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Over the years, numerous control systems have been

developed to restrict access to unauthorized users. The
primary purpose of installing locks in our homes, schools,
offices, and buildings is to safeguard our lives and
property. In this technologically advanced era, ensuring the
security of our homes and offices is paramount. The demand
for robust, convenient, and reliable access control systems
has driven the creation of innovative solutions. One such
groundbreaking solution that combines technology and
security is the “Automated Door Lock System using

The Automated Door Lock System using Fingerprint is an

innovative solution that combines the convenience of
automation with the reliability of biometric authentication.
This technology is rapidly gaining popularity as it aids in
the development of effective electronic devices that enhance
security. In this Capstone Project, our aim is to implement
a refined door lock system that utilize fingerprint
recognition technology, specifically tailored for the
business office environment of Philippine Countryville
College. With this system, only authorized personnel with
registered fingerprint will be allowed access, thereby
eliminating the security risks associated with traditional
keys. By incorporating this system into the office, we can
move away from conventional keys and adopt a seamless and
foolproof access control mechanism.

Philippine Countryville College can protect sensitive

data, priceless assets, and private documents by putting
this system in place and making sure that only authorized

people can enter restricted areas. Additionally, this system
offers a high degree of convenience because it eliminates
the need for staff members or employees to carry physical
keys or access cards, which lowers the possibility of theft
or loss. We will explore the design and implementation of
the Automated Door Lock System during this project, taking
into consideration elements like user-friendly interfaces,
software integration, and hardware components that are
specifically suited to the needs of the business office
setting. Our goal is to provide a safe, effective work
environment where everyone’s comfort and safety are given
top priority at the Philippine Countryville College business

In a study conducted at Philippine Countryville College,
researchers identified specific issues with traditional
security measures, creates security risks and user

The following are the specific details identified in the


 The loss theft of keys can lead to unauthorized access,

posing heightened security risks and inconveniences for
 The physical effort required to push or pull doors open
when entering or leaving the office.
 The lack of access control in the Business office,
allowing anyone, including students, to enter at any
time. This undermines the security protocols in place,
as only authorized personnel should have access to the

The general objectives of this project is to develop,
implements and evaluate an automated door lock system that
uses fingerprint recognition to manage access.
The following are specific objectives:
 Enhancing security: Developing reliable and robust
access control system. The use of fingerprint
recognition ensure that only authorized individuals can
gain access, reducing the risk of unauthorized energy.
 Convenience and User-Friendliness: To provide a
seamless and user-friendly experience for individuals
by eliminating the need for traditional keys, users can
simply use their fingerprint for quick and effortless
 Access Control Customization: The system may include
features that allow for flexible access control
customization. By implementing this functionally,
administrators can easily customize and adjust access
permissions based on specific requirements. This allows
for efficient management of access privileges within
the organizations.
 Accuracy and Reliability: To develop a system that
accurately identifies and verifies individuals based on
their unique fingerprints.



The scope of this project is primarily focused on the

design and implementation of the Automated Door Lock System
using Fingerprint within a controlled environment. Although
the technology has potential for wider applications, our
primary focus for this project is the Business Office of
Philippine Countryville College. This specific setting
allows us to tailor the system to the unique needs and
requirements of an educational institution, ensuring optimal
functionality and security.

 Design and develop a prototype of an automated door

lock system that utilizes fingerprint recognition
 Implement a user-friendly interface to enroll and
manage fingerprints for access control.
 Integrate the system with a physical door lock
mechanism to allow for automatic unlocking and locking.
 Ensure the system is secure and reliable, with accurate
fingerprint recognition and minimal false
 Include additional features like a backup
authentication method PIN code in case of fingerprint
recognition failure.
 Address the power requirements and management of the
system components, ensuring efficient energy usage and
backup mechanisms in case of power failure.


Acknowledge any potential limitations of fingerprint

recognition technology, such as:

 Focus on the software and hardware development of the

automated door lock system, rather than the
manufacturing of physical components.
 Limit the scope to a single door lock, rather than
multiple doors or a complex access control system.
 Consider the project’s budget and time constraints when
choosing the level of complexity and features to
 Address any environment factors that may affect
accuracy (wet fingers, dirt, or injuries).
 Address the need for regular maintenance, such as
cleaning the fingerprint scanner or updating the system
software, to ensure continued reliability.


The great security and ease of biometric authentication

technologies, such as fingerprint recognition, have made
them extremely popular in the access control industry. In
order to confirm a person's identification, fingerprint
recognition technology uses the unique pattern of ridges and
valleys on their fingertip. Numerous methods to improve the
accuracy and dependability of fingerprint recognition
systems have been developed as a result of extensive
research into the field. Because of these developments,
fingerprint identification has become a widely used reliable
biometric method for access control.

An analysis of the efficacy of different fingerprint

recognition algorithms was carried out on November 30, 2006,
by Jain, Chen, and Demirkus. As a result of extracting and
matching minute points from the fingerprint, the minutiae-
based approach was found to be the most accurate and
reliable method. Because Arduino boards are inexpensive and
easy to use, they are also being used in a growing number of
various projects, such as biometric identity systems.

According to a research by Mukilan T. Sriram (August 1,

2021), fingerprints are a very safe and dependable way to
identify someone in biometric systems. The study
concentrated on fingerprint recognition utilizing the
accurate and economical minutiae matching technique. The
study's method improved the certainty of matching by taking
into account the line structures and surrounding areas
between minutiae pairings.

The distinctiveness and consistency of fingerprint
patterns make them a great option for access control, as
demonstrated by research conducted in 2006 by Jain et al.
Delays can be avoided, guaranteeing prompt access to
restricted regions, by saving the fingerprints of authorized
users and comparing them during authentication. Fingerprints
are a unique way to identify yourself because of the flow-
like pattern of ridges on your fingertips that cannot be
altered. The fact that fingerprint scanners are so widely
used in portable electronics like laptops and mobile phones
is more evidence of their acceptance and dependability.

The research article "Fingerprint based locking system" by

Ajinkya Kawale (May 2013) states that fingerprints are
distinct patterns of ridges and valleys on the surface of
the finger. These ridges develop as a result of a mix of
environmental and genetic influences. Although the basic
instructions for skin creation are encoded in the genetic
code, the particular pattern arises from chance.
Fingerprints can be utilized to make extremely safe and
impenetrable door locks and other lock systems by using
interface. A microcontroller and the interface must
establish communication in order for interface to function.

Researchers Jayasree Baidya, Trina Saha, Ryad Moyashir,

and Rajesh Palit from North South University discuss a
smartphone-based fingerprint security system in their paper,
"Design and Implementation of a Fingerprint Based Lock
System for Shared Access." They suggest using fingerprint ID
technologies on smartphones to unlock doors by pairing the
device with the system using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. It is
possible to create an application that will make it easier

for the phone and system to communicate. Given the growing
popularity of fingerprint ID on smartphones, this security
solution could become very popular and profitable in the

Wang and Li (2017) provide a thorough approach that takes

user variability, ambient conditions, and system robustness
into account in order to address the difficulties associated
with incorporating fingerprint technology into door lock
systems. Their study provides insightful guidance on how to
get over technical challenges in practical use. In a more
recent work, Li and Wang (2021) investigate new developments
in biometric technology and speculate on the use of AI to
improve the precision of fingerprint recognition. This long-
term viewpoint offers insightful information for designing
door lock systems in the future.

The successful installation of an automated door lock

system with fingerprint technology in a commercial setting
is highlighted in a case study by Johnson Security Solutions
(2019), illustrating how this technology may improve
security and operational performance. The weaknesses of
conventional door lock systems are examined in a different
study by Smith and Johnson (2018), highlighting the
significance of cutting-edge security solutions. One
effective way to reduce the hazards involved with
traditional approaches is to include fingerprint recognition
into door lock systems.

In this section discussed the similarities and differences
between existing smart door lock systems and the proposed

Automated Door Lock System using fingerprint at Philippine
Countryville College Inc.

Fingerprint recognition technology is widely used in both
existing smart door lock systems and the proposed system at
Philippine Countryville College Inc. These systems use the
uniqueness and dependability of fingerprint patterns to
improve security and address flaws seen in traditional lock
and key systems. Existing smart door lock systems make use
of technology such as RFID sensors, Bluetooth modules,
Android apps, and Arduino UNO to improve convenience and
security. The suggested system prioritizes user convenience
while taking into account constraints such as environmental
conditions and user variability, using current literature
methodologies and frameworks to guide its design and

The proposed system at Philippine Countryville College
Inc. is designed to cater to the unique environment and
requirements of the college, which differ from the
commercial settings discussed in the Johnson Security
Solutions (2019) case study. Factors such as student access
patterns, campus-specific security concerns, and compliance
with local regulations and institutional policies, including
Philippine data protection laws and educational sector
regulations, must be considered. Future trends and
advancements in biometric technology, as explored by Li and
Wang (2021), should also be taken into account to ensure the
system remains current and adaptable. The operational
context of the college, including peak access times, user

roles, and the dynamic nature of an educational institution,
should be considered during the system's design and


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