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1 The diagram shows a cell from the leaf of a plant.

Which part contains the highest amount of magnesium?



[Total: 1]

2 When sunlight shines on a green water plant as shown, the plant gives off a gas which
collects at X.

sunlight sunlight

green water plant

What is this gas?

A air
B carbon dioxide
C nitrogen
D oxygen

[Total: 1]

3 Which two substances are the raw materials for photosynthesis?

A carbon dioxide and oxygen

B carbon dioxide and water
C starch and oxygen
D starch and water

[Total: 1]

4 Which type of tooth does the diagram show?

A canine
B incisor
C molar
D premolar

[Total: 1]

5 What is the most likely cause of a heart attack?

A blocked coronary arteries

B diet lacking in vitamins C and D
C infection by microorganisms
D regular exercise

[Total: 1]

6 Which best describes sexual reproduction?

number of parents offspring

A one genetically different from parent

B one genetically identical to parent
C two genetically different from parents
D two genetically identical to parents


[Total: 1]

7 What is an advantage of asexual reproduction for a population of flowering plants in the wild?

A A disease is less likely to affect the whole population.

B Large numbers of offspring can be produced quickly.
C Pollen can easily be transferred within the same flower.
D The offspring show genetic variety.

[Total: 1]

8 What is the optimum pH for stomach enzymes?

A pH 2 B pH 7 C pH 9 D pH 12

[Total: 1]

9 During digestion, what is the function of an enzyme?

A to break down fats into droplets

B to break down food into small pieces
C to break down large molecules into small molecules
D to kill bacteria in food

[Total: 1]

10 When the external intercostal muscles contract, how do the pressure and the volume inside the
lungs change?

pressure volume

A decreases decreases
B decreases increases
C increases decreases
D increases increases


[Total: 1]

11 The diagram below shows the gas exchange system.

Complete the labelling of the diagram using the words from the list.

bronchiole diaphragm intercostal muscle trachea [4]

[Total: 4]

12 The diagram below shows the movement of the ribs and the diaphragm during breathing in.




State what happens to the following structures during breathing in.

diaphragm ................................................................................................................................



ribcage .....................................................................................................................................



external intercostal muscles .....................................................................................................


.................................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

13 The diagram shows the female reproductive system in humans.

State the names of two parts of the female reproductive system that sperm must pass through to
reach the egg cell.

1 ...............................................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]

14 The flow diagram shows the events that occur to form a human fetus.

Complete the table by using the information in the flow diagram to identify the cell, the organ and
the processes shown in the flow diagram.

cell, organ or process name of the cell, organ or process

organ P

cell S

process Q produces
haploid sperm and eggs

process R produces
diploid cell S

process T occurs so that

cell S can grow into an

process U occurs so that

the embryo can gain
oxygen and nutrients from
the mothers blood


[Total: 6]

15 The diagram is of the male reproductive system in humans.

The boxes on the left show the letters in the diagram that identify parts of the male reproductive

The boxes on the right show the functions of some of the parts.

Draw four straight lines to match each letter to its correct function.

letter in diagram function

produces sperm

sac which contains the testes

secretes fluid for sperm to swim in

tube which carries the sperm to the urethra

tube which carries urine and sperm


[Total: 4]

16 Define the term sense organ.





.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

17 The diagram shows part of the human alimentary canal and associated organs.

State the letter in the diagram that identifies the liver and outline one function of the liver.

letter in diagram .......................................................................................................................

function ....................................................................................................................................


.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

18 The diagram is of part of the human excretory system and associated blood vessels.

State the names of parts P, Q and R in the diagram.

P ...............................................................................................................................................

Q ..............................................................................................................................................

R .............................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

19 The kidneys filter blood, separate useful molecules from excretory wastes and control the water
content of the blood.

Diagram A is of a kidney tubule and associated blood vessels. The arrows show the direction of
blood flow.

Diagram B is a drawing of a vertical section through a cell from the lining of region 2 of the tubule.

diagram A diagram B

The table shows the concentrations of some substances in blood plasma and in the regions labelled
1 and 3 on the tubule shown in diagram A.

concentration / mg per cm
blood plasma region 1 region 3

protein 8000 0 0

glucose 100 100 0

salts 320 320 300

urea 30 30 2000


Outline how the kidney tubules function to produce urine from the substances in blood plasma.

Use the information in diagram A, diagram B and the table to support your answer.













.................................................................................................................................................. [6]

[Total: 6]

20 The diagram shows the concentration of oxygen inside and outside an animal cell.

outside inside
cell cell


(i) Draw an arrow on the diagram to show the net direction of movement of the oxygen


(ii) State the name of the process represented by the arrow you have drawn on the diagram.


................................................................................................................................ [1]

[Total: 2]

21 The diagram shows six species of reptiles.

Use the key to identify each species. Write the letter of each species (A–F) in the correct empty
box beside the key.

1 (a) organism has a shell (hard covering on its back) go to 2

(b) organism does not have a shell go to 3

2 (a) organism has flat limbs (flippers) Caretta caretta

(b) organism has legs and feet Chelonoidis nigra

3 (a) organism has limbs go to 4

(b) organism has a long body and no limbs Crotalus viridis

4 (a) organism has ridges on its back go to 5

(b) organism has no ridges on its back Varanus bengalensis

5 (a) organism has a coiled tail Chamaeleo calyptratus

(b) organism has a straight tail Alligator mississippiensis


[Total: 5]

22 State the effect of increasing humidity on the rate of transpiration.



.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

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