Research The Lived Experiences of Online Gamers 1

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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Butuan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research)


June 2023


This Practical Research 1- Qualitative Research study entitled: " THE LIVED
EXPERIENCES OF ONLINE GAMERS” in partial fulfillment of the requirements in
Practical Research 1 subject, prepared and submitted by Eunice G. Adajar, Kathleen E.
Aydaon, Arn D. Bumagat, Jonathan P. Cabalan, Alexandra S. Dela Cruz, Daphne D.
Espuerta, Jamyrtle Gercan, James Harold P Gruta, Paula S. Go, Sophia Caryl B. Vidal has
been examined, accepted and recommended for Oral Examination.

APPROVED by the Panel of Examiners at the Oral Defense at Agusan National High
School- Senior High School, Corner T. Sanchez Street and San Francisco Street, Butuan City
with a grade of PASSED.
___________________________ ____________________________
Member Member


Academic Track Head- STEM

Academic Track Head- STEM/ ABM


Principal II, Assistant Principal- SHS


Principal IV, School Principal


The researchers would like to extend their sincere thanks and gratitude to the following
persons who had made their research study possible and successful.

Dr. Jenny Lyn T. Nalupa, ANHS- SHS Practical Research Group Head and practical
research 1 Adviser, for her expertise, brilliant ideas and treasured suggestions for the completion
and perfection of this research.
_____________________________, the Chairman and Content Expert, for her expertise
and excellent ideas on the subject and unceasing guidance and suggestions all throughout the
conduct of the study.
_____________________________, the Grammarian Expert and one of the best panels,
who give her exceptional expertise and suggestions in the appropriateness and coherence flow of
the presentation of ideas that motivate the research to do their best.
_________________________, the Technical Expert and one of the best panels, for
his valued technical assistance that improved the research study with high standard.
Mr.&Mrs.Rominito Adajar, Mr.&Mrs. Albert Aydaon, Mr.&Mrs.Donito Bumagat,
Mr.&Mrs.Jimmy Cabalan, Mr.&Mrs.Jai Ali Dela Cruz, Mr.&Mrs. Regelio Espuerta,
Mr.&Mrs.Gercan, Mr.&Mrs. Ruel Gruta, Mr.&Mrs. Argie Go, Mr.&Mrs. Cyros Vidal,
the researchers’ parents that supported theresearchers’s interns of financial needs and give the
motivationon to finish the research study.
Almighty God, the source of everything, for giving the researcher’s knowledge and
wisdom, good health, and protection to survive and accomplished their research study.

The Researchers


This work of art is lovingly dedicated to our parents (Mr.&Mrs.Rominito Adajar,

Mr.&Mrs. Albert Aydaon, Mr.&Mrs.Donito Bumagat, Mr.&Mrs.Jimmy Cabalan, Mr.&Mrs.Jai
Ali Dela Cruz, Mr.&Mrs. Regelio Espuerta, Mr.&Mrs.Gercan, Mr.&Mrs. Ruel Gruta, Mr.&Mrs.
Argie Go, Mr.&Mrs. Cyros Vidal) for their love, understanding, and full support in our study
and for believing in us that we can do everything.

The Researchers


Eunice G. Adajar, Kathleen E. Aydaon, Arn D. Bumagat, Jonathan Cabalan,

Alexandra S. Dela Cruz, Daphne D. Espuerta, Jamyrtle Gercan,
James Harold P. Gruta, Paula S. Go, Sophia Caryl B. Vidal
Agusan National High School- Senior High School











Introductory Paragraphs 1
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework 4
Statement of the Problem 11
Significance of the Study 12
Scope and Limitation of the Study 13
Definition of Terms 14



Overall Approach and Rationale 24

Site and Population Selection and Sampling Strategies 24
Access, Role, Reciprocity, Trust, Rapport 25
Ethical and Political Considerations 25
Data Collection Methods 26
Data Analysis Procedures 27
Procedures to Address Trustworthiness and Credibility 28



Implication for Educational Practice ---

Summary of Findings
Conclusions ---
Recommendations ---



A Approval Letter of the Research Adviser ---

B Letter of Consent of the School Principal ---

C Letter of Consent of the Participant ---

D Inquiry Form: Questionnaire for Interview ---

E Transcriptions and Translations of the Participants’ Responses ---

F Factors, Common Responses and Theming ---

G Documentation ---


Chapter I

Online games are technically video games at can be played on Smartphones, Laptops,

Computers, or any advanced technology with a connection through the internet or any other

computer network available (Aviso, 2020). Students that play online games indicate both

positive and negative behavior. Positive behavior is having lots of friends so that students can

communicate, interact, and exchange ideas, increasing students' insight. Negative behavior, such

as putting off schoolwork and obtaining internet games during class hours, makes students

sluggish to study. Most students who play games have problems that lead to socially

inappropriate behavior, for example, when playing games, students are frequently hitting the

table, kids have a tendency to unproductive study, students occasionally become annoyed, don’t

have any concern about empathy, deliver harsh words without respect for the environment

around them, does not seem to get ready to take lessons, frequently shows up late to school, and

likes to be preoccupied themselves whenever learning during class (Hanafie, Bakhtiar, &

Darmawati 2022).

Due to a lack of time management, academic performance can decrease. Others may lose

motivation and begin delaying (Nolan, 2023). This may be observed in the proportion of students

who show poor behavior, this is because these students are influenced by online games, which

practically all students enjoy and frequently play. Because of their uncaring attitude

toward education, health, and social life, all of this causes parents to be concerned about their

children. Of certainly, when using the internet, everyone must be cautious about the

consequences. Because information and communication gained over the internet must have a

global aspect, this effect draws the attention of every aspect of society (Hanafie, Bakhtiar, &

Darmawati 2022).

The researchers perceived that online games have a variety of reasons why individuals

enjoy playing online games. It can be an escape from the real world, make yourself enjoy life

with technology and games on the internet, or be a stress reliever. As explained by Rajathi &

Ravisankar (2022), Among individuals, the most often used leisure activity is online gaming. For

most people, online gaming is one of the most enjoyable hobbies they can have, especially for

teenagers, young adults, and students. Some people hold the view that playing online games can

be a stress reliever, a challenge and competition, relaxation, enjoyment, social interaction, and

even mentally escaping from the real world. Because of the burden, online gaming is frequently

utilized as a way to escape from feelings of sadness in real life.

The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of online games on the behavior of

Agusan National High School-Senior High School students. The study intends to understand the

experiences and struggles of students exposed to online games and their influences on students’


Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Self- determination Theory. Focuses on human motivation and personality in a social

context. This distinguishes motivation in terms of autonomy and control. Experiments examining

the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation sparked the theory's development (Deci,, 2012). And according to Uysal, Ascigil, & Turunc (2017), the hypothesis differentiates

between it distinguishes between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and lists three fundamental

psychological demands that are necessary for well-being. People who are intrinsically motivated

do things because they find the activity interesting, enjoyable, and consistent with who they are.

People who are extrinsically motivated, on the other hand, participate in an activity because it

helps them win rewards or avoid penalties. An individual’s capacity to make decisions and

run their own life is referred to as self-determination. When you are self-determined, you feel

more in charge than when you are not, which may make you feel as though other people are

running your life. It claims that three inborn (and common) psychological requirements drive

people to develop and evolve. This theory places a lot of emphasis on the idea of intrinsic

motivation, which is defined as engaging in conduct for its own sake. The capacity for decision-

making and self-management is referred to as self-determination (Cherry, 2022). According to

self-determination theory, all humans have three basic psychological needs that underpin growth

and development: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Autonomy is the feeling of having a

choice and willingly endorsing one's behavior. Feeling compelled or controlled in one's behavior

is the inverse experience. Competence is the experience of mastery and effectiveness in one's

activity. Finally, relatedness refers to the desire to feel connected to others and a sense of

belonging (Center for Community Health & Prevention, 2023). While people are often motivated

to act by external rewards such as money, prizes, and acclaim (known as extrinsic motivation),

self-determination theory focuses primarily on internal sources of motivation such as a need to

gain knowledge or independence (intrinsic motivation) (Cherry, 2022). In online games, most of

the students struggle to control their own behavior that leads to affecting their personal activities.

Because of this, they feel isolated or detached from the real world of too much game exposure.

Technically, being intrinsically motivated is one of the factors why gamers prefer online gaming,

due to the enjoyment and fun it brings to the person, and how it interests them. Online games

give a player a kind of satisfaction that makes them determined in gaining lots of online gaming

skills and independency while playing.

Self-control Theory. The theory of self-control focuses on the suppression of strong

impulses. Self-regulation or self-control is the process of reducing the intensity and/or frequency

of those impulses by managing or handling stress and negative environmental impact. Self-

regulation practices enable self-control (Miller, 2020). In relation to online games, students who

have self-control develop a lesser risk of game attachment or game addiction that may develop in

their teenage years or adulthood. Without self-control, they may prioritize gaming first before

academic responsibilities. Student gamers tend to forget the need to take a break and do not

realize how long they have been playing a game, mainly because they are too preoccupied with

the fun and enjoyment they are having at the moment. Lacking self-control can drag them down

and may result to procrastination when it comes to academic performance. As stated in Safarina

& Halimah’s (2019) research, self-control has a markedly inverse relationship with addiction to

internet gaming. Accordingly, early-adult gamers who have poor self-control are more likely to

develop an addiction to online games.

Cognitive Theory. Cognitive theories are distinguished by their emphasis on the idea

that how and what people think causes emotional arousal, and that certain thoughts and beliefs

lead to disturbed emotions and behaviors while others lead to healthy emotions and adaptive


(DiGiuseppe, David, & Venezia 2016). The emotional state has a negative impact on self-

efficacy and learning motivation, whereas self-efficacy will have a positive impact on learning

motivation, social support will have a positive impact on self-efficacy, and learning motivation

and self-efficacy will both have a good impact on learning performance (Chen & Tu, 2021). As

to online games, game players or students may have disturbed emotions or behaviors based on

how they handle their gameplay. Some players or students react in a positive way as playing

games serve as their stress reliever, while others react violently. Some of these factors may affect

students’ academic performances, still depending on how they react, they may feel tired,

exhausted, tired, and drained when accomplishing academic responsibilities. Several mental

health conditions are referred to as behavioral addictions. Even if they engage regularly in a

behavior that is harmful, they cannot avoid participating in it. Addiction to shopping and gaming

are common behaviors. Such as addiction and rash stealing. Addiction to video games is one of

the most prevalent behaviors. A game puts our cognitive abilities to the test in performance in

other tasks requiring some activities increases. Playing video games can foster a person's

cognitive abilities, such as their capacity for problem-solving and attention allocation skills,

spatial abilities, planning abilities, etc. Video games often teach problem-solving and strategy

development by having the player answer progressively more challenging puzzles when it comes

to decision-making or issue-solving in cognitive skill development. Time constraints are

frequently present, which facilitates speed and decision-making. According to certain research,

young people use video games to improve their inventiveness (Yadav, 2021). Additionally, in

Van Eck’s (2010) study, in today's digital culture, the concept that games might improve

problem-solving and critical thinking is commonly recognized, yet the influence of video games

on human cognition is still completely researched.

Figure 3.3 shows the flow of the study. It started with the Research activities.

First the researchers formulated the research title. Next, the researchers constructed the statement

of the problem based on their title and chosen content. After that, the researchers formulated

their guide interview questions, then the proponents started constructing their chapters 1, 2, and

3. Wherein the first chapter consists of the introductory paragraph, theoretical framework,

statement of the problem, significance of the study, scope, and limitation of the study, and

definition of terms. Chapter 2 it consists of the review of related literature, lastl,y in chapter 3 it

consists of design and methodology, Overall Approach and Rationale, Site and Population

Selection and Sampling Strategies. Access, Role, Reciprocity, Trust, Rapport Ethical and

Political Considerations, Data Collection Methods Data Analysis Procedures to Address

Trustworthiness and Credibility. After completing the said steps and process, the researchers will

have their proposal oral defense followed by the revision of paper based on the panel of

examiner's suggestions or Recommendations. After the revision, conducting of interview will be


followed by seeking for approval, then the conduct of interview is approved When the conduct of

interview is approved the transmittal and translation of the participant's responses will be

followed Subsequently, the responses of the participants for categorizing in themes will be done,

including the chapter 4 (results) and chapter 5, discussion As a result, the practical research 1 of

qualitative research will be complete, prepared for final oral defense, the complete research

paper will be printed into hardbound copies. Finally, the hardbound copies will be ready for


Thus, our research teacher's contributions and engagement are simply checking

everything the researchers have done for the proposal and final defense that has been approved

and guided. While the group head’s contributions and involvement will be the approval for the

researchers' study, both proposal and final, to monitor and supervise the flow of research

activities, and finally offer the final approval needed in collaboration with the school authorities

which is the proposal research group head, the track head, the assistant principal, and the

principal of the school


Statement of the Problem

The aim of this study is to determine the relationship of online games to the student

behavior and academic performance.

Specifically, it seeks answers to the following questions:

1.) What are the factors that cause students to play Online Games?

2.) How do online games influence the behavior of students?

3. How do students cope up from the struggles of their experience when playing online games?

The findings of this study will serve as an insight or eye-opener into the lives of public

high school students and teachers in Agusan National High School through examining and

determining the experiences of students exposed to online games. The researchers aim to

establish the awareness of the public high school teachers and students of Agusan National High

School of the influence and possible risks of Online Gaming on the behavior of students.

Significance of the Study

This certain study is the dominant target to determine the effect of Online Games on the

behavior of students in Agusan National High School. We, researchers, believe that the

following can surely benefit from this study.

ANHS- Administrators. This study will give them a cognition of how online games can

really affect a students life that easily including the behavior of the students life that easily

including the behavior of the students inside the classroom.


Guidance Counselors. To help assess the student’s well-being from over-indulging in

playing online games

ANHS Teachers. This will give them a heads-up to those students who allegedly to play

online games and give an action for the possible outcome of the behavior of the students.

Parents. This study will help them be aware of the benefits and unfavorable effects of

online games on the growth, learning, and behavior of their children, as well as help parents be

able to guide their children to responsible uses of the internet and give proper guidance and

discipline to their children.

Students. This study will help the students of ANHS to be sensible and aware of the

responsible use of online games.

The Researchers. The researcher will be helped as well as they will be mindful of the

influence of online gaming on the behavior of students.

Future Researchers. This study's findings will serve as a foundation and resource for

more information and suggestions for future research.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research study covers only the public high school students in Agusan National High

School, located on T. Sanchez Street, Butuan City, Mindanao, Philippines. The aim of this study

is to explore the lived experiences of selected grade 11 students under each strand, STEM, ABM,

and HUMSS. This study focuses on finding out the lived experiences that the participants

undergo particularly on the factors why participants indulged in online games, the influence on

their behavior, and the impact on their academic performance. Recent studies and researchers

will be used as a reference in finding out what affects the behavior and academic performances

of different kinds of levels on playing.


Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined both conceptually and operationally.

Behavior. This is the way in which a student acts or behaves oneself particularly in
school, and especially to others (socially inside or outside the classroom) when playing online
games. The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.
High School Students. This is the secondary students and their relationship or
engagement when it comes to online games. A school attended after elementary school or junior
high school usually consists of grades 7 through 12.
Influence. Having an effect on behavior or someone’s character. It defines the influences
of digital games on students as a gamer.
Negative. Marked by denial, prohibition, or refusal, also marked by absence,
withholding, or removal of something positive. A statement that describes a person, attitude, and
situation’s disagreement, denial, or lack of positivity.
Online Games. A video game that is played through the internet, provides a variety of
benefits and disadvantages to student's school achievements and behaviors. Online gaming is
simply the playing of a video game over the internet, usually with friends. Online games can be
played on any number of devices from dedicated video game consoles such as PlayStations,
Xboxes, and Nintendo Switches, to PCs, laptops, and mobile phones. Online gaming provides
many benefits.
Phenomenological study. A study that explores people’s lived experiences of a
phenomenon especially their experience in online gaming and its effect on their student lifestyle.
Phenomenological research is a qualitative research approach that seeks to understand and
describe the universal essence of a phenomenon.
Positive. It is characterized by or displaying affirmation or acceptance or certainty. It
characterized the person’s attitude or situation in relation to Online Games with good feedback
or great influence.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the local and international related literature and studies that are

relevant to the present study to make it more valid and reliable. This chapter aims to add related

information pertaining to the researcher’s chosen topic, while also accounting for similar studies

done in the past. It is presented in a thematic way.

Factors That Cause Students to Play Online Games. It is, without doubt, the fact that

online gaming drags students in with its wonderfully represented artificial virtual worlds and

multiplayer capabilities. The appeal of these games, though, extends far beyond virtual quests

and survival tasks. Online games are purposefully made for dealing with our often unfulfilled

psychological needs (Digital Platforms and Devices, Digital Ready Hub, 2021).

Students play online games because they feel rewarded. First, playing video games

triggers the release of dopamine. Based on a theory, dopamine is the feel-good neurotransmitter

associated with reward and pleasure. By using this with moderation, it can be a good thing used

to release stress. Dopamine plays a crucial role in many important cognitive and neurological

functions. However, extracting too much dopamine may have a high chance of give problems

like obesity, addiction, and compulsive behaviors. Balancing a student’s gaming habits with

other dopamine-boosting activities, such as regular exercise, listening to music, and getting

enough sleep.

The second reason why a student or a child play video games is that it helps a student feel

competent. Every time a student accomplishes a level or wins a battle, they get an instant

confidence boost. It is one of the reasons why many games are based around levels that become

increasingly difficult, but not impossible to overcome. Last, online games make a student feel

autonomous. They are allowed to express their creativity by creating a world of their own.

Another reason is that online games make students feel connected. Without interacting

physically, students can still communicate with others by using multi-player games (Digital

Platforms and Devices, Digital Ready Hub , 2021).

Another finding by O'Brien (2021) the reason why people play online games is The

Visual Appeal. The method by which the games are made is undoubtedly one of the most

striking aspects that grabs the attention of the majority of players. One of the most alluring

aspects of the game that has the ability to draw in every type of player is its aesthetics. The

second reason is The Competitive Side. Another interesting thing that has managed to attract so

many players is the competitive approach that the majority of online games have to offer. The

competitive atmosphere that is offered by the majority of online games is another intriguing

aspect that has been successful in drawing so many players.

Another reason why people are attracted to online gaming is the Gaming Community and

Streaming Options. Players from all around the world can easily communicate and build a

relationship with other players that allows them to share their skills and motivate another person

to play online gaming. Many people appreciate watching streams since the player’s personalities

and the intriguing game techniques that they are employing fascinate them.

In addition to this reason is a study by National Institute on Drug Abuse (2022) where

researchers discovered that children play online games for more cognitive improvement.

Students who admitted to playing video games for three or more hours a day performed both

cognitive tests faster and more accurately than kids who never played. They also noticed that the

differences in brain activity between the two groups matched the differences in cognitive

function. Children who played video games for three or more hours per day had increased brain

activity in areas of the brain related to attention and memory than children who never played,

according to functional MRI brain imaging studies. In other circumstances, children who played

video games for at least three hours per day had more activity in the visual regions of the brain

and more activity in the frontal brain areas associated with greater cognitive demands. The

authors also stress that their findings do not support the idea that children should have

unrestricted access to TV, computers, or smartphones and that results are likely highly dependent

on the activities that children choose to perform. For instance, they speculate that different video

game genres, such as action-adventure, puzzle-solving, sports, or shooting games, may have

varied effects on neurocognitive development; however, this degree of specificity regarding the

type of video game played was not assessed by the study.

Nevertheless, based on the study by Eskasasnanda (2017) the development of science and

technology causes many changes in all fields, including the form of popular games among

Indonesian junior and senior high school students. Traditional outdoor or indoor games have

been replaced by modem games such as online video games. This article examines the causes

and consequences of online video game playing among Malang Junior and Senior High School

students. According to the findings of this study, pupils engage in video games online due to peer

pressure, and online video games are preferred for the reason that they are modern, practical,

realistic, and diverse. Students initially play online video games to relieve fatigue from

schoolwork, but they soon become hooked. Once this condition is tolerated it becomes difficult

to be treated and affects other aspects of a child's development.

Influence of Online Games on Behavioral Changes in Students. An online game is a

place where children or students develop skills to learn. From their chosen genre, children can

develop various learning abilities that may enhance their thinking. The amount of time the

students spend entirely playing online games will have an impact on their behaviors. Students

frequently engage in both positive and negative behavior whenever playing online games.

Having a large group of friends allows students to interact with one another, communicate, and

share ideas, which helps the students gain more knowledge. Students that engage in bad habits

like procrastinating with their homework or playing online games during class are likely to be

uninterested to learn.

Online games have reportedly become the most popular type of game among adults,

teenagers, and even young children who are still developing and growing mentally, based on

Fuad (2017). Online games have a significant impact on children specifically on their behavior,

which can be either positive or detrimental. Addiction, resentment, rudeness, antisocial,

loneliness, and a lack of socialization skills are a few detrimental effects on social development.

Other than that, the advantages of this online game include habituating kids to be responsible,

sociable, imaginative, and self-controlled, as well as hardworking and sharing. In terms of social

growth, online games influence children’s cognitive development, for several situations, most of

the children that plays the online game online have a much stronger memory, and better

problem-solving skills, critical thinking, the capability to synchronize their brains, higher

vocabulary and literacy rate, hands, and their eyes have better coordination and they have a

higher comprehension skill.


On the contrary, most students who play games have problems that lead to socially

deviant behavior, for example, a lot of time spent just playing online games will affect the

behavior of students, among others, when playing games students often hit the table, children are

lazy to study, children are sometimes angry, does not care about empathy, utters harsh words

without regard to the surrounding environment, is not ready to take lessons, often comes late to

school and when studying in class, he prefers to be busy himself. This can be seen from the

number of students whose behavior is not good, this is because these students are affected by

online games that are played because almost all children like these games and often play them.

All of this makes parents worry about their children, because of their indifferent attitude towards

education, health, and social life. Of course, using the internet must be wise in overcoming the

effects caused. From this influence, it becomes the attention of all levels of society because,

through the internet, information and communication obtained must have a global nature. As

technology develops, if mishandled or misused, will consequently have a lesser quality of

education due to exposure to online games

In addition to their lack of concern for their education, health, and social lives, all of this

causes parents to worry about the well-being of their children. Of course, utilizing the internet

responsibly means avoiding any negative impacts. This influence comes to the attention of all

societal levels because information and communication gained online must be of a worldwide

nature. The emergence of a technology that is properly abused will undoubtedly result in a

decrease in educational quality due to its use for gaming (Hanafie, Bakhtair, & Darmawati,


Withdrawal or distancing from social contacts is one of the most prevalent effects of

addiction to online gaming, claims (Jongco, 2022). Students would rather spend time at home or

in internet cafés than engage with their loved ones or friends. Interaction and communication are

going to break down as a consequence of this isolation. They may converse or interact with

various other online gamers these circumstances are mostly done by many online gamers. Their

real social and interpersonal life eventually suffer and are affected. Students are no longer

productive when they stop participating in social work. They spend so much time playing that

they become sleep deprived, which makes it difficult for them to complete duties at work or at

home, which lowers productivity. They thus fare poorly academically. Because they spend so

much time playing with them, they choose to pile up school works and other unfinished tasks.

They no longer pay a visit to bathrooms or make themselves clean with proper hygiene or do

daily usual activities and habits. They become totally unaware of the happenings of the real

world. Students who become addicted to online games risk harm to their health.

Stated by Gongala (2023), online games may affect the behavior of students by changing

their traits minimally, First, students may feel excessively preoccupied, feeling too busy for other

important tasks; if a student is suffering from video game addiction, they are preoccupied with

the game even when they are away from playing, a student’s mind is distracted even when

deciding important decisions in life. Video games are harmful if a student is excessively

occupied with them. Second, a student lacks a sense of control; when a student is addicted to a

video game, they cannot control the amount of time they spend on the computer. They might

start playing with the intention of spending just 20 minutes, but get carried away and prolong it

for hours. This may affect their studies and other hobbies. Third, a student neglects other things

in life; when a student is exposed too much to online games, in other cases a student may prefer

staying home and playing games rather than going out or spending quality time with friends and

family. They may also perform poorly in their academics. Fourth, a student suddenly becomes

ignorant of spending; one of the riskiest changes of behavior is spending too much just for games

and self-satisfaction. The money a student has may be spent on the expenses of online gaming.

All the hard efforts of parents all goes into buying gaming items. They continuously upgrade

software and hardware packages and accessories, a student may eventually lose control and not

mind the costs involved. Lastly, a student gets defensive; a student is not open to discussing their

gaming addiction with others. They react differently when disturbed or distracted when playing

games. It is an indication that something is wrong, especially if a student is unconcerned that

their friends and family are feeling left out of their life.

There are both good and bad repercussions of online gaming. Students should be able to

identify responsible and appropriate online behavior and put it into practice. Students enjoy

playing video games since it's a social activity Students should use gaming for communication

and coordination with other players and for the development of cognitive skills. Additionally,

they need to be informed of the dangers if they want to play safely and enjoy their experience.

Once they are aware of the risks associated with using the internet, they would take the necessary

precautions to protect themselves and make sensible choices about when to quit or control when

playing online games (Jongco, 2022).


Chapter III

This chapter presents the overall approach and rationale of the present study, site and

population selection, and sampling strategies, access, role, reciprocity, trust, rapport, ethical and

political considerations, data collection methods, data analysis procedures and procedures to

address trustworthiness and credibility.

Overall Approach and Rationale

The approach used in this study is a phenomenological approach as it will focus on the

lived experiences of the students in Agusan National High School every day, especially during

long and extended hours spent in school. This study will show how the students in Agusan

National High School balance and manage their time and priorities and the ways and techniques

that they will use in order to overcome the various struggles that they experience and encounter.

Site and Population Selection and Sampling Strategies

The study will be conducted in public school in Agusan National High School at T.

Sanchez Street, Butuan City. Ten students will be the subject of the study using a non-probability

sampling which is the convenience sampling. Convenience Sampling is used because the

participants will be chosen at the convenience of the researchers and snowball sampling, where

research participants are asked to assist researchers in identifying other potential subjects. The

participants will be interviewed by the researchers to which the researchers has easy access to the

students who will volunteered to be questioned or interviewed in a focused group discussion and

to be recorded for reliability of the answers which to be kept for anonymity and confidentiality.

Access, Role, Reciprocity, Trust, Rapport

For easy access to the participants, the researchers purposively and conventionally

choose their participant’s teachers.

The researcher’s role is to ask their identified participant’s teachers about their

willingness to participate in the present research study.

Reciprocity could be done with an agreement between the researchers and participants

that the participant’s identity should be kept confidential.

To gain the trust and good rapport of the participants, an approval letter from the

research adviser and a letter of consent from the school principal will be secured and noted by

the Practical Research Group Head. The letter for the participant will be prepared by the

researchers with the consent and approval of the research adviser and Practical Research Group

Head with assurance and confidentiality that gave comfort to the participants for the whole

duration of the conduct of the study.

Ethical and Political Considerations

The participants will not be subjected to harm in many ways and respect for dignity was

prioritized. The researchers will obtain full consent from the participants prior to the conduct of

the study and the protection privacy of the participants was ensured. Any type of communication

in relation to the research to be done with honesty and transparency as well as the representation

of primary data findings in a biased way will be avoided. The researchers will respect and honor

the participant’s perspectives.


Data Collection Methods

The researchers will conduct a face-to-face interview with the identified participants with

prepared research questions as their guide. The prepared questions will focus on the lived

experiences of the public-school students in Agusan National High School that are currently

facing an experience, and encounter and how they manage to overcome them. An interview will

be scheduled that depends on the convenient time of the participant during their vacant hours

either before or after their teaching schedules. The materials to be used during the interview will

be a prepared questionnaire that contains specific questions that will serve as the researchers

guide for consistency, a record book and pen note taking, and a voice recorder to ensure the

validity of the answers of the participants that will not be missed by the researchers, and a

cellphone camera for documentation purposes for researchers monitoring of the interviewed

participants that will not be exposed.

After the interview, a snack and a simple token will be given to the participants as a sign

of gratitude.

Data Analysis Procedures

After gathering the important information from the participants, the researchers will

review the answers of the participants by revisiting and rereading what they have taken note then

listening to the voice recording and will compare its validity and consistency.

The data will then be transcribed for transcription and translation purposes. The

participant’s answers in vernacular language will be translated into the English language. The

researcher will then consolidate and summarize the data and encode and review it again.

The researchers will then get the factors from the main idea of the questions and the

common responses from the participant’s bases for a theme formulation. The formulated theme

will then be analyzed for results and discussion presentations to complete the study.

Procedures to Address Trustworthiness and Credibility

The researchers upon the approval of the research adviser will ask permission from the

school principal of Agusan National High School to conduct the study to make their research

study authentic following the standard legal procedures and authorization. The researchers will

assure that the participants will be protected from any form of discrimination and any risk during

and after the study. Thus, the participants have the right to withdraw from the study at any stage

if they wish to do so and will not be penalized. Participants participated in the study area with

participants’ consent for them to decide to get into or not prior to the conduct of the interview for

transparency and full awareness of the main objective of the study.

The principle of informed consent will involve researchers providing sufficient

information and assurance about taking part to allow participants to understand the implications

of participation and to reach a fully informed, considered, and freely given decision with

voluntary act whether to do or not to do so without the exercise of any pressure or coercion. The

research study will be done with honesty and transparency.


Chapter IV


This chapter presents the results of the study that are presented in the form of themes that

were composed through analyzing and organizing the responses of the participants. The said

themes are supported by the verbatim answers of the participants.

Theme No. 1. Influenced by friends to play online gaming

Every players has their reasons why they prefer in choosing to play a certain online game.

It might be their friends' influence that motivates them to play a particular online game. In this

study, Participants 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9 signify from their responses that the playing online games

they chose were influenced by their friends because their friends can convince them to play

online games because of shared interests and recommendations. While Participants 5, 3, and 10

were self-influenced, Participants 7 and 9 were influenced by their siblings, and Participant 8

was influenced by entertainment.

Theme No. 2. Playing online games due to boredom

Every person has their own preferences and reasons for playing online games. It is where

people play online games when they feel bored to escape from boredom. Participants 1, 4, and 10

signify their responses that they deliberately prefer to play online games to deal with boredom.

Participant 2 fun experience, Participant 3 was really never interested in sports, and develop a

habit to play online games, Participant 5 played online games as it was their own choice and

willingly. While Participant 6 was to escape from reality, Participant 7 was to stress relievers,

Participant 8 was played for entertainment. And Participant 9 was made to play online games

because of a friend.

Theme No. 3. Fun with online games

Every one of us has reasons for being influenced. It might be for their fun and boredom

that people play online games. Participants 1,2 and 5 signify from their responses that the factors

successfully influenced their minds because everyone around them kept saying how much fun

they were, the multiplayer part of these games made them a lot more appealing, and it also has an

enjoyable experience in playing until it triggers an uncontrollable desire to keep playing.

Participants 4, 8, 9, and 10 because they found them entertaining and enjoyable during boring

times, so they were influenced by playing online games. While Participant 3 was because of

strict parents, Participant 6 was because of thinking strategies that are how was influenced. And

Participant 7 was because is the way to stress relief from school workloads, to vent it all out by

playing online games.

Theme No. 4. Agree and Disagree about other People’s Perspective in Online Gaming

The gamer’s perspective towards another person’s opinion in online games depends on

how they see online gaming in a whole narrative. Most of them responded that they agree on

some terms and disagree with others. In this study, participant 1 and 2 indicated from their

responses that they respect other people’s opinion because it’s their own perspective. While

participant 4 and 5 agreed that online games is a bad influence in a student’s education and

behavior. Moreover participants 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 agreed that at some point, online games has

a bad effects on students if they are over-indulged with it, and disagrees because it also has good

effects in a person’s social life and mental health.

Theme No. 5. Online Gaming as Distraction and Happiness

Gamers tend to treat online games differently, such as how they’re influenced during and

after playing. Some of them views digital gaming as a distraction to their studies and the

essential things that has to be done. In this study, participant 1 and 8 stated that online games can

be a distraction when it comes to their academic performances but also a happiness when it

comes to entertaining their selves. Participant 2’s response shows that it consumes lots of time

but can also be an entertainment. While participant 3 stated that when one exceeds in playing

online games, it can negatively affect their relationship and time with friends and relatives.

Participant 4 said that it is harmful but also fun to play. Based on participant 5’s response,

addicted gamers can experience sleepless nights and might affect their mental and physical

health. However, it can be treated as a stress reliever whenever one feels downgraded and

stressed. Meanwhile, participant 6 responded that it can create a poor eyesight to a gamer but it

can also create a long lasting memories, participant 7 stated that online games influences gamers

negatively with their short-tempered behavior that affects their verbal attitude towards others,

though they can learn strategies through playing it. Participant 9 and 10 also stated that digital

games entertains them a lot but they also stated that they became more forgetful and unfocused

with things.

Theme No. 6. From productive to being procrastinator

Every players has their own experiences in playing online and how it changed their

behavior from being productive to being a procrastinator. In this study, participant 1, 2, 9, and 10

indicates that they were productive when they didn’t discover online games at first, but they tend

to forget things and became more unproductive with the important things they should finished

after being influenced with this entertaining discovery. Participant 3 stated that due to playing

online gaming every day and night, they experienced cutting classes during their middle school

days. Participant 4 shows that because of digital games, it changed their daily lifestyle. And

based from participant 5’s response, it shows that they managed how to balance their time on

games and other more important things. Participant 6 indicated that from being boastful in online

games, it made them realized that being humble with things made them contented. Participant 8

response stated that it made them aggressive on things and other people while participant 7

shows that no behavior changes had occur.

Theme No. 7. Socializing Skills

Every gamer has their own socializing skills when it comes to online games. It might be

that their socializing skills improved in time while playing online games, or it does not change

how they communicate with others. In this study, Participant 1, 2, 7, and 8, stated that while

playing online games, their communication skills improved with others physically or just by

playing to their respective devices through online. While participant 4 stated that their

communication skills became more active or fluent while playing online games, In contrast with

Participants 3, 5, 6, 9 and 10, their communication or socializing skills did not change.

Theme No. 8. Dealing with Interruptions

In playing online games having interruptions cannot be avoided, like having distractions

while a player is focused and has its full attention on the game, the players as well has different

ways of handling these situations such as they might leave the game to focus on the important

matters that divides their attention. In this study, participant 1, distances from others in order to

focus on the game. Participants 2, 5, 7, 9, and 10 leaves the game in order to attend the concerns,

Meanwhile Participants 3 and 6 control their temper or range of anger if someone or something

distracts them from playing online games. On the other hand, Participants 4 and 8 decline the

interruptions, especially when they are told to do other tasks around or outside the house.

Theme No. 9. Time Management as Coping Mechanism

Online games can somewhat be addictive, it may jumble with daily responsibilities and

other activities of students. They apply time management in order to balance their other duties as

at home or at school. In this study, Participant 1 disciplines itself when coping up in times where

online games becomes a distraction, Participant 2 focuses on its studies rather than playing

online games to avoid distraction. Participant 3, 6, and 10 applies time management in order to

manage their schedule. While participant 4 has allotted more time on gaming than studies or

other activities. Participant 5, control its gaming habits, while Participant 7 does not see online

games as a distraction to daily activities, Participant 8 regularly goes to the gym in order to clear

its mind and avoid thinking about online games and lastly, Participant 9 stop playing as a way to

cope up.

Theme No. 10. Time Management and Sports as ways to self-control

Every player has its own technique in order to control themselves from being too much

exposed in online gaming. It might be that they manage their time or play sports as a way to

control themselves. In this study, Participant 1 sets schedule, Participant 2 and 9 stop playing and

focuses on studies Participants 3 and 5 pour their time in sports to control themselves, Participant

4 prefers to sleep, Participant 8 hangs out with friends. While Participants 7, 8, and 10 manage

their time well as ways to control the urge to play online games.

Chapter V
This chapter present the discussions based on the data analysis results of the study

supported with relevant studies based on the results presentations. The implications for

educational practice, summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations are hereby


(Your presentation is based on the sequence of your Theme in paragraph form.)

The data gathered showed that the struggles of public school senior high school teachers
in Agusan National High School are the (enumerate the Ten (10) Themes presented in Chapter
2nd Paragraph: Start presenting the related studies to make the current study more valid
and reliable. More paragraphs to presents based on your research of related studies…

The work conducted by…

In a study conducted by …..

The outcome of this study…

Department of Education- Public School is ….

Furthermore, as it was expressed by the participants of the present study, pubic senior
high school teachers find it hard to collaborate and communicate ….

The teacher’s works in public school particularly in senior high school is …

Implication for Educational Practice

The results of this study showed that the situation of public school senior high school

teachers in Agusan National High School need to be given attention for the struggles were

determined that affects their work performances that usually hinders them to perform efficiently

and effectively. The struggles experienced and encountered must be addressed by the

Department of Education Central Office.

With that being said, the situation of the public school senior high school teachers could

be improved with the implications learned from this study such as higher salary rate, additional

teachers with respective specialization to handle the subjects, even distribution of workload,

provision of office and school supplies and equipment’s and classroom facilities such as nice

chairs or table and chairs for students comfort.

Summary of Findings (Researchers narrate in few paragraphs what they did and found. In paragraph format)

Based on the data analysis and results presented the following are the salient findings of

the study.

The researchers found out that during the conduct of the interview the participants were

very sincere in answering the survey questions and in elaborating their answers during the


Based on the data analysis and results of this study the researchers found out that among

the public school Senior High School teachers in Agusan National High School participants

majority really experienced and encountered many forms of struggles every day that they need to

balance their personal life and career life in order to overcome by finding ways and techniques to


Conclusions (in paragraph format)

Based on the summary of findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

Based on the summary of findings the researchers concluded that teachers were heroes

and teaching profession is a noble profession for nurturing the lives of the learners like their own

child though participants experienced and encountered many forms of struggles along the way as

public school teachers. Participant’s teachers were trying their best to balance their personal life

and career life in spending longer hours in school in doing and accomplishing all the school

requirements to effective but not efficient in some aspects. Thus, the Department of Education

must take an action to lessen the requirements required to accomplish and to give enough time

and considerations for the deadlines. The Department of Education must considered the health

risk of the teachers that are sacrificed.

Recommendations (in paragraph format)

Based on the conclusions presented, the following recommendations are hereby given:

The researchers will recommend that public school Senior High School teachers in Agusan

National High School should be given loads according to their field of specialization. School

requirements should be systematic and explained well before its implementation for consistency

and transparency of the flow of operations. There must be an orientation to all teachers both old

and new to fully understand the education system in the Department of Education in public

schools. Other researchers should enhance the study for more participants or to replicate the

study for other participants like the top management such as the school principal and school

assistant principal, the middle management – the department heads and group heads, or the Job

Order (JOs) employees to widen the scope of the study.


Note: Paragraph should always be indented.


(APA Format 6 Version/ Alphabetical Order start with Author’s Family Name)

Asiri, A. M. (2019). Teaching Methods with High Tech Learning in Teacher Centered such as
Flipped classrooms and Student Centered such as Debate Theory. Abba Education College,
Abba Saudi Arabia

Bradburn, N. M., & Manson, W. M. (2020). The Effect of Question Order on Response.
Journal of Marketing Research 1 (4), 57 – 61.

Chomsky, 2018; Nalupa & Nalupa, 2020; Mondragon, 2020; Lopez, 2021; & Tan, 2021.
Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods. Thousand Oaks Sage Publications




May 17, 2023


Research Adviser
Agusan National High School- Senior High School
T. Sanchez Street, Butuan City

Dear Dr. Nalupa:

Greetings of Peace and Love.

We, your Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research) students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) Strand desire to start working in our study entitled: “THE LIVE EXPERIENCES OF
ONLINE GAMERS.” This study is focus on discovering the struggles and lived experiences of online gamer
senior high school students in Agusan National High School.

Pertinent to this, we would like to ask your permission to allow us to start our study to conduct survey and
interview to the identified teacher participants in our school. This will be of great help in our study.

Your approval is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.


The Researchers



Approved by:


Research Adviser
Noted by:


Practical Research Group Head



March 3, 2023


Principal II, Assistant Principal- SHS
Agusan National High School- Senior High School
T. Sanchez Street, Butuan City

Dear Dr. Carlos: (or you can use MA’AM: , MADAME:, SIR:)

Greetings of Peace and Love.

We, the Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research) students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) Strand desire to start working in our study entitled: “THE UNHEARD VOICES: A
TEACHERS IN AGUSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL.” This study is focus on discovering the struggles of
public school Senior High School teacher in Agusan National High School and how the teachers balance
their personal life and career life as well as their ways and techniques in overcoming it.

Pertinent to this, we would like to ask your permission to allow us to start our study to conduct survey and
interview to the identified teacher participants in our school. This will be of great help in our study.

Your approval is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.


The Researchers (Name of the Researchers, all in capital letters and set to bold.)

Name of Researcher 1 Name of Researcher 4 Name of Researcher 7 Name of Researcher 10

Name of Researcher 2 Name of Researcher 5 Name of Researcher 8 Name of Researcher 11
Name of Researcher 3 Name of Researcher 6 Name of Researcher 9 Name of Researcher 12

Noted by:


Research Adviser

Recommending Approval:


Practical Research Group Head

Approved by:



Principal II, Assistant Principal- SHS



March 3, 2023

Dear Participant:

Pleasant day.

We, the students of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand of
Agusan National High School – Senior High School are currently working on our Practical
Research 1 (Qualitative Research) study entitled: “THE UNHEARD VOICES: A
This study is focus on discovering the struggles of public school Senior High School teacher
in Agusan National High School and how the teachers balance their personal life and
career life as well as their ways and techniques in overcoming it.

Pertinent to this, we would like to invite you to participate in our Qualitative Research study.
Your participation will invoke a face-to-face interview and will be recorded to generate answers.
You can answer the research questions using our vernacular language since it will be transcribed
and translated and will be analyzed to form themes. We will ensure the confidentiality of your
personal information at all cost. Your identity will not be revealed to public by any means. Your
participation in this study is voluntary. You may choose not to participate or withdraw your
consent to participate at any time you will not be penalized in any way should you decide to do

I have read this consent letter and have been given the opportunity to ask questions. I am
therefore, giving my consent in this research study.

Participants Name : ____________________________

Participant’s Signature : ____________________________
Date : ____________________________

The Researchers (Name of the Researchers, all in capital letters and set to bold.)

Name of Researcher 1 Name of Researcher 4 Name of Researcher 7 Name of Researcher 10

Name of Researcher 2 Name of Researcher 5 Name of Researcher 8 Name of Researcher 11
Name of Researcher 3 Name of Researcher 6 Name of Researcher 9 Name of Researcher 12

Note: One page only.





Research Title

Name: _________________________________ Number of Years in Service:______________

Position: _____________________ School Assigned: _________________________________


Please answer the following questions honestly. This is an open-ended questions where
you can use any of your familiar or convenient language in answering the questions for you to
freely express what you want to say.


1. Why did you choose teaching profession?

2. What are your struggles or worst experiences that you have encountered as a teacher
particularly in school?

3. How do you cope with the struggles and difficulties that you faced every day?

4. How do you balance your personal and work life with the long and extended time spent in
school for paper works and other related tasks?

5. How do you maintain your professionalism?

6. How do you protect your personal health from the risks of acquiring illnesses due to over
fatigue, stress and pressures in your work?

7. How do you feel whenever your student failed in your subject?

8. Are you satisfied with your salary?

9. Have you been in a conflict with your workmates or colleagues? If yes, how did you deal
with it? How was it resolved?

10. Do you have any plan to pursue for a post- graduate study? What is your reason?



(Note: If you have Ten Participants, Ten Participants responses will reflect. The Example here is good for Five Participants only)

(Participant’s Responses of the Questions) (Researchers’ Translations of the Participant’s
Question No. 1.
Why did you choose teaching profession?

Participant 1. Xxxx Participant 1. Xxxx

Participant 2. Xxxx Participant 2. Xxxx

Participant 3. Xxxx Participant 3. Xxxx

Participant 4. Xxxx Participant 4. Xxxx

Participant 5. Xxxx Participant 5. Xxxx

Question No. 2.
What are your struggles or worst
experiences that you have encountered as
a teacher particularly in school?
Participant 1. Xxxx
Participant 1. Xxxx
Participant 2. Xxxx
Participant 2. Xxxx
Participant 3. Xxxx
Participant 3. Xxxx
Participant 4. Xxxx
Participant 4. Xxxx
Participant 5. Xxxx
Participant 5. Xxxx

Question No. 3.
How do you cope with the struggles and
difficulties that you faced every day?

Participant 1. Xxxx Participant 1. Xxxx


Participant 2. Xxxx Participant 2. Xxxx

Participant 3. Xxxx Participant 3. Xxxx

Participant 4. Xxxx Participant 4. Xxxx

Participant 5. Xxxx Participant 5. Xxxx

Question No. 4. 4. How do you balance

your personal and work life with the long
and extended time spent in school for
paper works and other related tasks?
Participant 1. Xxxx
Participant 1. Xxxx
Participant 2. Xxxx
Participant 2. Xxxx
Participant 3. Xxxx
Participant 3. Xxxx
Participant 4. Xxxx
Participant 4. Xxxx
Participant 5. Xxxx
Participant 5. Xxxx

Question No. 5.
How do you maintain your

Participant 1. Xxxx Participant 1. Xxxx

Participant 2. Xxxx Participant 2. Xxxx

Participant 3. Xxxx Participant 3. Xxxx

Participant 4. Xxxx Participant 4. Xxxx

Participant 5. Xxxx Participant 5. Xxxx

Question No. 6.
How do you protect your personal health
from the risks of acquiring illnesses due to
over fatigue, stress and pressures in your

Participant 1. Xxxx Participant 1. Xxxx


Participant 2. Xxxx Participant 2. Xxxx

Participant 3. Xxxx Participant 3. Xxxx

Participant 4. Xxxx Participant 4. Xxxx

Participant 5. Xxxx Participant 5. Xxxx

Question No. 7.
How do you feel whenever your student
failed in your subject?

Participant 1. Xxxx Participant 1. Xxxx

Participant 2. Xxxx Participant 2. Xxxx

Participant 3. Xxxx Participant 3. Xxxx

Participant 4. Xxxx Participant 4. Xxxx

Participant 5. Xxxx Participant 5. Xxxx

Question No. 8.
Are you satisfied with your salary?
Participant 1. Xxxx
Participant 1. Xxxx
Participant 2. Xxxx
Participant 2. Xxxx
Participant 3. Xxxx
Participant 3. Xxxx
Participant 4. Xxxx
Participant 4. Xxxx
Participant 5. Xxxx
Participant 5. Xxxx

Question No. 9. Have you been in a

conflict with your workmates or
colleagues? If yes, how did you deal with
it? How was it resolved?
Participant 1. Xxxx
Participant 1. Xxxx
Participant 2. Xxxx
Participant 2. Xxxx
Participant 3. Xxxx
Participant 3. Xxxx
Participant 4. Xxxx

Participant 4. Xxxx Participant 5. Xxxx

Participant 5. Xxxx

Question No. 10.

Do you have any plan to pursue for a post
- graduate study? What is your reason?

Participant 1. Xxxx Participant 1. Xxxx

Participant 2. Xxxx Participant 2. Xxxx

Participant 3. Xxxx Participant 3. Xxxx

Participant 4. Xxxx Participant 4. Xxxx

Participant 5. Xxxx Participant 5. Xxxx




(Note: If you have Ten Participants, Ten Participants responses will reflect. The Example here is good for Five Participants only)


1. Chosen Profession  Influenced by family  Influenced by Family
 Influenced by family
 Influenced by family
 Influenced by relatives
 Influenced by friends

2. Struggles  Class Schedule Very Early  Grades, GPA, MPS and

 Daily Lesson Plan and Lesson SMEA Computations
 Grades, GPA, MPS and
SMEA Computations
 Grades, GPA, MPS and
SMEA Computations
 Grades, GPA, MPS and
SMEA Computations

3. Coping Mechanism  More patience  Adapt the System

 Embrace the System
 Ask help form experts
 Adapt the System and learn
 Work hard to learn the system

4. Balancing of Schedule  Time Management  Time Management

 Manage my time wisely
 Set Priorities
 Focus on one thing
 Pray to God always for help
and guidance

5. Maintenance of  Ignore students lapses  Adjust and Flexible

Professionalism  Adjust and be flexible always
 Rationalize and be logical
 Objective than subjective
 Subjective than objective

6. Health Self- Protection  Sleep 8 hours a day  Enough rest, intake
 Take enough rest, take vitamins and medicines
vitamins and drink more water
 Take vitamins and medicines

 Sufficient sleep
 Relax and be stress free

7. Worried but Concerned  Sad but control my emotions  Empathy to the Student
 Bothered but control my
 Never give up in encouraging
my students to pass
 Encourage my students to do
their best to pass
 Motivate student to pass

8. Salary Satisfaction  Unsatisfied  Not satisfied

 Unfortunately satisfied
 Satisfied
 Just enough because I am still
 Not satisfied because of so
many other classroom needs at
your own expense

9. Conflict among Colleagues  None so far  No Conflict with

 Nothing at all Colleagues
 Yes, keep on borrowing
money but payment is always
very delayed
 No Conflict encounter
 Yes, very arrogant

10.Pursue Post- Graduate  Yes, yes! for promotion  Pursue Graduate School
Study  Yes! To increase my salary Study
 Yes! For personal and
professional growth
 No, very expensive
 Not yet, I have my priority
than that



(At least 5 Pages for Documentations with Captions)

Picture 1 Picture 2

(Description of the Picture) (Description of the Picture)

Picture 3

(Description of the Picture)


2x2 Colored Picture

with White
Formal Picture


Name :
Nick- name :
Home Address :
Contact Number :
Religion :
Blood Type :
Father’s Name :
Father’s Occupation :
Mother’s Name :
Mother’s Occupation :
Number of Sisters :
Number of Brothers :
Language Written and Spoken :


Kindergarten School :
School Address :
Year Graduated :
Award/s Received :

Elementary School :
School Address :
Year Graduated :
Award/s Received :

Junior High School :

School Address :
Year Graduated :
Award/s Received :

Senior High School :


School Address :
Year Graduated :
Award/s Received :


Singing, Dancing, Painting, Swimming, Driving, Acting, Hosting, Playing Indoor and Outdoor
Games, Joining Beauty Pageants


Classroom Officer - President

Student Supreme Government (SSG) Officer - President
Butuan City Taekwondo Club - President
Butuan City Tennis Club - President
Sannguniang Kabataan (SK) - President


2x2 Colored Picture

with White
Formal Picture


Name :
Nick- name :
Home Address :
Contact Number :
Religion :
Blood Type :
Father’s Name :
Father’s Occupation :
Mother’s Name :
Mother’s Occupation :
Number of Sisters :
Number of Brothers :
Language Written and Spoken :


Kindergarten School :
School Address :
Year Graduated :
Award/s Received :

Elementary School :
School Address :
Year Graduated :
Award/s Received :

Junior High School :

School Address :
Year Graduated :
Award/s Received :

Senior High School :

School Address :
Year Graduated :
Award/s Received :


Singing, Dancing, Painting, Swimming, Driving, Acting, Hosting, Playing Indoor and Outdoor
Games, Joining Beauty Pageants


Classroom Officer - President

Student Supreme Government (SSG) Officer - President
Butuan City Taekwondo Club - President
Butuan City Tennis Club - President
Sannguniang Kabataan (SK) - President


2x2 Colored Picture

with White
Formal Picture


Name :
Nick- name :
Home Address :
Contact Number :
Religion :
Blood Type :
Father’s Name :
Father’s Occupation :
Mother’s Name :
Mother’s Occupation :
Number of Sisters :
Number of Brothers :
Language Written and Spoken :


Kindergarten School :
School Address :
Year Graduated :
Award/s Received :

Elementary School :
School Address :
Year Graduated :
Award/s Received :

Junior High School :

School Address :

Year Graduated :
Award/s Received :

Senior High School :

School Address :
Year Graduated :
Award/s Received :


Singing, Dancing, Painting, Swimming, Driving, Acting, Hosting, Playing Indoor and Outdoor
Games, Joining Beauty Pageants


Classroom Officer - President

Student Supreme Government (SSG) Officer - President
Butuan City Taekwondo Club - President
Butuan City Tennis Club - President
Sannguniang Kabataan (SK) - President

Use Short Size Bond Paper only

Font Style : Times New Roman

Font Size : 12” All Throughout the text except on labeling the Tables

and Figures it should be font size 10” and the

Text inside the Table is even smaller font size 8” or smaller

as long as readable.

Chapter Titles- Font Size 12” all in uppercase, highlighted

Section Headings- Font Size 12”, highlighted

Table Label : On Top of the Table, Left Side, Two Lines, Font Size 10”

Figure Label : Below the Figure, Centered, Font Size 10”

Text Inside the Table: Font Size 8” to 10”, Single- Space, Left Alignment

Interval Between Line: Always Double- Space

Spacing : Observe proper spacing (within line). Two space after every

period or end of the sentence

Paragraph : No Intervals between paragraphs since it is already doubled-

space between lines

References : Single- spaced within an Author but doubled- space between

Authors. Hanging indent format in the second line or next line

Right Margin : Fully Justified

Page Layout : Left Margin 1.5”; Right 1”; Top 1”; Bottom 1”

Page Numbering or Pagenation:

Preliminaries- Use Roman Numerals, Top Right most part of the page

Chapter 1 to Finale - Use Decimal Numbers, Top Right most part of the page

Chapter Page (Chapter I, II, III, IV and V) page number should not appear

in the page but continuous for the next page

Do not use Abbreviation, spell- out the words or the acronym in its first use.

In the body text never use words like for instance:

don’t (informal word) (use do not -formal word)

can’t (cannot), isn’t (is not),

doesn’t (does not) and more…

Prepared by:


Practical Research Group Head

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