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States of Matter


Lattice structure
Particles tightly packed
Particles vibrate in place
Fixed volume + shape.
Not compressible.


No fixed structure.
Particles still close but flow over each other.
Particles move.
Fixed volume, variable shape.
Not very compressible.


No fixed structure.
Particles are far apart.
Particles have high energy and move a lot.
No fixed volume + no fixed shape.
Very compressible.


Heated + charged
According to the kinetic particle model:

All matter is made of particles in constant motion. Particles in solids are bonded together +
potential energy.
All materials have a certain amount of Internal energy. ( IE = PE + KE )
Gas has the most K.E whereas solid has the least.
Solid has the most PE whereas gases have the least.


Movement of particles in a fluid from high concentration to low concentration. Rapid movement
in gases, slower in liquids.

Define the following terms:

1. Absolute Zero

Temperature at which there’s no heat left/ lowest energy point: corresponding to -273.15 C, the
lowest temperature possible.

2. Heat

Energy that is transferred from one body to another as the result of a difference in temperature.

3. Thermal Energy

The energy contained within a system that is responsible for its temperature. Ex: A kettle.

4. Temperature

The intensity of heat present in a substance or object.

5. Thermal equilibrium

The condition under which two substances in physical contact with each other exchange no heat
energy. Ex: Hot cup of team on a table.

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