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summary o gift report of phase Pedagógico by Licenciatura (EPL) apresenta-se

as requisite indispensable to the completion of course by licenciatura on

teaching da language Portuguesa. o phase went performed no Magistério 1099
by Ciências Religiosas by angola “ICRA” Regional-Lubango, a institution of
secondary of ii cycle localizada no neighborhood commander Cow - Boy,
county of Lubango, under supervision of teacher as tutor Dorivaldo the. Zua and
of teacher as co-tutor Armando garcia. to the achievement das activities, ao
intern went assigned the turma the, 12ª class by specialty language
Portuguesa. o phase has as objectivo fundamental by Dotar o intern by
conhecimentos and competencies, attitudes and values que orientam the yours
practice educativa nas strands da planificação, organization regulação and
rating didáctica on context educativo e/ou formativo. to o range dos objectivos,
o intern realizou várias activities, dentre elas: talks via online (WhatsApp),
meetings quinzenais, leccionação contest by division and rank das prayers,
between others. Todas as activities realizadas very contribuíram to o
development professional and human of intern. however, no report, is
presented o projecto pedagógico by knowledge explicit da language, entitled
proposed by activities to apprenticeship by division and rank das prayers
coordinates and Subordinadas, developed pelo intern, cujo objectivo is o by
desenvolver aos students, competencies sintáctica sobretudo na rank das
prayers, by shape autónoma and significativa. Palavras-chaves: school by
application, tutor, co-tutor, sequência didáctic and polifonia.

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