HM 90 Chapter 5

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1. conduct a MOA (Marketing Opportunity
MARKETING Analysis).
• the second gate of the 4-Gate model 2. choose the basic target market strategy:
• involves mindset, market and message, to seize a) pursuing entire markets with one marketing
the golden opportunity chosen. mix,
b) concentrating on one segment,
Marketing vs. Marketing Concepts c) pursuing multiple market segments with
• Marketing multiple marketing mixes.
 is the promotion of business products or
services to a target audience. Creating a Compelling Message
• Marketing concepts Positioning
 is a philosophy that determines what type of - is communicating to overall positive impression of a
marketing tools are used by a company brand, relative to completion. There are three points to
remember in product and service positioning:
Seizing opportunities: What is an opportunity?  It must be relevant
 anything that provides you with a chance to  It must be unique
change your circumstances for the better.  It must be communicated

Opportunity Seizing Marketing Mix

 A thriving business is all about seizing • is the perfect selection of product, place, price
opportunities. and promotion strategies used to have mutually
beneficial exchanges with a target market.
Seizing Opportunities with the Opportunistic
Mindset Role of each Marketing Mix Element

1. Curiosity. Opportunity desires a curious mind that is 1. Product/Service – To satisfy consumer needs and wants.
always asking deeper and more insightful questions. 2. Price – To make product affordable to target consumers
2. Generosity. Opportunity desires a generous heart 3. Place – To make product available consistent with
that is willing to give opportunities to others. consumers; purchasing pattern.
3. Perseverance. Opportunity desires someone who 4. Promotions – To build and improve consumer demand.
has determination, who will keep persisting and Promotions have four components called the promotions mix
persevering despite the seemingly insurmountable  Additional components
obstacles that stand in their way. 5. Physical Environment – To create the tangible
4. Confidence. Opportunity desires a confident expression of the brand engaging the senses through the
demeanor — someone who never doubts their skills, layout and images of the services cape.
strength, resources, and abilities. 6. People – To show a living representation of the
5. Optimism. Opportunity desires an optimistic attitude brand promise.
that does not end if things do not go as expected. 7. Process – To experience how the brand delivers
6. Playfulness. Opportunity desires a light-hearted value.
approach that is willing to be a little creative, willing to
think outside the box, and willing to break conventional VALUE PROPOSITION
7. Responsibility. Opportunity desires someone who is
1. SUPERIOR – Better than what’s available: HIGH QUALITY
fully committed and responsible for their decisions,
behavior and actions, someone who does not make
2. PARITY – Same as what’s available: SAME QUALITY –
excuses or blames others.
8. Hindsight. Opportunity desires someone with
3. INFERIOR – Not as good as what’s available: LOWER
hindsight who can see beyond this fleeting moment into
the future. This person understands that what might look
like a problem now might actually be a once in a lifetime 4. DIFFERENT – Different from what’s available: Can be
opportunity. higher or Lower Price
9. Gratitude. Opportunity desires a grateful spirit that is
thankful for anything that life throws its way, no matter DEVELOP A BRAND NAME
how dark or grim it might seem on the surface.
brand name
Identify the Target Market • is the name that you use to identify the family of
target market products or services that you offer or a single line of
 is a defined group most likely to buy a products or services that you offer.
company's products or services.  Good branding are :
1. easy to pronounce,
2. easy to remember and
3. helps in the brand positioning process

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