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Unit Article Discussions

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Unit Article Discussions

Article 1.1: As data overflows online, researchers grapple with ethics

1. How are researchers attempting to deal with the ethical challenges raised by the

overwhelming amount of data?

Researchers are evaluating the possible repercussions of their research and proposing

strategies to reduce the likelihood of undesirable results in an effort to address the ethical

concerns raised by the abundance of available data. They are, for instance, thinking about the

ramifications of data usage and privacy, in addition to the implications of utilizing data to make

predictions and suggestions. They are also investigating ways to utilize data in an ethical manner,

such as the formulation of rules and procedures for the gathering and use of data, as well as the

creation of tools for the anonymization of data.

2. What kind of responsibilities do researchers have to guarantee the ethical use of


It is the obligation of researchers to guarantee the ethical use of data by adhering to the

ethical norms of data collection, usage, and storage in all of their work. This involves being

aware of the possible privacy problems that are involved with the acquisition and using of data,

as well as complying to the standards of data collection and usage that have been established by

relevant laws and regulations. In addition, researchers have a responsibility to make certain that

data is not used in ways that are not in accordance with the preferences of the individual who

provided the data (Goel, 2020).

3. What steps will the Association for Computing Machinery do to make sure that

responsible data practices are followed?


The Association for Computing Machinery has established a Data Ethics Working Group

with the intention of providing guidance and education on ethical considerations that are

pertinent to the study and analysis of data. The organization is putting a lot of effort into building

a set of guiding principles to ensure responsible data practices and providing researchers with

tools to aid them in making ethical decisions when working with data.

Article 1.2: Wireless charging, at a distance, moves forward for uBeam

1. What is the maximum distance that the UBeam wireless power system can transmit


The UBeam wireless power technology is able to deliver electricity across distances of up

to four meters. This is an impressive range given the size of the UBeam charging stations, which

are often little thicker than a credit card. In addition to this, the system is able to maintain a

continuous and efficient power transmission rate of up to 10 watts during its operation. Because

of this, UBeam is a feasible alternative for powering a wide range of gadgets, including phones,

tablets, and other tiny electronics (Bilton, 2020).

2. The UBeam wireless power system: what is its operation, exactly?

In order to transfer electricity across greater distances, the UBeam wireless power system

makes use of ultrasonic technology. The gadget that is being charged is the one that picks up the

ultrasonic wave that is sent by the charging station. The ultrasonic wave is converted by the

gadget into electrical energy, which may then be utilized to power the device. The whole

procedure is risk-free and time-saving, and it does not need the gadget being charged to come

into any kind of direct touch with the charging station.


3. In what ways is the UBeam wireless power technology superior than conventional


In comparison to more conventional ways of charging through wires, the UBeam wireless

power technology has a number of distinct benefits. To begin, it does away with the need for

cables that are untidy and cumbersome, making the process of charging a device much more

streamlined and easier. Second, it makes it possible to charge devices that are not physically

linked to the charging station by enabling wireless charging at a distance (Bilton, 2020). This

makes it feasible to charge devices that are not physically attached to the charging station. The

ultrasonic waves that are employed by the technology are able to penetrate through the majority

of materials, which enables the charging station to be positioned behind walls or other physical

obstacles. Because of this, the UBeam wireless power system is an alternative that may be

considered for powering a wide range of devices in any given place.

Article 1.3: The Mysterious Resident of Glencoe and Wren Roads

1. How can we make better use of big data to have a better understanding of the

enigmatic person who lives near Glencoe Road and Wren Road?

Big data makes it possible to gather and examine data from the neighborhood around

Glencoe and Wren Roads, which may be utilized to acquire a deeper picture of the enigmatic

person who lives in that region. This might include information on the residents’ actions, such as

the times that they leave and enter the residence, the kind of cars that they drive, or any other

behavior that is capable of being monitored. The information gathered from the neighborhood

around the house might be evaluated to look for any possible patterns or connections between the

activities of the residents and the surrounding environment.


2. What precautions can be made to protect the confidentiality of our data and prevent

its inappropriate use?

Encryption, authentication, and authorization are some of the precautions that need to be

taken to guarantee that our data will not be compromised or used inappropriately. The technique

of encrypting data in such a way that it cannot be read or understood by unauthorized parties is

what we refer to as encryption. The process of authenticating the identification of a person, either

via the use of a password or a biometric scan, is referred to as authentication. The practice of

allowing just those persons who are permitted access to resources or data is referred to as

authorization. Data should be kept in a safe setting, and access to that data should be restricted to

only those people who have a legitimate need for it.

3. What are some of the ethical concerns that need to be made when using large

amounts of data?

Privacy of data, data security, accuracy of data, and ownership of data are some of the

ethical concerns that should be made while using large amounts of data. The ability of people to

govern the collection and use of their personal information by businesses is an important aspect

of data privacy. The precautions that may be taken to prevent unauthorized access to and

inappropriate use of data are collectively referred to as "data security." The correctness of the

data acquired is referred to as its accuracy, since the collection of inaccurate information might

lead to biased outcomes. Whoever has the right to use and manage the data also has the

responsibility of ensuring that it is accurate and protected, and this is what is meant by the term

"data ownership."

Article 2.1: What will social media look like in the future?

1. What is Gina Lednyak's five forecasts for the direction that social media will go in

the future?

Gina Lednyak believes that in the not-too-distant future, social media will become more

customized and engaging, with stronger ties between individuals and the networks in which they

participate. She is also of the opinion that users will be able to create and share more immersive

experiences via the use of virtual reality, which will play a greater part in social media networks.

In addition to this, she believes that network security will improve, which will result in increased

safety for the private information and data of network users. She is of the opinion that the use of

social media networks will become more prevalent in day-to-day activities, with an increase in

the number of companies and services that depend on them for advertising and providing support

to customers (Lednyak, 2014).

2. What kind of an influence do you think social media will have on people's daily


Gina Lednyak is of the opinion that social media will soon be an essential part of day-to-

day life, to the extent that a growing number of companies and services will depend on it for

advertising and customer support. She is also of the opinion that individuals will be able to use

social media in the future as a platform to keep in touch with their friends and family, share their

experiences, and develop partnerships with companies. In addition to this, she believes that users'

personal data and information shared on social media platforms will be afforded more safety as

social media platforms become more secure.

3. How have social media platforms evolved since their inception in 2004?

Since 2004, there has been a significant evolution within the realm of social media. In

2004, users of social media were very few, with the majority being students in colleges and

universities. These days, social media is utilized by billions of people all over the world. Sites

like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provide users a number of methods to communicate with

one another as well as with companies. In addition, many of the platforms have undergone a

process of evolution, becoming more complex and engaging as a result of the addition of

elements such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence.



Bilton, N. (2020). Wireless charging, at a distance, moves forward for uBeam. New York Times.

Retrieved from


Goel, V. (2020). As data overflows online, researchers grapple with ethics. Retrieved from

Lednyak, G. (2014). What will social media look like in the future. Retrieved from


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