Pangkat Sambisig The American Occupation in The Philippines PDF

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American Occupation in the Philippines

American Colonization of the Philippines

• April 21, 1898, United States declared war against Spain.
• Spanish-American war started in Cuba.
• May 1, 1898, the American attacked the Spanish Navy in Manila Bay.
• U.S Navy Admiral George Dewey
• Emilio Aguinaldo
• Treaty of Paris, December 10,1898
• Cuba gained its independence.
• Spain ceded Philippines to the United States after a payment of US$ 20 million.
• June 12, 1898, Filipinos led by Emilio Aguinaldo declare independence.
• The declaration was opposed by the U.S who had plans of taking over the colony.
• Birth of "Guerilla" war against the Americans.
The Philippine-American War (1898-1946)
• February 4, 1899, two American private son patrol killed three Filipino soldiers in San Juan, Manila
• Philippine-American War sparked
• Philippine-American War lasted three years,
• Resulted in the death of over 4,200 American and over 20,000 Filipino combatants.
• Other died Filipino civilians died from violence, famine, and disease.
• The war officially ended on July 2, 1902.
United States Colony
• In 1901 Civil government was established by the Americans.
• English was declared the official language.
• Arrival of 600 American teachers called Thomasites.
• Disestablishment of Catholic Church and church land was purchased and redistributed.
• An elected Filipino legislature was established in 1907.

Consequences of the American Colonial Rule

• First thing Americans did was to take care for the redistribution of the land properties.
• The small farmers or tenants didn't get any land however the land became property of
some large landowners.

The Road Towards Philippines Independence

Establishment of Jones Law in the Philippines by President Woodrow Wilson.
Tydings-Mcduffie Act a law that was proposed by Milliard Tydings and
congressman John McDuffie of the US.
During the Spanish-American War that is led by Emilio Aguinaldo
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The Katipunan was formed in Manila
Emilio Aguinaldo as a leader of the rebellion
Spain's brutal suppression in Cuba was broke out over the Spanish-American War
Commodore George Dewey defeated against the Spanish Pacific Fleet.
Philippines proclaimed as independence and has a provincial government
Filipino intellectuals and middle classes started to call for an independence
It is placed by the law's executive power in the Governor General of the Philippines.
Filipino House of Representatives was purely elected
Originally passed the Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act in 1934
Law of Philippine Independence in 1946

The Commonwealth Government and Manuel L. Quezon

Hare-Hawes Cutting act was already passed
The aid of a commission from the Philippines had been drawn up
Philippine legislature was rejected the bill
Tydings-McDuffie Independence Act in 1934
Manuel L. Quezon was won as the Persident of the Commonwealth of the Philippines
It was formally established in year 1935.
The new government embarked on an ambitious agendas.
It was faced with an agrarian unrest, Southeast Asia's military situation and
uncertainty in the United States.

Changes During the American Period

Government Infrastructure
Democracy - the greatest legacy Transportation and communication was
the American gave us. improved.
3 Branches American built roads, streets, and
1. Executive Boulevards, zone districts, and centers
2. Legislative of leisure were also were also
3. Judiciary established.
American architecture are still present
Education today.
Public schools were opened up. Entertainment
Thomasites - the first teachers.
English - medium of instruction. Movies became more popular.
School established New kinds of music were introduced.
Filipinos learned to watch and play
1. University of the Philippines games.
2. Philippine Normal College
3. Other Agricultural schools
Health & Sanitation
Religion Filipinos learned the value of cleanliness,
Protestantism was introduced. More or and healthy practices.
less than 300,000 Filipinos became Hospitals, clinics, and health centers
protestant. were established including public
hospitals for lepers.
There was a separation of the church
and state.
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Freedom of religion was practiced.
Clothing Attitude
Men: Suits, polo shirts, ties, and Filipinos became more frank, and more
jeans. humorous.
Women: Dresses, high-heeled We developed a stronger beliefs in rights
shoes, and handbags. and freedom.
"Pagmamano" was replaced by kissing
the cheeks of parents and elders.
Food like ice cream, cakes, beef Language
steak, hotdog, hamburgers, The English language was widely taught
sandwiches, cookies and donuts were all over the country.
introduced. Filipinos adopted American names.
Philippine economy improved.
Increased in agricultural production.
Development of new industries.

Negative Impact of the American Colonization

Americanization of Filipinos
"Colonial Mentality"
Respectful Filipino ways of greeting were replaced by merely saying "hi" or "hello".
Filipinos started to prefer white-collar jobs.
Traditional Filipino food were replaced.

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