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Read the passage. Choose the correct answer.

1. Why is Pro Musica good for a 4. Is the remote for Pro Musica hard

family that likes different music? or easy to use?

a) Because it is cheap a) Hard.

b) Because everyone can listen to their own b) Easy.

music at the same time c) Not needed.

c) Because it is guaranteed d) The review doesn't talk about the remote.

d) Because it is portable 5. What does the Pro Musica bag let

2. Are the speakers big or small and you do?

strong? a) Keep music in it.

a) Big b) Keep the system safe.

b) Small and strong c) Take the music system with you when

c) Just the right size you go places.

d) It is not mentioned. d) Charge the system.

3. Is it easy to start using Pro 6. How many people like Pro

Musica? Musica?

a) No, it takes a long time. a) Not many people like it.

b) No, you need someone to help you. b) Their friends love it a lot.

c) Yes, it has everything you need to start. c) Only music experts like it.

d) No, you need to buy more things for it. d) The review doesn't say how popular it is.

7. What does the review say about 10. What does the reviewer say you

how much Pro Musica costs? should do with Pro Musica?

a) It has extra costs. a. Buy it when it's on sale.

b) It costs more than others. b. It's only for big families.

c) It is affordable. c. You should buy it because it's helpful

d) It's the best you can get for the price. and has good things.

8. What does Pro Musica promise to d. Think about other music systems too.

do if you don't like it in the first

year? -THE END-

a) Give you a discount later.

b) Fix it for free.

c) Give you your money back.

d) You can't return it.

9. How many stars does the

reviewer give Pro Musica?

a. 3

b. 4

c. 5

d. The review doesn't say.

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