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ebasket14:Jw40qh14 | Username = sebasket14 | Tag Line = 8453 | Game Name =

Sebasket14 | Level = 30 | Account ID = 2200323115 | Country = usa | NickName =

Sebasketball | EmailVerified = True | Region = PBE | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
clumsypandali:ValorantKey123 | Username = ClumsyPandali | Tag Line = 2974 | Game
Name = Panda | Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hanmat3:sandman9 | Username = hanmat3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = hanmat3 |
Level = 120 | Account ID = 2078794343213632 | Country = usa | NickName = hanmat3 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thegamerxkillerx:gemb2004 | Username = thegamerxkillerx | Tag Line = LAS | Game
Name = KILLERXGAMERX | Level = 2 | Account ID = 206553686 | Country = chl |
NickName = KILLERXGAMERX | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
thatmanwhokills:Lastres21041998 | Username = thatmanwhokills | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = 9Fwh2Tfxq5 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 232130718 | Country = gbr |
NickName = 9Fwh2Tfxq5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ripodas2000:ripodas2 | Username = ripodas2000 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ripodas2000 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 239048997 | Country = esp | NickName =
ripodas2000 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
themalus12:ayvaz5344 | Username = themalus12 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = küçük
ayvaz | Level = 18 | Account ID = 2235544572399712 | Country = tur | NickName =
küçük ayvaz | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yavizviz:1234makina | Username = yavizviz | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = yavizviz |
Level = 342 | Account ID = 200745152 | Country = tur | NickName = yavizviz |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
mitchelld97:2GK84BFE | Username = mitchelld97 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
KaptainKush124 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 214214245 | Country = zaf | NickName =
KaptainKush124 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
zwelfs:122cristo | Username = zwelfs | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = joãozinlol |
Level = 194 | Account ID = 212375612 | Country = bra | NickName = joãozinlol |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
peachyyrin:orange15722 | Username = peachyyrin | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
luluculia | Level = 1 | Account ID = 230263150 | Country = hun | NickName =
luluculia | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sebastian3549:fDfXf8IXfn | Username = sebastian3549 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
ViagraPL | Level = 21 | Account ID = 204976137 | Country = pol | NickName =
ViagraPL | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yg244716287:yg19920921 | Username = yg244716287 | Account ID = 2581765309245024 |
Country = jpn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cricken2151:Lastres21041998 | Username = cricken2151 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
plcwepoomvcreps | Level = 3 | Account ID = 227946960 | Country = twn | NickName =
plcwepoomvcreps | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dreamerr100:zzzzzzzz1 | Username = dreamerr100 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS119bcd49c4ef5dda09757 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 45546808 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS119bcd49c4ef5dda09757 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
smurfleblanc000:carolina000 | Username = smurfleblanc000 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = ILoveYouNugget | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2158387278189344 | Country = prt |
NickName = ILoveYouNugget | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
weerapath202:09210315zx | Username = Weerapath202 | Tag Line = 6030 | Game Name =
Blueprint | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2376431164435648 | Country = tha |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
listen2therain:FEIjoy1231 | Username = listen2therain | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Listen2theRain | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2236602995984512 | Country = usa |
NickName = Listen2theRain | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
szenszi93:Mesterke1 | Username = szenszi93 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Szenszi93 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 204403044 | Country = rus | NickName =
Szenszi93 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sodapagoda:Fryhorn121 | Username = sodapagoda | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
sodapagoda | Level = 17 | Account ID = 205583045 | Country = dza | NickName =
sodapagoda | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cdb30:therev92a7x | Username = cdb30 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1109cdbf3567856f7fd33 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 47668898 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1109cdbf3567856f7fd33 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
sonamy12:Alesam02 | Username = sonamy12 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
PikachuGirl2002 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 217159204 | Country = ita | NickName =
PikachuGirl2002 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sebufizzzt7:Neoassassin7! | Username = Sebufizzzt7 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Sebufizzzt | Level = 49 | Account ID = 2349621947364032 | Country = che | NickName
= Sebufizzzt | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
huysuzboy123:huysuz3128 | Username = huysuzboy123 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
Slitch | Level = 1 | Account ID = 207290635 | Country = tur | NickName = Slitch |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
uncleaik:kjfv3636 | Username = uncleaik | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = UncleAik |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 217166046 | Country = swe | NickName = UncleAik |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
randamannn:Rjh14881 | Username = Randamannn | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Randamannn | Level = 28 | Account ID = 2482714318030432 | Country = usa | NickName
= Randamannn | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cspagnola:Quantum1 | Username = cspagnola | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Morph3usRising | Level = 1 | Account ID = 230382734 | Country = usa | NickName =
Morph3usRising | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
neogeni:yj1121?? | Username = neogeni | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS14366f2fa59234 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 30258084 | Country = nld | NickName =
IS14366f2fa59234 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
anthonymacha:Anthony120895 | Username = anthonymacha | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
CrunchTimeBaby | Level = 5 | Account ID = 226361806 | Country = ukr | NickName =
CrunchTimeBaby | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
ayoubidama:Vanmechelen1 | Username = AyoubIdama | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
9502c974-b9e4-4db8-8ecb-8e89c83cb548 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2405646048301472 |
Country = bel | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pukk7:UrdunAli7 | Username = Pukk7 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Pukk7 | Level =
15 | Account ID = 2389240411623456 | Country = gbr | NickName = Pukk7 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kilata99:asd123Qw1! | Username = kilata99 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS11ed4798637c18 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32674535 | Country = fra | NickName =
IS11ed4798637c18 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jenniferhogfoss:lunadog1 | Username = jenniferhogfoss | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Siren Samuri | Level = 1 | Account ID = 213648698 | Country = usa | NickName =
Siren Samuri | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
miekasunayama:miekasun13 | Username = miekasunayama | Account ID = 42257293 |
Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xxguerriero:9fec6317 | Username = xxguerriero | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
XxGuerriero | Level = 6 | Account ID = 226311662 | Country = fra | NickName =
XxGuerriero | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zebolla33333:claudiaale1 | Username = zebolla33333 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
NoooDaat | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2234968459839616 | Country = arg | NickName =
NoooDaat | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lordfelen08:colt45pwns | Username = lordfelen08 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
CarryAddict | Level = 9 | Account ID = 202299923 | Country = ind | NickName =
CarryAddict | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
darkel2003:Linde0815 | Username = Darkel2003 | Tag Line = 7019 | Game Name =
Darkel2003 | Account ID = 2440188478540672 | Country = deu | EmailVerified = True |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
baromareq:Barry123 | Username = baromareq | Account ID = 220454860 | Country = rus
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tomdoggo :Salfordm6 | Username = tomdoggo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = TomDoggo |
Level = 14 | Account ID = 2167874077610176 | Country = gbr | NickName = TomDoggo |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
okounam:wolfmage55 | Username = okounam | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1d151e15a337e9dc8e337 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 45949314 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1d151e15a337e9dc8e337 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pieter500:Deadrising2 | Username = pieter500 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = HDHP |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 34741669 | Country = chn | NickName = HDHP | EmailVerified
= True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rubencamarillo:deadmoon510 | Username = rubencamarillo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= IS1041a85171632a2ea8eed | Level = 5 | Account ID = 36400284 | Country = egy |
NickName = IS1041a85171632a2ea8eed | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
nibycheater:cheater713 | Username = nibycheater | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
NoJebneZaraz | Level = 3 | Account ID = 26468813 | Country = fin | NickName =
NoJebneZaraz | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ltyamz:Yeezyboost350 | Username = LtYamz | Tag Line = 5336 | Game Name = LtYamZ |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oskarfidyk1:oskarfidyk2 | Username = oskarfidyk1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS15c4d7f79899ad | Level = 2 | Account ID = 34025804 | Country = ind | NickName =
IS15c4d7f79899ad | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dreifuns128:ichmagdich1 | Username = dreifuns128 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1f97c7abb4227b | Level = 5 | Account ID = 31628485 | Country = idn | NickName =
IS1f97c7abb4227b | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
skyenga:slovenia1 | Username = skyenga | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS18d19a8f6aeef1 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 27276288 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS18d19a8f6aeef1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
daideneg9:daideneg9 | Username = daideneg9 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1641a4e63af7d2 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 31410641 | Country = vnm | NickName =
IS1641a4e63af7d2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
evildave219:Lastres21041998 | Username = evildave219 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
EvilDave219 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 202244710 | Country = vnm | NickName =
EvilDave219 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
thagoro:vx2b4hwc | Username = thagoro | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Thagoro |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 212612901 | Country = cze | NickName = Thagoro |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
teagoan:12345678aA | Username = teagoan | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Voltar1 |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 201915080 | Country = aus | NickName = Voltar1 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jtlarson27:bobisawesome1 | Username = jtlarson27 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
GetRekt237 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 234429777 | Country = ukr | NickName =
GetRekt237 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tehfluffy12:Lastres21041998 | Username = tehfluffy12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
xinfection2760 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 242359770 | Country = deu | NickName =
xinfection2760 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
qq1681322:1681322ww | Username = qq1681322 | Tag Line = 2150 | Game Name = ????? |
Country = hkg | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maxelone:QAYwsxedc123 | Username = maxelone | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
maxelone | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2176901003006688 | Country = deu | NickName =
maxelone | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
megamaomen6:tele2262317 | Username = megamaomen6 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
VelocidadDELRayo | Level = 10 | Account ID = 36435736 | Country = col | NickName =
VelocidadDELRayo | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nightwing0408:baseball0 | Username = Nightwing0408 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Nightwing0408 | Level = 182 | Account ID = 2021390992361760 | Country = usa |
NickName = Nightwing0408 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
abuhumaid88:Mer7ba123 | Username = AbuHumaid88 | Tag Line = 5810 | Game Name =
AbuHumaid88 | Country = omn | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jamesbonsa626:afacan626 | Username = jamesbonsa626 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
Ertush | Level = 181 | Account ID = 201321634 | Country = tur | NickName = Ertush |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 70 | TotalRecentGames = 2 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
aoexe1631:2262333w | Username = aoexe1631 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = DEDbI
VOEVALi | Level = 2 | Account ID = 200976266 | Country = usa | NickName = DEDbI
VOEVALi | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ka3jiader:Postal123 | Username = ka3jiader | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS12e08d0d8c12e10828c34 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 34372444 | Country = mda |
NickName = IS12e08d0d8c12e10828c34 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
claudchang5:bestrong1 | Username = claudchang5 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1f66682686a62783b0c2e | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37776870 | Country = khm |
NickName = IS1f66682686a62783b0c2e | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
10maxlara10:10maxlara1 | Username = 10maxlara10 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = QQ
Crystâl | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204082140 | Country = deu | NickName = QQ
Crystâl | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rexox19:Omitrix23! | Username = rexox19 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
pubgbestanime | Level = 26 | Account ID = 245362622 | Country = usa | NickName =
pubgbestanime | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mj64527:i8cookies | Username = mj64527 | Account ID = 217589467 | Country = rus |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
playedlime:djf00516 | Username = playedlime | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
PlayedLime | Level = 10 | Account ID = 235610810 | Country = usa | NickName =
PlayedLime | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
titanpro47:Santi2003 | Username = TitanPro47 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
TitanPro47 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2491400657544288 | Country = mex | NickName =
TitanPro47 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
thetsumiii:4964697d | Username = thetsumiii | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
TheTsumiii | Level = 6 | Account ID = 209596397 | Country = fra | NickName =
TheTsumiii | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
turiszabi1234:aas0145rd | Username = turiszabi1234 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
qSuzuya | Level = 7 | Account ID = 227621208 | Country = rou | NickName = qSuzuya |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
willygamer2020:willyreder54321 | Username = willygamer2020 | Tag Line = 6665 | Game
Name = WillyGamer2020 | Country = per | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
swhitehouse:Cap1524193 | Username = swhitehouse | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Sarisselyn | Level = 1 | Account ID = 216206720 | Country = usa | NickName =
Sarisselyn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
terminator555401:Lastres21041998 | Username = terminator555401 | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = Terminator555401 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 46494607 | Country = vnm |
NickName = Terminator555401 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
libai9999:libai123 | Username = libai9999 | Tag Line = 8819 | Game Name = ??? |
Account ID = 2580706982455008 | Country = jpn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
harakinn:rapmonster5 | Username = harakinn | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 4a581031-
cba5-40ef-9c82-d0dc27a530af | Level = 1 | Account ID = 230737940 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
icckillboy:Lastres21041998 | Username = icckillboy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ICCKILLBOY | Level = 2 | Account ID = 218766255 | Country = ukr | NickName =
ICCKILLBOY | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
drnicosoundz:wyjebane1 | Username = drnicosoundz | Account ID = 33740844 | Country
= arg | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
basyki:penge178 | Username = basyki | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = basyki | Level =
10 | Account ID = 227635005 | Country = fra | NickName = basyki | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lulucursuss:Ludovic23 | Username = lulucursuss | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Yrjh3U8fkv | Level = 8 | Account ID = 212146369 | Country = srb | NickName =
Yrjh3U8fkv | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nebraschowdhury:razi12345 | Username = nebraschowdhury | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= nebraschowdhury | Level = 7 | Account ID = 233972520 | Country = rus | NickName =
nebraschowdhury | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
theeman3002:fishing123 | Username = theeman3002 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
TheEMan3002 | Level = 12 | Account ID = 233450921 | Country = usa | NickName =
TheEMan3002 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
misterkajus:assa0695 | Username = misterkajus | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
44864f3f-64e1-4063-b4b5-16ef1b57430c | Level = 1 | Account ID = 237391649 | Country
= ltu | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
timmyesquivel:JTes1006** | Username = timmyesquivel | Tag Line = 4685 | Game Name =
timmyesquivel | Country = phl | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
puisorra:Fatherthe1 | Username = puisorra | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
MilkAndEgg | Level = 10 | Account ID = 219620271 | Country = tha | NickName =
MilkAndEgg | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
thekinges4:Gege62.00 | Username = thekinges4 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Sn0wm4g3 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 208951100 | Country = nld | NickName =
Sn0wm4g3 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mondilshan13:Wasteman1393 | Username = mondilshan13 | Tag Line = moc | Game Name =
mondilshan | Account ID = 2384805818118592 | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = False
| Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lilbroaniki:Playamoney1 | Username = lilbroaniki | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
40rqYj4zakuaJwEO | Level = 10 | Account ID = 2068897316309088 | Country = usa |
NickName = 40rqYj4zakuaJwEO | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
vuvytran4:Lastres21041998 | Username = vuvytran4 | Tag Line = 23898 | Game Name =
FLAGGED 66241545 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 233599786 | Country = arg | NickName =
PhoShizzzle | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrbilou1515:B65032150b | Username = MrBilou1515 | Tag Line = 8262 | Game Name =
MrBilou15 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 2713416116266400 | Country = bel | NickName =
MrBilou | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
uaexdevil1:V968uTTm | Username = uaexdevil1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Me
Legendary | Level = 1 | Account ID = 213762397 | Country = are | NickName = Me
Legendary | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tokimhungjapan:01667099281sina | Username = tokimhungjapan | Tag Line = JP1 | Game
Name = o7039o350o | Level = 23 | Account ID = 201741754 | Country = jpn | NickName
= o7039o350o | EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pantamemmo62:shaft4001 | Username = pantamemmo62 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS13264df39cbe7caa83d40 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39924946 | Country = aut |
NickName = IS13264df39cbe7caa83d40 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
shilton82:ev00ra | Username = shilton82 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Shilton82 |
Level = 12 | Account ID = 203624226 | Country = pol | NickName = Shilton82 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked =
elasri1:Tipsclub1 | Username = elasri1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = GB15 | Level
= 3 | Account ID = 231716069 | Country = mar | NickName = GB15 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dogukanisak:Dogukan36 | Username = Dogukanisak | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
HeThinkHeIsGood | Level = 9 | Account ID = 2000081868993024 | Country = deu |
NickName = HeThinkHeIsGood | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
elbaner20:cesarps4 | Username = ElBaner20 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = TheBaner20
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 2006553908914400 | Country = mex | NickName = TheBaner20
| EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mahdiboulila:mahdi123 | Username = mahdiboulila | Tag Line = 3389 | Game Name =
mahdiboulila | Country = tun | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
guebar:atleti1903 | Username = Guebar | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Aybirio |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 39673658 | Country = esp | NickName = Aybirio |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mimtkoren:mimtkoren1 | Username = mimtkoren | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1db4542c12bf79 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 22590723 | Country = mys | NickName =
IS1db4542c12bf79 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zartak123123:Lastres21041998 | Username = zartak123123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= DARTH COOGi SWAG | Level = 1 | Account ID = 217826443 | Country = arg | NickName
= DARTH COOGi SWAG | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
helenilson10:helenilson10 | Username = helenilson10 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
kratos arkaram | Level = 7 | Account ID = 204288487 | Country = bra | NickName =
kratos arkaram | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
aaronakakira:Obelisk1 | Username = aaronakakira | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
AaronAkaKira | Level = 6 | Account ID = 227620355 | Country = usa | NickName =
AaronAkaKira | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hereami1:goranqq1 | Username = hereami1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS18102cd09f02ab | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32577132 | Country = fra | NickName =
IS18102cd09f02ab | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
amethystcobra:Lastres21041998 | Username = amethystcobra | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = IS1d8fd722dc5f7efee9f6b | Level = 2 | Account ID = 32727703 | Country = bgd
| NickName = IS1d8fd722dc5f7efee9f6b | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
stennerking:vivienne11 | Username = stennerking | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
StrikerBrääd | Level = 5 | Account ID = 41094114 | Country = kor | NickName =
StrikerBrääd | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
koog523:5201022261Bhk | Username = koog523 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Thekoog523 | Level = 76 | Account ID = 203831386 | Country = usa | NickName =
Thekoog523 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bookoomenow:Hellovt123 | Username = BooKooMeNow | Tag Line = 3137 | Game Name =
BooKooMe | Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
adrianogamers:Adrianoramos123 | Username = adrianogamers | Tag Line = BR1 | Game
Name = Pintududo | Level = 18 | Account ID = 2128376962632064 | Country = bra |
NickName = Pintududo | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = AdrianoRMS-_- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
hoarck:ozimavini16 | Username = Hoarck | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Hoarck |
Level = 388 | Account ID = 209877263 | Country = bra | NickName = Hoarck |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
erasiek102:wsad9521 | Username = erasiek102 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS132b94a324d220 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29100745 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS132b94a324d220 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
victorlenem:victor06 | Username = victorlenem | Account ID = 24559874 | Country =
chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
overrule1983:schnee01 | Username = overrule1983 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
rNVlSGfr7s | Level = 1 | Account ID = 220429153 | Country = ukr | NickName =
rNVlSGfr7s | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
endbozzhd:miaschatz1 | Username = endbozzhd | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
EndbozZHD | Level = 2 | Account ID = 240801446 | Country = deu | NickName =
EndbozZHD | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vilanpl:kalosek25 | Username = vilanpl | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1f0c68a4d66d99337a527 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32212095 | Country = arg |
NickName = IS1f0c68a4d66d99337a527 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
strohman89:Shiva6px | Username = strohman89 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Strohman89 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 36622659 | Country = deu | NickName =
Strohman89 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = Markus.Keller89@t- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
osamabinchopin:TristanJames420 | Username = osamabinchopin | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = 89aab99f-4aa2-43c5-8430-da8fb3bb34c3 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 237420454 |
Country = syc | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
barbeysize:Gr1n41ks | Username = barbeysize | Tag Line = 1066 | Game Name = Gr1n4 |
Country = ukr | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xlocksss:20072015Ma | Username = xLocksss | Tag Line = 5964 | Game Name = xLocksss
| Country = fra | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 80 | TotalRecentGames = 2 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
behermbarek13:bethelazyball13 | Username = behermbarek13 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = DeerEnde | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2364513506620224 | Country = tun |
NickName = DeerEnde | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mrgogogina:bobbob25 | Username = mrgogogina | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
dY6NIa5bpe | Level = 1 | Account ID = 209876740 | Country = fra | NickName =
dY6NIa5bpe | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
samuraii1980:mv230509 | Username = samuraii1980 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1327f084a92efc | Level = 1 | Account ID = 38451851 | Country = deu | NickName =
IS1327f084a92efc | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = manuel@henters- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
inquisher:Hasibe20 | Username = inquisher | Tag Line = 3805 | Game Name = inquisher
| Country = tur | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
belenop1:belenoyaneder31 | Username = belenop1 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
Kuatrojos | Level = 67 | Account ID = 203862049 | Country = chl | NickName =
Kuatrojos | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
drielealveslima:manonfire11 | Username = drielealveslima | Tag Line = BR1 | Game
Name = Rumplestilsskin | Level = 6 | Account ID = 204666230 | Country = bra |
NickName = Rumplestilsskin | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
asuratheking24:Lastres21041998 | Username = asuratheking24 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Tatsuya Swagget | Level = 8 | Account ID = 228531437 | Country = usa |
NickName = Tatsuya Swagget | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
klyu2:Lola3286 | Username = Klyu2 | Tag Line = 6429 | Game Name = Klyu2 | Country =
can | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
amoc92:Qazwsxedc1234 | Username = amoc92 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Fivolet |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2697020162205088 | Country = rus | NickName = Fivolet |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
schapenbeffe:zwelgje112 | Username = schapenbeffe | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Schapenbeffe | Level = 3 | Account ID = 240390936 | Country = rus | NickName =
Schapenbeffe | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
regipsik:bajo1998 | Username = Regipsik | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Regipsikus
| Level = 12 | Account ID = 2361015234523680 | Country = pol | NickName =
Regipsikus | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tyedstick:deathmetal420 | Username = tyedstick | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS178381b4594fdbbfcd88f | Level = 9 | Account ID = 36212248 | Country = geo |
NickName = IS178381b4594fdbbfcd88f | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
bobsterwood:B48juOkjIO | Username = bobsterwood | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
BobsterWood | Level = 2 | Account ID = 219158929 | Country = geo | NickName =
BobsterWood | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
baust8:Baust0815 | Username = baust8 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ÜberBaust |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 213086151 | Country = deu | NickName = ÜberBaust |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kawasakininja636:kawasaki636 | Username = kawasakininja636 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = kawasakninja636 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 226506577 | Country = kaz |
NickName = kawasakninja636 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
azaload:malicechipie33 | Username = azaload | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = AzaL0ad
| Level = 37 | Account ID = 223917421 | Country = swe | NickName = AzaL0ad |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 305 | Radianite Points = 60 | TotalRecentGames = 12 | Skins =
[, , , , , , , , , , , , , Galleria Marshal, , , ] | Checked = Yes
perrybrayan00:yenter1998 | Username = perrybrayan00 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
zSoul Legend | Level = 18 | Account ID = 201483764 | Country = chl | NickName =
zSoul Legend | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lottavonano:Islands7 | Username = lottavonano | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1ff74a38528f49 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 39601557 | Country = ita | NickName =
IS1ff74a38528f49 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
miavalen3:Sirenita3 | Username = miavalen3 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
tr0iex:bartoszbartkowiak#12 | Username = Tr0IeX | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
TroIeX | Level = 356 | Account ID = 223653064 | Country = pol | NickName = TroIeX |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 150 | Radianite Points = 190 | TotalRecentGames = 10 | Skins = [Hivemind
Ares, Hivemind Vandal, POLYfox Bulldog, , POLYfox Judge, Red Alert Bucky, , , ,
POLYfox Sheriff, , , POLYfox Guardian, , Hivemind Spectre, Red Alert Stinger, ] |
Checked = Yes
supafly0117:brendan09 | Username = supafly0117 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
supafly0117 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 241384684 | Country = usa | NickName =
supafly0117 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
calout41:marci1602 | Username = calout41 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS10ee296edd247b | Level = 2 | Account ID = 32444772 | Country = hun | NickName =
IS10ee296edd247b | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
a757471445:8815306a | Username = a757471445 | Account ID = 2476978492884864 |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fanzhewei:fan403999 | Username = fanzhewei | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = Sanxia?
oldtwo | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200542325 | Country = vnm | NickName = Sanxia?
oldtwo | EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
matthewmahler:Dim3bag1990 | Username = matthewmahler | Account ID = 229382048 |
Country = mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
sythanh888:sythanh2001 | Username = sythanh888 | Tag Line = 6886 | Game Name =
FBSThanh | Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nanjo66:xunxo4ever | Username = nanjo66 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = nanjo66 |
Level = 12 | Account ID = 1931334 | Country = chl | NickName = nanjo66 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ziwny:tuvisteh4 | Username = ziwny | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = zvny | Level = 4
| Account ID = 29463915 | Country = chn | NickName = zvny | EmailVerified = True |
Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
biciuliu43:Biciuliu43 | Username = biciuliu43 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
FireBear133 | Level = 74 | Account ID = 204914466 | Country = ltu | NickName =
FireBear133 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
ogzmbn01:mammamamma31 | Username = ogzmbn01 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
DarkBrtoherWood | Level = 25 | Account ID = 203386926 | Country = tur | NickName =
DarkBrtoherWood | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
theseusbae:ayhan31200 | Username = TheseusBae | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
TheseusTaken | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2271048447283680 | Country = tur | NickName
= TheseusTaken | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 15 |
TotalRecentGames = 45 | Skins = [, Prime Vandal, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ] |
Checked = Yes
mortimorin:eiqohayyb3l | Username = mortimorin | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
Mortimorin | Level = 10 | Account ID = 203597676 | Country = rus | NickName =
Mortimorin | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thekingkev12:iwarrock4e11 | Username = thekingkev12 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
TheKingKev12 | Level = 9 | Account ID = 36082939 | Country = deu | NickName =
TheKingKev12 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = k.boettcher- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oknweoas189:qw123454321 | Username = oknweoas189 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS19c32e0db35041 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34510527 | Country = esp | NickName =
IS19c32e0db35041 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes | Username = deamonpryde | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = RaVeNPryde | Level = 6 | Account ID = 2094178079559840 | Country = hun |
NickName = RaVeNPryde | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
qwazi11:szlachecka93 | Username = qwazi11 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS16c558e8f76978b7578af | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38803417 | Country = tjk |
NickName = IS16c558e8f76978b7578af | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ohyumfruit:hopeless1 | Username = ohyumfruit | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SmokinBig | Level = 3 | Account ID = 213330885 | Country = kaz | NickName =
SmokinBig | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
duft08:429Duft08 | Username = duft08 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = druft | Level =
32 | Account ID = 37875891 | Country = can | NickName = druft | EmailVerified =
True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stoleit09:Jayman777 | Username = stoleit09 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
dennisschueler:sinned93+ | Username = dennisschueler | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
timase | Level = 3 | Account ID = 213503017 | Country = deu | NickName = timase |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
friezrae:Pickles11! | Username = FriezRae | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
frommy32:Bjfromm32 | Username = Frommy32 | Tag Line = 9515 | Game Name = Frommy32 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jyseg242:jisg2878 | Username = jyseg242 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Brumenor |
Level = 13 | Account ID = 216054182 | Country = esp | NickName = Brumenor |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
haikoppl:Doceliet1 | Username = HaikoPPl | Tag Line = ashe | Game Name = Fixel le
bg | Level = 9 | Account ID = 2632933730239808 | Country = fra | NickName = Haykopp
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 167 | Radianite Points = 90 | TotalRecentGames = 2 | Skins = [, Prism II
Vandal, Depths Bulldog, , , Lightwave Bucky, , Songsteel Classic, Luxe Ghost,
Lightwave Sheriff, , , Songsteel Guardian, , Infantry Spectre, Depths Stinger, ] |
Checked = Yes
dennyblade04:denny123 | Username = dennyblade04 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Dennyblade04 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 207990854 | Country = chl | NickName =
Dennyblade04 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
supercocohead:yaoming7 | Username = supercocohead | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
supercocohead | Level = 3 | Account ID = 219638005 | Country = usa | NickName =
supercocohead | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
parkerstroop:parkera1bc | Username = parkerstroop | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
runfromlife | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2255655160481856 | Country = usa | NickName
= runfromlife | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
smallsms0:Smsa2002 | Username = Smallsms0 | Tag Line = 9159 | Game Name = smallsms
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 2464669577743424 | Country = gbr | NickName = SMALLSMS |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
475 | Radianite Points = 180 | TotalRecentGames = 91 | Skins = [, Prime Vandal, , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
gigeto90:zuzuki250 | Username = gigeto90 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 6d06a93b-
7cba-4997-b2a9-f53787d54ced | Level = 1 | Account ID = 1977433292876288 | Country =
mex | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hang1987:cch951753 | Username = hang1987 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a1268400398f3041766a | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40303587 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1a1268400398f3041766a | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
anakrim777:Quentin77! | Username = anakrim777 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Anakrim | Level = 213 | Account ID = 210774552 | Country = fra | NickName = Anakrim
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
huuraw:6425nick | Username = huuraw | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = FLAGGED 38447413
| Level = 23 | Account ID = 234054846 | Country = usa | NickName = FLAGGED 38447413
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stumpymcdoogle:Lastres21041998 | Username = stumpymcdoogle | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Konor Teh Pwne | Level = 5 | Account ID = 218745849 | Country = usa |
NickName = Konor Teh Pwne | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
khaledgebreel:khaledlo12 | Username = khaledgebreel | Account ID = 224014203 |
Country = ukr | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
humamargubi:bellato73 | Username = humamargubi | Tag Line = 2042 | Game Name =
BigoLife | Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
prefix91c6qilog6ah:Lastres21041998 | Username = PREFIX91C6QILOG6AH | Tag Line = EUW
| Game Name = Lycaner75 | Level = 30 | Account ID = 212735263 | Country = deu |
NickName = Lycaner75 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ff7788250:a128217942 | Username = ff7788250 | Account ID = 40421163 | Country = chn
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
teteasdf:daichi15 | Username = teteasdf | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = Teteasdf |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 206303818 | Country = chl | NickName = Teteasdf |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nioutentv:Timo8172 | Username = nioutentv | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = NioutenTv
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 231265495 | Country = kor | NickName = NioutenTv |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yanka5555:yanka5555 | Username = Yanka5555 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = Yanka5555
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 2243417274682240 | Country = ecu | NickName = Yanka5555
| EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ohsocasually:Password09 | Username = ohsocasually | Account ID = 216645284 |
Country = mdg | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
lisslamalice2:Hugo0504 | Username = lisslamalice2 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
CHAIR IS LAVA | Level = 1 | Account ID = 233376543 | Country = fra | NickName =
CHAIR IS LAVA | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
linluhan90:luhanlin19900211 | Username = linluhan90 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
d8d9ea18-1d0c-4464-97cb-d34f4b4ab4e3 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 39592839 | Country
= mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mulci888:Paisajes84 | Username = Mulci888 | Tag Line = moc | Game Name = Mulci |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2392890709529504 | Country = esp | NickName = Mulci69 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yasa1221:yasa1221 | Username = yasa1221 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1dc4c2da494201 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30262687 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1dc4c2da494201 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ajdajd8590:didhd5194^^ | Username = ajdajd8590 | Tag Line = KR1 | Game Name
= ??????? | Level = 10 | Account ID = 2072407937077088 | Country = kor | NickName =
??????? | EmailVerified = True | Region = KR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
deichheld:lavigne71 | Username = deichheld | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ingenorsak | Level = 15 | Account ID = 206355336 | Country = deu | NickName =
ingenorsak | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
baxterlombardi:Baxter100 | Username = BaxterLombardi | Tag Line = Grrr | Game Name
= Cerecita | Level = 322 | Account ID = 200771915 | Country = arg | NickName =
ESTRELLlTA | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
fabio191666:91109778f | Username = fabio191666 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
XTheLorDX | Level = 90 | Account ID = 203720195 | Country = bra | NickName =
XTheLorDX | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
presidentcantero:Phillip1 | Username = presidentcantero | Account ID = 229048800 |
Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
marzl199322:1234Krus567 | Username = Marzl199322 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
MeThePro | Level = 24 | Account ID = 40215895 | Country = deu | NickName = MeThePro
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tomeks124:tomaszek12 | Username = tomeks124 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Best
ŽËD EUNE | Level = 6 | Account ID = 40323856 | Country = deu | NickName = Best ŽËD
EUNE | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
czuczos11:marian87 | Username = czuczos11 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
twojstary21 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 31071711 | Country = sgp | NickName =
twojstary21 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
arturpionko:tcr3xyy7 | Username = arturpionko | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1f8e8ed55509c2 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29880284 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1f8e8ed55509c2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tabertphil54:728168294696t | Username = tabertphil54 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Smurf it rango | Level = 14 | Account ID = 219354571 | Country = gum | NickName =
Smurf it rango | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
marihercas:PIAEVER1998 | Username = marihercas | Account ID = 221510624 | Country =
egy | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
migmorlp:migel2013 | Username = migmorlp | Tag Line = 4088 | Game Name = MOraTiC |
Level = 44 | Account ID = 234764366 | Country = deu | NickName = Migmor |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 60 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
g1i1cher:Lastres21041998 | Username = g1i1cher | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1aed189b65532ba6803ac | Level = 1 | Account ID = 50333926 | Country = arg |
NickName = IS1aed189b65532ba6803ac | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kymeds1:sotgae1258523 | Username = kymeds1 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Arkymenhall1 | Level = 11 | Account ID = 204137324 | Country = bra | NickName =
Arkymenhall1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wogus47:alskxh918 | Username = wogus47 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = sadfsf3f2gvv
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 219254495 | Country = usa | NickName = sadfsf3f2gvv |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
opelpe:Pepson99 | Username = opelpe | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = BongoTime |
Level = 211 | Account ID = 38419363 | Country = pol | NickName = BongoTime |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mitriligam23:SMG23mm | Username = mitriligam23 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS18c1629ac6beac | Level = 6 | Account ID = 24377302 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS18c1629ac6beac | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
prazzx:joejoejoejoe1231 | Username = prazzx | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b84b9bc394f3222dc2dd | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201700106 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1b84b9bc394f3222dc2dd | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
trotrothepro:hellomoto1 | Username = trotrothepro | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
3525d211-e485-43df-8be3-aa681c4777b1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 33183824 | Country
= npl | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
leezx1:wy1goxjxyl | Username = leezx1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = LeeZX | Level
= 3 | Account ID = 247987179 | Country = nzl | NickName = LeeZX | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rbsasr41:123qwe | Username = rbsasr41 | Account ID = 46517764 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dorelradacina:Zuzulica1515 | Username = dorelradacina | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= Dorel R | Level = 22 | Account ID = 216185975 | Country = lux | NickName = Dorel
R | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = dorel_radacina@yahoo.comm |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
todayhah123:2652110a | Username = todayhah123 | Account ID = 210986021 | Country =
tha | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
patryczek09xd:PATRYCZEK2003 | Username = patryczek09xd | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = H2K KANAPEK | Level = 7 | Account ID = 224568864 | Country = rus | NickName
= H2K KANAPEK | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
a6k7y1x3c5:D1s4st3rS2 | Username = a6k7y1x3c5 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
A6K7Y1X3C5 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 1803966 | Country = arg | NickName =
A6K7Y1X3C5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
souljadenn100:passwort13k4 | Username = souljadenn100 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= IS1ab140020513f8 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 26179400 | Country = gbr | NickName =
IS1ab140020513f8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
aldirperuzzo:buraco123 | Username = aldirperuzzo | Tag Line = aldo | Game Name =
aldirperuzzo | Level = 2 | Account ID = 210296776 | Country = rus | NickName =
LordKabalBR | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
ironstickmann666:Slayer13! | Username = Ironstickmann666 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Ironstickmann666 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2460982606113184 | Country = usa
| NickName = Ironstickmann666 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
vhm102:Vuhuynhminh102 | Username = vhm102 | Account ID = 2464662784797568 | Country
= vnm | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wurmii999:fradi131 | Username = wurmii999 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = wurmii999
| Level = 30 | Account ID = 34467063 | Country = hun | NickName = wurmii999 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
60 | Radianite Points = 75 | TotalRecentGames = 2 | Skins = [Hivemind Ares, ,
POLYfox Bulldog, , POLYfox Judge, Surge Bucky, , , Serenity Ghost, POLYfox Sheriff,
, , POLYfox Guardian, Ruin Marshal, Hivemind Spectre, , ] | Checked = Yes
o2jercz01:axlr8132 | Username = o2jercz01 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = o2jercz |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 230355322 | Country = rus | NickName = o2jercz |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oskarhessler:Tapas123 | Username = oskarhessler | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
B0Hem1an | Level = 67 | Account ID = 232795513 | Country = swe | NickName =
B0Hem1an | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 150 | Radianite Points = 80 | TotalRecentGames = 4 | Skins =
[, , , , , Kingdom Bucky, Couture Frenzy, , , , , , , , Kingdom Spectre, Couture
Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
deliciouscube:donnythep1per | Username = deliciouscube | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= DeliciousCube | Level = 1 | Account ID = 42731939 | Country = rus | NickName =
DeliciousCube | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
edfabian021:pelusa01 | Username = edfabian021 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Destrozanos | Level = 275 | Account ID = 204102583 | Country = col | NickName =
Destrozanos | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
geimers234:pimpis234 | Username = geimers234 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Valentiz | Level = 14 | Account ID = 214618303 | Country = rus | NickName =
Valentiz | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mavnick:Sevendust82 | Username = mavnick | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Mavnick |
Level = 9 | Account ID = 217882369 | Country = usa | NickName = Mavnick |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chanceyd789:CokeCola5 | Username = chanceyd789 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ChanceyD789 | Level = 21 | Account ID = 204484527 | Country = usa | NickName =
ChanceyD789 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
franxd30:franxd30 | Username = franxd30 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Franxd30 |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2147380913482496 | Country = per | NickName = Franxd30 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hyuza:hondacivic123 | Username = hyuza | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1b59ce637bf23a | Level = 1 | Account ID = 23604307 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1b59ce637bf23a | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zefiros49:zefiros82 | Username = zefiros49 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
zefiros49 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 34293222 | Country = chn | NickName =
zefiros49 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
krovosii:123T123o123 | Username = krovosii | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
AA4bQMZV59 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 227368366 | Country = rus | NickName =
AA4bQMZV59 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
deathsamariter:44Aic192 | Username = deathsamariter | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Deathsamariter | Level = 2 | Account ID = 209791870 | Country = tha | NickName =
Deathsamariter | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
prdoch99999:maxtonko9 | Username = prdoch99999 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS165ca054c61692 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 27385656 | Country = gbr | NickName =
IS165ca054c61692 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
weedytea:xdsxkc254q | Username = WeedyTea | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = WeedyTea |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2423719844745600 | Country = deu | NickName = WeedyTea |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
morfeos2015:morfeos2015 | Username = morfeos2015 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
morfeos2015 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 203175462 | Country = bih | NickName =
morfeos2015 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
danieltomahawk:Tolmasoff1234 | Username = danieltomahawk | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = cc152756-04ab-4167-8137-3d88a5cfb367 | Level = 1 | Account ID =
2287468102469664 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
juxhinhysi1:edionhysi1 | Username = juxhinhysi1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ZwT1Td8zP0 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 210443337 | Country = usa | NickName =
ZwT1Td8zP0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
foxolhun33:Darkqbior345 | Username = FoxolHUN33 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Kawaii Žwei | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2354395645850400 | Country = hun | NickName
= Kawaii Žwei | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
herodet99998:asdfasdf123 | Username = herodet99998 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS13e550485b4598 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 31834966 | Country = rus | NickName =
IS13e550485b4598 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
francesco7191:Pepsicola7191! | Username = Francesco7191 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = bMM95emGfPRWS89h | Level = 5 | Account ID = 1991917395841248 | Country = ita
| NickName = bMM95emGfPRWS89h | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
desbydef29:Patapon722 | Username = desbydef29 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c35e502a845f2f111248 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37602938 | Country = bgd |
NickName = IS1c35e502a845f2f111248 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
letsgomungin:Logibear9 | Username = LetsGoMungin | Account ID = 2645121199802144 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
BatuRL:batuhan2001 | Username = baturl | Tag Line = 009 | Game Name =
RIPSilentDeath | Level = 121 | Account ID = 2079282337927712 | Country = tur |
NickName = SariSimsekk | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 125 | Radianite Points = 305 |
TotalRecentGames = 96 | Skins = [Hivemind Ares, Elderflame Vandal, Depths Bulldog,
Oni Phantom, POLYfox Judge, Lightwave Bucky, Lightwave Frenzy, Songsteel Classic,
Sovereign Ghost, Reaver Sheriff, Hivemind Shorty, Glitchpop Operator, Songsteel
Guardian, Songsteel Marshal, Hivemind Spectre, Depths Stinger, Forsaken Ritual
Blade] | Checked = Yes
yeahhitsmatt:Joey7576 | Username = yeahhitsmatt | Account ID = 200078172 | Country
= arg | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pandothegoat:Myrzakhmet2008 | Username = Pandothegoat | Tag Line = 7082 | Game Name
= Pandothegoat | Country = are | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 |
TotalRecentGames = 4 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
piskeio01:piskeio2 | Username = piskeio01 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Ixyn
Master | Level = 10 | Account ID = 42366634 | Country = bra | NickName = Ixyn
Master | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
krowawplay:poi123qwe | Username = KrowawPlay | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
KrowawPlay | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2329503670252224 | Country = rus | NickName =
KrowawPlay | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
Axelor03:alex17112003 | Username = axelor03 | Tag Line = 0000 | Game Name = kyz |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 205149927 | Country = esp | NickName = Axelor |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 210 | Radianite Points = 335 | TotalRecentGames = 98 | Skins = [Jigsaw
Ares, Origin Vandal, POLYfox Bulldog, Oni Phantom, Prism III Judge, Monarch Bucky,
Couture Frenzy, Prism III Classic, Artisan Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty,
Aerosol Operator, Ruin Guardian, Couture Marshal, Serenity Spectre, Cavalier
Stinger, K/TAC Blade] | Checked = Yes
jlizaso92:xxxchurchsuperman1 | Username = jlizaso92 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SuburbLegend | Level = 6 | Account ID = 206331078 | Country = usa | NickName =
SuburbLegend | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mcwatan2222:M745047m | Username = mcwatan2222 | Tag Line = 6150 | Game Name = S0VA
| Country = deu | EmailVerified = False | Email = watansy19977@gmail.copm |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
blackwolf28rus:monolit2142 | Username = BlackWolf28rus | Country = rus |
EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
devinvincibility:Tw!c!ngd3a7h | Username = DevInvincibility | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Krylancello | Level = 48 | Account ID = 32998960 | Country = usa | NickName
= Krylancello | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vietsterx:Mlkrvmbv8y5 | Username = vietsterx | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
TenshiVii | Level = 15 | Account ID = 51424771 | Country = rus | NickName =
TenshiVii | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jeremiah11311:126566jf | Username = jeremiah11311 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
7e796afc-9232-46e4-940a-fff3ea8646e3 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2175410659240704 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
refme48:megaman4 | Username = refme48 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1ade89fe1dc551f106b96 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 41325613 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS1ade89fe1dc551f106b96 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lazyorb32:1shithead | Username = lazyorb32 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS152319b5acaa0b94865f3 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42297784 | Country = egy |
NickName = IS152319b5acaa0b94865f3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gaemercub:Lastres21041998 | Username = gaemercub | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Jaxix | Level = 1 | Account ID = 205504184 | Country = usa | NickName = Jaxix |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zulmer13:zulmer13 | Username = zulmer13 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = zulmer13 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 202891581 | Country = nld | NickName = zulmer13 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
marciprohd:marci2006 | Username = marciprohd | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
MarciPROHD | Level = 1 | Account ID = 223950951 | Country = hun | NickName =
MarciPROHD | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
sergioviera99:Negrointenso1 | Username = sergioviera99 | Account ID = 210182240 |
Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
nastketri:tristan007 | Username = nastketri | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
NoiseHunter75 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 210476559 | Country = twn | NickName =
NoiseHunter75 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kyuuketsukisamy:soumya1234 | Username = kyuuketsukisamy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = kyuuketsukisamy | Level = 27 | Account ID = 242635760 | Country = npl |
NickName = kyuuketsukisamy | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
joemaga62:Saints25 | Username = joemaga62 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = joemaga |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2095066526862144 | Country = usa | NickName = joemaga |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
junielf7:123331vv | Username = junielf7 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b88aa801ae8fb3393c21 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 35564432 | Country = swe |
NickName = IS1b88aa801ae8fb3393c21 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lalolc:lalomon123 | Username = lalolc | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = LaloLC | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 200537475 | Country = tha | NickName = LaloLC | EmailVerified =
False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chaser2006567:chase62085 | Username = chaser2006567 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
chaz2010 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 208435422 | Country = usa | NickName = chaz2010
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dkal167:thdg3366 | Username = dkal167 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = KorePINKGIN |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 233067687 | Country = chn | NickName = KorePINKGIN |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
joaop3r3ira:pereira2002 | Username = joaop3r3ira | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
joaop3r3ira | Level = 2 | Account ID = 241530273 | Country = rus | NickName =
joaop3r3ira | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
ksi100:a33567479 | Username = ksi100 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Jenows2K |
Level = 48 | Account ID = 2264624791701824 | Country = bra | NickName = Jenows2K |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kongjianchao:kjc19890213 | Username = kongjianchao | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
kongjianchao | Level = 14 | Account ID = 226210830 | Country = rus | NickName =
kongjianchao | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
redmario88:redmario44 | Username = redmario88 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
MyRoosterIsHUGE | Level = 3 | Account ID = 207937865 | Country = usa | NickName =
MyRoosterIsHUGE | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
b100rick:Spiegelplaat1 | Username = b100rick | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
b100rick | Level = 1 | Account ID = 202170551 | Country = nld | NickName = b100rick
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
benjyminto:r3claimer | Username = benjyminto | Account ID = 225205064 | Country =
usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bysayan4k:cvbvfv6v | Username = BySayan4k | Tag Line = PGM | Game Name =
twitchWareeeexTV | Level = 93 | Account ID = 2222688325972960 | Country = fra |
NickName = BySayan4k | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 70 | TotalRecentGames
= 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
pupapupa07:lolzomg1 | Username = pupapupa07 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS10ca903733b388 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33952632 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS10ca903733b388 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jackkageweebisgay:dinoti1324 | Username = JackKageWeebIsGay | Tag Line = 3652 |
Game Name = Synzz | Country = svn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
dart19983:games101zero | Username = dart19983 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
thatsagoodsucc | Level = 10 | Account ID = 238513156 | Country = usa | NickName =
thatsagoodsucc | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
phucnhan9996:Thuan0903343759 | Username = Phucnhan9996 | Tag Line = 4238 | Game
Name = Hide | Country = sgp | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
alintnt123:18aprilie | Username = alintnt123 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
NowWatchMeFlash | Level = 6 | Account ID = 219649988 | Country = mys | NickName =
NowWatchMeFlash | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
podeisso1:123Mudar | Username = podeisso1 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = LAJPCan |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 211175271 | Country = bra | NickName = LAJPCan |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bry0523:hJ75fh7dJ3 | Username = bry0523 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS12dadded56a316e874d93 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32906561 | Country = ukr |
NickName = IS12dadded56a316e874d93 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kimc0331:jung1218 | Username = kimc0331 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ae4ceced-
429d-480c-a987-a1f61165dd39 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 220338225 | Country = mkd |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sizzlor13370:ownage1337 | Username = sizzlor13370 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
CosplayGirl | Level = 47 | Account ID = 220851936 | Country = nld | NickName =
CosplayGirl | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
josephemokia:ZXCvbn123 | Username = josephemokia | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
JosephEmokia | Level = 1 | Account ID = 211279153 | Country = rus | NickName =
JosephEmokia | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
qslaytonic:PFXdk*D8D8 | Username = qslaytonic | Account ID = 227302865 | Country =
fin | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mcloooven:Hollywood1! | Username = mcloooven | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Mcloooven | Level = 125 | Account ID = 239898881 | Country = usa | NickName =
Mcloooven | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kilicimiunk00:omer5320 | Username = Kilicimiunk00 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
o7o3 | Level = 152 | Account ID = 203299761 | Country = tur | NickName = o7o3 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 50 | Radianite Points = 215 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [POLYfrog Ares,
Cavalier Vandal, , , Prism III Judge, Cavalier Bucky, , Prism III Classic, Cavalier
Ghost, POLYfrog Sheriff, , Cavalier Operator, , POLYfrog Marshal, POLYfrog Spectre,
Cavalier Stinger, Prism III Axe] | Checked = Yes
zaiiider:chris121C | Username = Zaiiider | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Zaiider |
Level = 62 | Account ID = 39570673 | Country = nor | NickName = Zaiider |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 650 | Radianite Points = 190 | TotalRecentGames = 99 | Skins = [POLYfrog
Ares, Origin Vandal, Depths Bulldog, Ruination Phantom, Prism III Judge, Lightwave
Bucky, Lightwave Frenzy, Spline Classic, Eclipse Ghost, Lightwave Sheriff, ,
Gravitational Uranium Neuroblaster Operator, Songsteel Guardian, POLYfrog Marshal,
Gravitational Uranium Neuroblaster Spectre, Depths Stinger, Prosperity] | Checked =
qwertych6:annihilate112 | Username = qwertych6 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1d1bfa9e14dbc4 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 27221166 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1d1bfa9e14dbc4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
engarahlion:33hevufa | Username = engarahlion | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Engarahlion | Level = 11 | Account ID = 218287205 | Country = slv | NickName =
Engarahlion | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
svalbard32:filmore256 | Username = svalbard32 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
andrewbarnett | Level = 2 | Account ID = 228154237 | Country = usa | NickName =
andrewbarnett | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
daveishot5:abc123 | Username = daveishot5 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = xShotdeath
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 34306383 | Country = can | NickName = xShotdeath |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
glavieator:d3skt0pp1c | Username = glavieator | Tag Line = 8900 | Game Name =
glavieator | Account ID = 2491268979263392 | Country = deu | EmailVerified = False
| Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
pink1heart:123321098890h | Username = pink1heart | Tag Line = 11122 | Game Name =
Genius | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42098889 | Country = mex | NickName = Pink1heart
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
obrivins:fiboco241 | Username = obrivins | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = AlcoBatman
| Level = 10 | Account ID = 32286407 | Country = bra | NickName = AlcoBatman |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tmedz:Razorskates1 | Username = tmedz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = BooMedZed |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 202383712 | Country = gbr | NickName = BooMedZed |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bysobe:Soberano123 | Username = BySobe | Tag Line = LATAM | Game Name = Sobe |
Level = 111 | Account ID = 207067652 | Country = mex | NickName = bySobe |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ozanxx00:ozan1977 | Username = ozanxx00 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
BlurryGazelleee | Level = 4 | Account ID = 207327272 | Country = tur | NickName =
BlurryGazelleee | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ikeadog:Wilbur1211 | Username = ikeadog | Tag Line = 3733 | Game Name = IkeaDog |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 226133218 | Country = usa | NickName = IkeaDog2 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hywongao:Haro0919 | Username = Hywongao | Tag Line = 6545 | Game Name = Frogi |
Country = hkg | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
salva121275:supermega12 | Username = salva121275 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
RainbowPineapple | Level = 321 | Account ID = 96511 | Country = arg | NickName =
RainbowPineapple | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
keyadrel4240:Heaven4240! | Username = Keyadrel4240 | Tag Line = 4034 | Game Name =
Keyadrel | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
azertyclavier27:hu23ki50 | Username = azertyclavier27 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Guinou | Level = 1 | Account ID = 233859456 | Country = fra | NickName = Guinou |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dxkhaan:S7320490i | Username = Dxkhaan | Tag Line = 1174 | Game Name = Dxkhaan |
Account ID = 2614665048376928 | Country = sgp | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
fom4ik666:Trukhavkoroma6 | Username = fom4ik666 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
fom4ik666 | Level = 23 | Account ID = 2091141411721664 | Country = blr | NickName =
fom4ik666 | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
baandos123:larppa123 | Username = baandos123 | Country = fin | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
q4nd5c:q4nd5c | Username = q4nd5c | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = q4nd5c | Level =
10 | Account ID = 204534506 | Country = rou | NickName = q4nd5c | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tylercool1:Tylercool1 | Username = Tylercool1 | Country = usa | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points =
0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
andrewdinasan:Andrewd319 | Username = andrewdinasan | Tag Line = 1212 | Game Name =
dino | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2431143033751808 | Country = usa | NickName =
andrewdinosaur | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
salradadi:sala6eeno1 | Username = salradadi | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
2a8fc5cd-6a27-4832-adeb-93d2e892cc3c | Level = 1 | Account ID = 50094532 | Country
= ven | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kutyageci48:patrikpro134 | Username = kutyageci48 | Tag Line = 1550 | Game Name =
patrik | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2705315812975840 | Country = hun | NickName =
hokimanó | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
patdepasque:patrick4 | Username = patdepasque | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
patdepasque | Level = 2 | Account ID = 216685155 | Country = rus | NickName =
patdepasque | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sbbd1123:ww19901123 | Username = sbbd1123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Mrwangmissing | Level = 1 | Account ID = 219173819 | Country = usa | NickName =
Mrwangmissing | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alansdj1234:Amandameuamor2 | Username = alansdj1234 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
0800Noob | Level = 10 | Account ID = 220315752 | Country = bra | NickName =
0800Noob | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
iliax03:3111993ik | Username = iliax03 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1550efc0963708 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 35614269 | Country = mar | NickName =
IS1550efc0963708 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
exopl45:HasloMaslo7 | Username = ExoPL45 | Tag Line = 1762 | Game Name = Buleczka
Junior | Level = 10 | Account ID = 2561958192637344 | Country = pol | NickName =
Buleczka Junior | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
bangbangpug:Hunter10172002 | Username = bangbangpug | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Bangbangpug | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2267455934818880 | Country = usa | NickName
= Bangbangpug | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
hamoh10:012hamoh | Username = hamoh10 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = tarazane |
Level = 14 | Account ID = 222516193 | Country = mar | NickName = tarazane |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
keoliva:Keo136642 | Username = keoliva | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Zigureh13 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 45864410 | Country = egy | NickName = Zigureh13 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stonedeckard5:gametime@5 | Username = stonedeckard5 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Stonedeckard | Level = 15 | Account ID = 2152402334927360 | Country = usa |
NickName = Stonedeckard | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tehodrakis:sOILKlxV3L49 | Username = tehodrakis | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
94aaabf0-3eed-48cf-be0b-b91db889967e | Level = 1 | Account ID = 22228747 | Country
= deu | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lucaspogo123:lucaszeldris123 | Username = lucaspogo123 | Tag Line = 9970 | Game
Name = Superchoque | Country = bra | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
wwsuppport55:iwintop1 | Username = wwsuppport55 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
wwsu6738rt555301 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 46416231 | Country = usa | NickName =
wwsu6738rt555301 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
equinnox711:lou13579 | Username = equinnox711 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Equinnox711 | Level = 16 | Account ID = 238197956 | Country = usa | NickName =
Equinnox711 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
andumtaps:mtw.mtw1 | Username = AnduMTaps | Tag Line = 1104 | Game Name =
AnduPicaciu | Country = rou | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
yusufkerem2004:yusufkerem2004 | Username = yusufkerem2004 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game
Name = yusokero | Level = 9 | Account ID = 206268392 | Country = rus | NickName =
yusokero | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
koksownik89:master27 | Username = koksownik89 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
koksownik89 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 34405402 | Country = chn | NickName =
koksownik89 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
firebomb4:firebomb4 | Username = firebomb4 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1de6d6ed9cf0ad | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34956293 | Country = mys | NickName =
IS1de6d6ed9cf0ad | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
draycostfm:Lastres21041998 | Username = draycostfm | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1080eb517f24c1520293d | Level = 2 | Account ID = 38336256 | Country = arg |
NickName = IS1080eb517f24c1520293d | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
ksipk12:mh102727 | Username = ksipk12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = SKT T1 Reaper
| Level = 30 | Account ID = 228837972 | Country = usa | NickName = SKT T1 Reaper |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hydros10:Lastres21041998 | Username = hydros10 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS186c55b1758f8e | Level = 2 | Account ID = 32818579 | Country = grc | NickName =
IS186c55b1758f8e | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
haol123:4050abcd | Username = haol123 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Haol4 | Level
= 2 | Account ID = 211632108 | Country = bra | NickName = Haol4 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
paperftl:peace1 | Username = paperftl | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = BurningTea |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 46446099 | Country = usa | NickName = BurningTea |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hlj76:x1023534 | Username = hlj76 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = d33f18c1-d7be-
47c9-84df-24cbcde586a4 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 37467460 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
quethree04:Knarkapa64 | Username = quethree04 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
PinkLacoste | Level = 28 | Account ID = 2122573970109344 | Country = swe | NickName
= PinkLacoste | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
naxzehh420:Chooke612 | Username = naxzehh420 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
UuUuUuUu | Level = 1 | Account ID = 202811842 | Country = aus | NickName = UuUuUuUu
| EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
380448665:123456789w | Username = 380448665 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = ??????A
| Level = 15 | Account ID = 2103717304708736 | Country = jpn | NickName = ??????A |
EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maciekpedal123:klopek123 | Username = maciekpedal123 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= LovelasMaciek | Level = 19 | Account ID = 38042818 | Country = gbr | NickName =
LovelasMaciek | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
medispawn:Utonium88! | Username = medispawn | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Medispawn | Level = 2 | Account ID = 230367655 | Country = usa | NickName =
Medispawn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
haprianu1:Antonio123! | Username = Haprianu1 | Tag Line = 7965 | Game Name =
Haprianu1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2528649521530816 | Country = rou | NickName =
Haprianu1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
atomalex2015:carascar999 | Username = atomalex2015 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
YinandYang | Level = 23 | Account ID = 217380360 | Country = ind | NickName =
YinandYang | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
metalico9:aioriade21 | Username = metalico9 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS15e4f34d863a592b396da | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46029404 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS15e4f34d863a592b396da | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
l3ndary:urban93counter | Username = l3ndary | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = L3ndarY
| Level = 33 | Account ID = 30395112 | Country = prt | NickName = L3ndarY |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 1 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
davidzio28:ciastko1 | Username = davidzio28 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Diilu |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 209378762 | Country = geo | NickName = Diilu |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bigphony1999:Lastres21041998 | Username = bigphony1999 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= PoroStoleMyLunch | Level = 2 | Account ID = 244305759 | Country = arg | NickName
= PoroStoleMyLunch | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
diorgenez10:brasil4619 | Username = diorgenez10 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Diorgenez | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2505639302129568 | Country = bra | NickName =
Diorgenez | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pikotzu3:Blox98 | Username = pikotzu3 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Pikô | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 36174207 | Country = deu | NickName = Pikô | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jclemme4:Letmein1! | Username = jclemme4 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Cest Pa
Movais | Level = 12 | Account ID = 46174809 | Country = usa | NickName = Cest Pa
Movais | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
4sondy:ckp5WJ2NCe | Username = 4sondy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1903757637e6aa9ae95fa | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39963217 | Country = est |
NickName = IS1903757637e6aa9ae95fa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dhohoho:0308dh63 | Username = dhohoho | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = dhohoho |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2424023036790688 | Country = usa | NickName = dhohoho |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ex2400:paul78711 | Username = ex2400 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ex2400 | Level
= 4 | Account ID = 232177318 | Country = fra | NickName = ex2400 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
justduzzer:onurgs92 | Username = JustDuzzer | Tag Line = 3494 | Game Name = Duzzer
| Country = tur | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
ramsing4040:627287123mrr | Username = ramsing4040 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Rosenbomb | Level = 4 | Account ID = 212569994 | Country = ukr | NickName =
Rosenbomb | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
renpei3568:renpei3568 | Username = renpei3568 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
renpei630 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 202263767 | Country = bih | NickName =
renpei630 | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vargamilan02:wertoposzto99 | Username = vargamilan02 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= Van Magyar | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204323240 | Country = hun | NickName = Van
Magyar | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
juanesxd10:juanes123 | Username = juanesxd10 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
juanesxd10 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206693901 | Country = col | NickName =
juanesxd10 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gagefurrow3:gage072901 | Username = gagefurrow3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Nerf
Katarína | Level = 141 | Account ID = 2092421553515072 | Country = usa | NickName =
Nerf Katarína | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
v4p3ren:Krzysio100 | Username = V4P3REN | Tag Line = 7888 | Game Name = V4P3REN |
Country = pol | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
zock947:Clover2014 | Username = zock947 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 361f1463-
50ec-4bd2-bb9d-faab5c3aaed3 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2116195051891616 | Country =
usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tramypoo:Lastres21041998 | Username = tramypoo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1f00e33a378e2ee5bd45e | Level = 5 | Account ID = 45962244 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1f00e33a378e2ee5bd45e | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
johnmoa09:asesino13 | Username = johnmoa09 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = mortesino
| Level = 34 | Account ID = 205879078 | Country = usa | NickName = mortesino |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mvtthis:Lego1606@ | Username = mvtthis | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Mvtthis |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 2112533942284416 | Country = deu | NickName = Mvtthis |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
knuckalicious:pck3ncoz | Username = knuckalicious | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
backwash | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200415217 | Country = chn | NickName = backwash
| EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lofoco55:fr33styl3 | Username = lofoco55 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 90da1ae4-
a5f0-47af-9797-256ddb0af433 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 24278010 | Country = tur |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rantoshkin:asisaj12 | Username = rantoshkin | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Ranto |
Level = 25 | Account ID = 200052333 | Country = lva | NickName = Ranto |
EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
7216mbps:Retry0532 | Username = 7216Mbps | Tag Line = 7216 | Game Name = RETRY |
Country = jpn | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tahasankou7:159951tt | Username = TAHASANKOU7 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
TAHAEuryN2w | Level = 171 | Account ID = 2252764244538144 | Country = tun |
NickName = TAHAEuryN2w | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 60 | TotalRecentGames
= 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
julrich22:Lastres21041998 | Username = julrich22 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Julrich22 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 221577507 | Country = arg | NickName =
Julrich22 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lineker102:shenaj1997 | Username = lineker102 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = kjsak
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 211153965 | Country = ita | NickName = kjsak |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
elliottstn:Lumber73 | Username = elliottstn | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ce6b2df9-04b7-4e6d-871e-4dc8dce67bd9 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 234972662 | Country
= idn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zentoxication:Lastres21041998 | Username = zentoxication | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = zentoxthewolf | Level = 1 | Account ID = 240224202 | Country = idn |
NickName = zentoxthewolf | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
madeiiiinheaven:Maeteamo1 | Username = MadeIIIInHeaven | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name
= MadeIIInHeaven | Level = 198 | Account ID = 748614 | Country = bra | NickName =
MadeIIInHeaven | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
alan2b:alan2b | Username = alan2b | Account ID = 226582754 | Country = bra |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sofahead1108:4z0oqvbOtV | Username = sofahead1108 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Sofahead1108 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 219515404 | Country = phl | NickName =
Sofahead1108 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
qzmp02240:limonjoos1 | Username = qzmp02240 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
qzmp022403443 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 44243849 | Country = usa | NickName =
qzmp022403443 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sharkadikap:Matkinc95 | Username = Sharkadikap | Country = sgp | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nutterz2032:lol123 | Username = nutterz2032 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Jesus on
a rope | Level = 7 | Account ID = 34203924 | Country = chn | NickName = Jesus on a
rope | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tnarvd:jeffhardy1 | Username = tnarvd | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = HAC13 | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 201369006 | Country = prt | NickName = HAC13 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
juba2007:juba2007 | Username = juba2007 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = g3546mPKBJ |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 1160854 | Country = usa | NickName = g3546mPKBJ |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
csirmazo:vilinegro12 | Username = csirmazo | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
TetvesCiganyok | Level = 1 | Account ID = 37521512 | Country = hun | NickName =
TetvesCiganyok | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tcmregret:playboy1 | Username = tcmregret | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = TSMregret
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 234735342 | Country = can | NickName = TSMregret |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
brechtvanobberghen3:aqwzsxedc951753 | Username = brechtvanobberghen3 | Tag Line =
EUW | Game Name = Wendelmoed | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200205226 | Country = bel |
NickName = Wendelmoed | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
breign420:twiztid1 | Username = breign420 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = BReign |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 215047459 | Country = deu | NickName = BReign |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
852944:43046721sS | Username = 852944 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = 852944 | Level
= 31 | Account ID = 2692660792018112 | Country = rus | NickName = 852944 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
943299099:hanxu584211314 | Username = 943299099 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name =
SiShenLaiLe | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2191458304207936 | Country = jpn | NickName
= SiShenLaiLe | EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
blackkoumori:Flame23 | Username = blackkoumori | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Black
Koumori | Level = 5 | Account ID = 221238292 | Country = rus | NickName = Black
Koumori | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dimifrite:XK635LO08170 | Username = dimifrite | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Dimifirte | Level = 1 | Account ID = 240874715 | Country = rus | NickName =
Dimifirte | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
xxphobaphobia:henry783 | Username = xxphobaphobia | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
xxPhobaphobia | Level = 19 | Account ID = 230727559 | Country = usa | NickName =
xxPhobaphobia | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dazzle259:password12345 | Username = dazzle259 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
DaZz1eMe | Level = 5 | Account ID = 222001697 | Country = gbr | NickName = DaZz1eMe
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kaitlincalzada:kaitlin21 | Username = kaitlincalzada | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
RoTp kaitlin | Level = 8 | Account ID = 38593287 | Country = usa | NickName = RoTp
kaitlin | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
delilahlied:Cody9907 | Username = delilahlied | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1cc22036bd559f594b597 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201752063 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1cc22036bd559f594b597 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
alejoroba:torotorito48 | Username = alejoroba | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
unestilodevida32 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2534538096346432 | Country = arg |
NickName = unestilodevida32 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
grimfaced001:1081me | Username = grimfaced001 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
GRIMFACEDofDOOM | Level = 19 | Account ID = 214679892 | Country = usa | NickName =
GRIMFACEDofDOOM | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
danthemanza:pinkeye1Qw1! | Username = danthemanza | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
danthemanza | Level = 1 | Account ID = 40775026 | Country = fra | NickName =
danthemanza | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jimbo031:catdog12 | Username = jimbo031 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = jimbo031 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 2183852743774336 | Country = gbr | NickName = jimbo031 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bookworm83197:luv2read83197 | Username = bookworm83197 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= IS18a5a929b187f0ab2e065 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 49494299 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS18a5a929b187f0ab2e065 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dudinhavapo:Suasenha12 | Username = Dudinhavapo | Tag Line = 9734 | Game Name =
Dudinhavapo | Country = bra | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
destinyaodan:Lastres21041998 | Username = destinyaodan | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= SephiraAodan | Level = 3 | Account ID = 214118411 | Country = chn | NickName =
SephiraAodan | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
metalmunkii:Lastres21041998 | Username = metalmunkii | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1813a3caaa301c3eac6ee | Level = 1 | Account ID = 34462099 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS1813a3caaa301c3eac6ee | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
serg0789:Junior0789 | Username = Serg0789 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Serg07 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2431287589217632 | Country = usa | NickName = Serg07 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lilslugg:dice2049 | Username = lilslugg | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = lilslugg |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 214276492 | Country = rus | NickName = lilslugg |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
henrywat3:a21172yy | Username = henrywat3 | Tag Line = 4392 | Game Name = henrywat
| Country = hkg | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
44boot:a12345 | Username = 44boot | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = IS1c052d054f4735 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 31613698 | Country = arg | NickName = IS1c052d054f4735 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
6ixth3lement:vision12 | Username = 6ixth3lement | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
DRASTlK | Level = 1 | Account ID = 235790422 | Country = usa | NickName = DRASTlK |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hawkendream:Ped15087 | Username = HawkenDream | Country = tha | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
doraemon1210:Doraemon1210 | Username = Doraemon1210 | Tag Line = 1210 | Game Name =
Dorazirou | Country = jpn | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wojtecki696:mikrofonik123 | Username = wojtecki696 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS158527ded590ac | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37665179 | Country = pol | NickName =
IS158527ded590ac | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = czapka- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
proeren890:proeren090 | Username = proeren890 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
proeren1234 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 205362901 | Country = tur | NickName =
proeren1234 | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
zombikiller133:Krimi12345 | Username = zombikiller133 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= Zombikiller133 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 232020496 | Country = deu | NickName =
Zombikiller133 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
qq8857088:wangzhe6 | Username = QQ8857088 | Tag Line = 3159 | Game Name = ??? |
Country = sgp | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
826999241:chenhuazuo567498 | Username = 826999241 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
aa5db447-98a9-4af6-a495-345061691334 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 38178869 | Country
= chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nileltr:Daylight7798 | Username = nileltr | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Nile R1ver
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 215751265 | Country = gbr | NickName = Nile R1ver |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
msawesome10:2bigbrothers | Username = msawesome10 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS16735d077136a44df8e55 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201569807 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS16735d077136a44df8e55 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
akomazwntanos1:sasgamisa8 | Username = akomazwntanos1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= vL PeoS | Level = 5 | Account ID = 217633814 | Country = usa | NickName = vL PeoS
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
brockodileftw:Duncan425! | Username = brockodileftw | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Brockodile FTW | Level = 8 | Account ID = 227856877 | Country = chn | NickName =
Brockodile FTW | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kayane2336:flor1010 | Username = kayane2336 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
KapaneMayura | Level = 143 | Account ID = 2099004294760992 | Country = bra |
NickName = KapaneMayura | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
tosakaoda:abc123450 | Username = tosakaoda | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
TosaKaoda | Level = 1 | Account ID = 203140077 | Country = mys | NickName =
TosaKaoda | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
simfrr0912:Lastres21041998 | Username = simfrr0912 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Bigshotlight | Level = 1 | Account ID = 220622543 | Country = kor | NickName =
Bigshotlight | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hapiscool:Obama123123 | Username = hapiscool | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
hapiscool | Level = 43 | Account ID = 48843595 | Country = usa | NickName =
hapiscool | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
scarfer2:xkoq3320 | Username = scarfer2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = VI0POq35bqf
| Level = 10 | Account ID = 2159637982399168 | Country = usa | NickName =
VI0POq35bqf | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = alt.dp- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
vailinglight52:CCm152107 | Username = vailinglight52 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
VailingLight52 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 229236135 | Country = gbr | NickName =
VailingLight52 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
shaohanx:D4rkf1sh1205 | Username = Shaohanx | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Shaohan
| Level = 52 | Account ID = 34874843 | Country = can | NickName = Shaohan |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wakafraygod:bayarea11 | Username = wakafraygod | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Lordfarquad408 | Level = 9 | Account ID = 229471537 | Country = usa | NickName =
Lordfarquad408 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes | Username = darkomp1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
darkomp | Level = 1 | Account ID = 222691947 | Country = pol | NickName = darkomp |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
omikaell:1Zbkydg15@@@ | Username = oMikaell | Tag Line = 404 | Game Name = Slim |
Country = bra | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
redgamingleader01:REDgaming00 | Username = redgamingleader01 | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = B0dyPi110w | Level = 7 | Account ID = 234302835 | Country = usa |
NickName = B0dyPi110w | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
maha0206:Jacob0206 | Username = maha0206 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = BallsDeep96
| Level = 50 | Account ID = 237679630 | Country = usa | NickName = BallsDeep96 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xxstormdreadxx:5t4r3e2w1q | Username = xxstormdreadxx | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name
= XxSTORMDREADxX | Level = 91 | Account ID = 207542676 | Country = mex | NickName =
XxSTORMDREADxX | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
deathsushi92:luchi3 | Username = deathsushi92 | Account ID = 33334529 | Country =
mdg | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
juliorioscortes:julio_612_YT | Username = juliorioscortes | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = julio612YT | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2044540576960992 | Country = esp |
NickName = julio612YT | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
tolik27reg:89224102212t | Username = tolik27reg | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
Spooky227 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 203319942 | Country = pak | NickName =
Spooky227 | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
skyruck6:li19991009 | Username = Skyruck6 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = skyruck6 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2579324103288544 | Country = jpn | NickName = skyruck6 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
indiiiica:449206jw | Username = Indiiiica | Tag Line = 4516 | Game Name = icarus |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cman04:0214MorganK | Username = cman04 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a00f0e16ba4933751b78 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 50827904 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1a00f0e16ba4933751b78 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
timho2013:Pass123 | Username = timho2013 | Account ID = 46872366 | Country = pse |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xxmasterlutzxx:Bolt1134 | Username = xxmasterlutzxx | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
XxMasterluzxX | Level = 4 | Account ID = 230550022 | Country = usa | NickName =
XxMasterluzxX | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nmerenkov:dytntkf18437 | Username = nmerenkov | Account ID = 23600515 | Country =
zaf | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pdgladiator:ismael15032005 | Username = PDgladiator | Account ID = 2301695888321440
| Country = cri | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
blazikon1:dirrie123 | Username = blazikon1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = blazikon1
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 219661977 | Country = ven | NickName = blazikon1 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
guelerersan:Exdragon97 | Username = guelerersan | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
utHCNDh4FJ | Level = 2 | Account ID = 223372159 | Country = egy | NickName =
utHCNDh4FJ | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rusicade12:3451Es1118 | Username = rusicade12 | Country = rus | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
starkiller20505:slender10 | Username = starkiller20505 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name
= 3e766005-18e2-4b25-acbe-a11ec8a3f2e8 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2087299171092896
| Country = mex | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jbrizzle98:Mowilliams25 | Username = jbrizzle98 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
7bcbc1f4-0609-4bf9-aafc-48897f64f10d | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228572240 | Country
= usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tones08:gabby326 | Username = tones08 | Account ID = 209354768 | Country = ukr |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
geraldoo650:x93bgfuk | Username = geraldoo650 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Macaquito legal | Level = 34 | Account ID = 204442888 | Country = bra | NickName =
Macaquito legal | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
eliasr4:frukt123 | Username = eliasr4 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Högsjö | Level
= 7 | Account ID = 33232726 | Country = swe | NickName = Högsjö | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
andrajthegod:asdfghjkl231 | Username = andrajthegod | Account ID = 244322062 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ahmetarif59:Enter591 | Username = AhmetArif59 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = god
tier ahmet | Level = 8 | Account ID = 1973750094787232 | Country = tur | NickName =
god tier ahmet | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
alexyuaca:sj123456 | Username = alexyuaca | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = AlexK21 |
Level = 30 | Account ID = 201854014 | Country = bra | NickName = AlexK21 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hobopirateninja:Leyellated1 | Username = hobopirateninja | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Hobopirateninja | Level = 303 | Account ID = 201423553 | Country = usa |
NickName = Hobopirateninja | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
vinnycent11200:Vingio12 | Username = vinnycent11200 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
vinnycent11200 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 231622983 | Country = usa | NickName =
vinnycent11200 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
etovano10:etovano1 | Username = etovano10 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS19d7ad7e085186 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28441556 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS19d7ad7e085186 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kiesnir2:RInsei0105 | Username = Kiesnir2 | Tag Line = EUAIM | Game Name = Wanna be
ScreaM | Country = jpn | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kokeshigame:Daiki0521 | Username = kokeshigame | Tag Line = 5797 | Game Name =
kokeshi | Country = jpn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zarintha:Ali01061969 | Username = zarintha | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = zarintha
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 203175227 | Country = mex | NickName = zarintha |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
liamshepard12:ramenworld01 | Username = liamshepard12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= IS183b6a4ab7c5684f10a47 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 51184647 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS183b6a4ab7c5684f10a47 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
iron1433:iron1433 | Username = iron1433 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Goshty |
Level = 13 | Account ID = 229618949 | Country = rus | NickName = Goshty |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jasperlsy:Lastres21041998 | Username = jasperlsy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
jasperlsy | Level = 4 | Account ID = 221884464 | Country = isr | NickName =
jasperlsy | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
scorpion449:scorpion4491 | Username = scorpion449 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
scorpion449 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204710103 | Country = bwa | NickName =
scorpion449 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stabdaback7:powner44 | Username = stabdaback7 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = FR4L
StabIt | Level = 2 | Account ID = 203185626 | Country = usa | NickName = FR4L
StabIt | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ikengor:mj258967 | Username = IkenGor | Country = hkg | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
diablopsyko1:MMfLiS4L | Username = diablopsyko1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
uMHrhEiM9e | Level = 5 | Account ID = 208805428 | Country = deu | NickName =
uMHrhEiM9e | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kaboomyoudied:Faisal14! | Username = KaboomYouDied | Tag Line = 6693 | Game Name =
KaboomYouDied | Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
iloveporkpie86:rosieb86 | Username = iloveporkpie86 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ILovePorkPie86 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 206259848 | Country = chn | NickName =
ILovePorkPie86 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
cemdnz10:e4dc63a3 | Username = cemdnz10 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = Feed Me Do |
Level = 16 | Account ID = 205133661 | Country = tur | NickName = Feed Me Do |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
atayamankaya:moderna341406 | Username = atayamankaya | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
OUmgLUGJkF | Level = 2 | Account ID = 206573479 | Country = tur | NickName =
OUmgLUGJkF | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vladbashko:898786vlad | Username = VladBashko | Tag Line = 8397 | Game Name = Hi im
ChikiBriki | Level = 74 | Account ID = 200096856 | Country = mys | NickName = Hi im
ChikiBriki | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shockwave470:Zille123 | Username = shockwave470 | Tag Line = 4981 | Game Name =
Shockwave470 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 2536358175491904 | Country = dnk | NickName
= Shockwave470 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
bibenner15:sukkel123 | Username = bibenner15 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
shadowexecution2 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 211278297 | Country = chn | NickName =
shadowexecution2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
diffyt:seaquest22 | Username = diffyt | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = DiFFYT |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 2072180973212320 | Country = pol | NickName = DiFFYT |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kaylahorla:kaylahorla123 | Username = kaylahorla | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Kaaayy | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2074040880089600 | Country = bra | NickName =
Kaaayy | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
puurealpha99:Maxime69 | Username = PuureAlpha99 | Tag Line = 1086 | Game Name =
PuureAlpha | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2611565274662880 | Country = bel | NickName =
PuureAlpha | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rennyrenny1:renny6237744 | Username = rennyrenny1 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Doublelight | Level = 16 | Account ID = 2012970071763200 | Country = ven | NickName
= Doublelight | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ipafaipap:kivx02 | Username = ipafaipap | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS13e130702d4d57 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 27570419 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS13e130702d4d57 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
doodles106:luke1234! | Username = Doodles106 | Tag Line = 2456 | Game Name =
Doodles | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
turner111514:Crustbutt1 | Username = Turner111514 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Turner111514 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2247159077718400 | Country = usa | NickName
= Turner111514 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jonnyglitter:glitterj123 | Username = JonnyGlitter | Tag Line = 2103 | Game Name =
Glidan | Level = 34 | Account ID = 201566920 | Country = swe | NickName = Stenén |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 150 | Radianite Points = 210 | TotalRecentGames = 51 | Skins = [Hivemind Ares,
Hivemind Vandal, POLYfox Bulldog, , POLYfox Judge, Red Alert Bucky, , Red Alert
Classic, Vendetta Ghost, POLYfox Sheriff, Hivemind Shorty, Red Alert Operator,
POLYfox Guardian, , Hivemind Spectre, Red Alert Stinger, Hivemind Sword] | Checked
= Yes
header72:Lastres21041998 | Username = header72 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
sae121 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 203667661 | Country = ind | NickName = sae121 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
deamikelowery:Bootleg808 | Username = deamikelowery | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
DEAMikeLowery | Level = 14 | Account ID = 45173015 | Country = usa | NickName =
DEAMikeLowery | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
eugenemarks:1washburn | Username = eugenemarks | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Eugenemarks | Level = 12 | Account ID = 209798331 | Country = ukr | NickName =
Eugenemarks | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
30384151gu:30384151gu | Username = 30384151gu | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
NickDeMainLee | Level = 8 | Account ID = 219551533 | Country = rus | NickName =
NickDeMainLee | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jolothc4:barteks12 | Username = jolothc4 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Yakuzo
Senpai | Level = 5 | Account ID = 222293624 | Country = mys | NickName = Yakuzo
Senpai | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cqewt:Coulanges21 | Username = cqewt | Tag Line = 4614 | Game Name = iClappy |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
frixsisgamessk:Lordcerven1 | Username = frixsisgamessk | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = FrixsisGamesSK | Level = 4 | Account ID = 215509665 | Country = jpn |
NickName = FrixsisGamesSK | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
a884858707:a884858707 | Username = a884858707 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
wanglushello | Level = 1 | Account ID = 236884279 | Country = usa | NickName =
wanglushello | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
veronakid:fatcat21 | Username = veronakid | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = VeronaKid
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 236777725 | Country = idn | NickName = VeronaKid |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lol5ter:Apollo443 | Username = Lol5ter | Tag Line = 2287 | Game Name = Lol5ter |
Country = gbr | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 125 | Radianite Points = 110 | TotalRecentGames = 85 | Skins = [, , ,
Silvanus Phantom, , , , , , , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
breenpeen:lolage123 | Username = breenpeen | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = King
Breen | Level = 41 | Account ID = 213316344 | Country = gbr | NickName = King Breen
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dtanhuy:321Vulcan! | Username = dtanhuy | Tag Line = csgo | Game Name = deee |
Country = phl | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
themileso12345:schule123 | Username = themileso12345 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1f845177d90d71 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 23372225 | Country = mex | NickName =
IS1f845177d90d71 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hasengulasch12:wasd1234 | Username = hasengulasch12 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Longchicken22 | Level = 11 | Account ID = 228909892 | Country = mys | NickName =
Longchicken22 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
voliehg:14531978ts | Username = VolieHG | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = 61VolieHG34
| Level = 28 | Account ID = 2425251535033152 | Country = tur | NickName =
61VolieHG34 | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
luoshushu23:yanwen520 | Username = luoshushu23 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1cc07d45e944d8f38cea8 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 38304777 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1cc07d45e944d8f38cea8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
0softer0:irjkf123456 | Username = 0SOFTER0 | Tag Line = 3602 | Game Name = FazX |
Country = kaz | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
finalgamer2040:awwdsrtk468 | Username = finalgamer2040 | Tag Line = 4086 | Game
Name = Shift To Walk | Level = 19 | Account ID = 223272026 | Country = can |
NickName = FinalGamer2040 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
funderdan:Lastres21041998 | Username = funderdan | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
funderdan | Level = 6 | Account ID = 210857702 | Country = bgd | NickName =
funderdan | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
kingkoksi1:I2iFuXd618 | Username = kingkoksi1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
w00ckie | Level = 22 | Account ID = 207030363 | Country = vnm | NickName = w00ckie
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
leofaelx:rafael17 | Username = Leofaelx | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Leofael |
Level = 93 | Account ID = 2347029820983552 | Country = per | NickName = Leofael |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ahmedkoky100:ahmedkoky100 | Username = ahmedkoky100 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
ahmedkoky100 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 221474567 | Country = pri | NickName =
ahmedkoky100 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
corgitten:DAYDream78! | Username = corgitten | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
corgitten | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2426852674318496 | Country = gbr | NickName =
corgitten | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
simplyeiop:T0405455a | Username = simplyeiop | Tag Line = 7870 | Game Name =
simplyeiop | Account ID = 242279444 | Country = rus | EmailVerified = False |
Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
juddy3451:28Sep1998 | Username = juddy3451 | Tag Line = 3014 | Game Name =
juddy3451 | Country = aus | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mungin01:102501lol. | Username = Mungin01 | Tag Line = 0007 | Game Name = Mungin |
Level = 44 | Account ID = 334321 | Country = che | NickName = Munginz |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 135 | Radianite Points = 210 | TotalRecentGames = 99 | Skins = [Jigsaw
Ares, Prime Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, Artisan Phantom, Jigsaw Judge, Artisan Bucky,
Monarch Frenzy, , Artisan Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, K/TAC Operator,
Jigsaw Guardian, Artisan Marshal, , , Artisan Foil] | Checked = Yes
xfloppy91x:stargate1991 | Username = xfloppy91x | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = TG
Mihawk | Level = 10 | Account ID = 205738220 | Country = chn | NickName = TG Mihawk
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
broisbackqq:Ha45Osztva13@ | Username = BROisbackqq | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
BROisback | Level = 135 | Account ID = 201931853 | Country = hun | NickName =
BROisback | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 60 | TotalRecentGames = 3 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
cloud20090303:yy286286 | Username = cloud20090303 | Account ID = 212602271 |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
criminalye127:criminalo1 | Username = criminalye127 | Account ID = 34477495 |
Country = ind | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
tuvieja173:123Sosa123 | Username = tuvieja173 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Fan
del Bananero | Level = 191 | Account ID = 200956027 | Country = arg | NickName =
Fan del Bananero | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
mauszeichen:Geburtstag123 | Username = Mauszeichen | Tag Line = 4561 | Game Name =
Laura | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2455606704468896 | Country = deu | NickName =
Mauszeichen | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 50 | Radianite Points = 230 | TotalRecentGames = 24 | Skins =
[Hivemind Ares, dot EXE Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom, dot EXE Judge,
Kingdom Bucky, Couture Frenzy, Kingdom Classic, dot EXE Ghost, , , , , Couture
Marshal, Hivemind Spectre, Couture Stinger, Kingdom Knife] | Checked = Yes
woozo22:zog8vz8r | Username = woozo22 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = trololodad |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 30124436 | Country = mys | NickName = trololodad |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
caress123:Caress123 | Username = Caress123 | Tag Line = 3497 | Game Name = Caress |
Account ID = 2579999337121312 | Country = jpn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
sara123789:123456789a | Username = sara123789 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
sara123789 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 209064302 | Country = bra | NickName =
sara123789 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
imbelowaverage:Ssundeerocks45! | Username = imbelowaverage | Tag Line = RUS | Game
Name = SKEER | Level = 1 | Account ID = 235839166 | Country = gbr | EmailVerified =
True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 119 |
Radianite Points = 115 | TotalRecentGames = 2 | Skins = [POLYfrog Ares, Cavalier
Vandal, Depths Bulldog, Oni Phantom, Prism III Judge, Lightwave Bucky, , Songsteel
Classic, Cavalier Ghost, Lightwave Sheriff, , , Songsteel Guardian, POLYfrog
Marshal, Wasteland Spectre, Depths Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
sasbens2:lulu777 | Username = sasbens2 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = FLAGGED
38611725 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 201530978 | Country = aus | NickName = FLAGGED
38611725 | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kekelaone:87654321a | Username = kekelaone | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1e00b10e8b51a3 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32605400 | Country = rus | NickName =
IS1e00b10e8b51a3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
l19jaxp6:abc123Qw1! | Username = l19jaxp6 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = L19JaxP6 |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 203453702 | Country = blz | NickName = L19JaxP6 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
biscuit91160:lefoudu91 | Username = biscuit91160 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
macroàprotitué | Level = 2 | Account ID = 239614671 | Country = fra | NickName =
macroàprotitué | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
awesome0729:Changepass1 | Username = awesome0729 | Account ID = 2205842264288544 |
Country = phl | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
hiraiderz7:Hz075017 | Username = hiraiderz7 | Tag Line = 1141 | Game Name =
hiraiderz7 | Country = mys | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
spectateloket:spectateloket1 | Username = spectateloket | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = spectateloket | Level = 1 | Account ID = 41761824 | Country = hrv | NickName
= spectateloket | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
escatiix:deinmom31 | Username = Escatiix | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Escatiix |
Level = 13 | Account ID = 1986530241278560 | Country = deu | NickName = Escatiix |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dialgur:Naruto07 | Username = dialgur | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Dialgur |
Level = 11 | Account ID = 2126608184830688 | Country = can | NickName = Dialgur |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
legwy80:QPhiJS8isV | Username = legwy80 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Legwy |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 222313022 | Country = per | NickName = Legwy |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mbokhoven:sparrow123 | Username = mbokhoven | Tag Line = 40825 | Game Name =
FLAGGED 49760614 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 223818303 | Country = rus | NickName =
FLAGGED 09272512 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
ninzja777:Ninzja906090 | Username = Ninzja777 | Tag Line = 9414 | Game Name =
Ninzja777 | Level = 39 | Account ID = 2595690947979168 | Country = rus | NickName =
ninzja555 | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 70 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
lolrepeat12:jumper5c | Username = lolrepeat12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1fc345741979ca8643503 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 43272789 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1fc345741979ca8643503 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
naksintang:asen0123 | Username = naksintang | Tag Line = 6367 | Game Name =
naksintang | Country = idn | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
39wwwww:01023105892qwe | Username = 39wwwww | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = EO06 |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 2430189183961120 | Country = usa | NickName = EO06 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rallyman0044:gigifan0101 | Username = rallyman0044 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
1ef8a940-e5d1-49d2-8ddd-1b7bd1e5b3ab | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228408923 | Country
= tha | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alphimerel1:ferraris10 | Username = alphimerel1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
alphi 10 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 38886320 | Country = fra | NickName = alphi 10
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
demoslegion666:tiger2 | Username = demoslegion666 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Dat tf Doe | Level = 5 | Account ID = 207743731 | Country = usa | NickName = Dat tf
Doe | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sopska:Laika2015 | Username = SOPSKA | Tag Line = 8608 | Game Name = SOPSKA |
Country = nor | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point
= 350 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 49 | Skins = [, RGX 11z Pro
Vandal, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
rahatumare:mariusica1 | Username = rahatumare | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1ceda58d108679 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 34269637 | Country = tha | NickName =
IS1ceda58d108679 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
eyehunt360:Rudeboy16 | Username = Eyehunt360 | Tag Line = 3195 | Game Name =
Eyehunt360 | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 31 | Radianite Points = 75 | Skins = [, Reaver Vandal, Couture
Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom, , Kingdom Bucky, Couture Frenzy, , , , , , , Couture
Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Couture Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
rimlok55:ofirko55 | Username = rimlok55 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = monkey4fun
| Level = 19 | Account ID = 201384388 | Country = isr | NickName = monkey4fun |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lionelzeng:woaishe1314 | Username = lionelzeng | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS198a4fa98de21ed8d9b42 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206796165 | Country = tha |
NickName = IS198a4fa98de21ed8d9b42 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
smookeycz:Smooker1238 | Username = smookeycz | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
SmookeyCZ | Level = 5 | Account ID = 211877985 | Country = ury | NickName =
SmookeyCZ | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ariakip06:crjhjvjkjd201 | Username = ariakip06 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS16a4e06dd3fac4 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 25499584 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS16a4e06dd3fac4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jaimemorado:sapomorado63 | Username = jaimemorado | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
jaimemorado | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2502506750240576 | Country = mex | NickName
= jaimemorado | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jcpistachoazul:superpinguino123 | Username = jcpistachoazul | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = jcpistachoazul | Level = 30 | Account ID = 202671917 | Country = esp |
NickName = jcpistachoazul | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
rolmixgamer:bb213141 | Username = rolmixgamer | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
IronDraco | Level = 1 | Account ID = 208968724 | Country = bra | NickName =
IronDraco | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
forgoname:Lastres21041998 | Username = forgoname | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ForgoName | Level = 3 | Account ID = 245622890 | Country = can | NickName =
ForgoName | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mauroalvarado:peugeot205 | Username = mauroalvarado | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
Darrakis | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2032111915322176 | Country = arg | NickName =
Darrakis | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bossariston:Givemeall95 | Username = BossAriston | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
BossAriston | Level = 16 | Account ID = 2614795684964064 | Country = ita | NickName
= BossAriston | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
anarhok:Lastres21041998 | Username = anarhok | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS11cdbddae2c3beaa3636d | Level = 1 | Account ID = 45704975 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS11cdbddae2c3beaa3636d | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
galvor070:youtube070 | Username = galvor070 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Galvor070 | Level = 212 | Account ID = 203228545 | Country = gtm | NickName =
Galvor070 | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ivansosa2:Papito14 | Username = ivansosa2 | Tag Line = 2317 | Game Name = ElChapo |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jollyrancher147:Lastres21041998 | Username = jollyrancher147 | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = IS1b7f78b4ccf46e955f0f8 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 43237123 | Country =
ukr | NickName = IS1b7f78b4ccf46e955f0f8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
supamakahoi3:azn333 | Username = supamakahoi3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1cda7a79e325526efb0d2 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37684363 | Country = nld |
NickName = IS1cda7a79e325526efb0d2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
amaurijr123:futebol10 | Username = amaurijr123 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Jinjoker | Level = 19 | Account ID = 204484135 | Country = bra | NickName =
Jinjoker | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jdomynyk:RGuniversal2. | Username = jdomynyk | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
JburgesS | Level = 20 | Account ID = 640211 | Country = chl | NickName = JburgesS |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bahon51:610016q | Username = bahon51 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Bahon51 |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 40568138 | Country = rus | NickName = Bahon51 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
negrocamilosw:8Msvnwm5jS | Username = negrocamilosw | Tag Line = 26052 | Game Name
= FLAGGED 81123666 | Level = 9 | Account ID = 46791943 | Country = idn | NickName =
FLAGGED 57933039 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
mikefrazier32:Lastres21041998 | Username = mikefrazier32 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = mikefrazierAZBS | Level = 2 | Account ID = 206784283 | Country = usa |
NickName = mikefrazierAZBS | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
1magineeeee:santetbyice01 | Username = 1magineeeee | Tag Line = 4887 | Game Name =
1magineeeeeeeee | Country = idn | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
iliskander:mamat1994 | Username = iliskander | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Aleyandro | Level = 16 | Account ID = 200569293 | Country = can | NickName =
Aleyandro | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
caernus:peter0808 | Username = caernus | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1b17f7f561b117 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 24914698 | Country = tur | NickName =
IS1b17f7f561b117 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes | Username = PeekoTheBird | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = PeekoFromPokemon | Level = 11 | Account ID = 1972570859588288 | Country =
usa | NickName = PeekoFromPokemon | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
froggybug:Desktop09 | Username = froggybug | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = froggybug
| Level = 21 | Account ID = 221694412 | Country = usa | NickName = froggybug |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
asolpurpura:Judgement281292 | Username = AsolPurpura | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= SwordMaidenDemon | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2413958312242368 | Country = vnm |
NickName = SwordMaidenDemon | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
aresbeatz:20101999a | Username = aresbeatz | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = Reyboos |
Level = 9 | Account ID = 208422679 | Country = ven | NickName = Reyboos |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
blake0418:Lastres21041998 | Username = blake0418 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Blake0418 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 214507823 | Country = swe | NickName =
Blake0418 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
bksenhuck:Ks129123 | Username = bksenhuck | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = ksenhuck |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 1104722 | Country = usa | NickName = ksenhuck |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
anabarrucho:Anabarrucho13 | Username = anabarrucho | Account ID = 224872061 |
Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
thacrooka:monster1 | Username = thacrooka | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e782119ac1440798de63 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 41237772 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1e782119ac1440798de63 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
milkmayne23:Bullet23$ | Username = Milkmayne23 | Tag Line = 1737 | Game Name =
MilkMayne23 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
faberctl:2687266Serg | Username = FaberCtl | Tag Line = 3401 | Game Name = FaberCtl
| Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
forocoches121:forocoches1 | Username = forocoches121 | Account ID = 33769679 |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
vilastrak:talquitos80 | Username = Vilastrak | Tag Line = 3196 | Game Name =
Vilastrak | Country = col | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
omgitsmatty96:lakers10 | Username = omgitsmatty96 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
BasedYeezus96 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 217401019 | Country = usa | NickName =
BasedYeezus96 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mmgg244:king1665 | Username = mmgg244 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS16ef380e0c7ee3bcc3545 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 45957718 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS16ef380e0c7ee3bcc3545 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
blub0smurf39:wurstsalat1337 | Username = blub0smurf39 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= IS103d9c687b4c93 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32216125 | Country = nld | NickName =
IS103d9c687b4c93 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
solfrums41:smurf007 | Username = solfrums41 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1c51c231193d3b | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29283839 | Country = bol | NickName =
IS1c51c231193d3b | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lastgamer75:Lastres21041998 | Username = lastgamer75 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1695d95de56e26c23f660 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 40255841 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1695d95de56e26c23f660 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mattsimm:Liverp99l | Username = mattsimm | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = MattSimm |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 237693460 | Country = gbr | NickName = MattSimm |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alcaideris:mantas1986 | Username = alcaideris | Account ID = 28225055 | Country =
chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
geark8:herpderp1234 | Username = geark8 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Best 4v4 Bot
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 216742601 | Country = usa | NickName = Best 4v4 Bot |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dadjal666:allaha666 | Username = dadjal666 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = dadjal666
| Level = 31 | Account ID = 2369461609148864 | Country = rus | NickName = dadjal666
| EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
proatika0:fizika1997 | Username = proatika0 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = OxyTV |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 204048636 | Country = usa | NickName = OxyTV |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chavox1:chavox1 | Username = chavox1 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = janox2 | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 942553 | Country = bih | NickName = janox2 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xxfabietagalxx:25135fabio | Username = XxfabietagalxX | Tag Line = 970 | Game Name
= Stagnum | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2825973374092800 | Country = esp | NickName =
Stagnum2x | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 80 | TotalRecentGames = 88 | Skins = [,
Nitro Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, Artisan Phantom, Varnish Judge, Artisan Bucky, , , ,
Varnish Sheriff, , Nitro Operator, Nitro Guardian, Artisan Marshal, , Varnish
Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
koduzai:matatu13 | Username = koduzai | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Exelure |
Level = 78 | Account ID = 200590894 | Country = arg | NickName = Exelure |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kyosonai:Lindi2002 | Username = kyosonai | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = HNZL
Kyosonai | Level = 5 | Account ID = 222928543 | Country = che | NickName = HNZL
Kyosonai | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
grzybu555:rozwoj94 | Username = grzybu555 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = grzybu55
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 204910726 | Country = pol | NickName = grzybu55 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
laurentfondeur:poiupoiu1 | Username = laurentfondeur | Account ID = 39311378 |
Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
afchamp08:h3X3F5h%S# | Username = Afchamp08 | Account ID = 1969199852939776 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
egorbog1:185613angel | Username = egorbog1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1456a5d2e8c5ba | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28547254 | Country = irn | NickName =
IS1456a5d2e8c5ba | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thespeciess:784fba0z | Username = thespeciess | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
sspeciess | Level = 25 | Account ID = 2207070889677408 | Country = rus | NickName =
sspeciess | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
bucky5959:Pepsi5959 | Username = bucky5959 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Bucky59 |
Level = 13 | Account ID = 221445434 | Country = usa | NickName = Bucky59 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
darznieks33:snowboard3 | Username = darznieks33 | Account ID = 206656910 | Country
= che | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rocataliato:ro123456 | Username = rocataliato | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
R18Rocataliato | Level = 1 | Account ID = 236758653 | Country = esp | NickName =
R18Rocataliato | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xmansalerno2:barton9894 | Username = xmansalerno2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
yolobeaverswag | Level = 22 | Account ID = 206687232 | Country = usa | NickName =
yolobeaverswag | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
vishnudev69:prabhudev69 | Username = vishnudev69 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Vishnudev69 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 234911462 | Country = ind | NickName =
Vishnudev69 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
mtvninja2:kapi2010 | Username = mtvninja2 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
OMFGFreeKill | Level = 1 | Account ID = 207676619 | Country = pol | NickName =
OMFGFreeKill | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
b8522986666:Lastres21041998 | Username = b8522986666 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
eoWJyjb0bo | Level = 9 | Account ID = 33965382 | Country = nzl | NickName =
eoWJyjb0bo | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yoruguy123:Alpha@4321 | Username = YoruGuy123 | Tag Line = 6301 | Game Name = Yoru
| Country = ind | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
trevgoat3:Lakers33 | Username = TrevGoat3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = TrevGoat3
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 2371788691123136 | Country = usa | NickName = TrevGoat3
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jamal99jamal:jamal99 | Username = jamal99jamal | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1e94ac6a14e49b | Level = 3 | Account ID = 30727443 | Country = bra | NickName =
IS1e94ac6a14e49b | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
marioesparta:Albamartin8 | Username = marioesparta | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
MarioEsparta | Level = 1 | Account ID = 231694584 | Country = esp | NickName =
MarioEsparta | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
mixano9:punxoplanta99 | Username = mixano9 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ardaturan99 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 210118730 | Country = esp | NickName =
ardaturan99 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
samiro7175:jahadiel128 | Username = samiro7175 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
TheGreenThunder | Level = 2 | Account ID = 201911409 | Country = kwt | NickName =
TheGreenThunder | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jamesosaurus:kylesa00 | Username = jamesosaurus | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
jamesosaurus | Level = 1 | Account ID = 42154950 | Country = gbr | NickName =
jamesosaurus | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
a0968119753:zxc123 | Username = a0968119753 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = ???????
| Level = 35 | Account ID = 200668835 | Country = jpn | NickName = ??????? |
EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cationn:hoffmann1 | Username = cationn | Tag Line = 26919 | Game Name = FLAGGED
11681755 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206911917 | Country = svk | NickName = FLAGGED
22702822 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pachinopobre:Pachino123 | Username = Pachinopobre | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
PachinoZ | Level = 83 | Account ID = 2376521604106336 | Country = arg | NickName =
PachinoZ | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kreisikompi:eminem112 | Username = kreisikompi | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Death
Cannibal | Level = 18 | Account ID = 2058559632142784 | Country = fin | NickName =
Death Cannibal | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
artthoumadbreh:sMOOTHbUNZ1 | Username = artthoumadbreh | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= 30cdbd95-6089-42e5-90a8-a9b0a4cc7604 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 226223825 |
Country = irn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dogcano:levar0116 | Username = dogcano | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = DogCano |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 226428974 | Country = chn | NickName = DogCano |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mertcihan1:123321123zxc | Username = mertcihan1 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = Mêrt
| Level = 38 | Account ID = 210079799 | Country = tur | NickName = Mêrt |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
luisc16:luiscarlos16Qw1! | Username = luisc16 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1eae95102052b7 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 35052533 | Country = fra | NickName =
IS1eae95102052b7 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
lethaltoy1:lethaltoy1Qw1! | Username = lethaltoy1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS16a7974fbe726e | Level = 5 | Account ID = 35456360 | Country = fra | NickName =
IS16a7974fbe726e | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gabitu02:gabitu123 | Username = gabitu02 | Account ID = 209921392 | Country = ukr |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
firbolo150:A032645595 | Username = firbolo150 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
matador xr1 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2168047681883072 | Country = bra | NickName
= matador xr1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
momark12:qq1314820 | Username = momark12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = momark12 |
Level = 8 | Account ID = 204793280 | Country = usa | NickName = momark12 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
krollollo1:132465798qew | Username = krollollo1 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
krollollo | Level = 27 | Account ID = 202203513 | Country = mys | NickName =
krollollo | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mushrooms53827:45aelihm53 | Username = mushrooms53827 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= IS1faa639b1e3e21 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33384102 | Country = bgd | NickName =
IS1faa639b1e3e21 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
kissankuppi:kakka1000 | Username = kissankuppi | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
89924c46-b9c1-45bb-8b7b-2515191945c8 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2276632473317792 |
Country = fin | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tommy180490:Bunny1990 | Username = tommy180490 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
gostrider1990 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 222243750 | Country = hkg | NickName =
gostrider1990 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
boliu9441:X!kwk7B9zP | Username = boliu9441 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
BoliuEviscerate | Level = 6 | Account ID = 227994315 | Country = usa | NickName =
BoliuEviscerate | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maurocchio38:supersbirro1 | Username = maurocchio38 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Svangatore | Level = 10 | Account ID = 32312114 | Country = ita | NickName =
Svangatore | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mawerix12:koparki12345 | Username = mawerix12 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
mawerix12 | Level = 41 | Account ID = 234731428 | Country = pol | NickName =
mawerix12 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
karma1s1:Android123 | Username = Karma1s1 | Account ID = 2446271293680320 | Country
= ltu | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
freekerz96:Cotoner12ab | Username = freekerz96 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Cr3ativEE | Level = 8 | Account ID = 200833236 | Country = dnk | NickName =
Cr3ativEE | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xxfongoxx:Fongo004 | Username = xxfongoxx | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Flohongo |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 234651268 | Country = deu | NickName = Flohongo |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 8 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
omercnsbnc123:omercnsbnc123 | Username = omercnsbnc123 | Tag Line = 2021 | Game
Name = Violents | Level = 27 | Account ID = 210562632 | Country = tur | NickName =
isded | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 143 | Radianite Points = 10 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [,
Horizon Vandal, , , , , , , , , , , , , Prime Spectre, , ] | Checked = Yes
newbers645:Orange645! | Username = newbers645 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Newbers645 | Level = 9 | Account ID = 247888018 | Country = rus | NickName =
Newbers645 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
2500lin:Dannylin1 | Username = 2500lin | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 2500lin |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 218198440 | Country = chn | NickName = 2500lin |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fiskspam01:maria123 | Username = fiskspam01 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1d60b9321c0a33 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28575606 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1d60b9321c0a33 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
deeloer12:sananelan1 | Username = deeloer12 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
EmcVeteran | Level = 2 | Account ID = 202696446 | Country = tur | NickName =
EmcVeteran | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
referraluser122:referraluser122 | Username = referraluser122 | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = IS1fca6eff60eb95717dcf6 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40534187 | Country =
bra | NickName = IS1fca6eff60eb95717dcf6 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chazboom:bollocks23 | Username = chazboom | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Chaz Boom
| Level = 9 | Account ID = 33196206 | Country = mex | NickName = Chaz Boom |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kaylierayana:pokemon1 | Username = kaylierayana | Account ID = 231399079 | Country
= rou | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ilisom:ehdcjs6362 | Username = ilisom | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ilisom | Level
= 38 | Account ID = 2056735887135104 | Country = fra | NickName = ilisom |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aulienhd:Hallo123 | Username = aulienhd | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Aulien123 |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 221648221 | Country = idn | NickName = Aulien123 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
saintvindett1:e1a560ce | Username = saintvindett1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS14b91a5d6041ee | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33027187 | Country = vnm | NickName =
IS14b91a5d6041ee | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
popitomaster277:aabbcc123 | Username = popitomaster277 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= VTM VTM VTM | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2320686190127552 | Country = col |
NickName = VTM VTM VTM | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
miraitrunksx:supervegeta123 | Username = miraitrunksx | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name
= MorangoComShantl | Level = 8 | Account ID = 204329138 | Country = bra | NickName
= MorangoComShantl | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
islamkhedr:conan369 | Username = islamkhedr | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 3War |
Level = 21 | Account ID = 230022792 | Country = cze | NickName = 3War |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
artsygirlsophia:selkirk442 | Username = artsygirlsophia | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = 805a7f53-6d18-45ce-8c31-7802898ed40a | Level = 1 | Account ID =
1961951571200544 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
slicone23:slicone23 | Username = slicone23 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Grand
Plan | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2313577550457280 | Country = can | NickName = Grand
Plan | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wnxlannister:gizmo333 | Username = wnxlannister | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
WNxLannister | Level = 121 | Account ID = 2115036130781760 | Country = usa |
NickName = WNxLannister | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mateson07:Ramirez01 | Username = Mateson07 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
InfernoTriggerer | Level = 12 | Account ID = 2555649183155744 | Country = mex |
NickName = InfernoTriggerer | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
theolacier:theolacier78 | Username = theolacier | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
theolacier | Level = 4 | Account ID = 230386696 | Country = fra | NickName =
theolacier | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jipi39:Poutine1 | Username = jipi39 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = MRjipi39 | Level
= 48 | Account ID = 45054638 | Country = can | NickName = MRjipi39 | EmailVerified
= True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
notbenstocks:washcaps96 | Username = notbenstocks | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
notbenstocks | Level = 1 | Account ID = 218264045 | Country = usa | NickName =
notbenstocks | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
porkmepine:nicknackA77 | Username = porkmepine | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
PorkMePine | Level = 21 | Account ID = 233427426 | Country = usa | NickName =
PorkMePine | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
elchaketadecuero:andressalazar1 | Username = elchaketadecuero | Tag Line = LAS |
Game Name = aspiro neopren | Level = 160 | Account ID = 2298004119808192 | Country
= chl | NickName = aspiro neopren | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hiccupreak:Eylul2116 | Username = HiccupReak | Tag Line = 1210 | Game Name = Scoob
| Level = 57 | Account ID = 2601980803466272 | Country = tur | NickName =
ScoobXavier | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 130 |
TotalRecentGames = 9 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
skybern13:fiverr13 | Username = skybern13 | Tag Line = 1310 | Game Name = skybern |
Country = ukr | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zedchuatebt:Vietnamese1320 | Username = zedchuatebt | Tag Line = 5195 | Game Name =
Diend | Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
komagically99:Scoute12 | Username = komagically99 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Skull Candy Slyr | Level = 1 | Account ID = 220977323 | Country = usa | NickName =
Skull Candy Slyr | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
seaknees:Flyers11! | Username = seaknees | Tag Line = 000 | Game Name = seaknees |
Level = 42 | Account ID = 2281348320094912 | Country = usa | NickName = seaknees |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maztermarksman:modern123 | Username = maztermarksman | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Maestre | Level = 143 | Account ID = 200150678 | Country = mex | NickName = Maestre
| EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oliglath:matrix27 | Username = oliglath | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Oliglath |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 214267277 | Country = usa | NickName = Oliglath |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
adatjeuh:12345678aap | Username = adatjeuh | Account ID = 40962566 | Country = nld
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
skatetrippyy:italian123 | Username = skatetrippyy | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
skatetrippy | Level = 1 | Account ID = 241084832 | Country = usa | NickName =
skatetrippy | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kacperovski1231:kochamvalve1 | Username = kacperovski1231 | Tag Line = 5192 | Game
Name = Kacper | Country = pol | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
pedroveep16:Pedroisaac03 | Username = Pedroveep16 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Pedroveep | Level = 9 | Account ID = 2460141351807104 | Country = mex | NickName =
Pedroveep | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
warlok120:arkada91 | Username = warlok120 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1f39128422d648 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32895033 | Country = ukr | NickName =
IS1f39128422d648 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
badgerstache:Lastres21041998 | Username = badgerstache | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= BadgerStache | Level = 2 | Account ID = 231394301 | Country = deu | NickName =
BadgerStache | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
dexterqert:adimondialu1 | Username = dexterqert | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
FreakyWird | Level = 2 | Account ID = 41840764 | Country = rou | NickName =
FreakyWird | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aikenyg24:DHordie2408 | Username = aikenyg24 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = KenYep
| Level = 9 | Account ID = 204928251 | Country = per | NickName = KenYep |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
airwaker12345:adam8797 | Username = airwaker12345 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
airwaker12 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 237916592 | Country = can | NickName =
airwaker12 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gyilthonar:ashiroth125 | Username = gyilthonar | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Gyilthonar | Level = 13 | Account ID = 229122047 | Country = mex | NickName =
Gyilthonar | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
babidon:maelouavendre9 | Username = babidon | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Smael51
| Level = 15 | Account ID = 209363278 | Country = fra | NickName = Smael51 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
novackovypl:kuba108kuba108 | Username = novackovypl | Account ID = 33903660 |
Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dfghezn573:qwe123 | Username = dfghezn573 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1e1f20718e6f24 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29075997 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1e1f20718e6f24 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rociansa:archery42 | Username = rociansa | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Välkyrië |
Level = 141 | Account ID = 211849906 | Country = esp | NickName = Välkyrië |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 200 | Radianite Points = 155 | TotalRecentGames = 71 | Skins = [Nitro Odin,
POLYfrog Ares, Elderflame Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, Oni Phantom, Prism III Judge,
Artisan Bucky, , Infinity Classic, POLYfrog Sheriff, Wunderkind Shorty, , Nitro
Guardian, Artisan Marshal, , Cavalier Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
byayrtom:Edsr0fxr | Username = byayrtom | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Byayrtom |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2063054368098880 | Country = esp | NickName = Byayrtom |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bramhogeweide:Fortuna01! | Username = bramhogeweide | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Badspons | Level = 37 | Account ID = 208484399 | Country = nld | NickName =
Badspons | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
dave321cz:nevim123 | Username = dave321cz | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
sdvdszgzdsfgdfzg | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228971370 | Country = mys | NickName =
sdvdszgzdsfgdfzg | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xninedivines:Lewisscott5 | Username = xninedivines | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
xNineDivines | Level = 11 | Account ID = 239422131 | Country = gbr | NickName =
xNineDivines | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
ookazinhooo:Eletronic1 | Username = ookazinhooo | Tag Line = 3065 | Game Name =
ookazinhooo | Country = bra | EmailVerified = True | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
strictlyyhype:Chicken1 | Username = strictlyyhype | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
StrictlyyHype | Level = 9 | Account ID = 227734756 | Country = usa | NickName =
StrictlyyHype | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
skrzat12324:kowal12 | Username = skrzat12324 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
placek12324 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 219758037 | Country = tur | NickName =
placek12324 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
shiplord13:Pollacci123! | Username = shiplord13 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Shiplord13 | Level = 95 | Account ID = 210174325 | Country = usa | NickName =
Shiplord13 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
symkoo:whoopie007 | Username = Symkoo | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Symke | Level
= 109 | Account ID = 2632821897684704 | Country = dnk | NickName = Symke |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 175 | TotalRecentGames = 99 | Skins = [, Nitro
Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, Artisan Phantom, Varnish Judge, Artisan Bucky, , , ,
Varnish Sheriff, Wunderkind Shorty, Nitro Operator, Nitro Guardian, Artisan
Marshal, , Varnish Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
ahrorus:dahakaalfa5 | Username = ahrorus | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Ahrorus |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 218516809 | Country = rus | NickName = Ahrorus |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
klofoman123:anhanhhy02 | Username = Klofoman123 | Tag Line = PBE | Game Name =
Manhdzvcl | Level = 30 | Account ID = 2541888424699104 | Country = vnm | NickName =
Manhdzvcl | EmailVerified = True | Region = PBE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
behlulsekerr11:250285346130b | Username = behlulsekerr11 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = dvNgjiorrT | Level = 5 | Account ID = 231903341 | Country = tur | NickName =
dvNgjiorrT | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
webby68:booger2889 | Username = webby68 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = webby68 |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 200912921 | Country = usa | NickName = webby68 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
specaluna:567Ois70YG | Username = specaluna | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Specaluna | Level = 1 | Account ID = 218715576 | Country = idn | NickName =
Specaluna | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chepper99:philipp999 | Username = chepper99 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
G3tOutOfMyJungI3 | Level = 32 | Account ID = 2063470577226560 | Country = deu |
NickName = G3tOutOfMyJungI3 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
sanj8i:voxh7e7v | Username = sanj8i | Account ID = 25216459 | Country = irl |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aixbi:alex0441084421 | Username = aIxbi | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
iDoThis4Cookies | Level = 9 | Account ID = 239806075 | Country = prt | NickName =
iDoThis4Cookies | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ildan87:eqilibrium87 | Username = ildan87 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Air87 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 40833818 | Country = prt | NickName = Air87 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fatpplgonomnom89:G1.Assassin | Username = fatpplgonomnom89 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = FatPplGoNomNom | Level = 7 | Account ID = 237768238 | Country = usa |
NickName = FatPplGoNomNom | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
luvpringles:Mimaniclo1 | Username = LuvPringles | Tag Line = 6956 | Game Name =
Paperclip | Country = can | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kevin1234andres:kevin123321 | Username = kevin1234andres | Tag Line = LAN | Game
Name = 30dbe281-bcfe-4aa4-8b45-faa61436da85 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 203753399 |
Country = mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
soberkiller009:2012!Abc | Username = soberkiller009 | Country = usa | EmailVerified
= False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points =
0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yakusant123:8976543212d | Username = yakusant123 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
yakusant123 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2162171918805376 | Country = bra | NickName
= yakusant123 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
warven2210:ricardonobre1995 | Username = Warven2210 | Tag Line = 5812 | Game Name =
NinjaReformado | Country = prt | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
joebous22:Toshira55556 | Username = joebous22 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Joebous | Level = 76 | Account ID = 211300218 | Country = usa | NickName = Joebous
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dskai41:redorb12 | Username = dskai41 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1977f5a67465d5 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29058659 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1977f5a67465d5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
prettymuchinsec:jrv@1996 | Username = prettymuchinsec | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= PrettyMuchInsec | Level = 8 | Account ID = 209458983 | Country = hnd | NickName =
PrettyMuchInsec | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
nbmsp07:nbmsp07 | Username = nbmsp07 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = VSFFDPPNC |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 201291285 | Country = pan | NickName = VSFFDPPNC |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
starpwned01:titanquest12 | Username = starpwned01 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
M4A1 Holo | Level = 10 | Account ID = 201927606 | Country = swe | NickName = M4A1
Holo | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kkreon:19animeforreal91 | Username = kkreon | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Satan
Kohai | Level = 12 | Account ID = 223658524 | Country = swe | NickName = Satan
Kohai | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
aldijehezkiel:jehezkiel12 | Username = AldiJehezkiel | Tag Line = 8507 | Game Name
= Ezequels | Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
boomerscare1:August96 | Username = Boomerscare1 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
Boomerscare | Level = 72 | Account ID = 1980757517847648 | Country = aus | NickName
= Boomerscare | EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
irishtheman:hurricado2 | Username = irishtheman | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
62d37d33-0f47-496a-9c21-2dc5271ee08d | Level = 1 | Account ID = 34989219 | Country
= mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
marcosplinio88:deus2011 | Username = marcosplinio88 | Account ID = 209545618 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
zcxc10:741852dj* | Username = zcxc10 | Tag Line = KR1 | Game Name = ?????? | Level
= 8 | Account ID = 2522872939218464 | Country = kor | NickName = ?????? |
EmailVerified = True | Region = KR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
joaogimenes99:joao1234 | Username = joaogimenes99 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
PCesperança | Level = 3 | Account ID = 212184448 | Country = bra | NickName =
PCesperança | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
evelinesch1:evelinesch1 | Username = evelinesch1 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
evelinesch1 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 205821529 | Country = bra | NickName =
evelinesch1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
tretotomanisto10:tretotomanisto1 | Username = tretotomanisto10 | Tag Line = EUNE |
Game Name = tikveno seme | Level = 8 | Account ID = 34364117 | Country = bgr |
NickName = tikveno seme | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
modorius:Perkele9! | Username = modorius | Tag Line = 9631 | Game Name = modorius |
Country = fin | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 375 | TotalRecentGames = 93 | Skins = [, , , , , ,
RagnaRocker Frenzy, Infinity Classic, Soul Silencer Ghost, Game Over Sheriff, , , ,
, , , ] | Checked = Yes
electron260:Bigboss260 | Username = electron260 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
electron260 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2411110758896608 | Country = fra | NickName
= electron260 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
sunqijie16:tina19880307 | Username = sunqijie16 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
llskdhnasdhzn | Level = 8 | Account ID = 203936813 | Country = usa | NickName =
llskdhnasdhzn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bobbyai:Lastres21041998 | Username = bobbyai | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS15214b61794de26f827da | Level = 2 | Account ID = 32759416 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS15214b61794de26f827da | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
skyperzac62:swordartonlyne12 | Username = skyperzac62 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= 3131sucker3131 | Level = 217 | Account ID = 216197574 | Country = rou | NickName
= 3131sucker3131 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 419 | Radianite Points = 95 |
TotalRecentGames = 96 | Skins = [, Origin Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, Artisan Phantom,
, Artisan Bucky, , , Artisan Ghost, Varnish Sheriff, , Nitro Operator, Nitro
Guardian, Artisan Marshal, , , Oni Claw] | Checked = Yes
catutzu235:delete90Z | Username = catutzu235 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Draku235 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 38971615 | Country = nld | NickName = Draku235
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pizzaaesthetic:Neogeo29 | Username = Pizzaaesthetic | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
pizzaaesthetic | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2599197180027936 | Country = usa |
NickName = pizzaaesthetic | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dfayce:Dirk110783 | Username = dfayce | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = DFayce | Level
= 10 | Account ID = 231745656 | Country = deu | NickName = DFayce | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mintpewpew:642MercyA | Username = Mintpewpew | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
MintPotato | Level = 15 | Account ID = 233442641 | Country = usa | NickName =
MintPotato | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
moontune0906:moonstar0906 | Username = moontune0906 | Tag Line = 6882 | Game Name =
MRHSIANG | Country = twn | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
galacticboss10:Lastres21041998 | Username = galacticboss10 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Galacticboss10 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2124094442867008 | Country = usa |
NickName = Galacticboss10 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rippinxuxup:anime1 | Username = rippinxuxup | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = C9
Burnsy | Level = 63 | Account ID = 210180555 | Country = usa | NickName = C9 Burnsy
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tammika23:mozilafirefox3 | Username = tammika23 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Tammika23 | Level = 14 | Account ID = 222517771 | Country = mys | NickName =
Tammika23 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sciz831:Monkies831 | Username = sciz831 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ihsandogan10:ihsan.x1 | Username = ihsandogan10 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
PA0FsdhLtL | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201941989 | Country = tur | NickName =
PA0FsdhLtL | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
grimsyn:bleach87 | Username = grimsyn | Account ID = 200587268 | Country = vnm |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
carlosmoida123:carlosmoida123 | Username = carlosmoida123 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game
Name = luludagarela | Level = 1 | Account ID = 211884173 | Country = bih | NickName
= luludagarela | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mfe26:mfe123698745 | Username = mfe26 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = kara pagan |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 207130583 | Country = tur | NickName = kara pagan |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zncatubay1:zayrish125 | Username = zncatubay1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1003919c728ce1 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 35947573 | Country = ita | NickName =
IS1003919c728ce1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
machee55:chopper750 | Username = machee55 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS19bf0578d337b5 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 27904264 | Country = rus | NickName =
IS19bf0578d337b5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chayanon150:bankmc1234 | Username = chayanon150 | Tag Line = 6398 | Game Name =
bankfon | Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
petirefna81:abcdefg123456789 | Username = petirefna81 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Petirefna81v5523 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 46145106 | Country = hun | NickName
= Petirefna81v5523 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xuyao891627:xy891627 | Username = xuyao891627 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
CAOCCAOCAO | Level = 1 | Account ID = 33787176 | Country = fra | NickName =
CAOCCAOCAO | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
clutchmaster10:yorkies123 | Username = clutchmaster10 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= ClutchMaster10 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 218336800 | Country = chn | NickName =
ClutchMaster10 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
k4stikas:sitak0tt | Username = k4stikas | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = k4stikas |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2297252371567456 | Country = est | NickName = k4stikas |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
irqs:Lastres21041998 | Username = irqs | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1141270d749fddc027709 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 416592 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS1141270d749fddc027709 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
bybiogalva123:Bybiogalva123 | Username = Bybiogalva123 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= Lukasenka | Level = 145 | Account ID = 31196694 | Country = ltu | NickName =
Lukasenka | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
latif111:latif111 | Username = latif111 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = latif1132 |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 2121604151235072 | Country = grc | NickName = latif1132 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = awikolerdf@uijth.mco111 | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tesardix230:lukas2392001 | Username = tesardix230 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Tesardix23 | Level = 11 | Account ID = 227336893 | Country = svk | NickName =
Tesardix23 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
krakenbtw026:Ramboelk123 | Username = KrakenBTW026 | Tag Line = 3953 | Game Name =
KrakenBTW026 | Country = nld | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 |
TotalRecentGames = 4 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
wuschel0000:dennis7303 | Username = wuschel0000 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = I
Exil I | Level = 18 | Account ID = 232693329 | Country = deu | NickName = I Exil I
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lh1ps:altaysevener1590 | Username = lh1ps | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Lhips |
Level = 33 | Account ID = 2102579312513152 | Country = tur | NickName = Lhips |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
toonsniper139:ncisfbit998877 | Username = toonsniper139 | Tag Line = 8056 | Game
Name = JohnWick | Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xdysomnia:poseid0n | Username = xdysomnia | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = xDysomnia
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 227478611 | Country = chn | NickName = xDysomnia |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sjotaro5:Leothebest122 | Username = SJotaro5 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = GFreess
| Level = 195 | Account ID = 234147326 | Country = fra | NickName = GFreess |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
tyavi:Atti71 | Username = tyavi | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = AttyBlanka | Level
= 5 | Account ID = 223714397 | Country = hun | NickName = AttyBlanka |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
grzeslav1996:lolek123 | Username = grzeslav1996 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
646eea64-9e8c-4d4d-926e-cd4590bbb2d9 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 36213163 | Country
= vnm | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jakekramer14:Lastres21041998 | Username = jakekramer14 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= IS1e18a3be1dbd8892a86b5 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 50549070 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1e18a3be1dbd8892a86b5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
wanneslowen11:mel262626 | Username = wanneslowen11 | Tag Line = 1337 | Game Name =
p6tsu | Level = 31 | Account ID = 2654118813394688 | Country = gbr | NickName =
weed cuz sad | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 110 | TotalRecentGames = 1 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
heroicspartan123:meinestrasse123 | Username = heroicspartan123 | Tag Line = EUW |
Game Name = iiTzTitanC | Level = 1 | Account ID = 222036669 | Country = mys |
NickName = iiTzTitanC | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = oskar- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
nebogitel261:frompiter666ola | Username = nebogitel261 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = Jungle Hamster | Level = 10 | Account ID = 219062610 | Country = rus |
NickName = Jungle Hamster | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mark21f:Sarahnice1 | Username = Mark21f | Tag Line = 7280 | Game Name = Markkey |
Account ID = 2633053537207488 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
abozgh906:abozgh906 | Username = abozgh906 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = abozgh906
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 228755561 | Country = usa | NickName = abozgh906 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
andmar77:am020103 | Username = andmar77 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = AndMar77 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 230715442 | Country = ita | NickName = AndMar77 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
andersonrliberato:Ander241 | Username = andersonrliberato | Tag Line = BR1 | Game
Name = AndersonLiberato | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2210891066091680 | Country = bra
| NickName = AndersonLiberato | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email =
ANDERSONRLIBERATO@HOTMAIL.COM | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
lifdnyel:lifdnyel116 | Username = lifdnyel | Tag Line = 6482 | Game Name = lifdnyel
| Country = mys | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tubpquatul:Myths123 | Username = tubpquatul | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c8f61da67ce5a21afd90 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46018380 | Country = ukr |
NickName = IS1c8f61da67ce5a21afd90 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mcapollo1:polarbear123 | Username = mcapollo1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
mcapollo1 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 200011443 | Country = can | NickName =
mcapollo1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = zacharygevais@hotmail.dom
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chiefpapi:Bivore123.b | Username = chiefpapi | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Bivore
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 238441934 | Country = usa | NickName = Bivore |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ikiru2013:4M5(0cd(Qm(H | Username = ikiru2013 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
GODofKILLS | Level = 14 | Account ID = 201258288 | Country = ukr | NickName =
GODofKILLS | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wendyredfield:demigods1828 | Username = wendyredfield | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name
= WendyRedfield | Level = 25 | Account ID = 203746031 | Country = bra | NickName =
WendyRedfield | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lollerxxy78:teste123 | Username = lollerxxy78 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1b125ac11e9fb5 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34515754 | Country = deu | NickName =
IS1b125ac11e9fb5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
eskildwegge:eski0147 | Username = eskildwegge | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
legolas eskild | Level = 22 | Account ID = 35387572 | Country = dnk | NickName =
legolas eskild | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lightningjolle:jukon100 | Username = lightningjolle | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
TheRealDonDon | Level = 12 | Account ID = 227495076 | Country = deu | NickName =
TheRealDonDon | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
wilkar001:wilkar001 | Username = wilkar001 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = wilkar001
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 204479588 | Country = col | NickName = wilkar001 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yuriiozon:dotaallstars1 | Username = yuriiozon | Tag Line = 8316 | Game Name =
JHJ03 | Country = rus | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 50 | Radianite Points = 190 | TotalRecentGames = 13 | Skins = [dot
EXE Odin, , dot EXE Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom, dot EXE Judge,
Kingdom Bucky, Couture Frenzy, Kingdom Classic, dot EXE Ghost, Game Over Sheriff,
Hivemind Shorty, , Couture Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Couture Stinger, Kingdom
Knife] | Checked = Yes
bellkyn91:rjvgbr1q | Username = bellkyn91 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Bellkyn91
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 200857554 | Country = bra | NickName = Bellkyn91 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
reynor10:riccardo02 | Username = reynor10 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
RivenGod4202 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 235593654 | Country = ita | NickName =
RivenGod4202 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
splctablew:Myths123 | Username = splctablew | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS179eacc386e0cd84aef48 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46817446 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS179eacc386e0cd84aef48 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
bagrik755:Westerner41 | Username = Bagrik755 | Country = cze | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tryme159:12051999iv | Username = tryme159 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Tryme159
| Level = 39 | Account ID = 221520965 | Country = srb | NickName = Tryme159 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bwellaboi:Bailey252078 | Username = bwellaboi | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Bwella77 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2034471140888352 | Country = jpn | NickName =
Bwella77 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xmineanshinex:4summitdr | Username = xmineanshinex | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
XMineAnShineX | Level = 1 | Account ID = 212866908 | Country = chn | NickName =
XMineAnShineX | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
olileclodo:gta419920814 | Username = olileclodo | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
neskuikes | Level = 6 | Account ID = 207468071 | Country = chn | NickName =
neskuikes | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nayzowyt:zaza77400 | Username = nayzowyt | Tag Line = 7400 | Game Name = nzk ? |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 2640525423470144 | Country = fra | NickName = nayzooow |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
150 | Radianite Points = 160 | TotalRecentGames = 24 | Skins = [Jigsaw Ares, K/TAC
Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, , Jigsaw Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch Frenzy, , Jigsaw
Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, K/TAC Operator, Nitro Guardian, Artisan
Marshal, , , K/TAC Blade] | Checked = Yes
andrewcasm:papaleta51 | Username = andrewcasm | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
andrewcasm | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2171348373695072 | Country = per | NickName =
andrewcasm | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cokodez:Lastres21041998 | Username = cokodez | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = CokoDez
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 212515455 | Country = arg | NickName = CokoDez |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
akaneniconico1:28795913aaa | Username = akaneniconico1 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name
= ????? | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201309957 | Country = usa | NickName = ????? |
EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ericjeje2:9108184eri | Username = ericjeje2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS17dc20b5ed02b8a3ca6d4 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206323963 | Country = chl |
NickName = IS17dc20b5ed02b8a3ca6d4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ovidiupenet:N!gh7ology | Username = ovidiupenet | Tag Line = 9021 | Game Name =
ovidiupenet | Level = 3 | Account ID = 211178771 | Country = rou | NickName =
InSaNePeNET | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
blood0fthenorth:Soupbone60 | Username = blood0fthenorth | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Blood0fTheNorth | Level = 9 | Account ID = 238155114 | Country = usa |
NickName = Blood0fTheNorth | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
clars23:Whitesox88 | Username = clars23 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Clars23 |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 235802914 | Country = usa | NickName = Clars23 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ginei88:160819a | Username = ginei88 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = ginei88 | Level
= 10 | Account ID = 200081349 | Country = col | NickName = ginei88 | EmailVerified
= False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nekoparing4:qjvkd6453 | Username = nekoparing4 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1f75f2539ee704ff8fe72 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40838187 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1f75f2539ee704ff8fe72 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
danymallick3:danytm35 | Username = danymallick3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = sry
Im TrollinG | Level = 5 | Account ID = 210239181 | Country = kor | NickName = sry
Im TrollinG | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hliasmous123:ikariamsas123 | Username = hliasmous123 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= hliasmous | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204336557 | Country = grc | NickName =
hliasmous | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sirelmo148:4331950x | Username = sirelmo148 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c6e02bcfa4e8243ac092 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42375782 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1c6e02bcfa4e8243ac092 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
may3778smiles:May3778Smiles | Username = may3778smiles | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= May3778Smiles | Level = 1 | Account ID = 214122280 | Country = pol | NickName =
May3778Smiles | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ricky111200:torviscosa1! | Username = Ricky111200 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Affanno1 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2019696442364512 | Country = ita | NickName =
Affanno1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
krakadalcho:ilian25846 | Username = krakadalcho | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1a74d5bb34b358 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 30010770 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1a74d5bb34b358 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rafael32limas:9293709b13 | Username = rafael32limas | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
ussopan | Level = 31 | Account ID = 203833839 | Country = fra | NickName = ussopan
| EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
iarasosa666:junjouromantica2 | Username = Iarasosa666 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= Increasing storm | Level = 7 | Account ID = 2222899381119680 | Country = arg |
NickName = Increasing storm | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dollinho2007:18112007dolinho | Username = Dollinho2007 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name
= Dollinhobtt112 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2439573197483040 | Country = bra |
NickName = Dollinhobtt112 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
peedu01:Lihunik2 | Username = peedu01 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = xxkiller1234 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 40735369 | Country = bgd | NickName = xxkiller1234 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
henna1026:wlsdnsusb8er | Username = henna1026 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name =
EBISEEEEEN | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2160521722007520 | Country = jpn | NickName =
EBISEEEEEN | EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zowyck1:z0w1ck | Username = zowyck1 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = AzuckA | Level =
2 | Account ID = 201175238 | Country = geo | NickName = AzuckA | EmailVerified =
False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wihgames:benedito1964 | Username = wihgames | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
MacheteMata | Level = 243 | Account ID = 201589716 | Country = bra | NickName =
MacheteMata | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mypii666:agro2metal | Username = mypii666 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e32c5261b4e80a0155f8 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 49358303 | Country = chl |
NickName = IS1e32c5261b4e80a0155f8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ninusch:nilstheking1 | Username = ninusch | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Ninusch |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 207290622 | Country = nzl | NickName = Ninusch |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
syric99:goranqq1 | Username = syric99 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1a8d0651b127e1 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29123851 | Country = fra | NickName =
IS1a8d0651b127e1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jungsdbui:shadowbu110 | Username = jungsdbui | Tag Line = 3884 | Game Name =
jungsdbui | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
barryliu0818:barryliu123 | Username = barryliu0818 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name =
Barry00 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201697749 | Country = twn | NickName = Barry00 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
suwonman0:rlahsh89!! | Username = suwonman0 | Account ID = 232251395 | Country =
vnm | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
atsuya76:flamengo007 | Username = atsuya76 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = atsuya76
| Level = 129 | Account ID = 1477854 | Country = bra | NickName = atsuya76 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
olaolunka:aleksa11 | Username = olaolunka | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = olaolunka
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 243150270 | Country = cyp | NickName = olaolunka |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
huochen813:huochen2386145 | Username = huochen813 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b940a0744813697482d9 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 40391533 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS1b940a0744813697482d9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
xgregorious:bloodrain10 | Username = xgregorious | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
xGregorious | Level = 8 | Account ID = 237101751 | Country = egy | NickName =
xGregorious | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ultimaten00bpt:hino2009 | Username = ultimaten00bpt | Account ID = 24598276 |
Country = guy | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
elowne974:guilom031078 | Username = Elowne974 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Elowne974 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 1955439462289760 | Country = fra | NickName =
Elowne974 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lordhusney:baiks123 | Username = LordHusney | Tag Line = 4651 | Game Name =
LordHusney | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
umadandrei10:4104Thgthg | Username = umadandrei10 | Tag Line = BG81 | Game Name =
001 | Country = phl | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
breg631:piff631 | Username = breg631 | Account ID = 208140129 | Country = per |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ekuyzu:LeonNguyen1234 | Username = Ekuyzu | Tag Line = 2588 | Game Name = Ekuyzu |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
haloass99:Haloass65 | Username = haloass99 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
KaisaIsHawt | Level = 11 | Account ID = 240768683 | Country = deu | NickName =
KaisaIsHawt | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lvs1320:gt3XFs7nYx | Username = lvs1320 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS11f3696dbed7765b8e146 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 46531610 | Country = rus |
NickName = IS11f3696dbed7765b8e146 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
trinkhalm222:richard02 | Username = trinkhalm222 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Trinkhalm | Level = 1 | Account ID = 217104250 | Country = deu | NickName =
Trinkhalm | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oiddub:Lastres21041998 | Username = oiddub | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS19c2b8908bf2ca5e6a6f2 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42039887 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS19c2b8908bf2ca5e6a6f2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
cannadeathx:Dadrocks12 | Username = cannadeathx | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Cannadeath | Level = 1 | Account ID = 227747539 | Country = usa | NickName =
Cannadeath | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
peppa2222:aikiki8916 | Username = peppa2222 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name =
peppa2222 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2241933884403584 | Country = jpn | NickName =
peppa2222 | EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
d3xter2007:Npt53wae | Username = D3xter2007 | Country = dnk | EmailVerified = False
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
pablofellipe1:olbap29 | Username = pablofellipe1 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
pabloMFT | Level = 1 | Account ID = 215790806 | Country = bra | NickName = pabloMFT
| EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gnoom73:sergej73 | Username = gnoom73 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = West3l |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 2380924393902784 | Country = hun | NickName = West3l |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrv4mpiro:segunda123 | Username = mrv4mpiro | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Mscgriffo | Level = 5 | Account ID = 212217644 | Country = bra | NickName =
Mscgriffo | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
quanle99:ruthle97 | Username = quanle99 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = TheLion99 |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 214206806 | Country = egy | NickName = TheLion99 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ilovebewbs44:Jokerr22 | Username = ilovebewbs44 | Account ID = 209177270 | Country
= mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
darrzania87:password1 | Username = darrzania87 | Account ID = 32120700 | Country =
chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jollyolkey:Tjjky2k14 | Username = jollyolkey | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Lord
JollyolKey | Level = 1 | Account ID = 205669492 | Country = idn | NickName = Lord
JollyolKey | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nyonowl:Pokemon1324! | Username = NyonOwl | Tag Line = 9601 | Game Name = NyonOwl |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lohducks:Ducks912 | Username = lohducks | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = LoH Ducks |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 247437002 | Country = usa | NickName = LoH Ducks |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dariusz4321:qwerty12 | Username = dariusz4321 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS12ca4637f2652e | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29613952 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS12ca4637f2652e | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
drendroth9:dandecoy2 | Username = drendroth9 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1dae2f5f007565 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 22668550 | Country = tun | NickName =
IS1dae2f5f007565 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
546150933:s15850103953 | Username = 546150933 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Vanich7777777777 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2480328962770688 | Country = usa |
NickName = Vanich7777777777 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
zhoulejia1993:Lejia110 | Username = zhoulejia1993 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
UkHC08zV8ZMvFuFo | Level = 4 | Account ID = 212470096 | Country = chn | NickName =
UkHC08zV8ZMvFuFo | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
biggucciadrian:Lastres21041998 | Username = biggucciadrian | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Smurf Allowed | Level = 5 | Account ID = 213953412 | Country = col |
NickName = Smurf Allowed | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
tojadawcio:dawid123 | Username = tojadawcio | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
ToJaDawcio | Level = 6 | Account ID = 226981361 | Country = pol | NickName =
ToJaDawcio | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tbecheli:Ta16012001 | Username = TBecheli | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = TBecheli |
Level = 23 | Account ID = 2239433805351584 | Country = bra | NickName = TBecheli |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
reaversarmy1:call911 | Username = reaversarmy1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS12dca834385ecf1436ea5 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39369065 | Country = are |
NickName = IS12dca834385ecf1436ea5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
eren6565eren6565:53430427Pyo | Username = eren6565eren6565 | Tag Line = 4583 | Game
Name = REZ | Country = tur | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
newsugarfuzz:invalid92 | Username = newsugarfuzz | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1a863e621a1ccb | Level = 3 | Account ID = 30228113 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1a863e621a1ccb | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jcvc121:jenny0519 | Username = jcvc121 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = b0494c45-
fc88-4e0b-99ef-bab07685585e | Level = 1 | Account ID = 36017853 | Country = bgd |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kjeldmoor888:nerdonink88 | Username = kjeldmoor888 | Tag Line = YEE | Game Name =
Kapitein Knalbal | Level = 359 | Account ID = 229730097 | Country = nld | NickName
= Billen Balzak | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 360 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 5 | Skins = [Hivemind Ares, Prime Vandal, POLYfox Bulldog, Rush
Phantom, POLYfox Judge, Red Alert Bucky, Couture Frenzy, Prime Classic, Sovereign
Ghost, POLYfox Sheriff, , , Sovereign Guardian, Sovereign Marshal, Prime Spectre,
Sovereign Stinger, Sovereign Sword] | Checked = Yes
polmp730:shadow159 | Username = polmp730 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS13b53c8d8a0a72 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 39338791 | Country = bel | NickName =
IS13b53c8d8a0a72 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
wjhorlock:Lastres21041998 | Username = wjhorlock | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
strange octopus | Level = 1 | Account ID = 214945897 | Country = usa | NickName =
strange octopus | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
klonklon1111:kolesnichenko1 | Username = klonklon1111 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= MundoGonnaSmash | Level = 9 | Account ID = 28209927 | Country = ukr | NickName =
MundoGonnaSmash | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
davidcano003:Toledo13 | Username = davidcano003 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
davix04 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2586063344780960 | Country = esp | NickName =
davix04 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
dageron95:dagerboy95 | Username = dageron95 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1fffd89bbd3a26 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28085351 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1fffd89bbd3a26 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cupcxkez:eX9Jr4d@Yb | Username = cupcxkez | Account ID = 47944582 | Country = mys |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chungmanchan:c61838981 | Username = chungmanchan | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS11bcc47428e396bb2611b | Level = 3 | Account ID = 48919743 | Country = hkg |
NickName = IS11bcc47428e396bb2611b | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
daviebear:2O5yfNEboU | Username = daviebear | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1bf22ea37d8768c71066b | Level = 2 | Account ID = 41463229 | Country = rus |
NickName = IS1bf22ea37d8768c71066b | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
renuqii:floren13nadia | Username = renuqii | Tag Line = 6832 | Game Name = renuqii
| Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xpaderr:Lastres21041998 | Username = xpaderr | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS107085728d3e75c5e82ef | Level = 5 | Account ID = 49134049 | Country = bra |
NickName = IS107085728d3e75c5e82ef | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
trrunkiz:Frerodu02 | Username = trrunkiz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = NFZTrrunk |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 221912391 | Country = fra | NickName = NFZTrrunk |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
haiclassic:nothanks101 | Username = haiclassic | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
bubbles n bubbly | Level = 18 | Account ID = 2248638300711072 | Country = can |
NickName = bubbles n bubbly | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
drfarm01:drareadr1234 | Username = drfarm01 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c70dd9ee7496cebab6d4 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38094167 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1c70dd9ee7496cebab6d4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
warrior5122:Ktynjxrf512 | Username = warrior5122 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
warrior512 | Level = 13 | Account ID = 2077750655447584 | Country = rus | NickName
= warrior512 | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
aratubr:projeto12 | Username = aratubr | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Aratu | Level
= 272 | Account ID = 887611 | Country = bra | NickName = Aratu | EmailVerified =
True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lm30900:Polinos44 | Username = LM30900 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Waiter30900 |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 2430084802572448 | Country = fra | NickName = Waiter30900
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gleenfreak:aikaik18 | Username = gleenfreak | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
GleenFreak | Level = 12 | Account ID = 204253228 | Country = usa | NickName =
GleenFreak | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
funnywolf666:chicken2 | Username = funnywolf666 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS157c810db11093 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 26887322 | Country = usa | NickName =
IS157c810db11093 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kowasaki901:ratchetlocked901 | Username = kowasaki901 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= ratchet912 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 209949249 | Country = can | NickName =
ratchet912 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
szaszika105:Westel1011 | Username = szaszika105 | Account ID = 207670704 | Country
= fin | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
renato0ogamer12:deathnow123 | Username = renato0ogamer12 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game
Name = IS1e620478e2c761 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 200025787 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS1e620478e2c761 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tur1sttt:Andreiseverin999 | Username = tUR1Sttt | Tag Line = 1337 | Game Name =
seva ruso | Country = esp | EmailVerified = True | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 90 | TotalRecentGames = 2 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
switty213:V6r2cazhtjwp | Username = SwiTty213 | Tag Line = 3347 | Game Name =
SwitTy | Level = 14 | Account ID = 2562598574810624 | Country = ukr | NickName =
Sw1tty | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 60 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
harry15456:harry2128 | Username = harry15456 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Harry
1465 | Level = 11 | Account ID = 235981247 | Country = gbr | NickName = Harry 1465
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
traviswilliam:santone210 | Username = traviswilliam | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
KillaMurda | Level = 243 | Account ID = 39394483 | Country = usa | NickName =
KillaMurda | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
veka1989:veka1989 | Username = veka1989 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Maangup |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 2438044893137312 | Country = srb | NickName = Maangup |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dean1357953:dean1686 | Username = dean1357953 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Dean
in the dorm | Level = 1 | Account ID = 235501895 | Country = rus | NickName = Dean
in the dorm | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
drunkrain2:12plopplop | Username = drunkrain2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS16c09b38743470de68ee6 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 43649123 | Country = blr |
NickName = IS16c09b38743470de68ee6 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
aure1ian:Mudkipz19 | Username = aure1ian | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = TWICE JlHYO
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 2212709835810944 | Country = usa | NickName = TWICE
JlHYO | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sbellamo:sb9948sb | Username = Sbellamo | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Sbellamo |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 2466770370097760 | Country = ita | NickName = Sbellamo |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dylanjordan70:Posternutbag1! | Username = dylanjordan70 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = 4ftDongle | Level = 9 | Account ID = 2333610575047648 | Country = usa |
NickName = 4ftDongle | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
blitzybae05:pokemonisreal05 | Username = blitzybae05 | Account ID =
2552420443866944 | Country = phl | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
skandinax:Laendler1 | Username = skandinax | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Skandinax
| Level = 22 | Account ID = 221438987 | Country = che | NickName = Skandinax |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
honeycoil:jirc1992 | Username = honeycoil | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = HoneyCoil
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 48694315 | Country = aus | NickName = HoneyCoil |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lemisternick:102030102030a | Username = lemisternick | Account ID = 212700033 |
Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
aokabi0617:kudann0617 | Username = Aokabi0617 | Tag Line = 9789 | Game Name = Mold
| Country = jpn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
caymane:geonosian0Qw1! | Username = caymane | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = caymane
| Level = 7 | Account ID = 33996196 | Country = fra | NickName = caymane |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tatemcn77:123RUGBY123 | Username = tatemcn77 | Account ID = 210690667 | Country =
rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
phlvn7:m46261353561 | Username = phlvn7 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = MxoSfUQONa |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 202088045 | Country = tur | NickName = MxoSfUQONa |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
meokv:Lastres21041998 | Username = meokv | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
BrannagansLaw | Level = 15 | Account ID = 207767833 | Country = fra | NickName =
BrannagansLaw | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rightszide:Carino123 | Username = rightszide | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Right
SZIDE | Level = 2 | Account ID = 232737284 | Country = chn | NickName = Right SZIDE
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oberaxtboss:p1813111 | Username = oberaxtboss | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Oberaxtboss | Level = 29 | Account ID = 210388642 | Country = deu | NickName =
Oberaxtboss | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mirzabaris:f1e9n0e7r | Username = mirzabaris | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = FB Lynx
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 234306977 | Country = tur | NickName = FB Lynx |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
promlg420noscope:Supahboy44 | Username = ProMLG420NoScope | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = CertifiedElite | Level = 80 | Account ID = 33743199 | Country = usa |
NickName = CertifiedElite | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pannicc33:centrino1 | Username = pannicc33 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS18e91119d9121dadc67b2 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37149221 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS18e91119d9121dadc67b2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
youreacrisis:bx133r1259j | Username = youreacrisis | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Cathadore | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2485161799558496 | Country = usa | NickName =
Cathadore | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
raulrazera3:samsung98 | Username = raulrazera3 | Account ID = 202942331 | Country =
tha | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
killershark531:Callofryan1 | Username = Killershark531 | Tag Line = 3584 | Game
Name = BigRyan69 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
bineabble:Socool360 | Username = Bineabble | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Bineapple
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 1958412497841248 | Country = zaf | NickName = Bineapple
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
liabilityroad:ross16590 | Username = liabilityroad | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
liabilityroad | Level = 5 | Account ID = 209027956 | Country = gab | NickName =
liabilityroad | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
kiragamial:789521jr | Username = kiragamial | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Kiragamial | Level = 21 | Account ID = 39947345 | Country = idn | NickName =
Kiragamial | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
marcin2616:marcin26 | Username = marcin2616 | Tag Line = 2646 | Game Name = Yakuza
| Level = 155 | Account ID = 206600115 | Country = pol | NickName = Marcin26 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
150 | Radianite Points = 120 | TotalRecentGames = 40 | Skins = [Jigsaw Ares, K/TAC
Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, , Jigsaw Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch Frenzy, , , K/TAC
Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
billdongs:vhill9210 | Username = Billdongs | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Billdongs
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 2406456228874944 | Country = usa | NickName = Billdongs
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
654821523:yanzhiquan123 | Username = 654821523 | Account ID = 228205786 | Country =
est | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hhaarrlleeyy:alexis16022005 | Username = Hhaarrlleeyy | Tag Line = 0001 | Game Name
= ReS Harley | Country = fra | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 25 | Radianite Points = 115 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Hivemind Ares, Hivemind Vandal, POLYfox Bulldog,
Singularity Phantom, POLYfox Judge, Red Alert Bucky, , Red Alert Classic, Soul
Silencer Ghost, POLYfox Sheriff, Hivemind Shorty, Red Alert Operator, POLYfox
Guardian, , Hivemind Spectre, Red Alert Stinger, Hivemind Sword] | Checked = Yes
ibar19:ibar19 | Username = ibar19 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ibar19 | Level = 8
| Account ID = 224854140 | Country = cri | NickName = ibar19 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
paxenus:300898golf | Username = paxenus | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Paxenus |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 202193724 | Country = ind | NickName = Paxenus |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dtapia91:daniel280991 | Username = dtapia91 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
S4q0FDffsE | Level = 8 | Account ID = 600116 | Country = ita | NickName =
S4q0FDffsE | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
domaniquethompson:jdmmbo02 | Username = domaniquethompson | Account ID = 201133663
| Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
revoltslays:gmb13021 | Username = revoltslays | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
RevoltSlays | Level = 2 | Account ID = 243218087 | Country = usa | NickName =
RevoltSlays | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
eberpfiff:Lastres21041998 | Username = eberpfiff | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
DeutscheKartoffe | Level = 2 | Account ID = 215282754 | Country = deu | NickName =
DeutscheKartoffe | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tmainland:triston14 | Username = tmainland | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
4rFnmokhlv | Level = 1 | Account ID = 218022857 | Country = tto | NickName =
4rFnmokhlv | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jamechuram3:jameschuram3 | Username = jamechuram3 | Tag Line = 6861 | Game Name =
JameX3ear | Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pon4ik781:1q2w3e4r5t | Username = pon4ik781 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
pon4ik781 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200754743 | Country = ukr | NickName =
pon4ik781 | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
speeksbritish:Lastres21041998 | Username = speeksbritish | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = kylesabish | Level = 1 | Account ID = 218832112 | Country = pak | NickName =
kylesabish | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nyeels7:Piczola.7141 | Username = Nyeels7 | Tag Line = 4224 | Game Name = Nyeels |
Country = bra | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
noshtenbuhal12345:noshtenbuhal69 | Username = noshtenbuhal12345 | Tag Line = EUW |
Game Name = buhãl | Level = 27 | Account ID = 2562988097439264 | Country = bgr |
NickName = buhãl | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fulesmlg420:mumus2001 | Username = fulesmlg420 | Tag Line = ÖlCig | Game Name =
FulesMLG420 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 236576378 | Country = hun | NickName =
fulesmlg420 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 60 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
x3for2:blue95 | Username = x3for2 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = x3for2 | Level = 6
| Account ID = 1155269 | Country = deu | NickName = x3for2 | EmailVerified = False
| Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
batmany9:megaman77P1 | Username = batmany9 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e619d62af36ea506a086 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 44733901 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS1e619d62af36ea506a086 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
koksrus:Freedom1815726 | Username = koksrus | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Rulet82
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 204169207 | Country = mys | NickName = Rulet82 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
madjblad:39ozezof | Username = MadJBLad | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Mad JB Lad |
Level = 173 | Account ID = 202195321 | Country = rus | NickName = Mad JB Lad |
EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
brauliochertzz:Braulio0620 | Username = brauliochertZz | Tag Line = SDLG | Game
Name = BEMI | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2429716018154176 | Country = mex | NickName
= brauliochertZz | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
chieftainstag:mclocklin97 | Username = chieftainstag | Account ID = 48267710 |
Country = nga | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
taurean2010:frumusica123 | Username = taurean2010 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
xLeonidas | Level = 1 | Account ID = 212734468 | Country = mys | NickName =
xLeonidas | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
imtheshane1025:allen1025 | Username = imtheshane1025 | Account ID = 45191405 |
Country = sau | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
peteradolf:bigbenftw13 | Username = peteradolf | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Atonia | Level = 6 | Account ID = 38976143 | Country = swe | NickName = Atonia |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
perfectsmile312:nanasama121 | Username = PERFECTSMILE312 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game
Name = PERFECTSMILE | Level = 65 | Account ID = 200414551 | Country = jpn |
NickName = PERFECTSMILE | EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
fatdumbasss:Lastres21041998 | Username = fatdumbasss | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
OFJ4p344n8 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 226147080 | Country = ukr | NickName =
OFJ4p344n8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
traysfer:Skuginot1986 | Username = Traysfer | Tag Line = 9795 | Game Name =
Traysfer | Level = 16 | Account ID = 2840758591449024 | Country = rus | NickName =
Traysfer | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
bandolff:polonia12 | Username = bandolff | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = abdba290-
e281-458d-ab1e-5e83638586eb | Level = 1 | Account ID = 225628375 | Country = pol |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
parodyofmine:Logans12 | Username = parodyofmine | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ParodyOfMine | Level = 10 | Account ID = 205653131 | Country = usa | NickName =
ParodyOfMine | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thekoopaatroopa:Koop2001! | Username = TheKoopaaTroopa | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= TheKoopaaTroopa | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2543840661833088 | Country = usa |
NickName = TheKoopaaTroopa | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lukasstalder:joelpapa001 | Username = lukasstalder | Account ID = 209021729 |
Country = zaf | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
13579123a:13579123a | Username = 13579123a | Tag Line = 2051 | Game Name = dizci
faruk | Country = tur | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kmdcm01:Ltkqr9q826 | Username = kmdcm01 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = syAq3MqMRo |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 45649972 | Country = usa | NickName = syAq3MqMRo |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wlm0321:wlm103041 | Username = wlm0321 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Mingming321 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2427428671440224 | Country = usa | NickName = Mingming321
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
u36pa:rn9e8W9q!! | Username = u36pa | Tag Line = 7206 | Game Name = u36pa | Level =
3 | Account ID = 2841320014177568 | Country = rus | NickName = u36pa |
EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 1 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
fadmanz:skeletik18 | Username = FaDMAnZ | Country = est | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mantekas1998:igudola111 | Username = mantekas1998 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
mantekas | Level = 1 | Account ID = 223355583 | Country = ltu | NickName = mantekas
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fastrack110:nishu11213 | Username = fastrack110 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Maratha Warrior | Level = 6 | Account ID = 2003221699145088 | Country = ind |
NickName = Maratha Warrior | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
juuanjooo798:Cabezon69 | Username = juuanjooo798 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Juuanjooo798 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 209034217 | Country = esp | NickName =
Juuanjooo798 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
plox7:Lastres21041998 | Username = plox7 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
MethLordDowny | Level = 5 | Account ID = 202904072 | Country = deu | NickName =
MethLordDowny | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mediocre69:maxsmart69 | Username = mediocre69 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1538dd20c7fbb75626b53 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 35974452 | Country = bel |
NickName = IS1538dd20c7fbb75626b53 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kathlyndiolindo:Kathlyn93 | Username = kathlyndiolindo | Account ID =
2383207835273376 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
testrun21:Lastres21041998 | Username = testrun21 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
tofumo | Level = 1 | Account ID = 231692622 | Country = usa | NickName = tofumo |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tangoscar42:Lastres21041998 | Username = tangoscar42 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ProfKing | Level = 6 | Account ID = 36020217 | Country = idn | NickName = ProfKing
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hayhaylay33:ZeldaCat33 | Username = hayhaylay33 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SugarPlumFairy33 | Level = 12 | Account ID = 49085577 | Country = usa | NickName =
SugarPlumFairy33 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
batsulc:asd123asd123 | Username = batsulc | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = Lego321 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2059935459578400 | Country = tur | NickName = Lego321 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
screamingknight:Wistaire8 | Username = ScreamingKnight | Account ID =
1986469860545216 | Country = ita | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
floridamx:lifeteen13 | Username = floridamx | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Raf7 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 245707272 | Country = usa | NickName = Raf7 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
soumativ2:ania1234 | Username = soumativ2 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Soumati
V2 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 204495283 | Country = pol | NickName = Soumati V2 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bgriizzle:Madarauchiha123 | Username = bgriizzle | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = B
Dilla | Level = 11 | Account ID = 221618798 | Country = rus | NickName = B Dilla |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shadowdragofoc:Lolcat12! | Username = shadowdragofoc | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
6monthAFK | Level = 149 | Account ID = 201839332 | Country = syc | NickName =
6monthAFK | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 1 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
ggeebaby:hoosier1 | Username = ggeebaby | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 62a8e474-
211b-46e7-a509-8b7ebc359843 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206801149 | Country = brn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
odinderm19:jojo1234 | Username = odinderm19 | Tag Line = UwU | Game Name = Krinja |
Level = 14 | Account ID = 2168313863910080 | Country = deu | NickName =
BreadOverload | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 125 | Radianite Points = 160 |
TotalRecentGames = 99 | Skins = [dot EXE Odin, Jigsaw Ares, K/TAC Vandal, K/TAC
Bulldog, Oni Phantom, Jigsaw Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch Frenzy, FIRE/arm
Classic, Sovereign Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, , POLYfox Guardian,
Couture Marshal, Couture Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
504443669:ZHANGjuntong0000 | Username = 504443669 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
d732b2c2-11bc-4d28-aaa4-fc52f6d6160d | Level = 1 | Account ID = 231103099 | Country
= usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
arongiewap:arongiewap000 | Username = arongiewap | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
PiPi0 | Level = 9 | Account ID = 32722658 | Country = jpn | NickName = PiPi0 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
phillol0044:ziYxMxYI0i | Username = phillol0044 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS179641ab5ab7d5aad1d0d | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40565044 | Country = ukr |
NickName = IS179641ab5ab7d5aad1d0d | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
spiciertortilla:Battlefield35 | Username = spiciertortilla | Account ID =
2044235374562272 | Country = can | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
owaine01:owaine11 | Username = owaine01 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = DrEvil01 |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 47261510 | Country = rus | NickName = DrEvil01 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fulltimeslacker:0nly1kEEper | Username = fulltimeslacker | Account ID = 37402945 |
Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
vladkorsar3:Vlad290996 | Username = vladkorsar3 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Kalenval | Level = 42 | Account ID = 27049523 | Country = rus | NickName = Kalenval
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
restinpeperonim8:chavez97 | Username = restinpeperonim8 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = RestinPeperonim8 | Level = 144 | Account ID = 238060076 | Country = usa |
NickName = RestinPeperonim8 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tucao09:naodigo123 | Username = Tucao09 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = tucao09 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2398470842173568 | Country = bra | NickName = tucao09 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sathanasaxbm:death788! | Username = sathanasaxbm | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SathanasAXBM | Level = 37 | Account ID = 212542039 | Country = usa | NickName =
SathanasAXBM | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
imthechosennoob:pedro2003 | Username = imthechosennoob | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= DragonFly 383 | Level = 16 | Account ID = 2073382234517568 | Country = prt |
NickName = DragonFly 383 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
szirakens3:guildwars1 | Username = szirakens3 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS162ee9c790ad8a | Level = 2 | Account ID = 25261340 | Country = irn | NickName =
IS162ee9c790ad8a | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dacksmasher:2kO8z7mYS7 | Username = dacksmasher | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
plaizier | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228764140 | Country = tur | NickName = plaizier
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nativehawk36:gionette1 | Username = nativehawk36 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Native Hawk | Level = 1 | Account ID = 216773384 | Country = rus | NickName =
Native Hawk | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
vinceitaliano:Hiimbob1 | Username = VINCEITALIANO | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
Burstintofire | Level = 37 | Account ID = 200425493 | Country = aus | NickName =
Burstintofire | EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
alberiojs:stronda123 | Username = alberiojs | Tag Line = 3646 | Game Name = f i X |
Country = bra | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
speck863:mark3599 | Username = speck863 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = c67ee420-
cf39-4fea-b95e-e84724d67bd9 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 39735708 | Country = bra |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
buttercat1283:nicholasdb2003 | Username = buttercat1283 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = buttercat1283 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 237757407 | Country = usa |
NickName = buttercat1283 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
idrew37:steelers4life | Username = idrew37 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = l Drew l
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 239261788 | Country = usa | NickName = l Drew l |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
foodstampsandkfc:Manny451 | Username = FoodstampsAndKFC | Tag Line = 9712 | Game
Name = FoodstampsandKFC | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rhiredan:Zaim1997 | Username = rhiredan | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Rhiredan |
Level = 28 | Account ID = 30167748 | Country = chn | NickName = Rhiredan |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nuvampirez:authaiwat0 | Username = nuvampirez | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
fc64aef7-c79f-4f56-adc1-a6a60eb4a46d | Level = 1 | Account ID = 38886516 | Country
= tha | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
theblacksrilankandude:ranukaF1 | Username = TheBlackSrilankanDude | Tag Line = 2991
| Game Name = R4NUK4 | Country = lka | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
potatokiller369:Potato365 | Username = potatokiller369 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Potatokiller369 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 233090208 | Country = usa | NickName
= Potatokiller369 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
drewbicule:Dbreuk12 | Username = Drewbicule | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
airos286:iddqd286 | Username = airos286 | Tag Line = 8253 | Game Name = 232 | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 204292830 | Country = mys | NickName = MOSCAPIROMANA123 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cthdarren1:G6194710n | Username = cthdarren1 | Tag Line = rayp | Game Name = ray
patodler | Account ID = 2104011651330432 | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = True |
Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
xuserx10:swerty1983 | Username = xuserx10 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
TheNamesRigby | Level = 1 | Account ID = 213634444 | Country = deu | NickName =
TheNamesRigby | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kebabuuterau295:phoenix23 | Username = kebabuuterau295 | Account ID = 33174664 |
Country = tur | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
davidthechino:David9426! | Username = DavidTheChino | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
DavidTheChino | Level = 3 | Account ID = 1993823190403840 | Country = usa |
NickName = DavidTheChino | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jxarles10:xarles23 | Username = jxarles10 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Kiting n
Killing | Level = 11 | Account ID = 205604646 | Country = bra | NickName = Kiting n
Killing | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
verilladaine:Bestfriends7 | Username = verilladaine | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Verilladaine | Level = 1 | Account ID = 214466864 | Country = ukr | NickName =
Verilladaine | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dustweeb1:belinne0 | Username = dustweeb1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = MrTorgue
BOOM | Level = 1 | Account ID = 214236258 | Country = usa | NickName = MrTorgue
BOOM | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sponchi1996:playstation2 | Username = sponchi1996 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Sponcii | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200598737 | Country = pak | NickName = Sponcii |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
foreigndonut:UtahJazz13 | Username = foreigndonut | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ForeignDonut | Level = 5 | Account ID = 244067923 | Country = usa | NickName =
ForeignDonut | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
kujawiaczek20ki:spacewalker12 | Username = kujawiaczek20ki | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = kujawiaczek20 | Level = 18 | Account ID = 41197938 | Country = vnm |
NickName = kujawiaczek20 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
1004boy1:wnsdnjs0727 | Username = 1004boy1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
iHungerFor | Level = 5 | Account ID = 208055344 | Country = kor | NickName =
iHungerFor | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
brennof10:brenno11081993 | Username = brennof10 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
DuoNN | Level = 30 | Account ID = 202900638 | Country = bra | NickName = DuoNN |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aninhap11:paula2521 | Username = aninhap11 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
PastorUdyrMaced0 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 205644085 | Country = ind | NickName =
PastorUdyrMaced0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
unspirsoll06:bumsik020214 | Username = unspirsoll06 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
Bumsik | Level = 2 | Account ID = 202772629 | Country = ind | NickName = Bumsik |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alanas23:iloveyou23 | Username = alanas23 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1897348d3e2660e82cf85 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 33000489 | Country = swe |
NickName = IS1897348d3e2660e82cf85 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
fabian2802:Fabian2802 | Username = fabian2802 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
hollyleo221 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228707621 | Country = nld | NickName =
hollyleo221 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
nivb2712001:891968BHC | Username = nivb2712001 | Country = isr | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aabdavid9:fcaab2001 | Username = aabdavid9 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS18dc444864deb9 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29132168 | Country = dnk | NickName =
IS18dc444864deb9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
slickmund:Harman1994! | Username = Slickmund | Tag Line = 5369 | Game Name =
Slickmund | Account ID = 2576293740963456 | Country = nld | EmailVerified = True |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
krdzina:nikolatosic98 | Username = krdzina | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Krdzina
| Level = 22 | Account ID = 227832499 | Country = mne | NickName = Krdzina |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shepphandler87:Supermario1 | Username = SheppHandler87 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= SheppHandler | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2427104568296800 | Country = usa |
NickName = SheppHandler | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
xlikem3x1:popo1234 | Username = xlikem3x1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Shikrallah
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 236503683 | Country = mys | NickName = Shikrallah |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
adcent10:Duran*100 | Username = adcent10 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ADcent10 |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 236202408 | Country = usa | NickName = ADcent10 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bruzer357:Bruzer357 | Username = Bruzer357 | Tag Line = 5740 | Game Name = Trolll |
Level = 22 | Account ID = 2466102947359232 | Country = kwt | NickName =
PermaBanSett | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 150 | Radianite Points = 20 |
TotalRecentGames = 5 | Skins = [, Sensation Vandal, , , , , , , , , , , Sovereign
Guardian, , , , ] | Checked = Yes
wyyyl1:wyl820723 | Username = wyyyl1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = RaynW | Level =
15 | Account ID = 39378922 | Country = idn | NickName = RaynW | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kris508r:gzu93fma | Username = kris508r | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = kris3295 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 226671524 | Country = dnk | NickName = kris3295 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mightymark666:banane2626 | Username = mightymark666 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1954c9cf2f8a9a | Level = 7 | Account ID = 29038200 | Country = ind | NickName =
IS1954c9cf2f8a9a | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mosphere85:Mosphere85. | Username = mosphere85 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = mos85
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 237613430 | Country = ita | NickName = mos85 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thejacobpadron:ppisawesome753 | Username = TheJacobPadron | Tag Line = 6969 | Game
Name = JacobIsAwesome69 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2238491631307296 | Country = usa
| NickName = SirSnuggleworth | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
wolfofaasgard:Noni6250 | Username = WolfOfAasgard | Country = nor | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tankgrimm:ripper007 | Username = tankgrimm | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = TankGrimm
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 208260777 | Country = egy | NickName = TankGrimm |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nils1172:Nilshassmann1 | Username = nils1172 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1c07204335ee4e | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32105787 | Country = usa | NickName =
IS1c07204335ee4e | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ogzhnerl:hacker27 | Username = ogzhnerl | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = SOLO OGZ |
Level = 30 | Account ID = 226930146 | Country = tur | NickName = SOLO OGZ |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
okrimzero:Rammstein7 | Username = Okrimzero | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Okrimzero | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2374600701471008 | Country = mex | NickName =
Okrimzero | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ayyl0u:Giovanni007 | Username = AyyL0u | Tag Line = 8577 | Game Name = AyyL0u |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 2626254861494112 | Country = ita | NickName = AyyL0u |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 3 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
warayurabentza:048150985sa | Username = warayurabentza | Account ID = 217661960 |
Country = fin | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
many1202:many1202 | Username = many1202 | Country = twn | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
mbgomes12:235208gg | Username = mbgomes12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1522b8b5330e87d641d0a | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42685885 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1522b8b5330e87d641d0a | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
solete2001:solete2001 | Username = solete2001 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = soly01
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 2280247326829600 | Country = isr | NickName = soly01 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
eldaras000:petrokas123 | Username = eldaras000 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Dziganas17 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2133499204670400 | Country = ltu | NickName =
Dziganas17 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
antqh:Saif2110 | Username = antqh | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = antqh | Level = 43
| Account ID = 233139163 | Country = gbr | NickName = antqh | EmailVerified = True
| Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
alc0ner:Dagestan500 | Username = Alc0ner | Tag Line = 1030 | Game Name = Alc0ner |
Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vexeuzn:Euanrog05 | Username = VexEuzn | Tag Line = 2370 | Game Name = Euzn | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 2792714070148576 | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = True | Region
= TR | Email = EUANROGERS01@GMAIL.COM | Valorant Point = 50 | Radianite Points =
100 | TotalRecentGames = 69 | Skins = [POLYfrog Ares, Glitchpop Vandal, ,
Singularity Phantom, Prism III Judge, Cavalier Bucky, , , Cavalier Ghost, POLYfrog
Sheriff, Wunderkind Shorty, , , POLYfrog Marshal, POLYfrog Spectre, Cavalier
Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
blackfury321:ginogino32 | Username = blackfury321 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
BlackFury123 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 200794879 | Country = mex | NickName =
BlackFury123 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
koronas737:k1r1nas | Username = koronas737 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
koronas737 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 219610012 | Country = lva | NickName =
koronas737 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yzzyeatsshoes:ja2006251 | Username = YzzyEatsShoes | Tag Line = 6969 | Game Name =
Joebama69 | Country = lbn | EmailVerified = True | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 4 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
italloolliveira123:italo100 | Username = italloolliveira123 | Tag Line = 666 | Game
Name = Babysz | Level = 553 | Account ID = 209378026 | Country = bra | NickName =
Cute femboy sz | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
itzdooozy:Momdad2345 | Username = itzdooozy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
thelonlyrager | Level = 32 | Account ID = 2307229036333792 | Country = usa |
NickName = thelonlyrager | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
txnyma:Pokeguy1 | Username = txnyma | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = lmao yes | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 226185850 | Country = can | NickName = lmao yes | EmailVerified
= False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thunderzone115:jesg2003 | Username = thunderzone115 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Thunderzone115 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206991480 | Country = mex | NickName =
Thunderzone115 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
antonioahlejandro:jyvj12345 | Username = antonioahlejandro | Tag Line = LAS | Game
Name = ahlejandro vz | Level = 93 | Account ID = 2293019515898496 | Country = chl |
NickName = ahlejandro vz | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
undertaker25999:concusi0n | Username = undertaker25999 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= IS14651dbb55a9e8 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37467516 | Country = gbr | NickName =
IS14651dbb55a9e8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
mikilikali:987654321mike | Username = mikilikali | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
mikilikali | Level = 3 | Account ID = 238988840 | Country = phl | NickName =
mikilikali | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
boccafusca11:alaverga64 | Username = boccafusca11 | Account ID = 200657039 |
Country = mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
collegegirlrain:rain29 | Username = collegegirlrain | Account ID = 200121619 |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
mnbhjkl11:mnbhjkl1 | Username = mnbhjkl11 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = djhxu |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2662983922369568 | Country = jpn | NickName = djhxu |
EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
eljeanmi30:HyperTough30 | Username = eljeanmi30 | Tag Line = 3803 | Game Name =
1967 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
strat890:strat890 | Username = strat890 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS122977545eed42 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 27343173 | Country = irl | NickName =
IS122977545eed42 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nimniv:kevmos93 | Username = nimniv | Tag Line = 1071 | Game Name = Suppenhuhn |
Level = 36 | Account ID = 37317514 | Country = deu | NickName = nimniv |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 270 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Outpost Ares, Ruin
Vandal, Infinity Bulldog, Serenity Phantom, Outpost Judge, Surge Bucky, ,
Pistolinha Classic, Outpost Ghost, , Aerosol Shorty, Aerosol Operator, Infinity
Guardian, Ruin Marshal, Infinity Spectre, Surge Stinger, Prime Axe] | Checked = Yes
henktester68:vergeten1 | Username = henktester68 | Account ID = 32977547 | Country
= bgr | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
djswager911:majordj1 | Username = djswager911 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
d17f77ed-eeed-4868-a180-5b66c28e8e35 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 244164778 | Country
= aze | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
huj10001:JIhy1991 | Username = huj10001 | Account ID = 36306657 | Country = mys |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thomasmampel:27thomas27 | Username = thomasmampel | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
thomas27lalegend | Level = 7 | Account ID = 31659440 | Country = chn | NickName =
thomas27lalegend | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ivankanin:anton0 | Username = ivankanin | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = 903ca311-
222d-48ae-a0d3-c9cf169759d0 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 41156481 | Country = swe |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
katouzway:Fauzy465 | Username = katouzway | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = KatouzWay
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 245633107 | Country = idn | NickName = KatouzWay |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ksi3dzuszesc:koleqa11 | Username = ksi3dzuszesc | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1a21d90cad4040 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29792590 | Country = ind | NickName =
IS1a21d90cad4040 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xureone8:Lastres21041998 | Username = xureone8 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS12a0172a0008a6306f784 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 45612132 | Country = tha |
NickName = IS12a0172a0008a6306f784 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hjphi:Hp71100968 | Username = hjphi | Tag Line = 2248 | Game Name = jayyphix |
Level = 298 | Account ID = 2464264311342176 | Country = tur | NickName = seojunn |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked
= Yes
gaarden88:besiktas190343 | Username = gaarden88 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Smurf x0 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228132686 | Country = deu | NickName = Smurf x0
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
darkweider1:goranqq1 | Username = darkweider1 | Tag Line = 19052 | Game Name =
FLAGGED 75603344 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 40903732 | Country = fra | NickName =
FLAGGED 73089901 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
theerik0988:erikpolzhuber2005 | Username = THEERIK0988 | Tag Line = 5384 | Game
Name = THEERIK0988 | Country = arg | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mrtoasts:xdrofl321 | Username = mrtoasts | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = FBI Backup
| Level = 20 | Account ID = 40824682 | Country = chn | NickName = FBI Backup |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
destroyah380:Apocrypha86 | Username = destroyah380 | Account ID = 237026271 |
Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
greymatter87:Anuj26850@ | Username = GreyMatter87 | Account ID = 2738049906115776 |
Country = ind | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
domce9999:likimas1 | Username = domce9999 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = iKnownTo |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 41004409 | Country = srb | NickName = iKnownTo |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pitercioooo:kaktusik1234 | Username = pitercioooo | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
mental border | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2735392936117760 | Country = nan |
NickName = mental border | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = piotr- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
megalolpro16:1q2w3e4r | Username = megalolpro16 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS15620bc7d44a24 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29732059 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS15620bc7d44a24 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
wnslwnsl0162:rhksfl313 | Username = wnslwnsl0162 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1527552876cbd9dd15ac7 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 41398996 | Country = fra |
NickName = IS1527552876cbd9dd15ac7 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tatoesmunkeyzz:Gryffin13 | Username = Tatoesmunkeyzz | Tag Line = 7782 | Game Name
= Tatoes | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mkoba:taiki07111 | Username = mkoba | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = mkoba | Level =
2 | Account ID = 214196307 | Country = idn | NickName = mkoba | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lldiazgonzalez:nosenada12 | Username = lldiazgonzalez | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= dalamonkey | Level = 8 | Account ID = 35200330 | Country = esp | NickName =
dalamonkey | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mariosimak123:marios00 | Username = mariosimak123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
MonstercatHYPE | Level = 3 | Account ID = 228043456 | Country = rus | NickName =
MonstercatHYPE | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
park3sj:Sang5282 | Username = park3sj | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = chainhangin |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 2205144605634048 | Country = kor | NickName = chainhangin
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xcrowbait:Lastres21041998 | Username = xcrowbait | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a3f784bde0485f968d0b | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42009582 | Country = hnd |
NickName = IS1a3f784bde0485f968d0b | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
peppiptak:1ciastko1 | Username = peppiptak | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1f597d461a6f754a8ae26 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 45809242 | Country = tha |
NickName = IS1f597d461a6f754a8ae26 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
marleyfire88:marley93 | Username = marleyfire88 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS131cf2eeb0c512 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34105013 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS131cf2eeb0c512 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
legsus1:caucho123 | Username = legsus1 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = LegsusArg |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 201775200 | Country = arg | NickName = LegsusArg |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sangmreal:Tuulike10 | Username = sangmreal | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Ys0yyNCJ82 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 220866576 | Country = nld | NickName =
Ys0yyNCJ82 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
ariore:dickbutt2 | Username = ariore | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Ariore | Level
= 10 | Account ID = 210420816 | Country = chn | NickName = Ariore | EmailVerified =
True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yourajie:Dragon51300 | Username = yourajie | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = yourajie
| Level = 206 | Account ID = 219384336 | Country = fra | NickName = yourajie |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 650 | Radianite Points = 140 | TotalRecentGames = 1 | Skins = [, Origin
Vandal, Depths Bulldog, Glitchpop Phantom, , Lightwave Bucky, Couture Frenzy,
Songsteel Classic, , Lightwave Sheriff, , , Songsteel Guardian, Couture Marshal,
Kingdom Spectre, Depths Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
chaoticbeat365:thelma365 | Username = ChaoticBeat365 | Tag Line = 1910 | Game Name
= ChaoticBeat | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2027100247492768 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lav1988:amelia08 | Username = lav1988 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = rebelxmystic |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 233918464 | Country = rus | NickName = rebelxmystic |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
titsmcswaggins:chris007 | Username = titsmcswaggins | Tag Line = 8848 | Game Name =
Atlyn | Level = 245 | Account ID = 218592609 | Country = usa | NickName = Atlyn |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
freshgunman:Chance2 | Username = freshgunman | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS17e176cab60f4cf639185 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 44381298 | Country = aus |
NickName = IS17e176cab60f4cf639185 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
gepohub:drksalone69 | Username = GepoHub | Tag Line = 7451 | Game Name = GepoHub |
Country = bih | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes | Username = robinbader | Tag Line = 24494 |
Game Name = FLAGGED 20184920 | Level = 13 | Account ID = 213997779 | Country = usa
| NickName = FLAGGED 44472828 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xxgyslophxx:oshawott17 | Username = xXGyslophXx | Tag Line = 3952 | Game Name =
LappyKentang | Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
atandon72:sixpak91 | Username = atandon72 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ratZ Ermac
| Level = 26 | Account ID = 50588438 | Country = usa | NickName = ratZ Ermac |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
694128014:sjh520 | Username = 694128014 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = MEFORZero |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 206257052 | Country = chn | NickName = MEFORZero |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thefox339a:Icesword10 | Username = TheFox339a | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
TheFox339a | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2456461151307936 | Country = tur | NickName =
TheFox339a | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ganzaq0:gug220498 | Username = ganzaq0 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = eu amo a
tzuyu | Level = 197 | Account ID = 214976260 | Country = bra | NickName = eu amo a
tzuyu | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lnrmn:Xuw78chu | Username = lnrmn | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = f3fdaecc-41b7-
44df-9aaa-691c028a00d6 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 221391428 | Country = gbr |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
duncos24:metalica24Qw1! | Username = duncos24 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
KrilinHUN | Level = 6 | Account ID = 36979299 | Country = ukr | NickName =
KrilinHUN | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ernesttry09:Af6f96a00 | Username = ernesttry09 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Earonn Z | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228053112 | Country = cze | NickName = Earonn Z
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jootacarvalho01:1a67e0 | Username = jootacarvalho01 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Venimim Muleres | Level = 11 | Account ID = 217248438 | Country = bra | NickName =
Venimim Muleres | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
trungtkdh:a2312123 | Username = trungtkdh | Tag Line = 7354 | Game Name = G?y Siêu
L?y | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2609673949038048 | Country = vnm | NickName = NAT
Infinity | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
destr0yer243:destroyer243 | Username = Destr0yer243 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Destr0yer243 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2629855810914272 | Country = usa | NickName
= Destr0yer243 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rihardcore1:Lastres21041998 | Username = rihardcore1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
wantfrieswitdat | Level = 13 | Account ID = 44661385 | Country = deu | NickName =
wantfrieswitdat | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
elifenaj:yamum1996 | Username = elifenaj | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = elifenji |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 200845680 | Country = aus | NickName = elifenji |
EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
toxicobrapl:Doli1234 | Username = toxicobrapl | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
TheToxicobraPL | Level = 5 | Account ID = 227125374 | Country = irl | NickName =
TheToxicobraPL | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
danaab3:Lastres21041998 | Username = danaab3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS125c23192f139790c4790 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32218384 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS125c23192f139790c4790 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
terrorzwergtwo:das-alles123. | Username = terrorzwergtwo | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = Dynshiss | Level = 27 | Account ID = 28896386 | Country = chn | NickName =
Dynshiss | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
motorolafan124:Thomas25 | Username = motorolafan124 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
MotorolaFan12422 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 34553786 | Country = chn | NickName =
MotorolaFan12422 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
mgkaneki:Mymom0710 | Username = MGKANEKI | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = MGKANEKI |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2535903937733888 | Country = usa | NickName = MGKANEKI |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chronicle972:fox97231 | Username = chronicle972 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
papy972 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 215549211 | Country = mtq | NickName = papy972 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
donniedrama21:djn2djn2 | Username = donniedrama21 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Dirk Diggler21 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 216359322 | Country = usa | NickName =
Dirk Diggler21 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wjzhangjun:*zj-520* | Username = wjzhangjun | Tag Line = 5879 | Game Name = ????? |
Account ID = 2476842568247104 | Country = hkg | EmailVerified = False | Region =
EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
iamzeshan:ff7acyazoo | Username = Iamzeshan | Tag Line = 5319 | Game Name =
iamzeshan3 | Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lucasgoku54:Ee25442543 | Username = lucasgoku54 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
LucasGoku54 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2137450411936704 | Country = bra | NickName
= LucasGoku54 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
jhchionsolar:321lolo123 | Username = jhchionsolar | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1ba89f30e4b28b | Level = 3 | Account ID = 27655531 | Country = usa | NickName =
IS1ba89f30e4b28b | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dannsterjerrderr:Hydrodan409409 | Username = dannsterjerrderr | Account ID =
230212347 | Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lexxi2042:12nana12 | Username = lexxi2042 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS16436578121587 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 27139858 | Country = ecu | NickName =
IS16436578121587 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
handnelle:metal1981 | Username = handnelle | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Handerx1981 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2054623589198528 | Country = bra | NickName
= Handerx1981 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
blazeron111:narutoyminato5 | Username = blazeron111 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
blazeron111 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 232861365 | Country = arg | NickName =
blazeron111 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
georgecasillas24:kobe2408 | Username = georgecasillas24 | Account ID = 37132037 |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
babadan2:babadan2 | Username = babadan2 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = WhatUwant4Me
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 381915 | Country = bra | NickName = WhatUwant4Me |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
korkenlagger6:Tannengruen2 | Username = korkenlagger6 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= HahnImStall | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201405195 | Country = deu | NickName =
HahnImStall | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cmartins092002:Boneca09 | Username = cmartins092002 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
cmartins092002 | Level = 9 | Account ID = 209729430 | Country = prt | NickName =
cmartins092002 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
raienryu2001:jez02202001 | Username = raienryu2001 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
LegendaryZeno | Level = 4 | Account ID = 230177952 | Country = esp | NickName =
LegendaryZeno | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
bitekalpi7:alperen12 | Username = bitekalpi7 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
BozKurd10 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 206111884 | Country = tur | NickName =
BozKurd10 | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tinorl:103197tl | Username = tinorl | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = tinorl | Level =
1 | Account ID = 213873806 | Country = rus | NickName = tinorl | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kertoip1999:piotrek1 | Username = kertoip1999 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
xXMaskaradXx | Level = 1 | Account ID = 42235777 | Country = idn | NickName =
xXMaskaradXx | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
deeepdish:BBdd2211 | Username = deeepdish | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
9thTimesTheCharm | Level = 40 | Account ID = 2054617931533216 | Country = usa |
NickName = 9thTimesTheCharm | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ausedtoothpick:google12 | Username = ausedtoothpick | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
abrokentoothpick | Level = 10 | Account ID = 237906987 | Country = usa | NickName =
abrokentoothpick | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
torhino:thomasaquila9 | Username = torhino | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Torhinno
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 207262286 | Country = kor | NickName = Torhinno |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
phantomghoul159:phantomghoul159 | Username = phantomghoul159 | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = PhantomGhoul159 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 235741429 | Country = bih |
NickName = PhantomGhoul159 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
leafnotesss:algun1380 | Username = leafnotesss | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1cd9da813f08781fd11b7 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200813629 | Country = can |
NickName = IS1cd9da813f08781fd11b7 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
linkbogames:assassin14 | Username = linkbogames | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
LinkboGames | Level = 2 | Account ID = 200652411 | Country = arg | NickName =
LinkboGames | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ygfspeedranger:pistache3 | Username = ygfspeedranger | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ygf speedranger | Level = 16 | Account ID = 214361572 | Country = fra | NickName =
ygf speedranger | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
bobbaxter12:paranoid1 | Username = bobbaxter12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1d3bb3b76600b375c446b | Level = 5 | Account ID = 45561352 | Country = sau |
NickName = IS1d3bb3b76600b375c446b | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
invaderziro:kittens1 | Username = invaderziro | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = nidako
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 2128211036907904 | Country = usa | NickName = nidako |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chellandra:Lastres21041998 | Username = chellandra | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS164c00021a9d94d01937e | Level = 1 | Account ID = 44555355 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS164c00021a9d94d01937e | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lepusiamemusia:lepusiamemusia1 | Username = lepusiamemusia | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = lepusiamemusia | Level = 2 | Account ID = 206620215 | Country = hun |
NickName = lepusiamemusia | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
seenlee10:00715ll | Username = seenlee10 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1185d23b2bbe43 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34600382 | Country = rus | NickName =
IS1185d23b2bbe43 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mugisaeharja:aserto21 | Username = mugisaeharja | Tag Line = 5853 | Game Name =
APOC | Country = idn | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tempdarien:darien95 | Username = tempdarien | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = Fartbox
| Level = 7 | Account ID = 202599577 | Country = aus | NickName = Fartbox |
EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
a759570020:liuchen8023 | Username = a759570020 | Tag Line = 7875 | Game Name = ri
ben zhu | Account ID = 2592740642293632 | Country = jpn | EmailVerified = False |
Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
8op51rbsr4otwzl7:teste123 | Username = 8op51rbsr4otwzl7 | Account ID = 34802553 |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
ireeemz:remydu71 | Username = ireeemz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ReeeMZ | Level
= 21 | Account ID = 201249830 | Country = rus | NickName = ReeeMZ | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dmitriyplay20:24052005dima | Username = DmitriyPLAY20 | Tag Line = 8199 | Game Name
= DmitriyPLAY | Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
osmanabr10:bebe123 | Username = osmanabr10 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
0MGAmazing | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204059090 | Country = ven | NickName =
0MGAmazing | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
heximus87:Robocraft12 | Username = heximus87 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Heximus89 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 228326648 | Country = hun | NickName =
Heximus89 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xmanmetalman:jimakias8 | Username = xmanmetalman | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
ralistas98 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35367971 | Country = rus | NickName =
ralistas98 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hgoisf:hgf22022001 | Username = hgoisf | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Hgoisf |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 205848349 | Country = bra | NickName = Hgoisf |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ixdehd11:tantalau987@A | Username = IxDeHD11 | Tag Line = 6109 | Game Name =
IxDeHD11 | Country = rou | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 1 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
alextomas444:81518127al | Username = alextomas444 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
Aatroxius | Level = 6 | Account ID = 675403 | Country = chl | NickName = Aatroxius
| EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
andrestm10:naruto13 | Username = andrestm10 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ChunkierHen | Level = 1 | Account ID = 217704910 | Country = col | NickName =
ChunkierHen | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
themajdanek:borsuk567 | Username = themajdanek | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
TheMajdanek | Level = 62 | Account ID = 223584800 | Country = pol | NickName =
TheMajdanek | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
zlac0:sky0929 | Username = zlac0 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ZlAC0 | Level = 1 |
Account ID = 239967627 | Country = kor | NickName = ZlAC0 | EmailVerified = False |
Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
trashcanraccoon:qaqa1010 | Username = trashcanraccoon | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= TrashCanRaccoon | Level = 16 | Account ID = 2114705561594784 | Country = usa |
NickName = TrashCanRaccoon | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
makomano:Hotroder8 | Username = makomano | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = f759c17a-
b7b8-4a08-b4ae-30d45b1f3cac | Level = 1 | Account ID = 220555492 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
karabintero:28108921k | Username = karabintero | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
iFJD01rE5F5Fuob8 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 27119410 | Country = chn | NickName =
iFJD01rE5F5Fuob8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xfusiionzz:koliko1 | Username = xfusiionzz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1f745c6684f503 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 30179905 | Country = mys | NickName =
IS1f745c6684f503 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
uwu0372:chlorine17 | Username = uwu0372 | Tag Line = 8261 | Game Name = uwu0372 |
Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
mitchinator77:bnmbnm123 | Username = mitchinator77 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Muuz | Level = 111 | Account ID = 42766838 | Country = can | NickName = Muuz |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
potatopcb:Warrand1010 | Username = potatopcb | Tag Line = 11619 | Game Name =
PotatoPC | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2176086588764768 | Country = nld | NickName =
PotatoPCB | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
kapabuba11111:Sirgla321 | Username = kapabuba11111 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
noskill ogre | Level = 234 | Account ID = 2246225272145696 | Country = geo |
NickName = noskill ogre | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pawmot23:pawmot24 | Username = pawmot23 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = ab465426-
2963-436a-95c0-d9b93ae395ff | Level = 1 | Account ID = 34622056 | Country = nld |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
troolleeziii100:pedro789630 | Username = troolleeziii100 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game
Name = PilhaFracaKnoxx | Level = 4 | Account ID = 213010924 | Country = bra |
NickName = PilhaFracaKnoxx | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
kinnbums:123456789wert | Username = kinnbums | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
KinnBums | Level = 2 | Account ID = 204353146 | Country = geo | NickName = KinnBums
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aaa227322:whc246800 | Username = aaa227322 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = atod |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 202021695 | Country = aus | NickName = atod |
EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gsifri54:c13h16n2hcl | Username = gsifri54 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = gsifri |
Level = 8 | Account ID = 200817579 | Country = usa | NickName = gsifri |
EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sargentmcfluff:Lastres21041998 | Username = sargentmcfluff | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = SargentMcFluff | Level = 1 | Account ID = 232478749 | Country = arg |
NickName = SargentMcFluff | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
ultracuenta9:23121989m | Username = ultracuenta9 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS14eb254885b105eead002 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42325811 | Country = chl |
NickName = IS14eb254885b105eead002 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
marekbobko:golf18082 | Username = marekbobko | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Loxxerqqqw | Level = 10 | Account ID = 32422500 | Country = pol | NickName =
Loxxerqqqw | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rajwol:aduch123 | Username = rajwol | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = EUW TRANSFER
D9G | Level = 65 | Account ID = 221117539 | Country = pol | NickName = EUW TRANSFER
D9G | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
huynhhuuthienst01:huuthienz02 | Username = huynhhuuthienst01 | Tag Line = EUW |
Game Name = STiRZero | Level = 1 | Account ID = 223239829 | Country = usa |
NickName = STiRZero | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
timiloz:Silverf00t117711 | Username = TIMILOZ | Tag Line = 2944 | Game Name = FUX |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
heroiohnen:charley5 | Username = heroiohnen | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
HeroiOhneN | Level = 2 | Account ID = 227878751 | Country = chn | NickName =
HeroiOhneN | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
th3m4st3rl3mur:mamsboy05 | Username = th3m4st3rl3mur | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Vicious Lemur | Level = 1 | Account ID = 230894359 | Country = gbr | NickName =
Vicious Lemur | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
sonz11:dimon2008005 | Username = sonz11 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Sonzi |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2580823433208960 | Country = rus | NickName = Sonzi |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
airtaxi14:n22377 | Username = airtaxi14 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS13739fe0523d47929ceae | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37003081 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS13739fe0523d47929ceae | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
airtaxi13@yajjj.ick | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
spyglass14:Freedom565! | Username = Spyglass14 | Tag Line = 5760 | Game Name =
spyglass | Country = can | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
enderbrr:marcilia01 | Username = enderbrr | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = EnderBRR |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 213457886 | Country = bra | NickName = EnderBRR |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dario98r:1998geburtstag | Username = dario98r | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
FunkeHerkules | Level = 36 | Account ID = 29725878 | Country = deu | NickName =
FunkeHerkules | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rhayonne:rainei1269 | Username = rhayonne | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = El facto |
Level = 30 | Account ID = 520532 | Country = fra | NickName = El facto |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
eduardojh888:coelho55 | Username = eduardojh888 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
2C1V7lcGHx | Level = 10 | Account ID = 907540 | Country = bra | NickName =
2C1V7lcGHx | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ameicwe8:kurwamac12 | Username = ameicwe8 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS12b8e850328fb0 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34135949 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS12b8e850328fb0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hazeneon:flokiller007 | Username = hazeneon | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = HaZeNeon
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 226635624 | Country = deu | NickName = HaZeNeon |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ferrfata:ferferfer123 | Username = ferrfata | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Venoraak
| Level = 7 | Account ID = 206810410 | Country = esp | NickName = Venoraak |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
avilonadikalon:0147258Aa | Username = AvilonAdikalon | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
ItzAvilon | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2704301541459008 | Country = rus | NickName =
ItzAvilon | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
helmtom21:killer12 | Username = helmtom21 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = helmtom21
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 229700979 | Country = pol | NickName = helmtom21 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wnstlr11:qjatn127 | Username = wnstlr11 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS135c153be54844152d86d | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40651198 | Country = swe |
NickName = IS135c153be54844152d86d | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
juliusfischer:kransekage66 | Username = juliusfischer | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= JuliusFischer | Level = 5 | Account ID = 202124050 | Country = dnk | NickName =
JuliusFischer | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
rihomunerh6:password1234 | Username = rihomunerh6 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1b891a4c3445e4 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33692761 | Country = idn | NickName =
IS1b891a4c3445e4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xentax93:Parisien9310 | Username = XENTAX93 | Tag Line = 2538 | Game Name = xentax
| Country = tur | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
psyclonnineinri:89622931704q | Username = psyclonnineinri | Tag Line = RU1 | Game
Name = fRo0ne | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200994425 | Country = usa | NickName =
fRo0ne | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dorkomolo7ov:kika8871714 | Username = dorkomolo7ov | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
DoRKO Molo7ov | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201477866 | Country = sgp | NickName =
DoRKO Molo7ov | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
miggy58:blue5clk | Username = miggy58 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 8655e539-5b4a-
476e-8c3b-348364989f03 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 203419441 | Country = bra |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pierlu900:giocatore98 | Username = pierlu900 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
q9A3MwEOBDJrfGgk | Level = 5 | Account ID = 225928057 | Country = mys | NickName =
q9A3MwEOBDJrfGgk | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
nanake4:asdw112233 | Username = nanake4 | Tag Line = 2485 | Game Name = agent P |
Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kerembayrak35:1qaz2wsx3edc | Username = kerembayrak35 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name
= cannaweed | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2280470287929536 | Country = tur | NickName
= cannaweed | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
bocaj71:Williams0801! | Username = bocaj71 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = bocaj71 |
Level = 30 | Account ID = 210228695 | Country = usa | NickName = bocaj71 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bistrokor:badreddine09032002 | Username = bistrokor | Tag Line = Euw | Game Name =
Badreddine Noc | Level = 87 | Account ID = 2091770673180832 | Country = dza |
NickName = bikouto | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
sarcatlvr109:naruto56 | Username = sarcatlvr109 | Account ID = 48868401 | Country =
idn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
svvvvea115:cpbarn123 | Username = svvvvea115 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS13297f3bfaf7e7 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32671352 | Country = esp | NickName =
IS13297f3bfaf7e7 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rcgonzalo4:22Piriguines | Username = rcgonzalo4 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Liuze | Level = 1 | Account ID = 214397891 | Country = chl | NickName = Liuze |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jujulagagne:Julien007 | Username = jujulagagne | Tag Line = 0705 | Game Name =
Juance | Level = 5 | Account ID = 217226176 | Country = fra | NickName =
jujulagagne | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 70 |
TotalRecentGames = 2 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
jhosuh:bocateamo12 | Username = jhosuh | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Jhosuh |
Level = 118 | Account ID = 206464284 | Country = arg | NickName = Jhosuh |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ivilol80:ivanlpgi5u | Username = ivilol80 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ivilol11 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 227923921 | Country = esp | NickName = ivilol11 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bob511zzz:a5960210b | Username = bob511zzz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = I LOVE
Michi | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2008742997412928 | Country = twn | NickName = I
LOVE Michi | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
teedtiago:t12243648 | Username = teedtiago | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Teed
Fodão | Level = 48 | Account ID = 205666913 | Country = bra | NickName = Teed Fodão
| EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zeleniu35rus:polkovnik35rus | Username = zeleniu35rus | Tag Line = 3220 | Game Name
= BATMAN | Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
qusaikallang:99713977Sam | Username = Qusaikallang | Tag Line = 4952 | Game Name =
Qusaikallang | Country = kwt | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
roomyrabbit:Ghostrecon.120 | Username = roomyrabbit | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
roomyrabbit | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2167683514640576 | Country = usa | NickName
= roomyrabbit | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pateex58:Terminaattor1 | Username = Pateex58 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Pateex
| Level = 12 | Account ID = 2556121042707776 | Country = fin | NickName = Pateex |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
karavagyok0:coolboy98 | Username = karavagyok0 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
dubadubstyle | Level = 3 | Account ID = 202706062 | Country = srb | NickName =
dubadubstyle | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
warfest0100:Mkakza06! | Username = warfest0100 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
TheLedge | Level = 77 | Account ID = 201513171 | Country = usa | NickName =
TheLedge | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xxbyrumxx:123456789p | Username = xxbyrumxx | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = XxGEYYxX
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 2109828195093056 | Country = usa | NickName = XxGEYYxX |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bibiloyt:Bibilo01 | Username = BibiloYT | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = BibiloYT |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2617686002165248 | Country = usa | NickName = BibiloYT |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
eranorth:2WBs0dUaK3 | Username = eranorth | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Riskoker |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 211268248 | Country = usa | NickName = Riskoker |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kynicus:landarsch123 | Username = kynicus | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Sir
Oddlogger | Level = 1 | Account ID = 41865337 | Country = blr | NickName = Sir
Oddlogger | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rizeliyiz53:rizeliyiz53 | Username = rizeliyiz53 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
Finishing53 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 201565980 | Country = tur | NickName =
Finishing53 | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
lucasius0506:Rayuyu9$ | Username = lucasius0506 | Tag Line = 69420 | Game Name =
Lucasius | Country = deu | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sirandrew64:wildcat64 | Username = sirandrew64 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1163f05fc3dae0a988d78 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 42873480 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1163f05fc3dae0a988d78 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
sonicrider10:sonic123 | Username = sonicrider10 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
OpYasuo1201 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 220708162 | Country = deu | NickName =
OpYasuo1201 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
frozendre4m:timos1997 | Username = frozendre4m | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = DE
SUBWAY SMURF | Level = 1 | Account ID = 205053288 | Country = chn | NickName = DE
SUBWAY SMURF | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
123bayburt:123bayburt | Username = 123bayburt | Tag Line = 6969 | Game Name =
BerhanBattal | Level = 6 | Account ID = 2581713471022592 | Country = tur | NickName
= kürtolan | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wildschnitzel:mexico22 | Username = wildschnitzel | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Wildschnitzel | Level = 12 | Account ID = 219356379 | Country = kaz | NickName =
Wildschnitzel | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nimo211:levete211 | Username = nimo211 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = nimrod2112 |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 206413782 | Country = bgr | NickName = nimrod2112 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ysskj8:tlsdml56 | Username = ysskj8 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e5850a72c86082eb635c | Level = 5 | Account ID = 41517423 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1e5850a72c86082eb635c | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
jliria1992:Elmejor.228 | Username = jliria1992 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Jliria1992 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2607284161300096 | Country = dom | NickName =
Jliria1992 | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
itprofessor1:Nomad210 | Username = itprofessor1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
L00KIntoMyEyes | Level = 2 | Account ID = 209883296 | Country = chn | NickName =
L00KIntoMyEyes | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
chirigatti123:vaitomanocu123 | Username = chirigatti123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = SoloQ Hero chiri | Level = 1 | Account ID = 212896387 | Country = deu |
NickName = SoloQ Hero chiri | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
gnissink:butter1 | Username = gnissink | Account ID = 38690479 | Country = tha |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
d1pap:fifa09ss | Username = D1Pap | Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
horace555:h97117139 | Username = horace555 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Horace07
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 213486274 | Country = hkg | NickName = Horace07 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
haha3065678:a1523313 | Username = haha3065678 | Tag Line = 9999 | Game Name = ?????
| Country = twn | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kaelost:as081295 | Username = kaelost | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Kaelosth |
Level = 13 | Account ID = 207233564 | Country = usa | NickName = Kaelosth |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bassoonmebaby:Osgood3003 | Username = BassoonMeBaby | Tag Line = 5914 | Game Name =
BassoonMeBby | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2318676056664800 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shabaken15:a127209535 | Username = shabaken15 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a85409b6c488858f5b4e | Level = 5 | Account ID = 36683803 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1a85409b6c488858f5b4e | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
madiez7:Duchess746 | Username = Madiez7 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Bølle Bobby
| Level = 335 | Account ID = 38711941 | Country = dnk | NickName = Bølle Bobby |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 2700 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [, Elderflame
Vandal, , , Elderflame Judge, , Elderflame Frenzy, , , , , Elderflame Operator, , ,
, , Elderflame Dagger] | Checked = Yes
kapimlody123pl:x2318w666L | Username = kapimlody123pl | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= kapimlody123pl | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2294495360659616 | Country = pol |
NickName = kapimlody123pl | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fffrugo1:fffrugo1 | Username = fffrugo1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = fffrugo1 |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 40251214 | Country = pol | NickName = fffrugo1 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wc1igate:wjddpflr87 | Username = wc1igate | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Sipshongkieseki | Level = 2 | Account ID = 217071480 | Country = ind | NickName =
Sipshongkieseki | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nahongtack32:skghdxor87 | Username = nahongtack32 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a36fd116f4fec05c26b1 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38300452 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1a36fd116f4fec05c26b1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
sumo002:gessi8291 | Username = sumo002 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Sumo002 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 32894248 | Country = ind | NickName = Sumo002 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
camilon210:Kamiloan2 | Username = camilon210 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
camilon210 | Level = 34 | Account ID = 203758026 | Country = chl | NickName =
camilon210 | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
quirk7:G4m3r0v3r | Username = quirk7 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Quirk7 | Level
= 29 | Account ID = 2174881505257600 | Country = can | NickName = Quirk7 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lw77:winter0930 | Username = lw77 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1559ac9b40354a7b212c6 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37618672 | Country = ind |
NickName = IS1559ac9b40354a7b212c6 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
zipraa121:zipraa121 | Username = zipraa121 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1980be2ea3719d | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34834484 | Country = egy | NickName =
IS1980be2ea3719d | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
panaiaa:mama668493795 | Username = Panaiaa | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = pnaiaa |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2215256081347488 | Country = pol | NickName = pnaiaa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sunref5:ayanami03 | Username = sunref5 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1ff84cdbe44ff9c4da134 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39706097 | Country = aut |
NickName = IS1ff84cdbe44ff9c4da134 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fragy328:kolorado123 | Username = fragy328 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Fragy328
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 200990355 | Country = bih | NickName = Fragy328 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
estelaesteban24:estela1308 | Username = estelaesteban24 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = 25021701-6f88-4db7-b26c-6c6a95ef2139 | Level = 1 | Account ID =
2424604759314560 | Country = esp | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
jahsgdsa101:tintin10 | Username = jahsgdsa101 | Account ID = 33657787 | Country =
ecu | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cptjarvis:chicco1999 | Username = cptjarvis | Account ID = 219744479 | Country =
bra | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rostro15:matelo15 | Username = rostro15 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = rostro15 |
Level = 326 | Account ID = 228170736 | Country = fra | NickName = rostro15 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 405 | Radianite Points = 35 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [, Prime Vandal,
Couture Bulldog, , , Kingdom Bucky, , , , , , , , , Kingdom Spectre, , ] | Checked
= Yes
fr3dfredburguer:Aa159753159753@ | Username = fr3dfredburguer | Tag Line = EUW |
Game Name = Fr3dFredBurguer | Level = 16 | Account ID = 2067918303383712 | Country
= prt | NickName = Fr3dFredBurguer | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tylerdank:badboy1 | Username = tylerdank | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1739d60131edd0bda30ed | Level = 3 | Account ID = 36944251 | Country = esp |
NickName = IS1739d60131edd0bda30ed | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lucaspradi3:eusoubomtp12 | Username = lucaspradi3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e37423f6c1d6aa600cbe | Level = 2 | Account ID = 45655221 | Country = arg |
NickName = IS1e37423f6c1d6aa600cbe | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
haleylam127:asd69830286 | Username = haleylam127 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
haleylam127 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 214121944 | Country = rus | NickName =
haleylam127 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
geariz:friend98 | Username = geariz | Tag Line = 80802 | Game Name = FLAGGED
37723967 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 229796034 | Country = kaz | NickName = FLAGGED
88432255 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ndrewolf:Ficken10621 | Username = ndrewolf | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
HocusPoke | Level = 3 | Account ID = 39219866 | Country = vnm | NickName =
HocusPoke | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
romuloricc:asd34157419 | Username = romuloricc | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Yevik
| Level = 91 | Account ID = 210137008 | Country = bra | NickName = Yevik |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
daudythegreat:warhero999 | Username = daudythegreat | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Daudy The Great | Level = 11 | Account ID = 218867117 | Country = jpn | NickName =
Daudy The Great | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
sunyan951110:hahari123 | Username = sunyan951110 | Tag Line = moc | Game Name =
TaylorSY | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2387022263437472 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jpquinteros:Lastres21041998 | Username = jpquinteros | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a6c9b5c3dd933cddc2c9 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35848052 | Country = syc |
NickName = IS1a6c9b5c3dd933cddc2c9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
praros5:kingodei41 | Username = praros5 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Xr pram |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 206907425 | Country = deu | NickName = Xr pram |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zednize:T_is_PC_0709 | Username = Zednize | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Zednize |
Level = 9 | Account ID = 1973734896775872 | Country = deu | NickName = Zednize |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sanek12312355:ybrjybxtyrj8878 | Username = Sanek12312355 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game
Name = ?????1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 1949501575884960 | Country = rus |
NickName = ?????1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = nekrasov- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
fagaio:tiaguinho991 | Username = fagaio | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS18445a911f03d4 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 29300499 | Country = mys | NickName =
IS18445a911f03d4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
elnanito01:ema123 | Username = elnanito01 | Account ID = 202460029 | Country = chn
| EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
eduxd10:amigos07 | Username = eduxd10 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = BladerXBlader
| Level = 7 | Account ID = 748016 | Country = tjk | NickName = BladerXBlader |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alexgon0806:alexander8 | Username = alexgon0806 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
AlekXnder | Level = 17 | Account ID = 220652451 | Country = chn | NickName =
AlekXnder | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
seasaltpeach:nightwish1 | Username = seasaltpeach | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Sea Salt Peach | Level = 3 | Account ID = 213165478 | Country = usa | NickName =
Sea Salt Peach | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
leandrohirt:lele333 | Username = leandrohirt | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
XxPentaKillxX1 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 200355090 | Country = deu | NickName =
XxPentaKillxX1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dermander1:denny123! | Username = dermander1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
sp4c3l4tt4c5 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 202580198 | Country = deu | NickName =
sp4c3l4tt4c5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
smbdude99:xcd7drrn8m | Username = smbdude99 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1da11b2b76c55c561f10e | Level = 2 | Account ID = 43125618 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1da11b2b76c55c561f10e | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
soldnao:xande2208 | Username = soldnao | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = NsOiBuriito |
Level = 29 | Account ID = 213816946 | Country = bra | NickName = NsOiBuriito |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pumavlad:flambo112 | Username = pumavlad | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = 2572d654-
82cf-466e-bcce-d4cf15601ae1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201484389 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
teriso27:stas32141 | Username = teriso27 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = DKBerry |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 202273154 | Country = kor | NickName = DKBerry |
EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
blukist:Lastres21041998 | Username = blukist | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Blukist
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 231332532 | Country = mys | NickName = Blukist |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
domeypausey83:hallo123 | Username = domeypausey83 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS11d485f9b2465fe0e2fa3 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 45734755 | Country = idn |
NickName = IS11d485f9b2465fe0e2fa3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
sintasverdes123:xorly1990 | Username = sintasverdes123 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= Sintasverdes | Level = 2 | Account ID = 218428098 | Country = usa | NickName =
Sintasverdes | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
azlan4765:Nalza476 | Username = azlan4765 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = imakerbal
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 231272104 | Country = can | NickName = imakerbal |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
statek55:Lublin123 | Username = statek55 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
MaciekMymKrulem | Level = 33 | Account ID = 33637779 | Country = irq | NickName =
MaciekMymKrulem | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
poisonbull5:alexbalx33 | Username = poisonbull5 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
nAgnEsAR | Level = 3 | Account ID = 232180356 | Country = deu | NickName = nAgnEsAR
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kuromiiz:bogis78978b | Username = kuromiiz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Kuromiiz
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 231790977 | Country = chn | NickName = Kuromiiz |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xeron2985:2449842aliya | Username = Xeron2985 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
Xeron2985 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2348764329317280 | Country = rus | NickName =
Xeron2985 | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
dragooladushek:91dusesi | Username = dragooladushek | Account ID = 201122299 |
Country = zaf | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
slowvdubtom:snoopy102 | Username = slowvdubtom | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Slowvdubtom | Level = 15 | Account ID = 2123314094025440 | Country = usa | NickName
= Slowvdubtom | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
musipa:Hwexexce66 | Username = musipa | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = xzp2EDV6ba |
Level = 30 | Account ID = 28307477 | Country = cze | NickName = xzp2EDV6ba |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shadowskills1:sackratte12 | Username = shadowskills1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= dsuaGlLZ9Yl3HH3Q | Level = 11 | Account ID = 2004762326315328 | Country = deu |
NickName = dsuaGlLZ9Yl3HH3Q | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
petternorman:volvofh16 | Username = petternorman | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1da8d17a13ccb0 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 23012255 | Country = bgr | NickName =
IS1da8d17a13ccb0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
ilkayvet:ilkay2023 | Username = ilkayvet | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ilkayvet |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 204855335 | Country = tur | NickName = ilkayvet |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cjh881107:wjdghks11! | Username = cjh881107 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
FcukingJapan | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206571074 | Country = kor | NickName =
FcukingJapan | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
uzzuzzu03:tjdwnsdl915 | Username = uzzuzzu03 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1ecae0c197248ef6afc9f | Level = 5 | Account ID = 41303345 | Country = twn |
NickName = IS1ecae0c197248ef6afc9f | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gefi3:co031992 | Username = gefi3 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = IS1e9f48af75a1b1
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 30240761 | Country = chn | NickName = IS1e9f48af75a1b1 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dlcesing:a3257796 | Username = dlcesing | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = MartinaRose
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 1999041014786880 | Country = usa | NickName =
MartinaRose | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bykendo99:estoquesoy99 | Username = bykendo99 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
byKendo99 | Level = 156 | Account ID = 203341607 | Country = arg | NickName =
byKendo99 | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
martinx98jr123:martin98 | Username = martinx98jr123 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Martinx98jr | Level = 50 | Account ID = 2201643914004640 | Country = mex | NickName
= Martinx98jr | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
robgol01:ghss1995 | Username = robgol01 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Teseü |
Level = 220 | Account ID = 203976177 | Country = bra | NickName = Teseü |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rongora11:zaqw1212 | Username = rongora11 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = rong11 |
Level = 77 | Account ID = 2687274931373280 | Country = isr | NickName = rong11 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rueboras:Charmed1 | Username = rueboras | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ruboras |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 215202998 | Country = sau | NickName = ruboras |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hesher07:3rdi733 | Username = hesher07 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS12fe4fe5384ea0 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32455248 | Country = idn | NickName =
IS12fe4fe5384ea0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dedidegamer:davi3001 | Username = dedidegamer | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
dedidegamer | Level = 34 | Account ID = 202064662 | Country = bra | NickName =
dedidegamer | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
scootatin:spartan899 | Username = scootatin | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Scootatin | Level = 4 | Account ID = 236024717 | Country = usa | NickName =
Scootatin | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ogzcngdk:123oguz321 | Username = ogzcngdk | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = hyoguz250
| Level = 19 | Account ID = 203789003 | Country = tur | NickName = hyoguz250 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
suuuuwoo:aec123A123A | Username = suuuuwoo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = xqs |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 2081400442792352 | Country = usa | NickName = xqs |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
parkpypy:ass9816594 | Username = parkpypy | Tag Line = 8347 | Game Name =
parksnoopy | Account ID = 2580771074549312 | Country = tha | EmailVerified = False
| Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kylenguyen1907:Kietexo99. | Username = kylenguyen1907 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Callmebaby79 | Level = 17 | Account ID = 239325293 | Country = usa | NickName =
Callmebaby79 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ntnx22:aznpride1 | Username = ntnx22 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ntnx22 | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 247979365 | Country = usa | NickName = ntnx22 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yosephtolls:yoseph12 | Username = yosephtolls | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
yosephtoll | Level = 1 | Account ID = 235112506 | Country = ven | NickName =
yosephtoll | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zyf332873988:Lastres21041998 | Username = zyf332873988 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Mirst CUI | Level = 9 | Account ID = 200200900 | Country = chn | NickName = Mirst
CUI | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xlporkyp3anut:Ryan98Ryan | Username = XLPorkyP3anut | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
XLPorkyP3anut | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2416276815967136 | Country = gbr |
NickName = XLPorkyP3anut | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames =
0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
zsparkz786:Casperyas1 | Username = zsparkz786 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
zSpArKz | Level = 2 | Account ID = 227835956 | Country = gbr | NickName = zSpArKz |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
idori666:saddad420 | Username = idori666 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = TheFran |
Level = 16 | Account ID = 397932 | Country = can | NickName = TheFran |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
redtheblind:rhw86tqy | Username = RedTheBlind | Tag Line = 0001 | Game Name =
RedTheBlind | Level = 64 | Account ID = 205153050 | Country = dnk | NickName =
alex784c | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 100 | Radianite Points = 180 | TotalRecentGames = 10 | Skins =
[, dot EXE Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom, dot EXE Judge, Kingdom Bucky,
Couture Frenzy, Kingdom Classic, dot EXE Ghost, , , , , Couture Marshal, Kingdom
Spectre, Couture Stinger, Kingdom Knife] | Checked = Yes
caderyanking:actor333 | Username = caderyanking | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Rumpelkillin | Level = 3 | Account ID = 212004673 | Country = vnm | NickName =
Rumpelkillin | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
brianelsaporex:G4ming4all | Username = BrianElSapoRex | Country = mex |
EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xanturbatu:Sergiu2005 | Username = XanTurbatu | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
XanTurbatu | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2427304358949248 | Country = rou | NickName =
XanTurbatu | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 25 | Radianite Points = 140 | TotalRecentGames = 9 | Skins =
[Hivemind Ares, Hivemind Vandal, POLYfox Bulldog, , POLYfox Judge, Red Alert Bucky,
, , , , , , POLYfox Guardian, , Hivemind Spectre, , ] | Checked = Yes
xerathcompany1:xerathcompany1 | Username = xerathcompany1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = xerathcompany1 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 217435286 | Country = srb |
NickName = xerathcompany1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
saggs126:Lastres21041998 | Username = saggs126 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
saggs126 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 218492222 | Country = ven | NickName = saggs126
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kevindepp1:Byonicle1 | Username = kevindepp1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
xV1CT0RYx | Level = 2 | Account ID = 211783046 | Country = deu | NickName =
xV1CT0RYx | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kanstrup84:fpxhabrs2 | Username = kanstrup84 | Tag Line = 05279 | Game Name =
FLAGGED 12801055 | Level = 74 | Account ID = 26808714 | Country = dnk | NickName =
FLAGGED 03306841 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maitner555:czesiulek1 | Username = maitner555 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1c3c98b9465a91 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37209117 | Country = pol | NickName =
IS1c3c98b9465a91 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
suhbruv:mario123 | Username = suhbruv | Tag Line = 1738 | Game Name = SuhBruh |
Level = 8 | Account ID = 243996816 | Country = ecu | NickName = YoSuhBruh |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kylarcopetti:mcdonalds9 | Username = kylarcopetti | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SlayTilliDie | Level = 3 | Account ID = 207581147 | Country = can | NickName =
SlayTilliDie | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
danncarrer10:robinho11 | Username = danncarrer10 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Poppy Insana | Level = 4 | Account ID = 204697565 | Country = bra | NickName =
Poppy Insana | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sydneyriverside:Seinfeld4 | Username = sydneyriverside | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= SydneyRiverside | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2561414398772352 | Country = usa |
NickName = SydneyRiverside | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
joshbarling1995:barling1995 | Username = joshbarling1995 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = albinoniq | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206508639 | Country = gbr | NickName =
albinoniq | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chrisoldgamer:Jackdaxter3 | Username = chrisoldgamer | Tag Line = 69420 | Game Name
= THC LACKER | Level = 1 | Account ID = 239879875 | Country = grc | NickName =
Exwthureoeidh | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
bruce20000730:bruce890730 | Username = bruce20000730 | Tag Line = 9132 | Game Name
= Bruce Tu | Country = twn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lusiyuan05:8677400lsy | Username = lusiyuan05 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Kill
move ATM | Level = 1 | Account ID = 232687521 | Country = usa | NickName = Kill
move ATM | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jjensen98:MEAq9Ts2a* | Username = jjensen98 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1ce2116f8929ac7843c22 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 32007008 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1ce2116f8929ac7843c22 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
martinbyoe17:tqy49sdk | Username = martinbyoe17 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Sgt
Wrecker | Level = 2 | Account ID = 219437178 | Country = dnk | NickName = Sgt
Wrecker | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
brounsoul:gkdlfn12 | Username = brounsoul | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Tongita |
Level = 9 | Account ID = 42028729 | Country = chn | NickName = Tongita |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nrnd17:123abc | Username = nrnd17 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = IS152cd1baebf8a4
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 34020524 | Country = chn | NickName = IS152cd1baebf8a4 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
naverolek2:seba2004 | Username = naverolek2 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
naverolek2 | Level = 216 | Account ID = 220303354 | Country = pol | NickName =
naverolek2 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
shark27000:pirater27 | Username = shark27000 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS163446e889be8f | Level = 1 | Account ID = 29903175 | Country = grc | NickName =
IS163446e889be8f | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mekanikverim:11qwaszx | Username = mekanikverim | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS191ae17b35c313 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 26107663 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS191ae17b35c313 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pairotto112:ntvrf300492 | Username = pairotto112 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1fc4549833c3bd | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33107210 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1fc4549833c3bd | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
guiibottino:2543710004890as | Username = guiibottino | Tag Line = PBE | Game Name =
Barasuishou | Level = 30 | Account ID = 1014984 | Country = bra | NickName =
Barasuishou | EmailVerified = True | Region = PBE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
r4f98f0ecdb6e4:pwd123 | Username = r4f98f0ecdb6e4 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS167b874bbd8f423010194 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 46363804 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS167b874bbd8f423010194 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jeffersonjulius611:ufa90!^gog | Username = jeffersonjulius611 | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = Matasorritas69 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 230442979 | Country = idn |
NickName = Matasorritas69 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
suobingo:suobingo1 | Username = suobingo | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS17a230f51a2145 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29965077 | Country = per | NickName =
IS17a230f51a2145 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
obernardow:bernardo99 | Username = obernardow | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
cybernardo | Level = 2 | Account ID = 201458938 | Country = bra | NickName =
cybernardo | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
ashtrogun:8793559055As | Username = Ashtrogun | Tag Line = 8065 | Game Name =
Ashtrogun | Country = ind | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
eizwi8:0616523889krapoks | Username = eizwi8 | Tag Line = 7728 | Game Name = eizwi8
| Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
karayip01223:kk8338464 | Username = karayip01223 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
DeadShadoWW | Level = 7 | Account ID = 206384732 | Country = tur | NickName =
DeadShadoWW | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
wuzgoodie:Damascus/2007 | Username = wuzgoodie | Tag Line = 1087 | Game Name =
wuzgoodie | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
paladindabs:Mommy789 | Username = paladindabs | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
MilkTheftVictim | Level = 6 | Account ID = 241879930 | Country = ind | NickName =
MilkTheftVictim | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
unito3:unito3 | Username = unito3 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = OwweR | Level = 6
| Account ID = 200056835 | Country = usa | NickName = OwweR | EmailVerified = False
| Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points =
0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gpimentel12:27e03e99 | Username = GPimentel12 | Tag Line = 3929 | Game Name =
GPimentel12 | Country = bra | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
coopereq888:marmolada22 | Username = coopereq888 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Coopereq888 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 216767456 | Country = vnm | NickName =
Coopereq888 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
koenlars20:99sdamsdam | Username = koenlars20 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS154eaac85b0a4e | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32249350 | Country = kor | NickName =
IS154eaac85b0a4e | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
imaqtdann:IMAQTDANn2 | Username = imaqtdann | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
imaqtdann | Level = 30 | Account ID = 214065591 | Country = usa | NickName =
imaqtdann | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pmkbsn:Malatya_4423 | Username = pmkbsn | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = pmkbsn |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 201229823 | Country = tur | NickName = pmkbsn |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
coolstory18:coolstory19 | Username = coolstory18 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1f4bfb39559e6c | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34412890 | Country = aze | NickName =
IS1f4bfb39559e6c | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
sillywords:Lastres21041998 | Username = sillywords | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Sillywords | Level = 2 | Account ID = 226239258 | Country = rus | NickName =
Sillywords | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
okuliare02:hrisovce60 | Username = okuliare02 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS149851e7639f68 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34409689 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS149851e7639f68 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
okuliare02@rata.ta | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kevm65521:Tb8575265 | Username = Kevm65521 | Tag Line = 7283 | Game Name = Lurxu |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tinkamaseu97:Travin23467 | Username = tinkamaseu97 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SenpaiMaster666 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 236294004 | Country = zaf | NickName =
SenpaiMaster666 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xtasissword:blades66! | Username = xtasissword | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
XtasisSword | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38372692 | Country = usa | NickName =
XtasisSword | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chaosqueen163:dado163email | Username = ChaosQueen163 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= ChaosQueenUwU | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2563979668178240 | Country = usa |
NickName = ChaosQueenUwU | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kitkatderp03:Lastres21041998 | Username = kitkatderp03 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= kitkatderp03 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 217959881 | Country = arg | NickName =
kitkatderp03 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
qqq798489219:qq1023197757 | Username = qqq798489219 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Mama of force | Level = 1 | Account ID = 209827199 | Country = chn | NickName =
Mama of force | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gigawasher:medic240 | Username = gigawasher | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
GigaWasher | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2157446807055200 | Country = usa | NickName =
GigaWasher | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cecryg:cesar1233456 | Username = cecryg | Tag Line = ESP | Game Name = Hel1o |
Level = 14 | Account ID = 239195351 | Country = esp | NickName = CeCrYG |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 140 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[, , , , , , , , Soul Silencer Ghost, , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
gorillasq:irule123Qw1! | Username = gorillasq | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
swagzilla666 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 202365598 | Country = fra | NickName =
swagzilla666 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
orionn8:football8 | Username = orionn8 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Orionn8 |
Level = 19 | Account ID = 243204769 | Country = usa | NickName = Orionn8 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maxvignaud5:mozart17 | Username = maxvignaud5 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = The
Snow Angel | Level = 1 | Account ID = 238580915 | Country = fra | NickName = The
Snow Angel | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oopshin:0123456az | Username = oopshin | Account ID = 238258760 | Country = rus |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
1246601188:asd2613928 | Username = 1246601188 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = Cloud
top carry | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2456863171014304 | Country = hkg | NickName =
Cloud top carry | EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
flamygaming:zxcvb159753 | Username = flamygaming | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
FlamingoGaming | Level = 8 | Account ID = 204745935 | Country = kgz | NickName =
FlamingoGaming | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xkazu9:Lastres21041998 | Username = xkazu9 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = x Kazu x
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 207608609 | Country = can | NickName = x Kazu x |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
loliswhy:hikhaled66 | Username = loliswhy | Tag Line = 8000D | Game Name = Almaz
pepe | Level = 23 | Account ID = 2381344543544128 | Country = egy | NickName =
loliwhys | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 70 | TotalRecentGames = 55 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
magdiz:nokia120 | Username = magdiz | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = 2d821d41-66f1-
4937-aaf1-fcfb566bcd75 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200855779 | Country = vnm |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
osnapitstia:420scooby294 | Username = osnapitstia | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Oh
Snap Its Tia | Level = 5 | Account ID = 212569071 | Country = chn | NickName = Oh
Snap Its Tia | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
camerontaylor4:reaper129922 | Username = camerontaylor4 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = the nooby charac | Level = 6 | Account ID = 47834620 | Country = usa |
NickName = the nooby charac | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
bigger39:bigger39 | Username = bigger39 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = Amizerd |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 203976301 | Country = tur | NickName = Amizerd |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = bigger39@asd.asd | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
elgbo51:110505gv | Username = elgbo51 | Tag Line = 4548 | Game Name = gbo51 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stampila5:sculam3nt | Username = stampila5 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
NoSmurfPlease | Level = 24 | Account ID = 218533494 | Country = usa | NickName =
NoSmurfPlease | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
slasherwesker:Lastres21041998 | Username = slasherwesker | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = slasherwesker | Level = 2 | Account ID = 202893923 | Country = arg |
NickName = slasherwesker | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
linnybananas92:vampire22 | Username = linnybananas92 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e79e07520d7ad4ff4985 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 46400414 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1e79e07520d7ad4ff4985 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
paulisteinlauch44:Killer12 | Username = paulisteinlauch44 | Account ID = 33760626 |
Country = ind | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
qzmp02103:limonjoos1 | Username = qzmp02103 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS13b979c9b375538b643dc | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42573539 | Country = svk |
NickName = IS13b979c9b375538b643dc | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
bosswagen:2fast4u | Username = bosswagen | Account ID = 200700799 | Country = are |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
brittyboots:storm15 | Username = brittyboots | Account ID = 38112077 | Country =
idn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cjshenesky:Big123brother | Username = cjshenesky | Tag Line = 8486 | Game Name =
CJShenesky | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
koryanforby:zabulika71 | Username = KoryanForBy | Tag Line = 2976 | Game Name =
KoryanForBy | Country = ukr | EmailVerified = True | Email =
| Valorant Point = 100 | Radianite Points = 170 | TotalRecentGames = 2 | Skins =
[Jigsaw Ares, K/TAC Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, , Jigsaw Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch
Frenzy, , , K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, , Jigsaw Guardian, , , , Prime Axe] |
Checked = Yes
killerrydercz:Vitana123 | Username = killerrydercz | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
KillerRyderCZ | Level = 1 | Account ID = 219832540 | Country = cze | NickName =
KillerRyderCZ | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
seanwxw:seanwxw0629 | Username = SeanWXW | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = SeanWXW |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 2328982149123520 | Country = mys | NickName = SeanWXW |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
matheuspb2:matheus123 | Username = matheuspb2 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
YukinoriPB | Level = 5 | Account ID = 209725638 | Country = bra | NickName =
YukinoriPB | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
guga247:rsnemri247 | Username = guga247 | Account ID = 46445510 | Country = bra |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
suspackage:HomelyG7 | Username = SusPackage | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
kamilpater99:kamil213 | Username = kamilpater99 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Kamis | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2192354629538304 | Country = pol | NickName =
Kamis | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
m1estere:toK2ieya | Username = M1estere | Tag Line = 5550 | Game Name = M1estere |
Country = rus | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
justdjdast:zxczxc2004 | Username = justdjdast | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
JustDJDast | Level = 3 | Account ID = 202625974 | Country = tha | NickName =
JustDJDast | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
timepantheon:dekemar12 | Username = timepantheon | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
timePantheon | Level = 4 | Account ID = 226625022 | Country = mex | NickName =
timePantheon | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
babaevonelove:YaRoSlAv8877yB | Username = babaevonelove | Country = rus |
EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dufyto1:Lastres21041998 | Username = dufyto1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Chanchelet | Level = 1 | Account ID = 216189370 | Country = chl | NickName =
Chanchelet | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
onr63:onur3586 | Username = onr63 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = SummOnuR | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 34742502 | Country = ken | NickName = SummOnuR | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
awed1111:My8o46aVcq | Username = awed1111 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = awed1111 |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 218734650 | Country = rus | NickName = awed1111 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pabin1:rereg2007$ | Username = pabin1 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = XOXOXOOXOXOXO
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 204382221 | Country = mys | NickName = XOXOXOOXOXOXO |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fragli20:a55113782 | Username = fragli20 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1d889a95a7fb5f | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29727507 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1d889a95a7fb5f | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
acc3hmmk:ji9li7ukO | Username = acc3hmmk | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
gra55pokemon | Level = 31 | Account ID = 40291906 | Country = ukr | NickName =
gra55pokemon | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
klawkiller2:0930505R#w | Username = klawkiller2 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
MoguriT | Level = 80 | Account ID = 219366699 | Country = bra | NickName = MoguriT
| EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nquiterio:6!FP.CmRrt | Username = nquiterio | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
NQuiterio | Level = 5 | Account ID = 216188027 | Country = bih | NickName =
NQuiterio | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
1450705848:mrx951203 | Username = 1450705848 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Xzb4Y7u5Vq | Level = 2 | Account ID = 234324127 | Country = mdv | NickName =
Xzb4Y7u5Vq | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alinihat3232:bloodyhunter32 | Username = alinihat3232 | Tag Line = PBE | Game Name
= Harixara | Level = 31 | Account ID = 2200628197 | Country = qat | NickName =
Harixara | EmailVerified = True | Region = PBE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hazretimacron:0536441aa | Username = HazretiMacron | Tag Line = 123 | Game Name =
RWR Macron | Level = 33 | Account ID = 2759565969310912 | Country = tur | NickName
= RWR Macron | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 160 | TotalRecentGames = 90 | Skins =
[, , , , , , , , Hush Ghost, , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
hazeljackson:Hazelpie1 | Username = hazeljackson | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
hkhazel | Level = 1 | Account ID = 226797520 | Country = hkg | NickName = hkhazel |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
luy20:louispierre16 | Username = luy20 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = TitanFail |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 208446244 | Country = deu | NickName = TitanFail |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zmdsk:Enzo74200 | Username = zmdsk | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = KC zmdsk | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 2081363231724480 | Country = fra | NickName = KC zmdsk |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lipedk4:felipedk2008 | Username = lipedk4 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
TaaskMaster | Level = 9 | Account ID = 217250664 | Country = bra | NickName =
TaaskMaster | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
emirkal25:Emirkal123 | Username = EmirKal25 | Tag Line = 0031 | Game Name =
nightmare | Country = tur | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 364 | Radianite Points = 10 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [,
Elderflame Vandal, , Singularity Phantom, , , , , Luxe Ghost, , , , , , , , ] |
Checked = Yes
hassanfitt1:KCS640stu | Username = hassanfitt1 | Account ID = 2763903974024448 |
Country = gbr | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
magfol111:lego22 | Username = magfol111 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1e89aa09cb8d2b | Level = 2 | Account ID = 33301990 | Country = irn | NickName =
IS1e89aa09cb8d2b | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
476646243:Lastres21041998 | Username = 476646243 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Tearsss | Level = 1 | Account ID = 218106548 | Country = hnd | NickName = Tearsss |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wincafe2004:apple0912 | Username = Wincafe2004 | Tag Line = 7633 | Game Name = ????
| Country = twn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oscar1698:oscar1998 | Username = oscar1698 | Account ID = 204982820 | Country = moz
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mollpo04:Aer66zte14 | Username = mollpo04 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Mega MoPsy
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 2350416799920480 | Country = aut | NickName = Mega MoPsy
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wjj4717:w53880520 | Username = wjj4717 | Tag Line = 3964 | Game Name = ????? |
Country = twn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shimmysham5:niggerd1ck | Username = shimmysham5 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
WardsR4Bronze | Level = 6 | Account ID = 207370458 | Country = usa | NickName =
WardsR4Bronze | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hubik966:Hubert765 | Username = hubik966 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Hubik966 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 216098860 | Country = pol | NickName = Hubik966 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kjuby300:cerf42 | Username = kjuby300 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS168cc3404b3e0f | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34710220 | Country = rus | NickName =
IS168cc3404b3e0f | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
referalkuba10:razdwa3 | Username = referalkuba10 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS123f4d5f714a35 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34075153 | Country = ind | NickName =
IS123f4d5f714a35 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tejou31:t1e2d3j4 | Username = tejou31 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Tejou2021 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 225943967 | Country = dza | NickName = Tejou2021 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
therealbloodz:Aircon123 | Username = therealbloodz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
QcSwazzyQc | Level = 9 | Account ID = 226651805 | Country = can | NickName =
QcSwazzyQc | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
tenkynxiii:Tenkyn2211 | Username = TenkynXIII | Account ID = 2577425477477952 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nielsonpe:nfs163547 | Username = nielsonpe | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = 8526610f-
f500-4211-8a1b-0f0f337e314e | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2115189852826176 | Country =
bra | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kam2553:k1a2m3i4l5 | Username = kam2553 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 8a2ba408-
4abf-4b10-beaa-3ec30dba3866 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206135276 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
teerygoose1:Dudester432 | Username = teerygoose1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Fazed Lucifer | Level = 1 | Account ID = 207129877 | Country = tur | NickName =
Fazed Lucifer | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
danielloteyro:Drll2387 | Username = danielloteyro | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
danielpatilya | Level = 101 | Account ID = 230880680 | Country = irl | NickName =
danielpatilya | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zulee727:mc7weJZYvP | Username = zulee727 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = zulee727 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 210525364 | Country = rus | NickName = zulee727 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
njr418:Sabwani911 | Username = Njr418 | Account ID = 2379017866111168 | Country =
usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mscthief:Gamer12345 | Username = mscthief | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
vanillapudding2:vanillapudding2 | Username = vanillapudding2 | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = dont worry im ok | Level = 5 | Account ID = 243949375 | Country = can |
NickName = dont worry im ok | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
aspectofpowerttv:h1clc6aj | Username = aspectofpowerttv | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
caihua10361:kelvin871021 | Username = caihua10361 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e5ae36a201ffd401a9ab | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42028018 | Country = geo |
NickName = IS1e5ae36a201ffd401a9ab | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jamesva:fotbal10 | Username = jamesva | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Narbis |
Level = 25 | Account ID = 28660773 | Country = cze | NickName = Narbis |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
connorkebab2000:bmwmthree3 | Username = connorkebab2000 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = connorkebab2000 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 225998900 | Country = chn |
NickName = connorkebab2000 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
auloree:Pokemon12 | Username = auloree | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Yangxiaonotaslon | Level = 1 | Account ID = 235414201 | Country = lva | NickName =
Yangxiaonotaslon | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
undeadsaiyan94:1Bcfcdragon | Username = undeadsaiyan94 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= UnDeadSaiyan94 | Level = 585 | Account ID = 224952786 | Country = gbr | NickName
= UnDeadSaiyan94 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 25 | Radianite Points = 25 |
TotalRecentGames = 92 | Skins = [, Elderflame Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, Oni Phantom,
Varnish Judge, , , , , Varnish Sheriff, , , Nitro Guardian, , Prime Spectre, ,
Prosperity] | Checked = Yes
bryansales7:bryanfera7 | Username = bryansales7 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
BryanCRSA | Level = 3 | Account ID = 213510663 | Country = bra | NickName =
BryanCRSA | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ezio1999pl:0koszatki0 | Username = ezio1999pl | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Ezio1999PL | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200487656 | Country = pol | NickName =
Ezio1999PL | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
haxumu59492123:onepiece59492 | Username = haxumu59492123 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game
Name = ????? | Level = 37 | Account ID = 200554086 | Country = usa | NickName
= ????? | EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
impacttenzin:A286413795 | Username = impacttenzin | Account ID = 220840969 |
Country = lux | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
williammeijer:xwvu56 | Username = williammeijer | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
snase | Level = 1 | Account ID = 215309866 | Country = vnm | NickName = snase |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
smallpenisattack5:poop1234 | Username = smallpenisattack5 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = IS194040690520c34f35f37 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38905930 | Country = chn
| NickName = IS194040690520c34f35f37 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
hendo916:Labtec007! | Username = hendo916 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = hendoXD |
Level = 76 | Account ID = 201563094 | Country = usa | NickName = hendoXD |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
skumbagskye:outlook1 | Username = skumbagskye | Account ID = 211265516 | Country =
rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gamersngeeks:ivan37890 | Username = gamersngeeks | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
GamersNGeeks | Level = 4 | Account ID = 225685983 | Country = usa | NickName =
GamersNGeeks | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
crypt1c24:yash_patel | Username = Crypt1c24 | Tag Line = 2496 | Game Name =
Paras1te | Country = phl | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
yesithjay:yesith96 | Username = YesithJay | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Cosmic Y |
Level = 38 | Account ID = 206605649 | Country = can | NickName = Cosmic Y |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dingodanger1881:tibby911 | Username = dingodanger1881 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= DingoDanger | Level = 5 | Account ID = 234001656 | Country = usa | NickName =
DingoDanger | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yanuszowaty:Samolot324 | Username = yanuszowaty | Tag Line = 5374 | Game Name =
1337 | Country = pol | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
cleophusx:farter345 | Username = cleophusx | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = cleophusX
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 240658114 | Country = usa | NickName = cleophusX |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jazzyj2156:shooz2156 | Username = jazzyj2156 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
coldswift1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 209820806 | Country = usa | NickName =
coldswift1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dzquantor:arkadiuz2000 | Username = dzquantor | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
DZquantor | Level = 6 | Account ID = 215057370 | Country = usa | NickName =
DZquantor | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
luka7tzar:manchester1 | Username = luka7tzar | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1244c419d19e93 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 23864041 | Country = bra | NickName =
IS1244c419d19e93 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
theantonio0705:elloro0705 | Username = theantonio0705 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= TheAntonio0705 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 221718256 | Country = esp | NickName =
TheAntonio0705 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mihan885:89503311451m | Username = mihan885 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Mihan885
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 203264151 | Country = tur | NickName = Mihan885 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
darthszatan:jakub96a123 | Username = darthszatan | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Hisayuki | Level = 88 | Account ID = 38038343 | Country = pol | NickName = Hisayuki
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
masayashi0901:ma313014 | Username = masayashi0901 | Tag Line = 3840 | Game Name =
Masa | Country = twn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
greenacres66:Lastres21041998 | Username = greenacres66 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= IS12c571bd0b70739b6f6e3 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 33540026 | Country = pol |
NickName = IS12c571bd0b70739b6f6e3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
redolol123:Anaredolol1 | Username = redolol123 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
abdlla123 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2375814403264864 | Country = isr | NickName =
abdlla123 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
fortaal:internet6454 | Username = fortaal | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = fortaal |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2422519552888928 | Country = fra | NickName = fortaal |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
onimusha1k:mistertom1 | Username = onimusha1k | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Onimusha2k | Level = 12 | Account ID = 212148680 | Country = ukr | NickName =
Onimusha2k | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ancciolol:ancciolol228 | Username = Ancciolol | Tag Line = 8657 | Game Name =
shved1488 | Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
minteeer99:korona5 | Username = minteeer99 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS185a1cd447226c | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32026736 | Country = vnm | NickName =
IS185a1cd447226c | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
astravanholden:Cfkmytxtu1 | Username = astravanholden | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name
= VanHolden | Level = 12 | Account ID = 202505153 | Country = mys | NickName =
VanHolden | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vladladaru1234:vladvlad1 | Username = vladladaru1234 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= vladladaru2005 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 224674191 | Country = rus | NickName =
vladladaru2005 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
arekeyus2:Lastres21041998 | Username = arekeyus2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
arekeyus2 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 217295560 | Country = usa | NickName =
arekeyus2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mestresky7777:brendaebryan00 | Username = mestresky7777 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game
Name = BRyanAndrades | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2249328402361056 | Country = bra |
NickName = BRyanAndrades | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
bestfixie:molnika1 | Username = bestfixie | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1357677c0b033a | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28675971 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1357677c0b033a | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pre12mium12:Mikis134as | Username = pre12mium12 | Tag Line = 3379 | Game Name =
PremiuM | Country = ltu | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
flgtheshadow:qwertyantonio123 | Username = flgtheshadow | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = FLG TheShadow | Level = 112 | Account ID = 222732206 | Country = are |
NickName = FLG TheShadow | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
magss97:28091997gss | Username = magss97 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = BOOSTED MY
HENTE | Level = 14 | Account ID = 39227536 | Country = esp | NickName = BOOSTED MY
HENTE | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
licuidsilicon:Btxg5707 | Username = LICUIDSILICON | Account ID = 2567791803335936 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
specchioscuro2:stephan1221 | Username = specchioscuro2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Hobbadehoy | Level = 6 | Account ID = 2219384281196864 | Country = usa | NickName
= Hobbadehoy | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
cbossley:caramy1luv | Username = cbossley | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = cbossley |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 219850140 | Country = rus | NickName = cbossley |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
smurfler42:VT2OhC5Yz3 | Username = smurfler42 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e16791ae1f91420324ef | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40880075 | Country = pak |
NickName = IS1e16791ae1f91420324ef | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
adlei3701bersil:Adlei3701Bersil1 | Username = adlei3701bersil | Tag Line = BR1 |
Game Name = Adlei3701Bersil | Level = 1 | Account ID = 205784368 | Country = pol |
NickName = Adlei3701Bersil | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
jjdabomb050:Lastres21041998 | Username = jjdabomb050 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
vault boy1212 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 245540140 | Country = gbr | NickName =
vault boy1212 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
samsi6:grglmpf1 | Username = samsi6 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Abgeklebter |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 202205152 | Country = deu | NickName = Abgeklebter |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vslianyi520:luo19891117 | Username = vslianyi520 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
123boy | Level = 1 | Account ID = 222384471 | Country = usa | NickName = 123boy |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = 383297275@QQ.COM | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ampallotta:8669Tony. | Username = ampallotta | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Aunt
Honey | Level = 38 | Account ID = 239193526 | Country = usa | NickName = Aunt Honey
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
matheuzin6:julias21 | Username = matheuzin6 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Ai Papai
Bj | Level = 1 | Account ID = 203644428 | Country = deu | NickName = Ai Papai Bj |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
richdlao11:renderman99 | Username = richdlao11 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
RichDlaO | Level = 6 | Account ID = 232029527 | Country = mex | NickName = RichDlaO
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
enxian957:md212002 | Username = enxian957 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = The doz |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 2546920946804352 | Country = twn | NickName = The doz |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
caxco932:batidor123 | Username = caxco932 | Tag Line = 5733 | Game Name = caxco93 |
Country = per | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mastadon2733:123kerem123 | Username = MASTADON2733 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Mastadon EUW | Level = 16 | Account ID = 2711871696823872 | Country = tur |
NickName = Mastadon EUW | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lolyourleg10:123qweasd | Username = lolyourleg10 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS17c7a03b3e8310 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34368625 | Country = bra | NickName =
IS17c7a03b3e8310 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
letakivfx:aleck70101 | Username = LeTakivfx | Tag Line = 4406 | Game Name = Alec |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pa57101:vadore57 | Username = pa57101 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = tutu57 | Level
= 36 | Account ID = 219587371 | Country = fra | NickName = tutu57 | EmailVerified =
True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tehrize57:isamusa1 | Username = tehrize57 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = TehRize57
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 218351543 | Country = usa | NickName = TehRize57 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
devgru46:hubert1107 | Username = devgru46 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Devgru46 |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 241491463 | Country = vnm | NickName = Devgru46 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
flafiestuamigo:flafiestuamigo1 | Username = flafiestuamigo | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = flafiestuamigo | Level = 9 | Account ID = 224396064 | Country = rus |
NickName = flafiestuamigo | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
GDNR4G3R:Gildwen03031994 | Username = gdnr4g3r | Tag Line = NTTM | Game Name =
GDNR696 | Level = 31 | Account ID = 214607309 | Country = fra | NickName = GDNR4G3R
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 150 | Radianite Points = 200 | TotalRecentGames = 45 | Skins = [,
dot EXE Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom, dot EXE Judge, Kingdom Bucky,
Couture Frenzy, , dot EXE Ghost, , , , , Couture Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Couture
Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
tobiingleby:protocenetic4 | Username = tobiingleby | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Giganticrab | Level = 19 | Account ID = 39271659 | Country = gbr | NickName =
Giganticrab | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
etmgs:thorin26 | Username = etmgs | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = etmgs | Level =
100 | Account ID = 233592541 | Country = deu | NickName = etmgs | EmailVerified =
True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 230 | TotalRecentGames = 96 | Skins = [, Nitro Vandal, Varnish
Bulldog, Artisan Phantom, Varnish Judge, Artisan Bucky, , , Artisan Ghost, Varnish
Sheriff, , Nitro Operator, Nitro Guardian, Artisan Marshal, , Varnish Stinger,
Artisan Foil] | Checked = Yes
nighacy:17June1990 | Username = nighacy | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Nighacy |
Level = 9 | Account ID = 212307780 | Country = gbr | NickName = Nighacy |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
exdruidgaming:Aziz2877 | Username = exdruidgaming | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
EDG Phoenix | Level = 8 | Account ID = 215580354 | Country = usa | NickName = EDG
Phoenix | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
isaacbauza30:dell1997 | Username = isaacbauza30 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
OnlyBAUZA | Level = 117 | Account ID = 203270761 | Country = mex | NickName =
OnlyBAUZA | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
brennholzz103:12e456789 | Username = brennholzz103 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
brennholzz103417 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 32182490 | Country = deu | NickName =
brennholzz103417 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
nejic1:10101010a | Username = nejic1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 6a054e35-351a-
4ec0-ae52-155c28da928d | Level = 1 | Account ID = 207034042 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
czapajew77:pawelpawel1 | Username = czapajew77 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Czapajew77 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 205051104 | Country = rus | NickName =
Czapajew77 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kwcoff:artist101 | Username = kwcoff | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = f8ba7b85-fc8b-
4240-bc8f-47f0866d36c7 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 37576186 | Country = mys |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alvarolaz:Labrigada123! | Username = alvarolaz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
alvarolaz | Level = 37 | Account ID = 38811553 | Country = hun | NickName =
alvarolaz | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
apple070119:lutherjohn21 | Username = Apple070119 | Account ID = 2349611142958464 |
Country = phl | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tycins62:dracofable0 | Username = tycins62 | Account ID = 46439813 | Country = chn
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
masesarboi00:Righty2013 | Username = masesarboi00 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ProRealer | Level = 179 | Account ID = 231123841 | Country = can | NickName =
ProRealer | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sala7337:salah1998 | Username = sala7337 | Account ID = 202502745 | Country = ken |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hawk928:Ber928amT$ | Username = hawk928 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = hawk928 |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 236429364 | Country = che | NickName = hawk928 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
byveloz10:alexvelos45 | Username = byveloz10 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = Chosti
| Level = 371 | Account ID = 1965384085498400 | Country = ecu | NickName = Chosti |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
iyengaja:gabriel4605 | Username = IyengAja | Tag Line = 7559 | Game Name = R13L |
Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
valmir1887:0c17ed41 | Username = valmir1887 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
loOo000oOol | Level = 32 | Account ID = 2355901938184768 | Country = deu | NickName
= loOo000oOol | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
cbuuck7:lefty710 | Username = cbuuck7 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 2b484ac0-2dae-
470e-b742-846d74fb3534 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 230265400 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
smurfking2021:Logikbiswas69 | Username = smurfking2021 | Tag Line = 9167 | Game
Name = LOGIC V2 | Country = ind | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gisorg12:habitak14 | Username = gisorg12 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
afdsfsdgsfgd | Level = 6 | Account ID = 206387501 | Country = mys | NickName =
afdsfsdgsfgd | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maxvip1122:tort123456 | Username = maxvip1122 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
maxvip312 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2100913522275104 | Country = ukr | NickName =
maxvip312 | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gabita1051:tirex1051 | Username = gabita1051 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
DeadlyGamingYTB | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204481565 | Country = lux | NickName =
DeadlyGamingYTB | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
iwon015:september1234 | Username = iwon015 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = iwon015 |
Level = 18 | Account ID = 200076247 | Country = nzl | NickName = iwon015 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ahar242:gsrg2009 | Username = ahar242 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ahar242 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 234685142 | Country = ukr | NickName = ahar242 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kevinpierrer:Kevinraclot952 | Username = kevinpierrer | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= Varyana | Level = 274 | Account ID = 38797042 | Country = fra | NickName =
Varyana | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 309 | Radianite Points = 45 | TotalRecentGames = 38 | Skins = [,
Reaver Vandal, , Galleria Phantom, , , , , , , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
328149721:qq576433 | Username = 328149721 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = BABYKISS1
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 231026646 | Country = twn | NickName = BABYKISS1 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zaros237:Meupaieputo2 | Username = Zaros237 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Zar0s |
Level = 68 | Account ID = 1194967 | Country = bra | NickName = Zar0s |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
efes422:24062000m | Username = efes422 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = efesyus42 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2433026924663360 | Country = tur | NickName = efesyus42 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fixkix6:cone12344 | Username = FixKix6 | Tag Line = 9513 | Game Name = FixKix |
Country = srb | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 70 | TotalRecentGames = 25 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
bobsfreak8:bobsfreak1 | Username = bobsfreak8 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1cbe2c500ebba2 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29642393 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1cbe2c500ebba2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
r0oly:Pazhool22423252 | Username = R0oLy | Tag Line = 5722 | Game Name = R0oLy |
Country = isr | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 125 | Radianite Points = 30 | TotalRecentGames = 84 | Skins = [,
Glitchpop Vandal, , , , , , , Artisan Ghost, , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
momentain:Reis190599 | Username = MomenTain | Country = tur | EmailVerified = True
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
aleks220020:202QWEasd | Username = Aleks220020 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = ???
e???0? | Level = 269 | Account ID = 2267983523344704 | Country = ukr | NickName
= ???e???0? | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
vrieth:Elbereth7 | Username = vrieth | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Vrieth | Level
= 7 | Account ID = 34429254 | Country = chn | NickName = Vrieth | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lorekalex237:Piroschka2307 | Username = lorekalex237 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
PT Azêrus | Level = 7 | Account ID = 212600579 | Country = deu | NickName = PT
Azêrus | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dinyefan1:asd12asd12 | Username = dinyefan1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Mateweaverhun | Level = 5 | Account ID = 223742541 | Country = hun | NickName =
Mateweaverhun | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
qsardaks22:armagedon11 | Username = qsardaks22 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
kasediks | Level = 68 | Account ID = 217969356 | Country = pol | NickName =
kasediks | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
donkeymann09:Wheeler1 | Username = donkeymann09 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
118eb15f-b480-442d-b6db-ef218b80ac7e | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2078837885241920 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nikosrally:n00001984 | Username = nikosrally | Account ID = 30615421 | Country =
chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ptuptu33:Saphira999 | Username = ptuptu33 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ptuptu33 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 204821573 | Country = deu | NickName = ptuptu33 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
imajustdropya:Lastres21041998 | Username = imajustdropya | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = IMAJUSTDROPYA | Level = 7 | Account ID = 213474103 | Country = usa |
NickName = IMAJUSTDROPYA | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kldxxx1981:kldxxx1990 | Username = kldxxx1981 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = kld2 |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 207943226 | Country = egy | NickName = kld2 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhh:aaah2018 | Username = jiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhh | Tag Line =
EUW | Game Name = jiiiiiiiiihhhhh | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2468606390315456 |
Country = mar | NickName = jiiiiiiiiihhhhh | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
prowork128:Passord17 | Username = Prowork128 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Prowork128 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2218620859913056 | Country = nor | NickName =
Prowork128 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
ddlp1:Nicetry14 | Username = ddlp1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = DDLP1 | Level =
23 | Account ID = 36830678 | Country = vnm | NickName = DDLP1 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
didlqkqhdi1:rudghks12! | Username = didlqkqhdi1 | Tag Line = KR1 | Game Name = ????
| Level = 133 | Account ID = 1779689 | Country = kor | NickName = ???? |
EmailVerified = True | Region = KR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
leemii88:siegheil88 | Username = leemii88 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
WarFareRain | Level = 5 | Account ID = 202335611 | Country = hrv | NickName =
WarFareRain | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
natallapallo:Lastres21041998 | Username = natallapallo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= NatallApallo | Level = 3 | Account ID = 221794658 | Country = usa | NickName =
NatallApallo | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
quangtien2603:quangtien2603 | Username = QuangTien2603 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= QuangTien2603 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2423217677913600 | Country = vnm |
NickName = QuangTien2603 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nenesis55:05062001a | Username = nenesis55 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
eZbU64o7oP | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201939156 | Country = ven | NickName =
eZbU64o7oP | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
jconner:18603254j | Username = jconner | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = SMALCORE |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 34178087 | Country = usa | NickName = SMALCORE |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hasselihas52:akkar1 | Username = hasselihas52 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS158aa32f400db2 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 31777230 | Country = hun | NickName =
IS158aa32f400db2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cheloneoclasic:isimarga85246 | Username = Cheloneoclasic | Tag Line = LAS | Game
Name = Cheloneoclasic | Level = 172 | Account ID = 2482881003710272 | Country = chl
| NickName = Cheloneoclasic | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tony95nd1:muagio95@ | Username = tony95nd1 | Tag Line = 6852 | Game Name =
WTFNamMairO | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2431503036624384 | Country = vnm | NickName
= TOPdariusVN | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lolfisz4:piranie2 | Username = lolfisz4 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS11c52a145edd8c | Level = 5 | Account ID = 26465053 | Country = ken | NickName =
IS11c52a145edd8c | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yurenlin:ass24007828 | Username = YuRenLin | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = YuReLin |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2426767733460480 | Country = twn | NickName = YuReLin |
EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
guntervignoles:Bermuda20 | Username = GunterVignoles | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
GunterVignoles | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2673133421413792 | Country = arg |
NickName = GunterVignoles | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
littlecristy10:amae10 | Username = littlecristy10 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Cristy10 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 234695236 | Country = esp | NickName = Cristy10
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ferodelion5:asdrtyjkl1 | Username = ferodelion5 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS17f86b442e3fad | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34319904 | Country = idn | NickName =
IS17f86b442e3fad | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
liweijljl:WAN41489 | Username = liweijljl | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1621ffc1191222a8e828e | Level = 5 | Account ID = 200303753 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1621ffc1191222a8e828e | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
raimeipwnz2:ae83bde123 | Username = raimeipwnz2 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS17c26093ee6ead | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30926361 | Country = tur | NickName =
IS17c26093ee6ead | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kwapik:k27111975 | Username = kwapik | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = xCIACHx |
Level = 16 | Account ID = 28696029 | Country = mar | NickName = xCIACHx |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mydayy1234:lalilu84 | Username = mydayy1234 | Tag Line = 3724 | Game Name = mydayy
| Country = deu | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
fnavidad:fnavidad123 | Username = fnavidad | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS188911bfd595b76f5f644 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42849342 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS188911bfd595b76f5f644 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
wizzygee:Lastres21041998 | Username = wizzygee | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c4817b621a6d77a2d3dd | Level = 2 | Account ID = 201183017 | Country = arg |
NickName = IS1c4817b621a6d77a2d3dd | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
cgtwsebb2:abc5300902 | Username = cgtwsebb2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c93750973d73879ede43 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37086555 | Country = ukr |
NickName = IS1c93750973d73879ede43 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
happyfaser44:Lomeno25 | Username = happyfaser44 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Happyfaser44 | Level = 94 | Account ID = 222277912 | Country = cze | NickName =
Happyfaser44 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
keback12345:MIraBEda123 | Username = keback12345 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Qexu | Level = 2 | Account ID = 201469029 | Country = swe | NickName = Qexu |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lfybkrj75:pkfsx8sny | Username = lfybkrj75 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS12d71455e38e18 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 31150694 | Country = tha | NickName =
IS12d71455e38e18 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
vasho044:strazzeri91 | Username = vasho044 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS175edeeb17a052 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32902918 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS175edeeb17a052 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jdoggy31:ebtide31 | Username = jdoggy31 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = jdoggy31 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 215685454 | Country = syc | NickName = jdoggy31 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fovshana:19910224mx | Username = fovshana | Tag Line = 4923 | Game Name = ??? |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
eduuuuuux:EDUardo35 | Username = Eduuuuuux | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Eduuuux |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2324114838735616 | Country = bra | NickName = Eduuuux |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alekaras89:46521379r | Username = alekaras89 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
qzAckHppI3h8dyVA | Level = 1 | Account ID = 28151347 | Country = chn | NickName =
qzAckHppI3h8dyVA | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jjoycity4:rlaguswnd1 | Username = jjoycity4 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS17b633da7f40f0022439f | Level = 5 | Account ID = 36889294 | Country = tkm |
NickName = IS17b633da7f40f0022439f | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kakuzatou111:hugoukaku1 | Username = kakuzatou111 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
gMNsZ7VM2U | Level = 3 | Account ID = 228730698 | Country = jpn | NickName =
gMNsZ7VM2U | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tbskully:tb10032005 | Username = TBSkully | Tag Line = 3297 | Game Name = TBSkully
| Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jshears:Snoopy123 | Username = jshears | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = JayShmearz |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 211305109 | Country = usa | NickName = JayShmearz |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
trueshania112:7XthhvTvGD | Username = trueshania112 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1841abe6f8b577e63b4bd | Level = 3 | Account ID = 40999080 | Country = dza |
NickName = IS1841abe6f8b577e63b4bd | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
mirandjam:Lolagus123 | Username = mirandjam | Tag Line = 7156 | Game Name =
mirandjam | Country = can | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
imreifen:danidani1 | Username = imreifen | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ImReiFeN |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 225141524 | Country = esp | NickName = ImReiFeN |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
supertyger123:Manitouwadge1 | Username = supertyger123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Supertyger123 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 223356100 | Country = can | NickName =
Supertyger123 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
4801732626:Lastres21041998 | Username = 4801732626 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
TheGayProphett | Level = 10 | Account ID = 228815607 | Country = usa | NickName =
TheGayProphett | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
ddmclk:audi123 | Username = ddmclk | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = IS1b660b0447deac
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 29397728 | Country = chn | NickName = IS1b660b0447deac |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cardosojuni:eternlove1 | Username = cardosojuni | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = MdB
Veronnique | Level = 30 | Account ID = 209108658 | Country = bra | NickName = MdB
Veronnique | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mastershield26:furyfury24 | Username = mastershield26 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= MasterShield24 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 214814179 | Country = fra | NickName =
MasterShield24 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
facelacek7:micinka123 | Username = facelacek7 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Genessis | Level = 245 | Account ID = 224237934 | Country = cze | NickName =
Genessis | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
mady25:Marika12 | Username = mady25 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Mady25 | Level =
15 | Account ID = 42256836 | Country = ukr | NickName = Mady25 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mostdopelifee:matthew98 | Username = mostdopelifee | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
MostDopeLifee | Level = 12 | Account ID = 227446230 | Country = chn | NickName =
MostDopeLifee | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
phillipboyle92:phillip92 | Username = phillipboyle92 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Pkb1992 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 237787587 | Country = srb | NickName = Pkb1992 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ekkodu1022:3cdd15de5ab | Username = Ekkodu1022 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Ekko
le Crack | Level = 14 | Account ID = 2453769167571520 | Country = che | NickName =
Ekko le Crack | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
piercetheblue:osamayor323 | Username = piercetheblue | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
bringmetheblue | Level = 1 | Account ID = 220830777 | Country = esp | NickName =
bringmetheblue | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
rinekez:KittyWaffles2002 | Username = rinekez | Account ID = 2045572387186944 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jms2627:sksms0721 | Username = jms2627 | Account ID = 208291803 | Country = kor |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
glenndino28:glenndino28 | Username = glenndino28 | Tag Line = 6577 | Game Name =
Finessa | Level = 32 | Account ID = 209725871 | Country = idn | NickName = Bencong
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
killer4lif4:progamer1 | Username = killer4lif4 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
JungleeOnly | Level = 2 | Account ID = 42685339 | Country = kor | NickName =
JungleeOnly | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wrweem5s:Ww074265 | Username = wrweem5s | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Whiskey116 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 236994887 | Country = usa | NickName = Whiskey116 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
brobusch:31Frederik10 | Username = Brobusch | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Bro
Busch | Level = 41 | Account ID = 41782289 | Country = dnk | NickName = Bro Busch |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
dulica28:djenko123 | Username = dulica28 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1c661561513275 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 29062860 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1c661561513275 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fourrbla:458654solace | Username = fourrbla | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Fourrbla
| Level = 38 | Account ID = 32447187 | Country = fra | NickName = Fourrbla |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dongbung2555:a0804205395 | Username = dongbung2555 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SaKsAKi | Level = 30 | Account ID = 44006034 | Country = tha | NickName = SaKsAKi |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gmlexy:otqcped2 | Username = gmlexy | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = nihil zahir |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 2459624822156192 | Country = bra | NickName = nihil zahir
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stormyx222:22diciembrE! | Username = stormyx222 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
enaMiau22 | Level = 30 | Account ID = 235568401 | Country = chn | NickName =
enaMiau22 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
frugaldolphin69:Lastres21041998 | Username = frugaldolphin69 | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = Frugal Dolphin | Level = 5 | Account ID = 217118648 | Country = usa |
NickName = Frugal Dolphin | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zyteufl:she12275k | Username = ZyteufL | Tag Line = 8611 | Game Name = zyteuf |
Account ID = 2443026323083616 | Country = fra | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW
| Email = | Valorant Point = 150 | Radianite Points = 280 |
TotalRecentGames = 50 | Skins = [Jigsaw Ares, K/TAC Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, , Jigsaw
Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch Frenzy, Pistolinha Classic, Jigsaw Ghost, K/TAC
Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, K/TAC Operator, Jigsaw Guardian, Monarch Marshal, , ,
K/TAC Blade] | Checked = Yes
irres16:pooyan72 | Username = irres16 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1305a722e3bdf46193f58 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 41900227 | Country = mex |
NickName = IS1305a722e3bdf46193f58 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
armfree:12345yucel | Username = armfree | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS19b12a1756ca78 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 30219873 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS19b12a1756ca78 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thief4vaal10:3956147a | Username = thief4vaal10 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b205317b9b8831fe3d72 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200764873 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1b205317b9b8831fe3d72 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
prefixfxcvcme87o4h:Lastres21041998 | Username = PREFIXFXCVCME87O4H | Tag Line = EUW
| Game Name = Sabri83 | Level = 28 | Account ID = 205557475 | Country = gbr |
NickName = Sabri83 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
www19941229:wu0wu0d9vup | Username = www19941229 | Account ID = 214333806 | Country
= tto | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
brensonn:brennan147 | Username = brensonn | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Culppa |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2438168834233184 | Country = gbr | NickName = Culppa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
noce14:c321321 | Username = noce14 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS115714be3a8dc98fe0ac5 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40755752 | Country = grc |
NickName = IS115714be3a8dc98fe0ac5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
nakamura59:nakamura59 | Username = nakamura59 | Account ID = 225397602 | Country =
nld | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
skyrimmaster36:louis2121 | Username = skyrimmaster36 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Skyrimmaster36 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 234736345 | Country = usa | NickName =
Skyrimmaster36 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
plandle5:Hime4ktop | Username = plandle5 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = dont type
thanks | Level = 18 | Account ID = 2215660409858464 | Country = usa | NickName =
dont type thanks | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
vexho:udMtpN5pSlJs | Username = vexho | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 6bd75054-ee12-
4a3e-ab28-67df7d9743b2 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 40616192 | Country = tha |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tygaspower999:qazwsx123 | Username = tygaspower999 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ßüëö222 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 224295449 | Country = prt | NickName = ßüëö222 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
drdener10:dener123 | Username = drdener10 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Meu
coraçãão | Level = 10 | Account ID = 219324422 | Country = bol | NickName = Meu
coraçãão | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
arisbarko:1235790a! | Username = arisbarko | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
arisbarko | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2726710887024448 | Country = grc | NickName =
arisbarko | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
clemens1245:r3z6v15z14 | Username = clemens1245 | Tag Line = 8178 | Game Name =
Fallen | Country = deu | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
haluk1993:amck3131 | Username = haluk1993 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
AnkaragüclüHaluk | Level = 2 | Account ID = 202290047 | Country = tur | NickName =
AnkaragüclüHaluk | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ijjojji4171:qazSAD1313 | Username = ijjojji4171 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1eb42e2e1ef102 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33435780 | Country = rus | NickName =
IS1eb42e2e1ef102 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tris0r:aodnudel86 | Username = tris0r | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS148714d688dfaa | Level = 5 | Account ID = 22455649 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS148714d688dfaa | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pever2495:pevers2495 | Username = pever2495 | Tag Line = 1884 | Game Name = ??l |
Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ctucker320:1005732cT | Username = CTucker320 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Lyezare
| Level = 216 | Account ID = 229405861 | Country = usa | NickName = Lyezare |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fuzzybricks:Madriow6 | Username = fuzzybricks | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
fuzzytermina | Level = 1 | Account ID = 246704091 | Country = usa | NickName =
fuzzytermina | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
logaara3:Sandy458 | Username = Logaara3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Logaara |
Level = 28 | Account ID = 40831117 | Country = usa | NickName = Logaara |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ger1c0m24:AsDf1234 | Username = ger1c0m24 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 1565a7fe-
51cc-4351-8a57-b8b1158692fe | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32255371 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
giaky1341:em80dd9t | Username = giaky1341 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1a9879356cc9a2 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 27438243 | Country = bra | NickName =
IS1a9879356cc9a2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
carthur2012:Typewriter0! | Username = carthur2012 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
huckaB12 | Level = 106 | Account ID = 42951621 | Country = usa | NickName =
huckaB12 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dannyleax:sk8dspsk8 | Username = dannyleax | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = danny099
| Level = 47 | Account ID = 202418123 | Country = gbr | NickName = danny099 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 200 | Radianite Points = 205 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [, , Couture
Bulldog, Serenity Phantom, Serenity Judge, Surge Bucky, Couture Frenzy, Surge
Classic, Vendetta Ghost, , Ruin Shorty, , , Ruin Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Couture
Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
kolavas06:58e62063 | Username = kolavas06 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b134af46b3e59b4090a2 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 48355227 | Country = bra |
NickName = IS1b134af46b3e59b4090a2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
cjlikes2fight:goldpen92 | Username = cjlikes2fight | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
cjlikes2fight | Level = 1 | Account ID = 235089974 | Country = rus | NickName =
cjlikes2fight | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zayysz:Soijanorppa1 | Username = ZayysZ | Country = fin | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xvxdave:1q2w3e4r5t | Username = xvxdave | Account ID = 216300746 | Country = ukr |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xtanathozx:Minuby123$ | Username = xTanathozx | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
Tanathoz | Level = 274 | Account ID = 200515722 | Country = chl | NickName =
Tanathoz | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
keldaboi:Ironman7 | Username = keldaboi | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = keldaboi |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2247872824183360 | Country = usa | NickName = keldaboi |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pavlyshaxxx:hjuhekbn123 | Username = pavlyshaxxx | Account ID = 203931630 | Country
= mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yapyanxun3:T0304636I | Username = yapyanxun3 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
HamZaTron | Level = 187 | Account ID = 2080261512580672 | Country = sgp | NickName
= HamZaTron | EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hurricanehugo:Metallica5 | Username = hurricanehugo | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
HURRICANEHUGO | Level = 1 | Account ID = 202796155 | Country = nld | NickName =
HURRICANEHUGO | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rockahype2:Sharmarke163 | Username = RockaHype2 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
SinVein | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2325559220211744 | Country = swe | NickName =
SinVein | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sacadius1:Jackrabbi7 | Username = sacadius1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = iCare
For Cheese | Level = 2 | Account ID = 41665800 | Country = rus | NickName = iCare
For Cheese | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
iam1001:southpark86lol | Username = iam1001 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS14a7120ce96b04 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 24793574 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS14a7120ce96b04 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ronnenightmare:martins1984 | Username = ronnenightmare | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name
= RonneNightmare | Level = 245 | Account ID = 200374621 | Country = bra | NickName
= RonneNightmare | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
alan7251:amdradeon7250 | Username = alan7251 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Alan7250 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 2264713257314624 | Country = arg | NickName =
Alan7250 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
leviticus1928:skrub071 | Username = leviticus1928 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
h2zXnQp6zG | Level = 11 | Account ID = 212832417 | Country = eth | NickName =
h2zXnQp6zG | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
adorochupar:adorochupar123 | Username = adorochupar | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Adoro Piroc | Level = 10 | Account ID = 210327610 | Country = bra | NickName =
Adoro Piroc | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
seifzwaard:Seif2008 | Username = seifzwaard | Tag Line = 2705 | Game Name =
seifzwaard | Country = nld | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 100 | TotalRecentGames = 17 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
jubrakitjubawdit:Football34 | Username = JubrakitJubawdit | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = JubrakitJubawdit | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2501231335957664 | Country = usa
| NickName = JubrakitJubawdit | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
silviiagalan:Amanda12 | Username = silviiagalan | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
silviiagalan | Level = 7 | Account ID = 2448142595246432 | Country = esp | NickName
= silviiagalan | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
v1llej00nas:jokuhuora69 | Username = v1llej00nas | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
v1llej00nas | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29539631 | Country = fin | NickName =
v1llej00nas | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 3 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
sony286:pakopako1 | Username = sony286 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Sony286 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 42099405 | Country = nld | NickName = Sony286 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
michaelsmyers2:eagleball1 | Username = michaelsmyers2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= LigerBomb100 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 247165633 | Country = usa | NickName =
LigerBomb100 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sunelii:Abbybe109354 | Username = sunelii | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Sunelii |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 238904743 | Country = usa | NickName = Sunelii |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sshomaker:jaguar12 | Username = sshomaker | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = b998432f-
fe35-4147-9459-a5d1c6db4719 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35836095 | Country = dza |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mizuti18:Louise!8!2 | Username = mizuti18 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Mizuti18 |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 213419826 | Country = chn | NickName = Mizuti18 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
burhantr:sparkasse123 | Username = burhantr | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
BurhanAbi | Level = 1 | Account ID = 205894228 | Country = bra | NickName =
BurhanAbi | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fixloo:Hakimundmerlin123 | Username = fixloo | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Fixloo
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 2173468835255136 | Country = deu | NickName = Fixloo |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
anonamixo1:anonamix0 | Username = anonamixo1 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Ippo de
Zona Sur | Level = 223 | Account ID = 204329719 | Country = arg | NickName = Ippo
de Zona Sur | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
matkozcorka:bobek1212 | Username = matkozcorka | Account ID = 30775587 | Country =
chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hofftor:Pepe1991 | Username = hofftor | Tag Line = 1337 | Game Name = vmL | Level =
10 | Account ID = 26800811 | Country = deu | NickName = wiezo | EmailVerified =
True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
xdjokerdx:Huckarde93 | Username = xdjokerdx | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Navy War
| Level = 120 | Account ID = 33308206 | Country = deu | NickName = Navy War |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 60 | TotalRecentGames = 10 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
glaysocool:hisashi520 | Username = glaysocool | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS188f5cfee3343621eebee | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38621403 | Country = idn |
NickName = IS188f5cfee3343621eebee | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
qqqqqwwwq:kryspin1 | Username = qqqqqwwwq | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS17055dee5867b2 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28194092 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS17055dee5867b2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
infomag2:padrino1 | Username = infomag2 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS14f41c82d1c356 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 25568158 | Country = ukr | NickName =
IS14f41c82d1c356 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
algrej07:123123123a | Username = algrej07 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1f421586cb31dd | Level = 2 | Account ID = 34908833 | Country = pol | NickName =
IS1f421586cb31dd | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
1996shimizu:199627lzc | Username = 1996shimizu | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name
= ???????? | Level = 31 | Account ID = 201599461 | Country = jpn | NickName
= ???????? | EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
swishczech:%cqRH2jBJt | Username = swishczech | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
swishczech | Level = 1 | Account ID = 231916349 | Country = cri | NickName =
swishczech | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pallonerz:36SNRePz0J | Username = pallonerz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
J1pdjDFtp0 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 240351325 | Country = npl | NickName =
J1pdjDFtp0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
moscaln:Delete102589 | Username = moscaln | Country = bra | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tty211:michael24 | Username = tty211 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = tty211 | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 210497383 | Country = mys | NickName = tty211 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
garsovia8:puerta16 | Username = garsovia8 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Pequeño
Nicolas8 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 218645758 | Country = esp | NickName = Pequeño
Nicolas8 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
antonopano:23071976anto | Username = antonopano | Account ID = 24835293 | Country =
chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
b0oker92:luca22051992 | Username = b0oker92 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IngegnerCane92 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 215155580 | Country = isr | NickName =
IngegnerCane92 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
r1z3nnn:rubano12 | Username = r1z3nnn | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = R1z3nnn |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 238188954 | Country = ind | NickName = R1z3nnn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
proview2008:scs09wcf | Username = proview2008 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1dcc3dc2d3fa2b59e7db4 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 38210654 | Country = blr |
NickName = IS1dcc3dc2d3fa2b59e7db4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
reviandpn1:Mzi758iu15 | Username = Reviandpn1 | Tag Line = 3792 | Game Name = RVI |
Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lukillas123:617682552asd | Username = lukillas123 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
0oIKOMAo0 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228466712 | Country = esp | NickName =
0oIKOMAo0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
segconta165:mail12 | Username = segconta165 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1e6e2311b8047c | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33975856 | Country = rou | NickName =
IS1e6e2311b8047c | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
davlacarotte:gnjy2cgn | Username = davlacarotte | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Ulsat | Level = 30 | Account ID = 35917069 | Country = rus | NickName = Ulsat |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
turiik1:turiik111 | Username = turiik1 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Tonyfast |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 202714788 | Country = usa | NickName = Tonyfast |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oshuwalker:josh4ever | Username = OshuWalker | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
OshuWalker | Level = 10 | Account ID = 2017632100141600 | Country = usa | NickName
= OshuWalker | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
kn4ir:tsan5977 | Username = Kn4ir | Tag Line = IlIl | Game Name = KnAir | Country =
twn | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
f4rh4ng:fara221232 | Username = f4rh4ng | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = gnahraf |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 2007565066850688 | Country = irq | NickName = gnahraf |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jakubczak1013:jakubek13 | Username = jakubczak1013 | Account ID = 37700900 |
Country = srb | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
davidakele111:school10 | Username = davidakele111 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1de03e00084fb1 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 25443147 | Country = bra | NickName =
IS1de03e00084fb1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
biensmarts3:workstation12 | Username = biensmarts3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a7027f00c328e69d494b | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42347765 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1a7027f00c328e69d494b | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
psikutazes2:psikuta1 | Username = psikutazes2 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS14950f63cbcba2 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33952299 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS14950f63cbcba2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
thowas971:RAYquaza12 | Username = thowas971 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
THOWAS971 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 230046813 | Country = glp | NickName =
THOWAS971 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mushrooms24759:45aelihm53 | Username = mushrooms24759 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= IS1cad3c5ddf4d02 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33959149 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1cad3c5ddf4d02 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
bdarnell12:patriots1 | Username = bdarnell12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SirLawrence12 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 237154062 | Country = chn | NickName =
SirLawrence12 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
remorceasian:I1haha4268 | Username = remorceasian | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
BestRivenNA159 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 218291780 | Country = egy | NickName =
BestRivenNA159 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
narcoleptik54:max1996 | Username = narcoleptik54 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Narcoleptik54 | Level = 107 | Account ID = 1995069609595392 | Country = fra |
NickName = Narcoleptik54 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
skibby6:VIadFOe2Oe | Username = skibby6 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Skibby6 |
Level = 8 | Account ID = 220227459 | Country = rus | NickName = Skibby6 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
luiizesp:5z3p5Rah6V | Username = luiizesp | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = LuiizEsp |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 40675583 | Country = egy | NickName = LuiizEsp |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kamisia2014:karina2014 | Username = kamisia2014 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
kamisia2014 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 216764299 | Country = usa | NickName =
kamisia2014 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
superior0123:18Agustos | Username = superior0123 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
IHate AII People | Level = 9 | Account ID = 2210153750303616 | Country = tur |
NickName = IHate AII People | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
stephiscool02:Lastres21041998 | Username = stephiscool02 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = 3JKyqKWmb7qD7DVD | Level = 4 | Account ID = 231223419 | Country = kaz |
NickName = 3JKyqKWmb7qD7DVD | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zerohite:123456lL | Username = zerohite | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ZeroHite |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 209313597 | Country = chn | NickName = ZeroHite |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
emarcondes:ee900218 | Username = emarcondes | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS170ce82de8f1f37df5792 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 35805414 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS170ce82de8f1f37df5792 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
accurox:darkwillow22 | Username = accurox | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Amazing
AccuroX | Level = 20 | Account ID = 200338454 | Country = nor | NickName = Amazing
AccuroX | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
ekatelyn:kitten92 | Username = ekatelyn | Account ID = 211196036 | Country = rus |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
e4r7e:Xtians101 | Username = E4R7E | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = E4R7E | Level = 3
| Account ID = 2719693647300416 | Country = zaf | NickName = E4R7E | EmailVerified
= False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sheltermaster:danya29082003 | Username = sheltermaster | Tag Line = 1975 | Game
Name = TupayaDeffka | Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
andjelkod63:djenko123 | Username = andjelkod63 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1b308dbd6326e7 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 28301039 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1b308dbd6326e7 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jagasdsa97:tintin10 | Username = jagasdsa97 | Account ID = 33647832 | Country = sgp
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
roman200020:a060t060 | Username = roman200020 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Roman200020new | Level = 2 | Account ID = 233127168 | Country = pol | NickName =
Roman200020new | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
alejandron1:guerrerito1 | Username = alejandron1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
XxProlongerxX | Level = 40 | Account ID = 207126253 | Country = esp | NickName =
XxProlongerxX | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pista1029:milanka0211 | Username = pista1029 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Pista1029 | Level = 25 | Account ID = 40492047 | Country = hun | NickName =
Pista1029 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
braianplaysvt12:braian12gg | Username = braianplaysvt12 | Tag Line = 6967 | Game
Name = Toji | Account ID = 2513188759570272 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = True
| Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tenshiikaros:Omer6161. | Username = TenshiIkaros | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
SKORPFANBOY | Level = 105 | Account ID = 2244167067824416 | Country = deu |
NickName = SKORPFANBOY | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
c0mpet:Harrison1!2! | Username = C0MPET | Tag Line = 2352 | Game Name = COMP |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 2707744071657408 | Country = gbr | NickName = C0MPETITIVE
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 79 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 99 | Skins = [, Reaver
Vandal, , Prime//2.0 Phantom, , , , , Artisan Ghost, Ion Sheriff, , , , , , , ] |
Checked = Yes
hullahbaloo:umsure*7 | Username = hullahbaloo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
hullahbaloo | Level = 1 | Account ID = 236655408 | Country = hrv | NickName =
hullahbaloo | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
foldron2015:rpmss123 | Username = foldron2015 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
QuickStrike Qc | Level = 47 | Account ID = 227754017 | Country = can | NickName =
QuickStrike Qc | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
billywurloo:winfeild1 | Username = billywurloo | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
Thebackhand | Level = 12 | Account ID = 201514553 | Country = aus | NickName =
Thebackhand | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
johnwirt2:kamehameha123 | Username = johnwirt2 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
PlayboyJohnxzxzx | Level = 20 | Account ID = 201735212 | Country = mys | NickName =
PlayboyJohnxzxzx | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ruehatrit:d11072537 | Username = ruehatrit | Tag Line = 5722 | Game Name = PKLIGHT
| Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
engoo67:passwort123 | Username = engoo67 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = engoo67 |
Level = 13 | Account ID = 1994414323610208 | Country = deu | NickName = engoo67 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
myura111:123456789a | Username = myura111 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = Prisonal |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 208706971 | Country = tur | NickName = Prisonal |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rakathun1:Jamesjr22 | Username = Rakathun1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Little
Skittle | Level = 1 | Account ID = 231960912 | Country = usa | NickName = Little
Skittle | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ferdaiars0:4k2qrso4v | Username = ferdaiars0 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Crampet
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 2180659758576480 | Country = tur | NickName = Crampet |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kupcuelo:wypadek13 | Username = kupcuelo | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Kupcux |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 216958139 | Country = usa | NickName = Kupcux |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
coldteaxp:y4989854 | Username = coldteaxp | Tag Line = 7323 | Game Name = Really |
Country = hkg | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
decamation:Lastres21041998 | Username = decamation | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS180318ab6153812be2be1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 49889746 | Country = can |
NickName = IS180318ab6153812be2be1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kainkhv12345:lamer123 | Username = kainkhv12345 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS12d14fb8f31205ae97f16 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 40070257 | Country = are |
NickName = IS12d14fb8f31205ae97f16 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
ominykas:creativelt1 | Username = ominykas | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
HighTimesEdittor | Level = 5 | Account ID = 23361306 | Country = rus | NickName =
HighTimesEdittor | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
adeyxz:Barcelona@23 | Username = Adeyxz | Tag Line = 6636 | Game Name = Adeyxz |
Country = mys | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rottboss:sasy1997 | Username = rottboss | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1aef1f90ed6f98 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 27464356 | Country = ind | NickName =
IS1aef1f90ed6f98 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = b- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
brooden91:taurin333 | Username = Brooden91 | Tag Line = 12312 | Game Name =
receptayyiperdog | Country = swe | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 8 | Radianite Points = 40 |
TotalRecentGames = 88 | Skins = [, Aristocrat Vandal, , Singularity
Phantom, , , , , Vendetta Ghost, Reaver Sheriff, , , , , Infantry Spectre, , Smite
Knife] | Checked = Yes
katasune12:Lastres21041998 | Username = katasune12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS185213c8c56f9e845b318 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 44855616 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS185213c8c56f9e845b318 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
frizzy1405:persona3 | Username = frizzy1405 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
lveGotAJarOfDirt | Level = 3 | Account ID = 233222167 | Country = rus | NickName =
lveGotAJarOfDirt | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lukapenk1:lukapenk1 | Username = lukapenk1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Lukasbanana | Level = 11 | Account ID = 230320941 | Country = hrv | NickName =
Lukasbanana | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
saba77752:saba77752 | Username = saba77752 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = larcraft
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 205103895 | Country = fra | NickName = larcraft |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
skilyne12:bantam123 | Username = skilyne12 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = BBQ Tim |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 30897087 | Country = ind | NickName = BBQ Tim |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
synztm:qpalwosk1 | Username = Synztm | Tag Line = 1111 | Game Name = Synz | Level =
1 | Account ID = 2678258773993248 | Country = vnm | NickName = Mdng29 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alyssamarie1322:alyssa1322 | Username = alyssamarie1322 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = alyssamarie1322 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 202296496 | Country = blr |
NickName = alyssamarie1322 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
na7mijc:pain2101 | Username = Na7MiJC | Tag Line = 8839 | Game Name = na7mijc |
Country = jpn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
10jari10:10jari10 | Username = 10jari10 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
9OrU317WGu335H6q | Level = 1 | Account ID = 24590830 | Country = vnm | NickName =
9OrU317WGu335H6q | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
nevrinoma:Ottaviano2003 | Username = Nevrinoma | Tag Line = 1413 | Game Name =
Nevrinoma | Country = est | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
tzkai88888:rthrtm1 | Username = tzkai88888 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1fded6f3ffa386b1c993b | Level = 1 | Account ID = 33661175 | Country = geo |
NickName = IS1fded6f3ffa386b1c993b | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
longgonelongo:penguin1 | Username = longgonelongo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1231f33ba520f5d94828a | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39386714 | Country = bgd |
NickName = IS1231f33ba520f5d94828a | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
juar3x:mac07mac | Username = juar3x | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Juar3x | Level =
1 | Account ID = 200737157 | Country = arg | NickName = Juar3x | EmailVerified =
False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
octavioamoreno:ha27,.-* | Username = octavioamoreno | Account ID = 1994572815755904
| Country = mex | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
quiqueass:yalosabes11 | Username = quiqueass | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = Sugar
Watermelon | Level = 248 | Account ID = 202091508 | Country = mex | NickName =
Sugar Watermelon | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
adraf44:wiedzmin86 | Username = adraf44 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Heimmma |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 212088371 | Country = pol | NickName = Heimmma |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yupyup77:123qwe | Username = yupyup77 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e7c029e69f3967d1f7bc | Level = 5 | Account ID = 45173429 | Country = ind |
NickName = IS1e7c029e69f3967d1f7bc | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
adonisvs55:filhodaputa1 | Username = adonisvs55 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
adonisvs55 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 211184734 | Country = bra | NickName =
adonisvs55 | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
loralynn86:alysaalysa5 | Username = loralynn86 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1bd5484c30c2cfd5828f0 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46165227 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1bd5484c30c2cfd5828f0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
maceusss:Marc0907kata | Username = Maceusss | Tag Line = 8027 | Game Name =
Maceusss | Country = deu | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hhaaiirryy88:13aframe | Username = hhaaiirryy88 | Account ID = 243678385 | Country
= col | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
schraube100:Google13.05 | Username = schraube100 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
NoLoseOfDrago | Level = 6 | Account ID = 201269171 | Country = deu | NickName =
NoLoseOfDrago | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrshinypants131:WV07ayPuOB | Username = mrshinypants131 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = IS1849cd30e72ed71e5a57d | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40536376 | Country = bol
| NickName = IS1849cd30e72ed71e5a57d | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
seventhday7:iwantyou07 | Username = seventhday7 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS11bfbb35c878d08e9cce3 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39266881 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS11bfbb35c878d08e9cce3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
viktors177:esmilu247 | Username = viktors177 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS103162dbc7bdc8 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35212174 | Country = lva | NickName =
IS103162dbc7bdc8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mattc1221:Lastres21041998 | Username = mattc1221 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Matthewc1221 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 214696973 | Country = nld | NickName =
Matthewc1221 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
875696560:tianheiLE8023 | Username = 875696560 | Tag Line = 7103 | Game Name =
PopZnG | Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ggkkarry:gusrud85 | Username = ggkkarry | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = GGKKarry |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 208846088 | Country = kor | NickName = GGKKarry |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dobbi1999:lala2112 | Username = dobbi1999 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = f9a859a2-
f789-4979-9ec3-29be5e093e9e | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32577491 | Country = idn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vxcvsdv152:qwertz18 | Username = vxcvsdv152 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS16e074d84a0c85 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33831126 | Country = ind | NickName =
IS16e074d84a0c85 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kaz135:Lastres21041998 | Username = kaz135 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS12b797bc0c9926c0b0ea8 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 34455041 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS12b797bc0c9926c0b0ea8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zufall132:jogo7945 | Username = zufall132 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Ctedarerdio | Level = 10 | Account ID = 216393918 | Country = deu | NickName =
Ctedarerdio | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
n3kros1s:Lastres21041998 | Username = n3kros1s | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Koksnot | Level = 1 | Account ID = 232642216 | Country = chn | NickName = Koksnot |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gimml98:Scweinchen7 | Username = gimml98 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = BangC |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 200292809 | Country = deu | NickName = BangC |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tapa7543kakatoe:Tapa7543Kakatoe1 | Username = tapa7543kakatoe | Tag Line = EUW |
Game Name = Tapa7543Kakatoe | Level = 10 | Account ID = 217316160 | Country = mar |
NickName = Tapa7543Kakatoe | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
neutreange:Niahniah666 | Username = neutreange | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
villaid | Level = 57 | Account ID = 219127576 | Country = srb | NickName = villaid
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hadelles55:incllora0 | Username = hadelles55 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = kA
SanJaR | Level = 6 | Account ID = 203347913 | Country = tur | NickName = kA SanJaR
| EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
momoclubiste:momom3alem | Username = momoclubiste | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS120a1d545d85fef7e05d9 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 33166709 | Country = gbr |
NickName = IS120a1d545d85fef7e05d9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kevinlui427:kl123123 | Username = kevinlui427 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ProSlayerKEVIN | Level = 5 | Account ID = 231243536 | Country = chn | NickName =
ProSlayerKEVIN | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vembercantuba12:ghenamae11 | Username = vembercantuba12 | Account ID = 209660165 |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
averylostmonkey:lucozade123 | Username = averylostmonkey | Account ID = 207907508 |
Country = cze | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
halokyon:Lastres21041998 | Username = halokyon | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
halokyon | Level = 1 | Account ID = 202960515 | Country = mex | NickName = halokyon
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
littlelibellule:Spyder33 | Username = littlelibellule | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= LittleLibellule | Level = 10 | Account ID = 214257742 | Country = usa | NickName
= LittleLibellule | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
larsnotfound:Lars2006 | Username = LarsNotFound | Tag Line = 1993 | Game Name =
LarsNotFound | Country = nld | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
smiteme69:december2001 | Username = smiteme69 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Smiteme69 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 207734601 | Country = gbr | NickName =
Smiteme69 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
neitomaticlol2113:neitomatic1 | Username = neitomaticlol2113 | Account ID =
34084425 | Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
liabilityissues:Stratocaster1234 | Username = liabilityissues | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = LiabilityIssues | Level = 5 | Account ID = 220798899 | Country = usa |
NickName = LiabilityIssues | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xxxarielxxx1:xxxarielxxx1 | Username = xxxarielxxx1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
xxxArielxxx1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 210153099 | Country = arm | NickName =
xxxArielxxx1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dfhtyui23135:123123123q | Username = dfhtyui23135 | Account ID = 34619899 | Country
= chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ecrenalniak:ecren2007 | Username = EcrenAlniak | Tag Line = 5463 | Game Name =
EcrenAlniak | Country = tur | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
gosha8310:gio19831025 | Username = gosha8310 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Dant3s
| Level = 97 | Account ID = 201009081 | Country = geo | NickName = Dant3s |
EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tctv2002:tctv2613 | Username = tctv2002 | Tag Line = 4647 | Game Name = ???? |
Country = twn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
felipeab01:joo147852 | Username = Felipeab01 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Iury de
zed | Level = 9 | Account ID = 2501961548359296 | Country = bra | NickName = Iury
de zed | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kajea07:goddns1 | Username = kajea07 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS143ca44253ea1c502203f | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40281244 | Country = yem |
NickName = IS143ca44253ea1c502203f | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jbskullz:oscys2002 | Username = JBskullz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = JBskullz |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2215165592548256 | Country = gbr | NickName = JBskullz |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chicchi11:chicchi11 | Username = Chicchi11 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Chicchi11
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 1988464306008608 | Country = ita | NickName = Chicchi11
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bavannkil:bavannkil223 | Username = bavannkil | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1410dcec20e7ff | Level = 1 | Account ID = 27361199 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1410dcec20e7ff | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
952246720:33441314z | Username = 952246720 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = 52Hertz
online | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2595831987750336 | Country = hkg | NickName =
52Hertz online | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
drakedragon451:Serpent451 | Username = DrakeDragon451 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= DrakeDragon451 | Level = 25 | Account ID = 2384767135011776 | Country = deu |
NickName = DrakeDragon451 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames
= 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
babaw1012:aa9834941 | Username = babaw1012 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = babaw1012
| Level = 9 | Account ID = 51189133 | Country = usa | NickName = babaw1012 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
niksa99:toske991 | Username = niksa99 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = BoTiNa023 |
Level = 9 | Account ID = 32269550 | Country = srb | NickName = BoTiNa023 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
higotron:Miculoentucara1 | Username = higotron | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Higotron | Level = 14 | Account ID = 229526645 | Country = esp | NickName =
Higotron | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
ahrunben:547896321asd | Username = ahrunben | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = Lenkt |
Level = 308 | Account ID = 2246809827864736 | Country = tur | NickName = Lenkt |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 160 | TotalRecentGames = 89 | Skins = [POLYfrog
Ares, Nitro Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, Artisan Phantom, Varnish Judge, Artisan Bucky,
Lightwave Frenzy, Prism III Classic, Artisan Ghost, Varnish Sheriff, , Nitro
Operator, Nitro Guardian, Artisan Marshal, POLYfrog Spectre, Varnish Stinger,
Artisan Foil] | Checked = Yes
kp198918:kaktuspo1! | Username = kp198918 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Blutgott
Khorne | Level = 3 | Account ID = 205891250 | Country = hkg | NickName = Blutgott
Khorne | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nbizzle:Moltres1 | Username = nbizzle | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Nbilcliffe |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 181606 | Country = srb | NickName = Nbilcliffe |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
abalucard0:maio1992 | Username = abalucard0 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
xXxTitanBladexXx | Level = 5 | Account ID = 204964567 | Country = bra | NickName =
xXxTitanBladexXx | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tfhype:Takeit20 | Username = tfhype | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Brazowy Kolosus
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 238533287 | Country = pol | NickName = Brazowy Kolosus |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gabeydebaby:12Eastcote | Username = GabeyDeBaby | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
GabeyDeBaby | Level = 92 | Account ID = 2431879534432352 | Country = gbr | NickName
= GabeyDeBaby | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 180 | Radianite Points = 5 |
TotalRecentGames = 7 | Skins = [, Prime Vandal, Couture Bulldog, , , Kingdom Bucky,
, Prime Classic, , , , , Prime Guardian, Couture Marshal, Prime Spectre, Couture
Stinger, Prime Axe] | Checked = Yes
mostafashokry2222:mostafaKING2462002 | Username = mostafashokry2222 | Tag Line =
EUNE | Game Name = Prof Mechatro | Level = 21 | Account ID = 2771452569962368 |
Country = egy | NickName = Prof Mechatro | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wojos40:wiezyczka123 | Username = wojos40 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1c33a05c0ea6cd | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33789541 | Country = pol | NickName =
IS1c33a05c0ea6cd | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
silverliuxy:huanke1001 | Username = silverliuxy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
1AshesOfAlar1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 227841026 | Country = sgp | NickName =
1AshesOfAlar1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
belerprince:makina123 | Username = belerprince | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
XxBelAirxX | Level = 7 | Account ID = 232020461 | Country = esp | NickName =
XxBelAirxX | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
joandre1922:saintsrow4 | Username = joandre1922 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
be24d24b-5761-4c96-acd0-0121ceb96bdd | Level = 1 | Account ID = 1970414091594464 |
Country = col | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ondermaats:Wouter100 | Username = ondermaats | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Ondermaats | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2048842449752320 | Country = bel | NickName =
Ondermaats | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
bomberaf2:tradewinds1 | Username = bomberaf2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Electrodom | Level = 8 | Account ID = 216225295 | Country = kaz | NickName =
Electrodom | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
goalerzz:EinFisch123 | Username = Goalerzz | Tag Line = 9558 | Game Name = Goaler |
Country = deu | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
tobinski409:Sauerbarten8 | Username = Tobinski409 | Tag Line = 9562 | Game Name =
Tobinski | Country = deu | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
bin6393:71093quf | Username = bin6393 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = leesoobin |
Level = 8 | Account ID = 2046595228388832 | Country = kor | NickName = leesoobin |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tshad06:thomasmette2006 | Username = tshad06 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
b0157d6c-4766-4e5c-a36e-4d7dea6c7790 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2582627409307296 |
Country = fra | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
silveredmoon:Lastres21041998 | Username = silveredmoon | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= silveredmoon | Level = 7 | Account ID = 205149400 | Country = aus | NickName =
silveredmoon | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
olebmw14:333631321i | Username = olebmw14 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS13613bc85dfdc6 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28020632 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS13613bc85dfdc6 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cfalla66:catfish1 | Username = cfalla66 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1292e2988cf632b294af4 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46648826 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1292e2988cf632b294af4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jcole1229:socks1 | Username = jcole1229 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
newnickname321 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 394911 | Country = chn | NickName =
newnickname321 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
martines06:Eriksnincak1996 | Username = martines06 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Atlexar | Level = 6 | Account ID = 23559904 | Country = mys | NickName = Atlexar |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
slavaskk :slava16200002 | Username = slavaskk | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
slavaskk | Level = 7 | Account ID = 2329071266517312 | Country = ukr | NickName =
slavaskk | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maxxu555:superstar1 | Username = maxxu555 | Account ID = 38266399 | Country = ukr |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alvarox0125:teamo101010 | Username = alvarox0125 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
alvarox012 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2426971330365024 | Country = cri | NickName =
alvarox012 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
amenziax3:Kaulitz1 | Username = amenziax3 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Amenzia |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2103415531336480 | Country = deu | NickName = Amenzia |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gyobu11:spierdalaj2 | Username = gyobu11 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS12da9c584061ca | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30957765 | Country = bra | NickName =
IS12da9c584061ca | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thegreekgeek97:Hotstuff32 | Username = thegreekgeek97 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= TheGreekGeek97 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 234166220 | Country = usa | NickName =
TheGreekGeek97 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ghastinskull:R0ykd068! | Username = ghastinskull | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
GhastinSkull | Level = 7 | Account ID = 243973041 | Country = rus | NickName =
GhastinSkull | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
comradeikekc:starwars97 | Username = comradeikekc | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ComradeIkeKC | Level = 2 | Account ID = 226332578 | Country = chn | NickName =
ComradeIkeKC | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gastondangelo:pelusa123 | Username = gastondangelo | Account ID = 201432740 |
Country = pri | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = gaston- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
lucasitaliano4:lucas123 | Username = lucasitaliano4 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Lucas Italiano | Level = 283 | Account ID = 2147960546609408 | Country = bra |
NickName = Lucas Italiano | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dominik90473:254378790473dS | Username = dominik90473 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= Domi90473 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 208544520 | Country = chn | NickName =
Domi90473 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zend2259:daniel2259 | Username = zend2259 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IIlIlllIIllIIIl | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2138031060298976 | Country = aus |
NickName = IIlIlllIIllIIIl | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
baltirion:lucas86510 | Username = baltirion | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Le
géométre | Level = 2 | Account ID = 234817360 | Country = fra | NickName = Le
géométre | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jazetod:Lastres21041998 | Username = jazetod | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Jaze
Tod | Level = 3 | Account ID = 212530162 | Country = usa | NickName = Jaze Tod |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
koekang:dyas3101 | Username = Koekang | Tag Line = 9910 | Game Name = Koekang |
Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shadtaba123:*qXwu$m4j4 | Username = shadtaba123 | Account ID = 241703284 | Country
= mkd | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
avi094:Hamilton094 | Username = avi094 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Hoes Master |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 217704923 | Country = usa | NickName = Hoes Master |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
praths:Praths123 | Username = praths | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Praths | Level
= 29 | Account ID = 240407012 | Country = usa | NickName = Praths | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
skidmark07:Surebob1 | Username = Skidmark07 | Tag Line = 9815 | Game Name =
Skidmark07 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lukimaniac2002:lukas2002 | Username = lukimaniac2002 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ZweiGraueBüsche | Level = 47 | Account ID = 2015566947684576 | Country = aut |
NickName = ZweiGraueBüsche | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
cresentv5:ry4nphil3 | Username = cresentv5 | Account ID = 208654399 | Country = mys
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kazaeizo1234:N4vax3abb | Username = kazaeizo1234 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = L9
Schabowe | Level = 12 | Account ID = 2103799624938272 | Country = pol | NickName =
L9 Schabowe | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
odzio11:0XhcM387ij | Username = odzio11 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = GodOfLosers
| Level = 9 | Account ID = 225501785 | Country = geo | NickName = GodOfLosers |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hung2563:hung2109 | Username = hung2563 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = We Got Thïs
| Level = 9 | Account ID = 2428601101946272 | Country = vnm | NickName = We Got
Thïs | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
muggler2k:d3m0nd4y | Username = muggler2k | Account ID = 213295408 | Country = rus
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lenovo731:hangover1 | Username = lenovo731 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1c68909f3b1a05 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 38170255 | Country = deu | NickName =
IS1c68909f3b1a05 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
smurfxviii:formidon1 | Username = smurfxviii | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS149b74ee0f5a3c3281e9f | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39873028 | Country = egy |
NickName = IS149b74ee0f5a3c3281e9f | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
spartan289tc:spartan289 | Username = spartan289tc | Account ID = 215212609 |
Country = kaz | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
femacaca1:Lastres21041998 | Username = femacaca1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1108092d9f1cee7f26f95 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 35857594 | Country = chl |
NickName = IS1108092d9f1cee7f26f95 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
cyborgburger:LakersKobe2 | Username = cyborgburger | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
CyborgBurger | Level = 5 | Account ID = 237172483 | Country = usa | NickName =
CyborgBurger | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ybkelvin:k21038989 | Username = ybkelvin | Account ID = 2141505042230496 | Country
= mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
to4ka7771:Solo322solo2 | Username = to4ka7771 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
Varanbot | Level = 5 | Account ID = 201396123 | Country = rus | NickName = Varanbot
| EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sergmaster17:Bigguy1997 | Username = sergmaster17 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SergMaster17 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 245874353 | Country = usa | NickName =
SergMaster17 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
karcol10:laptop1 | Username = karcol10 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = JerryM |
Level = 31 | Account ID = 41534436 | Country = pol | NickName = JerryM |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lfx359386714:lifengxian00 | Username = lfx359386714 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
lifengxian | Level = 2 | Account ID = 204483181 | Country = kor | NickName =
lifengxian | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tehfreakincald65:gogogo99 | Username = tehfreakincald65 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = IS1718e29204ee29 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32286392 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1718e29204ee29 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
xlikeaboszx:2tmfbuddys | Username = xlikeaboszx | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
xlikeaboszx | Level = 6 | Account ID = 205777158 | Country = nld | NickName =
xlikeaboszx | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fredericgames:legolas6 | Username = fredericgames | Account ID = 211570651 |
Country = tun | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kaizentzu1:Kosmosback37 | Username = kaizentzu1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
KaizenTzu | Level = 33 | Account ID = 33239099 | Country = arg | NickName =
KaizenTzu | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
conkusion:Dsan2690 | Username = conkusion | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Conkusion26 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 247069132 | Country = usa | NickName =
Conkusion26 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
proms999:ssms9964 | Username = proms999 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
JUSTICEDEMANDS | Level = 4 | Account ID = 223081598 | Country = swe | NickName =
JUSTICEDEMANDS | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
aggiegal:pianos2979 | Username = aggiegal | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS168fd3cb6b34ce1e928f8 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 37094594 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS168fd3cb6b34ce1e928f8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fedepaps35:fede1234 | Username = fedepaps35 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
a0d04ab1-fd48-4df2-b5c6-192c2759844b | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2134835375434080 |
Country = arg | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
xyz1332085735:Yang037511 | Username = xyz1332085735 | Country = chn | EmailVerified
= False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xkill3rang3lx:Killerangel6 | Username = xKill3rAng3lx | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= xKill3rAng3lx | Level = 18 | Account ID = 2622573264045600 | Country = usa |
NickName = xKill3rAng3lx | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
99kinggyulian99:Nicolae2002 | Username = 99kinggyulian99 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = 99kinggyulian99 | Level = 18 | Account ID = 2422391604401056 | Country = bel
| NickName = 99kinggyulian99 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
reon1247:1q2w3e | Username = reon1247 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a496a6ffcdc29bb01443 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 41204991 | Country = tha |
NickName = IS1a496a6ffcdc29bb01443 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
wergil1331:wergil3113 | Username = wergil1331 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
717a04e2-4c4d-41a6-9d81-7c3fb3d50ed0 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 212164828 | Country
= rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zergzzangzle:alfls11 | Username = zergzzangzle | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
CastleSTORM | Level = 3 | Account ID = 200682176 | Country = kor | NickName =
CastleSTORM | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
driver2g:FN3KeSBeAV | Username = driver2g | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Driver2g |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 218937694 | Country = are | NickName = Driver2g |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kytfirst:sksk1103 | Username = kytfirst | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = shere1 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 33483758 | Country = ind | NickName = shere1 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tayymaris:keyblade101 | Username = Tayymaris | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Lan er
gege | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2424972851341056 | Country = usa | NickName = Lan
er gege | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jonasbirkelund:usn67ujg | Username = jonasbirkelund | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Jones VanillaIce | Level = 1 | Account ID = 29022325 | Country = chn | NickName =
Jones VanillaIce | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
srcavanagh:2xIahSIe | Username = Srcavanagh | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
ElGrandot | Level = 22 | Account ID = 2443001081972832 | Country = arg | NickName =
ElGrandot | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bro701117:Cody3615 | Username = bro701117 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Bro701117
| Level = 56 | Account ID = 201190021 | Country = gbr | NickName = Bro701117 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
toasterstrudl:Ayylmao123! | Username = toasterstrudl | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Tøašt | Level = 30 | Account ID = 227763702 | Country = usa | NickName = Tøašt |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrkiller5677:master123 | Username = mrkiller5677 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Zuriuz | Level = 1 | Account ID = 216763255 | Country = srb | NickName = Zuriuz |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ether790:259petee790 | Username = ether790 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Ether790
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 233662734 | Country = kaz | NickName = Ether790 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vanserd:zatzer147 | Username = vanserd | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Vanserd |
Level = 43 | Account ID = 33089736 | Country = bel | NickName = Vanserd |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 150 | Radianite Points = 190 | TotalRecentGames = 6 | Skins = [,
dot EXE Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom, dot EXE Judge, Kingdom Bucky,
Couture Frenzy, , dot EXE Ghost, , , , , Couture Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Couture
Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
keresztes09:istvan1996 | Username = keresztes09 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS16d0eb93d94ee3 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 33428432 | Country = bgr | NickName =
IS16d0eb93d94ee3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
noob1234568:helle123 | Username = noob1234568 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS110bcb97c1ee33 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33968913 | Country = kor | NickName =
IS110bcb97c1ee33 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
skcjaqk:dkrnahs123 | Username = skcjaqk | Tag Line = 10233 | Game Name = FLAGGED
68400037 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204438722 | Country = kor | NickName = boziman9
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
msarabaci:msa5825175 | Username = msarabaci | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = emies |
Level = 459 | Account ID = 25839680 | Country = tur | NickName = emies |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ferrignolc:k85326141 | Username = ferrignolc | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
HulkSmash42 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 230689717 | Country = moz | NickName =
HulkSmash42 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
loewebe3:Lastres21041998 | Username = loewebe3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1db59acc179c18abefcb2 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 42404189 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS1db59acc179c18abefcb2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ppoooopp11:132qew132qew | Username = ppoooopp11 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
haXKfdJ2ZL | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200947475 | Country = tur | NickName =
haXKfdJ2ZL | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ozenecuri:ozenecuri43 | Username = ozenecuri | Account ID = 200870300 | Country =
bra | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
raterkun:Lastres21041998 | Username = raterkun | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS126336d4027cf70f1cf8d | Level = 2 | Account ID = 36274507 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS126336d4027cf70f1cf8d | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xtremeboy6:xtreme144090 | Username = xtremeboy6 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
XTrEmE66 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38607799 | Country = bgr | NickName = XTrEmE66
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
huangpeiyao123:huangpeiyao123 | Username = huangpeiyao123 | Tag Line = 2979 | Game
Name = gcdddd | Account ID = 2583507027469536 | Country = jpn | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gioman115:Diamondrose310 | Username = gioman115 | Account ID = 2234634925853568 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
deatonshane08:Jmc20091! | Username = deatonshane08 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
urgotmudknot | Level = 20 | Account ID = 2186612661618976 | Country = usa |
NickName = urgotmudknot | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
laismaruyama:barbie2011 | Username = laismaruyama | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
laruy danzo | Level = 9 | Account ID = 2157089371318496 | Country = bra | NickName
= laruy danzo | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
maksimillan:5467890w | Username = maksimillan | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
maksimillan | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204012147 | Country = chn | NickName =
maksimillan | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email =
badanworldmiks@gmail.comm | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
sky1x3:mallemangoxr123 | Username = SKY1X3 | Country = swe | EmailVerified = False
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
x2haha:klu3124856 | Username = x2haha | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = M0BlUS | Level
= 2 | Account ID = 233079133 | Country = usa | NickName = M0BlUS | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mafiotul98:bucuresti2011 | Username = mafiotul98 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Cyborg Spiders | Level = 3 | Account ID = 201946304 | Country = rou | NickName =
Cyborg Spiders | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
coontraluis2:Osolemio1 | Username = coontraluis2 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
coontraluis2 | Level = 296 | Account ID = 205872738 | Country = usa | NickName =
coontraluis2 | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mosaabdo:MrZer0@Mosa | Username = MosaAbdo | Account ID = 2700582257869888 |
Country = egy | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mariofvg12:159m357o | Username = mariofvg12 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = mariofvg
| Level = 11 | Account ID = 2161569847273856 | Country = mex | NickName = mariofvg
| EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ejavent:vtx1800c | Username = ejavent | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ENMEN | Level
= 5 | Account ID = 216945823 | Country = ind | NickName = ENMEN | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
niedtjosh:accord2 | Username = niedtjosh | Account ID = 32576485 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
proudlylit:Pipito77 | Username = proudlylit | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ProudlyLit | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2069515680360608 | Country = usa | NickName =
ProudlyLit | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vandalgh9:Vandalgh9 | Username = Vandalgh9 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Vandalgh9 | Level = 11 | Account ID = 2418312179421728 | Country = rou | NickName =
Vandalgh9 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
q4125988993:asd12345 | Username = q4125988993 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
XBILLXppp | Level = 2 | Account ID = 234617816 | Country = chn | NickName =
XBILLXppp | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
terramoto1990:rajhkeem09 | Username = terramoto1990 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Terramoto | Level = 1 | Account ID = 231654250 | Country = nga | NickName =
Terramoto | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
meatball438:ZXCV748596 | Username = meatball438 | Account ID = 50821864 | Country =
bra | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
adriennejohnson6:raven42088! | Username = adriennejohnson6 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Rocket Pig Pro | Level = 12 | Account ID = 43889650 | Country = tur |
NickName = Rocket Pig Pro | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
daswingnut:Milkiss007 | Username = DasWingNut | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
DasWingNut | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2645459780166688 | Country = usa | NickName =
DasWingNut | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gsabatie:Rz43SCn0t4 | Username = gsabatie | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
RyuTheBadGui | Level = 1 | Account ID = 208924898 | Country = lao | NickName =
RyuTheBadGui | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
1239211702:a13971616987 | Username = 1239211702 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name
= ????? | Level = 22 | Account ID = 200481585 | Country = arg | NickName = ????? |
EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
valzito9:val123 | Username = valzito9 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS12542e8ba6eabb51cec9a | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38915092 | Country = jor |
NickName = IS12542e8ba6eabb51cec9a | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
agala1:paella07 | Username = agala1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Agalada | Level
= 27 | Account ID = 239648016 | Country = mys | NickName = Agalada | EmailVerified
= True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ltppotter:Daisy4 | Username = ltppotter | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = LtpPotter |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 226815082 | Country = usa | NickName = LtpPotter |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
darkwariorz12:kikoulol1 | Username = darkwariorz12 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Minho The God | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204653103 | Country = fra | NickName =
Minho The God | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
begonecraft@gmail.Com | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
relixyou5:Romina380 | Username = Relixyou5 | Country = mex | EmailVerified = False
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ens1s:l2azarosl2 | Username = ens1s | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1074141574de12 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 37778594 | Country = kgz | NickName =
IS1074141574de12 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
goder9:ip3500 | Username = goder9 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Dimond1414 | Level
= 5 | Account ID = 201177660 | Country = ukr | NickName = Dimond1414 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
acxo24:FRAnce17!! | Username = acxo24 | Tag Line = 2405 | Game Name =
CompaIsDangerous | Level = 6 | Account ID = 230136252 | Country = ita | NickName =
Acxo24 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
blakkan99:blakkan123 | Username = blakkan99 | Tag Line = 8120 | Game Name = G D |
Country = tur | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
k4t4r4m3nos:ll6947955683 | Username = k4t4r4m3nos | Account ID = 27244951 | Country
= chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fiemavishek:chattuonline007 | Username = fiemavishek | Tag Line = 3421 | Game Name
= QxT | Country = ind | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kingofarena1st:Awmmaulanh123 | Username = KingOfArena1ST | Tag Line = 1523 | Game
Name = KingOfArena1ST | Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
cachusya32:12qwaszx | Username = cachusya32 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS10f6669c088f31290b4a0 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42564453 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS10f6669c088f31290b4a0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
swagiboii:060197m | Username = swagiboii | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS187a0549f0c35c | Level = 2 | Account ID = 33899373 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS187a0549f0c35c | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mishabkb:Vfirflehjxrf1 | Username = mishabkb | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1d97f98d948a7b | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30372078 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1d97f98d948a7b | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xshurya:Kaname070694 | Username = xshurya | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = xShurya |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 200162380 | Country = bra | NickName = xShurya |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
awakeningss:kenji10only | Username = awakeningss | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Awakeningss | Level = 4 | Account ID = 247405338 | Country = rus | NickName =
Awakeningss | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
enzopietro01:enzopietro10 | Username = enzopietro01 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
IS10d006ca5e6147 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 978272 | Country = rus | NickName =
IS10d006ca5e6147 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zerokid14:Szarszar5 | Username = ZeroKid14 | Tag Line = 3267 | Game Name = Rolikaaa
| Level = 8 | Account ID = 2690927814706752 | Country = rou | NickName = Rolikaaaxd
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 25 | Radianite Points = 140 | TotalRecentGames = 94 | Skins = [Jigsaw Ares,
K/TAC Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, , Jigsaw Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch Frenzy,
FIRE/arm Classic, Artisan Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, K/TAC Operator,
Jigsaw Guardian, Monarch Marshal, , , K/TAC Blade] | Checked = Yes
shanakiakari:Lastres21041998 | Username = shanakiakari | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= IS15967ce1e7bff50c50e57 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 46977797 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS15967ce1e7bff50c50e57 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ghilan3:GHILAN3 | Username = ghilan3 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = GHILAN3 | Level
= 7 | Account ID = 205732367 | Country = deu | NickName = GHILAN3 | EmailVerified =
True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mushrooms54911:45aelihm53 | Username = mushrooms54911 | Account ID = 33384159 |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
dainover:GDL1667de | Username = Dainover | Tag Line = 7716 | Game Name = Dainover |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mark110387:sk300489 | Username = mark110387 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Panthoes
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 204183134 | Country = arg | NickName = Panthoes |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
loginiasz007:conamore400 | Username = loginiasz007 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
922c3551-c34c-4f7b-9943-1320b80167e4 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 31346172 | Country
= idn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = loginiasz00@wp.pll |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tarajedi122:15792368a | Username = tarajedi122 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
LoveSart | Level = 10 | Account ID = 205091671 | Country = tur | NickName =
LoveSart | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
nicoteen88:Kollega1@ | Username = nicoteen88 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
Nicoteen88 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 204849986 | Country = rus | NickName =
Nicoteen88 | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
lordamere6:robert05 | Username = lordamere6 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Tarkosse
| Level = 8 | Account ID = 30945776 | Country = fra | NickName = Tarkosse |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
final1201:Bilbao1201 | Username = final1201 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
final1201 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2458796724503712 | Country = esp | NickName =
final1201 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 175 | Radianite Points = 390 | TotalRecentGames = 38 | Skins =
[Outpost Ares, Wasteland Vandal, POLYfox Bulldog, Infinity Phantom, Outpost Judge,
Aerosol Bucky, , Red Alert Classic, Outpost Ghost, Death Wish Sheriff, Aerosol
Shorty, Red Alert Operator, Infinity Guardian, , Hivemind Spectre, Red Alert
Stinger, Outpost Melee] | Checked = Yes
mrtoyfreddy:Lastres21041998 | Username = mrtoyfreddy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
MrToyFreddy | Level = 1 | Account ID = 245431268 | Country = deu | NickName =
MrToyFreddy | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
iazoozxking:azozcraft11 | Username = iazoozxking | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
iAZOOZXKING | Level = 8 | Account ID = 213381127 | Country = sau | NickName =
iAZOOZXKING | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zjlxhscjp:8300359asd | Username = zjlxhscjp | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
xuchanhua | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2426739266751808 | Country = npl | NickName =
xuchanhua | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kwasniewa94:Kwasniak23 | Username = kwasniewa94 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Kwasniewa94 | Level = 32 | Account ID = 217312361 | Country = pol | NickName =
Kwasniewa94 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 3 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
sosen9999:cib5y383 | Username = sosen9999 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Hosenitos
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 203321906 | Country = nld | NickName = Hosenitos |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
azlte99:maquilene123 | Username = azlte99 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
TigraoDoMal | Level = 12 | Account ID = 220595535 | Country = bra | NickName =
TigraoDoMal | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
petixdiablo:timetokill1 | Username = petixdiablo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Petixdiablo | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2160810657911232 | Country = gbr | NickName
= Petixdiablo | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
waasiki:Domin081 | Username = waasiki | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = waasiki |
Level = 8 | Account ID = 231760863 | Country = pol | NickName = waasiki |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
abyss0610:hyfhzy123 | Username = abyss0610 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = zy991 |
Level = 8 | Account ID = 48938594 | Country = chn | NickName = zy991 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
iecait2:ranger87 | Username = iecait2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = NickSpigger |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 210461356 | Country = usa | NickName = NickSpigger |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dillonadam11:tgvtn436vx | Username = dillonadam11 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
SonOfTheDog | Level = 2 | Account ID = 209582258 | Country = gbr | NickName =
SonOfTheDog | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
repu11:vaughn7515 | Username = repu11 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1c0fe39c4b910e | Level = 5 | Account ID = 27022034 | Country = idn | NickName =
IS1c0fe39c4b910e | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gem8836:jackie88 | Username = gem8836 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS15f33ada1b9d100a331cf | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42136881 | Country = rus |
NickName = IS15f33ada1b9d100a331cf | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
magicproch:Kieles900 | Username = magicproch | Account ID = 2134638950789824 |
Country = gbr | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bent272:486245pavel | Username = bent272 | Account ID = 46190263 | Country = ind |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chezzzer10:Gertoman12 | Username = chezzzer10 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1abd90e3cb1084 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35352334 | Country = nld | NickName =
IS1abd90e3cb1084 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mangirdas29:lopas123 | Username = mangirdas29 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1d17fed0d00f7e | Level = 1 | Account ID = 25312551 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1d17fed0d00f7e | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rpa280502:jjpacaralibro02 | Username = rpa280502 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
RPA2805xd | Level = 5 | Account ID = 208747957 | Country = per | NickName =
RPA2805xd | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lecterion87:Saga1987! | Username = Lecterion87 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Lecterion | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2249076549578912 | Country = ita | NickName =
Lecterion | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chocobeau13:choco1 | Username = chocobeau13 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1bc9f1ca88248ba329b74 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46281995 | Country = phl |
NickName = IS1bc9f1ca88248ba329b74 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fragyong:gksn0403* | Username = fragyong | Tag Line = KR1 | Game Name = ??? | Level
= 30 | Account ID = 7798431 | Country = kor | NickName = ??? | EmailVerified = True
| Region = KR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
baczek94pl:Amnezion123 | Username = baczek94pl | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
BaczeK94 | Level = 30 | Account ID = 35914421 | Country = gbr | NickName = BaczeK94
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gorillazogaming:eagles1490 | Username = gorillazogaming | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Mastery 7 Zyra | Level = 30 | Account ID = 233920524 | Country = usa |
NickName = Mastery 7 Zyra | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
korriton:Flickr150! | Username = korriton | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Korriton |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 39479547 | Country = rus | NickName = Korriton |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
200iqfool:Eclavier310801 | Username = 200iqfool | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 200
IQ Fool | Level = 8 | Account ID = 236723943 | Country = nld | NickName = 200 IQ
Fool | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wasserkobb7371:hallo7371 | Username = wasserkobb7371 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Grüss Gott | Level = 5 | Account ID = 209317759 | Country = ukr | NickName = Grüss
Gott | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
andrebraun99:fanfan99 | Username = andrebraun99 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
tyson1337 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 209215633 | Country = chn | NickName =
tyson1337 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kiltherlumina:Tutaneo95 | Username = KiltherLumina | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Kilther | Level = 17 | Account ID = 2480575359698240 | Country = esp | NickName =
Kilther | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
antonio0064:Antonio0064 | Username = Antonio0064 | Tag Line = 9883 | Game Name =
Antonio0064 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 2712787251463776 | Country = ita | NickName
= Anto0Kun | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
eddieringnell:applepie123 | Username = eddieringnell | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= fjantfarsan | Level = 1 | Account ID = 25513872 | Country = bra | NickName =
fjantfarsan | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
chungws10:wjdtmdgh123 | Username = chungws10 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Dedicated Suppor | Level = 1 | Account ID = 208117810 | Country = usa | NickName =
Dedicated Suppor | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
contrazyon:123asdasd | Username = contrazyon | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
Zhralksx | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2073464319480320 | Country = tur | NickName =
Zhralksx | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
icekush2dope:sasuke-=0 | Username = IceKush2Dope | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Kush2Dope | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2651460637582688 | Country = can | NickName =
Kush2Dope | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
piuresloko:gui99836590 | Username = piuresloko | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
GeneralGui | Level = 2 | Account ID = 202220580 | Country = bra | NickName =
GeneralGui | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
siikreaper:Killer1369! | Username = siikreaper | Tag Line = 1369 | Game Name =
SiikReaper | Level = 13 | Account ID = 203106315 | Country = usa | NickName =
SiilkReaper | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yanisnetflix:888YANISLEDBOY | Username = YanisNETFLIX | Tag Line = 3254 | Game Name
= YANISLEDBOY | Country = fra | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
pedromichel5:gzi4jtu65c | Username = pedromichel5 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS14476d61145f593027495 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40814101 | Country = rus |
NickName = IS14476d61145f593027495 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
traumala:Torre0193 | Username = traumala | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = BullShytHam
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 234029826 | Country = usa | NickName = BullShytHam |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kingadam0121:jhfant123 | Username = kingadam0121 | Tag Line = 8484 | Game Name =
kingadam0121 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2450079041997600 | Country = gbr | NickName
= kingadam0121 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
pallormortis000:Lastres21041998 | Username = pallormortis000 | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = PallorMortis000 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 43283068 | Country = usa |
NickName = PallorMortis000 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tanguy9876:Tan20010716 | Username = tanguy9876 | Account ID = 224540027 | Country =
rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
harry509:5684563M | Username = harry509 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Garsc
Szyszekx | Level = 3 | Account ID = 34968226 | Country = mys | NickName = Garsc
Szyszekx | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nick80000:nick8000 | Username = nick80000 | Tag Line = 92735 | Game Name = FLAGGED
68580450 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 232910421 | Country = bra | NickName = FLAGGED
31387075 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
petrsmrdi1234:Dosavadniheslo19 | Username = petrsmrdi1234 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = Philias | Level = 32 | Account ID = 40277275 | Country = cze | NickName =
Philias | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
bellsola2003:AbLl2003 | Username = bellsola2003 | Account ID = 2089659134429984 |
Country = esp | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
bjornegas:Blokker06! | Username = bjornegas | Tag Line = 6808 | Game Name = lil uzi
snort | Account ID = 2651727751899072 | Country = nld | EmailVerified = True |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 90 |
Radianite Points = 55 | TotalRecentGames = 77 | Skins = [, Reaver Vandal, , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
waynelim2401:Waynelim2401 | Username = waynelim2401 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
Enyawmil | Level = 16 | Account ID = 2077048583482688 | Country = sgp | NickName =
Enyawmil | EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
crichhhhwwt:ancorauno2 | Username = crichhhhwwt | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS16e049c9dd8440 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 23574773 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS16e049c9dd8440 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
addyeva:snow1268 | Username = addyeva | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Shnowzer |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 227594315 | Country = usa | NickName = Shnowzer |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sliurpis11:martoni1 | Username = sliurpis11 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS12bf0182e0faee | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30539115 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS12bf0182e0faee | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
smsohng4:Sarang1992 | Username = smsohng4 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b018a82dd8040a8b0206 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 41372929 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1b018a82dd8040a8b0206 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gearheadloco:NbPZrYdz8F | Username = gearheadloco | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Gearheadloco | Level = 1 | Account ID = 212626565 | Country = ukr | NickName =
Gearheadloco | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
briankilla15:br19ian93hl21 | Username = briankilla15 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
waPhfbe4Vr | Level = 16 | Account ID = 26377066 | Country = zaf | NickName =
waPhfbe4Vr | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
txfurious:tb102030 | Username = txfurious | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = FuriousxT
| Level = 122 | Account ID = 202783261 | Country = bra | NickName = FuriousxT |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
afrojack006:afrojack006 | Username = afrojack006 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1d2d9ab48e99e6 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30324576 | Country = idn | NickName =
IS1d2d9ab48e99e6 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
812566871:ending1993 | Username = 812566871 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
8e8e1e88-9190-430d-a47e-625f03f3ebe3 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 36942349 | Country
= chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stufftoxin:zerobarolam0 | Username = stufftoxin | Tag Line = dingg | Game Name =
bingbong | Level = 37 | Account ID = 2202127890 | Country = usa | NickName =
BangUrVsko | EmailVerified = True | Region = PBE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
hjalmar0404:hjalmar04 | Username = hjalmar0404 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ZapTheNacho | Level = 2 | Account ID = 222578877 | Country = swe | NickName =
ZapTheNacho | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
glownew45:26636266962op | Username = glownew45 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
GlowNeww | Level = 103 | Account ID = 2106862901661824 | Country = tur | NickName =
GlowNeww | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
pantmac1:r2671981r | Username = Pantmac1 | Tag Line = 8682 | Game Name = Pantmac1 |
Country = hkg | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wormhex:muraturi12 | Username = wormhex | Tag Line = PBE | Game Name = wormhex |
Level = 40 | Account ID = 2201664345 | Country = rou | NickName = wormhex |
EmailVerified = True | Region = PBE | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
iroffen1:Walleeve18 | Username = iroffen1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = íroffen |
Level = 14 | Account ID = 2210626980279168 | Country = hun | NickName = íroffen |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
justanjia:justan790217 | Username = justanjia | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Justanz | Level = 8 | Account ID = 244250053 | Country = can | NickName = Justanz |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
luizsubzero:Fernando546 | Username = luizsubzero | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Sky
of the dark | Level = 5 | Account ID = 208666159 | Country = bra | NickName = Sky
of the dark | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
malornoob:jaysonabby2003 | Username = malornoob | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Maloveuch | Level = 8 | Account ID = 30840013 | Country = fra | NickName =
Maloveuch | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
rauli713:512185007serega | Username = rauli713 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
jTHeJ0OKZe | Level = 15 | Account ID = 203511436 | Country = rus | NickName =
jTHeJ0OKZe | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rafatapher:loslunisalsol1 | Username = RafaTapHer | Tag Line = 7365 | Game Name =
Rafa04 | Country = esp | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 60 | TotalRecentGames = 37 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
abaeb:Finalf07! | Username = Abaeb | Tag Line = 4264 | Game Name = Abaeb | Country
= usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
greenhead87:zrbiopl55511 | Username = greenhead87 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
GreenHead228 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 203297960 | Country = rus | NickName =
GreenHead228 | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mathcloutier:9u363c1994! | Username = mathcloutier | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS141ba02d30268f4720c67 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38419010 | Country = ind |
NickName = IS141ba02d30268f4720c67 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
beyondtenor:God4UsAll | Username = beyondtenor | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Gnomoar | Level = 1 | Account ID = 219345238 | Country = twn | NickName = Gnomoar |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gwen561000:gwen56100 | Username = gwen561000 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = AFK
PoseiidonII | Level = 17 | Account ID = 219018416 | Country = fra | NickName = AFK
PoseiidonII | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kliwanek:funky005 | Username = kliwanek | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = kliwanek |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 203910464 | Country = bel | NickName = kliwanek |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ape3po2:Gelfling1 | Username = ape3po2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SteamPoweredPC | Level = 17 | Account ID = 44236718 | Country = usa | NickName =
SteamPoweredPC | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hokiegirl6790:sailor6790 | Username = hokiegirl6790 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
The Hokie | Level = 40 | Account ID = 236403352 | Country = zaf | NickName = The
Hokie | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
owen6920:wright920 | Username = owen6920 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = owen920 |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 210156533 | Country = gbr | NickName = owen920 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bllueballz:Mohammedwael1 | Username = Bllueballz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Bllueballz | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2263346729898976 | Country = egy | NickName =
Bllueballz | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
knoxvomica:Lastres21041998 | Username = knoxvomica | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Knoxvomica | Level = 1 | Account ID = 232811401 | Country = arg | NickName =
Knoxvomica | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
frishling:upgrayedd69 | Username = Frishling | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Flashy
Badger | Level = 36 | Account ID = 28715263 | Country = chn | NickName = Flashy
Badger | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lillen429:hannes34 | Username = lillen429 | Account ID = 30724299 | Country = idn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
philanu:coleman1209 | Username = philanu | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS13d4b795906cfbe6c6667 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200190181 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS13d4b795906cfbe6c6667 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
craigtuckerxd:craig798650 | Username = CraigTuckerXD | Tag Line = 53421 | Game Name
= CraigTucker | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2576885833287008 | Country = ukr |
NickName = CraigTuckerXD | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
coverotransudo:covero21 | Username = coverotransudo | Tag Line = 2328 | Game Name =
coverotransudo | Country = bra | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
kromar31:lukasz123 | Username = kromar31 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS126a29b6cec72a | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29481753 | Country = ukr | NickName =
IS126a29b6cec72a | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
skyquoc:pham145 | Username = skyquoc | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1961938d2c095d04750c3 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39414824 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1961938d2c095d04750c3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nintendofiery1up:butler79 | Username = nintendofiery1up | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = fasffsafsafsaf | Level = 1 | Account ID = 238449601 | Country = gbr |
NickName = fasffsafsafsaf | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
reddevil1914:reddevil19141914 | Username = reddevil1914 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = IS167cd8ac4df26c | Level = 3 | Account ID = 39665418 | Country = bra |
NickName = IS167cd8ac4df26c | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
quickpixell:sugarcane9 | Username = quickpixell | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Land
of Glory | Level = 47 | Account ID = 238366005 | Country = usa | NickName = Land of
Glory | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mochamad2:08156309168e | Username = mochamad2 | Tag Line = 8865 | Game Name =
MRUDON | Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
noble578:tnt2826 | Username = noble578 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = NOBLE578 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 236820565 | Country = syc | NickName = NOBLE578 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yanaiaharonson77:yanaiaharonson77 | Username = yanaiaharonson77 | Tag Line = YaN |
Game Name = YaNa1 | Account ID = 2477724899607904 | Country = isr | EmailVerified =
True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 235 | TotalRecentGames = 26 | Skins = [Hivemind Ares, Cavalier Vandal,
POLYfox Bulldog, , Prism III Judge, Cavalier Bucky, , , Eclipse Ghost, POLYfox
Sheriff, , Cavalier Operator, , POLYfrog Marshal, Hivemind Spectre, Cavalier
Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
babamax1:mpd229 | Username = babamax1 | Account ID = 36881515 | Country = idn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
freze92:johnotto1 | Username = freze92 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c12b1b594aacec3833e0 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 31740579 | Country = khm |
NickName = IS1c12b1b594aacec3833e0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
cosmiczz115:Lolwiedoof6 | Username = cosmiczz115 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
CosmicZz115 | Level = 39 | Account ID = 211356012 | Country = deu | NickName =
CosmicZz115 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kevfdezz:Kevin180420000 | Username = kevfdezz | Country = esp | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cade4440:Cade4440 | Username = Cade4440 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
qckooldown:maximo23 | Username = qckooldown | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
qckooldown | Level = 3 | Account ID = 230787816 | Country = can | NickName =
qckooldown | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
evilcolor771209:hank0218 | Username = evilcolor771209 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= evilcolor2 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 220017933 | Country = rus | NickName =
evilcolor2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
isaacus13:Cangrejo98 | Username = isaacus13 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
isaacus98 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 208730240 | Country = esp | NickName =
isaacus98 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dallinrn:porcaria1 | Username = dallinrn | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Daly of
Dale | Level = 1 | Account ID = 221033204 | Country = rus | NickName = Daly of Dale
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
joseelmanu:nestea11 | Username = joseelmanu | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
whoisjmfa12 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 229963189 | Country = esp | NickName =
whoisjmfa12 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
koboldenkiller:Tiberius1 | Username = koboldenkiller | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
KOBOLDENKILLER | Level = 2 | Account ID = 218686960 | Country = rou | NickName =
KOBOLDENKILLER | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
spelerpro:AsD001AsD | Username = spelerpro | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
WooSpeler | Level = 1 | Account ID = 203034607 | Country = hkg | NickName =
WooSpeler | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
robertr1080:fajne1080 | Username = robertr1080 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS18d54b2b50b0af | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34029514 | Country = ind | NickName =
IS18d54b2b50b0af | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
petryx500:elmo5555 | Username = petryx500 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS14a75b8949376f | Level = 1 | Account ID = 29938147 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS14a75b8949376f | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
benelmerick21:rceb1987 | Username = benelmerick21 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SAS Champion | Level = 3 | Account ID = 227098298 | Country = usa | NickName = SAS
Champion | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
olisat12:2014640Oli | Username = olisat12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Oliseh |
Level = 36 | Account ID = 32092642 | Country = usa | NickName = Oliseh |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
anonymousbr92:anonymousbr92 | Username = anonymousbr92 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name
= ANONYMOUSBR92 | Level = 9 | Account ID = 218972879 | Country = bra | NickName =
ANONYMOUSBR92 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
andysuy:Zinedinzidane1 | Username = andysuy | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = andysuy
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 232165238 | Country = tur | NickName = andysuy |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lystat89:Lastres21041998 | Username = lystat89 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Lystat Niteglade | Level = 1 | Account ID = 226561870 | Country = arg | NickName =
Lystat Niteglade | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fanteryhd:boom1bam | Username = fanteryhd | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = FantaTee |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 226065282 | Country = deu | NickName = FantaTee |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrchissman:7kv6kbt4 | Username = mrchissman | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS16dd051753ff7d | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28577313 | Country = deu | NickName =
IS16dd051753ff7d | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
megustalucky:895623mf | Username = megustalucky | Tag Line = 8816 | Game Name = X27
| Country = bra | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mravlofly:Nathou26 | Username = mravlofly | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Avlofly |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 219952770 | Country = rus | NickName = Avlofly |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chipzraf4:Calendar17 | Username = chipzraf4 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS11b35ab2ecaffa | Level = 5 | Account ID = 24584432 | Country = vnm | NickName =
IS11b35ab2ecaffa | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
afljakf@kjfvaF.COM | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
scorpionjw1:friar021 | Username = Scorpionjw1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Caledric | Level = 30 | Account ID = 31721150 | Country = usa | NickName = Caledric
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
drumerboy1:pokerchip1 | Username = drumerboy1 | Account ID = 211340029 | Country =
deu | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thebunnyxp:Zm@n1002! | Username = thebunnyxp | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Maergenta | Level = 5 | Account ID = 231134296 | Country = vnm | NickName =
Maergenta | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
crazyserba:katarinica1 | Username = CrazySerba | Tag Line = 8139 | Game Name =
CrazySerbA | Country = srb | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
elyselorene:Melissa#196 | Username = elyselorene | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
elyselorene | Level = 1 | Account ID = 203134716 | Country = kaz | NickName =
elyselorene | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gunmaster1045:Maggiemay1045 | Username = gunmaster1045 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= gunmaster1045 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 226812670 | Country = rus | NickName =
gunmaster1045 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ycq777:ycq5278532 | Username = ycq777 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = IcebloodCrow
| Level = 15 | Account ID = 220004180 | Country = dnk | NickName = IcebloodCrow |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jomafa11:jomafaful99 | Username = jomafa11 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = Jomafa11
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 208015775 | Country = mex | NickName = Jomafa11 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dawake66:touko113 | Username = DaWake66 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 9b6a4b70-
372d-4b75-937f-07b942b8463e | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2237109961249696 | Country =
fra | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zabrath:Jkol25sd | Username = Zabrath | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Zabrath |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 201765343 | Country = fra | NickName = Zabrath |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked
= Yes
el3ctr4ge:amirata135 | Username = EL3CtR4GE | Tag Line = 8570 | Game Name = kir |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
styner48:dong0562 | Username = styner48 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS15cede322314d00e474c3 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38552991 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS15cede322314d00e474c3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hdk868686:ejrrlaus86 | Username = hdk868686 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
hdk868686 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 207260020 | Country = kor | NickName =
hdk868686 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
caspian514:Caspian2001! | Username = caspian514 | Tag Line = OWA | Game Name =
MrPotatoDK | Level = 106 | Account ID = 234492213 | Country = dnk | NickName =
MrPotatoDK | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 150 | Radianite Points = 310 | TotalRecentGames = 13 | Skins =
[Jigsaw Ares, K/TAC Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, , Jigsaw Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch
Frenzy, , Jigsaw Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, K/TAC Operator, Jigsaw
Guardian, Monarch Marshal, , , K/TAC Blade] | Checked = Yes
shamlika66:asd54321 | Username = shamlika66 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS19f4cdd9d306e1 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32639862 | Country = bgr | NickName =
IS19f4cdd9d306e1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
deomalius:Lastres21041998 | Username = deomalius | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1d07c59317eca57048ee3 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 43875770 | Country = gtm |
NickName = IS1d07c59317eca57048ee3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tarb0nater:paki123* | Username = tarb0nater | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS15a49036668789 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 39124584 | Country = gbr | NickName =
IS15a49036668789 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
leromeight:praym5543 | Username = LeRomEight | Tag Line = LRME | Game Name =
leromeight | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2778718417184320 | Country = rus |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 9 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
piccolololo66:Noelie5802! | Username = Piccolololo66 | Tag Line = 2178 | Game Name
= Piccolololo66 | Country = fra | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
mikkelazz99:mikkel2004 | Username = mikkelazz99 | Account ID = 240031242 | Country
= bra | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
akoriko10:akoriko1214 | Username = akoriko10 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1234f7915690f09df79e0 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 44963664 | Country = bra |
NickName = IS1234f7915690f09df79e0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
i8szumadont:goranqq1 | Username = i8szumadont | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
i8SzUMAdONt | Level = 5 | Account ID = 202465360 | Country = fra | NickName =
i8SzUMAdONt | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ioride:NI2j28nnj4 | Username = ioride | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS10ebc4693e2c17ebc6734 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 49993217 | Country = ukr |
NickName = IS10ebc4693e2c17ebc6734 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
granderkozak:wjb8an3m | Username = granderkozak | Account ID = 35117274 | Country =
chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wolfking8888888:GoLiverpool1 | Username = wolfking8888888 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = WOLFKING8888888 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 247395316 | Country = gbr |
NickName = WOLFKING8888888 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nnightmare235:Lastres21041998 | Username = nnightmare235 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = IS12238e3b144d755570bb1 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42547340 | Country = irn
| NickName = IS12238e3b144d755570bb1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
imarx222:mac1234 | Username = imarx222 | Account ID = 217652561 | Country = vnm |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jamlanl25:iamagamer1 | Username = jamlanl25 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
EthnicCleansing | Level = 1 | Account ID = 224421492 | Country = gbr | NickName =
EthnicCleansing | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
juniorpoolbr:luiz99760313 | Username = Juniorpoolbr | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Juniorpoolbr | Level = 10 | Account ID = 2002032332450336 | Country = bra |
NickName = Juniorpoolbr | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
redeyefury0802:november!@#$0802 | Username = RedEyeFury0802 | Tag Line = 5970 |
Game Name = Red Eye Fury | Country = lka | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
guepard135:guepard13 | Username = guepard135 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = COPS
DarKNights | Level = 22 | Account ID = 226641550 | Country = fra | NickName = COPS
DarKNights | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
petras01:terminator98 | Username = petras01 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1e5687fc794659 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 25045483 | Country = yem | NickName =
IS1e5687fc794659 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
reycmpunck:flamengo121 | Username = reycmpunck | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
reycmpunck | Level = 141 | Account ID = 210362655 | Country = bra | NickName =
reycmpunck | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thecrazymerc:Lastres21041998 | Username = thecrazymerc | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= thecrazymerc | Level = 2 | Account ID = 241063162 | Country = gbr | NickName =
thecrazymerc | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
davcru:Lastres21041998 | Username = davcru | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Davcru |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 210509507 | Country = syc | NickName = Davcru |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tygastyle15:hidden51 | Username = tygastyle15 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Tygastyle | Level = 123 | Account ID = 217229924 | Country = usa | NickName =
Tygastyle | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tenchiphybrizo:kainandrach1 | Username = tenchiphybrizo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = be472322-11a8-4faf-95fa-6ba93edcee74 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 34533075 |
Country = ind | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
xaneca12345:adcmadcm15 | Username = xaneca12345 | Tag Line = 18483 | Game Name =
FLAGGED 33436383 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 209132607 | Country = prt | NickName =
PORCA95 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
inferno200588:rbhbkk22 | Username = inferno200588 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name
= ?????? | Level = 13 | Account ID = 2105245748466624 | Country = rus | NickName
= ?????? | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
santosagor:Amieosanto0 | Username = santosagor | Tag Line = 7068 | Game Name = RekT
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 2670273728104064 | Country = bgd | NickName = AbulH4yat
| EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
karrotk:Wang1994 | Username = karrotk | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = magicwink |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 2080956106894144 | Country = usa | NickName = magicwink |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
iamthedeathshark:Cheeseman13 | Username = iamthedeathshark | Tag Line = OCE | Game
Name = iamthedeathshark | Level = 1 | Account ID = 202232034 | Country = aus |
NickName = iamthedeathshark | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rubenlaof:rubencito1994 | Username = rubenlaof | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
0DeMoNiO0 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 219082592 | Country = esp | NickName =
0DeMoNiO0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
h3x1o:23452345Marwan | Username = H3X1o | Tag Line = 6009 | Game Name = Kay |
Account ID = 2824549155104128 | Country = egy | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW
| Email = | Valorant Point = 625 | Radianite Points = 280 |
TotalRecentGames = 84 | Skins = [Jigsaw Ares, K/TAC Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, Oni
Phantom, Varnish Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch Frenzy, FIRE/arm Classic, Artisan
Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, Nitro Operator, Nitro Guardian, Artisan
Marshal, , Varnish Stinger, Artisan Foil] | Checked = Yes
firepingpongball:hippopotamus34 | Username = firepingpongball | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = FirePingPongBall | Level = 7 | Account ID = 36854870 | Country = kor |
NickName = FirePingPongBall | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
ethanschwabe2:Malkor45 | Username = ethanschwabe2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Peej2 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 49303250 | Country = usa | NickName = Peej2 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
exes08:elias0806 | Username = exes08 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = EXES08 | Level
= 2 | Account ID = 234855745 | Country = aut | NickName = EXES08 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
davixmon55:sasuke13264 | Username = davixmon55 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
SoloQCinderela58 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 210029175 | Country = bra | NickName =
SoloQCinderela58 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ccengo8:orhan10 | Username = ccengo8 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS169422de5fd266 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 24079154 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS169422de5fd266 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
elperico00:elperico00 | Username = elperico00 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
elperico00 | Level = 13 | Account ID = 203124756 | Country = ven | NickName =
elperico00 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
leogsbatista:rgb611955 | Username = leogsbatista | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
LeandroGSB | Level = 6 | Account ID = 221142025 | Country = bra | NickName =
LeandroGSB | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stepapvl49:319821982st | Username = stepapvl49 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1b581985fed7e6 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33515413 | Country = bra | NickName =
IS1b581985fed7e6 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
percyoreillyf:manquehue1 | Username = percyoreillyf | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
David Bekam | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2577464140089184 | Country = chl | NickName
= David Bekam | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
serakaytan:sera506sera | Username = serakaytan | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
serakaytan | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2689867070842464 | Country = tur | NickName =
serakaytan | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mountainflea66:Smurf77! | Username = mountainflea66 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Smurfinator06 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 45986656 | Country = usa | NickName =
Smurfinator06 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hydraxiler:hunter0707 | Username = hydraxiler | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Hydraxiler | Level = 1 | Account ID = 232173066 | Country = can | NickName =
Hydraxiler | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thesmecher12:kebabas123 | Username = thesmecher12 | Account ID = 2364381619917792 |
Country = ltu | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
santikapo13:hesoyam1 | Username = santikapo13 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Me
suda la Ura | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2305199902714816 | Country = arg | NickName
= Me suda la Ura | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
ianverdonck:verdonck2005 | Username = ianverdonck | Tag Line = 1204 | Game Name =
botje | Country = bel | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
piggycantalk:Lastres21041998 | Username = piggycantalk | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= IS1f20c4f58ae965c87502c | Level = 1 | Account ID = 33294014 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1f20c4f58ae965c87502c | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
miod4:manuelka123 | Username = miod4 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS15f4a1d95a365b | Level = 3 | Account ID = 34189756 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS15f4a1d95a365b | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes | Username = mnggktflafzr5445 | Country
= bgd | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
theluisman4:CACAcaca1 | Username = theluisman4 | Account ID = 205370762 | Country =
egy | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
timmy285:huang5055818 | Username = timmy285 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = POPOVKI
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 200924806 | Country = tha | NickName = POPOVKI |
EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
breithzell:verybad88Qw1! | Username = breithzell | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
AsKFionaIV | Level = 1 | Account ID = 202658122 | Country = fra | NickName =
AsKFionaIV | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
meme7366:8co44515! | Username = meme7366 | Tag Line = KR1 | Game Name = ????? |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2586581766735712 | Country = kor | NickName = ????? |
EmailVerified = True | Region = KR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
leodacat9001:Leoisacow9001 | Username = Leodacat9001 | Tag Line = 6982 | Game Name
= Iron 3 | Country = can | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
igmex123go:mody09abc | Username = igmex123go | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
4859a884-1de4-4235-8a6f-191fc5619227 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2606793251841696 |
Country = egy | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
missil22:AmOrGlO23r | Username = missil22 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = lliuso |
Level = 19 | Account ID = 36225327 | Country = deu | NickName = lliuso |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ouwolla141:asd123 | Username = ouwolla141 | Account ID = 33867083 | Country = dza |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kotetashit28:vanvan33 | Username = kotetashit28 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS15095eca647677 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34030849 | Country = rus | NickName =
IS15095eca647677 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hkmakes:Barley183 | Username = hkmakes | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = hkmakes |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 235481835 | Country = usa | NickName = hkmakes |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rakelfurd:Monkies1 | Username = rakelfurd | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = rakelfurd
| Level = 9 | Account ID = 234713705 | Country = tur | NickName = rakelfurd |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sangppl1:bojidara1 | Username = sangppl1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Chuschka |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 30372824 | Country = chn | NickName = Chuschka |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
energy07123:qaz3503559 | Username = energy07123 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
jiawaasai | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2696753091700640 | Country = twn | NickName =
jiawaasai | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
inferna2005:10estelle6 | Username = inferna2005 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
natsu3005 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 232784900 | Country = fra | NickName =
natsu3005 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ayakoerilia2:q1w2e3r4 | Username = ayakoerilia2 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS16d59900a3c7b4 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29930808 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS16d59900a3c7b4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
asd2145:asd2145 | Username = asd2145 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = emi154maj |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 212651767 | Country = deu | NickName = emi154maj |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
j2k3k:Lastres21041998 | Username = j2k3k | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = J2k3k |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 227333494 | Country = gbr | NickName = J2k3k |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
zylermiar111:Zylermiar111111 | Username = zylermiar111 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = IS103a1af437e0d4 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 30749420 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS103a1af437e0d4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
joerod09:levelland09 | Username = joerod09 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Nexus
Sominus | Level = 5 | Account ID = 213112668 | Country = usa | NickName = Nexus
Sominus | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kaothren:Lastres21041998 | Username = kaothren | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS10521773e0380c2638e62 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 46811959 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS10521773e0380c2638e62 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
olupy:Aderonke17 | Username = olupy | Tag Line = 7976 | Game Name = olupy | Country
= usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
haifischkirby1:sandmaker666 | Username = Haifischkirby1 | Tag Line = LAN | Game
Name = Emma Verde | Level = 11 | Account ID = 2405885193218112 | Country = mex |
NickName = Emma Verde | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
olandoming:kampfer18 | Username = olandoming | Tag Line = 3783 | Game Name =
ninja360 | Country = hkg | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jin22gm:ourania24 | Username = jin22gm | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Paraskeyas |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 2278357113844608 | Country = grc | NickName = Paraskeyas
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sunybruher:Sunysuny1 | Username = sunybruher | Tag Line = 8803 | Game Name =
sunysuny09 | Country = geo | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
spartori:Lastres21041998 | Username = spartori | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1f0b10b47fc3339b5968e | Level = 8 | Account ID = 34967417 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS1f0b10b47fc3339b5968e | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
legrian0290:lorena12 | Username = legrian0290 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Tibia01 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 48884624 | Country = mex | NickName = Tibia01 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gabalk2:Kraken@123456 | Username = gabalk2 | Tag Line = 9184 | Game Name = TeeDi |
Country = bra | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oricodi3:oriol1991 | Username = oricodi3 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS12418a39d61365 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 33734093 | Country = egy | NickName =
IS12418a39d61365 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vicentecornejohorta:eldric13 | Username = vicentecornejohorta | Tag Line = LAS |
Game Name = vice1911 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 202580650 | Country = chl |
NickName = vice1911 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
teskidrogeras:PrAvIacc123 | Username = TeskiDrogeras | Tag Line = 4463 | Game Name
= TeskiDrogeras | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2482069777491680 | Country = bih |
NickName = TeskiDrogerash | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
thirdsonofsparda:dante123 | Username = thirdsonofsparda | Account ID = 206508395 |
Country = arg | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
jumpoutboyz:Nghia2009 | Username = JumpOutBoyz | Tag Line = 2952 | Game Name =
Drippy | Account ID = 2598603918878144 | Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False |
Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points =
0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
1598362308:xhj1997923 | Username = 1598362308 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = JIEXH
| Level = 7 | Account ID = 209535161 | Country = chn | NickName = JIEXH |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
izelude41:ec2853 | Username = izelude41 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = CoolBrorySto
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 42454456 | Country = deu | NickName = CoolBrorySto |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jetta0707:JETTA0707 | Username = jetta0707 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Badwolf617 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 206353195 | Country = usa | NickName =
Badwolf617 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pitenyam:pitenyam1 | Username = pitenyam | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = pitenyam |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 205516484 | Country = col | NickName = pitenyam |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
atf5020:Riders02 | Username = atf5020 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = atf5020 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 217472569 | Country = chn | NickName = atf5020 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shredlex:Malangis62 | Username = shredlex | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Shredlex |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 227857384 | Country = usa | NickName = Shredlex |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dragonpp55:dungvip99 | Username = dragonpp55 | Tag Line = 3119 | Game Name = Fujin
| Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
robiecirefa1:eloelo520 | Username = robiecirefa1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
RobieCiRefa1 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 29882660 | Country = chn | NickName =
RobieCiRefa1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
chifrudo10:chinelo123 | Username = chifrudo10 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
CHIFRUDO10 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 217690937 | Country = bra | NickName =
CHIFRUDO10 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kresniik01:o25oggcy | Username = kresniik01 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
Tatitouuws | Level = 4 | Account ID = 32149 | Country = chl | NickName = Tatitouuws
| EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xxzloix333:almazkazan1 | Username = xxzloix333 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
xZloix | Level = 31 | Account ID = 200896399 | Country = rus | NickName = xZloix |
EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hevalherdem7209:heval7209 | Username = HevalHerdem7209 | Tag Line = 8481 | Game
Name = Forevirgameover | Country = tur | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
caholle:B%hmd96n@K | Username = caholle | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = My Nilla
Breezy | Level = 14 | Account ID = 200081557 | Country = usa | NickName = My Nilla
Breezy | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ijjojji4201:qazSAD1313 | Username = ijjojji4201 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1957c13c0a3da4 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33425991 | Country = rus | NickName =
IS1957c13c0a3da4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
floflo81900:alexandre78 | Username = floflo81900 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
floflo81900 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2679446350702528 | Country = fra | NickName
= floflo81900 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
smallshortsword:Xander2002 | Username = SmallShortSword | Tag Line = OCE | Game
Name = SmallShortSword | Level = 13 | Account ID = 1984107752427072 | Country = aus
| NickName = SmallShortSword | EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
peibolrace:Zadorra123 | Username = peibolrace | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
peibolrace | Level = 30 | Account ID = 223529051 | Country = esp | NickName =
peibolrace | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
jenjenbaby:robnguyen33 | Username = jenjenbaby | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a30829e16a15b742935b | Level = 1 | Account ID = 48229714 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1a30829e16a15b742935b | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
maloyoflegends:master4ever | Username = maloyoflegends | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = MaloyFrost | Level = 9 | Account ID = 35858123 | Country = chn | NickName =
MaloyFrost | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
smiletonz:SantiSanti253425 | Username = smiletonz | Tag Line = 6077 | Game Name =
smiletonz | Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
samcharter5:trolol123 | Username = samcharter5 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
F961WavreZ | Level = 10 | Account ID = 214005504 | Country = deu | NickName =
F961WavreZ | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
justicepure:alexander1 | Username = justicepure | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS178d5a57c73b887fb62e5 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 38390989 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS178d5a57c73b887fb62e5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jigaii:rikudosenin0104 | Username = Jigaii | Tag Line = 2275 | Game Name = jigaii |
Country = fra | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked
= Yes
okaasan1:goranqq1 | Username = okaasan1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = MQ KirAz |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 39489514 | Country = fra | NickName = MQ KirAz |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
clooney30:2taniguod | Username = clooney30 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1abdc81323debf | Level = 5 | Account ID = 26638342 | Country = vnm | NickName =
IS1abdc81323debf | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pilupaul2003:pipilica4 | Username = pilupaul2003 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
ghost terorist | Level = 2 | Account ID = 211860441 | Country = bra | NickName =
ghost terorist | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lotwr31:eveangeline1 | Username = lotwr31 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c1dcbcc10f7ff3a08f13 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 39015286 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1c1dcbcc10f7ff3a08f13 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kimman15:youngr1004 | Username = kimman15 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS161e4aee7b29e49347c8f | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40399327 | Country = sau |
NickName = IS161e4aee7b29e49347c8f | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rodrigues1011:abnlk17lnb2 | Username = rodrigues1011 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Fx Killador | Level = 8 | Account ID = 201085463 | Country = bra | NickName = Fx
Killador | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
993609809:lh123456 | Username = 993609809 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = 66???99 |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 201418920 | Country = hkg | NickName = 66???99 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
farsight000:2512farsight | Username = farsight000 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Phoque N Roll | Level = 5 | Account ID = 220426096 | Country = fra | NickName =
Phoque N Roll | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kahlut:kahlut123 | Username = kahlut | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = kahlut | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 29560695 | Country = fra | NickName = kahlut | EmailVerified =
True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
anhgiang22:anhgiang123 | Username = Anhgiang22 | Tag Line = 9139 | Game Name =
coshjiang | Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fireball064:Lastres21041998 | Username = fireball064 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
FireBall064 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 247779012 | Country = deu | NickName =
FireBall064 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
uneedwaterip:Dumamai916 | Username = UNeedWateriP | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
UNeedWater | Level = 28 | Account ID = 39389162 | Country = usa | NickName =
UNeedWater | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bummspille1:annalea1 | Username = bummspille1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
BummsPille1 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 205678169 | Country = deu | NickName =
BummsPille1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cristianorss:sp120a200q | Username = cristianorss | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
lKaneNODl | Level = 31 | Account ID = 202201114 | Country = bra | NickName =
lKaneNODl | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
exatikss:ExAtIKs1 | Username = exatikss | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Yapazi |
Level = 133 | Account ID = 214367953 | Country = deu | NickName = Yapazi |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
anduandu80:aprilie26 | Username = anduandu80 | Account ID = 203641761 | Country =
chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jdog50023:Theowl98 | Username = jdog50023 | Tag Line = PBE | Game Name = GrayFauxx
| Level = 55 | Account ID = 2201132603 | Country = usa | NickName = GrayFauxx |
EmailVerified = True | Region = PBE | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jovanovicdule:terarijum12 | Username = jovanovicdule | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
jovanovicdule | Level = 18 | Account ID = 2055931516744032 | Country = srb |
NickName = jovanovicdule | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
anderazpi11:Swag1337 | Username = anderazpi11 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
anderazpi11 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 211129889 | Country = deu | NickName =
anderazpi11 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kaanplan98:kaanplan98 | Username = kaanplan98 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = vitock
| Level = 18 | Account ID = 38972085 | Country = vnm | NickName = vitock |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
irbni:brunouzumak452 | Username = IRBNI | Tag Line = 9870 | Game Name = YBllade |
Level = 227 | Account ID = 2018576275450112 | Country = pry | NickName = BLLADE |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
beddizle:lockdown2 | Username = beddizle | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = beddizle |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 231146610 | Country = usa | NickName = beddizle |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maddiesusan:pieski12 | Username = maddiesusan | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Try
Hard Tràin | Level = 1 | Account ID = 211503434 | Country = pol | NickName = Try
Hard Tràin | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
guanfa1996:GUANfa1996 | Username = guanfa1996 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
OldIron6666 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 237444988 | Country = gbr | NickName =
OldIron6666 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ladoutgone99:Ogman123 | Username = ladoutgone99 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
shinigamix1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204881087 | Country = usa | NickName =
shinigamix1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
93r9o93l3i:95Ign046 | Username = 93r9o93l3i | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
93r9o93l3i | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2440946568284256 | Country = hun | NickName =
93r9o93l3i | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
leozaz05:miaomiao2005 | Username = leozaz05 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = leozaz |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 234328229 | Country = ita | NickName = leozaz |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
markocop11:marchelganteng27 | Username = Markocop11 | Tag Line = 9007 | Game Name =
Sasuke | Country = idn | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dirtytuna964:3142168757Aa | Username = dirtytuna964 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
DirtyTuna | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2184270532856224 | Country = col | NickName =
DirtyTuna | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
helderronyer2:casa123 | Username = helderronyer2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS169da17923e985c6ab24b | Level = 1 | Account ID = 203806421 | Country = can |
NickName = IS169da17923e985c6ab24b | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
noindark:NoinDark2.0 | Username = noindark | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = NoinDark
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 212424300 | Country = deu | NickName = NoinDark |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
webmaking:Chit2526 | Username = webmaking | Account ID = 214900859 | Country = mys
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bfrogg05:01142005bi! | Username = bfrogg05 | Tag Line = 4213 | Game Name = Bfrogg |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2612827353523584 | Country = usa | NickName = hellish69420
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
terry860515:a6221719 | Username = terry860515 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = Xlo |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2454170406692384 | Country = twn | NickName = Xlo |
EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
2530910856:caizhiqi123 | Username = 2530910856 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
walking trueman | Level = 9 | Account ID = 234266966 | Country = usa | NickName =
walking trueman | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chiggychenga:Qeqertarsuaq1! | Username = chiggychenga | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= chiggychenga | Level = 32 | Account ID = 40540609 | Country = can | NickName =
chiggychenga | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
pepehappybro:@Zaneta1411 | Username = PepeHappyBRO | Tag Line = 6068 | Game Name =
PLantgamesYT | Country = pol | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
shintadashi:Pentio23spe! | Username = shintadashi | Tag Line = Sur20 | Game Name =
Tadde | Level = 30 | Account ID = 24408981 | Country = ukr | NickName =
ReformedMiau | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rudik391:699173As | Username = rudik391 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Rud9l |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 235476974 | Country = tto | NickName = Rud9l |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
avdsysnet:00353Cardis | Username = avdsysnet | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
avdsysnet | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2219346505978752 | Country = deu | NickName =
avdsysnet | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kaykay11507:herricks13 | Username = kaykay11507 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
2f141a39-4af8-4d56-98b7-61b15b5236bf | Level = 1 | Account ID = 213474730 | Country
= mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vitanosevio:18092003bbnr | Username = vitanosevio | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Vitano Sevio | Level = 3 | Account ID = 247431977 | Country = blr | NickName =
Vitano Sevio | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
varevedu:Var3vedu | Username = varevedu | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = varevedu |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 2481106960016992 | Country = esp | NickName = varevedu |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ramisoj1986:4ndr3ss4 | Username = ramisoj1986 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Usui
Kurusaki | Level = 12 | Account ID = 2069966231873664 | Country = bra | NickName =
Usui Kurusaki | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
wolfsharkbeaver:Bb1522bb1522! | Username = wolfsharkbeaver | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = WolfSharkBeaver | Level = 4 | Account ID = 237783164 | Country = usa |
NickName = WolfSharkBeaver | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
grisucz:LeagueOfLegends123456789 | Username = grisucz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= grisucz | Level = 12 | Account ID = 226460095 | Country = mys | NickName =
grisucz | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
frostminkey:90THnobe | Username = frostminkey | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Frostminkey | Level = 166 | Account ID = 31348239 | Country = gbr | NickName =
Frostminkey | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
srknn35:3b1af6c4 | Username = srknn35 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = C9 Shyster |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 207291889 | Country = tur | NickName = C9 Shyster |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
irdevalynjeld:qwe123 | Username = irdevalynjeld | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Irdevalynjeld | Level = 10 | Account ID = 205221445 | Country = bra | NickName =
Irdevalynjeld | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zacar10:86145874xd | Username = zacar10 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Lord
playzacar | Level = 4 | Account ID = 203720945 | Country = cri | NickName = Lord
playzacar | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
silapka:Zapalara1 | Username = Silapka | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = silapka |
Level = 19 | Account ID = 237662814 | Country = bel | NickName = silapka |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 100 | Radianite Points = 180 | TotalRecentGames = 39 | Skins = [POLYfrog Ares,
Cavalier Vandal, Depths Bulldog, , Prism III Judge, Lightwave Bucky, , Songsteel
Classic, Cavalier Ghost, POLYfrog Sheriff, , , Songsteel Guardian, POLYfrog
Marshal, , Cavalier Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
megliv09:selena123 | Username = megliv09 | Account ID = 43861183 | Country = blr |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
doggurd231:ducklife7 | Username = Doggurd231 | Tag Line = 6525 | Game Name =
Doggurd231 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hobie8030:Boomshoot8030 | Username = hobie8030 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
hobie8030 | Level = 18 | Account ID = 234591572 | Country = usa | NickName =
hobie8030 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kritsada55:kajom104466 | Username = kritsada55 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS15b7c5d434cc920f27455 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 36068450 | Country = kgz |
NickName = IS15b7c5d434cc920f27455 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
sgguald:0!dLl56!WL(p | Username = sgguald | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = SGguald |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 203285522 | Country = rus | NickName = SGguald |
EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hazyxi:279969Mc | Username = Hazyxi | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ItsHazy | Level
= 18 | Account ID = 231435071 | Country = usa | NickName = ItsHazy | EmailVerified
= True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
290670358:520renjie` | Username = 290670358 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = VOEBOY2
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 200732785 | Country = chn | NickName = VOEBOY2 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dirt60:Thebowler60 | Username = dirt60 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = DiRT60 |
Level = 11 | Account ID = 237385023 | Country = usa | NickName = DiRT60 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fieexyz:Laserjet02 | Username = fieexyz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = FIeexyZ |
Level = 336 | Account ID = 2195227633051488 | Country = swe | NickName = FIeexyZ |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
finnejake08:finnejake08 | Username = finnejake08 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
TomouuNaJabiraca | Level = 10 | Account ID = 213994482 | Country = bra | NickName =
TomouuNaJabiraca | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
oxxeryuh:aaleks171 | Username = oxxeryuh | Tag Line = 1851 | Game Name = oxxer |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
masterxmega123:ojanis99 | Username = masterxmega123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a9a858a2845a07b91e33 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 49360221 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1a9a858a2845a07b91e33 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
lorenzosarcl:Lorenzo10@ | Username = lorenzosarcl | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
BananaXsPro | Level = 69 | Account ID = 2445989504774656 | Country = fra | NickName
= BananaXsPro | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
qsc0029:zmdkd123 | Username = qsc0029 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS16c6bd61f997f56690e30 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 41249021 | Country = aze |
NickName = IS16c6bd61f997f56690e30 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
patateskutusu:Altan3303 | Username = PatatesKutusu | Tag Line = 1942 | Game Name =
Ozy | Level = 190 | Account ID = 207084236 | Country = tur | NickName = Europen
Pizza | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 775 | Radianite Points = 130 | TotalRecentGames = 9 | Skins = [,
Prime Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom, , Kingdom Bucky, Couture Frenzy, ,
Jigsaw Ghost, , , , , Couture Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Couture Stinger, ] |
Checked = Yes
bladee98ita:Ciccione1 | Username = bladee98ita | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Sono
Blade | Level = 10 | Account ID = 222780960 | Country = ita | NickName = Sono Blade
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ws32010:102030a | Username = ws32010 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ws32010 | Level
= 10 | Account ID = 215225117 | Country = egy | NickName = ws32010 | EmailVerified
= False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
airbiscuitt:imbeasty1 | Username = airbiscuitt | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
AiRBiSCUiTT | Level = 38 | Account ID = 43354744 | Country = usa | NickName =
AiRBiSCUiTT | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gaal352:andres352 | Username = gaal352 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = gaal2 | Level
= 16 | Account ID = 2298863498185024 | Country = col | NickName = gaal2 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cosminneagoe5:bursuc10 | Username = cosminneagoe5 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
cosminneagoe5 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201418225 | Country = usa | NickName =
cosminneagoe5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
timmaland1:tim3010 | Username = timmaland1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1264576380efd7 | Level = 9 | Account ID = 22071238 | Country = deu | NickName =
IS1264576380efd7 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = tim- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jorgeca92:bililagartas123 | Username = jorgeca92 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = LA
PANTERA AZUL | Level = 1 | Account ID = 226276357 | Country = esp | NickName = LA
PANTERA AZUL | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
davegrnger:Daevid11 | Username = davegrnger | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
davegrnger | Level = 6 | Account ID = 238075683 | Country = aut | NickName =
davegrnger | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
biv720:bivxrg@90 | Username = biv720 | Tag Line = 8676 | Game Name = biv | Country
= ind | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fearsomefrenemyy:harrie2012 | Username = FearSomeFrenemyy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = FearSomeFrenemyy | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2477671535256928 | Country = nld
| NickName = FearSomeFrenemyy | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
nearchospro9:Allanblue99 | Username = nearchospro9 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
NearchosPro9 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 2089739514393120 | Country = cyp | NickName
= NearchosPro9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
henrivanriel:bospruim1 | Username = henrivanriel | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS182c4f17d38ccc | Level = 1 | Account ID = 34642854 | Country = nld | NickName =
IS182c4f17d38ccc | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lowggeous:Myths123 | Username = lowggeous | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a0ccbd9a23b706d24720 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46816913 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1a0ccbd9a23b706d24720 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
neku0:nekuniano2612 | Username = neku0 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = d5003335-
2a53-4bc5-8574-fc5ef62fc0a7 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 212521747 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
okumuratoshi1:Alef1234 | Username = okumuratoshi1 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = EU
TOO TROOL ll | Level = 12 | Account ID = 2310865331890912 | Country = bra |
NickName = EU TOO TROOL ll | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
cjj124:cjj19861027 | Username = cjj124 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = CountryM |
Level = 16 | Account ID = 214102291 | Country = vnm | NickName = CountryM |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lincoben:42200200p | Username = lincoben | Account ID = 204075588 | Country = lva |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zelcraftgamer:Voly1978 | Username = zelcraftgamer | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
zelcraftgamer | Level = 9 | Account ID = 2080841459379008 | Country = usa |
NickName = zelcraftgamer | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
smokiechan:bills21 | Username = smokiechan | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
2fSRT2t0ry | Level = 1 | Account ID = 232237370 | Country = chn | NickName =
2fSRT2t0ry | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
david1xiong:s8284254 | Username = david1xiong | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
faaa8c9a-9aa8-4d3d-9a86-39126bf0b872 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 219343324 | Country
= tha | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sutor1999:knochen12 | Username = sutor1999 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
GieselaTreffert | Level = 3 | Account ID = 209128711 | Country = mys | NickName =
GieselaTreffert | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
slinkycc33:Painting1978 | Username = slinkycc33 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
imslinkycc | Level = 2 | Account ID = 209302934 | Country = aus | NickName =
imslinkycc | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vlax22:vlax102030 | Username = vlax22 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1f63632912bc45 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 33905077 | Country = bgd | NickName =
IS1f63632912bc45 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dalil900:dalil900 | Username = dalil900 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Scorpionx33
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 221808013 | Country = mys | NickName = Scorpionx33 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
skqnk:Scampy10 | Username = Skqnk | Tag Line = 6720 | Game Name = Skank | Country =
gbr | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked
= Yes
basquebarracuda:Meagerone1! | Username = basquebarracuda | Account ID =
2036449998309632 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
omcp001:slb4ever | Username = omcp001 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = miracleinme |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 204321006 | Country = sau | NickName = miracleinme |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
danny0925:Lastres21041998 | Username = danny0925 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS152fa6d688586a4359698 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 203762805 | Country = mex |
NickName = IS152fa6d688586a4359698 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
vioboy02222:calculator1 | Username = vioboy02222 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
FLAGGED 36317903 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 210789062 | Country = rou | NickName =
FLAGGED 36317903 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ryushadouken:ryuujin2000 | Username = ryushadouken | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Kryloxx | Level = 9 | Account ID = 217599893 | Country = usa | NickName = Kryloxx |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mthegamer7:mthegamer7 | Username = mthegamer7 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = mtgee
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 241266105 | Country = usa | NickName = mtgee |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kyromizz08:Knight123 | Username = kyromizz08 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
EMOTIONAL DEMON | Level = 1 | Account ID = 226554570 | Country = deu | NickName =
EMOTIONAL DEMON | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
trpaslik3:Trpaslik3* | Username = trpaslik3 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Trpaslik
| Level = 37 | Account ID = 23942243 | Country = cze | NickName = Trpaslik |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 800 | Radianite Points = 430 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Outpost
Ares, Ruin Vandal, Infinity Bulldog, Serenity Phantom, Outpost Judge, Aerosol
Bucky, , Pistolinha Classic, Outpost Ghost, Surge Sheriff, Ruin Shorty, Aerosol
Operator, Infinity Guardian, Ruin Marshal, Serenity Spectre, Surge Stinger, Ruin
Dagger] | Checked = Yes
foyo0211:Lastres21041998 | Username = foyo0211 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
iliketutle | Level = 1 | Account ID = 216176751 | Country = irn | NickName =
iliketutle | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nelokings:Knoerkie2002 | Username = nelokings | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
nelokings | Level = 123 | Account ID = 223567400 | Country = deu | NickName =
nelokings | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
thiago2801:2875718as | Username = thiago2801 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Cepheeus | Level = 24 | Account ID = 210678340 | Country = bra | NickName =
Cepheeus | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
franciscodu222:42d10aba | Username = franciscodu222 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1a893a377b5f83 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 24628743 | Country = tha | NickName =
IS1a893a377b5f83 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
p7ulcz:Montymalek28 | Username = p7ulcz | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = P7ul |
Level = 13 | Account ID = 2378411139961120 | Country = cze | NickName = P7ul |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tyreaxl:Dampu123!! | Username = Tyreaxl | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Zayrone |
Level = 259 | Account ID = 34842446 | Country = nld | NickName = Zayrone |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 480 | Radianite Points = 480 | TotalRecentGames = 86 | Skins = [Outpost
Ares, K/TAC Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, Artisan Phantom, Prism III Judge, Monarch Bucky,
Monarch Frenzy, Songsteel Classic, Cavalier Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty,
Aerosol Operator, Songsteel Guardian, Artisan Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Cavalier
Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
hoangi12345:kino44 | Username = hoangi12345 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Hoangi12345 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 218810998 | Country = deu | NickName =
Hoangi12345 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
guttersn1p:migelius20 | Username = Guttersn1p | Tag Line = 7694 | Game Name =
Guttersn1p | Country = fin | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
lecraotft:Maycon25192246 | Username = LecraoTFT | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Lecrao TFT | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2267032718411968 | Country = bra | NickName =
Lecrao TFT | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrcrazeylegs:hithere1234 | Username = mrcrazeylegs | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Crazeylegs | Level = 3 | Account ID = 218827037 | Country = chn | NickName =
Crazeylegs | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
499435494:8242395a | Username = 499435494 | Tag Line = 6178 | Game Name = Tm??? |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2588472722253056 | Country = usa | NickName = Tmover |
EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fadhsahdan:butaniku3388 | Username = fadhsahdan | Account ID = 2658573404374720 |
Country = mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
puanal1:erocan123 | Username = puanal1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = SummonerNamem
| Level = 10 | Account ID = 41935340 | Country = tur | NickName = SummonerNamem |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
abusedfatcakez:CuriousGeorge202 | Username = abusedfatcakez | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Driedfish | Level = 15 | Account ID = 215052938 | Country = usa | NickName =
Driedfish | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
joeykrajewski:Joeyk001 | Username = joeykrajewski | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
joeytheGOAT | Level = 1 | Account ID = 220959421 | Country = usa | NickName =
joeytheGOAT | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
adiil60:adilmir77 | Username = adiil60 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = AdiL 6z |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 213073595 | Country = fra | NickName = AdiL 6z |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cbkxinfamous:Lastres21041998 | Username = cbkxinfamous | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= CBK Infamous | Level = 7 | Account ID = 205468836 | Country = usa | NickName =
CBK Infamous | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
jesseames32:football32 | Username = jesseames32 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
JHABJJ | Level = 5 | Account ID = 232742354 | Country = deu | NickName = JHABJJ |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrlimete10:1386hi538 | Username = mrlimete10 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = y u no
cow | Level = 5 | Account ID = 208078442 | Country = deu | NickName = y u no cow |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
asdcanttakeit:gavgav1 | Username = asdcanttakeit | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1b34d03703c0b5 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29421595 | Country = ecu | NickName =
IS1b34d03703c0b5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
gambino561:Robertsa12 | Username = gambino561 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
1a22573e-64ab-4789-90df-f6f5f7659826 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 225824556 | Country
= isr | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fcmcarisco:Ronaldo1997 | Username = fcmcarisco | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
fcmcarisco | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204327405 | Country = fra | NickName =
fcmcarisco | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
branden11111:mankiller1 | Username = branden11111 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Sunshao33 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 210980478 | Country = usa | NickName =
Sunshao33 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lonio1:kurwa123 | Username = lonio1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = lonio1 | Level
= 6 | Account ID = 37019134 | Country = bra | NickName = lonio1 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
levanovich:Vkontakte2 | Username = levanovich | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Priora95 | Level = 9 | Account ID = 213672289 | Country = rus | NickName = Priora95
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vycyus21:sarutza21 | Username = vycyus21 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Sheep21 |
Level = 29 | Account ID = 200253932 | Country = irn | NickName = Sheep21 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
y646230159:646230159.. | Username = y646230159 | Tag Line = 7586 | Game Name = ??
ALion | Country = hkg | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
justyam:usagichan1 | Username = justyam | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = JustYam |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 209041687 | Country = chn | NickName = JustYam |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dajececiola:cesarece10 | Username = dajececiola | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
dajececiola | Level = 4 | Account ID = 1992731542524512 | Country = ita | NickName
= dajececiola | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
arrowtheu:qetuo999 | Username = arrowtheu | Account ID = 242050726 | Country = rus
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
berat535312:berat5353 | Username = berat535312 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
beratyilmaz5343 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 1968516193423488 | Country = tur |
NickName = beratyilmaz5343 | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
treatzme:terserah123 | Username = treatZme | Tag Line = 8948 | Game Name = treatZme
| Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
letiferis:hundehaufen1 | Username = letiferis | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Letiferis | Level = 1 | Account ID = 214082843 | Country = deu | NickName =
Letiferis | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maddin232:xvwabzz447 | Username = maddin232 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS11a51c2bdd79ad | Level = 3 | Account ID = 32199343 | Country = ind | NickName =
IS11a51c2bdd79ad | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
artinvfx2020:amir1377 | Username = artinvfx2020 | Tag Line = 9108 | Game Name =
Artin | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
donnicapo:silent88! | Username = DonniCapo | Tag Line = 2600 | Game Name =
DonniCapo | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2824491787118432 | Country = deu |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 25 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 36 | Skins = [Hivemind Ares, Prime
Vandal, POLYfox Bulldog, Oni Phantom, POLYfox Judge, Red Alert Bucky, , , Sovereign
Ghost, POLYfox Sheriff, , , POLYfox Guardian, Ruin Marshal, Hivemind Spectre, Red
Alert Stinger, Sovereign Sword] | Checked = Yes
dcwcore:yugioh33 | Username = dcwcore | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = DCW Core |
Level = 84 | Account ID = 45112745 | Country = usa | NickName = DCW Core |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hodow456:191699734k | Username = hodow456 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = hodowII |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 44836011 | Country = chl | NickName = hodowII |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thealvarosly:burgos19011999 | Username = thealvarosly | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= henthalos | Level = 1 | Account ID = 36458998 | Country = rus | NickName =
henthalos | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
n0tinhome:songo1 | Username = n0tinhome | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1d0304b8b081fc | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29877177 | Country = rus | NickName =
IS1d0304b8b081fc | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mcnoahgames:MITNOR123 | Username = mcnoahgames | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
MCNoahgames | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2063078474934368 | Country = usa | NickName
= MCNoahgames | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = MCNOAHGAMES@GMAIL.COM
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
180kingz:War12345 | Username = 180kingz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Pr0seus2k |
Level = 9 | Account ID = 219734773 | Country = kaz | NickName = Pr0seus2k |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ootoo95:2KX6*$MqEW | Username = ootoo95 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ootoo95 |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 39814026 | Country = usa | NickName = ootoo95 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
code2monkey:ass221188 | Username = Code2Monkey | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
038c9e9f-3f3c-4e28-b8ce-56a8864c37cb | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2392914695696576 |
Country = swe | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
6akarumai6:answer1A | Username = 6akarumai6 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Akarumai
| Level = 21 | Account ID = 2080571241500832 | Country = rus | NickName = Akarumai
| EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
botel505:123Botel | Username = Botel505 | Tag Line = 3298 | Game Name = Botel505 |
Country = mys | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nesiva:fenerbahce156 | Username = Nesiva | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = N E S I V A
| Level = 194 | Account ID = 212312764 | Country = tur | NickName = N E S I V A |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point =
32 | Radianite Points = 55 | TotalRecentGames = 89 | Skins = [, Elderflame
Vandal, , Galleria Phantom, , , , Forsaken Classic, , , , , , , , , Forsaken Ritual
Blade] | Checked = Yes
shaunarae8:Ginamarie8 | Username = shaunarae8 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Noraliene | Level = 4 | Account ID = 216041913 | Country = rus | NickName =
Noraliene | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
katsugoi2:v44tek44ppi1 | Username = katsugoi2 | Tag Line = 9068 | Game Name = kat |
Level = 20 | Account ID = 240538642 | Country = fin | NickName = GrandmasterKat |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
sunsh1n3333:k112993kk | Username = sunsh1n3333 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
sunsh1n3333 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 203143560 | Country = usa | NickName =
sunsh1n3333 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jmsplay:p01597863 | Username = jmsplay | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Orikrai |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 38495808 | Country = irl | NickName = Orikrai |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kesshuu:packers2005 | Username = Kesshuu | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
KesshuuGhoul | Level = 13 | Account ID = 2444605805775200 | Country = usa |
NickName = KesshuuGhoul | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dalgom0621:ekfrha22!! | Username = dalgom0621 | Tag Line = KR1 | Game Name = ???? |
Level = 168 | Account ID = 6756370 | Country = kor | NickName = ???? |
EmailVerified = True | Region = KR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
merabi777:cancara777 | Username = merabi777 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
merabi777 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 202747774 | Country = ind | NickName =
merabi777 | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
jenas45:mclarenf102 | Username = jenas45 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1940588ebe1b414459d81 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 43437144 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS1940588ebe1b414459d81 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
jopa012345:jopalo123 | Username = jopa012345 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Shacq O
Neal | Level = 73 | Account ID = 203219603 | Country = hrv | NickName = Shacq O
Neal | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
baristefan:dan123 | Username = baristefan | Account ID = 28672707 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
emremaniknk:44emre44 | Username = emremaniknk | Tag Line = TTEN | Game Name
= ?????? | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2514998284855040 | Country = tur | NickName =
emremaniknk | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 350 | Radianite Points = 10 | TotalRecentGames = 84 | Skins = [,
Prime Vandal, , , , , , , Magepunk Ghost, , , , , , , , Prime//2.0 Karambit] |
Checked = Yes
seanhe20:donttrustme1 | Username = seanhe20 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Fed7 In
The Chat | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2003889365060416 | Country = usa | NickName =
Fed7 In The Chat | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
benito87:den1987 | Username = benito87 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS12eca4988369c0 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 23365921 | Country = mys | NickName =
IS12eca4988369c0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
salahsad:salah159753852 | Username = salahsad | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
lSalahl | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2516596343522592 | Country = mar | NickName =
lSalahl | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kavaless:shopmenu987 | Username = kavaless | Tag Line = 7666 | Game Name = kavales
| Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
huxube45:Huxube45 | Username = huxube45 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ShowItToMe |
Level = 30 | Account ID = 201210919 | Country = deu | NickName = ShowItToMe |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mechanicster:ster0830 | Username = mechanicster | Tag Line = ???? | Game Name
= ???? | Level = 5 | Account ID = 36156899 | Country = lka | NickName =
IS152be36260e70d62f9817 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
bbergl:880919awdx | Username = bbergl | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = bergl | Level
= 21 | Account ID = 38082621 | Country = bgd | NickName = bergl | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kurylox:Windrunner95 | Username = kurylox | Tag Line = 9403 | Game Name = Krylox |
Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
doodvisje77:m050cfs4 | Username = doodvisje77 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1cdd5ddcf1945c | Level = 1 | Account ID = 31844842 | Country = mdg | NickName =
IS1cdd5ddcf1945c | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
swenschaf41:asdf1234 | Username = swenschaf41 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS16b2f507acc239 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32713466 | Country = tha | NickName =
IS16b2f507acc239 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nonskyblackz:aa2555255541 | Username = NONSKYBLACKz | Tag Line = 3185 | Game Name =
NONSKYBLACKz | Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rayanncherrat:rayann2001 | Username = rayanncherrat | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
rayann2001 | Level = 15 | Account ID = 221483586 | Country = are | NickName =
rayann2001 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
felixfrom:alicia04 | Username = felixfrom | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1f1a1164f6394e | Level = 1 | Account ID = 30302902 | Country = phl | NickName =
IS1f1a1164f6394e | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
moiready18:moises355020 | Username = moiready18 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a0d455e10ad529c10f3a | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35172663 | Country = bgr |
NickName = IS1a0d455e10ad529c10f3a | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
basetour420:aaaccc111 | Username = BaseTour420 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
zLoking | Level = 159 | Account ID = 2367476250298784 | Country = arg | NickName =
zLoking | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jib5555:tpe4xpx6kmg | Username = jib5555 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS13a2bb2fb75d9e4324563 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 32924900 | Country = bih |
NickName = IS13a2bb2fb75d9e4324563 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
donghao98:donghao98 | Username = donghao98 | Country = sgp | EmailVerified = False
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
lwc401015:kenji123 | Username = lwc401015 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1762b3c454aa95ec17823 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 49601686 | Country = hkg |
NickName = IS1762b3c454aa95ec17823 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
al3eady:Semir123 | Username = Al3eady | Tag Line = 6115 | Game Name = Al3eady |
Country = bih | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 70 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
peti563:philips1 | Username = peti563 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = P3TiZ0O |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 28867522 | Country = hun | NickName = P3TiZ0O |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nbradley86:vall3yforge | Username = nbradley86 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Tensberger | Level = 5 | Account ID = 227851990 | Country = usa | NickName =
Tensberger | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
narumiraitou:mamababa345 | Username = NarumiRaitou | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
NarumiRaito | Level = 61 | Account ID = 245562736 | Country = usa | NickName =
NarumiRaito | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
louisesobrosa:crepusculo2009 | Username = louisesobrosa | Tag Line = BR1 | Game
Name = xAurora23x | Level = 9 | Account ID = 210186423 | Country = bra | NickName =
xAurora23x | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dota2prros:9153339Lp_ | Username = dota2prros | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
dota2prros | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2072871886842368 | Country = bol | NickName =
dota2prros | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
s1nsa1ne:Hitman1337 | Username = S1NSA1NE | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = RazZaaa |
Level = 64 | Account ID = 37959586 | Country = gbr | NickName = RazZaaa |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
erstian44:Lastres21041998 | Username = erstian44 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
erstian44 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 221564574 | Country = arg | NickName =
erstian44 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
xrl854:akos9712 | Username = xrl854 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS11a891fe625d4d | Level = 2 | Account ID = 22739690 | Country = idn | NickName =
IS11a891fe625d4d | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
darkmyth31:pompa456 | Username = DarkMyth31 | Tag Line = 3461 | Game Name =
DarkMyth | Level = 35 | Account ID = 2483587185018432 | Country = tur | NickName =
SocioKruvan | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
theropfather66:Iaml33+lol | Username = theropfather66 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= theropfather | Level = 92 | Account ID = 2019297962160704 | Country = gbr |
NickName = theropfather | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
kadereed:kadereed1887 | Username = kadereed | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Plastic
Saucer | Level = 7 | Account ID = 229291701 | Country = usa | NickName = Plastic
Saucer | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rafzrz:B4deplatz | Username = RafZRZ | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = RafZRZ | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 2424837111558272 | Country = deu | NickName = RafZRZ |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
monokiwi23:taMbololing2 | Username = MonoKiwi23 | Tag Line = 5520 | Game Name =
MonoKiwi | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2707937570285056 | Country = usa | NickName =
MonoKiwi23 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dvxez:Bluetiger7 | Username = dvxez | Account ID = 2441765894040288 | Country = usa
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
savioalan123:savioalan123 | Username = savioalan123 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
XxAlucard10xX | Level = 33 | Account ID = 209958705 | Country = bra | NickName =
XxAlucard10xX | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
89245600:twbtobeno1 | Username = 89245600 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = For cute
rice | Level = 5 | Account ID = 201141356 | Country = hkg | NickName = For cute
rice | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
caio62z:85116366z | Username = caio62z | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
DestruidodCocota | Level = 101 | Account ID = 200438065 | Country = bra | NickName
= DestruidodCocota | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xsideem:10104040lk | Username = xsideem | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = XSideem |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 203373491 | Country = khm | NickName = XSideem |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mostafashokry2122:mostafaKING2462002 | Username = mostafashokry2122 | Tag Line =
EUW | Game Name = TheMechatro | Level = 23 | Account ID = 2555966026163712 |
Country = egy | NickName = TheMechatro | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
landor2020:mangos123 | Username = Landor2020 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Landor2020 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2449113463918720 | Country = deu | NickName =
Landor2020 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
asmith2130:7xgyt7d6 | Username = asmith2130 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
MoshPitJesus | Level = 52 | Account ID = 218036901 | Country = usa | NickName =
MoshPitJesus | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
catoreo99:Kakob100 | Username = catoreo99 | Tag Line = yomam | Game Name =
catatrophy | Level = 36 | Account ID = 214072685 | Country = usa | NickName =
Catatrophy | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
expresschriss:motherfucker22 | Username = expresschriss | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = ExpressChriss | Level = 26 | Account ID = 206842269 | Country = deu |
NickName = ExpressChriss | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
harmssi:Harm$$i2k | Username = harmssi | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Harmssi |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 36665399 | Country = deu | NickName = Harmssi |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
coglione90:coglione90 | Username = coglione90 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS159f02ba1188c3 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 31797291 | Country = mys | NickName =
IS159f02ba1188c3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mrgnunu1:91667667@Mm | Username = MRGnunu1 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Sucun UwU
| Level = 14 | Account ID = 2511611775575104 | Country = bra | NickName = Sucun UwU
| EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fidodidospt:eak1235 | Username = fidodidospt | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ed1dd813-856a-4519-92a2-0856e69a502b | Level = 1 | Account ID = 40128694 | Country
= mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
emiltheconqor02:Emil95137 | Username = emiltheconqor02 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = Emiltheconqor02 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 218532092 | Country = dnk |
NickName = Emiltheconqor02 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
juliendaye:Jusam2112 | Username = Juliendaye | Tag Line = 2606 | Game Name = Zelyan
| Level = 35 | Account ID = 22688014 | Country = bel | NickName = Fkx |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 275 | Radianite Points = 420 | TotalRecentGames = 24 | Skins = [Hivemind
Ares, Avalanche Vandal, POLYfox Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom, dot EXE Judge, Kingdom
Bucky, Couture Frenzy, Red Alert Classic, Soul Silencer Ghost, Protektor Sheriff,
Hivemind Shorty, Red Alert Operator, POLYfox Guardian, Couture Marshal, Hivemind
Spectre, Couture Stinger, Hivemind Sword] | Checked = Yes
tmcgo:Dynamite1 | Username = tmcgo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Xrnxf | Level = 1
| Account ID = 232704921 | Country = deu | NickName = Xrnxf | EmailVerified = False
| Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ladislaumath:60358367ml | Username = ladislaumath | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Rômulo Mendonça | Level = 251 | Account ID = 2155914492225760 | Country = bra |
NickName = Rômulo Mendonça | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
victordady:edivic1730 | Username = Victordady | Country = rou | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
amoraljudgement:smokeweed420 | Username = amoraljudgement | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = amoraljudgement | Level = 10 | Account ID = 241047105 | Country = usa |
NickName = amoraljudgement | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
crozzday:papa2542 | Username = crozzday | Account ID = 216730366 | Country = idn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
skedal31:3m54o4m | Username = skedal31 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS11ed1f3c748a9f | Level = 3 | Account ID = 33987840 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS11ed1f3c748a9f | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gawhirdegrote:Thebestone6487 | Username = gawhirdegrote | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = Gawh1r | Level = 2 | Account ID = 221445047 | Country = fra | NickName =
Gawh1r | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ruucheshire:nina44 | Username = ruucheshire | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = RuuC |
Level = 14 | Account ID = 238193886 | Country = usa | NickName = RuuC |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vinniebanh:Vincent1 | Username = vinniebanh | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Octobervinnie | Level = 2 | Account ID = 235460127 | Country = blr | NickName =
Octobervinnie | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ensomhet99:wendrill10 | Username = ensomhet99 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
setsunai99 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2436165227645056 | Country = bra | NickName =
setsunai99 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
solfrums65:smurf007 | Username = solfrums65 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1ddfdb26ee99f0 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30111119 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1ddfdb26ee99f0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
caaamim:lessismore1 | Username = caaamim | Tag Line = 1101 | Game Name = Reshiram |
Level = 302 | Account ID = 203146623 | Country = ury | NickName = Phanpy |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jimp2010:Panos123! | Username = jimp2010 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = jimp2010 |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2399838358483616 | Country = grc | NickName = jimp2010 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lpl02:mateusz97 | Username = lpl02 | Account ID = 27664968 | Country = irn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
daemonix9:Daemonix6 | Username = Daemonix9 | Tag Line = 7226 | Game Name =
Daemonix9 | Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
despydor:WiLdNeSt0 | Username = despydor | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = DespyDor |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 36811242 | Country = rus | NickName = DespyDor |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aokfierce:planchita101 | Username = aokfierce | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Acid
TiTAN | Level = 98 | Account ID = 214251367 | Country = usa | NickName = Acid TiTAN
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
coreach8:7097ch | Username = coreach8 | Account ID = 210855250 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
therukan:1567leba | Username = therukan | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
RuskanesitoElPro | Level = 5 | Account ID = 234371421 | Country = ukr | NickName =
RuskanesitoElPro | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
silm13:damian12 | Username = silm13 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS112fa8f6e19cca | Level = 5 | Account ID = 26148372 | Country = ukr | NickName =
IS112fa8f6e19cca | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
filipslanina:Kolovraty123 | Username = filipslanina | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Choose a name TY | Level = 3 | Account ID = 234878659 | Country = cze | NickName =
Choose a name TY | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
mjulti:651Woodstone | Username = mjulti | Tag Line = PBE | Game Name = StayH |
Level = 30 | Account ID = 2201948860 | Country = usa | NickName = StayH |
EmailVerified = True | Region = PBE | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maxmartin999:sexsex123 | Username = maxmartin999 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = I
spank nans | Level = 7 | Account ID = 234819862 | Country = vnm | NickName = I
spank nans | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
monthuvv88:Onepiece123 | Username = monthuvv88 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Lack
Leder | Level = 5 | Account ID = 219590604 | Country = deu | NickName = Lack Leder
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mprusty:blizzard123 | Username = mprusty | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = mprusty |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 2253076737274656 | Country = deu | NickName = mprusty |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
howardshih0618:Howard0618 | Username = Howardshih0618 | Tag Line = 1169 | Game Name
= ????? | Country = twn | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ericoe98:susjearima1 | Username = ericoe98 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ericoe |
Level = 33 | Account ID = 227456841 | Country = esp | NickName = ericoe |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked
= Yes
askpeto:peter15.5.2007 | Username = askpeto | Tag Line = 5772 | Game Name =
Peterdekiller | Country = svk | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
rufino1984:Rufino1984 | Username = rufino1984 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = RsRpt
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 231703393 | Country = prt | NickName = RsRpt |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
luizgqb1212:luizgqb12 | Username = luizgqb1212 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
ZéPequenoDaRocin | Level = 1 | Account ID = 215596660 | Country = bra | NickName =
ZéPequenoDaRocin | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
congminh58982:mgunner58 | Username = congminh58982 | Tag Line = 7455 | Game Name =
ThinkView | Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
itsdrie:guitarra3597 | Username = itsDRiE | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = imDRiE |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 2296403306549568 | Country = gbr | NickName = imDRiE |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
johandsome3:Isoplabon123 | Username = johandsome3 | Tag Line = 2116 | Game Name =
IceConYelo | Country = phl | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
toogood41:muscle02 | Username = toogood41 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = TooGooD41
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 234612407 | Country = chn | NickName = TooGooD41 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zuluwasa:1a2b3c4d | Username = zuluwasa | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = avaldur |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 206566117 | Country = ecu | NickName = avaldur |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
Kindnuss:kikdnx12 | Username = Kindnuss | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Kindnuss |
Level = 74 | Account ID = 206962939 | Country = deu | NickName = Kindnuss |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 150 | Radianite Points = 265 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Lightwave Odin, , Origin Vandal, Depths Bulldog, , Lightwave Bucky, Couture
Frenzy, Songsteel Classic, dot EXE Ghost, Lightwave Sheriff, , , Songsteel
Guardian, Couture Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Couture Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
theerror607:6212bernard | Username = theerror607 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
theereror607 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 229370968 | Country = usa | NickName =
theereror607 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
baoleer450:baoleer450 | Username = baoleer450 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = HS BLE
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 2614686335288992 | Country = twn | NickName = HS BLE |
EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
anaszoher1:azbm1999 | Username = anaszoher1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
anaszoher1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 226786942 | Country = idn | NickName =
anaszoher1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jorte7651:6098188lee | Username = jorte7651 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Mont3full | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2634239948031296 | Country = blr | NickName =
Mont3full | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
blackpplown88:soloman1 | Username = blackpplown88 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS15c66fe14f063963528ad | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39620543 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS15c66fe14f063963528ad | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
husnumert2002:husnumert2002 | Username = husnumert2002 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= mert023 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 232438576 | Country = nld | NickName = mert023
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kextn:nibot2 | Username = kextn | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = liquidswag | Level =
7 | Account ID = 242612380 | Country = rus | NickName = liquidswag | EmailVerified
= False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tammatwo15:Thisishard2 | Username = tammatwo15 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1600ee727e00462e54b09 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39133920 | Country = tkm |
NickName = IS1600ee727e00462e54b09 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
janxthekiller:skillrex123 | Username = janxthekiller | Account ID = 200822940 |
Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nvidsvnajid44:allegro1 | Username = nvidsvnajid44 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1cdd3405fc36c4 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32132465 | Country = usa | NickName =
IS1cdd3405fc36c4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
nvidsvnajid44@urg.jk | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gatu3:1596545ab | Username = gatu3 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Edredóning |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 207532685 | Country = tur | NickName = Edredóning |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aaequilibrium:allisone1 | Username = aaequilibrium | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
aaequilibrium | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201512080 | Country = mys | NickName =
aaequilibrium | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
4rizonamachado:qmwwv#123# | Username = 4rizonaMachado | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name
= ArizonaM4chado | Level = 7 | Account ID = 2407939186740064 | Country = bra |
NickName = ArizonaM4chado | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kingrider50:mario2003 | Username = kingrider50 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
blackreapersora | Level = 146 | Account ID = 205545066 | Country = deu | NickName =
blackreapersora | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 140 | Radianite Points = 10 |
TotalRecentGames = 27 | Skins = [, Prime Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, Ruination
Phantom, Serenity Judge, Kingdom Bucky, , Prime Classic, Prism Ghost, Varnish
Sheriff, Ruin Shorty, Spline Operator, Prime Guardian, Ruin Marshal, Prime Spectre,
Aristocrat Stinger, Recon Balisong] | Checked = Yes
enricz16:cessna90 | Username = enricz16 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Rocker
Thunder | Level = 1 | Account ID = 210957140 | Country = vnm | NickName = Rocker
Thunder | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
baa93:Guppynumber4 | Username = Baa93 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Baa93 | Level
= 3 | Account ID = 1992406782643104 | Country = usa | NickName = Baa93 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
petrmanick:Manick86 | Username = petrmanick | Tag Line = 7858 | Game Name =
petrmanick | Country = cze | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
alzar92:hamad40040 | Username = alzar92 | Account ID = 2103234269785728 | Country =
are | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dzgamix:wassim2002 | Username = dzgamix | Tag Line = wawa | Game Name = dzgamix |
Country = dza | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 120 | TotalRecentGames = 5 | Skins = [, , , , , , ,
Prism III Classic, Hush Ghost, , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
kannajohn:Snoopyka2 | Username = kannajohn | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1ff76b90b93363 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30764288 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1ff76b90b93363 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zjebppp:grubson1 | Username = zjebppp | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = zjebppp |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 34850412 | Country = bra | NickName = zjebppp |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aerciyes38:38DG90610082007 | Username = aerciyes38 | Tag Line = 9007 | Game Name =
aerciyes38 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2481040955279072 | Country = tur | NickName =
am icin olürüm | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 50 | Radianite Points = 290 |
TotalRecentGames = 15 | Skins = [, dot EXE Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Kingdom
Phantom, dot EXE Judge, Kingdom Bucky, Couture Frenzy, Kingdom Classic, Vendetta
Ghost, , , , , Couture Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Couture Stinger, Kingdom Knife] |
Checked = Yes
danizimozu:Daniel123 | Username = danizimozu | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Danizimozu | Level = 2 | Account ID = 218509270 | Country = bra | NickName =
Danizimozu | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tammat2811:Tammat2811 | Username = tammat2811 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
499626f3-f8b1-4bbc-bb8c-72b85acd3f35 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2394787473723104 |
Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
benji30140:leminoudu30 | Username = benji30140 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
demoraki | Level = 11 | Account ID = 212091999 | Country = fra | NickName =
demoraki | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xecrapt:furkan2219 | Username = Xecrapt | Tag Line = 4444 | Game Name = Mutsuzum |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2448105251038656 | Country = tur | NickName = Resrus |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 50 | Radianite Points = 300 | TotalRecentGames = 45 | Skins = [dot EXE Odin, ,
dot EXE Vandal, Couture Bulldog, dot EXE Judge, Kingdom Bucky, RagnaRocker Frenzy,
Infinity Classic, Jigsaw Ghost, Game Over Sheriff, Snakebite Shorty, , , Couture
Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Couture Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
jjasonrs00:amarelosayhello1 | Username = jjasonrs00 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
jjasonrs | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2836345944917088 | Country = bra | NickName =
jjasonrs | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dfs03:yash03111997 | Username = DFS03 | Tag Line = 7670 | Game Name = 3dxchetan |
Country = gbr | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bossbain333:ps2s6td5 | Username = bossbain333 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Bossbain333 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 211859447 | Country = jpn | NickName =
Bossbain333 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
tofufoon:A046763a! | Username = tofufoon | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = CrispyTofu
| Level = 33 | Account ID = 44703202 | Country = can | NickName = CrispyTofu |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
itshannahyo:Lastres21041998 | Username = itshannahyo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
HannuhYo | Level = 1 | Account ID = 207801503 | Country = usa | NickName = HannuhYo
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
davees3:pass123 | Username = davees3 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS132ab57dd2cfd8 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 30228007 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS132ab57dd2cfd8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aristarc99:marcos99 | Username = aristarc99 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
aristarc99 | Level = 14 | Account ID = 210396942 | Country = esp | NickName =
aristarc99 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jknisely2012:roaddogg2 | Username = jknisely2012 | Account ID = 203036460 | Country
= pol | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pandamonium7871:superman25 | Username = pandamonium7871 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = thepandaman21 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 241060163 | Country = usa |
NickName = thepandaman21 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gabzzhere:manitou0769 | Username = GabzzHere | Tag Line = 4210 | Game Name = Beamer
| Country = irl | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
traktor05:wakawaka05 | Username = traktor05 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS16d17f78af01ef | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28094786 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS16d17f78af01ef | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nook2535:nook2535 | Username = nook2535 | Account ID = 2379728113307072 | Country =
tha | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
swsd31:GeorgeR340 | Username = SWSD31 | Tag Line = moc | Game Name = Sword31 |
Account ID = 2384364546331360 | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = False | Region =
EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
649830789:caiyalin321 | Username = 649830789 | Tag Line = 6022 | Game Name = ??? |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 202784338 | Country = phl | EmailVerified = False | Region
= NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
kells19xxxxx:f4825773 | Username = kells19xxxxx | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = OTP
Lillia love | Level = 27 | Account ID = 2519572926907456 | Country = arg | NickName
= OTP Lillia love | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
deagus111:franco1234 | Username = Deagus111 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Inori
senpai | Level = 6 | Account ID = 2527444610696736 | Country = arg | NickName =
Inori senpai | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
blackong0907:wlsgh8300 | Username = blackong0907 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Kgmhong9 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 203517292 | Country = usa | NickName = Kgmhong9
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrmancha01:leonardo1023 | Username = mrmancha01 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
ryucaminari | Level = 16 | Account ID = 200276962 | Country = col | NickName =
ryucaminari | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kidcaasi:Myron143 | Username = kidcaasi | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = KidCaasi |
Level = 13 | Account ID = 202508586 | Country = nzl | NickName = KidCaasi |
EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gale0507:gaboylety0507 | Username = gale0507 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = gale05
| Level = 17 | Account ID = 1010619 | Country = ury | NickName = gale05 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
itsdavid212:hockeyfan21 | Username = itsdavid212 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IMaMouthBreather | Level = 105 | Account ID = 246001190 | Country = usa | NickName
= IMaMouthBreather | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
koopashooter:specialk123 | Username = koopashooter | Account ID = 201973881 |
Country = ecu | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jenkinszakk:zakjay123 | Username = jenkinszakk | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Jenkinszak | Level = 3 | Account ID = 206029321 | Country = srb | NickName =
Jenkinszak | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
912landon:iamcool68008 | Username = 912landon | Tag Line = 2580 | Game Name =
XxSniper68008 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kzt66:anubis0 | Username = kzt66 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e0f21967542067615a76 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37698658 | Country = arm |
NickName = IS1e0f21967542067615a76 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zzffr:Rafa1213 | Username = ZZFFR | Tag Line = BONK | Game Name = ??? | Level = 1 |
Account ID = 2605031640507584 | Country = irl | NickName = ZFR2 | EmailVerified =
True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 130 | TotalRecentGames = 92 | Skins = [, Nitro Vandal, Varnish
Bulldog, Artisan Phantom, Varnish Judge, Artisan Bucky, , , , Varnish Sheriff, , ,
Nitro Guardian, Artisan Marshal, , , ] | Checked = Yes
jango4u:fjoshua16 | Username = jango4u | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Jango4u |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 227927889 | Country = usa | NickName = Jango4u |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
catchinglz:Kanye2020 | Username = CatchingLz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
JaijunAJaku | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2338591312161760 | Country = usa | NickName
= JaijunAJaku | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
just4rankedxger:Leona1104 | Username = Just4RankedxGer | Tag Line = 5705 | Game
Name = Just4RankedxGer | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2748626182456384 | Country = deu
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 45 | Radianite Points = 75 | TotalRecentGames = 81 | Skins = [,
Ego Vandal, , Ion Phantom, , , , , Jigsaw Ghost, Death Wish Sheriff, , , , , Luxe
Spectre, , ] | Checked = Yes
arda010203040506:arda010203040506 | Username = arda010203040506 | Tag Line = TR1 |
Game Name = wererwerwer | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200911805 | Country = tur |
NickName = wererwerwer | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
jinocup:2568923jino | Username = jinocup | Tag Line = 2945 | Game Name = Subparods
| Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
edenya45:bdxzptx000 | Username = edenya45 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Edenya45 |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 216189826 | Country = egy | NickName = Edenya45 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nanitaxxy22:teste123 | Username = nanitaxxy22 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS14cdd4d9860f24 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34515431 | Country = vnm | NickName =
IS14cdd4d9860f24 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
trypholusion:hmm6599hmm | Username = trypholusion | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Fleridan | Level = 11 | Account ID = 723158 | Country = bra | NickName = Fleridan |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
albersik123:golina12 | Username = albersik123 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = C1asny
| Level = 13 | Account ID = 235376324 | Country = rou | NickName = C1asny |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
huhudesa:vngkgk11 | Username = huhudesa | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e1192dd92563bd80cc34 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42720874 | Country = rus |
NickName = IS1e1192dd92563bd80cc34 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
voxyterranord:3359008d | Username = voxyterranord | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
kdKXdFaVhz | Level = 5 | Account ID = 209137513 | Country = blr | NickName =
kdKXdFaVhz | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
qq951184835:xiaoxin007 | Username = qq951184835 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name =
KonoDioTheWorld | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2543940646356000 | Country = jpn |
NickName = KonoDioTheWorld | EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
babybel1310:babybel1310 | Username = babybel1310 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
babybel1310 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 224488649 | Country = kaz | NickName =
babybel1310 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sherryflo1583:roofood69 | Username = sherryflo1583 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SherryFlo1583 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 235523794 | Country = usa | NickName =
SherryFlo1583 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jfran2014:he3qkf7u | Username = jfran2014 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = JFRAN2014
| Level = 8 | Account ID = 221403251 | Country = vnm | NickName = JFRAN2014 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
qqq2000:qqq2000 | Username = qqq2000 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = ??? | Level = 9
| Account ID = 200636314 | Country = bih | NickName = ??? | EmailVerified = False |
Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
razeshadowlegendsjcp:Tr1den7! | Username = RazeShadowLegendsJCP | Account ID =
2515105723565248 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
agusranger:moncho123 | Username = agusranger | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1aaae68a27420091cf570 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 43261863 | Country = gbr |
NickName = IS1aaae68a27420091cf570 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
referalas177:batista44 | Username = referalas177 | Account ID = 34328099 | Country
= chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
parktingu:Myths123 | Username = parktingu | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS17dc6dc8911452aa7b899 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46807796 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS17dc6dc8911452aa7b899 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xspellbinder:warcraft1 | Username = xspellbinder | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Aussie Adc | Level = 1 | Account ID = 237701444 | Country = rus | NickName = Aussie
Adc | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
elmalifresha:CERAN451 | Username = ELMALIFRESHA | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
elmalifreshax | Level = 12 | Account ID = 2018189322908256 | Country = tur |
NickName = elmalifreshax | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jozefzek:klausek8 | Username = jozefzek | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Jozefzek |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 216083475 | Country = bra | NickName = Jozefzek |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zangrief420:892rtn27 | Username = zangrief420 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Zangrief420 | Level = 14 | Account ID = 216318606 | Country = vnm | NickName =
Zangrief420 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
itsjustmenico:NicoThe4th | Username = ItsJustMeNico | Tag Line = Gay | Game Name =
SagesHusband | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
greyits2:greyits11 | Username = greyits2 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
FixUGameR1T0 | Level = 33 | Account ID = 2338010598721888 | Country = esp |
NickName = FixUGameR1T0 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 150 | Radianite Points = 220 |
TotalRecentGames = 15 | Skins = [Jigsaw Ares, K/TAC Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, , Jigsaw
Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch Frenzy, , , K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, , Jigsaw
Guardian, Monarch Marshal, , , ] | Checked = Yes
mataperros33:Mataperros33 | Username = mataperros33 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Memes de KNekro | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39793945 | Country = esp | NickName =
Memes de KNekro | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
coenixx:mexidruid321 | Username = coenixx | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Coenixx |
Level = 12 | Account ID = 214924217 | Country = usa | NickName = Coenixx |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rbarry101:Richie13 | Username = rbarry101 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Bazzatron13 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2056314703196480 | Country = gbr | NickName
= Bazzatron13 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
susienq:lien2002 | Username = susienq | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = thatsSuss |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 2241469961382016 | Country = usa | NickName = thatsSuss |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
robertpyc:9DFFtrCu | Username = robertpyc | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Karmazy |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 218693359 | Country = usa | NickName = Karmazy |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
medaviajero03:thedaniex3110 | Username = medaviajero03 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name
= lElementalHerol | Level = 19 | Account ID = 205530458 | Country = per | NickName
= lElementalHerol | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
issandissand:issand1 | Username = issandissand | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS186460907b4b28 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29413649 | Country = srb | NickName =
IS186460907b4b28 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
idogalpha:Joe062602 | Username = idogalpha | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = IDOGALPHA
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 236233788 | Country = usa | NickName = IDOGALPHA |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
puxuan:asdqwe12 | Username = puxuan | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Xuanear | Level
= 171 | Account ID = 232452147 | Country = nzl | NickName = Xuanear | EmailVerified
= True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wilperegrine:salaB00T | Username = wilperegrine | Account ID = 203887146 | Country
= syc | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thesmoke22:05369461236a | Username = thesmoke22 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
MuFLY | Level = 8 | Account ID = 201993766 | Country = tur | NickName = MuFLY |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
panoizcrystal:pan0910626331 | Username = Panoizcrystal | Tag Line = 8508 | Game
Name = PAnoizcrystal | Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
menevm:Poker007 | Username = menevm | Account ID = 200823191 | Country = tur |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kasey5:scream11 | Username = kasey5 | Account ID = 204286486 | Country = bgd |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
llawnn:xoparu48 | Username = llawnn | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Lawnmowerr |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 227363891 | Country = chn | NickName = Lawnmowerr |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
muzh520:sun789 | Username = muzh520 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 36Kpure handsome
| Level = 7 | Account ID = 49600437 | Country = chn | NickName = 36Kpure handsome |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jhonliro:92740757fpfpfp | Username = jhonliro | Tag Line = 2988 | Game Name =
jhonliro | Country = bra | EmailVerified = True | Email = fabio- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
18therrienm:Mdt21emi! | Username = 18therrienm | Tag Line = 2712 | Game Name =
18therrienm | Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nikita228mad:dcgsitxybr228 | Username = nikita228mad | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= 6b77fbc9-f78d-4112-a6ba-38f4f876b003 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 30718661 |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zhoptoplol:1zahrrock | Username = zhoptoplol | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS12672b3923cd5f | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29871560 | Country = usa | NickName =
IS12672b3923cd5f | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jerrhin0:Mookiedoo11 | Username = Jerrhin0 | Tag Line = 9242 | Game Name = jerrhino
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 2599787327046944 | Country = usa | NickName = mookiedoo
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ronyn66:Unaifer1! | Username = Ronyn66 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Ronyn66 |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2354025013422112 | Country = esp | NickName = Ronyn66 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hirosheepa:Kowalewski22 | Username = Hirosheepa | Tag Line = 7864 | Game Name =
Hirosheepa | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 90 |
TotalRecentGames = 1 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
jesterofzephyr:Saxtonhale1 | Username = JesterOfZephyr | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= Jester Of Zephyr | Level = 97 | Account ID = 2377341908456256 | Country = gbr |
NickName = Jester Of Zephyr | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 50 | Radianite Points = 160 |
TotalRecentGames = 90 | Skins = [, Nitro Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, Artisan Phantom,
Varnish Judge, Artisan Bucky, , , , Varnish Sheriff, , , Nitro Guardian, Artisan
Marshal, , , ] | Checked = Yes
serco3661:killer366 | Username = serco3661 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 478adb81-
a42a-4f39-a253-24e6b73a054f | Level = 1 | Account ID = 207211030 | Country = mys |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
m1ster3strell4:Giuliana1331 | Username = M1ster3STRELL4 | Tag Line = 8653 | Game
Name = M1ster | Country = chl | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
robotmonkey25:Lastres21041998 | Username = robotmonkey25 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = RobotMonkey25 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 209552180 | Country = usa |
NickName = RobotMonkey25 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
jackfrost0311:Lastres21041998 | Username = jackfrost0311 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = jackfrost0311 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 211199663 | Country = geo |
NickName = jackfrost0311 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zz221zz:zz221zz | Username = zz221zz | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = ZZ221ZZ |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 220319111 | Country = vnm | NickName = ZZ221ZZ |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alvaromolina2006:alvaricoke123 | Username = alvaromolina2006 | Tag Line = EUW |
Game Name = Alvaromolina2006 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2588139154187552 | Country
= esp | NickName = Alvaromolina2006 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
bedynnn:antonio0802 | Username = bedynnn | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Bedynnn |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 232795936 | Country = bra | NickName = Bedynnn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
redstrap313:JeremyC313 | Username = redstrap313 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
c196364c-7d6f-4f5b-9e09-d2fc1878b830 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 224874149 | Country
= usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
xxxproficxxx:26052009iv | Username = XxXProficXxX | Tag Line = 5471 | Game Name =
XxXProficXxX | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2653315373000352 | Country = hrv | NickName
= XxXProficXxx | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
danyinotatoru:inotatoru261999 | Username = danyinotatoru | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = danyinotatoru | Level = 265 | Account ID = 203478577 | Country = rou |
NickName = danyinotatoru | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
faynk:werter12 | Username = faynk | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Faynk | Level = 21
| Account ID = 233402603 | Country = usa | NickName = Faynk | EmailVerified = True
| Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
scvwwq77:abc123 | Username = scvwwq77 | Account ID = 46677288 | Country = khm |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ooftopss:Ebok0826! | Username = Ooftopss | Tag Line = 9476 | Game Name = Ooftops |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kardswar1:97d3f69d | Username = kardswar1 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = EspectrumX
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 860548 | Country = bra | NickName = EspectrumX |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tunio10190:kalahari505 | Username = tunio10190 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Kalipso10190 | Level = 73 | Account ID = 27872344 | Country = pol | NickName =
Kalipso10190 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bingch33ry:Leomini1 | Username = BingCh33ry | Tag Line = 2865 | Game Name =
WeLuvLeo | Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
diovanelb1:fudencio02 | Username = diovanelb1 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
IS14ef15963c29a5 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 631060 | Country = bra | NickName =
IS14ef15963c29a5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
skiidiesu:Sanderson12 | Username = SkiiDiesu | Account ID = 2618011373823936 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
reaperbarren:Monkeybutt15 | Username = ReaperBarren | Tag Line = 47881 | Game Name
= FLAGGED 63992863 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
presse11:mama11 | Username = presse11 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS114246e36bab7d | Level = 1 | Account ID = 24977872 | Country = bra | NickName =
IS114246e36bab7d | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = ricki- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
joapilmg05:250505jms | Username = joapilmg05 | Country = esp | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points =
0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ytray1111:ionutsq188 | Username = ytray1111 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
7d5d2cd5-a67a-48a8-af35-5dd0692c37cf | Level = 1 | Account ID = 24807596 | Country
= mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = ionutcool90@yahoo.con |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
millenaire10:Jojo101201 | Username = millenaire10 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
GetRiightClicked | Level = 243 | Account ID = 239683037 | Country = fra | NickName
= GetRiightClicked | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 218 | Radianite Points = 20 |
TotalRecentGames = 75 | Skins = [Infantry Ares, Forsaken Vandal, Varnish Bulldog,
Spectrum Phantom, Serenity Judge, Artisan Bucky, Swooping Frenzy, Surge Classic,
Infantry Ghost, Sentinels of Light Sheriff, Ruin Shorty, Infantry Operator,
Infantry Guardian, Artisan Marshal, Singularity Spectre, Surge Stinger, Relic of
the Sentinel] | Checked = Yes
xzey1:Tobyhermoso1 | Username = xzey1 | Tag Line = vasir | Game Name =
123213123123123 | Account ID = 238795839 | Country = gtm | EmailVerified = True |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points =
0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
reisutsu:34turkiye67 | Username = reisutsu | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = Reisutsu
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 2674406974407904 | Country = tur | NickName = Reisutsu |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point =
550 | Radianite Points = 380 | TotalRecentGames = 99 | Skins = [Jigsaw Ares, K/TAC
Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, Artisan Phantom, Jigsaw Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch
Frenzy, , Jigsaw Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, K/TAC Operator, Jigsaw
Guardian, Monarch Marshal, , Varnish Stinger, K/TAC Blade] | Checked = Yes
dreydan12:lopakodo0 | Username = dreydan12 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1091e10f06e6be | Level = 2 | Account ID = 33473236 | Country = irn | NickName =
IS1091e10f06e6be | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
srghsrgsr@srgsrfaw.ffd | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
westsideridah69:Lastres21041998 | Username = westsideridah69 | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = THCHighness | Level = 2 | Account ID = 203363788 | Country = can |
NickName = THCHighness | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ilovepatin1:Huongdan98 | Username = ilovepatin1 | Tag Line = 2695 | Game Name =
KeNSuRyVN113 | Account ID = 2511906812470368 | Country = vnm | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
b2767229:840740a | Username = b2767229 | Account ID = 205986679 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
beezles50:peopie123 | Username = beezles50 | Tag Line = 6637 | Game Name =
beezles50 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dezmog974:InazumaEleven1 | Username = dezmog974 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Dezmog | Level = 15 | Account ID = 228103851 | Country = reu | NickName = Dezmog |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tyraneous:Wakingthedemon8 | Username = tyraneous | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS160e531a599b185214aab | Level = 1 | Account ID = 48883166 | Country = aus |
NickName = IS160e531a599b185214aab | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nerdheather:H34th3r88 | Username = nerdheather | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
NerdHeather | Level = 1 | Account ID = 213186667 | Country = blr | NickName =
NerdHeather | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
djdanpar:ssadeghian1 | Username = djdanpar | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = djdanpar
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 202838553 | Country = gbr | NickName = djdanpar |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
suasaa:window2001 | Username = suasaa | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Suasaa | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 228085776 | Country = deu | NickName = Suasaa | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
perrozzi18:2dWEEP7Xiu | Username = perrozzi18 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1001e96d5f80f90849ada | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46207019 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS1001e96d5f80f90849ada | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
razormiroh:imajustgetapenta214 | Username = razormiroh | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= MirohGaming | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200270786 | Country = usa | NickName =
MirohGaming | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
joltburstx2:joltburstx2 | Username = joltburstx2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Joltburstx2 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 235702973 | Country = bih | NickName =
Joltburstx2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ifuzesteel:Dodgeviper1 | Username = iFuzeSteel | Account ID = 2415234398276544 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mcpetike45:Kaka45659545 | Username = mcpetike45 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Hail Teemo plz | Level = 120 | Account ID = 208716576 | Country = hun | NickName =
Hail Teemo plz | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
gadip01:alien38142 | Username = GaDip01 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ITM Senpai |
Level = 30 | Account ID = 42761759 | Country = gbr | NickName = ITM Senpai |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thor8991:montana64 | Username = thor8991 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = thor8991 |
Level = 37 | Account ID = 231658891 | Country = fra | NickName = thor8991 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
essa1st2345:essamusa145 | Username = Essa1st2345 | Tag Line = essa | Game Name =
Essatarek | Country = pak | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 170 | TotalRecentGames = 52 | Skins =
[, , , , , , , , Vendetta Ghost, , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
zenndarr:Zanderk423 | Username = Zenndarr | Tag Line = 6425 | Game Name = Zenndarr
| Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vxhaze:kamilcio9910 | Username = vxhaze | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = vX HazE |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 208445567 | Country = gbr | NickName = vX HazE |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thefatwhopper:Lastres21041998 | Username = thefatwhopper | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = thefatwhopper | Level = 3 | Account ID = 212605486 | Country = ind |
NickName = thefatwhopper | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kiryshechka:cfynby90 | Username = kiryshechka | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1d262703fa9439 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 30923751 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1d262703fa9439 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hyperlx3:goldbe800 | Username = hyperlx3 | Account ID = 244448460 | Country = mex |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
abyssalpanic:fdcj7q4tm | Username = abyssalpanic | Account ID = 201289198 | Country
= bra | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
iomqsisay:bob24517591 | Username = iOmqSisay | Tag Line = 3826 | Game Name =
iiRobeT | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2232061381938848 | Country = twn | NickName =
iiRobet | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
abandeboss:masterchief101 | Username = abandeboss | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ABANDEBOSS | Level = 4 | Account ID = 215242467 | Country = usa | NickName =
ABANDEBOSS | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
mrchaotic94:elephants94 | Username = mrchaotic94 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
MrChaotic666 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 40675275 | Country = ncl | NickName =
MrChaotic666 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
duduyoutube:matt992319 | Username = duduyoutube | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
DuDuGamminPL | Level = 1 | Account ID = 218450688 | Country = ukr | NickName =
DuDuGamminPL | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hawkmanty02:dylanty02 | Username = hawkmanty02 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
hawkboy2 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2402039218809568 | Country = usa | NickName =
hawkboy2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rapjouj:jourdan1 | Username = rapjouj | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1d15669c5702e4 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 23547487 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1d15669c5702e4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xpressiveone:Matcla9123 | Username = xpressiveone | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
HanSoulo | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2333362649215520 | Country = swe | NickName =
HanSoulo | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
asobrab2005:satif1978 | Username = Asobrab2005 | Tag Line = 6892 | Game Name =
Asobrab2005 | Country = fra | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
sponsorowana4:dominikjk11 | Username = sponsorowana4 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= IS1a0e6cdefd3f4c | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28150244 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1a0e6cdefd3f4c | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dopeoverlock:titan2009 | Username = dopeoverlock | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
DOPEOVERLOCK | Level = 1 | Account ID = 211753667 | Country = esp | NickName =
DOPEOVERLOCK | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
kieston:Filip1997 | Username = Kieston | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = coziar |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2412536043320000 | Country = pol | NickName = coziar |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
atalar02:atalar44 | Username = atalar02 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = Oly
MinkyWhale | Level = 6 | Account ID = 203395319 | Country = tur | NickName = Oly
MinkyWhale | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maniac3311:maciek3121 | Username = maniac3311 | Account ID = 237086479 | Country =
srb | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pheoqt:b01h59b51 | Username = pheoqt | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Phèøxz | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 39153077 | Country = rus | NickName = Phèøxz | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
duen03:cleric99 | Username = duen03 | Account ID = 26091251 | Country = mys |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kathy0527714:kathy0527714 | Username = kathy0527714 | Account ID = 246576299 |
Country = mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
69boot:a12345 | Username = 69boot | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = IS147c7264105dea |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 31882188 | Country = rus | NickName = IS147c7264105dea |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
totentof06:mehmet568923147 | Username = totentof06 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
gürsoyyy | Level = 22 | Account ID = 2428141894210144 | Country = tur | NickName =
gürsoyyy | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
isonniemx:kaber123 | Username = isonniemx | Account ID = 40484141 | Country = arg |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mahkfgzia67b87:123qwe | Username = mahkfgzia67b87 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
mahk627567b87131 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 47599825 | Country = usa | NickName =
mahk627567b87131 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hypersp4:reloaded1 | Username = hypersp4 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS16b27d9807b12e | Level = 6 | Account ID = 22391868 | Country = idn | NickName =
IS16b27d9807b12e | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kwj2121:Weber2121 | Username = kwj2121 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = kwj2121 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2035230204318176 | Country = lux | NickName = kwj2121 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
joshuavayawebb2:seattle07 | Username = joshuavayawebb2 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= SneakyFatJosh | Level = 11 | Account ID = 2539836588213888 | Country = esp |
NickName = SneakyFatJosh | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
topgunnabee:Linden263 | Username = TopGunnaBee | Tag Line = 1558 | Game Name =
TopGunnaBee | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
krischiller:Frb63wrn | Username = Krischiller | Account ID = 2587508732552800 |
Country = dnk | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
terjek92:terjek92 | Username = terjek92 | Tag Line = 0420 | Game Name = Termetika |
Level = 124 | Account ID = 209378912 | Country = hun | NickName = Termeszto |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
luxdoprataiv:Luxeforte1 | Username = LuxDoPrataIV | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
LuxDoPrataIV | Level = 15 | Account ID = 2764220550129440 | Country = bra |
NickName = LuxDoPrataIV | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
marko1977:vasic1977 | Username = marko1977 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
egUguByiwv | Level = 1 | Account ID = 213766721 | Country = aut | NickName =
egUguByiwv | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
un4givenghost:1598741aA | Username = UN4GIVENGHOST | Tag Line = 9312 | Game Name =
Un4givenghost | Country = deu | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 60 |
TotalRecentGames = 5 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
t3n3ssee:Madden11!! | Username = T3N3SSEE | Tag Line = 3467 | Game Name = T3N3SSEE
| Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ultragalax2:25122001lL | Username = ultragalax2 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Er
Tryharder | Level = 10 | Account ID = 237356242 | Country = ita | NickName = Er
Tryharder | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
franbachiller8:4695068fran | Username = franbachiller8 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name
= Forgiveness Dad | Level = 2 | Account ID = 201000291 | Country = arg | NickName =
Forgiveness Dad | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
kpleit:Brashatan15 | Username = kpleit | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = kpleit |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2161277345909568 | Country = chl | NickName = kpleit |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pokkiraly:robika123 | Username = pokkiraly | Account ID = 238385935 | Country = idn
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zayaye:guidance123 | Username = zayaye | Tag Line = 7170 | Game Name = Cornbread |
Level = 170 | Account ID = 226555863 | Country = usa | NickName = zayaye12 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ihavenoa1m:ECOdE71778 | Username = IHaveNoA1m | Tag Line = 2006 | Game Name =
Private | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2542863376131136 | Country = zaf | NickName =
IHaveNoA1m | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 110 | TotalRecentGames = 3 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
nessyboii2001:Boots20011965 | Username = NessyBoii2001 | Account ID =
2680202377487968 | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kiritoying:tekken064 | Username = KiritoYing | Tag Line = 0602 | Game Name =
KiritoYing | Country = fra | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
milanista05:75365Calw | Username = milanista05 | Tag Line = 19999 | Game Name =
kingoffpusxx | Level = 6 | Account ID = 2548349308470976 | Country = deu | NickName
= Milanista19992 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
thomas64665:killer987 | Username = thomas64665 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Thomas6466 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 42762415 | Country = gbr | NickName =
Thomas6466 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zynthiax:ConnorJ03 | Username = zynthiax | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = Zynthiax |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 202849903 | Country = jpn | NickName = Zynthiax |
EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jairen1:dagger3fall | Username = jairen1 | Tag Line = PBE | Game Name = jairen |
Level = 35 | Account ID = 2200185254 | Country = usa | NickName = jairen |
EmailVerified = True | Region = PBE | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xxextentacles:Tom31032004 | Username = XXeXtentacles | Tag Line = XXX | Game Name =
XXeXtentacles | Country = irl | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 336 | Radianite Points = 15 |
TotalRecentGames = 29 | Skins = [, Ego Vandal, Infinity Bulldog, Serenity Phantom,
Serenity Judge, Surge Bucky, , Surge Classic, Cavalier Ghost, POLYfrog Sheriff,
Aerosol Shorty, , , POLYfrog Marshal, Infinity Spectre, Cavalier Stinger, Recon
Balisong] | Checked = Yes
par1oo1:par1oo1 | Username = par1oo1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = PAR1OO1 | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 218854015 | Country = usa | NickName = PAR1OO1 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
obeyalpaka:Chanch1to | Username = ObeyAlPaka | Tag Line = 9734 | Game Name =
ObeyAlPaka | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
adridt6:verdeazulrojo9 | Username = AdriDT6 | Tag Line = 7221 | Game Name =
Custodio Ronaldo | Country = esp | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames =
0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
hoband24:dlruf2030 | Username = hoband24 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
GolfIsMyLife | Level = 78 | Account ID = 200197363 | Country = usa | NickName =
GolfIsMyLife | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yuanlaoer1:zc87526070 | Username = yuanlaoer1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1827fdf2f54d1c6246dba | Level = 2 | Account ID = 200701020 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1827fdf2f54d1c6246dba | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
matuzalemteles:bults122 | Username = matuzalemteles | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Laasky | Level = 31 | Account ID = 204366144 | Country = bra | NickName = Laasky |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
satanaref13:Stemi2009 | Username = satanaref13 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
DeleteYourBrain | Level = 6 | Account ID = 33460179 | Country = geo | NickName =
DeleteYourBrain | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yasseroffa7:yasser1412 | Username = yasseroffa7 | Tag Line = TRUE | Game Name = IGN
YIVS | Level = 83 | Account ID = 221425953 | Country = egy | NickName = YIVS |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 150 | TotalRecentGames = 38 | Skins = [Singularity
Ares, Prime Vandal, Spectrum Bulldog, Ion Phantom, Glitchpop Judge, Origin Bucky,
Origin Frenzy, Prime Classic, Magepunk Ghost, Reaver Sheriff, Oni Shorty, Sentinels
of Light Operator, Sovereign Guardian, Magepunk Marshal, Singularity Spectre,
Sovereign Stinger, Origin Crescent Blade] | Checked = Yes
germanelite2:12Rene21 | Username = germanelite2 | Account ID = 214730027 | Country
= tha | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
justinbeharry24:lmfao101 | Username = justinbeharry24 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Who neds a map | Level = 5 | Account ID = 237416769 | Country = tto | NickName =
Who neds a map | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
lovewrek1:rkdghwns1 | Username = lovewrek1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 1f465c05-
fb35-41fb-bd21-3a945ed6266a | Level = 1 | Account ID = 40754620 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
slipperykm:timothy2017114 | Username = SlipperyKM | Tag Line = 2745 | Game Name =
SlipperyKM | Account ID = 2384936786357632 | Country = mys | EmailVerified = False
| Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lusquinhosopbe:sysopmiguel0012 | Username = LusquinhosoPBE | Tag Line = PBE | Game
Name = Lusquinha PBE | Level = 36 | Account ID = 1993043976006432 | Country = bra |
NickName = Lusquinha PBE | EmailVerified = True | Region = PBE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
galco6:kayak6arcos | Username = galco6 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Galco06 |
Level = 26 | Account ID = 206897414 | Country = esp | NickName = Galco06 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 80 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
khazixpaiinzz:Balkon26 | Username = khazixpaiinzz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
KHAZIXPAIINZZ491 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2181310885089888 | Country = deu |
NickName = KHAZIXPAIINZZ491 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pompotto:Gaelle77 | Username = pompotto | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = pompottow |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 231447703 | Country = fra | NickName = pompottow |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
awildschurchi:Wadeiop848 | Username = AwildSchurchi | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Some Schuchini | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2235068864369152 | Country = che |
NickName = Some Schuchini | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
heidog909:y6342017 | Username = heidog909 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
NearTheCroXX | Level = 5 | Account ID = 220809575 | Country = chn | NickName =
NearTheCroXX | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
ratedr994:Hitman25994 | Username = Ratedr994 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Ratedr994 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 2485995325843360 | Country = gbr | NickName =
Ratedr994 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
danielhornstrup94:Daniel94 | Username = danielhornstrup94 | Account ID = 200572587
| Country = tur | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
relykv2:667465ff | Username = relykv2 | Tag Line = 1708 | Game Name = relyk |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xuxingbo:xuxingbo123 | Username = xuxingbo | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = BoGgL |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2520577059120960 | Country = usa | NickName = BoGgL |
EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
klyspis:kluCZevia@12 | Username = klyspis | Tag Line = ADC | Game Name = KATOKI |
Level = 84 | Account ID = 2121877196698048 | Country = pol | NickName = KLYSPIS |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 120 | TotalRecentGames = 4 | Skins = [Jigsaw Ares,
K/TAC Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, , Jigsaw Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch Frenzy,
Pistolinha Classic, Jigsaw Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, K/TAC Operator,
Jigsaw Guardian, Monarch Marshal, , , K/TAC Blade] | Checked = Yes
hinseek8:lossims2 | Username = hinseek8 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = TFTaste |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2653344355124512 | Country = per | NickName = TFTaste |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cureme7:doggybook1 | Username = CureMe7 | Tag Line = pls | Game Name = CureMe |
Country = gbr | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 200 | Radianite Points = 200 | TotalRecentGames = 10 | Skins = [, Avalanche
Vandal, , Prism Phantom, , , , Prime Classic, dot EXE Ghost, , , Ion
Operator, , , , , Kingdom Knife] | Checked = Yes
battleooze1989:Butter33 | Username = battleooze1989 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
BattleOoze1989 | Level = 11 | Account ID = 2036327792700192 | Country = usa |
NickName = BattleOoze1989 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ulyssebouju:Vodka01! | Username = ulyssebouju | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = The
Tíckler | Level = 56 | Account ID = 2222988920408928 | Country = usa | NickName =
The Tíckler | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
remthehaunt:1761991rF | Username = remthehaunt | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
evendisthereaper | Level = 11 | Account ID = 25778204 | Country = syc | NickName =
evendisthereaper | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jupiterslow508:dawpaw000 | Username = jupiterslow508 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
jupiterslow508 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2288900974864544 | Country = usa |
NickName = jupiterslow508 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
marioak120:uaredead1 | Username = marioak120 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = LTM
HeyImYerz | Level = 5 | Account ID = 217629191 | Country = lbn | NickName = LTM
HeyImYerz | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
biciu12345:pracus15 | Username = biciu12345 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS14cd2c7fc56675 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32818570 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS14cd2c7fc56675 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fzazac5421:zhanglu123 | Username = fzazac5421 | Tag Line = 4337 | Game Name =
Miracle | Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
campo11111:ebyMU2eX | Username = campo11111 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS189642a7f84961 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30840637 | Country = idn | NickName =
IS189642a7f84961 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hissingpigeon:Bikeshop03 | Username = hissingpigeon | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Hissing Pigeon | Level = 14 | Account ID = 35337894 | Country = usa | NickName =
Hissing Pigeon | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
khepri64:ToriNick2! | Username = Khepri64 | Tag Line = 7203 | Game Name = Khepri64
| Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
asafrokni:Insipid20 | Username = asafrokni | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Rokni |
Level = 14 | Account ID = 42372939 | Country = isr | NickName = Rokni |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lancontest41:m84l1fe | Username = lancontest41 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS13897d6399c2fefb1cdc4 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37902460 | Country = esp |
NickName = IS13897d6399c2fefb1cdc4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rerorarory123:lolokxd1 | Username = rerorarory123 | Account ID = 207798292 |
Country = irn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
604084060:heruimin1988 | Username = 604084060 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Miku
Airi | Level = 7 | Account ID = 213476047 | Country = usa | NickName = Miku Airi |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
safdjcool104:pass123 | Username = safdjcool104 | Account ID = 45955524 | Country =
tha | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xzentis00:Sharlie210! | Username = Xzentis00 | Tag Line = 1674 | Game Name =
Xzentis00 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
brodylak:molph033syl | Username = BroDyLaK | Tag Line = Loui | Game Name = Lem IX |
Level = 16 | Account ID = 2438134150476480 | Country = fra | NickName = BrøDy |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 84 | Radianite Points = 375 | TotalRecentGames = 98 | Skins = [POLYfrog
Ares, Nitro Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Artisan Phantom, dot EXE Judge, Artisan Bucky,
Couture Frenzy, Pistolinha Classic, Artisan Ghost, Ion Sheriff, Snakebite Shorty,
Cavalier Operator, Nitro Guardian, Artisan Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Couture
Stinger, Artisan Foil] | Checked = Yes
yts0k:Jejedofutbol09 | Username = Yts0k | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 9fa4716c-
b5a1-4279-8fcd-d4f814e8dd61 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2617205789116000 | Country =
esp | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sethbreezy:sushi626 | Username = sethbreezy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS110f9ff8be7ea6a772cb3 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32263316 | Country = tha |
NickName = IS110f9ff8be7ea6a772cb3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dassti123:maximaxi22 | Username = dassti123 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
NerviozzoYI | Level = 8 | Account ID = 1400517 | Country = arg | NickName =
NerviozzoYI | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chunin11:chene14 | Username = chunin11 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS11205cbb629bf79cb9d19 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38560598 | Country = isr |
NickName = IS11205cbb629bf79cb9d19 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kryptek44:Window99 | Username = kryptek44 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 7c81a775-
6436-4822-8e27-8106d70b4122 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2131951661394304 | Country =
usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nanoesouza1:sasuke122 | Username = nanoesouza1 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Kraszer | Level = 7 | Account ID = 1285970 | Country = bra | NickName = Kraszer |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aoikaje:wkfskrkdy1 | Username = aoikaje | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = aoikaje |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 207073954 | Country = kor | NickName = aoikaje |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
perform94:asd123Qw1! | Username = perform94 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
perform94 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 201975933 | Country = fra | NickName =
perform94 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thepeluka:Lastres21041998 | Username = thepeluka | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
manoshediondas | Level = 5 | Account ID = 206268581 | Country = chl | NickName =
manoshediondas | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
wgslimengze:Lmz5615238 | Username = wgslimengze | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
VIkiNan | Level = 10 | Account ID = 204655395 | Country = grc | NickName = VIkiNan
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
contentcomedy:fredben11 | Username = contentcomedy | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
the pumpkin pies | Level = 1 | Account ID = 224577053 | Country = gbr | NickName =
the pumpkin pies | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
yasminwagner:sunshine13 | Username = yasminwagner | Account ID = 22274544 | Country
= egy | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
djekson3996:89097933518d | Username = djekson3996 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name
= ?????????????? | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2019780722397472 | Country = rus |
NickName = ?????????????? | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jajajajasonnnn:Lovezjh35 | Username = jajajajasonnnn | Tag Line = 4733 | Game Name
= jajajasonnn | Country = aus | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
1144257720:syn59421 | Username = 1144257720 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = KeyStel
| Level = 8 | Account ID = 202231542 | Country = aus | NickName = KeyStel |
EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
awesomehay5:motherx2000 | Username = awesomehay5 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Moti Drop | Level = 5 | Account ID = 232508221 | Country = rus | NickName = Moti
Drop | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xristosspaik:spk1282004 | Username = xristosspaik | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS17eb73cac5f37b | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34316656 | Country = nld | NickName =
IS17eb73cac5f37b | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mamduzydom:Rassei1337 | Username = MamDuzyDom | Tag Line = 12345 | Game Name = ET
Mihones | Level = 144 | Account ID = 2230510199321376 | Country = pol | NickName =
XKapiToFrajerX | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 100 | Radianite Points = 85 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [,
Prime Vandal, , Nebula Phantom, , , , , Soul Silencer Ghost, , , , , , , , ] |
Checked = Yes
1123129090:liu372187953 | Username = 1123129090 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ConyGO | Level = 1 | Account ID = 231955073 | Country = rus | NickName = ConyGO |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
veqcream:Ziziss18@ | Username = VeqCream | Tag Line = 3480 | Game Name = Ace |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2743030260172768 | Country = fra | NickName = SELLAMUN
ALEKUM | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 30 | Radianite Points = 145 | TotalRecentGames = 88 | Skins = [,
Hivemind Ares, POLYfox Bulldog, , POLYfox Judge, Kingdom Bucky, , , , POLYfox
Sheriff, , , POLYfox Guardian, , Hivemind Spectre, , ] | Checked = Yes
guibmattos:8745632b | Username = guibmattos | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Gui HUE
BR | Level = 12 | Account ID = 202210043 | Country = bra | NickName = Gui HUE BR |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
egj4ever77:724dbefa77 | Username = egj4ever77 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
c1fa9a3d-726d-403e-ad64-aaf4239d1048 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 233719666 | Country
= mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stanonline2:st1986an | Username = stanonline2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS16bc8fb77c7cf672244a9 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 44824391 | Country = bra |
NickName = IS16bc8fb77c7cf672244a9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
raulhm00:bajaral8pr9 | Username = raulhm00 | Account ID = 201235089 | Country = ukr
| EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hxprya:Capslock01 | Username = hxprya | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = HxPrya | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 201356168 | Country = tur | NickName = HxPrya | EmailVerified =
False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
qalled:Fotboll125 | Username = qalled | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Legenf Of
Qalle | Level = 13 | Account ID = 38355283 | Country = vnm | NickName = Legenf Of
Qalle | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shinbahamut07:blarchtiaok07 | Username = ShinBahamut07 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= Shin Bahamut | Level = 82 | Account ID = 36660691 | Country = fra | NickName =
Shin Bahamut | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
foxlytails2:Lastres21041998 | Username = foxlytails2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1d3bbb2536986a4a1dc78 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 46475486 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS1d3bbb2536986a4a1dc78 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
thedevilskarma:Trustno1 | Username = thedevilskarma | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
TheDevilsKarma | Level = 1 | Account ID = 219118039 | Country = usa | NickName =
TheDevilsKarma | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dirtbikerider11:dirtbikes3 | Username = dirtbikerider11 | Tag Line = 6232 | Game
Name = niico1312 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32695897 | Country = idn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gravenrox:bulbasaur2501 | Username = gravenrox | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Gravenrox | Level = 19 | Account ID = 41522920 | Country = gbr | NickName =
Gravenrox | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
greenlem18:zabiaka1 | Username = greenlem18 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1c98b0104eb769 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30412997 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1c98b0104eb769 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
davidkorc:praha22korcak | Username = davidkorc | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
DejfiCZ | Level = 1 | Account ID = 23127365 | Country = cze | NickName = DejfiCZ |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sabouata:sam2000 | Username = sabouata | Account ID = 43815994 | Country = idn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
daniloergod:wbq23fxk | Username = DaniloErGod | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
goodgamemom | Level = 9 | Account ID = 2004968984375872 | Country = dnk | NickName
= goodgamemom | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mikkel257333:jvx45evx | Username = mikkel257333 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ShadoxDK | Level = 2 | Account ID = 202108897 | Country = dnk | NickName = ShadoxDK
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mahamedmoalim:Mahamed92 | Username = mahamedmoalim | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Makarofu Dorea | Level = 2 | Account ID = 42354600 | Country = idn | NickName =
Makarofu Dorea | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
dxdrag0n:Grusel1234 | Username = DxDRAG0N | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = DxDRAG0N |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 1989151017111968 | Country = deu | NickName = DxDRAG0N |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
inburial:Lastres21041998 | Username = inburial | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS112005765ab0bbcc4c765 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 38065305 | Country = ukr |
NickName = IS112005765ab0bbcc4c765 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
creedred1:CreedRed1 | Username = CreedRed1 | Tag Line = 2204 | Game Name = CreedRed
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 2628381601719424 | Country = rus | NickName = CreedRed |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 25 | Radianite Points = 30 | TotalRecentGames = 92 | Skins = [,
Reaver Vandal, , , , , , Prism III Classic, , , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
brbustad:buggy77 | Username = brbustad | Account ID = 49237252 | Country = tha |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
txiaotx45:xiaorong0718 | Username = txiaotx45 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1955cf06682b3f7dd9a82 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 43561815 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1955cf06682b3f7dd9a82 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
wojtun94:htji2871 | Username = wojtun94 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Wojtun94 |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 36191579 | Country = pol | NickName = Wojtun94 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
franpr9:clavijo9A | Username = Franpr9 | Tag Line = 3975 | Game Name = Franpr |
Country = esp | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xxproboomboxxd:Prince007 | Username = XxproboomboxXD | Account ID =
2003232278442624 | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lifelineee97:kylespc1 | Username = lifelineee97 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
lifelineee | Level = 1 | Account ID = 240806882 | Country = arg | NickName =
lifelineee | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nursegimmie:Matt1877 | Username = nursegimmie | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Nurse
Gimmie | Level = 14 | Account ID = 206127471 | Country = usa | NickName = Nurse
Gimmie | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
docrodgers80:c0as4sPZ80 | Username = docrodgers80 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS136dc6af926856f8409a0 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 35614138 | Country = rus |
NickName = IS136dc6af926856f8409a0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
martelpatrick:Pm200795! | Username = martelpatrick | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
poZ Hunter | Level = 53 | Account ID = 37505689 | Country = usa | NickName = poZ
Hunter | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
johnepro12:Johnepro12 | Username = johnepro12 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Johnepro123 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2166318931071840 | Country = ltu | NickName
= Johnepro123 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
swatchboy7:polo93 | Username = swatchboy7 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS17391bbe2ab7bf | Level = 5 | Account ID = 24602043 | Country = phl | NickName =
IS17391bbe2ab7bf | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
velebacz:Vojtisek530 | Username = velebacz | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Velebis
CZ | Level = 19 | Account ID = 222504712 | Country = cze | NickName = Velebis CZ |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 5 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
foyeur4977:justine4977 | Username = Foyeur4977 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Foyeur4977 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2419605271711872 | Country = fra | NickName =
Foyeur4977 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jastran07:naruto7 | Username = jastran07 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = Jasoran |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 200073778 | Country = aus | NickName = Jasoran |
EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
accoval:boom2089 | Username = AccoVAL | Tag Line = 5622 | Game Name = BOO | Country
= usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
adrigonzalka:guhe7rguhe7r | Username = adrigonzalka | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
DivAzul SauloT | Level = 2 | Account ID = 224236312 | Country = esp | NickName =
DivAzul SauloT | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
owengaspard:spitfire25 | Username = owengaspard | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Oemis | Level = 1 | Account ID = 241589293 | Country = mys | NickName = Oemis |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
k3tztuete:Columbus1 | Username = k3tztuete | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS175fcb4143bc4d | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29154004 | Country = pak | NickName =
IS175fcb4143bc4d | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
maczardo:janeczek9 | Username = maczardo | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = maczardo |
Level = 133 | Account ID = 218757974 | Country = pol | NickName = maczardo |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 180 | TotalRecentGames = 60 | Skins = [, , Depths Vandal,
Depths Bulldog, Lightwave Phantom, , Lightwave Bucky, , Songsteel Classic, Depths
Ghost, Lightwave Sheriff, , Songsteel Guardian, Songsteel Marshal, , Depths
Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
nemhotep87:grimmyapf87 | Username = nemhotep87 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b45d855bf9843c32bc8e | Level = 8 | Account ID = 40816044 | Country = bol |
NickName = IS1b45d855bf9843c32bc8e | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
notlikethiscrush:Themrlane444 | Username = NotLikeThisCrush | Country = rus |
EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
callmeaxden:aiden208 | Username = CallMeAxden | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
CallMeAxden | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2239757471468192 | Country = usa | NickName
= CallMeAxden | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
guardiannx:dyugarry90 | Username = guardiannx | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
GuardianNX | Level = 5 | Account ID = 214308680 | Country = bra | NickName =
GuardianNX | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
pockitopanda:jebuse11 | Username = pockitopanda | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = zZz
SNORLAX BYAH | Level = 8 | Account ID = 50261516 | Country = usa | NickName = zZz
SNORLAX BYAH | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lunika2000:lunika2005 | Username = lunika2000 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
lunika4960 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 207034581 | Country = chl | NickName =
lunika4960 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
icaraw:icaro2760 | Username = icaraw | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = IcaRaw | Level
= 10 | Account ID = 232737654 | Country = bra | NickName = IcaRaw | EmailVerified =
True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
leopatti:laconhadel1 | Username = leopatti | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1897e1d4117f6f5adaa72 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 33808511 | Country = egy |
NickName = IS1897e1d4117f6f5adaa72 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
piabinha032:recife03 | Username = piabinha032 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
piabinha032 | Level = 17 | Account ID = 227327907 | Country = prt | NickName =
piabinha032 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
jamhogan:Ch0colatemilk | Username = jamhogan | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Jamhogan | Level = 4 | Account ID = 237673258 | Country = ukr | NickName = Jamhogan
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
unknownchiller4:milenium90 | Username = unknownchiller4 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = unknownlilly | Level = 7 | Account ID = 215722146 | Country = deu | NickName
= unknownlilly | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
9lamche:Mih41099 | Username = 9LamChe | Country = rus | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
hannacdz:112931hanna | Username = hannacdz | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Yagami
Argol | Level = 12 | Account ID = 205972050 | Country = bra | NickName = Yagami
Argol | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
azgodeth:Lastres21041998 | Username = azgodeth | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Azgodeth | Level = 1 | Account ID = 229289558 | Country = rus | NickName = Azgodeth
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
qtasek992:qtasek22 | Username = qtasek992 | Account ID = 33974257 | Country = ken |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hamidedemir1234:10mart1979 | Username = hamidedemir1234 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game
Name = KIM TASIDI | Level = 10 | Account ID = 210629519 | Country = tur | NickName
= KIM TASIDI | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
shadownett7:sw17726b | Username = shadownett7 | Account ID = 246750558 | Country =
pak | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aacowboyking:saunders11 | Username = aacowboyking | Account ID = 38981269 | Country
= chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
necrodaz:zwanepol1 | Username = necrodaz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = NecroDaz |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 201925500 | Country = can | NickName = NecroDaz |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pokemaplez:maple001213 | Username = pokemaplez | Account ID = 226400289 | Country =
tur | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nrnd97:123abc | Username = nrnd97 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = IS1f7e55ae513c62
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 34020623 | Country = chn | NickName = IS1f7e55ae513c62 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
big2532go:big2532go | Username = big2532go | Tag Line = 2060 | Game Name = Anatomie
| Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rafikiler:76142kiler | Username = rafikiler | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Rafikiler | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39723685 | Country = srb | NickName =
Rafikiler | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
qwe55662009:asd55662009 | Username = qwe55662009 | Tag Line = 5122 | Game Name =
buy fruits | Country = twn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
reibrenok1:Lastres21041998 | Username = reibrenok1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1612a7d19a548b29267d7 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 45592279 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS1612a7d19a548b29267d7 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mamazokee:Dragon1087141584* | Username = mamazokee | Tag Line = 6275 | Game Name =
mamazoke | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hackerkoder07:bandit9901 | Username = hackerkoder07 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Fatal Username | Level = 13 | Account ID = 243082557 | Country = can | NickName =
Fatal Username | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
erbutee:a2mziyoq | Username = erbutee | Tag Line = 3098 | Game Name = erBute |
Country = esp | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
polsn:paja1998 | Username = polsn | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Polsn98 | Level =
5 | Account ID = 200888310 | Country = cze | NickName = Polsn98 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
deluxe4441:airbusa380 | Username = deluxe4441 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
deluxe444 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 227087934 | Country = can | NickName =
deluxe444 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chongzhijie:22359A0C7E | Username = chongzhijie | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ChongZhiJie0216 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2055715738168800 | Country = mys |
NickName = ChongZhiJie0216 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rabvc4:Bite-me3 | Username = rabvc4 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 5a0kbwaUIb |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 209501351 | Country = usa | NickName = 5a0kbwaUIb |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nkelfein:89052029477qwe | Username = nkelfein | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name
= ????????? ????? | Level = 103 | Account ID = 203965605 | Country = rus | NickName
= ????????? ????? | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fozzyrx:Laserx4426 | Username = fozzyrx | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Fozzy RX |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 210375387 | Country = rus | NickName = Fozzy RX |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mauero2002:m2002103434 | Username = mauero2002 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
mauero2002 | Level = 15 | Account ID = 203645458 | Country = col | NickName =
mauero2002 | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ekinat97:asdasdasd12 | Username = ekinat97 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = primat31
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 1209614 | Country = chn | NickName = primat31 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
martyxvon2:mama2004 | Username = martyxvon2 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
reportjng0help | Level = 35 | Account ID = 230230221 | Country = cze | NickName =
reportjng0help | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fatalcombo1:fatalcombo1 | Username = fatalcombo1 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
fatalcombo | Level = 1 | Account ID = 202347881 | Country = nld | NickName =
fatalcombo | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
goekhanx:Neriman1! | Username = goekhanx | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 2zeswY8OJk
| Level = 29 | Account ID = 86366 | Country = deu | NickName = 2zeswY8OJk |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
matheusfvieira:mat05102005 | Username = matheusfvieira | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name
= Kobe Penerinha | Level = 6 | Account ID = 209714286 | Country = bra | NickName =
Kobe Penerinha | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
milosssss23:milosssss23 | Username = milosssss23 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
milosssss23 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 42166888 | Country = fra | NickName =
milosssss23 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
f00tb4ll1n:zeplin12 | Username = f00tb4ll1n | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
f00tb4ll1n | Level = 251 | Account ID = 211078664 | Country = usa | NickName =
f00tb4ll1n | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ceaserkingof:Enes2604126041 | Username = ceaserkingof | Tag Line = A760 | Game Name
= ceaserking | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kaellfoz:mandic2406 | Username = kaellfoz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e3c7b345334a48d88c9e | Level = 4 | Account ID = 39857981 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1e3c7b345334a48d88c9e | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fitjabb:pote4305 | Username = fitjabb | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = fitjab | Level
= 2 | Account ID = 220976016 | Country = srb | NickName = fitjab | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stutpi6e1:marioqjmihuq123 | Username = stutpi6e1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS11dc2310c12830 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28279282 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS11dc2310c12830 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jackbauer2402:ctu24jackbauer | Username = jackbauer2402 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = JackBauer2402 | Level = 14 | Account ID = 28753347 | Country = egy |
NickName = JackBauer2402 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 150 | Radianite Points = 70 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [, , , , , Kingdom Bucky, , , , , , , , , Kingdom
Spectre, , ] | Checked = Yes
jaxonl13:Sliquid123 | Username = jaxonl13 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = JaxonL13 |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 226863677 | Country = usa | NickName = JaxonL13 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hallihallo26:marcel26 | Username = hallihallo26 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1a983735e1c5f0 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 34652328 | Country = deu | NickName =
IS1a983735e1c5f0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
exopie:sjtmm001 | Username = exopie | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ExoPie | Level =
5 | Account ID = 210474487 | Country = nor | NickName = ExoPie | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kiubas223pl:kotek2000 | Username = kiubas223pl | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
kiubas223pl | Level = 30 | Account ID = 209323641 | Country = pol | NickName =
kiubas223pl | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kdxu11:5241momotea | Username = kdxu11 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = kdxu11 |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 2175250893367424 | Country = chn | NickName = kdxu11 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alfacgn:Rissiger5 | Username = alfacgn | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = AlfaCGN |
Level = 8 | Account ID = 226814296 | Country = arg | NickName = AlfaCGN |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
macilath:3h37!Q*5Dw | Username = macilath | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS128de289083d084330c16 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 44630796 | Country = tur |
NickName = IS128de289083d084330c16 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
broadstr33t:Jumper29 | Username = broadstr33t | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
BroadStr33t | Level = 189 | Account ID = 233836681 | Country = usa | NickName =
BroadStr33t | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
carnivalez:Lastres21041998 | Username = carnivalez | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS19eac080a44b3fc91e35e | Level = 4 | Account ID = 35726941 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS19eac080a44b3fc91e35e | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pikiti712:pikiti120700 | Username = pikiti712 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
pikiti712 | Level = 28 | Account ID = 1968207282811616 | Country = esp | NickName =
pikiti712 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 400 | Radianite Points = 190 | TotalRecentGames = 88 | Skins =
[, Horizon Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, , Varnish Judge, , , , , Varnish Sheriff, , ,
Nitro Guardian, Artisan Marshal, , Varnish Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
michtricks1:michael99548809 | Username = michtricks1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= michaelmus | Level = 30 | Account ID = 217698418 | Country = dnk | NickName =
michaelmus | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
farmmule19:surie317 | Username = farmmule19 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
farmmule19 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 46136055 | Country = can | NickName =
farmmule19 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
txarola:alejandro4 | Username = txarola | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = Txarola |
Level = 11 | Account ID = 202695100 | Country = ven | NickName = Txarola |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cfalmeida87:Bunitin1987 | Username = cfalmeida87 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
CFALMEIDA87 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 218087115 | Country = mda | NickName =
CFALMEIDA87 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lhero1:rlaalwn1 | Username = lhero1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Darker Than BL |
Level = 12 | Account ID = 40024004 | Country = bra | NickName = Darker Than BL |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
joeblackdd:oksankaa11 | Username = joeblackdd | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
DCollins | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201146304 | Country = mda | NickName = DCollins
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
drackoe14:Lastres21041998 | Username = drackoe14 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
blackknight14 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 40139351 | Country = mys | NickName =
blackknight14 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
roginsek12:dragster1 | Username = roginsek12 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS15e6d555d45c59 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 35659755 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS15e6d555d45c59 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lkaranovic33:29122001lk | Username = lkaranovic33 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
i9dskaodpa | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2358080850670144 | Country = srb | NickName =
i9dskaodpa | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tylerswiftsword:WAITER55 | Username = TYLERSWIFTSWORD | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= e2c488de-9554-4b4b-ab76-fdf95e918768 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2485706265642272
| Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
SWIFTSLASHER55@GMAIL.COM | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
smoczypierd10:pk240693 | Username = smoczypierd10 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1bf4bf8eab0671 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28342142 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1bf4bf8eab0671 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kinsa2:bwm4eva1225 | Username = kinsa2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1487f834f3e490f986088 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 41513247 | Country = per |
NickName = IS1487f834f3e490f986088 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mistersowinski:qwerty26 | Username = mistersowinski | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
243638d6-9424-4027-947f-09dc5570de82 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228030403 | Country
= qat | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jam1996:feuerkaste1 | Username = jam1996 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
zerhacktomorph | Level = 14 | Account ID = 202780057 | Country = slv | NickName =
zerhacktomorph | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thejoe130:a2b3c4 | Username = thejoe130 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1675c17b1452d8348bd99 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 37302785 | Country = bgd |
NickName = IS1675c17b1452d8348bd99 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ronkhy:1dinasee | Username = ronkhy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ronkhy | Level =
1 | Account ID = 218913958 | Country = vnm | NickName = ronkhy | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
savadakadavra:dno1475369jumok | Username = savadakadavra | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = SchavadaKadavra | Level = 65 | Account ID = 2368729906811456 | Country = deu
| NickName = SchavadaKadavra | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
seerees11:Lahmus00 | Username = seerees11 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = MinCHµl |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 215485131 | Country = nld | NickName = MinCHµl |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bungau19:bungau10 | Username = bungau19 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
bungaucasian | Level = 13 | Account ID = 1992073695498752 | Country = rou |
NickName = bungaucasian | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
karka223:karolis123 | Username = karka223 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = DuelCore |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 42618525 | Country = ltu | NickName = DuelCore |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dniodnio:mgkufu6za | Username = dniodnio | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Rapata |
Level = 32 | Account ID = 25186698 | Country = pol | NickName = Rapata |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
abj3750:enfprh753 | Username = abj3750 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Gaebochi |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 206112737 | Country = usa | NickName = Gaebochi |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lluviahermosa:74Tk5ZH0Nd | Username = lluviahermosa | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c9482e201126b81c80ba | Level = 3 | Account ID = 46100121 | Country = egy |
NickName = IS1c9482e201126b81c80ba | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
irisamorim54:irisamorim54 | Username = irisamorim54 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
irisjaque54 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204265197 | Country = bra | NickName =
irisjaque54 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
fideltorres:fide123 | Username = fideltorres | Account ID = 226319160 | Country =
fin | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
akatorthotos2000:akatorthotos2000qq1 | Username = akatorthotos2000 | Tag Line =
EUNE | Game Name = AkAtOrTHoToS2000 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 200337469 | Country
= mex | NickName = AkAtOrTHoToS2000 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
gite9:leciutki1 | Username = gite9 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = gite9 | Level =
8 | Account ID = 41982937 | Country = idn | NickName = gite9 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
timlikebla:mathew22 | Username = timlikebla | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = PLADAPUS
| Level = 15 | Account ID = 240728545 | Country = can | NickName = PLADAPUS |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vidrih96:12david34 | Username = vidrih96 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Vidrih |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 30072032 | Country = srb | NickName = Vidrih |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
burtuli999:pikolo123 | Username = burtuli999 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = By
Burtuli | Level = 1 | Account ID = 215708082 | Country = bra | NickName = By
Burtuli | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alp19033:sariyer1903 | Username = alp19033 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
MuscleYelloW | Level = 6 | Account ID = 200350283 | Country = tur | NickName =
MuscleYelloW | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
coronavirusluma:coronavirusluma10 | Username = coronavirusluma | Tag Line = 04012 |
Game Name = FLAGGED 20426493 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2443793123192320 | Country
= bra | NickName = FLAGGED 04608480 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
andgatedynacc:Ratzundruebe6 | Username = AnDGateDynaCc | Tag Line = 9930 | Game
Name = AnDGateDynaC | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2553512107665248 | Country = deu |
NickName = V1ewty | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = f.bottenberg@t- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 100 | TotalRecentGames = 0 |
Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
maxvignaud3:mozart17 | Username = maxvignaud3 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = The
Snøw Angel | Level = 1 | Account ID = 238581592 | Country = fra | NickName = The
Snøw Angel | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
edwardmcfish:124rimini | Username = EdwardMcFish | Tag Line = ween | Game Name =
Krim Kringle | Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
qq39060914:tiande555 | Username = qq39060914 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name =
disco666 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2429170934156608 | Country = jpn | NickName =
disco666 | EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
2dangervirus2:n123a123 | Username = 2dangervirus2 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS12d4a1832fa670 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35337708 | Country = swe | NickName =
IS12d4a1832fa670 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
skurczyklops:polska12345 | Username = skurczyklops | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
skurczyklops | Level = 48 | Account ID = 228299153 | Country = pol | NickName =
skurczyklops | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gmrlow:gmrlow1 | Username = gmrlow | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = gmrlow | Level =
1 | Account ID = 210022857 | Country = bra | NickName = gmrlow | EmailVerified =
False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
perwillas17:naruto199712 | Username = perwillas17 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Llve2Feed | Level = 1 | Account ID = 237997775 | Country = nor | NickName =
Llve2Feed | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gandarah:pitostino14 | Username = Gandarah | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = OutBang |
Level = 30 | Account ID = 2234819481987808 | Country = esp | NickName = OutBang |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
naf5an:147147a | Username = naf5an | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = naf5anv7896 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 34506360 | Country = ven | NickName = naf5anv7896 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
quinomen99:teamolis123 | Username = QuinoMen99 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
QUINO0 | Level = 21 | Account ID = 200240111 | Country = arg | NickName = QUINO0 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
silvielud:silvi1234 | Username = silvielud | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1bc6eac525e5a5 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 23494208 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1bc6eac525e5a5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
anwaribz:anwar123 | Username = anwaribz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = IM CLEAN ASF
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 233246156 | Country = gbr | NickName = IM CLEAN ASF |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
smilingswagnl:mandje123 | Username = smilingswagnl | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
smilingswagnl | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2117278155223744 | Country = nld |
NickName = smilingswagnl | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
trankhang03:trankhang123 | Username = Trankhang03 | Tag Line = 2030 | Game Name =
trankhang03 | Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
jorenstrollis:Rausis001 | Username = JorensTrollis | Tag Line = 3166 | Game Name =
JorensTrollis | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2772217558066656 | Country = lva |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
hectordroid3:Xperia33! | Username = HectorDroid3 | Tag Line = 1292 | Game Name =
Never Surrender | Account ID = 2752364432835776 | Country = esp | EmailVerified =
False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 100 | TotalRecentGames = 8 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked =
naewin4:box75033665 | Username = naewin4 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c4dc050227380ec5c64c | Level = 5 | Account ID = 44132878 | Country = tun |
NickName = IS1c4dc050227380ec5c64c | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
namasteck:jorge2201 | Username = namasteck | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Namasteck
| Level = 16 | Account ID = 214262796 | Country = esp | NickName = Namasteck |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
darrxtar:5804099Ega | Username = darrxtar | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Delitium |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 201486553 | Country = bra | NickName = Delitium |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
infantry2012:Rafal2012 | Username = infantry2012 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name =
infantry | Level = 164 | Account ID = 201546072 | Country = jpn | NickName =
infantry | EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
grossellis01:Sulina20 | Username = grossellis01 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
Ghostzera | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2234815441447648 | Country = bra | NickName =
Ghostzera | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
prallebrueste7:Alexander5 | Username = prallebrueste7 | Account ID = 32986553 |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
smurfkickerv3:slipknot1319 | Username = smurfkickerv3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= smurfkickerv3 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 228102742 | Country = rus | NickName =
smurfkickerv3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
phaerm:Matthew1 | Username = phaerm | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Phaerm | Level =
6 | Account ID = 245522618 | Country = usa | NickName = Phaerm | EmailVerified =
True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zikoga:Houssem31 | Username = zikoga | Tag Line = moc | Game Name = ziko | Account
ID = 2313348535366240 | Country = fra | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
charlottezo:Maman8426 | Username = charlottezo | Tag Line = 34394 | Game Name =
FLAGGED 64425959 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 229654058 | Country = fra | NickName =
ChaChaZo | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
karol869:karol869 | Username = karol869 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = karol869 |
Level = 23 | Account ID = 208942358 | Country = pol | NickName = karol869 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cobraburra:Cobraburra1 | Username = cobraburra | Account ID = 224412063 | Country =
usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
n1c3h:Sanik270997 | Username = n1c3h | Tag Line = 3574 | Game Name = n1c3h |
Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked
= Yes
lannatayna09:lannatayna1234 | Username = LANNATAYNA09 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name
= lannatayna09 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2028989227280672 | Country = bra |
NickName = lannatayna09 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
niki9503:nikolai3791468255 | Username = niki9503 | Tag Line = PBE | Game Name =
Ashfell | Level = 30 | Account ID = 2200504218 | Country = bgr | NickName = Ashfell
| EmailVerified = True | Region = PBE | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
brittapita:Elvend0rk | Username = brittapita | Tag Line = 8944 | Game Name =
brittapita | Country = aus | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shenyq199:shen0123 | Username = shenyq199 | Tag Line = 9403 | Game Name = SYQ233 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2476788156892928 | Country = chn | NickName = SYQ2333 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
creppidash1:pikita10 | Username = creppidash1 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
creppidash1 | Level = 99 | Account ID = 2545046001583424 | Country = mex | NickName
= creppidash1 | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
2370609981:0814hzj | Username = 2370609981 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Zeelumhuang | Level = 5 | Account ID = 204024356 | Country = chn | NickName =
Zeelumhuang | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
adamf69:021225Adam@ | Username = Adamf69 | Tag Line = 6066 | Game Name = Adamf |
Country = mys | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fushhc:W1brator | Username = Fushhc | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = HCFush | Level =
24 | Account ID = 2574637409912736 | Country = irl | NickName = HCFush |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
q8rawr:Hajri4ever | Username = q8rawr | Account ID = 203796359 | Country = ecu |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sardon663:Raziel69 | Username = sardon663 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
uMakemeTrolol | Level = 21 | Account ID = 46008493 | Country = ukr | NickName =
uMakemeTrolol | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
andc1:Swimmer1 | Username = andc1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Candy9494 | Level
= 2 | Account ID = 222467179 | Country = gbr | NickName = Candy9494 | EmailVerified
= False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rtvasd:datcubosS12 | Username = rtvasd | Tag Line = 2500 | Game Name = rtvasd |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 221706210 | Country = nld | EmailVerified = False | Region
= EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
kritr0:oskaras12345 | Username = Kritr0 | Tag Line = 9138 | Game Name = Kritr0 |
Country = ltu | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 3 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
1234567890000aaa:1234567890000aaa | Username = 1234567890000aaa | Tag Line = 3976 |
Game Name = ??? | Country = jpn | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vedagor92:wtynhfk1 | Username = vedagor92 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Vedagor |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 30683767 | Country = rus | NickName = Vedagor |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
imagiiqx:mellano5 | Username = imagiiqx | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = iMaGiiQx |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 216705430 | Country = syc | NickName = iMaGiiQx |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ginkosnow:Burton1100 | Username = ginkosnow | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ZapSnow
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 230259094 | Country = usa | NickName = ZapSnow |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
theistari0:generalk0 | Username = theistari0 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1765f662a3185d63f3482 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 35706437 | Country = nor |
NickName = IS1765f662a3185d63f3482 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kingtwix15:nico15091988 | Username = kingtwix15 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
kingtwix15 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 218232971 | Country = deu | NickName =
kingtwix15 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hardthe6:nfam03rp | Username = hardthe6 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = LKS
Unclouded | Level = 3 | Account ID = 203696074 | Country = tur | NickName = LKS
Unclouded | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
convicteds1:vmihajlovic8 | Username = convicteds1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
BonesEater | Level = 249 | Account ID = 202651922 | Country = srb | NickName =
BonesEater | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
simbadcuunou:eradicator26 | Username = simbadcuunou | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1c5b0f101bcb12 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30113801 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1c5b0f101bcb12 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
savannahallmon:sea1002!! | Username = savannahallmon | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
haz3lnut | Level = 11 | Account ID = 247900237 | Country = usa | NickName =
haz3lnut | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xzalvox:faze12345 | Username = xZalvox | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = xZalvox |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2424264906762496 | Country = usa | NickName = xZalvox |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mazhigfuazz41q47:123qwe | Username = mazhigfuazz41q47 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= Mazhi2593z41q473 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 35262602 | Country = chl | NickName
= Mazhi2593z41q473 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
wootsong3:dlwp90 | Username = wootsong3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS167bd5e0bf2f8993dd5d1 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 49572433 | Country = bra |
NickName = IS167bd5e0bf2f8993dd5d1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fouzok:Duxn140191 | Username = Fouzok | Tag Line = 9954 | Game Name = Fouzok |
Country = fra | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
savannerzz:aenima462 | Username = savannerzz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
OhNoesISuck | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204888007 | Country = usa | NickName =
OhNoesISuck | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sunlightmde:ulmo1108A | Username = SunLightMDE | Tag Line = 187 | Game Name = MDE
SunLight | Level = 37 | Account ID = 2681652373611872 | Country = hrv | NickName =
SunLightMDE | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 100 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 12 | Skins = [,
Prime Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom, dot EXE Judge, Kingdom Bucky,
Couture Frenzy, Prime Classic, dot EXE Ghost, , , , Prime Guardian, Couture
Marshal, Prime Spectre, Couture Stinger, Prime Axe] | Checked = Yes
siki5karne:siki123 | Username = siki5karne | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
siki5karne | Level = 10 | Account ID = 41372241 | Country = arg | NickName =
siki5karne | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
butterbubi4:geboren1804 | Username = butterbubi4 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ReportHimHeSucks | Level = 1 | Account ID = 210030755 | Country = deu | NickName =
ReportHimHeSucks | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
icanragequit:squidmaster2000 | Username = icanragequit | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Squicken2 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 232968514 | Country = can | NickName =
Squicken2 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
ruxfull:emilo1219 | Username = ruxfull | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS13a4a6e9c6b89c | Level = 2 | Account ID = 28078839 | Country = bgd | NickName =
IS13a4a6e9c6b89c | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
malena2017:malena2017 | Username = malena2017 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
Male2017 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 204004525 | Country = arg | NickName = Male2017
| EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zixing0902:abc13025835968 | Username = zixing0902 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = i
do amfetamin | Level = 121 | Account ID = 225490346 | Country = fra | NickName = i
do amfetamin | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fastelis1:P(68!y(rE2iX | Username = fastelis1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
fastelis | Level = 13 | Account ID = 207171759 | Country = deu | NickName =
fastelis | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
paliiig:Akumahusyahid35 | Username = paliiiG | Tag Line = 6906 | Game Name =
paliiiG | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
l0otri:Protheboy9 | Username = l0otri | Tag Line = Greed | Game Name = lootri |
Account ID = 2440094415319712 | Country = deu | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW
| Email = | Valorant Point = 2425 | Radianite Points = 80 |
TotalRecentGames = 68 | Skins = [, Origin Vandal, , , , , , , Jigsaw Ghost, , , , ,
, , , ] | Checked = Yes
kumerston1:jakubek123 | Username = kumerston1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
HeadlessPL | Level = 30 | Account ID = 38444659 | Country = pol | NickName =
HeadlessPL | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
npodgorski:prcaasti1 | Username = npodgorski | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = npodg1
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 32786299 | Country = hrv | NickName = npodg1 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
80nada08:yossef2892005m | Username = 80NaDa08 | Tag Line = 5555 | Game Name = Pixie
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 2398573556413088 | Country = egy | NickName = RYZE MIAN
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
fraserisalegend:doodlejump123 | Username = fraserisalegend | Account ID = 47332053
| Country = grc | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
hmapark:woolala0 | Username = hmapark | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = kfcmountaindew
| Level = 46 | Account ID = 201505675 | Country = aus | NickName = kfcmountaindew |
EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ploguidic3:Superuser1 | Username = ploguidic3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ploguidice | Level = 5 | Account ID = 211554535 | Country = usa | NickName =
ploguidice | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hallobebe30:lol123 | Username = hallobebe30 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1eebe9b1741784 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29163248 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1eebe9b1741784 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
failtacular1337:failtacular1337 | Username = failtacular1337 | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = dudethingy | Level = 7 | Account ID = 210415680 | Country = deu |
NickName = dudethingy | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
snug40:1q2w3e4r5t | Username = snug40 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = snug40 | Level
= 10 | Account ID = 213100583 | Country = usa | NickName = snug40 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
araqeliani:303132331g | Username = araqeliani | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
J4IERDOLE | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2607329889396672 | Country = geo | NickName =
J4IERDOLE | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
trup011:epf3wqvef | Username = trup011 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1e13704ae37095 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 29969791 | Country = ind | NickName =
IS1e13704ae37095 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hasirve:Qw1513150 | Username = hasirve | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = hasirve |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 202196992 | Country = kor | NickName = hasirve |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
motoxdu69:jordan18 | Username = motoxdu69 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = motoxdu69
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 41597637 | Country = fra | NickName = motoxdu69 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrcrtn:noway1 | Username = mrcrtn | Account ID = 38636974 | Country = ind |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
elijahsears7:3Eleven11 | Username = elijahsears7 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
80886663-397c-4f8a-8e9a-a0f77de56c37 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2439288758897184 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tdaniet:Candy2005 | Username = tdaniet | Account ID = 234930430 | Country = idn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
multiman9x:123ali33 | Username = multiman9x | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = mnhieu |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 227419548 | Country = ukr | NickName = mnhieu |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked
= Yes
cyberlyft1:balifore1 | Username = cyberlyft1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Balifore | Level = 15 | Account ID = 34592168 | Country = chn | NickName = Balifore
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes | Username = XxVvIiPpEeXx | Tag Line = PBE | Game
Name = fetteropa | Level = 36 | Account ID = 2304803978455552 | Country = deu |
NickName = fetteropa | EmailVerified = True | Region = PBE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
mytharrow14:Mytharrow14 | Username = mytharrow14 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = TR
MantisRazer | Level = 7 | Account ID = 213762096 | Country = tur | NickName = TR
MantisRazer | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
anhlaka12:anhlaka12 | Username = anhlaka12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = VietNam
Kid | Level = 17 | Account ID = 216754608 | Country = usa | NickName = VietNam Kid
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bikkan95:overdose95 | Username = Bikkan95 | Country = prt | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
philorian23:hihihi23 | Username = philorian23 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
zEyg7zKUTK | Level = 8 | Account ID = 31828806 | Country = bgd | NickName =
zEyg7zKUTK | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zxcnbv1:zxcnbv1Qw1! | Username = zxcnbv1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS158e09a7c1c141 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32843601 | Country = fra | NickName =
IS158e09a7c1c141 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lantho05:antho0504 | Username = Lantho05 | Tag Line = 3544 | Game Name = Lantho05 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2714107479262944 | Country = fra | NickName = lantho05 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lyingonmrt:johnnylin08 | Username = LyingOnMRT | Tag Line = 1053 | Game Name =
LyingOnMRT | Country = twn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
updog234:asdfmovie121 | Username = updog234 | Tag Line = 7641 | Game Name = upd0g |
Country = mys | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
durtekastro1:Icarly17 | Username = durtekastro1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Durte Kastro | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2063286215616608 | Country = usa | NickName
= Durte Kastro | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
magnefiko61:magnefiko61 | Username = magnefiko61 | Tag Line = 4968 | Game Name =
ANNEN ELIMDE | Level = 13 | Account ID = 208575742 | Country = deu | NickName =
RAGADI BABIVS | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nikilauda76:deskjetf380 | Username = nikilauda76 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
NikiLauda76 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 226953261 | Country = vnm | NickName =
NikiLauda76 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kiky12345:kiky12345 | Username = kiky12345 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
SRBNikolaSRB | Level = 12 | Account ID = 42349486 | Country = srb | NickName =
SRBNikolaSRB | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
werneckoriginal:werneck2050 | Username = WerneckOriginal | Account ID =
2301543776929888 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
spazzedoutmew:kitten94 | Username = spazzedoutmew | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Mewp Ichigo | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228158304 | Country = usa | NickName = Mewp
Ichigo | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
coraak:85wa4x7e3 | Username = Coraak | Tag Line = Corak | Game Name = Coraak |
Level = 66 | Account ID = 202725430 | Country = bgr | NickName = Coraak |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked
= Yes
blakus3:megakill3 | Username = blakus3 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1ba2b34e489d9c | Level = 3 | Account ID = 27370307 | Country = pol | NickName =
IS1ba2b34e489d9c | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
potheadch:brauny123 | Username = PotheadCH | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Pothead
CH | Level = 1 | Account ID = 1962278738572128 | Country = che | NickName = Pothead
CH | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dlghkwls34:rnlrja34a | Username = dlghkwls34 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
YankiGohome | Level = 5 | Account ID = 201863473 | Country = chn | NickName =
YankiGohome | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nvalente2000:andriyshc!1A | Username = nvalente2000 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
G?ider | Level = 73 | Account ID = 212803231 | Country = prt | NickName = G?ider |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zerwalz7r:aplasa2010 | Username = zerwalz7r | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
GeKoToasT | Level = 8 | Account ID = 224397924 | Country = deu | NickName =
GeKoToasT | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
drags974:Lakaze974 | Username = drags974 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Drags974 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 29658892 | Country = ind | NickName = Drags974 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ilgazcavdar18:ilgaz18 | Username = ilgazcavdar18 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Only Sup Lulu | Level = 8 | Account ID = 239135406 | Country = tur | NickName =
Only Sup Lulu | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zerolrf:FredValorant2808 | Username = ZeroLRF | Tag Line = 4929 | Game Name =
ZeroLRF | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2590309890819360 | Country = deu | NickName =
NLE ZERO | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 1 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
kaikiller11:kaikiller12? | Username = kaikiller11 | Tag Line = 3927 | Game Name =
Profel | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2569067193345088 | Country = deu | NickName =
Pr0fel | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 380 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 6 | Skins = [,
Prime Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom, , Kingdom Bucky, Couture Frenzy,
Prime Classic, , , , , Prime Guardian, Couture Marshal, Prime Spectre, Couture
Stinger, Prime Axe] | Checked = Yes
gaysir4:dlwhdahr1 | Username = gaysir4 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS170d9fc9d45afdcd7c6d9 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42370980 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS170d9fc9d45afdcd7c6d9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
amway1234567890:amway123 | Username = amway1234567890 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= Banana XtR | Level = 1 | Account ID = 222807034 | Country = deu | NickName =
Banana XtR | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jkfan20:5Mk45w8kYk | Username = jkfan20 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS17d42ed9ba097bc032e3c | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39727875 | Country = bra |
NickName = IS17d42ed9ba097bc032e3c | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hylisk217:gam!biz8913 | Username = hylisk217 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS16146080aa36bb448984c | Level = 5 | Account ID = 201127483 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS16146080aa36bb448984c | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
modzilla50:long18 | Username = modzilla50 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS16ff42f741a9fb | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34070638 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS16ff42f741a9fb | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
boludojajah:vaitomarnocu1 | Username = boludojajah | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Boludojajah | Level = 27 | Account ID = 2295329770195424 | Country = bra | NickName
= Boludojajah | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
blaaa06:azerty1 | Username = blaaa06 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1a56956e2faf81 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29261524 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1a56956e2faf81 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
alex27188:p000kler | Username = alex27188 | Tag Line = 27188 | Game Name = Talon |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2174027795346368 | Country = gbr | NickName = Alex27188 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 125 | Radianite Points = 65 | TotalRecentGames = 100 | Skins = [Outpost
Ares, Glitchpop Vandal, Infinity Bulldog, Glitchpop Phantom, Outpost Judge, Aerosol
Bucky, , Glitchpop Classic, Outpost Ghost, Singularity Sheriff, Aerosol Shorty,
Glitchpop Operator, Infinity Guardian, , Infinity Spectre, , Glitchpop Axe] |
Checked = Yes
flypechan:felipe102310 | Username = flypechan | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
ueQXZ1hDFv | Level = 1 | Account ID = 230106521 | Country = esp | NickName =
ueQXZ1hDFv | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tserbest:asdasd123 | Username = tserbest | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = Tserbestt |
Level = 9 | Account ID = 202683109 | Country = tur | NickName = Tserbestt |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lolistul1:qwertyuiop1 | Username = lolistul1 | Account ID = 34317564 | Country =
chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
masoirl123:mason7112 | Username = MasoIRL123 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = El
MasoIRL | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2254228579896128 | Country = usa | NickName = El
MasoIRL | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
roubo00:0814bill | Username = roubo00 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS14cf0bc366c1ed | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30319272 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS14cf0bc366c1ed | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
davidpaixao2005:davidpaixao2005 | Username = davidpaixao2005 | Tag Line = OCE |
Game Name = davidpaixao2005 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2227712857748448 | Country =
prt | NickName = davidpaixao2005 | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
frigod2:182geniues | Username = frigod2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1911233b5bc3bc7dec8d1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200767787 | Country = col |
NickName = IS1911233b5bc3bc7dec8d1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
bruceodd:francesco2 | Username = bruceodd | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
La4Dimension | Level = 2 | Account ID = 201397624 | Country = fra | NickName =
La4Dimension | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lipei1027:lp19841027 | Username = lipei1027 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
c2feae25-6e3a-4ff1-9218-44a5b1efaa44 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35426424 | Country
= vnm | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kbrizio:Pet753951! | Username = kbrizio | Tag Line = 7474 | Game Name = kbrizio |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 204335666 | Country = bra | NickName = TheKbrizio |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
warchiefripnugget:Cl3rk29wo | Username = warchiefripnugget | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = WarchefRipnugget | Level = 6 | Account ID = 234850443 | Country = usa |
NickName = WarchefRipnugget | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
chai892:Lastres21041998 | Username = chai892 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Chai892
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 231519228 | Country = gbr | NickName = Chai892 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bellaisraihau:eiH327qF2j | Username = bellaisraihau | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS139eac9179775e3473c80 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 39102928 | Country = kor |
NickName = IS139eac9179775e3473c80 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
supermonkeyboy9:Cooldude1149 | Username = supermonkeyboy9 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Test12367546464 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 219487185 | Country = idn |
NickName = Test12367546464 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
huzbfpnauez155:123456789c | Username = huzbfpnauez155 | Account ID = 33734532 |
Country = deu | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
kelvinwo0080:f728V5pDkW | Username = kelvinwo0080 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1f533f9e0d5440a1a7781 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46169178 | Country = pol |
NickName = IS1f533f9e0d5440a1a7781 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
justitia17:episode666 | Username = justitia17 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS142370936298998b5c49a | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40465670 | Country = uzb |
NickName = IS142370936298998b5c49a | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
godyasu0:godyasu0 | Username = godyasu0 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = GØD YASU |
Level = 12 | Account ID = 2117409305768736 | Country = tur | NickName = GØD YASU |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
area85901:area8590 | Username = area85901 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Möön
Factory | Level = 45 | Account ID = 2506296309999040 | Country = mex | NickName =
Möön Factory | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
avvaki:Kahin22alavi | Username = AvvaKi | Tag Line = 3270 | Game Name = AvvaKi |
Country = deu | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
mamamare122:mamamare122 | Username = mamamare122 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
CristiVi | Level = 4 | Account ID = 220614860 | Country = mys | NickName = CristiVi
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
linkerzero0:7vcwqhso | Username = linkerzero0 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Best
Carpeta Br | Level = 7 | Account ID = 962160 | Country = deu | NickName = Best
Carpeta Br | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gunsogunso:Hyruli4n3 | Username = GunsoGunso | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Junp3i
| Level = 14 | Account ID = 28969316 | Country = gbr | NickName = Junp3i |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
michellezorz:chester8 | Username = michellezorz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Michellezorz | Level = 3 | Account ID = 240117722 | Country = idn | NickName =
Michellezorz | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
boumkoeur:Boumkoeur3 | Username = boumkoeur | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Boumkoeur | Level = 36 | Account ID = 21942332 | Country = gbr | NickName =
Boumkoeur | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
roflcopterxl:Darksilver29 | Username = roflcopterxl | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Lord Pausinus I | Level = 14 | Account ID = 34381109 | Country = mys | NickName =
Lord Pausinus I | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rekoh33:pokemon2242 | Username = rekoh33 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Rekoh33 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2111211950271008 | Country = esp | NickName = Rekoh33 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = REKOH50@OUTLOOK.ES | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
343457079:fan4308832 | Username = 343457079 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Quantum323 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 237539307 | Country = dza | NickName =
Quantum323 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hembuli69:x83dveumrm7x | Username = hembuli69 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS15c77079e5298a | Level = 3 | Account ID = 32589660 | Country = swe | NickName =
IS15c77079e5298a | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zartansmail:lukaluka1234 | Username = zartansmail | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
ZARTANsmail | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2159840813338816 | Country = geo | NickName
= ZARTANsmail | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = L.JMUKHHA@GMAIL.COM
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
498343876:a62710492 | Username = 498343876 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Joystriker | Level = 9 | Account ID = 242456542 | Country = chn | NickName =
Joystriker | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
texmexcarlito:xfiles12 | Username = texmexcarlito | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS185aeb033df44bc4cbcf1 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38362805 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS185aeb033df44bc4cbcf1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
iulyan4:iulyan119977888 | Username = iulyan4 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
WTFMasterLOL | Level = 13 | Account ID = 31066228 | Country = cyp | NickName =
WTFMasterLOL | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
xuhangzhe:xuhangzhe123 | Username = xuhangzhe | Tag Line = 9965 | Game Name =
xuhangzhe | Country = jpn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yeslordstego:bryguy123 | Username = yeslordstego | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
YesLordStego | Level = 20 | Account ID = 231331807 | Country = can | NickName =
YesLordStego | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
jsnjszy2011:otm888jyszy | Username = jsnjszy2011 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
JusTAtm | Level = 24 | Account ID = 201788518 | Country = aus | NickName = JusTAtm
| EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dexylon19942:653520114j | Username = dexylon19942 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
VenedicteSoul | Level = 15 | Account ID = 26601800 | Country = chn | NickName =
VenedicteSoul | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gameslay1124:Gunkill1 | Username = gameslay1124 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
mlggamerdoge | Level = 14 | Account ID = 227189573 | Country = usa | NickName =
mlggamerdoge | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ftwtvmydude:hp360z233 | Username = ftwtvmydude | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b59d37254cf77e98fe79 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 39586614 | Country = hkg |
NickName = IS1b59d37254cf77e98fe79 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zokappa2:Lastres21041998 | Username = zokappa2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS17e1a63f21363cc3152a9 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38987732 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS17e1a63f21363cc3152a9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dinoboy1998:dinoboy1998 | Username = dinoboy1998 | Tag Line = 4314 | Game Name =
dinoboy1998 | Country = isr | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
redranger1987:rocko1987 | Username = redranger1987 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
redranger187 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 201267784 | Country = usa | NickName =
redranger187 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kolonistas1:polki123 | Username = kolonistas1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
kolonistas2 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 35412706 | Country = chn | NickName =
kolonistas2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
m10208:Onepiece10208 | Username = m10208 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = m10209 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 215497780 | Country = bra | NickName = m10209 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
danyb06:DFSBatista06 | Username = danyb06 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = AfroPT06 |
Level = 45 | Account ID = 202372605 | Country = prt | NickName = AfroPT06 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 150 | Radianite Points = 60 | TotalRecentGames = 55 | Skins = [Jigsaw Ares,
K/TAC Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, , Jigsaw Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch Frenzy, , ,
K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
kasperzks:kasper11 | Username = kasperzks | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS11db21b9aec9e1 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28249571 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS11db21b9aec9e1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
eneszmrt45:341fad441a | Username = eneszmrt45 | Tag Line = 78608 | Game Name =
FLAGGED 50519278 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 226937392 | Country = tur | NickName =
FLAGGED 43090187 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mrgfy6:mattheW1 | Username = mrgfy6 | Account ID = 1974031216774112 | Country = usa
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
titorpm12:titogugu123 | Username = Titorpm12 | Tag Line = 8714 | Game Name =
Soulzera | Country = bra | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mosci123:Lastres21041998 | Username = mosci123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
HomelessGorrilla | Level = 1 | Account ID = 226810859 | Country = hnd | NickName =
HomelessGorrilla | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
gldfish:Lastres21041998 | Username = GldFish | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = GldFish
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 2017204840106816 | Country = usa | NickName = GldFish |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rouchee:11231123y | Username = Rouchee | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ALLAHSIZ
SAIME | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2304222163267968 | Country = tur | NickName =
ALLAHSIZ SAIME | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
cristhiangoga:23081973esther | Username = cristhiangoga | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = 7eb40881-4c87-4444-8d12-0905113dee1f | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35402995 |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rickylimail2:vo010107 | Username = rickylimail2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
13f4fff2-cb47-4dbb-a4cf-3ba4f117e037 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200200141 | Country
= bra | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xerneonz:Pattar100 | Username = XerNeonZ | Tag Line = 2606 | Game Name = XerNeon |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2451456644319168 | Country = swe | EmailVerified = True |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
therealprismatix:Phillip1912 | Username = TheRealPrismatix | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = TheRealPrismatiX | Level = 42 | Account ID = 1995804828996096 | Country =
deu | NickName = TheRealPrismatiX | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
inflambar:Zambi123 | Username = inflambar | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Saftbefel
| Level = 53 | Account ID = 212282795 | Country = nld | NickName = Saftbefel |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
joe8121:Ngsblvhhb23333 | Username = joe8121 | Tag Line = 777 | Game Name = Toxicity
| Level = 149 | Account ID = 2396807060181504 | Country = hun | NickName = joe8121
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dakkon64:Sasavi128! | Username = Dakkon64 | Tag Line = CTHR8 | Game Name = Dakkon64
| Account ID = 2315633556932672 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region =
NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
deadisgaming:dragon123 | Username = deadisgaming | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
supimhorizon | Level = 11 | Account ID = 39010467 | Country = usa | NickName =
supimhorizon | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
scarletsilvagonzalez:scarlet2000 | Username = scarletsilvagonzalez | Account ID =
202561131 | Country = arg | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
smil3m:holmax2013 | Username = smil3m | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = SMIL3m | Level
= 9 | Account ID = 2524423035946592 | Country = rus | NickName = SMIL3m |
EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
josemigueltoledozucco:6a5s4d9q | Username = josemigueltoledozucco | Tag Line = NA1
| Game Name = JoseZucco | Level = 5 | Account ID = 234513875 | Country = hkg |
NickName = JoseZucco | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
graxxxa:gnbxrf2003 | Username = graxxxa | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = graxxxa |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2279425860309312 | Country = rus | NickName = graxxxa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sjdhsagda99:tintin10 | Username = sjdhsagda99 | Account ID = 33657556 | Country =
chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
layaga22:kermit123 | Username = layaga22 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = f145581e-
77f6-4de4-90f0-28753d0a819e | Level = 1 | Account ID = 29982065 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shartpukestorm:979193vadim | Username = ShartPukestorm | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= ShartPukestorm | Level = 14 | Account ID = 2014049041453280 | Country = gbr |
NickName = ShartPukestorm | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
whordytho:rstgila88 | Username = whordytho | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = ZELZO |
Level = 17 | Account ID = 2072770840439264 | Country = arg | NickName = ZELZO |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zombatron9002:Marley9002 | Username = zombatron9002 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IronicTurtles | Level = 30 | Account ID = 232496117 | Country = usa | NickName =
IronicTurtles | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lanyda00:sll456123 | Username = lanyda00 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = oooovivo |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2461151750899840 | Country = jpn | NickName = oooovivo |
EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
iamtuonela:28022001Gk | Username = iamtuonela | Country = tur | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kingtongamer:ruby12345 | Username = kingtongamer | Account ID = 206997076 | Country
= chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
legomon21:Undertale321 | Username = Legomon21 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Legomon21 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2468613685733888 | Country = gbr | NickName =
Legomon21 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lamawolf444:google12 | Username = lamawolf444 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Die
indertonne | Level = 7 | Account ID = 32878831 | Country = deu | NickName = Die
indertonne | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thebguywe10:antoner1 | Username = thebguywe10 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS19bee377eab54000fc565 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42040310 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS19bee377eab54000fc565 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kasporeos:01Thorndal | Username = Kasporeos | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Kasporeos | Level = 39 | Account ID = 2423363810488704 | Country = dnk | NickName =
Kasporeos | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
savagelander:jashawn10 | Username = savagelander | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
savagelander | Level = 30 | Account ID = 214833460 | Country = deu | NickName =
savagelander | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mendrit:Mendaa96 | Username = mendrit | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 2Gvfoeyjeb |
Level = 13 | Account ID = 200606501 | Country = deu | NickName = 2Gvfoeyjeb |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
crankeychicken7:Markumikel78 | Username = Crankeychicken7 | Tag Line = 5876 | Game
Name = Mikel | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
goob0o:suniukas8 | Username = goob0o | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = go0b0o | Level
= 3 | Account ID = 2043591400919264 | Country = ltu | NickName = go0b0o |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nadhal:vncbwnbn483 | Username = nadhal | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = nadhal |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 219412292 | Country = kgz | NickName = nadhal |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vuuuulka:8fhNJQTR65 | Username = vuuuulka | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Vuuuulka |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 225970184 | Country = ind | NickName = Vuuuulka |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
e34xvute:e34xvute | Username = e34xvute | Tag Line = 7075 | Game Name = Mtssz |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 43140161 | Country = bra | NickName =
IS157c4fc4d1e4150d19298 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zerofurzn2k7:fridolin123 | Username = zerofurzn2k7 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS19053850224a53 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33349350 | Country = mng | NickName =
IS19053850224a53 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
wingsofperennial:m8Ns8QH4cj | Username = wingsofperennial | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = IS11c12ef0cdf17c384bccf | Level = 5 | Account ID = 41281278 | Country = rus
| NickName = IS11c12ef0cdf17c384bccf | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
bufflon01:tigrou1807 | Username = bufflon01 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1eec78008d3729 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 23022398 | Country = npl | NickName =
IS1eec78008d3729 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
killleryoungblood:brittney12 | Username = killleryoungblood | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = killleryoung | Level = 1 | Account ID = 207648771 | Country = usa | NickName
= killleryoung | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ghoulmater09:gsm12345 | Username = ghoulmater09 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Ghoul Master 09 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 218933347 | Country = bra | NickName =
Ghoul Master 09 | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
alexsdpires:s2alexander | Username = alexsdpires | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
AlexSevero | Level = 2 | Account ID = 211789308 | Country = bra | NickName =
AlexSevero | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
badas3000:Robin003 | Username = badas3000 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = badas3000
| Level = 15 | Account ID = 236164505 | Country = can | NickName = badas3000 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
treevor4640:Trick4640 | Username = treevor4640 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
TREEVOR4640 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 222604001 | Country = usa | NickName =
TREEVOR4640 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
washtidyr:Myths123 | Username = washtidyr | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS11176b031f0f7c2d1a804 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46817633 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS11176b031f0f7c2d1a804 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
belgodann:maximus00 | Username = belgodann | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Belgodann
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 239292556 | Country = chn | NickName = Belgodann |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
harryc20:chiklet28 | Username = harryc20 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zayarhtet:zayzay87 | Username = zayarhtet | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ZayarHtet
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 2205842503323616 | Country = mmr | NickName = ZayarHtet
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
murr4y363:murray363 | Username = murr4y363 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = murr4y363
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 2287251555995776 | Country = gbr | NickName = murr4y363
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
valitoros:dragon112 | Username = valitoros | Account ID = 237305474 | Country = ven
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nyx112u:sasuke112u | Username = nyx112u | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = nyx112u |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 229659404 | Country = gbr | NickName = nyx112u |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
majusdavid:compass1993 | Username = majusdavid | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
majusdavid | Level = 10 | Account ID = 232164862 | Country = gbr | NickName =
majusdavid | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cyryus26:diebosh26101995 | Username = cyryus26 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Cyryus26 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 208750536 | Country = fra | NickName = Cyryus26
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
viralbug:loco78117811!! | Username = viralbug | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Viralbug | Level = 10 | Account ID = 33562600 | Country = ind | NickName = Viralbug
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hanavs77:hana2326 | Username = hanavs77 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = HANAVS77 |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 220596043 | Country = bra | NickName = HANAVS77 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
csamimi:tinacj411 | Username = csamimi | Account ID = 206688652 | Country = vnm |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
raskef:asdasfazamazqwzayras123 | Username = Raskef | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Raskef | Level = 44 | Account ID = 2479106531346336 | Country = nld | NickName =
Raskef | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 275 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 2 | Skins = [,
Prism II Vandal, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
eightbitdani:Onelife11 | Username = EightbitDani | Tag Line = 8206 | Game Name =
EightbitDani | Level = 10 | Account ID = 2697329218840320 | Country = usa |
NickName = CrankyVulpix | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
siffiter:Donald123 | Username = siffiter | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Siffiter |
Level = 8 | Account ID = 209899371 | Country = srb | NickName = Siffiter |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kuwatoro:keroro66 | Username = kuwatoro | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c09bafcaf3ae7dc97306 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 34836477 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS1c09bafcaf3ae7dc97306 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
haikusuihei:6CdUyVi7z5 | Username = haikusuihei | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ohh
jhonny | Level = 5 | Account ID = 267272 | Country = ind | NickName = ohh jhonny |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ohmyga617:ohmygana617 | Username = ohmyga617 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Arisa93
| Level = 23 | Account ID = 234275806 | Country = usa | NickName = Arisa93 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jhfk125:qkrtj1 | Username = jhfk125 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = K0reanFlash |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 209518634 | Country = usa | NickName = K0reanFlash |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ak5ina:sindal12 | Username = ak5ina | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = ak5ina | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 210565496 | Country = jam | NickName = ak5ina | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dnos97:1529824759d | Username = dnos97 | Account ID = 27884844 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gwkeeper:Billyhen1 | Username = gwkeeper | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
debil55555:debil1 | Username = debil55555 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1e083458c537e0 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 27020001 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1e083458c537e0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jameskaiso7:Zarafonitaki123 | Username = jameskaiso7 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= ThatsWhatSh3Zed | Level = 165 | Account ID = 205540926 | Country = grc | NickName
= ThatsWhatSh3Zed | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 60 |
TotalRecentGames = 3 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
yahoo1960:Free4all | Username = yahoo1960 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Yahoo1960
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 214871554 | Country = rus | NickName = Yahoo1960 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
khawolf712:rantan712 | Username = khawolf712 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Khawolf712 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 208879832 | Country = idn | NickName =
Khawolf712 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alessiolove06:Alessio06 | Username = ALESSIOLOVE06 | Country = ita | EmailVerified
= False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points =
0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
themanpat:Zombiemom000 | Username = themanpat | Tag Line = 6969 | Game Name =
Shiftyyy | Level = 16 | Account ID = 236252936 | Country = usa | NickName =
Themanpat | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
archiwow:Sudas123 | Username = archiwow | Tag Line = 123 | Game Name = ainaryzass |
Level = 66 | Account ID = 211315309 | Country = ltu | NickName = ArchiwOw123 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
matuso59:martinko123 | Username = matuso59 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS136d214d1d8761 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 38309097 | Country = usa | NickName =
IS136d214d1d8761 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yahavon:yahav123 | Username = yahavon | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = NutelaPlayer
| Level = 15 | Account ID = 220933280 | Country = isr | NickName = NutelaPlayer |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
arccctic:Jetson2005 | Username = ArcccTiC | Tag Line = 1291 | Game Name = ArcccTiC
| Country = aus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
korrela:Smw71698! | Username = korrela | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sicboss:siwagorn26 | Username = sicboss | Tag Line = 6544 | Game Name = sicboss |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
satansburrito666:Mycatoreo64 | Username = satansburrito666 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = SatansBurrito | Level = 1 | Account ID = 244461179 | Country = nga |
NickName = SatansBurrito | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hangdogfish:qq5606621 | Username = Hangdogfish | Tag Line = 5902 | Game Name =
Coolicecream | Country = twn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rafyboy7:derwille7 | Username = rafyboy7 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = RafyBoy |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 36980608 | Country = can | NickName = RafyBoy |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mklolek123:madej495 | Username = mklolek123 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
OPIKASHIKA | Level = 4 | Account ID = 208794760 | Country = chn | NickName =
OPIKASHIKA | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pillr301:Lastres21041998 | Username = pillr301 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Pillr301 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 212205051 | Country = usa | NickName = Pillr301
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
winru256:xaxaxa123 | Username = winru256 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = WTq4sQwdgy
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 204910723 | Country = usa | NickName = WTq4sQwdgy |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wedscope097:fabian020708 | Username = wedscope097 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
wedscope097 | Level = 12 | Account ID = 2458449143442368 | Country = esp | NickName
= wedscope097 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
aleacosta111:elmejor2 | Username = aleacosta111 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Vaynella Cream | Level = 162 | Account ID = 200009170 | Country = ven | NickName =
Vaynella Cream | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
axelintro:axel123nord | Username = axelintro | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
AxelIntro | Level = 48 | Account ID = 76969 | Country = arg | NickName = AxelIntro
| EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
death8lade:shadow1sonicrock | Username = Death8lade | Tag Line = 9009 | Game Name =
StellarAmin | Level = 34 | Account ID = 2300692298379808 | Country = egy | NickName
= Death8lade | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 70 | TotalRecentGames = 13 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
ndjoahfslnasod:sahilkhan1234 | Username = ndjoahfslnasod | Tag Line = 3811 | Game
Name = sfasfads | Country = pak | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
suwat2013z:zazaza123za | Username = suwat2013z | Tag Line = 8605 | Game Name = Name
| Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrjuanpeach2:Beakman1 | Username = MrJuanPeach2 | Tag Line = 2825 | Game Name =
6969 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
semedo95:50Centimos | Username = semedo95 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = xpllcit |
Level = 141 | Account ID = 26400610 | Country = prt | NickName = xpllcit |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 210 | Radianite Points = 250 | TotalRecentGames = 2 | Skins = [Jigsaw Ares,
K/TAC Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, , Jigsaw Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch Frenzy, ,
Jigsaw Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, K/TAC Operator, Jigsaw Guardian,
Monarch Marshal, , , K/TAC Blade] | Checked = Yes
nrv11:44dbffc1 | Username = nrv11 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = nrv11 | Level = 1
| Account ID = 224529433 | Country = bgr | NickName = nrv11 | EmailVerified = False
| Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oary1248:Tripper1 | Username = oary1248 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Oary1248 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 219095118 | Country = rus | NickName = Oary1248 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fulltext:81030512941ok | Username = fulltext | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Fulltext | Level = 11 | Account ID = 219601996 | Country = usa | NickName =
Fulltext | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
laurageran:Purers971 | Username = laurageran | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Dueswals | Level = 1 | Account ID = 38712372 | Country = mys | NickName = Dueswals
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
deathssyn13:kiyome13 | Username = deathssyn13 | Account ID = 33531283 | Country =
bra | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maciascrew:peluson7 | Username = maciascrew | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Al
Paccino | Level = 30 | Account ID = 200214838 | Country = chl | NickName = Al
Paccino | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mobroder:32Chotoecom | Username = mobroder | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = mobroder
| Level = 9 | Account ID = 209022279 | Country = nld | NickName = mobroder |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
grecha10:sedes123 | Username = grecha10 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1a563854b78dce | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29833705 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1a563854b78dce | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
surjectivitate1:alexandru94 | Username = surjectivitate1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = IS14dc68feb17c98 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 31777001 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS14dc68feb17c98 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
desmond421602:pohk3388 | Username = desmond421602 | Account ID = 207338650 |
Country = mex | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
yanis21071:Rayan123456 | Username = yanis21071 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
itsmeTEEEEEEMO | Level = 5 | Account ID = 236059664 | Country = fra | NickName =
itsmeTEEEEEEMO | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
32chamberss:chamber2065@ | Username = 32Chamberss | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
32Chamberss | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2511331880453184 | Country = arg | NickName
= 32Chamberss | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
blackhitter01:egeege11 | Username = BlackHitter01 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
BlackHitter01 | Level = 34 | Account ID = 2279285481689728 | Country = tur |
NickName = BlackHitter01 | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
wchanapai:w0810669577 | Username = wchanapai | Tag Line = 4776 | Game Name =
NAMWAAN | Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
drftr1:ghjtyu567 | Username = drftr1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = HL drftr |
Level = 51 | Account ID = 246339829 | Country = bra | NickName = HL drftr |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
doleiltopia:doleilcorp66 | Username = doleiltopia | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Akirades | Level = 1 | Account ID = 212393153 | Country = fra | NickName = Akirades
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ivingerpret:Remon12345 | Username = ivingerpret | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
iVingerPret | Level = 20 | Account ID = 38251239 | Country = esp | NickName =
iVingerPret | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
francy220:francy220 | Username = francy220 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = francy220
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 209683852 | Country = usa | NickName = francy220 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wallybob115:Lastres21041998 | Username = wallybob115 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b689c3dfa2edfdfe979a | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32216966 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS1b689c3dfa2edfdfe979a | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rksi5:Bubbles92! | Username = rKsi5 | Tag Line = 3459 | Game Name = rKsi | Level =
1 | Account ID = 2444218589188320 | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = True | Region =
EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 25 | Radianite Points = 140
| TotalRecentGames = 5 | Skins = [, Prime Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom,
dot EXE Judge, Kingdom Bucky, Couture Frenzy, Kingdom Classic, Hush Ghost, , , , ,
Couture Marshal, Prime Spectre, Couture Stinger, Kingdom Knife] | Checked = Yes
missgiggles2199:animemanga2199 | Username = MissGiggles2199 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = 568308b6-105f-40a5-9733-ce5b9cd7b885 | Level = 1 | Account ID =
2363077629241600 | Country = can | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jandropas:spinosaurus1 | Username = jandropas | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
DaleCañaMike | Level = 4 | Account ID = 229818283 | Country = esp | NickName =
DaleCañaMike | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aluwadare:Pokerman56 | Username = aluwadare | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Aluwacare | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2135400787323392 | Country = usa | NickName =
Aluwacare | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mashedmattatoes:Juno042693 | Username = mashedmattatoes | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = MashedMattatoes | Level = 12 | Account ID = 206022290 | Country = usa |
NickName = MashedMattatoes | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
arexxelhumilde:terrassa21 | Username = arexxelhumilde | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= VGIA aReXx UwU | Level = 7 | Account ID = 2110459665107520 | Country = esp |
NickName = VGIA aReXx UwU | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kracklz:Curse990! | Username = kracklz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Kracklz |
Level = 20 | Account ID = 208475665 | Country = usa | NickName = Kracklz |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrwlad10:A14081992 | Username = mrwlad10 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1380e7f92868d9 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32830018 | Country = tha | NickName =
IS1380e7f92868d9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bieberde:pvp13579 | Username = bieberde | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Cant use Ult
| Level = 58 | Account ID = 240643987 | Country = gbr | NickName = Cant use Ult |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
gsims93:Guy270393 | Username = gsims93 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ao186RjUAr |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 31750890 | Country = gbr | NickName = ao186RjUAr |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
davidoudw:Woaini1314 | Username = davidoudw | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = AiZaiEh
| Level = 8 | Account ID = 2672735168988576 | Country = sgp | NickName = AiZaiEh |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alexailu90:AlexAilu90 | Username = AlexAilu90 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
AlexAilu90 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2550621424051264 | Country = rou | NickName =
AlexAilu90 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
zathebest:davide94 | Username = zathebest | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
dollarumma20 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2730355462211264 | Country = ita | NickName
= dollarumma20 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
leo123sya:Syafiee_2002 | Username = Leo123Sya | Tag Line = 9534 | Game Name =
Leo123Sya | Country = mys | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pharrun:jaguar12 | Username = pharrun | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Pharrun |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 211782083 | Country = grc | NickName = Pharrun |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aksoft1:Dltjdgns1! | Username = aksoft1 | Tag Line = KR1 | Game Name = 01068085009
| Level = 31 | Account ID = 3540534 | Country = kor | NickName = 01068085009 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = KR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pene2win183:azerty123 | Username = pene2win183 | Account ID = 33905259 | Country =
cog | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jyshigene:4qhdksnsk | Username = jyshigene | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = jyshigene
| Level = 7 | Account ID = 200710496 | Country = usa | NickName = jyshigene |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
joekoronel:marshall15 | Username = joekoronel | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Joe
Koronel | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2119483014974240 | Country = esp | NickName =
Joe Koronel | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
mehmetyunak07:1a2s3d1a2s3d | Username = mehmetyunak07 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= HMY Pixel | Level = 68 | Account ID = 2185917648794464 | Country = tur | NickName
= HMY Pixel | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pineapplekush12:Lastres21041998 | Username = pineapplekush12 | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = 60ft Pineapple | Level = 1 | Account ID = 208444108 | Country = mys |
NickName = 60ft Pineapple | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zombieappleceo:ddr431 | Username = zombieappleceo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS17c3e600c15bae0f4da71 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40771249 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS17c3e600c15bae0f4da71 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hillconnard:5Thunder | Username = hillconnard | Tag Line = 5200 | Game Name =
hillconnard | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2448332210432352 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
coreyma09:pspc0607 | Username = coreyma09 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS13afd2821bafc7545dc40 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 47993619 | Country = hkg |
NickName = IS13afd2821bafc7545dc40 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ypietro1223:loper1223 | Username = yPietro1223 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
pietrovip | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2453704439574400 | Country = bra | NickName =
pietrovip | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = artigui577@gmail.cOM |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cezar900826:czarek90 | Username = cezar900826 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
cEZAR9008 | Level = 11 | Account ID = 2445120655272192 | Country = pol | NickName =
cEZAR9008 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
wootbr1:lu83181003 | Username = wootbr1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1cfb9c11676daa60ff681 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38578688 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1cfb9c11676daa60ff681 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
enigmosis:Lastres21041998 | Username = enigmosis | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
FLAGGED 43458704 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 216278688 | Country = ukr | NickName =
FLAGGED 43458704 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes | Username = Hamodicharr | Tag Line = 4912 | Game Name =
Hamodi | Country = deu | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
leivonkarten:labirinto25 | Username = leivonkarten | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Keyd Theuso | Level = 30 | Account ID = 215511570 | Country = bra | NickName = Keyd
Theuso | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chykiys:lolilol05 | Username = chykiys | Account ID = 2591934551663808 | Country =
fra | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
richiemon115:Jrambo85! | Username = richiemon115 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Surrakk | Level = 124 | Account ID = 233429668 | Country = usa | NickName = Surrakk
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dlwpehlfk:djzkdnsxm1 | Username = dlwpehlfk | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = a123014
| Level = 9 | Account ID = 217879844 | Country = twn | NickName = a123014 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
masterpops777:masvidal7 | Username = masterpops777 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
TRisDEPRESSING | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2426021737304992 | Country = esp |
NickName = TRisDEPRESSING | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
grkmglen2:1af939a4 | Username = grkmglen2 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
midlanefcker | Level = 6 | Account ID = 2460604001145536 | Country = tur | NickName
= midlanefcker | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
exiledlegendd:Wilberto757 | Username = exiledlegendd | Tag Line = 8366 | Game Name
= ExiledLegend | Level = 1 | Account ID = 245767287 | Country = usa | NickName =
ExiledLegenddd | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
flerren:s3nnah0j | Username = flerren | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS165280dcc09b26 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30529310 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS165280dcc09b26 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nerdkingnathan123:jared123 | Username = nerdkingnathan123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = LoverSpooks | Level = 106 | Account ID = 2126935680051936 | Country = can |
NickName = LoverSpooks | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
riciuulet:Zoccolona98 | Username = Riciuulet | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Riciuulet | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2027509013803392 | Country = ita | NickName =
Riciuulet | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tailsmilesnya:igor2015B | Username = tailsmilesnya | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
TailsMilesNyan | Level = 7 | Account ID = 204450071 | Country = rus | NickName =
TailsMilesNyan | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ddewarll:d13a1328 | Username = Ddewarll | Tag Line = 9487 | Game Name = ddewar |
Country = bra | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kskle111:85245635o | Username = kskle111 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
DarkTwister35 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 200115163 | Country = tur | NickName =
DarkTwister35 | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
milosznikk:Wauzi1993! | Username = milosznikk | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Womish | Level = 61 | Account ID = 26721130 | Country = pol | NickName = Womish |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
deathrecord:constanta91 | Username = deathrecord | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Thoran Dhor | Level = 22 | Account ID = 228407412 | Country = ita | NickName =
Thoran Dhor | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pokewon44:n3hirnaz | Username = pokewon44 | Account ID = 200104909 | Country = grc
| EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
randommisery:Luv2hate | Username = randommisery | Tag Line = 24610 | Game Name =
FLAGGED 21388365 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 235082215 | Country = usa | NickName =
FLAGGED 32650397 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gaul76:david76 | Username = gaul76 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = IS1460983837ab08
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 29109378 | Country = chn | NickName = IS1460983837ab08 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
saikiks:175832dianacadete | Username = SaikiKS | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
SaikiKS | Level = 22 | Account ID = 2270032798747200 | Country = bra | NickName =
SaikiKS | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maidensebas:qwerty1973 | Username = maidensebas | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SebasMaiden | Level = 1 | Account ID = 211728894 | Country = mex | NickName =
SebasMaiden | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
rohammers2:Lastres21041998 | Username = rohammers2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS10f0027b38f80be6574ad | Level = 1 | Account ID = 44202347 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS10f0027b38f80be6574ad | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
d4rkd3s3rt:hiltown1310 | Username = d4rkd3s3rt | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Rednets | Level = 30 | Account ID = 40178368 | Country = deu | NickName = Rednets |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
emtinek:MIARKA661 | Username = emtinek | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = BiednyGnojasz
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 200200745 | Country = tha | NickName = BiednyGnojasz |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
natayoshi:Tsuna93sawada | Username = natayoshi | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Gosphos | Level = 13 | Account ID = 272219 | Country = fra | NickName = Gosphos |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 120 | Radianite Points = 255 | TotalRecentGames = 5 | Skins = [, Silvanus
Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom, dot EXE Judge, Kingdom Bucky, Couture
Frenzy, Kingdom Classic, dot EXE Ghost, Protektor Sheriff, Wunderkind Shorty,
Reaver Operator, , Couture Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Couture Stinger, Kingdom
Knife] | Checked = Yes
cristos703:Cristos703 | Username = cristos703 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1f84f3bc0d1a32 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 29335622 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1f84f3bc0d1a32 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
insolenth3:tomas2399 | Username = INSOLENTH3 | Tag Line = 8054 | Game Name =
INSOLENTH3 | Country = col | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
onemorehope17:alexpapa17 | Username = onemorehope17 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
cocopops17 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 214808764 | Country = usa | NickName =
cocopops17 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
darrzania96:password1 | Username = darrzania96 | Account ID = 32120705 | Country =
chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stephengerren:Stevenash13! | Username = stephengerren | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Give me ADC thx | Level = 55 | Account ID = 238042690 | Country = usa | NickName
= Give me ADC thx | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
spikeakastef:WoJMca3XBVL | Username = spikeakastef | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
SpikeAkaStef | Level = 9 | Account ID = 219728322 | Country = rou | NickName =
SpikeAkaStef | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kenlkm00:chocomint00 | Username = kenlkm00 | Tag Line = 7152 | Game Name = exitman
| Country = hkg | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dsinclair12:sinclair12 | Username = dsinclair12 | Account ID = 231679625 | Country
= mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
andrewleeson:thebottle1 | Username = andrewleeson | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Awful Skills | Level = 9 | Account ID = 39376256 | Country = gbr | NickName = Awful
Skills | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
emil951:lln03demst | Username = emil951 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS113026726a42d3 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 26864490 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS113026726a42d3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
malmi96:d4n1d3m0n10 | Username = malmi96 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Malmi996 |
Level = 118 | Account ID = 218132240 | Country = esp | NickName = Malmi996 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 450 | Radianite Points = 570 | TotalRecentGames = 96 | Skins = [POLYfrog
Ares, Nitro Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, Lightwave Phantom, Prism III Judge, Lightwave
Bucky, Swooping Frenzy, FIRE/arm Classic, Eclipse Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Wunderkind
Shorty, K/TAC Operator, Nitro Guardian, Artisan Marshal, POLYfrog Spectre, Cavalier
Stinger, K/TAC Blade] | Checked = Yes
manarith:i5u57dxz | Username = Manarith | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Manarith |
Level = 176 | Account ID = 24646430 | Country = pol | NickName = Manarith |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 50 | Radianite Points = 320 | TotalRecentGames = 71 | Skins = [, Ruin Vandal, ,
Serenity Phantom, Serenity Judge, Surge Bucky, RagnaRocker Frenzy, Surge Classic,
Eclipse Ghost, Death Wish Sheriff, Snakebite Shorty, , Ruin Guardian, Ruin Marshal,
Serenity Spectre, Surge Stinger, Ruin Dagger] | Checked = Yes
shadowfiend859:Lastres21041998 | Username = shadowfiend859 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = DarkTerror859 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 220609236 | Country = usa |
NickName = DarkTerror859 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
jackmac05:kizmet123 | Username = jackmac05 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = be97c224-
3119-4a92-b3b2-f6eef1cbac9c | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200909357 | Country = prt |
EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rasgef77:kissa123 | Username = rasgef77 | Account ID = 33915547 | Country = mex |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tresteam8:flash0 | Username = tresteam8 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS19c47be3377150 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33892079 | Country = usa | NickName =
IS19c47be3377150 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mrksponcerodriguez:yg7h60jx | Username = mrksponcerodriguez | Country = chl |
EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kalixgocho:dflt1003 | Username = kalixgocho | Account ID = 39771983 | Country = mys
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
blacobson:sassitude2 | Username = blacobson | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Blacobson | Level = 101 | Account ID = 216186968 | Country = ukr | NickName =
Blacobson | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
mertbagra21:05355101800m | Username = mertbagra21 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
HarrietBEECHER | Level = 17 | Account ID = 201223508 | Country = lux | NickName =
HarrietBEECHER | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
clausenic1000:strwrs12 | Username = clausenic1000 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
FLAGGED 87911411 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 221524763 | Country = bel | NickName =
FLAGGED 87911411 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
k3v1nx1:kevinx97 | Username = k3v1nx1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Theldiot |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 204843484 | Country = usa | NickName = Theldiot |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
voxduc:valjoux7751 | Username = voxduc | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Voxduc |
Level = 33 | Account ID = 230959271 | Country = ukr | NickName = Voxduc |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
58 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [, Prime Vandal, Rush
Bulldog, Galleria Phantom, , Kingdom Bucky, Couture Frenzy, Prime Classic,
Sovereign Ghost, Aristocrat Sheriff, , , Prime Guardian, Sovereign Marshal, Prime
Spectre, Couture Stinger, Sovereign Sword] | Checked = Yes
boyo1797:boyo1797 | Username = boyo1797 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = IoriLoko |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2489296147801920 | Country = usa | NickName = IoriLoko |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hahakdogv2:ZAWARUDO13 | Username = HAHAKDOGV2 | Tag Line = 2938 | Game Name =
HAHAKDOGV2 | Country = phl | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
chaweenz:Lastres21041998 | Username = chaweenz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1449f9a344b829e0b6c6d | Level = 2 | Account ID = 40866135 | Country = fra |
NickName = IS1449f9a344b829e0b6c6d | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
coreyhunter2222:saintsftw1 | Username = coreyhunter2222 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Fix This Trash | Level = 11 | Account ID = 1980271651596704 | Country = usa
| NickName = Fix This Trash | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
0zn16e:0zn16e | Username = 0zn16e | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = 0zn16e | Level =
10 | Account ID = 206861836 | Country = fra | NickName = 0zn16e | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maksimk13337:Kurbatova262 | Username = maksimk13337 | Tag Line = 3550 | Game Name =
Mak1ng | Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
fybaxlsad1:Darkorbit88 | Username = fybaxlsad1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
DrooIsBack | Level = 7 | Account ID = 2478963905357056 | Country = swe | NickName =
DrooIsBack | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vmfrondsss:nakalimutanko25 | Username = vmfrondsss | Tag Line = 8744 | Game Name =
3SH | Country = phl | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
itzreclaimer:Tehpwner2 | Username = itzreclaimer | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ItzReclaimer | Level = 5 | Account ID = 200262755 | Country = usa | NickName =
ItzReclaimer | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
callripleys:Lastres21041998 | Username = callripleys | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Call Ripleys | Level = 1 | Account ID = 247613960 | Country = arg | NickName = Call
Ripleys | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
galamboskrisztian01:Atesioanya2001 | Username = galamboskrisztian01 | Tag Line =
EUNE | Game Name = IkillPeopleHun | Level = 123 | Account ID = 222494890 | Country
= hun | NickName = IkillPeopleHun | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
l0pez47skr:Emo44535271 | Username = L0pez47skr | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
L0pez47skr | Level = 1 | Account ID = 1980236436720512 | Country = arg | NickName =
L0pez47skr | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rtrtewtwe735:1q121212 | Username = rtrtewtwe735 | Account ID = 33964281 | Country =
nld | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jrmatos89:since1989 | Username = jrmatos89 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Mojito
San | Level = 30 | Account ID = 213435199 | Country = bra | NickName = Mojito San |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
w4ynjuckts:marcello2110 | Username = W4ynjuckts | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
W4ynjuckt3ss | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2729443469665504 | Country = aut | NickName
= W4ynjuckt3ss | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hom4ik1:p4b0cnms | Username = hom4ik1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = shockwave1994
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 200233115 | Country = rus | NickName = shockwave1994 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
watarux:sage0217 | Username = watarux | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = watarux |
Level = 13 | Account ID = 201188309 | Country = jpn | NickName = watarux |
EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
liu959562341:liu1991119 | Username = liu959562341 | Tag Line = 9304 | Game Name =
liu959562341 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2621744977520256 | Country = sgp | NickName
= huaxiaqisheng | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jhnabilla:jihan450 | Username = jhnabilla | Tag Line = 1152 | Game Name = jhnabilla
| Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oisincfc:Oisincfc123 | Username = oisincfc | Tag Line = 6969 | Game Name = oisín |
Account ID = 2801093552358560 | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN
| Email = | Valorant Point = 170 | Radianite Points =
345 | TotalRecentGames = 14 | Skins = [Outpost Ares, Sakura Vandal, Infinity
Bulldog, Infinity Phantom, Outpost Judge, Aerosol Bucky, , Pistolinha Classic,
Outpost Ghost, , Aerosol Shorty, Aerosol Operator, Infinity Guardian, POLYfrog
Marshal, Infinity Spectre, Cavalier Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
traveliout:Dortmund11 | Username = traveliout | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
FLAGGED 22596777 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 213233390 | Country = deu | NickName =
FLAGGED 22596777 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rileylamont:papoose7070 | Username = rileylamont | Tag Line = 7355 | Game Name = a
r e l | Country = can | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
giangb1:aa00691906 | Username = giangb1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = yoyo yoyo222
| Level = 33 | Account ID = 200234804 | Country = can | NickName = yoyo yoyo222 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lonsdale11:rjitktd13 | Username = lonsdale11 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
KoKoo88 | Level = 22 | Account ID = 32274400 | Country = rou | NickName = KoKoo88 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rumalzero:44n0RK8e8i | Username = rumalzero | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Rumal
Zer0 | Level = 14 | Account ID = 31015494 | Country = srb | NickName = Rumal Zer0 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lwenchenck:170480wivi | Username = lwenchenck | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
EletroPDU | Level = 11 | Account ID = 210738550 | Country = bra | NickName =
EletroPDU | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ryukishio96:matheus22031996 | Username = RyuKishio96 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
RyuKishio96 | Level = 18 | Account ID = 2438723810332288 | Country = bra | NickName
= RyuKishio96 | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
smurfler95:whatwhat1 | Username = smurfler95 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS10ece8b7a96dff82f3b14 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 49605236 | Country = can |
NickName = IS10ece8b7a96dff82f3b14 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hot666boy420:cooper2002 | Username = hot666boy420 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
hot666boy420 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 235171133 | Country = pol | NickName =
hot666boy420 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kellz88:adrian0819 | Username = kellz88 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 92a56e85-
0a23-47fe-97c8-4fc6d5d5e973 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 48293713 | Country = vnm |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
1473002561:q2125625 | Username = 1473002561 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = weghh |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2579869697549920 | Country = hkg | NickName = weghh |
EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xplz8:a1z2e3 | Username = xplz8 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = IS18b97d886c8848 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 32625733 | Country = chn | NickName = IS18b97d886c8848 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = xplz8@d.dd | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kira2165:sergio-71210174 | Username = KIRA2165 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = RYUCK
| Level = 248 | Account ID = 201787485 | Country = bol | NickName = RYUCK |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yukikun92:Mirror92! | Username = yukikun92 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1cdd3658a8a77c57f2118 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 51071315 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1cdd3658a8a77c57f2118 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mrcabdriv3r:Elemele!13 | Username = MrCabdriv3r | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
MrCabdriv3r | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2494531869590560 | Country = bel | NickName
= MrCabdriv3r | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dimbah:Dimbahschut1997! | Username = dimbah | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
DimbahXIII | Level = 25 | Account ID = 35394003 | Country = jpn | NickName =
DimbahXIII | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
telez31:maciekpl15031 | Username = telez31 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
podchmielony | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2234212687565568 | Country = pol | NickName
= podchmielony | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
itay100100:ll100100 | Username = itay100100 | Account ID = 1988598881767584 |
Country = isr | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
pcrunn:alex200515! | Username = pcrunn | Country = grc | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xxlazyjusticexx:Lastres21041998 | Username = xxlazyjusticexx | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = xXLazyJusticeXx | Level = 1 | Account ID = 210768792 | Country = aus |
NickName = xXLazyJusticeXx | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ejlee2008:EHDRNRDL08 | Username = EJLEE2008 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = woogiyo
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 2323643098819968 | Country = kor | NickName = woogiyo |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = EJLEE2008@NAVER.COM | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
laicram08:123AsD123 | Username = laicram08 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = Laicram08
| Level = 8 | Account ID = 206334540 | Country = mex | NickName = Laicram08 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lilskillz43:malcolm2 | Username = lilskillz43 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c4307a880c31dbb0abff | Level = 2 | Account ID = 51199577 | Country = can |
NickName = IS1c4307a880c31dbb0abff | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jurcsparks:Jupiter123() | Username = JurCSparks | Tag Line = 6969 | Game Name =
Phantomsparks | Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
bakedrus:basketcase69 | Username = bakedrus | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = bakedrus
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 219212775 | Country = can | NickName = bakedrus |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mcs986:Mcs308892 | Username = mcs986 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = mcs986 | Level
= 14 | Account ID = 217534094 | Country = bra | NickName = mcs986 | EmailVerified =
True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thecashflowgod:F%C*56xt%F | Username = thecashflowgod | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= thecashflowgod | Level = 1 | Account ID = 246357118 | Country = usa | NickName =
thecashflowgod | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
advancedgamerkiller:5563jerad | Username = Advancedgamerkiller | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = 0e66fee5-7d67-484d-ad30-35bf71f808ef | Level = 1 | Account ID =
2422447632525824 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
elfeven123:janita123 | Username = elfeven123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = dokar9
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 220193616 | Country = grc | NickName = dokar9 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sw33xy:95pass07word31 | Username = sw33xy | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Sw33Xy |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 229136551 | Country = bgr | NickName = Sw33Xy |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aidanmclee:Lastres21041998 | Username = aidanmclee | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
RadicalMcLee | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228305299 | Country = hnd | NickName =
RadicalMcLee | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
vufero1823:Salvador1823 | Username = vufero1823 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Vuferino | Level = 4 | Account ID = 211146218 | Country = ita | NickName = Vuferino
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dlariot213:patryk8317 | Username = dlariot213 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1cbfc518f95f11 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28057158 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1cbfc518f95f11 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hydraburst3:trojan2015 | Username = hydraburst3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Jack
Tuck | Level = 4 | Account ID = 237469754 | Country = usa | NickName = Jack Tuck |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
v8dxf3wt:loletal1 | Username = v8dxf3wt | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS188ea8ff9abd512c3ccfc | Level = 5 | Account ID = 47064560 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS188ea8ff9abd512c3ccfc | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
nuggetro:Derrickro1013 | Username = nuggetro | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS109a4879cfffeca80c775 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38006040 | Country = aze |
NickName = IS109a4879cfffeca80c775 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mrsmok700:Gonia122 | Username = MrSmok700 | Account ID = 2321215636263040 | Country
= pol | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
henkie111:banaan1234 | Username = henkie111 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1ce4e5366e3ba3 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 25535926 | Country = srb | NickName =
IS1ce4e5366e3ba3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
degackj:10115fr | Username = degackj | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1db8d8dd3acde1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 29712301 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1db8d8dd3acde1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xxwhitoxx:fossil2011 | Username = xxwhitoxx | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Best Vi
UK | Level = 4 | Account ID = 204237614 | Country = gbr | NickName = Best Vi UK |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dscorpyt:Kisvarda1234 | Username = DsCorpYT | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
dscorpyt | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2210808798728448 | Country = nld | NickName =
dscorpyt | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pinknoize74:Gabber4ng3l | Username = Pinknoize74 | Account ID = 2700118851953888 |
Country = deu | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
playgtolga:tolga12345 | Username = playgtolga | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
162fce72-4ec0-4c7d-806c-38955f41a108 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 225208219 | Country
= mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pkwright:fortiter1 | Username = pkwright | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS10242da1818894 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 33140187 | Country = nld | NickName =
IS10242da1818894 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
hellraizzer87:thomas87 | Username = hellraizzer87 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Hellraizzer87 | Level = 11 | Account ID = 2154469234250528 | Country = deu |
NickName = Hellraizzer87 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mtlhobo:4DQW278YzU | Username = mtlhobo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b3ac9de76ed616be9519 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 45731362 | Country = idn |
NickName = IS1b3ac9de76ed616be9519 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
speccy911:Djupsjo123321 | Username = Speccy911 | Tag Line = 1234 | Game Name = Bot
frag | Country = fin | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 120 |
TotalRecentGames = 44 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
shadowpuma666:Lastres21041998 | Username = shadowpuma666 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = IS1b3eafbba06cea5993a3d | Level = 1 | Account ID = 31751222 | Country = tha
| NickName = IS1b3eafbba06cea5993a3d | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
barta32432:rodrigo32432 | Username = barta32432 | Tag Line = 8587 | Game Name =
rbCrazZy | Country = bra | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
slavko0999:dy2Sb55wO0 | Username = slavko0999 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
BeTheBest Slavko | Level = 5 | Account ID = 219131291 | Country = geo | NickName =
BeTheBest Slavko | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dechef21:wrouras1 | Username = dechef21 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Lethal
Vicious | Level = 115 | Account ID = 42151637 | Country = lva | NickName = Lethal
Vicious | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
pcclimacool:pc88269188 | Username = pcclimacool | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
NewTime8 | Level = 32 | Account ID = 203071067 | Country = bra | NickName =
NewTime8 | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fvali98:cristianoroni8 | Username = fvali98 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
valentin1998 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 39702632 | Country = hun | NickName =
valentin1998 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wildlemon123:lalrinsanga123 | Username = wildlemon123 | Account ID = 210365730 |
Country = svk | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
anson0000:anson2777 | Username = anson0000 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS16bc93d5fbc19af5ab0b6 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42997274 | Country = svn |
NickName = IS16bc93d5fbc19af5ab0b6 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ayrtonta:ReyMysterio1 | Username = ayrtonta | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = ayrtonta
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 2506166733309344 | Country = arg | NickName = ayrtonta |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
westbrook133:Lastres21041998 | Username = westbrook133 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= The lRuns | Level = 2 | Account ID = 219698869 | Country = deu | NickName = The
lRuns | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
juananelhumano:mosquito13 | Username = juananelhumano | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= juananelhumano | Level = 5 | Account ID = 220126009 | Country = esp | NickName =
juananelhumano | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fakesaau:Asd43114311 | Username = Fakesaau | Tag Line = 7527 | Game Name = SAAU |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2502611711419648 | Country = deu | EmailVerified = True |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points =
0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
monstergamer2008:jiannis2008 | Username = Monstergamer2008 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = monstergamer200 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2335998444925472 | Country = deu
| NickName = monstergamer200 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
llanura93:6851526a | Username = llanura93 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1ccea8a7abf11d | Level = 5 | Account ID = 31158790 | Country = bra | NickName =
IS1ccea8a7abf11d | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jhzu87uz349:lolmaster666 | Username = jhzu87uz349 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
8e602b50-bab3-4069-96d4-13f13326ac33 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32164739 | Country
= chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ilhambr05:nevergiveup05 | Username = ilhambr05 | Tag Line = 1970 | Game Name =
IBR05 | Country = idn | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wlllrock:tok4287196 | Username = WlLLROCK | Tag Line = 1025 | Game Name = WILLROCK
| Country = tur | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
avellano123:avellano123 | Username = avellano123 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Avellano123 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 213733238 | Country = irn | NickName =
Avellano123 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nanitaxxy23:teste123 | Username = nanitaxxy23 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS12566e4ddf0d41 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34515432 | Country = kaz | NickName =
IS12566e4ddf0d41 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
grafik35:grafik35 | Username = grafik35 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = Guifreewins
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 207758271 | Country = tur | NickName = Guifreewins |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
meneguel011:andreANDRE1 | Username = Meneguel011 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Meneguel01 | Level = 336 | Account ID = 213087812 | Country = bra | NickName =
Meneguel01 | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rtsumnl:Rt4456093 | Username = rtsumnl | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b0fcc41bdada627bfa97 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 49368064 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1b0fcc41bdada627bfa97 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
pazjax98:paschenjan321 | Username = Pazjax98 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = PazJaxX
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 2230048979235232 | Country = deu | NickName = PazJaxX |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
eserizm01:neymar11 | Username = eserizm01 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = Bataco |
Level = 9 | Account ID = 210346945 | Country = tur | NickName = Bataco |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tsun0:leomax2417 | Username = tsun0 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Tšuno | Level =
2 | Account ID = 2132166986600896 | Country = fra | NickName = Tšuno |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vgfhtjhsdgkjfg101:campagnolo18 | Username = vgfhtjhsdgkjfg101 | Account ID =
34518231 | Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
mouk1996:Jc30vpPOrG | Username = mouk1996 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS146eccbd85daed578e419 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 46522529 | Country = egy |
NickName = IS146eccbd85daed578e419 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nerixn:Torpedo23 | Username = NERIXN | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = NERIXN | Level
= 6 | Account ID = 2392773667451168 | Country = bel | NickName = NERIXN |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
untouch555:antonioburazer1 | Username = untouch555 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Xin Zhao Bot 666 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 40546419 | Country = hrv | NickName =
Xin Zhao Bot 666 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pimpyannick:Nickpeters98 | Username = pimpyannick | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
YannickistBOZZ | Level = 6 | Account ID = 206298461 | Country = rus | NickName =
YannickistBOZZ | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
schweigadugeila103:password1 | Username = schweigadugeila103 | Account ID =
34208487 | Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
reflocalhostqq9:kucikuci17 | Username = reflocalhostqq9 | Account ID = 34895034 |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
dirkiecplayer:Ferentes1 | Username = dirkiecplayer | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Tsjoepeke | Level = 2 | Account ID = 208265726 | Country = chn | NickName =
Tsjoepeke | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
isobahh:Oporto66 | Username = isobahh | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = lHpjRDQOrD |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 202267523 | Country = esp | NickName = lHpjRDQOrD |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dustindps1:Lastres21041998 | Username = dustindps1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
8ltu8VcOJ7 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 215261863 | Country = ukr | NickName =
8ltu8VcOJ7 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
r0ckt3x:darkspy4563 | Username = r0ckt3x | Account ID = 221245485 | Country = idn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tobzalovekm5:tobzalovekm5 | Username = tobzalovekm5 | Tag Line = 7510 | Game Name =
namo555 | Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jojocultist111:Venire4231 | Username = JoJoCultist111 | Tag Line = 1604 | Game Name
= Sunny | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2532204209030400 | Country = deu | NickName =
HJKVHVHVHJKVHJ | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 356 | Radianite Points = 60 |
TotalRecentGames = 10 | Skins = [Hivemind Ares, Prime Vandal, POLYfox Bulldog,
Singularity Phantom, POLYfox Judge, , , Pistolinha Classic, Hush Ghost, POLYfox
Sheriff, , , POLYfox Guardian, , Prime Spectre, , Reaver Knife] | Checked = Yes
herbscented:mujik123 | Username = herbscented | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
HerbScenteD | Level = 5 | Account ID = 213883218 | Country = deu | NickName =
HerbScenteD | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
farfur:pokemon493 | Username = farfur | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Farfur | Level
= 19 | Account ID = 205470828 | Country = tur | NickName = Farfur | EmailVerified =
True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
akasoh19:Darkdruid101 | Username = akasoh19 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Janna is
my wife | Level = 48 | Account ID = 245785030 | Country = can | NickName = Janna is
my wife | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
trigoofy:dakota102 | Username = trigoofy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 5d985eec-
e4c6-4c30-b0ce-828ab78f36c0 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2078759957662528 | Country =
usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ibriggz:Lastres21041998 | Username = ibriggz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c37f092441cf7b15f480 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35195034 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1c37f092441cf7b15f480 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
levgempel:MrWTF?!? | Username = levgempel | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = wanabeee |
Level = 17 | Account ID = 2270122384659008 | Country = rus | NickName = wanabeee |
EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jacksonio19:Lastres21041998 | Username = jacksonio19 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
jacksonioD | Level = 3 | Account ID = 245077660 | Country = usa | NickName =
jacksonioD | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lptp220:123456a | Username = lptp220 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS137ebf6fdf27df | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29705447 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS137ebf6fdf27df | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bartpotter123:klarinet111 | Username = bartpotter123 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
bartpotter123 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2152326215087072 | Country = gbr |
NickName = bartpotter123 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ewengourlin:ewen271095 | Username = ewengourlin | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS127c992957a88c | Level = 1 | Account ID = 31210230 | Country = usa | NickName =
IS127c992957a88c | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mcwojownik:Komputer123 | Username = mcwojownik | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
a27c1f64-5a15-4d9f-b44f-a1a6740b4925 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 235970959 | Country
= chn | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nikolajd12:police112 | Username = nikolajd12 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
nikolajd1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 33029394 | Country = chn | NickName =
nikolajd1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
asiro04:wakawaka7285 | Username = asiro04 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = AsiroCL |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 231536098 | Country = chl | NickName = AsiroCL |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
severinlindner:sevi1999 | Username = severinlindner | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
SeviTrollz | Level = 2 | Account ID = 221966234 | Country = moz | NickName =
SeviTrollz | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
th3monkeyman:Lastres21041998 | Username = th3monkeyman | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= IS1a97194aa7cb915090a78 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 46645027 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS1a97194aa7cb915090a78 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
hxllxwxxii:Camden1832 | Username = HxllxwXXII | Tag Line = 1871 | Game Name = XXII
| Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
manutdfan25:Nhotspurs26! | Username = manutdfan25 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
TheHuskyNig | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40280385 | Country = can | NickName =
TheHuskyNig | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tmatteso:2wsxxsw2 | Username = tmatteso | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = tmatteso |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 217149002 | Country = rus | NickName = tmatteso |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
swiftymgee900:A5h3mgee | Username = swiftymgee900 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Swifty900 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 226241235 | Country = usa | NickName =
Swifty900 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
s1lentk11ll:2011119ever | Username = S1lentK11LL | Tag Line = 2392 | Game Name =
S1lentK11LL | Country = prt | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
soullcast1:8250271a | Username = soullcast1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1d1082fab9648c | Level = 2 | Account ID = 30982097 | Country = mys | NickName =
IS1d1082fab9648c | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jonaskun11:Mosbach75 | Username = jonaskun11 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = McJonsy
| Level = 34 | Account ID = 241831854 | Country = deu | NickName = McJonsy |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 725 | Radianite Points = 320 | TotalRecentGames = 7 | Skins = [Hivemind Ares,
Glitchpop Vandal, Infinity Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom, Jigsaw Judge, Aerosol Bucky,
Couture Frenzy, , Outpost Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, , , Couture
Marshal, POLYfrog Spectre, Couture Stinger, Glitchpop Dagger] | Checked = Yes
kaden424:kaden424 | Username = kaden424 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = doggyboy247
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 2123823099030080 | Country = usa | NickName =
doggyboy247 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
missingno2000:G4beNewel | Username = missingno2000 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Missingno2000 | Level = 46 | Account ID = 201220966 | Country = can | NickName =
Missingno2000 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
antcordo:Monkeyjoe1! | Username = antcordo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Plus
Ultra Thot | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2241521490152288 | Country = usa | NickName =
Plus Ultra Thot | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ch7170p:35ag9658 | Username = ch7170p | Tag Line = KR1 | Game Name = ???? | Level =
3 | Account ID = 2669382885827776 | Country = kor | NickName = ???? | EmailVerified
= True | Region = KR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shubhlakhani12:jubjub123 | Username = shubhlakhani12 | Tag Line = 9504 | Game Name
= shubhlakhani12 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2441116648704992 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ognestypan:Fur1ousFiv3 | Username = ognestypan | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ChaoticLaughter | Level = 7 | Account ID = 213448644 | Country = sau | NickName =
ChaoticLaughter | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
magesesop:2CGk7gUQvD | Username = magesesop | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS189d3a46c8c57ad7a1e6f | Level = 3 | Account ID = 40807806 | Country = ukr |
NickName = IS189d3a46c8c57ad7a1e6f | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
steveiepoo:234wersdf | Username = steveiepoo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS14d98886d969d1ac3159d | Level = 5 | Account ID = 41249358 | Country = nga |
NickName = IS14d98886d969d1ac3159d | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dodgerstill:asdasdasd123 | Username = dodgerstill | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
BodilyFluids | Level = 316 | Account ID = 22301346 | Country = sau | NickName =
BodilyFluids | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gub116:ggub22gub | Username = gub116 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Gub115 | Level
= 3 | Account ID = 245394450 | Country = can | NickName = Gub115 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pokemongirl888:p0k3m0n | Username = pokemongirl888 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
70f649d3-d319-4a36-a34a-9f868224c8f0 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 237091709 | Country
= usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bodydinamo:Dededede1 | Username = bodydinamo | Account ID = 204088001 | Country =
kaz | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
peterajax32:12voetbal | Username = peterajax32 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
f86b4ca5-e4f5-4671-871b-d59b4cd558e1 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206117226 | Country
= bra | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pizzagibbon:superman123 | Username = pizzagibbon | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
owcar | Level = 2 | Account ID = 241429816 | Country = usa | NickName = owcar |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
acevxx:Jcastro07 | Username = acevxx | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = acevxx | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 228212923 | Country = usa | NickName = acevxx | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
allaboutlolz:gabriel23 | Username = allaboutlolz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
AllAboutLolz | Level = 7 | Account ID = 229767897 | Country = mex | NickName =
AllAboutLolz | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = luisgonzalez- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
dalimyeral1:Dy817012 | Username = dalimyeral1 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = Island
Blues | Level = 2 | Account ID = 205282547 | Country = tur | NickName = Island
Blues | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vitormb526:frenck123 | Username = vitormb526 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Armag3doM | Level = 15 | Account ID = 204162676 | Country = bra | NickName =
Armag3doM | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
893607219:jia893607219 | Username = 893607219 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = zyysn
| Level = 20 | Account ID = 2509657223160928 | Country = usa | NickName = zyysn |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oneswimmyshark:Momdad25 | Username = OneSwimmyShark | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
OneSwimmyShark | Level = 10 | Account ID = 1982043209615712 | Country = usa |
NickName = OneSwimmyShark | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
acidmisskk:31415927z | Username = acidmisskk | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
acidmisskk | Level = 1 | Account ID = 229339333 | Country = gbr | NickName =
acidmisskk | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ctchicken12:ryantomlin12 | Username = ctchicken12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
CTchicken12 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 215347719 | Country = chn | NickName =
CTchicken12 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zigolbaytgamer:julio1507z | Username = ZigolbaYTGamer | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= ZigolbaYT | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2628593235879360 | Country = per | NickName
= ZigolbaYT | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
kilombero36:carajulia1 | Username = kilombero36 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
abogadotrucho | Level = 4 | Account ID = 42398434 | Country = chl | NickName =
abogadotrucho | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
michalsniezko1:misiu112 | Username = michalsniezko1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1bb88410a6e545 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 31788779 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1bb88410a6e545 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
cornchunksjr:Hippo123! | Username = CornChunksJr | Tag Line = 5784 | Game Name =
CornChunksJr | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
getrektskrubb:Iyanna08 | Username = getrektskrubb | Account ID = 2085040231779232 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mano7556maren:Mano7556Maren | Username = mano7556maren | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= Mano7556Maren | Level = 10 | Account ID = 215365476 | Country = deu | NickName =
Mano7556Maren | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xxothoroxx:Lastres21041998 | Username = xxothoroxx | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS164dce49544dc40d69cc1 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34973946 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS164dce49544dc40d69cc1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
iaintnos1mp69:Powerhouse0709 | Username = iaintnos1mp69 | Tag Line = daddy | Game
Name = Ten MenZ | Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
emowings:96d6afd200 | Username = emowings | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS17c56dd34b5dcb3738478 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32373155 | Country = egy |
NickName = IS17c56dd34b5dcb3738478 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hiseu:r3tr0sp3x! | Username = hiseu | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Hiseu | Level =
9 | Account ID = 49791219 | Country = usa | NickName = Hiseu | EmailVerified = True
| Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
emmerick974:reunion974 | Username = emmerick974 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
RyuSakka974 | Level = 9 | Account ID = 38428776 | Country = chn | NickName =
RyuSakka974 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
fotzensau1000:fotzenmilch2 | Username = fotzensau1000 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= Hou Li Schit | Level = 5 | Account ID = 218613158 | Country = cze | NickName =
Hou Li Schit | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gk5149:1djrdnjs! | Username = gk5149 | Tag Line = KR1 | Game Name = ?????? | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 2658570392241248 | Country = kor | NickName = ?????? |
EmailVerified = True | Region = KR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
samumsq2:abuela123 | Username = samumsq2 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = samumsq2 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 209359764 | Country = rus | NickName = samumsq2 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
celos888:ccooll32503 | Username = Celos888 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Celos888
| Level = 10 | Account ID = 2495614090962368 | Country = usa | NickName = Celos888
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
farowww:sulasuper23 | Username = farowww | Tag Line = 0820 | Game Name = faroww |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2736173314311264 | Country = kgz | NickName = farowww |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sirhollows:Lastres21041998 | Username = SirHollows | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SirHollows | Level = 4 | Account ID = 1965383735838880 | Country = usa | NickName =
SirHollows | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pengrui1:nickpoper1 | Username = pengrui1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Pengrui1 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 205272538 | Country = can | NickName = Pengrui1 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bigboybluh:mrtots01 | Username = bigboybluh | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
bigboybluh | Level = 12 | Account ID = 244626731 | Country = usa | NickName =
bigboybluh | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aa547245951:8802798a | Username = aa547245951 | Tag Line = 4798 | Game Name =
Ekkooooo | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2395744660901760 | Country = hkg |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lilloo3113:olaolita2 | Username = lilloo3113 | Account ID = 29183184 | Country =
chl | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vindancent:vdc97nil | Username = vindancent | Tag Line = 9339 | Game Name =
vindancent | Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
joshplasse:nov222123 | Username = joshplasse | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
3c7b6c73-c218-47e1-8c70-a694c839899d | Level = 1 | Account ID = 226927709 | Country
= bra | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
saluha8:saluha8 | Username = saluha8 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = saluha8 | Level
= 10 | Account ID = 214752983 | Country = nld | NickName = saluha8 | EmailVerified
= False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bhzhang34:zbhZBH123 | Username = bhzhang34 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SorakaCarryUs | Level = 22 | Account ID = 240929135 | Country = usa | NickName =
SorakaCarryUs | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
surfmb44:allintime413 | Username = surfmb44 | Account ID = 51413923 | Country = vnm
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pakyssk:goldmine1 | Username = pakyssk | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1cc14b8a33a2aff18f5e0 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 41135421 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1cc14b8a33a2aff18f5e0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
reyleague12:cabronazo1234 | Username = reyleague12 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
QUE FLIPAILLO | Level = 1 | Account ID = 215807314 | Country = esp | NickName = QUE
FLIPAILLO | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = joan- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
frugo9191:oj4h6e7x | Username = frugo9191 | Account ID = 36005751 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
karlitotheclown:sorry1234 | Username = karlitotheclown | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= karlitotheclown | Level = 4 | Account ID = 227443377 | Country = can | NickName =
karlitotheclown | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
artemistc:abcde115191 | Username = artemistc | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
TRangelMan | Level = 109 | Account ID = 207865267 | Country = tur | NickName =
TRangelMan | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 275 | Radianite Points = 90 |
TotalRecentGames = 9 | Skins = [, , , , , , , , , , , , Nitro Guardian, Artisan
Marshal, , , ] | Checked = Yes
mksaynay:Lastres21041998 | Username = mksaynay | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Mksaynay | Level = 6 | Account ID = 230897001 | Country = usa | NickName = Mksaynay
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mainata44:mainata22 | Username = mainata44 | Account ID = 230225293 | Country = ita
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tintally:lalka2005 | Username = Tintally | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
PrincessFrog | Level = 256 | Account ID = 2443041366944640 | Country = pol |
NickName = PrincessFrog | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
elkroeto:gabbata1337 | Username = elkroeto | Tag Line = 1298 | Game Name = elkroeto
| Country = deu | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
super88blake:a27252785 | Username = super88blake | Tag Line = 74986 | Game Name =
FLAGGED 24015853 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 43337330 | Country = usa | NickName =
FLAGGED 26850842 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dragonswinger12:Chernobil1 | Username = dragonswinger12 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = Erik the Nord | Level = 1 | Account ID = 221290496 | Country = deu |
NickName = Erik the Nord | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
owenliang:Owen199491! | Username = owenliang | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Avallck
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 240466886 | Country = usa | NickName = Avallck |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
soulsekator:7721483q | Username = soulsekator | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
817cb7c8-93e7-4e48-ac84-1f171797b833 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 34974651 | Country
= rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
plyply1:plyply1Qw1! | Username = plyply1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Dezodorant
PL | Level = 10 | Account ID = 200957100 | Country = fra | NickName = Dezodorant PL
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hamzahll:kai'sajaxcamille | Username = hamzahll | Tag Line = 8191 | Game Name =
SOVA | Level = 447 | Account ID = 1985641409344384 | Country = mar | NickName =
FLÓKl | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 190 |
TotalRecentGames = 19 | Skins = [, dot EXE Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Kingdom
Phantom, dot EXE Judge, Kingdom Bucky, Couture Frenzy, Kingdom Classic, dot EXE
Ghost, Protektor Sheriff, , , , Couture Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Couture Stinger,
Kingdom Knife] | Checked = Yes
tomshen1989:Krigetta08 | Username = tomshen1989 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Godzalie | Level = 55 | Account ID = 2273246141248224 | Country = bel | NickName =
Godzalie | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ddautel1:Bckspac1! | Username = ddautel1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = msterb8ing
| Level = 7 | Account ID = 217156078 | Country = usa | NickName = msterb8ing |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lleras75:yosepe2002 | Username = Lleras75 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Juan
Lleras | Level = 7 | Account ID = 2448715980687776 | Country = col | NickName =
Juan Lleras | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bjorneytheguy:44665660b | Username = bjorneytheguy | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
BjorneyTheGuy | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2519476208805280 | Country = dnk |
NickName = BjorneyTheGuy | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
afon300:CNcn12!! | Username = afon300 | Country = fra | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
arthurhellsfire:dev249987 | Username = arthurhellsfire | Tag Line = art23 | Game
Name = arthurhellsfire | Level = 39 | Account ID = 37889899 | Country = fin |
NickName = Arthur Hellsfire | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
billthemetalhead:bill1996 | Username = billthemetalhead | Account ID = 29558480 |
Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
wilhunter77:kiki77100 | Username = wilhunter77 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
WilHunter | Level = 193 | Account ID = 2193163209380640 | Country = fra | NickName
= WilHunter | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
willianmoura8:w26640756 | Username = willianmoura8 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
josuemoura8 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2732551167010560 | Country = bra | NickName
= josuemoura8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
stalek21:grzybek1 | Username = stalek21 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = GrzybekYOYO
| Level = 30 | Account ID = 205266898 | Country = pol | NickName = GrzybekYOYO |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked =
249997263:suyu0815 | Username = 249997263 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 2458a21b-
ef25-4e13-95db-9a133c7526dd | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204031672 | Country = egy |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nashodark15:pirulin637 | Username = nashodark15 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
sersonveil | Level = 18 | Account ID = 202363986 | Country = chl | NickName =
sersonveil | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oitempesso:Funkymonky8 | Username = oitempesso | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
oitempesso | Level = 3 | Account ID = 219357056 | Country = usa | NickName =
oitempesso | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
kowzking:med04taker | Username = kowzking | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = KOWZKING |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 230422376 | Country = rus | NickName = KOWZKING |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
realnexuss112:NoamAB112 | Username = RealNexuss112 | Tag Line = JETT | Game Name =
NTM NoamSAD | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2492499315729824 | Country = isr | NickName
= NoamAB112 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 171 | Radianite Points = 145 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Outpost Ares, Reaver Vandal, Infinity Bulldog, Infinity Phantom, Outpost Judge,
Aerosol Bucky, Spitfire Frenzy, Infinity Classic, Outpost Ghost, POLYfox Sheriff,
Wunderkind Shorty, Aerosol Operator, Prime Guardian, Ruin Marshal, Hivemind
Spectre, Surge Stinger, Ruin Dagger] | Checked = Yes
maurogasconavas:01mauro2001 | Username = maurogasconavas | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = pinkbublegun | Level = 2 | Account ID = 210201588 | Country = esp | NickName
= pinkbublegun | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oscaraau22:lordasessing2 | Username = oscaraau22 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Evil Azura | Level = 25 | Account ID = 2254827257834304 | Country = esp | NickName
= Evil Azura | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zana546:Palani123 | Username = zana546 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Underestimated Z | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35393409 | Country = est | NickName =
Underestimated Z | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
larsvandijk007:messi0512 | Username = larsvandijk007 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Larsvandijk007 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 231051529 | Country = tha | NickName =
Larsvandijk007 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
1omerfarukcavus:samsung123 | Username = 1omerfarukcavus | Tag Line = TR1 | Game
Name = TenTe KuLe | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2528044442044256 | Country = tur |
NickName = TenTe KuLe | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
tromphakvoort:Teunis76 | Username = tromphakvoort | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Tromp Hakvoort | Level = 1 | Account ID = 220540549 | Country = lao | NickName =
Tromp Hakvoort | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
ericalmon95:lululu22 | Username = ericalmon95 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
albapuerpue | Level = 1 | Account ID = 214716258 | Country = swe | NickName =
albapuerpue | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
moronari12345:25121989p | Username = moronari12345 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Moronari25 | Level = 43 | Account ID = 211156971 | Country = bra | NickName =
Moronari25 | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
jackyyeungkit:kit514114 | Username = jackyyeungkit | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS111e6037b6d552e601cd9 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 38228311 | Country = ukr |
NickName = IS111e6037b6d552e601cd9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
theg0nch345:sickie77 | Username = theg0nch345 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
theg0nch345 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 2389023442964128 | Country = aus | NickName
= theg0nch345 | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hajdukmilanko:lider123 | Username = HajdukMilanko | Tag Line = 3975 | Game Name =
stoyke | Level = 24 | Account ID = 2334757254165248 | Country = srb | NickName =
HAJDUK MILANKO | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
prekzaquaa:Wiegehts21 | Username = prekzaquaa | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = PreKz
Aquaa | Level = 17 | Account ID = 202502469 | Country = deu | NickName = PreKz
Aquaa | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bryantt2:100591a | Username = bryantt2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS158d28c177d07a113e974 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 33183079 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS158d28c177d07a113e974 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
jpfabian7:ChestNut101 | Username = jpfabian7 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Bob
linmire | Level = 58 | Account ID = 229879752 | Country = usa | NickName = Bob
linmire | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ram98yt:Ramirez98 | Username = ram98yt | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = ram98yt |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 2163532601166176 | Country = mex | NickName = ram98yt |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jessmarko:Breakers15 | Username = jessmarko | Account ID = 231300283 | Country =
uzb | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gamawesome:a123456 | Username = gamawesome | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS15d78e8522ca99 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29417699 | Country = dza | NickName =
IS15d78e8522ca99 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
a716:a123456 | Username = a716 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = egqhjqwuj | Level = 1
| Account ID = 202625574 | Country = chn | NickName = egqhjqwuj | EmailVerified =
False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cristiansen3:cristian2210 | Username = cristiansen3 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
cristiansen 3 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 205451535 | Country = arg | NickName =
cristiansen 3 | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
adamol1991:plankton92 | Username = adamol1991 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Jagiello21 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 35652721 | Country = pol | NickName =
Jagiello21 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
909413244:lijiaming1 | Username = 909413244 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Death7bird | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2500011078657664 | Country = hkg | NickName =
Death7bird | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tysonupper16:xkdltms1 | Username = tysonupper16 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1046651cee83ad016a0a8 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 36053266 | Country = bra |
NickName = IS1046651cee83ad016a0a8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
sksqkeorlek:wjsdur1 | Username = sksqkeorlek | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = badegi
| Level = 7 | Account ID = 44182316 | Country = kor | NickName = badegi |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = jkpark88@NATE.COM | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
batdal11:asaletli123 | Username = batdal11 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
tsRYWxpbFo73slJ0 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 201801455 | Country = tur | NickName =
tsRYWxpbFo73slJ0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
artax1282:khali1282 | Username = artax1282 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = artax1282
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 222036734 | Country = bel | NickName = artax1282 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
naikmerzx9:1234568900nico | Username = naikmerzx9 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
campion gay | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2747574631457824 | Country = chl | NickName
= campion gay | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
adalbertd:Berty2002 | Username = adalbertd | Account ID = 235536244 | Country = chn
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
saharmx10:852654s | Username = saharmx10 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = RubyChief
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 204092063 | Country = isr | NickName = RubyChief |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
babuune:desdes00 | Username = Babuune | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Babuune |
Level = 22 | Account ID = 2457116686504864 | Country = fra | NickName = Babuune |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rosengart97:08031997MIcHI | Username = rosengart97 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
rosengart97 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2365311408493088 | Country = deu | NickName
= rosengart97 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
zumasuu:peschel4315 | Username = Zumasuu | Tag Line = 2248 | Game Name = Zumasu |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2818418574820832 | Country = deu | EmailVerified = True |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 150 | Radianite
Points = 80 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [, , Couture Bulldog, , , Kingdom
Bucky, Couture Frenzy, , , , , , , , Kingdom Spectre, Couture Stinger, ] | Checked
= Yes
yorrinpl:zapomnialem1 | Username = yorrinpl | Account ID = 203388770 | Country =
ken | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
prajitura95:emin3m | Username = prajitura95 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1276b59e22ef3a | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33016803 | Country = rou | NickName =
IS1276b59e22ef3a | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jaredtan7:Iloveamanda4ever | Username = JaredTan7 | Tag Line = 6969 | Game Name =
Cutebone | Country = mys | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
crabs12311:Crabs76735 | Username = Crabs12311 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Crabs1231 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2429137388095520 | Country = col | NickName =
Crabs1231 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
asmod2s:Dira1503@ | Username = Asmod2s | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Fuschsia |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 2409713098740608 | Country = fra | NickName = Fuschsia |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zephality:Dontrez117 | Username = zephality | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Zephality | Level = 52 | Account ID = 2153240919608160 | Country = usa | NickName =
Zephality | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fir3wall1337:misterio619 | Username = fir3wall1337 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
FLAGGED 10188134 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2486046780147616 | Country = pol |
NickName = FLAGGED 10188134 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
sho0nuff:Bklyn626 | Username = sho0nuff | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = sho0nuff15 |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 216188748 | Country = usa | NickName = sho0nuff15 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
syopwn86:q3dm17 | Username = syopwn86 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS143a6ace14b526 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 26825784 | Country = egy | NickName =
IS143a6ace14b526 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lalax9:lalax123 | Username = lalax9 | Account ID = 217179540 | Country = irn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
143yesakash:YOUANDME143 | Username = 143yesAKasH | Tag Line = cool | Game Name =
Khuni | Account ID = 2690782766966144 | Country = bgd | EmailVerified = True |
Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
atosskr:1234567x | Username = atosskr | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Atosskr |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 234155222 | Country = npl | NickName = Atosskr |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lukemcdougal:@qxjA.xgd5 | Username = lukemcdougal | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
rbz2 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 227356710 | Country = tha | NickName = rbz2 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dedemaira:dm1652000 | Username = dedemaira | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
MissSweett | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201795140 | Country = bra | NickName =
MissSweett | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
longcutranger:farter351 | Username = Longcutranger | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
birdistheword177 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2431144988559904 | Country = usa |
NickName = birdistheword177 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kumaniarentoi:jklolrofl12 | Username = kumaniarentoi | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Kumani Arentoi | Level = 1 | Account ID = 214439447 | Country = rou | NickName =
Kumani Arentoi | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oliverek06:skegness12 | Username = oliverek06 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
yeetyreeboi | Level = 20 | Account ID = 2058088595747168 | Country = gbr | NickName
= yeetyreeboi | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
sketchierbot12:Giovanny63 | Username = Sketchierbot12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Sketchierbot | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2615876175799744 | Country = usa |
NickName = Sketchierbot | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tomche10:lozinka12 | Username = tomche10 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Tomche10 |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 236690863 | Country = ukr | NickName = Tomche10 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
soaperstar99:simon2302 | Username = soaperstar99 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
qhel4iXats | Level = 6 | Account ID = 223410792 | Country = deu | NickName =
qhel4iXats | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
beles1029:sashavenia1029 | Username = beles1029 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
rubik1029 | Level = 31 | Account ID = 31217877 | Country = ukr | NickName =
rubik1029 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jibdanger:PY3MMaDc0d | Username = jibdanger | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
jibdanger | Level = 2 | Account ID = 211444936 | Country = ukr | NickName =
jibdanger | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
defcon1317:lancia1991 | Username = defcon1317 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
DeconLU | Level = 2 | Account ID = 245041861 | Country = ecu | NickName = DeconLU |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
g4z1ma:g071088177 | Username = g4z1ma | Account ID = 28389070 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thewestplayer41:westplayer1 | Username = thewestplayer41 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = IS17e6484dc874ce | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33858169 | Country = ind |
NickName = IS17e6484dc874ce | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
wolflord816:lord777 | Username = wolflord816 | Account ID = 228105000 | Country =
rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stephcueva92:Vetealaversh69 | Username = stephcueva92 | Tag Line = 3716 | Game Name
= stephcueva92 | Country = ecu | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
redfoxx420:E27E2YUvSv | Username = redfoxx420 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
redfoxx420 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 213336087 | Country = mys | NickName =
redfoxx420 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ghiope333:rosebud3 | Username = ghiope333 | Account ID = 203768696 | Country = vnm
| EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
romotis:ananas30 | Username = romotis | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Romotis |
Level = 12 | Account ID = 209405149 | Country = ecu | NickName = Romotis |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gilfly201:dhkpkhhar1 | Username = gilfly201 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Flandria | Level = 23 | Account ID = 203439654 | Country = idn | NickName =
Flandria | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zboub78460:cac78460 | Username = zboub78460 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1f3a6d29dfcb6a | Level = 2 | Account ID = 36085326 | Country = fra | NickName =
IS1f3a6d29dfcb6a | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gappy1145:kong258zx1145 | Username = Gappy1145 | Country = tha | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points =
0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cesargoal2000:cesimart00 | Username = Cesargoal2000 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
7fb21177-8dbe-4165-bf38-3f7995051e16 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2551349568906560 |
Country = esp | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
efefbgsperfo:efe789789 | Username = efefbgsperfo | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
DarkClawRS | Level = 11 | Account ID = 233249999 | Country = tur | NickName =
DarkClawRS | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
marcoprina:Amendola32 | Username = marcoprina | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
dancingin moonl | Level = 1 | Account ID = 225841479 | Country = rus | NickName =
dancingin moonl | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
londonmasta:jimmyjohn123 | Username = londonmasta | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
THE LONDONMASTA | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2164500510132352 | Country = usa |
NickName = THE LONDONMASTA | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
danzoh69:danielMatthew54 | Username = Danzoh69 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
Danzoh69 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2433605130792896 | Country = aus | NickName =
Danzoh69 | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
noshitsherlock55:respublika1 | Username = noshitsherlock55 | Account ID = 33771332
| Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
yapk110:ragrok110 | Username = yapk110 | Country = tha | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
912066969:yh19950304 | Username = 912066969 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
yuzihayida7 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2400852866519424 | Country = deu | NickName
= yuzihayida7 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
janekmmz:polska123 | Username = janekmmz | Account ID = 201667269 | Country = egy |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
n00bpwner95:noober11 | Username = n00bpwner95 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Commander Hooks | Level = 9 | Account ID = 231001966 | Country = can | NickName =
Commander Hooks | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zargs44:908796z | Username = Zargs44 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = AXE DRAVEN AXE
| Level = 329 | Account ID = 201089341 | Country = rus | NickName = AXE DRAVEN AXE
| EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked
= Yes
nickiscool610:Peewee610 | Username = nickiscool610 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Nickrogers610 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 234931770 | Country = cri | NickName =
Nickrogers610 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
h9kcpu:Trails56! | Username = h9kcpu | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = PTTB H9K |
Level = 70 | Account ID = 2232783416986400 | Country = usa | NickName = PTTB H9K |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vuylstekebis:Thimothy1 | Username = vuylstekebis | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
vuylstekebis | Level = 4 | Account ID = 215847097 | Country = bel | NickName =
vuylstekebis | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nicky2333:naruto6as | Username = nicky2333 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = xNxIx |
Level = 13 | Account ID = 213435071 | Country = chn | NickName = xNxIx |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
h0mebrewed:Fq9fsynhs30! | Username = H0mebrewed | Tag Line = 1337 | Game Name =
Cantrip | Level = 31 | Account ID = 41395860 | Country = gbr | NickName =
HomeBrewed | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 460 | Radianite Points = 5 | TotalRecentGames = 4 | Skins = [,
Prime Vandal, , BlastX Phantom, Serenity Judge, Surge Bucky, BlastX Frenzy, Prime
Classic, Winterwunderland Ghost, , , , Prime Guardian, Ruin Marshal, Prime Spectre,
, BlastX Polymer KnifeTech Coated Knife] | Checked = Yes
moustique14:Lesincolables14 | Username = Moustique14 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Moustique14 | Level = 22 | Account ID = 219970444 | Country = fra | NickName =
Moustique14 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
justaguy213:Lastres21041998 | Username = justaguy213 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
HRNUEJasuz | Level = 4 | Account ID = 202233433 | Country = usa | NickName =
HRNUEJasuz | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xeo545x39:B7c2KmEpx | Username = xeo545x39 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Xanterius | Level = 6 | Account ID = 34901973 | Country = pol | NickName =
Xanterius | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
blizzorb:killzone13 | Username = blizzorb | Account ID = 205250997 | Country = ecu
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jcnm1987:74936028g | Username = jcnm1987 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = JCNM1987 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 218483844 | Country = bol | NickName = JCNM1987 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kleps0god:Mkab@2012 | Username = kleps0god | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = LotusCat
| Level = 196 | Account ID = 237340309 | Country = fra | NickName = LotusCat |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked =
ringobro177:Sigtau177 | Username = RingoBro177 | Tag Line = 6436 | Game Name =
Ringo | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2617881010906336 | Country = usa | NickName =
Vamuz | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mazinho011:mazinho25 | Username = Mazinho011 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Mazinho
RP | Level = 139 | Account ID = 1982698473916832 | Country = bra | NickName =
Mazinho RP | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
winnerjerryyip169:Z24698217 | Username = winnerjerryyip169 | Account ID = 45907977
| Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
slaiderhd:iwahhkw7 | Username = slaiderhd | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 132d4d9f-
ab53-4b2a-913a-f497026a9bba | Level = 1 | Account ID = 202593589 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
piotr20053:piotr2005 | Username = piotr20053 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
KunduBychLízal | Level = 44 | Account ID = 221591319 | Country = pol | NickName =
KunduBychLízal | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 125 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [, , ,
Serenity Phantom, Serenity Judge, , , Surge Classic, Serenity Ghost, , Ruin Shorty,
, Ruin Guardian, Ruin Marshal, , , ] | Checked = Yes
acctaina71:rt16sr05rt | Username = acctaina71 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
fghsfhsfh sfhg | Level = 1 | Account ID = 227884356 | Country = bgr | NickName =
fghsfhsfh sfhg | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
duyunhe01:258789du | Username = Duyunhe01 | Account ID = 2613148444370304 | Country
= jpn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
SuperNateee:Nateking10 | Username = SuperNateee | Tag Line = 6109 | Game Name =
Brownretrotele | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2568134770550496 | Country = gbr |
NickName = SuperNateee | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 5683 | Radianite Points = 25 |
TotalRecentGames = 96 | Skins = [, RGX 11z Pro Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, Artisan
Phantom, Varnish Judge, Artisan Bucky, , , , Reaver Sheriff, , , Nitro Guardian,
Artisan Marshal, , Varnish Stinger, 8e760310-4d95-354b-a910-049eaa4d2fc6] | Checked
= Yes
onur2191:chimichanga219 | Username = onur2191 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ZerkaKillz | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206895010 | Country = bgd | NickName =
ZerkaKillz | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
austriahaze:chesterfield88 | Username = austriahaze | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
AustriaHaze | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2076500161810464 | Country = aut | NickName
= AustriaHaze | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chinkasu1904:chi123 | Username = chinkasu1904 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1900d588c535c093e221a | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40266692 | Country = tha |
NickName = IS1900d588c535c093e221a | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ultimateflam:Attekristian260706 | Username = ultimateflam | Country = fin |
EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
siraiion:uzumaki666 | Username = SirAiioN | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Siraiion |
Level = 8 | Account ID = 1983166663666560 | Country = chl | NickName = Siraiion |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vectishugh:blackrange22 | Username = vectishugh | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
lofiwarrior | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2191349048609344 | Country = usa | NickName
= lofiwarrior | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hunter01104:Lastres21041998 | Username = hunter01104 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
dsad2e4dasd | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201802558 | Country = usa | NickName =
dsad2e4dasd | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kqstiss:KqstiSs1403 | Username = KqstiSs | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Y0ungKqstiSs | Level = 10 | Account ID = 2610471386449152 | Country = grc |
NickName = Y0ungKqstiSs | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
fafirek013:polska123 | Username = fafirek013 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS11de94f12eea3a | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30441538 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS11de94f12eea3a | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pyrotiger07:Tiger07* | Username = pyrotiger07 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Kendallous | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228703406 | Country = rus | NickName =
Kendallous | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bisho2011:321Omg321 | Username = bisho2011 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
MCIO20f8vr | Level = 7 | Account ID = 202279674 | Country = syc | NickName =
MCIO20f8vr | EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
juliocarval888:023961yt | Username = juliocarval888 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
juliocarvalho7 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2532873258706624 | Country = bra |
NickName = juliocarvalho7 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ilcannaioletto:alessandro1! | Username = ilcannaioletto | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = Ilcannaioletto | Level = 20 | Account ID = 230079071 | Country = ita |
NickName = Ilcannaioletto | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = alala- | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
razvyk94:razvann12 | Username = razvyk94 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = e4351951-
da47-4a45-9172-933517e3c56e | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228786647 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
losref:losref1 | Username = losref | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = report macanref3
| Level = 10 | Account ID = 34853698 | Country = pol | NickName = report macanref3
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
eniotia:Antoine80 | Username = eniotia | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Eniotia |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 228639513 | Country = rus | NickName = Eniotia |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bestplayeroflegends1:Antonio123 | Username = bestplayeroflegends1 | Account ID =
2129426640728512 | Country = ita | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
criistiiaan03:25dediciembre | Username = criistiiaan03 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= criistiiaan03 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2103872939567936 | Country = esp |
NickName = criistiiaan03 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
kaosbarer:Kr4st4l11 | Username = kaosbarer | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Kaos
Barer | Level = 36 | Account ID = 36464470 | Country = usa | NickName = Kaos Barer
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ghjasd222:ghjasd21 | Username = ghjasd222 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
jihadsabrina | Level = 1 | Account ID = 213685531 | Country = bra | NickName =
jihadsabrina | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
timydjun27:2705901990vvv | Username = timydjun27 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
Lucifer Starfire | Level = 5 | Account ID = 204289104 | Country = mys | NickName =
Lucifer Starfire | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hoxx95:I8bde0h83a | Username = hoxx95 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = HoxxXi | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 220534304 | Country = vnm | NickName = HoxxXi | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
waew1234:goranqq1 | Username = waew1234 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = waew1234 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 202807335 | Country = fra | NickName = waew1234 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
1124742780:c19990809 | Username = 1124742780 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name =
0dd5e9d6-aacc-4680-b0ee-b62b0d4953bf | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200635282 | Country
= vnm | EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ferleo13:leo39193039 | Username = ferleo13 | Account ID = 41184180 | Country = mda
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
geastbeperkte :nmvf25781145 | Username = geastbeperkte | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name
= Geastbeperkte | Level = 116 | Account ID = 2089633005089728 | Country = rus |
NickName = Geastbeperkte | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jvpinotti:maverickgtv8 | Username = jvpinotti | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
BRLAGUNA | Level = 1 | Account ID = 41946844 | Country = bra | NickName = BRLAGUNA
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jvan1:Volley930 | Username = jvan1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Ix7J9vfku1 |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 214446766 | Country = usa | NickName = Ix7J9vfku1 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kaparen91:Johansson1991 | Username = kaparen91 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Kaparen91 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 24659114 | Country = rus | NickName =
Kaparen91 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
1139801997:q3393127 | Username = 1139801997 | Tag Line = 2377 | Game Name = ?????i
| Account ID = 2125932533534656 | Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region =
NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
famut37rus:ghbdtnbrb37 | Username = famut37rus | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name
= ?????? 6 7 1 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 202808292 | Country = tur | NickName
= ?????? 6 7 1 | EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dannedemon1:neovo1122 | Username = dannedemon1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
cr000x | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32476481 | Country = mys | NickName = cr000x |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bananos555:11234995a | Username = bananos555 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1f111466081401 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 25831260 | Country = mmr | NickName =
IS1f111466081401 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tryoutone145:lac123 | Username = tryoutone145 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c3424e3a9c7922a88fce | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46824576 | Country = fra |
NickName = IS1c3424e3a9c7922a88fce | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
OmpahSmurf:budde751211 | Username = OmpahSmurf | Tag Line = EZWIN | Game Name =
dr1p | Level = 10 | Account ID = 2431478987346624 | Country = swe | NickName =
Båtzman | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 757 | Radianite Points = 10 | TotalRecentGames = 84 | Skins =
[Jigsaw Ares, Prime Vandal, Depths Bulldog, Oni Phantom, Varnish Judge, Monarch
Bucky, Monarch Frenzy, Prime Classic, Depths Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty,
Ion Operator, Songsteel Guardian, Artisan Marshal, Prime Spectre, Depths Stinger,
Recon Balisong] | Checked = Yes
599056560:xiaobuan98 | Username = 599056560 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name =
finalecalibur | Level = 13 | Account ID = 200401791 | Country = tha | NickName =
finalecalibur | EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bastianlluch3:lluch123 | Username = bastianlluch3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
bastianlluch3 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 204267644 | Country = chl | NickName =
bastianlluch3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fairset27:Mart1BauR | Username = fairset27 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Fairset27
| Level = 23 | Account ID = 231987823 | Country = fra | NickName = Fairset27 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 300 | Radianite Points = 340 | TotalRecentGames = 2 | Skins = [Hivemind
Ares, Hivemind Vandal, Couture Bulldog, Kingdom Phantom, dot EXE Judge, Kingdom
Bucky, Couture Frenzy, Red Alert Classic, dot EXE Ghost, POLYfox Sheriff, Snakebite
Shorty, , POLYfox Guardian, Couture Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Red Alert Stinger, ]
| Checked = Yes
femurface:Primus442 | Username = femurface | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Qwerty
Ninja | Level = 2 | Account ID = 38630679 | Country = ukr | NickName = Qwerty Ninja
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yarongti:jaguare6300 | Username = yarongti | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Meikogti
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 2680296641152640 | Country = usa | NickName = Meikogti |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
piskorez95:Lzlz808f4rf | Username = Piskorez95 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Piskorez95 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2482432042706688 | Country = ukr | NickName =
Piskorez95 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jaynumberone:bigwoodward12 | Username = JayNumberOne | Tag Line = 4304 | Game Name
= JayNumberOne | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
cf904a100:plus0515 | Username = cf904a100 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = PLusxx |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 227563107 | Country = twn | NickName = PLusxx |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = cf904a100@HOTMAIL.COM | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nguyejoh111:johnny12 | Username = nguyejoh111 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Am I
Vn | Level = 1 | Account ID = 231975379 | Country = vnm | NickName = Am I Vn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
beastknight5660:Zooman5660 | Username = Beastknight5660 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Beastknight5660 | Level = 30 | Account ID = 1998102402689376 | Country = usa
| NickName = Beastknight5660 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
idyzer12:nxy15gf91 | Username = idyzer12 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
OffensywnyRondel | Level = 5 | Account ID = 206714106 | Country = ukr | NickName =
OffensywnyRondel | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kayceesgaming:Darava89 | Username = kayceesgaming | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
kaycee56 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2214640778791840 | Country = can | NickName =
kaycee56 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
saucy42:Lastres21041998 | Username = saucy42 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Saucy42
| Level = 12 | Account ID = 220130676 | Country = usa | NickName = Saucy42 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
serg0123:sergo123 | Username = serg0123 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = serg0123 |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2223251602311872 | Country = gtm | NickName = serg0123 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
eduardao777:lya2207 | Username = eduardao777 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
EOgataoNÉ | Level = 3 | Account ID = 216221181 | Country = rus | NickName =
EOgataoNÉ | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
whereinthe47:math12 | Username = whereinthe47 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1d4efad54dc751ce51af4 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46296647 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1d4efad54dc751ce51af4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zsombicoco123:Zsombi123 | Username = Zsombicoco123 | Tag Line = 2007 | Game Name =
Zsombicoco12 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2450279232841472 | Country = hun | NickName
= Zsombicoco123 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
duukpiel:Nina060704 | Username = DuukPiel | Tag Line = 4456 | Game Name = Richard |
Country = nld | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 165 | TotalRecentGames = 99 | Skins = [, Nitro
Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, Artisan Phantom, Varnish Judge, Artisan Bucky, , , ,
Varnish Sheriff, , , Nitro Guardian, Artisan Marshal, , , Artisan Foil] | Checked =
nneo1699:grudzien24 | Username = nneo1699 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = S U C K N
È O | Level = 23 | Account ID = 223614210 | Country = pol | NickName = S U C K N È
O | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hmatthewnguyen:Burrito0124 | Username = hmatthewnguyen | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= da egg roll king | Level = 4 | Account ID = 240206554 | Country = usa | NickName
= da egg roll king | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
luckyjazz21:ScoobyDoo21 | Username = luckyjazz21 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
luckyjazz21 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 1998769836911424 | Country = usa | NickName
= luckyjazz21 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
harungs222:asd123asd1 | Username = harungs222 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
HarunBiber | Level = 1 | Account ID = 208494498 | Country = tur | NickName =
HarunBiber | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rilesbiles420:Dare12345! | Username = RilesBiles420 | Tag Line = 7890 | Game Name =
F3RB | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
surikat87:aa160284 | Username = surikat87 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS15c5fc7604a807 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28037674 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS15c5fc7604a807 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jakkac7:alek123 | Username = jakkac7 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Jakkacc |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 29891777 | Country = pol | NickName = Jakkacc |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
davikta10:davikta1905 | Username = davikta10 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = deplim
| Level = 20 | Account ID = 209585954 | Country = bra | NickName = deplim |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xxrizzuto:ciloktia17 | Username = xxrizzuto | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
BlackSh3ll | Level = 4 | Account ID = 214617385 | Country = mex | NickName =
BlackSh3ll | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
reddevil332:Asif158125 | Username = RedDevil332 | Tag Line = 1943 | Game Name =
RedDevil332 | Country = bgd | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
bigcashjack13:jack5233 | Username = bigcashjack13 | Account ID = 234777998 |
Country = che | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
nocashier:loven0h0e | Username = nocashier | Tag Line = 3572 | Game Name =
EveryBodysKiller | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
phoenixaxio:Kscnmlldeusdmjeipc26 | Username = phoenixaxio | Tag Line = 7624 | Game
Name = docteuraxio | Country = fra | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
xicaoobode1:125125abc | Username = xicaoobode1 | Account ID = 217888199 | Country =
bra | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
troydavis4:Paulreed1 | Username = troydavis4 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Dark
Prince Vlad | Level = 7 | Account ID = 218465494 | Country = dza | NickName = Dark
Prince Vlad | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
razelghoul:Lastres21041998 | Username = razelghoul | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
razelghoul | Level = 11 | Account ID = 228028963 | Country = rus | NickName =
razelghoul | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
anhcuaratdan:123456Abc | Username = anhcuaratdan | Tag Line = 1taps | Game Name =
Rinz | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2477731611297248 | Country = vnm | EmailVerified =
True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sora16andre:sora16andre98 | Username = sora16andre | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
raXden | Level = 1 | Account ID = 238531901 | Country = jpn | NickName = raXden |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tincsaaa11:csucsu111 | Username = tincsaaa11 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Tincsa99 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 205564367 | Country = hun | NickName = Tincsa99
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lokingamer1:naruto12 | Username = lokingamer1 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = LokíN
| Level = 10 | Account ID = 2143242076154368 | Country = bra | NickName = LokíN |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
4321sido9:aachen1 | Username = 4321sido9 | Account ID = 33986585 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maltaisalex:Lastres21041998 | Username = maltaisalex | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a3bf4a34b95a01abb84f | Level = 5 | Account ID = 50340060 | Country = can |
NickName = IS1a3bf4a34b95a01abb84f | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
chriscole21:Chriscole21 | Username = chriscole21 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Sir
Kindred | Level = 26 | Account ID = 231813300 | Country = can | NickName = Sir
Kindred | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
artofthink:bc1663chafarik | Username = artofthink | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ArtofThink | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2087367215401888 | Country = chl | NickName =
ArtofThink | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
taxed21:Qazokm12 | Username = taxed21 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
tastethecrepe:Rooprocks1 | Username = tastethecrepe | Tag Line = 6149 | Game Name =
tastethecrepe | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maniman42:3Point14 | Username = maniman42 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
iwannnabetheguy | Level = 37 | Account ID = 32527546 | Country = usa | NickName =
iwannnabetheguy | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ozgeerad:biarritz2008 | Username = ozgeerad | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = carisia
| Level = 19 | Account ID = 201278056 | Country = ita | NickName = carisia |
EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
braaun1212:scott1232 | Username = braaun1212 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Braaun
| Level = 17 | Account ID = 222102617 | Country = usa | NickName = Braaun |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ypark4:Mc5?Gk@HBC | Username = ypark4 | Account ID = 218368884 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
iuiu15:dltotzl80 | Username = iuiu15 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS118f5526141ad14c50eea | Level = 5 | Account ID = 40636302 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS118f5526141ad14c50eea | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
chills4shiverin:Dooyama123 | Username = chills4shiverin | Tag Line = OCE | Game
Name = Chills4Shiverin | Level = 5 | Account ID = 200835184 | Country = usa |
NickName = Chills4Shiverin | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jiaqing909:Jiaqing8 | Username = Jiaqing909 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False
| Email = cjq05@icloud.fom | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
ronikvids08:Rob1234w% | Username = Ronikvids08 | Tag Line = DONG | Game Name =
RonikvidsTTV | Level = 158 | Account ID = 231042400 | Country = gbr | NickName =
RonikvidsTTV | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 32 | Radianite Points = 5 | TotalRecentGames = 80 | Skins =
[Jigsaw Ares, Sentinels of Light Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, Oni Phantom, Jigsaw Judge,
Monarch Bucky, Monarch Frenzy, , Sovereign Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty,
K/TAC Operator, Jigsaw Guardian, Monarch Marshal, Magepunk Spectre, , Recon
Balisong] | Checked = Yes
r0tnc0rps3:Lastres21041998 | Username = r0tnc0rps3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1eb86295a8a5abac9865a | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34744142 | Country = bra |
NickName = IS1eb86295a8a5abac9865a | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rodyrass:rody15ras | Username = rodyrass | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 00Pituf0 |
Level = 23 | Account ID = 243765477 | Country = cuw | NickName = 00Pituf0 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zwergii91:Anne0780 | Username = Zwergii91 | Tag Line = moc | Game Name = Zwergii |
Account ID = 2336828915667168 | Country = aut | EmailVerified = False | Region =
EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 60 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
tjjsamurai86:amelia07 | Username = tjjsamurai86 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
70ad7727-e173-4ddb-be9b-97a294900dd9 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35749871 | Country
= gbr | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ratatan1:q123456789 | Username = ratatan1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS145d2edd0cd29f49a934f | Level = 5 | Account ID = 45605188 | Country = bhr |
NickName = IS145d2edd0cd29f49a934f | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wolf6312:tereza6312 | Username = Wolf6312 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = xWOLFYx |
Level = 8 | Account ID = 2013372070793824 | Country = rus | NickName = xWOLFYx |
EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
manusialahhh:ANAKAJG# | Username = MANUSIALAHHH | Country = idn | EmailVerified =
False | Email = SY121F@GMAIL.COM | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bodb6589darryn:Bodb6589Darryn | Username = bodb6589darryn | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = Bodb6589Darryn | Level = 1 | Account ID = 214840831 | Country = mkd |
NickName = Bodb6589Darryn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
thetraveler68:19mrejnt68 | Username = thetraveler68 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
The Traveler 68 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 219315906 | Country = vnm | NickName =
The Traveler 68 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nickolasbenakis1:benakis48! | Username = nickolasbenakis1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = DemonQQ | Level = 1 | Account ID = 39183451 | Country = grc | NickName =
DemonQQ | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
abbygail2012:fiets2011 | Username = abbygail2012 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1139bcb71ff0a5 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37493367 | Country = nld | NickName =
IS1139bcb71ff0a5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
azuryel7:noel2015 | Username = Azuryel7 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Azuryel7 |
Level = 13 | Account ID = 2452144460001984 | Country = fra | NickName = Azuryel7 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xeenke:12342004A | Username = xeenke | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Xeenke | Level
= 2 | Account ID = 2313405530287040 | Country = esp | NickName = Xeenke |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
overshot1423:lonepeak01 | Username = overshot1423 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
overshot14 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2251389429311552 | Country = usa | NickName =
overshot14 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
lydibugg:Theansweris42 | Username = lydibugg | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Lydibuggg | Level = 1 | Account ID = 229727603 | Country = blr | NickName =
Lydibuggg | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mikaelgran123:mikael001 | Username = mikaelgran123 | Account ID = 24047697 |
Country = zaf | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xcreepy:W3bberiscool! | Username = xcreepy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = W Ä K A A
N | Level = 32 | Account ID = 36558614 | Country = usa | NickName = W Ä K A A N |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
daviidgs:zafiro13 | Username = daviidgs | Tag Line = DGS | Game Name = TLDS Zenitsu
| Level = 105 | Account ID = 200119415 | Country = mex | NickName = Nomas aqui |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dedvid87:djlrf87 | Username = dedvid87 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
iTeOXCQuMe2O2VRT | Level = 1 | Account ID = 28900767 | Country = rus | NickName =
iTeOXCQuMe2O2VRT | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
esdirewolf:darkstar90 | Username = esdirewolf | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = ES
DireWolf | Level = 2 | Account ID = 233985558 | Country = chn | NickName = ES
DireWolf | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chieftanboris:treetree33 | Username = chieftanboris | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Cheiftan Boris | Level = 1 | Account ID = 227769271 | Country = usa | NickName =
Cheiftan Boris | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
epicbombcake:central2002 | Username = epicbombcake | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
EpicBombCake | Level = 10 | Account ID = 226112947 | Country = usa | NickName =
EpicBombCake | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
getpwnd23:asdasd2323 | Username = getpwnd23 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
MrBacon23 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 242434770 | Country = rus | NickName =
MrBacon23 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nifaveva:nicolas1 | Username = nifaveva | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = NFernandez |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 202706648 | Country = ury | NickName = NFernandez |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mchammerhoids:Sharpkn1f3 | Username = mchammerhoids | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
MCHammerhoids | Level = 3 | Account ID = 234710625 | Country = usa | NickName =
MCHammerhoids | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stelvio370:stelviorocha21 | Username = stelvio370 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
stelvio mistico | Level = 3 | Account ID = 214627178 | Country = ago | NickName =
stelvio mistico | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
elppoliini:1q2w3ead | Username = Elppoliini | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Elppo |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2503262754825536 | Country = fin | NickName = Elppo |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hasidicxd:Cammie1106 | Username = HasidicXD | Tag Line = 7653 | Game Name = Zest |
Account ID = 2433483677026400 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
ayitos94:ayo071994 | Username = ayitos94 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = a63cdcd7-
a879-42ad-8b12-66c41de25eac | Level = 1 | Account ID = 214065301 | Country = deu |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
inflow17:luismanuel91 | Username = inflow17 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = R3PESCT
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 209603780 | Country = chn | NickName = R3PESCT |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lsung66:jjkkll1 | Username = lsung66 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = mD5Yivgeth |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 201681092 | Country = aus | NickName = mD5Yivgeth |
EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cast29lol:antesmuerta2 | Username = cast29lol | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1c385a433dc6bf | Level = 5 | Account ID = 31876232 | Country = jam | NickName =
IS1c385a433dc6bf | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
racherone99:Fendt939M.J. | Username = racherone99 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
RacherOne99 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 239488487 | Country = deu | NickName =
RacherOne99 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dankilla4:1112333321da | Username = dankilla4 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1c3a47edbfcfe06a56d8a | Level = 2 | Account ID = 39400994 | Country = pol |
NickName = IS1c3a47edbfcfe06a56d8a | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
stonecoldalew:austin10207 | Username = StonecoldaLew | Tag Line = 2177 | Game Name
= StonecoldaLew | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2729186384274464 | Country = usa |
NickName = Stonecolda | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rafayawan93:Lez78700 | Username = RafayAwan93 | Tag Line = 6107 | Game Name =
RafayAwan04 | Country = pak | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
yarnegmz:Kerkveld3 | Username = yarnegmz | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = AzZaRekt |
Level = 22 | Account ID = 2271215762412384 | Country = bel | NickName = AzZaRekt |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
angiiewa:Oranges.321 | Username = angiiewa | Tag Line = 1932 | Game Name = angiiewa
| Country = can | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
deathlight70:martin96 | Username = deathlight70 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
DeathlightD | Level = 1 | Account ID = 201483199 | Country = sur | NickName =
DeathlightD | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
allotser:katana06091992 | Username = allotser | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS13aedf4511ebc1 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 29334046 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS13aedf4511ebc1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
adriankampa:lederhuhn1 | Username = adriankampa | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1d1c90820eb5bd | Level = 4 | Account ID = 35743249 | Country = deu | NickName =
IS1d1c90820eb5bd | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jyeme44:kinder974 | Username = jyeme44 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Jyemee |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 241632658 | Country = reu | NickName = Jyemee |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cdeesnuts95:teanna09 | Username = cdeesnuts95 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Thunderkeg95 | Level = 22 | Account ID = 44388856 | Country = usa | NickName =
Thunderkeg95 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
diagoplay :SemenChen228 | Username = diagoplay | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
DiagoPlay | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2200738683638688 | Country = rus | NickName =
DiagoPlay | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hardlolik:Glebchik2007 | Username = HARDLOLIK | Country = rus | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
koohbin:marius0730 | Username = koohbin | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = koohbin |
Level = 271 | Account ID = 2053277695684352 | Country = aus | NickName = koohbin |
EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mastersuspect123:Qawsedrf200 | Username = MasterSuspect123 | Tag Line = 8697 | Game
Name = MasterSuspect | Level = 220 | Account ID = 2429501080572672 | Country = hun
| NickName = do u even cäre | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 44 | Radianite Points = 80 |
TotalRecentGames = 48 | Skins = [POLYfrog Ares, Cavalier Vandal, Depths Bulldog,
Oni Phantom, Prism III Judge, Lightwave Bucky, , Songsteel Classic, Soul Silencer
Ghost, Lightwave Sheriff, , Cavalier Operator, Songsteel Guardian, POLYfrog
Marshal, POLYfrog Spectre, Depths Stinger, Prism III Axe] | Checked = Yes
andrewy68:Andrewy68 | Username = Andrewy68 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = andrewy68
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 2236495810220768 | Country = ita | NickName = andrewy68
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
refme19:megaman4 | Username = refme19 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS171d3a1067cd0c7d2c3b4 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38933858 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS171d3a1067cd0c7d2c3b4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zachgags:Lastres21041998 | Username = zachgags | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = OVO
Zach | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206434349 | Country = fra | NickName = OVO Zach |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
elatheron:Dio122448 | Username = elatheron | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Elatheron
| Level = 213 | Account ID = 201926224 | Country = bra | NickName = Elatheron |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
spikerofl:Er34Ty56Ui78* | Username = spikerofl | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Rhinx
| Level = 207 | Account ID = 38116101 | Country = can | NickName = Rhinx |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
woleklol5:qwe123 | Username = woleklol5 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS174ed7fac84d3b | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30203947 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS174ed7fac84d3b | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xerox99nl:dannysales777 | Username = xerox99nl | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Xerox99NL | Level = 12 | Account ID = 39064842 | Country = nld | NickName =
Xerox99NL | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
davejcm:Grimreaper1 | Username = davejcm | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = davejcm |
Level = 217 | Account ID = 200099223 | Country = aus | NickName = davejcm |
EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oceangrownz:bobcatS20 | Username = oceangrownZ | Tag Line = 6573 | Game Name =
oceangrownZ | Country = usa | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zohnd:zohndxbl97 | Username = zohnd | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Zohnd | Level =
8 | Account ID = 200601445 | Country = usa | NickName = Zohnd | EmailVerified =
True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
liwza2538:Lastres21041998 | Username = liwza2538 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS18c8b2c9100cce5e9e681 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 35644503 | Country = ukr |
NickName = IS18c8b2c9100cce5e9e681 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
axelfreshh:Avianbarrel479 | Username = axelfreshh | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
Axelfreshh | Level = 15 | Account ID = 2129544457964096 | Country = arg | NickName
= Axelfreshh | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jacknicks22:simone123 | Username = jacknicks22 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = King
Jubileu | Level = 10 | Account ID = 204582236 | Country = bra | NickName = King
Jubileu | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zibi323:mariusz123 | Username = zibi323 | Account ID = 28110206 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
naxomanu99:16del12de1994 | Username = naxomanu99 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
Fizz CH | Level = 4 | Account ID = 201253229 | Country = chl | NickName = Fizz CH |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xutianyong:xutianyong87 | Username = xutianyong | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name =
ponycool | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2407176638033760 | Country = hkg | NickName =
ponycool | EmailVerified = False | Region = OCE | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
darknieto99:elguaje7 | Username = darknieto99 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
DarkNieto99 | Level = 14 | Account ID = 239362983 | Country = esp | NickName =
DarkNieto99 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
palimcanabis:tn2871991 | Username = palimcanabis | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Palimcanabis | Level = 11 | Account ID = 28473611 | Country = chn | NickName =
Palimcanabis | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
borgo987:matteo9898 | Username = borgo987 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Borgo987 |
Level = 20 | Account ID = 206195624 | Country = ita | NickName = Borgo987 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cheeseball94:zaq1xsw2 | Username = cheeseball94 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
CheeseDATHO | Level = 5 | Account ID = 201960068 | Country = can | NickName =
CheeseDATHO | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
devilwb:buyucub4rley | Username = devilWB | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = devillWB |
Level = 36 | Account ID = 2415209557136256 | Country = tur | NickName = devillWB |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
eddyboy123456:hero312Qw1! | Username = eddyboy123456 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= eddyboy123456 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 31727189 | Country = ukr | NickName =
eddyboy123456 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
slyfox508:Cl0wns507 | Username = slyfox508 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = slyfox508
| Level = 11 | Account ID = 205064732 | Country = can | NickName = slyfox508 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
microllaine:Kylecriston1 | Username = Microllaine | Country = est | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
peppapig217:Barca1012 | Username = peppapig217 | Tag Line = 0000 | Game Name = mere
| Level = 206 | Account ID = 228999784 | Country = bgr | NickName = ksbv |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 77 |
Radianite Points = 10 | TotalRecentGames = 87 | Skins = [, Nitro Vandal, Varnish
Bulldog, , Varnish Judge, Artisan Bucky, , , Artisan Ghost, Varnish Sheriff,
Wunderkind Shorty, Ion Operator, Nitro Guardian, Artisan Marshal, , Varnish
Stinger, Artisan Foil] | Checked = Yes
bolts8233:Aceman13 | Username = bolts8233 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Ryze Blue
Balls | Level = 18 | Account ID = 2228862544734240 | Country = usa | NickName =
Ryze Blue Balls | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sr71blackbird13:Zik1327200 | Username = SR71BlackBird13 | Tag Line = 5391 | Game
Name = SR71BlackBird | Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames
= 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
tinygymnasttard:ginabell365 | Username = tinygymnasttard | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = IS1e6ebb7519b1e43d44181 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 207356713 | Country = usa
| NickName = IS1e6ebb7519b1e43d44181 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
bowbylone:VtB6247656 | Username = Bowbylone | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Je Suis
Bowby | Level = 18 | Account ID = 1977225804599904 | Country = bel | NickName = Je
Suis Bowby | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aleeqaan:hesoyam12 | Username = aleeqaan | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Sexwithdurex | Level = 7 | Account ID = 226638647 | Country = kaz | NickName =
Sexwithdurex | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
pinkclip:amanda31 | Username = pinkclip | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1233ad05169d157b2e1c4 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 43383668 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1233ad05169d157b2e1c4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
joshlies7:marcus11 | Username = joshlies7 | Account ID = 48224085 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mehtinator:Mehmetcan117 | Username = Mehtinator | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Mehtinator | Level = 6 | Account ID = 2357134962921632 | Country = deu | NickName =
Mehtinator | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cut4miles:puppydog11 | Username = cut4miles | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Cut4Miles | Level = 3 | Account ID = 219712893 | Country = chn | NickName =
Cut4Miles | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chasekas:Babette1 | Username = chasekas | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Chasekas |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 229214389 | Country = ita | NickName = Chasekas |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yabnom:Lastres21041998 | Username = yabnom | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Galindra
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 37167966 | Country = ukr | NickName = Galindra |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sargz8:arena101 | Username = sargz8 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS11415264cf6f74 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 30605058 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS11415264cf6f74 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
simonmeier:3107simonam | Username = simonmeier | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS11b57ee535591f | Level = 3 | Account ID = 28036420 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS11b57ee535591f | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tucuq:Lastres21041998 | Username = tucuq | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS15aaeb6cd9eae05352afe | Level = 6 | Account ID = 35500400 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS15aaeb6cd9eae05352afe | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
samjoel77:Soldier900 | Username = samjoel77 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
7lS1i6cz50 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 216654130 | Country = usa | NickName =
7lS1i6cz50 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kron0003:jo753214 | Username = kron0003 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = PsiKoTiCk |
Level = 43 | Account ID = 200032622 | Country = col | NickName = PsiKoTiCk |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
desbydef2:Patapon722 | Username = desbydef2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS12ac7bc341bd37a82765c | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37425497 | Country = ukr |
NickName = IS12ac7bc341bd37a82765c | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
maguzze:Arrayan13 | Username = maguzze | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Maguzze |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 1988947289688928 | Country = usa | NickName = Maguzze |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jimmeigh01:ro11ingturd | Username = jimmeigh01 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
jimmeigh01 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 202018207 | Country = blr | NickName =
jimmeigh01 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ledanganhduy:Duy1341997@ | Username = ledanganhduy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
PinoToward | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2423605360193472 | Country = vnm | NickName =
PinoToward | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xxmuxonxx:kurde5500 | Username = xxmuxonxx | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = XxMuXoNxX
| Level = 10 | Account ID = 225059856 | Country = mys | NickName = XxMuXoNxX |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes | Username = 1570299211 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name
= ?????QAQ | Level = 2 | Account ID = 201085164 | Country = idn | NickName = ?????
QAQ | EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
exjrain:r10j1r28 | Username = exjrain | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
CannonFodderTed | Level = 1 | Account ID = 33741031 | Country = tha | NickName =
CannonFodderTed | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
roscoesdrysuit:oim87890 | Username = roscoesdrysuit | Account ID = 235110522 |
Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
szyroxx:szymon11 | Username = szyroxx | Tag Line = 420 | Game Name = szyrox | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 2819367617676800 | Country = pol | NickName = szyroxx |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 80 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
stronderplay:gabriel02050800 | Username = stronderplay | Tag Line = 7777 | Game
Name = shziywmv | Level = 29 | Account ID = 215672219 | Country = bra | NickName =
shizywmv7 | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes | Username = demonking254 | Tag Line = EUW |
Game Name = masterofdammed6 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 2001071188218144 | Country =
deu | NickName = masterofdammed6 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 260 |
TotalRecentGames = 98 | Skins = [, Nitro Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, Artisan Phantom,
Varnish Judge, Artisan Bucky, , Pistolinha Classic, Artisan Ghost, Game Over
Sheriff, , Nitro Operator, Nitro Guardian, Artisan Marshal, , Varnish Stinger,
Artisan Foil] | Checked = Yes
ozyx8:biking8 | Username = ozyx8 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = oZyx8 | Level = 1 |
Account ID = 201045596 | Country = hun | NickName = oZyx8 | EmailVerified = False |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ethancartwright1:robomaster0 | Username = ethancartwright1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = ahhhleviosaa | Level = 8 | Account ID = 205306503 | Country = can | NickName
= ahhhleviosaa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
apfeldrink11:22April1998 | Username = apfeldrink11 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Dazzle ur Heart | Level = 1 | Account ID = 227332250 | Country = deu | NickName =
Dazzle ur Heart | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
carloselguapo1:carloselguapo1 | Username = carloselguapo1 | Tag Line = 02381 | Game
Name = FLAGGED 45707747 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 220538026 | Country = bra |
NickName = FLAGGED 60414370 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
rroka444:castiel12 | Username = rroka444 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Riya1 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 231889184 | Country = esp | NickName = Riya1 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
danalushe14:dan6122001 | Username = danalushe14 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
keren ha noobit | Level = 1 | Account ID = 228458933 | Country = isr | NickName =
keren ha noobit | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
allzyxlla:T0104452j! | Username = allzyxlla | Tag Line = 6983 | Game Name = Zyx |
Country = sgp | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aarons1337:Lastres21041998 | Username = aarons1337 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Bloodhound0701 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 48444166 | Country = usa | NickName =
Bloodhound0701 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
hawkerscyrek110:password1 | Username = hawkerscyrek110 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= IS145872120abb9c | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34281659 | Country = pak | NickName =
IS145872120abb9c | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
madpackreviews:Mvnvc90610132! | Username = madpackreviews | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = MADPACKreviews | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2040436162097504 | Country = gbr |
NickName = MADPACKreviews | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
malvadarky01:puquinha1 | Username = malvadarky01 | Tag Line = PBE | Game Name =
malvadarky | Level = 30 | Account ID = 2201047576 | Country = bra | NickName =
malvadarky | EmailVerified = True | Region = PBE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
korda1522:q2551778 | Username = korda1522 | Account ID = 40860334 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aglet2:aglet1 | Username = aglet2 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = IS1007f9d0c8e2f1
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 38987090 | Country = rus | NickName = IS1007f9d0c8e2f1 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
imrkumrk:lennymoo24 | Username = imrkumrk | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = RatBarge |
Level = 11 | Account ID = 223126928 | Country = egy | NickName = RatBarge |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ztrickstr:cassol2003 | Username = ztrickstr | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = VlAJHIN
| Level = 12 | Account ID = 220768284 | Country = bra | NickName = VlAJHIN |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
danichavez:craft13luke | Username = danichavez | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Dani
Chavez | Level = 1 | Account ID = 203766762 | Country = mex | NickName = Dani
Chavez | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
callmeyaboy:Stellan2003 | Username = callmeyaboy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
CallMeYaBoy | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2176025822081760 | Country = nld | NickName
= CallMeYaBoy | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
kaabc:metalgoth666 | Username = kaabc | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Antit2 |
Level = 9 | Account ID = 209384368 | Country = rus | NickName = Antit2 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hama3mm:hamasaki16 | Username = hama3mm | Tag Line = JP001 | Game Name =
hm3tansuikabutsu | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2517813216003744 | Country = jpn |
NickName = hama3 | EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nokspoks:Danlol44260 | Username = NoksPoks | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Noks Poks
| Level = 66 | Account ID = 206149325 | Country = swe | NickName = Noks Poks |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 8 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
doonik69:purunbv5126 | Username = Doonik69 | Tag Line = 2748 | Game Name = Doonik69
| Country = nld | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
leckmich0:leckmich0 | Username = leckmich0 | Tag Line = 36275 | Game Name = FLAGGED
57743248 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206795683 | Country = syc | NickName = FLAGGED
97062188 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mckerrb:logitech3690 | Username = mckerrb | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1f0256dd3f2caeb96f540 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 49674513 | Country = gbr |
NickName = IS1f0256dd3f2caeb96f540 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
156897564:a19891209 | Username = 156897564 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = LazyChoi
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 223792887 | Country = chn | NickName = LazyChoi |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gunterobi:Ledbetter5 | Username = gunterobi | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1112e19d16da8efa4219d | Level = 1 | Account ID = 45443081 | Country = vnm |
NickName = IS1112e19d16da8efa4219d | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
halkeye007:Demand1914! | Username = Halkeye007 | Tag Line = 5367 | Game Name =
Halkeye007 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xeynort:17a356a983a | Username = xeynort | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Xeynort |
Level = 30 | Account ID = 931246 | Country = chn | NickName = Xeynort |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
starxluck:boxpass0 | Username = starxluck | Account ID = 39416025 | Country = idn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dabeardedviking:Dabears12 | Username = DaBeardedViking | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= DaBeardedViking | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2235583851449152 | Country = usa |
NickName = DaBeardedViking | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
thesuvari1:15632456s | Username = thesuvari1 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
WhySoBeautiful | Level = 30 | Account ID = 201483259 | Country = tur | NickName =
WhySoBeautiful | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rfortunato3:gunners04 | Username = rfortunato3 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
saiyen | Level = 3 | Account ID = 202583969 | Country = bra | NickName = saiyen |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
adshidler:thegun87 | Username = adshidler | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 535afe72-
39cb-4e95-a13a-bd43ef1b845c | Level = 1 | Account ID = 232137780 | Country = ukr |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rossima3:meinreim1 | Username = rossima3 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1cfad69920b51a | Level = 3 | Account ID = 32983055 | Country = sgp | NickName =
IS1cfad69920b51a | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
seebs999:Haseeb67 | Username = Seebs999 | Tag Line = 5580 | Game Name = Hexia |
Level = 16 | Account ID = 2637751402497600 | Country = gbr | NickName = Accio
Muerte | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 200 | Radianite Points = 425 | TotalRecentGames = 97 | Skins =
[POLYfrog Ares, Ruin Vandal, , Serenity Phantom, Prism III Judge, Surge Bucky,
Spitfire Frenzy, Surge Classic, Artisan Ghost, Game Over Sheriff, Wunderkind
Shorty, Cavalier Operator, Ruin Guardian, Ruin Marshal, POLYfrog Spectre, Surge
Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
joslol321:joseelmayor19 | Username = joslol321 | Tag Line = 5571 | Game Name = CB5
joslol32 | Country = per | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ryuug4n:panxo321 | Username = ryuug4n | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = RyuuG4N |
Level = 161 | Account ID = 146912 | Country = chl | NickName = RyuuG4N |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stratoseclipse:Timmyboy88 | Username = stratoseclipse | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Stratos Eclipse | Level = 2 | Account ID = 236333689 | Country = usa | NickName =
Stratos Eclipse | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
itsjimbronx:chen1234 | Username = iTSJimBronx | Account ID = 1997489935715264 |
Country = can | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vaporhex:Lastres21041998 | Username = vaporhex | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
LordDike | Level = 4 | Account ID = 244752399 | Country = gbr | NickName = LordDike
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xdrizzo:Gameman1 | Username = xdrizzo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = xDrizzo |
Level = 20 | Account ID = 230204224 | Country = usa | NickName = xDrizzo |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jaredskud:skudder76 | Username = jaredskud | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
PlunderSkud | Level = 14 | Account ID = 214739695 | Country = nzl | NickName =
PlunderSkud | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dan999911:Coolcow999911! | Username = dan999911 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Gavinator999 | Level = 11 | Account ID = 36946560 | Country = gbr | NickName =
Gavinator999 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 50 | Radianite Points = 10 | TotalRecentGames = 74 | Skins =
[POLYfrog Ares, Cavalier Vandal, Glitchpop Bulldog, , Prism III Judge, Cavalier
Bucky, , , Cavalier Ghost, POLYfrog Sheriff, , , , POLYfrog Marshal, Singularity
Spectre, Cavalier Stinger, ] | Checked = Yes
laller1979:himihumi79 | Username = Laller1979 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Laller79 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2232139764617920 | Country = hun | NickName =
Laller79 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
generator1stfloor:X7vUXd9?2G | Username = generator1stfloor | Account ID = 42073886
| Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
naturalzenli:n125119208 | Username = naturalzenli | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
DevilJoker | Level = 30 | Account ID = 32486291 | Country = twn | NickName =
DevilJoker | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
diuk12:195700twt1326 | Username = diuk12 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Dibu12 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 35993121 | Country = pol | NickName = Dibu12 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dylounis:dylan0917 | Username = dylounis | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = dylounis |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2489655779100096 | Country = jpn | NickName = dylounis |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ouwolla19:asd123 | Username = ouwolla19 | Account ID = 33876279 | Country = mys |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
troll7111:troll7111 | Username = troll7111 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1284c8329a4add | Level = 3 | Account ID = 34493465 | Country = zaf | NickName =
IS1284c8329a4add | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hansenw64:Song1192 | Username = hansenw64 | Tag Line = yes | Game Name = hansenw64
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 2496381885917056 | Country = usa | NickName = hansenw64
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dronock51:8arf1eve | Username = dronock51 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Condenadorrr | Level = 10 | Account ID = 31533650 | Country = chn | NickName =
Condenadorrr | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
natdanaisan:29Nov199 | Username = Natdanaisan | Tag Line = 1481 | Game Name = ????
| Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
refmlody:final123 | Username = refmlody | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS10a1be14ce2aa2 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34264291 | Country = can | NickName =
IS10a1be14ce2aa2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
snake2610:starforce1986 | Username = snake2610 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
snake2610 | Level = 49 | Account ID = 30451046 | Country = deu | NickName =
snake2610 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
waikeatchow23:zaizai23 | Username = waikeatchow23 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
waikeatchow23 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 204365144 | Country = gbr | NickName =
waikeatchow23 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
thegunmaster546:jacob5402 | Username = thegunmaster546 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= FLAGGED 75165944 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 231691795 | Country = usa | NickName
= FLAGGED 75165944 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hidefender:zxasqw12 | Username = hidefender | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Hi
D3F3ND3R | Level = 15 | Account ID = 210381184 | Country = usa | NickName = Hi
D3F3ND3R | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nenco03:a3florin | Username = Nenco03 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = OTP Samuel |
Level = 141 | Account ID = 2227035908975456 | Country = esp | NickName = OTP Samuel
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
anistdz:azeQSD123 | Username = AnisTDZ | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
xXDarkSoulDZXx | Level = 214 | Account ID = 2188813963407680 | Country = dza |
NickName = xXDarkSoulDZXx | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
khaliil9058:hecate123 | Username = khaliil9058 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
khalilalazadi | Level = 10 | Account ID = 205381766 | Country = mar | NickName =
khalilalazadi | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
azeraras:15186805a | Username = azeraras | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
VagrantPublic | Level = 6 | Account ID = 200855374 | Country = sgp | NickName =
VagrantPublic | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
fundengt:cpgc6545 | Username = fundengt | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = FundenGT |
Level = 284 | Account ID = 229658726 | Country = esp | NickName = FundenGT |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
xxropeloxx:Ropelo_Lopes | Username = xXRopeloXx | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
RopeloLopes | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2271660474616576 | Country = per | NickName
= RopeloLopes | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
maxcoolqc1:popo1479 | Username = maxcoolqc1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
LeCacaPoilu | Level = 1 | Account ID = 212179315 | Country = ind | NickName =
LeCacaPoilu | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
larion71:Larion71 | Username = larion71 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = ????71 |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 2077884968743072 | Country = rus | NickName = ????71 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
airi01301996:ashagagai1 | Username = airi01301996 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
tomakasha | Level = 118 | Account ID = 207110089 | Country = usa | NickName =
tomakasha | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sunyiqing114:sunyiqing114 | Username = sunyiqing114 | Tag Line = 5193 | Game Name =
kobe | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2584908955845888 | Country = jpn | NickName =
bobe11 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cesarnare:ukguitar17 | Username = cesarnare | Account ID = 2133096880318848 |
Country = mex | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
ratikusw19:Donoso2312 | Username = ratikusw19 | Tag Line = 8171 | Game Name =
Ratikusw19 | Country = esp | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
martaofbodom:mema160500 | Username = martaofbodom | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
MartaOfBodom | Level = 2 | Account ID = 230654307 | Country = esp | NickName =
MartaOfBodom | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
soulplus6:neformal666 | Username = soulplus6 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1c8e6545d2f0b8 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33645663 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1c8e6545d2f0b8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xayzathegod:Minecraft_vs2 | Username = XayZaTheGod | Tag Line = 6905 | Game Name =
69savage | Country = jpn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fabricinho510:fab1234567 | Username = fabricinho510 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
XTr0k3NX | Level = 7 | Account ID = 220905827 | Country = bra | NickName = XTr0k3NX
| EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jovics1:t36zFbsu | Username = jovics1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = anyád 1 Légy
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 205983578 | Country = rus | NickName = anyád 1 Légy |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vitobiss:ragtech123 | Username = vitobiss | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Smite d
Jiejie | Level = 389 | Account ID = 1396476 | Country = bra | NickName = Smite d
Jiejie | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yxxzyk:aspireone1 | Username = yxxzyk | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = YXXZYK |
Level = 12 | Account ID = 1990814327796544 | Country = pol | NickName = YXXZYK |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
amirka2282:dkflbr86 | Username = amirka2282 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
38612438-870b-4db3-8cc2-9ccbe5aec26b | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200489371 | Country
= vnm | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
Z4wg:gh5tr7Rene | Username = z4wg | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Zawg | Level = 1
| Account ID = 2193923625300480 | Country = svn | NickName = Zawg | EmailVerified =
True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 530 |
Radianite Points = 85 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Hivemind Ares, Prime
Vandal, Depths Bulldog, Oni Phantom, POLYfox Judge, Lightwave Bucky, Couture
Frenzy, Songsteel Classic, Sovereign Ghost, Lightwave Sheriff, , , POLYfox
Guardian, Couture Marshal, Kingdom Spectre, Couture Stinger, Elderflame Dagger] |
Checked = Yes
rekcahdidios:123456789Az | Username = rekcahdidios | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
RekXD | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2048372679372288 | Country = vnm | NickName =
RekXD | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
raytesla:vilane17 | Username = raytesla | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = RaySentry |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 205840043 | Country = esp | NickName = RaySentry |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jesuskinderman:letmein2plz* | Username = JesusKinderMan | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = JesusKindOfMan | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2430385629579808 | Country = tto |
NickName = JesusKindOfMan | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
arthurpuk:volvic2003 | Username = arthurpuk | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Arthurpuk | Level = 1 | Account ID = 236446340 | Country = fra | NickName =
Arthurpuk | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
supergaminglord:topgun530 | Username = supergaminglord | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= Supergaminglord | Level = 2 | Account ID = 219304879 | Country = ukr | NickName =
Supergaminglord | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
kuromouse:wncjsdl1 | Username = kuromouse | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = KuroMouse
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 2110665884175168 | Country = usa | NickName = KuroMouse
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
batrobin6:Forevericy4 | Username = batrobin6 | Tag Line = 4714 | Game Name =
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2525568984991264 | Country = can |
NickName = IIIIIIIIIllIIlIl | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
eggonos:Nz11zwei#### | Username = eggonos | Tag Line = 1746 | Game Name = eggonos |
Level = 18 | Account ID = 2432504168190368 | Country = deu | NickName = C0r0nab0y |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
swapzx:King1775! | Username = swapzx | Tag Line = Yay69 | Game Name = Colin | Level
= 22 | Account ID = 234486010 | Country = idn | NickName = Swapzx | EmailVerified =
True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
floron69:Feyenoord1 | Username = floron69 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
GhostoNinja | Level = 8 | Account ID = 226091571 | Country = nld | NickName =
GhostoNinja | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jonnesgab:jonnhy1355 | Username = jonnesgab | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Jonnesgab | Level = 1 | Account ID = 235270354 | Country = prt | NickName =
Jonnesgab | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
kjung2522:r5rz48bu | Username = kjung2522 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = kjung2522
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 233191413 | Country = kor | NickName = kjung2522 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gloriousplatypus:square4444 | Username = gloriousplatypus | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = DravenIsAxellent | Level = 30 | Account ID = 230564405 | Country = che |
NickName = DravenIsAxellent | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
haczkujecynamon:bekowo321 | Username = haczkujecynamon | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = HaczkujeCynamon | Level = 17 | Account ID = 38725007 | Country = usa |
NickName = HaczkujeCynamon | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
lolcw13:yummystrudel1 | Username = lolcw13 | Account ID = 33958086 | Country = bra
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chilomicron13:123mamalumoraru | Username = chilomicron13 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = Billy Pandito | Level = 30 | Account ID = 204065973 | Country = chn |
NickName = Billy Pandito | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
bazek2:dedobaze1 | Username = bazek2 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS197341d31d3926 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32785816 | Country = mkd | NickName =
IS197341d31d3926 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
wishhez:Matth6339 | Username = WishheZ | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = WishheZ |
Level = 23 | Account ID = 1977627963157120 | Country = can | NickName = WishheZ |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
eyal43:01032000foof | Username = eyal43 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Not Good |
Level = 109 | Account ID = 37930162 | Country = isr | NickName = Not Good |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 125 | TotalRecentGames = 82 | Skins = [, Nitro Vandal,
Varnish Bulldog, Artisan Phantom, Varnish Judge, Artisan Bucky, , , , Death Wish
Sheriff, , , Nitro Guardian, Artisan Marshal, , , ] | Checked = Yes
teeheelol3:nemelka1 | Username = teeheelol3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b7dc73d475faf501e042 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37261194 | Country = grc |
NickName = IS1b7dc73d475faf501e042 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
loiic97411:loiic974 | Username = loiic97411 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
UnRise974 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 204262462 | Country = rus | NickName =
UnRise974 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
aro220122:giorgos123 | Username = aro220122 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Curumo
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 39809758 | Country = gbr | NickName = Curumo |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
deeshmadeesh:wick9003 | Username = Deeshmadeesh | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
BigDaddyReverend | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2535221048272480 | Country = usa |
NickName = BigDaddyReverend | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
matasaru01:legenda93 | Username = matasaru01 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ROYAL
KILL3R | Level = 47 | Account ID = 2314401692676800 | Country = gbr | NickName =
ROYAL KILL3R | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
jackhargy1:Jack290305 | Username = jackhargy1 | Tag Line = 6235 | Game Name =
jackhargy1 | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
smexylexi07:cute10232002 | Username = SmexyLexi07 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
AngelicStarrz | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2455457218569664 | Country = usa |
NickName = AngelicStarrz | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
greenfarinha:Muaythai29 | Username = greenfarinha | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Secksonlegs | Level = 33 | Account ID = 35201648 | Country = usa | NickName =
Secksonlegs | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
questionmanhochan7:123456e | Username = questionmanhochan7 | Account ID = 46775771
| Country = chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
dddspc:shany9697 | Username = dddspc | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = 53629143-caea-
4806-ba27-aca79bc415cd | Level = 1 | Account ID = 204294627 | Country = syc |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
timbmx1234:timbmx1234 | Username = timbmx1234 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Timbmx12 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 215894471 | Country = hnd | NickName = Timbmx12
| EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = Andyvan1234567890@yahoo.cim |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oscarblanke:A123456m | Username = oscarblanke | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
MrOscar | Level = 21 | Account ID = 29089669 | Country = usa | NickName = MrOscar |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
darioasecas6:prob624153 | Username = darioasecas6 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
msdadio | Level = 9 | Account ID = 41154732 | Country = esp | NickName = msdadio |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hfsalmeida:helio15almeida20 | Username = hfsalmeida | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
hfsalmeida | Level = 21 | Account ID = 210796832 | Country = pol | NickName =
hfsalmeida | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kaka1297:buziaczek1 | Username = kaka1297 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS16048d2d29c575 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30789758 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS16048d2d29c575 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
onetwothreevivalalgerie:o48r7Av5qB | Username = onetwothreevivalalgerie | Tag Line
= EUW | Game Name = JPkPLNS9Sh | Level = 1 | Account ID = 218967637 | Country = idn
| NickName = JPkPLNS9Sh | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
bselken:1935w1108 | Username = bselken | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
ThroughTheRanks | Level = 17 | Account ID = 227489629 | Country = usa | NickName =
ThroughTheRanks | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
frknn88:noodle01 | Username = frknn88 | Account ID = 45779876 | Country = tur |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
havename666:5k4g4au4a83 | Username = HaveName666 | Tag Line = 2448 | Game Name =
HaveName666 | Country = twn | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
honzis09:736778919h | Username = honzis09 | Tag Line = 17479 | Game Name = FLAGGED
31622397 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 41134983 | Country = cze | NickName = FLAGGED
07677122 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ancri666:Lastres21041998 | Username = ancri666 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b513456462403d180d22 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 44342890 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS1b513456462403d180d22 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
thehammmann:Jake7956 | Username = thehammmann | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
thehammman | Level = 5 | Account ID = 227688234 | Country = ind | NickName =
thehammman | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
alisonrox11:alison0203 | Username = alisonrox11 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Tiod
Tony | Level = 1 | Account ID = 1993413981620992 | Country = bra | NickName = Tiod
Tony | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dervan54:dervan54 | Username = dervan54 | Tag Line = 6329 | Game Name = 21mao2 |
Country = tur | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 19 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
xxxarhipxxx123:stalker2013 | Username = xxxarhipxxx123 | Account ID = 217341747 |
Country = mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mephir12:pampersy997 | Username = mephir12 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Ressurección | Level = 13 | Account ID = 30169085 | Country = idn | NickName =
Ressurección | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dennybagusp:d3nny846u5 | Username = dennybagusp | Tag Line = 8819 | Game Name =
dennybagusp | Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
romanix271:roma2307 | Username = romanix271 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
romanix271 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 2576090744939584 | Country = fra | NickName
= romanix271 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lightningsoul1:lightningsoul1 | Username = lightningsoul1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = 6UTHJ0aCSpnRm9nv | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206946831 | Country = usa |
NickName = 6UTHJ0aCSpnRm9nv | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
snipeanator420:RawHam720 | Username = snipeanator420 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Snipeanator720 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 203511909 | Country = usa | NickName =
Snipeanator720 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
edjaillard:edouard200696 | Username = edjaillard | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Grumwork | Level = 3 | Account ID = 220015196 | Country = vnm | NickName = Grumwork
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tniblueblixt:Drachenzahn100 | Username = tniblueblixt | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= TNI Blueblixt | Level = 19 | Account ID = 239359455 | Country = deu | NickName =
TNI Blueblixt | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mozes38:Benimaslanim38! | Username = mozes38 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Ebi Ami
| Level = 187 | Account ID = 212390103 | Country = nld | NickName = Ebi Ami |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
150 | Radianite Points = 285 | TotalRecentGames = 69 | Skins = [, Depths Vandal,
Depths Bulldog, , , Lightwave Bucky, Lightwave Frenzy, Songsteel Classic, Depths
Ghost, Lightwave Sheriff, Snakebite Shorty, , Songsteel Guardian, Songsteel
Marshal, , Depths Stinger, Songsteel] | Checked = Yes
caitsith18:1oworustico | Username = caitsith18 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Leon
Valzhak | Level = 32 | Account ID = 31618951 | Country = esp | NickName = Leon
Valzhak | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fornaggieri:ben03052012 | Username = fornaggieri | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
fornaggieri | Level = 1 | Account ID = 212557189 | Country = rus | NickName =
fornaggieri | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
justinhachey5:Penutbutter1 | Username = justinhachey5 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= IS17ac54127f00c829598db | Level = 1 | Account ID = 51256625 | Country = can |
NickName = IS17ac54127f00c829598db | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
countcheeky:countcheeky1 | Username = countcheeky | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
CountCheeky | Level = 10 | Account ID = 204045466 | Country = mar | NickName =
CountCheeky | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mayoboiy:changethis4real | Username = mayoboiy | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
MayoBoiy | Level = 1 | Account ID = 241968461 | Country = usa | NickName = MayoBoiy
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
geedint:frds4e | Username = geedint | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = geedint | Level
= 14 | Account ID = 33089480 | Country = isr | NickName = geedint | EmailVerified =
False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jdm6496:Lastres21041998 | Username = jdm6496 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS16df79fc6ddbbf535dae0 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 200429142 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS16df79fc6ddbbf535dae0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
itsgoodly123:okgoodly123 | Username = itsGoodly123 | Tag Line = 8609 | Game Name =
Goodly | Country = can | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chipfreak02:sh3bbl3s | Username = chipfreak02 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
MyxerTie | Level = 89 | Account ID = 2072081415842304 | Country = usa | NickName =
MyxerTie | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yoloelyoyo:loma1218 | Username = yoloelyoyo | Tag Line = 3423 | Game Name =
yoloelyoyo | Country = mex | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
de4thfield:Aylin999 | Username = de4thfield | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
De4thfield | Level = 7 | Account ID = 218383744 | Country = bra | NickName =
De4thfield | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
leva1996:leva1234 | Username = leva1996 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = e839df48-
e16d-4b14-b864-e011437d0312 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 24812491 | Country = bra |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lsk525230:Sam689870 | Username = lsk525230 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = DANI9487
| Level = 11 | Account ID = 202457636 | Country = aus | NickName = DANI9487 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tomdelariva:Pingbleu16 | Username = tomdelariva | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
TomDeLaRiva | Level = 70 | Account ID = 241089049 | Country = fra | NickName =
TomDeLaRiva | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 80 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
banuerwin:QAZwsxedc12 | Username = banuerwin | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
EmbraceTheChaos | Level = 43 | Account ID = 227404193 | Country = chn | NickName =
EmbraceTheChaos | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gogster89:PPresse12345 | Username = gogster89 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Gogsterus | Level = 11 | Account ID = 29037109 | Country = pol | NickName =
Gogsterus | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lethargically:Lastres21041998 | Username = lethargically | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = IS1222b8cd2ebdf2c5b16fc | Level = 2 | Account ID = 49275320 | Country = usa
| NickName = IS1222b8cd2ebdf2c5b16fc | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
ostry3232:Ostry3232 | Username = Ostry3232 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Ostry3232 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2395770797855104 | Country = pol | NickName =
Ostry3232 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
upstartdrop4295:Maxharvey123 | Username = upstartdrop4295 | Tag Line = 9817 | Game
Name = upstartdrop4295 | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
clless109:cafecafe87 | Username = clless109 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
GirlyGameuse | Level = 1 | Account ID = 220688868 | Country = fra | NickName =
GirlyGameuse | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
shadooheal:Mk150711 | Username = shadooheal | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
shadooheal | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42403282 | Country = hun | NickName =
shadooheal | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kuzuthunder06:bensen123 | Username = kuzuthunder06 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
IKuzuThunder | Level = 192 | Account ID = 211433718 | Country = tur | NickName =
IKuzuThunder | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
thiagoseco:stp2011swu | Username = thiagoseco | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = 5h4k4L
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 205668446 | Country = deu | NickName = 5h4k4L |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
eathenforprezz:123234w1nd0w | Username = eathenforprezz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = KingLongDingDong | Level = 1 | Account ID = 238394367 | Country = can |
NickName = KingLongDingDong | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
curroip94:Realmadrid94 | Username = curroip94 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Magnety94 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 236673460 | Country = esp | NickName =
Magnety94 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 300 | Radianite Points = 305 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [,
Depths Vandal, Depths Bulldog, Lightwave Phantom, , Lightwave Bucky, Lightwave
Frenzy, Songsteel Classic, Depths Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, , , Songsteel Guardian,
Songsteel Marshal, , Depths Stinger, Songsteel] | Checked = Yes
gwjtke:Lastres21041998 | Username = gwjtke | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1fddb67175573f35d870e | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32565848 | Country = syc |
NickName = IS1fddb67175573f35d870e | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xeladew:jxc3a1o5 | Username = xeladew | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Xeladew |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 215688791 | Country = usa | NickName = Xeladew |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
polmp29:shadow159 | Username = polmp29 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1af0cc9df55a76 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32003395 | Country = bra | NickName =
IS1af0cc9df55a76 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zccmicky3:ChangChenMaple123 | Username = zccmicky3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
zccmicky3 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 49350344 | Country = can | NickName =
zccmicky3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tamanaha3:kozakoza1 | Username = tamanaha3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = World
fastest | Level = 2 | Account ID = 215375951 | Country = jpn | NickName = World
fastest | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
josipst555:paradoxal356 | Username = JosipST555 | Tag Line = 4624 | Game Name =
JosipST555 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2815315270117248 | Country = hrv | NickName =
JOSIPST555 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 2 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
wooj7933:island911 | Username = wooj7933 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = LienInt |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 235717258 | Country = usa | NickName = LienInt |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
torktototo:tork8974 | Username = torktototo | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1fa28e96e791752c5dc7f | Level = 1 | Account ID = 48920153 | Country = tha |
NickName = IS1fa28e96e791752c5dc7f | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
decayweaver:Striker2 | Username = decayweaver | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Deathentombed | Level = 5 | Account ID = 213479611 | Country = usa | NickName =
Deathentombed | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kikees07:cacatua07 | Username = kikees07 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = enchesa07 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2246181530863936 | Country = esp | NickName = enchesa07 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lilescalera:06212003hn | Username = lilescalera | Tag Line = 7906 | Game Name =
lilescalera | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2182214068054784 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
davidbay1992:masterd92 | Username = davidbay1992 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Davidbay | Level = 1 | Account ID = 219165130 | Country = can | NickName = Davidbay
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
efsanearda05:fr1sby62 | Username = efsanearda05 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
ovsitmen | Level = 368 | Account ID = 204802853 | Country = tur | NickName =
ovsitmen | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 25 | Radianite Points = 70 | TotalRecentGames = 96 | Skins = [,
Elderflame Vandal, , , , , , Pistolinha Classic, Artisan Ghost, , , , , , , , ] |
Checked = Yes
godnex01:ibizai18 | Username = godnex01 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS16a8c01cae3b75 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 27052333 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS16a8c01cae3b75 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
shaft404:Scuba9434 | Username = shaft404 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
basgettimonster | Level = 44 | Account ID = 212666462 | Country = usa | NickName =
basgettimonster | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
maulanaagi06:agimaulana123 | Username = maulanaagi06 | Tag Line = 7622 | Game Name
= maulanaagi06 | Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
nathanmarkhaw:Ironfart2013 | Username = Nathanmarkhaw | Tag Line = 5150 | Game Name
= nathanmarkhaw | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
jrand35:winter99 | Username = jrand35 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = jrand35 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2126783888468704 | Country = usa | NickName = jrand35 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
omglol098:Omglol098 | Username = Omglol098 | Account ID = 2404347227279776 |
Country = est | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
xmajoh02:loppen1991 | Username = xmajoh02 | Account ID = 200653023 | Country = esp
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
doctorgonzo70:Lastres21041998 | Username = doctorgonzo70 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = IS1f57b06d1a78e334bc7e3 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 39310849 | Country = mys
| NickName = IS1f57b06d1a78e334bc7e3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zk329683880:wxhcm1314 | Username = zk329683880 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
kuroneko0623 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2546742775882784 | Country = deu | NickName
= kuroneko0623 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
luaynnedf:lusinha134 | Username = luaynnedf | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
61a3201d-67fc-4ea6-9fc7-5fcc2c996e5c | Level = 1 | Account ID = 49559710 | Country
= rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
paladix123:Lastres21041998 | Username = paladix123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Norevenge | Level = 6 | Account ID = 44655030 | Country = ven | NickName =
Norevenge | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
lovechs1111:vlvk1803 | Username = lovechs1111 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = AACCRR
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 234920677 | Country = kor | NickName = AACCRR |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
feetthesizeofhands:NEfeJd8Ba7 | Username = feetthesizeofhands | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = IS17e9393d7b4740ca76714 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 41153315 | Country =
srb | NickName = IS17e9393d7b4740ca76714 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wolveswit:Lizzy414 | Username = wolveswit | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = WolvesWit
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 241782425 | Country = usa | NickName = WolvesWit |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dzgoevm:Marat74466188 | Username = dzgoevm | Tag Line = 3264 | Game Name = dzgeovm
| Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
hydrocutter:Lastres21041998 | Username = hydrocutter | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS10bf7186d70b7f7cb5474 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 32101227 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS10bf7186d70b7f7cb5474 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
manu71tt:Lastres21041998 | Username = manu71tt | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IncomingRagnarok | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2234072270481600 | Country = arg |
NickName = IncomingRagnarok | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jula334:123qweasd | Username = jula334 | Account ID = 35533335 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
comerc99:pighedgehoig32 | Username = comerc99 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
pighedgehog32 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 209741534 | Country = ecu | NickName =
pighedgehog32 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
oneofda8devils:nailz1978 | Username = oneofda8devils | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
30c907b6-36b3-4e17-ad14-3085fe5d1622 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 42565776 | Country
= mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
13majki37:Miczas12 | Username = 13majki37 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = majki997
| Level = 13 | Account ID = 2510303465047872 | Country = pol | NickName = majki997
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
lolulalo:Evinka127 | Username = Lolulalo | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 9ac851f2-
11ea-425a-9ecb-eb01b70f5660 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2527815173440896 | Country =
svk | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ekhi2010:Ekhi2010 | Username = ekhi2010 | Tag Line = 9046 | Game Name = ekhi2010 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2567696057321088 | Country = esp | NickName = ekhi2010 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
anoacc24:123321a | Username = anoacc24 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS12a58fb420dc38b3e3540 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 39988360 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS12a58fb420dc38b3e3540 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
wxk1992514:suisui1992514 | Username = wxk1992514 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
9GeGe | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2568770639643808 | Country = usa | NickName =
9GeGe | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ccmenfielss:Handsomeenes2 | Username = ccmenfielss | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
earthblizzard 4 | Level = 30 | Account ID = 203103318 | Country = tur | NickName =
earthblizzard 4 | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
ekoleyte122:3m7f91k0e5 | Username = ekoleyte122 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
Tasfirin Lavugu | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2718331075544544 | Country = tur |
NickName = Tasfirin Lavugu | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zer0ashura:Beatles625 | Username = zer0ashura | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Zer0Ashura | Level = 2 | Account ID = 240676562 | Country = usa | NickName =
Zer0Ashura | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dilelol:kruno1002988 | Username = dilelol | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1f4c770e29fb7f | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28814630 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1f4c770e29fb7f | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = dilelol@ptt.vr |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
frasse624:suzuki624 | Username = frasse624 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = SmuS B |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 202224457 | Country = swe | NickName = SmuS B |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mapoule98:mapoule98 | Username = mapoule98 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = mapoule98
| Level = 10 | Account ID = 221602733 | Country = tha | NickName = mapoule98 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
teolw:mateo1213 | Username = TeoLW | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
marinelooo:hahah1234Qw1! | Username = marinelooo | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS14882db4a81e8e | Level = 4 | Account ID = 28846491 | Country = fra | NickName =
IS14882db4a81e8e | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
cons198815:va77of2563 | Username = cons198815 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b62199358f78c48d9400 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38955906 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1b62199358f78c48d9400 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mur3loc:Seegurke1 | Username = mur3loc | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Mur3loc |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 212317808 | Country = deu | NickName = Mur3loc |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sumarioga:minnie24 | Username = sumarioga | Account ID = 29610720 | Country = usa |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bobpancetta:Tiosso96! | Username = bobpancetta | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
bobpancetta | Level = 24 | Account ID = 223280127 | Country = ita | NickName =
bobpancetta | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
prodns:231177kp | Username = prodns | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = paulmarius |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 206288479 | Country = ecu | NickName = paulmarius |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kecret5:nasti234 | Username = kecret5 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = W7FOZ76EDE |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 49133116 | Country = idn | NickName = W7FOZ76EDE |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
khanhussain123:8yxekq00PD | Username = khanhussain123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= IS1adf2b3178c027b29c2d3 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 46798532 | Country = ind |
NickName = IS1adf2b3178c027b29c2d3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
jarlgenzo:pornosotrosxD123 | Username = JarlGenzo | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
Goshujïn Sama | Level = 182 | Account ID = 200618620 | Country = chl | NickName =
Goshujïn Sama | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
itzmemirko:ms2261998 | Username = ItzMeMirko | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
5ROh0SmTuc | Level = 4 | Account ID = 1963634730733856 | Country = deu | NickName =
5ROh0SmTuc | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
feuerexe11:shadow130 | Username = feuerexe11 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1787bcebf12f74 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30953903 | Country = deu | NickName =
IS1787bcebf12f74 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shineelya:Pachmina1 | Username = shineelya | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Shineelya
| Level = 7 | Account ID = 217976476 | Country = bel | NickName = Shineelya |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hazeselnets57:asdfghjkl123 | Username = hazeselnets57 | Account ID = 32872608 |
Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
digonomaly:Farkryf123 | Username = digonomaly | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
Digonomaly | Level = 1 | Account ID = 203261596 | Country = rus | NickName =
Digonomaly | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
matuta55:beliscao99 | Username = matuta55 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
AJUDANTEDORATOKK | Level = 7 | Account ID = 2196401529654208 | Country = bra |
NickName = AJUDANTEDORATOKK | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
casualsole62:Lastres21041998 | Username = casualsole62 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= CasualSole62 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 213618375 | Country = arg | NickName =
CasualSole62 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gabrielopes2011:Gabriel01 | Username = gabrielopes2011 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name
= Bizuinho | Level = 7 | Account ID = 219249170 | Country = bra | NickName =
Bizuinho | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rexonb10:1453fetih | Username = rexonb10 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = can i go
pls | Level = 1 | Account ID = 239963099 | Country = tur | NickName = can i go pls
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
durandqc:inujo1995 | Username = durandqc | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = DurandQc |
Level = 8 | Account ID = 211807224 | Country = can | NickName = DurandQc |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dikkelu:budokai2 | Username = dikkelu | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = As Soon ASAP |
Level = 86 | Account ID = 29959769 | Country = chn | NickName = As Soon ASAP |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
balea0001:z9806378 | Username = balea0001 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = BKVIIV |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 229000491 | Country = chn | NickName = BKVIIV |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lhoyd25:derix006 | Username = lhoyd25 | Account ID = 36813790 | Country = idn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xlk222:xlk19880422 | Username = xlk222 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = GgRYxzaaqV |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 43664132 | Country = usa | NickName = GgRYxzaaqV |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shaharyan766:aryanshah@766 | Username = SHAHARYAN766 | Tag Line = 4310 | Game Name
= SHAHARYAN766 | Country = ind | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
reigonxd:hector221 | Username = reigonxd | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = reigonxd |
Level = 27 | Account ID = 207787202 | Country = col | NickName = reigonxd |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gks1962nw9:wspole1 | Username = gks1962nw9 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1c5510b430f067 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28859091 | Country = usa | NickName =
IS1c5510b430f067 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ranaot:ckbjIm5n0E | Username = ranaot | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = khFVyogTRy |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 210626556 | Country = rus | NickName = khFVyogTRy |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
esadsiner:esad75511999 | Username = esadsiner | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
esadsiner | Level = 6 | Account ID = 200463347 | Country = tur | NickName =
esadsiner | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kainaito:12k92578! | Username = kainaito | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
oyakodonburi | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2092399248124736 | Country = usa | NickName
= oyakodonburi | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cleannclear1984:sotkfkd0^^ | Username = cleannclear1984 | Tag Line = KR1 | Game
Name = ?LOVE? | Level = 27 | Account ID = 2628969806972384 | Country = kor |
NickName = ?LOVE? | EmailVerified = True | Region = KR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
abarcaalex:Slugbug22! | Username = abarcaalex | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = abarcs
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 2445221067893280 | Country = usa | NickName = abarcs |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
robtwotwelve:Hackepeter1953 | Username = robtwotwelve | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= Robtwotwelve | Level = 24 | Account ID = 208901224 | Country = deu | NickName =
Robtwotwelve | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
silver658011:silver123 | Username = silver658011 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
silver6580 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 233003999 | Country = can | NickName =
silver6580 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kyroncollins:jetlife25 | Username = kyroncollins | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
BIue Dream | Level = 40 | Account ID = 206748068 | Country = usa | NickName = BIue
Dream | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xrazher:thepcofareaper1 | Username = xRazher | Tag Line = 7188 | Game Name = Razher
| Country = pak | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
nathali10:nathali10 | Username = nathali10 | Account ID = 228709242 | Country = bra
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vientos1de1peos:vientos8716 | Username = vientos1de1peos | Tag Line = LAN | Game
Name = Vientos de peos | Level = 20 | Account ID = 201587762 | Country = pri |
NickName = Vientos de peos | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
cipricipri05:imperial123 | Username = cipricipri05 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
onlyshadowssee | Level = 2 | Account ID = 232087110 | Country = chn | NickName =
onlyshadowssee | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
lilsalvadorian:Mlilibeth36 | Username = lilsalvadorian | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= LilSalvadorian | Level = 1 | Account ID = 232273015 | Country = usa | NickName =
LilSalvadorian | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hank51385138:Lastres21041998 | Username = hank51385138 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= SavaGerHank | Level = 5 | Account ID = 208179588 | Country = ukr | NickName =
SavaGerHank | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shit20241:pp567929 | Username = shit20241 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = geycooo |
Level = 18 | Account ID = 39354796 | Country = arg | NickName = geycooo |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
razor1909:Themaster1 | Username = razor1909 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Razor
1909 | Level = 9 | Account ID = 230180462 | Country = aut | NickName = Razor 1909 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
suteepokza58:0830042849o | Username = suteepokza58 | Tag Line = 8635 | Game Name =
WEDD | Country = tha | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bsolurs:Qwerty123! | Username = bsolurs | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = BSOLURS |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 240918791 | Country = usa | NickName = BSOLURS |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
swarthyllama33:SGP212121 | Username = swarthyllama33 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SwarthyLlama33 | Level = 7 | Account ID = 218639537 | Country = usa | NickName =
SwarthyLlama33 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
icycakey:Henrylau1 | Username = icycakey | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = icycakey |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2334763333643008 | Country = usa | NickName = icycakey |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rustiiiic:chester8 | Username = rustiiiic | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Dwindler |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 229207788 | Country = usa | NickName = Dwindler |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
whateversam96:videogamegirl96 | Username = whateversam96 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = SamIsBadAtNames | Level = 5 | Account ID = 227784097 | Country = rus |
NickName = SamIsBadAtNames | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
blauk16:Zeleague69 | Username = blauk16 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Patate
Brutale | Level = 16 | Account ID = 228716793 | Country = che | NickName = Patate
Brutale | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
whatthephake:559719bn | Username = whatthephake | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
AAAAAAAI | Level = 5 | Account ID = 230224871 | Country = ukr | NickName = AAAAAAAI
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
y9952696:Neymar06 | Username = y9952696 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = oAmONydia |
Level = 49 | Account ID = 2033724037311104 | Country = chn | NickName = oAmONydia |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lunao7:mysimo1961 | Username = lunao7 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Yakisa | Level
= 7 | Account ID = 36081614 | Country = chn | NickName = Yakisa | EmailVerified =
True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrgobel66:m44b57e66 | Username = MrGobel66 | Tag Line = 3858 | Game Name = MrGobel
| Country = tur | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
nordiceu22:hrisovce60 | Username = nordiceu22 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS15bc7c5eca39d8 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29694779 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS15bc7c5eca39d8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
xleonidas32:Vasile32 | Username = xLeonidas32 | Tag Line = 5002 | Game Name =
Katastrous | Country = rou | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
bwbenbow2:Walker1998 | Username = bwbenbow2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Cacade |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 233599988 | Country = usa | NickName = Cacade |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aleshaparovoz:asusf3se | Username = aleshaparovoz | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS13f01e2c9f7a91 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 29744751 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS13f01e2c9f7a91 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hw977774:hw671222 | Username = hw977774 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = hw977774 |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 210993181 | Country = chn | NickName = hw977774 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
snoopdoctoru:1q2w3e4r5t6y | Username = snoopdoctoru | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
SnoopDoctoru | Level = 30 | Account ID = 208045569 | Country = mys | NickName =
SnoopDoctoru | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ivampiers:Monkeys11 | Username = ivampiers | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
boomtatsicXx | Level = 3 | Account ID = 203633251 | Country = usa | NickName =
boomtatsicXx | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
arturhajderi2:Arturotr96% | Username = arturhajderi2 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
BerserkerSupport | Level = 73 | Account ID = 2635679839708576 | Country = ita |
NickName = BerserkerSupport | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
martinezd15:Monster099197 | Username = martinezd15 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Pulp069 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2587594224731904 | Country = usa | NickName =
Pulp069 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
roxasdroxas1:asdqwe123123 | Username = roxasdroxas1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
XDDDDDDD1212 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2510679057409824 | Country = swe | NickName
= XDDDDDDD1212 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
hilmanadli:hilmanadli123 | Username = hilmanadli | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS158d50aae2bd81eca85b9 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 38339700 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS158d50aae2bd81eca85b9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
reglisse95:Reglisse95 | Username = Reglisse95 | Tag Line = 8203 | Game Name =
Reglisse95 | Country = fra | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 75 | Radianite Points = 100 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [,
Prism II Vandal, Infinity Bulldog, , Outpost Judge, , , , Outpost Ghost, , Aerosol
Shorty, , , , Infinity Spectre, , ] | Checked = Yes
peskopata99:borecekczw12 | Username = peskopata99 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
PG TeeJay | Level = 8 | Account ID = 203611434 | Country = mys | NickName = PG
TeeJay | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
weedsmonk34:COLEOXYTURTLE2 | Username = WEEDSMONK34 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
oxyuser | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2343124126616512 | Country = usa | NickName =
oxyuser | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dairaleague:pelotita27 | Username = dairaleague | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Ariad Eiram | Level = 5 | Account ID = 205472846 | Country = pri | NickName = Ariad
Eiram | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
caxtorftw1:cax123 | Username = caxtorftw1 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = kaxt0r |
Level = 72 | Account ID = 200961394 | Country = arg | NickName = kaxt0r |
EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gopotato333:Lastres21041998 | Username = gopotato333 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
HorizonLineUp | Level = 4 | Account ID = 232393477 | Country = rus | NickName =
HorizonLineUp | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tk18909:Keshon123 | Username = tk18909 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = tk18909 |
Level = 8 | Account ID = 2523311096677824 | Country = usa | NickName = tk18909 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hatlab:Lastres21041998 | Username = hatlab | Tag Line = 26203 | Game Name = FLAGGED
54115322 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 202379947 | Country = usa | NickName =
IS110681a1ac8d5aae1b57c | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jossfer:Jilipoyas1 | Username = jossfer | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Jossfer |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 231720528 | Country = esp | NickName = Jossfer |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
szymon101011:hehehehe6 | Username = szymon101011 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS10045f065065f8 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35350941 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS10045f065065f8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
wilku127:malinka13 | Username = Wilku127 | Country = pol | EmailVerified = False |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
lfinnbalor:xaiikox123 | Username = lFinnbalor | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = G2 Fin
| Level = 3 | Account ID = 2346962031675968 | Country = chl | NickName = G2 Fin |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
carlosdd19 :Goncar2d | Username = carlosdd19 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
carlosdd19 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 222566250 | Country = esp | NickName =
carlosdd19 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
hllorentem:pipita97 | Username = hllorentem | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ?
llorentee | Level = 199 | Account ID = 207110036 | Country = esp | NickName = ?
llorentee | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
whitzzy:carp1999 | Username = whitzzy | Tag Line = 6969 | Game Name = WIDEY | Level
= 14 | Account ID = 239403522 | Country = gbr | NickName = Whitzzy | EmailVerified
= True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
425 | Radianite Points = 5 | TotalRecentGames = 97 | Skins = [Jigsaw Ares, Origin
Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, Recon Phantom, Jigsaw Judge, Artisan Bucky, Monarch
Frenzy, , Magepunk Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, Elderflame Operator, Nitro
Guardian, Artisan Marshal, BlastX Spectre, Varnish Stinger, Recon Balisong] |
Checked = Yes
pawblo32:piecia11 | Username = pawblo32 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1473393a9e1e12 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34467491 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1473393a9e1e12 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
alvarooz:aoz30101956 | Username = alvarooz | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Madonato
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 215079470 | Country = rus | NickName = Madonato |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hiro526853:Nerlitso10 | Username = hiro526853 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
20105fe8-5cee-4d29-9ceb-830cb9bf67c0 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 235465498 | Country
= mys | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gerasimaras:ger#ETHERAS989% | Username = gerasimaras | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= The UnXpected | Level = 48 | Account ID = 28997766 | Country = grc | NickName =
The UnXpected | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 10 | Radianite Points = 170 | TotalRecentGames = 16 | Skins =
[Jigsaw Ares, K/TAC Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, , Jigsaw Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch
Frenzy, , , K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
trkay41:metehan123 | Username = TRKAY41 | Tag Line = 7153 | Game Name = TRKAY |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2812490149323936 | Country = tur | EmailVerified = True |
Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 50 | Radianite Points
= 40 | TotalRecentGames = 62 | Skins = [, Glitchpop Vandal, , Singularity
Phantom, , , Spitfire Frenzy, , Hush Ghost, , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
kekkolight05:Kekkolight05 | Username = Kekkolight05 | Tag Line = 3262 | Game Name =
Kekkolight | Country = ita | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
canermert2929:derbeder29 | Username = canermert2929 | Tag Line = SWAG | Game Name =
deezex | Level = 6 | Account ID = 204006924 | Country = tur | NickName = Champi0nSs
| EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 802 | Radianite Points = 185 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [POLYfrog
Ares, Cavalier Vandal, , Prime//2.0 Phantom, Prism III Judge, Cavalier Bucky, ,
Prism III Classic, Cavalier Ghost, POLYfrog Sheriff, , Cavalier Operator, ,
POLYfrog Marshal, Convex Spectre, Cavalier Stinger, Prism III Axe] | Checked = Yes
holyhiv:91382813gabriel | Username = holyhiv | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Rosao
do Vrau | Level = 94 | Account ID = 200236423 | Country = bra | NickName = Rosao do
Vrau | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yakupgs:galatasaray1905 | Username = YAKUPGS | Tag Line = 1905 | Game Name =
Bylceberg | Country = tur | EmailVerified = True | Email =
| Valorant Point = 125 | Radianite Points = 170 | TotalRecentGames = 53 | Skins =
[Outpost Ares, Reaver Vandal, Infinity Bulldog, Infinity Phantom, Outpost Judge,
Aerosol Bucky, , FIRE/arm Classic, Eclipse Ghost, Death Wish Sheriff, Aerosol
Shorty, Aerosol Operator, Infinity Guardian, , Infinity Spectre, , Outpost Melee] |
Checked = Yes
yukinajk3:852456je | Username = yukinajk3 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = A Grande
Mayumi | Level = 11 | Account ID = 210082368 | Country = bra | NickName = A Grande
Mayumi | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
aprestwood:Lastres21041998 | Username = aprestwood | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
hardstuckiron5iq | Level = 6 | Account ID = 2084989295692576 | Country = usa |
NickName = hardstuckiron5iq | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
eumiko:eumi@1206 | Username = Eumiko | Tag Line = 6585 | Game Name = Eumiko | Level
= 2 | Account ID = 2685347533866048 | Country = mmr | NickName = Eumiko |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xom5vd1:huyga123 | Username = xom5vd1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Eye of mater |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 239444314 | Country = vnm | NickName = Eye of mater |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nongnakush:jokerman3 | Username = nongnakush | Country = tha | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
abuminog:31101974oleg | Username = abuminog | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = abuminog
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 200651302 | Country = svk | NickName = abuminog |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lcuadot:pajaroloco1 | Username = lcuadot | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
PepinoRomantico | Level = 189 | Account ID = 200544816 | Country = mex | NickName =
PepinoRomantico | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gettznl:okeennu06D | Username = gettznl | Tag Line = 7684 | Game Name = gettznl |
Country = nld | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
vops4eva:kansas1Qw1! | Username = vops4eva | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Vops4eva
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 200782906 | Country = kor | NickName = Vops4eva |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
josetwo:Goldchair72* | Username = josetwo | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Josetwo |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2329369970854656 | Country = arg | NickName = Josetwo |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kingalfawolf:Lastres21041998 | Username = kingalfawolf | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= IceWendigo | Level = 6 | Account ID = 233499791 | Country = syc | NickName =
IceWendigo | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
memebetter:qwerty123 | Username = memebetter | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1bbc9fd6248361 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 27059458 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1bbc9fd6248361 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
sparks3301:keaster1 | Username = Sparks3301 | Tag Line = 4475 | Game Name = Sparks
| Country = can | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ezzonthc:1Okpenson | Username = ezzonthc | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = Öwls |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2458027357891520 | Country = pan | NickName = Öwls |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gigund0:pu213660 | Username = GIGUND0 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = GIGUNDO |
Level = 14 | Account ID = 210054675 | Country = usa | NickName = GIGUNDO |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
leonlijiacheng:jiacheng99 | Username = leonlijiacheng | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= 693ab27b-d0bf-4e43-8cce-a3de1e407703 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2138050029686240
| Country = aus | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
markushaapa:KbGT2353 | Username = markushaapa | Account ID = 202613648 | Country =
ind | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
326gaming:Motox326! | Username = 326gaming | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 326Gaming
| Level = 11 | Account ID = 229698385 | Country = usa | NickName = 326Gaming |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fullretail:sploof12 | Username = fullretail | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
FullRetail | Level = 6 | Account ID = 217504330 | Country = usa | NickName =
FullRetail | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hsiangyu666:a26835979 | Username = hsiangyu666 | Tag Line = 8402 | Game Name =
hsiangyu | Country = twn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zachmoffitt2:shadowrun1 | Username = Zachmoffitt2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
poopybootyjuice | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2340808280361920 | Country = usa |
NickName = poopybootyjuice | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gmyleveimwc:password1 | Username = gmyleveimwc | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS14ba9c47db2f95 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34912684 | Country = can | NickName =
IS14ba9c47db2f95 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
gamedil2003:Shotgun1 | Username = gamedil2003 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b88a3b1d1d36aca308f7 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 35774562 | Country = pan |
NickName = IS1b88a3b1d1d36aca308f7 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mayhemset:monkeycheese1 | Username = mayhemset | Account ID = 224437850 | Country =
cze | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
deathsight64:hackmeifyoucan87 | Username = deathsight64 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = Deathsight87 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 235371683 | Country = usa | NickName
= Deathsight87 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
bormaleykin:pudra123 | Username = Bormaleykin | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
Bormaleykin | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2376354065683424 | Country = blr | NickName
= Bormaleykin | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
loleccccc:mazare1 | Username = loleccccc | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS132931b5f69431 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 27360923 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS132931b5f69431 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
apologyaj6:sparkles400 | Username = apologyaj6 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
llIlIIllIlIIlI | Level = 6 | Account ID = 229389187 | Country = usa | NickName =
llIlIIllIlIIlI | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
narkomanracing77:ljnf6447 | Username = narkomanracing77 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game
Name = IS1c019c7ce885d0 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30061010 | Country = chn |
NickName = IS1c019c7ce885d0 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
whyhellother12:cb37187a | Username = whyhellother12 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1509492f76a1d6 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 34062759 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1509492f76a1d6 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
harryssaui:azerty200207 | Username = HarryssaUI | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
HarryssaUI | Level = 13 | Account ID = 2225459213807936 | Country = fra | NickName
= HarryssaUI | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jlovejoy:hunter123 | Username = jlovejoy | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1b4b664ec4339e6a269b8 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 47976086 | Country = usa |
NickName = IS1b4b664ec4339e6a269b8 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
napsterretspan:Fiakbopre1 | Username = napsterretspan | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= FeederBeach | Level = 5 | Account ID = 225504484 | Country = mys | NickName =
FeederBeach | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
kulakva:Ueoby2929 | Username = kulakva | Tag Line = 2454 | Game Name = kulakva |
Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin]
| Checked = Yes
newstaredago77:z0917673266 | Username = newstaredago77 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name
= 77th | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2347883427794720 | Country = twn | NickName =
77th | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
riotputosnoobs:yamahaducati46 | Username = riotputosnoobs | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = THE PERE 46 | Level = 28 | Account ID = 232852929 | Country = esp | NickName
= THE PERE 46 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
verbena123:samsung92 | Username = verbena123 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1f2342d3c4f7ed | Level = 5 | Account ID = 27215190 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1f2342d3c4f7ed | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
velliin:t0ky0fast! | Username = velliin | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Velliin007 |
Level = 24 | Account ID = 38438852 | Country = mlt | NickName = Velliin007 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
migutopala:respekta1 | Username = migutopala | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS17714451cc4c74 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 27750350 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS17714451cc4c74 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
prime1599:09499895781124s | Username = Prime1599 | Tag Line = 9585 | Game Name =
Burger | Country = phl | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
blakecbrunson:chanceyk2110 | Username = blakecbrunson | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= u got blaked | Level = 1 | Account ID = 218224721 | Country = usa | NickName = u
got blaked | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
blasternuss1:danilo123 | Username = blasternuss1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = SRG
Major Muffin | Level = 4 | Account ID = 221946258 | Country = deu | NickName = SRG
Major Muffin | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
escoriell:jojolafrite44 | Username = escoriell | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
iWeeZPvP | Level = 6 | Account ID = 218840107 | Country = ukr | NickName = iWeeZPvP
| EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
royaltackler:justin220250 | Username = royaltackler | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Aequitas61 | Level = 4 | Account ID = 50889 | Country = idn | NickName = Aequitas61
| EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shalvada1:140701dcs | Username = shalvada1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Ishraklynx | Level = 23 | Account ID = 236686758 | Country = esp | NickName =
Ishraklynx | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
barelyloyal:m9emgcn4 | Username = barelyloyal | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Barely
Loyal | Level = 1 | Account ID = 224768199 | Country = kor | NickName = Barely
Loyal | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
deliciousswings:Lastres21041998 | Username = deliciousswings | Tag Line = NA1 |
Game Name = DeliciousSwings | Level = 1 | Account ID = 213860017 | Country = rus |
NickName = DeliciousSwings | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
joeyasbel123:Orlandis1!! | Username = joeyasbel123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
methcobra | Level = 47 | Account ID = 214088146 | Country = blz | NickName =
methcobra | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cauanrcz99:(plantaszumbi2) | Username = cauanrcz99 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
cauanrcz | Level = 26 | Account ID = 212024460 | Country = bra | NickName =
cauanrcz | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zepanko:TBGSVC7311DFZ | Username = zepanko | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = zePanko |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 240562123 | Country = ita | NickName = zePanko |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
tsarbelial:turnitupto11 | Username = tsarbelial | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Tsar
Belial | Level = 72 | Account ID = 215416205 | Country = usa | NickName = Tsar
Belial | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
anarkialayn:7272jelaj | Username = anarkialayn | Account ID = 34787234 | Country =
ind | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stembridge11:Hks62248 | Username = stembridge11 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Mister Yl | Level = 11 | Account ID = 202880704 | Country = usa | NickName = Mister
Yl | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
brunofilipe2005:brunofilipe2005 | Username = brunofilipe2005 | Tag Line = 9555 |
Game Name = ZAMER | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2788953120073568 | Country = prt |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 150 | Radianite Points = 75 | TotalRecentGames = 86 | Skins = [Jigsaw Ares, K/TAC
Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, , Jigsaw Judge, Monarch Bucky, Monarch Frenzy, , Artisan
Ghost, K/TAC Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, K/TAC Operator, Jigsaw Guardian, Monarch
Marshal, , , K/TAC Blade] | Checked = Yes
skullbudel:73ZN0700 | Username = skullbudel | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
tiesslenders1999 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 202701458 | Country = ind | NickName =
tiesslenders1999 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
eliecerhf:24204e01E! | Username = eliecerhf | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
eliecerhf | Level = 28 | Account ID = 205517220 | Country = ven | NickName =
eliecerhf | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
stalkerelite1995:Jd01081995 | Username = stalkerelite1995 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = stalkerelite1995 | Level = 6 | Account ID = 220425663 | Country = deu |
NickName = stalkerelite1995 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
25jhxnny03:Jonnhy16 | Username = 25JHXNNY03 | Tag Line = 4190 | Game Name =
25Jhxnny03 | Account ID = 2464471431178752 | Country = esp | EmailVerified = True |
Region = EUW | Email = JONNHY366@GMAIL.COM | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 110 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
ziog00959496:ziog00969495 | Username = ziog00959496 | Tag Line = 1547 | Game Name =
?????? | Country = twn | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
itarick59:DarkoKora13 | Username = itarick59 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Jirou59
| Level = 9 | Account ID = 211675084 | Country = esp | NickName = Jirou59 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tornadoap:Lastres21041998 | Username = tornadoap | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e6210b629dc56c3447a4 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33339521 | Country = slv |
NickName = IS1e6210b629dc56c3447a4 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mesiabi:arkadas11 | Username = mesiabi | Tag Line = 1131 | Game Name = mesiabi |
Country = tur | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant
Point = 50 | Radianite Points = 270 | TotalRecentGames = 94 | Skins = [Jigsaw Ares,
K/TAC Vandal, K/TAC Bulldog, , Jigsaw Judge, , Lightwave Frenzy, FIRE/arm Classic,
Jigsaw Ghost, Death Wish Sheriff, Monarch Shorty, K/TAC Operator, Jigsaw Guardian,
Monarch Marshal, , , K/TAC Blade] | Checked = Yes
coaxl:updownup1 | Username = coaxl | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Coaxl | Level =
10 | Account ID = 237948472 | Country = usa | NickName = Coaxl | EmailVerified =
True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
d4fed:counter69 | Username = d4fed | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = IS189ee02039dcf8
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 25969103 | Country = idn | NickName = IS189ee02039dcf8 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
348389829:Lastres21041998 | Username = 348389829 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = The
flower girl | Level = 5 | Account ID = 211149623 | Country = chn | NickName = The
flower girl | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dkeane408:Dmk123 | Username = dkeane408 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = dkeane408 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 229770003 | Country = can | NickName = dkeane408 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rain8898:yQhbbz5238 | Username = rain8898 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Fantasy
TTL | Level = 1 | Account ID = 213288122 | Country = rus | NickName = Fantasy TTL |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tobiasbucher6:nutella1234 | Username = tobiasbucher6 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS17966d2fda61d9 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 36938641 | Country = deu | NickName =
IS17966d2fda61d9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jangjg47:jhj+730602 | Username = jangjg47 | Tag Line = KR1 | Game Name = ??? |
Level = 72 | Account ID = 208860723 | Country = kor | NickName = ??? |
EmailVerified = True | Region = KR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jessicagpm:teamo12s212 | Username = jessicagpm | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
Jéssica324 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 215026919 | Country = bra | NickName =
Jéssica324 | EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
martinirose0:poland1 | Username = martinirose0 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
B1inkz | Level = 24 | Account ID = 27054557 | Country = usa | NickName = B1inkz |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sixsagas:Lastres21041998 | Username = sixsagas | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = big
daddy bc | Level = 2 | Account ID = 228864572 | Country = usa | NickName = big
daddy bc | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pyccak96:Stuckert1 | Username = pyccak96 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 6470a0a6-
76e6-4b77-a711-6689e900dbe9 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 207895973 | Country = irn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
residualwater:aang54312 | Username = residualwater | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Residual Water | Level = 1 | Account ID = 237709360 | Country = usa | NickName =
Residual Water | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
matijaz005:matija5 | Username = matijaz005 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Raven
Sin | Level = 8 | Account ID = 35809182 | Country = chn | NickName = Raven Sin |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
crushnikow:dawidek12 | Username = crushnikow | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS19a1d6352ae0de | Level = 4 | Account ID = 27894508 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS19a1d6352ae0de | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
chris3l:Telecom88 | Username = chris3l | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Chris3l |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 204003679 | Country = deu | NickName = Chris3l |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
arcziiixd:kolikos01 | Username = ArcziiixD | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
ArcziiKlefman | Level = 13 | Account ID = 2441358992394688 | Country = pol |
NickName = ArcziiKlefman | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
nelvalsanta:nvssep2000 | Username = NelValSanta | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
NelValSanta | Level = 14 | Account ID = 2521010670306656 | Country = esp | NickName
= NelValSanta | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lololek99:lololek00 | Username = lololek99 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = xGawelx |
Level = 13 | Account ID = 229440905 | Country = idn | NickName = xGawelx |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kkirpi00:13579221amert | Username = KKirpi00 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = KKirpi
| Level = 6 | Account ID = 2609504409593696 | Country = tur | NickName = KKirpi |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
p5479paul7:2103eleven | Username = p5479paul7 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS13a03dc271e7aca3ccc02 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37863919 | Country = zaf |
NickName = IS13a03dc271e7aca3ccc02 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
lexikaim:Buddy2398 | Username = lexikaim | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 22f24b27-
99b2-46bd-a79b-6356c6ac6876 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 232150825 | Country = ind |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrbunnyface8084:Fleebo999! | Username = Mrbunnyface8084 | Tag Line = Wabs | Game
Name = Mrbunnyface | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2321600106965184 | Country = usa |
NickName = Mrbunnyface | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
dtreaty:Littlebig42 | Username = DTreaty | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = DTreaty |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 205623159 | Country = tur | NickName = DTreaty |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 50 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
lynaelia:lucky123 | Username = lynaelia | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Lynaelia |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 237647053 | Country = usa | NickName = Lynaelia |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fattank2112:Lastres21041998 | Username = fattank2112 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1e343d3bf5fd58f3fb734 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 35860798 | Country = mys |
NickName = IS1e343d3bf5fd58f3fb734 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
superkori14:4114qwer | Username = superkori14 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Superkori | Level = 1 | Account ID = 219795733 | Country = chn | NickName =
Superkori | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tobblhd:Olli101299. | Username = tobblhd | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = TobblHD |
Level = 26 | Account ID = 204521057 | Country = deu | NickName = TobblHD |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 225 | TotalRecentGames = 92 | Skins = [, Nitro
Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, Artisan Phantom, Varnish Judge, , , Pistolinha Classic, ,
Varnish Sheriff, , , Nitro Guardian, Artisan Marshal, , , ] | Checked = Yes
nachopina09:kju0qq4t | Username = nachopina09 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
nachopina09 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2337080569997632 | Country = arg | NickName
= nachopina09 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
olika69911:Taslepke1 | Username = olika69911 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Dargho
| Level = 44 | Account ID = 2023107499602496 | Country = hun | NickName = Dargho |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bryanarnaud23:Mamanpapa23 | Username = bryanarnaud23 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name
= bryanarnaud | Level = 2 | Account ID = 227145010 | Country = bra | NickName =
bryanarnaud | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
venncu:kittycat123 | Username = venncu | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS194471d84899a518b17b6 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 36169755 | Country = ukr |
NickName = IS194471d84899a518b17b6 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
isnanu2:Lastres21041998 | Username = isnanu2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS11c5d4d162b17389ebd9f | Level = 5 | Account ID = 35214744 | Country = bra |
NickName = IS11c5d4d162b17389ebd9f | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dropmeplz11:mario1408 | Username = dropmeplz11 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1b1e6d7370c10e | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33235543 | Country = kaz | NickName =
IS1b1e6d7370c10e | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
crankd91:Alkajoy14! | Username = cRANkd91 | Tag Line = 6279 | Game Name = Truth91 |
Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
immortellztm:P455W0rD | Username = immortellzTM | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
ImmortellzYT | Level = 4 | Account ID = 2351883239977312 | Country = gbr | NickName
= ImmortellzYT | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
viiid68:allier03 | Username = viiid68 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Eddi Vachon |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 210383617 | Country = mys | NickName = Eddi Vachon |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hypexda2nd:Matheo2802 | Username = hypexda2nd | Tag Line = Pimml | Game Name =
28022006187361 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2071983222813184 | Country = aut |
NickName = HypexDa2nd | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = matheo- | Valorant Point = 750 | Radianite Points = 110 | TotalRecentGames =
73 | Skins = [, Ego Vandal, Varnish Bulldog, , Varnish Judge, , , , , Varnish
Sheriff, , , Nitro Guardian, Artisan Marshal, , , ] | Checked = Yes
arlac001:xav00321789 | Username = arlac001 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
xXMordredexX | Level = 6 | Account ID = 205721570 | Country = tur | NickName =
xXMordredexX | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins =
[Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
lobsteri2:Lastres21041998 | Username = lobsteri2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
apprentice2 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32333659 | Country = fin | NickName =
apprentice2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
steffbelgium:er5cp3 | Username = steffbelgium | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
SteffBelgium | Level = 3 | Account ID = 212706866 | Country = bel | NickName =
SteffBelgium | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points =
0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
marcisxkew:2584569p | Username = marcisxkew | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = Best Afk
Las op | Level = 1 | Account ID = 1670662 | Country = arg | NickName = Best Afk Las
op | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jhordanfc123:teamoyennifer123 | Username = jhordanfc123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = TheWeekndUwU | Level = 7 | Account ID = 2222347996498624 | Country = per |
NickName = TheWeekndUwU | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
erdmannpenner188:dunervst1994 | Username = erdmannpenner188 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = IS110a07f083d4ab | Level = 5 | Account ID = 31207837 | Country = bra |
NickName = IS110a07f083d4ab | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
reaper500069:trysta21 | Username = reaper500069 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Leonidas85 | Level = 184 | Account ID = 228487519 | Country = usa | NickName =
Leonidas85 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
matyandr01:Matyandr99 | Username = Matyandr01 | Tag Line = 9746 | Game Name =
Matyandr01 | Country = cze | EmailVerified = True | Email = |
Valorant Point = 200 | Radianite Points = 35 | TotalRecentGames = 84 | Skins = [,
Reaver Vandal, , Oni Phantom, , , Lightwave Frenzy, , Soul Silencer
Ghost, , , , , , , , ] | Checked = Yes
luchorex12:luciano2007xdxd | Username = LuchoRex12 | Tag Line = 5688 | Game Name =
LuchoRex12 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2681647583495744 | Country = arg | NickName =
LuchoRex12 | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kimoking88:kimoking4403775 | Username = kimoking88 | Account ID = 209924183 |
Country = grc | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
asdplayerpro11:asd123 | Username = asdplayerpro11 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
AsdPlayerPro11 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 42148741 | Country = ukr | NickName =
AsdPlayerPro11 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
tuwykmv:123456789Casa | Username = TuwykMV | Country = bra | EmailVerified = False
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
scampb71:thismaybescott2 | Username = scampb71 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
skinnyl0ve | Level = 11 | Account ID = 211250752 | Country = ukr | NickName =
skinnyl0ve | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mator0:S4Pet06UZa | Username = mator0 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Mator0 | Level
= 5 | Account ID = 209381962 | Country = tha | NickName = Mator0 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kl1nd:Jandask0 | Username = kl1nd | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Kl1nd | Level = 28
| Account ID = 24386331 | Country = cze | NickName = Kl1nd | EmailVerified = True |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points
= 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
liltonso:kiraY123123 | Username = LilTonso | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = mrtonsoyt
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 2586701150168704 | Country = rus | NickName = mrtonsoyt
| EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mrjaceyplayz:lasercorn2003 | Username = MrJaceyPlayz | Country = can |
EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
secko150cz:biskvit3-65 | Username = secko150cz | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
secko150cz | Level = 14 | Account ID = 216898898 | Country = cze | NickName =
secko150cz | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 1 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
notdizzy3:753869421a | Username = notdizzy3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
eseNlnDAgx | Level = 2 | Account ID = 236707793 | Country = fra | NickName =
eseNlnDAgx | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
larrygriggs5:Lastres21041998 | Username = larrygriggs5 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= WhyComeForMe | Level = 1 | Account ID = 208064268 | Country = usa | NickName =
WhyComeForMe | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
safinserge:ltlvfpfq1 | Username = safinserge | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
4d87f47a-30c4-4374-a46a-57ed1b9a4bd4 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 206018485 | Country
= bih | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
roro3945:pascal28 | Username = roro3945 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = roro3945 |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 226590716 | Country = fra | NickName = roro3945 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vitincin1997:Papito24 | Username = vitincin1997 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
QuieroSerBronceV | Level = 7 | Account ID = 206428120 | Country = pan | NickName =
QuieroSerBronceV | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
meryconlin1:1281993mc | Username = MeryConlin1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
MeryConlin | Level = 43 | Account ID = 204013655 | Country = esp | NickName =
MeryConlin | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
skechy69:r1tt3nh0us3 | Username = skechy69 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS130bfcc8050782d1af985 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 40120822 | Country = tha |
NickName = IS130bfcc8050782d1af985 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
plaploplo1:engel123 | Username = plaploplo1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
plaploplo11218 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32276046 | Country = idn | NickName =
plaploplo11218 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
wainder123:Indr4w4n | Username = wainder123 | Tag Line = 5474 | Game Name = waone |
Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
blakblaize:qazxsw098 | Username = blakblaize | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1aa4eef3f37cfe | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30802099 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS1aa4eef3f37cfe | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
maciekgit10:gutekben121 | Username = maciekgit10 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = GS
OG | Level = 29 | Account ID = 2550021103011136 | Country = pol | NickName = GS OG
| EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
peshyi:18041999g | Username = peshyi | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1a4fb0cf4566299f12f58 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 49248433 | Country = rus |
NickName = IS1a4fb0cf4566299f12f58 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
anatilik:anatilik1078 | Username = anatilik | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS141b402b544879 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 28558401 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS141b402b544879 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
feenc:Maminka01 | Username = feenc | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = feenc | Level =
69 | Account ID = 206599865 | Country = cze | NickName = feenc | EmailVerified =
True | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sandernedal:lappo981 | Username = sandernedal | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
Sandernedal | Level = 19 | Account ID = 220426612 | Country = mys | NickName =
Sandernedal | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dreday247:tedaryl3 | Username = dreday247 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 9a90192f-
3216-4232-b340-4112d8036840 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 210453271 | Country = stp |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rebusrabies:1sa4ka9n | Username = rebusrabies | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
rebusrabies | Level = 70 | Account ID = 23646697 | Country = dnk | NickName =
rebusrabies | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
testingtesting124:umbria71 | Username = testingtesting124 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = IS19f1247574a23953f8af1 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 37876363 | Country = chn
| NickName = IS19f1247574a23953f8af1 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
harcon11:benz1984 | Username = harcon11 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS1562f431eee4e9 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 32684092 | Country = gha | NickName =
IS1562f431eee4e9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gitouze:m5m6g5w4 | Username = Gitouze | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Gitouze |
Level = 22 | Account ID = 2283059581538752 | Country = fra | NickName = Gitouze |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 60 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] |
Checked = Yes
macrosfrager:caha64mail | Username = MacrosFrager | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
MacrosFrager | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2573903476164416 | Country = rus | NickName
= MacrosFrager | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
rafuncel2:asd123 | Username = rafuncel2 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS19866cc692b94f | Level = 5 | Account ID = 30067290 | Country = bgr | NickName =
IS19866cc692b94f | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jfree14:eagles14 | Username = jfree14 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Sky 0tters |
Level = 17 | Account ID = 219800498 | Country = usa | NickName = Sky 0tters |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
beedawg16:Brycecarter1006 | Username = beedawg16 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
BeeDawg16 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2155158779832672 | Country = usa | NickName =
BeeDawg16 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sharabbeyroad1:penperplethe2 | Username = sharabbeyroad1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game
Name = IS10f3f642982398 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 26726496 | Country = rus |
NickName = IS10f3f642982398 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
freewayreagan:Picard12! | Username = FreewayReagan | Country = usa | EmailVerified
= False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
joebiz203:jesus420 | Username = joebiz203 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = joebiz203
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 206899658 | Country = usa | NickName = joebiz203 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dyslexicquen:icecream11 | Username = dyslexicquen | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
DyslexicQuen | Level = 17 | Account ID = 2090724919110048 | Country = usa |
NickName = DyslexicQuen | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
elcuervo0001:comunicacion159 | Username = elcuervo0001 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= c69cc86b-e4cb-42cc-9d03-9bd628ce2dc6 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2333365299529920
| Country = per | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
quynvp11296:Tinhyeu123 | Username = quynvp11296 | Tag Line = 3567 | Game Name =
jus4meee | Country = vnm | EmailVerified = False | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
youngfree123:yf9km8ko | Username = youngfree123 | Tag Line = 5824 | Game Name = Mr
Young | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2631856453560064 | Country = sgp | NickName =
ChampionYoung | EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = youngfree@126.comcom
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
tonymen011:Huynhlongtn1 | Username = tonymen011 | Tag Line = 2634 | Game Name =
klownn | Level = 2 | Account ID = 2690400279275136 | Country = usa | NickName =
Khoaikhoaii12 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cuopbienft1:Contra4321 | Username = cuopbienft1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = alex
adison | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2667323044070656 | Country = vnm | NickName =
alex adison | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
patricioarcey:patrick1201 | Username = patricioarcey | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name =
InfiniteDestiny | Level = 2 | Account ID = 200815778 | Country = chl | NickName =
InfiniteDestiny | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chauzer2:Andychau1 | Username = chauzer2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = c h a u z e
r | Level = 11 | Account ID = 35831885 | Country = aus | NickName = c h a u z e r |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
souldono:Kodak0603 | Username = souldono | Account ID = 225170834 | Country = lka |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
domineitor001:jogador8 | Username = domineitor001 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name =
JorjiDaEsfirra | Level = 9 | Account ID = 2107645659237152 | Country = bra |
NickName = JorjiDaEsfirra | EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
aezer1986:kaufpark1986 | Username = aezer1986 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Fôol |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 205770228 | Country = vnm | NickName = Fôol |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
molniya0209:pfhfpf0207 | Username = molniya0209 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name =
JustMixer7 | Level = 3 | Account ID = 2089572928803104 | Country = kaz | NickName =
JustMixer7 | EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
imzedix92:5e744727 | Username = ImZediX92 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ImZediX9 |
Level = 22 | Account ID = 2430353997615424 | Country = fra | NickName = ImZediX9 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
johnwhat2:jasher12 | Username = johnwhat2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Dragon
Comodo | Level = 11 | Account ID = 218512547 | Country = usa | NickName = Dragon
Comodo | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dude3965:84dana44 | Username = dude3965 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Dude3965 |
Level = 9 | Account ID = 206081562 | Country = aut | NickName = Dude3965 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nomercygrr:Alin2015 | Username = NomercyGRR | Account ID = 2224134557750112 |
Country = rou | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
jjwdelinghun:52yanhong | Username = jjwdelinghun | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
KIERUKANASI | Level = 2 | Account ID = 205041464 | Country = chn | NickName =
KIERUKANASI | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
atoe2830:andy2830 | Username = atoe2830 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = TheBlueThaco
| Level = 2 | Account ID = 230189198 | Country = usa | NickName = TheBlueThaco |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
themundaymonkee:fpsch1mp | Username = themundaymonkee | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name
= IS1f2b960634cf49bf439e3 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 39690404 | Country = pan |
NickName = IS1f2b960634cf49bf439e3 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
vpstr:Hork12hp | Username = vpstr | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = VpstR | Level = 8
| Account ID = 216702158 | Country = egy | NickName = VpstR | EmailVerified = True
| Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bgrozsoy:mb123456 | Username = bgrozsoy | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = AB
FaSTeRShoT | Level = 9 | Account ID = 207638781 | Country = tur | NickName = AB
FaSTeRShoT | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
donku2122:donku000903583 | Username = donku2122 | Tag Line = 3782 | Game Name =
donku2122 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
elbundy1:twillight96 | Username = elbundy1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS13c4f0bdfa4f71 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 36974367 | Country = hun | NickName =
IS13c4f0bdfa4f71 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
609447822:ma199515 | Username = 609447822 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = clker |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2578524412618048 | Country = usa | NickName = clker |
EmailVerified = True | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point = 0
| Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
misharub:nissan707 | Username = misharub | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = misharub |
Level = 4 | Account ID = 2146395304350208 | Country = rus | NickName = misharub |
EmailVerified = False | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ocelivise4:nemanja4 | Username = ocelivise4 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Barokoo
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 34264268 | Country = chn | NickName = Barokoo |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vaelfor89:noshit89 | Username = vaelfor89 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
CheeseTacos | Level = 64 | Account ID = 33006564 | Country = can | NickName =
CheeseTacos | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
sz9116:zx859116 | Username = sz9116 | Tag Line = 3669 | Game Name = zx111222333 |
Country = sgp | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
buratinko123:123suka | Username = buratinko123 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
IS1624021135edc6 | Level = 10 | Account ID = 29642995 | Country = gbr | NickName =
IS1624021135edc6 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
mrwrightsdelights:Iw1989452 | Username = mrwrightsdelights | Tag Line = NA1 | Game
Name = TheGreatZae | Level = 12 | Account ID = 214943402 | Country = phl | NickName
= TheGreatZae | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zanpai1:ftb362 | Username = zanpai1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = IS16b5d69da9a92b
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 31103954 | Country = vnm | NickName = IS16b5d69da9a92b |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ducky487:megaman72 | Username = ducky487 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = 104154eb-
ffff-4643-862b-99a3d76435b3 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 202032097 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
farmi1000:siedler2002 | Username = farmi1000 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
farmi2000 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 226853074 | Country = deu | NickName =
farmi2000 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sanu993:0707995588s | Username = sanu993 | Tag Line = RU1 | Game Name = Deathegod |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 201367498 | Country = vnm | NickName = Deathegod |
EmailVerified = True | Region = RU | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
flemingzach:sparky002 | Username = flemingzach | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
FreshFleming | Level = 10 | Account ID = 229054901 | Country = rus | NickName =
FreshFleming | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
veksul1755:darkness1755 | Username = veksul1755 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Veksul | Level = 5 | Account ID = 209091586 | Country = usa | NickName = Veksul |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point
= 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xxkrabbenburgerxx:speedlink11 | Username = xxkrabbenburgerxx | Tag Line = EUW |
Game Name = IkJMF4T19QivA4RT | Level = 1 | Account ID = 29090800 | Country = bdi |
NickName = IkJMF4T19QivA4RT | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kandeniel95:daniel851119 | Username = kandeniel95 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
BrightOrder | Level = 5 | Account ID = 201857134 | Country = twn | NickName =
BrightOrder | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kevmeister92:Westlake2010 | Username = Kevmeister92 | Tag Line = 8966 | Game Name =
Kevmeister | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pipisuper50:1azebza | Username = pipisuper50 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
IS16ac3094e59f02 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 33966272 | Country = chn | NickName =
IS16ac3094e59f02 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
matheusprivate:0311theus | Username = matheusprivate | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1efeec25a8c8f5f30a267 | Level = 2 | Account ID = 36989900 | Country = eth |
NickName = IS1efeec25a8c8f5f30a267 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
cookiemannj00:luremus123 | Username = cookiemannj00 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name =
cookiemannj | Level = 3 | Account ID = 212404439 | Country = nor | NickName =
cookiemannj | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
k1ll3rsincgaming:LIAmarie2016 | Username = K1LL3RSincGAMING | Tag Line = 1393 |
Game Name = IK1LLuAsAlways | Country = can | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
samwaes:Eqpccqs8! | Username = samwaes | Tag Line = noob | Game Name = Kurikka |
Country = fin | EmailVerified = True | Email = | Valorant Point
= 350 | Radianite Points = 235 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Outpost Ares,
Cavalier Vandal, Infinity Bulldog, Infinity Phantom, Prism III Judge, Aerosol
Bucky, , Infinity Classic, Cavalier Ghost, POLYfrog Sheriff, Aerosol Shorty,
Aerosol Operator, Infinity Guardian, POLYfrog Marshal, Infinity Spectre, Cavalier
Stinger, Outpost Melee] | Checked = Yes
mysticblue932:richard93 | Username = mysticblue932 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
DelayMitigator | Level = 6 | Account ID = 42260546 | Country = kor | NickName =
DelayMitigator | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
ondante26:ondante7013003 | Username = ondante26 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
OnDante26 | Level = 8 | Account ID = 229787586 | Country = mex | NickName =
OnDante26 | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hiderskull:Cocochannel1 | Username = Hiderskull | Tag Line = 5622 | Game Name =
Hiderskull | Country = gbr | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
djchess200:dekalb00 | Username = Djchess200 | Tag Line = 3252 | Game Name = Djchess
| Account ID = 2548601186420640 | Country = usa | EmailVerified = False | Region =
NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
gafaf10:gafaf10 | Username = gafaf10 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = gafaf10 | Level
= 10 | Account ID = 209810380 | Country = bra | NickName = gafaf10 | EmailVerified
= False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lamnhathuy123:lamnhathuy123 | Username = Lamnhathuy123 | Tag Line = 1776 | Game
Name = nhathuy | Country = jpn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
alefgf04:cocacola01 | Username = alefgf04 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = AleFksnub
| Level = 4 | Account ID = 202567514 | Country = bra | NickName = AleFksnub |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fazechildish:mosesdabos1 | Username = fazechildish | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
c95bf76d-b2ce-48d2-9186-1e6cfd860591 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 2114681522155904 |
Country = gbr | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yz194:zyq938266 | Username = yz194 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = yz194 | Level = 2
| Account ID = 214059682 | Country = usa | NickName = yz194 | EmailVerified = False
| Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zitrone56789:hipaja123 | Username = zitrone56789 | Account ID = 35466202 | Country
= bra | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lulsaywhat129:19650505s | Username = lulsaywhat129 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS109efa55e4a6dc9140553 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 44636355 | Country = sau |
NickName = IS109efa55e4a6dc9140553 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
rileyrichlen:Qttcqj84 | Username = rileyrichlen | Country = usa | EmailVerified =
False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hirano24:hirano24 | Username = hirano24 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = matheus G G
G | Level = 4 | Account ID = 205346261 | Country = bih | NickName = matheus G G G |
EmailVerified = False | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
spade1219:fish1219 | Username = spade1219 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1d6de029af63634ba504b | Level = 2 | Account ID = 41544634 | Country = idn |
NickName = IS1d6de029af63634ba504b | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes

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