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Alcohol dehydrogenase 3 genotype and risk of oral cavity and pharyngeal cancer

Article in JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute · December 1997

DOI: 10.1093/jnci/89.22.1698 · Source: PubMed

232 119

11 authors, including:

Neil Caporaso Richard Bernard Hayes

National Cancer Institute (USA) NYU Langone Medical Center


William J Blot Dushanka Kleinman

Vanderbilt University University of Maryland, College Park


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eters (1). Any one of these devices can action DNA amplification assay (3) for
be combined with the transjugular intra- Re: Alcohol Dehydrogenase 3 68 patients with oral cavity cancer, 51
hepatic portal vein catheter technique. Genotype and Risk of Oral patients with pharyngeal cancer, and
This hypothesis seems to us worthy of Cavity and Pharyngeal 167 control subjects. Genotype determi-
testing in clinical trials. nations were performed by investigators
who were blinded to the source of the
SÁNDOR PAKU specimens.
GYÖRGY BODOKY Recently, Harty et al. (1) reported in Lifetime use of tobacco (cigarettes,
PÉTER KUPCSULIK the Journal that alcohol dehydrogenase cigars, or pipe) and alcohol consumption
JÖZSEF TÍMÁR type 3 (ADH3), a polymorphic enzyme were recorded during a personal inter-
that metabolizes ethanol to acetalde- view conducted by seven trained inter-
References hyde, modified the risk of development viewers. Alcohol beverages were con-
of oropharyngeal cancers in a cohort of verted into grams of pure ethanol, and
(1) Daly JM, Kemeny NE. Chapter 50.2 Treat- Puerto Ricans who had high levels of the average daily consumption was cal-
ment of metastatic cancer, In: Cancer, prin- alcohol consumption. culated by dividing the cumulative life-
ciples and practice of oncology, 5th edition, We investigated whether these find- time consumption by the overall dura-
volume 2 eds. DeVita VT, Hellman S, Rosen-
ings could be reproduced in another tion of drinking. Odds ratios (ORs) were
berg SA, Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publ.
Co, 1997:2551–70. population, from part of a hospital- calculated by unconditional logistic re-
(2) Harmantas A, Rotstein LE, Langer B. Re- based, case–control study performed in gression, including sex, age, and smok-
gional versus systemic chemotherapy in the France among Caucasians (2). In our ing as confounding factors. The interac-

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treatment of colorectal carcinoma metastatic study, only case subjects (n 4 165) with tion between ADH3 genotype (ADH31–1
to the liver. Is there a survival difference?
histologically confirmed squamous car- versus ADH31–2 or ADH32–2) and levels
Meta-analysis of the published literature. Can-
cer 1996;78:1639–45. cinoma of the oral cavity and pharynx of daily alcohol consumption was stud-
(3) Breedis C, Young C. The blood supply of neo- were included. Control subjects (n 4 ied to test the equality of the effect of
plasms in the liver. Am J Pathol 1954;30: 234) were individuals without a history ADH3 genotypes across the drinking
969–75. of cancer and were frequency matched levels (4). To this end, the average daily
(4) Lin G, Landerquist A, Hagerstrand I, Boijsen
for sex, age, and hospital. consumption of alcohol was divided ac-
E. Postmortem examination of the blood sup-
ply and vascular pattern of small liver metas- The main conditions diagnosed cording to the approximated quartile
tases in man. Surgery 1984;96:517–26. among control subjects were rheumato- distribution observed among the control
(5) Haugeberg G, Strohmeyer T, Lierse W, Bocker logic (n 4 74; 32%), infectious and subjects.
W. The vascularization of liver metastases. parasitic (n 4 24; 10%), respiratory (n The risk of oropharyngeal cancer as-
Histological investigation of gelatine-injected
4 21; 9%), cardiovascular (n 4 19; sociated with the ADH31–1 genotype,
liver specimens with special regard to the vas-
cularization of micrometastases. J Cancer Res 8%), and digestive (n 4 14; 7%) dis- compared with the ADH31–2 and the
Clin Oncol 1988;114:415–9. eases as well as traumatic injuries (n 4 ADH 3 2–2 genotypes combined, was
(6) Paku S, Lapis K. Morphological aspects of 12; 5%). Severe liver diseases were ex- slightly, although not significantly, in-
angiogenesis in experimental liver metastases. clusion criteria for both case subjects creased (OR 4 1.4; 95% confidence in-
Am J Pathol 1993;143:926–36.
and control subjects. terval 4 0.8–2.3) (Table 1). The risk of
(7) Terayama N, Terada T, Nakanuma Y. A mor-
phometric and immunohistochemical study on ADH3 genotypes were determined cancer rose significantly with increased
angiogenesis of human metastatic carcinomas with the use of a polymerase chain re- daily consumption of alcohol (x2 two-
of the liver. Hepatology 1996;24:816–9.
Table 1. Number of case and control subjects* and odds ratios† (95% confidence intervals) of
oropharyngeal cancer according to ADH3 genotypes and alcohol consumption‡
Average consumption of ethanol§
Affiliations of authors: S. Paku, Research Unit
ADH3 genotype ø40 g/day 41–80 g/day 81–120 g/day >120 g/day Total§,\
of Molecular Pathology, Joint Research Organisa-
tion of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and ADH3 1–2
and ADH3 2–2
1 (referent) 2.3 (0.8–7.0) 3.4 (1.0–10.9) 5.8 (1.9–17.6) 1 (referent)
Semmelweis University of Medicine, Budapest; 6/26 18/35 13/19 29/22 66/102
G. Bodoki, Department of Chemotherapy, Na- ADH31–1 1.7 (0.5–5.5) 3.4 (1.1–10.9) 5.3 (1.3–21.6) 6.3 (1.8–21.4) 1.4 (0.8–2.3)
tional Institute of Oncology, Budapest; P. Kupc- 10/23 14/19 8/7 17/11 49/60
sulik (1st Department of Surgery), J. Timar (1st
Total¶ 1 (referent) 2.2 (1.0–4.6) 3.2 (1.3–7.5) 4.8 (2.2–10.7)
Institute of Pathology and Experimental Cancer
16/49 32/54 21/26 46/33
Research), Semmelweis University of Medicine,
Budapest, Hungary.
*Data on smoking (cigarettes, cigars, pipe) and/or alcohol exposure were missing for four case subjects
Correspondence to: József Tı́már MD., Ph.D.,
and five control subjects.
D.Sc.; 1st Institute of Pathology and Experimental
†Odds ratios are adjusted for sex, age, and exposure to smoking (cigarettes, cigars, or pipe).
Cancer Research, Semmelweis University of
‡Interaction test between ADH3 genotypes and levels of alcohol consumption: x2 two-sided test for
Medicine, Budapest, VIII. Üllõi út 26., H-1085
homogeneity 4 0.4 for 3 degrees of freedom, P 4 0.94.
Hungary. E-mail:
§Values in columns for each group 4 top line: odds ratio (95% confidence interval); bottom line:
number of case subjects/number of control subjects.
\Also adjusted for daily consumption of ethanol.
¶Also adjusted for ADH3 genotype.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 90, No. 12, June 17, 1998 CORRESPONDENCE 937
sided test for trend; P<.0001). No inter- (2) Bouchardy C, Wikman H, Benhamou S, Hir- confidence interval [CI] 4 0.8–2.4)
action was found between ADH3 geno- vonen A, Dayer P, Husgafvel-Pursiainen K. among subjects with the ADH31–1 geno-
CYP1A1 genetic polymorphisms, tobacco
type and alcohol consumption; i.e., the smoking and lung cancer risk in a French Cau-
type compared with subjects with the
effect of ADH3 genotype was the same casian population. Biomarkers 1997;2:131–4. ADH31–2 or the ADH32–2 genotype,
in each category of alcohol consumption (3) Groppi A, Begueret J, Iron A. Improved meth- quite similar to the risk observed by
and vice versa. Similar results were ob- ods for genotype determination of human al- Bouchardy et al. (odds ratio [OR] 4
served when the same cut points for the cohol dehydrogenase (ADH) at ADH2 and 1.4; 95% CI 4 0.8–2.3). However,
ADH3 loci by using polymerase chain reac-
number of alcoholic drinks per week tion-directed mutagenesis. Clin Chem 1990;
Bouchardy et al. did not observe an in-
used by Harty et al. (1) were analyzed. 36:1765–8. creased risk associated with the
These findings do not support the (4) Breslow NE, Day NE. Statistical methods in ADH31–1 genotype among consumers
cancer research. The analysis of case–control with the highest alcohol intakes, in con-
conclusion of a greater effect of
studies. IARC Sci Publ 1980;32:5–338. trast to our study (1). We note that the
ADH31–1 genotype among the group of (5) Coutelle C, Ward PJ, Fleury B, Quattrocchi P,
subjects within our study group who had Chambrin H, Iron A, et al. Laryngeal and oro-
alcohol-related risk of oral cancer was
the highest level of alcohol consump- pharyngeal cancer, and alcohol dehydrogenase higher for heavy drinkers (ù57 drinks/
tion. This discrepancy between the con- 3 and glutathione S-transferase M1 polymor- week) in Puerto Rico (OR 4 13.1; 95%
clusions of the two studies might be due
phisms. Hum Genet 1997;99:319–25. CI 4 3.9–44.2) (1) than for heavy
to mere chance, selection bias, or differ- drinkers (>120 g/day [approximately
Notes >70 drinks/week]) in France (OR 4 4.8;
ences in the populations studied. Our re-
sults are consistent, however, with those
Affiliations of authors: C. Bouchardy, Geneva 95% CI 4 2.2–10.7), which may be due
Cancer Registry, Switzerland; C. Coutelle, Dépar- to the use of different referent groups (0

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of Coutelle et al. (5), who reported a tement de Biochimie Médicale et Biologie Mo-
slightly positive but not statistically sig- drinks/week in our study; ø40 g/day
léculaire, Université de Bordeaux, France; P. J.
[approximately ø23 drinks/week] in the
nificant association between ADH31–1 Ward, Epidemiology Unit, Queensland Institute of
Medical Research, Australia; P. Dayer, Division of study by Bouchardy et al.), differences
and the risk of oropharyngeal cancer
Clinical Pharmacology, University Hospital of in alcohol use (i.e., amounts, patterns of
among French Caucasian alcoholics. Geneva, Switzerland; S. Benhamou, Unit of Can- use, or beverage types), or misclassifi-
The ADH3 allele frequencies among our cer Epidemiology (INSERM U351), Gustave
cation in the exposure assessment. Like
control subjects (0.57 for ADH31 and Roussy Institute, Villejuif, France.
Bouchardy et al., we (1) observed no
0.43 for ADH32) were quite similar to Correspondence to: Christine Bouchardy,
M.D., Geneva Cancer Registry, 55, bd de la Cluse, additional risk associated with the
those reported for subjects in this other
1205 Geneva, Switzerland. E-mail: gerald. ADH3 genotype at intakes associated
French population (0.55 and 0.45, re- with risks up to OR 4 4.7 (95% CI 4
spectively) (5), but they were slightly
Response 1.6–14.4).
different from those observed in the co-
A particular concern is that individu-
hort of Puerto Rican subjects (0.62 and
We thank Bouchardy et al. for bring- als with severe liver disease were ex-
0.38, respectively) studied by Harty et
ing to our attention their new data re- cluded from the study by Bouchardy et
al. (1). A limitation of our study would
garding the relationship of alcohol al. but not from our study (1). The rela-
be the use of hospital control subjects,
drinking, alcohol dehydrogenase 3 tionships between ADH3 genotype, liver
especially if there are any associations
(ADH 3 ) genotype, and oral cancer. damage, alcohol intake, and ADH activ-
between ADH3 genotypes and diseases
However, the limited information they ity are unresolved (2–6) and potentially
diagnosed. Nevertheless, the distribu-
provide makes comparisons between the complex. If liver damage and ADH31–1
tion of ADH3 genotypes was not signifi-
two studies difficult. Details are missing genotype are positively associated, ex-
cantly different among the disease
regarding subjects’ age and sex; the ana- cluding subjects with severe liver dis-
groups, although the power to detect
tomic subsites of the tumors; whether ease will undersample heavy drinkers
such differences is low. Further studies
incident or prevalent cases were studied; with the ADH31–1 genotype. While de-
are needed to understand better the role
the method used to calculate alcohol in- tails regarding the exclusion criteria are
of ADH3 in susceptibility to alcohol-
take; the types of alcoholic beverages not given by Bouchardy et al., case–
related cancers.
consumed; the distribution of alcohol in- control differences could have biased
CHRISTINE BOUCHARDY takes by case–control status, by ADH3 the results toward the null.
CHRISTIANE COUTELLE genotype, and by disease category for We interpret the only other study (6)
PATRICK J. WARD the control subjects; the risks observed of ADH3 genotype, alcohol intake, and
PIERRE DAYER with the use of a non-drinker referent oropharyngeal cancer as suggesting that
SIMONE BENHAMOU group; and the risks associated with heavy drinkers with the ADH31–1 geno-
each of the following three ADH3 geno- type may have an elevated risk of upper
types: ADH31–1 (homozygous for the aerodigestive tract cancers compared
References fast-metabolizing ADH 3 1 allele), with those with the ADH31–2 or the
ADH31–2 (heterozygous), and ADH32–2 ADH32–2 genotype. Coutelle et al. (6)
(1) Harty LC, Caporaso NE, Hayes RB, Winn (homozygous for the slow-metabolizing reported a 2.6-fold (95% CI 4 0.7–
DM, Bravo-Otero E, Blot WJ, et al. Alcohol
dehydrogenase 3 genotype and risk of oral ADH32 allele). 10.0) higher risk of oropharyngeal can-
cavity and pharyngeal cancers. J Natl Cancer In our study (1), we observed an ad- cer and a 6.1-fold (95% CI 4 1.3–28.6)
Inst 1997;89:1698–705. justed risk for oral cancer of 1.3 (95% higher risk of laryngeal cancer associ-

938 CORRESPONDENCE Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 90, No. 12, June 17, 1998

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