manager, divorced, Southdowns Estate, Loft
South No. 12, Centurion. 15 December 2009, residing at 8 La Bellome, 24 Culemborg Street, Witbank, sales manager, divorced.
Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria, 1 September 2014, 09h45, Artikel 124 (2) (a) van Wet 24 van 1936
(soos gewysig).

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 173

B188/2008—Louis Erasmus en Susanna Elizabeth Erasmus, 24 Januarie 1965 en 30 Oktober 1966, 6501245071080
en 6610300178084. 11 Desember 2008. Vrystaatse Afdeling, Bloemfontein, Donderdag, 18 September 2014, 09h30. Artikel
124 (2) (a). Ses jaar het reeds verstryk sedert datum van sekwestrasie van Applikant se boedel en meer as 12 maande reeds
verstryk sedert bekragtiging deur die Meester van die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.
T4887/09—Van Niekerk, Charlene, 1983-07-06, 8307060150084, bestuurder, Mastery Bakery Solutions, 78A—7th Road,
Rynfield 1513, Benoni, Gauteng. 14 Maart 2011, Vrystaat 34, Boksburg, Gauteng, werkloos. Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika
(Gauteng Divisie, Pretoria), 15 September 2014, Saak No. 68551/13. In terme van artikel 124 (3) van die Insolvensiewet, Wet
No. 24 van 1936.
B195/2008—Cobiemarie Stander, 21 April 1977, ID: 7704210073086. 27 November 2008. Vrystaatse Afdeling,
Bloemfontein, Donderdag, 18 September 2014, 09h30. Artikel 124 (2) (a). Ses jaar het reeds verstryk sedert datum van
sekwestrasie van Applikant se boedel en meer as 12 maande reeds verstryk sedert bekragtiging deur die Meester van die
Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.
T3182/09—Venter, Angelique Chantale, 7911040035082, married out of community of property, Silvereikestraat 44,
Heuweloord, Centurion. 24 Junie 2009, Silvereikestraat 44, Heuweloord, Centurion, married out of community of property. Hoë
Hof van Suid-Afrika (Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria), 1 September 2014, 09h45. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van Wet 24 van 1936 (soos
T5178/2010—Prentis, Derek John, 6806245070085, 214 Gannet Street, Wierdapark, Centurion, Gauteng, consultant,
married out of community. 2 December 2009, 214 Gannet Street, Wierdapark, Centurion, Gauteng, consultant, married out of
community. Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria), 1 September 2014, 09h45. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van Wet van
1936 (soos gewysig).

Form/Vorm 7


Notice is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees’
accounts in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 of the
Insolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and documents in their possession relating to the said estates (except
those which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from the date of this notice.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate; name and description of estate; date of
sequestration order; division of the Supreme Court by which order is made; date of confirmation of final account,
and name and address of curator.


Aangesien ’n tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtiging van die finale kuratorsrekenings
in die boedels hieronder genoem, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedels ingevolge
artikel 155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, alle boeke en stukke in hulle besit wat betrekking op daardie boedels het
(behalwe dié wat by die Meesters ingedien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel; naam en beskrywing van boedel; datum
van sekwestrasiebevel; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardeur bevel gegee is; datum van bekragtiging van finale
rekening, en naam en adres van kurator.
T706/12—JB Rivers (Fourways) (Pty) Ltd (in Creditor’s voluntary Liquidation)). First and Final Liquidation & Contribution
Account. 21/05/2012 (Special resolution). 13/08/2013. Mr M. Schmidt and Mr B. Daya (c/o Mr J.M. Damons),
c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2190, Johannesburg, 2000.
T340/09—Insolvent estate: Alwyn Johannes Jacobs, ID No. 6305205010082. 13/01/2009, Transvaal Provincial Division.
25/06/2013. Melita Meisel and Brian Ceylon, PO ox 904, Florida Hills, 1716.
G522/09—Lads Steel Service CC (in liquidation). 11/06/2009, South Gauteng High Court. 13/11/2012. Theodor Wilhelm
van den Heever and Kobus van der Westhuizen and Matome Joseph Montsho and Paula Alexandra van Eeden, PO Box 904,
Florida Hills, 1716.
G782/06—Metallurgical Design & Management (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 16/08/2006, Witwatersrand Local Division.
31/10/2013. Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever and Marc Bradley Beginsel, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716.
T1442/11—M. Pierneef. 06-06-2011. 26-01-2014. MJD Breytenbach, A Mahomed (CO: JZH Muller), p/a Breytenbach
Business Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044.
T1174/09—J.J. Schoeman. 20/03/2009. 31/10/2013. MJD Breytenbach, M Roux, p/a Breytenbach Business Management,
P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044.
G2627/09—D. Nicolakos. 01/12/2009. 13/11/2013. PT Monyela (CO: KC Monyela), p/a Breytenbach Business
Management, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044.
C581/2008—Insolvent estate: Felicity Dee and Shaun Ross Macleod. 11-09-2008, The Cape of Good Hope Provincial
Division. 23/04/2019. Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche, c/o Muller Terblanche Trustees, P O Box 323, Cape Town, 8000.

This gazette is also available free online at


G256/08—Phindana Properties 44 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 28/02/2008—23/12/2013. Hendrik Jacobus Rust Barnard,
P O Box 4974, Durban, 4000 and Conrad Alexander Starbuck, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001 and Lindiwe Florence Kaaba,
PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.
C625/11—Insolvent estate: JC & N Hildebrand. 2 June 2011, Western Cape High Court. 25 November 2013. M E Symes
& H A Plaatjies, p/a Zeena Insolvency Practitioners, 30 Canberra Road, Impala Park, 1459.
T698/10—Paradise Creek Investments 56 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 4 December 2009, Special Resolution. 4 June 2012.
EJJ van Rensburg & Z Kajee, c/o Kip Insolvencies, P O Box 90755, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0042.
G1106/09—HP Crane & Sons (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 14 April 2009—30 November 2012. AD McQuarrie & PB Mokwena,
Matsepes Inc., Sunnyside Park, 2nd Floor, Building C, 4 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193; PO Box 8274, Johannesburg,
G363/09—Smart Developers CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation Account. 11/03/2009, CK 6 (voluntary
surrender). 16/11/2011. J Z H Muller & M B Musenwa, p/a Tshwane Trust CO, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, 0186.
T1644/03—Gloy Plant Maintenance & Engineering BK (Reg No. CK95/23771/23) in liquidation. 25 April 2003—19
August 2004. J H Botha, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126.
T4681/10—Smart Quip (Pty) Limited (in liquidation). 20/8/2010—17/5/2013. M J Bekker & K LA M, Manamela c/o
Nicolaas Bekker Trustees CC, P O Box 8550, Pretoria, 0001.
T2791/11—Wholesale Housing Supplies East London (Pty) Ltd (in members’ voluntary liquidation). First and Final
Liquidation and Contribution Account. 08/08/2011 (Special Resolution). 13/03/2013. Mrs T. Tylcoat c/o Resolution Trust
Company (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2190, Johannesburg, 2000.
G1247/05—Paradigm Shift CC, Registration No. 1993/014004/23 (in liquidation). 4 November 2005, High Court of South
Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division). 3 May 2012. G C Gainsford & M A Dlavane, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, Wanooka
Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193.
G241/12—I’Ndizini Properties (Pty) Ltd (in creditor’s voluntary liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution
Account. 29/02/2012 (Special Resolution). 26/11/2013. Mr M. Schmidt and Mr T.L. Ngobeni c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty)
Ltd, P.O. Box 2190, Johannesburg, 2000.
G707/12—Gaia (Pty) Ltd (in Creditor’s voluntary liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account.
14/06/2012 (Special Resolution). 28/03/2014. Mr M. Schmidt and Mr J.M. Damons, c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Ltd,
P.O. Box 2190, Johannesburg, 2000.
G571/11—Geonic Investments CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.
16/03/2011, South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. 11/07/2013. Mr M. Schmidt and Mr J. Muthanyi c/o Resolution Trust
Company (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2190, Johannesburg, 2000.
T4287/12—Hoedspruit Hoofkompleks (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 13 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.
4 December 2013. EJJ van Rensburg & SAG Khammissa, c/o Kip Insolvencies, P O Box 90755, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0042.

Form/Vorm 8


Pursuant to section 179 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, section 366 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice
is hereby given of the dates or times fixed by Masters of the High Court by which creditors of companies in
liquidation are to prove their claims or otherwise be excluded from the benefit of any distribution under any
account lodged with the Master before those debts are proved.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of company in liquidation; name and description of
company; date or time fixed by the Master; name and address of liquidator.


Ingevolge artikel 179 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, artikel 366 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word
hierby kennis gegee van die datums of termyne deur Meesters van die Hooggeregshof vasgestel tot wanneer
skuldeisers van maatskappye in likwidasie hulle eise moet bewys of anders van die voordeel van ’n distribusie
kragtens ’n rekening by die Meester ingedien voordat daardie eise bewys is, uitgesluit word.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van maatskappy in likwidasie; naam en beskrywing
van maatskappy; datum of termyn deur Meester vasgestel; naam en adres van likwidateur.
T3369/12—MS & MG Thole, ID Nos: 5808185849081/6004250812084. 22-08-2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. V. M. F.
Gravato, Gravato Trust, 120 River Road, Brisen Office Park, Lyttleton Manor, Centurion.
T2474/09—Sunset Beach Trading 161 CC (Reg. No. 2004/051812/23). 22-08-2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. V. M. F.
Gravato, Gravato Trust, 120 River Road, Brisen Office Park, Lyttleton Manor, Centurion.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 175

Form/Vorm 9


In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given by a
petitioner of his making an application to the High Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as
the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of
surrender previously made and upon having received the Master’s consent, in terms of section 7 of the Act.
The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, occupation and
address, style of partnership or firm, and names and addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of
High Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master’s consent;
(3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for 14 days, the Master’s Office where lying
and, if so, the Magistrate’s Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, address and date.


Ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, word hierby deur ’n versoeker
kennis gegee van sy aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so
spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanname van die oorgawe van sy boedel; of van die
intrekking van ’n sodanige vroeëre kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se toestemming,
ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet.
Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres,
styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of ’n aansoek, die Afdeling van die
Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van ’n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van
Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê vir 14 dae, die Meester se
kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal lê; (4) die prokureur vir die aansoeker, adres en datum.
WET 24 VAN 1936
Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na in die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrka Gauteng Plaaslike
Afdeling, Johannesburg op Dinsdag, 27 Augustus 2014 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek
aangehoor kan word, vir die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Willem Daniel Cloete (ID No: 7512075011087), ’n
meerderjarige manlike persoon, tans ’n kwaliteits inspekteur en ongetroud en woonagtig te Maxines Place 19, Van der Stel
Straat, Randfontein, dat sy vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof in
Johannesburg, en by die Landdroshof van Randfontein vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae gereken vanaf 1 Augustus 2014.
Gedateer te Roodepoort op 24ste dag van Julie 2014.
G.D. Ficq Prokureur, Prokureur vir die Applikant. Tel: (011) 760-2558/9. (Verw: Mnr Ficq/ndt/7229); p/a AD Hertzbergh, 3rde
Vloer, West Wing, 158 Jan Smuts Gebou, 9 Walters Laan, Rosebank.
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 19 September 2014 om 10:00 vm of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak
verhoor kan word, in die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Wes-Kaapse Agdeling, Kaapstad, aansoek gedoen sal word vir die
aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Christia Rossouw (ID: 59091220082083), ’n geskeide lektrise van beroep en
woonagtig te Pondicherrystraat 54, Northshore, Houtbaai en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof te Kaapstad, asook te die Landdroshof, Johannesburg, ter insae sal lê ter gedurende ’n termyn van 14 (veer-
tien) dae vanaf Maandag, 4 Augustus 2014.
Gedateer te Kaapstad op hierdie 24ste dag van Julie 2014.
John Tribelhorn Prokureurs, Sanwood Park 4, Queens Crescent 379, Lynnwood, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 348-4346; p/a Heyns
& Vennote Ingelyf, Keeromstraat 50, Kaapstad.
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 19 September 2014 om 10:00 vm of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak
verhoor kan word, in die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Wes-Kaapse Agdeling, Kaapstad, aansoek gedoen sal word vir die
aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Christia Rossouw (ID: 59091220082083), ’n geskeide lektrise van beroep en
woonagtig te Pondicherrystraat 54, Northshore, Houtbaai en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof te Kaapstad, ter insae sal lê ter gedurende ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf Maandag, 4 Augustus 2014.
Gedateer te Kaapstad op hierdie 24ste dag van Julie 2014.
John Tribelhorn Prokureurs, Sanwood Park 4, Queens Crescent 379, Lynnwood, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 348-4346; p/a Heyns
& Vennote Ingelyf, Keeromstraat 50, Kaapstad.

This gazette is also available free online at



Notice is hereby given that Application will be made to the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Local Division,
Johannesburg on Friday, the 29th of August 2014 at 10h00, or soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for acceptance of
the surrender of the estate of Johan Godfrey van Wyk, an adult male (ID No: 5412305103089), divorced of Unit 8 The Reeds,
Glen Road, Bramley Park, Gauteng, that a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High
Court, Johannesburg, for a period of fourteen days as from the 1st of August 2014.
R D P Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicants, 12 Peter Street, Rynsoord, Benoni, 1500. Tel: (011) 423-2032. Fax: 086 403
9657. (Ref: PHV 251).
Sedibo Selolo, administration officer, unmarried. Address: 15 Tearose Street, Kempton Park West. (2) In the South
Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 28 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office,
Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Kempton Park. (4) 25 July 2014.
David James Minnie, employed with Matlosana City Council, unmarried. Address: 10 Olivergoldsmith Street, Orkney.
(2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 29 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s
Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Orkney. (4) 25 July 2014.
Marilyn Hanyana, skills development facilitator, unmarried. Address: 29 Franschoek Drive, Oakdene. (2) In the High Court
of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 29 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg.
(4) 25 July 2014.
Johannes Andreas Gey van Pittiuss, condition monitor technician, marred in community of property to Catharina
Petronella Gey van Pittius, unemployed. Address: 205 Tweedy Road, Brenthurst, Brakpan. (2) In the High Court of South
Africa (Gauteng Local Division), 29 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court,
Brakpan. (4) 25 July 2014.
Alilali Molly Masakona, unemployed, unmarried. Address: 34 Giant Reed Street, Protea Glen, Soweto. (2) In the High
Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 28 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office,
Johannesburg. (4) 25 July 2014.
Godfrey Mudau, administrator, unmarried. Address: 34 Giant Reed Street, Protea Glen, Soweto. (2) In the High Court of
South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 28 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg.
(4) 25 July 2014.
Elias Manthekge Sekgobela, administration clerk, married in community of property to Raesibe Celia Sekgobela,
unemployed. Address: Cnr Comando & Maraisburg Road, Newclare. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local
Division, Johannesburg), 29 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Randburg.
(4) 25 July 2014.
Johannes Petrus Bouwer, supervisor, married out of community of property. Address: 32 Buiten Park Complex,
Randpoort, Randfontein. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 28 August 2014.
(3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Randfontein. (4) 25 July 2014.
Jermaine Noel Sampson, consultant, married in community of property to Ingrid Lee Ann Sampson. Address: 8 New
South Villa, Daphne Street, Naturena, Johannesburg. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division), 27 August
2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg. (4) 25 July 2014.
Bongani Sibanda, case manager, married in community of property to Virginia Lizarass Crowder, case manager.
Address: 2 Raumara’s Court, Jeanesse Street, Bramley. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division,
Johannesburg), 26 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg. (4) 25 July 2014.
Wilhelm Herman Wagenaar, constable, married in community of property to Celeste Wagenaar, unemployed. Address:
14 Christoffel Street, Van Riebeeck Park, Kempton Park. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division,
Johannesburg), 27 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Kempton Park.
(4) 25 July 2014.
Archibald Johan Scogie, technician (married out of community of property), 10 Gale Road, Johannesburg. (2) In the High
Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 27 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office,
Johannesburg. (4) 25 July 2014.
Shakira Moola, unemployed (unmarried), 22 Three Rivers Park, Dee Drive, Three Rivers. (2) In the High Court of South
Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 25 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg;
Magistrate’s Court, Vereeniging. (4) 25 July 2014.
Johan Hattingh, sales clerk (married out of community of property), 17 Wentworth Street, Wentworth Park, Krugersdorp.
(2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 28 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s
Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Krugersdorp. (4) 25 July 2014.
Alain Charles Tison, programmer assistant (unmarried), 163 Katara George Street, Midrand. (2) In the High Court of
South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 27 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg;
Magistrate’s Court, Randburg. (4) 25 July 2014.
Tshepiso Catherine Mashigo, financial controller (unmarried), 64 Kent Road, Dunkeld, Rosebank. (2) In the South
Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 27 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office,
Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Randburg. (4) 25 July 2014.
Reginald Daryl Tanner, claims clerk (married out of community of property), 12 Manhattan Park, Vermooten Street,
Groblerspark, Johannesburg. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 27 August 2014.
(3) 1 August 2014, Master’ Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Roodepoort. (4) 25 July 2014.

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STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 177

Puleng Rebecca Mahlasela, cashier (unmarried), 13382 Otlega Drive Extension 8, Kagiso II, Krugersdorp. (2) In the High
Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 27 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office,
Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Krugersdorp. (4) 25 July 2014.
Marlene Estelle Manique, unemployed (unmarried), 27 Galteemore Street West, Malvern. (2) In the High Court of South
Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 27 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg;
Magistrate’s Court, Randburg. (4) 25 July 2014.
Erna Paxton, broker assistant (unmarried), Plot 119, Arcon Avenue, Mooilande, Meyerton. (2) In the High Court of South
Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 26 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg;
Magistrate’s Court, Meyerton. (4) 25 July 2014.
Tebogo Rachel Maraba, bid office administrator (unmarried), 3951 Zone 3, Mosupatsela Street, Diepkloof. (2) In the South
Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 27 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office,
Johannesburg. (4) 25 July 2014.
Dirk Cornelius Basson, manager, and Chantell Basson, Channel controller (married in community of property),
64 Oleander Street, Primrose East, Germiston. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division), 26 August 2014.
(3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Germiston. (4) 25 July 2014.
Lezl Allaries Baulackey, marketing assistant (married out of community of property), 6 Kylemore Close, Jansen Street,
Florida Park, Roodepoort. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 28 August 2014.
(3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Roodepoort. (4) 25 July 2014.
Kumaran Govender, manager (unmarried), 12 Selsey Road, Mulbarton, Gauteng. (2) In the High Court of South Africa
(Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 25 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg. (4) 25 July 2014.
Belinda Penny Dubber, service consultant (unmarried), 17 Franschoek, 33 Hill Street, Randburg. (2) In the High Court of
South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 25 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg;
Magistrate’s Court, Randburg. 25 July 2014.
Hermia Mittah Shaw, support agent (unmarried), 4 Mahonie Court, Vrede Street, Vredepark, Johannesburg. (2) In the High
Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 26 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office,
Johannesburg. (4) 25 July 2014.
Chantelle Smit, technician (married out of community of property), 111 Lismore Avenue, Crosby. (2) In the High Court of
South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 26 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg.
(4) 25 July 2014.
Nomthandazo Agnes Mlengani, packer (unmarried), 712 Luvuyo Street, Roodekop Ext. 21, Germiston. (2) In the High
Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 25 August 2014. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office,
Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Germiston. (4) 25 July 2014.
Mangqavuba Gwadiso, metropolitan officer (married out of community of property), Block C, Unit 1, City Deep Hostel,
Johannesburg. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 25 August 2014. (3) 1 August
2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg. (4) 25 July 2014.
Brand van Vuuren, diesel mechanic and Anita van Vuuren, nurse, 8 Mary Muller Street, Duhvapark, Witbank, married in
community of property. (2) Application North Gauteng High Court, 28 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria;
Magistrate’s Office, Witbank.
Yasmin Jansen, bookkeeper, 34 Graumann House, Thames Road, Bertrams, Johannesburg, unmarried. (2) Application
North Gauteng High Court, 29 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Johannesburg.
Elizabeth Wilhelmina Dorathea van Rensburg, clerk, Flat No. 5, Coen Vermeulen Hostel, 3 Irwin Street, Musina,
unmarried. (2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 27 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria;
Magistrate’s Office, Musina.
Debra Ann Breytenbach, administrator, 39 Bosbok Street, Thabazimbi, unmarried. (2) Application, North Gauteng High
Court, 26 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Thabazimbi.
Natasha Jeanette van Rensburg, assistant admin manager, 263 Kokkewiet Street, Wierdapark, Centurion, unmarried.
(2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 25 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria.
Nadiema Eid, payroll accountant, 263 Kokkewiet Street, Wierdapark, Centurion, married out of community of property.
(2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 29 August 2014.(3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria.
Cornelius Johannes van der Merwe, photographer, and Anna Mari van der Merwe, unemployed, 20 Waterval Street,
Newlands, Johannesburg, married in community of property. (2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 28 August 2014.
(3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office Pretoria & Johannesburg.
Mbuyiselo Gerald Letseka, construction work, married in community of property to Relebohile Letseka, receptionist,
No. 9 Brighton Court, Klein Street, Hillbrow, Johannesburg. (2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 28 August 2014.
(3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria & Johannesburg.
Herbert Roy Collins, driver, unmarried, 31 Blaauw Panorama, 170 Ascolana Street, Bonaero Park, Boksburg.
(2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 28 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office,
Omar Williams, unemployed, unmarried, 441 Hans Coverdale, East Road, Eersterust, Pretoria. (2) Application, North
Gauteng High Court, 29 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria.
Madelein Lemmer, coordinator, unmarried, 31 Blaauw Panorama, 170 Ascolana Street, Bonaero Park, Boksburg.
(2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 27 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office,
Willem Johannes Steenkamp, verification assistant, unmarried, 8 Gehala Place, 356 R Fourth Road, Bredell, Kempton
Park. (2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 26 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s
Office, Kempton Park.

This gazette is also available free online at


Phillipus Theunis van Wyngaardt, diesel mechanic, married in community of property to Maria Magdalena van
Wyngaardt, unemployed, 7 Plantasie Road, Blandville, Witbank. (2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 25 August 2014.
(3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Witbank.
Eleanor Genevieve Reeves, business developer, unmarried, 69 Sonderend Street, Helderkruin, Roodepoort. (2)
Application, North Gauteng High Court, 26 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office,
Jacobus Herculas Erasmus, diesel mechanic, married in community of property to Emmarentia Isabella Fredrika
Erasmus, administrator, 60 Silt Street, Rabie Ridge, Midrand, Randburg. (2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 29 August
2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Randburg.
Anita van Wyngaardt, unemployed, unmarried, 60 Silt Street, Rabie Ridge, Midrand, Randburg. (2) Application,
North Gauteng High Court, 27 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Randburg.
George Melville Tinney, sales representative, married in community of property to Sharmain Tinney, aftercare
supervisor, 21 Serengeti Village, Robert Road, Berton Park, Witfield, Boksburg. (2) Application, North Gauteng High Court,
28 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Boksburg.
Steven Robert Bonaretti, unemployed, unmarried, 10 Hagart Street, Brenthurst, Brakpan. (2) Application, North Gauteng
High Court, 26 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Brakpan.
Jan Albert Venter, unemployed, unmarried, 12 Bospoort, Bela Bela. (2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 28 August
2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Bela Bela.
Arno Cloete, technician, married out of community of property, 1 Bon Villa, Reedbuck Street, Edelweiss, Springs.
(2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 26 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office,
Manda-Mari Geldenhuys, safety administrator, unmarried, Holding 152, 2nd Avenue, Bredell, Kempton Park.
(2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 28 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office,
Kempton Park.
Sergio Miguel Romos Barata, system engineer, married out of community of property, 26 Moepel Road, Golfpark,
Meyerton. (2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 28 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s
Office, Meyerton.
Clarina Elliotha Kotze, service agent, unmarried, 568 West Avenue & Lenchen Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria.
(2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 26 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria.
Leonie Truter, personal assistant, unmarried, 18 Kingfisher Avenue, Elspark, Germiston. (2) Application, North Gauteng
High Court, 25 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Germiston.
Trace Wheeler, unemployed, unmarried, 3 McMillan Road, Boksburg. (2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 25 August
2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Boksburg.
Saudiqah Williams, research assistant, married out of community of property, 3 McMillan Road, Boksburg. (2) Application,
North Gauteng High Court, 29 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Boksburg.
Marthinus Johannes de Wet, shift supervisor, married in community of property to Marinda de Wet, unemployed,
23 Starling Street, Burgersfort. (2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 26 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office,
Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Burgersfort.
Adri Pieterse, administrator, unmarried, 17 Frans Street, Pretoria. (2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 26 August
2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria.
Pierre Snyman, field technician, unmarried, 93 Sedibeng Section, Tembisa, Kempton Park. (2) Application, North Gauteng
High Court, 26 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Kempton Park.
Tholo Jacob Lebea, unemployed, unmarried, 93 Sedibeng Section, Tembisa, Kempton Park. (2) Application, North
Gauteng High Court, 27 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Kempton Park.
Gerrit Marius Sales, project manager, unmarried, 7 Magnolia Street, Dalpark, Brakpan. (2) Application, North Gauteng
High Court, 26 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Brakpan.
Carla van Wyk, personal assistant, married out of community of property, 29 Athlone Street, Dalview, Brakpan.
(2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 27 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office,
Lukas Marthinus van den Berg, driver, and Anna Christina van den Berg, unemployed, 96 Bartle Frere Road, Nigel,
married in community of property. (2) Application, North Gauteng High Court, 25 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master’s
Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Nigel.
Kagiso Neo Segale, ID 7206206223089, sekuriteitswag, en Deborah Segale, ID 8110020973086, werkloos, getroud
binne gemeenskap van goedere, P19 Eskom, Grootvlei, Balfour. (2) Aansoek, Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 28 Augustus
2014, 10h00. (3) 4 Augustus 2014, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdroshof, Balfour.
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 28 Augustus 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor
kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe
van die boedel van Hester Dorothea Adriana Vorster, ’n geskeide klerk van beroep, woonagtig te Ashanti Lodge 60, Koos
Vorster Street, Brakpan, Gauteng, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria,
asook die Landdroshof te Brakpan sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 4de Augustus 2014.
Geteken te Pretoria op die 21ste dag van Julie 2014.
HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at

STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 179

Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 28 Augustus 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor
kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe
van die boedel van Antonette Geraud, ’n ongetroude administrateur van beroep, woonagtig te 504 Zaalklap Woonstelle,
Greenstraat 92, Sunnyside, Pretoria, Gauteng, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof
te Pretoria sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 4de Augustus 2014.
Geteken te Pretoria op die 21ste dag van Julie 2014.
HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 28 Augustus 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor
kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe
van die boedel van Roosmarie Vorster, ’n geskeide konsultant van beroep, woonagtig te Mimosastraat 246, Northcliffe,
Randburg, Gauteng, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria asook die
Landdroshof te Randburg sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 4de Augustus 2014.
Geteken te Pretoria op die 21ste dag van Julie 2014.
HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 29 Augustus 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor
kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe
van die boedel van Johannes Jacobus Gilbert van Schalkwyk, ’n geskeide ontwerper van beroep, woonagtig te
Highveldstraat 1432, Rayton, Gauteng, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te
Pretoria, asook die Landdroshof te Cullinan sa lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 4de Augustus 2014.
Geteken te Pretoria op die 21ste dag van Julie 2014.
HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 26 Augustus 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor
kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe
van die boedel van Sunita Pillay, ’n geskeide ontvangsdame van beroep, woonagtig te Mustardstraat 460, Laudium, Pretoria,
Gauteng, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, sal lê gedurende ’n termyn
van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 4de Augustus 2014.
Geteken te Pretoria op die 21ste dag van Julie 2014.
HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 25 Augustus 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor
kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe
van die boedel van Alfred Augustus Willers, ’n veiligheidsoffisier van beroep getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met
Elmarie Willer, werkloos, woonagtig te Maroelastraat 41, Mooi Nooi, Noord Wes, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van
die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, asook die Landdroshof te Brits, sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien
(14) dae vanaf die 4de Augustus 2014.
Geteken te Pretoria op die 21ste dag van Julie 2014.
HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 29 Augustus 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor
kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe
van die boedel van Gloria Modiegi Pelle, ’n ongetroude verkoopsdame van beroep, woonagtig te Golden Oaks 7, Pretoriaweg,
Comet, Edenvale, Gauteng, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, asook
die Landdroshof te Edenvale sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 4de Augustus 2014.
Geteken te Pretoria op die 21ste dag van Julie 2014.
HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at


Wilhelm George Huysamen, an unemployed male person, unmarried (divorced), residing at No. 105, 10th Street,
Parkmore, Johannesburg Gauteng Province. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 29 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014,
Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. (4) DLBM Inc, P O Box 12200, Hatfield, 0028, 25 July 2014.
Sherley Nonhlanhla Khoza, ID: 8403290333085, unmarried, employed as a marketing specialist, Sec 15, 15 Le Mirell,
26 Heron Street, Stonehenge Extension 8, Nelspruit. (2) In the Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa),
11 September 2014. (3) 14 August 2014, Masters Office, Pretoria.
Magotsi Samuel Serongoane, ID: 5204245739084, self employed, 282 Reverend RTJ Namande Drive, Tlamatlama.
(2) In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 1 September 2014. (3) 11 August 2014, Masters Office,
Pretoria Magistrates Court.
Mpendulo James Dlamini, ID: 7811185735084, self employed, unmarried, 203 Dover Towers, 1 Dover Street, Ferndale,
Randburg. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 1 September 2014. (3) 11 August 2014,
Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate Court.
Lawrence Dumisane Ndlovu, ID: 7009256129085, self employed, Unit 5, 182 Derby Road, North Riding Ext 17,
Randburg. (2) In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 1 September 2014. (3) 11 August 2014, Master’s
Office, Pretoria Magistrates Court.
Joyce Thokozile Nkosi, unemployed, unmarried, 12835 Budlelwano Street, Palm Ridge, Ext. 8. (2) In the High Court of
South Africa Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 10h00. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Palm Ridge.
(4) 25 July 2014.
In the ex parte application of REBEKAH RUTH MARSHALL, First Applicant, born 6 September 1980 and
CLYDE VERNON MARSHALL, born 7 October 1978
Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, of the High Court on
27 August 2014 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of
Rebekah Ruth Marshall, born 6 September 1980 and Clyde Vernon Marshall born 7 October 1978. Mrs Marshall, is currently
self employed and residing at Unit 16, Saleha, Katode Street, Radiokop, Johannesburg and Mr Marshall is currently employed
and residing at Unit 16, Saleha, Katode Street, Radiokop, Johannesburg.
A statement of the Debtor’s affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court at Johannesburg, for
a period of of fourteen days as from 4 August 2014 to 18 August 2014.
Du Plessis & Partners, Attorneys for Applicant, 23 John Gainsford Street, Brackenfell, 7580, Cape Town, c/o Naomie Marais
Attorneys, Plantation Estate of Bali, Cedar Avenue, Broadacres-Dainfern, Fourways.
In the ex parte application of MPHO MOKOENA, First Applicant, born 5 August 1987
Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, of the High Court on
27 August 2014 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of
Mpho Moekoena, born 5 August 1987. Mr Mpho is currently employed and residing at 6 Electron Avenue, 127 Airport Inn,
Isando, Johannesburg.
A statement of the Debtor’s affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court at Johannesburg, for
a period of of fourteen days as from 4 August 2014 to 18 August 2014.
Du Plessis & Partners, Attorneys for Applicant, 23 John Gainsford Street, Brackenfell, 7580, Cape Town, c/o Naomie Marais
Attorneys, 298 Castellet Estate, cnr. Lombardi & Saringa Road, Fourways, Johannesburg.
Lennard Garthorn Hayne, manager, Cheryl Cloria Haynes, bookkeeper, 1 Hermina Street, Brackenhurst, Gauteng.
(2) In the Northern Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 11 September 2014. (3) 21 July 2014, Master’s
Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria. (4) 24 July 2014.
Abel Lefu Rampai, ID No. 7506067180082, manager, married in community of property to Elizabeth Rampai,
ID No. 7510010782085, unemployed, both reside at 71 Tsabalala Drive, Dobsonville Ext 3, also knwon as Erf 8899, Dobsonville
Ext 3 Township, Registration Division I.Q., Province of Gauteng, in the extent two hundred and twenty nine (229) square metres,
held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T4883/2010. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division,
High Court, Johannesburg), 22 August 2014 at 10h00. (3) 8 August 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg and the Magistrate’s
Court, Roodepoort. (4) 25 July 2014.
Notice is hereby given that application will be made at the South Gauteng High Court of South Africa, Johannesburg on
28 August 2014, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Mariette Swart, ID No. 5603010154082, an adult female
teacher, married out of community of property and residing at 4 Strydom Street, Ogies and that the statement fo debtor’s affairs
will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the Supreme Court at Pretoria and at the Magistrate Office of Witbank,
for a period of fourteen (14) days from 1 August 2014.
Date of publication: 1 August 2014.

This gazette is also available free online at

STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 181


Notice is hereby given that application will be made at the South Gauteng High Court of South Africa, Johannesburg, on
28 August 2014, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Frederick Jacobus de Beer and Maria Anna de Beer,
ID No. 5903215164088 and 4809110123080, an adult male security manager and an adult female housewife, married in
community of property and residing at 10 Fisher Street, Brackenhurst Ext 1, Alberton, and that the statement of debtor’s affairs
will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the Supreme Court at Johannesburg and at the Magistrate Office of Alberton
for a period of fourteen (14) days from 1 August 2014.
Obed Nkoane Masoeu, ID No. 7004215464087, self-employed, married in community of property to Popi Rachel
Masoeu, ID No. 7212030520088, unemployed, resides at 10715 Catfis Street, Kgotsong, Bothaville, also known as Erf 10715,
Kgotsong Ext 5, Bothaville, Free State, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T11972/2008. (2) Application, in the High Court
of South Africa (High Court, Free State), 22 August 2014 at 10h00. (3) 8 August 2014, Master’s Office, Free State, and the
Magistrate’s Court, Bothaville. (4) 25 July 2014.
George Stone, ID No. 5705025943084, self-employed, married in community of property to Harriet Patricia Stone,
ID No. 7607020174087, housewife, resides at 70 Van Zyl Street, Robertson, Western Cape, also known as Erf 534, Robertson,
in the Breede Rivier Wyland Municipality, Division Robertson, Province of Western Cape, in extent of one thousand and
seventy-one (1 071) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T8519/2007. (2) Application, in the High Court of
South Africa (Western Cape Division, High Court, Cape Town), 22 August 2014 at 10h00. (3) 8 August 2014, Master’s Office,
Cape Town, and the Magistrate’s Court, Robertson. (4) 25 July 2014.
Nombuyiselo Irene Mbi, ID No. 5902070579083, administrator, resides at 647 Madikane Street, Protea North, also known
as Erf 647, Protea North Township, Registration Division IQ, in the Province of Gauteng, in extent of two hundred and thirty-two
(232) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T8502/2004. (2) Application, in the High Court of South Africa
(Gauteng Division, High Court, Pretoria), 22 August 2014 at 10h00. (3) 8 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria, and the
Magistrate’s Court, Soweto West. (4) 25 July 2014.
Jabu Steve Masilela, ID No. 8106205821082, artisan, resides at Stand 1460, Duvha Park Extension 2, Mpumalanga, also
known as Erf 1460, Duvha Park Extension 2, Registration Division J.S., in the Province of Mpumalanga, in extent of two
hundred and eighty-five (285) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T6566/2010. (2) Application, in the High
Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, High Court, Pretoria), 22 August 2014 at 10h00. (3) 8 August 2014, Master’s Office,
Pretoria, and the Magistrate’s Court, Witbank. (4) 25 July 2014.
Andries Mhlanganyelwa Masondo, ID No. 6803245775086, married in community of property to Eucine Masondo,
ID No. 7001021796082, resides at 10567 Makhura Street, Vosloorus Extension 14, Boksburg, Gauteng, also known as
Erf 10567, Vosloorus Extension 14 Township, Registration Division I.R., in the Province of Gauteng, in extent of two hundred
and forty-two (242) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T7383/2010. (2) Application, in the High Court of South
Africa (Gauteng Division, High Court, Pretoria), 22 August 2014 at 10h00. (3) 8 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria, and the
Magistrate’s Court, Boksburg. (4) 25 July 2014.
Mpuleng Rosina Madonsela, ID No. 8207030406089, train assistant, resides at 22 2nd Avenue, Waterval Boven,
Mpumalanga, also known as Portion 4 of Erf 85, Waterval Boven Township, Registration Division J.T., Province of Mpumalanga,
in extent of five hundred and nineteen (519) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T2687/2011. (2) Application,
in the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, High Court, Pretoria), 22 August 2014 at 10h00. (3) 8 August 2014, Master’s
Office, Pretoria, and the Magistrate’s Court, Belfast. (4) 25 July 2014.
Ngenzeni Charlotte Tshabalala, ID No. 6603280319083, unemployed, divorced, resides at 673 Saranton Estate, Cedar
Road, Maroeladal Ext 10, also known as Erf 673, Maroekdal Ext 10, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, in extent
one thousand and seventy-two (1 072) square metres; held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T142977/2007. (2) Application, in
the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng High Court), 22 August 2014 at 10h00. (3) 8 August 2014, Master’s Office,
Johannesburg, and the Magistrate’s Court, Randburg. (4) 25 July 2014.
Zaheer Bhyat, ID No. 7906115223084, designer, resides at 90 St James Road, Sothernwood, East London, also known
as Erf 12402, East London, Local Municipality of Buffalo City, Division of East London, in the Province of Eastern Cape, in extent
of five hundred and fifteen (515) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T3769/2008. (2) Application, in the High
Court of South Africa (East London Local Division, High Court, East London), 22 August 2014 at 10h00. (3) 8 August 2014,
Master’s Office, East London, and the Magistrate’s Court, Chiselhurst. (4) 25 July 2014.
Oupa Mdakane, ID No. 6508125308086, manager, married in community of property to Mahadi Mdakane,
ID No. 6909121363085, unemployed, resides at 5 Ndaba Drive, Protea South, Soweto, also known as Portion 1 of Erf 5, Protea
South Extension 1 Township, Registration Division I.Q., Province of Gauteng, in extent of three hundred and thirty-three (333)
square metres. (2) Application, in the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, High Court, Pretoria), 22 August 2014 at
10h00. (3) 8 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria, and the Magistrate’s Court, Soweto West. (4) 25 July 2014.
Notice is hereby given that Application will be made to the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), on
Monday, the 25th August 2014 at 10h00, or soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for acceptance of the surrender of the
estate of Thomas Nkosi, an adult male, unemployed (ID No: 6512265385086) and Sellane Lydia Nkosi, an adult female,
unemployed (ID No: 8006130627085), married to each other in community of property, of 18 Progress Road, Lindhaven,
Roodepoort, Johannesburg, and that a statement of their affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High
Court, Pretoria, and Magistrate’s Court, Roodepoort, for a period of fourteen days as from the 4th August 2014.
Morris Pokroy Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicants, Ground Floor, Brooklyn Forum, 259 Lynnwood Road, Brooklyn,
Pretoria, 0002. Tel: (012) 362-2631. Fax: (012) 362-2611. (Ref: M. Moolla/023).

This gazette is also available free online at



Notice is hereby given that Application will be made to the High Court of South Africa, Pietermaritzburg on Tuesday, the
26th August 2014 at 09h30, or soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for acceptance of the surrender of the estate of
Sharen Neerahoo, an adult male (ID No: 7701125128088), and Navika Neerahoo, an adult female (ID No: 7705020124084),
married to each other in community of property, of 16 Vink Street, Aviary Hill, Newcastle, and that a statement of their affairs
will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg, and at the office of the Magistrate,
Newcastle, for a period of fourteen days as from 1 August 2014.
Morris Pokroy Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicants, Ground Floor, Brooklyn Forum, 259 Lynnwood Road, Brooklyn,
Pretoria, 0002. Tel: (012) 362-2631. Fax: (012) 362-2611. (Ref: M. Moolla/002).
Phineas Mothibedi, administrator, unmarried. Address: 10444 Finland Street, Cosmo City Ext 9, Krugersdorp. (2) In the
High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), 21 August 2014, 10h00. (3) 1 August 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria;
Magistrate’s Office, Krugersdorp. (4) 25 July 2014.


Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the North West High Court, Mahikeng on 28 August 2014 at 10h00,
or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Carel Jacobus
Stephanus Otto (ID No: 7805205114080), a construction man, single, presently residing at 7 Villa Wisteria, Azanza, Boschdal,
Rustenburg, and that a statement of affairs will lie open for inspection at the office of the Master of the North West High Court,
Mahikeng, and the Magistrate, Rustenburg, for a period of 14 days as from 4 August 2014.
Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant. Tel: (014) 592-9217. Website: E-mail: (Ref: DR Lamprecht).


Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the North West High Court, Mahikeng on 28 August 2014 at 10h00,
or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Martin Hattingh
(ID No: 7210315217081), project manager, married out of community of property, presently residing at 7 Villa Wisteria, Azanza,
Boschdal, Rustenburg, and that a statement of affairs will lie open for inspection at the office of the Master of the North West
High Court, Mahikeng, and the Magistrate, Rustenburg for a period of 14 days as from 4 August 2014.
Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant. Tel: (014) 592-9217. Website: E-mail: (Ref: DR Lamprecht).
Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the North West, High Court, Mahikeng, on 28 August 2014 at 10h00,
or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Carel Jacobus
Stephanus Otto, Identity No. 7805205114080, a construction man, single, presently residing at 7 Villa Wisteria, Azanza,
Boschdal, Rustenburg, and that a statement of affairs will lie open for inspection at the office of the Master of the North West,
High Court, Mahikeng, and the Magistrate, Rustenburg, for a period of 14 days as from 4 August 2014.
Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant. Tel: (014) 592-9217. Website: E-mail: (Ref: DR Lamprecht.)
Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the North West, High Court, Mahikeng, on 28 August 2014 at 10h00,
or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Martin Hattingh, Identity
No. 7210315217081, project manager, married out of community of property, presently residing at 7 Villa Wisteria, Azanza,
Boschdal, Rustenburg, and that a statement of affairs will lie open for inspection at the office of the Master of the North West,
High Court, Mahikeng, and the Magistrate, Rustenburg, for a period of 14 days as from 4 August 2014.
Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant. Tel: (014) 592-9217. Website: E-mail: (Ref: DR Lamprecht.)
Obed Nkoane Masoeu (ID: 7004215464087), working as a co-owner of Train Tavern, married in community of property to
Popie Rachel Masoeu (ID: 7212030520088), working as a co-owner of Train Tavern, 7032 Kgotsong, Bothaville, Free State.
(2) In the High Court of South Africa (Orange Free State Provincial Division), 28 August 2014, 10h00. (3) 1 August 2014 for
14 days, Master of the High Court, Bloemfontein; Magistrate’s Court, Bothaville. (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 284 Von Willich Avenue,
Loanlink Park, Centurion, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 674-9400.
Lennard Garthorn Hayne, manger, and Cheryl Cloria Haynes (no Burr), bookkeeper, 1 Hermina Street, Brackenhurst,
Gauteng. (2) In the Northern Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 11 September 2014. (3) 31 July 2014,
Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria. (4) 24 July 2014.
Lennard Garthorn Hayne, manger, and Cheryl Cloria Haynes (no Burr), bookkeeper, 1 Hermina Street, Brackenhurst,
Gauteng. (2) In the Northern Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 11 September 2014. (3) 31 July 2014,
Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria. (4) 24 July 2014.

This gazette is also available free online at

STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 183

Nicolson, Craig Duncan, ID: 6209015104087, unemployed, 77 Basroyd Drive, Bassonia. (2) South Gauteng High Court,
Johannesburg, 02/09/2014 at 10h00. (3) 01/08/2014, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. (3) CD Nicolson, 77 Basroyd
Drive, Bassonia.
Ebrahim Patel, ID: 7809155158089, sales representative, married out of community of property, 250 Flamingo Street,
Lenasia, Johannesburg, Gauteng. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria),
1 September 2014, 10h00. (3) From 4 August 2014, Master, Pretoria; Master, Johannesburg. (4) Address to Attorneys,
PO Box 8315, Centurion, 0046.
Abraham Petrus Duvenage, ID No. 8202165018080, sagteware ontwikkelaar, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere,
woonagtig te Killickstraat 671, Les Marais, Pretoria, Gauteng. (2) Aansoek: In die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Noord
Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), op 1 September 2014 om 10:00. (3) Vanaf 4 Augustus 2014, Meesterskantoor: Pretoria;
Landdroshof, Pretoria Noord. (4) Prokureurs se adres: Posbus 8315, Centurion, 0046. 16 Julie 2014.
Francois James Duvenage, ID No. 8601075013083, plant patoloog, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, woonagtig
te 21ste Laan 776, Rietfontein, Pretoria, Gauteng. (2) Aansoek: In die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof,
Pretoria), op 1 September 2014 om 10:00. (3) Vanaf 4 Augustus 2014, Meesterskantoor, Pretoria; Landdroshof, Pretoria-Noord.
(4) Prokureur se adres: Posbus 8315, Centurion, 0046. 16 Julie 2014.
Marina van Wyk, ID No. 6301260053083, 3 Blaine Street, Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion, a mechanical designer,
divorced. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa at 10h00, 27 August 2014. (3) 4 August 2014, Master
of the High Court, Gauteng, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa. (4) L van Dyk Attorneys, 222 Burger Street, Pretoria North.
Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Hoë Hof van Suid Afriak, Gauteng Divisie, Pretoria op
Dinsdag, 26 Augustus 2014 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die
aanvaarding van die boedeloorgawe van Jaco Bezuidenhout (ID: 7711305022084), en Tanya Bezuidenhout
(ID: 7902040097081), getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te Diamondhillstraat 220, Mountainview, Pretoria,
Gauteng, en dat hulle vermoënstaat vir inspeksie ter insae sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria,
vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 1 Augustus 2014.
Deysel Prokureurs, Posbus 462, Pretoria, 0001. Tel: (012) 326-3233.
Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Hoë Hof van Suid Afriak, Gauteng Divisie, Pretoria op
Dinsdag, 26 Augustus 2014 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die
aanvaarding van die boedeloorgawe van Madi Grimbeek (ID: 7508090043089), ongetroud en woonagtig te Edwardstraat 25,
Westdene, Benoni, Gauteng, en dat haar vermoënstaat vir inspeksie ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof, Benoni, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 1 Augustus 2014.
Deysel Prokureurs, Posbus 462, Pretoria, 0001. Tel: (012) 326-3233.
Elisabeth Johanna Daniels (ID: 6910200003089), ’n aankoper, geskei. 15 De Wet Hof, Afrikastraat, Davidsonville,
Roodepoort. (2) In die Hoggeregshof van SA (Gautengse Afdeling), Pretoria, 27 Augustus 2014 om 10h00. (3) 4 Augustus 2014
vir 14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Roodepoort. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie, 7de Laan, No. 2
Melkbosstrand. Tel: (021) 553-3653; p/a G Scheepers Prokureurs, Jack Hindonstr 261, Pretoria Noord.
Lucky Mulusa (ID No: 6503305207083), businessman, married out of community of property. 246 Outeniqua Avenue,
Waterkloof Heights Ext 3, Pretoria, Gauteng Province. (2) Application: Gauteng North High Court, Pretoria, 28 August 2014,
10h00. (3) 6 August 2014, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. (4) In person, 25 July 2014.
Christiaan van Dyk (ID: 8308265091081), ’n tegnikus, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Elsie Elisabeth van
Dyk (ID: 8404220011080), ’n onderwyseres, Plot 52, Platinum Ridge, Polokwane. (2) In die Hooggeregshof van SA (Gautengse
Afdeling), Pretoria, 27 Augustus 2014 om 10h00. (3) 4 Augustus 2014 vir 14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Pretoria;
Landdroshof, Polokwane. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie, 7de Laan, No. 2 Melkbosstrand. Tel: (021) 553-3653.; p/a G Scheepers
Prokureurs, Jack Hindonstr 261, Pretoria Noord.
Marina van Wyk, Identity No. 6301260053083, a mechanical designer, divorced, 3 Blaine Street, Pierre van Ryneveld,
Centurion. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 27 August 2014, 10h00. (3) 4 August 2014,
Master of the High Court, Gauteng, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa). (4) L. van Dyk Attorneys, 222 Burger Street, Pretoria
North. Tel: (012) 565-6431/(012) 546-9679.
Henry Harold Pearson, ID: 5902165070089, foreman, unmarried, 13 Hamel Avenue, Comet, Boksburg, Gauteng.
(2) Voluntary surrender of estate: The High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 29 August 2014, 10h00. (3) 4 August
2014 (period 14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Boksburg. (4) Michael Senekal Attorney. Tel: (012) 542-5205.
Fax: (012) 542-5215.
Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the North Gauteng High Court of the Republic of South Africa on
29 August 2014 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate
of Sean Gordon Muller, ID No. 6601015024085, an adult male employed at NCS Engineering as a product manager, divorced,
and residing at 32 Lake Field Estates, Lakefield, Benoni, Gauteng, and that his statement of his affairs will lie open for
inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court at Pretoria and at the office of the Magistrate’s Court, Benoni, for a
period of 14 days as from 1 August 2014.
Lindeque & Van Heerden Attorneys, ASP Marketing Building, 650 Trichardt Road, Boksburg; P.O. Box 15081, Impala Park,
1472. Tel: (011) 894-7656. Fax: (011) 894-5786. (Ref: Mr Lindeque/eo/M341.)

This gazette is also available free online at


Nicolson, Craig Duncan, ID: 6209015104087, unemployed, 77 Basroyd Drive, Bassonia. (2) South Gauteng High Court,
Johannesburg, 2014-09-02, 10h00. (3) 2014-08-01, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. (4) C. D. Nicolson, 77 Basroyd
Drive, Bassonia.
Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Hooggeregshof Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria, op Maandag,
8 September 2014 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir aanname van die
oorgawe van die boedel van Abel Hermanus Uys, ID No. 8405255068085, makelaar van beroep, ongetroud, woonagtig te
Idastraat 46, Lynwood Glen, Pretoria, en dat sy vermoënstaat ter insae lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, en Landdroshof van Pretoria, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 4 Augustus 2014 tot
21 Augustus 2014.
Geliaseer deur: Cremer & Strydom Prokureurs, Ben Swartstraat 1151, Villieria, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 333-3257. (Verwys:
J Strydom/js/2594.)
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 19 September 2014 om 10h00 vm of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak
verhoor kan word, in die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Wes-Kaapse Afdeling, Kaapstad, aansoek gedoen sal word vir die
aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Christia Rossouw, ID: 59091220082083, ’n geskeide lektrise van beroep en
woonagtig te Pondicherrystraat 54, Northshore, Houtbaai, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die
Hooggeregshof te Kaapstad ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf Maandag, 4 Augustus 2014.
Gedateer te Kaapstad op hierdie 24ste dag van Julie 2014.
John Tribelhorn Prokureurs, Sanwood Park 4, Queens Crescent 379, Lynnwood, Pretoria. Tel. (012) 348-4346. P/a Heyns
& Vennote Ingelyf, 50 Keeromstraat, Kaapstad.
Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, 28 August 2014 om 09h30, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in
the High Court of South Africa (Free State Division, Bloemfontein), application will be made for the voluntary surrender of the
estate of Gustav Peter Pavlu, ID No. 4505025148184; and Evalene Doris Pavlu, ID No. 5207030185082 (married in
community of property to each other), of 1 Alibama Crescent, Pellissier, Bloemfontein, and the their Statement of Affairs will lie
open at the Master of the High Court, Bloemfontein, for a period of 14 (fourteen) days from 4 August 2014.
Etienne Visser Incorporated, 16B Waverley Road, Bloemfontein. Ref. E Visser/JG/BP2319.
(Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria)
In die ex parte-aansoek van: LEON ALBERTS SWART, Identiteitsnommer: 7511025140087, Applikant
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 27 Augustus 2014 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aan-
gehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname
van die oorgawe van die boedel van Leon Alberts Swart, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed en woonagtig te Readman-
straat 150, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp.
Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU-gebou, Thabo
Sehumestraat 316, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Klerksdorp, ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 4
Augustus 2014.
Gedateer te Pretoria op die 25ste dag van Julie 2014.
Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Tel. (012) 362-2556. Verw. Mnr T Viljoen.
(Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria)
In die ex parte-aansoek van: CECIL NIEUWOUDT, Identiteitsnommer: 8112255182086, Eerste Applikant, en
BIANKA NIEWOUDT, Identiteitsnommer: 8906300066081, Tweede Applikant
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 27 Augustus 2014 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aan-
gehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname
van die oorgawe van die boedel van Cecil en Bianka Nieuwoudt, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed en woonagtig te
Krugerstraat 52, Stilfontein.
Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU-gebou, Thabo Sehume-
straat 316, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Klerksdorp, ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 4 Augustus 2014.
Gedateer te Pretoria op die 25ste dag van Julie 2014.
Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Tel. (012) 362-2556. Verw. Mnr T Viljoen.

This gazette is also available free online at

STAATSKOERANT, 1 AUGUSTUS 2014 No. 37874 185

(Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria)
In die ex parte-aansoek van: EDWARD RICHARD ANDREWS, Identiteitsnommer: 5609015098083, Eerste Applikant, en
LYNETTE MILLICENT ANDREWS, Identiteitsnommer: 5002200182088, Tweede Applikant
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 27 Augustus 2014 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aan-
gehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname
van die oorgawe van die boedel van Edward Richard en Lynette Millicent Andrews, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed
en woonagtig te Jan van Riebeeckstraat 41, Stilfontein.
Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU-gebou, Thabo Sehume-
straat 316, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Klerksdorp, ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 4 Augustus 2014.
Gedateer te Pretoria op die 25ste dag van Julie 2014.
Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Tel. (012) 362-2556. Verw. Mnr T Viljoen.
(Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria)
In die ex parte-aansoek van: GAOPALELWE ELIAS PHEPENG, Identiteitsnommer: 7409275602080, Eerste Applikant,
en DIMAKATSO JEANETTE PHEPENG, Identiteitsnommer: 7501270348089, Tweede Applikant
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 27 Augustus 2014 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aan-
gehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname
van die oorgawe van die boedel van Gaopalelwe Elias en Dimakatso Jeanette Phepeng, getroud binne gemeenskap van
goed en woonagtig te Kiplingstraat 11, Orkney.
Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU-gebou, Thabo
Sehumestraat 316, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Klerksdorp, ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 4
Augustus 2014.
Gedateer te Pretoria op die 25ste dag van Julie 2014.
Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Tel. (012) 362-2556. Verw. Mnr T Viljoen.
(Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria)
In die ex parte-aansoek van: ANITA COOKE, Identiteitsnommer: 7912110028080, Applikant
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 27 Augustus 2014 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aan-
gehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname
van die oorgawe van die boedel van Anita Cooke, geskei en woonagtig te Ruben Park 13, Schoolstraat, Mindalore,
Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU-gebou, Thabo
Sehumestraat 316, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Krugersdorp, ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 4
Augustus 2014.
Gedateer te Pretoria op die 25ste dag van Julie 2014.
Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Tel. (012) 362-2556. Verw. Mnr T Viljoen.
(Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria)
In die ex parte-aansoek van: GERRIT SCHOLTZ, Identiteitsnommer: 5804245013081, Applikant
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 27 Augustus 2014 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aan-
gehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname
van die oorgawe van die boedel van Gerrit Scholtz, geskei en woonagtig te Balfourstraat 1, Georginia, Roodepoort.
Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU-gebou, Thabo
Sehumestraat 316, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Roodepoort, ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 4
Augustus 2014.
Gedateer te Pretoria op die 25ste dag van Julie 2014.
Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Tel. (012) 362-2556. Verw. Mnr T Viljoen.

This gazette is also available free online at


(Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria)
In die ex parte-aansoek van: PIETER CORNELIUS VAN HOOFDALEM, Identiteitsnommer: 7604305180087, Applikant
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 27 Augustus 2014 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aan-
gehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname
van die oorgawe van die boedel van Pieter Cornelius van Hoogdalem, ongetroud en woonagtig te Steynbergstraat 18,
Discovery, Roodepoort.
Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU-gebou, Thabo
Sehumestraat 316, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Roodepoort, ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 4
Augustus 2014.
Gedateer te Pretoria op die 25ste dag van Julie 2014.
Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Tel. (012) 362-2556. Verw. Mnr T Viljoen.
Kennis word hiermee gee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op 28 Augustus
2014 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van
Jacqueline Swart, Identiteitsnommer: 8504160048081, ’n meerdarige rekenmeester, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed,
woonagtig te Neeltjiestraat 9, Meiringspark, Klerksdorp, Noordwes.
Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoënstaat ter insae sal lê by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria sowel as
Landdroshof, Klerksdorp, vanaf 4 Augustus 2014, vir ’n periode van 14 dae.
Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, Walkerstraat No. 555, Muckleneuk. Tel. (018) 787-4126. Fax (018) 787-3134.
Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op 28 Augustus
2014 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van Naume
Johanna Cele, ID No. 5804210292082, ’n meerderjarige mediese dokter, ongetroud, woonagtig te Skukuzastraat 632, Faerie
Glen, Pretoria, Gauteng.
Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoënstaat ter insae sal lê by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria vanaf 4 Augustus
2014 vir ’n periode van 14 dae.
Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, walkerstraat No. 555, Muckleneuk. Tel No. (018) 787-4126. Fax: (018) 787-3134.
Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op 28 Augustus
2014 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van
Charlene Geldenhuys Bierman, ID No. 9009110089085, ’n meerderjarige skoonheidsterapeur, getroud buite gemeenskap van
goed, woonagtig te Rensburgstraat 36, Hendrina, Mpumalanga.
Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoënstaat ter insae sal lê by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria sowel as
Landdroshof Hendrina vanaf 4 Augustus 2014 vir ’n periode van 14 dae.
Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, walkerstraat No. 555, Muckleneuk. Tel No. (018) 787-4126. Fax: (018) 787-3134.
Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town, on 27 August 2014 at
10 o’clock in the forenoon or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate
of Allan Wayne Friend, date of birth 3 June 1966, ID No. 6606035197084, who is divorced and that a statement of his affairs
will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court at Cape Town, the Magistrate’s Court, Cape Town, and the
offices of Neville R Cohen & Associates, 1 Arrow Court, 263 Main Road, Three Anchor Bay, Cape Town, as from 1 August 2014.
Dated at Cape Town this 23rd day of July 2014.
Neville Coohen per Neville R. Cohen & Associates, Attorney for Applicant, 1 Arrow Court, 163 Main Road, Three Anchor
Bay, Cape Town. Tel: (021) 434-3327. Fax: (021) 439-3164.

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As the mandated government security printer, providing world class security products and services,
Government Printing Works has adopted some of the highly innovative technologies to best serve its
customers and stakeholders. In line with this task, Government Printing Works has implemented a
new telephony system to ensure most effective communication and accessibility. As a result of this
development, our telephone numbers will change with effect from 3 February 2014, starting with
the Pretoria offices.

The new numbers are as follows:

Switchboard : 012 748 6001/6002

Advertising 012 748 6205/6206/6207/6208/6209/6210/6211/6212

Publications Enquiries : 012 748 6052/6053/6058

Maps : 012 748 6061/6065

Debtors : 012 748 6060/6056/6064

Subscription : 012 748 6054/6055/6057

SCM 012 748 6380/6373/6218

Debtors 012 748 6236/6242

Creditors 012 748 6246/6274

Please consult our website at for more contact details.

The numbers for our provincial offices in Polokwane, East London and Mmabatho will not change at
this stage.

Printed by and obtainable from the Government Printer, Bosman Street, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001
Publications: Tel: (012) 748 6052, 748 6053, 748 6058
Advertisements: Tel: (012) 748 6205, 748 6208, 748 6209, 748 6210, 748 6211
Subscriptions: Tel: (012) 748 6054, 748 6055, 748 6057
Gedruk deur en verkrygbaar by die Staatsdrukker, Bosmanstraat, Privaatsak X85, Pretoria, 0001
Publikasies: Tel: (012) 748 6052, 748 6053, 748 6058
Advertensies: Tel: (012) 748 6205, 748 6208, 748 6209, 748 6210, 748 6211
Subskripsies: Tel: (012) 748 6054, 748 6055, 748 6057

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