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Presented by Aimie G.

Teachers are duly licensed professionals
who possesses dignity and reputation with
high moral values as well as technical and
professional competence in the practice of
their noble profession, they strictly adhere
to observe, and practice this set of ethical
and moral principles, standards, and
The Philippine Constitution provides that all educational
institution shall offer quality education for all competent teachers
committed of its full realization the provision of this Code shall
apply, therefore, to all teachers in schools in the Philippines.

This Code covers all public and private school teachers

in all educational institutions at the preschool, primary,
elementary, and secondary levels whether academic, vocational,
special, technical, or non-formal. The term “teacher” shall include
industrial arts or vocational teachers and all other persons
performing supervisory and /or administrative functions in all
school at the aforesaid levels, whether on full time or part-time
Groups of Teachers
1. Private School Teachers /
2. Pre-School Teachers /
3. Vocational Teachers /
4.ALS Teachers /
5. School Heads /
6. Education Supervisors /
7. Schools Division Superitendent /
The schools are the nurseries of the future citizens of the
state: each teacher is a trustee of the cultural and educational
heritage of the nation and is under obligation to transmit to
learners such heritage as well as to elevate national morality,
promote national pride, cultivate love of country, instill allegiance
to the constitution and for all duly constituted authorities, and
promote obedience to the laws of the state.

Every teacher or school official shall actively help carry

out the declared policies of the state, and shall take an oath to this
In the interest of the State and of the Filipino people as
much as of his own. Every teacher shall be physically, mentally
and morally fit.

Every teacher shall possess and actualize a full

commitment and devotion to duty.

A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any

political, religious, or other partisan interest, and shall not directly
or indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive any money or
service or other valuable material from any person or entity for
such purposes
Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other
constitutional rights and responsibility.

A teacher shall not use his position or facial authority or

influence to coerce any other person to follow any political course
of action.

Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom and shall

have privilege of expounding the product of his researches and
investigations: provided that, if the results are inimical to the
declared policies of the State, they shall be brought to the proper
authorities for appropriate remedial action.
1. Why are schools considered the “nurseries of the citizens of the state”?
❖ Schools are considered the “nurseries of the citizens of the state” because the
school is the foundation of learnings and knowledge in life. It is the place where
the parents entrust their children’s future to cultivate and nurture their skills,
shape their minds, values, personality, character and wisdom. The school plays a
crucial role in shaping every individual’s dreams and hopes for the future. It is
where the students will be introduced and be educated of the cultural norms,
practices and moral values circling around the society. In addition, the school
could be an instrument to develop and realize every child’s dream. Furthermore,
it is a place where every individual of the state could receive right education and
proper training to become productive citizen of the state.
2. Cite ways in which a professional teacher can help elevate national
morality, promote national pride and cultivate love of country?

❖ Professional Teachers can help elevate national morality, promote national pride and
cultivate love of country by the following:
✓ Be a role model or inspiration to the students by simply following the law.
✓ Teachers should show commitment and devotion in his/her responsibility or role as
a teacher.
✓ He/she should actualize the respect and love country by portraying the proper
behavior while raising the Philippine national Flag and singing the national anthem.
✓ As a Teacher, he/she is oblige to share the knowledge and give appreciation and
acknowledgement to the heroes who fought for independence and freedom of the
✓ Encourage students to support local goods than international brands to promote
national economic growth.
✓ Instill to the students the significance of the customs and beliefs of the country.
3. Give a situation in which a professional teacher violate Sec.5, Article
II of The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
❖ Promoting political interest inside the classroom.
❖ Soliciting money from students for personal interests and benefits.
❖ Receiving money from parents resulting to manipulation of grades of the
❖ Involvement of a teacher in the corrupt practices that comprises the integrity of
the academic system.
4. Give a situation in which a professional teacher violate Sec.6 and
Sec.7, Article II of The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.

❖ The teacher campaigning and forcing the students to follow his/her own political
❖ Joining political campaigns during the time of election.
❖ Supports or influences any person to follow any political course of action.
❖ The teacher using enticing movements that undermine accountability,
professionalism, and commitment to public interest within the context of their
function as a public employee in an educational institution.
5. Sec. 8, Art 2 of The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers states
that every teacher should enjoy academic freedom … What does
academic freedom mean?

❖ Academic freedom means teaching or applying freely the different strategies or

learning approach that works best for the teacher. He /she is freely to share the
result of his/her studies or investigations that does not break or does not create
any conflict with rules of the government or the society and the code of ethics for
professional teachers. Academic freedom also means the freedom what, how and
who’s to teach specifying the interest in the field or subject.
6. What are some of the provisions that employers make in order to
ensure that the teacher they hire is morally, physically and mentally fit?

❖ Some of the provisions that employers considered are:

✓ Requiring the employee candidate to undergo several medical tests such as
blood test, urinalysis, chest X-ray, psychological test or neurological test and
drug test and ensure that in their medical certificate reflects that they are
physically and medically fit for the job before proper employment.
✓ Employers also conduct interviews for further screening regarding the
employee’s background.
✓ Requiring to submit NBI clearance indicating free of any charges involving
breaking the law and has clear criminal record.
1. Why must a teacher be mentally and physically fit?

❖ A teacher must be mentally and physically fit in order to do the job with
competence and teach the students effectively thus serving as role
models in favor to the society and interest of the state.

2. Which provision of Article II does the teacher violate when he

engages in partisan politics?

❖ Article II Section 5 states that a Teacher shall not engage in the promotion
of any political, religious, or other partisan interest, and shall not, directly
or indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive any money or service or
other valuable material from any person or entity for such purpose.
❖ This means if a teacher involve himself/herself in the promoting and
advertising the support his/her own political party in the public he/she
violates the Article II Section 5.
3. How can a professional teacher help elevate national morality,
promote national pride and cultivate love of country?
❖ Teachers are considered as instruments to educate students about our
national historical events.
❖ Teachers are oblige to transmit or share the knowledge about the nations
cultural and educational heritage in order to elevate national morality,
promote national pride and cultivate the love of country.
❖ Teachers has the power to influence students with the use of vocal and
portraying actions that shows the love and respect for the country.
1. Introducing the proper behavior towards the raising of our national flag
and letting the students internalize while singing the national anthem.
2. Sharing historical events and our Philippine national heroes on what they
have contributed to the country’s independence, system and economic
growth and improvements.
4. What are some actions of a professional teacher that violates Section 5,
Article II of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
❖ Here are some actions of a professional teacher that violates Section 5,
Article II of the Code of ethics for Professional Teachers:
1. Promoting political and partisan interest inside the classroom.
2. Soliciting money from the students for personal interests and benefits.
3. Receiving money from the parents that will result to being biased,
favoritism and could influence the manipulation of students academic
4. Involvement of a teacher in the corrupt practices that comprises the
integrity of the academic system.
5. When does a teacher violate Sec. 6 and 7 of Article II of the Code of
Ethics for Professional Teachers
❖ Teachers violate Section 6 and 7 of Article II of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers when:
❑ They does not exercise the constitutional rights and responsibility.
❑ Teachers using his/her position for the abuse of power and authority to
gain personal intentions such as forcing the students to follow or
recruiting against the government to support militant movements.
❑ He/she does not use his/her votes in a good way.
1. What is the professional thing to do in the following situation? The
teachers spouse is running for mayor. The spouse’s opponent has a very
good chance of winning. What should the teacher do?

❖ The teacher should not meddle or join with the campaign of his spouse inside
the school or in the public. He/she should observed fairness and avoid conflict
of interest. As a public figure, a teacher should not use his/her power or
authority for his/her own benefit. Even if the spouse’s opponent has a very
good chance of winning, the teacher professional thing to do is to follow the
code of ethics and let his/her spouse fate just flow through.
2. In your own words describe “academic freedom” of teachers.

❖ Academic freedom is the teachers natural right of what, how and who’s to
teach. It is the right to freely choose what kind of teaching strategies and
learning approaches they will employ in teaching effectively their students
while following the law. It is remaining true to his/her pedagogical
philosophy and intellectual integrity of educational system. Academic
freedom also means being free to share his/her result of research or
investigations minding the welfare of the students and does follow the
guidelines accordance to the government.
1. Which of the following statements is true about the academic
freedom of teachers?

A. The teacher has freedom to share the result or product of his

research regardless of whether or not it is in support of
government policies.
B. The teacher’s academic freedom has no limit.
C. The teacher’s academic freedom is limited.
D. Only teachers in the tertiary level may enjoy academic
2. How can a professional teacher show support to the state through the
performance of his duties?

A. By actively campaigning for the administration candidate.

B. By making biased research in favor of the government.
C. By instilling patriotism and nationalism among learners.
D. By using his position to influence learners to support militant
A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the
development of the youth: he shall, therefore, render the best
service by providing an environment conducive to such learning
and growth.

Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to

actively participate in community movements for moral, social,
educational, economic and civic betterment.

Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition

for which purpose he shall behave with honor and dignity at all
times and refrain for such activities as gambling, smoking,
drunkenness, and other excesses, much less illicit relations.
Every teacher shall live for and with the community and shall,
therefore, study and understand local customs and traditions in order to
have sympathetic attitude, therefore, refrain from disparaging the

Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the
community informed about the school’s work and accomplishments as
well as its needs and problems.

Every teacher is intellectual leader in the community, especially

in the barangay and shall welcome the opportunity to provide such
leadership when needed, to extend counseling services, as appropriate,
and to actively be involved in matters affecting the welfare of the people.
Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal
and official relations with other professionals, with government officials,
and with the people, individually or collectively.

. A teacher possess freedom to attend church and worships as

appropriate, but shall not use his positions and influence to proselyte
others. .
Locate and underline the following phrases in Article III of the
Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers. Explain in your own
words how a teacher should relate to the tertiary stakeholders
(the community) using the keywords given below.




Locate and underline the following phrases in Article III of the
Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers. Explain in your own
words how a teacher should relate to the tertiary stakeholders
(the community) using the keywords given below.
❖ Teachers are the facilitator of learning, they must provide conducive
environment for learning and promotes academic excellence. They are
considered as intellectual leaders who serves the community with
passion and always ready to help for the welfare of people. Teachers
should also observe harmonious official relations with people or
individually. In addition, they are oblige to keep the community informed
regarding with the schools work and accomplishments as well as to listen
in the parents concern and problems with their child. Every teacher
should behave with dignity as a public figure, he/she should not use
his/her position to proselyte others and avoid inappropriate behavior
resulting to disparaging the community. The teacher must learn and
observe peoples local customs and tradition in order to relate with the
community and gain social recognition.
1. How can a teacher facilitate learning?

A. By providing a conducive learning environment.

B. By having professional associations with community officials.
C. By keeping the community leaders informed of the school
programs and activities.
D. By earning social recognition from the community.
2. Can a professional teacher initiate community activity
for community development?

A. No, the professional teacher should be limited to his

own classroom.
B. Yes. A Professional teacher is also a community leader.
C. No. Community development is the concern of
community officials only.
D. Yes. As long as the learners are involved.
3. In which of the following ways can a teacher show respect
to the customs and traditions of the community?

A. Reject the customs and traditions of the community which

differ from his own.
B. Point out to the community the negative aspect of their
existing customs and traditions.
C. Disparage the community by criticizing their customs and
D. Strive to understand and adapt to the customs and
traditions of the community.
Every teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with
parents, and shall conduct himself to merit their confidence and respect.

Every teacher shall inform parents, through proper authorities,

of the progress and deficiencies of learner under him. Exercising utmost
candor and tact in pointing out learners deficiencies and in seeking
parent’s cooperation for the proper guidance and improvement of the

A teacher shall hear parent’s complaints with sympathy and

understanding, and shall discourage unfair criticism.
1. One way of gathering parents as a group is through a parent teacher
conference. On the table below list what the teacher must do and not do
during a parent teacher conference.
DO’s and DON’Ts during a parent teacher conference.
Be prepared and organized. Don’t come to the conference late than the
said appointment.
Listen actively to every parents concern and Don’t get emotional dealing with the
problems regarding with their child. parents.
Give beforehand notice in every conference Don’t stray away from the topic at hand in
to keep the parents informed. each conference.
When talking about their child a teacher Don’t be biased when talking about your
should start with the positive feedback. students.
Be always observant in every parents Don’t come unprepared and unorganized.
2. How will the teacher manifest professionalism in the following
situations : You may use role play or write a dialogue to put your
ideas across.
a. Explain to the parent that the problem is the child’s indifferent

2. How will the teacher manifest professionalism in the following
situations : You may use role play or write a dialogue to put your
ideas across.
b. The teacher explains that the child was given a failing grade in a particular
subject after giving all the academic help needed.

2. How will the teacher manifest professionalism in the following
situations : You may use role play or write a dialogue to put your
ideas across.
c. The teacher responds to unfair criticism given by parents
It’s better to discourage any
unfair criticism given by
parents. Teachers should
respond professionally and
with enough knowledge. In
addition, It’s also important
to be emotionally stable to
handle any kind of this
3. Search about “helicopter parents”. How should a teacher deal
with “helicopter parents” professionally?
❖ Teachers should conduct themselves confidently when facing the “helicopter parents”
of their students. The teacher should listen carefully first with the parents concerns.
He/she should analyze the situation, put understanding and long patience. When
talking about their child the teacher should start with positive feedback and explain to
the parent what should do to help his/her child. The teacher also should not take
complaints personally and maintain professionalism. If things got out of hand, always
keep your principal or guidance counselor informed to help handle the situation.
1. In which of the following situations does the teacher show
professionalism when a parent comes to complain because his son
failed in the subject (the teacher handles).

A. The teacher blames the learner for his failure.

B. The teacher inquires about what the parent did to help the learner cope
with failure.
C. The teacher tells the parent that the learner is indifferent.
D. The teacher explains why the learner failed and assures the parent that
the child is given the help (about the lesson) he needs.
2. Which of the following should be the response of the teacher
towards an unfair criticism given by a parent?

A. The teacher should listen but at the same time discourage it.
B. The teacher should not mind any criticism especially if it is not
C. The teacher should not listen to any criticism or reject any
criticism outright.
D. The teacher should determine if there is a basis for the criticism
and make necessary action.

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