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Innovation and Sustainable

in developing countries
Edited by
Ben Obinero U wakweh

•••••• •



Nonh Carolina A & T Stale University (NCATSU),

160 I East Market Street, Greensboro, North Carolina, 27411

National University of Civil Engineering (NUCE),

1\o 55 Giai Phong Road, llanoi, Vietnam


The texts of the various papers in this volume were set individually by typists under the supervision of
each of the awhors conce med.

Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal usc, or the internal or personal use of specilic
clients, is granted by NCATSU (US), NUCE Hanoi, Vietnam.

Publishing responsibility: Trinh Xuan Son

Chief editor: Ben Obi nero Uwakweh..
Publishing Process: Publishing Process Department, Construction Publishing House
Cover designer: Vu Binh Minh

Published by:
North Carolina A & T State University (NCATSU), 1601 East Market Street, Greensboro,
North Carolina, 27411;
!\'ational University of Civil Engineering (;\liCE), No 55 Giai Phong Road, Hanoi, Vietnam

Construction Publishing House, 37 Lc Dai llanh street, Hai Ba Trung district, Hanoi, Vietnam
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@Copyright of NCATSU, NUCE & Construction Publishing !louse
Printed in Vietnam 20 1 I
Innovation and sustainable construction in developing countries, Ben {edt). Construction Publishing House

Table of contents

Poreword IX
Introduction XI

Session I. Innovation. in construction

Innovative technologies for sustainable buildings in 2030 15

Marco lmperadori, Gabriele Masera, Arch. Giuliana Iannaccone
Integrated housing supply chain model from a human capital perspective 21
Kerry London And Jessica Siva
Affordable sustainable housing in developing countries: a literature review 29
J. Bruen, K. Hadjri
An appraisal of corrugated iron sheet as an alternative construction materials in the 35
coastal area of ondo state, Nigeria
Odekunle Folasade
Evaluating the factors that influence innovation adoption in the Ghanaian building 41
Naa Adjeley Ashiboe-Mensah, Frank Fugar And Fred Akujfo
Environmental clay concrete : an innovative material 49
Tam Ba Truong, Lionel Ronsoux, Mariette Moevus, Yves Jorand, Sandrine Mcui-
milien, l.Ltetitia Fontaine, Romain Anger, LaurentAmaud, Christian Olagnon

Session 2. Innovative project delivery system construction

Construction risks generated by employers from the perspective of contractors- the 57
case of South African contractors
P D Rwelamila And Werner Jerling
Project procurement Innovation through project finance for municipal service delivery 65
in SouU1 Africa the case of ELM
P D Rwelamila And Frank Sn.ijder

Using Tete-engineering as a tool to assist in reverse engineering of the lnka road 73
Edward J. Jaselskis, Clifford Schexnayder, Christine Fiori, Timothy C. Becker, And
Kathleen Short
Designing and Constructing a Bridge in a Rural Area of Nicaragua 79
Amarjit Singh, Jacob Tyler, and Gabriel El-Swa(fy
Facilitating integrated project delivery 85
Prof Barry Jones And r(Lsce. Fciob.

Implementing design build project delivery system in indonesia road infrastructure 93

Anak Parami Dewi, Eric Too And Bamhang Trigunarsyah

Session 3. Sustainable construction practices, cost effectiveness and in-

dustry development
Rework Due to Human Error in South African Construction 103
F.A. Emuze And J.J Smallwood
Construction industry development: A South African perspective 109
F. A. Emuze And J.J Smallwood
Sustainable construction in rural housing architecture of the Red River delta to 115
·achieve economic and cultural effectiveness
Dr. Architect 7hi Dinh Nguyen
Development of sustainable construction products at the Univers ity of Liverpool 121
M. N. Soutsos, M. C. Fulton
Building material based on earth and plant particles 127
Laurent Arnaud, Cecile Barras
The demonstration project as a tool for introduction of sustainable low cost housing 133
- some experiences from Ethiopia
Bengt Hjort, Ph.D, Teferi Sendabo, Ph.D
Ultra high performance concrete incorporating rice husk ash for sustainable devel- 139
opment in construction in Vietnam
.Tuan Van Nguyen, Ye Guang, Hanh Huu Pham, Dai Danh Bui
Earth construction between tradition and modemity: Case studies from Algeria 145
B. Baiche, M. Osmani, K. Hadjri
Apetau: High energy efficient shell-system for emergency nursery in post disaster 151
reconstruction - L'Aquila, Italy
lmperadori, Marco, Narghes
Toughness of flax fiber reinforced cement composites 155
Tung L.H., Khadraoui F., Boutouil M., Gomina M.

The Urban Quarry: developments in the use of construction and demolition waste in 161
the UK
M. N. Soutsos, M. C. Fulton
Labor productivity improvement in the Gaza Strip 167
1\dnan Enshassi And Ziad Abu Mustafa
High strength cncrete using fly ash for structures in Vietnamese marine environment 173
for sustainability
H. H. Pham, K. T. Tong, T. T. Le
Underground public services space- near future of urban development in Vietnam 179
Ma. Architect. 1-Iai Tuan Nguyen
Politics and infrastructural facilities in developing countries: the role of the civil en- J85
gineer in Nigeria
Onyebuchi Mogboa, Ibrahim Yitmenb, Tanju Gultekinc
Potential risks to international joint ventures in developing economies: the Ghanaian 191
construction industry experience
Ahiaga-Dagbui, F.D.K. Fugar, J. W. Mccarter, E. Adinyira
Assessment and implications of thinking patterns of construction management students 197
Gazan Bozai, Erich Connell &Kamalesh Panthi
Development if sustainable building materials at national university of civil engi- 20 I
neering of Vietnam
Thanh T. Le, Hanh H. Pham, Dai D. Bui, Kien T Tong & Tuan V. Nguyen
A comparati-ve view of UK and Vietnamese civil engineering students on sustain- 207
able construction
T. T. Le, C./. Goodier, /-/.1-/. Pham, M.N. Soutsos, K. T. Tong

Session 4. Construction workforce, safety, productivity and quality

A simple performance evaluation measure based on the story of David and Goliath 215
S. 0. Ogunlana,· 0. A. Awodele And M. Dada
A case study on a managerial ski ll s development project for small contractors in the 221
eastern cape province in South Africa
Mr. Sihle Dlungwana
Critical analysis of the application of a homes' quality certification system in a de- 227
veloping country
Valeria Ramfrez And Alfredo Serpell
Collapse of a historic adobe wall 233
Lisa llolliday
lliophilic design of the workspace: how living buildings and landscapes enhance 237
environmental health and productivity
Rita Ngozi Obiozo & Nnezi Uduma-Olugu And I. D. Dimoriaku

Skill certification amongst informal construction craftsmen in Kenya 243
Njeri Waclzira

Session 5. Project management and quality construction

An investigation into obstacles that cause inaccurate cost estimates in building con- 251
tracts in Palestine
Adnan Enshassi 1 And Ibrahim Madi
Differences in project govemance in constmction in developed and developing countries 259
Lizarralde, Gonzalo, Bourgault, Mario, St-Pierre, Carl, De Blois Michel
Developing a lean planning model (LPM) of material management during constmc- 267
tion phase for construction projects
Thanh Long Ngo, H. Ping T~erng, Samuel Yen-Liang Yin
Investigating infrastructure procurement in Pakistan 273
M.A. Noor, Dr. M.M.A. Khalfan, Dr. T Maqsood
Common risks of investment construction projects in Vietnam from the evaluation of 281
the project management consultants
·Dr. Anh Xuan Pham
Using the international safety standard in improving construction safety in Thailand 287
T. Chinda, C. Suwannakam. P. Hemyakom, And T. Soomornsiriboonya
Causal loop diagrams of construction safety 293
T Chinda, N. lllliprasert, T. Tiatrakul And V. Kesaragul
Construction waste management planning in Malaysia 299
Christopher Preece, Mohamad Syazli Fathi, Anis Adila Bt Abdullah
Towards a framework for developing knowledge management tool for project based 307
S.F. Mohamed, Z.M. Yusof, M.S. Misnan And C.J.Anumba

Innovation and sustainable construction in developing coun tries, Ben (edt). Construction Publishing House


The Developing countries are characterized by their increasmgly young population. As a result there is
a need to support their population and economy. The case of trade between countries and bilateral
ag ree me nts. major man ufacturers in the developed eco nomies arc relocating their manufacturing facilities
to developing countries because of low wages and favorable business terms. Therefore, globalization has
further extended their construction project demand. The develop ing countries are also actively and
aggressively seeking foreign direc t investments from private investors. The investors consider such
factors as workforce, and infrastructure in making thei r in vestme nt decisions. One industry that directly
contributes to the decisions to invest in a country is the construction industry. This is because the
quality o f construction, its workforce, contractors and the other subcontractors arc c ritical in providing a
qualit y infrastructure.

The developing countries arc faced with several challenging issues. They are concerned with econom1c
development, growing population, lack of adequate infrastructure such as roads, power, lack o f adequate
water supply, waste manage ment and many othe rs . In addition , they a lso have cultural issues that arc
characteristically unique to them. /\s a result of these issues some of the methodologies used in the
developed countries in managing projects may be at odds in the developing countries. For example,
most of the construction processes in developed economics are machine intensive while in developing
countries they arc generall y labor intensive. Therefore, the work practices and usc of mechanized tools
may not he favorable because of its impact on employment.

This conference cove rs five key areas; Innovation, Project Delivery Systems, Sustainahle Construction,
Workforce Safety and Project Manageme nt. The proceedings present the findings of the latest research
in the developing countries focusing on these five themes. The findings and the results explore the
different project delivery systems, construction worker safety, project management practices, and
sustainable environmenta l issues. The deve loping co untries are vul nerable to severe e nvironmental
related problems such as fl ooding and erosion than the developed cou ntries. They also face rapid
urbanization as more of their population move to the cities. As a result they are unable to provide
dean water to the population, waste management systems, and adequate highways and housing. Based
on these c hallenges, the the me of sustainabi lity was incorporated in the conference to present some of
the latest and best findings and practices that can be implemented in the construction process. These
findings we believe will provide an opportunit y for robust interaction amongst the researchers and
hopefully help set speci fic research agendas for the developing countries.

Hanoi, November 20 ll
Innovation and sustainable construction m developing countnes, Ben (edt). Construction Publishing House


Innovation and Sustainable Construction in Development Countries comprises with five sections:
• Innovation in construction
• Innovative project delivery systems
• Sustainable construction practices, coM effectiveness and industry development
• Construction workforce, safety, productivity and quality
• Project management and quality construction
Innovation in construction section focuses on the different factors that drive innovative construction in the
developing countries. Innovative project delivery systems focuses on different methods of sharing and
demonstrating current innovative methods in developing countries. Sustainable construction practices,
cost effectiveness and industry development section represent the application of sustainable development
and its cost effectiveness in the developing countries. Construction workforce, safety, productivity and
quality this section promotes safety and health environment in construction industry. Project
management and quality construction, these sections improves the techniques of project management and
qual ity construction in developing countries
The Structure of the Sessions
These papers have been arranged in five systematic sessions because; Innovation in construction deals
with the subject matter of the conference. Innovative project
delivery systems, is the methods of executing and delivery innovative projects in the proper manner.
Sustainable construction practices, cost effectiveness and industry development, focu ses on the high
demands of social. economic and environmental instability in the construction industry of developing
countries. Construction workforce, safety, productivity and quality, is the proper implementations of
~afety management. Project management and quality construction, is the process of delivering a quality
product. This systematic arrangement makes it easier to read and understand it in a standardize form, and
also maintain consistency with the sessions.

Acknowledgement and Editorial Assistant

Special thanks to the all Scientific Committee, NCA&T Committee, and Vietnam Local organizing committee
for their valuable contribution towards the successful completion of this book.

Scientilic Committee: l\C A&T Committee Vietnam Local Organizing

Ben 0. Uwakweh [USA] Terri Williams Commiuee
Alfredo Serpell [S. America] Alfre Dreamsky Dr. LeVan Thanh, Chatrman
Stephen Ogunlana l U.K.] Gwendolyn P. Sanders Dr. Pham Hung Cuong, Vice
P.D. Rwelamila [Africa] Wanda Watford Chairman
A. Aghayere [USA] Paul K. Tsckumah Dr. Do Huu Thanh.
B. llozor [USAJ Kingsley C. Enyinnaya Coordinator
M. Shofoluwe [USA] Dr. Pham Due Toan. Member
L. Waller [USA] Dr. Vo Quoc Bao. Member
Session 3. Sustainable construction practices, cost
effectiveness and industry development
InnovatiOn and sustainable coostllJCiion m developing countnes, Ben (edt). ConstllJCIIOn Publish1ng House

High strength concrete using fly ash for the stru ctures in Vietnamese
marine environment for sustainability

Hanh II. Pham, Kien T. Tong

Departmellf of Building Mmerinls. Nmionnl University of Civil Engineering of Viemam, 55 Giai ?hong Road. Hanoi.
Viemam. Telephone: +84 43 8693571 . Fax:+84 43 8693684, email: vn, hanh !

Thanh T. Le
Depnrtmelll of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough Uni1•ersiry. U!lcesrershire, LEI I 3TU. UK.
Telephone: +44 1509 223782. Fttf: +44 (0)/509223981, email:

ABSTRACT: Vietnam has an over 3,000 km long coastline and many islands. Therefore, construction of
the infrastructures in the marine envi ronment in Vietnam is very important to develop the national econ-
omy. However, the concre te structures in marine environment are usually deteriorated due to the severe
marine conditions. This paper presents the research results of a high strength concrete (compressive
strength of above 80 MPa) which has up to 35% cement content replaced by fly a~h to be used for the
structures in V ietnamese marine environment. The use of this concrete probably helps extend the service-
life of the infrastructures and also helps reduce a large amount of an industrial waste (Oy ash) discharged
from Vietnamese thermal power plants. This will be able to improve all three aspects of a sustainable
construction which comprises economy, natural resource and environment.

INTRODUCTION dense concrete by optimisation of the mix propor-

tions. An experiment-planning mathematic method
Concrete is a popular material used for the struc- has been employed to carry out the optimisation
tures in marine environment. The use of concrete with the target of a high strength. Up to 60% fl y
has the following advantages: simple manufacture ash has been used to replace cement in the con -
everywhere in the world, good durability, high crete. Silica fume has been also incorporated in the
loading capacity. However, in an aggressive ma- mix. These replacements re<.luccd (estimated that
rine environment with many chloride ion Cl. and up to 40%) the content of tricalcium aluminate
sulphate ion so? dissol ved salts, ordinary con- 3Ca0.Al 20 3 mineral of cement which is consid-
crete is destroyed relatively quickly. The deteriora- ered as the weakest element of the concrete com-
tion of concrete in marine environment can be position in marine environment. As a result, a new
caused by physical, chemical factors as well as binder comprising cement-fly ash-silica fume has
marine organisms (Mehta 2003, Page 1975). The been formed. Furthermore, the use of fly ash with
deterioration can occur in both concrete and steel a high content for· cement replacement aimed to
reinforcement. Therefore, concrete used in marine save the natural resources (lime stone, clay. coal ,
environment needs to be highly compacted and the etc.) in manufacturing cement. This also helps re-
cement hardened part also needs to be durable to duce environmental pollution caused by cement
prevent the attack of deteriorating factors (Mehta production and the landfill areas for storing ashes
2003, Dcby et al. 2009. T homas ct al. 2004). discharged from thermal power pl ants i n Vietnam.
Many research (Tran 1996) reported that a large
number of the structures in Vietnamese marine
environment have been deteriorated after only I 0 SELECTION OF M/\TERIALS
to 15 years of use. Therefore, development of a
high performance (high durability) concrete for the Portland cement ButSon PC40 with the quality
structures in Vietnamese marine environment is complying with the Vietnamese standards TCVN
really essential. This paper presents a combination 4030-2003 and TCV r 6017- 1995 was used
method for manufacturing a highly durable and throughout the research. Silica fume was supplied

by Elkem and complied with ASTM C 1240. Fly durability as well as the cost. In this research, the
ash was from PhaLai thermal power plant and it aggregate combination grading was opti mised us-
suited type F- ASTM C618- 99. The physical ing a graph method (Pham 2007) for the aggre-
properties of PhaLai fly ash are shown in Table gates shown in Table 2. The optimum result shown
2.1. The, hi nder comprises three ingredients that in Table 3 was the combination of 40% of 10-20
are cement, sili-ca fume and fly ash. mm coarse aggregate, 25% of 5-10 mm coarse ag-
gregate and 35'/o of sand.
Table 1. The phvsic:al properries of Phai.Ai {lv ash The result showed that the aggregate grading op-
Propenies Test results timised had fit in all 8 groups of particles required.
This means that 1he aggregate combination, in the-
Fineness using Blaine method, cm2/g 3440
ory, would enhance both the mechanical properties
Specific gravity. g/cm 2.9 and economic aspect for the concrete. This aggre-
Rate of reactivity with cement at 7 day 82 gate has been used as a key part to optimise the mix
age.% proportions of high strength concrete.
Rate of reactivity with cement at 28 day 84
age,% Mix design

Consistency. % 91.5 Based on the! guide of ACl 211.4R-t)8 and the

aggregate combination optimised in Table 3, a pre-
liminary mix has been designed. The mix propor-
The fine aggregate was the sand quarried at Lo
ri ver. The coarse aggregate came from a quarry in ttons for one cubic metre volume comprised 337
Binh Dinh which had a maximum size of 20 mm. kg cement, 34 kg si lica fume, 202 kg ny ash, 125
It was a granite with the compressive strength of kg water, 5.7 kg Glenium ACE 388 SureTec, 630
140 MPa. The aggregates were checked and com- kg sand, 650 kg 5- l 0 mrn coarse aggregate and
plied with the Vietnamese standard TCVN 7570: 769 kg 10-20 mm coarse aggregate.
2006 for manufacturing concrete. The particle size This preliminary mix was used to optimise the
analysis of the aggregates is shown in Table 2. mix proportions by using an experiment-planning
Glenium®ACE 388 SureTec superplasticiser sup- mathematic method (Pham 2007) with two vari-
plied by BASF was used for the concrete. This is a ables. The first variable selected was the sand to
type F as classi fied in ASTM c '494. The concrete aggregate ratio and named as X 1 with the central
used a tap water with the quality met the technical point of 35%. The second variable was the water
description in the Vietnamese construction stan- to binder ratio and named as X 2 with the centml
dard TCXDVN 302: 2004. point of 0.22. The experimenlal plan and compres-
sive strength results are shown in Table 4.
Mix design Based on the experimental resu lts, the fo l-
lowi ng equation was generated using Maple 14
The mix design of a high strength concrete is s up- software.
posed to be more thorough than the one of an or-
dinary concrete. Particularly, the selection of min- Y = 84. 1 + l.8X 1 - 3.1X2 + 0.4X 1X2 + 1.25+ 0.85
eral and chemical admixtures, water-binder ratio The results showed thal the compressive strength
should be ve ry critical. A general method used to reduced when reducing the ratio of sand to aggre-
design the mix proportions for a high performance gate. It is thought that the cementitious paste in this
concrete is the combination of theoretical analysis case might not be able to fill the voids of the coarse
and experiment In this research, the authors ini- aggregate and resulted in the reduction of compres-
tially followed the guides ACI 211.4R-08 and ACI sive strength. Also, when increasing the sand to ag-
363.2R-98 for selecting the preliminary propor- gregate ratio the ccmentitious paste could not !ill the
tions for high strength concrete, then an optimum
voids of the sand then led to lower the compressive
mix was approached using an experiment-planning strength. For the effect of the water to binder ratio,
mathematic method.
when it was increased the compressive strength re-
duced as too much water used led to more voids
Aggregate gradi11g oprimisation
formed in the concrete after hardening. When this
For high performance concrete, the aggregate ratio was lowt:red, the workability of concrete was
grading is a key factor which influences the not sufllcient so res ulting in increase of the void con·
workability, strength, elastic modulus, shrinkage, tent, then the compressive strength also reduced.

Table 2. Panicle size analvsis o[the a&&,re&ares
Sieve size (mm) 20 10 5 2.5 1.25 0,6} 0.31 5 0,14
Passing Coarse
percentage aggregare (1 0 ~ 20 mm) 100 0
:o,m~:o.\t:"'),""' \\ \.~ \~ ~ ~

Sand 100 100 100 90.0 67,2 40,6 13,7 2,9

Table 3. Particle analvsis o{tlze as&re&ate combination

Sieve Si7e (mm) 20 10 5 2.5 1.25 0.63 0.315 0.14
4Q<k ( 10-20) mm coarse aggregate 40 0
25% (5-1 O)mm coarse aggregate 25 25 0.8 0
35% sand 35 35 35 31.5 23.5 14.2 4.8
Aggregate combination
optimised - Passing per-centage(%) 100 60 35.8 31.5 23.5 14.2 4.8
Passing pcrcemage required (%) 100 55-65 35-42 28-35 2 1-28 14-2 1 3-5 0-1

Table 4. Exe,erimemal e.Lan and come,ressive results

Assigned variable Actual variable Compressive strength
Mix X X Sand/Aggregate Water/Binder (MPa)
CPI 0.36 0.24 91
CP2 -I 0.34 0.24 89.7
CP3 -I 0.36 0.20 89.9
CP4 -I -1 0.34 0.20 90.3
CPS 1.4 14 0 0.374 0.22 87
CP6 -1.4 14 0 0.326 0.22 77.5
CP7 0 1.414 0.35 0.254 72.6
CP8 0 -1.4 14 0.35 0.186 90.4
CP9 0 0 0.35 0.22 83.2
CPIO 0 0 0.35 0.22 86.5
CPII 0 0 0.35 0.22 83.8
CP12 0 0 0.35 0.22 82.6
CPI3 0 0 0.35 0.22 84.4

The equation can be also plotted as 3D and 2D The highest compressive strength obtained was
graphs to show the effect of the sand to aggregate =
92.6 MPa with X 1 -0.48 and X 2 = 0.25 (i.e. sand I
ratio and the water to binder ratio on the compres- aggregate = 0,345 and water I binder = 0,225).
sive strength, see Figure I. Therefore, the optimum mix proportions (for one
cubic metre volume) could be worked out as fol-
lows: 334 kg cement, 34 kg si lica fume, 200 kg fly
~---)­ ash, 128 kg water, 5.7 kg Glenium ACE 388
(<...~::__; .. SureTec, 62 1 kg sand, 453 kg 5- 10 mm coarse ag-
gregate and 725 kg 10-20 mm coarse aggregate.
. ('~

·.)('-....:: ---_-
The optimum mix was used to check various
Figure I. Sand to aggregate and water to binder ratios properties of the concrete and also to compare
affecting compressive strength wi th a typical concrete which is usuall y utilised

for the structures in Vietnamese marine environ- The flexural mength increased nearly 2.8 times
men!. The mix proportions (for one cubic metre which had a higher increasing ratio than that of
volume) of the typical concrete comprised 380 kg compressive strength. This is thought that the use
cement, 690 kg sand, 1200 kg coarse aggregate of the optimum aggregate combination grading
and 185 kg water. and the addition of superplasticiser and si lica fume
The compressive strength, flexural strength, improved the internal structures (high compaction)
water permeability. chloride penetration were of the high strength concrete and resulted in the
tested using the Vietnamese standards TCVN improvement of the flexural behaviour.
3118:93, TCVN 3119:93, TCVN 3116:93, and the The high strength concrete was more advanta-
Vietnamese construction standard TCXDVN 360: geous than the typically ordinary concrete as the
2005. respectively. The abrasion resistance was water permeability could be resisted up to a 16
tested using ASTM Cll38. The results are pre- atm pressure without any signs of water permea-
sented in Table 5. tion. also the chloride penetration reduced 2.8
times (i.e. 530 coulombs compared with 1500
Table 5. Test results of the optimum high strength coulombs). Those results imply that the optimum
concrete and the tvpical concrete high strength concrete is very dense, i.e. the du-
Properties Mix Standards rability in terms of corrosion resistance has been
Optimum Typical concrete improved.
high used in Viet- The abrasion resistance also increased 2.5 times
strength namese marine in a test method regarding a severe condition with
oncrete environment the abrasion under water. Therefore, it confirmed
Slump (em) 20 8 TCVN that the high strength concrete definitely improve
3106: 1993 the service life in marine environment compared
with the typically ordinary concrete.
Compressive TCVN
strength 3118:93
3 day 52 18
7day 65 25 High strength concrete can be manufactured us-
ing high content of fly ash as a cement replace-
28 day 82 32 ment for the structures in Vietnamese marine en-
Flexural 12.7 4.6 TCVN vi ronment. 35% fly ash added in a 80 MPa com-
strength 3119:93 pressive strength concrete showed more advanta-
(MPa) geous in mechanical properties comprising flex-
Water perme- 16 6 TCV ural strength, water permeability, chloride pene-
ability (atm) 3116:93 tration and abrasion resistance, when being com-
Chloride 530 1500 TCXDVN pared with a typical concrete which is usually
penetration 360: 2005 used for the structures in Vietnamese marine en-
(Coulomb) vironment. The use of a high content of fly ash in
replacing cement for this high strength concrete
Abrasion re- 2,2 5.5 ASTM wi II bring benefits for the development of sus-
sistance c 11 38
tainable construction. The benefits here could be
(% by weight)
foreseen that the natural resources (lime stone,
clay, coal, etc.) in manufacturing cement will be
Although the high strength concrete used a high saved as less cement needed in this kind of con-
content of fly ash (i.e. 35% cement replacement), creiC. More durable high strength concrete in usc
its compressive strength development with time means that the size of structures will be reduced
was still faster than the ordinary concrete, i.e. and also the maintenance will be minimised. An-
64.2% compared with 55% at 3 day age and 80% other benefit concerning environment is that re-
compared with 79% at 7 day age, respectively. ducing the use of cement will reduce the emission
The test results also showed the following advan- of carbon dioxide from cement production and
tages of the high strength concrete using 35% tly the increase of using fly ash will reduce the land-
ash over the currently typical concrete when the fi ll areas storing the ashes discharged from ther-
compressive strength increasing over 2.5 times. mal power plants in Vietnam.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS marine environment". Cement cmd Concrete
Research. vol. 39, 466-~71.
1l1e authors acknowledge the linanc1al suppon of Mehta, P. K. (2003). "Concrete in the Marine
DciPHE project 743. which is funded by Depan- environment". Taylor & Francis.
ment for International Development. The Bntish Page, C. L. ( 1975). "Mechanism of corrosion
Government, 10 collaborate National Uni versity of prOtection in rei nforccd concrete marine
Civil Engineering of Vietnam and Loughborough structures". Nmu re , vol. 258, 5 14-515.
University (U K) and The University of Liverpool Ph~m. H. II. (2007). "Efficient use of materials for
(UK) in developing and transferring the latest transponauon \\Orks". Construction Publishing
Knowledge regarding sustainable construction, for House, Hanoi. (in Vietnamese)
atlending this conference. The American Society for Testing and Materials
(2000). "Standard Test Method for Abrasion
Resistance of Horizontal Concrete Surfaces".
REFERE CES ASTM Designation: C 779, Philadelphia U.S.A.
Thomas. M. D. A. et al. (200~). "Performance of
ACI Commiuee 211.4R-08 (2008). "Guide for pfa concrete in a marine environment - 10-year
Selecting Proportions for High- Strength results". Cement and Concrete Research, vol.
Concrete Using Portland Cement and Other 26. 5-20.
Cementitious Materials". American Concrete Tr~n N. T. et al. (1996), Development of concrete
Institute Farming10n Hills. Ml ~8331 U.S.A. and mortar contammg corrosion resistant
ACI Committee 363.2R-98 ( 1998). "Guide to admixtures to be used for the structures in
Quality Control and Testing of High-Strength Vietnamese marine environment". National
Concrete". American Concrete Institute project report. Institute for Military
Farmington Hills, Ml 48331 U.S.A. Technology of Vietnam.
Deby, F. et al. (2009). "Probabilistic approach for
durability design of reinforced concrete 111

Innovation and sustainable construction in developing countries. Ben (edt). Construction Publishing House

Development of sustainable building materials at national university

of civil engineering of Vietnam

Han h H. Pham, Dai D. Bui. Kien T. Tong

Departme/11 of Building Materials, National Universily of Cil'il Engineering of \liemam, 55 Giai Phong Road, Hanoi.
Viemam. Telephone: +84 43 8693571. Frr>:: +84 43 8693684. email:, lumh / kien02088 I
Thanh T. Le
Vepanmenl of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough Universilv. Leiceslershire. LEI J 3TlJ. UK. 1'ele-
phone .· +44 1509 223782. Fax.· +44 (0)150922398/, email:
Tuan V. Nguyen
Microlab, Facu/1y of Civil Engineering and Geosciences. Delft Unirersity of Technology, SteviJIIveg I, 2628 CN,
Delft. Ne1her/ands. Telephone: +31 {0)15 2782307, Fax: +31 (0) 15 27 87966, email. 1. vmmguyen@wde/

ABSTRACT: Building materials are contributing a great pan to sustainable construction in Vietnam. This pa-
per presents research results on the development of numerous building materials for sustainability in National
University of Civil Engineering of Vietnam (NUCE). The University has three main targets in the sustainable
development of building materials: (a) Manufacture and efficient use of building materials to save energy and
minimise constmction waste; (b) Use of industrial wastes in manufacturing building materials; and (c) Devel-
opment of high performance building materials to improve the service life for buildings.

INTRODUCTION and industry to improve the sustainability in all

activities and transfer the knowledge on sustain-
Sustainable construction is referred to the creation. able construction to people as wide as possible.
maintenance and operation of infrastructure and However, the implementation of the policies in
buildings that shape communities in a way that sus- practice is generally limited. The exploitation of
tains the environment, generates long term wealth raw materials and natural resources for manufac-
and enhances the quality of life (ICE 2007, British turing building materials is badly organised (Cen-
Government 2008, Le and Vu 2008). Building ma- tre for Industrial Environment 200 I, Vietnamnet
terials play a key role in the development of sus- 2010 and 2011).
tainable construction as tlley participate in most ac- In addition, the investment in building materials
tivities of construction and contribute a great pro- factories and industrial zones is not sufficiently ef-
portion of the total cost of construction projects. fective in term of sustainable construction. Construc-
Development of sustainable construction in tion activities in Vietnam still use large amounts of
Vietnam has been mentioned in a number of poli- energy and raw materials, and also produce a large a
cies and decisions issued by Vietnamese govern- mount of wastes (Wikipedia 20 I I, Nguyen 20 I I,
ment. for example, the Agenda 21 for Vietnam and Look At Vietnam 2009). This has caused signiticant
the Decision No. 153/2004/QD-TTg for the Stra- environmental pollution and adversely affected the
tegic Orientation for Sustainable Development in quality of life of the Vietnamese people.
Vietnam (Vietnamese govemment 2004). These Followi ng closely to the policies regarding sus-
actions are to respond to the Rio Declaration 1992 tainable development issued by Vietnamese gov-
on environment and development with the Agenda ernment. National Uni versity of Civil Engineering
2 1 (United Nations 199'2) and the Johannesburg of Vietnam ( 1UCE Vietnam) vn/ -
Declaration 2002 on sustainable development a leading uni versity and the largest university in
(United Nations 2002). In those documents, the training civil engineers and doing research in con-
construction industry has been mentioned as one struction in Vietnam. has carried out a large num-
of the crucial elements for the sustainable devel- ber of research activities in the development of
opment in Vietnam. The government required all sustainable building materiu ls. The University has
organisations operating in construction education three main targets in the sustainable development

of building materials: (a) Manufacture and effi. 20%) and fly ash (up to 20%) (B ui 2009). The
cient use of building materials to save energy and concrete had a density of 800- 1000 kg/mJ and a
minimise construction waste; (b) Use of industrial compressive strength in a range of 2.5-7 MPa, see
wastes in manufacturing building materials; and further in Figures I and 2.
(c) Development of high performance building
materials to improve the service life for buildings. ~ 7
The development of sustainable building materials 6 .AI

is considered as a proper way to improve the con- ..:: 6

O~ n;it>t = 1~~ kgf.rr.:>·-::-· ..--
struction in Vietnam in sustainability. This paper c s
1:! Density = 900 kgir~
t: 4
presents an overview on the development of sus- De nsity= 800 k.g/~
tainable building materials at NUCE Vietnam. -~
K 1
Rice husk ash (%by weight of binder)
NUCE Vietnam has three following main targets
in sustainable development of building materials Figure 1. Rice husk ash content added versus compres-
which have the aims of minimising the environ- sive strength (Bui 2009)
mental pollution, reducing the cost and improving
the performance: (a) Manufacture and efficient use
of building materials to save energy and minimise
construction waste; (b) Use of industrial waste in
manufacturing building materials; and (c) Devel-
opment of high performance building materials to
improve the service life for buildings.

Advanced manufacture and efficient use of build-

ing materials to save energy and minimise con-
struction waste 0 10 15 20 25
A typical research has been doing in NUCE Viet- Fty ash (%by weight of binder)
nam is developing light-weight aerated and foamed
concrete blocks to replace traditional fired-clay Figure 2. Fly ash content added versus compressive
strength (Bui 2009)
bricks. This has been encouraged by the reasons
that manufacturing red bricks has disadvantages of
Use of industrial wastes in manufaC/uring building
wasting energy, environmental pollution, wasting materials
natural soil and clay, while manufactUiing light-
weight aerated or foamed concrete blocks is a re- Use of industrial wastes in manufacturing building
source- and energy-efficient manufacturing process. materials has been agreed that it is a practical and
The light-weight concrete blocks are good in ther- effective way to improve sustainable construction.
mal and sound insulation and also help reduce the On the one hand, it helps solve the wastes dis-
self- weight static loading for buildings. This re- charged fr01n other industries and on the other
search is also complied with a steering governmen- hand it helps reduce the consumption of natural
tal policy with the decision I 15/2001 (Vietnamese materials in manufacturing construction materials.
government 200 I) which stressed that "low- Environmental pollution can be therefore mini-
technology manufacturing of .fired clay bricks mised significantly.
should be stopped by 2010 in the whole country". Used tyre rubber powder has been used for as-
The preliminary research results showed that an phalt concrete in tropical weather conditions
aerated concrete manufactured by using cement, (Pham 2002) in order to solve the disposable prob-
lime, silica powder, water and air creating admix- lems of rubber waste discharged from millions of
tures, could gain 4-6 MPa compressive strength used tyres of bicycles, motorbi.kes and cars in
and 700-900 kg/tm density. Another lightweight Vietnam. The experimental results showed that 9%
foamed concrete has been also developed and even recycled rubber powder replaci ng the bitumen con-
incorporated with Vietnamese rice husk ash (up to tent could improve. the heat resistance for asphalt

concrete, and also improve the compressive very positively with the mixes usi ng I 0-15%-
strength by approximately 60o/c at a normal tem- RH/\ plus 15-20% F/\, see Figure 5. The outcome
perature, and by approximately 92% at 50oC, of thi s research is promi singly appl ied for con-
compared w ith the asphalt concrete usi ng pure bi- struction of long-span bridges and high- rise
tumen. sec Figure 3. The use of rubber powder re- buildings in Vietnam.
cycled for asphalt concrete also improved the
bondability of bitumen binder on aggregates; ten-
sile strength up to 2 1%; clastic modulus up to
98%; hardness up to 20%; Marshall stabi lity 30 -
40% (Figure 4); and reduced deformation to 14<k.

W/ 8 = 0.30 I
~ 8
Ctment PC40 l
I! 6
- · -- · -Control
---JO%FA I
t: - I 0%R11A+ 20%FA
.~ d ~--· l5~~RJ t~:_!_?~f:A
c 2 a)
U 1 14 !I ]g H l j olY S6 6: 10 ":1 ~ 91 98

1\gt (days)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 so
Temperature (oC)

f-igure 3. Compressive strength of asphalt concrete be-

ing innuenccd by recycled rubber powder at variou s
tempcrawres (Pham 2002) W/B • 0.32
Cement PC40

l - - - - Control
~ ~:~o
__.,_ 10%R1JA+20%r.A ·
i ~ 1 i -15%R ~~·FA j

1130 11

~ 1090
0 1 l4 21 Z8 J$ "'~ .49 S6
Age (days)
~} 10 n 8.t ~l 9S

:!! 1050
~"' 1010
Figure 5. Combination of rice husk nsh (RHA) nnd lly
<no ash (FA) innuencing the strength development with
179 S5 ;;o 95 102
time of high strength concrete (Bui 2001 ).

Fl y ash, a by-product discharged from thermal

power stations. has also been used widely in an-
Figure 4. The Marshall stability of asphalt concrete with other research concerning rol ler compac ted con-
various contents of rubber powder added (Ph am 2002) cretes at NUCE Vietnam. The experimental results
confirmed that the cement content could be re-
Rice husk, which i s come from an enormous placed by up to 30% fly ash without significantly
quantity of waste discharged from Vietnamese rice detrimental ef fect on the compressive strength
paddy (Vietnam is one of the largest rice-exporting (Nguyen 2008).
countries in the world), has been processed to be- Stone dust waste discharged from the quarries
come a mineral admixture for using in concrete in Vietnam has been informed that it used a large
products. For example. 20% rice husk ash has area of land for storing which polluted air and wa-
been uti lised to partially replace cemen t in a 70 - ter. T hree types of stone dust were taken from
90 MPa high strength concrete (Sui 200 I). three different stone quarries in Vietnam to carry
More importantly rice husk ash (RliA) com- out a research (Phung and Nguyen 2008). Mix
bining with fly ash (FA) has been also developed proportions were optimised and then the fresh and
in high strength concrete and the results showed hardened properties including the workabilit y. the

210 . . . . - - - - -- - -- - -- - --,

RHA '~ ' oa;s'. ~. r

. ... - ~ . . 1 . . . . . J.. . . . ~- • • •
~ 110 • • . - • ----:--r
::,. . .. . . ' ---.:- - - - • • £ · S~ (~ I O ~)S)
RHA 17 C~yS I . RHA 8 O~)SI • • .•
~ ~ -----~~T

1,.,___- T

•• • "'•

•SF 128
. • . .
.:C •
d~)'S I
g 110
.... - . • - { . .

• ' ' · • • . .• SF f7 0 ,l\Sl
1 .

• · • . •• .:. •
8 ,
SF 13 dJ) SI

SF or RHA ("!. bv 1'-'! qhr •n b ndorJ

Figure 6. Compressive strength of an ultra high performance concrete at various ages. depending on the addition of
rice husk ash (RHA) and silica fume (SF) (Nguyen eta/. 2010).

compressive strength, the bond strength with rein- Materials of Vietnam. The concrete was then tried
forcement and the drying shrinkage were meas- to apply for the structures in Vietnamese marine
ured in all comrol mix (natural sand and gravel) environment. lts experimental result complied
and three mixes using three different stOne dust with ASTM Cl202-97 showed that the average of
wastes. The slump of all mixes was controlled at a chloride resistance was 237 Coulombs which is
value of 3 to 5 em, the compressive strength very low when compared to the specification table
gained 23-26 MPa at 28 day age; the bond strength of ASTM C 1202-97 standard. Thi s means that the
with reinforcement was 3. 1-3.4 MPa; and the chloride permeahility of concrete is very low and
shrinkage was 0.09-0.12% in length change at 7.5 thereby the corrosion resistance is very high.
hours and at 28 day age the shrinkage of mixes Ultra high performance concretes have been also
using stone dust varied at a level of ±3% compared developed in a n.umbcr of researches. Rice husk ask,
with the control mix . The stone dust wastes are fly ash and blast fumace slag were also used to make
consequently recommended to replace natural sand this kind of reactive powder concrete which has no
in production of mortar and concrete. coarse aggregate (the largest size of aggregate is less
Development of thermal-insulated bricks made than I mm) but could gain up to 200 MPa compres-
from clay. ash, sawdust and polystyrene sponge is sive strength (Nguyen et al. 2010). see fw1hcr in
also a good research project (Vu 2007) carried Figure 6. The mix proportions of powder panicle
out at NUCE Vietnam. From the environmental materials were optimised and then small steel fibres
perspecti ve, the use of wastes as building materi- were added to increase the flexural tensile strengths
als helps and also saves decreasing amounts of and fracture energies eventually.
clay resources. The developed bricks do not have Fire and heat resistant concretes have been also
such rare materials as diatomite and vermiculite developed at NUCE (Vu 2004). Interestingly, other
which arc usually in the composition of tradi- industrial recycled wastes were also used in these
tional thermal-insulated l)l'icks, thus the research concretes. For instance, chamotte which is a waste
also helps reduce the cost. discharged from ceramic production, was used to
replace up to 55% cemem (by weight) to produce a
Developmem of high performance materials to lightweight, fire and heat resistant concrete. The
improve rhe sen>ice life for buildings. density of concrete was in a nmge of 700-900
High-strength, high-perfo rmance concretes have kg/m3 when being respectively tested at 1000-
been deve loped using local raw materials in Viet- IOO"C. The compressive strength could gain 2.5
nam. A typical research (Pham and t\guyen 2008) MPa at 200°C and reduced to 0.7 MPa at I000°C.
reported that a 75 - 115 MPa high strength con- Furthermore, corrosion resistant concretes,
crete were optimised the mix proportions using a lightweight aggregate concretes, self- compacting
sand quarried from Viet Tri, a granite coarse ag- concretes, high performance gypsum, thermal in-
gregate quarried from Binh Dinh and a sulphate su lating ceramics, etc. have also been and being
resistant cement developed by Institute of Bui lding developed at NUCE.

COI':CLUSIO S tr%C6%B09rE19rBB%9Dng-
ph%El%BA%A7n-2/> (in Vietnamese)
Sustainable construction should be developed (accessed 15/04/1 I)
more urgently in Vietnam as it will help improve Institution of Civil Engineers of UK. (2007).
Vietnamese life now and in the future. NUCE has Sustainable Development Strategy and Action
carried out various researches to the targets of ef- Plan for Civil Engineering, p. 20.
fective usc of materials, saving natural resources, Le. Thanh T. and Vu, Due M. (2008). "Sustainable
recycling and reusing of industrial wastes, and de- construction materials", Proceedings of Inter-
veloping high- performance building materials. national Workshops 011 Green Buildi11g & Climate
The results have confirmed that development of Change Adaptation, Hanoi, Vietnam, p. 9.
sustainable building materials is a crucial elemen1 LookAtVietnam. (2009). "Building site waste
in the development of sustainable construction in dumped by roadsides poses hazards".
Vietnam. However, the outcomes of these re- <
searches are almost in laboratory scales. Therefore building-site-waste-dumped-by-roadsides-
more investments in terms of time and funding are poses-hazards-2. html >(accessed 15/04/11)
really needed to boost the experimental results to a Nguyen L. (20 I I). ·'Industrial places causing
large industrial scale with the involvement of environmental pollution need a complete
Vietnamese construction industry sectors. treatment".
<http://www. vn/news/vn/pha
p-I uat/x u-1y-triet -de-cac -co-so-gay-o-n hiem-
moi-truong-nghiem-trong.html> (in
The research results presented in this paper have Vietnamese) (accessed 15/04111)
been referred from various projects carried out at Nguyen, Toi V. (2008). "Use of fly ash for roller
Department of Building Materials, NUCE Viet- compacted concrete in Vietnam". MSc thesis.
nam. The authors also acknowledge the finan cial National University of Civil Engineering of
support of DelPHE project 743, which is funded Vietnam. p. I 10 (in Vietnamese).
by Department for International Deve lopment, The Nguyen. Tuan V., Pham, llanh H., Le, Thanh T ..
Rritish Government, to collaborate National Uni- Ye, G .. Soutsos, Marios N., and Goodier, Chris
versity of Civil Engineering of Vietnam and I. (2010). "U ltra High Performance Com:rete
Loughborough University (UK) and The Uni- Using Waste Materials for High-Rise
versity of Liverpool (UK) in developing and trans- 13uildings", R46, Proc. of C/GOS-2010: High-
ferring the latest knowledge regarding sustainable rise buildings and Underground strucwres,
con~truction, for attending this conference. Paris, france, p. 9.
Pharn, Hanh H. (2002). "Used tyre rubber powder
in asphalt concrete", PhD thesis, l'\ational
REFERENCES University of Civil Engineering of Vietnam, p.
146 (i n Vietnamese).
Bui, Dai D. (2009). "Building blocks made of Pham, Hanh H. and Nguyen, Tuan V. (2008).
lightweight foamed concrete using rice husk "High performance concrete for marine gravity
ash and fly ash", Project report, National concrete works", Proc. of the 3rd ACP Int.
University of Civil Engineering of Vietnam, p. Con f. ACF!YCA. 598-606.
19 (in Vietnamese). Phung, Lu V. and Nguyen, Chuong H. (2008).
Bui, Dai D. (200 I). "Rice husk ash as a mineral "Use of stone-quarry dust waste in production
admixture for high performance concrete", PhD of mortar and concrete", Project report,
thesis, Delft University of Technology, p. 122. National University of Civil Engineering of
British Government. (2008). Strategy for Vietnam. p. 9 (in Vietnamese).
Sustainable Construction, p. 64. Uni ted~ations. ( 1992). Agenda 2 I.
Centre for Industrial Environment. (200 I). http:/!dsd/agenda2 II (accessed
"Exploitation of raw materials and the impact on 30 March 20 11 )
on environment", <http://congnghiep- Vietnamese government. (200 I). Decision No.
moitruongcic. ll/03/26/khai- 115/200 JIQD-TTg for the overall planning for
thac-khoang-s%E I %BA%A3n-va-tac- development of building material industry in
d%EI %1313%99ng-rnoi- Vietnam, p. 8. (200 I) (in Vietnamese).

Vietnamese Government. (2004). Decision o. United:-\ations. (2002). Johannesburg Declaration.
153/2004/QD-Tfg for the Strategic Orientation <http:/> (accessed 30
for Sustainable Development in Vietnam, p. 72 March 2011)
(in Vietnamese). Vu, Due M., Bui, Hoa T. and Le. Thanh T. (2004).
Vietnamnet. (2010)."Revised law to betterpreserve "Fire and heat resistant concretes using Portland
minerals". cement combined with industrial wastes",
<http:/lengl ish. vietnarnnet. vn/politics/20 I0 I 0/R Project report, National University of Civil
evised-law-to-better-preserve-minerals-943058/ Engineering of Vietnam, p. 21 (in Vietnamese).
>(accessed 15/04111) Vu, Due M .. (2007). "Research on manufacturing
Victnamnet. (20 II). "PM requests safety in decoration and thermal-insulation bricks". J.
mineralexploitation". Sci. Tech., 35-42 (in Vietnamese).
<http:/len. vietnamplus. vn/Home/PM-requests- Wikipedia. (201 1). "CollapseofCanTho Bridge".
safety-in-mi neral- <http:/len. wi kipedia. org/wi ki/Collapse_of_Can
cxploitation/20114/17316.vnplus > (accessed _ Tho_Bridge> (accessed 15/04111)
I S/04/11)

Innovation and sustainable constructKXl m developing countries, Ben (edt). CcnstructJon Pub/Jshing House

A comparative view of uk and Vietnamese civil engineering students

on sustainable construction

T. T. Lc, C. 1. Goodier
Depanmem of Civil and /Juilding Engineering, Louglrborou,~h University, LeicesTerslrire, Unired Kingdom, LEI! 3TU,
e-mail: uk. Web page:
H.H.Pham, K.T.Tong
DeparTment of Butlding Mmerials, National Uni1•ersuy ofCiril Engineering (NUC£). 55 Giai Phong. Hanoi. Viewam.
e-mail: lumhph Vll, IVeb page: www.nuce.edtt.\'ll
M. N. Soutsos
School of Engineering, UniversiTy of Liverpool. Liverpool. Unired Kingdom, L69 3GQ.
e-mail: Web page: hup://wll'w./

ABSTRACT: Susrainable consrruction in the future will be influenced significantl y by the beliefs and ac-
tions of Civi l Engineer students studying at university today. This paper presents a compararive investiga-
tion of the appreciation and attitudes regarding susrainable construction of final year Civil Engineering
studenrs currentl y at The National Universiry of Civil Engineering (NUCE) in Vicrnam, and rhe universi -
ties of Loughborough and Liverpool in the UK. Preliminary results indicate that studen(S at all three uni-
versities appreciate the importance of the development of sustainable construction and have positive atti-
tudes with regards to sustainability. Design and Materials were two issues generally considered the most
important and were also thought to be covered adequately on the courses.

SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION - TilE C01 · ronmental and social elements (ICE 2007, DETR
TEXT IN THE UK AND VIETNAM 2000, The Concrete Centre 2003, 2007). These three
main parts can be symbolised as the 'triple bottom
World population has increased from only one bil- line' (Figure 1). Other sustainable development de-
lion in 1804 to nearly 7 billion in 2008. and it is scriptions have placed the social and economic 'cir-
estimated that it will be around 9 billion by 2050 cles' within a larger environmental background, to
(Swamy 200 1). Furthermore, about 50% of the symbolise the extent to which environment provides
population currently lives in and around cities an overall constraint on development (Figure 2).
rather than in rural areas. This population explo-
sion, together with increased urbanisation, place
enhanced demand on accompanying infrastruclllre
such as houses. bridges, roads, water supply, sani-
tation utilities, and other infrastructures. 13ui !ding
and construction activities worldwide alone con-
sume 3 billion tonncs of raw materials each year-
around 40% of the global total (CIOB 20 10). Ex-
ploiting these natural resources together with pro-
ducing construction materials can seriously affect Figure I. 'Triple bonom line' of sustainable develop-
our natural environment. This impacts directly ment (ICE 2007)
upon water and natural mineral reduction, as well
as being the cause of significant global pollution.
It IS therefore essential that development in con- Economy
struction practices becomes more sustainable.
There arc many definitions of sustainable devel-
opment and debate regarding its precise dclinition Erwironment
continues. llowever, a common view of the main
components of sustainable development appears to Figure 2. Sustainable <.lcvclopmcnt emphasising the
be in agreement: the integration of economic. cnvi- environmental aspect (ICE 2007)

The following definition for sustainable devel- 2010) also indicated that the built environment
opment in construction, from the Institution of Civil courses in UK universities will need more taught
Engineers is widely used: ''Sustainable construe- material on the development of sustainable con-
lion refers to the creation, mainrrmance and opera- struction. probably because of economic conditions
lion of infrastructure and buildings thai shape that have affected the built environment industries,
communities in a way 1/w1 sustains the environ- but also for other reasons. including policy shifts.
ment, generates long term wealth and enhances 1he In Vietnam, the development of sustainable
quality of life" (ICE 2007). More importantly, a construction has been mentioned in a number of
sustainability-driven approach to civil engineering policies and decisions issued by the Vietnamese
leads to the adoption of the followi ng key objec- government. for example, the Agenda 2 1 for Viet-
tives in practice (ICE 2007): reducing the environ- nam and the Decision No. 153/2004/QD-Tig for
mental impact while improving the environmental the Strategic Orientation for Sustainable Devel-
quality; maximising the utilisation of materials and opment in Vietnam (Vietnamese Government
their reuse; maximising efficient use of secondary 2004). These actions are in response tO the Rio
and recycled materials; minimising waste in design, Declaration 1992 on environment and develop-
construction and use; minimising energy and water ment with the Agenda 21(United Nations 1992)
use; minimising po.llution from all our activities, and the Johan nesburg Declaration 2002 on sus-
focus on increasing peoples' quality of life; ensur- tainable development (United Nations 2002). The
ing respect for people; showing care towards the government required all organisations operating in
workforce <md the surrounding community. In addi- construction education and industry to improve the
tion, the UK's Strategy for Sustainable Construc- sustainability in all their activities and transfer
tion in 2008 identified II key issues for the devel- knowledge regarding sustainable construction as
opment of sustainable construction in the UK, widely as possible. However, the implementation
namely: Procurement, Design, Innovation, People, of the policies in practice is generally limited. The
Better regulation, Climate change mitigation. Cli- exploitation of raw materials and natural resources
mate change adaptation, Water, Biodiversity, for the manufacture of building materials is badly
Waste, and Materials (British Govemment 2008). organised (Centre for Industrial Environment
In 2010 5,763 first- year higher education stu- 200 I , Vietnamnet 20 !0, 20 I 1). In addition, the
dents were surveyed to investigate the role or de- investment in building materials' fac tories and in-
veloping skills for sustainability literacy (Bone and dustrial zones is not sufficiently effective in term
Agombar 20 I I ). The results showed that current of sustainable construction. Construc tion activities
students are willing to take jobs with a small remu- in Vietnam still use large amounts of energy and
neration sacrifice in order that they are able to work raw materials, and also produce a large amount of
in a socially and ethically responsible company. waste (Nguyen 2011, LookAtVietnam 2009,
;ndicative of a future demand for the skills to pro- Wikipedia 2011). This has caused significant envi-
ject students into this graduate environment. 80% of ronmental pollution and hence it is impacting upon
the respondents believed that sustainability skills the quality of life of the Vietnamese people.
arc going to be important to their future employers As stated earlier, current undergraduate students
and the maj ority of students involved thought that it are the Civi l Engineers of the future, and hence their
is the role of universities and courses to prepare views and opinions on sustainability. and the sub-
them for grad uate employment. Students agree that jects on which they are taught, will have a significant
these ski lls shotild be delivered through a contextu- impact upon the sustainability of the construction
ally sensitive reframing of curricular content. The industry of tomorrow. With this in mind, a survey on
attitude of students on sustainable development also the views of students at the three Universities of
agrees with the observation of the UK Govem- Loughborough, Liverpool, and the i'\ational Univer-
n1ent's recent Innovation and Growth Team (!Gn sity of Civil Engineering C'\UCE) of Vietnam, has
Low Carbon Construction report that a "quantum been carried out. as part of an international collabo-
change" is needed in the UK construction indus- rative project on sustainable construction between
try's response to the challenges of low car- these three universities in order to promote and de-
bon/sustainability, with the suggestion that doing velop more sustainable construction in the Vietnam-
more to meet these challenges would make the ese construction industry. This was funded by the
UK's built environment skills more saleable over- Depar1ment of' International Development of the
seas (British government 20 I0). The UK Centre for British Govemrnent and the British Council DeiPHE
Education in the Built Environment (Williams et al. programme (Goodier et al. 20 I0).

QUESTIONr\A IRE SURVEY The questionnaires were completed by final year
Civil Engineering students at the universities of
A questionnaire was developed based upon the UK Loughborough (20), Liverpool (23) and NUCE (70).
government's rc<.:ent Strategy for Sustai nable Con-
struction published in 2008 (British Government
2008). T his document brings together the key is- RESULTS /\NO D ISCUSSION
sues <.:urren tl y considered important for the U K
construction industry with regards to the develop· The comparative views of the students at the thrcc
mem of sustainable construction. The eleven is- Universities for the first question, i.e. their opinion
sues comprised: Procurement, Design, Innovation, regarding the importance of the eleven issues con-
People, Belter Regulation. Climate Change Miti- cerning the development of sustainable construc-
gation, Climate Change Adaptation. Water, Biodi- tion. are shown in Figure 4.
versity, Waste, and Materials. The views of under-
10 0
graduate civi l engineering students with regards to t 9.0
mosr tmport6n!

the relative i mportance of these issues were inves·

tigatcd through three questions:

i l tLU 1111 f
1- which of these issues do you think are the
most import ant for development of sustainable
2- do you think that yo ur degree course covers
this topic adequately? And:
3- do you think that your course should cover it?
The structure of a typical questionnaire is
shown in Figure 3.
,._.~~~,.., __......,__,. . - - ---
,......,. ,...,._,,,.,...._..~N/4 -:to.~dt~~ - ........... . Figure 4. QI -which of these issues do you think ru·c most
VIEWS ON SUSTAJNABU CONSTRUCOOH important for devclopmcm of sustainable construction?
"Sl.tJt..-..e.I•W•UIJ\IciiiM,.,....totf'>eor9• *"'. ~......,_~ QI*._,oi~...,~W~
N ~Q';!to-.niON\4• • ,. . _, ,.,.,-...~_.., .,... ..~ Qe'flrefl\kl l~ .....,lllof-~~~
~~rat.,.· · ~I~ O.~$t«~r ~ Aaionf"l.n lotC....~.vytoO'
O verall. students at the three universities believe
....._ .,...~.,•• •o•....,.(tfu-.Jo-edofts: that all the eleven issues are broadl y important for
01·~-~ ·- ~I'OU!tY'* ••WOST ~MII IOT~ ..._~
lllror fiNioo!....,.,_"w-o..,..._,
i» ·Ot"""1.....,..,..'1fN'_,.......,~,_109C~•Y?
the development of sustainable construction, with
,, . ............ IO"''CC10 ... ~
no one issue heing marked lower than 5 out of 10,
=..__ ...,.... . . . . . ....
01 · Oo ,_, ..... Nl 'f(l!t.ll..,.. Sfo40UU)c- ~
11 ............ ,,10' ...
~ ,_ c- ._ ........ _ ..,. """""' ... ..... correlating with other recent studies on the impor-
tance of sustainability ·~sues as perceived by stu·
dents (Bone and Agombar 2011). The average
marks for all eleven issues given by the students at
Loughborough, Liverpool and ' VCE universities
are 7.0, 7.3 and 7.3 respecti vely with coefticicnts of
variation of 32.3%. 24. I % and 29.2%.
The three groups of students have very si milar
views on the impor1ance of five issues. including
Innovation (7.2-7.3), People (7.3-7.8). Water (7.0-
7.4). and Materials (7.7-8. I). However, they have
very different views on the importance of Procure-
ment (5.7-6.9-7.9) and Beuer Regulation (5.1-5.7·
6.8). in order of (Loughhorough-Liverpooi-NUCE).
These different views might imply that in Vietnam,
a developing country. (improved) Procurement and
Beller Regulation arc needed to help develop su~­
tainablc construction. One of main factors inllucnc-
....,.._,., ..,,
' ~~"'•· ----.,....,..• f- ,...~-.,..--, wol'•·o _., ing Procurement and Regulati on in Vietnam is that
the competitiveness between construction enter-
F1gure 3. A typical completed questionnaire from prises is not really open as sta te-owned companies
Loughborough University. often have more advantages and opportunities th•m

private-owned ones. However. these issues appear lively. This correlates with similar studies, who be-
not highly marked in the UK, a developed coumry. lit:ve that it is the role of universities and courses to
where the competitiveness is considered to be more prepare the students with regards to sustainability for
open and equitable. Procurement and Better Regula- graduate employment (Bone and Agombar 20 II).
tion in the construction industry in the UK are re-
viewed, critiqued and updated more regularly. Stu-
dents at the two UK universities consider "Better
Regulation" as the least impo11ant, with "Design"
the most important. In comparison, NUCE students
consider "Biodiversity" the least important and
"Procurement" the most.
For Question 2, all three sets of students seem
to believe that their courses do not adequately

cover the eleven sustainability issues (Figure 5).

The average marks for all eleven issues given by
the students at Loughborough, Liverpool and
NUCE universities are 5.4, 5.0 and 4.7 with the
coefficients of variation of 48.6%, 44.1% and Figure 6. Q3 - do you think that your course should
56.8%, respectively. In particular, UCE students cover it?
marked 10 of the II issues lower than 5, with the
only exception being Materials (5.6). Loughbor- Students at NUCE marked all I I issues over S,
ough students marked six issues over 5, whilst with the lowest being 6.2 (Water) and the highest
Liverpool students marked five issues over 5, as 7.6 (Procurement). This implies that the students
well as sharing the same views on the 4 issues of want more information about sustainable construc-
Design, Innovation, Waste, and Materials. This tion to be presented in their courses. It could also be
could imply that the courses at the 2 UK universi- a reflection however, of an increased appetite for all
ties appear to cover the issues more comprehen- knowledge in general, or of a more demanding stu-
sively than at NUCE. It could also be a renection dent culture in general. Students at the two LiK uni-
however, of the aspirations and expectations of the versities agreed closely on the low importance of
students with regards to their course. People (Loughborough 5 and Liverpool4.9). Liver-
pool students also viewed Better Regulation as the
10.0 least necessary issue which needs to be covered in
g 90
h'l(l~t (QVfttd

their courses, with a mark of only 4.3.

'~ 60
< 40

• t.ougt-oo-0 ..'£1'1
• u.·truoe>

These preliminary results and analysis present only a

b1ief snapshot of the views of Civil Engineering stu-
dents at the three institutions. They do seem to indi-
cate, however. that the students at all three universi-
ties appreciate the impottance of the development of
sustainable conslrllction and have positive attitudes
towards the subject. Students at l'\UCE are aware that
Figure S. Q2 - do you think that your degree course their courses need to further cover the issues of sus-
covers this topic adequately?
tainable conslrllction, compared with their colleagues
For Question 3, on whether the I I issues should at the two UK universities. This cannot be simply
be covered in their courses, students at all three allributed with cultuml or national differences as dif-
universities generally implied that they should be ferences in opinion were also found between the two
covered (Figure 6). UK universities. This con·clates well with the objec-
The average marks for all eleven issues given by tives of the international collaborative DeiPHE pro-
the studems at Loughborough, Liverpool and NUCE ject aimed at developing and transferring knowledge
universities are 6.2, 6.0 and 6.9 with the coefficients regarding sustainable construction to the National
of variation of 48.3%, 41.9% and 31.5%, respec- University of Civil Engineering of Vietnam.

' ....,.

The authors would like to thank the students at the hazards-2.html >(accessed 20/04/11)
three universities who contributed to the survey. :\guyen L. (20 II). "Industrial places causing
The authors also acknowledge the financial sup· environmental pollution need acomplctc
port of DelPHE project 743, funded by Depart- treatment''.
ment for International Development, The British <http://w. vn/news/vn/pha
Government to collaborate ational University of p-luat/xu-1 y- triet-de-cac-co-so-ga y-o-nhiem-
Civil Engineering of Vietnam and Loughborough moi-truong-nghiem-trong.htrnl > (in
University (UK) and The University of Liverpool Vietnamese) (accessed 20/04/1 I)
(UK) in developing and transferring the latest Swanmy, R. N. (2001). "Holistic Design: Key to
knowledge regarding sustainable construction, for Sustainability in Concrete
anending this conference. Construction". Proceedings of the Institution of
Civil Engineers, 146(4), 371-379. The Concrete
Centre, UK. (2003). "Sustainable Development
REFERENCES in the Cement and Concrete Sector".
Camberley, UK. p. 8.
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Sustainable Construction", p. 64, Pub Concrete", Cambcrley, UK, p. 17. United
8731/2k/6/08/NP URN 08/973, Nations. (1992). "Agenda 21 - the Rio
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Joint Stock Corporation


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North Carolina Agricultural
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