Duajournalforchildren 1

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Umm Musa

September 2020
How to use the journal
“Your Lord says call on me and I will answer you…” (40:60)
Dua is a medium for us to have direct communication with Allah, to ask Allah for our
needs, our aspirations, to seek comfort and inspiration. The Prophet Muhammad
(SAW) said “Dua is the essence of worship” (Tirmidhi), with this in mind this journal
has been designed to help children connect with Allah and form a habit of making
dua through learning some duas from the Quran and sunnah and to also make their
own personal duas.

The journal should be used on a weekly basis and covers 10 weeks. Each week is a
double page spread, the first page introduces a Quranic dua or hadith which can be
memorised, next is copywork of the dua and finally a box for your child to record
their reflections of the dua. The reflection box is an opportunity to discuss as a family
the lessons we learn from the dua and how we can apply them.

The second page is where your child logs their personal duas through the following:
1) I am grateful for – this is an opportunity for your child to express their gratitude
because the blessings we have are from Allah and to display gratitude is a good
2) Dua for myself – let your child ask for whatever they want. This is an opportunity
for them to learn to ask Allah for their needs no matter how big or small.
3) Dua for others – this can be for family, friends, teachers, the community, an issue
in the world etc. Children should be able to think about others and how through dua
and action they can play a role towards a better society.
4) I want to improve on or learn – let your child reflect on a skill they want to
improve or something they want to learn as it’s important for children to have the
mindset to keep learning and not give up. If something doesn’t work the first time,
do dua and try again. The greatest failure is quitting.
Once they have written their journal there is a small image for them to colour in and
they can also get creative and have fun decorating the border of the page.

Happy journaling, may Allah accept your duas and help your children to be close to
Him, ameen.
“My Lord, increase me in knowledge.”



My reflections on this dua

I am grateful for:

Dua for myself:


Dua for others:


I want to improve on or learn:

“Our Lord, give unto us in this world
that which is good and in the Hereafter
that which is good, and protect us from
the punishment of the fire.” (2:201)





My reflections on this dua


I am grateful for:

Dua for myself:


Dua for others:


I want to improve on or learn:

“My Lord show them (my parents)
mercy just as they cared for me when I
was a child.” (17:24)





My reflections on this dua


I am grateful for:

Dua for myself:


Dua for others:


I want to improve on or learn:

“My Lord, grant me that I should be grateful for
Your favour that You have bestowed on me and
on my parents, and that I do the good deeds that
You are pleased with. And admit me through
your mercy among Your pious servants.” (27:19)







My reflections on this dua


I am grateful for:

Dua for myself:


Dua for others:


I want to improve on or learn:

“Our Lord, grant us mercy from Your
presence and provide us with guidance
in our affair.” (17:80)





My reflections on this dua


I am grateful for:

Dua for myself:


Dua for others:


I want to improve on or learn:

“O Allah, the Turner of hearts, keep
our hearts turned to your obedience.”





My reflections on this dua


I am grateful for:

Dua for myself:


Dua for others:


I want to improve on or learn:

“My Lord, make me and my
offspring establish salah. Our Lord,
accept my supplication.” (14:40)






My reflections on this dua


I am grateful for:

Dua for myself:


Dua for others:


I want to improve on or learn:

“O Allah! I ask You for Your love and
the love of those who love You, and for
the love of actions which will bring me
closer to Your Love.” (Bukhari)





My reflections on this dua


I am grateful for:

Dua for myself:


Dua for others:


I want to improve on or learn:

“O Allah, as you have perfected
my physical form, so too perfect my
character.” (Abi Dawud)





My reflections on this dua


I am grateful for:

Dua for myself:


Dua for others:


I want to improve on or learn:

“O Allah, we ask You for every good
that Your Prophet Muhammad
asked for.” (Tirmidhi)





My reflections on this dua


I am grateful for:

Dua for myself:


Dua for others:


I want to improve on or learn:


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