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Master the

7 Habits of Highly
Effective People

How To Practice the 7 Habits of

Highly Effective People to Master
Your Personal Effectiveness

JD Meier
“The little things we do every day make a big
difference in our lives.”
– Stephen Covey

“As long as you think the problem is out there that

very thought is the problem.”
– Stephen Covey

“Live out of your imagination, not your history.”

– Stephen Covey

“Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”

– Stephen Covey

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule,

but to schedule your priorities.”
– Stephen Covey

“Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic.”

– Stephen Covey

“Live, love, laugh, leave a legacy.”

– Stephen Covey
About This Guide
• When I started my journey at Microsoft, the first
thing I focused on was mastering personal
• Personal effectiveness is among the greatest
suite of core skills you can master for work and
• While there are many great sources of insight
and skills to master personal effectiveness, I
found Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People to be the most essential guide
to mastering the highest value levers.
• The impact that the 7 Habits of Personal
Effectiveness had on my journey at Microsoft
was transformational and profound.

I hope that your journey and mastery of the 7

Habits of Highly Effective People can be as
rewarding for you as it has been, and continues to
be, for me…
Use This Book to
Change Your Life
7 Habits of Highly Effective
People at a Glance
Stephen Covey created a comprehensive, principle-
centered approach for solving personal and professional

Here are the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People at a


1. Be Proactive: Taking responsibility for your life.

2. Begin with the End in Mind: Defining clear goals and
visualizing the desired outcomes.
3. Put First Things First: Prioritizing tasks that align with
your fundamental values and goals.
4. Think Win-Win: Fostering collaborations that have
mutually beneficial outcomes.
5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood:
Improving communication by listening empathetically
before speaking.
6. Synergize: Valuing differences and working together to
achieve more.
7. Sharpen the Saw: Continuously renewing yourself
physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
#1. Be Proactive

To practice proactivity:

• Anticipate and Plan: Rather than waiting for challenges,

anticipate potential obstacles and plan solutions in
• Initiate Action: Don’t wait for others to give directions;
identify what needs to be done and take the first step.
• Control Your Responses: Choose your responses to
difficult situations instead of reacting impulsively.


• Anticipate and Plan: If you foresee a busy quarter,

prepare by streamlining processes and delegating tasks
• Initiate Action: Propose a meeting to brainstorm
solutions to a recurring team issue, rather than waiting
for someone else to address it.
• Control Your Responses: When faced with criticism,
actively decide to use it constructively to improve your
work, rather than responding defensively.
#2. Begin with the
End in Mind

To practice "Begin with the End in Mind":

• Visualize Your Success: Picture the ultimate goal you aim to

achieve, creating a clear and compelling vision for the
• Set Actionable Objectives: Break down the envisioned
success into actionable objectives, setting a path you can
follow step by step.
• Align Your Daily Tasks: Match your daily tasks to your
objectives to ensure each action is a building block towards
your end goal.


• Visualize Your Success: If you aspire to write a book,

imagine holding the first copy in your hand and work
backward to plan the writing schedule.
• Set Actionable Objectives: For career advancement,
identify the key positions you aim to reach and determine
what qualifications or experiences you need for each.
• Align Your Daily Tasks: If financial independence is the goal,
tailor your daily budget and spending to contribute to your
long-term financial plan.
#3. Put First Things First

To practice "Put First Things First":

• Identify Your Priorities: Distinguish between tasks that

are urgent and those that are important, focusing on the
• Master Your Time: Allocate your time according to
priorities, dedicating the most effort to activities that
align with your core goals.
• Master Your Discipline and Commitment: Stay
committed to these priorities, even when it's tempting
to divert attention to less important tasks.


• Identify Your Priorities: If career growth is important,

prioritize tasks that enhance your skills or visibility in
your organization over routine tasks.
• Master Your Time: Block off time in your schedule for
high-impact activities like strategic planning or
professional development.
• Master Your Discipline and Commitment: Consistently
dedicate the first hours of your workday to these
prioritized tasks before addressing less critical issues.
#4. Think Win-Win
To practice "Think Win-Win":

• Seek Mutual Benefit: In interactions, aim for outcomes

that benefit all parties involved, rather than competing
for a single winner.
• Build Relationships: Establish trust and goodwill by
consistently considering others' needs alongside your
• Effective Negotiation: Approach negotiations and
conflicts with a cooperative mindset, finding solutions
that satisfy everyone’s interests.


• Seek Mutual Benefit: When collaborating on a project,

propose ideas that advance the team's goals as well as
your personal objectives.
• Build Relationships: Share credit for successes with your
colleagues, strengthening team dynamics and
encouraging mutual support.
• Effective Negotiation: In discussions, listen actively to
understand the other person's perspective and work
together to find a middle ground.
#5. Seek First to Understand,
Then to Be Understood

To practice "Seek First to Understand, Then to Be


• Master Active Listening: Engage fully with others when

they speak, seeking to grasp their perspective before
sharing your own.
• Empathize: Show genuine empathy, demonstrating that
you value the other person’s viewpoint and feelings.
• Articulate Responsively: When it's your turn to speak,
respond in a way that reflects your understanding of the
conversation and adds value to the dialogue.


• Master Active Listening: In team meetings, listen to all

ideas without interrupting, taking notes to ask insightful
• Empathize: If a colleague is upset, listen to their concerns
fully before proposing a solution, ensuring they feel heard.
• Articulate Responsively: Respond to feedback by first
summarizing what you've heard to confirm understanding,
then add your perspective or clarification. “What I hear
you saying is…”
#6. Synergize

To practice "Synergize":

• Combine Strengths: Actively look for ways to blend your

abilities with those of others to create outcomes that
couldn't be achieved individually.
• Embrace Diversity: Value different perspectives and
strengths, recognizing that varied viewpoints can lead to
innovative solutions.
• Co-create Solutions: Work collaboratively to develop
solutions that are enriched by each team member's
unique contributions.

• Combine Strengths: On a team project, merge your
analytical skills with a colleague's creative ideas to
enhance the project's quality.
• Embrace Diversity: During brainstorming sessions,
encourage all voices to be heard and show how differing
opinions can complement each other.
• Co-create Solutions: When faced with a complex
problem, convene a diverse group to tackle the issue,
pooling everyone's expertise for a multifaceted solution.
#7. Sharpen the Saw

To practice "Sharpen the Saw":

• Master Continuous Improvement: Dedicate time for

self-renewal in the physical, social/emotional, mental,
and spiritual areas of your life.
• Balanced Your Self-Care: Engage in activities that
nurture and refresh your body and mind, like exercise,
reading, and meditation.
• Rest and Revitalize Yourself: Prioritize rest and
downtime to maintain high levels of energy and

• Master Continuous Improvement: Enroll in a course to
enhance your professional skillset or take up a hobby
that challenges you mentally.
• Balanced Your Self-Care: Create a routine that includes
physical activity, connecting with loved ones, and
pursuing intellectual interests.
• Rest and Revitalize Yourself: Schedule regular breaks
throughout your workday and ensure you have sufficient
time away from work to recover.
Empathic Listening

Empathic listening is the #1 communication skill you can

Empathic listening is NOT listening until you’ve heard
Empathic listening is listening until the other person feels

Empathic listening goes beyond the surface—it's about

connecting with the speaker's emotions and
understanding their perspective.

To deepen the experience, you can:

• Reflect on their feelings: "It sounds like you're feeling..."

• Validate their emotions: "It makes sense that you'd
• Clarify their message: "What I hear you saying is..."
• By doing so, you're not only hearing their words, but
you're also acknowledging their feelings, which is
essential for truly empathic communication.
Daily Practice

Practicing the 7 Habits in a day might look like this:

1.Be Proactive: Start your day by setting your

intentions and choosing actions aligned with your
2.Begin with the End in Mind: Define what you want
to achieve today and envision the outcomes.
3.Put First Things First: Prioritize your to-do list,
tackling the most important tasks first.
4.Think Win-Win: Look for collaborative
opportunities in your interactions.
5.Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood:
Practice active listening in conversations, ensuring
mutual understanding.
6.Synergize: Engage in teamwork, valuing diverse
inputs to achieve better results.
7.Sharpen the Saw: Dedicate time for personal
renewal, whether through exercise, reading, or
Weekly Practice

Week Overview:

• Monday (Be Proactive): Begin the week by setting

proactive goals.
• Tuesday (Begin with the End in Mind): Outline weekly
objectives and desired results.
• Wednesday (Put First Things First): Re-evaluate priorities
and adjust your schedule.
• Thursday (Think Win-Win): Seek collaborative solutions in
• Friday (Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood):
Focus on communication and understanding colleagues'
• Saturday (Synergize): Engage in a community or group
activity that requires team effort.
• Sunday (Sharpen the Saw): Reserve for personal time, self-
care, and planning for the upcoming week.

For a month, each week could emphasize a particular habit

while maintaining the daily practice.

At the end of the month, you would review progress and set
plans for continued growth.
Monthly Practice

Month Overview:

• Week 1: Emphasize Proactivity in all actions and

• Week 2: Focus on defining long-term goals and the
steps to achieve them.
• Week 3: Prioritize tasks across projects, delegating
and saying no when necessary.
• Week 4: Strengthen relationships through empathy
and collaborative problem-solving.

At month's end, evaluate which habits need more

focus and set intentions for the next month.
Quarterly Practice

Quarterly Overview:

• Month 1: Foundation - Focus on “Be Proactive”, “Begin

with the End in Mind”, and “Put First Things First” to set
a solid foundation for personal effectiveness.
• Month 2: Collaboration - Concentrate on “Think Win-
Win” and “Seek First to Understand, Then to Be
Understood” to enhance interpersonal effectiveness and
• Month 3: Advancement - Emphasize “Synergize” and
“Sharpen the Saw” to drive innovation through
teamwork and to ensure sustainable growth and self-

For a year, you could structure it by quarters, each with a

specific focus that supports your overarching goals for
personal and professional growth.

After each quarter, reflect and plan for the next, based on
your progress and insights gained.
Yearly Practice

Annual Overview:

• Q1: Assess and establish your goals and strategies,

ensuring proactive steps towards them.
• Q2: Build and strengthen relationships and
communication strategies, focusing on
collaborative success.
• Q3: Implement and refine team-based approaches
and innovation strategies, driving synergy.
• Q4: Evaluate the year's progress, make
adjustments, and focus on personal development
and wellness to prepare for the next year's cycle.

At the end of the year, a comprehensive review

would be conducted to assess overall effectiveness,
personal growth, and areas for improvement or new
goal setting.
Be More, Achieve More
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By JD Meier

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JD Meier

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