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Undergraduate graduation project (thesis) proposal


student name : Cai Xufei

Instructor’s name and title : Zhu Suli Associate Professor

Affi l i ate d Sc hool : School of Management

pr ofe ssi onal c l ass : Business class gj1801

Design (thesis) title: Meituan Takeout under the background of

Internet anti-monopoly

Business risk and prevention research

March 17 , 2022

Requirements for filling out the proposal report

1. The proposal report should be written independently by the

student under the guidance of the teacher based on the graduation

project (thesis) task statement issued by the teacher.

2. After filling in the content of the project proposal report, it should

be printed and submitted to the instructor for review in a timely


3. "The purpose and significance of the design" should be at least

800 Chinese characters (at least 500 words in foreign languages),

and "basic content and technical solutions" should be at least 400

Chinese characters (at least 200 words in foreign languages). The

schedule should be as detailed as possible.

4. Instructor’s opinion: Is the student’s research sufficient? Have the

basic content and technical solutions been clarified? Are you ready

to start designing (thesis)? Can it achieve the expected goals? Do

you agree to enter the design (thesis) stage?

1.Research background, purpose and significance

1.1Background and purpose

Artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and other

technologies have promoted the leadership of the Internet industry
and changed the organizational operation methods and technological
innovation channels of modern enterprises. Now, with decades of
development of Internet companies, the Internet has evolved into an
irreplaceable existence like water and electricity. Platform
companies have emerged in multiple industries, competing for growth,
penetrating into every area of consumers' lives, and forming a strong
control over the social production process. In the past two years,
the global political and economic landscape has been rapidly changing
under the heavy blow of the COVID-19 epidemic, and the Internet
platform economy has become an important engine for my country's
economic growth.
Tencent and Alibaba have used their economies of scale to become
the two giants. The giants have built an impenetrable wall in the
Internet industry with their crazy mergers and acquisitions. A
pattern of two superpowers and multiple powers has gradually formed.
Since then, it has been almost impossible for new players to get
around them. It will grow under the premise of opening up the two
giants. As their corporate scale and influence continue to increase,
the issue of Internet platform economic antitrust has also received
policy-level attention.
At the end of 2020, after the administrative guidance meeting on
standardizing the online economic order was held, the State
Administration for Market Regulation issued the "Anti-Monopoly
Guidelines on the Platform Economy (Draft for Comments)", which
included big data, unfair prices, restricted transactions, etc. The
situation is clearly defined. On that day, the stock prices of
Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, and Meituan all showed a downward trend. In
February 2021, the "Guidelines" were officially released by the Anti-
Monopoly Committee of the State Council. In April of the same year,
the National Market Supervision System Anti-Monopoly Work Conference
clearly stated that 2021 is the first year of the “14th Five-Year
Plan” and is also a big year for anti-monopoly work. The Market
Supervision Bureau successively launched investigations into Alibaba
and Meituan's "choose one" abuse of market dominance, which ended
with penalties of 18.228 billion yuan and 3.442 billion yuan
While the epidemic has impacted various industries, the food
delivery industry is developing rapidly. With the acquisition of
Baidu Food Delivery by, competition in the domestic food
delivery industry has become more intense. Supermarkets, fresh food,
and pharmaceuticals have even been derived from catering. of
delivery. Meituan and, backed by Tencent and Alibaba, are
particularly strong among many food delivery companies, with market
shares as high as 65% and 35% respectively. They are currently the
food delivery platforms with the most users in China. The emergence
of antitrust policies has brought a considerable blow and impact to
large platform companies including Meituan. This article will take
this as an entry point and take Meituan, a company with great
influence in the food delivery platform industry, as an object to
explore the impact on Internet platform companies under the
background of anti-monopoly and analyze the operating risks and
potential of Meituan’s food delivery. impact and put forward
prevention strategies on this basis to provide a reference for other
Internet platform enterprise risk prevention in the same context.
1.2 Research status at home and abroad

1.2.1Related research on Internet platform antitrust

Because the topic of Internet platforms has been very popular in

recent years, the topic of Internet platform monopoly has also
received greater attention. At the same time, 2021 is considered a
big year for antitrust. The penalties imposed on leading companies
such as Alibaba and Meituan have made the topic of Internet antitrust
reach a new high. In the three years from 19 to 21 alone, articles
with the theme of Internet platform monopoly That’s 4,200 articles.
As of March 2022, there were 2,873 cross-database search results on China National
Knowledge Infrastructure using the keyword " Internet platform antitrust" , including
600 journals and 200 dissertations, and the rest were mostly information and Report.
Among the articles about Internet antitrust that can be searched, most of them
explore the characteristics, mechanisms and antitrust countermeasures of Internet
platform monopoly. There are also articles that discuss the international antitrust
situation and combine it with legal analysis. It can be seen that the academic
community has a deep understanding of Internet platform monopoly. The research on
the problem is mainly divided into two fields: economics and law with different
Ariel Zarachi and Maurice E. Stuck (2018) stated in "The Trap of Algorithms:
Super Platforms, Algorithm Monopoly and Scenario Deception " that as the
proliferation of digital technology accelerates , platforms use new competition such as
data and algorithms. The behavior of factors may "erode" traditional competition
mechanisms. For example, collusion beyond the scope of regulatory capabilities will
become commonplace, price discrimination will become increasingly confusing, and
algorithm-driven monopolies will abuse personal information, etc., and may even
become a powerful tool to influence the political ecology .
Regarding the formation mechanism of Internet platform enterprise monopoly,
Shi Xianmei (2021) mentioned in "The Formation Mechanism of Internet Platform
Enterprise Monopoly: From Data Competition to Data Rent" that the massive data
obtained by Internet enterprises based on digital infrastructure and technology is
processed into products that can improve Production factors for enterprise production
efficiency, and thereby gain advantages in data competition. When the high data rent
brought by monopoly high prices, which far exceeds the value, reaches a certain level,
platform capital will have a monopoly position.
In "The Performance, Impact and Countermeasures of Internet Platform
Monopoly", Lin Miao (2021) divided the manifestations of Internet platform
monopoly into three types: data monopoly, price abuse, and exclusive trading. He
believed that Internet platform monopoly not only hinders innovation, but also hinders
innovation. Data abuse and data privacy issues are related to the abuse of market
dominance and even to national security. Hermalin and Katz ( 2010) pointed out that
the Internet platform market is a two-sided market, and there should be common
multi-family behaviors. However, Internet platform giants require competitors to
"choose one of the two" in order to maintain a monopoly position .
"The Monopoly Characteristics and Governance of Internet Platform
Enterprises" by Xu Zerong, Liu Jin, and Sun Yixin (2021) sorted out the new
characteristics of Internet platform enterprises and listed the new challenges faced by
Internet platform monopoly governance. The article believes that the market
boundaries of Internet platforms are blurred, the measurement of market power is
difficult, market concentration and cost pricing are controversial, and the
determination of algorithmic collusion and cross-border monopoly is complicated,
which brings challenges to the monopoly governance of Internet platforms.
Zhang Yuanzhao and Li Hongjie (2021) put forward suggestions on the path
selection of Internet platform monopoly governance in "my country's Internet
Platform Monopoly Phenomenon, Mechanism and Governance Ideas". We should
attach great importance to international cooperation, strengthen international anti-
monopoly experience exchanges, highlight the overall welfare of society, and
establish a market mechanism to protect consumer welfare. Xiong Hongru (2019)
believes in " Platform Monopoly and Its Governance Strategies in the Development of
China's Digital Economy " that some new factors (such as network effects , data
behavior and algorithm governance, etc.) must be considered in depth for platform
monopoly governance in the digital era. and be flexibly applied in specific
competition assessment and enforcement practices.
The definition of the relevant market is a key issue in the legislative treatment of
monopoly issues. Sache and Yun (2019) believe that the motivation of enterprises to
strive for market dominance should be encouraged and try to break up Internet giants
just because they have successfully achieved a favorable position. The idea is
unfounded. Huang Yong and Jiang Xiaojun (2014) believe in "Definition of "Relevant
Markets" in the Internet Industry" that when defining "relevant markets", the
competition faced by the enterprise should be considered based on the analysis of its
business model and product characteristics to determine the case. The total number of
relevant “relevant markets” is also proposed to dilute the concept of “relevant
markets” under reasonable circumstances and directly determine market dominance.
Zou Kailiang and Wang Xia (2021), through the article "Obstacles and Paths for
the Determination of Market Dominance of Internet Platforms", deeply interpreted the
special approach to the formation of Internet platform market dominance, clarified the
main obstacles to the determination of dominance and sought to optimize the path.

1.2.2Related research on operating risks of Internet companies

As of March 2022, a cross-database search on CNKI using the keyword "Internet

platform enterprise risk" yielded 35,450 relevant documents, of which 2,683 had
"monopoly" and "Internet platform enterprise risk" as the keywords. After
comprehensively sorting out most of the existing literature , research on Internet
platform companies mostly focuses on issues such as the organizational
characteristics of platform companies , platform pricing, platform competition and its
social welfare effects, while there is less research on the governance of Internet
platform company risks.
Jooyoung Kwak (2019) pointed out that O2O platforms greatly affect our
lifestyle because the current status of online transactions is the most important
component of economic behavior. Jing Wenshu (2019) in "Internet Platform
Enterprise Risk Analysis and Future Prospects" combed the domestic and foreign
related risk research of Internet platform enterprises and pointed out that platform
enterprises can accumulate a large number of customer resources in a short period of
time and can prepare a wealth of Financial resources will also pay the price of faster
risk cross-contagion. If there is a lack of risk management mechanism at this time ,
once the risk occurs, the blow to the enterprise will be fatal .
Liu Liu (2021) analyzed the market competition risks, financial risks, integration
risks and R&D risks under the diversified strategy in "Risk Management of Internet
Enterprises under Diversified Business Strategy - Taking Meituan as an Example" and
aimed at this, Countermeasures and suggestions on the risk management of diversified
operations of Internet companies are put forward. Enterprises should avoid blindly
implementing strategies, but should strengthen their risk management and control
capabilities in relevant aspects based on core competitiveness and from various
aspects such as market competition, finance, corporate integration, and R&D
capabilities. Duan Longhua's (2021) article "Internet Enterprise Risk Analysis and
Internal Control Construction Optimization" also pointed out that Internet enterprise
business is developing rapidly, governance structures and management systems have
not been able to keep up in time, and the identification, prevention, and control of
various potential risks are relatively lagging behind. It is easy to bring greater
business risks.
Gao Haoying (2021) mentioned in "Research on the Defense Line Control of
Meituan's Acquisition of Mobike" that many Internet companies have chosen the path
of seeking long-term development through mergers and acquisitions, but there are
many cases of failed mergers and acquisitions. Even a small risk can lead to a total
loss in M&A.
Liu Bai and Lu Jiarui (2021) divided the risks into four levels: market peer
competitors, platform operators, consumers and national regulatory levels in
"Potential Risks and Prevention of Internet Platform Economic Monopoly", and
analyzed the risks arising from each level respectively. Based on the risks, it is
concluded that strengthening positive supervision and improving the supervision
system are necessary means under the global trend.
Yong Chunhua (2021) proposed in "Risks and Prevention Strategies of the
Monopolistic Internet Platform Economy" that in order to further prevent the potential
risks of the monopolistic Internet platform economy, antitrust legal regulations should
be improved, a normative system suitable for Internet platform governance should be
established , and a The Internet platform content precise supervision mechanism
builds a legalized ecological competition system for classified governance.

1 .2. 3 Related research on the current situation of Meituan’s food


As of March 2022, a cross-database search using "Meituan Takeout" as the

keyword has yielded 6,156 results, and a search using "Meituan Takeout Current
Situation" as a keyword has yielded 293 results. When using "Meituan" and "Risk" is
a keyword search, and most of the results are analysis of Meituan's merger and
acquisition risks.
In addition to the literature that conducts overall research on the current situation
of Meituan Takeout, there are relatively many studies on the marketing strategies of
Meituan Takeout. Guo Ming (2019), in "Analysis of Meituan's current business
situation and development strategies", sorted out the three parts of Meituan's food
delivery, bicycle and taxi-hailing businesses, and analyzed the shortage of technical
personnel encountered by Meituan's business development and the difficulty in
maintaining long-term stability. problems such as sex and narrow profit margins.
Hu Jing, Xu Bin, and He Shuangjiang (2020) conducted a study on Meituan
Takeout through a questionnaire survey in "Research on the Current Situation and
Future Development Trends of Meituan Takeout" and analyzed Meituan's products,
market positioning, operation model and marketing strategy, and found the two major
problems of health and safety and environmental pollution in the development of
In "Analysis of the Development Prospects of the "Meituan Takeout" Business
Model", Sun Wenting (2020) conducted a SWOT analysis based on the analysis of the
Meituan Takeout business model, summarized the four strategies of SO, ST, WO, and
WT and proposed innovations accordingly Revenue source model, suggestions to
reduce “reliance” on commissions. Liu Junjie (2019) also pointed out in "Research on
Meituan-Dianping's Profit Model" that Meituan's takeaway profit model is single and
its products and services are highly homogeneous, and it is necessary to continuously
explore more robust and documented profit models.
Zhao Wenlu and Zhao Qiumei's (2022) "Analysis of Meituan's Profitability"
based on the analysis of Meituan's profitability indicators found that the rider cost of
Meituan's food delivery business is difficult to improve, the commission level on the
business end is gradually becoming a bottleneck, and the food delivery business
mainly relies on extracting merchants Commission to make profit.
Wang Zhaoxin (2020) stated in "Optimization Research in the Operation of
Platform Strategy of Meituan-Dianping Company" that the platform strategic model
connects bilateral (or multilateral) markets, has a huge user base, changes in internal
and external environments, and involves multilateral interests, which makes the
development of platform enterprises difficult. There are many uncertainties.
In terms of marketing strategy, Ji Futing and Zhang Ye (2018) believe that
Meituan Waimai should focus on specific markets and invest its main energy in large
and medium-sized stores to further build its brand image and differentiate it from
other platforms. Liu Jiarui (2021) believes that Meituan has too many business lines,
and puts forward suggestions to appropriately hide the relationship between parent
and child brands and carefully implement a diversified strategy to grasp first-mover
Current research on the monopoly of Internet platform companies focuses on
analyzing how to govern and control relevant platforms, as well as the causes and
phenomena of monopoly. There are not many studies on the risks of Internet
companies and most of them discuss the necessity of risk management and control.
How do monopolistic Internet companies respond to risks in the anti-monopoly
environment and avoid being threatened in the anti-monopoly control environment, so
as to obtain better results? There are few relevant studies on its development.
Therefore, this article takes Meituan, an Internet platform company, as an example to
conduct an in-depth exploration of corporate operating risks in the context of Internet

1.3 Research significance

With the increasing development of the Internet and the accelerated pace of life,
college students and corporate white-collar workers have an increasing demand for
takeaways. At the same time, with the penetration of big data technology, the Internet
platform also provides these consumers with a life that is closer to their needs. satisfy.
Such cyclical development has made the continuous expansion of Internet platforms
inevitable, and how to carry out anti-monopoly of Internet companies has become a
public debate. Last year, Alibaba and Meituan were punished, which brought the
antitrust topic to a climax. At present, most domestic research on the antitrust topic of
Internet platforms mainly focuses on the formation mechanism of monopoly, market
identification standards, antitrust laws and regulations, and inter-enterprise mergers
and acquisitions from the aspects of law and economics. There is a lack of risk
research specifically focused on the monopoly of a certain Internet company and
analysis of business risk prevention behaviors under supervision.
From a theoretical perspective, this article aims to conduct an in-depth analysis
and investigation of the Internet platform industry and Meituan Waimai, one of the
Internet companies, to analyze the operating risks in the anti-monopoly environment
from the perspective of the enterprise, explore and try this field, and enrich the anti-
monopoly Theoretical research on risk management and control. From a practical
sense, the study of Meituan Takeout’s operating risks in the Internet anti-monopoly
environment will not only help Meituan identify and avoid operating risks, but also
provide certain reference for similar Internet platform companies. .
2. The basic content, objectives, and proposed

technical solutions and measures of the research


2.1 Research objectives and basic content

The research goal of this article is to find out the various risks that exist in the
operation of platform companies under the Internet anti-monopoly environment
through an in-depth understanding of the current status of Meituan's food delivery
operations and an in-depth analysis of the internal and external environment, and to
explore reasonable methods to predict and resolve risks.
The first chapter of this article mainly includes the research
background, purpose and significance and explains the main research
content and ideas of this article. Chapter 2 mainly focuses on the
food delivery industry to describe the development overview of the
Internet platform industry, including the development process, market
structure, performance status of major platforms, and industry
development trends. It also explains the impact on the food delivery
industry in conjunction with the monopoly law. The third chapter
explains the current situation of Meituan Takeout in three parts:
development process, operating model and profit points, and uses SWOT
analysis to analyze the internal and external environment of Meituan
Takeout. Chapter 4 diagnoses and evaluates the operational risks of
Meituan Waimai based on the analyzed content, summarizes the results
of the questionnaire survey, and analyzes the risks according to the
four aspects of market, operations, finance and human resources.
Chapter 5: Prevention and Control of Meituan Food Delivery Business
Risks, corresponding to four different types of risks, including
inspiration for risk prevention for other Internet platform
companies. Chapter six is summary and outlook. The specific outline
is as follows:
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1Research background, purpose and significance
1.2Relevant research status at home and abroad
1.3Research content and research methods
Chapter 2 Current Situation of the Internet Food Delivery Industry
2.1 Development history of the food delivery industry
2.2 Market structure of the food delivery industry
2.2.1 Market structure of food delivery industry
2.2.2 Main platform status
2.2.3 Differences in core elements of each platform
2.3 The impact of antitrust laws on the food delivery industry
Chapter 3 Meituan Food Delivery Development Current Situation and
Environmental Analysis
3.1 The development status of Meituan Food Delivery
3.1.1 The development history of Meituan Food Delivery
3.1.2 Meituan Takeaway’s operating model
3.1.3 The profit points of Meituan Takeaway
3.2 Analysis of the external environment of Meituan Takeout
3.3 Analysis of the internal environment of Meituan Waimai
3.4 Potential impact of antitrust laws on Meituan Waimai
Chapter 4 Risk Identification and Analysis of Meituan Takeout under the
Background of Internet Antitrust
4.1 Investigation into Meituan’s food delivery business risks
4.2 Market risk
4.3 Operational risks
4.4 Financial risks
4.5 Human Risk
Chapter 5 Prevention and Control of Meituan’s Food Delivery Operation Risks
under the Background of Internet Antitrust
5.1 Overall idea of risk prevention
5.2 Market risk prevention
5.3 Operational risk prevention
5.4 Financial risk prevention
5.5 Human risk prevention
Chapter 6 Summary and Outlook

2.2 Research methods and technical routes

2.2.1 Research methods

(1)Literature research
This article searches for relevant academic papers, journals,
books and other documents on the operating status and risk research
of Internet platform companies in the anti-monopoly environment on
academic websites, libraries and other various channels to gain an
in-depth understanding of the relevant theoretical knowledge of anti-
monopoly and operating risks. analysis, and at the same time
systematically summarize the relevant information on Meituan Waimai.
While constantly studying and summarizing previous research results,
we should pay attention to the theoretical development of domestic
and foreign capital operation risk management, pay attention to
theoretical developments in related fields, and keep pace with the
(2)case study method
Comprehensive use of corporate strategic analysis models such
as SWOT analysis to analyze the internal and external environment of
the industry and Meituan Takeaway, as well as competition between
platforms, thereby exploring potential risks in Meituan Takeout’s
(3)comparative analysis
While analyzing the operating model of Meituan Takeout, we also
analyze and compare the operating models of Meituan’s competitors in
the same industry, summarize their respective characteristics, and
analyze their respective advantages and disadvantages.
(4)inductive reasoning
Inductive reasoning is a kind of reasoning from the specific to the
general. From a certain point of view on individual things to a
larger point of view, there are special and specific examples to
deduce general phenomena. This article uses the method of inductive
reasoning to extend from the punishment of the representative Meituan
takeout case to the operational risks faced by the entire Internet
platform company.
(5)Questionnaire method
Questionnaires refer to formulating detailed questionnaires and
analyzing the responses of respondents to analyze the desired
results. This article draws on the potential risks of Meituan's
operations in the anti-monopoly environment by preparing a
questionnaire on Meituan's operating risks, and combining the results
of the questionnaire with an in-depth analysis of Meituan's current
Figure 1 Technical route

3. Time schedule arrangement

From December 2021 to early March 2022, determine the thesis topic, formulate
a writing outline, and submit a proposal report;
From March 2022 to early May 2022, based on the proposal report approved by
the tutor, conduct market research and complete the first draft of the thesis;
From May 2022 to early June 2022, based on the first draft of the paper approved
by the tutor, the paper will be further revised until it is finalized;
In early June 2022, submit the final thesis and apply to participate in the
graduation thesis defense.

4. Read no less than 15 references ( including no

less than 3 foreign literature in the past five

years )

[1] Ariel Zalach , Maurice E. Stuck . The trap of algorithms : super

platforms , algorithmic monopoly and scene deception [ M ] .
Translated by Yu Xiao . Beijing : CITIC Press , 2018 .
[2] Shi Xianmei . The formation mechanism of monopoly of Internet
platform enterprises : from data competition to data rent [J].
Journal of Management, 2021, 34(6) : 1-12.
[3] Lin Miao . Performance , impact and countermeasures of Internet
platform monopoly [J]. China Development Observer, 2021 ( 22 ): 62-
[4] Hermalin , B. E. and Katz , M. L. , 2010 , Your Network or Mine ?
The Economics of Routing Rules , Rand Journal of Economics , 37 ( 3 )
: 692-719 .
[5] Xu Zerong, Liu Jin, Sun Yixin. Monopoly characteristics and
governance of Internet platform companies [J]. Fujian Forum
(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), 2021(9):67-75.
[6] Zhang Yuanzhao, Li Hongjie. my country’s Internet platform
monopoly phenomenon, mechanism and governance ideas [J]. Fujian Forum
(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), 2021(7):72-84.
[7] Xiong Hongru . Platform monopoly and governance strategies in the
development of China’s digital economy [J] . Reform , 2019 , (7):52-
61 .
[8] Sacher, SB, & Yun, JM, Twelve Fallacies of the “ Neo-Antitrust”
Movement, George Mason Law Review, 2019, 19 ( 12 ) : 24-25.
[9] Huang Yong , Jiang Xiaojun . Definition of "relevant markets" in
the Internet industry [J] . Law, 2014(6):92-99.
[10] Zou Kailiang, Wang Xia. Obstacles and path optimization for
identifying market dominance of Internet platforms [J]. Price Theory
and Practice, 2021(4):26-32.
[11] Jooyoung Kwak,Yue Zhang,Jiang Yu.Legitimacy building and e-
commerce platform development in China: the experience of
Alibaba,Technological Forecasting and Social Change[J].2019(139):115-
[12] Jing Wenshu . Risk analysis and future prospects of Internet
platform enterprises[J] . Productivity Research , 2019 , (11) : 134-
[13] Liu Liu . Risk management of Internet companies under
diversified business strategies—taking Meituan as an example[J] .
China Business Review , 2021 , (9) : 12-15.
[14] Duan Longhua . Internet enterprise risk analysis and internal
control construction optimization [J] . National Circulation Economy
, 2021(22):50-52.
[15] Gao Haoying . Research on risk control of Meituan’s acquisition
of Mobike [D]. Donghua University of Science and Technology, 2021.
[16] Liu Bai , Lu Jiarui . Potential risks and prevention of monopoly
in the Internet platform economy [J] . Accounting Monthly ,
[17] Guo Ming. Analysis of’s operating status and
development strategies [J]. Modern Marketing (Later Issue),
[18] Hu Jing , Xu Bin , He Shuangjiang . Research on the current
status and future development trends of Meituan’s food delivery [J]
. Marketing Circle , 2020(5):32-34.
[19] Sun Wenting . Analysis on the development prospects of the
"Meituan Takeaway" business model [J] . Cooperative Economy and
Technology , 2020 , (15):94-96.
[20] Liu Junjie . Research on Meituan-Dianping’s Profit Model[D] .
China University of Petroleum (Beijing), 2019.
[21] Zhao Wenlu , Zhao Qiumei . Profitability analysis of Meituan
[J]. Time-honored Brand Marketing, 2022(2):169-171.
[22] Wang Zhaoxin . Research on optimization in the strategic
operation of Meituan-Dianping’s platform[D] . Beijing: University of
International Business and Economics, 2020.
[23] Ji Futing , Zhang Ye . Analysis of Meituan’s takeaway marketing
strategy[J] . Market Research , 2018(6):43-44.
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Research , 2021(2):93-96 , 104.
[25] Jiuding Li , Shuaiming Gao .BCP Business & Management: Platform
Economy and Internet Platform Monopoly [C].2021(13):160-163.
5. Instructor’s opinions

Instructor (signature): year month day

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