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English Forms and Function Exercises

Complete each of the dialogues below by selecting the best answer from options A, B, C or D according to the
underlined function.

1. Jay : Do have another helping of mee, Celine. 6. Wei Chain and Janice are at the cinema to
Celine: __________ (To decline) watch a newly released movie.
A Thanks. This mee is delicious. Wei Chain: Look at the long queue! Do you think
B Well, perhaps. Just a little. we’ll get in?
C I'm really fit to burst. Thanks. Janice : __________ (To make inference)
D Did you cook it yourself? (Taken from UEC 2019)
We will come again tomorrow provided
2. Rami : Josh is sick today, so he won’t be we can’t get in today.
coming to school. I think so. Some of these people might
Teacher: __________ (To express concern) already have tickets.
A Has he seen a doctor yet? Don’t worry. There is a queue of about
B Not again. fifteen people only.
C He must be bluffing. Actually, that’s exactly what I’m seeking
D Go for him. to answer.

3. James: I want to try for the national football 7. Tourist: Could you tell me the way to the Post
team. Office please? I was told it was in this area.
Jamie: __________ (To encourage) Emily : __________ (To offer)
A You won’t succeed. A Of course. No problem.
B Go for it. B Just come with me. I’m going there
C You’re too ambitious. myself.
D I won’t advise you to. C Were you? Well, someone must have
been playing a joke on you.
4. Henry : You’re going to the party, aren’t you? D Just go along this road until you reach
Robert: __________ (To confirm) the traffic lights. Then, turn right.
A Don’t worry.
8. Mark : I think we should continue our journey.
B Yes, of course.
Robbie: __________ (To disagree)
C Please stop making a fuss.
A I’ll take my stand with her.
D My goodness!
B I prefer going with you.
C It’s better to put up camp now.
5. Tom : Congratulations! You won the first prize!
D It’s the longest journey we’ve ever
Peggy: __________ (To express doubt)
traveled yet.
A I’m the winner!
B Are you sure?
9. Jones : My father will kill me! His most
C Please calm down. expansive camera! Look at it now! What should
D Thanks for the prize! I do?
Amber: __________ (To console)
A He’ll understand. Accidents do happen,
you know.
B You have no other choice. Confess!
C Well, you’re in deep trouble.
D Goodness! I’m glad I’m not in your

CIHS Notes Group | English Forms & Functions Exercise | Pg1

10. Fred : The race will start at 8 a.m., won’t it? 15. Helen: Oh! I’m so sorry! I’ve split my drink on
Keane: __________ (To inform) you.
A I don’t understand what you’re asking. Kelly : __________ (To forgive)
B I’m sorry for your loss. A Why don’t you look where you’re going?
C Stop being so annoying. B You did that on purpose, didn’t you.
D That's right. After registration, you have C No problem. It’ll come out in the
to assemble at the starting line in the field. washing.
D Why apologize? Wasn’t it done
11. Billy : Why don't you borrow Allen's car?
Sarah: __________ (To explain)
A She told me to drive safely.
B We should take the car to the car wash. 16. Co-pilot: We’ve lost all control of the engines!
C Her car has a flat tire. Pilot : __________ (To instruct)
D I don’t want to see any damage to my A Turn back for an emergency landing!
car. B My head hurts!
C Oh no! My luggage!
12. Paul : My goodness! This movie is terrifying, it D Should we contact air traffic control?
scared me to death!
Renu: __________ (To express contradiction) 17. Daughter: __________ (To request)
(Taken from UEC 2020) Mother : Yes, but you must finish your work
A I don’t think so. first.
B You’re such a timid person. (Taken from UEC 2020)
C I will not watch horror movies anymore. A May I go shopping with you later?
D I will recommend this to my friend. B Are you going to the shopping mall
13. Mom : My goodness! What a horrible plane C Is Aunt Lily joining us for shopping later?
crash! D Why can’t Esther join us for shopping
Daughter: __________ (To express shock) later?
A It’s a miracle that all passengers and
crew got out safely. 18. Son : I decided to buy a new lamp for my bike.
B This is not anything out of the ordinary. Father: __________ (To approve)
C I want to cancel our flight to Doha right A That's yet another accessory for your
now! bike.
D I have never seen such horrible scenes! B Isn’t your present one working?
C That's a practical thing to do.
14. Jane: I’m really scared of flying, I don’t know if I D I don’t think you should spend money
can do it. on these kinds of things during the
Jeff : __________ (To console) pandemic.
A This is why I travel by train.
B Me too! 19. Ali : Oh look! That’s Miss Lee from English class.
C You should be, you’re boarding a Boeing Viti: __________ (To greet)
777! A Good evening, Miss Lee.
D Don’t worry, Cathay Pacific is one of the B Goodbye, Miss Lee.
safeties airlines out there. C Care to join us for supper?
D Did you enjoy the show, Miss Lee?

CIHS Notes Group | English Forms & Functions Exercise | Pg2

20. Boss : Have you seen my file on the Forest 26. Hannah : I’ve finally completed 6th grade piano!
City project? Xia Xue: __________ (To express
Secretary: What does it look like? encouragement)
Boss : __________ (To describe) (Taken from UEC 2020)
A I don’t know A What? It’s impossible!
B I think I’ve lost it. B Oh? I’m doing 8th grade now.
C I can’t describe it to you. C However, it cost you so much.
D It’s thin and has a green cover. D Congratulations! I am happy for you!

21. Janet : Kalene, I'm sorry. I can't come to stay 27. Tony : Your comment on Tom yesterday has
with you after all. I've got measles. caused a lot of trouble.
Kalene: __________ (To express Student: __________ (To express regret)
disappointment) (Taken from UEC 2014)
A Oh no! I was looking forward to being A What I said was true.
with you. B It will be known sooner or later.
B What an awful thing to catch! Is it C I shouldn’t have said it.
painful? D I don’t know what the fuss was all
C I sorry to hear that, do get lots of rest. about.
D Don’t worry, it’s alright.
22. Mat: I’m going to the bookshop soon. 28. Jay : So that’s why I was so late, please forgive
Pat : __________ (To request) me.
A Can you buy me a dictionary? Boss: __________ (To express forgive)
B Can I buy you something? A Sure, don’t worry about it.
C Can you join me? B Forgive you?
D It’s not open yet. C I’m tired of your behavior.
D Sure, I’ll forgive you, but only if you
23. Chan: How the food at the canteen? disappear and never come back.
Mike: __________ (To complain)
A Not bad. 29. Teacher: You stole the book from the library,
B It’s very expansive. didn’t you?
C You should try it yourself. Robert : __________ (To deny)
D I didn’t eat there. A Well, I didn’t really mean to.
B How could you even think I’d do a thing
24. Shopkeeper: I’ll see you this dress for 20 dollars. like that?
Customer : __________ (To bargain) C That’s none of your business!
A Please lower the price. D Let’s play a guessing game.
B Make it 15 dollars and I’ll buy it.
C I can’t buy it. 30. Dad : Why don’t we buy some fireworks?
D Lower the price right now! Mom: __________ (To discourage)
A You’re only wasting your money.
25. Eric : Should I enter the chess competition? B Not in a million years.
Molly: __________ (To discourage) C Sure, go ahead.
A That a great idea! D It depends on the weather.
B Carry on.
C I should enter the competition too! 31. Husband: We can finally leave now.
D You don’t stand a chance. Wife : __________ (To express relief)
A Good.
B Thank goodness for that!
C That’s better.
D It’s about time!
CIHS Notes Group | English Forms & Functions Exercise | Pg3
37. Student : I’m sorry but I didn’t bring my book.
32. Owen : Please forgive me for being rude. Teacher: __________ (To warn)
Teacher: __________ (To forgive) A I will speak to your parents about this.
A You’re forgiven. B Give me your book!
B Why should I forgive you? C I can’t believe this!
C You have an excellent attitude. D If you do it once more, you’ll have to
D You should apologize to her. leave the class.

38. Sandy: I phoned you but nobody was in. Where

33. Daisy: The walkathon is on 23 November. were you?
Keita : __________ (To enquire) Lai : __________ (To explain)
A You should take part in it. A I went to the mall with my parents.
B Are you going to take part? B You’ve got the wrong number.
C James is going to take part. C Your phone is out of order.
D Should I take part in it? D Please calm down.

34. Sarah: I’m sorry Mina. I promised my mother 39. Tommy: Why are you treating me so coldly?
that I’ll have a dinner with her tonight. Susana : __________ (To accuse)
Mina : __________ (To accept an apology) A Why would I do that?
A Take it easy. B I demand an apology.
B You’re welcome. C You lied to me.
C That’s all right. D You’re dreaming.
D I don’t mind.
40. Robbie: Ted, would you like to speak to Ruby?
35. Kim Li : __________ (To compliment) Ted : __________ (To express disgust)
Jin Hong: Thanks. I think all the credit should go A Of course not! She’s so conceited.
to my classmates. B I don’t know her.
(Taken from UEC 2014) C She won’t apologize so I won’t talk to
A It’s by sheer luck that your team won her.
the match. D I prefer to write to her.
B Your team surprised everyone by
winning this match today. 41. Mother: Your results are quite bad this month.
C You played magnificently in the match to John : __________ (To promise)
lead your team to victory. A I will study harder.
D Your team had trailed behind in the B I assure you the tests were difficult.
match until the last five minutes. C Maybe the teacher miscalculated my
36. Inspector Mat: Is this the man who robbed you? D That’s not my paper.
Samy : __________ (To confirm)
(Taken from UEC 2014)
42. Sam: I think that woman is innocent.
A He could be the one, but I’m not certain.
Lee : __________ (To agree)
B He’s the one. I remember the scar on his
A You shouldn’t tell us your opinions.
B So do I.
C Apparently not. The robber was much
C I think that woman deserves what she
D There are some similarities but I’m not
D How could you?
really sure.

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43. Amy : Mother, I have something to tell you. 49. Angel: We should prank Miss Lee on April fools!
Mother: What is it? Yi : __________ (To disapprove)
Amy : __________ (To confess) A What a brilliant idea!
A Promise me you won’t get angry. B What if she becomes angry?
B I won’t tell you. C Don’t you think that’s rather childish?
C You won’t believe what I’ve done. D Unfortunately, Miss Lee has called in
D I broke your favorite vase. sick today.

44. Doctor: Have you been taking any proper 50. Kim: Wow! Look at that girl! I haven’t seen
medication? anything like that in a long time.
Patient: __________ (To confess) Lim: __________ (To express dislike)
(Taken from UEC 2018) A She looks like someone has given her a
A I’m not sure. black eye.
B I beg your pardon? B Do you really think she’s pretty?
C I’ll go home and check. C I’m looking!
D I didn’t take any medicine. D I wonder what kind of make-up she has
45. James: Did you break my PS5?
Nina : __________ (To blame) 51. Mother : Did you enjoy yourself today, darling?
A Please ask Aminah. Daughter: Not at all. In fact, we quarreled
B Aminah broke it yesterday! bitterly and we’re not on speaking terms.
C It could be Aminah. Mother : __________ (To express dismay)
D Could it be a malfunction? A Shouldn’t you apologize to her?
B Oh dear! Whatever did you have to be
46. Linda: I can’t stand this exam tension anymore. so angry about?
Beth : __________ (To encourage) C Oh dear! I can’t believe it!
A You can do it. Have courage. D Well done.
B Please go on.
C Don’t go on further till you get better. 52. Son : We'll be camping overnight on the
D I’m sorry you feel that way. beach in Port Dickson.
Mother: __________ (To suggest)
47. Patient: It’s really boring, lying in bed all day. A Oh no, I hate going there.
Nurse : __________ (To console) B I don’t think we should go there.
A Well, you’ll soon be up and about. C It may be a good idea to bring along a
B You should stop worrying about your blanket. Don’t you think so?
condition. D Did you hear about that accident at Port
C Stop trying to leave the bed! Dickson?
D Should I help you stand up?
53. Father : Our son never cares whether we live or
48. Runner : I just can’t go on anymore. die.
Spectator: __________ (To encourage) Mother: __________ (To defend)
A Come on! You can make it if you try. A I think so too.
B Keep running or else you’ll lose! B What do you mean?
C You’re losing! C You should calm down a bit.
D Everyone has already lost hope in you. D Perhaps he's too busy to come.

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54. Salesgirl: Can I help you? 60. Flight attendant: We hope you have a
Joyce : I bought this bottle of jam yesterday. wonderful flight!
__________ (To complain) Passenger : __________ (To show
A There are maggots in it. appreciation)
B I want to return it. A That’s extremely rude.
C I want a refund. B Oh dear!
D I want to see your manager. C Thank you so much!
D You’re very irresponsible.
55. James: City life is better than country life.
Alex : __________ (To disagree) 61. Reyes: I'm sorry. I forgot all about it.
A Why do you say that? Jane : __________ (To express regret)
B Are you sure? A You’re always forgetful.
C I don’t think so. B I shouldn’t have lent it to you.
D I am of the same opinion. C I won’t lend it to you anymore.
D You’re very irresponsible
56. Evelyn: I believe Aliens made the Egyptian
Pyramids. 62. Father: We’re going to Genting Highlands
Emily : __________ (To disagree) tomorrow.
A Nonsense! Son : __________ (To express delight)
B My dad thinks the same. A That’s great!
C That’s true. B How are we going, father?
D You should ask a historian. C Thanks you, father.
D Will it rain when we get there?
57. Lee : Do you want a lift home?
Xuan: __________ (To give appreciation) 63. Ann : What do you think of my new dress?
A Never mind Robert: __________ (To compliment)
B Not now. A Tell me how much it cost first.
C That’s very kind of you. B Simply stunning!
D Okay. C Rather short, isn’t it?
D I’d rather not say.
58. Jeffry: Hello, Tan. Come in.
Tan : __________ (To introduce) 64. Cody: You look lovely today, Anne.
A I’m coming in. Anne: __________ (To thank)
B Hi there, I’m Kim’s friend. A Thanks but keep your opinions to
C I’m here. yourself.
D Please prepare coffee for me. B Thanks but no thanks.
C Do you expect me to thank you?
59. Maggie: I feel examinations should be D Thanks for the compliment.
Jones : __________ (To disagree) 65. Michael: I seem to fall asleep every time I study.
A You’re right. Ruby : __________ (To advise)
B That’s not a bad idea. A How?
C I don’t like examinations too. B I don’t think you have a problem.
D Certainly not. C Well in that case, I can’t advise you.
D Perhaps you could try studying earlier in
the night.

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66. Larry : Please don’t tell anybody that I
borrowed money from you. 71. Nancy: Oh, I'm sorry. I told Harry that I'd go
Andrew: __________ (To promise) with him.
(Taken from UEC 2014) James : __________ (To express
A All right, don’t worry about it. disappointment)
B Don’t worry. It’s just a small letter. A So, Harry is the unfortunately fellow!
C But you must promise to pay me back B What awful luck!
soon. C You did? How marvelous of you.
D You have my word, this is just between D I don’t want to ever speak to you again!
you and me.

67. Mrs Cheng: Oh dear, how am I going to carry all 72. Boss: So, I hope you will all not mind staying
these things from the ground floor to my back till 6 p.m. today.
apartment? Ong : __________ (To protest)
The elevator has broken down. A Not at all, we’ll be glad to.
Maira : __________ (To reassure) B No, of course not.
(Taken from UEC 2019) C But, the football finals begins at five
A Don’t worry. I will help you. thirty.
B That’s bad. I’m sorry to hear that. D Why do we all have to stay back?
C Really? Are you sure? I can’t believe this!
D I will make a complaint to the 73. Florence: Ten o'clock at the clock tower and
management. wearing a purple flowered shirt. Right?
Jeff : __________ (To confirm)
68. Child: Well, can I go to the circus with Aunt Lisa, A A purple flowered shirt?
Mum? B Oh No!
Mum: __________ (To allow)
C You got it!
A If you promise to be good.
D I can’t wait to see you!
B Do you think I’ll let you go?
C You can go but don’t come back. 74. Jasmine: Well, how did Angela do?
D Circus? Of course not. Mother : Very well, she got first in class.
Jasmine: __________ (To congratulate)
69. Sergeant: We need four brave man to storm the A First in class? Not bad.
fortress. B He always does well, doesn’t he?
Soldier : __________ (To volunteer)
C Well, I guess I should congratulate you.
A It takes a fool, not a brave man.
D Oh, that was really well done! Congrats!
B Ten man might be better than four.
C Count me as one. 75. John: Do you think you’ll win it?
D That would be no problem except that I Jay : I will win the gold medal. __________ (To
think it’s an impossible mission. claim)
A She runs faster than me.
70. Lady: Take whatever I have but don't harm
B Don’t give up.
C Try competing against me.
Robber: Sorry. You've seen us. We'll have to
D Nobody runs faster than me.
mae sure that you don't tell anyone about us.
Lady : __________ (To beg)
A Oh well.
B Oh please, please! We won’t tell anyone,
I promise!
C Don’t expect me to beg.
D You’ll be sorry! You’ll be hanged if you
kill us.
CIHS Notes Group | English Forms & Functions Exercise | Pg7
76. Kane : I think we should continue our journey. 82. Student : May I speak to you for a moment?
Celine : __________ (To disagree) Teacher: __________, (To reject) Come at ten if
A Same here. A you're free then.
B I prefer going with you. B You may come in.
C It’s better to put up camp now. C Well, I'm rather busy at the moment.
D It’s the longest journey we’ve ever D It’s your fault that I’m busy right now.
traveled yet. Hope I didn’t bother you.

77. Son : What do I do with these potatoes? 83. Mrs. Tang: More rice, Dear?
Mother: __________ (To instruct) Mr. Tang : __________ (To decline)
A Peel and cut them into thin wedges. A Thanks. I’m full.
B May I have the potatoes, please? B There’s not enough rice.
C Don’t you know how to peel potatoes? C Your cooking is horrible.
D What have you done with the potatoes? D Why should I take more?

78. Chris : Where will the exam be held? 84. Mei: If you want to know, I failed every single
Cindy: __________ (To inform) subject.
A I don’t want to tell you. Ann: __________ (To express surprise)
B I’ll tell you later. A I think you’re lying.
C At the school hall. B I envy you.
D I can’t sit for it. C Really?
D That’s unfortunate.
79. Hui: I don’t think it’s going to rain. Do you?
Lee: __________ (To advice) 85. Rani: __________ (To compliment) Where did
A I can but you an umbrella if you want. you buy it?
B Well, if I were you, I'd take an umbrella Sita : It was a present from my sister.
with me, anyway. A That’s a new blouse.
C You must bring an umbrella. B That’s a pretty blouse.
D You will be in serious trouble if you C Is that a new blouse?
don’t bring an umbrella. D I’ve never seen that blouse.

80. Teacher: Well, at long last, I have received a 86. Ron : So, the meeting is at four, right?
reply from the scholarship board regarding your Mike: __________ (To confirm)
application. A The time just changed.
Student : __________ (To express anxiety) B That’s right.
A You have? Well, ... so ... did I ... I mean ... C You’ve done really well.
B I can’t believe it! D You should go to the meeting.
C This is the happiest day of my life!
D Really? 87. Director : We need someone to draw the
curtain at this point.
81. Father: Well, how was the test? Stage hand: __________ (To volunteer)
Son : __________ (To express satisfaction) A Should we draw the curtain?
A Thank goodness I revised. B Yes, someone should volunteer.
B I think I’ll regret this. C Well, I'll be free then. I can do it.
C It was impossible. D Why do we need to draw the curtain?
D No sweat.

CIHS Notes Group | English Forms & Functions Exercise | Pg8

88. George: I don't really feel like going. 93. Chad : That's it. You'll see the railway station in
Brad : __________ (To persuade) front of you.
A Would you like to go camping with us? Tourist: __________ (To surprise)
B Maybe we should go. A Oh no! That’s very far.
C Please! We’ll have lots of fun. B Oh! Can it be so close by then? I'd never
D Oh come on! We're all going. It'll be lots have expected so.
of fun. C Where is the railway station?
D How do you get to the railway station?
89. Chad : That Mr Jay! He thinks we are all fools.
He has no respect for us at all! 94. Norman: Can you stop being so rude?
Naomi: __________ (To agree) Rob : __________ (To explain)
A He’s a fool himself. A I'm just used to speaking in this way.
B I don’t respect him very much. B Sorry. I'm not trying to be rude.
C No respect? Perhaps you’re right. C I don’t think I was rude.
D You said it. No respect! D You should look at yourself being
speaking about me.
90. Science Teacher: Why is there so little sugar in
the tin? It can't have walked out of the tin by 95. Cooper: Will you marry me?
itself, can it? Ashley: __________ (To reject)
Jackie : __________ (To accuse) A Don't be silly. Who gets married at
A Could it have been taken away by ants? seventeen these days?
B Yesterday, I saw Sunny carrying home a B Are you crazy?
container filled with sugar. C I don’t think we are mature enough.
C Ha-ha-ha! That’s funny! D Should we?
D I’m sorry, Mrs. Eve. I spilt some on the
floor. 96. Child : __________ (To apologize)
Mother: Well, don't do it again next time,
91. Son: Well, it's finished at last. My model alright?
airplane. What do you think? A I’ve broken your laptop.
Dad: __________ (To approve) B Remember to not do it again.
A Is it an Airbus A380? C Can I do it again next time?
B It looks like a motorboat. D Mummy, I'm sorry I lied.
C It looks very realistic!
D You mean, you took all week to do that? 97. Teacher: Now take out your Geography test
books. I'm giving you a test.
92. Raymond: Do you like Horror films? Student : __________ (To protest)
Alan : Yes. They’re my favorite kind of films. A What? You didn't tell us beforehand!
Raymond: __________ (To suggest) We'll all fail!
A I thought you only liked detective films. B I thought the test was going to be on
B Why don't we go and see "Dracula" at Next Tuesday.
your house? C But it’s only 8 in the morning!
C I think horror films boring. D Teacher, may I go to the toilet?
D I’ve always thought you hated horror
films. 98. Cody: Like me to pick you up on my way?
Steph: __________ (To accept)
A Thanks. That’ll be nice.
B No thanks, Robert already promised me
he’ll pick me up.
C Sorry but I already have a boyfriend.
D Thanks but I have overtime today.

CIHS Notes Group | English Forms & Functions Exercise | Pg9

100. Father : No! And that's final. You'll not go to
99. Customer: Oh, this dress is too tight. I can't zip the picnic with those irresponsible friends of
it up. yours.
Seller : __________ (To suggest) Daughter: __________ (To threaten)
A Why are you so fat? A Please! Don’t make me beg you!
B Why? Of course you can! B Should I go to the picnic?
C Don’t worry, it looks lovely on you. C I'll pack up my bags and leave home then.
D Maybe you should try another dress. D I can’t believe this!

CIHS Notes Group | English Forms & Functions Exercise | Pg10

Answers (答案)

1. C 26. D 51. B 76. C

2. A 27. C 52. C 77. A
3. B 28. A 53. D 78. C
4. B 29. B 54. A 79. B
5. B 30. A 55. C 80. A
6. B 31. B 56. A 81. D
7. B 32. A 57. C 82. B
8. C 33. B 58. B 83. A
9. A 34. C 59. D 84. C
10. D 35. C 60. C 85. B
11. C 36. B 61. B 86. B
12. A 37. D 62. A 87. C
13. D 38. A 63. B 88. D
14. D 39. C 64. D 89. A
15. C 40. A 65. D 90. B

16. A 41. A 66. D 91. C

17. A 42. B 67. A 92. B

18. C 43. D 68. A 93. B

19. A 44. D 69. C 94. A

20. D 45. B 70. B 95. A

21. A 46. A 71. B 96. D

22. A 47. A 72. C 97. A

23. B 48. A 73. C 98. A

24. B 49. C 74. D 99. D

25. D 50. A 75. D 100. C

CIHS Notes Group | English Forms & Functions Exercise | Pg11

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