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, _l summari ses the types nr 1111r11u1111 v

, l Tl'fil'' u/ 111111111111 1, '
{tiI' IC •

'IW' I Effect, Nut II rnl/11 rtlfl cln I l>l'll11l li11n

Hocl v lorm.,
Naturnl ll CII Vl' llllllllllll ly 1,11111hnd1c,; 111 rcciponsc
Ill ,I ll,11111 ,tl l~
I Lcrng-lnsting !lll 11 rr111v rathogcn
\ l"I i\l'
and ol'len
lllllllllllll) Boch lor,n..,
,111t1hod1c, 111 rc-;pomc
Artifi cial acti ve 1111munil) to a rathogcn
1nlroduccd 1. 1.i a
, au.: 1nc
Bahy rcc.:c 1vcs
Natural passi ve immun ity I
ant1 bod1e, through
Provides the mother\ pla1..enta
temporary brea~t milk
Passi, e
protecti on t Antibod1 e-.. are ra ised
immunity 111 the hlood ol
aga inst a
pathogen c1a
. 1 . . . I laboratof\ animals
passive 1mmun1ty d h ' d
an t en 1nJecte into
Ia patien t a ,;hon \\ htle
_lifter 111fect1un

The importance of vaccination

Vaccination protects people agai nst the serious or even fa tal effects or -..pecdic
infectious djseases. Chi ldren arc routinely ,·accinated against common chtldhooJ
diseases such as measles, diphtheria. whooping cough. mcning1t1s. teta nu:-. and
polio. because they may not ha ve deve loped natura l acti, e 1mmun1t) .1g,11n,1
these diseases yet.
Vaccination also helps to stop the transmiss ion of a disease Th ,-. L·an leaJ t~,
the disease eventually being erad icated. Smallpo.\ a disfiguri ng dl'ica-.; e f,11
' h1ch there is no cure was eradicated in the I 980~ fo ll!)\\ ing su,t.1111t·d !,!h,b.ll
accination efforts.

When peopl e are vacc in ated. the Lhance" ()f an cp1dcm ir art· reduced \11
epidemic outbreak or an 1nkct1ou~ di-;ca-.e C,ln cnprlc .I t"lllllltl \ 'l'l 11 1l1l[l]\
because pt:opl e cannot attend \.\ork . toun..,111 111romc 1s hht ht·c.tLhl' 11 111,1\ ,·I
re~tr 1·
u IC ions and the gmernmtnt Ila-. to '>f)L'lld la1gl' anH1u11h ,,1 nwnn ,111
nplanned heal thea re.

Topi c 2 Tlw hoclv \ 1mrnunf' Y\lern -

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