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Subroitted by
Stc I795
TT5 Coy
oivision -C
Low ?
i. wite a note on con cep of Rule of
The rule of law is a Fundamental princip le in democatic
contzibute to
Societies , encomposing several key spects that
fra me work
the establishment of a just and acountable legal
0) Legal cert ainty
The vule of law ensures that laws ae clear, accessible, and
Predictable. citizens thoald be able to understand the laws that
90uen th em, fastering legal certainly and preventing orbilrory
use of power
(2) Equality Before the Law:
emphasizes that all individuals regardless of Hheir shafs
07 pos rtion, are subject to the some laws. This principle promites
equality before the law, ensuring that no one is aboue its prouisions
(3) Due ProcesS
The rule of law requires that legal procedures are fair andjust.
Individuals facing legal acttons should be afforded the right
to fair trial, adequate legal repres entation, and an unbiased
judiciary veinforcing the concept of due procers
(4) Cimitation of Arbit1arg power
H1estrictr the arbitrarg use of gouern mental aathority
Public oPCicials and Institutions ust act within the bound of
the law, preuenting #he abuse of power and protecting ciizens
from unwarented interferen ce .
(6) Protection of Indiuidual Rights :
The rule of law is inshumental in Ja feguarding indiuidual
rights and li berties By ens azing hat laws align with
ularSec(3) Socialist(2) concise 2.
i9ndemocratic philosopby
() encapsalates accounable Constitudienal
tgclarity infringement
Con frater
niandty write
policies. andSocial and declo1e!
dia The recognized
India is and
ensuie abilitg The a
and and nole e9ualily
Theve democaticthe
term India and Preamble
is republic comprehensi
th on , co On
econom Fluen In
In prin Porferingconcep
d fluen
to as princip
the s0cralis objectiues
to ide e Peamble
make its cip Fairn perSOnal
welfare ic ce
be als
, of ler of les
t COre
a' Jus , emphasiz and ue the a ra ,
signiEies decisio ThiThis .a as 90Ue
co ess
r of Sta of legol le Free i
Hice, a Values
of Indian ctively of acts
sO 1clgnaspira temen7
the lndian doms
aiming ns
Ffirm in9 he
enuironmen1 lo
a Uereign
ta cifizep! autonomously tions
conskitation w
comnitment socialist
jushce is 'as
s that Constituconfr1bute protec
fe, the tita a shield
to potential
eliminate naton, oftion tion
country' oulines
throagh , the tion characterls
sCcalar . of
The Serue,
to Fee people
rty ? ajust Indiu
e achre s preamble the
toclus/0t inde From of
eqaa and ofguidino as e
ving andiduol
pendenceextenal Iodio a A.
the Repblic(6) : the of of
lndian the equitable Securing
socieBgguiding These of
monarch. YeQularimpo1the Faith
Explain Principles state power equal the
the preambleThe
nation't va lndia
tufion the lues ouernment g
The Justice goveroance is Free fance ir trea
he In Furthermore I an is
that legal are highlights desczibed vested
Direchiue democratie essence, and fment
Directiue , elected of
Form andTegarde
liberty, establishes
system fai
reprerenta in
are basis
thbe the of in
poli as the
Principles d the , Yep7esen
the mates
dlines Principles and preamble tical equality a election
as pream republic, a reliq'on
democratic tive
hand India a
inclusive ta of
frame s
of bediock ble tive governance of religion.
For of Te and s
Flect wo1k exp7esS indicating the a and
State Siate
identitylndian and rather democ1afic
frateznity people.
ment Policy the to of the I
Policq eJ pa and
cons ensure the ticipato7y
a than upholds
(OPSP) that freedo
Indian Commi the Thiu
Hitutron, a republic
? f o7 hereditary the
a con mthe
Just ttment
h e undetlipej to
in in uision Consti head duct
eatn9 the shaping nature , principle
and citizen where
and futon, to of of
s. in
() prouide
ursue setof
P a a
(4) principles
Gandhi'an(3) (2) non-jostieiable
90Ue7nance. courts us
people State ¬conomic
Of SoCal
aining to loteingpromoting nutrionPeople welfare YeSOurces and
wardi living
DPSP toThe They The and but cwhile
in address polici
tiona work of Justice
fosterlng the to to DpSp
coage for Economic theg
jusl in prin aduo
cate the es.
l improve in red Po1mulating
clude Peacedecision to
ciples g all . SociO-
uce serve
and isrues eop caling 7he
industries ward citizen
natton and le
inequalities Justice
guitp7Ouision lto a the policies DPsp
making a conomie e
For as
Sec7Ity incozpora such s hat
de q that apolicies
a centrali
, uality enumerated
ble that the moral
al and a they
tio direchng and goal
peace of promo h distibutien ideals
ensuTing zed te ea are
Gandhian ife lHh. of and These
, ensare
ns illage te achieuing not
and the for
education for in
n the e1hicalprinciples
the all a enforceable the
seca state - of
pahcipation basedideali cifizens welfare fal gouement
rity cwealfh eompats
, socra/
to and
econom9. 36
wok urging , of by
. and and to
s the for the to 5/,
(5) Enui ro nme ntal Protection
ouer ime, conce0s for eoutonmeotal p1ofechon ond he
contervation of naiutal rerou7Cer hove been Incoypora fed into
the DrSP, refleckin9 growing aworenets of Ihe impo1/ance af
sustainable de uelopment
(e) uniform Civilcode :

The principler erprern the hope for the adoption of a unifor

civil code, aiming to promote 9ender jus hce and equalty by
prouiding acomon set of la ws For all ciHzen!, irespechive of
their religion.
(:) Legal and Judicial re fom!

The OpSP call For the veparation of the judiciary from the
executiue, ensuring that the Iegal sgsfem operates independen tly
They also aduo cate For Free leqal aid to those uho
cannot a fford it
Explain the Fundamen fal duties of ciizen occording to Indian
eonstituti on ?
The Fundomental dutier of eitizens in hdia are outlined
io Article 61 Aof the lodian constilution. There dutiey were added
by the 42nd Amendment in 1976 . These are moTal and Ciuic

obligations that citizens are expected to follow. Here it a brief

Overuiew :
) To Abide by the constitution and Respect its iadeals
Citlzens are obligaBed to respec t and folow the idealy
and institutions laid out in the constitution , which lr he
law of the land
) To cherigh and folloo the Noble ideal1 that inspired the
National Struggle Foy Aree don
This duty emphasiz es the importance of up holding the
aluer and princples that gur ded he country during its struggle
for independen ce
(3) 7o uphold and Protect the Souerelgnty, Unity, and lntegvitg of
Cizens are required to safeguard the souereignty
and inteqrity of the nation. preventing any actions that rmag
compromise these aspects
(3) 7o De fen d the country and Render National Seruice when called
IF necess a7y citizens are expected to conhibute to the
de Fense of the count1q and participate in national seruice
during imes of need.
(5) To Promote Harmony and the spirit of Co mmon Bratherhood
Amongs all the people of lndi'a :
ciBlzens are encourag ed to foster a sense of uni y)
brotherhood, and hormon y , trans ce nding banierJ of caste
religion language , or region
(6) To pratect and Impro ue fhe Na tural
forests, Lakes, i'verJ, and wildliFe
enuironnent, locluding
citizen bave o
Tesponsbilily to contri bute to the
protection and improuement of the
sustaina prachices and
environment, promotrng
(7) 7o value and Prese rue the
conseruation e fForts
Rich heritaqc of India's compo
This duty hogand
vetorujng Indio's dive rse cultural hemtage , whieh encompouse t
voriou! tradition J languages and customt
(8) To Develop the scientific Tempe, Humanism, and the spirik of
Inquiry and RefoTm

This duty encouiages ciHzens to caliu afe o scien Hifie

outlook , embrare humanism, and foster a spirit of inquiry and
Ye fozm fo social beterment
(9) To safeguard pu blic Properhy and abjure violence :
citizeo a7e required to protect public property and
refrain From engaging in violence, promoting peaceful and
lawful means of expreJSion
(a) To striue Towards excellence in all op herer ef indiuidual and
eollectiue activity :
This duty encourages citizen to purs ue excellen ce in
Personal ond collective endeavors, contributing positiuely to the
pro9ress and develapment of the nation.
while these dutier o7e not legally enfor ceable , they
form an integral part of the ethical and mo7a/
excepted from citizens in building ajust harmonio uJ. and
ProgTessi ue society
5. Brie fly explain the powr and Functions of National Human
Yights Commission and National women commisaion ?
A Naianal Human Righ Commiss lon (NHRC)
The NHRC iS an independent satutory body erha blished
under the protecion of human righth act s1993. Itr primatg
objective is to promote and protect human righh oc r011 the
ceuntry The NHRC i empowered with specific po wer and
funchien1, which include
() touesti gation and Inguiry
The NHRC hau ibe autho1ty to inues tiga te Complainh of
haman rr ohts viola tiong, elther iniiated uo-motu or based
on petitHont flle d by indiuiduals or 970ups
) Recommndations and Policq suggestions
I can 7e Commend measures for the effecti ue enforce ent
of buman ghts, sugg esting improvemen h to ezisting law! and
policies to ensure better protection of Fundamentalights
(3) monitoring Ghouermental actions:
The NHRC monitor the imple mentation of policieJ and
programs related to haman right1 , ensuzing hat govenment
bodies adhere to leg al prouisions and in tethatonal standards
in their actions .
(4) Publiç awa1eness and Education :
Eng aging in human rigbto education and a wareness
programi, he NHRC Poster a calhure of resp ech for iodiuidual
digrity and Fredom through seminq1J , wo) kshops and
(6) Visitations and Inspections
The NHRC hos the power to visitjail) and de tention Cepterd,
inspectin9 fac1liies to ensure human teotmeot and contributt
to the protection of
ndiuidual't rigbt in custo dy
e) Ioternational Collabora tion
The commnist ion callabrater wrth internatHonal bumon 7ightr
org anisation!, fostering coopei ation and erchange of informaion
to adde! global human righh conce ih s
National Commission fo women (NCw)
The Ncw is a statutory body established to protec4 and
hons a1e
promote the rightr of Women . Its po wers Ond Func
outlined in the Nahopal Commistlon for women act 1990 . which
() inuestigation and Inquig:
The Ncw investiga tes and examines all matters relating to the
Sa FeguQTdi prouided for wo men undez the consi tution and other
la ws

(2) Legal aid and astistance :

I prouides leg al aduice or a1Ji tance to women and
Suo-motu notice of maerJ relatinÍ to de pT0 uaton of women's
() Rereasch ond recommepda tions :
The Ncw conduct stu dies and
1esea7chon sSues
women gnd e commends
measuTes for thei7 JoCio-
upliftment. economic
(4) Sensiizotio n and
awatenerJ :
The com mlseion woYks to ward
legal ight of wo men and ereating Qwareness about the
uc aHonal prograrn! and
promote gender Sensitiz ation through
ca mpaigns
in Legal
The NCw Can interuene in
legal pro ceedi ngu Inualuin9
a llegahons of dircimin a han violence ag a/ns t women,
prouiding suppo1! o7 submiHing amicus Cuz ia e briefo .
6. what do you meant bg parliamentary Democ7acg ?
Parliamen larg democrocy it aform of go uesme nt wher
the ee cutive branch deriues iH legl tim ocy an d authorl4q From
the legirlati ue branch (parlia ment) and it accountable to it .key
Featores ofOf panliametoTy
parliametarq dem ocracy include :
() Exe cutive - Parligment Relationship
The encutiue (typically headed by a Prime minister) is drawn
From the parliament and it leaders
leader are us aally members of
the parlia ment, creating a close in teg raton between the exewhug
and legis latiue branche ! .
(2) Head of state and Head of 9oveTn Ment bistinction:
The Jgstem disinguishe.J befween the bead of Sfafe( offen a
Ceremonial igure , such os monarch or president) and head of
9oueTment (tgpically the primeministen) , wbo bolds exe cutive
powers and is acco un table to the pas iament
(3) Cabineh Syrtem
The executive fun ction th7ouoh a
cabioet system, consishing
of ministers 1esp onsible fo7 specific
gouerment depar 4ment!
cabinet membe! are wually
drawn from parliament
(4) Acco untability to par
liame nt
7he executue ! acco untable to the parhament., and the
parliament , and the
Parliament Can e.expres lack ot confidence
through votes Potentially leading to a chonge in goveninmen
mid-tezM election!
6) Legislative Func tioni and Lowmaking
The parliament play a central role in foTm ula ing lows,
Icoutnizing goverment policien, approuing budgels, and ouerseeng
the legtlatiue procers 7he erecufive's authorily in deri ved From
the parliamentry majerity.
(6) Polittal Plutalism

multiple poli ical paslies coexisl and compele ina

democrac9 repreren ting divets e politi cal ideologler andinterests

7 Write an essay on the doctrine of

Basic SHructure and case of
keravanantha Bharathi.
The doctrine of basic
in lodian
structure ir a funedamental principle
of the
constitutonal law that
establishes cevtain coT features
ConsHtution as inuiolable ond beyond the
Powei of the Patliament. The amending
doctine founds itt seminal
the land mark case of expreJSIOn
kerala (1973), which maTked a
kesavanandha Bhorati /: -Sfate of
watershed moment in India't
conslituthonal history
The kesa Ua nanda
Bharati case :

Keravananda Bharati , a seer of the Edneer mat in

challenged the con titutional valdity of the 29th
which aimed ed toto negate the im pacB of the amendment,
Golakn ath case (1961)
that limited Parliqment'! power to
amend Pundamental righto
The case was monumental not only fo ih fmmediate contezt but
alse for the profound legal pinipb, it established
Doctrioe of Bosic Structure
7he kerovangnda Bha oti ase led to ho formula tron of the
docBrine of baric s/rcture. According to this dochhtne while
Parliamen has the power to omeod lhe cons iluton , it canno/
aler er des troy itr basic stucture, cwhich includer Featuses ike
Federalism, secaarism, democracy , and the rule of la w
Judrcial teurew and the preamble
The supreme cour in ih judg ment relied on the Preamble to
elucida te the basic stracture . The pre amble, which
the estence and aipirations of the consitu ton ,become a guiding
lig ht for determining the limit of the
amen ding power
Signitcance of the Ooctrine
The doctine of basic shuctane hau pro fo und
ensures the continuity of the constitutional ethos pTe Venting any
arbiB arg or radical armend menth that
might compromise the core
va lues of the constitution . H
strike adelicate balance befween
the need for flezibility through amend menh and the
Preserua tion of the
constifation', esential chargctez
Legacy and Impact :

The kesavananda. Bhar ati core har eft an en

during impot
bdian cons titutional junisprudence. I| forlified the role
the jud1ciang os he gua1dian of Ihe cons
liBuion, empowered to
gnd stike down amendments hat
uiolate the baic slructure.
subseguent cases sach as Ihdira Go ndhi uls Raj Norain (1975) ond
miperua mills u union Of India (1980) fuzther oli di fied aod
erpanded he doctine

The doctrine of baric stuc ture, as

oharat case Stand as a
enuncioted in keravananda
bulwok agains orbi trary changer to
constitution. If reaffirm the
Supremacg of eonstitu tional
principles and enS U7eI that the Core
Values nd arpiratlans
the Indian
Constitution remain gacr0J Q0ct. The legacy of ke
Bharati endurer ar a te savanda
stoment to the resilience of lndia's
constitutigngl frame work
8 Explain the
salient fea fues of lndion
The lndian constitution
Though bom0 wed from almost
is unique in it con teot and spirit.
every. Consitution of fhe world, the
constitution of India has several salient Fea
It From the tues that dishng uis h
constitu tion! of the ofher Coun
OF the fries. The salient features
constitution, as follows
(0 Lengthiest
wriHen cong fitution
The cons titution of Iodia is the
lengthiest af all the wTiHen
Constitutiont of the world. His Uery comprehensive
and de tarled document Presentlq itit coConsist of a Preamble, a
470 articles bout
(diuided into 25 Parts) and 12 schedule s
(2) From vano us SOU TCe s:

7he constitatton Of lhdia har boo wed mnorf of Is

Crom +he con tilu tions of va7ious other countrie, ar Cwell
prouisi ons
the government of India act of 1935 . 07. B.R. Ambedkar Qcc
that the cons titutia
all Hhe kno wn Consti fa
of lndia has been Framed affer
'7Q0sQckion claimed
tions of Hhe cworld
(3) Blend of Rigi dity and
Flexi bilitg :
The conshtution of India is
neither rigid no Fe xible , but o
syn thetit of both
Article 368 prouide for two

Some rouitions cQn be amen de d by a

types of amendmenf
special mq/ority of the
parliament.and fome othe7 pro uision! ean be
majority of the parliament and uth the rai fica amended by Special
tion by halE of the
total Sfates
6) fede Tal Jyst em with uni tary
The conshtaton of India esta blishes a
federal sgr tem of 9out,
diuidin9 powers betw een the Central and Sfate
9outr. Howeuer)
during emerg encies , he
Constifation alows for a coitarg shilt,
97anHn9 97eater authority to tbe central
(5) Parliamentary oemocracg government
The lodian Poiical
Sslem operater on the principler of
Parli a men targ democra cy The Prerident is the
ceremoni al "
state, while the Prime minister is the head of gouernent The
cou ncil of ministeJ is rerponsible to the poshament
(6) Fundamen tal
Gruarantees fundamenlal ights ho citi zens, including he
Yight to equalhty , fieedom) and protection of ife
ond Person a/
() oirec Hive Principles of state Policy
P10uider gurdeliner for the govern ment to Striue
towards the
welfare Of the people, h ough these
there are not enforceble by the
(8) Judicial Independence
The judiciavq is independan t and has he power of judicial
ensuring a check on legislatiue and exec utive actions
(9) Single ciizenship :
unlike fe deral co un tries with du al
citizenship, India has single
cit/zenship for the enire nation .
o) Seculo Tis m :
constilution madate asecular state, ensurinq equal
treatment of all religion by the gouerment .
) Uoiversal adult Franchise :
Every adut citizens bar the igbt to
in the de mocratic
votespromohing inclasivity
Amendment P10 Cedure ! :
The constitution alo wt for amendmenh to
adapt to changing
un nd the scope of amendmert.
needs ,but certoin basic feotues are be yond
(3) Independe nf Bo dier
mitlon , CAG,
vaTious independent bodiet s ike the Election com
and the UPsc en sure ch eck and balanC!
(19) Reservation fo socioly Backword clanes
lo Addrers hiso kical tnegualifies , here are prouittons tor
Yeleruation in educat'on and emp lo ument Poz SC1) ST,ond ofher
backwavd classes.
These fe aturer collective ly contribute to the uniquenes
of the Indian constitutio n

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