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Comparison of impression materials for direct multi-implant impressions

Alvin G. Wee, BDS, MSa

College of Dentistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Statement of problem. Given that meticulous implant prosthodontic procedures are recommended to
obtain the best possible intraoral fit, impression materials that are suitable for use with a direct impression
technique warrant further investigation.
Purpose. This in vitro study compared the amount of torque required to rotate a square impression cop-
ing in an impression and evaluated the accuracy of solid implant casts fabricated from different impression
Material and methods. Two direct transfer implant impressions were made using 8 impression materials;
the torque required to rotate an impression coping in the impressions was calculated. Ten direct transfer
implant impressions were made from the master model and poured in a die stone (Resin Rock) for 3 of the
8 initial impression material groups. Linear distances between steel balls placed on each abutment replica
were measured with a traveling microscope to determine distortion in the impression procedure for each
group. Data were analyzed (P=.05) with ANOVA and Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsch multiple range test for
post hoc.
Results. With a 1-way ANOVA, average torque values among the material groups differed significantly
(P=.001). Polyether (medium consistency) was found to produce the highest overall torque values, followed
by addition silicone (high consistency), and then polysulfide (medium consistency). Statistically significant
difference was also found among the 3 material groups’ mean absolute cast error using a 1-way ANOVA
(P=.0086). Implant casts made from polyether (medium) or addition silicone (high) impressions were sig-
nificantly more accurate than casts made from polysulfide medium impressions.
Conclusion. On the basis of the results of this study, the use of either polyether (medium) or addition sili-
cone (high) impression is recommended for direct implant impressions. (J Prosthet Dent 2000;83:323-31.)

Use of medium consistency polyether and high consistency addition silicones is recom-
mended to make a direct implant impression, depending on the amount of hard tissue
undercuts present in the arch. In this study, polyether minimized the chance of acci-
dental displacement of the direct impression coping when the abutment replicas were
tightened. Addition silicone in a partial edentulous arch facilitates the removal of the
impression tray when hard tissue undercuts are present, although care must be taken
to avoid accidental rotation of the impression coping. A double impression technique
using a lower consistency addition silicone wash did not appear to present any advan-
tage for use in direct implant impressions.

A lthough true “passive fit” of multi-implant–sup-

ported prostheses to their intraoral implant abutments
fabricated. The use of the implant cast as a reference for
extraoral implant framework fit facilitates the clinician’s
does not seem attainable,1-6 it remains unclear what evaluation of fit.
degree of implant prosthesis misfit will lead to compli- Strategies to achieve fit may be completed on the
cations. For this reason, meticulous and accurate master cast before the patient’s clinical appointment.
implant prosthodontic procedures are recommended as Several strategies have been suggested to reduce the
a means to attain the best possible fit.5 The implant cast distortion of the implant framework, namely, laser
is the foundation on which the prosthesis is indirectly welding of titanium implant framework,7,8 or use of
electric discharge machining of the gold cylinders of
This project was supported in part by funds from The Ohio State Uni- the implant framework to the abutment replicas.9-11
versity College of Dentistry and presented in part at the 1999 Many intraoral techniques used to improve framework
International Association of Dental Research Annual Session as a fit may also be used on the implant cast, given adequate
finalist for the 1999 Arthur R. Frechette Prosthodontic Research
Award competition.
accuracy.5 Although absolute accuracy of the implant
aAssistant Professor, Section of Restorative Dentistry, Prosthodontics cast does not appear to be attainable at this time,3,12-14
and Endodontics. it has been suggested that the distortion of the implant



sion copings are accidentally rotated. Therefore, the

practitioner may be less likely to accidentally displace
the impression coping by using a more rigid impression
material. This rigidity can be indirectly measured by
evaluating the amount of torque required to rotate the
impression coping in the impression. Regarding posi-
tional distortion, Barrett et al15 did not find any signif-
icant difference between the accuracy of direct implant
impressions that were made from polyether and those
made from addition silicones. In addition, the implant
impression technique groups, namely, direct, direct-
splinted, and indirect, did not vary significantly in accu-
racy, a finding that is contrary to the results of other
Fig. 1. Aluminum implant master model milled out of alu- Even though several impression materials are manu-
minum block. Abutment replicas are labeled A to E from left factured with a range of consistency, comprehensive
to right. comparison has been made to document the rigidity
and accuracy of these materials/consistency types, as
required for the direct implant impression technique.
cast be minimized during its fabrication to improve fit.5 Because of a low strain in compression (flexibility) and
The accuracy of the implant cast depends on the type favorable Shore A hardness, polyether has been recom-
of impression material,15 the implant impression tech- mended as an impression material for edentulous, mul-
nique,12,15-22 die material accuracy,14 and the implant tiple implant-retained restorations.12,18-22,25,28-31 The
master cast technique.12,13 use of addition silicones has also been recommended as
A number of implant impression techniques have a material for direct implant impressions.15,16,32
been described,23,24 but the more common include the Although polyether and addition silicones have
indirect, direct, and direct-splinted. The main purpose received more attention in research and practice, the
of a multi-implant impression is to record and transfer potential variance within and/or between impression
the relationship between implant abutments or material groups warrants a complete evaluation.
implants and to reproduce this relationship as accurate- The purposes of this study were to: (1) evaluate the
ly as possible. Implant impressions also serve a sec- amount of torque required to rotate a direct implant
ondary but important purpose of recording soft tissue impression coping in various impression materials when
morphology. Most research indicates that the indirect tightening the abutment replica, and (2) compare the
impression technique produces a greater mean distor- accuracy of solid implant casts produced from the
tion than the direct-splinted and the direct tech- direct implant impression procedure with various
niques.12,17,18,20,21,25 When comparing the direct and impression materials.
direct-splinted techniques, conflicting results have been
reported regarding their accuracy. However, most of
the studies found the direct technique to be more accu- This in vitro study compared the torque required to
rate than the direct-splinted technique.17,21,25,26 rotate direct square impression copings in 8 impression
When using the direct implant impression tech- material groups. Those material groups that produced
nique, the impression material must fulfill 2 require- torque values detectable by a torque-measuring unit
ments: (1) rigidity to hold the direct impression coping were then compared for implant cast accuracy. An
and to prevent accidental displacement of the coping implant master model (Anderson Precision Machining,
when an abutment is connected, and (2) minimal posi- Inc, Iowa City, Iowa) was milled from a solid alu-
tional distortion between abutment replicas as com- minum block. Five stainless steel abutment replicas
pared with their intraoral implant abutments. Regard- (DCA 174, Nobel Biocare USA Inc, Chicago, Ill.)
ing rigidity, the amount of torque required to rotate a were cemented symmetrically in an arch with an adhe-
direct implant impression coping in different implant sive resin cement (Panavia 21, Dental Adhesive,
impression materials has not been thoroughly investi- Kuraray Dental J, Morita, Tustin, Calif.). Abutment
gated to date and can be considered an important char- replicas were spaced 12 mm apart and labeled A to E
acteristic of direct impression technique for implant (Fig. 1).
impressions. Liou et al27 reported that indirect impres- Ten similar impression trays were fabricated from
sion copings did not return to their original position light-polymerized resin (Triad, Dentsply, York, Pa.),
when replaced in either polyether or addition silicones. and 10 sets of 5 direct square impression copings (DCB
It is assumed that the same is true when direct impres- 026, Nobel Biocare USA Inc) were distributed ran-



Fig. 2. Compudriver with attachment and slotted drive. Fig. 3. Slotted drive of Compudriver rotating square impres-
sion coping in implant impression.

Table I. Impression materials evaluated*

Batch Strain in Shore A Accuracy
Material Name and company Consistency number compression48 hardness48 (24 h)48

Polyethers Impregum F (Premier Dental Products Co, Medium 28621 2%-3% 35-60 –0.24%
Norristown, Pa.) High 28621 3% 40-50 –0.19%
Silicones Low 7-1062 3-6 35 –0.15%
Addition Extrude (Kerr Mfg Co, Romulus, Mich.) Medium 7-1140 2%-5% 30 –0.17%
High 7-1125 2%-3% 60 –0.15%
High/Medium 7-1125/7-1140
High/Low 7-1125/7-1062
Very high 1%-2% 50-75 –0.14%
Condensation Elasticon (Kerr Mfg Co, Romulus, Mich.) Very low 7-1160 4%-9% 15-30 –0.60%
Very high 7-1160 2%-5% 50-65 –0.38%
Polysulfide Permlastic (Kerr Mfg Co, Romulus, Mich.) Medium 7-1259 11%-15% 30 –0.45%
High 9%-12% 35 –0.44%
*Italicized areas highlight impression materials that were tested for rotational torque displacement only. Bold areas highlight impression materials that were tested
for rotational torque displacement and for solid cast accuracy.

domly. Direct impression copings were hand-tightened ed Device Inc, City of Industry, Calif.) was attached to
to the master model by guide pins. Adhesive was paint- an adapter one-quarter drive (Craftsman, Hoffman
ed on the impression trays 24 hours before impressions Estate, Ill.) and a 5-6 bit slotted 3⁄8-in. driver (Crafts-
were made.33 Impressions were made on the master man) (Fig. 2). The 5-6 bit slotted driver was placed on
model and allowed to set for twice as long as the man- the slotted guide pin of the impression coping to be
ufacturers’ recommended setting times.34 tested, then the driver was rotated clockwise until the
impression coping was displaced once in the impression
Torque displacement
complex (Fig. 3). The Compudrive device recorded the
Sixteen impressions were made of the master model, amount of torque required to rotate the coping in the
namely, 2 impressions for each of the 8 impression impression through the slotted guide pin–abutment
materials/combinations evaluated (Table I, italicized analog complex. Torque values for 5 impression cop-
and bold-highlighted materials). Stainless steel abut- ings for each of the 16 impressions were measured.
ment replicas (DCA 174, Nobel Biocare USA Inc) Statistical analyses of torque data were performed
were secured carefully to the direct impression copings with SAS software (version 6.12, SAS Institute Inc,
with guide pins. Impressions were allowed to set for 30 Cary, N.C.).35 Repeated measures analysis of variance
minutes to simulate laboratory pouring time from (ANOVA) (α=.05) was used to evaluate torque values
impression taking. A Compudriver device (Consolidat- within and among impression material groups, as well

MARCH 2000 325


Five 1.98-mm steel balls (McMaster-Carr, Aurora,

Oh.) were placed on the central screw access channel of
the abutments to provide a reliable central reflective
reference (Figs. 4 and 5). Linear distances between the
steel balls were measured with a traveling microscope
(model MM-11, Nikon Corp, Tokyo, Japan), which
was connected to an internal light source (Universal
Epi-Illuminator, Nikon Corp) and was capable of
recording the x-, y-, and z-axes to an accuracy of
±0.5 µm. The microscope was connected to a digital
readout counter (SC-111, Nikon Corp). Alignment of
the cross hairs with respect to the movable counter pro-
vided the x and y coordinates, while the focus of the
microscope lens provided the z coordinate (Fig. 5).
The middle abutment replica, C, was used as a ref-
Fig. 4. Microscope lens of measurescope directly over steel erence on each cast for the distortion measurements of
ball on abutment replica.
the remaining steel balls/abutment replicas. Thus,
measurements were made of CA, CB, CD, and CE for
all experimental casts. The counter was moved mechan-
as the interaction effect between torque value and ically to align the steel ball on the abutment replica C
impression material. Thereafter, the 5 torque values for under the microscope lens (Fig. 4), thereby directing
each impression material group (N = 2) were averaged the internal light source onto the steel ball and back
and statistically compared among impression groups through the lens (magnification ×25). As magnification
with a 1-way ANOVA (α=.05). A post hoc Ryan-Einot- was gradually increased to ×200, the focus on the steel
Gabriel-Welsch multiple range test (REGWQ) was used ball was standardized through the internal glass filter,
to compare the mean torque values of the impression which appeared as pits within the steel ball. The inter-
material groups. nal light source aperture was reduced, and the cross
hairs were aligned on the center of this reduced light
Impression material accuracy
source field of view. At this position, the digital readout
Thirty impressions were made of the master model, counter was set to 0 for x, y, and z coordinates.
10 each of the 3 impression materials that had The described procedure was repeated for each of
detectable torque values: medium polyether; high addi- the remaining abutment replicas to be measured for
tion silicones; and medium polysulfide (Table I, bold- each cast. However, rather than zeroing the counter
highlighted materials). Polyether was dispensed in an after alignment of the cross hairs, measurements of the
electric mixing and dispensing machine (Pentamix, x, y, and z coordinates were recorded on a personal
ESPE-Premier, Norristown, Pa.); addition silicone was computer for CA, CB, CD, and CE. Each measure-
mixed and dispensed through an automixing system; ment was taken on 3 separate occasions and then aver-
and polysulfide was hand mixed and dispensed with a aged. A 45-minute time limit was observed for each
plastic syringe (Elastomer Syringe, ESPE-Premier). measurement session to prevent eye fatigue.37
Stainless steel abutment replicas (DCA 174, Nobel Using the Pythagorean theorem for a 3-dimension-
al model [(x2 + y2 + z2) ⁄ ], the linear distances between
Biocare USA Inc) were hand-tightened carefully with 2

15 mm guide pins to the 5 direct impression copings in the steel balls and the reference ball C were calculated
each impression. Impressions were poured 30 minutes (Fig. 6). The corresponding linear distance of the mas-
after removal from the master model to simulate a clin- ter model, namely, CA, CB, and so forth, was then sub-
ical situation. As recommended in a previous study,14 tracted from each mean linear distance of the experi-
impressions were poured in Resin Rock material (Whip mental cast, with the absolute value taken of the result.
Mix Corp, Louisville, Ky.) that was vacuum mixed with The formula (CAexperimental – CAmaster = [A]) provides
distilled water, in accordance with the manufacturer’s an illustration for the derivation of an experimental
instructions. Experimental implant casts were allowed cast’s CA measurement to a measurement of [A], or
to set for 1 hour before the guide pins were unscrewed the absolute micron deviation of the experimental cast
and the impression was removed. One experimental abutment from the master model. The absolute micron
cast was poured from each impression producing 10 deviation for each cast’s 4 linear measurements, that is
casts per group. Any debris remaining on the abutment [A], [B], [D], [E], were then averaged for each cast,
replicas was removed. All experimental implant casts resulting in a cast’s mean absolute cast error. Absolute
were numbered and stored in ambient conditions for at micron deviations of all casts’ linear measurements
least 24 hours.36 were compared statistically using a repeated measures



Fig. 5. Diagram of traveling microscope setup with implant cast and steel ball on abutment

ANOVA (α=.05) to evaluate within-group, between- Table II. Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsch multiple range test
group differences, and the variables’ interaction effect. (REGWQ) groupings (P>.05) for torque measures
As illustrated, positive and negative linear distances Mean SD REGWQ
were used to calculate [A]; however, only absolute Material N (×10–3 mN) (×10–3 mN) groupings
(positive) values were compared for statistical analysis. Polyether 2 141.3 0.4 A
A 1-way ANOVA (α=.05) was then used to evaluate Addition silicone 2 71 6.4 B
the significance among the material groups’ mean Polysulfide 2 51.5 7 C
absolute cast errors. Finally, a post hoc using REGWQ
was used to rank the material groups’ mean absolute
cast errors.
A measurement error (SD) of 3 µm was computed groups’ torque values (P=.1866), and a significant
by measuring the distance between abutment replicas A interaction effect was not identified between impres-
and E on the master cast 10 times. The SAS statistical sion coping position and impression material
program35 was used to compute the statistical analyses. (P=.4574). Notably, mean torque values differed sig-
nificantly among impression material groups (P=.001),
with the highest overall torque values identified for
Of the impression materials tested (Table I), torque polyether (medium), followed by addition silicone
values were detected for only 3: polyether (medium), (high), and then polysulfide (medium) (Table II).
addition silicones (high), and polysulfides (medium) Similarly, regarding measures of accuracy within-
(Fig. 7). Impression coping position did not produce a group absolute micron deviations ([A], [B], [D], [E])
statistically significant difference within material did not reveal significant variation (P=.6881), and no

MARCH 2000 327


Fig. 6. Calculation of linear distance between 2 steel balls.

Table III. Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsch multiple range test

(REGWQ) groupings (P>.05) for mean absolute cast error
Material N Mean (µm) SD (µm) groupings

Polyether 10 16.2 8.8 A

Addition silicone 10 15.2 8.2 A
Polysulfide 10 26.2 6.7 B

Industry, Calif.) was used arbitrarily as a selection crite-

rion for differentiating between impression material
Fig. 7. Comparison of tested direct implant impressions for groups to be tested in the accuracy phase of this study.
torque and group mean absolute cast error. Thereby, impression materials that lacked rigidity to
prevent possible rotation of the copings were eliminat-
ed from further consideration for viable accuracy. Sev-
significant interaction effect was found (P=.7167). eral impression materials were also removed from con-
One-way ANOVA (P=.0086) revealed a significant dif- sideration completely, as they were too difficult to
ference among material groups’ mean cast errors. On deliver with a plastic syringe, making them less clinical-
the basis of further analysis, implant casts made from ly attractive, namely, polyether (high), polysulfide
polyether (medium) or addition silicone (high) impres- (high), and addition silicones (very high). Although
sions presented significantly less cast error than casts additional information may have been gathered
made from polysulfide impressions (Table III). through use of more sensitive torque detection instru-
ment, the significance of such information is limited.
A relative comparison of materials’ rigidity provides
Methodologic and clinical considerations shed light the immediate, clinically applicable data, given that no
on the relevance of these findings. The sensitivity of the definitive standard exists regarding the amount of resis-
Compudriver device (Consolidated Device Inc, City of tance required to prevent accidental rotation of a



square Nobel Biocare impression coping in an implant point of reference from which the distortion is mea-
impression. Results of our arbitrary selection criteria sured.42 Barrett et al15 used absolute distortion analy-
coincide with impression materials that will most likely sis, whereby the point of reference is an external refer-
be used for direct square implant impressions. For ence point, namely, not include the impression copings.
instance, polyether is recommended repeatedly in the In contrast, this study, and many other distortion stud-
dental literature.12,18-22,25,28-31 Addition silicones are ies, used relative distortion analysis, whereby one of the
recommended as well,15,16,32 and are the preferred abutment replicas/impression copings is used as the
fixed prosthodontic impression material as taught in reference to which the distortion of the other replicas/
US dental schools (70% or 42/53 schools).38 Polysul- impression copings are measured.16,17,21,43 It may be
fide, although not mentioned in the implant literature, argued that the use of relative distortion analysis
is the preferred removable prosthodontic impression provides more clinically relevant data than absolute dis-
material as taught in US dental schools (48% or 47/54 tortion analysis. The implant prosthesis connects all
schools).39 abutments together. Therefore, the amount of strain in
From a clinical standpoint, results of this study sup- the implant prosthetic–implant bone system is related
port the use of polyether for completely edentulous to the relative position of the implant abutments to one
multi-implant impressions. The rigidity of polyether another and not to an external reference point.
provides resistance to the accidental displacement of Another methodologic difference requires com-
the impression coping in the implant impression. How- ment. The study by Barrett et al15 evaluated the accu-
ever, use of polyether for an impression of a partially racy of the implant impression itself, as did Phillips et
edentulous arch also presents increased difficulty for al.21 Using this method requires that follow-up studies
intraoral removal of the impression. High consistency be completed to determine the resultant accuracy of
addition silicones and medium consistency polysulfides the implant cast, with the appropriate die material, to
are viable alternative materials of choice for experienced provide data from a clinically relevant end product,
practitioners. Addition silicone with its more favorable such as the solid implant cast. Evaluating the accuracy
modulus of elasticity (rigidity)40 allows easy removal of of the implant impression with reference to a resulting
the set impression. solid implant cast, as completed in this study, eliminates
Other suggested material combinations that were the need for follow-up studies and has become a stan-
not tested in this study include the use of very high dard method across the majority of implant impression
consistency or putty and low consistency wash, as test- accuracy studies.12,16-20,25,43
ed by Barrett et al,15 and the use of adhesive surround- This study also evaluated the accuracy of the relative
ing the impression copings. This concept of using a position between the implant abutments through the use
high and low consistency impression material is bor- of steel balls on the abutment replicas, similar to Carr and
rowed from techniques used in fixed prosthodontics. Master’s method.43 The purpose of this study was not to
The low consistency impression material is syringed evaluate the implant abutment-to-framework relation-
into the sulcus of the prepared tooth, whereas high ship; this study only evaluated the resultant translational
consistency material helps force the low consistency distortion (x-, y-, and z-axes) of the abutment replicas to
material into the sulcus.41 The lack of detectable one another, and not more complex rotational distortion
torque when using high/medium or high/low consis- that occurs in implant prosthodontics.2-6,21,22,45-47 The
tency impression material shows no advantage in using significant difference detected among impression materi-
it for direct implant impression. The design of the al groups indicates that the method of this study was
implant impression coping may also be a relevant factor appropriately sensitive.
to consider. However, the design of most implant To validate this study, a long-term prospective clinical
impression copings is not intricate enough to require study would have to be performed with preliminary data
that a low consistency impression material be syringed available from this study. Patients requiring a particular
around them. type of implant retained prosthesis would be divided
Addition silicones and polyether for direct multi- into 2 groups. The patient’s definitive implant prosthe-
implant impressions for edentulous arches produce sis would be fabricated to fit their master cast accurately
similarly accurate solid implant casts, results consistent using either “laser welding of titanium”7,8 or “electric
with those recorded previously for an indirect implant discharge machining”9-11 method. For 1 group, the
impression technique by Barrett et al.15 The external master cast would be made from a direct implant impres-
validity of this conclusion, although limited to these 2 sion from addition silicone (high) or polyether (medi-
studies, is noteworthy, given the significantly different um), and for the other group, the impression would be
methods of distortion measurement and analysis made from polysulfide (medium). The fit of the pros-
between the 2 studies. thesis would not be adjusted intraorally for every stage
To elaborate, distortion can be defined and mea- of the prosthesis fabrication procedure. The 2 groups
sured as “absolute” or “relative,” depending on the would then be evaluated longitudinally.

MARCH 2000 329


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A retrospective study of 50 treatments using an appliance

Noteworthy Abstracts to produce localized occlusal space by relative axial tooth
of the movement
Current Literature Gough MB, Setchell DJ. Br Dent J 1999;187:134-9.

Purpose. This article describes the results of the treatment of 50 persons with a “Dahl”-type
appliance at the Eastman Dental Hospital, London, U.K., from 1981 to 1994. Studies by Dahl
have shown that the placement of a “partial bite raising appliance” on the maxillary anterior teeth
may be used to create localized occlusal space before restoration of teeth. The space being pro-
duced by the teeth in contact with the appliance being intruded and those out of contact extrud-
ing. The aim of this retrospective clinical audit was to assess the outcome of using similar appli-
ances placed in all regions of the mouth and the factors that may influence the outcome of treat-
Material and methods. Fifty appliances were used in 45 patients whose age ranged from 20 to
70 years (median 37 years of age); 54% of patients were women. Appliances were used in the fol-
lowing situations: attrition (19%-38%); erosion (11%-22%); total tooth wear (30%-60%); extrusion
(17%-34%); iatrogenic (2%-4%); and lack of space after adult orthodontic treatment (1%-2%). Sev-
enty-eight percent were cemented to teeth and 22% were removable. In addition, 64% were
placed in the anterior arch (32% in the posterior) and 76% were placed on the maxillary arch (24%
on the mandibular arch). Duration of treatment ranged from 1 month to 24 months, with a mean
treatment of 5.9 months. After treatment, teeth were restored with definitive restorations, includ-
ing conventional crown, fixed partial dentures, resin-retained fixed partial dentures, or hybrid
fixed prostheses.
Results. Success rate of treatment was high (96%), with only 1 appliance in place that produced
no useful tooth movement. All appliances produced enough space for restorations to be placed
conservatively when given enough time to act.
Conclusion. This type of treatment provided a conservative, predictable, and effective method to
general localized occlusal space before prosthetic restoration. 11 References. —RP Renner

MARCH 2000 331

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