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Prelim Exam Essay

The 5-month long research discusses about the metonymies of

ethnobotany that can be observed on the rituals done by the Sagrada familia in
Irosin, Sorsogon. In this specific tribe, they believed that the “luklukan” can heal
sicknesses through plants and spirits, which is the center of their fellowship. The
researcher is able to identify the functions of a figure of speech called metonymy
being used during the tribe’s rituals. The first two metonymies which are the
sight and hearing, focuses on how the people are able to communicate with the
spirit. As for the last two functions which are the touch and taste. It is mostly
observed during the healing process of the ritual.
Despite our world, being medically advanced, there are still groups that
relies on their beliefs and spirituality in curing various illnesses. Most of us might
say that these are all just a work of fiction, and the so-called miracles are just
coincidences. But reading this research paper and studying about the culture of
these tribes, might serve as an eye opener especially to us in the academe, to be
more open minded on their beliefs and practices. This also helps us understand
that poverty plays a major role as to why these certain practices are still observe
until now.
The use of herbal plants on the other hand is already very beneficial not
only to the said tribes but also on the medical field. One example of this is the
Lagundi plant. Many drugstores nowadays are selling the Ascof lagundi which is
a medicine syrup used in curing coughs. There are even studies that proves that
this plant can be used in decreasing the symptoms of mild covid (Lazarte et al.
2021). Anyways, I am really intrigued on how different languages might affect
the ritual process of various ethnobotanic tribes.

Conde, Jesus Cyril M., and Maria Aurora A. Conde. Metonymies of Ethno-botany
and the Fellowship Discourse of the Sagrada familia Healers in Irosin, Sorsogon.
University Research Council, Ateneo de Naga University, 2018.

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