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A Research Presented to
The Faculty of Senior High School Department
Santa Rosa Science and Technology
High School

In partial fulfillment
Of the Requirements for
Practical Research 2


Aroban, John Benedict

Donor, Aaron Jerald
Fandialan, Cloud Jero
Garces, Amiel Justine
Zoleta, Theo Miguel
Lagus, Cleeyan
Hernandez, Mary Vincci
Villanueva, Gabriella Krisca

February 2024





ACCELEROMETER SENSOR AND PIEZO BUZZER.......................................1
TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................2
Chapter 1.................................................................................................................... 3
THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND.........................................................3
Introduction.................................................................................................................. 3
Background of the Study..............................................................................................7
Conceptual Framework................................................................................................ 9
Statement of the Problem........................................................................................... 11
Null Hypotheses.........................................................................................................12
Significance of the Study........................................................................................... 12
Scope and Delimitation.............................................................................................. 14
Definition of Terms:...................................................................................................14
CHAPTER 2............................................................................................................. 16
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES................................. 16
Developments in Earthquake Devices....................................................................... 16
Real-Time Detection in Earthquake Devices............................................................. 18
Accelerometer as a Component for Earthquake Device............................................ 20
Utilizing Microcontroller-based Earthquake Device................................................. 22
CHAPTER 3............................................................................................................. 25
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................................................... 25
Materials and Equipment........................................................................................... 25
Data Gathering Procedure.......................................................................................... 25
Figure 2. Schematic Diagram of attiny85 Programmed Earthquake Device Using
accelerometer and Piezo Buzzer................................................................................ 27
Sample Collection...................................................................................................... 27
Statistical Treatment...................................................................................................27

Chapter 1

According to the Earthquake (2023), the strongest recent earthquake

of the past 10 years near The Philippines occurred on Dec 2, 2023 22:37 local time

(Asia/Manila timezone). It had a magnitude of 7.6 and struck 186 kilometers (116

mi) north-northeast of Davao, at a depth of 33 km. A total of 7239 earthquakes

with a magnitude of four or above have struck within 300 km (186 mi) of the

Philippines in the past 10 years. This comes down to a yearly average of 723

earthquakes per year or 60 per month. On average, an earthquake will hit near The

Philippines roughly every 12 hours. According to the National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Philippines ranked 8th in a data journal

of countries that are hit by earthquakes the most as of January 2, 2024. The

country’s issue with earthquake disasters remains due to our geographic location,

specifically because we’re within the vicinity of the “Pacific Ring of Fire.” On

average, The Philippines experiences 788 earthquakes a year, and there have been

7,882 earthquakes of a magnitude of four or higher that have occurred within 300

kilometers (186 miles) in the Philippines in the last decade (,


Earthquakes happen when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one

another. The largest main earthquake is called “mainshock” and this is usually

followed by small earthquakes called “aftershocks” (Wald, n.d.). They stand as

formidable threats to life, infrastructure, and societal stability, demanding effective

early detection and warning systems (El-Hachi & Hokkanen, 2019).

Conventional seismic sensors, predominantly reliant on seismometers, are

burdened by high costs, limited coverage, and susceptibility to false alarms (Nava

et al., 2011). The pressing need for accessible, reliable, and cost-effective

earthquake detection solutions motivates the exploration of innovative approaches

that leverage emerging technologies. Currently, early warning systems

predominantly hinge on seismic networks employing seismometers to detect

earthquakes (Navidi et al., 2017). However, these systems are cost-prohibitive in

terms of implementation and maintenance, leading to their confinement to specific

regions (Jones & Whitcomb, 2018). Moreover, their susceptibility to false alarms

and the scant few seconds of warning time they provide before seismic waves

reach affected areas underscore their limitations (Bravo et al., 2020). This

highlights a critical need for more accessible and robust alternatives. Moreover,

when it comes to earthquake early warning systems, accuracy is one of the crucial

issues since false alarms can inflict unnecessary public concern and significant

economic loss. Earthquake wave readings are usually influenced by noise signals.

Therefore, making it a problem to develop an automatic system that can quickly


and precisely identify seismic events in real-time while reducing false alarms

(Anggraini, 2021; Chin, 2019).

Accelerometers emerge as promising alternatives for earthquake detection

due to their ability to detect motion, a primary indicator of seismic activity

(Natividad & Mendez, 2018). accelerometers measure changes in acceleration,

crucial for identifying seismic movements (Siddique et al., 2023). The utilization

of these sensors presents an opportunity to accurately detect and monitor

earthquake-induced motion, potentially surpassing the limitations of traditional

seismic sensors.

Another problem is that implemented earthquake drills are insufficient in

ensuring the safety of civilians when factors such as malfunctioning alarms and

radio equipment or coordination and response issues get in the way

(SecurityMatters, 2013). The threat posed by earthquakes underscores the critical

need for efficient early warning systems. Conventional earthquake detection

primarily relies on seismometers, which are costly to deploy, and maintain, and

often restricted to specific geographical areas. Moreover, these systems suffer from

limitations such as false alarms and offer minimal warning time, usually just a few

seconds before the seismic waves reach the affected region. These shortcomings

highlight the necessity for more accessible, cost-effective, and reliable alternatives

In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) is encouraging every

school to conduct an earthquake drill as this is important to prepare each and

everyone for disasters like the “Big One'' which can affect different regions in the

Philippines due to its large amount of pressure on ground shaking (Dominguez,

2023). According to DepEd Order 53, it is said that schools should regularly

conduct earthquake and fire drills, DepEd reminded all public schools to conduct

the drills every first and third week of the month (Sevillino, 2023). Moreover, an

issue that has been brought up in public schools is the absence of an earthquake

detector. This is a result of schools not having enough money to cover the expense

of these items (AAJMRA, 2019, Introduction section, para. 1).

This study aims to improve earthquake detection and will help people to

respond quickly and perform necessary action on time when disaster occurs.

Although the study won’t eliminate any risk, it will cause less damage and injuries

to the people and environment. The idea of having an automatic device to

completely lessen the manual deployment of the alarm, therefore saving more time

without causing delay (Chin et al., 2019).


Background of the Study

The country’s issue with earthquake disasters remains due to our geographic

location, specifically because we’re within the vicinity of the “Pacific Ring of

Fire.” On average, The Philippines experiences 788 earthquakes a year, and there

have been 7,882 earthquakes of a magnitude of four or higher that have occurred

within 300 kilometers (186 miles) in the Philippines in the last decade

(, 2024). A relatively large number of earthquakes occurred near

The Philippines in 2019. A total of 950 earthquakes (mag 4+) were detected within

300 km of The Philippines that year. The strongest had a 6.8 magnitude.”

(Earthquake, 2023).

The tremors of earthquakes, nature's unpredictable dance, pose a significant

threat to life, infrastructure, and societal stability. Widespread damage and tragic

loss of life often mark their path (Navidi et al., 2017). Effective early warning

systems (EWS) become crucial in these moments, offering precious seconds that

can enable critical evacuation and mitigation efforts (Nava et al., 2011). However,

conventional EWS primarily rely on costly seismometer networks, often limited in

coverage and prone to false alarms and minimal warning time (Jones & Whitcomb,

2018). This calls for innovative and accessible alternatives.


Recent research illuminates the promising path ahead. Studies, such as

those by Liu et al. (2023) and Silva et al. (2023), showcase cost-effective

systems with remarkable accuracy, offering hope for resource-constrained

regions. Khan et al. (2024) further emphasise the suitability of compact and

affordable accelerometers for EWS, expanding the reach of these systems.

ATtiny85 microcontroller performs different functions on a single IC.

Some microcontroller pins are available with the capacity to use the above one

function. Some of the main functions of this microcontroller include timers, SPI

communication, I2C communication, BOD (Brown Out Reset), Interrupt

&ADC. (Elpocrus, 2019). Kpi-1410 is an 85dB Piezo Buzzer; it is a kind of

electrical device that is used to produce an alarm or a tone. It is usually

lightweight, cheap, and has a straightforward design. In addition, depending on

the parameters of the piezo ceramic buzzer, it can be constructed in a variety of

sizes and operate over a range of frequencies to provide various sound outputs.

They are regularly used in alarms, warning devices and automobile alerts. (Piezo

Buzzers, 2023)

This study aims to investigate the synergy between accelerometers, and

attiny 85 connected to 85 decibels piezo buzzer to develop a portable,

cost-effective, and efficient earthquake detection device. By leveraging the

strengths of each technology, the envisioned device strives to offer. Improved E


earthquake Detection: By combining the strengths of accelerometer

sensors that are connected to 85 decibel piezo buzzer, the device has the

potential to lead to more accurate and reliable detection of seismic activity.

Timely Warnings: Utilizing Attiny 85’s processing and communication

capabilities, the device can provide near-real-time warning signals, crucial for

evasive action.

Accessibility and Portability: The low cost and readily available

components of the system make it accessible to wider communities and suitable

for deployment in diverse locations.

By addressing the limitations of traditional seismic sensors and investigate

the potential of new technologies, this study seeks to contribute to the

development of accessible and effective EWS for earthquakes, potentially

mitigating the devastating impacts of these natural disasters on communities

around the globe.


Conceptual Framework

The framework of this study aims to demonstrate how the earthquake

device and its components would affect earthquake detection. With this, the

accelerometer sensors would send data to the Attiny 85 system then the buzzer

will be automatically deployed. Then how the system would manage to scan the

data and respond with the right function delivered to the components.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to determine the potential and accuracy of the earthquake

device in the detection of earthquakes and warning signal to lessen the difficulties of

modern-day earthquake devices.

With this, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. Identify the level of accuracy of the earthquake device in terms of:

a. Lead Time of Earthquake Detection

b. Lead Time of Warning Signal

2. Determine the average lead time of the following:

a. Earthquake Detection

b. Warning Signal

3. Is there a significant difference between the Lead Time of earthquake detection

and warning signal when using the earthquake device?


Null Hypotheses

Ho: There is no significant difference between the Lead Time of earthquake

detection and warning signal when using the earthquake device.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

NDRRMC. The findings of this study will help the National Disaster Risk

Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) to raise awareness to citizens of

an occuring earthquake, significantly earlier and more accurate than before.

PHIVOLCS. Timely and precise seismic activity data is crucial for forecasting

natural disasters. In addition to improving early warning systems and disaster

preparedness, this will help The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

(PHIVOLCS) lessen the impact of earthquakes on local people. Higher

instrumentation may also provide better data on earthquake trends, which may help

with long-term hazard assessment and infrastructure development.


Technology. The innovative earthquake detector will significantly advance

technology by providing faster and more accurate seismic data. They allow for early

warnings, improved safety measures, and damage reduction. Furthermore, these

detectors contribute to the improvement of structural designs for buildings and

infrastructure to withstand seismic activity, thereby improving overall disaster


Seismologists. The data we will collect will offer advanced monitoring and

understanding capabilities for seismic activity, allowing seismologists to better study

earthquake behavior and potential aftershocks. This data helps to improve

earthquake forecasting, risk assessments, and overall knowledge of seismic events,

resulting in more informed decisions and better preparedness for potential


Future researchers. The results of the study will shed light on future researchers

about sensor-based Arduino components used for the advancement of minimizing

harm caused by natural disasters. This data can be used by researchers to create

more advanced models, predictive tools, and innovative technologies aimed at better

understanding, forecasting, and mitigating the impact of earthquakes on society and


Scope and Delimitation

The purpose of this study is to determine how well an earthquake device that

uses accelerometers programmed on Attiny 85 system that will automatically deploy

an alarm can reduce delayed alarms. It takes into account the device's accuracy

impact on the results. To guarantee the study's use, it will be carried out in a robotics

laboratory with materials that can be bought in an electronic store and be reasonably

priced. This study will no longer include the prototype being placed either on a wall

or a roof as this will cause inaccurate results when detecting earthquakes and can

cause false alarms, this is also limited to the use of accelerometer, attiny 85 as the

system and 85 decibels alarm only. This research will solely focus on the accuracy

of the device.

Definition of Terms:
The following terms were thoroughly defined for clarifications to avoid

confusion and to better understand the terms that are used in this study.

Earthquake. shaking of the ground caused by the movement in the earth’s crust or
volcanic action.

Lead Time. Determine the lead time provided by the earthquake device between the
issuance of the warning signal and the actual occurrence of the earthquake. This
metric indicates the amount of time available for emergency preparedness and
response activities, such as evacuations and securing of infrastructure.

Accelerometer. a tool that measures the vibration or acceleration of motion. This

said device will detect the abnormal changes in our earth’s axis.

Attiny85 Microcontroller. is a small & high-performance AVR microcontroller and

it uses a RISC CPU. It is cheaper than the arduino system.

Piezo Buzzer. a type of electronic device that’s used to produce a tone, alarm or
sound; used in alarms, warning devices and automobile alerts.

Earthquake Early Warning System (EEWS). monitoring systems designed to

predict events that precede landslides in order to issue a hazard warning. It
mitigates risk by reducing the consequences.

Automatic Device. a device that removes the deployment of the alarm to save time
and not cause delays.



Developments in Earthquake Devices

As one of the countries situated in the Pacific Ring of Fire, the Philippines
suffers from an inexhaustible number of natural disasters every year. One of the
most destructible ones is the occurrence of earthquakes. Because of the high damage
that earthquakes incur, along with their inevitability and unpredictability, developing
effective methods of earthquake damage mitigation as well as disaster preparedness
is imperative to lessen the negative impacts it is capable of producing in
communities. One efficient way of doing this is by implementing an earthquake
early warning (EEW) system that is capable of sending message alerts to receivers to
warn them in the event of a hazardous earthquake. With this objective, this study
centers on creating an earthquake detector with SMS messaging to function as an
EEW system with an added advantage of being low-cost to make it more accessible
to the public. Using electronic components based on an Arduino Mega 2560 and a
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) module, the earthquake detector
and its alert message system were created. A series of tests in different locations
across Butuan City was then performed to assess the device’s accuracy in measuring
different Intensity levels when subjected to surface vibrations. Comparative analysis
showed that its recorded values. Corresponded with the values obtained from
accelerometer-based mobile applications. In conclusion, the study was deemed
functional in its ability to detect low and high surface vibrations, which proves that it
is successful in detecting earthquake tremors and vibrations in the event of an
earthquake. (Tomaneng et al., 2022)

Earthquakes often cause severe disasters. Taiwan is located in an earthquake

zone, where earthquakes occur frequently. For example, the Meinong earthquake in
Kaohsiung in 2016 and the Hualien earthquake in 2018 caused the collapse of
buildings in Tainan and Hualien, resulting in a total of 232 deaths and more than 100
injuries. Due to the strong vibration, earthquakes are often accompanied by fire and
the leakage of toxic gases, causing loss of life and property. In this study, we
integrate Arduino, sensors, and transmission technology to design an earthquake
detection and warning system. When an earthquake is detected, the system
immediately notifies everyone to evacuate. When the harmful gas concentration
exceeds a critical value, the warning light is switched on, and the exhaust fan is
turned on to extract the indoor toxic gas. When the flame sensor detects a flame, the
system activates an alarm to warn people to escape quickly. In the designed system,
capacitive three-axis accelerators are used as vibration measurement sensors to issue
warnings in the early stage of an earthquake. In addition, the system includes an IR
flame sensor to detect fires and an MQ series air quality sensor to detect
harmful gases. The newly designed sensing system not only has the advantage of
notifying people immediately during an earthquake but is also cheap and easy to use.
(Chen et al., 2023) Indonesia is a confluence of three major tectonic plates, there is
an Indo-Australian, Eurasian and Pacific. Around the meeting point is the
accumulation of plate collision energy and when the layer of earth is not able to hold
energy anymore, it will release during an energy earthquake (Primary wave and
Secondary wave). The experience of the earthquake in some areas has provided
thousands of lives and properties, so it's necessary to take measures of mitigation to
reduce the earthquake risk. With the evolution of IC technology, many
microcontrollers are produced. The microcontroller is equipped with internal
memory blocks, accumulator, ALU, RAM, I/O ports and interrupt ports that support

package as a medium for reading, processing and writing data from and to other
components, so there are some microcontroller-based sensor systems being made
with the more complete working principle. One of the circuits developed with
microcontrollers is Arduino. (Husni et al., n.d.).

The study developed earthquake safety awareness video for St. Paul
University Manila by determining the level of awareness, attitudes, and skills related
to earthquake safety of freshmen students of Environmental Science. The results of a
survey was used as reference in creating a set of criteria for judging videos created
by 3rd year Development Communication students. Results showed that the top
animated and live videos were found generally satisfying in all four areas: (1) the
material is visually appealing, well produced and conceptualized; (2) The material
taught what to do to prepare for an earthquake and had high recall; (3) the material
included maps, signages, and other safety indicators in campus; and (4) The material
is fit to be shown to as many people and situations as possible in campus. However,
both live action and animated materials must be improved in the area of integrating
maps, signages and other informative materials in their messages. (Bantugan &
Abear, 2016)

Real-Time Detection in Earthquake Devices

This article describes a design for an earthquake detection and warning system
that also automatically cuts off electricity and gas supplies to minimize potential
hazards during an earthquake. The system uses an accelerometer to detect ground
movement caused by earthquakes. It also has a gas sensor to detect gas leaks. When

the accelerometer detects an earthquake, the system triggers an alarm and sends a
signal to a microcontroller. The microcontroller then cuts off the electricity and gas
supply lines using relays. The system uses an LCD screen to display warning
messages. The authors designed this system using low-cost, locally sourced
components. (Bera et al., 2020) The project aims at designing an earthquake
monitoring and warning system that is capable of detecting earthquakes as well as
warning people to take necessary precautions. The designed system will not only try
to save human lives, but will also store the data for later use by professionals
working at this sector. India is a country with a high frequency of earthquakes. Since
the country lies at the junction of three tectonic plates, the intensity of earthquakes
felt in this region is moderate. But surprisingly, the number of deaths and financial
loss in this region by earthquakes is not due to building crashes or being crushed
under homes. Rather, major reasons of losses are due to indirect effects such as
induction of fear, as well as fire induced from a cracked gas line or faulty electrical
transmission line damaged by earthquakes. Hence, a low cost automatic
microcontroller based system has been designed and implemented using low cost
locally sourced electronic components, which senses earthquakes and gas leaks
through accelerometer and gas sensor respectively. The microcontroller operates a
relay and a motor that cuts off electricity and gas supplies respectively during the
event of an earthquake, helping to prevent associated potential disasters. (Bera et al.,

The Philippines lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire, and thus is more prone to
experiencing volcanic eruptions and seismic activities. These natural calamities pose
serious threats to particular areas and lives. With this, earthquake monitoring and
warning systems must be strengthened. This design project aimed to create a system
that will provide an accurate detection of the accelerometer to distinguish real
earthquakes from man-made vibrations; locate passable routes during and/or after an
earthquake phenomenon by improvising a sensor that will detect falling debris; and

develop an Android Application that will provide warning notification in the Letran
Calamba community. The proponents used an applied research design which is
mainly concerned with generalization and the theories used in the formulation of the
design project. Data gathering tools used include interviews with Philippine Institute
of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), document reviews, research and
prototyping. The design project was an improvement on the current earthquake
warning system of Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba, which is manually
operated. The proponents concluded that the speed of disseminating information is
faster compared to the existing warning system. After processing the data from the
input sensors, people will be notified through the Juan Alert Android application
which also provides information on the passable emergency exits for faster
evacuation. (Santiago et al., 2020)

Accelerometer as a Component for Earthquake Device

This article is not an introduction to the concepts of seismology and

seismograph; it will only describe the project in all its parts. The device is not
intended to replace the professional models used by geological institutes and it does
not provide precise measurements of seismic events. It is an aid for the passive
determination of a seismic event without providing the distance or magnitude. The
designer will then discover the place of the epicenter of an earthquake by consulting
the official authorities online or on TV. This device made by us does not produce a
traditional seismogram but detects any high-frequency ground vibrations, between 1
Hz and 20 Hz. Therefore, it is particularly suitable for nearby earthquakes. (Di
Maria, 2020). Detecting earthquakes using smartphones or IoT devices in real-time
is an arduous and challenging task, not only because it is constrained with the hard
real-time issue but also due to the similarity of earthquake signals and the

non-earthquake signals (i.e., noise or other activities). Moreover, the variety of

human activities also makes it more difficult when a smartphone is used as an
earthquake detecting sensor. To that end, in this article, we leverage a machine
learning technique with earthquake features rather than traditional seismic methods.
First, we split the detection task into two categories including static environment and
dynamic environment. Then, we experimentally evaluate different features and
propose the most appropriate machine learning model and features for the static
environment to tackle the issue of noisy components and detect earthquakes in
real-time with less false alarm rates. The experimental result of the proposed model
shows promising results not only on the given dataset but also on the unseen data
pointing to the generalization characteristics of the model. Finally, we demonstrate
that the proposed model can be also used in the dynamic environment if it is trained
with different dataset.

Earthquake is a natural event due to the release of energy suddenly from

within that creates seismic waves. The vibrations are usually caused by movement of
earth's plates. It cannot be predicted when they are coming. Therefore, need to build
an early warning system. It is for the anticipation of saving the community when an
earthquake occurs. It provides solutions to minimize the impact of earthquake
events. This system uses accelerometer sensor and arduino nano as a main controller
and it is accompanied by Blynk application. This works for sending notifications via
smartphone. This tool has been successfully designed with manual testing to be able
to see the sensitivity of earthquake sensor made. The Accelerometer sensor works
using Tilt Method. Accelerometer sensor will tilt on the surface as parable of
earthquake. Accelerometer sensor will send a vibration signal when an earthquake
occurs. Signal processing is done by Arduino nano as the main controller in the
system. If the signal is received by the sensor then the value will be displayed on the
LCD screen. Status of the earthquake was separated into 4 levels such as standby,

alert, dangerous, dangerous and dangerous. After the earthquake value appears on
the LCD screen and the status is known then the buzzer will sound. It indicates that
The earthquake warning alarm is functioning properly. Next, NodeMCU also sends
information to the Blynk application, which is used as a notification and monitoring
of earthquake conditions. Buzzers will sound as a warning alarm to notify people to
save themselves. This sensor has three output coordinate points, namely X, Y, Z,
which have analog values on Arduino Nano. This analog value can be converted into
Richter Scale. Based on experimental results, an analog value is 100 – 400.

Utilizing Microcontroller-based Earthquake Device

This study shows the development of an earthquake detector unit system using
Arduino Mega and ADXL335 accelerometer. The alarm system will be triggered
and will give a sound when the microcontroller-based earthquake detector detects a
ground motion of specified intensity levels. A solar panel system is also integrated
to the unit to provide its own generated electric current to supply power to the whole
system. Having a solar power-operated earthquake detector with an automatic alarm
system will help in raising awareness about the occurrence of earthquakes to
minimize the number of physical harms to humans and accidents. (Felia et al., 2020)
This study shows the development of an earthquake detector unit system using
Arduino Mega and ADXL335 accelerometers. The alarm system will be triggered
and will give a sound when the microcontroller-based earthquake detector detects a
ground motion of specified intensity levels. A solar panel system is also integrated
to the unit to provide its own generated electric current to supply power to the whole
system. Having a solar power-operated earthquake detector with an automatic alarm
system will help in raising awareness about the occurrence of earthquakes to
minimize the number of physical harms to humans and accidents. (Abug et al.,


Earthquake detection has become a crucial aspect of mitigating the risks

associated with these devastating events. This synthesis explores the advancements
in earthquake detection devices, focusing on the utilization of accelerometers and

Real-time detection of earthquakes is paramount for issuing timely warnings

and enabling preventative measures. Studies have explored the efficacy of
sensor-based devices in achieving this objective. A prominent example is the use of
accelerometers. These sensors, accelerometers, measure the ground's acceleration,
which deviates significantly during an earthquake (Yazdani et al., 2017). By
incorporating accelerometers into earthquake detection devices, real-time monitoring
of ground movement becomes feasible, allowing for prompt identification of seismic
activity. Microcontrollers play a vital role in processing sensor data and generating
alerts; these small computers can be programmed to interpret the signals from
accelerometers and other sensors. When the readings surpass a predefined threshold
indicative of an earthquake, the microcontroller can trigger alarms or send
notifications to designated authorities (Frydenborg et al., 2020). Furthermore,
advancements in microcontroller technology, such as improved processing speed and
memory capacity, contribute to the development of more sophisticated and
responsive earthquake detection systems. Overall, the synergy between
microcontrollers and sensors enhances the efficiency and reliability of earthquake
detection, facilitating

timely interventions and potentially minimizing the impact of seismic events

on communities. (Ibrahim et al, 2023)

The synergy between accelerometers and microcontrollers paves the way for the
development of robust and efficient earthquake detection devices. These devices can
be deployed in earthquake-prone regions to provide real-time data on seismic
activity, facilitating timely responses and potentially saving lives. This synergy
between hardware and software not only enhances the efficiency of earthquake
detection but also fosters proactive measures to mitigate potential damages and
safeguard lives. Thus, the marriage of accelerometers and microcontrollers stands as
a testament to human ingenuity, offering hope in the face of natural disasters. (Choi
et al, 2019


Materials and Equipment

The materials and equipment to be used in the research include arylic glass
6x6inches, Silicon Glue, stainless steel ruler for the device container, Female Wires
10cm, ADXL335 Accelerometer, 12v 85dB Piezo Buzzer, 12V battery, stopwatch,
ATtiny85 Microcontroller, HER pins, Soledering Iron, Soldering Lead, Cutter Pliers,
Long nose and 1kΩ Resistor.

Data Gathering Procedure

The primary method of gathering data will be observation, as the researchers

will observe if there will be any changes in the lead time after using this device. The
independent variables will be the earthquake device itself, while the dependent will be
the measure of lead time.

The materials for the Earthquake device will be purchasable from a nearby
electronics shop or online stores. The components will then be checked for any
issues before starting to assemble the device. The soldering iron will be prepared for
soldering the components.


The ATtiny85 microcontroller will be connected to an ISP and then to a computer.

The "Arduino IDE 2.0" program will be used to add pre-programmed commands to

the ATtiny85 microcontroller. The programming language used will be C++ for the

entire program.


The ADXL335 accelerometer will require a 5-pin connector to be soldered into its

ports, and a female wire will be used to connect these ports to a module that links to

the computer. The "Arduino IDE 2.0" program will be used to calibrate the x, y, and

z axes of the accelerometer.


Four acrylic panes measuring 6x6 inches each will be joined using silicone glue to

form a cube. Seven 10cm female wires will be used to link the ports of the

ADXL335, the 12V battery, and the 85dB 12V piezo buzzer to the legs of the

ATtiny85. Vcc Pin#1 of the ADXL335 will be connected to ATtiny85 Leg #8, and

GND Pin#5 will be connected to Leg #4 of the microcontroller. Pins #2, #3, and #4

of the accelerometer will be connected to Legs #6, #7, and #2 of the microcontroller.

For the alarm, the negative will be connected to Leg #3 and the positive to Leg #5 of

the microcontroller. The battery’s positive will be connected to a 1kΩ resistor, then

to Leg #1 of the microcontroller; the connection will be soldered. Once everything is

connected and compiled, the components will be placed into the acrylic pane. This

cube will serve as the body and chassis of the device. The device will be positioned

on a stable surface, avoiding areas with frequent vibrations or motion, such as the

ceiling or above cabinets. The device will be securely fastened in place.


Figure 2. Schematic Diagram of attiny85 Programmed Earthquake Device

Using accelerometer and Piezo Buzzer

Sample Collection
The five(5) liters of tap water will be collected using the faucet in Sta. Rosa
Science and Technology High School. The five(5)liters of tap water will then be
poured into the measuring cup liter by liter for exact measuring. After that, the
measured tap water will be transferred to the device container. On the other hand, the
components of the earthquake device will be bought from shops and stores. The
bought components will then be placed on the device container as to its designated
place as seen on the prototype.

Statistical Treatment
The following are statistical tools that will be used to test the specific
questions found in Chapter 1:

Weighted Mean
A statistical treatment for calculating an average value of a data is the
Weighted Mean. Weighted Mean aims to calculate the average by multiplying each
value by its corresponding weight and then summing up the results. Using this
treatment enables the measurement for the average time of earthquake detection and
alarm deployment for the earthquake device.

Formula to be used:

W = weighted mean
n = number of terms to be averaged
𝑤i = weights applied to x values
𝑋𝑖 = data values to be averaged

One-Tailed T-Test

A one-sided statistical test accepts the alternative hypothesis if the sample falls
within the one-sided critical area, indicating that the null hypothesis is rejected.

Formula to be used:

X̄ =observed mean of the sample

ɥ = assumed mean

s = standard deviation

n = sample size

Appendix A


The researchers used the formula in computing the sample size of the
respondents in the study. Below is the formula:

Where n denotes to the target sample size, N denotes to the total population,
meanwhile e denotes to the margin of error that is constant.


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