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Final Project Report

Introduction to Data Analytics

Project Title:
Zomato Bangalore Restaurants

Prepared By:
Parul Batish(N01603670)
Siri Srujana Karnala(N01613397)

AIGC5000 – Fall 2023

Humber College
1. Problem Statement:

This project aims to analyse the demography of different locations in Banagalore to provide
valuable insights for new restaurants. The goal is to help them make informed decisions
regarding their theme, menus, cuisine, and pricing based on the characteristics of a specific
location. Additionally, the project aims to identify similarities between neighbourhoods in
Bengaluru concerning food preferences. The dataset, including restaurant reviews, will be
utilized to derive an overall rating for each location, aiding new restaurants in understanding
and navigating the competitive landscape.

2. Dataset Description:

The dataset contains 17 variables. The dataset contains details of more than 50,000
restaurants in Bengaluru, in each of its neighbourhoods. Columns are URL, address, name,
online order, book table, rate, votes, phone, location, rest type, dish liked, cuisines, approxim
ate cost(for two people), reviews list, menu item, listed in(type), listed in(city).

3. Dataset Analysis and Observations:

The analysis done are utilised for aiding new restaurants,

which implies, there are different factors to consider.
Firstly, finding the percentage of restaurants accepting
online orders, which is approximately 65.3%. We can
conclude that most of the people prefer online orders
because of their busy lives.

This pie chart(2) gives information on top

10 most popular cuisines popular cuisines
in Bangalore. The chart shows that North
Indian food was the most preferred food of
people living in Bengaluru with a
percentage of 23.3 followed by South
Indian food with 13.3 %.

This box plot gives information of Cost analysis

of restaurants with and without online orders.
Most of the restaurants who prefer online
deliveries have the cost range of up to 1500 for
2 people and cost above and further do not
prefer online orders which maybe Fine Dining
kind of restaurants that are expensive.
This bar chart gives the top 10 most expensive and
most affordable restaurant locations based on
average cost for 2 people and also the restaurant
type. Red bars represent most expensive and green
bars represent most affordable restaurants. We can
conclude that ‘Lavelle Road’ location has the most
expensive restaurants which are mostly Fine Dining,
Bars and Lounges.

This is a pair plot of different columns (online order,

book table, votes, cost for two people and rate). This
shows relationship or dependency of each column
on every other column. From this plot we can
conclude that there is no strict linear relation
between any two features. But we can see a little
dependency between votes and rating and also cost
for two people and rating. So these two variable can
play an important role in predicting the rating as of

4. Predictive Analysis:
The modelling process involves training and evaluating machine learning model to predict the
target variable, which in this case is the restaurant rating. We have used Multi-Linear
Regression model where we considered online order, book table, votes and cost for 2 people
as independent variables and target variable as rating column.

Mean Squared Error (MSE) 0.13

Mean Absolute Error (MAE) 0.28

5. Results and Discussions:

The analysis done are utilised for aiding new restaurants, which implies, there are many factors
to focus on. Considering the above analysis of location wise ratings, location which has
maximum online orders, type of cuisines in that particular location, the restaurant type you
prefer helps in deciding the different aspects of aiding for a new restaurant. Also from the
predictive analysis, the mse and mae errors are less, but the factors that included are not
enough for a real-world business problem to predict the ratings.
6. Conclusions:
In conclusion, using a restaurant dataset to predict insights of the locations for aiding new
restaurants is a challenging task that requires careful data preparation, data cleaning and
meaningful visualizations. Despite the challenges, a project involving predicting restaurant
ratings using a restaurant dataset has significant future prospects, including improved
accuracy, personalized recommendations, better restaurant management and integration with
other technologies. The recommendation system can be based on the dropped “review list”
feature, further moving us into the use of NLP (Natural Language Processing).

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