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a) Closed-loop control system:

A closed-loop control system, often referred to as a feedback control system, is a control
system in which the output is continuously monitored and compared to a desired
reference signal or setpoint.
A closed-loop control system typically consists of the following key components:
 Plant or Process: The physical system or process being controlled can be a
mechanical setup, an electrical circuit, a chemical operation, or any other type of
system that can be regulated and managed through control mechanisms.
 Sensor: The sensor captures the actual output or current condition of the system and
sends this data to the controller.
 Controller: The controller takes the measured output from the sensor and compares it
with the desired reference signal or setpoint. It then computes the control signal or
input to the plant, based on the error or difference between the measured output and
the desired setpoint.
 Actuator: The actuator gets the control signal from the controller and transforms it
into a physical action or signal that is applied to the plant. This might involve a
motor, a valve, a heater, or any other device capable of influencing the system.
 Feedback Loop: The feedback loop is established by the link between the plant's
output, the sensor, and the controller's input. The sensor captures the measured
output and sends it back to the controller, enabling continuous adjustment of the
control signal according to the system's behavior. This ongoing process aims to
minimize errors by dynamically adapting to the system's response.

The block diagram of simple control system was shown below:

Firgue 1: Block diagram of closed-loop control system

In a closed-loop control system, the error detector compares the input signal with the
feedback signal, which is a sample of the system's output. The difference between these
two signals is known as the error signal. This error signal is then sent to the controller,
which generates an actuating signal. This actuating signal is used to manipulate the plant
or processing system to achieve the desired outcome. As a result, in a closed-loop
control system, the system's input is automatically adjusted in response to the error
signal, allowing the system to consistently move toward the desired response.

b) Open-loop control system:

An open-loop control system, also called a feedforward control system, is a type of

control system where the control action is predetermined or preprogrammed based on
the known dynamics of the system, without depending on feedback information. In an
open-loop control system, the control signal or input remains unchanged regardless of
the system's output or response.

The main components of an open-loop control system include:

 Input: The input signal or command is given to the system to achieve a specific
behavior or setpoint. It reflects the desired control action.
 Controller: The controller produces the control signal based on the input signal. The
control signal is predetermined or calculated in advance, often using mathematical
models or system analysis techniques. In an open-loop system, the controller does
not factor in the system's output or response when generating the control signal.
 Plant or Process: The plant or process refers to the system being controlled. It can be
a mechanical setup, an electrical circuit, a chemical operation, or any other type of
system that can be regulated or influenced by a control signal.
 Output: The system's output is the outcome resulting from the control action and the
system's inherent dynamics. In an open-loop control system, the output does not
serve as feedback for altering or modifying the control signal.

Open-loop control systems are simpler in design and implementation compared to

closed-loop control systems. The block diagram of the open loop control was shown
Firgue 2: Block diagram of open-loop control system

2.2. Control scheme

A control scheme refers to a setup where any potential difference between future values and
desired target can be corrected by adjusting input values. In that, PID control standing for
proportional-intergral-derivative control, is a type of feedback system that uses feedback to
control the process. It is widely used in variety of applications such as manufacturing,
robotics and process control.

Firgure 3: Schematic representation of a general PID control loop in its most general form.

A PID controller contains 3 term control:

Proportional (P) term: The proportional control relies on the error (ε ) between the set point
and the actual process variable. The multiplication of the proportion gain (KP) and the error
is the control output. This element gives a linear response, implying that the control output
is directly proportional to the error.

P = KP x ε
Integral (I) term:The integral control is based on the integral of the error between the
setpoint and the actual process variable. It provides a method to eradicate steady-state error
in the system. The control output is the result of multiplication of the intergral gain (Ki)
with the sum of errors.

I = KI x ∫ ε dt

Derivative (D) term: The derivative control relies on the changing rate of error between the
setpoint and the real process variable. This element provide a method to respond to changes
in system quickly. The derivative gain (KD) is multiplied by the rate of change of the error
to produce the control output.

d (ε )
D = Kd x

The output of PID controller is shown as the equation:

d (ε )
Output = P x I x D = KP x ε x KI x ∫ ε dt x KD x

2.3. Controller performance and cotroller tunning

2.3.1. Controller performance

Firgue 4: Performance characteristics for the step response of an under-damped


Rise time tr: The point of time when the output of process reach the new steady-state
value at the first time.
Time to first peak tp: The time required for the output of process reach the maximum

Settling time s: The settling time is determined as the time required for the process
output to reach and be stable inside a band whose width is equal to ±5% of the total
change in y. The term 95% response time is sometimes used to refer to this case.
Also, the error around ±1% are acceptable.

Overshoot (%): OS = A/B.

Decay Ratio: DR = C/A.

Period of Oscillation (period T): P is the time between two successive peaks or two
successive valleys of the response.

2.3.2. Controller tunning

Open loop nethod (Cohen – Coon) Performance criteria

The C-C method requires the use of an open-loop step response (process reaction
curve). C-C method can be summarized in the following steps:

1. When the process reaches steady state at the normal level of operation,
switch the controller to manual mode.

2. While the controller is in manual mode, show a minor change in the output of
controller goes to valve and record the transient.

3. Draw a straight-line tangent to the curve at the point of inflection.

4. Using available equations to calculate controller parameters.

Firgue 5:Step test for tuning.
Table 1: Cohen – Coon controller settings.
Firgue 6: Step test for tuning.

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