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Energy Systems

ATP Production:

1. Anaerobic (Without Oxygen)

a. ATP-CP system
b. Anaerobic glycolysis system
2. Aerobic (With Oxygen)
a. Aerobic system

Rate, Yield, and Dominant Time Period:

1. Rate of ATP Production = How quickly ATP is resynthesized

2. YIELD = How much ATP is resynthesized
3. The energy system with a higher yield (more ATP) has a slower rate (ATP resynthesized slower)

ATP-CP energy system

Dominant provider of ATP resynthesis from 0-10 seconds of high-intensity

1. Fuel: Uses a combination of stored ATP

2. Intensity: Maximum efforts >95% max HR
3. Duration: Short durations
4. Rate of resynthesis: Very fast
5. Yield: Low
6. Rate of ATP production: Very fast
7. Yield of ATP production: Very low
8. Dominant time period: 0-10 sec
a. Fuelled by: ATP and creatine phosphate
b. Explosive/Fast paced activities

Used for power sports:

Sprinting, Jumping, Throwing, Weight Lifting

Anaerobic Glycolysis

Dominant provider of ATP resynthesis from 10-30 seconds of high-intensity

1. Fuel: Carbohydrate
2. Intensity: 80 – 95% max HR
3. Duration: Takes over after ATP-CP system fatigues, Predominant 10-60 second events. Peak
power is usually reached between 5-15 seconds.
4. Rate of Resynthesis: Fast
5. Yield: Low-Medium-2ATP

Lactic Acid System (Anaerobic Glycolysis system)

1. Rate of ATP production: Fast

2. Yield of ATP production: Moderate
3. Dominant Time Period: 10 – 30 sec
a. Fuelled by: Glycogen
b. Fatigue By-Products: Lactic acid and Hydrogen ions
Aerobic Energy System

Dominant provider of ATP resynthesis for any low-intensity efforts or high-intensity efforts longer than
30 seconds

1. Rate of ATP production: Slow

2. Yield of ATP production: Very High / Unlimited
3. Dominant Time Period: Beyond 30 sec


a. Fuelled by: CHO, Fats, then Proteins

b. By-Products: CO2, H2O, Heat

Energy System Interplay

Interplay of energy systems means that all three energy systems are contributing to ATP resynthesis at
any given time, however, there is only one energy system that is the most dominant provider  This is
determined by the intensity and duration of the activity

 The fuel source used for ATP production is based on the duration and intensity of exercise

Energy system interplay at rest:

1. At rest, the energy required for the resynthesis of ATP is derived from the Aerobic energy system
2. Fats  Responsible for contributing about 2/3 of the energy required
3. CHO  Responsible for contributing about 1/3 of the energy required

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