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Team 1 Comment

The slides started with the emergence of computers and how that affected race to ending by

showing the potential of computers to reduce racial issues in this modern day. In contrast to

white families, the majority of black households in America could not afford computers. This

was a good arrangement as the issue of racial divide due to computers is well discussed in the

different centuries since its emergence. The statistics of how to race in universities is also

affected by computers give us a deeper understanding of how minority groups have less access to

high-speed broadband internet and desktop/laptop computers than their white counterparts.In

general the presentation is very analytical. The graph charts also gave further details for any

research done regarding how computers intergrate with race.

Team 2 Comment

Starting the presentation with a table of contents was a great choice as we got informed of the

main topics. Beginning with the background history of computers and medicine to understand

how it all started. It was good that we understand the problems that are associated with

technology and medicine. Technology has greatly improved medicine as a whole even though

there is still a lot of improvement that is needed. I agree that advancements in telemedicine and

nanotechnology are expected to change the way medical care is delivered in the future. In my

opinion, the presentation should have more photographs, especially graphical to display statistics

in the presentation. This helps in getting a better understanding of the flow of the presentation.

Team 4 Comment
The presentation is very short and precise and addresses the topic well by showing the

implications of computers on gender. Adding comments for every slide gives a critical analysis

of the issue being discussed in the slides. Also, the notes help us understand the graphical photos

better on the analytics of how computers affect gender. One true thing is that the technology field

is predominantly male as the most targeted clients are male. The lack of support young women

receive from their parents and teachers from the beginning has a bad impact on their likelihood

of being involved with technology. It is also crucial to highlight that the widespread belief that

computers are a man's world has widened the gender gap in the field. In the future, we should

expect a steady increase in the number of women and underrepresented groups in both academies

and Industries.

Team 5 Comment

Since most illegal acts that take place in contemporary crime are connected to cybercrime, the

topic of computers and crime is fairly broad. The risk of theft, fraud, and abuse will rise in the

future as a result of computer crime. Internet users are more susceptible to cyber-attacks

including social media fraud, spear phishing, and corporate security breaches. The relationship

between computers and crime is a fairly broad one because so many of the criminal acts

committed in contemporary society are connected to cybercrime. I agree that as technology

develops quickly, cybercriminals have created a variety of methods to attack victims. The

pictures in the presentation are very informative as they make the presentation not boring.

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