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ASSW Term Work Project


Jaydipsinh Jadeja

Under the guidance of

Prof. Sagar Lalka

A Project
Submitted to
Marwadi University

October, 2023

Rajkot-Morbi Road, At & Po. Gauridad, Rajkot-
360003, Gujarat, India.
Overview of the Website

Website - A group of interlinked and well-structured web pages that

exists on the same domain is called a website.

Webpost - A Webpost, also known as a blog post or article, is a piece

of written content published on a website or a blog. Webposts
typically cover a specific topic and may include texts, images, videos,
and links to other resources.

The kind of Website I made for the course ‘Digital Marketing’ is a

website run by a Donut Company that offers Deserts like Donuts,
waffles and brownies. They offer services also like dining, music,
sitting facilities.

Name of My website: J & J : Shakes


 Home page
 About us
 Locations
 Contact us
Home Page

The home page of the website contains many elements like short information of the
company (website), number of blogs that are reflected on home page via wire framing, what
services the company offers, list of few of the clients, and recent works like app
development, system redesign, platform upgrade etc. It also shows the information
regarding warranty period.

About us

The about page of the website the personal information of the company (website), the CV of
the owner that contains the information regarding work experience & the places where he
worked and its information.


The contact page contains contact information of the company & there is a section where
you can put your contact information so that the company can reach you.

The FAQs page contains frequently asked regarding the company or related questions where
they can find out more details about the company. The questions can be inquired through
emails and the most asked questions would display on this page.

List of the competitors

 D n S Shakes
 J n S Shakes
 Flavourful Fusions.
 Divine Desserts.
 Delightful Cravings.
 Sweet Serendipity.
 Tempting Treats.
 Scrumptious Creations

Sample template of Google Ads

Approximate Budget for Marketing

Sr. No. Particulars Budget ( per

month )

1 Content Marketing (content Rs. 20,000 – Rs.

creation, blog posts, and 30,000
education about website creation)
2 Social Media Marketing Rs. 10,000 – Rs.
(Facebook, Instagram, twitter) 15,000
3 E-mail Marketing (sending Rs. 10,000 – Rs.
newsletters) 15,000
4 Search engine marketing (SEM) Rs. 5,000 – Rs.
5 SEO ( Search Engine Rs.10000 -
Optimization) Rs.15000
SEO Strategies

1. Keyword Research - Start by identifying relevant keywords

related to the website creation, Such as “Dukkin Donuts”, and
“Fast-food”. Use keyword research tools like google keyword
planner, to find the most valuable keywords for your site.

2. On-Page SEO - optimize your websites on page elements,

meta titles, meta descriptions, header tags and contents. Make
sure each page targets specific keywords related to your

3. Quality Content - create informative, engaging and helpful

content related to website creation. Blog posts, Tutorials, and
guides that attract both users and search engines. Regularly
update your content to stay current and relevant.

4. Mobile Optimization - Ensure that your website is mobile-

friendly. Google prioritizes mobile-optimized websites in
search results.

5. Page Speed - Improve your website's loading speed. Use

tools like Google Page Speed Insights to identify and fix
performance issues. Faster websites rank better in search

6. User Experience (UX) - Focus on user experience by

organizing content, providing clear navigation, and ensuring
an intuitive website structure.
7. Backlinks - Build high-quality backlinks from reputable
websites in the web design and technology niche. Guest
posting and outreach can help you earn backlinks.

8. Local SEO - If your service is available in specific locations,

optimize for local SEO. Create a Google My Business listing
and encourage user reviews.

9. Schema Markup - Implement schema markup to provide

search engines with structured data about your website and its
SEM Strategies

1. Google Ads - Create targeted Google Ads campaigns to drive

immediate traffic to your website. Use ad groups and keywords
related to website creation. Optimize your ad copy and landing pages
for high click-through rates (CTR).

2. Bing Ads - Consider using Bing Ads to reach a different audience.

Some users prefer Bing as their search engine, so don't neglect this

3. Social Media Advertising - Run paid advertising campaigns on

platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach potential
users interested in website creation.

4. Retargeting - Implement retargeting campaigns to re-engage users

who have visited your website but didn't convert. Display ads can
remind them about your services.

5. Email Marketing - Use SEM to build your email list. Create lead
magnets or special offers to capture visitor emails and later engage
them through email marketing.

6. Budget Management - Carefully manage your SEM budget to ensure

you're getting the best return on investment (ROI). Adjust your
spending based on performance.
List of Keywords

 Donuts
 Cafe
 Coffee
 Breakfast
 Bakery
 Pastries
 Gourmet
 Sweet treats
 Desserts
 Freshly baked
 Artisanal
 Glazed
 Sprinkles
 Iced
 Specialty donuts
 Homemade
 Local Flavors
 Coffee shop
 Espresso
 Cappuccino
 Latte
 Muffins
 Brunch
 Tea
 Gluten-free options
 Vegan donuts
Important Terms in SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a complex field with a

multitude of important terms and concepts.

Here are some of the key terms in SEO:

1. Keyword - The specific words or phrases users enter into search

engines to find information. Choosing the right keywords is crucial
for SEO.

2. On-Page SEO - The optimization of individual web pages to

improve their search engine ranking. It includes factors like content,
meta tags, and URL structure.

3. Off-Page SEO - Activities conducted outside of the website to

improve its search engine ranking, such as link building and social
media marketing.

4. SERP (Search Engine Results Page) - The page displayed by a

search engine in response to a user query, showing a list of web pages
with relevant content.

5. Backlink - A link from one website to another.

High-quality backlinks from authoritative sites can boost a
website's SEO.

6. Crawling -The process by which search engine bots (spiders)

visit and analyse web pages to index them in the search results.

7. Indexing - After crawling, search engines organize the content

and store it in their databases for retrieval in search results.

8. Algorithm - The complex mathematical formula that search

engines use to determine the ranking of web pages in search results.
9. Meta Tags - HTML tags used to provide information about a
web page to search engines and users. Common examples include the
title tag and meta description.

10. Long-Tail Keywords - Longer, more specific keyword phrases

that are less competitive but can attract more targeted traffic.

11. Organic Traffic - Visitors who reach a website through unpaid

(organic) search results rather than through paid advertising.

12. PageRank - A Google algorithm used to assess the authority

and importance of web pages based on the quality and quantity of

13. Sitemap - A file that provides information to search engines

about the structure of a website, helping them index its pages more

14. SERP Features - Special search result features like featured

snippets, knowledge panels, and local packs that appear alongside
organic search results.

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