Research Paradigm SOP Hypothesis References.. 5

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Research Paradigm

Marketing Strategies

 Product Presentation
and Packaging
 Quality Assurance
and Certification Sales
 Product Differentiation
and Variety
 Competitive Pricing and
Periodic Discounts
 Customer Engagement and
Relationship Building

Statement of the Problem

The researcher aims to analyze the different Strategies that can positively
impact the Sales Performance of Fish Vendors in Langihan Public Market. Specifically,
the researchers sought to answer the following:

1. What are the respondents’ possible strategies in terms of:

a. Product Presentation and Packaging
b. Quality Assurance and Certification
c. Product Differentiation and Variety
d. Competitive Pricing and Periodic Discounts
e. Customer Engagement and Relationship Building

2. Is there a significant effect between those variables and sales performance?


There is a significant effect between those variables and sales sales performance in fish
vendors of langihan public market.

Anderson, L., & Johnson, M. (2019). Enhancing customer engagement through effective
relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 35(5-6), 518-544.
Chen, J., Wang, H., & Zhang, C. (2019). The impact of quality assurance and
certification on food purchase decisions: Evidence from the Chinese fish market. Food
Control, 96, 1-8.
Johnson, R., & Smith, K. (2018). Visual merchandising and the creation of discernible
retail brands: Lessons from the fashion industry. Journal of Brand Management, 25(6),
Lee, S., & Kim, Y. (2020). Effects of product diversification on sales performance in the
retail industry: Focusing on the moderating role of brand reputation. Journal of Retailing
and Consumer Services, 55, 1-11.
Wang, Y., & Li, G. (2017). The effect of promotional pricing on consumers' purchasing
decisions: The role of reference price, quality uncertainty, and promotional intensity.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 34, 62-70.

1. Product Presentation and Packaging

Research by Johnson and Smith (2018), While price attracts customers, product
presentation and packaging seal the deal for fish products. Research shows visually
appealing displays and informative packaging significantly influence purchasing
decisions. Appealing displays grab attention, while clear labeling and attractive design
build trust and highlight unique selling points. Businesses can use transparent labeling,
showcase unique features, and maintain consistent branding to elevate their brand
image, increase customer appeal, and ultimately drive sales.

2. Quality Assurance and Certification

According to a study conducted by Chen et al. (2019), Beyond price and presentation,
ensuring fish quality and safety is crucial for customer trust and business success.
Consumers seek transparency and prioritize origin, freshness, and safety. Implementing
a robust quality control system and obtaining relevant certifications like MSC or HACCP
demonstrate commitment to quality and build trust, leading to increased sales, brand
image, and customer loyalty. Prioritizing quality differentiates your brand and appeals to
health-conscious and sustainability-focused customers. Implement a comprehensive
quality control system, seek relevant certifications, and communicate clearly to foster
trust and build a successful fish business.

3. Product Differentiation and Variety

According to research by Lee and Kim (2020), While core aspects like price,
presentation, and quality matter, fish businesses can achieve greater success by
offering a wider variety and differentiating themselves. Research shows catering to
diverse preferences is crucial. A broader selection of species, cuts, preparations, and
options for specific needs like low-mercury or pre-portioned, attracts a wider audience.
To stand out, highlight unique selling points like sustainable practices, unique recipes,
or value-added services. Embrace innovation with new products and flavors. Conduct
market research, partner strategically, and communicate your story effectively to build
trust and customer connection. By diversifying and differentiating, fish businesses can
establish themselves as distinct and successful brands.

4. Competitive Pricing and Periodic Discounts

A study by Wang and Li (2017), Competitive pricing and periodic discounts are crucial
for attracting customers but require careful planning to balance profitability and
customer appeal. Discounts create urgency and enhance perceived value, but overuse
can erode profits and brand value. Businesses should understand their target market,
analyze competitors, and implement strategic discounts while focusing on their unique
value proposition. This balanced approach leads to sustainable success.

5. Customer Engagement and Relationship Building

Research by Anderson and Johnson (2019), Building customer relationships is crucial
for fish businesses beyond just making sales. Research highlights the importance of
customer engagement for repeat business and positive word-of-mouth. Personalized
interaction, loyalty programs, and responsive customer service are key. Building trust
involves addressing concerns promptly, and staff expertise fosters confidence.
Businesses can gather feedback, engage with the community, and utilize social media
to connect with customers and build loyalty. By prioritizing customer relationships, fish
businesses can cultivate a loyal following and establish a strong reputation.

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