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Biased media is a real threat to Indian democracy

“You should not be the sycophants of government; you are supposed to be sceptic. You are
supposed to ask me tough questions. You are not supposed to be complementary, but you are
supposed to be casting a critical eye on those folks who hold enormous power and make sure that
we are accountable to the people who sent us here.”

This was former US president Obama’s message to media on his last interaction with press in white
house. It reflects the role, media must play in democracy. The message also wards off tendency of
being biased in form of being sycophants.

The increasing noise of Indian media and apparent biases of media towards a particular political or
certain issues plague Indian journalism in recent years. This biasness inhibits media to play the role
that it should play in maintaining democratic values enshrined in the constitution.

The essay will explore the role played by media in democracy and how biasness creeping in Indian
media can destroy democracy from its very core. India ranks 150th in ‘Press freedom index’ shows
the prevailing situation of media in India and threat Indian democracy faces if such state of affair

Media’s role in democracy can be seen from political, social, and economic dimensions. Politically,

media creates informed opinion based on fact on which citizens can make their choices of their
valuable vote. Supreme Court also held Right to be informed as prerequisite to right to vote.

It ensures free and fair elections by informing the authorities about misuse of electoral guidelines by

parties and candidates. Thus in a way media lead to political empowerment of people.

On social front, media makes people aware about events and happenings all around the country and

the world. It not only creates an aware mind but also helps to create open mind leads to sensitivity,

shedding of our prejudices and stereotypes and embrace diversity of culture, religion and language.

For instance, media is said to have played an important role in government initiative of Ek Bharat

Shrestha Bharat (EKSB) founded on the principle of unity in diversity in India. Further media act as

voice of voiceless by bringing people’s voice on national stage linking decision makers and people on

an open platform.

In addition to above, media is said to be watchdog in democracy not only in the political sphere but
also in economic sphere. media played a central in exposing scams like 2G scam, Coalgate scam and
commonwealth games scam.

Thus, a true media promotes transparency and ensure that people’s money are used with utmost
integrity and honesty by those who are wielding power to use it. Thus media helps to create a
responsible citizen out of mere voters on which substantive democracy rests.

In contrast to true media, biased media is the one which biased towards a particular political party
or ideology, certain class, community etc. rather than keeping an arm distance from all vested
interests and keeping citizen in centrality. Media is said to be biased when it compromises on the
values of journalism like truthfulness, objectivity, reasoning, questioning the power holders etc.
Now the question comes the reason behind such creeping biasness in media which in its pre
independence and even in starting decade since independence held journalistic principles at its core.
One of the reason is Corporatization of media. It is due to increased competition especially in age of
internet to get more eye balls/ TRP. further, they indulge in sensationalism or majoritarian view to
attract popular sentiment instead of just representing the facts.

Secondly, biasness also comes in when media compromises on news to get political patronage for
advertisement and to get exclusive interviews from political leaders of party. Thus, media tends to
get bias towards that political party. This happens especially towards political party holding power.
Thus compromising the idea of checks and balances.

Thirdly, there is a consistent decline of journalistic ethics. Media is now more opinionated rather
than informative and fact based. Journalism seen now more as business and service orientation is
missing which was present in earlier times. Now we see how biasness in media threatens every
aspect of democracy and pose a grave challenge to it.

For instance, Phenomenon of paid news during election i.e. pushing news preferable to one
candidate over the other in lieu of payment leads to lack of informed debates and demonization of
certain politicians. It leads to distorted public opinion and thus it is an impediment to free and fair
elections. Thus destroying political democracy.

The extreme result of biased media is seen in German media before World War II. Leaders like
Goebbels think of press as the key board on which government can play. They used media as tool
to create sense of fear among people that promote longing for dictatorial government and the rest

what followed is history.


In addition to above, biased media also threatens social democracy as well. Biased media is seen

as spreading fake news, trivial news in place of substantial news concerning people and leads to

decline of scientific temper. Many a time heated debates promote communal and caste hatred by

echoing majoritarian sentiments. the extreme of such phenomenon can be seen in Rwanda for

instance, Rwandan radio is said to be one of the culprit of 1996 genocides of Rwanda which nearly

killed more than half a million population.


A biased media will not be a watchdog to administration. Biased media leads to compromise on
the value of transparency, accountability and probity in governance. Those holding power if they
know that there is no check from side of media will be more inclined to indulge in corrupt acts and
misuse of power if they know that there is not public gaze on their act.

A biased media also undermines efforts of honest journalist and media houses who still are
upholding the values of journalism in their work. These journalists are not undermined but also
suffer from financial losses and many a time are subject to death threats.

Hence biased media creates a vicious circle which swallows the democracy from within.

So the questions is what should be done to reverse this trend and infuse true value of journalism
in Indian media? The work has to be done to ensure objectivity and primacy to facts, truthfulness
and service orientation from all stakeholders.
Firstly, from government side empowerment of press council of India should be done giving it more
teeth and resources to regulate media and redress complaints against content in media.

Also, government should pay heed to reforms demanded by election commission: like making paid
news an electoral offense providing security to journalist who are receiving constant threats from
fringe elements.

Secondly, from side of press itself, the institutions like national broadcasting association of India should
be empowered. A sense of responsibility should be cultivated through code of conduct and code of
ethics for media houses and journalists in individual capacity.

Thirdly, people should be more vigilant and not just a passive audience. They should perform their duty
as active citizenry who realizes importance of an unbiased media and its importance to democracy.
Further it should put social pressure on media houses to be more factual, giving primacy to content
that is more relevant for people and put people’s concern at its core.

Hence it can be said that Soul of journalism is truth, without truth it is a silent assassin to
democracy. Biasedness in media makes democracy hollow from inside, disempowering citizen
and even to extent of silencing their voices.

Thus, Media needs to be driven by

a) Reality not revenue

b) Community not commerce om
c) People not profits

d) News orientation not narrow corporate greed


So that media strengths democracy rather than destroying it.


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