The Environmental Impact and Sustainable Innovation in The Global Construction Industry - Edited

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The Environmental Impact and Sustainable Innovation in the Global Construction


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The Environmental Impact and Sustainable Innovation in the Global Construction



The worldwide construction sector, a massive generator of economic growth and

development, is critical in constructing the contemporary world's infrastructure and landscapes.

However, this business has its challenges, particularly regarding its environmental effects. The

effects of unmanaged building operations, from resource consumption to pollution and habitat

damage, have gained increased attention in an era when ecological sustainability is crucial.

As the globe grapples with urgent environmental issues such as climate change,

biodiversity loss, and resource scarcity, it has become critical to evaluate how the building sector

might grow towards sustainability. Sustainable building, as a complex term, incorporates the

ideals of minimising environmental damage, enhancing social well-being, and maintaining

economic viability. To guide such efforts, the UN has devised a comprehensive framework of

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These SDGs provide a framework for governments and

industries to address a wide range of global issues, many of which are intrinsically linked to the

building industry (Luo et al., 2023).

This literature analysis offers an in-depth examination of the existing environmental

effects of the global construction industry. It analyses how novel operational solutions contribute

to sustainability while aligning with the UN SDGs. To do this, we will begin by defining the

essential idea of sustainable building and selecting the particular SDGs most relevant to the

construction sector (Ogunmakinde, Egbelakin & Sher, 2022). We will then examine the building

sector's contributions to carbon emissions, resource depletion, waste creation, and its

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consequences on ecosystems and air and water quality. Finally, we will investigate the creative

solutions that the sector has adopted to reduce these environmental problems, assessing their

efficacy and compatibility with sustainability objectives.

a) Definition of Sustainable Construction

Sustainable construction, often called eco-conscious or environmentally friendly, is a

method of designing, constructing, and operating buildings and infrastructure. This method is

based on the desire to decrease negative environmental consequences and resource use while

promoting economic, social, and ecological sustainability. A broad collection of ideas and

approaches are used within this framework to create buildings that demonstrate environmental

responsibility, resource efficiency, resilience, and wellness for inhabitants, all while staying

economically sound. The following are essential components of sustainable construction:

i. Social and Economic Considerations: The social and economic dimensions of buildings

are addressed in sustainable construction; this includes providing workers with safe and

healthy working conditions, assisting local communities, and constructing structures and

infrastructure that are economically viable and accessible to everyone.

ii. Resilience and Adaptation: Sustainable building considers structures' durability and

adaptation in the face of changing environmental circumstances, such as severe weather

events or increasing sea levels caused by climate change.

iii. Environmental Responsibility: The minimisation of environmental consequences is

prioritised in sustainable building; this involves lowering trash creation, reducing energy

usage, and using sustainable building materials and technology to reduce the carbon

footprint of construction operations.

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iv. Resource Efficiency: It emphasises resource efficiency, focusing on renewable or

recycled materials, as well as water and energy-efficient systems. The objective is to limit

resource depletion and waste output during the lifespan of a building.

v. Lifecycle Assessment: It entails taking a comprehensive approach to the lifespan of a

project. Sustainable building considers the environmental effect not only during the

construction phase but also throughout the operating phase and, eventually, the

deconstruction or recycling phase (Moghaddasi, Culp & Vanegas, 2021).

b) UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Relevant to the Global Construction


Several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are especially important

to the Global Construction Industry owing to their vast reach and effect on numerous elements of

sustainability. The SDGs offer a framework for global development and sustainability, and the

building sector is critical to their success. Key SDGs for the industry include:

i. SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: This emphasises building resilient and

sustainable infrastructure. It advocates for developing inclusive and sustainable

industrialisation and innovation, emphasising resource efficiency and environmental

responsibility in infrastructure projects (Shahinmoghadam & Motamedi, 2019).

ii. SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: This aim emphasises the significance of

developing inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and human settlements. To

achieve this aim, sustainable building practices that reduce the environmental effects of

urbanisation and encourage access to safe and affordable housing are required.

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iii. SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy: Access to inexpensive and clean electricity is

critical for the building sector. Adopting energy-efficient construction methods and

integrating renewable energy sources into building design may help to achieve this aim.

iv. SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production: Sustainable building contributes to

this objective by encouraging responsible material and resource usage, decreasing waste,

and assuring ecologically responsible manufacturing practices (Moriarty & Honnery,


v. SDG 13: Climate Action: Sustainable building plays an important part in climate change

mitigation. It supports the worldwide effort to address climate change by lowering

greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption and encouraging resilient building


These SDGs highlight the construction industry's ability to solve global concerns while

contributing to long-term development. By embracing these objectives, the construction industry

can foster a more sustainable and ecologically responsible society.

c) Impact of the Construction Industry on the Natural Environment

The construction sector has a substantial and multifaceted impact on the natural

environment, including a broad range of activities and practices that have extensive

consequences for ecosystems, natural resources, and overall environmental well-being. One of

the primary domains of impact is:

i. Resource Depletion: Construction depletes massive amounts of natural resources. To

supply construction materials, timber, minerals, sand, and gravel are mined at high rates.

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Depletion of these resources may result in habitat damage, biodiversity loss, and

worsening ecological imbalances.

ii. Waste Generation: The construction industry creates a significant quantity of garbage,

which includes demolition debris, extra materials, and packaging. Improper construction

waste disposal may contaminate soil and water, as well as discharge toxic pollutants into

the environment.

iii. Habitat Disruption: The implementation of construction activities has the potential to

induce disturbances in natural ecosystems, leading to the displacement or eradication of

indigenous species. The potential ecological ramifications of deforestation for new

development initiatives, wetland drainage, and construction close to fragile ecosystems

are of significant concern. These activities have the potential to result in the extinction of

species and the deterioration of essential ecosystem services (Adekanye, Davis &

Azevedo, 2020).

iv. Air and Water Pollution: Pollutants such as dust, particulate matter, and chemicals

released during building operations may pollute the air. Water contamination may

develop due to runoff bringing toxins from building sites into surrounding bodies of

water. Both types of pollution are harmful to human health and ecosystems.

According to Figure 1, building and construction produce 11% of carbon emissions,

highlighting the industry's enormous environmental effect. This significant carbon footprint is

caused by building energy consumption, construction material manufacture and transportation,

trash creation, and operating emissions. To address this problem and minimize carbon emissions,

sustainable construction techniques, energy-efficient building designs, and the use of low-carbon

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materials are being implemented to move the construction sector into a more ecologically

friendly and sustainable one.

Figure 1. Data Sources. Retrieved from UN Environment Global Status Report 2017 and ELA

International Energy Outlook 2017

d) Innovative Operational Solutions for Mitigating Environmental Impact

Using novel operational strategies in the construction industry has promising prospects

for mitigating and alleviating the environmental impacts of construction activities. The solutions

above include various methods and technology designed to reduce energy use, minimise waste

generation, decrease carbon emissions, and prevent resource depletion. These solutions also

promote the concepts of sustainability. Prominent creative operational solutions cover a range of

effective strategies and approaches that are well-recognised and used in many industries. These

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solutions are characterised by their innovative and imaginative nature, as they aim to address

operational challenges and enhance organisational performance:

i. Green Building Materials: Based on research conducted by the World Green Building

Council, incorporating sustainable construction materials has resulted in a noteworthy

decrease of 12-19% in the emissions of embodied carbon in newly constructed structures.

The projected market size for low-VOC paints is anticipated to attain $9.6 billion by

2025, indicating a surge in the need for ecologically sustainable construction materials

(Bumanis et al., 2020).

ii. Renewable Energy Integration: Buildings are increasingly using renewable energy

sources. Global solar energy capacity reached 760 GW in 2020, with an annual growth

rate of roughly 20%. Net-zero energy buildings are becoming more prevalent (Fei et al.,

2021). In the United States, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

achieved net-zero energy usage for its Research Support Facility.

iii. Water-Efficient Systems: According to the US Green Building Council (USGBC),

water-efficient fixtures may cut water use in buildings by 20-50%, resulting in

considerable savings on water costs.

iv. Digital Technologies (BIM and IoT): According to Dodge Data & Analytics research,

projects that used Building Information Modelling (BIM) had a 45% reduced rework rate

than projects that did not use BIM. By 2024, the Internet of Things (IoT) in construction

is expected to be a $4.5 billion business, with applications ranging from energy

management to real-time project monitoring (Habert et al., 2020).

v. Sustainable Construction Techniques: Low-impact foundations and construction

techniques can preserve natural ecosystems. For instance, innovative foundation designs

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can reduce soil disturbance by up to 80%, according to research by the USDA Natural

Resources Conservation Service.

vi. Prefabrication and Modular Construction: According to a McKinsey & Company

analysis, modular construction may shorten construction timelines by 20-50%, resulting

in significant time and cost savings (Wang, Rani & Razzaq, 2023). According to the

European Modular Building Institute, modular building produces 90% less waste than

conventional construction.

vii. Waste Reduction and Recycling: According to the United States Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA), the construction and demolition industry accounts for over

40% of total solid waste created. According to the Construction & Demolition Recycling

Association, construction waste recycling may recover up to 90% of construction and

demolition debris (Zhao et al., 2021).


Examining novel operational methods for reducing environmental impact in the

construction industry demonstrates the enormous potential for addressing the sector's major

contribution to environmental deterioration. These detailed solutions include a wide range of

tactics and technology aimed at lowering energy usage, reducing waste output, lowering carbon

emissions, and preventing resource depletion, all while promoting sustainability. The report's

results and suggestions are solidly based on facts and evidence, confirming their ability to drive

change and create a more sustainable building industry.

The submitted data unambiguously shows the efficacy of novel operational methods in

reducing the environmental impact of the construction sector. The implementation of green

building materials to mitigate embodied carbon emissions, the integration of energy-efficient

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design and practices to curtail energy consumption, and the adoption of renewable energy

sources to diminish dependence on fossil fuels are imperative measures for substantially

mitigating the environmental impact of construction activities. The data collected by Dodge Data

& Analytics underscores the crucial contribution of the building industry towards the attainment

of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG

11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and SDG 13 (Climate Action). These goals establish a

connection between the building sector and the broader objectives of global sustainability.

The environmental advantages of these technologies are complemented by substantial

cost savings and streamlined operations. Prefabrication, or modular building, may reduce

construction times by 20-50%, saving a lot of money. Reducing trash and recycling it instead

help achieve SDG 12's goal of "sustainable consumption and production." The results

demonstrate that employing BIM significantly reduces rework rates, which in turn increases the

efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the project. These findings demonstrate the financial and

ecological benefits of sustainable construction practices.

Student name


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