Meditations: Gheorghe Cornel ARDELEAN

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Gheorghe Cornel ARDELEAN

VOL. 44

NARCOSIA Publishing -2008

Gheorghe Cornel ARDELEAN

VOL. 44


CIP description of the Romanian National Library Gheorghe Cornel Ardelean

ISBN 978-973-88998-0-3 ISBN 978-606-8048-23-9

Urge to read, analyze and apply these meditations By reading and analyzing the meditations of AGC, by applying one or more thoughts we will find solutions that will help us: I. Discover: 1. qualities; 2. defects; 3. capabilities; 4. skills; 5. some opportunities to succeed in life; 6. finding a partner for life; 7. keeping our marriage; 8. discovering our feelings; 9. discovering our mistakes; 10. etc..

II. To prevent some: 1. mistakes; 2. accidents; 3. divorces; 4. trouble; 5. bankruptcies; 6. failures; 7. conflicts; 8. etc.. III. Become: 1. more efficient; 2. happier; 3. more loved; 4. more honorable; 5. appreciated; 6. more respected; 7. more loved; 8. more organized;

9. more optimistic; 10. more plan; 11. most active; 12. best; 13. fairer; 14. more humane; 15. more unselfish; 16. popular; 17. more famous; 18. etc.. IV. Come out of: 1. the state of lost hope; 2. the state of pessimism; 3. the state of despair; 4. the state of passivity; 5. the state of inactivity 6. etc.. V. Participate at:

1. social life; 2. political life; 3. the activity of nonprofit organization 4. etc.. VI. Find more opportunities to meet favorable or more favorable conditions. VII. To let us change our lives more in better, to make it more beautiful. VIII. To expand our chances to find the right partner for life. IX. To let us realize and to

maintain a happy marriage. X. To let us raise and educate our children better, to take more care of them. I am writing these meditations and adding these books, other publications and on the Internet, etc.. because we need them every day and it is necessary to apply them so that we each achieve what we want: a more beautiful life, a more prosperous and happy one. These meditations reflect a tiny part of reality, of what would be good to be present in real life and in human relations. I expect good news from you, good deeds that you have done influenced by the fact that you have

read and applied one or more ideas to make your life more beautiful, more prosperous, more happy and to be positive lively models for others. Each of us can become a positive new model for those around us thus participating in the creation of a better human society, of a more prosperous one, and a happier one. I would be very happy and excited if one or more ideas that you have read, help you in one way or another or make you happier, more prosperous, etc.. I wish you all health, happiness and the achieving of all things that you want. I expect your news, ideas, opinions, troubles and joys, etc..

Sincerely, love and with much joy, I invite you to visit my site and to write to me at:

Ardelean Gheorghe Cornel (AGC)



1) People with the sense of discipline make many exchanges of information. 2) People who are not careful with others are not promoted. 3) People who are not careful what others have many failures. 4) People who are not careful with others are rejected. 5) People who are not careful with others achieve their desired future a lot harder. 6) Political uncertainty creates many mistakes. 7) Those who solve problems through constructive methods have greater chances to achieve their desired future. 8) Those who solve problems only through constructive methods have greater

chances to achieve their personal goals. 9) Those who solve problems only through constructive methods have more chances to achieve a mature love. 10) Those who solve problems only through constructive methods become even more performing. 11) The state of nervosity is harmful. 12) The state of nervosity makes it hard to maintain a mature love. 13) The state of nervosity makes it hard to achieve true friendships. 14) The state of nervosity makes it hard to exchange information. 15) The safety of personal freedom, unfortunately, even in 2007, is not assured in many states. 16) Not assuring personal freedom must not be supported. 17) Assuring personal freedom contributes a lot to achieving a positive

global future. 18) A positive conception of life helps us maintain efficient co operations. 19) A positive conception of life contributes a lot to achieving a global efficient cooperation. 20) A positive conception of life must be appreciated. 21) The uncertainty of incomes determines us to make many mistakes. 22) The uncertainty of incomes sometimes creates difficulties in achieving a cause. 23) Those who discover easy ways to work efficiently for a better life have more chances to maintain efficient co operations. 24) Those who discover unique ways to work efficiently for a better life must be rewarded. 25) Those who discover unique ways to

work efficiently for a better life have the chances to be promoted. 26) Those who know how to take advantage of the opportunity of creation increase their chances to achieve their desired future. 27) Those who know how to take advantage of the opportunity of creation have more chances to achieve a happy marriage. 28) Those who know how to take advantage of the opportunity of creation have more chances to become even more efficient. 29) Those who control circumstances have a greater trust in themselves. 30) Those who control circumstances have greater chances to succeed. 31) Those who control circumstances have a greater ability to wear the global uniform.

32) Those who know that discipline is the key of dreams progress in many areas. 33) Those who are disciplined succeed more easily. 34) Those who have had better social conditions have a greater ability to achieve their desired future. 35) Those who have had better social conditions during their evolution have the ability to contribute more to achieving the greater good. 36) Those who have had better social and economic of conditions during their evolution usually have a greater ability to achieve more outstanding performances. 37) Those who are oriented towards longer lasting successes have a greater ability to achieve their own happiness. 38) Those who live life passionately and not at random have a greater ability to achieve more and greater successes.

39) Those who live life passionately and not at random have a greater ability to achieve their personal goals. 40) Those who live life passionately and not at random have a special ability to maintain mature love. 41) Those who live life passionately and not at random have a greater capacity to maintain a happy marriage. 42) Those who have opportunities to develop have more chances to achieve their personal objectives. 43) Those who have opportunity to develop have more chances to achieve a mature love. 44) Those who willingly expand their experience have a greater ability to achieve efficient global co operations. 45) Those who willingly expand their experience have a greater capacity to find the right partner for life.

46) Those who willingly expand their positive experience increase their credibility. 47) The need to succeed sometimes creates problems for mature love. 48) The need to succeed creates big problems to people in order to content their happy marriage. 49) The need to succeed contributes a lot to developing in the future. 50) Most of those who do not wander without the purpose in life achieve true friendships. 51) Those who have the obligation to choose correctly must not be underestimated. 52) Most of those who have the obligation to choose concretely have the ability to maintain true friendships. 53) Most of those who have the obligation to choose concretely have a

greater ability to find the right partner for life. 54) Most of those who have the obligation to choose concretely have a greater ability to achieve a happy life. 55) A positive enterprising spirit increases our ability to maintain a happy marriage. 56) A positive enterprising spirit increases our trust in the future. 57) People who are efficient in actions have contributed a lot to achieving a positive global future. 58) It is an obligation to have the sense of equity. 59) The sense of equity helps us achieve our desired future. 60) The sense of quality increases our chances to maintain the efficient codevelopments that we desire. 61) The sense of quality helps us a lot to

achieve a happy marriage. 62) Constructive thinking makes us have zero tolerance towards destructive thinking. 63) People who respect their collaborators are more respected. 64) Respecting your collaborators is a necessity. 65) Most of those involved in many projects have more hopes that increase their chances of participating in many efficient global co operations. 66) Most of those involved in many projects have a great ability to maintain a happy marriage. 67) People who control their emotions have a greater ability to participate in achieving efficient global co operations. 68) People who control their emotions have greater chances to achieve efficient co-developments.

69) Solving problems through positive methods increases our ability to achieve more outstanding performances. 70) Those who are remarkably gifted have more chances to maintain their efficient co operations. 71) Those who are remarkably gifted mostly have the sense of efficiency. 72) Those who have high objectives in life mostly have a preventive thinking. 73) Those who have high objectives in life are engines of progress in all areas of activity. 74) Those who have high objectives in life are mostly creative. 75) Those who have high objectives in life make fewer mistakes. 76) Those who have high objectives in life have much more chances to succeed. 77) Those who have high objectives in life have a greater ability to succeed in

life. 78) Those who have high objectives in life have a greater capacity to achieve their own happiness. 79) Those who have high objectives in life have many positive social relations. 80) Those who have high objectives in life need to achieve more efficient co operations in order to accomplish their high objectives. 81) The sense of achievement and quality in everything we do must be rewarded. 82) The sense of achievement and quality in everything we do helps us become even more efficient. 83) The sense of achievement and quality in everything we do increases our ability to accomplish more outstanding performances. 84) The sense of achievement and

quality in everything we do increases our ability to achieve a happy life. 85) People who have human social behaviors need to have all humanist ideas. 86) People with humanist social behaviors need to have a constructive thinking. 87) People with humanist social behaviors have a greater ability to achieve efficient co operations. 88) People with human social behaviors have a greater ability to achieve their personal goals. 89) People with human social behaviors have more and greater chances to achieve a happy and beautiful life. 90) Those who do not have hopes, in order to create hopes for the future need to form and develop the sense of planning positive actions. 91) Those who do not have hopes, in

order to create hopes for the future they need to achieve and maintain efficient co operations. 92) Those who do not have hopes, in order to create hopes for the future need to form and develop their own value system. 93) Those who do not have hopes, in order to create hopes for the future they need to connect with people who have succeeded in preventing more failures. 94) Those who do not have hopes, in order to create hopes for the future they need to connect with people who have succeeded in escaping the state of being worried. 95) Those who do not have hopes, in order to create hopes for the future they need to connect with people who have harmoniously developed their personality. 96) Continuously making ourselves efficient helps us become firm.

97) The necessary qualities in achieving personal goals can be formed, developed, maintained and used also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of reserved behavior. 98) Communication helps us become kind. 99) A great capacity of using available knowledge helps us become more understanding. 100) In achieving our successes a contribution is also brought by the formation, development, maintenance and usage of conscientious behavior. 101) Confidence in ourselves helps us become organized. 102) A great capacity of teaching people helps us maintain our productivity. 103) A great capacity of using available knowledge helps us maintain our way of

being loved. 104) Pessimism can be removed and replaced with optimism also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of cheerful behavior. 105) Optimism helps us become decisive. 106) A great capacity of thinking largely helps us become more tolerant. 107) Continuous self-control helps us become respectful. 108) The force of our ideas can be augmented also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of hardworking behavior. 109) In order to prevent failures it is necessary to also form, develop, maintain and use systematic behavior. 110) The radical transformation for the better of our life can be achieved also

through the formation, development, maintenance and usage of sturdy behavior. 111) A great capacity of continuously enhancing performances helps us become more tolerant. 112) Release from our self-imposed restrictions can be made also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of decisive behavior. 113) A great capacity of establishing high personal goals helps us become happy. 114) A great capacity of using a value system helps us become more practical. 115) In order to escape poverty it is necessary to also form, develop, maintain and use astute behavior. 116) A great capacity of being honest with oneself must be used. 117) A great capacity of understanding

others helps us maintain our happiness. 118) Each woman has the need not to feel ignored. 119) A great capacity of analyzing a situation logically helps us become cautious. 120) In order to prevent not achieving our personal goals, it is necessary to also form, develop, maintain and use our abstract behavior. 121) The radical transformation for the better of our life can be achieved also through the formation, development, maintenance and usage of brave behavior. 122) A great capacity of adopting visions helps us become loving. 123) A great capacity of maintaining a positive efficient own lifestyle helps us become more pleasant. 124) Optimism helps us become docile. 125) Communication helps us become

content. 126) A great capacity of succeeding in every way must be maintained. 127) In order to prevent not achieving our personal goals, it is necessary to also form, develop, maintain and use our bold behavior. 128) A great capacity of persevering until finding creative solutions helps us become more productive. 129) A great capacity of preventing situations of being deceived helps us achieve more pleasant surprises. 130) Obtaining more and greater successes can be achieved also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance, usage of an attachable behavior. 131) The obstacles that prevent us from achieving our personal goals can be surpassed also through the contribution of

the formation, development, maintenance and usage of sociable behavior. 132) A great capacity of managing life helps us maintain our way of being cautious. 133) A great capacity of drawing attention helps us become understanding. 134) Confidence in ourselves helps us become rigorous. 135) We can prevent the falling apart of a happy marriage also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of strong behavior. 136) A great capacity of having an even more energetic life helps us become more understanding. 137) A great capacity of anticipating helps us become wise. 138) A great capacity of self-surpassing helps us become happy.

139) Cherishing oneself helps us become trained. 140) The necessary qualities in achieving personal goals can be formed, developed, maintained and used also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of active behavior. 141) Our future can be projected and achieved also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of humane behavior. 142) A great capacity of more efficiently using time helps us maintain our way of being loving. 143) Problems cannot be solved by the ideas that created them but also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of respectful behavior. 144) A great capacity of establishing

high personal goals must be rewarded. 145) Some mistakes can be prevented also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of tolerant behavior. 146) Adaptation helps us become loving. 147) We can contribute to the achievement of our greatest accomplishments also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of charitable behavior. 148) We can form, develop and maintain the state of being ourselves also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of a friendly behavior. 149) Aspiring towards a more meaningful life can also be achieved through the formation, development, maintenance and usage of wise behavior.

150) A great capacity of continuously overcoming boundaries must be used. 151) A great capacity of assuming the necessary risks for achieving personal goals helps us achieve more records. 152) Continuous self perfection helps us become adaptable. 153) Release from our self-imposed restrictions can be made also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of charitable behavior. 154) Positive experience can be achieved also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of independent behavior. 155) The obstacles that prevent us from achieving our personal goals can be surpassed also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of receptive to new behavior.

156) A great capacity of not letting others lead ones life helps us become optimistic. 157) The obstacles that prevent us from achieving our personal goals can be surpassed also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of convincing behavior. 158) Our future can be projected and achieved also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of charming behavior. 159) We can form, develop and maintain the state of being ourselves also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of an agreeable behavior. 160) Some mistakes can be prevented also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of continuous self-controlling

behavior. 161) Confidence in ourselves helps us become sincere. 162) A great capacity of continuously enhancing performances helps us maintain our way of being practical. 163) Some mistakes can be prevented also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of being a good listener behavior. 164) Problems cannot be solved by the ideas that created them but also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of mannered behavior. 165) The obstacles that prevent us from achieving our personal goals can be surpassed also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of diligent behavior. 166) Hope helps us become wise.

167) A great capacity of assuming the necessary risks for success helps us maintain our wisdom. 168) A great capacity of anticipating helps us maintain our enthusiasm. 169) A great capacity of being convincing helps us become loving. 170) A great capacity of more efficiently using time must be supported. 171) A great capacity of using available ideas helps us maintain our enthusiasm. 172) Hopes can be created also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of sportive behavior. 173) A great capacity of appreciating people must be encouraged. 174) A great capacity of accomplishing strategies of applying thinking on a big scale helps us become optimistic. 175) A great capacity of using available

knowledge helps us maintain our way of being cautious. 176) A great capacity of being brave helps us become more optimistic. 177) The self efficient use of our time helps us become tolerant. 178) A great capacity of cherishing oneself helps us achieve more pleasant surprises. 179) A great capacity of accomplishing strategies of applying thinking on a big scale helps us achieve more favorable situations. 180) A great capacity of using qualities helps us achieve more favorable situations. 181) Wisdom helps us become positive. 182) The necessary qualities in achieving personal goals can be formed, developed, maintained and used also through the contribution of the formation,

development, maintenance and usage of self confident behavior. 183) In achieving our successes a contribution is also brought by the formation, development, maintenance and usage of unpretentious behavior. 184) A great capacity of succeeding in every way helps us become more enthusiastic. 185) Continuously making ourselves efficient helps us become mannered. 186) A great capacity of self-surpassing helps us achieve more true friendships. 187) Positive experience can be achieved also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of rigorous behavior. 188) A great capacity of being understanding with people helps us become cautious. 189) Release from our self-imposed

restrictions can be made also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of docile behavior. 190) A great capacity of teaching people helps us become more humane. 191) A great capacity of continuously overcoming boundaries helps us become more preventive. 192) Hope helps us become spontaneous. 193) Cherishing oneself helps us become voluble. 194) A great capacity of succeeding in every way helps us achieve more favorable chances. 195) A great capacity of achieving what was proposed helps us maintain our optimism. 196) A great capacity of doing what is best helps us become practical. 197) Our resistance to changing for the

better can be overcome also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of a behavior inclined towards research. 198) Our resistance to changing for the better can be overcome also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of attachable behavior. 199) We can form, develop and maintain the state of being ourselves also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of a wise behavior. 200) Hope helps us achieve much more performances. 201) Continuous self-control helps us become active. 202) A great capacity of establishing great personal goals helps us become more tolerant.

203) A great capacity of using available resources helps us maintain our humanity. 204) A great capacity of gathering our energies helps us become optimistic. 205) Continuous self-control helps us become tolerant. 206) A great capacity of establishing even greater personal goals helps us become wise. 207) A great capacity of analyzing a situation logically helps us achieve more records. 208) A great capacity of maintaining a positive efficient own lifestyle helps us become practical. 209) In order to prevent not achieving our personal goals, it is necessary to also form, develop, maintain and use our systematic behavior. 210) We can prevent some failures also through the contribution of the formation,

development, maintenance and usage of vivacious behavior. 211) Our happiness depends a lot also on the formation, development, maintenance and usage of friendly behavior. 212) Self-imposed discipline helps us become persuasive. 213) Rather than lamenting that we do not have successes it is more useful to also form, develop, maintain and use a behavior of being inclined towards the research. 214) We can prevent some failures also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of tolerant behavior. 215) The limits of achievement imposed by ourselves in our mind at a given moment can be overcome or eliminated also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and

usage of constant behavior. 216) Acting efficiently helps us become charming. 217) A great capacity of assuming the necessary risks for achieving great successes helps us become tolerant. 218) The force of our ideas can be augmented also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of expansive behavior. 219) Continuous self-motivation must be supported. 220) Some mistakes can be prevented also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of stable behavior. 221) Obtaining more and greater successes can be achieved also through the contribution of the formation,

development, maintenance, usage of a wise behavior. 222) Our happiness depends a lot also on the formation, development, maintenance and usage of vivacious behavior. 223) We can form, develop and maintain the state of being ourselves also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of a diplomatic behavior. 224) A great capacity of making great plans must be maintained. 225) We can form, develop and maintain the state of being ourselves also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of a meticulous behavior. 226) A great capacity of maintaining a positive efficient own lifestyle helps us become humane.

227) We can prevent some failures also through the contribution of the formation, development, maintenance and usage of independent behavior. 228) A great capacity of establishing great personal goals helps us become enthusiastic. 229) A great capacity of using a value system must be supported. 230) A great capacity of cherishing oneself helps us become loved.


About the author and his ideas Hmm ... I do not know where to begin. It is difficult to really know someone. Often, the person on whom you stopped is difficult to decipher. That is not the case of Gheorghe Cornel Ardelean. From the first moment I knew and he got my attention. I recognized him immediately from the descriptions made by his colleagues: "One small, with white haired man with many books and newspapers in his hand, they said. My curiosity pushed me to address him, cheerful, open; he began to talk to me as if we knew each other for years. A person opened both to dialogue as well as current jokes. I got to know him

even better when we met at Club Central. A nice company as long as you succeed not to be attracted in that part of the discussion where his future plans are. Plans that are repeated endlessly become a burden for the people around him. Not because it would be something wrong in what he says but through their very repeatability. On several occasions I have read some of his meditations, others have been published in the magazine "Freedom in Thought". By their simplicity and the fact that they expresses absolute truths, for those who do not take seriously the writings of Cornel Gheorghe Ardelean they may seem indeed to read seriously what to write, I bet they will find

among the apparently simple lines, a message equal to a person who has suffered enormously because of human and system injustices. The cry of a man eager for more, eager for simplicity, for the truth and for a Utopia, wishful of a perfect world. If even 10% of what he writes would be put into practice by us, then certainly we would set ourselves and with others at the same time. Surprisingly, nobody sees that Cornel Gheorghe Ardelean even puts into practice what he writes, which means that he really believes it. With an analytical style impossible to confuse, Mr. Cornel Gheorghe Ardelean is successful in a few lines and penetrates into the

essence of truth. By this thinking, he is venturing into an area still unexplored in specialized literature. Specialized topics are part of the absolute truths that each of us have deep within our being, so acknowledged, so obvious, so natural that no one has ventured to put them on paper. But surely there will be many who, after reading and rereading these absolute truths will solve many of the problems of their existence. The novelty that makes Cornel Gheorghe Ardelean stand out besides putting on paper a well-known truth, is that it also leads to problem solving. It is a promising start in an area of astute competition and often an unscrupulous one.

I wish you success Mr. Ardelean and may these meditations help as many people as possible. Do not give up, continue on the path that you have chosen and maybe in the nearer or further future the world will be at least 5% as you want it to be. Do not give up ... We ... only a few, I must admit, we are beside you. SIMION SEBASTIAN EDUARD Graduate of the Academy of Theater and Film Former journalist of the national newspapers and Romania Libera, Evenimentul Zilei, was Her Majesty's Paul of Romanias adviser a businessman resident in Italy


Gheorghe Cornel Ardelean Writer (66 books written in English, 66 in Romanian,7 edited) born 03rd.11.1954, in Macea, Arad County, Email:
I have known the economist Cornel Ardelean for dozens of years, as a guy that outraged the thought of some who did not believe in his ideas, innovative, simply put but with a long and efficient duration. After the Revolution he proved that he is indeed a good economist by founding the first small enterprise of Arad County, in the year 1990 of the post-communist age. I have always been by Cornel Ardeleans side, never ceasing to believe that the man can rise above his time if he wishes to and if he has the potential to do it. SABIN BODEA President of the Writers League of Romania Arad Branch ISBN 978-973-88998-0-3 ISBN 978-606-8048-23-9


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